Epistle Of James

Scriptures To Stand On (Pt.2) | Standing Firm In Faith 06


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25 Aug 2024
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[music] Please join your Bibles 2, 1 Corinthians chapter 16 and verse 13. This is what we're basing this series on, "How to Stand Firm in Your Faith." You can say, "How to Stand Fast in Your Faith, How to Stand Firm in Your Faith." It's all the same thing. I want to begin by just reading our foundation scripture in 1 Corinthians 16, 13. This is a key scripture. It is something that if you can memorize it, I'm counting the number of words, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 words. Can you manage 10 words? Okay. [laughs] There's 10 words if you want to do it from the New King James Version. A few more in the new revised standard version, hallelujah. Come on, mouth. Okay, so 1 Corinthians 16, 13 says, "Watch." Number one, "Watch." [laughs] Now from the new revised, we know that it says, "Keep Alert." So he's saying, "Keep Alert, Watch." And he goes in to say, "Stand Fast in the Faith," or "Stand Firm in Your Faith." You know, if the Bible tells us to stand firm, if God tells us to stand fast and stand firm, it means that things are going to come to knock you off your faith. It's going to come to challenge you. Otherwise, why tell us to stand firm? Amen. When somebody says, "Heads up, heads up," a ball or something's coming at you. If you don't catch it, you're going to get hit by it. So many Christians walk around without keeping watch. And then they get hit on the side of the head and go, "Whoa." And God says, "Watch. Keep Alert." He says, "Stand Fast in Your Faith," or "Stand Firm." And he says, "Be Brave." If you need to be brave, it means that there are things going to come that are going to test. Your courage. Are you going to fall? Are you going to fall apart? Or are you going to do what God said and be brave? And what else? He said, "Be Strong." So if we're meant to be brave and be strong, it means that things are going to come against us, that are going to test our courage, and also going to try and weaken us. Can I get it, amen? Any of this stuff? Okay, are you getting this? Because when you get weak, that's where you stop receiving. That's when you kind of mess around on the ground and, you know, it's just God can't do a lot with you. And we get into sin when we do that. Amen. You know, we're going to get to trusting God. But it is a lack of trust when we start kind of start questioning everything. I do that too. Okay, I'm not preaching to anybody about me right now. Because we're all in a fallen world and we have a body that kind of didn't get redeemed. Did you all notice that? Your spirit was saved. Your soul needs to be renewed. Your mind needs to be renewed. Romans 12, too. But, dear God, your body, it needs to be retrained. And if you don't retrain the thing, it will whine and carry on. You know, sometimes I get on a machine in there and I pray. Because sometimes I fall asleep when I pray. So I get on something that allows me to stay awake. And dear Jesus begins the whine and the carrying on. And, oh, this is too daring. Get off. We can pray better if we're not on here. Shut up. Be brave. Be strong. And it, you know, it's a funny thing with your body. It will work. It will whinge and whine and argue for about half an hour. And then it's like, oh, this is good. Why didn't we do this before? Because you winched and whined. Because you want. And that's the way your body is. If you don't train it, it will just be this thing that's always rebelling. But once you train the thing, then it will desire right things. It will desire good things. It will whine about not doing the right thing. Interesting, isn't it? So I'm going to leave that with you. Okay. So last time I was talking to you about how do you, how do we stand strong? How do we stand firm in our faith? What do we use to be strong, be courageous? Hmm. And we started with Isaiah 53 verses four and five regarding your physical and emotional hurts. I won't go through all of that today because I did go through it last week. So if you want to rewatch that, please do. But we talked about, and let me just read the scripture. He said, surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. You know, every single one of those words, I wish I had time to go through every single word. All right, meditating the word means you look at the word surely understand that this is a sure thing. There's no question about it. You look at the word he and realize that it is God who is making this promise. This is surely it was God that did this. If it's God, then it's perfect. Are you always mean you need to get the bigness of God in this? And then the surely even stands stronger because you realize that it was God who did this. And what did he do? He bore our griefs. If God bore our griefs, then we don't have to bear it. Okay, he bore it. He didn't have to. He did. He did nothing wrong. We did everything wrong, but he took it, which means that we can let go of it. See, I'm doing it, but this is how it works. Okay. And it says, and he carried our sorrows, whatever sorrow you've got. You don't need to carry it. He carried it. Okay, so you need to think about all the things that are sorrowful in your life, and then let him carry it because you weren't designed to carry this. You were designed for paradise. You weren't designed for this, but you've got strengths in you that can be developed and that's the beauty of God. I told you this before, he has put everything in you just in case. You know, God just takes her every contingency. There's nothing that he said, oh, no, I didn't know that was going to happen. I forgot to fix that. Like, I should have done something about, no, it's all there. There were, I think, to me, I think they were kind of latent things. Kind of in that drawer that, you know, sometimes you go to the junk drawer that you kind of go, "Oh, I need one of these things." And, you know, you swore you'd never use it, but just in case you put it in the just in case drawer. And suddenly you need it and you say, "Oh, thank God, there it is." And because we fell, we're going to the drawer all the time. Sadly, but it's all there, and it's not a junk drawer, okay? God doesn't make anything extra. Okay, so anyway, I don't want to go through this, but let me just read it, so that's how you do it, okay? So surely he has borne our grace and carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem him, stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted, we thought he was him. It was all done because of his, you know, he did something wrong. And it was a punishment for his sins, but it says, "But," there's a big "but" there, in verse 5, he says, "but," he was wounded for our transgressions. All of everything he went through was for us. He didn't have to, but he did it, okay? He was bruised for our inequities, the chastisement of punishment for our peace was upon him, and by his stripes, we are healed, by his stripes we are healed. He has wounds on his body so that you don't have to have a wound on your body. Amen? So, you know, all of this has been paid for. And so we went on to look at 2 Timothy 1, 7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." I've spoken to you about this before, I need you to understand that that's what God's given you. You don't have to see, he didn't give us a spirit of fear. He gave us a spirit, I love that it starts with power, he gives us a spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. These are all powerful things. These are powerful things. You know, Jesus said, "If you love, you're keeping all the law." You do that one thing, all the laws are kept. That's a powerful thing, which means Satan can't touch you. Again, we talked about this, so. And a sound mind, you know, we all need that, don't we, okay? Isaiah 41-10 says, "Fear not, God is speaking." He says, "I'm with you." He said, "Don't be dismayed, I am your God, I will strengthen you, and yes, I will help you, I will uphold you." You know, we see these things, and we think we deserve it. We are not to insist on this, we are to receive it gratefully and walk in the reality of it. Do you understand, see, this is the fine line that we have to travel. I know that when I was first saved, and I went from a denomination to, you know, the Word of Faith movement, that it would bless me, everything I was looking for, but I didn't know how to distinguish between certain things. I swallowed everything whole because that was me, I just love everything. If it was the Word, I'd just take it in. I love God's Word, I love God, I love His Word. I just, you know, there's a gift in there, and I didn't realize that's what was just drawing constantly. Then I decided to see things that weren't going right. And, you know, I love that guy, but now that I think about it, you know, because God had given me something to be able to look at things and discern things, not to criticize, so I had to apologize for that. So I said, "Sorry, Lloyd, okay, you know, people do the best they can with what they've got. And God will hold you responsible for what He gave, you know, for what He gave them. And don't you take your gift and complain about their lack. You do what you're meant to do. You do your best. You do everything as unto the Lord. Yeah, but I don't think, no, I don't care how you feel. You do everything as unto the Lord, and then He'll bless you. You don't do it as unto the Lord. Don't expect things to go well then. You know, that's something I've learned, that if I'm doing stuff for myself, even if it's a godly thing, it doesn't work. But if I do everything as unto Him, and I ask Him, and my continual thing is, is this honoring you? Am I on the right track in my thinking? Because a lot has to do with your thinking. That's where it all starts in that tiny, little brain of yours. And it starts to formulate something and it starts to decide things. And then it gets it wrong, and then it starts going off all over the place. And somebody goes, that person's crazy. You know why? Because something went wrong in the head. And now everything's going wrong out here. Hello, we can trace it all the way back to that. You know, like the oyster making a pearl. Except it wasn't a pearl, it was something else. Okay, I'm not going to get through this. All right, I will get through this in Jesus' name, amen. All right, so you know, when I'm reading these things, please realize that these are gratefully received. These are things that we say, thank you, God, for promising. Well, you better hurry up and do it. Or else. Oh, good luck with that. And I don't believe in luck, so you know, okay? No, you say, thank you. When you read this, you'll be grateful. You didn't deserve any of this, but he gave it to you anyway. And with a heart of gratitude, that's where the power kicks in. When you're grateful, then you allow God to work and allow God to protect you. And you realize you don't deserve any of it. And if he's saying he's going to do this, he will do it no matter how you feel. He will do this, amen? And he says, fear not, I'm with you. Be not dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand, which means it will all be correct, all right? Nothing funny about that one. Joshua 1-9, he says, regarding protection, he says, I command you, be strong and courageous. Don't be afraid of discouraged. Listen, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. That's why I pray that over people. If God's with you and you need, you know, all I'm not asking him to go with you because he goes anyway. I'm just letting you know he's going to be there with you. So I pray, Lord, go with them because I say, God, you're already with them. They just need to know that I prayed and the priest said, so therefore I believe that you're with me. That's how it works. I get it. I don't mind. I love you guys. Whatever it takes, you know, some people, you know, speak the word only and I'll be, you know, my servant will be healed. And Jesus goes, wow, I haven't found faith like this in Israel. Somebody else, man, you got a spit on the ground and stick mud in their eyeballs and everything, but whatever it takes, Jesus doesn't care. We care. We get all up a day about it. Jesus doesn't. He just says, what do you need? Oh, you need that, right? We can do that. I can spit. Oh, you don't need me to spit. Just speak the word only. Cool. Let's do that. Hallelujah. He loves you. The one thing he wants to do is what John says in his epistle. For this reason, the son of man, the son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. He came to destroy them and however he needs to do it in your life, he will do it. Just be there, receive it. Amen? Moving on. Must get through this. Okay. Still in last week, I missed Romans 831, where it says, what then shall we say to these things, if God is for us, who can be against us? Oh, Hallelujah. You know, I'm looking at these from a brand new perspective now. I'm looking at this as he didn't need to be on our side. He could have sided against us. And he said, all of you are sinners. You have sinful thoughts. You have sinful lives. You have sinful everything. It messes with my holiness. I don't want to touch this unclean thing. He could have very easily said that. And look at this. He says, I'm on your side. Oh, God, you don't know the problem. Yeah, I get it, but I'm on your side. But you don't know what I've done, but I'm on your side. Have you repented? Yes. I don't need to know because I erased that from my mind. There's no trace of it. Why are you hanging onto it? Why are you letting the devil, the tempter, now become your accuser? Break away from it. Move on from it. Let me help you. Let me show your brand new life so that you can live as if you had no past. Because in my eyes, you have no past. Not a bad one anyway. All the good stuff you can keep. All the bad stuff is under the blood. Isn't that beautiful? I said, Lord, do I have to grab all my memories? He goes, no, just the bad ones. Because they got washed. You know, when you get a spot on your shirt, you don't destroy the whole shirt. Just the spot on the shirt. You can keep the shirt. That works for you. Amen? Keep the good stuff. So then, okay, we looked at Isaiah 54 and verse 17 last week, we finished there. And it says, "No weapon formed against you will prosper." Every tongue that rises against you in judgment, you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. And their righteousness is from me, says the Lord. That's why no weapon formed against you can prosper because you have his righteousness. Not yours. If you start pulling out your righteousness and what I deserve, and why am I not getting more and yada, yada, yada? That's your righteousness. Those weapons will work. They're already working. But if you say, wait a minute, my righteousness is from him. I owe everything to him. I'm subservient to him. I honor him in everything that I do, then no weapon formed against you can prosper. We'll talk about submitting to God. Philippians 4.19, hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Needs, okay? Whenever you have any kind of need. Again, look at what how God promises you these things. The Bible supposes, "My God shall supply all your need." Why did he say, "My God," because you might have some other God in your mind. Okay, but he's saying, "My one, the right one, he'll supply your need. He won't put you in need. He'll supply your need." According to what? Well, I'm not that smart. Well, then he can't do anything. Well, the economy is bad. Well, he can't do anything, you know, because God and economy, economy will always win. Come here, let me slap you. Listen, this is God. In a time of famine, Isaac's, you know, rips a hundredfold. I mean, his bushes are growing where everybody else is dying. It's so sad that we underestimate God so much. I've had to repent all this week. A lot of repenting. I'm doing a theology course at the moment. Whoo! Anyway, but, you know, I have seen God in ways that I've just, you know, it's been incredible. Because theology, theo, is God, okay? It's all about God. And so it's all about Godology, okay? Everything about him. So, I've just been, and I also understand where my brothers and sisters from the other side of the denominational sides are coming from. And I'm praying for them, okay? Because they've got one truth really well down, but they miss something else. And I pray God that they get it. Because we need all of it. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. We have great knowledge on one side, but not on the other. And I believe that this church is called to bring it together. I'm going to do my best to do that. But anyway, watch this. He says, "My God, this Almighty, all powerful God, shall supply all of your need." Doesn't matter if you're smarter than him. Doesn't matter if you're capable or incapable. Doesn't matter what the economy or anything around you is saying. He says, "My God, let's start there." Do you get my God? You know, there's... Who knows they're at the temple of the Holy Spirit? I'm going to show you something that hopefully will bless your socks off. I want to see your socks next to you when I'm finished with this. No. All right. I pray that this blesses you. Do you understand what an embassy is? No. Do you really understand what an embassy is? When somebody has an embassy from another country in a particular country, that soil belongs to that country. All of its laws, its provision, all of it looks after this little piece of soil. It doesn't care about the rest of the country. But if you are a part of something, then they will look after you. So even though the country around you might be starving and dying, the embassy will bring a chopper, drop all these provisions in your little yard. No, because you know they got it? Yes. Because you're a part of their soil. That's right. And they will drop it. You'll have everything you need. Yes. And you're having your cool name, you know, share, okay, share. But you know what I'm making a point here, okay? You will be looked after by your country. They will take care of you. As the temple of the Holy Ghost, you know, we're called citizens of heaven. As the temple of the Holy Ghost, you are an embassy in this planet. You are God's embassy. So it doesn't matter what's happening around you. This embassy will be looked after by the provider, by the person that you belong to. Do you belong to him or are you trying to belong to yourself? Again, submission. Okay. So do you understand that as an embassy, everything that you need will be provided for doesn't matter the situation and the circumstance. Your soil, you are God's temple. You are God's soil in this earth. Are you getting this? And so he will meet all of your need according to his riches in glory. That's the country. It's got plenty of everything. Lordy, it can feed everybody over six million times over plots. It just never ends, because you know how Jesus? All we have is a couple of loaves and fishers, what do we do with this? Oh, we'll feed everybody. Are you kidding me? Say one of the disciples. Okay. I think Jesus has been out in the sun too long, you know, preaching too many sermons, buying his own stuff. Mm-hmm. And yet he was able to feed millions, the children of Israel, in the desert. Where do you think the manna came from? It was his hand. He tells you in the gospels that was him. So feeding a couple of people, when you already have something in hand, they did it with nothing. He did it with heavenly manna. Here we've got something we can multiply. This is your God. I want to give you this picture, your God can supply all of your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. You need to get that last part. It's by Christ. Not because you deserve it. I told you repentance is key. We need to go repent over so many things. And we need to start there and say, "We're sorry, God." We've got so much. You want to give us so much, but you won't give it to people with the wrong heart. Amen. Then there's Psalm 23 and verse 1. From the new living translation, because it brings out an aspect that is tremendous, it says, "The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I need." Isn't that beautiful? "The Lord is your shepherd." He doesn't go, "Oh, I didn't realize. This is a bad patch." He says, "No, no, no. He'll supply everything you need." Do you know the problem we're having? It's not a problem with... It's not a lack problem. It's a submission problem. It's not that we don't have things in our life that we need. We're not right with God. Because all of this happens when you're right. Amen? Where do you start? Get right. Put all your pride aside, put all of your me, me, me aside. Understand, He created all things. It started with Him. You are the Creator, not the Creator. Okay? We insist on things and we insist we don't need God and everything else. And He's going, "Oh, well, that's interesting." My creation now thinks it just came from somewhere else. It can't decide where it started. It makes up God particles and things, but it's still God, isn't it? Hello. There's still something, isn't it? I don't want to go there because I don't want to upset people, but, you know, it's interesting. I love Genesis 1-1, "In the beginning God." I love that. "In the beginning God." Everybody's going, "Where did it all start?" Well, "In the beginning God." Where did He come from? Doesn't matter. You can't handle that right now. But just know in the beginning God will supply all of your need according to His riches and glory. I have no needs because He is God. He started everything. He's got everything. And He wants to share everything for God so loved that He gave and He wants to give you. Amen? Get right with Him and everything else will be right. Okay, John 14-27. I don't want to give you the Scriptures and you go demanding. Do you understand? John 14-27. If you like peace, look at this. Jesus says, "Peace I live with you. My peace I give to you." Do you need anything more than that? If we just had peace in our heart and peace in our life. You know, people have all of this wealth and all of this stuff and there's no peace. And they're freaking out constantly, constantly in fear. Constantly how do I make this work and how do I do this? And Jesus says, "I'm giving you my peace. It is a supernatural peace." How do you know that? Well, I'm going to show you other things later on. But understand something. If it's His peace, it's supernatural. It is powerful and it will overcome anything that comes to steal it from you. So notice, he says, "Peace I live with you. My peace I give to you." Not as the world gives, he's not one of those, "Hmm." Okay, and then when you wake up, the problem is still there. Do you know the difference between God's peace and that kind of peace? That peace doesn't do anything to the circumstances, but God's peace is taking care of things. Because it allows you to just trust him and allow him to work instead of getting in the way of everything he's trying to do. That's the next thing we're going to talk about is patience, okay? Somewhere between amen and there it is. It's a huge problem. Just huge. Anyway, we'll talk about that next. So he says, "Not as the world gives. Do I give you?" He says, "Let not your heart be troubled. Neither let it be afraid." He says, "Don't let your heart be troubled." That is a choice you make. You don't let your heart be troubled. It starts getting troubled, say, "Heart, I will not be troubled." I refuse to be troubled. I'm sinning now, because I'm troubling, okay? Because understand something, a God that loves you, is saying, "Can you just trust me?" I'm going to take Ruan for an example. If Ruan said to me, he called me up and he said, "Pastor, I'm feeling like God wants me to give you a hundred dollars." And I'm like, "Oh, thank God, because I really need it." And so he says, "Don't worry, I'll get it to you. All right, see you on Sunday, I'll get it to you, and I don't need it until Monday anyway." Oh, but this is not Monday the previous, okay? Monday. Sunday is a long time away. So, I call up Ruan. So, Ruan, hi, hi, hi, how are you going? Yeah, happy to hear about this? Okay, yeah. So, you know that hundred bucks you were talking about? So, you definitely bring it to me on Sunday? Because, yeah, I promise you, didn't I? I told you I'll bring it to you. Yeah, no, that's great, okay. Well, you have a lovely day and ten minutes later. Ring ring. Hello. Ruwan, hi, it's me. Just checking that you're going to be there on Sunday, aren't you? You're going to bring that money, aren't you? Ruwan's going, "Oh, God, every time I call this guy out." All right? Maybe you got this wrong, Lord. All right? And anyway, he says, "Yes, I will be... Do you not trust me?" "Yeah, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah. You're very trustworthy. Yeah, yeah. Good, good, good. Okay, bye." Will he really do it? You know, let me just check one more time. So I call him up again. "How do you think Ruwan's going to be feeling right now?" Block that number. Block it. Block it. I don't want to receive any more calls from that. "Oh, my Lord, what does it take?" And that's exactly how God feels when we ask him something and we're constantly going back to him and going, "Ah, so are you going to do this? Is it going to happen?" He goes, "Do you not trust me? You know I'm big, right? You know I can do this. I can more than do this. You, I can't do. This I can. That's, you know, dear me." He can't say, "Dear God," because it's him. All right. So, all right. So he says, "Be anxious for nothing." Philippians 4.6. You thought I got off track. Yeah, watch, watch. Okay. He says, "Be anxious for nothing." It means don't be anxious about anything. You start getting anxiety, do this verse. He says, "In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving," there's the problem. We don't do it with thanksgiving. You know, my response to him should have been, "Thank you so much. I so needed this. I so appreciate what you're going to do and then trust him that he'll be there on Sunday." And if he's not going to be there on Sunday, somehow, somewhere he'll get it to me. Somebody comes and says, "Oh, Ruwan can't be here today," but he had, he wanted me to hand you this envelope. I believe you needed this. And I'm like, "Oh, thank you," because he's a trustworthy dude. He's a solid dude. So I know if he says, it's going to happen. Amen? Is God a solid dude? He is? I'm letting you know? Okay. He says something. He'll do it. Because if anything he says doesn't get done, everything falls apart. You don't realize the power in what I've just said. Every word of God is established. Every word of God has to be true or else he's a liar. And if he's ever seen as a liar or proved to be alive in any way or form, then everything falls down to the father of lies and becomes subservient to the devil. So everything he says has to work. There's no, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, sometimes we don't know where he is, if it's on vacation. None of that stuff. When he says it, it will work. But are you in line with it to work? I told you, you don't have to know everything. You don't have to be this amazing scholar. Just be repentant. Just go and say, "God, I am sorry." If any, you know, I feel like I'm getting anxious. I'm getting worried. All this, I am, you know what? All that's sin because it's me not trusting you now. Are you getting this? Okay. I want to tell you this because we are talking about standing firm. This is how you stand firm. It's not Arnold Schwarzenegger. I have muscles. Forget about it. Attack the heart and Arnold is gone. No, seriously. That's so key. It's your heart. You can have all the strength out here, but if you don't have strength in your heart, it's not the size of the dog and the fight, but it's the size of the fight in the dog. That's what they say in Texas. All right. Anyway, now you know a new saying. Quick write it down. No, anyway, it has a lot here. Anyway, all right. So again, it says here. There's another saying that says, you know, you get more from a lion leading a whole bunch of sheep than you get from a sheep leading a whole bunch of lions. Take whichever one you want. Be anxious for nothing. In everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God. Let him know. Let him know. All right. And what does it go on to say? And the peace of God. Did you see that? That surpasses all understanding. I'm sorry. I'm in Philippians 4, 7. Well, God, your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus. Are you getting this? You pray about everything and then you trust Him. And the peace of God, this supernatural peace, will come on the inside of you. And it surpasses understanding. It won't make sense to you. Have you been in a place where you know you should be worrying and you want to wake up your partner and say, can you please worry with me? I don't want to be the only one worrying here. You get up and worry as well. And yet they've prayed and they're believing and they go, what is wrong with you? Somebody needs to worry. Otherwise, this thing won't work. Sweetheart, worrying won't do it all. All it does is take things away from you, never adds things to you. It never makes God happy when you worry because you're telling Him you don't trust Him. Another call to Ruwan. And God's now blocking your number because this is enough. I don't know why He didn't give me the money. He told me. But did you have to, well, you know, I called him a few hundred times. He blocked your number, didn't he? Yeah. Learn, learn. So anyway, these are a few examples. Okay, there's so much more that you can go look up. And I suggest find scriptures for whatever your need is. Sometimes it's not the scripture you think. Sometimes a need will be met when you repent. Sometimes a need will be met because you need to do something, not repent, but something else, you know, go to say go do this or go do that. But make sure it's God telling you to do stuff and not you deciding to do stuff. God is under no obligation to look after anything you've done on your own without His counsel. He really isn't. Out of His generosity, He'll step in and I've run out of time. Let's have every head about it very close. Thank you, Lord. Well, Father, we just thank you. We thank you today, Lord, that you've given us so much. You've promised us so much and we are so grateful. We want to just take a moment to be grateful and to be thankful for all that you've done. And we receive all of these scriptures, not from a place of, well, we deserve it and hurry up and do it because you said you would, but from a place of, you didn't have to do any of this and you did it anyway. And we so need to see it from that place and be so thankful to you. And we need to repent for all those times that we've just annoyed you and demanded things off of you and just not being right with you. This is your universe. We get the privilege of being a part of it. And we know, God, that there is a place for us to stand against the devil, but not against you. We fight him to believe you. We fight him whenever he says, "Did God say that?" And we say, "Yes, he did you. Shut up." We trust God. We believe God. We will not submit to you. We submit to him and his word. Thank you, Father, that we learn this, that we walk in this all the days of our life. Thank you for so many promises, for giving us so much and to make sure we get it for dying horribly on a cross so that it could all be secured, hallelujah, and that we could have heaven on earth. Let me receive that gratefully in Jesus' name. Amen. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]