Sunday Service


1h 0m
Broadcast on:
25 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

But this time out, on the Pastor Chris Digital Library, let's welcome yes team Pastor Shola Ogadie. [Music] Good evening, esteemed stars and Mars. I would like to say very big thank you to our man of God. So I thank you so much for who you are to us and thank you especially for the platforms that you have given to us. Thank you for being the voice of God in this generation. I'd like to thank the CEO, the DOP, sorry the CC members, all our senior pastors here present and all our pastors. Thank you. As the pastors, I would like to just kindly ask a kind favor of us. I know that we're eating and things like this and this is a banquet but I kindly ask that you should please give us your attention for the time that will be up here. Thank you so much, esteemed pastors. Control room, we're gonna start with a testimony. I'm so kindly asked that we give attention to this testimony. Control room, please play the testimony of the young man. Thank you. My brother Chris, I'm from Oasis, Georgia in the United States. I just want to share my testimony with you guys when I was five years old and I was in kindergarten, I was on the school bus and I had a neighbor and he came up and sat next to me and he was like hey you want to play a game and I said sure, who doesn't like to play games? So he's like alright you will take off your pants and I was like okay you know I just went and did it and then you know unfortunately some things happen to shouldn't have happened and you know the weirdest thing is like I remember when that happened this like dark feeling like coming over me. Years and years go by and my whole life I just kind of felt like I battled depression to my two years little battling depression and I started to get into drugs and partying. You know I finally got to a point after a couple of years of doing that where I am a friend who she introduced me to church and so she introduced me to PCBL to the pastor Chris digital library you know listening to the messages and just hearing the way that pastor would minister. Our man I've got pastor Chris with minister it was just powerful. I never heard anybody say anything like that and the messages I was I started showing my my coworkers and I would just get so excited hearing pastor Chris and the way that he would minister just there's something about something captivating and you know it brought me to church it brought me back to best with the fundamental you know listening of the PCBL library so I would just like to encourage everyone to give a PCBL membership or subscription to your loved ones to your cell members you know initiative right now that we want to do this to sponsor the translation of the PCBL in languages that it's not in currently you know we want to be able to reach different countries different continents with the work with the man of God and the PCBL membership and we want to sponsor a billion membership so we love it if you join us and if you've got anything from PCBL then partner with us today thanks a lot. Pastor Chris digital library really a place of solutions. Praise the Lord I want to point out some key things there this young man was just five years old when he was molested and that affected his whole life and led him to be very depressed what I want us to please notice the transformation in just a short period when he came on the pastor Chris digital library you know he became a member through the pastor Chris digital library came to church and then he also became a leader now as the pastors at this time what I want to do is to give records I want to use what data are shown regarding our man of God and the results that we have had in a short time and then how to scale it up what's the observation we've made there is evidence that if you will listen daily to Pastor Chris in two weeks there'll be a visible change in your life in three months the change there'll be a change in your state and estate it is not a prayer it is actually a fact it's something that happens it's been proven over and over and over again glory is gone and our man of God told us that we should come up with strategies that will devastate the works of the enemy and come up with this strategy and it's gonna devastate it in three ways now what is devastate we're reeling their plans in three particular areas first one people second one data third one money and it's not just me and talk this is what we have proven glory to God and the way we came up with the campaign to do just that at this point I also want to thank our man of God specially and the CEO and my director Pastor Rita now I wasn't prepared for this during the cost of last year I was saying to Harvard oh you're happy that's kind thank you so as I'm speaking I'm half-ad-sensified in what's now it's a series of courses but this first one was is this really how to build a product from scratch and make one billion dollars in the least and this is how I mean half-adrones to case studies so first of all the literas by lecture at the series of lecturer they were already CEOs of companies CEO of Best Buy you know it's all about 50 billion and then we also met with CEOs of companies please listen to me and I'll tell you what I'm bringing this home like a photo anger new products I'm sure I don't know if I know replica replica is a phone with which we can have sex you know and it came is a response in America there's a research three out of five Americans that depressed and so they came up with replica and it was it was very successful so we did it was a really serious class and we studied different case studies and at the end system my respect for one of God sky rocketed wine I'll tell you there were two major things that came much good out for me number one is you know that way there's money everywhere there's no money playing in the wall really there's no and but there were two things that I saw please control me get ready with strategy to think this did one they are strategy in their products release if you check now I want to give a disclaimer before coffee I could have believed any record but after coffee and after listening to our model of God please let me tell you that I don't believe anything they say except I see it what you have let's look at mica mica platform they have Facebook Facebook has three known of users they said three billion monthly about two billion they use it daily then Facebook also owns what's up this what's up that way talking about is owned by Facebook Facebook also owns Instagram when you check each of these products are very addictive they're very addictive and they've got a lot of data on it right so they there's a plan they have a strategy in product development the second thing they do is what you call venture of capital they put money together they put resources together now these are the things that our man of God has said please control can you play the video or rather play the video on what has got said about strategy partnerships please play quickly there are things that an individual may not be able to achieve for example that the world understands that they understand that and they do it if you have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and each one of them has a hundred thousand dollars each one could only financially accomplish what a hundred thousand dollars would do okay but if the ten of them come together suddenly they can do what a million dollars would do is that correct and then they can always see the bigger profits okay this boss the smaller investment this book read this is on the puzzle please each other anyway now this this is the key thing that they do right and they look for products you know products that have what you call a potential and they send it from they buy into it this is one area so this what we want to bring here to you you know sometimes when I when you're speaking with the past goals sometimes they what you want is you want money right that's not it I think money money is the least thing that anybody can can give to you but so then let me explain so let's say you want to start a business and they give you twenty thousand dollars that's money but you require the wisdom to know what to do with it because there'll be many people that they gave money to and they messed it up so with our past goals let me tell you what we're looking for strategic partnerships with which our coming together and our workforce will be able to devastate the enemy in the area of people I'm gonna move the people secondly in the area of data we will leave good data for them and finally money you see and what we have done is to have the one billion solutions campaign and what is the one billion solutions campaign this is a campaign to transform the lives of one billion people all over the world like with them or limited access please listen to God's word every day daily daily is very important in the language language is very important through subscription to where has no Chris digital library why are we saying part of Chris data library the first thing is language you know because you're looking at the whole world so language is very key and therefore we're looking at the sponsorship of every message on the past or Chris digital library to be available in every language what's starting with 200 languages then oh thank you for copying then subscription please note the second point why subscription we need to brainwash them because please look at this strategy has to be done this way there must be brought to the feet and to the message of past or Chris because remember what I showed what I told us it is able to transform and look at that young man and he transforms past I recommend that you listen to the testimony of past or past or beyond allow on how we got born a game and what the message of past or Chris did you know I copy past of your dream when I listen to that testimony I knew why it's the way I found somebody does listen to past or Chris's message for three years and then he read it by book by the time he was done his mind was aligned to past post-mind and so that's all the foundation he was on shake it what you have and finally that is all problems that's why it's called our strategies we look for problems with this you know everybody in the world has problems I want to bring our mind our remembrance to our excellency hello thank you an excellency doctor Joyce healed a banda the former president of the Republic of Malawi only thirty first dose the testimony she shed she talked about how she was depressed because of the death of a 48 year old son can you imagine that's a president but she had issues and she was rescued through the message of our man of court and at this time so we came up with that campaign I want to thank his team pastor Diola because she was the first person that gave us leverage I want to thank Pastor Fabio who is here he has produced the result he has actually walked it and I want to thank Pastor Bjordu Lawa observations one of the major challenges that we had which led to the vision six was there was a lot of challenges with vision five and that's why our man of board had to tell us to do this we observe that most of our pastors and leaders do not use the pastor's digital library date please note that we didn't say that you do not listen to messages but they have all that means of getting the messages of Pastor Chris including YouTube and so because of this fact they do not spread they don't really talk about Pastor Chris's digital library to their members in that way you know daily use something else we also saw is that some of the songs and some of them the pastor zones even know that they take past those messages and post it and then stat circulation it and then they do not circulate it on the PC deal you know past those messages on telegram and then they spread YouTube links then message of the week please control my want you to please play message of the week what Pastor said message of the week is not our idea it is Pastor's innovation at a time the spirit of God thought that we needed the message of the week please play the message of the week what Pastor said control please we will propose to you a message that you can listen to that will help you build your faith strong and also expand your knowledge of the word so you can go to the PC deal that's the pastor Chris digital library and get this week's message get the app on your device if you don't already have it and that's using it beautifully strong Pastor Chris digital library truly a place of solution so the purpose of the message of the week is to build their feet strong and our amount of God takes time he listens and decide this is the message of the week which means that when we don't take full advantage of it is as to build their feet strong they'll be missing out on a lot of things then majority of the users on PC deal they are still they still have they shown five you can please check what you have on your phone they're still using the patient five and most of the people are free then of course there's a challenge in iOS from our end you understand that you know you have in in some regions four out of five users they use iOS so the updating of the iOS now where I brought this up because as they pass those as we move forward these are the things that we need to tackle and resolve and this is why this is what pastor the pastor Chris version six resolves number one and the one billion solutions and at this time we've had 27 message of the week I want to specially thank a steam pastor Larry because what's happening is their zone has taken up the challenge to have all the 27 message of the week translated into French please can you just please up appreciate them thank you and it's a translation is actually a thousand days so we're focusing on the message of the week and also on the message of the year so pastor now what we've done is to customize your page in that customized page the people now have the opportunity to grow with their pastor then we also have a watch study at this point pastor family I really want to thank you because we did the short time we did it there's been a lot of tests for this please can you take it up from here from what led you into this and I I will come back to say the financial part because as the pass goes when we did the solution of our family we didn't tell you anything about the commission because we wanted to test to see and we were really nicely shocked so remember people data and money as a family thank you so much good evening esteemed pastors and leaders that are participating both physically and virtually I want to start by saying a big thank you to my dear man-a-god Reverend Dr. Chris Erkuloma thank you pastor sir for giving us the pastor Chris digital library and it is a place of solutions I also want to say big thank you to our CC members thank you sir's for teaching us how to follow our dear man-a-god I would like also like to say thank you to the SD team CEO the GOP all of us senior parts so that everyone participating the parts of Chris digital library is a great blessing when I look at myself I have goals and I have visions that many will consider to be impossible unimaginable unthinkable and I think I'm ever gonna achieve this goals how how am I gonna achieve them it's through the word through the word but it's not just me now I also have a goal of raising an army I'm blessed to be the Sonar pastor of USA region one soon soon and we call ourselves so too much and we are doing great things for the gospel but you know I we want to raise an army for our man-a-god we're written an army for a man-a-god so yes I have a couple of leaders and then you know we have brethren and things like that but you know I want to raise on spirit and word-based army and how am I gonna do that yeah we have various platforms in our ministry but I want to say and to pass it out I'd like you to just listen to me the puzzle Chris digital library is it's a great blessing it's a great blessing it makes the work super super easy last year I was taking some time to pray about what where I was gonna take my zone to and what we are going to do and you know I got this beautiful call from pastor Shola which ended up being an answer to my prayers and we started talking about what we could do with the pastor Chris digital library you know just in the book of art chapter number 20 verse 32 it says I commend you to God and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified I of course I want to be built up we are growing with pastor and we are always getting built up what I wanted my brethren to be built up you know I by the grace of God I've achieved a lot you know since I joined this ministry and I'm doing great things for the gospel I'm doing great things for the Lord but it's not just me now I want to raise people who will be like me because I'm convinced that if I can have my leaders my pastors and my brethren to be like me that you know we will we will shake the world and so but how did I how did I get to be like this it was by listening to pastor over the years listening to pastor and so now we have the PC DL which is a platform with which which is actually an easier way to listen to pastor so we enrolled in the pastor Chris digital library we have a special plan I called it the 90 days challenge the 90 days challenge you know and how did I get an idea I actually heard pastor say it and interestingly pastor said it again I believe it was yesterday he said if you would listen if anybody would listen to me for three months said their life would not remain the same again and so what I wanted to do was to get my pastors and my leaders that by listening to pastor for three months if they would listen to pastor for three months I believe that my job would go ahead thank you so much sir thank you sir wow so I I convinced I I was convinced that if I could get my pastors and my leaders to listen to pastor for three months my job I've done a great job because also you know within three months they will develop a habit they will develop habits habits of good if they could go to past and listen to pastor every day for three months you know what they wouldn't stop they will just continue like I have continued over the years so we put up a plan together then we special launch and I want to use opportunity to say big thank you to my regional pastor in pastor alloy pastor alloy called the meeting of leaders and he gave us the opportunity to start with the leaders we spoke to the leaders on why and how they should join the pastor critical library we address the challenges that they had mentioned some people had challenges of the very of of the peace deal downloading the peace deal version 6 some people had challenges of accessing some things of that nature you know some people had challenges of using the iOS now for iOS users I think I'm allowed to say this that the iOS versions is ready praise the Lord and I have it right here on my iOS device praise the Lord I thought you I thought you were clapping for that yeah so what we want to think we want to thank the team they've been they've been wonderful working with us to make this happen so what we simply did we put our leaders to buy in then we did a launch all our cross the zone now I'm blessed in my zone that there's seven hours difference between several churches across my zone I have some churches when it's 9 a.m. in New York it's 2 a.m. in America some more it's 3 a.m. in Hawaii it's 6 a.m. in Washington you know I know not like that though but you know what for this launch was successfully able to get everybody on the platform at the same time and everybody was so excited so excited about it and then what we also did I got reps in every single church you know to I retrain the reps why because some of the challenge is you know downloading it or SP's whatever the challenges were we also got SP and we distributed SP's across all churches so that nobody will have any reason or any excuse on how why they would not be able to sign up so on the on the day of the launch you know it was a great success it was a great success that day alone our subscription on PASA criticism library by 200% that day alone now we have increased our subscription of PASA library by over 450% right now you know and it's and people if people just keep signing up every day every day and with the platforms that we have created that people are buying SP's every day and we have testimonies that have been amazing testimonies I want to just say this it doesn't matter the adults the children testimonies testimonies I have we have I think you we you need to hear some of this testimony is ever testimony from one of our churches one of my pastors and she says of ministry to a bunch of teenagers she said I began to ask them what the kind of challenges that they were facing and they began to say things like racial issues you know what and then he said I just out the PASA criticism library and went to the pretty solutions and played a few videos to them from there and the next thing that happened she said she invited them to church they came to church and on when the author call was made the rest of their hand to receive salvation praise the Lord and that day those teenagers downloaded the PASA criticism library app you know and it's just just like that just like that we also have now to keep things going what we've done is in the middle of our service we have a 10 minute segment of testimonies people are just testifying and all our pastors right now we are not even chasing out so the pastors actually I do want that I've said pastor can we continue after 90 days that that's what they are telling us because they are seeing the impact they are seeing the impact in the lives of their brethren want to be just in my church say well if somebody testified that why she was to go another evangelism somebody had I had spoken about having the spirit of fear we by the way we just launched this just about three weeks ago right now we're on day 20 I we are loving it we are loving it and you know I want to say it's also it's super easy it's super easy you decide as the pastor you decide what do your brethren need of course we also like feedback from our brethren what are the challenges they are seeing and then we talk to the the guys at the PASA criticism library and they bring out those messages for some of them you already know some of those messages you know what I think you are just talking about the message of the week we it's for us it's automatic we just in the message of the week is always one of the messages that they listen to every day I just to let you know how much our pastors and our brethren love it I took a poll initially I wanted to make it easy for people to follow because of time constraints and things like that so I said should we make it five messages a week or should we do a message a message every day everybody you're not almost as said we want a message every day if they just can't get enough of it the solutions the the solution part is just amazing people love the solutions they use it for evangelism for example have another beautiful testimony here one of our members went out of evangelism she met with a family that that a couple that hadn't hadn't had children for six years and she just played their solution just a three-minute video to those to those people they they watched it and all of a sudden they were excited what full feet and they were thinking them and they came to church praise the Lord praise the Lord you know it's it's it's it's really really been wonderful really really been wonderful had testimonies every every day and I want to encourage you I want to encourage you if you really want to build an army for me did the it's just beautiful because they'll be you know thank God I preach pastel messages but they actually get to listen to pastel by themselves that developing a habit of listening to pastel every day it just makes my job so much easier praise the Lord I mean closing you know pastel family was busy doing this but he didn't know about the financial part so and I think this was also the thing that was also a huge surprise to us by the time we will check what had happened in ten days we found out that as you know one a clue into him under zone we had over a thousand dollars now I mean I want to ask you how many investments do you do in that you've had me being ten days and you have that so when I sent it to him I don't know we're talking I was like fuck up we need to give sir I have a social life's fruit season I said it's okay so I said let's go and check the back end we check the back end and we saw it I said pastel family had to work it I said pastel family something is happening I sent you to him we saw that now what does that mean so let's scale up that's the final thing we said here once we saw that this is a case study we're like fantastic how do we scale up how do we scale up you know to have to have one million how do we scale up and actually we're now in the scale up phase because with this you don't yet have we want to have hundred percent realization then we are talking we are talking about one billion people we're talking about the whole world you know you're talking about you want to say something yes I'd just like to say that you see actually honestly I think it starts with you with us as the pastors let's get our pastors involved let's get our brethren involved I have a just test whenever scaling up here one of what pastors sent this to me she says it's a gene had been a member of our church and she went on evangelism she said she she said and in the process she just because they are really excited about this video what people are asking talking to them what is question sometimes she finds out that she always ministers to Christians Christians and so she she's talking to them and they are saying this and she just looks for that message using the piece they're such looking for something that pastor has said and she just pleaded to these people and she said since I gene has subscribed over 20 people from her family friends and and souls that she has reached out to you and as I said we are just in our third week in our third week so you know we have this kind of testimony is I once again I recommend I strongly recommend to you get on PCDL join creates ticket seriously happy plan for it it's will be the great benefits to you as a zone and definitely to our brethren praise the Lord thank you so much I will also like to say thank you so much I'm gonna go thank you sir we love you thank you sir thank you very much I think past social is always very exciting always highly animated wonderful and I like listening to pasto family because he exemplifies his message very inspiring indeed thank you at this moment I want to do something very special we have a special segment and it's a child education it doesn't take long just a few minutes but it's very special and this is I want to call pasto Diodu and Lise Lawal and they will come up with the new newborn and they also have some family members with them they can come forward we have a few supporting ministers from the first row only please otherwise this whole place will be full of ministers but just a few of you on the first row and come up pasto also was leading that's oh how nervous are you work so come and lead it for us I love your friends God almighty so I love raised you never but me. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, so it's that right from this beginning, not only who we know to be in the house of God, but also the teachings of Christ, in his teachings and work in his love continually, and to be exemplary to this child always. Father in the name of the Lord Jesus, thank you Lord, just a second, thank you Lord. Father in the name of the Lord Jesus, thank you, thank you for your grace, thank you for the precious Christ as a gift from you, and thank you for this blessed family, thank you for honoring their faith, thank you, thank you for honoring their faith, thank you, thank you for this amazing blessing, I dedicate this child to you, dedicate this child to you, to your love, to your grace, to your gospel, to your blessed name, to your amazing kingdom that you grew up in the house of God, not yet, in your love, in your world, in your grace, protect that by you, no evil will be for you, no disease, no infirmity, no ailment of any kind, you'll always be protected by you, watched over by you, and it's going out in the community, to be a blessing, to his family, to the church, to his generation, God thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for this precious gift, I dedicate him, hands in charge to you, to the church, to the church, to the church, to the church, to the church, to the church, to the church, to the church, to the church, to the church, to the church, to the Hallelujah. Thank you. Glory be to God. Glory be to God. Congratulations. Hallelujah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everybody. Thank you. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hohrasekoprondegilabakansone de jol de girda lakabasco rahandegestus. Hallelujah. Prandokovraseepa tokra delekrestoja salamangira. Radolskaparabasandegilabakaroshosayindegilabakaragastes. Thank you Lord Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory be to God. So you can go ahead and give your thanks, give you an offering and thank you. Oh, how marvelous. Your work so Lord. Sing it out of your greatness. God of mine. O it's up in your heart. I suck up your greatness. You will never end. I go up to Lord. I go up to Lord. Oh, how wonderful. I sing out of your greatness. God of mine. I suck up your greatness. I suck up your greatness. I suck up your greatness. I suck up your greatness. I suck up your greatness. I suck up your greatness. I suck up your greatness. I suck up your greatness. I suck up your greatness. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory be to God. All right. You can continue with your dinner. There's more coming. So just keep eating. Just keep enjoying it. God bless you. [Music] This is the banquet with the president at the minister's Bible training course with pastor Chris in the year of redemption. There's two pastors. I hope you organize your own banquet and you are eating. Are you ready from here in the recycle? It is good. It is good. So if you have a juice or a bottle of wine or something, you can also take it. Yes. And we all do it together in his spirit. God is good for all. If you have not eaten or your banquet is there why not? You can start. God is good for all. [Music] Where is Pastor Ali's? I don't see her here. [Music] This is from their document, standards for sexuality education in Europe, but it's the same program everywhere. Now these quotes are taken out from within the document. So according to them, children between zero and four years must learn about masturbation and develop an interest in their own and others bodies. It gets worse. Children between four and six years must learn about masturbation and be encouraged to express their sexual needs and wishes. Sexual needs and wishes, about six years old, I wanted a pony and an ice cream. Children between six and nine years must learn about sexual intercourse, online pornography. Oh, this is still children six, nine, having a secret love. And self stimulation. Yeah, oh yeah, nine year old six. Okay, and then children between nine and twelve years should have their first sexual experience. And learn to use online pornography. That's the World Homicidal Organization. [Music] Children of the heritage of God. But you see, like it has always been from the beginning of time the advisory has a plan to corrupt God's original plan. Every time I was on the internet, I was constantly being bombarded with news and information about some horrible sexualization and negative indoctrination of children and each time and we feel with so much rage. And one, this river of God said to me, "Are you just going to be angry and do nothing about it?" And I said, "Lord, what would you have me do?" And I heard these exact words. He said, "Children of the state." And that took me back to the messages of our dear man, part of that subject, and by the grace of God, that documentary was perfect. But you see, in the face of that, so much more has been revealed. I'll be satanic agenda against children and young people in our world by the spirit of, and, but, it's already our work. Like we saw with that movie this morning, a statement one of the characters made that got my attention was this. When God talks to you, you shouldn't hesitate. And with regards to these, I'm here to make a clarion call. For the children in our world, I let my voice out of my dear man of God with regards to his continuous, passionate path to take a boat stand for children in our world. But I just saw in that video that came from the world, health, a world, death, a world, homey side organization undertake such a drastic, satanic move, the press that will go through his dedication, our system. How sad. But you see, again, an again and again, our dear man of God has said we would go out into our world and set up parisins to launch an attack on the work of the other. We favor our children in favor for our children in the most devastating way. We will launch parisins, set them up and get them to be effective to protect at least one child and ten children and a thousand children until every single one of the 1.7 billion children we seek to reach and secure for the right child children. Our big estimates campaign and every other child initiative in our ministry is one kept preserved and ready for the rapture of the children. And one more time I'd also like to stare at our parimonies with regards to how we pray for children. You see, the Bible says to pray for all men. And while we might say the less I's included in the greater, our dear man of God has also taught us about the difference between praying for Nigerians and Nigeria, for Germans and Germany. He says when you do that, you have to be built below for the people of that place. In the same way, when you pray specifically for children, our hearts will be filled with love. To preserve their innocent and pure minds, but we can't onslaught of the adversary. When we pray for children, that conjured that every child, your child, me stirred in your spirit. And God's own protective measure will leave the stone. Or rather, his own protective measure will be lent out to these innocent ones. This is the day of the Church and why we ensure God's perfect plan for the nations. We will also ensure God's perfect plan for the children. And the best time to act is now a thank you. Satan is fighting to get the children, and we are not going to let him get. In an era where several unwholesome TV and are targeted to deceive the children, love to keep the children. Love Toons TV is God's agenda in winning the heart and mind of children and setting them in the path of righteousness. With an incredible lineup of programs and animated shows, every content is carefully designed to build the kids spiritually, mentally, and keep them engaged. With Love Toons TV, parents can be rest assured of a safe and trusted TV content for their kids. Kindly down to the Love Toons TV app today by visiting You can also get it on the Love World App Store by visiting, available for Android and iOS devices. In the year we talked about some of the things happening to children around the world, and we have to have a response. We have to have a very serious welcome and an effective response. Hooray! It's the Light Up Schools Campaign. This Light Up Schools Campaign is a beautiful and timely opportunity to take the light of the gospel into every school, every classroom, and into the heart of every child with the Love Toons comics. The Bible say in Isaiah 4 verse 13, "And I shall taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children." Oh yes, in this year of redemption, the children will be kept safe and taught of the Lord, and their appetite for the Lord of God will be unshakable. So, chance on this extraordinary journey is we Christianize our schools through the Light Up Schools Campaign. Together, we can take a lasting impact in the lives of children to the Koryukkah, a duck and light of a child. A quest, a school, or a permit schools with your sponsorship using the following details of showing the love. Remember, every child deserves to be taught of the Lord. [Music] This is the banquet with the President at the Minister's Light and Play School Course, which has to cross in the year of redemption. [Music] In the U.S. government of the major currency reserve of the world, for a long time, developed economies tied their currencies to gold. However, during the First World War, many of these countries abandoned this gold scam, and started being their military expenses with paper money instead. Eventually, the U.S. dollar, which was still tied up to gold, overtook the British power to a capital world being reserve currency. During World War II, the United States sold weapons and supplies to any of its allies and received payment in gold. By 1947, the U.S. had accumulated 70%.