John 15:5

Because Joy Is Withered Away

Broadcast on:
25 Aug 2024
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this morning. If there's anything going to be done, then it'll be through him. We definitely know what we are. A lot of things have been said this morning. I've thought all week just how well things to fight me come against me. It seems like it's that way all the time in our lives. I've thought so much, just seemed like I wish you could only know I wouldn't dare to go into it, but a lot of different just different preachers and different ones I've talked to in the last while have God blessed through the years and the things that come and add them and the things they're fighting with. I know it's not just the preachers, and I know it's the people. I can just speak from other pastors and other ones that I've talked to on that. The things that's come and travel against their families, that comes at them in many ways. And the whole time, Julian, all these things are covering it's something to distract the people of God. The troubles, the trials, the afflictions, the stuff that rises us against, there's so much that a lot of times I don't know about your family. You don't know about mine. There's a lot going on that a lot of us don't realize that each individual will lie. It's trying it's best to drag you down, trying it's best to make you feel so alone and so separated from the people of God that just tries to pull you away and get your mind focused on your problems, on your things. And the whole time David, it's a distraction that the devil's throwing up. It's a distraction that he's trying to get your mind turned another way. Your heart blocked from the things that needs to be done because when we're living in a last day, we're living in a time when our people are dying. They're going to hell and by the multitudes and you mentioned it this morning, how can they hear without a preacher? How can they preach except they be sent? God has got men that's to preach the gospel and God's got Christians that to be spreading this gospel. And we talked about it in our Sunday skill this morning. We're at the point there we're going into the eighth chapter of the book Exodus. We just, we went through the seventh this morning. And that's kind of what we were talking about this morning, how God told the Moses scenario to go down there and catch that rod down before Pharaoh. And his heart being hardened at that time. He didn't want to hear the thing they had to say in that rod turned to a serpent. Well, he had magicians and he had sorcerers and different ones that come out there. And they catch down rods and made them look like serpents too. These things in this life that the world's trying to do and he'll try to make it look like they can do just what God can. They'll try to make it look like the same thing. That the whole time in the end of it, that rod of Aaron, it swallowed us those other serpents. It swallowed those things up in that spirit of proof that guides us, that you read about this morning. That will swallow up any thing that the devil can put out there and make it look like gods. Make it look like they're doing the same thing and that's what we were talking about. I was trying to be able to tell him things don't get deceived with a lot of things that's called church. There's a lot of people slap that tide along there and calls it church and it's a deceiver. It's something that's trying to look like what God's got laid out and it's not real. There's no power in it, there's no gospel in it, there's no salvation in it. But like I say, all of that to say, thinking about the days and the times we're living in, just how much deception's going on. Just how much that a lot of times we allow ourselves to be deceived and walk to be deceived sometimes because it's a whole lot easier to believe alive but once you get into that life it's a hard life to live. And there's no help there. There's no comfort there. The children of Israel every time Pharaoh would rise up against them. They'd be just like, well maybe we shouldn't ever cause any trouble. Maybe we shouldn't even have started it. But they were a whole lot better to follow God. And in all of that, if you want to turn over to the book of Joel, I just had some things that God's laid on our heart here and some thoughts in this. And you can read if you want to. And I know we're all familiar with Oberyn Proverbs in the 29th chapter. And I preach from it the meaning of time. And you just read it. No doubt where the Bible teaches us where there is no vision that the people perish. And you think on that and think about the day and the hour that we're living in. And just think just how much the devil's coming at you. I know sometimes I use illustrations and you didn't bear with me this morning. This may seem a little different but it's way God's give it to me. And you think I think a lot of times Matt, I always enjoy watching Jennifer Boxen and stuff like that. And a man that's trying to beat you in a box and Matt, he's always trying to keep something in your face to block your view from what he's actually trying to hit you with. And he's always playing a mind game with that other fellow. He's always trying to deceive him in a fake this way and a faint that way. And just a glove in your face. That's what the devil is trying to do to the church today. That's what he's trying to do to each one of us individually. Keep something in your face all the time to where you're not paying attention to what he's getting ready to try his best knock you out with. And where there is no vision in the people part. And when you lose your vision you've not got sight of what's truly you're in the battle against. And once you're truly fighting for it and those things and over here in the book of Joel and I'll get into it in a little bit that we'll read this first verse and then maybe I'll say just a few things. It said the word of the Lord that came to Joel the son of Patil. And just in that very one verse right there, I want to think about something. The word of the Lord that came to Joel and you think about it said that he was the son of Patil. And I don't reckon in his best I can find and see I don't find where Patil was mentioned anywhere else. Maybe this is the only time he's mentioned right here in the Word of God. If I'm wrong, show me, find it for me because I tried to find that if I could have found it. But where is his name's name's name right here? He's the Joel is the son of Patil. And if you look up that name you know what his name Patil means David? It means a vision of God. And you get to think and just a minute on that right there. Maybe he's mentioned one time in the Word of God. But this man, this one man had a son to the name of Joel that was able to write down this small book in the Word of God that was a vision from God. Patil had a vision that he looked ahead and he raised up a child and he raised him in the fear and admonition of God. He taught him in the ways of God and he instilled something in his son. And that today if we will continue to look and think about this and I know that this might be my heart lately. It's just towards the ones with the generations that are coming on behind us. But it's about time we got that on our hearts. It's about time we got that in our mind. But those words that they were trying to see David and he's going to try to take these young and see they teach them all kinds of things in school because he gets what we believe because he gets what God teaches. And they start trying to train our children up from a small age and they start trying to corrupt them. "But Celica, Joe, had a father on the name of the global that had a vision of God that instilled in his child." And this man came on and wrote it down and it said, "The word of the Lord that came to Joe." Now that was the reason that that word was able to come to that man forever. The powers that he had a father that he instilled from laying down any, any, any, and he was willing, when God showed him something to have that old vision and see what the future made whole because God said. I hope this will make sense too. It should be. It took us as the church today to begin stealing and be teaching this vision that God's got for his people. Look at a head under some flames and not letting the devil come in through darkness and blinded the church and the people through the flames that goes on in our life every day. To help keep our vision more clear, we live in a dark time. We live in a rough time, so be Joe. We live in a day when there's just so much junk going on around that it clouds you up. It darkens the vision of the church because we get so thrown down sometime in what we're seeing going on that we lose sight of what God is truly doing. And when we lose that vision I keep this person. When we lose seeing the sight of what God's doing in our life I'm gonna get on down into this now just a little bit and just bear with me. If I read too much here but I won't have to read quite a bit here. It said the word of the Lord that came to Joel the son of Patul hear this ye old men and give ear all ye inhabitants of the land. Have this been in your days or even in the days of your fathers. Tell ye your children of it and let your children tell their children and their children another generation that which the Palmer worm hath left hath the locust eaten. And that which the locust hath left the Canker worm eaten. And that which the Canker worm hath left hath the caterpillar eaten. Awake ye drunkards and weep and how all ye drunkards drinkers of wine because of the new wine for it is cut off from your mouth. The nation has come up upon my land strong and without number whose teeth are the teeth of a line. And he hath the cheat teeth of a great line. He hath laid my vine waste and barked my fig tree. He hath made it clean by her and cast away the branches thereof. Or made white. Lemient like a virgin, girded sackcloth for the husband of her youth. And the meat, offering, and the drink offering is cut off from the house of the Lord. The priests the Lord's ministers mourn. The field is wasted. The land mourneth. For the corn is up, the oil is like, the corn, the corn is wasted. The new wine is dried up, the whole languishes. The ye ashamed, O ye husbandmen. How, O ye vine dressers, for the wheat and for the barley, because the harvest of the field is perished. The vine is dried up and the fig tree languishes. The pomegranate tree and the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field are withered, because joy is withered away from the sons of men. Now I'll stop by for just a second. This is a pretty solemn and pretty sad little old flame to read. All the flames that one flame didn't destroy, travel the next flame come along and destroy that. And what that flame didn't destroy, the next flame come along and destroy that. And you find a word that has come down in Joel's day there, a pretty desolate time, it's a pretty, sorrowful time in that. And it brings the new environment that's happening in your generation, if it happens in your father's generation. You make sure and tell this that the next generation will tell the next generation that they'll pass it on now. And I'm going to tell you that some things happen in my father's generation, they say some things happen in my grandfather's generation, they say some things while this happened in my generation, and they say some things that got destroyed and some things that once it got left over, something else has come along and destroyed, and then something else has come behind it and it turns the other, and we're in a generation today that we need to be passing on, that there's a God that can deliver that. No matter how far gone we've got, we need to be passing on from generation to generation. He said, because joy is withered away from the sons of men. I don't mean it may not come in here, and this will seem like the saddest place that I've walked our week. There won't be a smile cracked on nobody's face, I'll ask if anybody's got anything, nobody's got a thing. And everybody's that's here, and we just think so sad. What's happening, Trevor? Our door has withered away. You know what happens when something withers, you get to look in that word up to man, that means face, fade away. You can look at a plank, when a plank withers up, he's talking about these wheels, and if we don't have about it, the ladies just out there have a wither in it, they drive up and there's no sappy meal. Make it away. Not what they once was, not the fruitful mind that they could be in that day. And I'm going to tell you something, we sat around the house of God anymore, and our joy has withered up. That the word of God over in the book of Psalms voted out, I think it's 104 chapters. You know what it says, man? He said the trees are the order full of sack. Well, I can't understand it sometimes, while we let our joy get taken away from us in the day and hour we live in. Hey, I'm going to tell you we can get withered up not quick, but you'll be the king and the generation coming out. Hey, it needs to be eaten from the trees, but some of us has been around for a while. And we drive up, we sit down, and we fade away. Real quick won't fight, it's everything old, it's your time. It's up to you now, it's your time, it's up to you. It's your time, it's up to you. Hey, real quick to say it's your time, in AKI, I've done everything I can do. I've been as far as I can go. It's up to you now, but I'm going to take something to... Hey, we still got some things to be doing. My papa used to say, "Hey, isn't 99 years young?" He said, "When you got an eternal life, you don't get no longer us." I'm going to take something I don't care. Sacking in here this morning and 90 years older, they still work for you to do. It ain't time for us to weather up and down. It ain't time for us to lay down and quit. Hey, some things got destroyed down along the way, and we need to be telling, "Hey, I know what caused it." Because joy is weathered away from the sons of men. Now, listen, gird yourselves and lament ye priests. How ye ministers of the altar come lie all night in sackcloth ye ministers of my God. For the meat offering and the drink offering is withholding from the house of your God. Sanctify ye a feast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land, into the house of the Lord, your God, and cry unto the Lord. You hear this out of a lot of us over heads around anymore. We sat around and all we want to talk about is what it used to be like. All we want to talk about is I can feel so sorry for this generation that's coming on. All we want to talk about is how they're going to face all these terrible things. It's about time we got down into sackcloth and ashes. It's about time we got down, starting to lament a little bit. It's just winding out loud. Get on the knees and start doing a few things about it. Hey, there's one of this next generation. Good. It's gonna take you in the day. It's gonna take you in the sackcloth. It's gonna take you a little bit of suffering. Let the end yourselves a blessing. [breathing] It's more effort. We're going to put into this. [breathing] I didn't think we'd talk for this morning. [breathing] This man right here is who we're looking at. He needs more work than anybody in this church. This man right here is one of the weakest vessels in this church. And I'll just tell you that right up front. [breathing] I thought things the whole week on, really. They not fight them all week on. They tell me every day of my life. And yes, I'm weak sometimes. And yes, I won't just give up. And yes, I'd rather just stay at the house sometimes. But that's just my whole terror. My family tried to give up. Like a fire down in my bones. They sucked brighter on the inside. They walked on me outside. Hey, I'm up the next generations to know. My God, it's still worth serving. [breathing] And when they ever find some withering away, then my joys are withering up. I know I'm the God, I've got a better day coming. In one of these days, I won't make this whole flame day. [breathing] [breathing] And it's worth saving. That's generation. That's generation. That's generation. I don't know how we want generations to come to this. And while we're here, we better be working. Start to be on board. Say no more this morning. It's worth your heart and see what you want us to last year and see if you've wandered from that. See if you've faded from that. See what you want us to two years ago. It's worth your heart. See if you've lived with a child two years ago. Three years ago. Four years ago, five years ago. Two years ago, twenty years ago, went the last time that you was broke off and you felt like they were so sad. They were so sad. [breathing] How much have we wither to what? How much is our joy, just wither to drive us? February, once a year ago. Anymore of you, what you was a few months ago. [breathing] February, once you was, twenty years ago. Thirty years ago. If I was twelve years ago, I'd not first call me a place. If I was fifteen years, I'd get married. I'd never set my kid. If I was one of you, you made it with me. Emma? No, I ain't there. I ain't what it was. I've been first one to get up here to get this on. Just as straight as I can. I used to leave a half to the garden on my heart and a scripture in my heart. And I'd go home and I'd go home and I'd get back home and set back down to that Bible and to let the Lord open that scripture to me just a little bit more. I'd just love it. It's time to get my vehicle. Go back in the driveway to where I can set down and just listen to what God had for me. That's not what I am today. I wouldn't even tell that particular long shame to tell it, but I will. I don't know why I might throw a wizard up some time and see that. Because I've left things, I can't go in my life, I wish. And I would encourage these humans, hang on to what kids got right now, let's see all that desire. Let love and don't pay loose. Don't get ahead of all of these desires. Don't want to jump back and get a hold of something. Did you ain't ready to get a hold of it? But I won't tell you what God called you. God sees you. God tells you to testify down at the grocery store. That don't get a job in school. Where is your act? Tell him about Jesus. Hmmm. Hmmm. Hmmm. Hmmm. Hmmm. Hmmm. I used to get the rights to go behind you anymore. I used to get the rights to go behind you. I used to get the rights to come behind you, gosh. I'll bring them there once. I'll resist you this little thing this week about. It's like a little mousse pipe, we're telling them about getting out and telling them the good news. Hmmm. It means something to me, y'all. I'll be here. So, it's my heart over there about the scripture where he says to go out into the highways and heads, and to help them all come in. Man, you just felt to me like a child. You're going to throw a sense of an emergency pastor. Hmmm. Heads up on her heart early in the morning and say that to me. Some of you young and sad stuff like it. Me and me and something. Hmmm. I made it. I made the encouragement to my soul. I made it some time. It had the rights to come along. It's like you've had money. I'm thinking about you. What about this? It's Paul's house. Just the eight-hundred. They made it something. The devil wants to keep something in your face all the time, nothing. It's a hide-to-beast. He don't want you to see a head. Then that next come up and find that out over, you know. He don't want you to see a head. Hey, that you may have an influence on it just like with the talking Josh. Hmmm. He don't want you to see that. They have clouds all week full of everything in the world. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who do you think we're excused? We want. We need to be looking. It's been a long time since we talked in this week. She says, she says, "What else is this that we can do?" She says, "We do this, we do that." But if we look back through time, every generation is letting down a little bit here, a little bit dire, a little bit here, a little bit dire, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit. Okay, for world. The Palmer worm. Hey, what this? And then what this did? It didn't get the caterpillar gauntlets. And that's why you know there's fields like this. Hey, make the place where they used to be. Horror is going on. The lake is about your winner to try to fight. Hey, that's what the churchhouse looks like for the world anymore. There's no problem. Be on the winner to fight. Yeah. And we just let down a little bit. A little bit. We win that for doing anything. There's no war. Keep dragging my blood on this. Take a drag at Hallelujah. Break the Jesus Christ. God so loved in the world that he gave him for our sins. Break how he came to suffer. He died. He took my sins on him. And he was on the cross. Beat him sideways. Humbired nephew before this world on my behalf. And we can't even drag up a tear out of us anymore. I have joined a slight flap of the sun. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. A couple of days ago when the Lord bought my fig tree. That brings us my long work revival of our testimony. Bought my fig tree by me. And he required something more than nothing. Just a bunch of leaves. And he cursed that thing. And at the top of the marble, how quickly we were. And I. He asked you something. The Lord's come by and be required to something like you. What's the last time you had something on your tree you could give him? When you come by, we said you got some. You got a testimony. If I got word. Then the Lord come by and he looked at you for me. He said you got any fruit on there for me. The last time. You sit out there. It's cool. That might work. If somebody just sounds hard, it did have a thing going on in your life that was any good. You have a big form. You have something to take it off your tree and find some hope in. The joy. Or is it way to live? Is it gone? You have a bad power in you. You were going to have a bad power in you? A bad power in you? A bad power in you? A bad power in you? A bad power in you? How long did that lead? And now we allow ourselves. Oh allow ourselves. And nobody colleges it. But us. Allow ourselves to get drunk and drunk all the way. And fuck you all day long gone. We used to see the old fire now, but how's it going? Now to fire the kid drunk out for one service a week. Some of them won't even make it for that. He talked more to you about what went on in a ball game or a hunting trip. Then they're telling you about what the life saying God blessed the right way. We can tell about everything else in the world. They're not going. They're not going to make me smile all this week. Tell about what the young man said back there and tell about how this turned. It's like for you. How about having that word said the job he's working in today? He's sitting in the house and going again in the morning. And he's got a smile. I ain't saying it to you, little boy. A powder patchy cold. I'll bet you. I'll talk about the symptoms. There's something worth it, don't you? As much as the devil's coming at you, he'd feel like you just didn't go no more. Did you, he didn't realize there's something worth it down here? You're getting old, you're getting tired. It just seems like one beating out of the next and the devil just comes at you out of which way in the world. They're like some words down here. And the generation and the other generation is the coming of old. And at the amount of time we get to tell them that our God's able. They might be a few times God's destroying, but do not let the devil wither up your joy. Don't hide your heart in the wilderness. Don't give up on the ground. I'm sharing this right here. Diana, we take up a little hostel in our class every sudden. Folger keeps it roping. When we go in there this morning, we've got to talk about when Christmas pie rolls around last year, Bobby. We've got to help out one family, one young boy, one mom and daddy. We've got to help feed them. We've got to help out some Christmas gifts for them. And this year so far, we've got as much. Because of what we had last year at this board right now. And that class of what's been taking up giving God all the glory. And we sat down and we hope by Christmas. Maybe we can help free families this year. Hey, and I'm going to tell you something. We're keeping record of it in our office. We've got to drop them off. We did last year. And she's got to drop them off. What we're going to be able to do this year. You know what you call that? A vision. a young and valuable of my new trickling what they did last year. What you do last year have you got this in a trickling at this year? What I did last year have I got a thing in a trickling at this year? We don't let the label just destroy and we're upset before they ain't fighting on our pre-defeating nobody. You got some objects? You got some objects? We got a vision, Jay. Let's not let that matter forward. I'm going to stay waiting, come on in. I'm going to tell you what. There's some of us sitting up huge. This is just a bad shape for someone to set their passes looking. We got a vision, no more. We're just sitting down here watching every place where they're at. He said, "Whoa, you husband." He looked at me and said, "You want to keep the ground?" He said, "They need to be crying. They need to be in one's morning." You know what? There's another big crayon working on coming back. He couldn't get enough to know him. He'd come back several times and have been able to get enough to know about it and he was ready to cut it down over there. If you know what they was over there, things are great. A husband. He said, "No, no, no, no, no, kill it." He said, "You've been with that long gone home enough." As a husband, it's up to being around your room for a little bit. Walk with them and you get a little bit more people have to prove. They see the rest coming up when they get off the crayon. This is going to take a vision. This is going to make you look at his. One year from one year to the next, he finally was in that type of still class. You know, when we started trying to get ready for this year, the next service we had, we helped one last year. When you got outside, do they solve it? Do you know what we need to fit in the hood? The stuff he's in over here to sit up and say to me, "You know what we need to be doing to start working on the next one." So praying for the next one is to sit down and be unsatisfied. More and more and more. You just don't know how hard my life is for each other. Hard out and out of it. I don't know what happened with it. I don't know what people in the past may deal with. If we tell you something, it's more better with it. You don't know what, but you'll just know what Joe was going to face. But by his name, the vision of God. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what that life is going to face more. I don't know what that life is going to face. I got a vision of God. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I don't know what a life is going to face. I just follow right in there with them. There won't be any lonely people that have to go. We'll be in this together. Right. Something's from going through my trials together. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. I just don't know what a life is going to face. Don't be ashamed to crawl up by your waist tight. They're going to the clock in the morning, day to day. They call that on behind the them grandkids. Don't sit still worried. Ain't it time to steal that party? That's why we win that? What's the use? We can't do a plane without it. That's a life straight out of here. It's like the old White House has been on the coast. I was like, "That's how I sleep." They call them the White House. They say we don't think that no more turned the line up down there. They shift no house sale before us now. They don't make that out of the way no more. If that line off, the next lady knows you got ships piled on the roads. That's when we're this old church. It's written in the church and he doesn't call it the White House. Nobody that says is the order to line the world says that it's a city that says it on the hill. It's not me, he is. Since I've been lifted up, I'll draw all of them in. That sounds like a White House to me. It may not be a White House out though, but I'm going to tell you what, it's a White House in this world. It's the house of God and the people of God are getting their hearts before they ain't withered up no more nerd and joy. And that life is shining out in the communities. It's a shining through the neighborhoods. It's a shining through the households. It's a shining out in the workplaces, the schoolhouses. It's pasted some of them youngies and some of them on the table. Hey, let's rock the trap here. If you don't hold in this room this way, it's like you're a lot of trouble. Don't fight away. Don't leave her up there. Keep your joy for all. Keep proclimbing this gospel. Come in here to Matt with a vision. How do you think the ball is probably laid up? Drink beer all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. He ain't eating all the way. We're here to silence you out of our own mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. We're here to silence you out of our mark. This is Jesus Christ. That's His vision. It's just a reveal in that His Son. That's God's vision. That He sent His Son in this world. This is how He loves being visited. That's how He can explain to you. But those things in there, I ain't totally got a hold of it yet. But I've got to hold this one hand. And that's no more than the revealing of Jesus Christ. You know what the vision of God is? It's not English and parish. Look at all of the Governor's opinions. That should be the vision of the church. That everybody we encounter will hear this gospel. And if they would be some destroying what the next generation is going to have, but if they'd be able to be able to look, they should prove to the planet. Not this way. Not going. It's been just took away and faced away and gone and the church ain't what it used to be. They need to see the church be and what it's always been because God ain't changed. You need to see many, many more. The church has always been. I love you. That's the message God gave me this morning. I love you, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. You're looking at a man that should lift his eyes and hold him up. Lord, let him have what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him feel what I've got. Lord, let him know what I've got. Let him know what I've got. Let him know what I've got. Let him know what I've got.