Jesse Kelly Show

Today is the 3rd anniversary of Aghanistan withdrawal when 13 were killed and others injured

Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR that Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday and it's been an amazing Monday. We're going to talk about the 13 fallen here in a moment. This is the third anniversary of when we lost 13 of our warriors in Afghanistan. We will discuss that. That's going to lead us into a military recruitment disaster. The communists destroying our history, emails, the pipe bomber who still manages to evade police. Oh, that is so much more coming up this hour, this final hour of the world famous Jesse Kelly show. And remember to email the show, whatever you want. We love your emails. Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com now. It is the three year anniversary today of the explosion that took 13 of our warriors lives in Afghanistan, courtesy of the Biden administration. We should all of us keep in mind this is easy to forget. We should keep in mind that it didn't just take 13 lives, 13 young men, there's a woman then there too, but 13 young men and a woman who will never be fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, again, they will never get that family Christmas again, like you get like I get. There are also those who were named horribly there. I don't know if you saw any of the video or pictures of what Trump did today. Trump went to Arlington Cemetery, Arlington National Cemetery, which is an amazing place. You really should go if you've never been it. Like I've told you, don't ever live in DC, but you should visit just the memorials and the museums. They're worth a quick visit. Anyway, he went to Arlington and he did a ceremony honoring them today. And at that ceremony, there were some of the maimed people there, people who are named for life. Vargas Andrews was a Marine is a Marine. Sorry. I know better than that. Vargas Andrews is a Marine. Obviously he's not in the core anymore. But if you look at the pictures, the video today, you will see a young man there. Looks like he would be healthy except for the fact that his right arm is gone. His left leg is gone. This young man, I would venture a guess is not even 30 years old. And he will live the rest of his life without a right arm, without a left leg. If you look at the pictures, the video, you'll see there's a young lady. In fact, she's standing by Trump. I'm looking at a picture of it right now. She's in a wheelchair. A wheelchair shall be in for the rest of her life because she's paralyzed. And it's important. It's important to understand and remember them. It's important to understand why this happened as well. This happened. The main driver for this was because the Biden administration wanted a political win on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. They were planning on doing a big blow out political thing 20 years after we got us out of Afghanistan. And that's why the decision was made at the state department. It was made above the military level against the advice of the generals and military leaders. Why would the state department just decide? No, no, we're leaving today. Pack it up because the Biden administration gave them orders to get all the troops out immediately. It was all about politics. It was all about poll numbers. And they pulled all the troops out immediately. It was insane. They pulled them out of Bagram, Bagram for you non military types. It is a what was one of our gigantic bases in Afghanistan. It is in a critical strategic place. And it had been built up for so many years that it was relatively speaking, a very safe place. Even a suicide bomber would have a very difficult time getting in, getting out, hurting anybody. And we just vacated it. And there was a jail on Bagram that held terrorists. They, of course, went free immediately as soon as we vacated it. And then the Biden administration, so cold, so uncaring, they all went on vacation. Jen Psaki was press secretary at the time she went on vacation. Joe Biden, because he's been dementia ridden for the entirety of his presidency, he went on vacation as well. Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State on vacation. Afghanistan began to collapse. And the administration was on vacation. And they were even pressed about it by the media at the time. And they said, well, I mean, they'll be back from vacation. Just kind of hoping it would all go away. But it didn't go away. And people were dropping from airplanes. And the Biden administration tries to undo what they did and send our troops back in. Only Bagram couldn't be seized again. By then it was in the hands of the Taliban. So we had to walk into a civilian airport and attempt to secure a civilian airport. That's when the worst thing happened. A suicide bomber allegedly who was in the jail, we let loose from Bagram. He was one of the prisoners who got let loose from Bagram. Suicide bomber and ISIS guy walks up to our troops. Huge crowd of people sets off a bomb. I mentioned Vargas Andrews, United States Marine earlier, the man missing an arm, a leg. Maybe, maybe you remember him describing the attack. About 1730 Staff Sergeant Darren Hoover, friend and mentor. Came to get me from the tower to go help find an Afghan interpreter in the crowd. We found the interpreter and his brother, born with American passports. They told us five, told us of five family members still in the canal. I stayed there waiting for the family member standing against a two foot canal wall. Ten minutes passed. Then a flash and a massive wave of pressure. I'm throwing 12 feet onto the ground but instantly knew what had happened. I opened my eyes to Marines dead or unconscious lying around me. A crowd of hundreds immediately vanished in front of me and my body was catastrophically wounded with a hundred down and fifty ball bearings now in it. Almost immediately we started taking fire from the neighborhood and I saw how injured I was with my right arm completely shredded and unusable. I saw my lower abdomen soaked in blood. I crawled backwards, roughly seven feet because I thought I was still in harm's way. My body was overwhelmed from the trauma of the blast. My abdomen had been ripped open every inch of my exposed body except for my face to ball bearings and shrapnel. Let's allow him to discuss further what happened that day. I requested for the battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel Brad Whiteed to come to the tower to see what we did. While we waited for him psychological operations individuals came to our tower immediately and confirmed the suspect met the suicide bomber description. He eventually arrived and we showed him our evidence the photos we had of the two men we reassured him of the ease of fire on the suicide bomber. Pointfully we asked him for engagement authority and permission. We asked him if we could shoot. Our battalion commander said and I quote I don't know end quote. Myself and my team leader asked very harshly well who does because this is your responsibility sir. He again replied he did not know but would find out. We received no update and never got our answer. Eventually the individual disappeared to this day. We believe he was a suicide bomber. We made everyone on the ground aware. Operations had briefly halted but then started again plain and simple. We were ignored. And here's his summary of this withdrawal. Our military members and veterans deserve our best because that is what we give to America. The withdrawal withdrawal was a catastrophe in my opinion and there was an inexcusable lack of accountability and negligence. The 11 Marines, one sailor and one soldier that were murdered that day have not been answered for. They have not been answered for and I don't know that they ever will be answered for on this earth. I don't know that we'll ever have accountability for that and I'm going to get myself upset again but I do think on this three year anniversary but we'll move on to politics and other things in a moment. I think we should once again play taps for the fall. [Music] [Music] Rest in peace brothers. All right so we are going to actually discuss military recruitment because one thing leads to another doesn't it there's a story out today about the Navy there's one worth paying attention to so let's dig into that we'll do some emails talk about them destroying history do some other things before we do those things. Let's take care of your vet bill taking your dog to the vet. What did it cost you the last time you had to take your dog to the vet? It's expensive freaking back-breaking it's expensive what if what if buying rough greens could save you money? You see you get to go to the or you have to go to the doctor a lot less when you start eating better don't you. You know if you sat and ate McDonald's every single day you'd have to go to the doctor more if you ate healthy every day you'd have to go to the doctor less same concept with rough greens your dog doesn't get nutrition from dog food it's brown because it's dead it's just empty calories it's it's like giving your dog a double cheeseburger from McDonald's every day. Rough greens is a nutritional supplement it's just this green powder you pour it on your dog's food your dog gets all the vitamins probiotics anti-oxidants whatever your dog needs to be healthier and go to the vet less save money get your dog some rough greens call them 83333 my dog or we'll be back it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday a medal of honor Monday which has been awesome it's been awesome all around remember if you miss any part of the show downloaded iHeartSpotify iTunes we're gonna get to them destroying history and stuff like that in just a few minutes i'm gonna i'm gonna do some military talk here because we're just discussing the the failed Afghanistan pull out just all the disaster that came from that but you know we we like history right you like history i like history even if you think you don't you enjoy it when i tell little history stories and what's really crazy is well i i think it's crazy i i find this part of history to be fascinating the completely different life experiences one has depending on the time in place you were born and i i mean and i mean this even when it comes to nations for instance nations think of uh for instance think of a tribal people of some kind maybe a a tribe most of the tribal people has got overwhelmed and wiped out there are very few left but so just pick your tribal person whoever you have to have in your head indians aborigines the Gauls whoever it is you're born you're born into this tribe you know you don't choose that and your tribe is eventually overwhelmed stomped on destroyed by a large power and really you and you're the people around you you can't do anything about it you're just caught up in the gears of life and you were born one day into this tribe and maybe maybe if you were in Gaul you were a kelton Gaul you were born one day and you had a happy life and you were doing whatever and then one day you find yourself in the roman salt mines for the very end of your short life where they work you to death totally out of your control i think about that and i also think about this i think about speaking it won't make it about the roman's actually i think about the roman's who lived in this massive empire the biggest greatest most powerful empire on the planet and i think about the ones who were alive during the time period's this is a long time period it's not like it happened overnight watching this massive undefeatable empire crumble you know you you know a bit about the roman's in the uk right i'll just say the uk i never know what to call it england great britain ira who knows the uk you know about the roman conquest there if you don't it was truly a caesar's one of the first ones to cross that channel go over there but eventually you know uh what's in it budica budica you've heard about the female the female tribal barbarian however they want to describe her britania the female barbarian queen who fought against the roman army she got massacred i should know a lot of this is just i am woman here me war roar revisionist history but you've heard about these things the roman's had been established in britania in fact they built a wall h Adrian's wall they built a huge wall across the place because they had so many problems with the barbarians to the north but get this you know we we talk about roman roman's we're always talking about this expansion or this battle or this big win at some point in time roman began to get weaker financially culturaly militarily began to get weaker and it got weak enough at one point they abandoned the uk the roman's just packed up one day went back down south got on some boats and went back to the european mainland and just left it they didn't have the resources to manpower the money to do that anymore what must that have been like if you were a roman a proud roman watching the empire shrink the empire doesn't shrink what do you mean shrink we've never shrank who are the roman's what shrink but they shrink and they never return and i think i think on some level not to get too heavy or too depressing i think you and i are living that right now here's a headline the navy could sideline 17 support ships due to manpower issues 17 chips it's not small that's huge 17 sent to the sidelines because we have so destroyed recruiting with all this woke filth with abandoning our troops without accountability with all the vaccine forced vaccine stuff we have so destroyed american recruiting that the greatest navy on the planet is about to mothball 17 vessels because we don't have enough sailors to put on the ships isn't that kind of a little bit of a gut pouch when i read it i thought man that friggin sucks doesn't it so anyway i'm going to talk about this john louis statue and i want to get to negotiations with the communists and how we should handle things like that before i do that i want to get to this speaking of the navy this is applicable we have a low testosterone crisis in the country right now a crisis estrogen is in the water you shower in it you drink it it's because of all the women's birth control it doesn't get filtered out we are guzzling estrogen and lowering our t levels low t affects 20 year olds now that's crazy when you're 20 you should have testosterone dripping from your pores now we don't so you have to combat that without sticking a freaking needle in your arm naturally that's what a male vitality stack from chalk does natural herbal supplements 1t percent increase in your t levels in 90 days you're going to feel better than you have in years your mind is going to work better your energy is going to have you bouncing off the walls no more i'm tired i'm sad in the afternoon no more call them text them got questions they're right there five zero chalk three thousand that's five zero c h o q three thousand we'll be back it is the jesse kelly show on a monday of course it's been an amazing monday and we're going to get to them destroying history negotiating with the commies and other things here in a moment but chris asked me something during the break and i thought maybe i should it would be helpful instead of answering him privately i should answer everybody i know you're going to find this stunning but chris is trying to save money he's talking about car shopping and you know that i am new to the media i used to i've lived a normal life most of my life from construction to a bunch of other things but right before i started doing this i was in sales rv sales remember i was in rv sales okay and i ended up being a sales manager so i know a lot about the sales process how salesmen work sales managers how all this stuff works i just i've lived that life and chris was asking me how much do i beat up the car company to come down in price how much is too much okay so first let's just address the two extremes you you might be guilty of one of these two extremes and you don't want to be first you don't ever want to be a chump who walks in and just pays full sticker price without any negotiation whatsoever that's a chump don't be a chump that's one extreme i don't think i have to talk you out of that because very few people do that so let's set that extreme aside this next extreme extreme might apply to you what i'm about to say might make you angry you might be offended i don't give a crap what i'm about to tell you is true it's time for daddy jesse don't be the guy who thinks you're being big tough guy who treats it like a competition and beats him down and beats him down and beats him down until you get the lowest possible price i i'm not saying that because i don't care about your pocketbook i do i want you to save money i do if you get that there is such a thing as diminishing returns oh you can be that guy beat him up and beat him up and beat him up until finally you get to the point where the salesman and really the dealership themselves because it's not actually that much markup in cars believe it or not but you can be the guy who beats them down to the point they don't get to take home a paycheck you can do that you absolutely can it is you're right and you can go bragged all your friends you're not gonna believe the deal i got on my forward i told him i wasn't paying a nickel more you can do that go ahead and be that guy treat the salesman like the bad guy treat the dealership like the bad guy you're the big tough guy you fought for every time go right ahead when you need a favor they won't be there when you come back in the next time they're not going to help you no but i'm really looking for this oh sure bob we'll get right on helping you out there they'll never even call you back in fact if you're a big enough jerk and i have done this if you're a big enough jerk they'll have notes in their file to not help you at all or screw you over here's something for you i have a list in fact i still have it right here on my phone i used to save the name and number of every customer i worked with or sold an RV to and i had a very very simple system when my phone rang and the caller id would pop up i would get one of three things either there would be just a name if it was just a name i knew it wasn't an RV customer so it would be you know friend family relative someone else or if there was one x it would be an x dash name we'll say x dash chris i knew that that was an RV customer and i wanted to take that call i wanted to take that call he's someone i had sold whatever i wanted to help him out he was having trouble what else i wanted to take that call but if it was two x's if it was x x dash chris i never took the call and i won't return your calls oh you're broke down somewhere you need a hand call someone else oh you did and you can say that's wrong you'd say that's right you're dealing with human beings and i'll also say this what's the difference between a fifty thousand dollar car note or a fifty one thousand dollar car note well if you get a five-year loan i'm doing this off top my head six percent interest rates twenty bucks a month i would guess twenty dollars a month to have your phone call taken to have your mother taken care of when you need your mom to buy a car she got in the racks she needs a new car do you want the car salesman hey marty you sold me that toyota Tacoma last year do you have anything nice used it's coming in my mom needs help do you want to be on marty's short list oh you got a breakdown in your car sorry alternators going bad do you want to be one of the first people on the list in or do you want the little note marked with your name on it saying you will be dead last for all service in the future of this company because those notes happen all the time to i am not telling you and would never tell you oh don't negotiate just pay full price i would never say that to you in a million in your million years but if you're going to beat them down to the point where they don't get to make a dime they don't run a charity they pay their bills just like you pay your bills they got to make that sale pay the mortgage by the kids shoes if you beat them down to the point they don't get to make a paycheck fine i hope you don't ever have to return so chris asked how far is too far when i walk in a dealership a car dealership because i negotiate as well again i don't i don't pay chump prices either when i walk in a car dealership but this is actually going to apply directly back to democrats and communists here in a moment they're going to generally take the first number they give you is going to be in extreme position they're going to try to rip your head off get the dealer to make as much as he can sales men to make as much as he can i will in turn take an extreme position so nope that truck is forty thousand dollars take it or leave it and i know that's way too much because i've done at least a little bit of research before i showed up so i will counter with something equally ridiculous let's say i found some wholesale dealer in usually wholesalers are in places like ohio there's a lot of them in ohio i found some wholesaler dealer where i can buy the truck for twenty eight thousand okay i know that's on the extreme they can't do that it's a wholesaler so that'll be my counter though my initial counter will be oh okay you wanted forty grand twenty eight grand i'll buy it today they're going to laugh they're going to scream they can't do that either if you have to play the tough guy game that's fine i don't mind that i've played it myself i watched my dad play it my whole life that's fine say okay well call me when you want to sell a truck they will call you with thirty five thirty six thirty seven thirty four they're going to meet you somewhere tell them that the best you can do at a fair price they'll say yeah that's when you throw in one little extra piece of cheddar that you want what i do whenever i buy a vehicle i always i live in texas so it's unique for me i always throw in window tint it's a big deal down here i tell him you know what if he came back at thirty five let's say he said thirty five you know what fine i'll take it you got to tint the windows for me though he'll say oh man uh hang on i got to talk to the sales manager who have to play that game they'll he'll hang up go pretend like he's talking to the sales manager he'll come back in five seconds and say you got a deal can you come in today he's always going to ask you that come in today now he just did you a solid if you can do him a solid that doesn't mean you have to come in today but if you can't tell him hey i can't come in today but i can be there at ten a.m. tomorrow morning and he'll say i'll see you then give him a time so we can have the paperwork printed for you there you go you were treated well key was treated fairly and when you call him again when your kid needs a car in five years when you're trading and in when you need a favor at the mechanic he takes that call or you can treat him like the enemy beat him up so he doesn't make a nickel he'll never talk to you again or if he does that might be worse for you because he'll probably try to screw you over the next time you just did it to him you wanted a competition well now it's a competition you see how that works all right i know i made a bunch of people mad speaking of competition let's discuss the communists just briefly and then we'll get to some headlines i didn't get to hang on jesse kelly look at this rec uh recommendation it's uh to the department of education on page 167 yeah enough for that i wanted to play that really briefly because i would have discussed negotiations when it comes to communist communism and how the right has failed at this so many times so we were just talking about cars and things like that so let me ask you something there's a meeting i have an important business meeting i am trying to purchase something i'm trying to purchase a a store i'm trying to purchase a warehouse that's what i want i want to warehouse chris owns the warehouse and we're about to have a meeting we're about to negotiate a price now chris this is just a hypothetical is a very bad guy very very bad guy dirty dishonest and i know this about chris going in very similar to our negotiations with communists i know this about chris going in i i think a fair price for the warehouse is a hundred thousand dollars chris chris knows it's probably a hundred thousand dollars but chris walks in and says i want a million dollars for the warehouse now let me ask you something if the fair price is a hundred and chris is demanding a million what should my offer be yeah he's the first one to put an offer out there he said a million i think it should be a hundred thousand should my offer be let me ask you should my offer be five hundred thousand after all that's half this meeting him you know halfway or should my offer be fifty thousand what should the offer be if you actually want to pay a fair price well the offer should be fifty thousand because he took an extreme position and if you want to end up at a reasonable moderate position then when a bad guy with nefarious motives takes an extreme position you must counter his extreme position with an equally extreme position to give you balance it's not that you want to be an extremist it's not that i want to pay fifty thousand dollars for the warehouse it's that i understand i'm dealing with a devious bad actor who's trying to rip me off and he's taken such an extreme position that i automatically know i have to take an extreme position if i want to get anywhere close to a hundred thousand dollars if he says it's a million and i counter it five hundred thousand while i automatically know i'm going to end up somewhere between a million and five hundred thousand and i just got ripped off because the fair price was a hundred you see how this applies to politics and the way they discuss things like illegal immigration this is why the james low t-lankfords of the gop have killed us for so long the the communists want the border completely open they believe america is such a despicable evil place an oppressive place that anyone in the world should be able to come here and pick the body apart the way they do that's how the average american democrat thinks they want the border open they want the country to collapse because of the border being open the counter to that position cannot be well let's just let's open it a little let's let's see not all of them that would be extreme a few if we and that's why we always lose that's in the dust just apply to the border it applies on every issue we try to meet them in their extremism and therefore they only get wins sometimes huge wins sometimes little wins instead of taking an equally extreme position the other way which will provide balance we try to we try to match their extreme position with moderation and that's how we get our lunch eaten every single time i just had to get that off my chest before the show ends we ended up running out of time because i didn't get to the statue thing and i'm going to have time for headlines i'm going to have time to tell you about ifcj first you know i'm sure you pay attention to the news now it's bad we now officially have strikes inside of lebanon it's bad over there it's really bad it is and people are going to live because of ifcj people have already lived because of ifcj there were victims of that october seventh attack laying in the back of an ambulance listening to bullets ping off of the armored walls who lived because the ifcj provided armored ambulances for that area that's true story do you know that ifcj's looking for 500 people right now they already have more than 150 but they were looking for 500 total to give 150 bucks if that happens they have a donor who's going to match 500 donations 500 150 dollar donations if you got that in you you want to help out the folks in the holy land call them eight eight eight four eight eight ifcj or go to support to give today and now you know the thing headlines we didn't get to you suspect was across the street from the capital police squad car while walking to the january fifth bomb drop this hoodie clad guy who had the pipe bombs on january sixth this guy seems to be a mastermind who the cops couldn't see he knew how to step out of the field of view of the camera and he somehow knew how to get to the big corporations to block his geolocation data for his cell phone this guy is either a criminal mastermind or works for the government telegram ceo pavl durov reportedly arrested at the paris airport this would be a pavl durov in fact i'll play you some audio of this tomorrow who said repeatedly the fbi has threatened him to have access to you and your social media accounts something to keep in mind about the government turning its guns against you this has been a podcast from wor