FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Apryl Marie Fogel - Ricky talks Vaccine -Midday Mobile Tuesday 8-27-24

Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior." With that, this is painful, and it will be for a long time. "Don't fuck, baby! That's right! This man knows what's up!" "After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper. No stepper, too high for a high stepper." This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065. "We're a shot at tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that." You know, Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. "Yeah, what's wrong with the beer we got? I mean, the beer we got drank pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said?" "So this is a bad council. I had no doubt about them." "That doesn't suck." "If you don't like it, you're bad." "Last question. Were you high on drugs?" "Last question. Kiss my ****!" All right, here we go. FMTalk1065 Midday Mobile, our number two on this Tuesday, phone number, the same as it has been for all these years, 3430106, same for the text line 3430106, and joining me, media personality, big time pinch hitter around FMTalk1065, author, mom, bond vivant. It's April Marie Fokal. Troublemaker. You forgot troublemaker. That too, yeah. And troublemaker. So when I answer the phone here, I get you on the show, I was listening to the, they had the promo there for Reagan in the movie. And I know this is blasphemous, but I don't know that I'm, I mean, I don't go to the movie theater to see anything, but even if it, it's going to take a lot. There's a lot of things I got to see before I, you know, like this new documentary about people that have chimps in their homes that go wild, and like, I'm going to watch that before I watch the Reagan movie. So I'm not, are you going, are you fired up for the Reagan movie? I am not. I have bought movie tickets. It was in the last couple of days. And this is the first time I've pre-bought movie tickets for my, for myself. I did provide the Taylor Swift movie tickets, just to be an honestly sick. I know it was, my daughter, I know, I get it. I got one of those two. I get it. So, so, um, so no, I went to that, but the, like in terms of movies, I'm looking forward to, um, am I racist? I actually bought two tickets to the premiere of am I racist, which is the new movie Matt Walsh did, and it's coming out mid September, September 13th. And he's encouraging people to buy it because he thinks what's going to happen is if you don't prove by your ticket, there's going to be a backlash about theaters announcing they're going to run it and people are going to chicken out because it's, it's, and I've seen two or, I think two or three previous for it. It just, a terrible, yeah, and it's Aaron here y'all. Yeah. Thursday, September 12th is when it opens here, AMC Mobile 16 and AMC classic morph, uh, 15. So, uh, for Mobile and Baldwin County place, am I, so I did not know about this, uh, am I racist? And what does he do here? I've seen some of Matt Walsh's stuff. What's he doing here? So, what he's doing here is he's going to, he, he looks like he does several things. One is he, um, pertains to host, um, a, a, like white, you know, check your white privilege thing, um, event that women come and act crazy at, why is it always liberal white women in their forties? I know it's, it's the ones JD Vance talked about that we're not supposed to acknowledge, but they're ruining our nation. Um, so there's all of these affluent white liberal middle-aged harpies. Um, so he doesn't talk to them, then he goes and, uh, he does like a support group, but he's kind of, it appears he's outed in the group, um, he tries to use a fake name. So then he does the whole rest of the movie in a disguise, um, which makes them, you know, man bun and all. Nice. So I'm just, I'm so thoroughly entertained by the idea because here's the thing, I, and you and I know this because we're on radio every day, right? We, you have to embrace, I'm, I cannot even count the number of times I got text messages or things call in saying you're very clearly racist. Heck, when I was talking about, um, the congressional race filling in for you one day, someone called in and said, uh, or texted and said I was racist, you just have to embrace that. If you're not, if you're not into this old DEI thing, you know, I mean, I don't, you know, when it happens, I howl very rarely because, uh, you know, it's not the scalded dog. It's like, man, whatever, um, is, but this is going to be interesting. So this like, uh, three parts, three parts of Matt Walsh, one part, Sasha Baron Cohen. If he's going and setting these things up, it's a little bit like Borat stuff, right? Cause that I love that formula. That makes me laugh. Okay. I'm in. I'm, I'm on it. So you got to buy tickets so that they can't, you know, be bullied out because of course the name of these am I racist. So what's going to happen? AMC and these local theaters are going to get a ton of pressure that says you're inviting a whole bunch of racist here, movie. No, I don't think a movie, you know, I'm sure there'll be people and I can click the text line in a second. They would argue with me, but somebody who's going to a movie called him, I racist. I don't think they feel like they're race. I don't know. Like, I don't just, I just don't live in that world, you know, like where I'm, I'm sorry, Sean. Are you not imagining like a theater full of, uh, people in clanhood because that's all, you know, John Archibald and J D Crow, a L dot com, that's all their picturing. Yeah. Well, no, I'm not picturing that, uh, because, you know what, if it was something that was a, a clan event, I wouldn't be going to it, right? But if somebody's doing a political satire or a discussion of what's true and you can decide one way or another, I mean, once again, I don't know, I've not seen the movie yet to make a judgment, but, um, what, why shouldn't you be allowed to go to the movie? I don't get it. So he goes and he, you know, he talks, again, it reinforces the fact, which is he goes and talks to, um, African Americans about the concepts of be I like on the street, right? And people are like, what are you talking about, like regular Americans like just regular people are like you were out of your mind. And then he goes to where the woke are and mocks them relentlessly. I kind of like this formula. This is in, so I'll pass judgment after I see it, but I am intrigued. Yeah. I'm, uh, he says Matt Walsh goes undercover in the world of DEI hilariously scurrying the absurdity of race hustlers prepared to be shocked by how far the thrusters will go and how much further Matt Walsh will go to expose them. Okay. I mean, I just wonder, you know, a good thing you're advertising it for him because, uh, and yes, I'm making a pivot and a segue at the same time, uh, did the, you know, the White House may call Facebook and say, Hey, don't let those ads on there. Right. We're, we're, they're not gonna say, well, we just want to make you aware. We're not going to tell you not to air them, just want to make you aware of these ads. It's a, we don't think they're great. We just want you to know that those ads are out there. Well, you write the words, um, you, you write the words, you know, am I racist? I, I did a post saying I bought two tickets to am I a racist and I didn't get a single like on the post and I, there's no doubt in my mind that I said, I said, I said, I said, but tickets to am I a racist, um, DEI must, um, DIE and not one person liked it. And I said, well, that's because not one person saw it. Yeah. They might. I suffered. I suffered through reading White Fragility when that came out and it was all about a, it was aimed at, you know, they have college kids reading this, you know, to learn about their privilege. And I was like, oh, this is, this is like a curriculum thing. And I read it and I am dumber for it. Like I will not get those brain cells back. The brain cells that tried to understand that they were fried and killed and, and I'm, I'm probably a lesser person for having read that book. Well, you did it for, yeah, you did it for, for your listeners. So you did it for my craft. I know for the craft or the, yeah, something like that. The, you know, the question about this, you know, I was talking about Zuckerberg's letter. They came out and this is, I think I began last hour saying, I feel like, you know, when you like listened to a band and you like them and you've told your friends a couple of times like that, they're pretty cool. They're pretty cool. And then like three years later, they come to you and go, dude, have you heard so and so? And you're like, Hey, sport, I've been telling you about them for three years. That's kind of how I feel, that's how I feel right now with, and then of course it's, I understand it's driven by Zuckerberg's letter out. So it gives it a new life, but this has been a subject on my show for years about how this worked with the White House. I mean, wants the press conferences and they would say, we didn't tell Facebook to remove the post. We just made them aware of the post. I mean, it's, you know, the Gambino crime family doesn't say they're going to burn down your, your business. They just say it'd be a real shame, April, Marie, if something happened to that business. By the way, we have some protection services here. It's, right, they were, I mean, this is, it was out in the open, the executive branch censoring conversation is stepping on First Amendment rights. Well, you remember that the Twitter files came out after Elon Musk bought Twitter and there was no way that that model of silencing people and targeting people and having their post throttle, their hidden and all of the things, it wasn't happening on every platform. And so now we have, we've got Zuckerberg apologizing and we had Jack Dorsey before that apologizing. You know, people are, and you know what, a lot of people say, I have to say, I have to say, no, I, I feel like everybody who was involved in any of this stuff needs to take responsibilities. They need to own up to it. I mean, I, I say all the time, when COVID first came, I, for easily the first five minutes, I was all in. I was like, we're all masked up. We're going to get our shots. We're going to do the thing. And then as the truth came to light, I was like, Oh, that was a mistake. Oh, buddy, I made a mistake. And so I think it's refreshing to have people come out and say, I did this and I made a mistake. It's accountability. That's being a human being too. Accountability. Yeah. It's like had not a two dimensional. If somebody makes a mistake, political politicians, if they'll come out and say, Hey, I screwed this up. I'm good. You're forgiven. You know, I made a mistake and I learned from it because I should have looked at this there or the other. Cool. I don't hold if you admit that you're wrong. Okay. Cool. Move on. But there's a lot that can't do that. Right? There's a lot of people cannot do that. Yes. Well, I'm still waiting. And a little here. There's your tech warrant. Sorry about that. I'm still waiting on Trump to say I, there were things that happened during COVID that I should not allowed to have happened under my watch. There was guidance I was given about schools being closed. There were things I should have done to force states to, you know, open up national parks and I should have done all these things. And you know, he's not going to, because he's not in his nature, but it's not in his DNA. It's, you know, but I think that that everybody recognizes that even Trump was wrong. I consider going back and deleting, you know, social media history. And I was like, no, I'm going to leave it there. I'm going to leave the, I did a post that was like, you're not pro-life if you're not, you know, pro-vaccine. And, and my kids aren't, my kids never got vaccinated. Yeah. How did that age? That, but, you know, April, May, there's two things there's, you can, you can take to task the social media platforms, but also they do have the pressure of federal removal of section 230. I mean, there is, like I said, there's a, there's a, a business part of this, right? And if you have that big company, oh, yeah, it goes back to the game search analogy used earlier. Um, these guys were falling in line because it made their lives easier. Mm hmm. And you know, I mean, your job is, even though Zuckerberg now saying, I think we're just going to stay out of this. Good. Cause your job is to make money for shareholders. That's your job. You know, that's, by the way, I, and you mentioned this about, uh, you know, you know, what was said in the past and things coming back on a read three different texts that I pulled from the stack here. This is, this is good. So Jean earlier said, on the text line said, I guess you will take responsibility for misinformation provided by your team, causing the death of listeners. Then goes on to say, by the way, so tell, and later texts. So tell us if your children have had their vaccinations for school. So, um, yes, by the way, they get all of their normal vaccinations. They do not do, um, they do not do the COVID vaccination. Yeah. So mine have had their first school, uh, and if you're talking about the COVID thing, uh, so it's 50 50. One of my children was vaccinated. One was not the one that was vaccinated had to, to be able to go sing with a choir in Europe. Right? And they made that choice. But for the other one who didn't go on this trip, I said, you know, decide not to do that. And so Jean saying that, uh, because, uh, my team here is giving out this information during COVID, then people died, then Michael said, I will have to agree with Jean. Y'all pushed the jab really hard. So flipping it around, Michael. More people were injured from the facts and lockdowns than the China virus. So Jean says, I, I, I, I guess myself and the team, because everybody does, I tell everybody what to say. I was just going to say, I'm just a pretty little puppet for you. Yeah. What people don't know is that you spend your, and you spend your entire day, uh, writing the words that are going to come out, um, on this radio station. And I, um, I exist only to read the script you've written me. Can you imagine, um, that we're actually true. If you had to take responsibility for the things I have said on your radio station. Yeah. Things have to tell, tell folks, number one, uh, my heart and, and my belief and my love for the constitution, but first amendment love, uh, would go over all that. And second of all, ain't nobody got time to tell everybody what to say. I, you know, coming for your own show, let alone the other shows. I mean, you would even have no life. Yeah. I mean, there, so, I mean, you can, there's no, there's no rule. When you fill in for somebody here, I don't say you can talk about this and not talk about, do I tell you you can talk about anything? Do I tell you anything's off limits or anything is on? I have literally, it's literally, here's the link, have at it. Don't get us in a, a fine. That's right. Don't get a fine. Yes. Don't get a fine. That's as simple as that. Here's your, here's your guidance. Um, don't say any cuss cusses. Yeah. And then this texture says some, some people are wrong. Many people make the wrong choice. Many people are ignorant. It's no one's fault, but their own. So, I mean, there's a mixture of things here of, you know, the, the same thing happened. It's like the old telephone game, like the same thing happened on the station during that time. And then here are two people maybe board that see it completely differently, you know, that see these things that are like the same thing happened, but these two sets of eyes see it completely differently. So I don't, but you know, and maybe I should have, you know, if the, if Jen Psaki would have called me and said, Hey, I just want you to make, make you aware that Jeff poor disagreed with you earlier, you know, or something like, okay, oh, you want to call from Peppermint Patty? Yes. Are you in for a bad head shot? Oh, well, I mean, Jen says she could have, I mean, she's no cringe on beer. I think cringe on beer is what, you know, misguided, but, but way cuter than Jen Psaki. But that's, you know, interesting learning more about Sean and his taste and women on this call today. I mean, it's not a redhead thing. There's plenty of, you know, Nicole Kidman, a different story, you know, so all right. This is, this is run off in the ditch, which is, which is fine. But it's, which is, it's as you scripted it, Sean. That's right. This. And this is what you're saying now and be saying that this was all written out. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The whole thing. I'm trying. You know what? I spend a lot of time, you know, busting Jeff poor shops occasionally gigging you, but for the most part, Jeff, for when I, when I'm hosting for Jeff, poor. And so I spend a lot of time planning to, because I'm going to go over one of the shows, I haven't figured out which. It's fine. I mean, just if I can go to California for a week and then back, you give me a house at Rojoba Beach. I can hang out there. I'm fine. Y'all can just coop me on along the way. So we're good. Provide folks in the, the, the section 230 protected social media world where they can find you. Yes. Um, I don't have time for all the other stuff. I'm on X and I'm on Facebook at A.P.R.Y.L. and they are IE. All right. It's a, it's a coup in the making ready. All right. You have a great day. Yeah. Bye. There she goes. Hey from Refogel. We're coming right back. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five. Listen to the late John Bonham beat on them skins for hours and years. And I have. All right. Welcome back. It's midday mobile FM talk. One of the six five phone number three four three zero one zero six. Let me grab a couple of texts cause I, some stories I want to get into when we come back. Number one, an oil story today in history. I always thought this was cool. Let me see the start of look around you. Look at the power of, of, of where OPEC is let alone other producers out there. The power of oil as goes oil caused the nation, right? And when they struck pay dirt in Pennsylvania at the Drake, well, we'll talk about that. Also I don't know how to pronounce the acronym here. The story, uh, Scott Johnson has up over at land yet It says make mobile great again is no dime mounting a political comeback. Would that be? Yeah, I wouldn't be mad, Gabby, gah, gah, so what would get some time for that one as well? All right. Uh, to the, uh, text line here, popping, let's see, uh, I teach Jesus and social media as a devil. There you go. And then I, oh, thank you. I got the church lady, a gift, which that was, I remember, remember we all say that at work and stuff like, mmm, Satan. Time has passed on that. You don't know what we're talking about. Um, I like the fact that, yeah, it's a combination of people who thought we pushed the, the jab and then people who said we did not push a vaccine. You know why? Cause there's different people here. He said different things. I think that's cool. Yeah. No, there's not a, there's no orthodoxy out there. Uh, Jason says, remember how those of us that used ivermectin were treated? I use it twice a week, never had COVID and feel great. And here's the beauty, Jason, like if like you can make your own choices, right? It's just same thing with the language back then. People would say this is true. That is true. The federal government wants to shut those voices up versus saying here's a debate. Here's why you're wrong, bop, bop, bop, bop. Joshua said you and Jeff had caught a lot of static from blind Democrats today. It seems like more than usual. Good job from me and independent. I thought Republicans were blind. People are switching roles and there's blind people and, uh, you know, blind to the facts out there. And it's that tribalism or that team stuff that never lets you say that, uh, the person that, yeah, you like, or the party you like did anything wrong. So, uh, let's see here to, to, to, to your friendly neighborhood banker said, Oh, I love your man. But please don't let some idiot named Jean get underneath your skin. Oh, she did. I like this. I don't want an echo chamber. I appreciate some pushback, right? So, uh, Jean says, uh, said that, but you're saying don't let her get, yeah, she's not in her skin. He said, keep the fair and balanced, keep being fair and balanced. Those like myself will be listening every single day. Well, thank you, man. I appreciate it. And we'll be right back to do at least my take on what is fair. It is a dictatorship. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six, five. Right at one thirty five FM talk one oh six, five midday mobile. Well, this Tuesday, this is what, you know, we got the holiday weekend ahead, the extended weekend and my buddy playing price said, Hey, it's going to happen again. But you playing, first of all, you've done this a couple of times already here at Paris Track to right where you get more days of rental for fewer dollars. Absolutely. So this weekend was being a holiday weekend, any of our rental equipment in our rental fleet, you pick it up Friday afternoon, bring it back to us Tuesday morning and you get charged for one day. So you're going to have it for three full days, but only being charged for one day. You know, I'm no math magician here, but that's better. Absolutely. So yeah, so whether you're doing, I mean, big home project, something you've been wanting to do or even, I mean, this time of year, you know, I've talked about it, people getting stuff dised up and getting weed out for drug season or they're starting to get their, you know, their, the deer patches ready and, and, and, and Bush, Ogden, all that. I mean, this is the time. Absolutely. So we got a little bit of everything all the way down to hand tools, chainsaws, pole saws, weeders up to the big mini excavators and bulldozers. So dump trailers, man lifts, tractors with all the different implements. So if you're going to hunt camp, we've got all that covered as well. What if I need a big, you know, got a job going on here around town and need a big piece of equipment, but, and y'all, this is set up because I know they answer to it. And I don't have a way to get it there. I don't have a trailer. Blaine, what happens? We deliver it, we, we can deliver wherever you need it, um, or we, we do have, uh, if you do have a way to haul it and you don't own a trailer, we have trailers as well. So so I can back up to it. Okay. And you mentioned before to a bit, we don't know when, but the zero percent financing that's been so popular this summer, eventually everything comes to an end. They haven't given you the word on it yet, but, but, but I have not received any word on that, on that yet, but it, we still offer, uh, zero interest financing on all kaboto and land pride. So, um, any size tractor, uh, many excavators skids to your side by side, zero turn mowers, all that qualifies for that zero interest financing through kaboto. All right. Tell people how to find you. Well, right here at Paris tractor in the middle of Robert sale on highway 59, um, we're here Monday through Friday, 85 Saturday, eight till noon, um, business online at or combined. So you give us a call at two, five, one nine, four, seven, four, one, seven, one. Hey, thank you. Blaine. We'll talk soon. Thank you, Sean. Hey, there he is. Blaine price from over at Paris tractor in Robert'sdale. Yeah, it is holiday weekend coming up as kind of I knew it, but then I, for some reason, I thought it was the next week, but no, it's coming up here. All right. We'll go one text and then we'll go to the phones here. Monty said the vast majority of your listeners follow the simple steps, absorb information, analyze information and begin the thought process in which a conclusion is derived. We don't spew dogma and conform because we're told money that is, I like that so much. Can we get that on a throw? Can we get that crocheted on the throw pillow? My grandmother, you have all the throw pillows with the sayings with some of them had sayings and other ones had crocheted because she liked Schnauzers and then some of them had Schnauzers on them. All right. Two of the phones at three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, Ricky in Mobile up first. Hey, Ricky. Hello, John. How you doing? I mean, I'm good. How about you? Well, my, my, my world been wrought because my, one of my sons of the vaccine is damaged his wife. She had AIDS from the shot. She took three shots and wound up with AIDS. I started looking up behind it today in the last week. Okay. Well, first of all, let me back up. Let me back up. So you're, so I mean, I knew we had talked about your son before, but you're saying this is not your son. It's your daughter-in-law. Yeah. My son's mind messed up from it to some, he was the first-class electrician. He'd been doing it for 16 years. He was a marine electrician, been trade, had a trade with, through angles and so he had to take the vaccine. I mean, she, she got AIDS, she don't understand why she got HIV tested part of it, but she took three shots. My son didn't take this shot, but he's been sleep-wittering, kissing her. And they said that might be from her jetting that he got it. And I look, look up to everybody going, look at everybody's, they're like, me, the people coming up with AIDS have HIV AIDS. So they're, they're part of the late nose and people better wake up. This shot is just in the midst of people dying. That's what they're coming up with, the chickenpox and all these different viruses because- They're coming up. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. They're coming up with chickenpox? I mean, chickenpox was around before there was any COVID discussion. Chickenpox is like- No, they come up with all kinds of different ones coming up because people were really starting to die off. So they had to hide the, the numbers from the peak, you know, like the mild carditis to turbo cases, all that coming from the shots shot. Well, the mild carditis thing, right? That's one of the best ones that has been discussed and looked into it. There's a lot of stuff to talk about there to where these healthy kids all of a sudden, you know, developed heart problems that, what's weird though is like any of these things, you know, one, you give two healthy kids and one kid gets the heart problem from it. Yeah. At least the theory is- Yeah. And one does. Yeah. Like giving our kids out of raw and rippling. That just scored my kids. But I want to, I want to, okay. But I want to go, I want to go back to this. Your, your theory here is that the COVID vaccine was at the visor or all of them. It gave people HIV. They're tested. That's what I don't want everybody do. I'm looking online. It says everywhere like in Texas, it's broke out 15,000 new cases of HIV somewhere in North Carolina broke out. They're seeing high, high cases of HIV. What makes you, I mean, help me understand because like back to the people say that, I don't want anybody talking is different. It's just for your immune system. That's what the shot does. The shot kills your immune system and gives you hate. That's what it is. But wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, doesn't- The immune system don't work. They acquire the immune deficiency syndrome. But you have to then be exposed. I mean, in this theory, right, that it would diminish your ability to fight, but then you would have to be exposed to AIDS to get it, right, Ricky? Or you, I mean, that- The shot has given people more bar buyers of what they said, the expert said, already concerned that more bar buyers are breaking out because of the shots. Okay. But I mean, but you said AIDS at first. So is it more, I don't, I'm not familiar with more. The Marlboro virus. Marlboro, just me, it's just another form of where it destroys your immune system. You took some poison and it's destroyed your immune system. Not only that, it's fighting against you. What they're saying with the MRNA technology, that it's literally fighting against you. I mean, we are under a siege of, like you told me, you report what you see now. They're feeding us what they'll say. The father and all these people found to you, ain't no doctor, Bill Gates, you ain't no doctor. And these people are running, leading us into the chamber, a bad chamber because we won't wake up. We got the left-right paradigm going. We hate each other. We turned our backs on God. Some God has turned us over to this diabolical COVID-19 plan to depopulate us all, which they paid for in the CARES Act. It came out in 2019, nowhere at $2.3 billion that Trump signed. The bill was written up in 2019. It tells you they planned this 20, 30, 40 years ago, not just now. This thing has been playing rolled out to take us over. I don't know exactly who's all behind it, but I know the fruit season was created. It was created. The people are making beans and beans of dollars off us while we're dying out here. Sure. I mean, they're all in rippling with our kids. They're just, we're being, ever since we went bankrupt in 1933, they put us on a stop mark. It made us all slave to that lender, so they create wars to prep that money. You know, it gets me, Ricky, it gets me, Ricky, what gets me is there's like 30% of stuff you say that I agree with. There's certain things you hit on it, but then you go and place I can't go. So let me come back to this, but you went through all these other things, but you started off that you, you're saying that the vaccine, because there's, I mean, the myocarditis thing, I think is absolutely a thing we need to talk about and I'm sure a long term there's. But you, you're opening salvo to me was this vaccines given people AIDS. Yeah. Absolutely. And this happened to my daughter in law, which I know, you know, we went all the doctors, they can't figure out where she got it. My son ain't never slept around on nobody, he's a Christian boy and now his mind don't work. It's like he's in a brain fog. Y'all getting a lot of kids out there with brain fog. I think. Back to the age. Me too. But back to the AIDS thing. I'm just trying to figure out. So it's, it's because in your, in your reckoning here, it's because your immune systems diminished and then you get the AIDS or you're saying it caught, I'm trying to get you, they'll down. It gives you the. You, the shot destroys your immune system and what I hear it reverses it on, you don't only destroy it. It literally works against you, but something they did in the shot. I don't know what's all in the shot, but I know that it's turning, it's killing their immune system basically and they say now and now they're going, when the flu season comes just this November, oh no, the fake flu season, when the cold season comes, it's going to kill them. They're going to start dropping there. So they got to come up with the chicken parts of some other kind of virus. They've got to get people that drop in there because they're going to start, the news is starting to come out. They've been back, they've been hiding the news from all these, you know, what's really going on with them kill shots and now starting to catch up and they're trying to get this thing going before everybody finds out we were just, they just try to depopulate us because we're bankrupt. We went bankrupt in 2000, 1999, Barack Obama filed bankruptcy. We went back. They failed again in 2011. The United States filed bankruptcy, the United States filed bankruptcy. Yeah. The United States corporation went bankrupt. You know, Ricky, Ricky, Ricky, that's why we have inflation because we print money. That's why we don't go bankrupt, unfortunately, we're paying our bills by printing money. Of course, that's Ricky, Ricky. That's why, unfortunately, we as a nation can't go bankrupt because we print our own money. That's why we put people out there in a situation where they can't afford stuff because of inflation and Ricky. I appreciate it. You have an open windowed call back later in the week. I just want to get that through Ricky had been texting me about that. I disagree with Ricky. So back to the conversation where I disagree with Ricky. You know, some things that he throws a bunch of things out there. I think the myocarditis thing is a thing to look at. I'm, how about this? I'm ignorant and unaware of the AIDS component here. But Ricky, I let you express opinions. You and I don't agree, but you get it. That's so gene. I don't know. I mean, that is, am I telling Ricky what to say? That's what's causing the issue here. Let Ricky say Ricky stuff by the way, Jason, Jason suggest we give Ricky a 15 minute segment once a week. I would my 15 minutes is pretty usually they're like 12, if it happened to 12 minute, Jason would do it. I don't know that I'm against that. It's interesting. Now, the federal government and back to our discussion and started this whole thing off would say, you can't let Ricky say that because people, people are going to believe Ricky and then they're not going to do X, Y or Z that's, that's was the move that Zuckerberg was talking about that people were saying things that he didn't like or that the administration didn't like. And so they should silence them. I don't agree with Ricky, although my record on his thing, once again, he's got me there. I think that is of note still, I think there's more research needs to be done. But telling Ricky, he can't come on and say what he wants to say about that. That censorship, how about somebody else who says, hey, Ricky is foolish because his belief there, then you can make the argument back the other way, you know, it's, it's, that's why I mean, number one, I like to give a little Ricky conversation every once in a while too. But I'm proving a point that this is exactly what this, this is a microversion of the macro conversation going on about what happened with Facebook and X and vice space and whatever out there where the federal government would say, you can't let that, that person saying things that aren't true, which some things have come out that the federal government said they didn't want people saying on Facebook, they came out to be true, right? Things that were verboten prove themselves to be true. So they would want me to not let Ricky, like some people in the text, like, I can't believe you let Ricky say the day, I let people express their first amendment rights. And if you want to talk about how wrong he is on it, let me know, call coming in right now from the United States corporation. I got to take that, but we'll be right back. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five, I guess breaking news. And it's just told me that I guess for right now that debates back on September 10th, it's pretty interesting to that this is, it's been silly, welcome back midday mobile, it's been pretty silly, like Trump agrees to the, the protocol for the debate, you know, where the mics are muted when you're not talking and then the Dems come back and say, no, no, no, we want them to be on the whole time, you know, because they see some weight for, you know, vice president Harris to say something like, you know, don't talk over me or something like it is, they need to say here's how it's going to work. You all wanted or not, but the thing is, it was interesting to, you know, the debate versus Biden, the mic muting thing was supposed to be, at least what Politico said was going to be detrimental to Trump. Well, he took that thing and it helped him big time out there, big time. Hey, before we get to these texts here heads up, I had, if you got a chance to listen to FM talk 106 five outdoors of the weekend, you heard this, if not go check out the podcast that director of Alabama Marine resources, Scott Bannon on who said, uh, snapper quota. We got plenty more. We're going to be fishing on through the fall. So maybe it's time if you've been fishing through the summer, getting ready for those offshore trips here in the fall to get that service work done on your Yamaha or mercury engines and get that done with my friends at Bluewater Got Sales and service. So that's my buddy for us. But knowing him since we were young men and now we're not, um, and they've got mechanics on staff, five star Yamaha service, master tech on staff, Yamaha customer service index 100%. Okay. They're great. They also do mercury work. And I've said this before, not only the work on your engines, but if you say, man, we got some other issues here, it's, uh, it's builds, pumps, it's running lights, it's those kind of things. They'll go about a stern on the boat to make sure everything's running, not just the engines perfectly on your next trip out. If you do the work yourself, Kelsey in the parts department, she is a guru on the parts you need for your Yamaha mercury engine. So you can call her and say, Hey, I'm looking for this, that or the other, the pretty much they've got everything you need. If not, the longest period of time would be if you call by like 11 o'clock on a given date the next day, they have the parts here for you to pick up, give them a call or check them out online. The phone number four, seven, six, 26, 99, the website, probably easier,, check them out, get that work done and get back out there and enjoy it and go listen to the podcast. I've had them talk one of six, five outdoors, good, good news for those of us. We want some more snapper trips. There's something about a little snapper trip and then some college football on the radio. I like it a whole bunch. All right, to the text line here, oh my gosh, how many of these can we get to? And this is what's interesting. So there are people saying, come on, why don't you let Ricky on? People like, I love Ricky on. See that's it. There's difference opinion. Some people like it. Some people don't. So it is. Some of the texts that stand out to me, Maxima suggests that Ricky, Ricky for Kamala Harris is surgeon general. So Ricky, then maybe a job there in the Harris administration, Motorman said some truth to what Ricky is saying, not much, but conspiracy much. And there are, like I told, I said to Ricky, like 30% of the stuff, that's when, and that's how this works, right? There are some things there that are valid in the discussion, but I want to slow down and talk about those, but we throw so many other things out and Ricky is expressing his opinion and things he sees out there. I mean, this is the same guy. Ricky said that I was paid off by big farmer, which I said, I wish I was. I'd have a bigger boat or I was going to go to the guillotine and all these, but it's fine. That's his opinion. He does his thing. You do yours. But see, Sean says, Ricky is right, he just doesn't do a good, great job of explaining himself. So there's, I mean, Sean thinks he's, he's got it, got it on. He's got the information. Right. Another person that I can't believe you let him on as the texture says, you reckon Ricky is a prepper. I don't know. You know, depends on who you're asking, right? I think the prepper thing is interesting. It depends on compared to what? Because it's like, it's like your accent, right? So, you know, if I'm around, some people, they say, yeah, Sean doesn't have much of a Southern accent. I go other places and people go, man, your Southern draw, your Alabama draw, different people hear me different ways. So to some people, I might be a prepper. To some people, I'm no prepper. It's on the, I'm the beholder, right? I mean, that's what I say when I'm in the bunker. Jason says Ricky is our gym from Tuscaloosa, agree or not. It sure is entertaining. Absolutely. I agree. I can, can I read? Well, it's a text. It's somebody's opinion. This one, this texture said, newsflash, Ricky's cousins, wife got pregnant after taking the vaccine. So there you go. Ricky does say, thanks, Sean. You did a great job. I'm praying for y'all. Well, I appreciate that. I will take your prayers and send them back your way as well. There's nothing that can go wrong, praying for other human beings. It's what we should all do versus, dear God, help me, shut up, help other people, right? Let's see here. This comes from a name texture I'm cracking up. Can you believe you let Ricky say all that? Are there listeners out there making medical decisions based on Ricky's medical expertise? I enjoyed listening to that call. There you go. You still get to express yourself, even if it's not what people say should be the common narrative here. Let's see. Don says also a thinly veiled attempt to show that your station doesn't pick and choose who you. Oh, this is disagreement. I like this. Doesn't pick and choose who you allow on. Of course you do. You don't allow everyone on there. Is that censorship? Of course not. Free speech doesn't exist to yell of somebody yelling fire in a crowded room. It's prosecutable. The government must step in when they feel public health is at stake comparing the reaching out from the to Facebook, not forcing them to the Gambino crime family. Come on, Sean. I used to think you were better than that. Don. I'm sorry to disappoint you. Maybe I'm not, you know, maybe maybe maybe not. So what you're saying you don't well, everybody on there, I don't have. It's a rare circumstance. Unless it's boring that I'm looking at a screen of people want to comment and you can call Leanna without any prompt. And I say, well, I'm not going to take them. If you're not entertaining, it's probably not going to last long, but you know, somebody has got some very behaved and balanced listeners. My friend Paul find them on the way in just minutes right here. It's just like a minute and a half on FM Talk 10065. Do it again tomorrow. Thanks, y'all. [MUSIC]