FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Mark Zuckerburg admits to supressing info on FB about Covid - Dalton explains Pickem Contest - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 8-27-24

Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five was shot a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal We got drink pretty good, don't it did you hear what I said? So this is a babe council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't shock Right, here we go FM talk 106 five midday mobile glad to have you here another couple hours of live local talk if you're new to the show You probably got and due to the phone number three four three zero one zero six three four three zero one zero six It gets you through on the phone line and the text line And you can use that for 56 hours a week of live local shows around here plus with the FM talk when oh six five App you can use to talk back feature. We'll talk more about that coming up in Just a bit. All right. April Marie Fogle joins us now. We're number two of the show And that is you and I so a lot to talk about today And I am gonna start with the national story here and one that well, you know, it feels like this when you've been Like if you listen to a band well before your friends had you've told them about it But they really pay attention and then finally like one of them comes back to you said did you hear so and so like yeah I've been telling you all about them for a while or it's a place to go or You know, there's some kind of item you purchase or something you've been enjoying this thing telling your friends and they had nothing and then Some period of time in this case three years later than everybody's like dude. Do you know about this? You're like, yeah, I do I've been telling you about that for a long time. So y'all have had those moments Well today is that moment now of course it moves back into the headlines because it has Some more sourcing here, which is which is important But it is a subject we've talked about for a long time on this show for years on this show and in a bigger discussion of How censorship works during the Biden administration how censorship works in the woke world? That there are direct censors Some but more there's censorship adjacent there's a move to make people self-sensor Right that goes on and with the woke, you know, if you can't if you have this opinion You're gonna be beating down on social media So you get to the point where you just give up which I told y'all don't I mean If it's something true, something we believe keep talking about it But another part of this is what was coming from the Biden administration on? What do they could term with a term to shore misinformation? disinformation what people were putting on social media about COVID about the vaccine and And we talked about that while it was going on and I said this is not this is how a Mobster does things mobster doesn't say hey, I'm gonna burn your business down if you don't pay the protection money They say it'd be a horrible thing if it did right. I'm not saying it'd be horrible Nobody would want that we just think it's you know safer if you pay the protection money be horrible be a bad thing If something happened to you or you know one delivery truck, I'm not saying we're gonna do anything. It's just be a bad thing so talked about this when this censorship adjacent crap was coming out of the White House and it was as plain as the nose on your face To me back then I talked about it week after week after week Press conferences where and we'll get to one. We'll play some audio from three years ago Jen Psaki And she was press secretary when They would say well, you know, we're not done. We're not telling Facebook to take down this information that we're not censoring them We're just making them aware of the things and the people on their platform We're just making them aware not telling them just making them aware of these things that are out there Of course with the Zuckerberg Letter and Zuckerberg Spilling the beams on this just reinforces bold You know 20 point font now the stuff we've been talking about on the show for years Story from CNBC, but it will get pieces from CNBC. I've got stories from Politico WSJ on this but here we'll lead off with CNBC story said the Biden administration and of course they put this into quotes here I Would take the quotes off these next two words These verbs but in the story it said the Biden administration quote pressured end quote Facebook parent meta to quote sensor end quote content related to COVID-19 I Think you can thank you. I know they're doing that cuz they're quoting Zuckerberg I understand how it works But you'd go ahead and take the quotes off there because we got it And we'll play you some audio here in a second Like they rolled out back then in their own words of course. They were censoring It said adding that Zuckerberg adds that he regrets some of the decisions taken in relationship to the US government's request Here's a quote Zuckerberg wrote a letter to the Republican Republican led House Judiciary Committee on this and said quote in 2021 Senior officials from the Biden administration including the White House Repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content Including humor and satire and it because you know the left has the less understanding Now outside of a few people get it, but the general Left is their understanding of humor and satire is weak Maybe it's weak Said repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content including humor and satire and expressed a lot of frustration With our teams when we didn't agree. Oh Frustrated at the administration that this platform did not Keep American eyes from seeing things that they thought they shouldn't see The letter was posted to the committee's Facebook page on its account over on X Twitter yesterday A meta spokesman spokesperson confirmed the letters of all the authenticity to CNBC Zuckerberg said it was ultimately meta's decision to take down any content, but he noted he believed that the alleged quote government pressure was wrong and quote Zuckerberg said I regret that we were not more outspoken about it and quote Yeah, it seems like from reading this stuff that inside meta There was discussion about this But going public with it. They did not do The White House has responded here. This is over on politico You see the story of So the White House response here is quote I love this stuff Quote when confronted with a deadly pandemic this administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety end quote So y'all censored let's go back that time machine. Okay time machine. Can we do this? Let's go time machine here Let's go back three years here. Here is then White House press secretary Jen Psaki bureaucracy and this Back and forth and so many others that proves my point from back then what have you talking about it? Let's go to cut one COVID origins is the White House worried that China continues stonewalling the World Health Organization Investigators and now and saying things like they think maybe COVID-19 got into China through frozen food We are certainly remain or continue to be concerned theater about misinformation coming from Voices in China about certainly the origins of their lack of participation in the process their lack of willingness to provide data and information to the World Health Organization as you know, we're undergoing our own Process here our 90-day review here, but certainly the Chinese providing information being in a participant in the process would aid the effort and then speaking of misinformation and the announcement from yesterday for how long has the administration been spying on People's Facebook profiles looking for vaccine misinformation. Well, that was quite a loaded and an accurate question, which I would refute We're in we're in a regular touch with with a range of media outlets as as let me finish as we are as we are in regular touch with social media platforms. This is publicly Open information people's sharing information online. Just as you are all reporting information on your news stations Okay, so these 12 people who you have on a list 12 individuals Do they know that somebody at the Surgeon General's office is going through their profile? I'm happy to get you the citation of where that comes from. There's no secret list I will tell you that these are people who are sharing information on public platforms on Facebook information that is traveling is inaccurate our biggest concern here And I frankly think it should be your biggest concern is the number of people who are dying around the country because they're getting Misinformation that is leading them to not take a vaccine. Okay, really really now now in retrospect and seeing the Failing of so many things that were orthodoxy coming from this administration around COVID That it was their job, you know, I guess loose lips sink ships or something like that coming from this administration To do two things number one. There was capture in the big media companies because the amount of advertising they receive from Pfizer at all right big money big money to not you know cost too much problem on Top of that now you go from the private sector to the public sector and those are A melange at this point back then To tell the not just the individual to tell the platforms like Facebook and And Twitter back then X which would have thing Elon Musk has done, you know, he costs you I don't have a billion four billion dollars to have a free speech platform out there, but thank you Elon It was Just a word to the wise coming from this administration she said we're not censoring Facebook. We're just making them aware of these of these Misinformation, right? I think that's what Jen Psaki said that point the misinformation that's out there Zuckerberg goes on his letter later say I believe the government pressure was wrong Ding I agree that let's kind of put a Facebook like on that or a hug What is it? Does he have like a hug thing on there? Says I believe the government pressure was wrong and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction and we're ready to push back if something like this happens again end quote So they learned their lesson, I guess the damage already done there, but we talked about this way back For years we've talked about on this show. This is how the hustle goes It's not that they're they're going into everything They're going to arrest people at their homes that are saying things that the government doesn't like on Facebook No, they say that for other activities of expressing yourself as an American though What they would do though is make the place where you're making the comments Aware of the comments Aware then of course what happened we'll get back into the store what happened to those comments some removed some Made so they could never really see the light of day Why didn't get a lot of attention out there? So here we are coming right back This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1006 5 I To 2022 FM talk what of 6 5 midday mobile friendly reminder College pick them get started at this Saturday You got to be signed up before the games start if you were to be in the mix pretty easy Go to FM talk one of 6 5 and click college pick them I think what Dalton probably joined me at some point during the show today to talk some details on that one more Part of this and we'll get some text and some more of the story out today story We've been talking about y'all right for a long long time years here, but now Zuckerberg coming out Saying what we believed was true was true, which is very similar to So many things around covid right the things that were very Bolton to say that they ended up coming out later and said well, you know Maybe that's right Right, so maybe uh in this case the fact that we're saying was Zuckerberg and never being influenced by the administration Oh, you can't say that now Zuckerberg's come out and saying well, that's yeah, that's actually what happened Hey, here's some more. There's three years ago. Here's gen saki taking questions I mean there were many of these pressures. We watched them. We took the audio from back then here's gen saki asking another question About the science evolving facebook used to post I used to block people from posting That covid may have originated for a lab that is something this president now admits is a possibility So is there any concern that things you're trying to Block or have taken down might someday turn out to be we don't take anything down. We don't okay back to what I said We don't take anything down just like You know, just like don don gani wouldn't say I'm gonna burn your store down. It's like it'd be a shame It'd be it would be a really it would be a shame. It would break my heart If the store that your family depends on burned down, so it's probably better to pay This protection here, which makes sure there's no fires. I'm not saying I'm gonna burn it down So once again gen saki's well, we didn't take them down. Well block anything Facebook and any private sector company makes decisions Hey So, okay, it is so they put up There's the mobster with the torch You know, we're holding it over the place, but I'm not gonna burn it down. It'd be a shame if it burned down So you pay the per day the they they don't they're making their own choices. We're not forcing The administration could make big trouble for social media platforms by removing their protection right from being sued for individual postings So they're not telling them They're just making them aware about what information should be on their platform. Our point is that there is information That is leading to people not taking the vaccine and people are dying as a result And we have a responsibility as a public health matter to raise that issue and responsibility I know I want to get through this clip, but I got another part of this too. I've got an idea And this is because I'm you know a geek for these beautiful Papers written by the founding fathers. I you know that I'm Not a fanboy which bothers people of individual political candidates, but I am a fanboy of those documents lord knows Here's how if you think the information if you're in the administration And you think all this disinformation is out there misinformation whatever you want to call it to shore Then you go out and you ask facebook hey, can I have We have some multiple facebook pages for the white house and that and then you go out and you put your information Which probably monday from new was bupcus you put the information out To prove it wrong. And then I got this idea. Let's debate ideas and come up with the Let people use critical thinking Debate ideas and come up with their own idea Of which one's true But thank you for protecting me gen saki. We all have the government media platforms public messengers to give accurate information The individuals that are on that separate side stop from the white house But we've read it as well. Can you give us a sense of who those individuals are as was asked for? And what specifically you've given a top message to the social platforms They should do more than social media platforms. What from this podium is the message to those individuals the 12 of them who are responsible for 65 Of the misinformation that's out there And let's call them the dirty dozen, right? The message is the same Person out there who has a platform whether that is an elected official or that is Another thing how how did the person get the platform on Facebook? Social media even the influencers you like to say That you know that that bimbo or that uh that meathead guy the people that I can't believe they have all this influence out there Is a social media influ it's a meritocracy even if you don't like the merit. It's a meritocracy. So the platforms that had The dirty dozen back then that they were talking about were there Through a merit system They were there because they were doing something better than you know steve over there on facebook going. Hey, here's here's picture of my bicycle A person who is a civic leader Uh, the vaccines are safe there when I told all right. So there you go. So the vaccine said so there it is So zuckerberg now has said what He should have said back then but he is saying it now And he goes on to say let's see uh, he said like I said to our teams at the time back to zuckerberg's letter to this house committee Said like I said to our teams at the time I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any administration in either direction We're ready to push back if something like this happens again And quote now back in august of 2021 where we're you know time machine here facebook said Ready for the numbers here if you hadn't heard the shit it removed more more than Now it could be some great more than 20 million post related to covet 19 for violating its content rules across the main social Uh, media networking site and instagram More than 20 million it could be i don't have any more than 20 million to 20 million and one is it 100 million more than 20 million This is how this is how the game is played And for gen saki to come out you can you can do this and be Semantically accurate and say we didn't take the post down. We don't believe it. We're not taking the post down We didn't We didn't take them down. We just made them aware of these posts Coming right back get your calls got some text coming in on this three four three zero one zero six oh This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk 1065 I It's a 1235 FM talk. What oh six five mid-day mobile three four three zero one zero six get you three three four three zero one zero six The segment show brought you by my friend clin chamison at adventure earth bicycles I was thinking about this more at last uh what last few weeks right I had the big road trip Up to new york state to take uh daughter to college uh suddenly I had some road trips in between And uh seeing the number of people with rv's and campers That were hauling e-bikes now versus hauling, you know, I mean some people pull a car behind it rv But if you're doing that it's even even tougher right to get into parking places do those things A lot of people are you look on the back and they got e-bikes there So it's something to think about as well. I talk about I use my bike for riding off road for exercise and getting around the woods It's stealthy. I love it for that. Uh, but in addition People are using these things, uh, you know, you take the rv take the camper for the weekend Once you park that baby getting around town going do whatever you're doing The e-bikes are really great for that. You've got a great selection 75 e-bikes in stock at any point at adventure earth bicycles. The good thing about that is Different e-bikes suit different people sizes range Uh, the the amenities that go with them. They're they're all you know have big differences in some subtle differences in others You want something for off road you want something that's like a hybrid on road off road You want one just for on road He's got those e-bikes and he can let you take a test ride on them and see which one you like best That's what I did a couple years ago and found the one I loved the scout from magnum and said, okay This is the bike for me So go take the test ride see what i'm talking about whether you're going to use it to get around town You're going to use it to get in the woods Which are really good at or maybe to put on the back of the rv when you're heading somewhere for the weekend Go see my buddy clint at adventure dash the website, but the best thing to do And see him in person. He's at the corner of little flower and airport in midtown right across from roost chris adventure earth bicycles everything inside To get you outside. Let's get some text here and then we can get back to More of this this texture said says shawn next you're going to tell me fauci commissioned the creation of sars ko v two And we paid for it Not if you put it on social media. You won't be allowed to put it up there, right? uh How about fauci heaven west now is there's it's something about that like he's And then yeah, he has west now and he was hospitalized for it in west now it's We've had our cases already here, right? I know that we get the updates from Mobile county health department. They have their sentinel chickens Right to get bitten and showed that it's present, which i'm still waiting for somebody maybe allak name. And if you're listening I think it's a great it'd be a great recipe name Cookin, you know, you have chicken court on blue, but how about sentinel chicken? Delicious sentinel chicken. I don't know how we'd make it. Alec. That's your your genius. We'll have sentinel chicken, but So was not an effect everybody the same way Uh, some people it's fatal to some people. I don't think they even know they have it some people somewhere in between So fauci heaven west now. So it's it's one of these things that I don't know what the formula is. Maybe somebody out there does It's a certain body chemistry. I'm not sure because I mean people get it and die other people get it and don't even know they had it it's uh Strange. Uh adam says shah my follow-up question to gen saki would have been quoted the administration was informing in quotes a social media about content. How did the administration come to know about this content? Hmm I mean think about how much time adam that they could have been doing other things that they were trolling facebook, right? To find out it's actually easier than you think there's like There's monitors on this radio show right now Right that listen to the words. I say they're listening for certain words And they're recording and they put it in a text form or can pull the ai can pull it's not even really ai I guess it is to some degree can pull the words. I'm saying so I'll get calls from Politicos in the state around the country say oh yeah, I heard you were talking about me the other day I said good. I appreciate you. Listen. They said no the uh report came in that you were talking about me About that. That's what I laid my head down the pillow every night and think about Uh dr. Mariana said hey shawn. I told you a long time ago that totalitarianism doesn't need traditional armies It needs four things number one control the media Check two the ability to dispense privilege to some while withholding it from others and very much so Check three divide the population big check and four disarm the population and they're working like the dickens on that Yeah, and then dr. Mariana said grilled sentinel chicken with a side of west Nile sauce, but we got to figure out what the sauce would Would be I just like that we call them the Sentinel chickens out there because they're on the yeah, they're on the watch through the sentinels Um And by the way, whoever this unnamed texture is and we'll read their text now, but they're Text they sent. I'm sure this was into my My buddy bill Finch Oh, it's jack. All right. Uh, he'd sent some jagged sent some Watermelon pictures in like to the gardening show Jack on your jubilee The way it was rotten at the end the watermelon that's exactly what happened to all my jubilee watermelons this year So you whatever that is I don't know bill told you I was not I don't think I heard him say it that day But what's going on with your watermelon? I had the same problem. Sorry. I get back to the rest of us That was just jack and i talking Um, okay, so jack said so they now want us to believe facebook doesn't have a tremendous lobbying ability over the federal government Especially with dems and that facebook was a poor victim of government bullying Give me a break facebook was complicit with the covid censorship from the beginning, but why jack It's because The government has the ability to remove the protection social media platforms have for individual posting content For and I should know this I would have a teacher at the university, Alabama. Yell at me. Is it's uh, uh, is it slander? Is it liable if you're um Let's see Yeah, it's liable. It's liable. Yeah, libel is in writing slanders and voice. Okay So if if somebody the protection they have right with their platform is is somebody If something is libelous on the social media platform the provider of the platform the owner of the forum that didn't produce the specific content is protected from lawsuits So that's why the yeah, I mean if you have a platform as big as meta and as much money as this and any kind of you know move here with democrats wanting to change your protection then yeah, I'd be paying attention so Their complicity, I you know, I don't know what's everybody's heart But I do see so I can't see what's like behind the scenes I tell you right now. There is a thing that makes sense to me in a business world of why the uh, the government sort of damocles hangs over a social media platform. They want that they got to keep that protection, right? So how much of it did they push back? I mean zuckerberg saying they push back But he's ended up. Yeah, it sounded like the discussions were internal And then they ended up playing ball it Adheres the protection like the play the gen saki clips and all that the protection is At least publicly who knows what happens not but publicly The administration the biden administration Wouldn't tell you to remove that Right once again, this is the gamby no crime family doesn't say they're going to burn down your business They just say it'd be a real shame We're making you aware that you know, it's fire season That's what the white house was doing They would be critical of either. There's all this misinformation out there and then like the dirty dozen But there there were a whole bunch of other people that the government was making hey by the way facebook Did you see these people here they're posted you see this gosh, that's really bad, isn't it? Really bad they're spreading misinformation. You don't want that on your platform. Do you? hmm obviously that the message is Take it off there, but they publicly there we never said To take it off there So back in 2021 like we said facebook said it removed more than 20 more than 20 million posts related to covid 19 Same year white house criticized social media firms including facebook For allowing misinformation related to the coronavirus to be spread on their platforms Zuckerberg's letter underscores the ongoing debate about to the extent which social media firms should moderate content now That's one where i was talking about the bookends, right And this is where it's tough and maybe if i go full libertarian i say there's no bookends but as a pragmatic libertarian i would say there is we're not going to have people putting a Criminal content, right? I mean the horrible things out there that could be put on a social media platform You're not going to let those say there's some things there's some limits where you'd say okay that you can't do that but to me that's not words that's Images of things right it's not but you're going to say there's and then there's a Miss, you know Miss margie who put a recipe up for you know a great pumpkin pie There's no question about that. Nobody's going to question that that should be Right that that's fine. There's no democrat republican libertarian anybody out there is going to question that Aunt Margie out there can't put up the recipe for pumpkin pie That's nice. Look should put it and then there's i think the majority of decent human beings the over the super the mega the super extreme mega amount of Decent human beings would say you can't put Child porn up right So in between those two bookends that's where the conversation happens And it happened here because people disagreed with something that the government was politically As well as financially invested in with getting people to get the vaccine. This was their They're taking remember the winter of death president biden told us we're going to have Even though there were a and If they wanted to fight back on this then just Increase your voice saying no the vaccines are corrected This guy over here who's saying that it came from the lab in wuhan Is wrong because x ync but they don't want to do that. They don't want to argue or debate Marit in fact they want to stop speech they disagree with same thing happens over You know transgender athletes and kids sports and all it's like we're not going to debate the the science of it We're just going to tell you you got to shut up Zuckerberg's letter underscores young going to bait house judiciary committee, which is chaired by jim jordan out of ohio His alleged big technology firms colluded with the government to censor speech Zuckerberg also discussed his position on the upcoming presidential vote noting that he made contributions Via the chan zuckerberg initiative towards electoral infrastructure during the previous round of the polls He's he will not be doing it for this upcoming election I Probably money not spent well His quote was my goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another to even appear to be playing a role If i'm him, which I don't know how much day to day You know zuckerberg's there at the meta offices But if i if i'm him, you know what i do is i just let facebook make money How about that? I go, you know We could get involved and all this stuff and put ourselves on the wrong side of this that or the other and that's even like if they're going to support trump i Good business would be just let people argue about stupid crap on facebook and just watch them dollars come in Why it's got to be anything else. I I don't know Terry said if I remember correctly people got ill and also died after taking the covid fact fake scene So jean says you're good good good good prodigal daughter here jean. I think jean's a woman I said I guess you will take responsibility for the misinformation provided by your team causing the death of listeners Come on jean tell me what did I do? I like this Tell me what I said tell me what and by the way this whole idea that I could like you let people I let people have different opinions It's shocking to people on both sides that are extreme Sean I heard somebody on there was saying something liberal the other day. Why did you let that happen? I said because they had their freedom of of their voice You like it or not like it you can debate it And then jean say you you bunch of right-wing nut jobs you let so-and-so say this and let people say that they said that There's no meeting jean on a monday morning. We're going here's what we're doing Here's what i'm allowing y'all to speak about you know why because i'm not the same as a dam Biden administration i'm not scared of different opinions some of them i Agree with a lot of them i disagree with vehemently some i go meh But i don't want to regulate what people can say So jean please please please send me a text A postcard A singing telegram Telling me what i did or what people on this station did that led to the death of listeners By having an open debate jean About what was going on and jean you know what You what did you do to make sure people didn't die jean tell me jean of ark Please please do So having an open and free discussion with different opinions On this station is why people died please help me understand that when i'm just a simple you know me hey seed I don't know anything just simple guy It Jesus says the point is whether government is right about the content being wrong or not They shouldn't be interfering with free speech ding ding ding Although it Jesus also said that he personally hates pumpkin pie well I was just trying to figure out what whatever pie that marge he's making nobody is upset when she puts that post on Facebook right King of all and then texture says the vax is not a magic pill. I took an out with seltzer and i'm living to talk about it. There you go Be right back This is mid-day mobile with shawn seltzer on fm. Talk one oh six five 1255 fm talk one of six five bid day mobile on this tuesday. It's a bunch of text really get to these next hour Yeah, get because there's what jean i'm gonna respond to you too yet, but next hour it's good. She's asking personal questions michael saying that That we pushed the jab and pushed vaccination very hard. So this is what I love. This is what I love that in the audience one group saying that uh, we we did disinformation misinformation did not Back the vaccine other groups say we did back the vaccine, you know the story. I love to tell uh early on in this uh, you know radio station. I remember telling my mother said mom This last week had people call me a uh, uh, uh, neo nazi bigot raise whatever, you know screaming on my phone line and then storm front who is the neo nazi group called leave me a message and said the race traders like me that weren't Uh lined up with the white people enough we would hang first. So listen. I'm used to get it from both sides Y'all keep it up eyes water off of ducks back, but I do like it. Yeah, and I where's ricky stand on this But he said he's my favorite. He thinks he thinks we got paid the big bucks That's why the pharmaceutical companies and as I said, which was disconcerting to a lot of people If they wanted to pay me the big money, I would have taken it Forgot to change my opinion, but I mean, I'm still if they want to send me some Some, you know retroactive money. I'll take all of it. Yeah, pay me off all day long All right, speaking of payoffs. So I mentioned y'all in a bit pushing this that it is It's saturday, but in reality by friday. Uh, you need to get in college pick them for this year Yeah, uh, the prize pack fantastic from spring hillways hardware. What are we looking at? You've got even Do you print it? I'm cutting it out. It was for all of her. Remember my lemma about printing in color around here? Yeah, yeah, I guess I'll take a day suspension for that Something like that printing in color. This prize is awesome And uh, reminder it's free to play the FM talk one of six five college pick them challenge It is something you have to get in before the games kick off saturday at 11 So if you come to us next week and you say hey, I want to play, you know, sorry We've been talking about this for a month and a half been doing it for six years So people know it's coming, but that's right the spring hill ace hardware prize is fantastic And uh, you could tailgate with this camp with it put it on your back porch I don't care, but the black stone, you know how hot black stones are right now literally literally That's a point. Uh, the black stone on the go outdoor griddle Uh, so you've got that and a nice five-piece stainless steel black stone griddle set to go with it And then you know while you're eating your meats or whatever you cook up on there Uh, you're beyond meat possibly You'll need something to wash it down. So how about a couple great items from yeti the yeti roadi 48 This is the roller cooler. Now. It's a 48 quart. You could fit 76 cans However, you want and just getting me started and maybe on the thin cans that people use Maybe you can get a few more in there But uh, the yeti roadi 48 and then a yeti kamino 35. Uh, it's a nine-gallon carrying bag So you can take all the other items you need with your camping or uh, you know picnic or tailgate and all of that going to one winner at the end of the year ching the lines are up so we picked by point spread And first 10 games are up for this week And uh, there's some good ones of course every week of this year at the end of the year Whoever has picked the most correct games one person will win that grand prize and the bragging rights We talk about all the time if you sign up last year Just go to run your do the log in or forgot pass or it it'll prompt you to rejoin the group If you haven't played before just go to fm talk one of six five dot com. We have links all over All right, good stuff will remind you but friday gets get signed up today, please (upbeat music)