FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 8-27-24

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27 Aug 2024
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. From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between. An insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Poor show. I don't think he ain't done it this way. Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Poor show. And if I'm talking about 065. It's huge day morning to you. Thank you so much for being with us. Well, I appreciate you tuning in. Coming up on the program today. I kind of a good program. I would say. First off, agriculture commissioner Rick Pate will be with us. So we haven't talked to him every now and then about once a quarter. It's good to hear from him and get an idea of where things are headed in that sector of the economy and also just inflation and whatnot. So we tried to get him on a regular basis. You know, Senator Katie Britt going to be with us in the 10 o'clock hour. Obviously, I think the anniversary of Abby Gay is on a lot of people's minds and we're going to talk about that. Some other things kind of probably more in the political realm. And so so stay tuned for that. And finally, we do this every Tuesday. He is the chairman of the Alabama Republican Party. John Wall will be with us at 11 o'clock hour. Text slide 2513430106. You need to be a touch to show. Thanks me. Comic complaint suggestion. There's a lot of complaints out there lately. All I could say is, Oh, well, I would apologize, but I'm not really sorry. So anyway, but the feedback is still whatever it may be is appreciated. It's like day 786 of Kamala Harris not doing an interview with the media or something. And it started to show up in polling where they asked that question. And it pulls I think a solid number 89% or something like that. I think that Vice President Harris needs to do more media. The speculation is there's a big fight. If you read if you read political playbook, you would know this already, but I'm assuming a lot of people are saying rational human means and don't read it. The Vice President's staff like her vice presidential staff. And her campaign or fighting over this. It's weird, right? She have like a federal side and you have a campaign side. Yeah, the side. It's like pay for by my tax payer money. They have their own press secretary, their own administrative wing when your vice president of the United States. And then you have a campaign side. It's just full on everything that she needs to do to win a presidential election. And they're fighting over the media. The speculation is Gayle King of CBS. She has Oprah's best friend. That would probably make the most sense. It doesn't make sense to me why that hasn't happened already. But also brought to, well, should be brought to our attention. Tim Wallace hasn't done any interviews either. I feel like I see JD Vance on Fox every day and Trump's doing interviews with comedians. So the media started to ask questions, but the way it is framed is as such. Well, she's just doing the rational thing and not conducting interviews. So she can win. So it's okay. Come on Harris. Unless she's taking the page out of the hide and find playbook, but it didn't more like K Ivy's playbook was the last time K Ivy did an interview or held a press conference. Yes, or annual trick down to the State House or Todd Stacy show is as good as it's going to get for the people of Alabama. But there's a problem. I don't know what the answer to this is. It's listed quite a hill here. He's probably right about this with Fox News and talk radio sort of cable log. It gave the mainstream media license to let us know your true colors shine. And they've just everything so partisan. Volcanized. And you just don't get. You don't get interviews anymore. The question would be this. Could a media outlet come along? I'm not talking about, you know, some media outlets, the way they achieve balance is they have a far lefty and a far righty and then they just let them go out and do their thing. Like the Associated Press used to be. Like what's a trustworthy non-partisan media outlet? I mean, they'll say to Jeff Porsche, I'm partisan as hell. But I would say like even like ideological or whatever Fox News tends to be conservative MSNBC and CNN tend to be liberal. I think this news nation thing that Dan Abrams is trying to do. He says it's trying to be somewhere in between, but in practice, it's just it's going to get in light like Chris Cuomo. I guess they got Bill O'Reilly. That's their house conservative. So I don't think about that. Like would something like that even work in the American news climate right now? Nonetheless, it's given cover to politicians not to have to do any sort of media. I mean, like in Alabama, everything is sort of right of center politically. The media are sort of left of center. I, you know, I can never, the K. Ivey thing is just probably they don't want to her to kind of fall asleep or something during the interview. I don't know what's going on there. But as far as Harris. I don't know. It seems like you could find it a friendly media out there just to go do it. Just just show up on like morning Joe one day and let Willie Guy statue some questions. Because that's what if Harris was a Republican nominee, maybe I would make sense. But she's not. She's a Democrat nominee and she has a line media debate. There's a lot of talk about that and the rules. Look, I'm with Trump on this one. And I don't think it's a matter of like, well, Trump should just agree to whatever debate that they offer him. No, don't do that. You're not. Trump's a stupid guys. There's one thing I think the Trump is like really good at. It's like negotiating things. And don't see an inch of ground to those people. Don't don't give them anything make them go on defense. They're not really good. They have one guy who's kind of the campaign spokesman that I've seen out and about. You know, let me ask you this and this is what everybody on the rights afraid of. Well, the Trump doesn't do the debate. She'll just hide the basement till election day and show in. That's not going to work. We, you know what? I want her to hide the basement for the next four months. Put her, put her in the basement. Do no media. Well, hello. That, that would be, that's political suicide. You want Trump to win? Let her continue this strategy. She's got ways to dissuade her. It's like, it's like Biden guys had the right complaining about Biden being too old to be president and Biden having a cognitive decline and just playing that drum over the same sheet of music over and over and over. Why is he president? Why is he the nominee? And then when we see it, it's, we're confronted with it publicly and there's no way that Democrats can run away from it. They make a change and that change works against Donald Trump. It works against Republicans running down ballot. Well, let cabal Harris hide in the basement. Let her do her rallies in the swing state with the, the vulgar rappers or whatever. Let, let, and, and the outcome is going to be probably in favor of Republicans. I think we underestimate how serious, especially in the media, how serious a presidential election is. It's not just like an American idol or the voice contest or something. And the appearance will be that she's not ready on day one. Now, it's funny how the media and the campaign, the Harris campaign are trying to portray Trump as some kind of chicken, but like they made a deal that does these returns. The terms they agreed to and the Harris campaign is, is wanting to change the terms. It's a matter of principle. You start seeding ground. If you give it it, she'll take a bile. You'll play out for a little while. It's funny. They, they, you see Trump in these appearances and he's answering questions from the media. Now, whatever, no one ever says, well, how come she doesn't do that? I think we saw a little bit of it every now and then. Oh, when the, the Russian hostages came and heard Biden saying, no, it's never, it's never very substantive. But let's, we ought to be cheering this, we ought to be cheering this strategy on. Be careful what you ask for. You know, like you may get it. And if she starts doing interviews, it's a big unknown. Everyone assumes that she's not ready for prime time. But the more we do that, the lower that bar gets, and the easier it is for her to actually conduct the interview. Not, not that what we say on the Jeff Moore show is going to be heard by ears all over. But that's what occurs to me is the standard gets lower and lower and lower. Well, she must not be very good. She must be very bad. And then she's going to go do a interview with, I don't know. Lester Holt or something, she'll hit it out of the park. I should with the presidency. What did that happens? Like she looked very competent and sounds very, I mean, half of us aren't going to agree with what she says no matter what, whether she answers things in a competent way, doesn't cackle and doesn't enter into word salad land. I mean, that's all we're, that's, that's the minimum, right? Let's just keep going. Let's just keep playing out. But the truth is, and this is based on reporting from Politico, that there's a skirmish or some sorts between the vice president's staff and our longtime comes people and then the campaign and the Johnny Comely at least two five one three four three zero one zero six. You need to be in touch with the program. Something else, I don't know. This is surprise anybody, but it's fascinating to me. And so I'm also an editor at Breitbart News. And, you know, in addition to 18 19 in this radio show, one of the hottest pieces of content right now is anything to do with RFK Junior. Let's talk about that on the other side. This is the Jeff for show and if I'm talking one of six five. Heck of my troubles and I throw them all away. ♪♪♪ ♪ You hide a black tornado, cross the western sky. ♪ ♪ Rope an old blue northern, milk and tennis drive. ♪ ♪ Oh, dog the Mississippi. ♪ ♪ Then there's down flat. ♪ ♪ Long before you take this cowboys hat. ♪ Look back to the jumpboard shoulder from talk one oh six five. Thank you for staying with us on this Tuesday morning. Text slide two five what three four three zero one zero six. Hit us up there. If you want to interact with the program. This is going into the break there. Well, it's just some angry text here. But so it's going into the break there. Some of this. It remains even though the endorsement came days ago. Everything that we put up at Breitbart is just like social media gold or RFK Junior. Let's see it. I kind of get it. He's anti-establishment and especially anti medical establishment. But he does have some wacky views of some other things. He is a ideologically he is left. But I think like I think we're in a point in our politics, especially within the grassroots that everything that is just an anti-establishment sells. As I said yesterday, it just that's why there was no lane for RFK Junior because he was anti-establishment running an election with the Republican party is the anti-establishment party right now. Oh, let's see. Come on, Jeff. Answer this question with the American news media today. Why would anybody take a chance at giving an interview? I think if you're skilled enough on name texture, you could turn it around and use it to your advantage. It's tricky. It's not for the faint of heart. But it's also sort of a rite of passage. A name texture. Don't compare Governor Ivy to that woman. Governor Ivy is a governor. Governor Ivy is a governor doing good things quietly. She's not running for office. That woman is running for president. She's governor though. A little secret here. Governor Ivy didn't do many interviews. She was running for governor. I don't know what beat up will Governor Ivy. But guys, she had the power of the incumbency by virtue of being the lieutenant governor. And like her made political accomplishment was beating little Jim Folsom and what was that? Good God. 2010. I'm afraid to call or living through the Robert Bentley hangover with Governor Ivy. If Robert Bentley doesn't screw up and he just sticks it out to the point of his term and the world goes on sort of in a normal sort of fashion, right? Like you'll have a 2018 election cycle with the real competition. You don't have a KIV as the incumbent running. But actually you have Tommy battle with Scott Dawson and Bill Hightower actually running and KIV. And they have to do debates and they have to do interviews and you have a process. If Governor Bentley lasted the end. Well, Governor Bentley didn't last the end. KIV has the advantage of being the incumbent. The incumbent wins an 18. The incumbent blows them out four years later in 22. And here it is. We're going to have the longest serving consecutive governor in Alabama history. Thanks, Robert Bentley. How can people be Christian and racist? Weird. How can textures be dumb and ask stupid questions? Leo, good morning, Jeff. Good morning, Leo. What angry post you refer to? Socialist slash communist are always angry. They're revolutionaries, right, Leo? And you got to have this like emotional energy. You can't just, you can't just like work hard and work your way up and try to be like a good employee or do something. Me and expert in your craft or profession. You can't do any of that, can you? You got to blame the government or a politician. I think you see a lot of that on the left. And Vance spoke. He talks about that a little bit. It's always someone else's fault. All right, we got to get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Port Show at FM Talk. 1-0-6-5. Son, you don't have to fight to be your man. Here's someone for everyone. [music] [music] Welcome back to the Jeff Port Show at FM Talk. 1-0-6-5. Thanks for staying with us on this Tuesday morning. Text slide still, if you want to talk, 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. That's the best place to let your voice be heard. Still come on to program this morning in about an hour from now. US Senator Katie Britt will make our guest. I did it two hours from now. Our member Republican Party Chairman John Wall will join us. So please make sure that you stay tuned for that. But joining us now on the line calling from the Birmingham suburbs, I guess we'll say about the speak to a group of bankers, is our good friend. We try to get with them once a quarter or so. But Rick Pate, our Ag Commissioner, is on the line with us. Commissioner, good morning, how are you? Hey, Jeff. I'm doing really well. Yeah. Hey, thanks. Good afternoon, Ratchet. It's been the last couple days in Huntsville and Colbert County. So yeah, working my way back to Montgomery after I get done here. Thanks for making time for us. We do appreciate it. I know you're busy and traveling. Well, I mean, I know. I mean, I try to keep up with these things and understand what's going on out there in the ag economy. But I mean, so much of it is. I guess it's just acts of God, weather, et cetera. But how do things look from top to bottom? Yeah, I'm really optimistic about nature. But things are really bad. Our commodity prices are probably as low as we've been in a long time. You know, a lot of input costs that we talked about before continue to go up. Yeah, I was up in Orange County yesterday doing a farm visit. And a guy farming 7,000 acres there said he's done. You know, he just, he can't make it work on a piece of paper. How to make money with corn and soybeans. And we go, I don't know. I mean, in the weather, we look like we have a decent year and got so dry as well. What is what is causing these prices to? I mean, everything else is so expensive, Commissioner. The commodity prices to go up like they are. I mean, one would think there'd be some kind of inflationary pressure, but it doesn't look like it at all. Well, one of the things I thought used to say this, and I've had to quit saying that, you know, agriculture really contributed to bringing down our trade imbalance, but in the last three years, and I'm not sure all the policies that have been taken by the Democratic administration and what specific they did. But yet now we've got a negative trade imbalance, even in agriculture. And so a lot of the problems with China and their buying so much less and Brazil, things will be stepping up. And so, yeah, just on the world market, you know, a farmer plants their crops. And I don't know what they're going to get paid at the end. And you're pretty much stuck with taking, you know, whatever the market are bare. And so, yeah, you know, and the thing is we've got so many people that need food, still got people starving, the malnutrition in the world. And, yeah, it's frustrating. One of the articles I read, we talked about how we trade wholesale, like we send our store bean and corn and cotton overseas. And then what we buy back is a lot of kind of finished products that obviously cost more. We grow cotton and send it as cotton. And then we buy it back as shirts and pants and different things. So, yeah, I hope there's smarter people out there trying to do something because they certainly can't lose a bunch of farmers. Well, the prices, it's a market. I know, you know, my listeners probably are experiencing this and seem to be. I mean, even if you just go buy the produce, everything's more expensive. Is there a disconnect there? Well, it's all the middle people. It's the processors and, you know, well, I mean, but I'm not even going to blame them on a percent, you know, some of the policies we've taken as far as the energy. I mean, there's energy costs in every step of the process, whether it's the trucking, the process and everything, refrigeration. And so lots of things, you know, the cost of fuels, just really handicapped. And it just seems like some of the, a lot of our seed and chemical companies now are American. We've sort of sold that technology to foreign countries, kind of owns, I think, congenitists in Jensen now. I think what bears a Switzerland-based company. Yeah, a lot of those things with our seed technology that we developed now aren't. And so if they charge, they think that charge as much as a market in stans sometimes and, you know, cost of roundups and pesticides and everything, just keep going up. I don't know. Well, I keep hearing these anecdotes that some of our farmers are saying to hell with it and they're walking away from it. Is that a widespread thing? Does it, does it become a concern or is it just sort of still very anecdotal? Well, no, I think it's across the board with your commodity people now. So a few things are doing okay. Your cattle prices are still relatively good. Of course, you know, there's people that benefit when corn seeds, soybeans are cheap. You can't piece people, your poultry people, your cattle people benefit from that. But yeah, if we keep losing the people that are growing it, it's going to get more expensive at some point. But no, it's not just one or two people telling me that. I was up in Lauderdale County last week and a guy, he pulled out a spreadsheet and said, look at the math on this. This is what I'm getting for my commodity. This is what my college producer is. And these are really smart, good farmers. I mean, I'm not talking about somebody's farming 400 acres, 500 acres. It doesn't know what they're doing. So, yeah, those smaller ones can look ahead and see how do I continue to do this? And so I think there's some real concern. What are labor costs look like? I mean, and so much of it is, you talk to Carolyn Dobson and getting, you know, even migrant workers, legal migrant workers, they're being crowded out by just sort of a weird, Biden immigration policy. But in general, labor costs for everything beyond just migrants is, migrant workers has gone up. And this has been a problem. I understand going back to COVID. Well, you know, your big grow crop farmers aren't using a lot of migrant farmers as much as migrant workers, as much as some of your fruits and vegetables and those people. I mean, a lot of their equipment are so expensive like this one farm. I'm talking about this really a family, a man and two sons and a brother. And they do have a couple other workers, but, you know, one guy, I guess it was yesterday. Yes, they did work for them for 35 years. But yeah, obviously, across the board, labor is an issue. But that's not just a farming issue. That's everything. You saw males. You can go anywhere down in Choctaw County with good paying jobs or working at timber processing facilities. And yeah, it's just, I mean, yeah, I feel like I could go in a room in about four hours and fix that. But anyway, they were never going to have to do that. No real supply chain issues that you're aware of. We sort of tackle that beast, or at least. Are you aware of anything like that? No, no, I don't want to think since COVID, you know, that was a huge issue. It's sort of tailing to COVID with truckers and truck drivers and trucks. But yeah, I don't hear that as much. Of course, the cost of fuel, all this move to electric, you know, I go to, I was speaking at the truckers association, maybe a month or so ago. They helped us. I think I mentioned on the show, we sent 27 loads of hay out to Texas. But anyway, they, they invited me to speak to their convention. And yeah, they're all the issues. I mean, the things that are opposing aren't even realistic. I mean, electric trucks. I mean, the trucks weigh so much more than a diesel powered truck. Yeah, it'll be able to cure so much less. The distance it could travel would be so much less. I mean, some of the stuff just like pile in the sky, you're just surely sure some of this stuff's not going to happen. I think I hear, and you hear it every now and then, there's a threat of bird flu out there. And they're warning that price of eggs will go up. Is that something that's on your radar? No, not really. It's price of eggs, you know. No, I mean, you had a little bit of that aging influenza in Alabama. We've kind of taken care of that and things have been pretty quiet on that front course, you know. Alabama is the second, well, almost first. We will be first in the next 10 years in poultry, brawler production. And so, yeah, we're processing 23 million chickens a week in the state of Alabama. It's a huge integrated system of packing eggs, moving chickens, processing chickens. Yeah, but no, I hadn't heard anything about the table. You mentioned the poultry farmers. I mean, that seems like the one sector of the ag economy that's always sort of on the move, at least in this state. And that's my perception. They're always adding on or building or whatnot. Is that sort of, you know, I guess timbers up there as well, but poultry seems to be kind of flourishing. Yeah, I would say so. Of course, eating a lot more poultry chicken than, you know, it's just sort of the amount of bits you got to take on to really. To make that living, you know, it's, you know, but yeah, it seems to be still a weight line for people to want to get new chicken houses and. Yeah, those people are doing okay. It's not really a easy path to wealth, I mean, but yeah, you can pay your bills and make a living with chicken houses, for sure. Something I'd like to you to address, and this is in the presidential politics realm, but talking about anti-price gouging laws, which appear to be nothing more than just price controls. But like the margins are so thin at market, you know, especially at your, you know, grocery store or whatever, that it's not really, it's not, I mean, maybe some of it's in the middle with the cost, but it's not really like, I don't know where else's or public's or when Dixie or whatever, like putting their, their foot on the gas pedal, making those prices go up is that's my perception. What do you think of that? Oh, actually 100%. Yeah, I spoke to the grocery association not long ago. Yeah, you know, of course everybody thinks about the Walmart and public, but there's lots of smaller grocery store chains in the state of Alabama. You know, and yeah, I have that. I don't have that perception at all. They're just trying to get that same margin they've traditionally gotten. Yeah, but I mean, there's too much competition among grocery stores. There's not one of them that just are pretty tough going up. Yeah, I think they'd lose markets here if they did that. Well, and then talk about that. I mean, the, the, if the federal government came in and imposed some kind of price controls. That would be terrible. Yeah, what does that look like for our state? Well, I don't know what point you put those five controls and I can use. I mean, to me, it had to prove that somebody really was charging, but I mean, in America, the whole thing about competition, we've got people competing with everybody. There's hardly any industry where somebody else is not competing with them. And so obviously people trying to make a living and draw a fair way, but yeah, somebody would come in and, and like I said earlier, take margin share from it. They were just arbitrarily going up and gouging. Yeah, I don't, as a, as a, what I know about the economy, I don't even know how you, that's just a political statement. I mean, I just can't even imagine you would go in and start saying, you know, you're going to make people maintain this price no matter what their input costs to change now. Yeah, you know, yeah, I think that's just political talk. Surely they're not going to do that. Oh, Rick, last question here. We'll get you out of here on this. Your terms up 26. If you are 27, I guess, technically, but what do you think you're going to do beyond that? Have you given that any thought? We have not in actual intentional about not giving any thought. We got the presidential election, Thanksgiving and Christmas New Year's, and actually got my older son to get married and Poland involved. Basically, he's married a Polish girl, so I guess it makes sense. But in Warsaw, Poland, New Year's Eve, and so they'll be opportunity in January, February, but you will not talk about that really and talk to my two boys. It's really a damn decision, but we really have intentionally not even discussed it. Well, we'll keep an eye out. What do you do make a decision? Let us know. I will, yeah. Commissioner, it's always good to get you on, and I think this is a good insightful discussion, but let's keep in touch. Okay, Jeff, thanks, man. That was Alabama Ag Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, I think, is his technical title there on the program 2513430106. It wouldn't be a touch with the show. It hit me up there on the text line, and just it's interesting what he said. Imagine if they put in place these price gouging guidelines or walls or whatever price controls, such the disaster that would ensue the Soviet Union. Text line, once again, 2513430106, Silicon Katie Britt and John Wall. Stay tuned. This is the Jeff Borschow on Up and Talk, 106.5. More than I could shoot, but throw it all when there was no... Like a rhinestong cowboy, lighting out on a horse, set of stars playing the rodeo, like a rhinestong cowboy, getting caught and let us throw people, I don't even know. Welcome back to the Jeff Borschow on Up and Talk, 106.5. 54 minutes after the hour on this Tuesday morning, text line, 2513430106, Katie Britt, coming up in about 45 minutes. Please stay tuned for that. Obviously, the anniversary of Abbey Gate, which were all from Afghanistan, and just the most dishonest statement I've ever seen, and how long have I been on Twitter since 2008? That's what Twitter is the end all be all of political discussion. So anyway, Chris Murphy, who is a U.S. Senator, apparently a Connecticut. Quote, "Trump owns the Afghanistan withdrawal. He cut a bad deal with the Taliban to withdraw and takes credit for it, forcing Biden to clean it up and make a chaotic exit practically inevitable." So guys, essentially this, that, you know, you see all those people running down the runway with the big C-130 or whatever it is at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan. Well, into the Biden presidency. Well, that was all Trump's fault. And how, how, how dishonest? How dishonest you have to be to make that statement. What is it about Connecticut politicians, by the way? What is it? Uh, Blumenthal. And his line about his war record or whatever. Anyway, that, that is brought up here by, by Chris Murphy of Connecticut. And it's just shameless. The, the, how many people are going to buy into that, by the way? Probably not very many. That's not as if, if true, Biden couldn't have just tore up the deal, but he did. Uh, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, Ricky. Or are being killed on everything, Jeff. We are, we're at war with Satan and his plans to destroy us all. Our government and media has sold their souls for the money. Uh, money bag, Ricky. Uh, Ricky, let me ask you something. All this stupid gloom you've been sharing with me since I have been on the airwaves here. Beginning in late 2020. Has any of it come true? Like, I'm, I'm seriously like, I'm kind of waiting here hoping that, or not hoping for any of it, but. Uh, if I lived with Ricky, like, don't you, uh, You need a better outlook on life. Ricky, I'm going to say this to you. The deal of Jesus in you. On a texture. Jeff, are we sure it was a global warming. Well, sure what, what you're off from Afghanistan? I don't know. Anyway, keep them coming, guys. Coherent it, coherent. It doesn't matter. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, take you for listening. This is the Jeff Moore show. I'll have to talk when I was six, five. And then one day you will the customer of the Indian Lake. Eat the girl so far away. From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between. An insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Moore show. I don't think Hank done it this way. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Welcome back to the Jeff Moore show. And if you talk one of six, five. Thanks for staying with us on this Tuesday morning. Text slide two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Can you break coming up in about 30 minutes? So please make sure that you stay tuned for that. Also come up on the program, Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wall. Uh, he'll give us his insight and analysis of what's going on in the presidential election. So by all means a stick around for that. Uh, what's again kind of talking, uh, the Afghanistan withdrawal, if you will, uh, the muted Mike's question at the debate. And my theory on it is not really anything that is, uh, any particulars with the debate. Like, look, it's up troubles to Mike's muted. Well, how about this? He just, he, he could just like exercise a little personal discipline and not speak when she's speaking. But if, uh, uh, I think it's what I honestly think it is. It's like, Hey, I, we, we agreed on this. They're trying to change the terms. We, I didn't agree to this. And if you change the rules, I'm walking away because we've got to change the rules on this. What, what else were you changing the rules on as far as this debate goes? So, uh, it would be funny. I want to see ABC if they, uh, what they do here. I, I, I disagree with people who say, and I still take cruise on Sean Hannity's, uh, TV show last night and say, look, just, uh, agree to whatever stupid rules they want, but, but they'll just make them up as they go along, guys. So I, I think it's just a matter of that that you got to say no. You got to play hardball, especially with the media, especially with your presidential opponent. Oh, let's get some text here. Sean, you've got to get rid of this Jeff guy. Hey, Jeff, Ricky may be a nut, but what he says is looking more and more likely every day. I don't, uh, think, uh, that's going to happen. Oh, see, uh, this is a chronic malcontent, but hey, uh, you want to, you want Sean to fire Jeff? Text me, 2513430106. I think texture Ricky needs to read the Bible, read his Bible. Why not translation do you think Ricky reads? Hey, Ricky, if you're listening out there. Uh, what translation of the Bible do you read? Art. Good morning. Just for fun. Sometimes play Charlie Pride, Elijah, have a good day, buddy. Hey, I do. That is in the rotation. Uh, I opted for Charlie Pride instead of the Hank Jr. one. Or the Hank Sr. one. I do like to have a good day, y'all. Uh, see Ricky says he reads the Geneva Bible. Okay. Very, uh, Old Testament of you, uh, whatever you text in. Anyway, 2513430106. Uh, it looks like a special counsel, Jack Smith, is going to, uh, appeal the dismissal of his prosecution. This is a real risk for the, the law fair crowd. If he goes to the 11th circuit, the 11th circuit bats him down. It undermines, it's got to undermine all of the law fairs that the Democrats have. Not did it need it undermined. We all know it's a bunch of crap. Excuse my, uh, my language there. But, uh, it is, if you take it to an appeals court and he appeals courts to this prosecution, uh, the, the, the, this, this judge in Florida, Judge Cannon was right. What? And I think there's a very good chance of that. The laws will trump side to case law that is not that I'm a lawyer. I'm only married to one that did all this law fair. It just, it's going to, it's going to, it's going to portray it in a negative light. Here it is. August 27th, 2000 to 24. And all of that, all of that legal maneuvering. I'm going to go back to the court. Georgia, the rail. The special counsel tried to, tried to frame trouble. January six. And I think Democrats, they're in trouble. I mean, like this, that was supposed to stop Trump. That was playing a B and C. And Biden falls apart. The next plan is a little run device president. The sugar heist coming down. She's not really doing much media. Who knows what's going on there? I think there's an internal problem there with the Harris campaign. But this ought not be right. And it shouldn't be close at all. The, all, all, all of the, the 34 counts or whatever in New York City, double impeachment. And you can't get rid of him. You can't shake Donald Trump guys. Well, what you're doing is not working. I think it's, or Dale Jackson, I'm talking about this yesterday. I mean, the policies are very unpopular. What? I think it's motivating a lot of it. It's just, just, just this lust for power. And doing what they think they need to do to win. But I, I, I'm telling you guys, I don't, nothing they have done. The Democrats and the, the, the establishment. Shoot, they even had someone guy try to, try to kill the president of the United States, in Pennsylvania. And yet here he is. In some, in some cases leading in the polls. What's, what's left? There's nothing left in the, in the toolkit, is there? They can't beat him into courts. They're not going to be able to assassinate him. I, I'm still very uneasy about that and that claim. They don't have a good candidate to run against him. They probably should not have been Kamala Harris, but they, they, they could not give it to someone else. And not be called racist or misogynist. Democrats backed themselves up in a quarter. But it should be a blow out, right? You know, Donald Trump's corrupt and, uh, it was impeached and he doesn't like democracy. You don't hear the democracy claim anymore, do you? So, I know a lot of people think, well, it's his personality and that's what's going to be the undoing of Trump in the end, but, but, has it gotten him yet? Anybody else? And I'm not, you know, like seeing the praise of Donald Trump and how heroic he is. But like the, the staying power here and being in position to win the presidency again, despite everything that the left, the asymmetrical media, the, the, the abuse of the judiciary, and they can't put him away. They can't, they can't beat him. Then they think changing the rules of the debate is going to really impact the presidential election. Like, like I said earlier, if you weren't listening in earlier in the program, conservatives could complain a little bit about Paris not doing any media and not doing interviews or public appearances with media availability. Let them. And let her keep doing what she's doing. She'll lose. It won't go unnoticed. They said, uh, you say, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, it worked for Governor Ivy or it worked for Biden in 2020. Well, the thing about 2020 made COVID. But even with, even with that guys, Biden still did a little bit of media. He still did interviews. I just, I think the question for me is as such, like, why is it taking so long? What are they afraid of? Is she really that unprepared? She's a big girl. She's an adult. She's white elections. She was a U.S. senator. She was an attorney general. Is it really like, are we really going to have another? The emperor has no close moment with this crowd like we did with Biden? I don't, I don't know if they're really, is that really what they're afraid of? Is there just no way you could, you've got to be aggressive. This is rarefied air. This is the presidency of the United States. This is the leader of the free world and play in pre-vet defense. Is what it looks like this campaign is doing in a close race. If you want to play pre-vet defense, have a 20 point lead. Have a 20 point lead like Governor Ivy did. You're going to play pre-vet defense with that best two, three-point lead. You're going to lose. You're giving one side the ability to attack, attack, attack, and then all you've got is maybe a handful of surrogates and a lot of money to spend. But they're so, so careful with the messaging. I'll see what else we got here. Ricky is a real born-again Christian. Tim, Jeff, the Democrats have been making their rules up as they go along for years. Republicans need to start pushing back. It's time for somebody to man up. The problem with that though, and Tim, you're not incorrect. But the Democrats are making up as they go along, but the, like, governing authority send them, they're all controlled by left wingers. So the ABC News is a left-of-center institution. If Harris turned down the Fox News debate and very little people said chicken, chicken, chicken. Shane. Ricky must read the Geneva Convention Bible. Pat, I think the only reason they chose Harris is because they would have lost all that campaign funding and Pete Hollywood off the little bit of that, but as far as, as far as figuring out, like where, where the money, I think they could have figured that out. It got the money to whoever. It was just much easier. I think it's probably this. Maybe a little of that, Pat, I really thought that was made, made her the, gave her the edge where we were having this discussion about if Biden stepped aside then who. But the biggest challenge they would have had was look at these racist Democrats not going with the heir apparent. Who's in charge of printing ballots? Is that what's next? Another election day malfunction? Uh, the individual state, so local governments are in charge of the ballots. Uh, states do what states do. Matthew, mainstream media has been running cover for the DNC's terrible choice in candidates. But how many of you know somebody, and I know lots of people, so I'm not, this isn't like a trick question, but how many people do you know who are really swayed by the mainstream media? And like you said, the asymmetrical coverage. And if you do know people, I still want you to think about this. So if you ask somebody in your life, and I can think of three or four people who really believe that Trump is a bad person because of what they saw on the mainstream press, despite that, Trump is still Nick and Nick would care us in the polls. I'll be right back. This is the Jet Force Show. If you're talking about us excited. You don't have to call me Mr. Risters. The whole world called behind. You said, "Drifter, can you make me more proud of the place I am?" Look and laugh at you in Jackson, and I'll be dancing all upon a king. Let me drown, how life is scalded, how with your talent between your religion. Yeah, go to Jackson. You big talk. Talk about it to the Jet Force Show. And if I'm talking about 065, 251343. 01068, you're sticking around on this Tuesday morning. 2513430106, that's the text line once again. Sillicom Katie Britain in the next segment. So please stay tuned for that. I'll see. Sean, you got to get rid of this. Jeff guy says he was being sarcastic. No, I was making a joke about a month ago where you made the comment that people were texting Sean or they thought they were texting Sean. The guest you were able to bring on the show is that a lot for 065, Sean's lucky to have you. Well, I get the fire Jeff Moore stuff every day. It's fine. I can handle it. I, uh, let's see. Shane and Mobile. Let's remember that Trump visited Arlington National Symphony for the three-year anniversary of the Kamala Airport attack. It was the last year of the war Kamala was it present and he took some heat for this. Uh, so, uh, Esquire magazine who writes nothing. It is like the worst. Uh, it shows, if you want to know how bad the old art of magazine writing is in 2024, uh, how much it's fallen on hard times. Read my Esquire magazine article or post. Uh, why was Trump given the, uh, opportunity for photo up yesterday as the headline of one of their, uh, think pieces and the guy who penned it, I forget what it is, had to come back. Oh, well, he was, uh, he was invited by the families to lay the wreath at Arlington National Cemetery. Oh, uh, really? So the gold star family, uh, and this, this, I need to find out who it is. The, the, uh, the gold star families can't pick and choose who they want at a commemoration service for their fallen son or daughter is how this works. Um, imagine that, imagine attacking a gold star family. Um, here's the, the, Charles Pierce is his name quote, how the hell was Trump allowed to use Arlington National Cemetery as a campaign prop, uh, sub headline. This is an insult to over 400 metal of honor award he's buried there and, uh, yet to scroll down and they had to, they had to, uh, he had to add an addendum quote. It will be argued that the former president was invited to the Monday ceremony by some family members of the slave shoulders and that's good as far as it goes, which isn't very far, as sure as Mar-a-Lago's at Hawk, they will get nothing in return from this appearance. This black, this man is a black hole of entitlement and of emotional greed that runs deeply in him as his for less for money. So this is where the Trump derangement syndrome is on display. These are gentlemen you've seen in here in the wild, um, it's a family found a kind of peace in his presence Monday. I respect that and I hope it brings some solace, but as a citizen of the United States and it's therefore somewhat with a stake in a place like Arlington, I choose to look upon his presence there as obscene and just like get back to the like black hole of entitlement and of an emotional greed, I mean, I mean, it seemed like Nancy Pelosi, uh, lately, uh, at the convention or any Democrats less for power. When it all cost the edge justify the means. I mean, that's what we're dealing with here with the modern democratic left. Larry, what are you just to all the hate mail? I think they're missing the point of your show and all his greedy opinions, but I absolutely love who you bring on and the information that you bring to the table, local, state, federal politics, give it the glory work. I'm glad they got a local show on instead of a big national one. Well, I'll say this, uh, I, I'm not a, uh, I never fancy myself as a very good radio host. Uh, it's always a work in progress, but, uh, maybe I should be more, um, more sensitive to the emotional needs of my listeners on the text line and not be so coarse and abrasive. Maybe I should be warm and fuzzy. What do you all think mean right masculinity, toxic masculinity out warm and fuzzy masculinity in. Let's say I give it a shot to five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, we'll be right back. It's the Jeff pore show at FM talk, one, zero, six, five. [inaudible] Thanks for staying with us on this Tuesday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, you need to be in touch with the program, comment, complete suggestion, 80 feedback. Uh, most of it is appreciated, although sometimes raises my ire. Uh, so to come on the program about an hour from now, we'll hear from our album, Republican party chairman, John Wall making his regular Tuesday appearance. And please stay tuned for that, but joining us now on the line, Alabama Junior U.S. Senator, always a pleasure. And she's always very gracious when she comes on, or very appreciative, Katie Britt joins us. Senator, good morning. How you been? Good morning, Jeff. I am doing wonderfully. It is always a privilege to be on with you, be in front of your listeners. I appreciate the opportunity. And once again, no shortage of topics for us to discuss today. Well, a couple of things when we get into the real serious stuff, uh, how's your August recess? You know, what, um, it is just wonderful to be home. It is so great to be just in the state being able to travel around the state, obviously being in full mom mode with the start of school. I think everything out there knows that starting back to school is obviously a wonderful thing, getting back to routine, but there's just a lot of moving pieces. So, um, it's just been great to kind of be hands on and, and get to be a part of all of that. Um, and then I've gotten to see, you know, just a lot of good, Albanians. So I, I love being in the state and love being home. So it's been a good August. That's for sure. How you feeling about football season? Oh, now that's a question right there. Look, I'm not real sure about this whole, you know, Texas and Oklahoma coming into the SEC. Uh, I'm still kind of, um, keeping them at arms linked, if you know what I mean, they're not, they're not the OG, uh, but we'll see, but we'll see. I think both Alabama and Auburn obviously have them tough games on their schedule, but obviously excited to see, um, the new coach in Alabama and what developed there. Obviously, I'm a fan of Coach Breeze of enjoyed getting to know him over, over the last little bit. Um, just a great man and excited for football season to start. The weather is starting to turn a little bit for us. You know, I'm not naive. I'm being a lifelong Alabama and that that's going to last, um, but you know, it's, it's the need to kind of sort of, um, to kind of see, um, to kind of see that the weather change and people get excited and, you know, I have to say, I agree with Coach Saban that Auburn and Coach Breeze are going to do a lot of good things this year, so I think it'll be an exciting season all the way around. We'll see. For my expectations with the Auburn Tigers, even though, um, we tried to go to most of the games this year at home games, we do have seats and tickets, uh, but, uh, I have no, uh, I still, uh, I still look at the Alabama's was kind of the big brother right now. Well, we'll see, we'll see what the new season unfolds and, you know, you see teams like Missouri that, you know, we're at newer additions to the team, you know, pass through it and certain to gain confidence. You see them talking, talking some smack right now online and so it'll be interesting after the first couple of games to kind of see all that subtle, see where we are. But regardless, um, you know, I believe in the resiliency of our teams and the great state of Alabama. And so I'm excited about the season, long-term abilities, basketball schools like Kentucky and Missouri, uh, they could pretend for five minutes a day of football teams. I don't know, I'm not, uh, I guess I gotta believe it to see it. I don't know. Hey, uh, let's start here the world of politics, uh, for the stick to the issues crowd. I don't know, uh, Senator, the first off, um, a little bit of pushback for Trump with the reflaying for some of the left wing media out there, but it hasn't gone away and the abigade incident, we still don't really have any answers. Uh, your colleague, Chris Murphy, trying to pin it on Trump, which is absolutely insane. Uh, what do you think? You've got to be kidding me. Uh, well, first off, let's make sure that we set the record straight here. The liberal media is the third arm of the Democratic party. I mean, there is no doubt. We have seen that in the way that they continue to treat President Trump versus the way they treat, uh, Vice President Harris. I mean, you've seen everything from the no tax on tips. You look side by side at the headlines created there after Donald Trump said that. And then when Kamala Harris actually stole the idea and obviously did not, uh, appropriate the idea to that being Trump, the liberal media completely covers it differently and is excited and, um, is pushing it forward. We see those side by side consistently. I mean, do you look at this, the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that rests solely on the shoulders of President Biden and Vice President Harris and those words come from her. You look back at the interview that she gave afterwards. She said I was the last person in the room before President Biden made the decision. She then said that she was completely comfortable with that decision. You look at the aftermath, our adversaries and allies alike believe that that withdrawal sent shockwaves, not through that region, but literally across the entire world. To me, it is, it is perfectly indicative of the weakness and the piece meant that this administration has shown since day one of entering the White House. And so what a commander in chief would have done yesterday or someone who would like to be commander in chief as in vice president Harris was be there, be there a gold start family that Arlington cemetery, um, be out there speaking of the ultimate sacrifice that was given of buddy's brave, 13 men and women, but yet we see vice president Harris can't break away from the campaign trail. And then we see Joe Biden actually with his feet in the sand at the beach. I was proud to see president President Trump, uh, act like the commander in chief that we know he is putting the honor and dignity of our servicemen and women and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice above all else. That's what we need to continue to do. And the liberal media is just upset because they're candidate of choice, the candidate in which they coordinated. Let's be clear. Uh, didn't didn't show that same dignity and respect for the fallen and, um, unfortunately, they're trying to cover for her once again. How do you feel about the election cycle? Uh, I mean, I know that the polls are shifted a little since Harris has assumed the, um, the domination, but there still doesn't seem to be anything there there. Uh, and people are complaining about her not doing any media. I mean, this is what she thinks she's got to do to win the presidency. I don't think that's going to work. I mean, maybe I'm crazy here, but, uh, I think there's a, we're at a time in the U.S. country where people want a little more from their president. Absolutely. I mean, she literally, this is worse than Biden's basement routine. I mean, she is acting like this is a popularity contest and she wants to be our homecoming queen. The truth is she needs to get down with the people and answer tough questions. She needs to explain that where she actually stands because you remember when she ran for president, when she finished with less than 3% there in 2020. She was left of left when she was in the United States Senate. They said her voting record was a further radical than Bernie Sanders. You look at the one thing that she's been given during her vice presidency to figure out, to take the lead on and that's the border and she failed there too. I mean, the truth is, Jeff, when you think about everything that's going on at the border, you think about the fact that President Trump handed Biden, the Biden-Harris administration, the most secure border in 40 years, that that undoing lays at their feet. And the fact that she was supposed to be in charge and we have more border crossings than ever before. Over 10 million people come here illegally. Over 2 million known God awaits. We have sitting all deaths at an all-time high. We have strains on the system from coast to coast. You know, she's refused to move forward with actually building the border wall, but yet the hypocrisy of seeing that wall in her ads, someone has got to hold her accountable for her failures and for the terrible policies of what she wants to advance. The only thing that we have heard from her is that she wants to give amnesty to millions. The people who actually broke our laws, she wants to reward them with the very thing that they want most. And I continue to see her put Americans last. And unfortunately, as I watch her, I feel like I am watching an orphaness who is leaving the house that they just sat on fire, putting on a firefighter suit and trying to pretend to go back in to put out the flames. I think it is sickening and I think Americans deserve better and Americans are smarter than this and ultimately they will see through the fraud that is Kamala Harris right now. I mean, like we were told, everything was fine, everything was fine and Joe Biden goes on the debate stage with Donald Trump and you know, everything's not fine. And I think the same thing would have to apply here. Like, I mean, people, many times, are the American people going to be fooled by this? And just, am I, maybe I give the public too much credit, but I mean, the way you look at it and whatever the policy beliefs are, put that aside, but just the competence and not being seen publicly, not doing media, not doing an interview, we're thinking that a lot of people think that if she just lays low, that she's going to emerge victorious in November, I just, I don't see that. No, and I think, I mean, look, just the American people deserve answers. I mean, and if you look at the media, I mean, the same people who told us that Joe Biden was strong and energetic are now telling us that Kamala Harris is moderate. We truly, she continues to flip back and forth. We have no idea where she'll land, but what we know is that our country is weaker and more vulnerable every day that she and Joe Biden are in office and make no mistake. Here in the DNC, we heard over and over again, we need change, Kamala Harris gives us hope. I mean, let's say not forget, Kamala Harris is in office right now. So when you're asking for change, you're actually asking for change from her. And if you look back at the last 16 years, Democrats have held the White House 12 of the Republicans have only been in office four. So when we look at the disaster at our border, when we look at the fact that the world is on fire, when we look at the fact that your dollar does not go as far and everyday families are hurting, that lays solely at the seat of Kamala Harris. We know she is not capable of fixing any of these things because the policies that she believes in, which by the way are even more radical than Joe Biden, have put us in the position that we are in now. And the one thing that she had a chance to fix, she has made astronomically worse and that is the disaster at the southern border. And so America is smarter than this. And they are going to remember and going to see that the media is not demanding answers from her. We have President Trump and J.D. Vance that are answering every question, walking into every room, doing press conference after press conference, talking about policy, answering nuanced questions, and you have Kamala Harris, who they continue to protect. The media is solely responsible for where we are right now in this election cycle and the fact that they are not demanding that she answer questions. They should be better than this, but unfortunately they are proving to us once again that they are in the pocket of the Democrat oligarchs that have hand-selected and coordinated Kamala Harris as their nominee and they are hopeful that they can all work together to get her across the finish line before America wakes up and realizes that her policies will make America less safe and less strong across the board. Just joined by Senator Katie Britt here for just a few more minutes. How does down ballot look? What are you hearing, especially concerning the Senate? Oh, I am so excited about where we are in the Senate. Obviously everybody across the country is watching the presidential election. I believe that we have got to get President Trump and J.D. Vance into the White House to put this nation back on track, to save the American dream for the next generation, to make sure that we actually exhibit peace through strength once again that we have a secure border that we can feel our economy working for everyday working Americans right now. You've got prices up over 20.2% and yet wages down 3.9% and Americans are feeling that hurt. But I am excited also about what we are going to do in the Senate because in order to effect real change, we not only need to take the White House, we not only need to hold the House, but we must take back the Senate. If you look at where we are on the map, you know, because we've already picked up West Virginia, if we hold all of the states and for all the listeners, we are way ahead in West Virginia. So essentially, if we hold where we are as Republicans, that puts us at 50/50. Obviously, a White House would break that tie, but we want to get to 51, 52, 53, 54. I think what's happening in Montana, Jeff, he is showing America what it means to be a true leader. They're taking a look at John Tester. They're looking at the fact that he is actually running away from the party that he has voted with time and time and time again, he didn't even show up at the DNC last week. That's because he knows that Democrat policies are indefensible. Kim Sheehy is bringing a breath of fresh air, a new energy to the ballot. So there in Montana, Kim is leading. I believe that he will be leading on election night and will give us that 51st seat. I also want your listeners to take a look at Ohio with Bernie Moreno against incumbent Sherrod Brown. Bernie is right there, neck and neck with Sherrod, and I believe ultimately, President Trump and JD Vance are going to have a huge night in Ohio, and that means that Bernie will too. But we've got races all across America where Republicans are right in the game, leading in some polls, moving in a direction that others thought weren't possible, and that's everything from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin to Michigan to Arizona to New Mexico to Nevada. It's exciting. And what is its stake in these Senate races specifically is that Chuck Schumer has vowed to nuke the filibuster and push through their most radical ideas. And we have to make sure that the next Republican leader in this Senate is actually the majority leader because if the Democrats are in control and they start to push through these things by breaking the filibuster, the future of America as a stake. And so there is a lot riding on the Senate. I believe that it's the insurance policy for our nation, and I'm excited about where we are in each of these races. This will be fun to watch on election night. I believe it's going to be a big night for Republicans with strong candidates who believe in our nation, believe in our fundamental values, and are ready to get this country back on track. Uh, one more question about the election, Katie. Uh, the, the Caroline Dobson race, and I'm not trying to be patronizing or suck up, but you, I mean, like your 2022 election, all 67 counties, and as far as I could tell, everywhere you needed to be whenever at any moment during that election cycle, that, I mean, it is still sort of the ideal textbook play there. So tell me something, looking at the way she's handling it, I think she's got a little bit of your work ethic going for in that second congressional district, still a lot of territory, not quite the whole state, but, uh, looking at her campaign from kind of the outside, I mean, do you think she's doing what she needs to do to win that race? So, absolutely, look, Caroline is, um, brilliant. She is hardworking and she is real. She knows what's in stake for our nation and she is going to do everything it takes to make sure that Republicans keep, um, CD2. And while it is a new district, uh, we know that ultimately the state of the United States House could land right there, right here in Alabama. And so I see Caroline crisscrossing that entire district. I see her even, you know, working with people, um, across the state. People are energized. They want to come knock doors and if you are listening to this, please go to Caroline's website and make sure that she, you know, volunteer, start making phone calls for her, volunteer to go knock doors. Um, it is and this is important. I mean, this could be the balance of the house. Uh, she is a mother. She loves this nation. She wants to preserve this nation for her kids. She also, um, you know, believes in our state and, you know, has just, I mean, everything from then a, a cattleman to an attorney to everything in between, um, Caroline Gopson gets it and she wants to make this country better. So I do. I believe she's doing it all. Now we need everyone who is listening to help us do it as well because Democrats are clearly going to pour, um, energy and effort into this district because they, you know, they hope to be able to take it. Um, but I believe in Caroline, I believe in the people of Alabama and I know how important it is. So, please, if you can give $5, $10, $25, $100, whatever you can spare. Um, she's working diligently, deserves our support. And if you want to volunteer for her to knock doors, let's do this. Um, it's important, not just for our state, but for the nation, um, sincerely, it could be the deciding, um, the deciding seat. Katie Britley is a gentleman. Katie, we're way, way long. Oh, as the music's playing here, what should I order next time I go to taco casa? No, yes. Oh my gosh. Okay. Choose Mac Mac burritos. No salt if you're in the car because it'll get too messy, but like do one beef, one chicken. You can see where you can send you the beefy caso, um, nacho and easy or car too. You can do that. And I've got more orders too. But let's start with that. Katie, realize the gentleman that we got a wrap, we'll be right back. This is a Jeff Porsche show. Look back to the Jeff for show and FM talk when oh six, five, I'd be surprised that the music doesn't kick in here any minute heading out to the break. But hey, uh, anyway, two, five, one, three, four, three zero one zero six. You want to be in touch with the program. Just text me. Uh, we went way longer that last segment, John wall coming up in the next hour. So make sure you stay tuned or that, uh, yeah, see, like I said there, uh, Jeff, have you seen 10 part 10 dressed in blackface yet? It's been posted on the internet. I just be careful about what you see on the internet there. Tim. Well, very back. This is FM talk. I don't tell me I have nothing to do. It's good to see you. I must go. I know I'm a good friend. Anyway, my eyes are not. From bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. The Jeff poor show, I don't think I'm done in this way. Welcome back to the Jeff poor show. And if I talk one, oh, six, five out of three begins now two, five, one, three, four, three zero one zero six text me. I got a bunch to get to. I will on the other side, uh, so like I'm John wall of the Alabama Republican party. Make sure you stay tuned for that, uh, as we were talking here. Uh, Harris campaign, uh, this one's CNN. I guess this is breaking news will schedule, quote, unquote interview before the end of the month. So a little schedule one before the end of August for some time, I guess in September. This is a, this is, um, I think it's embarrassing and I think people want to be like outraged by else. I don't think she's too good or, but like guys, you don't put the media off like this. You don't put the media off and let's see an intake, even CNN take shots at you. Well, something, there's something wrong here. I think they're worried about her nervous laugh. I, I, there's a lot of vulnerabilities here. I mean, the stakes are pretty high. They got a, they just, we got to get you coached up vice president and maybe that's it. And we've seen her in action before, but this is just strange, uh, Republicans griping about it, my advice should be, don't let them let them continue this. Let them do this and this is not going to be what wins you a presidential election hiding from the media. Well, we're for Joe Biden. Well, Joe Biden, it was the middle of COVID. He was elderly. I mean, I think people give grace, maybe not you and I, but a lot of other people give the grace, the benefit of the doubt to Joe Biden in, in this circumstance, it's, it's a much different fact pattern. You know, she's, she's not a dirty kind of threat of an illness. Um, there's no, and mine was doing interviews. He did a bunch of weird sort of Skype in interviews and had a hard time hearing and it was just weird how they were connecting, but he, I mean, like he was really trying to communicate with the press. So let's watch, uh, I don't know, I think, uh, I think the Harris campaign is making a grave miscalculation. This is the mistake she made when she ran for president in 2020 guys. They relied way too much on social media as sort of a bell weather, sort of an indicator of which way the campaign should go. And you know, in a primary campaign, perhaps social media, not that big of a deal. How many, how many, how many TikTok users were there in, uh, 2020 and Iowa? In 2019, whatever it was that she was trying to run. There was a lot of things wrong there. She's able to raise money obviously. That's going to play huge here, but you know, who else raised a bunch of money? Hillary Clinton. Let's go back to 2020. The countries in the middle of a pandemic. There's a lot of uncertainty. The Democrats have changed the rules of the game. Some of people would say, Rick, the rules. It was just a different environment politically in 2020 that led to Biden's victory. And it wasn't like a blowout win for Biden guys. It was close. It took the Associated Press like, you know, several days to call the election for Biden. Since then, red states like Georgia, Arizona, others have, have put in protections to keep any kind of ballot drop box or, you know, any, any chain of custody questions, they made it harder, much more difficult for the game to be rigged. I'm not saying that it can't be rigged, but it's not going to be that easy. But put all that aside, they rigged stuff. They had the deep state. They withheld Hunter Biden laptop. I mean, the Democrats threw everything they had and they just barely won. Just by a very, very small margin, they're not going to have those luxuries this time. And sometimes I watch the media in the way they talk and the way they cover this. I said, well, we have just a vastly superior project, a product to Donald Trump. It's a little bit of a, I think there's some real problems on the Democrat side. You still have to get Trump the edge. That could change later, but I just, you know, Carl Rose said it this morning. At this point in the campaign, Harris is way underperforming compared to Biden and compared to Hillary when they were running and she still got to build up a big lead. She asked, though, not just when the popular vote, just when it by a significant margin to when the electoral college, because the electoral college stacks up in Trump's favor, he can lose the popular vote and still become president. That's just a inherent advantage that Republicans have because of the way the electoral college is set up. People have that Democrats tend to live in more populated areas and big cities, the metropolitan areas and their vote proportionately does not count as much. If you're voting in New York City, your vote does not count as much as it does in North Dakota. That's just our system on a proportionate basis. Let's get some techs, Ricky, Democrats will give a screenshot here, Ricky, there's civil war, Ricky is predicting, I guess, a name texture, Jeff, tell that idiot that complained about Trump at the national cemetery that Trump has done more for veterans active and retired than any other president he deserves to be there. Terry, what I find funny is that the former vice chair of the DNC and the 2020 Democrat presidential candidate who got more delegates than Harris supports Trump. This is the Tulsi Gabbard thing, I don't know. I am not as a fanboying over her as a lot of other people have been a name texture. Just turned on the radio, Katie Britt, let me turn her off. If voters were intelligent, she would not have been elected. What exactly has Katie Britt done? Then I'm asking this not in a, this isn't a rhetorical question, but one exactly has Katie Britt done to upset you on a name texture. As always, Senator Britt would have been that energetic at her State of the Union rebuttal. That's always a losing circumstance, and let me tell you something. We could debate good or bad or whatever, but Katie Britt's rebuttal at the State of the Union response is not as bad as the media made it out to me. Just because she's a Republican, they had to attack her, demagogue her. Pat, uh, it only worked for sleeping because they cheated, but they, I don't think they're going to have the ability to cheat this time like they did last time. They can still cheat. They still will change the rules, but there's just, there's going to be a lot more eyeballs this time. Sam, hello Jeff, hello Sam, three reasons someone will have over here is there one. She is a woman or two. She is a woman of color and number three, they are stupid. She's not Barack Obama, and she's not Hillary Clinton. There's something very off-putting about her. It's hard for me to really analyze it objectively because of who I am and what I do and where I stand on the political spectrum, but I, I, I really do like try to say like that there's something, I mean, you see this with Don Lemon went around, now Don, let me get a lot of things wrong. You see Beyonce was going to be at, uh, see, they also said Beyonce, George W. Bush and Taylor Schilter going to be at the DNC and none of the above was proper, what was correct. But, uh, he said he went around like kind of like doing man on the street interviews, talking to, uh, African Americans, uh, blacks all over and they just, there's a lack of trust with Kamala Harris, like, I don't think she is going to be, she's not going to have the same enthusiasm that Barack Obama had the, the, the problem guys with pollsters right now, the polling and, and this has been a, this has been a longstanding challenge for Democrats, I mean, not Democrats, but for pollsters going back to 08, uh, is getting that, and enthusiasm just right, like understanding like, okay, if you, if you, you know, pulling African Americans and how much weight do you give an African American response compared to a white response or whatever, because they will tell you, pollsters will tell you well, it's hard to get in touch with African American voters, they, they just have different means of communicating and whatnot. So it's hard to pull them. So we're going to count their, when we pull them, we're going to count them a little more than we do, you and I, if they just pulled cold call, you and I, that all the modeling would suggest, uh, you got to get this amount of turnout for a black candidate versus a white candidate. And, and they try to, I mean, there's a scientific approach, but in their minds, they tend to exaggerate it, then they tend to think that participation will be a much higher because you go from Biden to Kamala Harris. Well, we could expect, you know, a, a Barack Obama turnout. And I think that's a dangerous assumption to make, well, not dangerous, but maybe, maybe we'll present more of a rosy picture than what it really is. So once you say it, Sam, yeah, there's that, but there's, there's just, there's just something that the, there's not, that she's just not getting the same response that people would think that she should get on paper. Yeah, chef, I am afraid at some point these illegal aliens will affect our electoral college results. What are your thoughts? They will affect how the electoral college is, um, how it is distributed or how it is aligned or apportioned, right? You, you know, there was some talk, uh, if y'all remember the last census about Alabama losing a congressman and they would have lost an electoral vote too. Alabama would have gone from what we got nine now, seven congressmen to senators to eight. And you take, you didn't, it would have gone to a blue state presumably or a sunbelt state, or not, not to be the case at all. Right now the population trends are as such, Roosevelt states are losing, uh, American manufacturing is going away. It's going overseas population is declining in these old manufacturing centers that tended to be blue, tended to be very union. And what was happening was the, the, the sunbelt was people were moving south, Florida places like that didn't be looking at Florida's gone republican the last several times. But now the new fear is just this open wide open borders and the way they count the census, you don't, you don't just count registered voters or those here illegally. I mean, those here illegally, you, you count everybody for sake of reapportionment. So even though they will have the number of voters that, for example, in Illinois that they once had, they will have a bigger population and they could steal or he preserve a vote in electoral college and a seat in congress, which could shit the presidential election someday. I'll be right back. This is FM Talk 10065. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the jump horse shoulder for talk 10065. Thanks for staying with us on. This Tuesday morning programming note, still a couple of today's program, John Wall, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party tomorrow at Joy Clark of Deuce Talk 93, one in Montgomery news and views, he's making, he's making his regular Wednesday appearance a couple of guests to be named later. It's always kind of a, who knows, a last minute ordeal sometimes and figuring out who's going to be on the program any given time. So there's, there's your preview, text line 2513430106 and then I was in the middle before we were in the segment there's kind of explaining like the illegal immigration or immigration in general and the border, albeit opened up. This is what I'm really curious to see and he's going to take some heat. If he is elected, he's got to follow through on this campaign promise now help to fight it in the courts, deportations, mass deportation, are we going to do it? If you, if you are here illegally, no visa, no, no supporting paperwork, whatever, no passport, what, that you just, you walked from Guatemala to the Texas border and crossed, they're going to send you back. Where do they send you? I don't know. I don't, they're going to have to come up with some kind of deportation plan. It was going to be interesting policy to me, but I think a lot of people are kind of on board with that and Democrats are way in 2016. People, Trump's going to do mass deportation squads. Well, it's a say it, but right now there's probably enough public support for that to pull it off. I don't know. I think it like the defense is like we have a law. You don't like the law. I'll change the law. But we, we, there is case law, there, there is law in the US code. Now, some people will claim asylum and refugee status, but there's a, you know, we were going to have to like clarify how you do that, but there are people who are going to be here illegally who didn't go through claiming asylum, then they're going to do, they're just, the Trump administration has to send them back and will be popular, but I think this, the president can't run like he's running for the midterms. We just have to suck it up 2026 if he wins will be what it will be probably be a bloodbath for Republicans. If Paris wins, it will be a bloodbath for Democrats, but you just got to suck it up. Take the hits and roll with it. You got to dismantle the deep state, the administrative state, clean out the intel agencies. We have way too much government supervision in our lives. All of this has, I mean, like we got to have, he can't go bring in a bunch of Bush people and a bunch of like corporate America people to try to think that he's bringing the country together. This is just not where we are in America right now. People you win an election, you got to go with it. Uh, and they texted Jeff really joy, you showed the Democrats are probably already printing ballots and have a little grandmas in the middle of the night stuffing them 50, 100 a day and then they'll be delivered in bulk or mailed in bulk and the way that operates, no one can catch that. It's just a vote in a box unless Republicans actually audit each one of them, which probably won't happen. I think there's also a way to like kind of track the number of people at any polling precinct and say, Hey, I guess hard to cheat an election. And the reason they got away with it last time was because it was so close that a few hundred ballots here and there in a different precinct, you could swing an election. They put a lot of measures in place. Look, it's hard to keep a secret to there'll be a whistleblower's watch mark my word. They will not be able to pull it off if they pulled it off at 2020. It's going to be a lot harder to pull off this time. Let's get a break in here. We'll be right back to says that Jeff for show it up and talk about it. Hello, Kansas. Sweet Bill's Barnard. Let me thank you for your time. You work the 40 hour week for a living. Just to send it on down the line. Welcome back to the Jeff Porchola for talk about those 6.5 pictures. Stay with us on this Tuesday morning. Once again, text on 2513430106 if we have time, we will try to work a couple more in joining us now. He's a chairman of the Alabama Republican Party. We do this every Tuesday around this time. John Wall is on the line. Chairman, good morning. How are you? I'm doing well. It's good to be on the show. Thanks for coming on. We always appreciate your time. Well, how are you feeling? I'm not asking you this every week, but I mean, there's a lot of doom and gloom from our side out there, but I don't think that's quite necessary. No, and look, you know, obviously after the switch out with small Harris, you know, and the honeymoon phase, the trend with concerning, I think we all felt that. We all thought that. And look, the depth to which the mainstream media will go to cover, you know, cover over her imperfections and cover over her outright lies. It's a little bit shocking, not that any of us should be surprised by it anymore. That's just as normal. But what we've seen over the last week, we can have our net number to stabilize. Like, we're not, the trend is not going to use, you know, things are getting our balance now, as they normally do after a new candidate's in the race. And what I've been telling people is, if you look at the numbers of Trump versus Biden, free debate, we're actually pretty much done back to that. So we pretty much just, bottom line, we literally, the Republican Party Donald Trump won a presidential race, D. Joe Biden, and the Democrats, the Democrats switched out the candidate, we have a new race, and now we're back in the same position where we were, which is slightly up. I do believe that the electoral held the day that Trump would win. We've got a bit of a lead in Georgia, a bit of a lead in Pennsylvania to a very, very key state. And then we're also still looking good in Nevada and Arizona. So I don't know. I'm cautiously optimistic. I think the numbers have stabilized, we're still in the lead. And now we just got to make sure that we do the job of getting the message out, talking about the values and why our values and best help the people of America be safe, successful, and how to have your life. So I think we're talking about if under rock and roll and fight for the thing. And the other aspect of this, and you hear this from all the national Republicans, like, well, she's looking to do any interviews and chairman, I wouldn't mind seeing a never seen Kamala Harris do a single interview, very few press conferences of any, because that to me, I mean, this just sounds like a, what, who in the right mind would use that kind of strategy running for president, it sounds like a losing strategy, and rather than griping about it, let them do it, go high, agreed, agreed, like, look, this is, who wants to vote for a candidate who can't come out and talk for themselves? And it will, it will, there's enough time left that that strategy will pick up a perfect strategy. Well, I just, it's fascinating to watch, and in our side, like, well, you know, tell me what you, the debate stuff, and here's my take on the debate, and you know, the, the discussion here, chairman, that Trump doesn't want the mics on while, you know, he wants a muted, or when it's not your turn or whatever, and I don't think it's a product necessarily of Trump, like, really caring about any of that, but it's more of this. You can't seat any ground to these people, they agree upon terms of a debate, and then they want to come back and change them, that you've got to be careful with that, because if you give an inch, they'll take a mile, you got to like say, hey, no, we agreed to this, this is the deal, and I think that's sort of what's going on here. Oh, 100%, and look, the profit is a negotiator, it's who he is, what he is, he's a business fan, right? And I think you're absolutely right, what you're seeing from Trump right now, it's he's taking a shot across the valley saying, look guys, don't push me, because I'll go, I'll think my mom won't go home, and you don't have a debate about it, like this is a two-way street, and you have to have me in order for this to work. And I think it's actually a smart strategy, because without that, without that, do you think they're off, and it will, then these guys will run all over, and it'll over, and so, yeah, I think this is a, this is a stretch for strategic movement, saying, look, you, you need me, I don't need you, and I think it's, that can be successful, even to the deal that was arranged, and hopefully, keep the moderators a little more clear, actually during the debate. I think that's the goal of some, you know, debate, conversation, a lot of students, and I think it's more. You know, it's the only leverage he really has, and that's what's important, like, he's got, he's got to stay in his ground here, and not let them play this cat and mouse game with the debate rules, and he said, my other take on this, and I'm, I don't know if you've even given this much fault, but let's just speculate here, like, the strategy for the Harris campaign, it's strange to me, it's a very peculiar, I mean, I remember Biden, and it was during COVID, but he was doing these Skype interviews, and they, they did not look that great, but he was doing things, she's not doing anything, and, and the best I can figure is that she's just not, they got to coach her up, or they got to work out some of the imperfections, the weird nervous laugh, or, or whatever, like, this is a work in progress as we go forward. Yeah, no, and, and I think they will get better about that, like, more Harris, he thought of the convention, you've seen that, or he hasn't been a few rallies in it, or what you're going to see, is you're going to see for scripting, so, so watch for this over the next month, I think you're going to see for doing events, doing spaces, but it'll be what you have to call a call for, for these scripts, it's, for each of them, it's just, and, and it won't be a lot of them for, for, for each of them, for each of them. Chairman, I interrupt you here, but we, we, we can barely hear you. Oh, I'm sorry, is that better? Yeah, it's much better. Okay, yeah, no, I was saying, I expect, watch over the next couple months, I think what we're going to see, is we're going to see her doing events where she's got able to have a telephone. So, rallies, certain things where she's able to stay on script, and I think what we won't see is her getting, you know, into in-depth interviews or that type of thing, which would be after the question she does is not ready for it, but I also think that's why this debate on September 10th is so important. We, we, I want to see her have to, you know, talk about issues, talk about things and debate back and forth where she doesn't have a telephone, but she's not necessarily ready for those questions. You really see, who is the real small areas? I'll be asking you this. Do you worry that Republicans are sitting, or it doesn't, not just Republicans, but everybody out there are sitting a bar way too low for her and she's like, she's not going to have any expectations that she's just can put on a meet very mediocre performance and then the perception will be, she'll be heralded as some kind of rock star. You know, I, I am not, and I say that because I watched what happened with it, with a first debate with Joe Biden, the press, the main, the people who are, the people who are actually on the bubble here who would vote to go either way are listening to the mainstream media, and the mainstream media from the next mall here is, is a brilliant rock star. And so that's what they're going to come into that debate with. They're not hearing from the conservative talking ads. They're not listening to Fox News. They're not listening to talk radio. They're listening to the mainstream media and they're going to come into it with expectation of small actors being very well. So I don't fear that as much as we saw that with Biden, like all of a sudden people were shocked at how bad Biden was doing. I was like, guys, if you had been paying attention to your, you know, your conservative friends on social media, you would have already missed how Biden was doing. This was not a surprise. And I think we're going to see a similar thing here. Yes. Setting that bar for fur in the conservative circles, it won't matter. Those those already locked in. So I think what we're looking at is how do the independents react? How do, how do Democrats who are, who are maybe some common sense Democrats who are considering voting for, you know, don't like the policies of Democratic Party are considering voting Republican. Those are the people we need to have the right impact with. I think, I think you're going to expect to do well because of the mainstream media. Yeah. I mean, and the sometimes we do this and my friend Dale Jackson up in North Alabama does this where he could fight sort of the media view and the media conventional wisdom with the public perception. And I think where we're struggling right now is are we, the collective we, well, I don't really know what America thinks of Kamala Harris. I mean, we know what, we know what they, the media think and we know what certain segments of society think of her, but I am not convinced that's a true reflection. And this is where the Republicans have to be careful here. This a true reflection of like where the needle is on her. No, that's absolutely right. And I think it's something that, that are not many have to think about. You can't just teach in generic terms, like just because you're base as a certain opinion of someone doesn't mean that the country is a whole lot. And I think one of the things that we as Republicans, and I understand that this especially have to keep in mind is you're not talking to your folks. You're not even talking to the media. Any chance you have to be in front of the camera, you need to be talking to the American people. I'm talking about the value you believe in and why those values are better than the Democrat values. Like, if we can get this back to a campaign about the issues and the values that we represent, the Republican party wins all day long, we know it, the public knows it, and the press know it. And that's why they work so hard to keep things off of policy and on to personality. And the personality thing, and I hear this one all the time, while Trump's personality, we're just going to go out and vote against it. And this is another dumb argument, but you hear it all the time, like, well, then Trump will underperform or he'll have, let's say, somebody running statewide and you put him side by side, a Republican side by side with Trump and the other Republican always outperforms Trump. But it's this, Chairman, I think that Trump has coattails and without Trump on the ballot, that side by side, Republican, like, be it camper or whoever in Montana or whatever, does not, is not going to perform as well without Trump helping along the way. Yeah, I don't think that's absolutely correct. And anyone who wants to say, you know, there are obviously there are some Republicans who don't like to play right from, they're out there. And I think it's incredibly important that we talk to them and we remind them, like, this is not a personality contest, this is about saving America, this is about the future of our children. So, and I think we'll see them coming back, you know, they're going to, they're going to hold their nose, they're going to vote Republicans, they're going to be better. But what people are forgetting here are the people who are excited, the people like me who are excited about Donald Trump, who want to see him in the way out there, want to see him clean out this wall. And I think what, with these, you know, talking heads are forgetting is every election Donald Trump has been in so far, and yes, everyone can, this one could be different. But so far in 2016 and in 2020, he was actually Trump who over performed his voice, not down ballot candidates, but Trump himself. And I think they're forgetting about that, that Trump effect, where he's going to pull out people who don't always come out to vote, they're going to hear, they're going to like him, like his political director, like that he actually wants to do something. And they're going to turn out at a little higher percentage and turnout doesn't matter. And I think we actually see Trump, you know, if the trends continue from the last two election cycles, we'll see Trump over performed polling, not under. But the other thing I think, and you do, you've at one point in your career, done polling. And I don't know what they're going to base their modeling off of, but I think they're going to once again, make the mistake of wanting to exaggerate Democrat turnout or probably more specifically African American turnout in Democrat districts. And that's once haunted them in the past, they look at every election is you don't have Barack Obama on the ballot. And Barack Obama, he was sort of the next saber of a Democrat politicians. He's a once in a lifetime guy. And there's no, I mean, you're just, that's not going, it's just not sustainable without him. But the pollsters, and I think they made this mistake in 16, but maybe they've tried to correct a little bit for it. But they're just not going to have that big turnout that they probably anticipate. No, look, that's exactly right. And this is what I always explain to people. This is why polling is not old-sectored. Polling, if you look into the math of it, like it is very, very accurate with predicting what the general population is thinking, where they're at, why it doesn't always map that with election day results is it's elections also have the dynamic of turnout, which side is more energized to turnout because we all know that not all voters go to vote. And so your polling can change depending on who's energized, who's more likely to turn. And I think you're right, there's not a lot to be excited for right now on the Democratic side. You've got the border, you've got the inflation. And what I love about Kamala Harris is hard to do. We need to oppose it as he has tried to escape from all the things he has created. The border, now she claims she's poor, a secure border, even though her policies led to an open border. I love the economy, where she's blaming price increases, she's blaming inflation on businesses ripping people off. And I'm like, there's a time where you have to take personal responsibility for your actions. And I think that's the key, the advertising that Trump does, the TV ads in between states, holding for accountable for records will show not just the failure of a record, but also the fact that she's willing to lie through her teeth when it will actually be. Well, last question, we're wrapping up on this adoption campaign, it's like a congressional district. I think our race has changed obviously with Harris on the top of the ballot, but I think it's very different. We tend to think the second congressional district is going to be much like the country, and it could go for Trump or for Harris, just depending on what happens there. I don't know. I still think AL2, even with Harris having a momentum nationally, I think that that congressional race is going to be hinged to whoever wins at the top of the ballot. And I still think AL2 is something Trump can win and properly carry adoption along for the W. I think you're right. I think whoever whichever presidential candidate wins, CD2, I think that will go the same way for the, for the, for that, for that down ballot race. There's a lot of dynamics in CD2. You've got two metro areas where you've got a, you know, a very much a rule, a rule area that spreads between those two methods between Montgomery and Mobile. And so there's three very unique demographics and how do they react? How do they react to Kamala Harris being, you know, the switchout? Does that, does that turn out? There's so many things there, but I think, I think you're right, there's success in CD2 with hinges on the presidential race. Then Trump wins in rural Alabama and pulling up black, you know, rural black voters over that we win. If Trump wins CD2, I believe Trump will win as well. And so it's a full out battle though. You know, I'm not going to sugarcoat it. That switchout didn't make CD2 harder. I think, I think you're going to actually have the lead with your Biden on the ballot. And now I think it's a, it's a neck-to-neck scramble for, for victory and we're going to fight for it for all we have. Well, and I don't know what she could have done different. I think she's doing about as, as good as you can under the circumstances. Oh, that's absolutely right. Look, we know this district was created to be a Democrat district. We're going to try to, to hold it, to steal it back from the Democrats' attempts here. But this was, this was, this was a hard district and no matter what, we're going to make them play here in Alabama. So they, we're not going to give them a inch. So they have to fight for that, spend their time in their resources here. And so they can't be going after some other places as well. Chairman, we always appreciate your time. We'll talk again. Always good to be on the show. All right. That was Alabama Republican Party Chairman John O'Wall. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show, that's in talk, 106-5. The first thing I remember knowing, was a lonesome whistle blowing, and a youngen's dream of growing up to ride, on a freight train leaving town.