FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

U.S. Senator Katie Boyd Britt - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 8-27-24

Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
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♪ Belipades the bills we made for life ♪ ♪ They take them down to the ground ♪ ♪ When he tried to get up, life was kicking back down ♪ ♪ One day, Papa, come into his diamond ♪ ♪ Put his hands on my shoulders and his tears ♪ ♪ He said, "He's the patches, I'm depending on your son" ♪ ♪ To pull the back ♪ Look him back to the jumpboard show. If you talk 106, five days you're staying with us on this Tuesday morning, 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6, you need to be in touch with the program. Comic complete suggestion, 80 feedback. Most of it is appreciated, although sometimes raises my ire. So to come on the program, about an hour from now, we'll hear from Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wall making his regular Tuesday appearance. So please stay tuned for that. But joining us now on the line, Alabama Junior U.S. Senator, always a pleasure. She's always very gracious when she comes on. We're very appreciative. Katie Britt joins us. Senator, good morning. How you been? Good morning, Jeff. I am doing wonderfully. It is always a privilege to be on with you. Be in front of your listeners. I appreciate the opportunity. And once again, no shortage of topics for us to discuss today. Well, a couple of things for getting into the real serious stuff. How's your August recess? You know, Whitetown, it is just wonderful to be home. It is so great to be just in the state being able to travel around the state, obviously being in full mom mode with the start of school. I think everything out there knows that starting back to school is obviously a wonderful thing, getting back to a routine, but there's just a lot of moving pieces. So it's just been great to kind of be hands-on and get to be a part of all of that. And then I've gotten to see, you know, just a lot of good, Alabama. So I love being in the state and love being home. So it's been a good August. That's for sure. How are you feeling about football season? Oh, now that's a question right there. Look, I'm not real sure about this whole, you know, Texas and Oklahoma coming into the SEC. I'm still kind of keeping them at arm's length, if you know what I mean. They're not, they're not the OG. But we'll see. But we'll see. I think both Alabama and Auburn obviously have some tough games on their schedule, but obviously excited to see the new coach in Alabama and what developed there. Obviously, I'm a fan of Coach Breeze. I've enjoyed getting to know him over the last little bit. Just a great man and excited for football season to start. The weather is starting to turn a little bit for us now. I'm not naive being a lifelong Alabama and that that's going to last. But, you know, it's the need to kind of sort of, to kind of see the weather change and people get excited. And, you know, I have to say, I agree with Coach Saban that Auburn and Coach Breeze are going to do a lot of good things this year. So I think it'll be an exciting season all the way around. We'll see. I always tip from my expectations with the Auburn Tigers, even though we tried to go to most of the games this year at home games. We do have seeds of tickets, but I still look at Alabama as kind of the big brother right now. We'll see what the new season unfolds. And, you know, you see teams like Missouri that, you know, were at newer additions to the team. You know, Patterson were starting to gain confidence. You see him talking some smack right now online. And so it'll be interesting after the first couple of games to kind of see all that subtle, see where we are. But regardless, you know, I believe in the resiliency of our teams in the great state of Alabama. And so I'm excited about the season long term. These basketball schools like Kentucky and Missouri, they can pretend for five minutes a day of football teams. I don't know. I'm just, I guess I got to believe it to see it. I don't know. Hey, let's start here. The world of politics for the stick to the issues crowd. I don't know. Senator, the first off, a little bit of pushback for Trump with the reflaying for some of the left wing media out there. But it hasn't gone away. And the abigade incident, we still don't really have any answers. Your colleague Chris Murphy trying to pin it on Trump, which is absolutely insane. What do you think? You've got to be kidding me. Well, first off, let's make sure that we set the record straight here. The liberal media is the third arm of the Democratic Party. I mean, there is no doubt. We have seen that in the way that they continue to treat President Trump versus the way they treat Vice President Harris. I mean, you've seen everything from the no tax on tips. We look side by side at the headlines created there after Donald Trump said that. And then when Kamala Harris actually stole the idea and obviously did not appropriate the idea to that being Trump, the liberal media completely covers it differently and is excited and is pushing it forward. We see those side by sides consistently. I mean, you look at this, the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, that restfully on the shoulders of President Biden and Vice President Harris. And those words come from her. You look back at the interview that she gave afterwards. She said, I was the last person in the room before President Biden made the decision. She then said that she was completely comfortable with that decision. You look at the aftermath, our adversaries and allies alike believe that that withdrawal sent shockwaves, not through that region, but literally across the entire world. To me, it is perfectly indicative of the weakness and the piece meant that this administration has shown since day one of entering the White House. And so what a commander in chief would have done yesterday, or someone who would like to be commander in chief, as in Vice President Harris, was be there. Be there with Gold Star families at Arlington Cemetery. Be out there speaking of the ultimate sacrifice that was given of Biden's brave, 13 men and women. But yet we see Vice President Harris can't break away from the campaign trail, and then we see Joe Biden actually with his feet in the sand at the beach. I was proud to see President Trump act like the commander in chief that we know he is putting the honor and dignity of our servicemen and women and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice above all else. That's what we need to continue to do, and the liberal media is just upset because they're candidate of choice. The candidate in which they coordinated, let's be clear, didn't show that same dignity and respect for the fallen. And unfortunately, they're trying to cover for her once again. How do you feel about the election cycle? I mean, I know that the polls have shifted a little since Harris has assumed the nomination, but there still doesn't seem to be anything there there. And people are complaining about her not doing any media. I mean, this is what she thinks she's got to do to win the presidency. I don't think that's going to work. Maybe I'm crazy here, but I think we're at a time in this country where people won a little more from their president. Absolutely. I mean, she literally, this is worse than Biden's basement routine. She is acting like this is a popularity contest, and she wants to be our homecoming queen. The truth is she needs to get down with the people and answer tough questions. She needs to explain that where she actually stands because you remember when she ran for president when she finished with less than 3% there in 2020. She was left of left when she was in the United States Senate. They said her voting record was a further radical than Bernie Sanders. You look at the one thing that she's been given during her vice presidency to figure out to take the lead on. And that's the border. And she failed there too. I mean, the truth is, Jeff, when you think about everything that's going on at the border, you think about the fact that President Trump handed the Biden Harris administration, the most secure border in 40 years. That undoing lays at their feet. And the fact that she was supposed to be in charge, and we have more border crossings than ever before. Over 10 million people come here illegally. Over 2 million known God awaits. We have fit in all deaths at an all-time high. We have strains on the system from coast to coast. She's refused to move forward with actually building the border wall, but yet the hypocrisy of seeing that wall in her ads, someone has got to hold her accountable for her failures and for the terrible policies of what she wants to advance. The only thing that we have heard from her is that she wants to give amnesty to millions. The people who actually broke our law, she wants to reward them with the very thing that they want most. And I continue to see her put Americans last. And unfortunately, as I watch her, I feel like I am watching an orphaness who is leaving the house that they just set on fire, putting on a firefighter's suit and trying to pretend they're going to be there. And trying to pretend to go back in to put out the flames. I think it is sickening, and I think Americans deserve better, and Americans are smarter than this, and ultimately they will see through the fraud that is Kamala Harris right now. I mean, like we were told everything was fine, everything was fine, and Joe Biden goes on the debate stage with Donald Trump, and everything's not fine. And I think the same thing would have to apply here. Like how many people, many times, are the American people going to be fooled by this? I mean, maybe I give the public too much credit, but I mean, the way you look at it, and whatever the policy beliefs are, put that aside, but just the competence and not being seen publicly, not doing media, not doing an interview. We're thinking that a lot of people think that if she just lays low, that she's going to emerge victorious in November. I just, I don't see that. No, and I think, I mean, look, the American people deserve answers. I mean, and if you look at the media, I mean, the thing people who told us that Joe Biden was strong and energetic are now telling us that Kamala Harris is moderate. It would be true. She continues to flip back and forth. We have no idea where she'll land. But what we know is that our country is weaker and more vulnerable every day that she and Joe Biden are in office and make no mistake here in the DNC. We heard over and over again. We need change. Kamala Harris gives us hope. I mean, let's say not forget. Kamala Harris is in office right now. So when you're asking for change, you're actually asking for change from her. And if you look back at the last 16 years, Democrats have held the White House 12 of this Republican pick only been in office for. So when we look at the disaster at our border, when we look at the fact that the world is on fire, when we look at the fact that your dollar does not go as far. And every day families are hurting that lays solely at the feet of Kamala Harris. We know she is not capable of fixing any of these things because the policies that she believes in, which by the way are even more radical than Joe Biden has put us in the position that we are in now. And the one thing that she had a chance to fix, she has made astronomically worse, and that is the disaster at the southern border. And so America is smarter than this, and they are going to remember and going to see that the media is not demanding answers from her. Sure, you have President Trump and JD Vance that are answering every question, walking into every room, doing press conference after press conference, talking about policy, answering nuanced questions, and you have Kamala Harris, who they continue to protect. The media is solely responsible for where we are right now in this election cycle and the fact that they are not demanding that she answer questions. They should be better than this, but unfortunately they are proving to us once again that they are in the pocket of the Democrat oligarchs that have hand-selected and coordinated Kamala Harris as their nominee and they are hopeful that they can all work together to get her across the finish line for America wakes up and realizes that her policies will make America less safe and less strong across the board. Just joined by Senator Katie Britt here for just a few more minutes. How does how does down ballot look? What are you hearing, especially concerning the Senate? Look, I am so excited about where we are in the Senate. Obviously everybody across the country is watching the presidential election. I believe that we have got to get President Trump and JD Vance into the White House to put this nation back on track to save the American dream for the next generation to make sure that we actually exhibit peace through strength once again that we have a secure border that we can feel our economy working for everyday working Americans right now. You've got prices up over 20.2% and yet wages down 3.9% and Americans are feeling that hurt. But I am excited also about what we're going to do in the Senate because in order to affect real change, we not only need to take the White House, we not only need to hold the House, but we must take back the Senate. If you look at where we are on the map, because we've already picked up West Virginia, if we hold all of the states and for all the listeners, we are way ahead in West Virginia. So, essentially, if we hold where we are as Republicans, that puts us at 50/50. Obviously, a White House would break that tie, but we want to get to 51, 52, 53, 54. Look at what's happening in Montana, Jeff. Tim Sheehy is showing America what it means to be a true leader. They're taking a look at John Tester. They're looking at the fact that he is actually running away from the party that he has voted with time and time and time again. He didn't even show up at the DNC last week. That's because he knows that Democrat policies are indispensable. Tim Sheehy is bringing a breath of fresh air, a new energy to the ballot. So, there in Montana, Tim is leading. I believe that he will be leading on election night and will give us that 50/50. I also want your listeners to take a look at Ohio with Bernie Marino against incumbent, Sherrod Brown. Bernie is right there, neck and neck with Sherrod. And I believe ultimately, President Trump and JD Vance are going to have a huge night in Ohio, and that means that Bernie will, too. But we've got races all across America, where Republicans are right in the game leading in some polls, moving in a direction that others thought weren't possible. And that's everything from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin to Michigan to Arizona to New Mexico to Nevada. It's exciting. And what is its stake in these Senate races, specifically, is that Chuck Schumer has vowed to nuke the filibuster and push through their most radical ideas. And we have to make sure that the next Republican leader in this Senate is actually the majority leader because if the Democrats are in control and they start to push through these things by breaking the filibuster, the future of America as a stake. And so there is a lot riding on the Senate. I believe that it's the insurance policy for our nation. And I'm excited about where we are in each of these races. This will be fun to watch on election night. I believe it's going to be a big night for Republicans with strong candidates who believe in our nation, believe our fundamental values, and are ready to get this country back on track. One more question about the election, Katie, the the Caroline Dobson race and I'm not trying to be patronizing or suck up, but I mean, like your 2022 election, all 67 counties. And as far as I could tell, everywhere you needed to be whenever at any moment during that election cycle. That, I mean, it is still sort of the ideal textbook play there. So sometimes looking at the way she's handling it, I think she's got a little bit of your work ethic going for in that second congressional district, still a lot of territory, not quite the whole state. But looking at her campaign from kind of the outside, I mean, do you think she's doing what she needs to do to win that race? So, absolutely. Look, Caroline is brilliant. She is hardworking and she is real. She knows what's in stake for our nation, and she is going to do everything it takes to make sure that Republicans keep CD two. And while it is a new district, we know that ultimately the state of the United States House could land right there, right here in Alabama. And so I see Caroline crisscrossing that entire district. I see her even, you know, working with people across the state. People are energized. They want to come knock doors. And if you are listening to this, please go to Caroline's website and make sure that she, you know, volunteer, start making phone calls for her, volunteer to go knock doors. It is And this is important. I mean, this could be the balance of the house. She is a mother. She loves this nation. She wants to preserve this nation for her kids. She also, you know, believes in our state and, you know, has just, I mean, everything from then a cattleman to an attorney to everything in between. Caroline Gopson gets it and she wants to make this country better. So I do. I believe she's doing it all. Now, we need everyone who is listening to help us do it as well because Democrats are clearly going to pour energy and effort into this district because they, you know, they hope to be able to take it. But I believe in Caroline, I believe in the people of Alabama. And I know how important it is. So Please, if you can give $5 $10 $25 $100, whatever you can spare, she's working diligently deserves our support. And if you want to volunteer for her to knock doors, let's do this. It's important, not just for our state, but for the nation sincerely, it could be the deciding at the deciding seat. Katie Britley is a gentleman. Katie, we're way, way long. As the music's playing here. What should I order next time I go to Taco Casa? No, yes. Oh my gosh. Okay. Get to Mac Mac burritos. No fault if you're in the car because it'll get too messy, but like do one beef, one chicken. See where you can send you the beefy Kato. Not sure. And that's easier. The car too. You can do that. And I've got more orders too. But let's start with that. Katie, realize the gentleman that we got a wrap. We'll be right back. This is a Jeff Port show. [BLANK_AUDIO]