Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

240827 Tuesday night bible Class - 2024/08/27

last night in Hebrews..... maybe.

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27 Aug 2024
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[ Background Sounds ] Ready? And mine is before you get out of here to show you how to do it. [ Background Sounds ] Do this and do that and hold that and do it. You probably did pretty good. What's that? Negative time report. What's that? Nanging time? I don't know. It's for somebody I've seen. I had to last because I said, "Okay, I'll put the time in a line. I'll put it like five minutes." And once it ran, five minutes came out, I had a little meat. That's what I chuckled about. Don't be honest. Don't be honest. Don't be honest. Oh, we're going for some wine. We are streaming, so don't say nothing for vodka. Bag. I warned you about that, and I mean. [ Background Sounds ] [ Background Sounds ] [ Background Sounds ] I guess everybody is seeing this line. No one is standing up there. [ Background Sounds ] Now the thing is closed. [ Background Sounds ] There's time to run out. It's in the name of this. What was that called? Is that going to stay up there? Can I have some gum? Pums. I have gum in the car. [ Background Sounds ] [ Background Sounds ] All right. [ Background Sounds ] [ Background Sounds ] Can I go and show up on the screen? No. [ Background Sounds ] I guess we can't be up here. [ Background Sounds ] I think you like you. All right. Is it time to go here? Are we in there? I don't know. It's a little bit after. All right, folks. We are here. No thrills today. You don't use it or anything. We just got in a little bit of going. I was just happy to get set up and talk with Mike for a little bit. [ Background Sounds ] I don't know why that is, but... That's part of the no-frills package. No, part of no-frills package. Okay. We'll continue on as we speak. We ain't going to worry about it. We'll keep pressing forward. All right. Take these next few moments in silent prayer. Setting everything else aside. Cleaning work. And focus upon the Lord Jesus Christ on these words we're going to say. And we'll take these next few moments and I'll open this up in prayer. Let us pray. [ Background Sounds ] Father in Heaven, thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for your attention this evening to fellowship in your work. We're asking that God the Holy Spirit will guide the speaker in all truth. And those that are in the sound of His voice, may they be as if they spoke with us. And if the Spirit spoke to them tonight, may our hearts be edified and strengthened by your... We pray these things in Christ's name. Amen. All right. We pray for Dean Dean. I don't know his last name. And I would visit there and look back on John's voice. And the message for Dean was, Dean is actually a pastor. He was in a pretty bad automobile accident. Don't have a lot of details, but they did have to revive him. He had clinically died and they had to revive him. So he's in critical. Please? Was that... Robbie? It is indeed. No, not Robbie, but thank you. His name's Dean. I'll give you more information later. And my phone's up there, so I couldn't check the messages on there. But do be in prayer for him and his recovery and for his family. And I did speak with Fran today, and Mark is doing well. And he's... Came to the surgery with his knee operation. He's... And she's... She's... You know, she's... You know, think that within a month, five weeks or so, he's going to be really happy that he went through that surgery and continued to pray for him in his mental state. And... It all... And Fran is still motivated. I want to have you say about Fran. She's a fighter. And she's got tenacity. She's got that spiritual tenacity. All right, we'll start tonight. I'm looking at finishing up Hebrews this evening, and I hope I don't go to... And we'll see how it goes. If not, well, we didn't. And we'll do it another Tuesday night. So let's ask the Lord, Will's. George Whitten. I thought George Whitten was interesting this morning. If you're not looking for George Whitten, and look at... We can... And by the way, the... Before I get in George Whitten, there will be no more worship calls this week. There's a lot of things I've got to do to prepare for that class on Sunday. Saturday morning, I'll be with my brother, so I want to have everything ready for my... I.T.I. and the handouts. I want to have all them ready, so there will be no... No worship call for the rest of the week, and we'll start again. Lord Will's Spirit, tentatively Monday will be on our way home, but I think we will be able to stop somewhere and go over the lesson. There was something else I was going to say, but... Nonetheless. Okay, George Whitten. Oh, yeah. Terry, if you're in, I don't know if my speaker just died, so... I don't know if you're able to talk or anything, or will you hear you? But I know you're there in spirit. And Mike. All right. George Whitten. George Whitten, from, I get to the morning devotional, and he says, "Spiritual blacksmiths arise." 1 Samuel, 13, 19 through 22. Now there was no Smith found throughout all the land of Israel. For all of Philistine said lest the Hebrews make them swords and spears, but all the Israelites went down to the Philistines to sharpen every man his share and his culture, and his acts and his Maddox. Yet they had a file for the Maddox and for the cultures to pass in the day of battle. That there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan, but with Saul and with Jonathan, his son was there found. This interest, George Rightes, this interest in passage speaks of a time when Israel had no blacksmiths to make weapons, and was without any armament to defend themselves. The enemy had succeeded to disarm Israel by removing their weapons, and those who forged them, he's attempting the same tactic today. A blacksmith is someone who works with raw material and fire, and who knows how to form and shape liquid metal into powerful weapons. Anyone who works skillfully and accurately with the word of God is a spiritual blacksmith. The enemy who is constantly attacking the word of God, the sword of the spirit, also seeks to silence or remove the spiritual blacksmiths of this world. If he can get rid of them, the battle is over. We need to pray for God's blacksmiths because the enemy is after them. Together with the fire of the Holy Spirit, they forged the raw material of his word into powerful weapons with the shape and mode of God's people into his image and equipped them for spiritual warfare and prooffulness. But we are all called to be strong in the word and take it up as our primary weapon. Every spiritual blacksmith himself started out as raw material, which was shaped and formed by fire of God to fight in the battle with Satan. As the battle rages prayed for the protection of God's blacksmiths, even as you submit to his process of shaping you into one yourself. Your family and the Lord would want you to gop it off to the word of God. And that's not just pastors in view, but it's for all you as well as you are disciples for others. And so as you are discipling others, you are a spiritual blacksmith. I thought that was interesting, just born in Hebrews. So let's turn in our Bible to Hebrews chapter 13, and we'll drop down and get right into it. And verse 7, "Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you, and consider a result of their conduct imitate their faith, imitate the faith of the spiritual blacksmiths." And verse 8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, end of day, and forever." You see, what the spiritual blacksmiths are teaching is not human good, it's not psychology, it's not human garbage, which makes them good, which makes them smell good, but it's not the spiritual life. As spiritual blacksmiths, I'm going to continue this theme on here, that ours is to direct others to the word of God, to the Bible. Even not so much to our doctoral training, but more so to the Bible, and where do we get this, or what the Bible says? It's not what my pastor says, or it's not what this guy said on the internet, but this is what the Bible says, and people will have a lot more respect. So each of us, to be disciples, which we should all be, as Hebrews, the writer of Hebrews says, that we should be teachers by now, that if you're going to be teachers, you're also going to be learners. And it is something, as I said this morning, about spiritual life, because if you're going to have a spiritual life, you have to be in God's Word. You have to be a student of God's Word, and it's not an option. Bible study is not an option. I want to say it for the third time, for emphasis, since we do Holy Holy, let's just do, you know, Bible study is not an option, ladies and gentlemen. It's a mandate, and to be a believer, and to opt out, because you are, and it's not that you become a student. You're a student at the moment that you have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for his salvation. You entered into the classroom, and it's not something you chose, you were already there. And you don't opt for it, you can only opt out of it, just like Adam and Eve being in the garden. They were already in the garden, they were already in perfection. They didn't choose perfection, but they chose to opt out of it. Alright, so, and our study is focused upon, and the logos, we have the written logos. Paul says we have the mind of Christ, and Peter says to grow and grace in the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And here it is, and verse 8 says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. And I think some of you have done it, Mike, I think you probably have done it, I'm Tim has done it, but you can go and you can get a book on someone from the 1800s, someone from 1900s. So, I've been actually listening to D.L. Moody on a three hour audio thing, and you listen to that. And it's as fresh as it's nothing new in a sense that, or let's just say it's not old and antiquated. That's why I'm trying to say it's not old and antiquated. It's still fresh, and you listen to it, and the way he teaches, and the things he presents is not strange teaching or forgotten teaching. It's what a good teacher today continues to teach. You will read things from George Whitfield, or Charles Spurgeon, D.L. Moody, Andrew Murray, one of my favorites. These are all 17 and 1800s, and their writings are as fresh today. The things today, if I've heard somebody say if it's new, it's not true. I don't know, that might have some holes in it or stuff, but if somebody's trying to preach something new age, well, I'd say show them to the door. But what is the teaching when it's related to Christ? Well, let me tell you how you should live your life. Okay, before you do that, where are you taking me? And you're going to show me something about my Lord Jesus Christ because he said, "Yeah, this is all new." Well, listen, my Lord Jesus Christ was the same yesterday as he is today, as he is, and will always be. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the same God that we worship. He is the God who walked in the garden, and he doesn't change. A gentleman, what does that mean? Does it change? What does that word mean? Immutable. Immutable. That means he does not change, and so Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's not never off guard. He has a plan. His plan is never thwarted. He knows perfectly the divine outline of history, and so we move on to verse 9. "Do not be carried away by very strange teachings, because false teaching will look to drive a wedge in a relationship with Christ." To throw in some leaven, to throw in some doubt, to throw in everything that you hear is things that you hear might be interesting. But how do they weigh with the Word of God, and how does it bring you into a better view of Christ? And so, "Do not be carried away by very strange teachings." This is what called Eve. Eve landed ear. She landed ear to who she wasn't supposed to. All right. Was it okay? No, I'm okay, because I have to be on you. But she got taken away by strange teachings until she acted upon it. Remember a thought, a thought, motive, decision, action. So, "For it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods through which those who were so occupied were not benefiting." Okay? We can go back to where we'll do it tonight, but we can go back to Timothy. There were those who were still the dietary laws. There were those who were still clinging to the law, the Judaizers, and here we understand that. Remember it was Peter, we'll go see that in the book of Acts that we're studying in the morning. That it was a lot of foods that the Jews were not that it was forbidden for them to eat. These were people that were set aside. Of course, they didn't eat pork, and they still don't. So, there was various foods that were unclean. In Peter's vision, he saw this come down, I guess, on a picnic thing. So, the boy said, "Eat, Peter, eat." How do you feel? He says, "No, I can't, because this is unclean food." And the Lord told him, he said, "No, nothing's unclean." Nothing's unclean. But there were those, Peter. So, Peter, these were, there was a revelation that new things have come. But there are still people who are still looking at diet as being a religious, a thing of religion. Now, I do believe that we should be taking care of our bodies as unto the Lord, that we should have good diets. But it's a different thing of making a religion out of it. Verse 10, go ahead and give me verse 10 there while we go. We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat. Keep reading on that, we'll go. For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy place by the high priest as an offering for sin are burned outside the camp. Therefore, Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people through his own blood, suffered outside the gate. So, let us go out to him, outside the camp, bearing his reproach. For here, we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come. Okay, in reference to what's going on here, this goes back to Leviticus, and it was sin offering. And a sin offering was for the community, for the nation, that the nation and the national sins. And this was ceremony, and there were those foods that priests could eat. There were those that they were welcome to eat, but there was other sacrifices that they were not permitted to eat. And the sin offering, they were not permitted to eat. And the sin offering was taken outside of the gate, outside away from them, and was burnt up. And that is a picture, I believe that's a picture of saying that sin is set outside. It's taken outside, and it was for the cleansing of the nation. It was for the city, for the nation. And so, this is a reference here, and it goes on. Therefore, Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people through his own blood, suffered outside the gate. Now, what is Jesus that he is the Lamb of God? He is our sin offering. He is the one that, and where was the altar at that this is talking about right here? That there was an altar outside the gate. What would that be? It's an vernacular. No, what do you think? They're greedy. What would be the altar it talks about? Therefore, Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people through his own blood, suffered outside the gate. What would that be? That would be the cross. That would be the cross. That's where our salvation comes from. It was outside the gate. That's where we were cleansed. That's where we were cleansed. Jesus was taken outside of the city, outside. He wasn't crucified in Jerusalem. He was taken outside the gate, up on the place of the skull. Galgotha was outside of the city, and it follows along with Passover, the Passover celebration. The Lamb coming into the house for four days, and at the twilight of the four days, the Lamb is taken outside. And slain. Well, that was Jesus. He came in. He rode in on the full, coming into Jerusalem. And then he was taken out on that fourth day. He was taken out and crucified. And there was our sin offering. Now, at that point, throughout the age of Israel, that was good to go. And again, the priest did not eat the meat. It was burnt. It was consumed so nobody would eat it. But something interesting that Jesus reports in John. Somebody helped me. I'll find that where John said, "Eat my flesh." And I believe it's in John, the job for John. Now, unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, that's a parable of death. That's in resurrection of Jesus. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Anybody got it yet? All right. Let's be here. Tip your six. Fifty-sixes, whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood, advises me and I and him. I'm assuming I'm near it. I'm nearing it. So, whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood, has eternal life. I will raise him up on the last day. Okay. So, John sixes. And so, here it was at Jesus. It was right after the feeding of that cousin. Six fifty. What's that? Six fifty-three. Six fifty-three? Six fifty-three. Yeah. So, Jesus said to them truly, truly, I said to you, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in himself." This is the cinema. That's where Steve said he threw the Bible in the back seat. No, and he has to ask. First, I mean, yeah. It wasn't talking about his literal blood. It wasn't talking about his literal body. But, it was the partaking within the body and this is an image. Because Jesus is, Jesus is taken out. He said, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, well, he sacrificed outside of the city." Now, what's our response? Now, early on, through Alexey, through Alexey, the age of Israel, that was done. The sacrifice was done. The sacrifice was sacrificed. You didn't partake in the sacrifice. You didn't eat the sacrifice. But, this sacrifice, we are eating. This sacrifice, we are drinking. Figuratively. But, nonetheless, that which, when we take the communion, we are professing his death and his spiritual death, his life and his spiritual death. And, we're taking impact in our communion and in our spiritual baptism, identifying with him. The early sacrifices, they were forgotten. As sin is forgotten. The sacrifice of birth, there are no more. But, not Jesus. And, we are told that to, I believe in Luke, that unless you pick up your cross, we are told to pick up our crosses and to follow him. And so, what do we mean? We are following him right out of the city. And, we're going to that place of crucifixion, that we are identifying him, being identified with Christ and his death. This is what he's talking about, that to drink my blood and to eat my flesh, we are identifying and participating in that death. And, once again, prior to that, coming up to the time of Christ, you weren't eating the sin offering. But, Jesus Christ is our sin offering. That, while we were yet sinners, Christ became, Christ became sent for us, that we might become the righteousness in him. And, back to 13. So, let us go out to him, outside the camp, and his reproach, bearing his reproach. For here, we do not have a lasting city. We're not looking at, see, these, they were concerned with national sins, that the Lord would not come down in this land. Their hearts and their minds were fixed upon, that the Lord's wrath would not come down on the city. But, here, we are looking for a new heaven, and a new earth were righteous dwells. We have a, we have a vision that Abraham had, of that city coming out, that city, not made with hands, coming down, down out of heaven. And, so, moving on, in verse 15. Grady, give me verse 15. Then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God. That is the fruit of lips, that gives thanks to his name. When we talk about the fruit of the lips, when we talk about the lips. So, what springs to your mind? I tell you what springs to my mind, but what springs to your mind, when you talk about the fruit of lips? Grady, I think I was both of the words. Yeah, about a passage. Do not let this depart from your mouth. Yeah, do not let the words depart from your mouth. I don't understand the wording on that, but I understand what you're saying. Don't let it escape. You don't let it, you know, because what's in your heart continually speak from your mouth. Don't let it leave there. I think, yes, those are good. And our speech should be salted. And James talks about what speaks about the sins of the tongue. And what's in our heart will come out. I love what Adrian Rogers says, what's down in the well. We'll come up in a bucket. It will be brought up in a bucket. But how do we control our tongue through our heart? See, intake of the Word of God. I think of Isaiah. I think of Isaiah 6, where Isaiah is taken into heaven. And he is, at that point, he is frightened. He sees all this vision in heaven, in the throne room of heaven. And the Lord sitting on his throne in the seraphine, above him and below him and at his feet, they're worshiping holy, holy, holy. And what was the response of Isaiah? What was me? What is it? Somebody finish it. What was me? I am a man of unclean lips. Man of unclean lips. Living among people with unclean lips. And this was terrified. So coming back to 15th, though, through him, then let us continually offer up sacrifice of praise to God. That is the fruit of the lips that gives thanks to his name. Remember that what happened was an angel brought over and put a coal, a hot coal and touched their lips of Isaiah and cleansed him. Now he's able, because he's going to come out of that vision. And he's going to speak the Word of God. He's going to speak that which, so we must be careful in our speech. And the carefulness of our speech means to guard our hearts, first of all. Go to the source of where our communication comes from. Because if you've got garbage in your heart, you're going to spru out garbage from... You're not going to be able to tame the lips, but you have been sanctified. You have been set apart. And you have... and your speech. Your speech will tell on you all the time. Tell it because, again, what Adrian Rogers says. You've been sanctified. You've been set apart. You're walking in the light. You're growing in the Lord. And that is going to have an impact on the things you think. And the things you think will be seen and the things you say. The fruit of lips. This is the Lord. There are people concerned with doing for the Lord. I'm going to do for the Lord, or I'm going to give to the Lord. I'm going to do this. And we may be poor people, and we may not have anything to give. Or we may not think that we have the opportunity to serve the Lord in that capacity. But nonetheless, we can give praise to God each and every day. Ladies and gentlemen, if you're not praying, I'll throw this out there. First, something do you think about? If you're not praying, then you're not offering a praise to God. You might think that you have nothing to pray about. Or your prayer list is pretty short. You don't have to pray for things. You don't have to pray for help. You don't have to pray for others. You don't have to walk that back. You do pray for others. That's a mandate. But a part of your prayers is praising God. Remember Acts, remember the acronym if I remember right. So you have "A", which is... Adulation. Adulation. Say enough. Praise him. Praise him on the Lord. And if you don't know how to do that, read Psalms. Read the Psalms. They'll tell you how to praise God for who God is. Read the Bible specifically. Go back to Genesis chapter 1. Read about the creation. There is much to praise God about. Much. So you've got adulation. Let's see. Confession. Confession. Tea. Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. And "S". Ah. Same location. No. Suffocation. Suffocation. Making your quest to God. Verse 17. All right. Becca, give me his first 17 if you will, please. We've got it. Verse 17. Evaluate your leaders and submit to them for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief. Or this would be unappropriate, un... Unprofitable. Unprofitable for you. Pray for us. Okay. That's good. I want you to give back to the spiritual leaders. The leaders of the church. That you prayed for them. And they listen. They're not accountable to the congregation. No. They're accountability much higher than a congregation. They're accountable to God in heaven. And we as pastors will be judged even on a higher plane. Then anyone else, that's what James says. He says that not all of you should be teachers. Because there is a higher accountability for the teachers. Now there's something that, now that doesn't mean that the pastor has a free reign. That as a fellow believer, and you caring for that pastor should be, there are times when if the pastor is out of line. And the three things that I've heard Annie talk about. The three things that the pastor has to stay away from. That gets them each and every time. That's the three G's. If I ever heard of the three G's, stay away from the gold, the finances. Stay away from the girls and stay away from God's glory. Those are the three things that will bring a pastor down, and it has many pastors down. But as a fellow believer, because you're also caring, you're also got care for where the congregation is going. If the pastor is stumbling, somebody needs to bring because he is accountable. And so I'm saying that the pastor isn't that there is a time when the elder or the deacon needs to approach the pastor and say, "That's not keeping your nose in somebody else's bistard or you judging or anything." But if there's an obvious problem with the pastor, and nobody's bringing through his attention, then something should be said to him privately. As it would be in Matthew 18, not in a form of judgment, but in a form of helping a brother come back into fellowship. And it may be that that pastor may have to step down. And those are a contingency, but as far as tearing the pastor down, one of the things that you're not satisfied with, and I've heard this before, that he's not bringing people in. So we're going to do everything that we can to remove them, so that we can get a more dynamic pastor in. Woe to those people. Woe to those people just don't like the pastor's personality. Woe to those deacons that think that it has power control or have some power issues. Whatever it is, and we've seen these things happen in churches. And going straight into us, it's me, these people do not have, if you've got anything, it is biblical. That we need to be praying for the pastor. We need to be praying for his spiritual, not just this pastor, but all pastors, because they're on the front lines. They're the blacksmiths, and you need to be praying for them. You need to be lifting them up. You need to be encouraging them. And because the pastor is up here, and I'm not talking about in the level of maturity, but in the leadership, he's always pressing forward to bring his titergation on. He's always taking a point. And the point is you're alone at that point. And talk to the pastor, friend of mine, last night, and he's going through another trial. He's going through another, and it's like one after another after another. And I think, you know, starting to talk to him, I think he just got done dealing with something. And I could tell, and there, you know, that, "What do I just quit?" And we both know, can't do that. So we need to, we need to be praying for our pastors, and lifting them up, encouraging them to press forward. And running them down is not going to help. They are accountable to God. Ephesians 4.11 says that God has given us evangelists, or prophets evangelists, apostles, pastors, and teachers for the equipping of the saints, the provision of that. So let them do this with joy and not grief. Oh, my goodness. I remember today when Sunday morning was, I had a father for y'all too, but Sunday morning at one point. And the church that we attended was the worst of all days for me. It was a day that we should be celebrating the Lord. And yet it was like every week, every Sunday was like going to a firing squad. That should not be. So the pastor should be performing his duties with joy and not grief. Now for this would be, this would be uncomfortable for you. You want motivated pastor. You want a pastor who is motivated, who's, who's coming to Paul, the pulpit with joy and excitement to share with you God's Word. Paul says to pray for us, not follow that. Oh, I see where. No, the writer, the writer actually, you know, when you let that pray for us. Pastor Bob thinks that actually the writer of Hebrew is actually Luke. There's a lot of guesses. Chuck thinks it's Paul, of course. But Bob, Bob, you should think it was Barnabas, and it has a lot of people who thought it was Barnabas. But it's certainly somebody along with the group we talked about this earlier. But whoever he is, he says pray for us. For we are sure that we have a good conscience that pray for us. For we are sure that we have a good conscience, designed to conduct ourselves honorably in all things. And I urge you all the more to do this so that I may be restored to you the sooner. There's a about that. Where is he? Where's this letter coming from? And so, you know, there's some circumstances outside that that we may not be looking at. I think it's Philemon, I have an organ here, Philemon 22. But we'll just keep that in mind. All right. That moves us into the benediction. And this benediction is the closing of the letter. Now the God of peace, the God of Iranian. And the God of peace is the one who is not warring against his people. The time has come, he is at this point the God of peace. Peace is the harmony is harmony between God and his creation. From the very beginning when you're reading the book of Genesis, you see the harmony within the creation. And God is not, and so what we see now, what we see, the chaos and the conflict and the hatred and the evil within the world, it is not a product of the God of peace. It's a product of separating ourselves from the God of peace. Who brought us, who brought up from the dead, the good shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant. And even Jesus our Lord, and with that, is that with the resurrection, that's the center of our faith. The writer of Hebrew says to focus, to keep our eyes fixed upon the altar in the perspective of our faith. He is the God of peace, he is the, he is the Prince of peace. He has come, see this is specifically with our Lord Jesus Christ, who was sent as a, what is the word? The one who stands between God and sinful man. The mediator, he came to mediate between God and with man. The reconciliation, he was a propitiation for our sins, that means that, well, what does propitiation mean? Satisfied. To be satisfied, God is satisfied with the work of Jesus Christ on our behalf. The work that he has done on this earth was in order, and we should be, we should just about jump out of our jump on the next person that talks about that God is a, anything short of a benevolent God. A God that is not compassionate, or not a God of love, simply because he casts the center into the lake of fire. Here's the question, people ask, how can a loving God cast his creatures into the lake of fire? We talked about holy just a little bit earlier though. Here's the question, how can a holy God not cast his, cast the centers into the lake of fire? How can he do that? Because the answer is the Lord Jesus Christ. And it's true, the word is true that God wishes no one to perish. That's why he sends his son. And while we were yet centers, Christ died for us. He sent his son in order to be our propitiation. He made it possible for the door to be open. That we can find peace with God, I ran him, Shalom. There is no peace without the Prince of Peace. And I'll get back on the political bandwagon if you think, and if your hope is within the next election, and your heart has little to nothing in it that's set apart to God and his Christ. What is to you? Because there will no be no peace at all. If you get everything politically, if the liberals get stopped on him, kicked out the door, and all of a sudden we have a perfect United States and everything comes together and everything's all good and great and fantastic. And you don't have Christ woe to you and woe to us. Because there's a hell waiting for you. So living up now and enjoying peace now on earth, a relative peace. Because if you don't have peace with Christ, with God, through Christ, you have no peace at all. No matter how this, where this country ends up, or what prosperity you might have or what shit that might come in, for your benefit, if you're lost and you don't have Christ, there is no peace. Even Jesus, our Lord, equip you. Here's the prayer for you and the benediction is there. So now the God of peace who brought up the dead, the great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus, our Lord, equip you in every good thing to do his will. What is the will of God for our lives? Education, working in us, as well working in us, to do, and Philippians, to do, to will and to do, working in us, that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom to be the glory forever and ever, amen. I urge you brethren, bear with this word of exhortation, for I have written to you briefly. Take notice that our brother Timothy has been released with whom, if he comes soon, I will see you. Read all your leaders, and all the saints, those from Italy, read you. Grace be to you all, and that would be the closing of Hebrews. And so we have any parting words for today. Amen. All the guys, people said amen. And remember that we do not have worship call tomorrow, Thursday or Friday. Maybe not Monday, but I'm going to try. I'm shooting for worship call Monday, you know we're going to be on the road. And, so I look forward to, and I remind right after this, we'll show you how to set up the Zoom for, for down here for a Sunday morning of worship. All right. Let us close that in prayer. Father in heaven, thank you for this wonderful book Hebrews. Now pray, heavenly Father, that what we've learned is that the Holy Spirit will take and edify our souls. And I pray, heavenly Father, that we, especially this, the last chapter 13 and 12 and 13 with wonderful passage. The chapters it is, and speaking of the conduct of the Christian life. Now pray, heavenly Father, thank you, heavenly Father for it. Thank you for the spirit that guides us. And I pray, heavenly Father, that we will continue looking upward. And in praising the, let us, let us look at ourselves in the mirror of God's Word to see that our lives are lining up with it. And if not, why not? Where is the distraction? What is the shortcomings? I pray that the Holy Spirit will work in our hearts and guide us and convict us. Thank you for this day. We pray all these things in Christ's name. Amen. All right. Now you can sleep. I knew it was going to be tough for you. I knew it was going to be tough for you. I did. That would be a lot. I got bad up here. Keep you up there. Yeah. We work pretty hard today. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE]