The Nolecast: Florida State football analysis

Florida State v. Georgia Tech Review Part 3

The third part of the review. Big picture, and Bud and Ingram dive into Dataviz. Plus, answering some Patreon questions.

Please watch this one

The Nolecast is the most successful and longest running Florida State podcast. Bud Elliott and Ingram Smith focus mainly on football, but also dabble in baseball and basketball. Please support the show by using our sponsors: Louisiana Hot Sauce, Tarpon Cellars Winery, The Legendary Home Loans team, Congruity Solutions, and Charlie Park.

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Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
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Ingrid Smith by Elliott, back again for another episode of the Noel Cast, but I had a chance to listen to some of your recap yesterday. I haven't heard all of it. I appreciate you doing that, and yeah, after a long day of driving on the left side of the roads in Northern Ireland, that would've been a tough one for me to do around one o'clock in the morning. I happen to be able to connect with you here before I head back to the States on, you know, result when standing, what's been a really awesome time in Ireland. So, yeah, let's look back at the game a little bit, talk about, you know, some broader themes, what week zero means, and yeah, we'll go from there. Yeah, man. I talked to a lot of people who went, obviously, the result of the game, you know, sucked. But, like, I don't know, maybe because I'm older and are, I mean, maybe just old, you know, but like, none of my buddies are like, the trip is ruined because the team lost. Like, that's probably just like a little more like well-adjusted thing, you know. There's a certain element of people I think would allow the result of the game to ruin a trip to another country, but, you know, glad you and I didn't talk around nine o'clock local time on Saturday. Yeah. Okay. It was popping off, for sure, right after the game, yeah, but yeah. All right, so general thoughts, like takeaways, what, like, fears confirmed, surprises that you didn't see coming, like, like, what, what laid on me? Yeah, certainly surprises. And a lot of, you know, we'll just learn, you only, you know, you only know so much in whether it be week zero or week one each year and it's the danger of, you know, every fan base, just as fans, we extrapolate everything that we know from a very small sample size. So like, anything that I say today, it's not, not trying to sugarcoat what was a significant disappointment, you know. I mean, I'm like, still, you know, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a die hard fan to anytime you lose your first game after going through the college, the ball off season quote unquote, if there is such a thing at this point, but, you know, we as fans struggle through spring and, and summer and, and, and look towards week one. And when you lose week one or particularly when you lose week one is a, you know, 10 or 11 point favorite or whatever floristy went off the board as that's, it's very disappointing. And yeah, I still still feel that I do, you know, there are things that I feel better about after going back and looking at and then there's things that, you know, we're just gonna have to see in time. I think overall, and this is a, you know, a macro theme of the sport is that, you know, it's not, I'm not trying to sound like I'm 65 years old, but the game's different than when you even knew and I were in high school, I mean, you, you, you just don't tackle nearly as much when it comes and that's not a Florida state issue that's, it's across the board. And I think that particular aspect leads to even a higher amount of the unknown, particularly on the defensive side, and it does, you know, create some, some further issues I heard, you know, like I said, I didn't hear all of what you said yesterday when I heard the beginning part of it. And yeah, anytime you're trying to build and merge as many new pieces, I think that's only, you know, something that is magnified. I think there are positions and I talk about this a lot in spring, but it bleeds over into fall that are made all the more harder to evaluate in practice because of that. I always, you know, like the old, what adage just said, the team doesn't get any better. The team gets the most better from what week one to week two after your first game. That's true. I'm not trying to sell you that on that as listeners, although I do believe this team will get much better in time and I, you know, have faith in that based off both, you know, knowledge of the personnel and the coaching staff. But also there's not as, I don't think there's a greater period of time of roster evaluations and adjustments based off the first game that you get. There are just people who go into games, you know, as a, as penciled in as a starter or a rotational player that maybe they're not after week one or whether that be because of play or because of style of play that you realize that, you know, maybe you thought you had the personnel to do or you don't. So I do think there is a, a ton of evolution to take place there and, you know, I'm particularly, I'm not talking about personnel, I'm talking about position, I really believe this to be true at linebacker because it's very hard to evaluate linebackers when you're not tackling all the time. Okay. That's, that's what you ask of that position. And I'll be interested to see what happens there. You know, like juice crier, according to practice reports and when I'm at practice, you know, just cry to the massive part of the net unit. So I would expect for him to be, you know, much more involved moving forward. I'm not sitting here just trying to tell you that Blake Nicholson played a perfect game. But from what I saw Blake, there's a lot to build off of there. And I would expect him to, you know, to be a large part of what you're doing moving forward. And just overall macro things like, I'm disappointed in myself as an, uh, an ally, like someone who analyzes his team and speaks to it, that I even, we've been set in the preview where we were talking about Georgia sex tight end room that didn't, I mean, we talked about it in the preview. We talked about communication issues at linebacker or not communication issues, but that it would be interesting to see how communicating goes with two different kids. And, you know, I know he was undrafted, uh, but probably undersold the importance that it came down, uh, had on this defense and, you know, the level that he was playing at the end of last year, um, so that if I'm looking in the mirror and looking at where I might have gotten some things wrong, that's, that's what pops off to me. Um, I agree with the, the Akim dead point is a really good one. Uh, you, you bang that drum down the stretch last year, you know, when, uh, when he got called for that bullshit flag, uh, against Florida, um, you know, it really kind of changed the, changed the game, um, and honestly kind of changed the, uh, um, it, it, it probably affected the committee at least somewhat, right? You're, you're getting, you're getting off the field there, obviously, and, and don't, and then maybe that made that game, uh, a heck of a lot closer than it otherwise would have been. And maybe you still get screwed because the offense couldn't do anything as little, I don't know, uh, but yeah, that, that, that one, that flag still bothers me in a way that I try not to let plays, uh, bother me, you know, cause you got to kind of move on at some point. Um, I, I agree with you, man, I, now look, the counter is going to be, all right, well, tech tackled and tech seemed ready to play and I, I agree. And they do have new pieces on defense and tech's offense for the most part is, is returning. Um, so they look like an offense that was returning, but tech on defense, I mean, they just look more ready to play than it, but she did. So that is sort of like a credit to tech, but it, I mean, it was a massive credit to you. Yeah. I give tech a lot of credit. Uh, they did a really good job. I give the tech spam basis credit. They showed up in a Florida state, not, I'm not comparing their turn out in Florida state at all. I had a chance encounter this morning that I'll talk more about in a little bit as far as the, how many people showed up and everything else, but, um, what I do want to say on that, and I'm not discounting what tech did. They did a great job, played hard, I said in the preview that I think key is the type of coach that if you're going to unlock, uh, some of the strengths that are at Georgia Tech, he's the type of person to do it. And I'm excited to see what that, you know, what he does moving forward. Uh, what I'm trying to say here is that I think these weak zero games or week one games, uh, favor the underdog man, it is better to spend all season, all off season with the idea that if we don't kill ourselves at practice today, we, we may well get our ass blown out and it's been true since the beginning of the beginning of time for these things. For me, the beginning of time for these things dates back to what the Clemson and Alabama game in 2007 or whatever, you know, uh, so Alabama, give the first carry to the freshman because he's promised him an recruiting thing. Right. Yeah. Alabama went in the game. I can't remember if they were ranked 19th or 22 or 24, somewhere in that area, Clemson was what? Number four, number seven, something like that. And, you know, Alabama smith of all off season, making sure that they didn't get blown out and they went in to just kick, you know, kick the hell the beat, beat Clemson's rear end thoroughly. Um, and I just think that's part of that game. That's not me making excuses for Florida State at all. You knew you were going to have to play a conference game. Georgia Tech's a good program played really well at the end of last year, played Georgia is competitively, at least by the score board, as anybody did last year, you know, you shouldn't have walked into this game, not ready, you know, shouldn't have thought that, but there is an element of human nature to this. And I do think that in these type of games, you're in the advantageous place. Frankly, I think two years ago when you beat LSU, you worked all summer to be as competitive as you could with a super high end SEC team and you jumped up and you, you know, if it worked for some bumbles and other things, you should probably win that game by 14 or 17 points. I can't remember. I think by the end of the very instant reaction that night, I might've said 28 or something like that. But that's me making fun of myself for being a little excited, but no, I mean, it's, um, it's very disappointed. It's a very fair point that you point out that Georgia Tech didn't struggle with some of those things. And I think Georgia Tech's offense, particularly for a week zero game, and this is also giving credit to them for the scheme and what they do and some of the things that they do and put you in conflict and I'm not taking away from them. But I think it was uniquely well positioned to chip away at some of Florida State's strengths while also keying on some of the unknown on that defense in a very effective manner. And I think a lot of the, you know, horizontal, eye candy and stuff that they do was limiting to an extent to the, for the four guys that put their hand in the ground on the defense. So. Totally. Um, I, I agree with you on all of that. Let's, uh, let's thank our sponsor here, legendary home loans team, Chad, people closing in on like 600 home loans. So that is fantastic. Definitely give them a shout eight four four FSU loan eight four four FSU loan is the number to call. I've done it twice and I thought it was an awesome experience. And I think everybody else should as well, you know, seeing rates maybe start to come down a little bit. So not a, not an economist, but that's, that's always a little bit encouraging. Um, give them a call for four FSU loan or hit them up at the link in the show notes. All right. Um, you mentioned that the changes are also like they're going to, their self scout in an actual game is going to result in some changes. I got a chart for you. It will not make you real happy, but it is pretty illuminating. Oh, I think you muted. It's simple. It's clear. I think it's easily digestible. I'm meeting myself all the time, by the way, because there's some faint background music that I don't want us to get copyrighted for. So I'm doing this in the office center of a hotel. So I'll probably do that one or more times, but anyway, no, I like the chart, let's throw it up. I think it gives you a good idea and some things. So. Okay. All right. Yeah, I've color coded this for simplicity. So if you are listening at home, I also just, I didn't want to go insane here as far as the, like the number of detail we put into this, however, your person, basically, if you're listening on the audio product, which we know is still the vast majority of our audience. Personnel usage, success rate and EPA per play, which is, you know, expected points added per play based on how the play went. All right. When you're in three wide, they use three wide 43% of the time, success rate of 28%. 28% success rate is god awful. Like that is, to put it in perspective that that's like the worst team in the country. Okay. Over the course of the season, you know, like Nevada or temple type thing, you know, last year, when they're basically just in give up and the coach was going to get fired or did get fired if they had any money to do the buyout, EPA per play negative 0.11, which is obviously just as a hint, we're going to want positive EPA per play. If you want to win football games, if you'd like to lose football games, then negative EPA play is definitely the way to go. Two back sets, they use it a third of the time, 33%, 74% success rate, 0.59 EPA per play. Two receiver sets with two tight ends, so 12 personnel, they use it 22% of the time, 31% success rate, which is not good, negative 0.46 EPA per play. So you did not have as many disaster plays when you're in three wide, your success rate was really bad. Like you didn't capitalize on three wide in terms of hitting explosives. Out of two wide and two tight ends, your success rate was also poor. I mean, 31 compared to 28, but negative 0.46 EPA per play means like you got stuff blown up in the backfield, right? This is a very small sample. I mean, we're talking about 33% of 58 plays. So that's like 19 plays you ran out of 21 personnel or two back, one tight end or just two back three wide. I don't think they wouldn't need two back three wide actually, which is probably smart. Like I would not, I wouldn't pull more lock off the field to run three wide, two tight end with this current group that you have. I mean, if I'm Mike, you can, and Alex, you can know what you want the offense to be, but right now, this is what the offense is, small sample, I get it, I'm sure that they have stuff in practice that works out of some of these other formations, but they did not work on game day. And right now, like you do have to go out and win ball games. And well, I think the drop off from Trey Benson to the other backs in terms of the ability to make somebody miss and go and hit an explosive was evident on Saturday. Your run stuff you schemed up out of this was pretty damn good. And I do have some, like we're not going to get tackled on first contact every single play ever, like of the year, like that's just not, this is, this is still for the state. Like you may not have the first or second back or was Benson the first back in the draft or was the Texas kid. I think it was the first off the board. That's what I was saying. I mean, like one of the very top, like you may not have like one of the very top running backs in the draft, but you also, this is still for the state and you still have backs that I think, you know, Roy Dale, I think it's probably like like watching his burst or lack thereof is probably more of like a UDFA type, but I think he's a useful player, you know, toe affiliate with his receiving skills, I think we'll have a shot to get drafted. So like you do have some guys that are going to play in the league, you know, getting them more touches and calling players not plays I think is, is pretty key here. I'm very, very high on the long term of the tight end room. I'm not sure that Courtney and West, especially West can't stay healthy. Like if those guys are our plus players right now, and I think you see that in this negative point four six EPA, like some of that is those guys just whiffing on blocks, making the wrong read to and if you're not physically gifted and those two are not, you need to be gifted up here and play clean sound football. And I'm sure, you know, if you had Chris Thompson, he would tell you he was disappointed in how those guys, you know, perform mentally as well as physically. So that to me was a little bit disappointing. Let's stick with offense. I have some more charts here in this. Well, if you want to weigh on that, like, but I think I mean, continue to work on the free wide and the 12 stuff in practice, but I think you need to expand on the number of players you're running out of your two back stuff because that actually works for you. And a lot of that was in the opening script too. And I think I don't know if they're viewing that as more of like a, like a specialty thing. Okay, like we ref it, we run in the script, but it's not like something we want to go to during the game. This may be, this may need to be what you're going to, which honestly, I think you and I's evaluation, not of what to do a practice, but just like of the, of the personnel, look at our snap count draft running backs got a lot of snaps, running backs got a lot more snaps than if you're just playing one back, right? So I think we were pretty high on this running back room. It is a, it is a very interesting chart. You pointed it out. It is a very small sample size, this is, you know, and it's, it's, so EPA is expected points added for those that aren't immediately familiar and, but I'm correct in that there is some adjustment as far as where on the field, it's not just a standard per play. So, you know, some of these snaps might have been in the goal line might have been in situational, you know, situational instances in which they didn't have favorable matchups, et cetera. This is a chart that has a lot of value. It has a whole lot more value when you can put two or three games worth of information into it. So I'll be interested to see, you know, what that looks like, certainly without, you know, without even commenting on what happened on Saturday, just going into the season. Yeah. Whether it be the staff, counter draft, whatever, I mean, I legitimately think you have six very good football players in the running back room and it'd be interesting to see how you try to use all those and if you continue to have a success rate in packages to get more running backs on the field, then I would only expect that to, you know, continue. So that is a very interesting chart. I'll be curious to look at it, say, you know, post Memphis or even post SMU as to what it looks like with some more significant amount of data in it. I mean, we know Mike has done some of the stuff for Memphis. So I do wonder if he pulls some of that out a little bit more. All right. I have another chart to show here. Let me see if I can move that one. Oh, that's not stop screen. That's. Oops. There we go. Share screen. Okay. All right. This is for my friends and stats, bomb. This is pressures allowed. Now, obviously the Robert Scott getting smoked off the edge, got erased here because that was a face mask penalty. So otherwise you would see a red bar, but you are seeing here generally in past pro pro. This is like buyers was not bad. Darius was fine. You are getting smoked with your interior past pro stuff in terms of like relative to what the tackles allowed. Now, overall, I don't think this is actually all that bad. It's read because compared like some of the national average stuff, right? There's not that many games out there that have been played so far, but I think in terms of relativity, it is sort of instructive. If you sort for who got smoked and who didn't, but she Leonard when he was at right guard, nothing. Okay. Where she'd learn to visit left guard, nothing. I think that tells you that if you just sorted by everybody else at guard, I mean, it's going to be dark red, like the darkest of the red. I'm trying to just obviously, if you're watching the video, you can see this, but we have an audio product too, right? Ferguson at right, not bad, you know, Ferguson left a little bit of struggle, more plays there. He played one play at right guard. He played 13 at left. So they need one of those guys to play better. I don't know who it's going to be. I have, you would hope that Ferguson would acclimate more to the system as he, I guess I have higher hopes for improvement from Ferguson from game one to game 12 because he's new to the system, you know. On Jones, I need to see if he's not going to be particularly athletic. I need to see more movement at the point of attack from him, right? Like, you're playing him because he is a strong big body guy and he's not super fleet of foot and they know that. But so you're in there. I need him for the offense to work if he's going to be in there to, again, part of the reason for the optimism with the offensive line is that they're an older group. They've played a lot of football, like they should not make some of the mental mistakes that they did, but also, you know, KYP, right, know your personnel. I thought David Hale had a good tweet noting sort of, you know, what they could and could not do. Georgia Tech had a better understanding of what they couldn't do, which is probably part of the experience thing, right, dude? I mean, they had more people coming back who they had a decent idea for, you know, for what they could do. All right. Yeah, no. I mean, exactly. And to build off the KYP, you know, where do you have optimism based off Kindred Jones when you could line him up and tell him to just maul someone directly in front of him? You know, watch the second half of last year's LSU game. If you want to be excited about what Kindred Jones can look like in situations that are tied to his strengths. And he bullies some pretty damn good defenders again, small sample size, but the chart that you just showed me would suggest that, you know, pass protection is, again, how many plays did so if Ferguson took 14 snaps, how many did he take 30 high thirties? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I mean, it's not a ton. Right. So my, my greater thought here is, uh, so I had a scout buddy, right, who, who works for some NFL stuff. And he was like, they don't have anybody else who can play tackle other than buyers. And he had told me like, we actually have like a fourth round grade on buyers as a guard and an undrafted grade as a tackle, which for NFL purposes, that kind of makes sense actually. But then he texts me back and he's like, Hey, I didn't realize that was Scott, not buyers on that, that snap. So my point is like florida clearly had to make a choice buyers or Harris in the off season. Okay. I think they might have chosen correctly. I don't think buyers was bad in this game. I actually think that I saw some improvement in buyers and I think Roy Dell is a pretty good blitz pickup guy. So again, I do have some hopes for this offense. I think a lot of the comment section does not, because I, Darius played fine. I don't think there is like a first round guy, but I think Darius would get drafted if he stays healthy and buyers did show some good stuff. So to me, like this may be the best tackle play you've had in like a decade, and people don't want to hear that after a loss, but I think we can get some of the guard stuff fixed. I think your past pro from the running back of the spot could be better than it was last year. Like I do have some hope for this. I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm just like too optimistic. I don't know. This though, when I led last night with like the Mike said, the team was bigger, stronger faster than it's ever been. That's probably true, but he definitely didn't say it was better and he didn't say it was smarter. And I'm glad he didn't because good Lord, see like, can I reduce out of this? Okay. Maybe this is the screen pass that gets Georgia Tech back into range. Let's watch the play animation on this. So they're at their own 38, right? They really only have time for like one more play because it's third down, correct? Let me see. Yeah, third and 17. So you know that they are either throwing a Hail Mary or kicking after this play. There's really only two options, given what the time was and where the down of this was. I guess if they ripped off a huge first down or something that they could run, you know, run at the clock even more, but here's the thing. And for those at home, I'm going to try to walk through this, but let's watch it first. I mean, it's a bad field with a kicker who's not amazing for tech, right? You know, to me, like situationally, I don't need a tackle for loss on this guy. I really don't care about contesting anything in this range before the 35, like if the kid's going to beat you on a 52 yard field goal in the rain in Ireland, cool, man, and I know fits it to him, but fits is a very good kicker by this point of career. I think you really start to care around like what the 33, the 32, I mean 32 is a 49 yarder. Okay, college kids are going to hit those a little less than half the time, especially in those conditions. It was raining at the end of the game, right? To me, it feels like more of the rain was in like the second quarter. I mean, it was typical, I was rather in range for a little bit, it blew through, it might have rained a little bit again in the second half, but yeah, wet field, I don't know how wet the ball would have been per se, but yeah, I mean a challenge, you know, not an easy kick. I mean, I just think there's like a, I just need better situational awareness from one to here. I need a backer speed, better coach, okay, like this angle on this, like he catches the ball at his own 43. Like I need you to angle him to the sideline a little more and like this can't happen. Not from a guy that's played that much football, like that's just, that's not great, you know, and then obviously, I don't know, let's run this back again, can I get around back in? Yeah, can I? Let's see. All right. Yeah, I found a way to do it. This is probably terrible listening at home, by the way. Anyway, what I'm saying is that Lundy is taking an angle that would allow him to get attacked for loss in a situation that we do not need to tackle for loss, okay? His situational awareness in this game to me was one of the most disappointing elements, like attempting to pick up the fumble when just falling on it in that situation with people around you would be more prudent, in my opinion. It's hard to second guess that this ain't hard to second guess. This I need you to be a little smarter on the field. I need you to be a smarter player, okay? And I know that the kid that threw the ball to here on this little screen, you know, is a good player. You know, I don't know that Shaim's late here, but you're getting some screen action. We got decent leverage here, right? The ball should be cut back inside. I mean, eight on 85, that's probably advantage. Maybe if he tackles him here, you know, at like the 33 or 32, but this play kills you because 10's angle is like a hero ball angle and he whips. To me, that was sort of an encapsulation of some of the problems you saw in defense. Like poor situational awareness, guys not really having a good feel for granted. Like that's coaching too, right? Like you would, we would compliment them for sensible coach team. If, if your guys were like, cool, like to me, Iowa doesn't do this, okay? I don't know who had, who had the sticker on the helmet at this point, but like, you know, hey guys, four yards is fine, right? You know, something real short is fine, come out and make the tackle type thing. Can't have this angle that killed you. I think there's a couple of good ones here that we can actually take a look at if we want. This is painful and I know this is not great podcasting like audio wise. Hit us with, tell us back in Groody while I pull this up if you can. This is a good, this is a different look, man. And I don't know that it translates to pods, you may want to take a look at this as far as some of the things that bud has pulled up in IQ football here, but you know, if you want to take a different look at your business and find other avenues in which you can optimize your existing functions would recommend our friends at, kagurody has been a fantastic partner to the know cast since, since the beginning of time. It feels like at this point, but for, I believe five years, I have worked with Matt at multiple stops along my professional journey and would encourage any of our listeners to consider the same. is the website as always, if you want to reach out to myself, I'm happy to put you in touch with Matt and his team. So which, which player are you pulling up here? I'm going to pull up just a random run on second and five. Okay, so second and five clearly a rundown. This is from the second half. So you can see Florida State and second half did actually make some adjustments to get out of the too high at times. You got so 22 creeps down in the box as you get some motion here. You should have this pretty okay, right? 10 is maintained leverage here. The balls are the balls already out. This is a run. Oh, okay, well, all right, let's watch how this goes. I mean, 22 looks like, I mean, this should be, I'll watch that again. So it's hard to say without having that, is that a stiff arm? What is that? Well, right, I don't know what it was, definitely a missed tackle, like, right? To me, at this point in his career, and I don't know it's fair to say this after one game because it is a new position for Devante Brown, but this looks exactly like he looked at Miami. They're not going to hit 100% in the transfer portal all the time. I think it's worth a shot on a guy to see if he can play a different position, but that looked like how he played at Miami. And he was unplayable at Miami as a corner. This is as a safety. I would rather have a young guy make some mistakes personally and grow with the defense than that, like, that's just, that's no good. Maybe he'll be a lot better in game two, if he is still playing a lot, but I think I've seen about enough on that. Cool, let me see, what else do we have? So I'll talk here. I want to ask you, do you think that Mike will, clearly he's going to self-scout and evaluate everything? Right? Like he's, if you watch the presser, you can, like all these coaches have some tells that you watch him a lot. I think he was pissed at himself. Do you think that they will adapt/change/take a hard look at how they use the helmet comps? Yeah, that's interesting, man. I haven't talked to anybody about that. I don't know, again, it's first game they've done it. I don't, I'm not even sure how they were using it on defense. I think they're going to take a hard look at everything that they do. And that's a cop-out answer, but I just, from having to talk to staff, yeah, I think Mike, Mike pours emotionally into this as much as possible as any person on the planet that I've ever seen. I absolutely believe that they'll evaluate everything. They've got, yes, they have an extra day with a Monday game, but I'll be fascinated to see what the off-week looks like. I think you'll have a good, good evaluation of everything. Yeah, I know on offense, just from speaking to some coaches, that a lot of stuff was there and there was some miscommunication, some things that last year just kind of naturally occurred of communications from, you know, the offense aligned to other position groups and stuff that just, you know, just didn't, and that's a good personnel and a lot of plays that were left out on the field because of small things. Well, hey, look, man, I've sat in classrooms after games and heard that every game I've ever played in since I was, since I played middle school football or whatever. So that was a statement that could be made about most games. I do think offensively, you know, there are some things that they can get in a dramatically better way. And I think the same, well, on defense and I, you know, I'm rambling. I think-- No, I think he'll evaluate everything and comms will certainly be part of it. I just, it's a new thing, right? We don't know, like, all right, what are you pretty confident in? I'm very confident Michael Wells is a good football coach, okay? I think he's a very high-four coach. I think he does maintain good culture in the program. I think he's a good offensive football coach and I know that guys like working for him, you know, which is not always the case with a lot of, you know, with a lot of staffs. And I know guys on the staff have a lot of belief in him, like a ton. So we don't actually know, because there's not a sample set of it, if this staff is good at maximizing the helmet communications, we don't know that they're bad. We don't know that they're good. We don't know their average. There's 58 plays of offensive football and only 50 or 52 of defensive football. That's not enough to like form really strong opinions on large subjects, okay? There's some like height weight speed, ability things you can form after about 10 plays, honestly, on some guys. But generally it's more like, oh, we took an FCS kid, he just can't, like, he showed up, he really can't play. Not on other things. I do think they are kind of close on offense at some spots. If you gave it back, I wonder if Mike has more belief in some of the passing stuff that they had improved on in the final week. I don't know. Like it seemed to me like the game plan they took in was more, this passing offense has been kind of crap through a lot of fall camp. You know, let's figure out what we can do, let's stick with the run game, we'll pop it. They definitely got gamed on some of the run stuff. I mean, I was watching these cut up side by side last night and you can roll them side by side and the speed with which tech is triggering on the run stuff is way different than FSU's defense. I do think that tech tried to bait FSU into running and then like was cool with getting burned if they, if FSU had, there's kind of a paper rock scissors element there. And sometimes you threw rock when they threw scissors and then the quarterback missed. Or you got the look like you get a back on a corner. That's what you want, like you want the back to, you know, yeah, there's some little stuff there. There are all some effort stuff, you know, I thought Georgia Tech's receivers blocked a hell of a lot better than FSU's receivers did, like effort-wise, intensity. I don't know. Maybe you're right. They knew they had to play their ass off to knock it blown out and they did play their ass off. Yeah, they did play their ass off. They did. Credit to them. I'm not trying to oversell one person at all. The Kean Williams is a large part of this wider secret route. You got to have the Kean back, you know, I don't know what it looks like for BC. I don't, my understanding is that's not anything that would spill over more than BC. The Kean is a piece that you've got to be able to have for this wider receiver unit to be, you know, even with kind of honest, humble expectation to the unit, which is what I think we had going into the year. You need the Kean part of it to get there. So that's a big piece and hopefully he's back for BC and hopefully he's available for the entirety of the year you need it. And he's an exceptionally talented kid who makes, has the ability and potential to make a lot of plays downfield. He will put a Mickey Ficki on the other side of the sideline as a blocker too. And he's a high effort, strong physical kid that you need to be part of this offense. Totally. I know I'm normally the stats guy. You had a pretty cool stat. So, so again, doesn't, you know, what I'm about to say does not negate the fact that you lost and that for states, you know, I wouldn't want right now, but it's hard for me to state how many Florida State fans came over here, how many people you saw just walking around Ireland, not Dublin, like Ireland, like I ran into, ran into our old friend Shannon and his wife Mia last year walking in the, you know, taking a hike 300 miles away from Dublin yesterday. I had a chance encounter with somebody in the Irish tourism industry this morning and we got to talking and they were blown away by Florida State fans. Now for them, it's a little bit of challenge, signing, who is of what fan base because you didn't play like, it wasn't Florida State versus Texas, okay? It was Florida State versus a state that's right next to it with a pretty significant amount of geographic overlap of the fan bases and other things. And also just a side note, I knew this going into it because I've worked in British sports a little bit, like Florida State, Georgia Tech, the back part of those two terms, the Brits don't understand. So the fact that there were like 3000 scarfs printed up that said Florida versus Georgia didn't surprise me at all because they only hear the first word and then they go from there. But anyway, so according to this person, he thought that Florida State brought 32,000 people over here. Let's say that's rich by 2000. Let's say you, let's say it was 30, okay, which is still a ridiculous number. But do you know what the population of Ireland is? I'm going to stick with the guest, 10 million, 10 million, okay? It's in 2022, it's 5.2, so let's say it's 5.5 or whatever. Would you like to guess what the population of Dublin is? A million. 600,000. Okay. Okay. I'm getting closer by percentage. I'm getting closer by percentage. For what it's worth, if Ireland really is 5.2, as a point of reference, city of Atlanta is about 6.5. So interesting. That would mean that Florida State, 5% of the city of Dublin was made up of Florida State fans. I mean, that is crazy. That is, does it mean, does it take away the denial, grief, anger, bargaining, whatever the other steps of anger that I've, that I've gone through over the past three or four days that a lot of the fan base has? But I can tell you as a fan base, you're going to be on a lot of people's radar after this weekend. I'm talking about London. I wouldn't surprise me, I've already spoken with people in Scotland. Wouldn't surprise me if Edinburgh or Glasgow at some point didn't try to do something like this. Okay. Florida State just sent 28, 30, 34,000, however many it was, over here, many of them, some, some here were for two weeks, many of them were here for five days or more. The average stay was more than five days, which is wild when you think about it. Okay. All the football fans, Florida State fans are peaceful. This is not a European soccer game where you go to a stadium and destroy, you know, part of the town for two days or whatever. The guy that I spoke with this morning was blown away by the fact that 50,000 people walked out of a stadium in which the game ended as an emotional manner as possible and a walkoff field goal. As you can have it, there were no punch, you know, there was no fight. So what I'm trying to say is an event. You don't have to staff 5,000 police officers to make sure that you're not going to have a riot or something like that. I know in everybody's mind and media, the fan base is still traveling back. And from speaking to friends of mine and just general correspondence, I don't know that everybody's travel back was as easy as they would like you to be. No. So I don't know that me talking about this, people are like, "Oh yeah, Edinburgh must book another trip to Ireland." But I can tell you whether it's Ireland, whether it's London, whether it's Edinburgh, like Florida State will be presented with a similar, if not more appealing opportunity than this one in the near future. It wouldn't surprise me if Florida State and whatever large desirable fan base you want to reference, whether it be Ohio State, Notre Dame, Georgia, Michigan, something like that, or don't either play here or in London or something like that in the next 4 years. Like the type of turnout and economic impact that this fan base just had is going to be on a lot of people's radar. So do with that information, which you will, I'm not trying to sugarcoat what happened on Saturday, but as a fan base, it was an incredible representation. The fan base showed up and showed up in a positive way. Also, I'm glad nobody did anything stupid on Game day. You know, like I really didn't-- They stayed at the hotel that I'm at. I mean, there were some extra security precautions, I'll say that, you know. I don't think Kurt had like his own entrance, et cetera, et cetera. And I was pulling into the-- when I pulled in the hotel, Joe Tessa-Tour and Jesse Palmer were in the cabin front of me. And Joe Tessa-Tour kind of gave me a look like, is this guy going to like verbally abuse me or something like that? I don't think anything happened. I think everything that I saw was appropriate, you know, yeah, if you get your feelings hurt because people put a clown nose on you or whatever, then I'm sorry. I don't think, you know, you're in a public figure, trust me, stuff like that happens. I'm glad that nothing stupid happened. Everybody knows Florida State's opinions of Kurt Herb Street and other entities. Yeah, I completely agree. I thought the booing was like, you know, good and the fact that nobody threw stubborning was also good. That was a good balance to strike, you know, because they're not just going to move on from, you know, sort of how he influenced it. I did think, though, how bad would game day suck if they did not land Nick Saban? Like, what if Fox had gotten Saban and then you got Big Noon with Urban and Saban? Nobody's going to watch game day if that happens. Because those two on TV are good. And that would be good afternoon, good night, dude, like, that would kill game day. Because, like, respectfully, like, Kirk, okay, Desmond put out a reasonable playoff prediction this year as opposed to like some of the insane stuff prior years. So I was moving in positive direction. I like Stanford, Steve, a lot. But if they don't have Satan on the show, I'm never turning that show on. Like, to me, they had to get him, kind of do that with that information what you will. But I think that was a non-negotiable, like, they had to make sure they got Saban. So. I know you. How about that show suck? It was a disaster last year. I know what you just said. Yeah. No, that was good. No, that's interesting to see. I think we always want to remind our fan base or our listeners, rather, is a great partnership that we have with our friends at Ford the Table Restaurant Group. In this time, I want to remind you of Saturday, excuse me, August 31st, Madso is celebrating their 11th birthday, hard to believe, but time does, in fact, march on. I'm going to have dueling pianos across the street at Township. Let's see, again, that's August 31st, right there at Madso in Township at the end of Madison Street, dueling pianos, always something that they love doing and is very popular. So, whether it be Madso across the street at Township, up the road there at Charlie Park or up on the north side of town with social kitchen, fantastic options brought to you by the good people at Ford the Table Restaurant Group, and thank you to Matt and Eric and all their team for enhancing the experience it is being a far state athletic supporter. Good out, man. All right, that's pretty much all I got today, safe travels, and we will let's preview Boston College either Thursday night or Friday morning because it's a Monday game, I think. We'll see. A lot of suggestions we made, and I have pretty good confidence in the staff and they will make some. So, I will see you next time, buddy. Till then, man, good talking to you.