Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Anointed to Get It Back

Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] With my life laid down, surrounded now, I give you everything. I give it to you, Jesus, I give you my life, I give you my family, I give you my future, I give you the church, I give you the ministry, I give it all to you, I give it all to you, Jesus. I give it to you, I give it to you, with my life laid down, surrounded now. I give you everything, your goodness. [MUSIC] With my life, with my life laid down, surrounded now. I give you everything, you can't turn back, can't turn back, can't turn back, I won't turn back, I won't, I won't, I won't. Somebody tellin' I won't, I won't turn back, Jesus. Father God, as we prepare our hearts to go into the word of God on tonight, speak to us by the power of the Holy Ghost today. Let the word of God get down into somebody's heart and their mind and their spirit tonight, somebody who've experienced suffering great losses, let them know they are anointed to get it back tonight, let them know they are anointed to get it back tonight, encourage your people tonight, let them see their way out through the word of God, let them see their way out from the word tonight and shine the light of the word tonight strong, revelation, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, importation, God, let your people hear your voice tonight. In the name of Jesus, somebody say amen. Have anybody know what it is to suffer great losses? Well, the Holy Ghost wants you to know tonight. You are anointed to get it back. Come on, somebody. This brings us now to the book of 1 Samuel. This brings us to the book of 1 Samuel chapter 30, a serious incident that took place in the life of David before he was king. David wasn't king yet, but he was certainly anointed to be king. Oh, am I talking to tonight? Let's go on to the book of 1 Samuel chapter 30, beginning verse 1. "Glory to God." And the Bible says it came to pass when David and his men will come to Zechlag on the third day that the Amalekites had invaded the South and Zechlag and smitten Zechlag and burned it with fire. You've got to understand what's happening here. David had to run from King Saul. And now that's sad, David was on the run from somebody who was anointed and lost the anointing. Come on, somebody. Are you listening to me here tonight? King Saul still had the position. Ah, Lord, have mercy. He still had the notoriety, but he wasn't carrying no anointing. Come on, somebody. I know there are some pastors in America today. They are, and even in the Bahamas where I'm from, they have the position. They have the title, but the anointing and the Holy Ghost have left them on teeny as ago. Come on, somebody. Don't let somebody position fool you. Position does not mean anointing. Come on, am I talking to you here tonight? Glory to God. I said, position does not mean anointing because King Saul had the position, but David was packing the anointing. And don't let that fool you. We may not have the position yet, but I'm anointed. Come on, somebody. Wave at me if I'm preaching to you tonight. Come on, talk back to me, my YouTube and Facebook family. I dare someone say, I'm anointed. I'm anointed to get it back. Glory to God. I'm anointed. Yeah, I may be running. Come on, somebody. To and fro. I may even have to go to the priest to get a piece of bread, but don't let my position fool you. Don't let what I'm going through fool you because this is not my destination. Who am I preaching to you tonight? He is tossing an anointing. Glory to God. I say, glory to God. Some people got the position, but the anointing gone a long time. Long time the anointing. Then come off of them and an anointing. Come on, somebody. So David was anointed, but let me just let me jump past all of this, but I'm making a point here that David, he was on the run so bad from King Saul that David had to go and join himself with the Philistines. Now you know that's pretty bad. That's bad. I mean, he had to go and connect himself to the arts enemy of Israel. The Philistines treat David much better than Saul. Come on. Now you know something wrong with that picture, Lord, have mercy. Are you hearing me? And the Philistines, they gave David this, this land, this, this city called Ziklag. And when David had went to offer his services to the Philistines, it left his family vulnerable. So David, when David, David went to offer services to the Philistines because he was showing them that he was grateful for how wonderful they had been to him. Don't forget, David slayed their giant, they should have been wanting to kill David, but David, that's what the anointing will do. The anointing will take your enemies and use them to be a blessing in your light. Come on, somebody. But let's go to 1st Samuel chapter 30 verse 1. So the Bible says, "And it came the past when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day that the Amalekites had invaded the south and Ziklag and smitten Ziklag and burned it with fire. They burned David's city down. Verse 2, "And had taken the women captives that were there, and they didn't slew, they slew not any, either great or small, but they carried them away and went on their way." So David and his men came to the city and behold, my God, it was burned with fire. The city was burned down to the ground and their wives and their sons and their daughters were taken captives. David lost his whole family, just by going to offer his service to help somebody and his family was left vulnerable. So the Amalekites swooped in and carried all of them away, captives, Lord have mercy here Jesus. So they taken the women and so David and his men came to the city and it was burned with fire, their wives, their sons, their daughters were taken captives. Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep. I'm talking to somebody here tonight. You've been weeping, glory to God. You've been weeping, you've been crying, you've been crying while you're driving the work. You're having to get away from your family and just hide and let the tas, yeah, come on somebody. You acting like you're going to the restroom but you're going on yourself in there to just go and cry your eyes out. Come on, I'm talking to side of Holy Ghost is up in somebody's business here tonight. So that's what David and these men found themselves they wept until they had no more power to weep. Have you ever weep and weep and weep until you couldn't cry no more? Come on somebody. Have you ever been there? Don't watch this. Verse 5 in the Bible says, "And David's two wives were taken captives, a hymnum, the Jerusalem, this is an Abigail, the wife of Nable, the Camelite. And David was greatly distressed. He was stressed out beyond measure. He was maxed out as what I call it. He was overwhelmed. I mean, he felt like he was, have you ever been through something that you feel like you were losing your mind? Come on, ah, come on, talk way about me. He talked back to me, my YouTube family and Facebook family, type in the chat. St. Pastor, you preaching to me now, I've been through some stuff. Me and Pastor Amy, we felt our backs were so against the wall. We felt like we were losing our minds. Have you ever been in that kind of situation where you felt like all hope was lost? Like, I mean, you just knew you were going up on the streets. Come on, somebody. This is what David was dealing with. He was distressed. And this is what even stressed him out more for the people, his own friends, they spoke. They spoke of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved. Every man for his sons and for his daughters, but David encouraged himself in the Lord. Listen, folk, listen, listen to me real good. You've got to be careful when you under pressure and you under stress. You have to be careful not to turn on the people that brought you to where you are. I'm talking, I'm preaching to somebody here tonight. Those men, when David took those men under his wing, the Bible says in the first sandals up the 22, they were distressed. They were in debt and they were discontent. They didn't know their head from their foot. Come on, somebody. But the anointing on David's life had so impacted them, the anointing on David's life literally take those men and turn them into somebody. Come on, somebody. It make them to be, it make them to be giant killers. That's why you got to be careful who you hang with. If you ain't a giant killer, I need some people around me who can receive of the anointing that will transform their life. Come on and turn them into a giant killer. Are you listening to me, somebody? Now watch this. Those men, they were so stressed out, they couldn't think clearly and guess what they wanted to do. Anaki rose up in the camp, they said, "We just need, we just need to spoon David." It's his fault. You got to be careful who you start pointing your fingers out and bleem in the heat of the battle because in the heat of the battle, you really can't think straight in the heat of the battle. Your discernment is not the most sharpest I've learned and I'm learning even more so that under stressful conditions, I'm not the sharpest in discernment. I've got to wait for the Holy Ghost to talk to me because I realize I'm misjudged. I'm not as accurate as I should be. But that's so when the pressure is on, you need to intensify your time in the word. Don't do nothing unless the Holy Ghost brings it to you from Scripture. I'm telling you how to be safe because you can be misjudged and you can even run off good folk. Come on here, somebody. So David's men, under the pressure of suffering great loss, dead discernment was completely off. And now they want to turn on the very one that even trained them and mentored them and equipped them and got them to the point that they couldn't even afford, they couldn't even pay attention to the mercy. And now they own a whole city and then they want to turn on the very one that God used to bring them out. And the Bible says, "David, encourage himself in the law. And somebody reach over and pot yourself and say, 'Sell, you're going to be your right lord of mercy. You coming out of this mess. You listen to their times in your life. You've got to just encourage yourself and you've got to encourage yourself. You can't wait for somebody to come because they may never show up. So he encouraged himself in the law. And then David made a smart move in verse seven. And the Bible says, "And David said to Abba'eth of the priests, David said, 'Who's the Him, Alexa? I pray thee, bring me hither the E4, the E4 is what they used to use to seek God to get direction.'" And Abba'eth brought the E4 to David. Listen, this is the power of agreement right here. You can't do this by yourself. Come on somebody. David had somebody in his camp that he can lean on. God always have somebody in your life that you can lean on because the Bible says, "Two of you, one of you can chase a thousand, but two of you will chase 10,000." That's the power of agreement. If any two of you come in agreement as touching anything they ask, Jesus said, "It's going to be done for them by my Father, which is in heaven." You need somebody to come in agreement with you. Who am I talking to? That person for me is my wife. That person is Pastor Amy. We come in agreement. We touch and agree. We believe God. Are you listening to me here tonight? David realized no one man is an island. I may be a giant killer, but I need somebody up in my life. So he went to Abbetha and Abbetha brought him the E4. You need somebody that can bring you into the presence of God so you can hear the voice of God. Come on here somebody. Verse 8 said, "And David inquired at the Lord saying, 'Shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I God? Shall I overtake them?' And he answered him, 'Oh, bless it be the name of Jesus.' God answered. I dare someone to say God's answering me right now. And God answered David and said, 'Pursue for thou shall surely overtake them.' And without fail, glory to God, you will recover all. God gave him three principles. God said. Some three sets of instructions, 'Pursue somebody have been praying about something. God, should I go after this isn't worth it, God. God you gave me this business I had had didn't work before, but should I go after it? God said, 'Pursue step one, step two, for thou shall surely overtake them.' And part three, and without fail, you will recover all. Can somebody under the sound of my voice wave your hands to heaven and say, 'I'm anointed to get it back. I'm anointed to get it back. I'm preaching to people. You should have been further ahead in life. You should have had more in your bank account, but because of the difficulties and the crazy circumstances that the enemy sent your way, you are out of loss. You are out of deficit tonight, but I'm talking to somebody, God's about to bring you out of a deficit. You're about to go from minus to plus. Who am I talking to tonight? I said, 'You're about to go from left to abundance. Watch here, Lord of mercy.' So David went he and the six hundred men that were with him and came to the brook besaw where those that were left behind stayed. My God, it says, so he went him and he and the six hundred men that were with him and came to the brook besaw where those that were left behind stayed. So David pursued he and four hundred men for two hundred abode behind which was so faint that they could not go over the brook besaw. Now watch this, y'all. You got to understand this. Listen to me, good. Listen, some people may get tired and may not be able to go with you and help, but that didn't mean that that didn't mean that they not fool you or with you. Are you listening to me? Look, David was compassionate. There are some friends we have, sometimes the battle is just too tense there, too worn out. Are you hearing me? It's okay to let them stay behind. You'll get to reunite with them later on. I'm talking to someone because they're too tired to help you or they just don't have it. It doesn't mean that they're against you. I'm trying to help somebody because when you're under stress, you care, think straight. I'm trying to help somebody discern, 'Oh, I'm not helping anybody here tonight. I'm wanting somebody to think straight and think positive. Don't think the worst because people can't help you because there are times in people's lives. They love you. They believe in you. They fool you. They will wish you from the get-go, but they just can't help it. It's just they just don't have it. Come on, somebody. I'm trying to help somebody before you run off the wrong set of people, before you run off people that God intended to stay in your life. Don't make a permanent decision during a temporary circumstance. Are you listening to me? Do not make a permanent decision when you're dealing with a temporary situation because you're going to regret it. Are you listening to me? Do not make a permanent decision when you're dealing with a temporary circumstance. God's wanting somebody tonight. Your judgment ain't the sharpest. You're going to come out. Come on, somebody. You're going to get it all back, but you're going to be tested. You're not going to be tried. Come on, somebody. So David told 200 of his men. He said, "No, I understand. Yeah, you misjudged me, but that's okay. I know you. I know you. Your discernment was twisted, but get you some rest, recover. It's okay. Sometimes people, they just need a break. Sometimes the battle is just too intense. Come on, somebody. Is anybody being helped here? Let's keep moving on with this story. I'm trying to get you to get it back, right? So God gave David three instructions. God said, "Go after him, jokers. Pursue them." God told David, "You're going to overtake them, and without fail, you're going to recover all." Now, I'm going to jump into verse 10, "But David pursued he and 400 men for 200 of them dead to stay behind. They were so faint they couldn't go." Verse 11, "And they found an Egyptian in the field and brought him to David and gave him bread, and he did eat, and they made him to drink water. And they gave him a piece of cake of figs and two clusters of raisins. And when he had eaten his spirit came again to him, for he had eaten my God, for he had eaten no bread, not drunk any water for three days and three nights. My God, this man was worn out. Watch this, and David said unto him, "Tall whom belongest thou, and whence art thou?" He said, "I am a young man of Egypt serving to an Amalekite, and my master left me because three days ago I fell sick. We made an invasion upon the south of the Charathites and upon the coast, which belong it to Judah and upon the south of Caleb, and we burn sick like, Lord have mercy." Are you paying attention to this? This man said, "Yeah, I was a part of it. It's us. We burned on Yehomtah." And David said to him, "Kens, thou bring me down to this company." And he said, "Swear unto me by God, that thou will neither kill me, nor deliver me into the hands of my master, and I'm going to bring you down into the company. I'm going to take you into the enemy's camp." You've got to understand this. The wind of Amalekites had burned David's town to the ground, and they were fleeing with all the stuff. God caused one of the men to get sick, and his boss just threw him out and left him there to die. Come on, somebody. God will use your enemy to be a blessing in your life. Somebody, I'll possibly mostly God bless you. Somebody who was fighting against you, they sit right now, because the Bible says, "Touch not, my anointed, and do my prophets, no harm." And when he told David, he said, "Yeah, I was a part. I have raided your hometown. I mean, some of us," the minute he said, "It was me. Some of us would have been, I mean, he would have been, he would have been bleeding. Come on, somebody." He would have been gone. But David's a wise man. David need to know how to get down to the care, because David don't know exactly where they are. When David started pursuing, David was pursuing in faith, but little did David knew. God had somebody in the pathway, I'm preaching to somebody here. God already put somebody in your pathway to show you how to get it back. I did somebody to say, "I'm walking by faith, I'm not by sight." God already made somebody in the enemy's camp sick, so you can come across him and they go switch sides. I'm preaching to somebody, somebody that was against you, about to switch sides. Somebody who hated your guts, they are about to switch sides, who am I talking to? I dare somebody to say, "I'll open my arms, switch sides." Somebody shout those two words, switch sides, somebody that hated you, somebody that caused you to suffer great laws, God is going to use somebody out the enemy's camp to help you get back everything that you lost, somebody puts your hands on your head and say, "I'm anointed to get it back, I'm in hot pursuit, after my health, I'm in hot pursuit, after my wife, after my children, after my possessions, I'm about to get it back." For the Bible says, "God will restore unto me the years that the caterpillar and the can't go off, has stolen from me. Look out devil, don't celebrate too long, don't get too drunk, I'm on my way to get it back." Little did the enemy knew that David was on his way to get it back in the enemy's camp. They were drinking, they were dancing, help me Josh. They were celebrating, they were throwing a party out of law. The stuff that they had taken from David, my God, I'm preaching to somebody. The devil's celebration is temporary, the devil's party is almost over. I'll get somebody to prophesy and say, "devil, I'm on my way to get it back. If you think you're going to keep what belongs to me, you crazy, I'm anointed to get it back." And the Bible says, "The young Egyptian, he brought David to the enemy's camp and went David, look over the hill. He saw his wife, he saw his children, he saw his possessions, he saw his cattle, come on somebody. I'm talking to somebody, somebody do like this, say I can see what I lost. I can see it, I'm holding movements away from it. I can see it, come on somebody, look through the eyes of faith, I can see it, does my wife right over there, does my beautiful daughters right over there, does my handsome sons right over there. Come on Holy Ghost, can I go God, I'm ready to write the enemy up and God said, "Sick 'em David, go get 'em." And David, he bust a move into the enemy's camp, I twilight my God, somebody shout, surprise, surprise, I'm part devil, I'm black, I'm David and his man, they had their shields, they had their swords, they had their spears, they begin to wipe out the enemy in the east. They beat 'em down, and then they move 'em into the west, they beat 'em down there, and then they went to the north side of the camp, and they beat 'em down there, I dare somebody to say three down, I don't want to go, and then they went down into the south of the camp, and they whipped 'em, they defeated them, and somebody who was with David came to David, and said, "David, your wife is right there, in the tent we broke open the prison, that day we're here, here's your wife, here's your children, here's your wealth, here's your stuff, I dare somebody to say, "Devil, the party is over, the party is over, the party is over, because I'm anointed to get it back," and the Bible says, "David, recovered all, David, recovered all, David, recovered all, puts your name in the scritzer, it's a blank, my god, Sean Pinder, recovered all, pass the enemy Pinder, recovered all, I'm preaching to somebody, you gon' get it back, you gon' get it back, the Holy Ghost send me here tonight to tell you it's not over until God sells it over, you look like, you lost it all, but the Holy Ghost said, "I gotta preserve, it's alive, it's still yours, the vision God gave you, it's still yours, the promise God gave you, it's still yours, I dare somebody to stand to your feet and say, "Ready or not, here I come, ready or not, here I come, I got it back, I got it back, I got it back, I got it." To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that I address is Ministries. You can also give through the ministry app, many of you have it downloaded on your smart phones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account, the ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, Sean Pinder Ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money on us out to Sean Pinder Ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. May it pass to Amy, say thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you, Deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye-bye.