Radio Miraya

2807: NATIONWIDE: Mediating Nasir County Conflict for Lasting Coexistence

Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
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And this follows some direction classes between the government forces and the armed use in the area that led to loss of life and displacement of many people from their own houses and properties also destroyed during these classes between the government forces and armed use. And this is not the first time this classes is happening, it has been happening for some times now and for this reason law makers are presenting up on the state, a nice recount team in the national legislative assembly plans to embark on a peace mission to restore calm in the area. And I am joined here in the studio by one of the MP who will be going there possibly to explain more about it and our lines should be open to you later on where you can call on 091-206-2079 or 091-206-2950 or you can also send us a question to our SMS number 091-217-7141 and I will be reading all your questions right here, good evening honorable lamb, your most welcome to read the mirror and the first of all begin by telling us from your communication to the nasty county what is the situation like right now on the ground and following the classes last week between the SSPDF and the armed use in the area. Thank you very much Sanny Martin for having me and also giving me this opportunity for second time said that I will give information or brief the public about what is happening in master county. The master county has been on the spot of the media outlets for the last two weeks or more as a result of ongoing and repeated lifers between the SSPDF and the use on any arm use in master county so that situation came as a result of the accumulations of grievances that develop the anonymity between the arm use and the SSPDF and also created mistrust between the two civilians and the SSPDF this started in 2013 so and it is a genuine case or a genuine situation that everybody should understand that the enemies of yesterday now become nervous and there's no substantive peace settlements or a very conciliation or dialogues or conference outside that they should know that peace agreement has been signs and rich and now there's no any other factions there's no I/O or there's no SS there's no IG and this SSPDF is also part of the government and there's and the commissioner who is also from I/O is also responsible for this so that gap he has anything he's missing it has created the sort of mistrust and also culminated to anonymity renewal of enormity in them so most of these young people who are now in the towns emanated from the host community the host community is called minion community that the host community within a master county yeah so during the crisis of 2013 2014 16 16 then they they they they were displaced and they went outside of master so they were after signing the peace agreement in 2018 and also formation of the national the government the artygono yeah and then also appointments of the commissioner of master which happened to be from the SPLM I/O they we encourage our community I actually came from the same community yeah and then we encourage them in 2020 21 that they have to settle back to master because they said they are tired of being displaced and also being accommodated by others but they decided to come back coming back was a knowledge that they are going to live with the same people they they fought with yesterday like you said that there was no effort to record there was no effort so it was a risk to them but they have accepted the risk so what is the situation right now on the ground the situation right now after a lot of engagements and interaction with our with our communities and community elders and authorities at the counter level and also with the SSPDF then the situation now went back to normal so now there's a relative peace in master as we speak because I have been in context with them every day every day and every time so when I felt that I want to find out because we are always worried okay so we context all the the so the people who are displaced have they come back to their some of them are now coming back and you know Sanny it is now rainy seasons yeah and and and and people who are having cuddles almost during the rainy season they kept their their their their cuddles in the in the in the locks yeah okay so now was the rainy season everybody the places that they have where displaced in flooded no there's it's not flooded but they don't have any space to accommodate their cuddles okay so they have to leave together they have to leave with their cattle but they have to come back with their cattle because they have already established a certain locks for their cuddles all right so now they are back some of them are backs but some are still having reservation on coming back okay but we are encouraging them they should come back whenever they feel that they are feasible then they can't come back okay tell us more about this group of lawmakers hailing from up and I region you'll be visiting the area very soon depending on the get the baguette and all these what is the composition of this team and what are your main objectives the the composition of these members of parliament particularly from two houses the national legislature emanated from two counties now sir county and oland counties so the two counties are interrelated and also the community they have a lot of interactions and inter movement between the two communities in the two counties so they have their interests are interrelated so when the anibon so whenever something happened to know sir or instability or any fight that happened and I said definitely it will reflect it and then people of along will come there despite the fact that there's no SSPD have no long but they felt that they are here these are their peoples and they have to come to them for protection and also in postman second we have also a lot of inter interaction with them because some of the people from long also they live in master so sometimes they moved from a master to long and then they come and from long to master so you can see those who are killed those are killed starting from the starting from the 10 of February this year this year and also the third of the second of July and also recently most of these people who are now killed most of them are from oland county simply because they are still in nazir county yeah because they are staying with the relatives okay so what is the mission so that's why that's why we said the the the the the the the negation will compose representative of the two counties okay oland so nazir yeah so our numbers is more than 20 members mm-hmm so these numbers may not go all of them so we will select some members to go to nazir from nazir and also from oland because of logistic logistic issues so this is what is going to happen but we do not now make a conclusion of how many people that will go because that also depends on the type of transport that we are going to use and you know the situation now in the country there's a lot of viscosity of resources mm-hmm so we are trying to mobilize resources or even contact those who can also support by that with logistics one of them is a on miss mm-hmm that if they can also facilitate that mission okay and the purpose of the mission is to disseminate fees we felt that fees were not disseminated because that's why the county is polarized that's Iow on the other side and then that IG as the SSPD who are in the trenches for the last 10 years they are now being categorized by the community as SS as IG mm-hmm so we say no no we want to go and change that perceptions that there's no any IG there's no IE we are on our one one government and that's why we are coming from from Juba and now even the president and the first by president are together working together so there's no any there's no any segregation so we want to go and change that perception second we want to go and also build trust because there's a lack of trust building trust between the there's a big mistrust between the SSPDF and the Ambus where is the mistress coming from it is because of that long long long history of 20 13 from 20 13 of you know as I said before that from 2013 after now there's no official fees dissemination teams that has been despite the to the area to talk about the fees and also disseminate the fees agreement that has been signed so that's why that anonymity was ongoing and there's a lot of mistrust that going on and that's why whenever they meet then they come to friction so the second one of the one of the cause of the problem the second cause of it is that you know the one because of the lack of resources all of them are looking for resources are looking for food one of the sources of where they can't get food is a fishing camp fishing areas and all of them they used to go to these fishing areas to the river to the river the army or also the argues they used to go there because all of them looking for fish yeah so when they met that they meet that because of that mistrust they clash again another cause is that everybody looking for means when they go and also look for firewood also they from there they they meet that and then they clash is there something bigger than what you are telling us which we don't want to hear apart from what we are explaining that the class of the fishing site firewood and all this don't you think there is a political influence somewhere no there's no there's no political influence I will dismiss this that there's no I'm totally categorically refute this that there's no political agenda the only political agenda on this is that is polarization of the people categorizing themselves that there is still I/O and this one are I/O okay and you can see now the SSP there isn't within the town just only on the side of the towns and then they see I'm civilian and the commissioner office is on the side so they still see them sir that are all there is still politically different simply because they are not informed about what is happening clearly okay does this 20 members of parliament own law not all of you will go do you believe that the strategy we are trying to employ here to settle the issue of a massive will it bring total peace to the area it will bring total peace because when we all of us converge together as a member as a son and daughters of master county regardless of our political affiliation we don't look into our party we are looking to the the common interests the common interests of our people because those who are dying these are our parents these are our brothers these are our sisters these are our mothers and these are our children who are derived from now going to school or even getting adequate health services so we agree all of us in the national legislature including the councilor state we agree all of us now let us put our parties behind and then things bigger as a yeah think bigger as the people as a children of master son and daughters of master and see what is the interests of our community so if you go all of us from a different affiliation and they see us all we are together this all now will change the perception that okay there's no I give there's no I owe all of them are together then now then we are one again after we go all of us we are all going to meet with the army and we will be the civil civilians and the community and then try to encourage them that they should live together in harmony so and then also we will try to talk to the army and say that this is your mandate your mandate is to protect the food civilian and the properties so you are here because of civilian of citizens of civilians so you are also the civilian are there because of you so that we will try to build that trust and bring them together which actually our community the host community in master made that possible all the times and they also have engaged the SSP they have be after the second incidents of 20 of the 3rd of the 2nd of July then the community host community decide to proceed with the SS video now whether they occur on sort of refitted with a repetition of all these collections that happening how are we going to live so they form a team of elders plus the administration of the faculty to come and talk to the command of the SS video and they reach an agreement that they should live they have to go this peacefully and live in harmony so they decide that no let us live in harmony let us stop all these collections that is happening all the time yeah let us freely move but for by that nobody will move with a gun and then also you can also access whatever you want to do when you want to fight chest things in the market you can come to the town and and tactics so the situation went back to normal but you know sometimes there's a thesis pointless mhm somebody will come and just only shoot randomly without intention and it is back violence yes yes okay honorable um so this is what is happening okay so so I am sure that if we go all of us as a member parliament and talk to our community talk to army build that trust between them I think they will call this and live in harmony if I quote you right I'm going to drive my question from Motio that's it from February the 2nd of July and now two weeks ago violence have been happening classes mistrust have been happening between the SSPF and the use in that group from February July and now this time now why has it taken you low makers who are coming from up on a state plus other politics and why is it taking quite a long time to now come and say oh now is the time for us to go when many lives have been lost you know we are not we are not quiet you know when it happened when it happened on the 2nd only when when it happened on the 10th of February we said in the parliament and also condemned that what has happened when two weeks a billion was killed we condemned it we said all of us from our different from our different parties then we said we said I let us sit and then let us talk to the engage the SSPF head for headquarter we send them the letters we went up to the to build found to meet with the hair army and then also we propose that to stop all this we need to go to master but unfortunately because of the situation that I tell you that there's no means of transport we try but we did not get a mean of transport that's why that mission was there since February so we were there for fairing ourselves to go but we were not able to do that so we were not quiet we were not silent we are always on media you can see always when I always calling us and also I arrived also calling us and they are always quoting us so we were engaging everybody while we are there we are engaging SSPF the master we are engaging also arm civilian we are engaging elders we are engaging even the headquarter I remember on the 14th of this one we went to up to build from and we met with the chief of defense force plus the command of M.I. plus the command of master we were lucky enough that we to get the he was around he was around so we had that that comprehensive meetings and then it was an open meetings and then we propose and we told them look this army had been there for more than 10 years despite that you have made some minor redeployment of some forces yeah but still also these people never change the perception that none of these are the same enemies nobody has been removed but that because of that mistrust we propose to them that why don't you take the necessary unified force that has been graduated and deploy them in NASA so that there will be now new army with a different doctrines was a law so well maybe they will also establish a good relationship with the community what was the answer the answer that they are also they were very very very they were very positive and they said that they are going to they are now assembling forces they say that they are going to assemble forces in Tori and then some from Bargadette and then brought here and then they will find for logistics and means of transport from here then they will go to master so this one is also there are still working on that and we appreciate that all of us now become concerned about it it become a concern actually to all of because most most areas in South Sudan are come except NASA why not so we said now and then the chief the the chief of different force commit himself to do that but still also we are footing to consideration there's the situation that we are in the economy situation there I mean maybe there will be a little bit of delay but still also we need to our people to understand that we need also the SSPDF forces and NASA also to understand that that they are now if and also let me tell you this this the there's a certain secret that I want to bring to attention of everyone go ahead you know those who are now creating problems in SSVDF those are people they want to take that situation that they create problems every time said that also to to to more debate this people the leadership of the SSVDF to transport that to deploy from somewhere else because they have been there for long for more than 10 years you cannot stay in one place for for for 10 years as an army you don't know where your family is you should and whether they are going to school what they are they eating and you know the situation nobody's getting salaries now okay so so now they can take a situation that will bring violence and then people will get tired of this violence they will oh no that has redeployed them somewhere else so these are maybe these are the one of the tactics that these people are using say that they will provoke the leadership here what what about this narrative also let me trace it that that way around okay there are these narratives that they use are well armed heavily armed sometimes they provoke the army just for no reason and begin sitting at them but this what I was telling you that in both sides there are pieces violence the SSV that those who are now titles is in staying in master they can provoke violence and then also the use also they can't do it so so because all of them are tired I wish other than everybody whenever you have army you want to show that are you know when you adopt the culture war yeah you are born in war you go out of war and you fight for more than that period then then you don't know any other things that in your life except only to shoot and kill that's all okay there's I guess and also that the government need to carry out this amendment in that part of the country in nazar it will not be just only exclusive it should not be exclusive and it will not be possible at this time why simply because if you disarm some people in that one side then they will not they will feel insecure because that others who are having for and you know it will not be the SSV of now fighting them but we have seen that happening in the leg state not let me come yeah it was implemented because they're acceptance they don't those of people in the leg state they don't they don't see if there's an SSV of in leg state they don't see the SSV of what did they say they they don't see it as a name in enemy okay contrary to what is happening in nazar they're saying as I told you before that they have any right they steal the attitude of anonymity that is still there okay but for use for us to to disarm civilian you know all the civilians are so done are armed are armed to tease all of them are armed to tease most civilians most civilians so you will not make an exclusive disarm in one areas that one need a simultaneous disarmament force and where will not be possible at this time all of us also don't unless you train the necessary unified force that will come with a deep perfectly done characters and also deploy them all over okay when you deploy them all of us also done now now and then they will come to the field they will and the cozis civilian will feel that this army are for them this fallacies for them these natural securities for them and then they are protecting them then now they will be and they leave peacefully then they will feel that okay since there are people who are now protecting us protecting our properties and protecting us then we have to surround our arms because they are tired of it okay they are tired of it right so so that will be possible when we make a simultaneous disarmament all of us also done not in a particular area right if you have just join us right now you're listening to national ed my name is sunny martin and we are discussing about lawmakers from both houses here are planning to visit a massive county of up on a state following several classes between the SSPF and armed use in the area that has resulted into many days displacement and even lots of properties and there are about 20 or more MPs who will be visiting the area from Olang and Nasir County not all of them will be going due to some logistical challenges they get mobilizing resources knocking doors here and there from partners like enemies according to what Honorable at which I said and once their resources are available they will embark on a peace mission to build trust and confident among these people who are living in Nasir County if you have got any question please do call us on 091 20 79 and ask your question to the Honorable here and he will be answering right away 101 FM radio Miraya powered by the people uniting the nation your preferred station the voice of peace nationwide we bring your latest current issues discussions and information nationwide on Radio Miraya Good evening to you listening to nationwide in the studio here I have Honorable Ghatwai Shalam a member of parliamentary representing Nasir County constituency number 12 in the national legislative assembly here and he will be one of the 20 lawmakers or more who will be visiting Nasir County to actually go and back on peace and reconciliation mission in that area following last week's the recent classes between the Amdius and SSPDF that led to the deaths of some people and displacement of hundreds of people also within Nasir County like I've just had from him the place now is a little bit calm people coming back to their villages or to their houses within Nasir town if you have got any question do call us right now and I will be putting them to my guest right here hello hello yes your name okay and from unity state go ahead thank you so much I welcome the honorable in this video and also very happy to use honey for the for inviting this the honorable empty from from our panel you know this is your fighting between SSPDF and Amdius to me it is like there is there's a gap of giving information about peace the in 2018 and and and and up to now because the people they don't know the SSPDF is the most arm that can protect the property of this of the youth and also the SSPDF is not even looking the civilian as a citizen of this country they are looking them as the people who have been assigned because what if in 2016 and 2013 people they did not come together and reconcile okay this is my comment uh the question is all about uh when they when they these the counties are they going to have a meeting between arm youth and SSPDF because when you go and then and and advise people without bringing people that have five together to tell them what can be the way forward to the to to the people of uh of apanal then after that they will know but when you just tell them that don't fight with SSPDF and SSPDF don't fight with the civilian you know they will not listen up that they come back and then they will go and fight are you going to to have a meeting with the both side because when you have a meeting with the both are it mean that you have solved the problem because even even even their feeling in the national government some of them they have a side okay hello okay I think Ian's line dropped from Ben to you we have got your point 091-20-69 and we also do have some questions coming in here by our SMS number yes honorable um there is this one uh from yay river county of uh central kotore state and this is coming from dr Hakim dr Hakim is writing from yay and he says uh we understand that there is what they call the white army at this the white army fighting with the SSPDF in nice county and uh who controls them and maybe plus this one coming from yay and will you be what is the format of this mission of yes is it a meeting people in group group and then you join them for a kind of town hall reconciliation how will you do it let's go ahead honorable okay thank you very much and I want to thanks brother yane therefore he's elaborate comments which actually cause join me actually agree with me with what i've said already that there's a mistrust between the arm use and also the SSPDF and also both of them must understand what is their roles and land it now for us to go to master yes uh for as i i have the diagram of conflict resolution yeah and for you to resolve conflicts you have to you have to take consensus of the both side yeah so we will be talking to the arm use on the other side and also we talk we talk to the SSPDF here from the arm use what are their grievances then we had or we hear also from the SSPDF what are their grievances then after and then we take their consensus we would we will take their consensus that okay now it's a time for you to come together to address all these these these these grievances together so definitely we are going to bring the arm use the arm leaders of the the leaders of the arm use and also elders of the community and also the commands of the the command the commands of the SSPDF we will bring them together and we talk to them collectively and also we will foot the guy learn how they are going to coexist and leave peacefully after that meetings so this is what we are going to do definitely you cannot go just talk to to any group and then you go to other group and then you you leave now yeah that's not the solution is there a timeline for this mission of this end piece and it depends on the facilities if we got if they take us for for one week or two we we are happy to be there because a problem cannot be solved with one day it's a process so the major challenge is money funding the problem is now funding and then also logistics okay because for us to go now it is any seasons this chat up lane are not going they cannot land in master at this time at the moment at the moment because of the flood yeah because the air strips is not functioning functioning but you can't helicopter can land can land so that's why we are trying to connect our self here from malachar from Dubai to Malachar and then if the enemy is willing to help us in that process then they can now we can chat a helicopter from Malachar to Nasser and agree for how long are we going to stay there and then when we finish our mission they can't come and fix us okay now coming to Hakim so so so definitely yeah we are going to bring these people together and then try to reconcile them because you also instead of addressing grievances also we need to reconcile them yeah not only for fees dissemination but we are going to reconcile them okay say that they also forget about the past for Ditoraki for Ditor Hakim yes you are correct and the question is yes genuine who is controlling it you know the white army was produced by the same conflict of 2013 and 2016 so and then they called themselves white army because they're just only civilians they're civilian they're young people and then they they came with a pretext that they are coming to protect themselves so in fact they form they form themselves as a community and then when they go to the to this to this conflict or they want to run they're going to fight they are being led by the community either by chief or far among him of that particular section and they go section and and and communities so they form themselves by the circumstances of 2013 so but we are there representative whether they form themselves we have obligations we have a responsibility to go and talk to them and tell them that no now it is time for us to live in peace so the situation or the circumstances that you have formed yourself is already over we are now in peace and then now you can live in peace and then do other things rather than go into the war Hello Rami Raj? Hello? Yes Your name? Good evening, you are with young in Tompin? Okay young from Tompin, go ahead Yeah, I do have here the president of honorable at the Instagram So the issue of the NASA is now everywhere and then people are also done even getting tired of hearing these news every day Hello? Yes, young? Okay, hello? Yes, your name? Okay, Tompin, go ahead Okay, go ahead, go ahead Hello? Hello? I think because a network problem the lines keeps dropping dropping yes we have questions here Thank you so much honorable for coming to the studio my name is Jackson from Juba here How will you are you going to coordinate your mission with the state government to make it successful because the governor of the state, the minister of local government and other agencies must be involved and a part of your mission to NASA County as from Jackson in Juba here and then another question here is coming from Dang in Juba and he says I am happy that the honorable member parliament have acknowledged that the genesis of what is happening today in NASA County of Upper United States is from 2013-2016 the leaders in this country also participated in mobilizing and arming these news do you take responsibility not you as an individual but as leaders of this country for not ensuring that after this peace was signed you should have embarked on peace in the reconciliation right away to bring sanity to those vulnerable places Okay, thank you very much now young from Tompin I think he has already cut and also the one of them and I hope they will come back I think they will have something to say yes now coming to Jackson yes let me bring this to attention of the old the audience that we are now happy that we have a new commissioner recently appointed to NASA County so the former commissioner has gone now we have a commissioner a new commissioner who is very energetic well-informed commissioner who have already started engaging from day one before even he took office he has he has been engaging the access media engaging the community leader of Juba here in Juba he's still in Juba okay and and and and was engaging with the community leaders was also the leaders of the white they use the arm use so he has been it has been instrumental in communication with that and also contributed to the current situation that I'm telling you that the situation went back to normal okay the good thing that he did he constantly communicate with the commander of the army of the SSPTA force and master and then one of the initiative that he did which actually we really appreciate and a gesture of living together because sometimes when you are in a one place you need also to share something together yeah before he go to NASA he start contributing some bolts it will contribute the two bolts to the army to the SSPTA yeah and then also some other sorghams backs to the army which actually has a good very very positive impact how how will that contribute to this cementing the relationship between the the army and the youth because look it's not the youth giving the ball it is the commissioner the commissioner because who is responsible because you know that he's responsible and also before contributing that one he also talked to the young people and also contributes of bolts to them so now the situation which is one of the factors that also the the scarcity of resources yeah is one of the factors so now they got they enjoy their life and then they were the whole night they were celebrating so now this is the this is the this part of the trust building that they want to create so we have a new commissioner called James Galois Lowe he's a well-informed person and he's also can understand the situation and also has a good uh have a long experience working with end-use so you know i think you have the fundamental approaches of the community development and how you can reconcile people because it has been the executive director who have been acting for a long time yes the executive director also there has been acting so now they're exactly together with the executive director who is there now they are doing this now coming to this so we are going to coordinate with the state government the governor is here is already well informed the thought the government in apana and those who are acting now as a governor also that inform we are coordinating that with them today the governor that our commission is master is in malacal now the commission of master is now and nasa said that he will also going to address some other issues that are arising from that and then he will come back to gibber when he come back to gibber we will be all of those who are going to be part of the delegation or the first mission will accompany the commissioner and all of us will go to master so it will be now a government in place the county commissioner the local government and also if there's a there's a need for us to bring the minister of local government at the state level then also they are welcome so all of us we will go as a government as a uh legislation and legislators to go to master to reconcile our people so we will coordinate that now coming to issue of this arm use and how do they get their guns how they get their guns and i said it's not it's not particularly for master it's all over south Sudan so now you cannot just excuse that single hour master that and uh leaders of master that the one who are now responsible for that all the leaders of south Sudan are responsible for what is happening here in south Sudan nobody will uh will will will will take himself out of that responsibility so all of us as a leaders whether in executive or in a parliament all of us we are responsible for what is happening in south Sudan now it is now incumbent upon us as a leaders of south Sudan to to put an end to all this to disarm all our forces and to disarm them we have to take some other steps we have to take the security arrangement seriously because the only way that for security to ensure security in south Sudan is to implement the security arrangement that means you train the necessary unified force bring them together give them a new that runs then deploy them all over not only army the army the police the national security and all deploy them in south Sudan said that everybody should have a national character that every every tribe of everybody will see himself or herself in that in that army and in that police in that national security this way now south Sudan will be we will be peaceful then now we will come to our community now we have a national army national police national security bring us your arms nobody's going to attack you these people are going to for attack you then this way we are going to have peace okay but that one will not happen unless all of us we have the responsibility we have the will to make south Sudan peaceful or otherwise these south Sudan will not be in peace if we don't take responsibility of this so it will not be alone as that which here is sitting in the studio or or or number of the asylum are you taking responsibility of all the arms even in one of those arms okay now briefly as we conclude there are some people who are criticizing um members of parliament not only from nasi but from other parts of the country but this time let's talk about nasi some of you they are saying that you have never been to your constituency you don't go to your county you only sit here in jubbar and talk but it does not have any bearing on what is happening if you have been going to your town you will talk to people they will listen to you as their representative of jubbar not everybody we went to nasi last year we went to nasi we talked to our communities okay but because of this situation that we are in now yeah i cannot be able i cannot afford to hire a plan to go to nasi i can't no chatter a plan because there's no resources but if we have resources we can be going all the time okay before that the crisis between 13 we have been frequently going to nasi all the time and then also stay there for almost one month two months or also sometimes we stay for two for weeks okay then finally honorable i optimistic that these uh lawmakers can make a change in a peaceful change in nasi so that the two sides can live in peace and harmony i'm very concerned that we are going to make change because now if as we speak now i'm talking to our community in nasi and they are willing to see us and then we will come because they see that the only way for us to resolve this problem is that we have to come and talk to the sspd have talked to them as well and then bring them together say that they reconcile and live in harmony this is what i'm very optimistic and everybody's optimistic that peace will come to nasi now will they support our commissioner our new commission and nasi definitely peace will be gone because i can see i'm very optimistic on our commissioner that he will do want us in nasi and bring our people to peace thank you co-existent with them thank you so much honorable at which lambda a member of parliament here at the national legislative assembly representing nasi county co-stitres in number 12 and thank you so much for your time we hope to talk to you when you land in nasi thank you very much thank you very much and also i would like to thanks our audience who have been listening to us keenly and also their concern about nasi county and uh i want to i want to uh tell them that nasi nasi will be peaceful thank you and uh there will be no more clashes in nasi thank you very much nationwide your daily current affairs program on rady miraya