5280 Geek

Comic Book Showdown of Destiny Ep 19

Welcome to this week's thrilling episode of "the Comic Book Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"! Join us as we dive deep into the vibrant world of indie comics, where creativity knows no bounds. In this episode, we pit some of the most exciting indie comics against each other to see which one will reign supreme! Hosted by Matt Campbell from and Smurf from Show airs live on Fridays 11am Mountain Time   #ComicBooks #Kickstarter #Crowdfunding #IndieComics #ActionlineStudios #ComicBookShowdownofUltimateDestiny #CBSUD #OrginalArt #OrginialStory #Submit #ComicCampaign #Popculture #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky

Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
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Welcome to this week's thrilling episode of "the Comic Book Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"! Join us as we dive deep into the vibrant world of indie comics, where creativity knows no bounds. In this episode, we pit some of the most exciting indie comics against each other to see which one will reign supreme! Hosted by Matt Campbell from and Smurf from

Show airs live on Fridays 11am Mountain Time


#ComicBooks #Kickstarter #Crowdfunding #IndieComics #ActionlineStudios #ComicBookShowdownofUltimateDestiny #CBSUD #OrginalArt #OrginialStory #Submit #ComicCampaign #Popculture #SmurfsTake #5280Geek #StayGeeky

(upbeat music) - Hi, it's off the rock of infinity. Comes the comic book showdown of alternate destiny. Every week, three Kickstarter are chosen by the spin of fate. You're dedicated stewards of destiny are Mr. Matt Campbell and Smurf. Now prepare yourself for there can be only one victor. The comic book showdown of alternate destiny. - Hello, the best comics are indie comics. And if you're not reading them, you're missing out. - Today, Destiny will choose three indie comic campaigns for us to look at and review. By the end of the show, we would choose who to give our money to based off their pitch. Watch to the end and see if you agree. So let's spin that whale because. - There can be only one. (dramatic music) - Woo. - You thought I was just gonna do it straight, didn't you? (laughing) - I'm not doing things really, ah don'ts, ah don'ts. - How you doin'? - Greetings and salutations, I'm good. I'm getting ready for the weekend. It's gonna be a full action packed weekend as always. You know, the usual chaos in mayhem. - It is, it is. Lots of big shows and what not this weekend. - By the way, if you guys don't know Smurf. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Best intro ever, I'm telling you I love that thing. Hey, let me introduce you to my friend Smurf. It feels like an episode of how I married your mother. (laughing) - Well I did watch that whole thing through. I was very disappointed with the ending, but I enjoyed it for a little bit. - Oh yeah, the ending is absolute rubbish. But, you know, hey, it's okay. - We got all kinds of guests or people on the chat today. Dead cosmos is here, one of our biggest fans, Colleen Cole. The special guest I had during my Kickstarter campaign, she's on the cover of, as a cosplayer, on the cover of our new Mythica issue that's on Kickstarter right now. - I'm so excited to see what the stretch goal cover is. - We are so close to that. That unlocks at 100 backers, and we are just right on the cusp. I think we're within like 20 backers. So if you haven't checked that out, be sure and check that out. Just go to Kickstarter and search for Mythica. You'll certainly find it. Or someone could throw the link in the chat. But we also got Roderick here, welcome. Emmy is here with us. Emmy is our super helpful hiding in the background, assistant who gets all of our, all of your submissions gathered together into one place, and puts them all into the Wheel of Destiny. - Bum, bum, bum. The Wheel of Destiny. - We've got a lot of entries today. 16 different entries today. - All right, very nice. I'm excited. I'm overly excited. Especially, let's see. Last week we had Dragonfly graphic novel. That was our big winner, right? - Yeah, and I believe that was it. They did end up hitting goal and passing goal, and they actually ended up changing a couple of conversations with them via chat. And he adjusted a lot of his content to give a clearer idea of what was going on in the story. And then shortly after that, East skyrocketed pass goal. So I don't want to say that was because of us, but I certainly hope it helped him because we are here to help. - We are here to help. We're not here to throw shade, negative reinforcement. None of that, we are here to help build up the community, build up presentation because of our years, years, decades long, worth of experience in the field of marketing, comic books, and just being creative. - See there, Emmy is hard at work. She just threw the chat in the comment section there. - Go, go gadget, Emmy. - All right. So yeah. - Oh, go ahead. - Next week we won't be here. - Oh yes, thank you for reminding that. Yeah, next week is Labor Day weekend. We're gonna take a break. We're going to focus on all the cool stuff that's going on. You're going to Dragoncon. - Party naked, baby. - Come and hang out with the Smurf and his mushrooms. Wait, no, that sounded bad. (both laughing) - Ah, naked Smurf and his mushrooms. That sounds like a comic way to get happy. - No, no, no. - I mean, it does, doesn't it? It sounds like the new, like, I hate fairy land sequel and image, it's going to be great. (both laughing) - So I know, I didn't mean to cut you off. Go ahead. - Oh, it's your answer, right. I also want to say a happy birthday to John Edward Benkord from Nerd City Geek. He's been given tons of great reviews. Some of them I've quoted on the Mythical campaign. He does movie reviews and has gotten to interview some huge names and just want to shout out to Happy Birthday to Amets' Birthday today. All right. So it's time for the any comic showdown, who will be the winner this week? We've got 16 injuries. It's time to spin that wheel. - Time to spin that wheel. - Spin that wheel, baby, let's go! - All right, all right. - Oh, we don't have a graphic for that. Oh, there we go. - We'll get one. We'll get one. We'll get one. It'll be good. - All right, this week on the list, we have Lawbringer, Oklahoma Kaiju. Mittens, the space pilot, which is, I hope we get 'cause I want to check it out. Pharaoh versus priest series. Biophile Colga. I have no idea what that means. Turkey Sharks, a book called Let's Hunt Monsters. Oh, Demons in the Darkness. That sounds something like a subtitle to Mythica. The Haunted Box. That sounds like it could be a porn. - That sounds like a bad date. - A bad date. Annabel, traversing deeper. Also, sounds like it could be-- - I can, another bad date. The Tinder nightmares come to life, all right. - Lost in time, far off, far of space entertainment. Could be far off, I'm not sure. Pirates of Miss Gotonia, Dime Store Detective, Dust Devil Curse of the Ramolio and Cardinal issue three. All right, thank you so much for everybody that's submitted. Let's see who is first on the Wheel of Destiny. Looks like, oh, oh, Turkey Sharks is right on the edge. Turkey Sharks. All right, so we'll get the link for that one going. (laughing) - Are you singing Baby Shark in the background? (laughing) It's stuck in my head. I finished Umbrella Academy. And now all I got is that limerick that-- (humming) - And then you say Turkey Shark. - It's close enough, yep. All right, let's see who is number two on our Wheel of Destiny. (humming) Looks like, oh, it's another one right on the coast. I think, oh, it's next to the last second. It's mittin' space pilot right on. Congratulations. All right, that leaves our last entry for the Wheel of Destiny. Who's it going to be this week? (phone ringing) What is with you in the cusp today? - I know, just right on the edge, all three of 'em. Dust devil, curse of the Remolino. I don't know what a Remolino is, but we're gonna find out, hopefully. - I know what a Dust devil is. Those little bastards get everywhere. (laughing) - All right, we're gonna save that wheel on our tab just in case we gotta return to it, 'cause I've learned from that mistake. (laughing) It's a cosmosis, just the tip. - That's what she said. (laughing) - It's funny 'cause it's true. - Great job, Ray, great job. (yelling) All right, so we got, first one up was Turkey Sharks. (humming) Ah, stop that, I don't wanna be safe. (laughing) I'm gonna put that in your head so all weekend. You'll think of me. (laughing) All right, Turkey Sharks one, two, five, the finale. So we get all five of these, or potentially just some, we'll find out. We've all seen superheroes, but not like this. Jump into this goofy world of unique characters, silly banter, and developed personalities. Oh. - I love that when we talk about writing, I mean, that's a thing that you want, but to say it out loud, it kind of sounds strange, but I love it. (laughing) - Hi, my name's Matt Campbell. I have a developed personality. - I have an overdeveloped personality that suffers from insecurities. And I have issues tying my shoes, which I'm mind helping a man out today. (laughing) - We're having a good time today, folks. Be ready. They have a $500 goal that they've hit. They're at 526. They have nine days to go. Let's see what the video tells us. - What's up, everybody? Josh from Cutthroat Comics here. And we made it. We're at the finale. Turkey Sharks one through five is hitting Kickstarter right now. And it's been nine years coming, but we're finally there. Now, we may come back to these characters at some point, but for now, close it off. We're gonna move on to some different things. But that doesn't mean this isn't good. This might be one of our best comics yet. It's funny, it's silly, it's got some cool characters, it's got some drama, it's got some fighting, everything you want in a superhero story. So if you're a fan of Mel Brooks or South Park or Family Guy, silly things, comedic things, satire, this is the book for you. Come check out Turkey Sharks, jump into my world and don't worry, yes, this is the last issue, but all the issues are available for you to check out. And let's have some fun. Let's get this thing done and I appreciate you. - All right. - All right. - Straight forward to the point, what do you think, Smurf? - I liked it, I liked the pitch. I like the human side, the like, hey, here we are. You know, like the long nine year journey. I dig it, I'm excited now because I'm curious to see what has nine years produced. So I like, we didn't get anything as far as what this issue is about all of the things that you and I have pointed out that are necessary, I'm not even concerned. The pitch was kind of very eloquently put, we're done, here it is, take it and enjoy. And the names you rattled off, I'm totally in. I don't even need to know what this issue is about. - Yeah, I agree. I thought the personal, simple, you know, no fancy stuff going on, it works, you know? I think that I'm out of considered standing in front of a different place, a background, but other than that, I like the personal shots quite a bit. But yes, you're right, now I'm curious. All right, well, what is this thing? We've got to build up, if you like this kind of stuff, if you like fun goofy stuff, if you like South Park, those are some great hooks. So let's find out, let's find out. - Dive a little about it. - Dive a little deeper. - Yeah, so it says, here we are, this is it, the end is near and another sentence that ends with the exclamation point. (laughing) - All right, I gave the guy credit, I mean, great writing, I mean, it is comedic, I like it. - Yep, let's see, after nine years, we robbed Finale of the Turkey Shark Saga. Now we have some spin-offs planned. All right, I'm gonna skim forward a little bit, you'll laugh, you'll cry, everything you want in comic book. All right, all right, all right, meet the team, parent cover artists, if you're a fan of family guy, the Tick Dead Pool, all right, yep. - Okay. - Thanks for being here, you're the best, okay. Got some cool artwork. - I like the colors, colors are great. - Yeah, yeah, stretch bill certificates just in case. All right, so technically, I haven't seen a single thing about what this topic actually is about. - No clue. - I mean, obviously that's not the death of this thing, they've hit their goal. - They've hit their goal, and like he said, he's got more to come. I mean, granted the back room does leave a little to desire, it's like those people that take selfies of themselves and they're in bathrooms or their mirror is dirty, and you're like, yeah, that'd be sexier if that toilet wasn't right there in the background, but I mean... - Is that a flow? - Is that a flow, ooh, chipotle. I don't know, I don't know if not having any information on this is a detriment or not. I'm still curious. I know maybe if I had more information, it would definitely like put it over the top and I'd be signing up now, but I don't know. I just, again, what are these care? Just give me like a synopsis, a quick rundown of who everybody is, even if it's like a old school G.I. Joe file card approach, just something, something. - Right, I definitely don't think it would hurt to have some information about what kind of characters we're gonna have, what kind of scenario there is. Is this a sci-fi book? Is it a Western? I mean, we know it's fun and I'm all on board for that. What are they trying to achieve? What stands in their way? Are there gonna be cool villains as well? Like, this is so much not here, but just with even all that missing, you've still done a great job of intriguing us. But I think if you add that stuff, I think you're gonna intrigue even more people. - Just something, 'cause if there's spin-off issues, and I think this is long-term, this is big picture-proud stuff, if there are spin-offs of these characters, the more information about them, I think, to continue. So even if you don't wanna leak it, spin-off is from, I would give kind of a bio on that character. I would totally hype up whoever the next story, the lead-in is going to be to kind of get, you've already got our attention, what do you do with it? And I think that is a missed opportunity at this point. That's the only thing I can say constructively, other than, nice job, man, you hit goal. - Yeah, so Josh Neelis is the creator of this book. You're doing a great job, and I really hope this does well for ya. There's probably not enough time with nine days left to make a lot of changes, but definitely consider adding a little bit about the who, the what, the when, the why, and I think that will bring more people in. Because I also add this little caveat, this is supposedly issue five, so there's been five issues. Yet there's only 22 backers so far. - Huh, perfect. - That's an interesting sign, because that means, okay, after five issues, did you build an audience, or are all these coming out at once? That part I don't really know. You might have just dropped all five of these at once. I don't really know. But if you've been dropping them one at a time, and you've only got 22 backers, then it might be because you're only targeting this small audience of, hey, if you like fun stuff, check this out, whereas if you open it up to, hey, this also has people and relationships, and it's gonna have some great action, and here's why it could broaden the audience a little bit. That's all I'm saying, all right? So, oh no, great job to Turkey Sharks, and speaking of Turkey Sharks, and you're humming, Ray made an interesting comment, I don't think it'll work, but I'll say, so we're gonna get blocked on Facebook from Smurf humming the tune. (laughing) And I wouldn't be, I wouldn't put it past Facebook, Facebook text to stop and block everything. I mean, a while, a couple years ago, went out to a Christmas, drove around town to look at all the cool Christmas lights, and one of them is just, you know, phenomenal show. Like there's cars parked all around the place, and then you tune into the radio, and they like have the music going with it. So I'm recording it on my phone, and the music's playing through the radio, and it's in sync, you know, and that's why it was so cool. And then I posted it on Facebook, and they immediately like cut off all the sound, and I was like, it's a frickin' video of Christmas lights, people like, but yeah, they still not gonna have any of that. - Bunch of savages. - No, I know, a bunch of robots. I'm even wondering if-- (laughing) - There's nobody in there. - There's nobody in there. - Is actually, you know, a robot or an alien. - When I was watching this Umbrella Academy, I was like, there's a lot of similarities between this guy and Zuckerberg, yeah. - There are, I mean, it gets, I don't know, it gets weird, Umbrella, the worst ending ever next to how I married your brother. There you go, I'll put that out there. - There you go. - Right there, right there. - All right, next up, we have the switch over this 10. - So make sure I'm not gonna get clubbed with my giant Lego skeleton again. I felt him shift up there. (laughing) - Next up, we have Mitten's Space Pilot by J.R. Harris. And I've been seeing this kind of floating around in the Facebook groups. I've been anxious to wanna check it out. So I'm really happy it's here on the show. - I have seen this. - So let's see, it says Mitten's Space Pilot one through three, eight, 30 page story that brings allies and foes of Mitten's together for one last showdown. - I heard this is also a pitch to sort of like sort of a mob story in space with cats, so. - They miss in space, I'm in. (laughing) I think all the spam colors suddenly know I'm doing a show 'cause I've gotten three just in the last five minutes. - Yeah, I learned from previous episodes and put mine on private, but I keep seeing mine going nuts right now. - Yeah, it's like they know we're on a live show. - Right, right? - I should answer one and just put it on the audio. See what they say. You're on live, go ahead. (laughing) - We wanna know about your afterlife care. When you pass away, what will your loved ones do? We know you have insurance, but is it enough to put you in the dirt? (laughing) - All right, let's see what the "Mitten Space" pilot tells us about this story. (dramatic music) (tense music) (tense music) (crunching) (dramatic music) (thundering) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (crunching) (crunching) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (tense music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - What will who do? (dramatic music) - Who's he? - I'm thinking it's Mittens! - I got to assume that, but I saw a guy that wasn't a cat person. - I know that through me. I was expecting this to be a land of fluffies and little buddies, but no. (laughing) - So, first of all, I gotta jump in with this and then I'll ask you what you thought. I get super excited when I see actual animation. Like that wasn't just someone grabbing frames from the comic and moving them. There was actual animation done with like the fingers and stuff and I get excited because I went to school for animation of a degree in it. And I would love to see some mythical animation, but I just definitely don't have time to do that on my own. So I got really excited. Then I kind of got back into the gear with our show and I was like, I'm still waiting to know some information here. But what did you think, Spurf? - Okay, strong start. I was hooked. I got like goose bump kind of chicken skin feels of, okay, we've got like the opening epic of like Star Trek and Star Wars with the lone speaker and you know, all of the noises and the effects. And I'm just like, ooh, I'm in. 'Cause this thing reeks of merchandise, of video games, of everything. I can see a video game of this easily. But then it just kind of flattens out. I don't know what, there's, who can he trust? I don't know, why can't he trust anyone? What's he doing? Is it that hard to be a cat in space, really? All you gotta know is where your box is. I mean, come on. But I like it, even though there's not enough to go off of, I still kind of am digging, I'm digging the pitch, I'm digging the intro. But like you, I want more. I do like the animation though. Animation took some time and that's probably where all their energy went. They said, screw the story. It took everything just to get this done. - Right, right, right. And you know what's said? We watch every video when we do this show. They have a video, we watch it, because that's what I'm looking for to tell us the story. And I put a lot of energy and effort into my video knowing full well that there's gonna be people checking it out based on the commentary we've given on this show. But of all the people that are supporting my Kickstarter right now, Kickstarter has told me that 14 people have watched the video. - That's it, 14? - Yeah, so the amount of people that are actually watching it is surprising to me. It's like, they're just like, oh yeah. I know this person, I like this person, I've seen their work before, I'm gonna go support it. So if they've made a video, give them the time because God damn it takes a lot of work to work on these videos. Definitely check them out. - It does, see. - Maybe, I don't have an answer for your video, your video's great, I like your video. - I mean, it's alright. I definitely feel like there's things I would love to do better. I would love to have some animation of Mythica Subday. I would love to see like a gritty, R-rated animation of Mythica. - Oh, I could totally see yours as like sex games and robots or sex love in robots. - Sex games in robots. - Sex games in robots. - That works too. - Do robots dream of electric sheep? No, it's just sex games and robots. No, I could totally see you in that particular gambit. That would be great. - Yeah. Well, let's see if what we get as we scroll down and for any more information here. And now obviously they've hit goal and a lot of people will, once they hit goal, they move all of their stretch goals and their add on stuff to the top. So you got to scroll a little bit farther sometimes and I get that, that's okay. Puzzle a book, so nice, a puzzle book. - That's new, I like that idea. - I'm sorry, I'm feeling ignorant at the moment. What exactly is a puzzle book? - I would say it's probably something with a bunch of like word puzzles or solve this or maybe it's star charts that need to be filled in. I'm just filling holes, I don't know. - Well, it's cool. I mean, it's even in hardcover this puzzle book. That's pretty sweet. - That's cool. - Let's see, so we got add-ons. There's a cool looking cover. All right, here's some info. This 30-page comic continues right where issue two leaves off after mittens, slugger and cosmo meet one another and head back to the hauler to get fixed so mittens can get off to get off ESOS. During this time, there are multiple parties after mittens from commissioner Quackers to bounty hunter named Griff, commissioner Quackers. In issue three, they figure out if they want to do a very dangerous heist, which is no easy task. This heist would give mittens a big score as he hopes he can finish the mission. He set out to do for Oscar Paulton. Little as mittens know, Oscar has some other plans up his sleeves. - That's a pretty good amount of- - I like that. - I feel like there's enough there that I'm intrigued. There's also like, there's some questions, but like there are intriguing tech questions. Like, that's a pretty good amount of information. - I was good until you said about like, we're going to go get fixed. I mean, this is like, what do you mean fixed? Why would you do that willingly? That's not good. (both laughing) - The hauler, the hauler is getting fixed. - The hauler, oh, the hauler is getting fixed. Okay, just the way you said that, I'm like getting fixed. Oh, good God. What kind of comic, wait, what? (both laughing) - Welcome to "Six Games of Robots." I'm commissioner Quackers. I'll be those receiving. (both laughing) - One of these days, I'm going to have to have dead cosmos on the show. He's always good for some great one liners. - Yeah, it's good. - Great. - Well done. Well played, sir, well played. - Let's see. Scrolling down anymore, we got some fun art. Let's go to this, like, what's sort of looking for? - Monochromatic kind of color scheme. - Mm-hmm. - It was just pretty fun. - I like the art. I like the character designs. I liked the time and energy put into this comic. This is, I mean, I wanna, this is issue two, I really do wanna go back and see issue one. So is there a link for that? 'Cause that's really the only thing I can kind of suggest at this point, 'cause this is very well self-contained. The video's got my attention with the sound effects and the animation, and I think it's, that's a damn good presentation. So let's see, at the $10, you're gonna get the book. Let's see, I'm trying to figure out what book. - Yeah, 'cause he pitches, he pitches number 33. - He says a 33. - One, two, three. So, oh, so it's all three stories. - That's what I'm trying to figure out. - Okay. So, actually no, this number 10 is, comes with issue three physical, issue three digital. Then we've got a digital tier that includes issues one, two, and three for $15, right? So that's pretty good deal. And I'm sure issues one and two are probably set up for add-ons as well. But yeah, so you can get just issue three or the previous issues, which is how I have mine set up. So good, yeah, we can get just the one or we can get all three of them in digital format for $15. That's a great deal. - I think that's a great, I see a value there. That is, I would absolutely, and kind of like, it kind of reminiscent to Furies, Furies. That was the image cat story last year that I enjoyed immensely. It was way darker than I thought it was going to be. So, I think it's the right time. I like it. - John Westoff says, "Mitten's rules, dog's drool." - I mean, it's in the description. I mean, Matt and I are both cat people. Let's be honest, Haman is Dr. Claw closing scene. - I mean, who doesn't love that? - I mean, it's hard not to. So yeah, no bias here. - Right. - I have two cats, Sam and Dean. You see Dean every show at the end. Well, yeah, I like that one. Honestly, like, so is there anything that you would give as feedback that would improve it? Make it any better. I don't know, I mean, I don't know if a dialogue in this would help it or distract from it, to be honest with you, because I like the sound effects, I like the hook. I mean, maybe at the end, kind of a small softball pitch of closing it out, but honestly, we're into the stress goals, option to buy the other issues. I got nothing, dude. - Well, yeah, we know the genre, we know it's, you know, in space, we are introduced to some of the characters. In the description here, it says it leaves off after a mittens, a slugger and cosmo meet one another and head back to the hauler. So we know that in the first issue, they kind of meet each other. I think that, and this might be way down at the bottom. I didn't dig all that far, but, you know, having some information about who these characters are, personality wise, could add to some intrigue, but I mean, that's, honestly, all I can think about, this is really well done. - Yeah, I mean, like you said, there's enough intrigue, enough vagueness that I'm hooked, and I mean, I could see this actually as a previews intro for ordering. So I applaud that, that's difficult to do, and well done, well done. - Yeah, yeah. So, great job, JR. Let's jump to our third and final entry on the Wheel of Destiny, so far so good. The last one we have here is Dust Devil, the vacuum from Hell. I mean, the curse of the Remolino. (laughing) - Never does, I don't wanna get flagged. I don't wanna get flagged if I stop. - Dust Devil, the curse of the Remolino, I'm feeling like the Remolino's the vacuum that didn't get guessed to the Dust Devil did. - I think so, the Remington that just didn't get door-to-door sales treatment. - Right, the pitch says a supernatural comedy Western graphic novel of biblical proportions by Orinthal Twain, adult content, not safe for work. - Ooh, boobies? - Boobies, boobies ending. - Oh, drink, drink, drink. (laughing) - All right, let's see what the video tells us. (upbeat music) - Dust Devil, the curse of the Remolino. (upbeat music) (screaming) (upbeat music) (screaming) (upbeat music) (screaming) (upbeat music) (screaming) (upbeat music) (screaming) (screaming) (upbeat music) (screaming) (upbeat music) (screaming) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - I'm gonna use my one free curse word on this. - Okay, go for it. - How the fuck did you get Simon Beasley to do the cover? - Right, that man is reclusive. Even four recluses. - Yeah, I mean, holy shit. That would be great. - He's gotta have like a friend or something. 'Cause even Alan Moore is like Simon who? (laughing) - Ah, the, I mean. - Yeah. - Yeah, I don't know, but that's pretty awesome. And so, what'd you think? What'd you think of nature, I, also I'm gonna retain my step, let you go first. - So, okay. There's a right way and a wrong way to do a music bed and holding up a speaker to a microphone is not it, okay? You can import audio into the timeline. The audio is so distracting to me. And slow down on your captions. I couldn't even read it. I mean, there's a lot to infer from the visuals. It's great, but damn man, lay off the gas. Just, I know you're excited. I know what you're trying to keep pace with the music. And that's also part of it. Choose something that corresponds with what you're trying to achieve and present it where they marry each other and they're not fighting each other. 'Cause that's what I got out of that. But the Simon Beasley is, damn dude, that is, I mean, it made me worth watching the thing. I only wanna get it now because I want the Beasley cover, but I have no idea. All I saw is a dust devil. And like I said, I am distracted so badly by that music bed that I can't, I can't remember anything except for some woman on a pedestal that was doing all, you know. (laughing) Jim Brewer type fucking theater theater. I like the intensity of the music. And when the rock background plays, that's my jam, right? I feel like I agree with you in the, like it was kind of kind of clipped, kind of overblown a little bit. But I definitely agree with you on the words. It's very first thing I noticed that when they words came up, I started trying to read them and boom, they were like flying away before I could finish. So what I generally tell my students is read it out loud and then give yourself like another 30% of time. Because some people read slower. But you definitely will read slower out loud than you will in your head. So read it out loud and then add another 30% of that time. Because that was pretty quick. The artwork looks fun. It kind of fits with the wild kind of, you know, grungy feel of the book. So I definitely got a genre vibe from it. Definitely heavy metal vibe. I mean, I like the heavy, I like the feel. I like, you know, the heavy metal side of it. It's just damn, that was so fast that I'm like, I feel like I got whiplash. Yeah. So yeah, we got some cool stuff. We got some excitement. We got some energy. We got some cool arts. And then of course, we have a Simon Beasley cover, which is very exciting. But how do you get Beasley? What's this book about? Yeah, I have no idea what this book is about. Let's see slapstick. I remember that word. I remember slapstick. Right. Let's see if we can find out any more information. It says a 56 page self-contained supernatural comedy Western comic book. 56 pages is like the limit for staples. At that point, the staple is like, you know, bursting at the seams to try and close. Fingertail might even be, might even be glue bound. It says this full color story is a mashup of genres. It includes elements of Western sci-fi, action, adventure, and comedy. OK, that I liked it better when you just said it was, you know, an action adventure or action Western. Cause it's hard for everything to be right to be everything. Well, yeah, and pick pick a genre. Don't don't reiterate what you just delivered. You know, you don't want to contradict yourself. Stick to your guns. If this is the pitch, stick with it. Don't, don't mince it up a little bit more to try and hook more people. Oh, it's also this. And it's also, no, just stick with what you got. The line right above it says this is a supernatural comedy Western. So you are not comedy. We got Western and then leave it at that. Leave it at that. If you like Mad Magazine, EC Heavy Meadow preacher, Grant Morrison, Blazing Saddles. Boy, this is a long list. Primus, but also, I mean, this is a long list. Skip, skip, skip, skip. Then this press novel is for you. It's like a Lou the more novella, except much more perverse, defraved and supernatural. So not really at all like those books. It is not safe for work and for dark humor, violence, nudity, fornication, biblical heresy, magic, devil's, cannibalism, cult, drinking and smoking. Big two would never print this. There we go, synopsis slash teaser. It's a little bit lower, a little bit down on the list. What's that called? Smurf. Bury in the lead, baby. Bury in the lead. Don't. Don't bury the lead. All right. Get customer says this. All that stuff sounds like a good Friday night. But to be upset. All right, synopsis teaser. With a population of a mere 665, Hobo is a quiet town in the high desert of West Texas at the turn of the century. Alone gunslinger arrives one morning to outrage over the town folk. The preacher, the sheriff, the prostitute's children, a number of adverse adversaries, all curse the name of Dave Elman. The Australian troublemaker whose arrival, in effect, raises the population due to the symbolic number of 666. This graphic novel takes place over the course of one day. And as Dave Elman, along with his right-hand man buddy, tries to navigate the town to fulfill his desire to impregnate the local women with his nefarious seed. Wow. He wants to gather the necessary provisions to destroy the community church and liberate his buzzard slash human hybrid mutant allies that are being held captive in the cages. A lot going on here. The story unfolds that the reader learns about the town's keeper, dark clandestine history, as well as Dave's predilection towards conflict, booze, and cigarettes. I feel like anybody in an old Western town has conflict, booze, and cigarettes. Yeah. Just when Dave Elman has been exhausted by numerous adversaries that come his way to protect the town, a sandstorm of biblical proportions arrive with three gigantic tornadoes. That's the Remellinos. The Remellinos. He is captured and taken to the underground cavern where historical figures from various time periods and around the globe are engaged in human sacrifice, cannibal techno cult. I just feel like someone got really high when they wrote this. So what we're going to do, man, you'll love this. Abraham Lincoln is in there, and he's cutting up fruit. It's my screen. I got signed immediately on board. He's like, dude, I got a story for you. Oh, my God, wowzers. All right. I'm, I, OK, I applaud the ambition. This is one wild story, and no wonder you've got the limit on pages. I'm sure that there's stuff that hit the cutting room floor. So I'm sure the director's cut would be even more gruesome, but damn, that is a lot. Yes, it is. This is the Simon Beasley cover. The looks pretty awesome. I mean, it's Beasley. I mean, I haven't, what was the last Beasley cover we saw? I mean, it's been a minute. I mean, he might have been done some stuff under the radar or something, but yeah, I haven't seen it. So I'm going to have to see if he's that accessible. Maybe I can get him something. But maybe this person knows him. Who knows? Yeah, this is this is a crazy, crazy wild story. It could be fun. Definitely had to dig a little deeper. They have a $1,000 goal with seven days to go. They're only about 32% of the way there. So they definitely need some help. So this sounds like your thing. Go check out Dust Devil and back them on Kickstarter. Yeah, I mean, they need a little help. Get them across that finish line, because I just want to see this in production, because I really, really want to see it. But I would also, on their side, I would firm that up. Keep the small quote, get rid of the nonsense in between. You've already established what you are. Stop reiterating it. Stop, stop pushing the wrong point. Get to the meat, get to the potatoes, and zit dust devils. And move that stuff up. Get rid of everything in between. Because you're wasting space and time. And I mean, in some cases, I get the kind of comical approach of making this long, long list of comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, of long things. But at the same time, I instantly gave up on that and wanted to jump to the point. So maybe disperse those throughout just a little bit. Because I think sometimes those kinds of jokes come off differently in reading than they do in Audible. In Audible or even film. I mean, I get the Mel Brooks reference. I get all of it, blazing saddles. It's fun, but come on, speed it, speed it up. It's funny, you blaze through your video, but then you have this long die tribe and manifesto of information. Shore that up, lengthen that out. I think you'll get a couple more people. I don't see why you wouldn't hit goal, honestly, if you just adjusted it a little bit and did another blast. Right, right. I mean, guys, if you could get Simon Beasley to be on the-- All right, if you could just get him to promote it. Oh my god, if Beasley could do a share of hell, you'd be-- Yeah, you'd be set. We'd be going like, oh, we're already kind of like, how'd you get Beasley? Right, right? All right, that brings us to the big decision of our show. I mean, this is tough. I'm not going to lie, because this has been-- This week is good. I like everybody's material. I love the premise. Everyone's got going, so it's very tight. Each one has their own little niche, and I'm enjoying it. Yeah, yeah. So just as a recap, we've got Turkey Sharks, which gets Smurfs singing his song in his head. We've got Mittens, a space pilot, which was very fun looking. And then we've got Dust Devil, this wild and crazy ride with Simon Beasley Cover. So put your choice in the comments below. We're about to make our choice right now. All right, what do you guys think? Which one is it going to be? All right, are you ready, sir? Hold on. I have to be art. I am. This is the only time I get to do art, because I don't do art. I am not an artist. That is my disclaimer. #notanartist. All right, all right. I'm ready. All right, just let's go with you to come. There's the drum rollers. Oh, we got it. You got me inspired. I did some. Yes, see, your cat is way better than mine. Way better. Somebody said they're voting for one that wasn't on the show. OK. Something about Mouse and Mike. So great show, everyone. Thank you for submitting. Again, next week, we're going to take the week off. We have a bunch of stuff going. Julie says she loves your cat. I thought that she did. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, next week we're going to take the week off. So if you have a campaign that you can submit it, it's going to go on to-- let's see, what would that be? Let me look at the calendar here. The sixth, we'll be back on September 6. Oh, that's Alcy's showcase X for that weekend. You and I will be very busy that week. And I also have a beer launch that weekend for the Colorado Festival of Horror. Our beer will be launched on the 7th. When you say they made a brew just for you guys? Yeah, every year for Colorado Festival of Horror, we have our own beer, and we have our own wine. The beer is crafted by Outworld Brewing, and the wine is cultivated, cultivated, love and tender care from Dragonbeatery. So they have meat, and they do our wine. This year's wine is stabernet. And the beer is called Killer Brew. Well, I'd love to taste it if I don't make it over there, save me some if I can. I will get it in a can somehow. All for you. All right, I'll be awesome. All right, guys. If you haven't already, be sure and subscribe to the YouTube channel. We're trying to get to 1,000 subscribers. So I can contribute some monies to these guys that help me out, guys and gals that make this show possible. Be sure and subscribe. And we'll see you in two weeks. Two weeks miss us. Give us a like, give us a share. Send us direct messages if you just want to talk. We're always here. But in the meantime, run fast. Left hard, and always be kind. Good night. [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]