Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Billy Is Kicking Winnies Ass!

We're halfway through the show now! The talk back mafia was very active today, so we spent some time checking in with them! Weird stories covered tongue stretches, buying sunlight and the demure trend! We then played a movie music game where Billy didn’t come in last for once! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

And guys, welcome back. So Justin, the executive producer of this radio program walked into the studio a couple of minutes ago. I said, dude, I am overloaded with talkbacks. We have to get to some of them. Well, I feel bad because how many times do we say leave a talk back? Right? A lot of people listen on the iHeart app. They want to join the show, join the conversation. We encourage that. And then we don't play them. I always feel bad because people are always, you know, they're chiming in on different things. You know, the songs of summer, that's where a poll on the kiss Instagram right now where you can go vote for the summer summer. That's one topic. Hey, Morning Crew, longtime listener Kenny here from Vermont, way up north on the Canadian border in Little North Troy. Can't believe nobody has mentioned Harry Styles and watermelon sugar, the greatest summer song of all times. Let's hear it guys. Give them a vote. Are behind two years in Vermont. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - He's on the Canadian board. - So make sure you go vote, it's very easy, it's on the pin post, it's in the comments, each song has a comment and you just like it for what song you think should be the song of summer. That's how it works. - Very easy. - We'll reveal it this weekend. - God, I would kill to know what a pin post is. - It's the very first post. So on an Instagram page, you can pin up to three posts that just live at the top. So if we did not pin it, then every time we post it, after that, it would get buried. - Right. - And you couldn't find it. You could be picking up what I'm putting down. - That's right. - Good morning, you all. I'm a teacher, I'm up early, but last night before I went to bed, I watched Chimp Love on HBO and it is Tiger King meets chimpanzees. It is wild, sorry for the pun, but you have to watch it and then talk about it. It will be hilarious to see what you guys think. Have a good day. Bye. - You guys hear about this show? It's called Chimp Crazy, not Chimp Love. On HBO, it just came out. - I saw the trailer and I said, "Oh, my God," and they're comparing it to Tiger King. - Tiger King, yeah. - Well, it's a woman. She's a former nurse and they call her the Dolly Parton of Chimp's. Apparently, she takes care of a bunch of Chimp's. That's all I know. - Wait, the Dolly Parton of Chimp? - Does she resemble Dolly Parton? - She may. I'm looking at a kind of a picture of her now. I don't know. That's what's described. - I love Chimp's, but you got to be careful. - Oh, they're real type of face-off. - They do. - Well, that happened in Connecticut. - Yeah. Oh, don't. Yeah. I have a bad memory of that story. - Yes. - Well, I was younger when it happened and the poor woman, she lost her face, awful story, and then she got a face transplant. She came here for it. - Right. - Yeah, if I recall. - And I saw the picture as a young child and it scarred me. I mean, really just an awful story. Anyway. - I just want to let you guys know that listening to you lately has honestly been the only part of the day where I've actually laughed and felt like, I don't know, I just feel like you guys are honestly like my friends in a really kind of like low place right now and listening to you in the morning, it really like lifted my spirits this morning. So I just, I know it's quantity, I just want to just let you know that. Thank you so much. - Aww. - That's really sweet. When we get to voicemail or text messages, things like that, talk back, so. - That we're making you laugh and making you feel better. - Yeah. If we're doing some good in your life that's otherwise not going that well, we're thrilled to be able to provide that for you. - Yeah. Someone asked me actually this weekend, what my favorite part about working on this show on the radio is, and I said hands down, it's our listeners. And when I meet or hear from listeners that say something like she just said, you know, I have so much going on in my life, this just happened and I hate my life, but I listen to you guys and I feel better for that small time. And I hope she's okay. She said she's in a low place. - Yeah, she sounded like she was very sad, but I'm hoping that she's feeling a little bit better tonight. - Yeah, she'll be fine. I'll pour things. - Just had to call the fire department at 4.30 'cause my fire alarms are going off for a straight hour. I hope everyone has a great day. - Oh, that's the worst. - Yeah. - That is just the worst. - That happens here at the radio station. - It does. - That is so loud. - Here's the deal, it goes off so often here at the radio station in this building, and we don't even pay attention. But think about it, if your home and your fire alarm goes off, there's instant panic. - Instant panic. - Right? - Yeah, you know what the worst is? One time the carbon monoxide alarm will be in the middle of the night. Warning, carbon monoxide, warning, I mean, 3 a.m., horrific. And you always want to recheck your detectors around the house for CO2. - Yeah, very good, very good. Anyway, weird story's coming up next, and a new trend is gaining popularity to help women's pelvic floor. I guess it's going to make it stronger. We'll talk about it in weird stories coming up next, thank you. - Kids 108. - Seems a little weird to me. - Oh my God. - It's time for weird stories. - That's pretty creepy. With Billy and Lisa in the morning. - All right, so you've probably seen a lot online or on social about pelvic floor exercises and how they're supposed to help women, you know, just keep things tight, tight down there. Well, there's an Olympic athlete named Colleen Quigley who went on social recently and says that she actually does tongue stretching to help her pelvic floor. - Really? Yeah. You ready for a bill? I guess so. All right. So she uses her shirt to grab her tongue and pull it straight out, then to the left Winnie, then to the right, then up and down. And then holding her tongue in each position for a few seconds and she swears by it. She says that it actually relaxes her jaw, thereby releasing the tension in her pelvic floor. - Well, it's two critical areas when you think of it. The tongue and absolutely the pelvic floor. - They're deeply connected. - Very important too. Winnie, you should do your weird story while holding your tongue. - Oh, hi. - No, please don't. - You know what? It would sound the same. [laughter] - Come on Winnie. - I don't see a groove in it. - So Justin, you own a bidet, right? - I have what's called a tushy, which is essentially a bidet, but a cheaper version. - But ever crush your mind to videotape yourself on your tushy? - No, never. - Well, apparently people are doing that. Both men and women now are sitting on their bidet, videotaping themselves and asking questions about the water and where it's shooting and why and how. - Welcome to 2024. - It seems like an unnecessary splashy car wash experience for your bum. - Is it an ombud? - Crank it. - Just crank it? - Yeah. - Oh, man, here we go. Wait. - Ow! - This is like a nice little shower without taking a shower. - The accuracy is pinpoint. - I didn't know you could warm the water up too. That's a nice little touch. - I feel like I need a towel to wipe, not even tissues, because everything's stopping wet. I feel like I gave birth to like 18 water balloons. - Yeah. I love the tushy. I'm a big fan of it. You know, my whole family uses it. - Yeah. - So, yeah. The only thing is the way it works is there's a little knob on the side to turn it on. And it shoots down, but when you turn the knob, it goes up. So if a kid gets it and turns the knob, you know, it'll just spray up. - Right. - So you have to be careful. But I love it. Great product. - I only used it once in my life. It was at a hotel. - It's shocking that you don't have a bed. - And I couldn't figure it out. - With your OCD. - It kept shooting up to the ceiling. - Yeah. - Well, I just jump in the shower. - Oh, there you go. - You're sorry. - How many showers? - Well, it's not like you're, you're not doing number two that often. - You shower every time? - Yeah. - Yeah. He does for a day, right? Four showers. - That's cute. - I mean, if necessary. Get in here. Clean it up. Ah. We have to move on. - All right. Let's go. All right. So a missing nine year old boy in Brooklyn was found by the TV helicopter that was looking that was like reporting on what was going on. He was spotted missing. - So as my pilot, Eric Ross and I were circling around the building, we came across a person sitting in a chair over here on the rooftop and we zoomed in with the camera. It appeared to be the child that fifth of the description of the missing child. Now our CBS New York, New York news, Simon desk, they called the police department. They sent officers from the 64th precinct up to the rooftop and sure enough, they found the child sitting in the chair. They gave us a thumbs up as they went down with the child or able to reunite him with his family. Just a few stories below. - Mm. That's a good story. - Yeah. - Yeah. I would tell you guys I was almost kidnapped as a child. - No. - I never told you that. I was, they tried to pull me into a car when I was, I think I was seven or eight years old. Yeah, I was a guy, a woman and a guy and they told me to come here and I walked towards the car and the woman jumped out and tried to grab me. And I credit America's most wanted with help with making me like realize what was happening. And I turned and ran away, got away. - That's right. - That's a true story. - Wow. That's probably like a cult or something. - Skin dogs. - And skin dogs. - Yeah. - At least where did we go? - All right. - We were at Six Flags. They were on the Supergull Skyflate, like I guess they were dangling in the air for ten minutes because a huge storm came in and they got stuck in all that wind and wet weather. This shocking video shows riders getting stuck nearly 250 feet above the ground during a storm at Six Flags in Mexico. This happened last Sunday as people dangled there for about ten minutes. The theme park says that storm disrupted operations for this ride and several others. People were eventually evacuated, but thankfully no one was hurt. - They were actually hanging by their hands. - You've got to see the video. - Dangling. - They were dangling. It was windy and it looked like they were just going to blow away from the ground. - It was one of those like swing things, you know, those swings that go up and swings you. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - So they're on these, the individual swings, all of them just like getting whipped around by those wind and rain. - Oh, they're not read weather reports. - It was really scary looking. There's a tech startup called Reflect Orbital, it's a planning to launch a constellation of mirrored satellites into orbit. Why? Well, so they can beam sunlight anywhere on earth and sell people sunlight after dark. - This is so cool. So picture it, you're out in the dark and you want it to be light. Well you use your phone, you pay this company and they shoot light down from a satellite. Imagine? No one thinks that's cool? - I absolutely think it's cool. - We are putting reflector satellites in space to shine the sunlight onto solar farms after dark. Why not shine sunlight on solar farms and power them up after dark so they can be our only supply of energy. You know, in the future we're just building a bunch of reflector satellites and putting them in the right orbit and shining them down onto solar farms and peak demand goes up. And everybody gets home from work, you know, they plug in their electric car, we'll fly over, shine sunlight down and you know, convert that sunlight into it. So eventually you're going to be able to buy sunlight, a regular person. - Amazing idea. Amazing. - Give yourself a sunburn or tan or something. Hey, can I have a tan for 10 bucks? - That's cool. It's tanning bed though. - Okay. - Do you have time for one more? - Real quick, you guys know that new trend, well Billy doesn't, but I'm sure Lisa and Justin do. The D'Amour, D'Amour, very cute, very mindful all over social media. Well, D'Amour basically means modest, reserved, shy, typically used with women. So a woman named her daughter, D'Amour Rain, after this latest trend. - Yeah. - I actually think it's kind of a cute name. - I guess. - D'Amour, I don't know. - I can't say the word. - D'Amour. - It's D'Amour. - D'Amour. - It's not how you say it. - D'Amour. - She can't say it. - She can't say it. - Yeah, I just said it. - D'Amour, you're very D'Amour. - Yeah. You know what, Winnie, you know what you are? - Not D'Amour. (laughter) - I am really not. - Oh, baby. - What are you coming up? - We were coming up on Entertainment Patriots, had to cut a bunch of players yesterday, and to have to cut even more today. And our old friend, Sean Kingston, why was he running away from a courtroom with his mother yesterday? - Yeah. - Sean Kingston? - Not D'Amour. (laughter) - What up, Boston? It's Benson Boone, and you're waking up with Billie and Lisa in the morning. On Kiss 108, Boston's number one hit music station. Hey, Lisa. - Hey, Lisa Benson wants to know how you're doing. - Wow, that's a new one. - Yeah. - I know. Very cool. - I had to ask, like, where are those ones from from Kiss concert that I spent all that time getting? - Oh, yeah. - That was my whole job at Kiss concert. - I know, Rob. - He wasn't at Kiss concert. - Oh, my God. - He wasn't. - He was at Boston. - What was he at? What did we have him at? - We had him at Boston. - That is flawless. - Yeah. - Can we get him at Boston? - No. - Oh, maybe he's Boston calling, maybe. - Yeah. - Benson Boone. - Where did I meet him? - I can check him out, Lisa. - Hey. - All that is is, he said hi to Lisa. - Yeah. - That was good. - You know what we haven't talked about in a while is Karen Reed talking about somebody - Yeah, a couple of developments. - Disappearing from the headlines, but there's a new development. - Well, we were all talking about off the air because I don't think her problems are finished at all. - Not at all, won't show. - A long time because there's now a civil suit filed by the family of John O'Keefe against two bars, Waterfall and C.F. McCarthy's for negligence in over serving, and then also against Karen Reed for-- - Oh boy. - The death. But you know, it is a lot easier to win in civil court than it is to which. - Very much so. - In criminal. - Yeah. - So they can prove any negligence by anybody, I think. It's like 51 to 49 percent. So-- - Okay, so far she's got the retrial coming up and the judges already refused to drop any of the charges, so she'll have a new jury, a new trial. When does that happen? - January-- - January 27th, as of now. - Okay, and now it's the civil case. - Right. - Which will then be after the criminal one, I'm assuming, I think that will happen after a while. - There's a lot of legal bills ahead of her. - Oh my God. - How does she sleep at night? I'm just wondering. Anyway, I thought we'd address it for a couple, but let's go with entertainment. - Now, the entertainment update with the billy cost us. 710 this morning, we gave away a pair of tickets for Billie Eilish. We'll do that again tomorrow morning at 710, and we're asking everybody to vote on the songs of summer 2024, and we wanted to do it quickly, Justin, where do they go to do that quickly? - Go to the kiss one away Instagram page, the very first post is a Songs of Summer post. In the comments, they'll be listed there, and you vote just by liking the individual song. - Yeah. - That's it. - You know, winner as of right now, which is espresso, which I think we all agree on. - Absolutely. - Go cash your vote. - And what are we going to do with special, you and I, Justin, on the Songs of Summer? - Yeah, we're going to count down the top Songs of Summer all the way down to what is voted number one. We'll have special guests, and that'll be this weekend, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday at 3 o'clock. - Whoa. - Hi, Gus, me. You're going to ask me to join? - It didn't cross around. - Who's a special guest? - Oh, it's more like an extension of the kiss, Tom, third account. - Yeah. - If you want to know the special guests, if you want to know the special guests, Winnie, you just have to listen at 3 o'clock. You can listen on your radio or... - No, I'm not listening. I'm not recording. I'm not recording that. The way you guys treat me. - At least Big Book Club event tomorrow night, let's go. We're all going. - We're all going. - Book Club, exactly. We're all heading out to Joss and Maine tomorrow night in Burlington. - Mm-hmm. - It's at the Burlington Mall. Beautiful. Joss and Maine. And Erin Gates will be joining us. She's a local interior designer, influencer. She's got a really fun Instagram about style, and she's written several books, so she will be taking all of our questions about how to refresh our space and basically what to do with our lives. - One of my dreams. - A little pick me up. - Yeah. One of my dreams has always been to have an interior designer come into your place. - Right. Right. And sometimes you can't afford it. Again, come with all your questions because she's amazing, but Bill, you can afford it. - What? - You can't afford it. - Oh, flat broke. - Sorry. - NFL having to cut the rosters down yesterday, they'll have to do it again today. Patriots cut as many as 14 players yesterday, and more will be cut by 4 o'clock today. And Carrie Underwood has the new theme song for Sunday night football sounds just like last year's - So what changes you wear like different shoes or something or - They just freshen it up a little bit every season. - Yeah. - Yeah. - She's got a Vegas residency that starts in October, and history was made out at Fenway Park last night, women handling the play-by-play for parts of the game, Riley Pay, and Emma Tiedemann from the Portland Sea Dogs call in the action. - Oh, this one drilled into center field, Loper Fido, Terz, that one is gone. Sharon Durant demolishes a two-run blast to dense center fields, and the socks with him too in the bottom of the eight. - So good. So good. Way better than you, Billy. First today, the first inning was 35 minutes. - We're hanging with the official burger of your Boston Red Sox. - He swung at the 3-0 and pops up to the third baseman right along the line. - Rock climbing, and that fisherman stops by the kitchen to cook up some pork. - The Red Sox, well, it changes his founder. - And that's all coming up. - Oh, you got to wrap this up. - I'll wrap it up when I'm ready. All right. How's that? - There's so much anger. - Yeah. - There was no anger in the girls. - No. - It was so smooth with the women last night. Not so much with the Red Sox, by the way, who have lost five games in a row. And this is the home stretch. It's just not-- - Oh, they suck. - Yeah. It's not looking good. Weird story. Mariah Carey says her mom and her sister both died on the same day this past weekend. - Right. And they're not giving us any details as to what happened. I do know that her sister was not in the best health. She's 63. So we'll hopefully we'll find out more, but it's just such a strange coincidence. Her mother is very elderly. - Wow. - Yeah. - If you're looking for a funny video to watch, Winnie brought one into me yesterday, and the video is of Sean Kingston and his mother running from the courthouse having just been charged with mail for-- - I think we got the call. - Sean, it looks ridiculous running like that, man. - Yeah, it just hasn't been a good couple of years to Sean Kingston. - But this is my thing, right? Like, you have people that have these high profile cases, and they walk very swiftly, but they're walking to their car. They just don't have anything, no comment, keep it put in. Sean Kingston, there was only one really news station there, okay? He's a heavier guy, big guy. So he's doing this jog, running into the car, his mother's running by flipping off the camera, and it's just like, you guys could have just walked your car swiftly and not said anything. The running like your Michael Jackson wasn't necessary. - Yeah, there wasn't any interest, like the one reporter-- - Yeah, I think it was in Fort Lauderdale, like there was one reporter from there. - OJ's kids are now having jewelry made from OJ's ashes. Remation jewelry, I guess, is a thing now. - It's very popular, yeah. - Yeah, the juice is loose. - The juice is loose on all of his kids. - And we've got more news on Channing Tatum. Now, his new movie, Blink Twice, which I guess is getting good reviews. A lot of people say they like it. I hit theaters last weekend. He's been spending a lot of time with his friend Taylor Swift, and he says at one point in his life, he hated doing laundry so much that he bought an entire year's worth of clothing. Here he is. - I had one year that I called the year of the Fresh White Tea, and I don't think I did laundry all year that year, and I just wore white t-shirts that I just bought. I can get like two wears out of this week. This is gonna be good. The year of the Fresh White Tea, '99 or 2000. - But that was when he was young and broke. That's when he was doing it, not when he had money. - And it's been a while since we talked about the man with the largest penis, so I figured we should probably get this. - Is there an update, Val? - It's a good thing. Yeah. - Is there an update? I just... - Yeah, we featured him not too long ago. - He's struggled in his life because of the giant penis. - Big time. - Yeah, and it's a bit of a long story. - I'm just saying. So he's talking about some of the struggles. He has to buy larger sizes, customize the underwear. - He was thrown out of a yoga class. - Because of his bulge? - Yeah, it was just too distracting. - I'm sure it wasn't 14.2 inches. - There's a lot of bending. - Is that how big it is, 14 inches? - Yeah, well, fully. - Well, obviously. - Yeah. - He's tried medications. - But then it makes you wonder what it's like when it's not. - Yeah. But he's got a book. - He said he's passed out because of it in the years. - He's got a book on the way, and again, it's called A Long Story, life with one of the world's largest penises. And now I'm not making this up. You would think this is not a kicker story. - Well, it's not. - They call it the Titanic Tallywacker. - I love that. - They're running them up in Britain, are they? - Yeah. - Absolutely. - And why not? Hey, we're brought to you by Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club experience, the quintessential Cape Cod summer at Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club. The place is phenomenal. It's a name, Best Hotel Cape Cod, by Boston Magazine, the villas, the hotel rooms. They have a private beach, which is gorgeous out there on the bay. They've got several swimming pools, award-winning golf. They also have pickleball and four restaurants, live music. They've got a beautiful spa and one of Cape Cod's best beach bars. Just go to and there you go. - I like my penis. - From the Planet Fitness Kiss 108 Studios, we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. - Hey, guys. So welcome back. Here we are. It's a Tuesday. - Today, Lisa. - Oh, nice. If you look outside, it's beautiful. It's going to be a mix of sun and clouds, eighties. Tomorrow it's going to feel really warm, a lot of humidity, and then it starts to cool down for the weekend. - But the stickies are back tomorrow. - Mm-hmm. - Okay. We have a game, Justin. - Yeah. You're the movie guy, right? Every day you come in, you watch the different movie when you're at home or on the boat. - Oh, my God. He loves it. - Okay. - By the way, the one you mentioned this morning, I watched the trailer, vanished at night. - Vanished into the night. - Least. Low budget. - Yeah. It's from Italy. - It's a low budget film. - And it's getting dubbed over in English. - Yeah. - Okay, low budget films to me are even harder to make, so you get them more credit when they're good. - All right. What's the name of it? - Vanished into the night. - There you go. But anyway, recently, I was playing this little quiz on where they would play, you know, a movie, a song from the soundtrack, basically, and you had to guess the movie. - Oh, okay. - And I was like, this is going to be easy. And then I started playing, and I was like, this is kind of hard. You know what? This could be a game. It's game time. It's game time, baby. - Game time, though. I'll be there. It's a big time. - So, pretty simple. I'll play the song. You have to tell me what movie the song is from. - Okay. - How's that, Lisa? - Okay. - Europe first, as always. We'll start easy. - Okay. - Not to jinx you. - Okay. - But what movie is this song from? - Yeah. - That's from Titanic. - That is Celine Dion from Titanic. - Yeah. - Very good. All right, movie man. - You have me. - Wait, how about Mike? - My heart will go on. I get a bonus point. - Oh, you want a bonus point? - Okay. - I'm kidding. - I was kidding. - Nope, Lisa's on the board with one. All right, Billy. Can you tell me what movie this song is from? You should get this one, I think. - Yeah. Hold on. Give me a second. - If he doesn't have it, I have it. - Wow. - I think. - You really don't know that? - I feel like even I know it. - Producer. Hold on. - I know Riley was born 20 years after that movie came out and she knows. - I know it. That's a fact. I know it. - He doesn't go ahead. - Is it Top Gun? - It's Top Gun. - Of course it is. - Take my breath away. - It could have played the Top Gun song. - That is the Top Gun song. - No, there's a different song. - Oh, he means like the theme song. ♪ Don't un ♪ - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - ♪ Don't un ♪ - Okay. - Well, there's that. - Fine. - No point for you. - Winnie, can you guess what movie this song is from? ♪ It's been a long ♪ - Oh. Fast and Furious. - Oh, shoot. - Good one. - Really? - I love that song. - Yeah, 'cause it was all because Paul Walker died in Charlie. - Oh, yeah. - That was his hit. - Yeah. - Oh. - Yeah, I remember when he did that song and he came in here to the radio station. - Yeah. - And no one knew who he was. - Yeah. - Like this is the guy that sings the song from the Fast and Furious. - Charlie, both! - He was walking around, no one even knew who he was. - I know like that. - Look at him now. All right, round two, you have to guess the movie this song comes from. On the soundtrack, Lisa, guess the movie. - Watch me. - Oh, Barbie. - I knew that one. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I love Billy. - Well, I don't want people thinking I'm an idiot. I knew that. - Maybe one day we'll play a game with the buzz in that way you get to answer any question you think you know. - Oh, yeah. First one in. - Yeah. - Like a family feud style. - Yeah, that will make him feel better. I'm about himself. - All right, this one you should song of Summer last year. - It was, yeah. - You should get this one, Billy, okay? Listen close. ♪ Do it, root yourself in the music ♪ - Okay. - Eight mile. - Woo! - Let's say it again. - Eight mile. - That's right. - I was praying he's the nine mile. - He sometimes he says nine mile. - He does. - It's classic. - It's classic. - One last. - Nine mile was the sequel. - Yeah. - They took you to a different street. - No. - All right, wait. Can you guess the movie this song is from? This is from They put this list together. ♪ Because I'm happy, I'm alone ♪ ♪ If you feel my groove ♪ - Oh. - Oh. - Trolls? (buzzer) (buzzer) - Was it the Penguins movie? - It was an animated movie. - It was an animated movie. - It was an animated movie. - It was an animated movie. - It's a Penguins movie. - It's not the Penguins' bell. - Mad a gas car? - No, it's despicable. - Me. - Oh, yeah. - Oh. - Darnish. - What guy? - The weird guy. - The Little Guy. He's creepy looking. - See, I'm not an animation person. - We do. - I mean, it wasn't even your question, Bill. Don't worry. You don't get wrong. - You're a low-budget, foreign-film guy. That's what we want. - Okay, you know, you're going to watch vanished into the night and you're going to call me. - It's really called, like, Septembero. That's the Italian name for it. - All right. Final round here. So I believe Lisa, you have two points. Winnie has one and Billy has one. - Yeah. - You're tied. Here we go, Lisa. What movie? - "Greece." - Damn. - Billy knew that one, too. - Yeah. [laughter] - Oh, no, "Greece." I knew that one. - Yeah. He knows everyone, but his own. - So funny. - All right, Bill. You ready? - Now you're going to give me a movie in French or something. - Nope. I'm going to say this. This is from an older movie in the '80s. I'll say that. - Okay. - And producer Riley, who's, like, 12 years old. - She knows it. - knew this as well. - And why is producer Riley suddenly the measuring stand? Well, I'm just saying, if she knows it, she can't hear a word we're saying. It's fascinating to me. Understand, Riley's job on the show is the producer, and she can't hear the show because of the technical. - Ironically. - Her studio is completely offline, and there were nobody to fix it. - And nobody to fix it. - So she can't hear us. But anyway, Bill, what movie? - She could be sitting at home. [laughter] - Actually, she could listen to the show. [laughter] - No. - You know what, we have her listening on the iHeart app, which is a slight door. - Yeah. - So there you go. Anyway, Bill, guess the movie. [music] - The Breakfast Club. - Yes. - Woo! - Come on! I'm kicking your ass, Winnie. - You are ahead of Winnie. - Yeah, certainly. - Breakfast Club. - Yep. - You can win first place, but you know what? - I love that song. - I never liked those people in that movie. - Oh, that was my... God, I don't know. - Judd Hirsch. - No. - What was it? - Yeah, Judd Hirsch. - Yeah, Judd Hirsch, Molly Ringwald, all those people. - Oh, John Hirsch. - John Hirsch. - Oh. - Rob Lowe. - Not John Hirsch. - Who's the John guy that was on... - Million half-dives. - Two and a half men. - John Cryer. - Yeah, wasn't he even? - Yeah. - Listen. - Well, down memory lane. - Sorry. Alright, my turn. My turn. My turn. - To wrap this up, if you miss this, that means Billy. - Don't do that. - Don't do that. - Okay, here we go. Guess the movie. - Oh, trolls. - What was it? - Trolls. - Oh, you tie. - Woo. - Billy and I do a tiebreaker for a second. - You know what? We'll do that in the wrap-up. - Okay. - Which is coming up next. We have fun, don't we? It's kids. - Kids 108. It's the morning wrap-up on Billy and Lisa in the morning. - Alright, it's been a fun Tuesday morning. We had some good laughs this morning. Let's take a look back. Before we get there, let's look at some stuff that we gave away. How about Billy Eilish tickets doing it every morning this week at 7-10. Congratulations to Christine, my neighbor. - Christine, where are you calling from? - Oh, hi. Good morning. I'm actually calling from Hampstead, New Hampshire. - Well, that's right next to me. - Well, Christine, you've got to get over to Justin's house. Everybody from New Hampshire goes there. - Tomorrow morning, 7-10, once again, more Billy Eilish tickets. Speaking of giving things away, we also gave away a trip to Vegas in a thousand years. And dollars for the iHeartRadio Music Festival, that was a big deal. - You know that commercial or like the ad that you guys just played for, apparently it's for a free trip to Vegas? Every time I heard that, I was like, "Wait a minute, why are they talking about furries?" Because I thought it said, "We're sending you on a furry trip to Vegas." And I was like, "No, thank you." - Yeah, it's a free trip to Vegas. We do that every morning at 9-10. It's an amazing lineup to elite by Halsey the weekend, and we'll give you a thousand bucks as well. So it's more morning 9-10 for that. It topic came in for one of our listeners, the craziest, craziest, craziest excuses for being late to work, or even missing work. This was a doozy. - I'm a teacher, and one time I had a student who was out, and I was like, "Oh, were you sick yesterday or whatever?" And she says, "No, I had to go get my eyebrows waxed." I don't mind you, it was a second grade classroom teacher kind of job. - Oh. - Wow. - Second grader was getting their eyebrows waxed? - I mean, I got my fifth grade at a unibrow. - Oh, you had the one brow? - It's your parents' discretion, obviously, but I think it's a little young. - Sounds really young. - It is really young, but I mean, you can't make fun of a lot. - Yeah. - I mean, I had that in a mustache. - Yeah. - I'm a little Eastern, that's why they've got all the different things you can do. - Well, that was a lot. - It was. - I think you should have kept the, what were they called a brow, the unibrow? - Unibrow? - Unibrow. - How much? - How much was the continuum? - I'm just saying. - Well, they're all gone now, right? - Thank you to laser hair removal. - Yeah. - And you think that was something you should have seen the goatee. - No, you laugh, but I could grow a beard faster than Billy. - I'm not even joking. - Okay. All right. Finally, we have a bonus round of the movie game. So if you missed it a couple of minutes ago, we played a game where I play a song from a movie. You tell me what movie it was. We have a tie break around. - Oh, yeah. Let's go. - Between Billy and. - Well, you have to say that it's a tie break for. - For second place. - Yeah. - Sorry. - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. - I'm kind of, yeah. - Lisa already won. - You glossed over. - Sorry about that. This is for second place. And everyone. - Yeah. - Yeah. So I'll play the song. You tell me what movie it's from. Billy, you going to go first here? - Sure. I'll go. - Orbing in. - Oh. - That was like great. - Coming in high. - Yeah. - Yeah. - He is Billy. God. That was pretty good. - It was written by Diane Warren. - Okay. - Does she get any bonus points? - A scrounging point. She's humiliating. She gets nothing. All right. Here we go. Winnie, you ready? No pressure here. I'm going to say, "Never Been Kissed." - Oh, she's all that. - She's all that. - She's all that. - I know it. - You are so close. - I'm so excited you've been shooting her. I'm like, "She's all that." But I'm like, "No, probably not." Because, oh. - Oh my God. - Billy Beech. - Billy Beech. - Billy Beech. - Oh my God. Billy Beech. - Yeah. Well, yeah. - You know what? The other game goes by. - Good morning, everybody. I just have to tell you that listening to Billy play the games is my favorite part of the show and when he does that. I'm kicking your ass, Winnie. It's probably going to be my quote of the day. - You know, yeah, Freddy Prince Jr. is not going to end up any kind of a Hall of Fame, is he? - Yeah. What are you hating on him for? - Wow. Two movies. - Oh, he had so many movies. - Yeah. He hasn't been around now. - He's making a comeback, actually. - He's making a comeback. - He's a unibrow. - Oh, yeah. - He's making a comeback. He's just kidding. - What's going on, y'all? This is Post Malone. Wake up. - We're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. - On Kiss 108 Boston's number one hit music station. - Well, thank you, Post John. Dude, you have been inundated with chartbacks this morning. - Yeah, it's a busy show today. A lot of people checking in. We appreciate that. And they do that via the iHeartRadio, I mean, the iHeartRadio app, the TalkBack feature, which is that red microphone that you tap when you're listening live, to our show and speaking of listening, you just never know who's listening to this little radio show. - Hey, just a little hello to let you know the show sounds great. I'm in town visiting my mom from Los Angeles. I do that little morning show at Valentine in the morning out there in 104-3 My FM in LA. And I heard you guys. And as always, as always, you sound fantastic. I heard you giving away some furry trips to Vegas too. And I thought that was on, but maybe I'll do that when I get back to LA. See how that goes. But does that great? - Yeah, that's Valentine in the morning. - Yeah, it's coming from someone like that. - Yeah. - That's good stuff right there. - Thank you. - Is he iHeart or no? - He is. - Oh, nice. - He is. - He's been around. - He's been around. - Valentine has been around. He's had a great round career. - Oh, you know who he is? - Yeah. - Funny guy too. - It's funny. - He just had Katy Perry on the show too in the building. - Oh, he's like that cool? - Oh, yeah. Yeah. Much cooler than us, I think. - Oh, it's LA, right? - It's LA. It's why it's not. - Speak for yourself. - No, Bill. - Well. - I mean, come on. Please. - Yeah. - Okay, Valentine. - He just called me a Junette. - Well, right. He loved Valentine. - He's listening. - Right? - It was going on, bro. - Yeah. - The big-time LA show is saying that he likes us, so show us the Valentine. - Yeah. - This love of mine. My Valentine. - Are you hiring Valentine? - What's that? - Is he hiring? - Yeah. - You're not going anywhere. Nobody here is going anywhere. - Pretty cool. Earlier we were talking about Iceland and Lisa, you know, her, she was going on this a tourist attraction thing. - Ice cave. - What is it? - It's an ice cave tour. - An ice cave tour. And Lisa was there, and then tragically somebody lost their life when it collapsed. What was that recently, right? - It was on Sunday. - Oh, my God. - Hi, guys. This is I got run over by a car, Kira. I'm going into my first day of school today, but I wanted to comment on Iceland. I actually spent 14 days there during grad school. I have my degree in chemical oceanography, and I did some research there for 14 days, and we definitely walked on some bleachers. I didn't fall into a glacier, but I did lick the glacier, which is like, I don't know, a big earth science thing to do. We all lick the glacier. - Okay. - I didn't lick the glacier when I was there. No, I don't have to. - I missed the opportunity. - I can't even believe it. - Yeah. You're supposed to lick it. - I walked on it instead of licking it. - Well, good thing, Lisa. Your husband's at home. You can practice. - That's true. - Do you really want to lick? Okay, Winnie. What's going on? - What's going on? - What's going on? - Well, typically Lisa would bite and lick. - He does do that. - But would you want to lick where someone walked? - That's my question. - Well, there's a lot of spots that you can't walk on because it's, you know, it kind of juts up right out of the water, so I could see you licking something like that. - From the side? - Yeah. - Because you can kayak around the ones that are the pieces that are broken off. - If you lick it from the side, it's probably a lot less dirty, maybe. - Yeah. - Thanks for that tip. - Nice one. - Here's the thing about the Icelandic trip, though. When you think about this, it's amazing, the person that kind of screwed you because they canceled it after you drove two and a half hours there, they saved your lives possibly. - Absolutely. Possibly. Everything happens for a reason, Lisa. I don't know. - Yeah. - That's it. That's our own Lisa Donovan. - I bite and lick. - Yeah. - It's two, what are we? And we're back with a villi and Lisa in the morning. - Yeah, we're back. We pretty much have to go, but I do want to touch on the songs of summer thing again Justin, people get to vote on their favorite songs of summer. Where do they go? How do they do it? - Yeah, I just want to wait on Instagram page, the pin post. It's the very first post. It has all the songs and the artists listed in the comments. And if you want to vote for your favorite, you just like the comment. That's basically it. - I don't mind telling you Espresso was in the lead so far. - Well, you know what one of my favorite songs is? It's coming up in like when I press the button. - Yeah. - Birds of a feather. - I love that song. - I love that song. - Yeah. It's the best song. - It is. - Yeah. - What a contender it's been a hot summer for music. - Espresso is in the lead. They have the most likes. Second place looks like Chapel Rone. Good luck, babe. - Love that song too. - Yep. And third would be post Malone Morgan Wallen. I had some help. Not doing so well. Teddy swims lose control. - Wow. - A measly four votes. - That's Shabuzzi. - Shabuzzi's doing okay. He's got 35. So he's up there. Tommy Richmond, $1,000,000 baby. One like. - Well, it's such a, I mean, it's such a TikTok song. - Okay, Tommy. - Yeah. Tommy's not doing it. - Yeah, it's very TikTok-y. - Yeah. - Very TikTok. - Oh, I love this amp, baby. - Yeah. So this is going to go on all week and then based on your votes, we're going to count down this weekend. We're going to count down the top songs of summer all the way to number one. - There we go. In the meantime, we are just seconds away from the biggest moment of every single day, Monday through Friday. That's when he makes his way down the hall. - Yeah. - And graces us all and you with his presence. I speak of. - We're not happy with him right now. - What'd he do? - Oh, he's on our S list. - Oh, why? - Why would it happen? - Well, we have a producer in another studio that can't use her studio. - Oh, we can't blame him. - Well, why not? - He doesn't know what he's doing. - Why not? - I'm actually enjoying it because I look directly at producer Riley through the glass and she has no idea what we're saying or talking about all morning. And yet, she's producing. - She just smiles. And then it's on delay what she's hearing, so she'll hear it like a minute later and be like, "Ah, that's what you were talking about." - Yeah, so for people that are listening, right, so you have Billie, Lisa, and Winnie in what's called the main studio. And then there are two adjacent studios. There's mine and then there's producer Riley. She answers the phone. She helps us produce. Her studio is completely broken, done. And we can't get it fixed so she can't hear the show, so she's producing a show that she can't hear. - Mm-hmm. And she's like, "I can see her through the glass," and she'll actually sit there and she's having conversations with people in there like the show's not even on air. It's not happening anywhere else in America. - And they told us, "Have her listen on the iHeart app," which is on a delay, so she's responding to something we said 10 seconds ago. - Yeah. - Then they told her to go into a different studio on the other side of the building to do her job. So it's very frustrating. - So she's a whole new level producer. - Whose idea was that, McCabe? - It's the mighty one who's coming up next. That's why he's on the S-list. (laughter) Mighty one.