Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

6am Hour - Padres Win Their 3rd Straight Game

Ben, Woods, and Paul are here for you on a Wednesday morning! We start the show with some foreplay as we reflect back on the days of candy cigarettes before Benny sets the menu for today's show! Then we get to our Padres Wrap-Up and get into last night's 7-5 win over the St. Louis Cardinals as the Padres won their 3rd stragiht game! Listen here!

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28 Aug 2024
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Presented by T-Mobile, the official wireless partner of Odyssey Sports. With an awesome network and great savings, there's never been a better time to join T-Mobile. Visit your neighborhood store to make the switch today. Good morning everybody, Ben and Woods 97.3, the fan. Great to be here with you on a Wednesday. It's get our heads right. What a game. What a team. What a season. So far. Still got a few games to go. I'm about to talk about today here on Ben and Woods. Thanks so much for being here in the chat. All of you that have joined us on YouTube. It's great, man. It used to be what Twitter. It's what Twitter used to be. And it was hard. This is easier to keep up with than Twitter was, certainly. Our Twitter family and feed, we love you guys too. Sorry that we're not giving you enough attention. I'm doing my very best too, but it's just difficult. The chat on YouTube, you can just boom, boom, boom. It's real time. I don't mean to do this, but I steal a lot of ideas. I try to always give credit, like, "Oh, Cole in the chat says this," or "My Ken's chat." But sometimes I see something pop up mid-conversation. I deliver the line, and I'm like, "That was really, really good. I'll be honest. You guys are more clever than we are. We do this every day, and sometimes you run out of ideas, but you guys really come through for us in the chat every single day." Now, some of you are huge, huge a-holes. I mean, some of the biggest a-holes I've ever seen. There's a guy named Albert that has been on me for, I'd say like four years, and he still pops up. He will just pop up to go, "Shut up talking about your kid," and just snipe me, and I'm like, "All right, Albert. Hey, man, the ratings say different." So I wrote that and go, "Hey, man, the ratings say different. We're doing really good." He wrote, "The ratings are high because of Ben." I was like, "All right, fair enough. I'll fair enough. I'll give you that one, Albert." But Albert, if you're listening, I love you, man. I love you. Thank you for listening. I know you listen every day. Let's have a beer together at the next pottery's game on me. We'll have a beer. We'll hash it out, and let's all be friends. Life's very short. I'm Woodsy. That's Paul Reindel. He's the executive producer of this program this morning. Paulie? Let's remember. Hurt people. Hurt people. That's right, man. Hurt people. Hurt people. Ben Higgins, your friendliest neighborhood sports anchor that there is. Good morning. The reason for the ratings. Yes. It's Mr. Lord ratings. All right. Thank you, man. All right. Thanks for letting us ride on your coat. Let me direct this personal message right now to Albert, who obviously trusts me, believes me when I say something. Wood's is a very important part of the show, Albert. We need him. We are fans of woods. I am a fan of woods. You should also be a fan of woods. And Paul too, if you've got room in your heart for all three of us, please, please. And our guests as well on a big league Wednesday, looking forward to a good show today. Now, see David says in the chat, Albert's lucky, he picks the right enemies. I don't know what that means. Is that the right enemy because I will embrace him and love him? Or is he like, would he pick the right enemy? Would he's an idiot? Eventually, would will go to war with you at some point? No, I think these days, I used to, you used to go to war. Oh, Benny used to take up my whole Fridays, man. Like all of my Fridays and Saturdays, warring with people. The Keanu Reeves meme saved my life. I'm not joking when I say that. Now, let's be honest, it probably didn't come from Keanu Reeves, but the, I'm at, it's the quote, I'm at the point of my life where I'm just tired of arguing. If you tell me two plus two is five, I say, okay, have a good day. I'm really trying to embrace that as my, and it's working, it's working for me. I don't mind having discussion, right? Like just discussion, like, hey, man, that wasn't, that wasn't a hit and run. That was the contact play or no, they didn't give cease the hook too early last night. He'd lost 40 pounds on the mound. Like, I don't mind having those discussions. Discussions are fun. But when he comes to, you have to be having a discussion with someone who will at least listen to, acknowledge your points. Now, they may have different points, but if all you say and all they say is, no, you're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, it's not a discussion. You're just shouting at a wall. Yeah, 100% man. So I'm, I'm trying to be more compassionate and understanding and of what everybody's going through, because I'm going through it. We all are going through it. Everybody is fighting some sort of huff battle out there. And this is a place where I get to come and I get to vomit, you know, for four hours, I can unload everything that's on my mind. And whether it has to do with my kids or my family or whatever it is, I'm so thankful for that platform to be able to do that. Not everybody has that. So they come in and they use our platform to come at me or you or Polly or whatever. And it's, it's never a fun part of the gig. But it's, you know, I'm learning to deal with it better. You have 49 years old, man, you know, trying to learn how to do it a little bit better than I've done it before. As I, as my wife and I will say, progress, not perfection. Nobody's perfect. Right. So Albert, if you're listening, I know you are, have a good day, but we had a very interesting conversation right before the show started is a big league Wednesday. John from down the hall came in and he pointed out, hey, our graphic is based on the old big league chew packet that Polly makes. He's such a great, knocked it out of the park designer for all of my social media posts, graphics, it really is. It's very fun. And he said, yeah, do they still do big league chew, right? Yeah, you can still get big league chew. It's like just as big as it's ever been. And maybe bigger. And they said, do they still sell candy cigarettes as well? I mean, we're in the year 2024. Obviously, you know, you don't want to encourage kids to use tobacco products. Well, you said at the break, you said cigarettes are cool. I didn't say that. I thought you did. I didn't hear that wrong. I heard something along. Cigarettes make you look cool. It's cool to smoke. It's cool to smoke. Right. All right. I mean, I'm I must have misheard. Cool characters in the movies do smoke cigarettes. All right. Go ahead. And I'll tell you exactly why I picked up a cigarette for the first time. But obviously, you know, big league chew, Polly was saying you had a friend who just stuffed a whole pack in his mouth right before they started the game. I still can't. I'm in high school. He would go to the grocery store, you know, gas station, whatever. And he would get a whole pack of big league chew before every baseball game. And about 10 minutes before first pitch, he'd be on the bench, working an entire bag of big league chew. That's a big bag of gum. It's it takes it's probably like 20 minutes before you can really kind of chew it down where it's just one big piece of bubblegum or whatever. Those first 20 minutes though, it looks like a chipmaw. His cheeks are so full. And he's just like drool. Just like, Hey, let's go. I mean, there's just no way. You're insane, brother. You're a crazy person. The drool laid me out because you can totally see it like wiping it up from his face. It's all sticky, like a normal big league chew for a stick of gum. How many normal sticks of gum are in one pack of big league chew? That would be like equivalent a stick of of of wriggly's. Yeah, I'm gonna say 40 sticks. I have 40 sticks of reason. I'm rapping, I'm rapping, I'm rapping, I'm rapping. And then wiping your hip, wiping your chin, and it's all sticky on your hands for the rest of the day. No, when I was a kid. Yeah, man, I mean, obviously they marketed cigarettes to kids. Hey, look at this cool camel with a penis in its face. The Joe camel, there's a penis on his head. You know that? And we've done this before, I think. But it was like, Hey, and everyone want to see the the penis in the Joe, cool camel ads. They marketed to kids. They had Marlboro miles. When I was a kid, we were all 14 walking around wearing Marlboro shirts because we collected the miles from the empty cigarette pack. You mail them in. There's a catalog. You can get a Rambo knife with a Marlboro. I mean, it was a different world back then, clearly, but I remember putting the movie Footloose on. And I watched Kevin Bacon. And the whole world is crashing down upon him. And he gets in his VW bug. And he drives to the grain facility. Gets out of his car as a beer. I don't know where he got a beer. This is like 16 years old. Gets out of his car, slams the door, takes a drag of the cigarette, pull off the beer, then blows the smoke out. I know that's the coolest thing I've ever seen. So I want to learn how to do that ASAP when I saw that movie. So yeah, man, and you know, when we were kids, everybody smoked everybody. Like, did your parents smoke at all? My dad. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Long ago when I was very young, there was definitely some of that going on. But that was like the 1970s. Bro. And it was there it is. The penis. Joe, cool on our YouTube feed. Look at the penis on his face. It's just a normal camel face. It's not. It's a giant giant as a ripped camel. It's a ripped camel with a huge, huge penis on his face. You see the thing and then the poly circling it with the cursor. You see that? This was all done intentionally. But I, but I, yeah. So in the back in those days, Benny, I mean, I would get on planes and there'd be guys sitting in the smoking section. Like that's crazy to think about now. Well, in smoking sections of restaurants. Yeah. I mean, we just was all we have is smoking. All right, we'll take it. Yeah. I remember last in heaters in the restaurant. It was not. Can you imagine getting on an airplane this morning and the guy next to you just smoking a cigarette? I cannot. No, you're in the non smoking aisle. So he's actually one. I head of you. I head of you. Yeah. Yeah. Mucho stress is rough. Exactly. So yeah, John was talking about this morning and yeah, they still sell him. They still sell him. I bought really terrible, but I bought Bo packet. The, the kidding. There's one in Coronado, the little, no, not real candy cigarette, candy cigarettes. And, and yeah, we, they were like gum. They were gum cigarettes. So, I was just going to show him like something from my youth. I don't, he's a worry warts. I don't think he's going to start smoking sigs anytime soon. But if he does, it wouldn't surprise me because that's what they market to Orthodox Evan said he had a marble sleeping bag growing up. Dominic remembers the Flintstones cigarette commercials back in the 1960s. That's incredible. A, you're 12 years old and you're sleeping in a Marlboro bag. Like, it's just incredible to think about these days. Like, here's my bag brought to you by Xanax. Like, like it's selling. You go to a, you go to, uh, you know, Jack Murphy Stadium and they'd have the big billboards in the outfield that would say Winston or Marlboro. I mean, you know, those ads were everywhere when we were growing up. Yeah. Benjamin says you needed a cool Zippo. Zippo's were the, Zippo's were the thing. What else? The metal lighter. Pop them and you can snap them on. I, I knew all kinds of tricks for the Zippo man. And, and everyone I know did because everybody smoked back then. Every single person I knew. There was a smoking section at our high school. The burners that we called them the burners. But they would stand out and they all had like gene jackets when Metallica patches on it. And they would just blast sigs before school, lunch break. So yeah, there's a different world back then. I kind of like, you know, where we are now, understanding a little bit more about health and the dangers of such things. But, uh, yeah, that was, uh, John, John, why did he bring that up? Oh, because of the big league. Big league. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, listen, big league chew. They know what they knew what they were doing. Yeah, they knew what they were doing. But I'd rather have my kids sucking down big league chew than, than Copenhagen or Red Man or anything like that, certainly. So, uh, that's the most addictive thing I've ever done is Copenhagen long cut. It's not even close. It's not even close. I've done a lot of stuff. There's nothing like that. Nothing like that at all. Don't start kids. Yeah. Do not start. That's the one that's the recommendation. Stay away. Then you never have to really worry about the, well, the addiction aspect of it. This is a good point. I see in the chat too, every body vapes now, every person, all you see when you, if you go out or whatever, like everyone's vaping, I don't know that it's that much better for you. But, you know, just mind your mind yourself. Watch what you're putting in your body. I'm telling you because it catches up with you fast, uh, when you get a little bit older, right? Oh, it's after school special and very entertaining and informative. I learned it from watching you. Can't wait to get that one. But we've got a show to get to, uh, including plenty of Padres talk and getting a, uh, not the prettiest game in the world, but you got to win those games as well. And the Padres found away last night. We will talk about it coming up. We'll set the menu for a big league Wednesday. What's coming up on the program today here until 10 o'clock. Glad to have all the tier ones with us on the radio, on the YouTube stream, on the app, wherever you're listening to us. Thank you for joining us. It's Ben and Woods and Paul on San Diego's number one sports station and we got Kelly too. She's got traffic here on 97-3, the fan. When you think about businesses that are selling through the roof like aloe, all birds or skims, sure, you think about a great product, a cool brand and brilliant marketing. But an often overlooked secret is actually the businesses behind the business, making selling and for shoppers buying simple for millions of businesses. 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You could feel it through the television when you put the game on and they pan to cardinal fans in the stands with fans just fanning themselves. It looked and then you you see our players stagnant, heavy, just hot, hot, humid, wet. You know that I mean, you've traveled enough where you walk out of a building and it just hits you like in the face. Yes, you've done it when you walk outside. I just walk into an oven. Yeah, sauna like well, sauna is actually better in Arizona. You walk outside. I used to do these meetings in Arizona boys. I'd have six meetings in a day in a shoot and tie and you from the Hampton in lobby to your car, you're like, Oh, God, you get in your car, you go to a meeting, you sit in traffic, you know, and then you go into doing meeting for an hour, you come back out by the end of the day, you look like you slept in your suit. I mean, it's everything's wrinkled and nasty, but that was that was the dry heat. You go out in Florida. Not only does it drains you, like if it's hot, you can play golf in Arizona. Oh, it's toasty, but it's just kind of searing me that humidity drains you. You could see everyone out there just scuffling like not. You don't want to dive for a ball to your left. You're like, that's a knock. Try to roll the try to roll double play the next next ball, because Dylan Sees was it was laborious. Obviously there are techniques, you know, players will put like icy towels under their hats. Yeah. You know, hydration is important, but there's only so much you can do. It's going to sap you. And last night's game looked like one of those just survival games for both teams. Yeah, man. And we will talk about it. We get our pot raise wrap up coming up in our next segment with all the highlights, but it easily could have been I could have been a blowout loss for the Padres last night very easily. Cardinals had opportunities, plenty of base runners early. They could have just, you know, made that a game where everyone was willing to get to the finish line. And this San Diego Padres team just doesn't do that. They don't play that way. And that's been a characteristic, a hallmark of the 2024 San Diego Padres and a really punt on games. I know as fans sometimes, you throw the punt meme out there occasionally, but only a couple times, not that often. And even when you do, sometimes they come back and still get themselves back into game. So the last game we lost, we, I think we were down five, that's one. Yeah. Yeah, I got kind of ugly. And you know, listen, the, the, the punting meme, which I threw out last year, I don't know, 75, 80 times. This one this year is like, that was reverse psychology. I was just trying to reverse psychology bit in the first inning. This team, I just don't sweat it when they get down early. I just don't, man, they're, they're so resilient. They find a way to get it done. It's so fun to see. It's such a fun brand of baseball to watch. Is it nerve-wracking? Yeah. Yeah, it's nerve-wracking a little bit, but it's really, really good to see these guys all kind of step up when we need them. And you know, that kind of stuff, it's sharp, you know, iron sharpens iron, man, they've got the ability, knowing that they have the ability to do that speaks volumes about them and, and their experience. And when they get to some really tense games in October, Betty, and I do think there is a big reason for it. And we can talk about it in our pot raise wrap up segment. I, you know, I've been hesitant to go there all season long, but there's clearly a big difference between last year's team and this year's team. And we will talk about it this morning, seven o'clock hour, you get our usual. This is Jackson. You might think that that's certainly part of it, but it's actually something else. Mason McCoy, the real McCoy take on Woods segment chance to win a trip to Las Vegas, take it to Kerry Underwood. Don't do this as well at 720. And it is a big league Wednesday, as we mentioned, Adam Jones, the five time all star still in this country, or is he going back to Europe? We have no idea where in the world is Adam Jones. We'll find out at 735 when he joins us. In our eight o'clock hour, make sure you tune in around 820 as we pay off our incorporating from yesterday with Jesse Agler, we talk coaching. It's amazing. He nailed it last night for sure. I was nervous about it, but we will do it again. Jesse always nails it. Lord ratings over here. He nate. When it comes to the getting ratings, we know who's responsible. Big League Wednesday continues at 835. Another conversation with Brett boom. One of my favorite talks of the week. What? Brett Boone. Brett Boone. He goes on. I mean, he's he's a talker. He's asking one question. It's the best. I love it. He just he just goes and goes and always enjoy talking to booty. I texted him yesterday. Hey, typical every Tuesday, you good for 835. He called me around the phone for 15 minutes. He's the best. So what's going on with so and so? What's up with this? I love it. I love this guy. I've been doing it. It's such a it's such an honor to have him on and and he's just so good at this now. I mean, he has just gotten so good at doing radio. It's many he and hosting a podcast and everything else. He is just really talented. All right. We'll report in our nine o'clock hour and don't forget you are also listening for our sounder to win tickets to Kansas at Humphreys, Kansas, which is right across the border from St. Louis, Missouri, right? Yes. St. Louis is on the other side. No, they're close. Tell me, man. Kansas City is is in Missouri as well. So thought it was your near Kansas, which makes sense. They're not in Kansas. I bet it's very hot and humid in Kansas also, because there's a lot of corn in Kansas as well as sweating right now. So you'll have a chance if you hear our sounder, a call in and a chance to win tickets to Humphreys to see Kansas is not it. It's do not call a reminder of what it sounds like. But after this, this is going to be carry on my wayward son. It'll be truth if you were gone. Next time you hear that, maybe in a commercial break, maybe during a segment, then you can call it. If you're listening this morning, maybe you're in St. Louis, Missouri, as people call it, and I have no idea why you can get tickets to today's game for the low, low price of $3 just FYI. I think it was up from $2 last night, actually. Well, that's section 197, row 10, seats, six and seven, two tickets together, $3 a piece. You can take your son today and sit in section 197 and watch a ball game man for $6. Six, probably a $87 service fee, but $6 is the large espresso drink or two people at a ball game right today in St. Louis. Now, you're a little more thrifty than the rest of us. So if you and Jack wanted to go to the game that he lived in St. Louis, section 339 dollar each, one dollar each. I've heard of dollar hot dog games. I'm not sure I've heard the dollar ticket games. Yeah, crazy. That's how that's how that's how bad it's gotten in St. Louis right now. Let's all be very thankful that we are not there. Our friend Katie Wu tweeted at the end of the game. It's bleak. It's bleak right now for the Cardinals. Do yourself a favor and read through the post game thread from the Cardinals last night. I mean, of course, the pottery fans are posting their memes. It's not, it doesn't have the same. It used to just go nuts. It used to go for hours, but that's kind of dissipated. The Cardinal fans, they sharpened drops. Part of me feels some part of me goes welcome to the world that the rest of us have lived in. Yeah, where your baseball team doesn't get to be good every single season. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Welcome to reality fans. Yeah, welcome. Welcome. Welcome. All right. We will get to all of that coming up starting with our pot raise wrap up all the highlights from yesterday's game, Jesse Tony. That is coming up next year with Bennett Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 three the fan. Assuming you stayed through to the Jake Croninworth post game interview last night on the television broadcast. No, you did not. He was great. No, it's always, always great. Got to hear from Jake after his go ahead RBA single. You'll hear that in just a moment the highlight with Jesse Agler and our pond race wrap up, but something that he said that stuck with me and something that seems different from last year. He said the coaching staff, the new coaching staff came in and spring training and just laid out like their, their vision, the bot, the buy-in they were looking for from this team and they have never wavered on what they were looking for. Their strategy, the kind of at bats they want to see and they have maintained that consistently throughout the season. And the pot raise players have remained bought in through the season. And I think that to me is the biggest difference between last year and this year. And I'm not saying that Bob Melvin is a bad manager and Mike Schilt is a much better manager, but the one difference is Mike Schilt didn't flinch when things weren't going great earlier this season. He really didn't. Never once. He never wavered. And he never showed any like lack of trust in his players ever. And that's correct. Even though it kind of annoyed us. That's right. You know, get annoyed and like, come on, bro. And Bob actually in very, you know, very human fashion last year as anyone I think would have waivered a little bit when his team continued to play poorly and lose games and we'd get new saw him losing a little bit of faith as that season went on. Remember how frustrated he used to get. And again, no one questioned him being frustrated either. Like the, the Bob Melvin kind of rocking back and forth going, well, no, of course I want to give Soto a day off. But how do you give one Soto a day off? And he just would know we didn't get the job done. We're not getting the job done. And Mike Schilt never wants to said we're not getting the job done. Now again, and he sounded crazy sometimes. He really did when he really did never sounded crazy. No, Bob sound like I'm nuts. Bob sounded very reasonable and like, oh yeah, man, you feel the way we do about this? I totally sympathize with you, Bob. And Mike Schilt was like, are you watching the same team that we're watching? Well, how can you say this about your team? But he never flinched not once from the plan that they laid out in spring training and stubborn man. I love it. Man, is it paying some dividends here in the second half of the season? I can't, I can't really avoid, I can't alibi that. That's, that's what's that to me is what is different about last year's team and this year's team. And it's not much just Mike Schilt. It's his coaching staff. It's the players actually buying in and keeping faith even in the face of evidence that might have showed them. It's not working. You know, hey, it didn't look like it was working for the first half of the season. They couldn't escape the clutches of 500 five game losing streaks galore. Hey, that's the Schilt plan. Doesn't seem like it's really a great it. And right now, it seems like it's paying off big time. Yeah, I mean, I told the story yesterday, I think it was a different time of day. But when I ran into Hoffi, Hoffi said the exact same thing, Ben, the consistent message since spring training. What do we know about baseball players? God, they love consistency. They love consistency. They love a routine of habit, maybe the biggest creatures of habit that exist in professional sports. And when your message is consistent, the belief and the faith is consistent. Man, these guys have responded. They really have responded. Don't know what it's going to mean. Don't know if it's going to mean you're hoisting the World Series trophy. I sure hope so. You sure have a you sure have a really good shot. You have a really good shot. When's the last time you can sit in here and say with it? Honestly, well, we got to absolutely have a shot to win the World Series. There's no 118 win juggernaut on the American League side. You know what I mean? Like, it's there's a lot of parody in baseball this year. So he's been he's been as consistent of a human being as I've seen. And I think he does deserve a ton of credit. We will he's in right after this check of traffic on 97 through the fan. I love winning man. I love love love. I love winning. You hear what I'm saying? It's like better than losing. Oh my god. I'm so stiff. Miss any of the Padres win yesterday, Ben and Woods didn't what I proved. We've got you covered with all of the highlights. I like it with the Padres win. Yeah. Yeah. It's the Padres wrap up presented by Hamou Casino with rilling slots and tables in all of best rewards. Hamou Casino has all the fun you're looking for. Hamou Casino fun above all else. Give me a due damage. He's his first pitch to him. Way high goes to the backstop. Here comes win and he'll score. The Amazono had it thought about flipping the season. I think he saw him at the speed of when it wasn't worth it and a wild pitch to give the Cardinals a 1-0 lead in the first. 1-1 set in the year left field very high. Fairly deep. Should be enough to get the runner home. Bro far back it up. He'll make the catch. Burleson tag. So score without a play. The wild pitch and a sack fly given the Cardinals a 2-0 lead here in the first inning. He's coming and Machado hammers it. Deep to left field. Burleson is back. This one going to go. 1-0. Campusano hard hit on the ground through the right side in the base head. Meryl will score. Peralta's going to go first to third. RBI single Luis Campusano and a tie game 2-2 here in the second. To McCoy hit on the ground the other way to his left out of in has it. Only plays to first base. It's time to get McCoy but Peralta scores and an RBI ground out for Mason McCoy. Padres have their first lead to the night. It's 3-2. The 1-0 rise hits it hard on the ground through the left side in the base head. Campusano rounding third. He's going to come in and score. RBI single Luis arrives and the Padre lead is now 4-2. Now the 2-2 to new part grounded up the middle booger. It's not going to be able to get there and it bounces into center field of base head. RBI single learns new bar in the bottom of the fifth inning and the Padre lead is now 4-3. One out. 2-2 pitch. Logs to left field. Pro for our goal back. He is at the wall. He will watch and it will go. A long run home over the both side and left field for Paul Goldschmidt is 20th of the year and the Cardinals hop back on top. It's 5-4. 0-2. Pro for our swing sits it in the air center field deep. Scott is back and right at the edge of the morning track he makes the tag. McCoy will tag and score. A rise will tag and advance and a sacrifice fly from Pro for ties us up 5-5 in the seventh and Jake swings muscles it into right center field. That's down in a base head. Scott gets to it and fires in but a rise is scored and what an AB for Jake Croninworth. As the Padre's go back in front it's 6-5. 2-2. Our Notto grounds it sharply off the bag. A third man he has it on the redirection long through to first is in time and the ball game is over. Typical how we expect to compete. I mean the guys are really late out there again you know tremendous amount of respect for the group you know just straight and great you know grid squad you know just um brought the whole way and you know down to nothing early and you know good for Manning boom right away answered back and contributions from a lot of people. Yeah Manny at the beginning Manny at the end yeah just about everybody else in between. Can you say Mike Schiltz grit squad five Mike Schiltz grit squad Mike Schiltz grit squad Mike Schiltz grit squad Mike Schiltz grit squad Mike Schiltz grit squad Mike Schiltz grit squad. All right that's pretty good. I'm bad but I can do. I was gonna do Mike Griltz ass squad is what I was saying in the shower this morning and I couldn't I couldn't get it out so I can't I'm not even gonna try it live on the radio but yeah like you said Schiltz yeah holy shilt what a win last night and that would be 22 and 8 since the rally roach made his disgusting appearance in here 22 and 8 22 and 8 this ball club has gone since that rally roach popped in here so uh pretty outstanding win last night. So I think they said it was at 98 degrees at first pitch with the humidity making it feel like it was 106. Yeah good. Good. In st. Louis yesterday and you could tell just from from the star Dylan cease was stopping wet before he even threw his first pitch of the game and he didn't it in alibi it afterwards he said I just I didn't feel quite right with my command but you have to figure that some of the conditions certainly weren't in his favor for a great Dylan C start fastball command was off he was dying he was dying there a lot of people were saying I don't know that he can get a good grip on the ball at all. I mean just pouring sweat was bouncing his slider nothing wasn't locating I mean look he made some really big pitches in some really key spots yesterday certainly but he's he scuffled a little bit I mean still though I mean look he's got four four earn four runs on seven hits he still has a 292 ERA in his last seven starts all right and and the last three starts have been a little bit pedestrian by his standards but he's allowed nine runs in in he allowed nine earn runs in 16 and a third innings work that's he can do better than that he knows that I'd like to have having such high standards though right but I also you know I'd like to get him a nice normal start you know that's not rain delayed or anything like that I'm just a nice good old 75 degrees and sunny Dylan C start and see what he can do and again there's there's just he's off a tick you know the velos till he'd pump 97 by the that three-wheel baker to get out of a huge jam he's he made some big pitches when he had to he defense let him down a little bit which tends to happen seemingly when he's on the mound I don't know exactly why but just one of those weird things I still am very confident about Dylan C's and I'm still really confident about the guys in this bullpen Brian hoeing he blinked um and and it's it's it's actually weird to see when Brian hoeing blinks and lets in runs he gave up a home run to the Paul Goldschmidt right I know Paul Goldschmidt's not having a great season but he's still Paul Goldschmidt and he torches the pocket so I mean yeah fine you you tip your cap and you move on but how much credit do we need to give to Yuki Estrada Jason Adam Tanner Scott Tanner Scott pitching on his third day in a row as an impending free agent and our buddy Chris Chadwick made the point on Twitter last night that how refreshing is that he just wants to win for the current team that he's on and he's not worried about what happens next year we all know what I'm referring to we all we all know what I'm inferring it's the most selfless act that a pitcher can do bro three nights in a row all right well I mean I mean it would Josh Hader would never do that he said I'm not doing it and this cat just wants to win and he wants to win a ring and with attitude like that you get 26 guys with that attitude forget it forget it man like it you have so much confidence as long as he stays healthy it's gonna serve him well in free agency at the end of this season but it's also serving the pot raise well because Robert Suarez is near his career high and innings as well and I was curious what once they brought in once Mike Schilt brought in Jason Adam in the eighth knowing he had not pitched the day before I said okay he's probably gonna go with either Suarez or Scott for a third straight day in the ninth wonder which one it's going to be and you know I'm sure he talked with both of them before the game analyze how they're feeling and decided to go with Scott I think it's but the smart choice obviously we're down the game dog but he he's ready to go out there and that saved some bullets for Robert Suarez later for the season for the playoffs in the pot raise still get the win anyway and it was as ultimate of a team and save some bullets for tonight if they write well yeah they probably will in this game but ultimate team win because as you look pot raise scored seven runs one at a time every single run came in by itself six different guys had an RBI and the other one came in on the wild pitch at the end the insurance run that made some McCoy scored in the top of the ninth inning and it's uh that's hard to do just only one at a time coming in whether it's an RBI single solo home run a sacrifice fly jerks and pro far had had one of those they found all the different ways to score runs a RBI ground out from McCoy every single kind of way you can score a run pot raise kind of score to run in that game yesterday they needed all the the tricks in the bag to get to the seven ultimately that they they pretty much needed to win that game including the sexiest double steel that you'll ever see which led to the jerks and pro far sacrifice fly really well managed game last night yeah i'm not gonna say i wasn't biting my nails there as you go through the progression of of guys who have pitched already knowing oh man like what are we gonna do in the ninth you know what are we gonna do and and tenor scott said i got it don't worry about it and went out there and got the job done many with a fun nominal play to end that game just wanted to bring that up nominal gets a little bit overlooked i think just because it was the end of the game yeah but my god the lack of effort needed for that right well dude he the guy Aaron Otto comes off the bench hits two foul ball home runs just seeing it seeing it well then he gets the roll over but it's in no man's land many makes that play one hopper to crow or to arise just perfect hop play he's worked on we've seen him working on it came on him as he was running the high five all the guys and he's laughing he just goes wow wow yeah i mean it's just staggering staggering play last night he had the the other one uh in the game where the guy was running i think it was mason win running right in front of him actually hit the heel bobbled it popped up in the air picks it out of the air gets a guy by ten feet i mean just that's those are the kind of plays if you're a pitcher you're like bro i i i'm confident in letting these guys put the ball in play i don't want to strike everybody out even mason mccoy has been playing great at short been picking it he's yeah i'm really confident with him out there uh that he's going to make the right play and be in the right place every single time and he's contributing offensively i mean i'm looking at this going all right like is he a guy that could could spell hustle on kim if he's not having a good day if is he a guy that could spell uh zander bogart's defensively late in games you know so um it was it was an awesome awesome dub last night it was um yeah his team of a win as we've seen from the ponterays and uh not only that i want to talk about the at bat that from jake crone and work as well my god and this may spill into the the next segment at the top of the hour but there's a lot going on in that at bat and the first is the decision of mite shilt to stick with jake crone and worth you got salano there right so yeah salana was ready to pinch hit but and mike shilt talked about this after the game he knew that they had kitchridge warm in the bullpen nasty nasty right hander so if he goes to salano there they go to kitchridge and it's righty righty so he got a choice of lefty lefty a guy who's already kind of been in and thrown a few batters or righty righty with a new fresh arm and shilt decides let's i trust jake let's see what he can do i know he's you know struggled against lefties this year he's hitting under 200 against lefties but says i'm gonna stick with jake i think he's gonna give me a good at bat and then jake proceeds to foul off a bunch of pitches nine pitch a b yeah stay alive get to the ninth pitch of the at bat and then finally not not an easy pitch to hit you know busted him a little bit inside but lifts it into the you know empty area in right center field to drive in a go ahead run that uh you know the second time you come back in the game from from down they were down too early you were down one later that was a huge at bat for the pond race huge confidence that mike shilt showed in jake chroma worth in that at bat to get it done and once again the manager was rewarded for that that faith and consistency that he has in his players yeah trust your guys sometimes man really really easy to put salano in there it's a lot of nothing you know he gives you a really good and he said i would have been fine with that too he gives you good at bats against righties and could have gone that way as well just a lot of it's just a it's just a it's just a great win just a great great win and the potter has actually got some help last night we can talk about that and place and take on what's coming up next here on 97 three the fans presented by t-mobile the official wireless partner of odyssey sports with an awesome network and great savings there's never been a better time to join t-mobile visit your neighborhood store to make the switch