
Reidsville Chamber of Commerce Upcoming Events 08.28.24

Diane Sawyer, President. Countywide Candidates Forum September 30 at RCC, Member of the Month, ribbon cuttings, Everything Expo October 24 at the Penn House, monthly coffee, networking and sponsorship opportunities, recap of recent Golf FORE Reidsville Tournament.

Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Mike Moore Media. I'm talking to Diane Sawyer, President of the Readswell Chamber of Commerce. Hey Diane, how you doing? Hey Mike, I'm well. How are you? Doing great. You're always busy. So much going on with a Readswell chamber. Before we get into some things coming up, let's talk about something that just happened. You're golf for Readswell to Chamber of Commerce tournament. You just had last week 31st year for this. So kind of give us an overview of that. How'd it go? It was amazing. We had the most beautiful weather and we are so thankful. This is actually my 13th golf tournament. Wow. And the 31st for the chamber. Yeah. So we had about 135 golfers and we had tons of volunteers. It was a beautiful day always in August. And so it's kind of cool because it's one of the few golf tournaments in the area that's strictly business. So you've got some good golfers but you also have people who are just there to network and enjoy and be a part of the day and learn about you know each other and their businesses. And so really cool. Sponsored by the Greensboro Grasshoppers and Impact Buick Chevrolet GMC. So just a really great day. We had three. We give away cash prizes to the three winners and we're able to give away like a really nice prize to every golfer for participating. It's just a fun day. We were at Oak Hill. It was a great course, great shape and great golf. Yeah. Okay. I think it's kind of cool there because it's 31st tournament and then you've been there for 13 of those. So flip-flop the numbers. That kind of that's a nice visual there I think. Yeah for sure. Okay. All right. Yeah. So and you have been so you've been at the chamber 13 years. Is that right? Yes sir. Celebrate 13 years. It's passed you off. That's what I was thinking you had said in one of your podcasts. Yeah. Okay. Well let's. So thanks for the update on the on the tournament there. Let's talk about ribbon cuttings a moment because you're always doing ribbon cuttings and you just had one. We do. We do. We've celebrated Miss Jane Forest with Angel Zoo Beauty who is her fourth year in business and she's just recently joined the chamber and so she's looking to just to celebrate and also you know looking to to add clients and so we're real excited for her. So beautiful little building downtown. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well wishing her continued success there. One of the the big events coming up soon with are several that you're working on now but let's kind of take him in order here and that would be the candidates forum and this is a project they were all three chambers of commerce but tell us about that Diane. Yeah so we are we are really doing well with all three solid directors in place and meetings regularly and working on we've got some more announcements to make from countywide stuff that's coming in 2025 but I will hold on to that for now. The biggest thing first up is countywide candidates forum so it's obviously a huge election year it's a presidential year which means when that happens there are a ton of other federal state and local offices and so we put it out to everybody that you know is running a race in our district that covers the county and the three chambers come together and host at RCC so it's going to be on Monday September the 30th. If you're a candidate and didn't get an invitation we've had a couple I think who might have been who filed right before the deadline but we are still taking information and RSVPs but real excited was that a lot of response for that I felt like we were really early on it this year and able to promote it so we'll have we will have a live a live video of it and we'll be able to ask some questions and let people have the opportunity to meet them and just be an informed voter that's really the chambers goal with that is for people to be informed about the issues and about the folks that they are voting for so sure yeah okay so countywide candidates forum that's he reads Phil Eden and Western Rockingham James of Commerce putting that together and that is Monday September 30th Rockingham Community College starts at 5 p.m. and this is the only candidates forum like this in the county so this is the only opportunity to see all of them together yes there are others who do but you know different either parties or different clubs that do offer them but sure this is probably the largest stage right so you're correct with that okay very good all right let's talk about Mary Ryan our our artist that does so many beautiful things around Rockingham County but she is getting some special recognition from the chamber this month yeah see is our the member of the month sweet lady Miss Mary Ryan and we've worked together for a number of years once you've taken some of the larger murals and read the bill to use the chamber of the home base with her paints and her brushes and all her equipment and so when she was especially the postcard you know she would come and do summit night and after hours and we were able to help store the equipment there is a part of the project with the RDC so you know she just has such a sweet soul and she has added so much value to Rockingham County all over the county especially for us in Readville we have the postcard mural and we have the angel wings mural on the library we have a ton of stuff at the arc here at the senior facility there where she has done a number of theories and just really brightened up some public spaces and just you know public art is very trendy right now and so that project dream was something that Melanie Moore saw when she was the chair of the RDC something she worked on and we were able to get some donations and get the art done and it's just been amazing so it was really an honor and a treat for us to recognize Mary as our member of the mall for her contributions sure well thank you Mary Ryan for all of your good work while we're kind of in the arts neighborhood there had an opportunity first time I've been in that venue recently to do a video with the theater guild of Rockingham County at the Arts Council and what a neat little place that is at the stage and all of that and I was very impressed with that so that's just up the block from you yes sir it really is amazing the arts in Rockingham County are very alive and thriving and you know we have a couple of organizations that are several organizations you know that that work together to bring art to life in so many ways and it's just been really amazing to see that grow in the last several years sure gosh we have so many talented people in the art world too and artisans all around the county that all good things all right now you mentioned earlier with the goth for reedsville tournament you said the word keyword there when it comes to the Chamber of Commerce and that's networking but you've got a big one coming up in October that's right we are very excited we are actually rebranding our expo this year and it's the everything expo where we will yeah so I mean we were already doing those things it's just a matter of how we were presenting it so we have got the business piece the career piece and the help piece that I'm like I said I mean we were already providing blood pressure checks and flu shots and things and so we've rebranded it to everything expo and got some really great sponsors they are peaceful with Liberty Tax and Eden Combs of Realty One group results are our naming sponsors for that and so they were really excited to talk about how both the history and the roots and then growing the you know future and so one of the things that we had talked about you know we were trying to come up with a venue and so we landed on the pin house and so what's really cool about that is the fact that they have the new Karen's house there so yeah it's made it really easy for us to be able to what is the word I'm looking forward to be able to have both the roots and the history with the house but also have the new in the future with the new event space there so we're excited about that the theme is pathways to success cultivating opportunities for tomorrow so get back to that idea of our roots and growing our roots for the future and I just think that we could not be more excited it is going to look a little different one of the things that our chambers really pushing for with our large event venue spaces and food or some of the highest cost and also the earliest deadlines so we've really had to bump back our deadlines for our event it's very hard to take last minute so the deadline this year is September 30th register for your booth and the event is actually on Thursday October the 24th from 2 p.m. to 17 m again at the pin house on Maple Avenue we're gonna have extra parking in the back of Irvine and in the New parking lot that the city has facilitated for having the new event venue and just really excited about it because I think we're gonna have a great turnout we've already got probably 12 to 14 booths registered and it's not even the end of August so very very much looking forward to it and very much think that it's gonna be a great event and it's free it's open to the public we're gonna have the job bus there with PPRC the mobile career units that people can get on to get help with resumes and apply for jobs and I just think it's gonna be phenomenal oh it sounds like it yeah and those three components tell us those again I was writing them down but go them again yeah so it's the everything exposed and it helped business and career okay all right now that's what I wrote down I want to make sure I had them here yeah everything Expo and that's October 24th two to seven at the new venue there at the pin house oh that's wonderful that sounds like this is going to be a big event so all the best and and people can can get in our businesses can get in on that now the deadline again is when did you say September 30th the deadline on that yeah so don't wait till the last minute on that okay all right wow good things coming up those are some of the ones I know you certainly wanted to mention on this podcast any others before we get away yeah I mean we always you know we have our monthly coffee and connections yep and so we've got we've got that coming up on October the 3rd and we're excited about having coffee will be with the collective in Wentworth this next one so very excited to be there and then there's some other really great stuff happening we're already planning for small business Saturday on November the 30th and we are gonna have some really cool things happening with that and so stay tuned for the shop small business season which will kick off on November 1st and lead up to that day and then we're going to be working through our standards work stop which is part of the mayor's hometown Christmas on Friday December 6th so I mean we're barreling towards the end of the year pretty quickly yeah it sounds like it yeah full speed ahead for the regional Chamber of Commerce the best way to get in touch with you and and your staff and what you're doing there what is that Diane absolutely you can you can definitely get in touch with us through the website or social media channels but always we are located in the heart of downtown Repple at 140 South scale Street give us a call at 3 3 6 3 4 9 8 4 8 1 okay Diane always great to talk to you thank you and appreciate you making things happen with the regional Chamber of Commerce and all of the good things that we're adding to our calendars right now and and we end with two words shop local that's very important that's right yeah okay thank you Diane okay bye bye all right that's our monthly podcast with the regional Chamber of Commerce and that's a president Diane Sawyer yes please support our regional businesses and their work there with the regional Chamber of Commerce [BLANK_AUDIO]