
Showdown Episode 136 8-27-24

1h 14m
Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

take a look at what's going on here tonight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ - Hey everybody, welcome to the Football 360 Show. The fastest hour football talk on the planet. Coming at you live on X and YouTube. I am JP Rock. He is Matt Beerman. How are you doing today, Matt? - Doing wonderful. I think the 27th is kickoff week, right? I guess you could call it that. Is everybody else calling it kickoff week? - We are. - We are. We still have that trademark. - Yep, yep. - We've trademarked that. And if I can have a little hot, a little heat in my can. Thank you. I appreciate that. And so we can go ahead and steal that. But it is kickoff week. I mean, it's finally here, you know? It seems like, but we were just talking as we're coming up on the year. - Yeah, we were. Yeah, right. Exactly. So we're going to start week one. - I think it went into week two. - Week two. - Week two, something like that. Jumped in there a bit. But, I mean, Matt, summer's going by faster and faster and faster. Although football never stops. It's a year-round sport. We've talked about that a lot. - Yep. - And, man, it's finally here. Finally, upon us Thursday night, high school kicks off. And, I mean, college football kicked off last week. Did you get a chance to watch any of that? - I did. I got to watch a little bit of the Florida state. - Yeah. - A debacle for them. And a rising for Georgia Tech, which I thought was really cool to see. It's amazing. The game that we're watching in college is so different because of the transfer portal and then the extensions with getting and bringing new coaches in and paying these guys. I mean, it can change. And so, like, you look in a heartbeat, a program can become relevant, right? - Oh. - And that's not to say Florida State's not a really good program. But they got outplayed and they just didn't execute. They scored early and then they just kind of fell off. - Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Florida State's pretty much living off of them. I know they had a really good quarterback who, like, you know, elevated them back up a little bit. I mean, think about what Florida State used to be, the Bobby Bowden, you know, era. I mean, they were, like, untouchable. - Yes. - You know, there was Florida State. There was Notre Dame and there was Miami. - That was it. - And then in the Midwest, of course, we had Oklahoma and Nebraska. - Yeah. - And that, I mean, that was college football. So, I know people are like, oh, there's these big teams. Man, it's always kind of been like that, right? - Oh, yeah. Most definitely. But, you know-- - You're right. Now, with the transfer portal-- - People can change, right? Quickly. - Yeah. And the whole game's changed and you have the NLI and it's becoming more of a professional sport and transfer portal and guys getting paid to go places. - So, I was talking to someone about Mizzou, Murray State. - Mm-hmm. - I don't know the exact number, but I believe Murray State has 50 new players on their roster. So, that's half. - Right. - Approximately half of their roster's new and a new coaching staff. So, if you're Missouri, how do you prepare for that? - Well-- - Like, I mean-- - Yeah. - You out-athlete them, but at the end of the day, there's, you know, part of the week leading up-- - Yeah. You learn on the fly. - You have to-- - Make transition. - Your coordinators have to be pretty good and pick up what they're doing. And, you know, I think, you know, Mizzou's obviously up for the task, but they-- that is a slight advantage-- - Yeah. - To the team that, you know, I mean, they can go back and look at Mizzou's film from last year. A personnel is fairly similar. Offensively, deep, absolutely, new de-coordinator. But, yeah, they're gonna have wrinkles, but, yeah, I mean, go back. A lot of coaches are creatures of habit, right? They like to run what they like to run. So, it'll be fun to see. It'll be good to watch them get back on there, and then Leonard Wood has Kansas on Thursday as well. - Yeah. I mean, that's gonna be a lot of fun and really good. Leonard Wood's gonna be fun to watch. We might not talk about them as much. We might talk about Mizzou a little bit more, but, man, you gotta love what's going on at Leonard Wood. - Yeah. - With the players that they have. And I'm sure you saw Pop's battle, you know, doing his thing with Leonard Wood and just the talent that they're bringing in. - Yeah, they're definitely a force to deal reckon with. And then, speaking of FCS schools, you have Seamote and the FCS kickoff in North Alabama. And a guy we talked about numerous times. I mean, too many times. And it's one of those things where you're like, okay, so when you see a guy walk, you know, walk into a team, essentially, you know, early, he graduated high school early. He's down there in the spring. We're hearing really good things, which we've talked about. And he gets into his first collegiate game, scores three touchdowns. As a true freshman, you know, no disrespect to Seamote, they got to steal with him, which we talked about. - For a while. - Right. - And actually they're borrowing him. - Yeah, they probably are borrowing. But it's one of those things where, like, if you think you are that guy and then you go do that, you are that guy. And then, you know, I mean, I sent his dad a picture, you know, right after the game ended, I got a text from a scout. And he's like, look at this. And they kind of smiley face. And I'm like, yeah. And so it begins. So it begins. The journey begins, right? And so he's just getting used to college football. But he is a remarkable athlete. He's a hard worker. He's earned everything he's got, right? He didn't play in the biggest high school, but he put on the really good results in big games against good teams. And helped guide his team to the second place in, you know, Missouri last year. What was it? For a? They're for a. So. And then, you know, he's got his brother who's going to North Dakota State. - I'm telling you what? - Well, that's another steal. - I'm telling, well, that's not a done deal yet. But I'm telling you what. If I am a D1 school, you know, a power conference, I look at what happened here with Peyton. And then I look at, you know, president. I'm like, hmm, you know, I mean, you, you. Results results. - Results, yeah. And they both, you know, are extremely good athletes, extremely good. - And what's fascinating about that? Well, what's fascinating about it is good of an athlete is Peyton is. Preston's even better. - Yes, correct. So the one thing that used to always get me though about what Peyton was as big as he is. So we do one on ones like we're out running in the facility. He's a running, he was doing running back in linebacker. But he'd get over in that receiver line and you would not know he wasn't a receiver. I mean, he is full speed. The only I'd get worried with him is is like, hey, there's walls on the left. And then at the end of the building, right? - Yeah. - And he's like a bull in a china shop. Like he's going to catch the football, whether he runs into something or not. So just good to see. And you know, as a shame, because they're starting quarterback went down. Daela Ren and Patrick Hider would have been the next guy to slide in, but he's, you know, dealing with a knee from the spring. - Yeah. Now, who was there starting quarterback? - He was passing Daela around. He's a transfer from -- - He actually was from Camden in Missouri. - Yeah. And then he transferred from central Missouri. No, no, no. Central Methodist during COVID. And then he's kind of been the guy the last couple of years there. But he got dinged up a lot last year. He's dinged up in the first game. He took a shot in that game. I mean, a lesson for young quarterbacks. Get down. He tried to -- I don't know, he tried to do, like, a high spin move. And I mean, he got absolutely hammered. But, you know, it was really kind of on him. We went to the middle. I mean, he was going up the middle of college football's dangerous business. Get down. Just go down. - Paxton is an interesting story, too. It's a similar type deal. You know, kid playing down at the wake of the Ozarks school area of school. But the talent was there, but it's not a heavily recruited, you know, school. - Yep. - Just like Hillsborough's not. - Yeah. - Had the talent. And that's the frustrating part. It's talking to college coaches. And they just, you know, they hem and they haul. And they don't -- - What do you think that is? Because, I mean, like, historically, some of the best players to ever walk the face of Earth did not come from big metropolis. - Correct. - Right? They did not. They came from smaller towns, right? Bo Jackson. - That's the wrong. - Think about Bo Jackson. I mean, he came from the middle of nowhere. - Right. - Marcus Dupree, middle of nowhere. - Right. - Everybody wants a sure thing. - Right. - That's what it is. It's fear of failure, fear of being wrong. You know, they have to answer for, "Hey, you brought this guy to us." - Yeah. - You know. And so that's it. But you need to overlook that. Peyton Brown. And I said it after the Cardinal Ritter game. You put him on Cardinal Ritter. - Yeah. - I mean, because Preston and Peyton were as good or better than most of the kids, including some D1 guys, went on Ritter. And even, you know, where coach Spain said that. He's like, "Man, those dudes can put their heads on." - They're dogs. - Oh, absolutely. He specifically sought them out after the game and wanted to, you know, to make sure they're here. - And so going into the season, right? So some really good strategy, and we've kind of talked about this, is getting to know the coach are competing against. I know a lot of kids build it up as like, you know, this hatred and they're, you know, they build them up to be like bad people, but understand, you have to compete against somebody. So it's awfully nice of them to show up and play, you know, right? Or allow you to come to their field, or you go to their, or they come to your field. But, you know, having a mutual respect for the other coach is going to go a long way, because those guys can then give your name to someone else. And that's great. If your coach gives your name out, it's really good if another coach gives your name out, right? So it's not even associated with you. And it's the same thing with me. I'll have guys call and say, "Hey, have you guys worked with so-and-so?" But I'll say, "Oh, yes or no." And if it's a no, and I know them, my, "Hey, here's what I know," and give them, and so like that, I think that's a pretty good vote of confidence if it's like, "Hey, this kid's really good. You got to keep an eye on him." Right? Yeah, right. And so, same thing with the high school head coach, shake their hand after the game, tell them, "Good job. You win, lose or draw." Because that person can help you in where you want to go, right? And they do. And those coaches are alums of some college. Oh, yeah. And guess what? They're on the phone. Hey, hey, I just played this kid. And that happens all the time. Way more than you would guess. Kids have no idea. But they're calling up their former school and like, "Hey, you got to see this kid." I mean, JP, some of the things that go on though in football and the lack of just foresight or understanding of how it works is really, it used to shock me. Now it doesn't even shock me anymore because it's just to the point where you assume, I mean, you and I have a very good working knowledge of how all this works because we're intimately involved every day, right? But it's very dangerous because people that have played, but maybe played 10, 15, 20 years ago, and now football is a big deal for them when their kids are junior or senior in high school. You know, they're harkening back to the day. Things have changed. But not only that, they've lost perspective on kind of how it all works, right? It works differently, but understanding the relationship game works differently. All those things that you think you know, nine times out of 10 are probably the opposite of what should be being done, right? And so I've seen it, you know, my level and the junior high level, like with my little team, just bad decisions by people where you're like, "I mean, what are you thinking?" Like, you know what I mean? Like, it's just like just a developmental standpoint, and then you see it at the high school level where it's like, "No, no, we're going to do this, okay?" And then they come around three years from now or a year from now and they're like, "Hey, can you help me?" I mean, it happens all the time, and you look at them and say, "No, I'm busy helping the five people that listen to me." Right. I'm sure you've seen a lot of this lately, but you know, all the kids, it's game week, pick off the new season, but you're seeing all over the social media where kids are like, "It's my last go around, it's my senior year, it's my last dance, I'm going to really turn it on this year." It's like, people have been trying to get you to turn it on. It probably is your last dance. Right. Exactly. It's probably over after this year. Enjoy it, right. Enjoy it. And it's like, well, you know, if you had that mentality and weren't just like, you know, doing it for social media clout, you could have really been something. Right. Maybe you still can. You know, maybe they will turn it on, maybe you know, you hate to see that, but I'm seeing a lot of that. And it's like, it's guys who, like you said, tried to help, tried to get to, you know, and it's not just, it's everybody's trying to white a fire under these kids. You and I, you know, you reach out to kids, okay, so back when I first started Elite, I would, and my wife, it was bad, I mean, she used to get so mad at me about it, but every, like Saturday night, we'd be coming home from church and then I'd get on my phone and I would call or text kids and say, "Hey, just making sure you're coming to training tomorrow." Right. And I did all that and I was really like, you know, on it. And it was a different era than, it was 20 plus years ago, right? And it was, it was good because we had good personal relationships with our kids and the families and, and it was a smaller group that I could call everybody, right? But, you know, the number of kids that you do that with now that think they have the answers back even just 20 years ago, like they understood the value of, "Well, I'm going to do this to get better this season with really no intended like social media cloud off of it," which I have no issue with kids getting, you know, getting a little name and recognition. Put yourself out there, show your wares, show the T's what you got, right? And it shouldn't be, you know, used as like some braggadosh or anything like that, but it should be used as like a way to show your wares. So like as soon as you're, your games up this one from this weekend, it's not a bad idea to put your top highlights out and, you know, show, show people what you did. But you know, also be realistic with yourself. If you ran four or five routes that were bad or you missed four or five, you know, past sets, your poor quarterbacks picking himself up all night long because you can't block and you let people come inside, you might want to reevaluate, you know, putting the film out until you clean that stuff up. And, you know, I don't know about you, but I, on Sunday, you know, we're in their training and so one of my coaches has put on, you know, the jamborees from the weekend, you know, they put them up on YouTube and so we're watching and it's just sitting there and it's interesting because it's shot at a level where you're right behind the play and you can, you can, they cut it pretty good. So you don't hear a lot of stuff, but, you know, it's early in the season, it's sloppy, but, but I always get a kick out of the kids that are overdressed over, you know, they got too much drip right and they're worried about that. And the ball goes right through their hands or they can't block or they continually get blocked or they can't get play off a block, whatever it might be. And it's just laughable because they're worried about the wrong things, right? Like, let your play represent what you've done. And now rightfully so if, if, you know, getting some drip and being, being smooth or whatever you want to call it, we're looking good is all you got, well, then maybe you'll be just being on a sideline and you'll look good coming on and off the field that have to, you'll be getting the game and half time at the end of the game. You're a good cheerleader for your team. Yeah. I mean, but, but I, there was one in particular that every single person independently watched and was like, oh, no, like, you know, like, I mean, this guy had it all on him. He had everything in the politics right through his hand, but not even, not even didn't see the ball. He showed up for WWE. Yeah. Face paint. Yeah. The whole thing, you know, just, you know, everything. So be careful about that. I mean, but again, taking a huge step back, it is kind of fun for guys like that. Like maybe isn't that good that he's just on the team and having fun. He's part of the team. Then you know what? More power to you, man. If you're going to do that, yeah, enjoy it. Be the raw, raw guy, be a great teammate, kick butt at practice, give him a good look. And you know, I had a buddy in high school that that was his, his deal, everybody still gives him trouble. Like he had spat up, you know, like different colored shoes. He looked good. Yeah. Every game. And the people will give him trouble about it still to this day, but, but you know what? At the same time, he was a great teammate and he was, he was there for the team and he, it was important. He worked his butt off. And so those are the guys you love having in your team. You want to be teammates with, you know, the guy that is dressing like that, that isn't putting any work in and then expects results is the dangerous one. Right. Yeah. And I mean, guys have really put in the work. It's great. You know, I've been out a bunch of practices and a bunch of jamborees last week and stuff. And you can see who's put in the work and who's really, really determined. And there's some guys who I thought were done playing football, who I saw this past weekend and man, they've dedicated themselves. So there are guys who have for whatever reason floated around, messed around. And now they've seemed to have had the switch click. Yeah. And so they're going to do it. So we'll see if that translates now. They looked good in the jamboree. So we'll see if that, that translates and clicks, but it can be, it can be difficult to get your foot in the door with colleges that late. If you wait till you're senior year, your options are going to be extremely limited. Yeah. Very limited. Yeah. But it's better than just, you know, being uncle Rico, you know, I could have, I could have. Coach would have put me in. Coach would have put me in. Things have been a whole lot different. Right. And so I love those stories. I love running into guys and I see somebody out there like, huh, he's that big kid playing my attack, oh man, he looks familiar and then, you know, they'll, they'll seek me out and, you know, you know, Mr. Rock and I'm like, wow, that's great that you're here and you're doing it. And they're, you know, and they're actually, they're talking the talk, but they're walking the walk. Which is great. I love that in Kansas. Right. And, and, and you never know that guy could go to a, you know, let's say a lower level and then keep progressing and keep doing this thing fall in love with the game, realize his air and weighs before a lot of it's just. A lot of it's just your peer group. A lot of it's just, you'll miss information by coaches, parents, handlers, uncles, ants, you know, people that don't know, right. And, and don't really understand don't know what you don't know the big, the big picture. And they just assume like, oh yeah, we'll just just do it that way. That's the way I did it or, or they just assume that's how it's done because that's just their limited sightline and there's so much of that. I mean, and they would, you know, in the same vein, youth football is that like that's it in a nutshell. Like it is a, you know, by and large, I mean, I'm hearing of teams playing a game on Sunday and they played a game Saturday, you know, like a scrimmage on Saturday in a game on Sunday. Yeah. You know, like, you use football, who would, who in their right mind thinks that that's allowable for the body to do like, like, yes, practice, you know, do it, but you can control and practice a game as a game. And you know, like, like, it's an unfortunate truth that like, like football is not a game that you just get better by playing a mass quantity of games. I mean, there is a system that has been in place for many, many years since the game's inception that you practice three, four, five times before each game, right? It's because of the scheme, but more importantly, so your body can recuperate from each game, right? Your back is really dangerous, right? And it's one of those things that, um, I just don't, you know, I, I liked the, the jamboree style because it's pretty easy. It's pretty straightforward, controlled. Yeah. But you know, you start doing, you know, controlled scrimmage to a game in the very next day. That's a problem. I mean, or go in a game and a game the next day, or, you know, three games in a week. I mean, you know, especially if they're six, seventh, eighth grade, that's, that's, I mean, even if they're little, but, but I'm just not a huge fan of that. I just, you can't show me that those kids end up being the best kids in high school. Matter of fact, I don't know that any of them will be. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting how they, they, they think that's okay. I know in the high schools, jamborees that just happened, there were less and less series for the varsity teams. They were like some of them were just like six, you know, so I know that they were the same. Okay. Well, this jamboree is going to be from six to eight, but you'd, you know, it'd be over about seven, seven, 30 because just six plays just cut the plays. We did, we did one this weekend with my youth team and you know, we, I mean, again, it's early in the year and we went, no, the quarterback's not live and quick whistle because the end of the day, you want to get out of there, you want to get what you need to get in, but you want to get out of there, you know, as healthy as you can. Right. Because, you know, after all, it is a scrimmage, right? It is a scrimmage. It's friendly. Yeah. Exactly. And you know, some teams don't do the jamboree. They'll do the scrimmage for their pick, for the parents or the fans, you know, and like I said, all tops on Saturday morning. And that was, that was over really super quick too. You know, that was just like six plays, eight plays and some of the players were like, I'm not going to say who, but some players were like, why don't you get out of bed? Yeah. Well, and that's kind of those things. It's just like an extended practice, right? But they're showing the fans and that's what I said, parents. And so, yeah, but did you get the C.E. St. Louis and, and Sacred Heart Griffin? I didn't, I didn't, I didn't do that, but I heard it was, I saw it on TV actually. Or it was online. It wasn't on TV. It was just on my TV, on YouTube. So, gotcha. Um, interesting, quarterbacks were not live. Right. It was definitely controlled. I don't remember seeing any special teams or that, that was at Kendrick Lions and the QV one. I believe so. They didn't, they weren't announcing, or at least the sound was awful when I was watching it. So, but it was good. They had full referees. They, they definitely played each other. I'm sure when I was watching, I'm like, well, I'm sure CBC's happy about this because they got updated film on them. Correct. That's who they opened their season with. Um, but yeah, I think, you know, this time of year as a coach, anytime you can get film on somebody, right? Just like, uh, I can't remember if we talked about it. I know we talked about it before the show, but like, you know, Bazoo is going to, is going to, in a scenario of 52 players, right? If you're game planning, what are you, how do you game plan that other than out-athlete them, right? Like, you know what the tendencies might be, but in high school, it's even worse because they turn, you're losing a quarter of the kids every year. Right. Right. And so that, but you go back and watch film. A lot of times the coaches do do the same thing. So, you know, are you telling me, you think that Mizzou fans might be ready to jump off a bridge, the first quarter there because it'll be interesting, I think, I mean, I think Mizzou can out athlete him, but eventually, but yeah. But I think, you know, like, you got to get your sea legs too. Like, you got to like, the coordinator's got to kind of get on the same page. I mean, again, I'm sure they've gone back, back studied and seen where these guys have come from the coaches and what they've called, but maybe we'll say that guy's a brand new coordinator. You don't know, and I don't know the logistics on our team. I do know who the new head coach is, but it's interesting, 50 new kids, that's a lot of kids. That's a lot of kids. Right. And so, and that's the good, I think that is going to be the story this year of college football is, is all these, you know, great number of transfers or, or high level transfers to help these teams, right? So how'd you like to be the running back from Florida, from, from Alabama, what the Florida state and, you know, you go and you think you're going to have your shot in the ACC a little bit easier run to get into the tournament and you lose your first game to Georgia Tech on the road, you know, I was actually surprised of Georgia Tech. Now they seem to have been, they seem to be on to something though. I know that they're, they're recruiting a little bit better. And so, I mean, ACC though, doesn't really surprise me. I think that's, that's a pretty, they have a lot of parity there. A lot. You know, and I'm interested to see what like Clemson does. Clemson is still an ACC. Yeah, they open with, well, forgot how many teams are like changed conferences. Well, there's a, there's a lawsuit on that too. And I think that when that finally gets resolved and it's going to bust the entire thing open, I think that's kind of the last shoot a drop is there's a lawsuit with Florida State and a lawsuit with, I think Clemson might be involved in it too, with trying to get out of the ACC. And so I think Big Ten would be their, their deal. But of course, I think the SEC would love to have Clemson as well or Florida State. So, do you, do you have any like kind of predictions for Mizzou season? Do you kind of, I've even kind of looked at their schedule. I think they do. So they have Murray's State. Two losses. Two losses. Okay. So here let's, let's run down at Murray State. At home. When? Thank you. I'm going on a limb and I think the spread like 47 points or some crazy number. I don't know about that. Yeah. Yeah. I think it'll be close for the first five minutes. Yeah. I'm going to go, I'm going to go down on a limb with that too. Then Buffalo at home, Boston College member, that was a tough one a couple years ago, Boston College. Yep. It's at, it's at home. They only have Vanderbilt. So there you go. Four and O is pretty good, looking pretty good right out of the gate. Texas A&M on the road. Their first road game. Big stadium, big, big hostile environment. Yeah. So that could be a tough one. And so then interestingly, you mass on the road, it's going to be an Amherst. Yeah. Should, should be another win. Yeah. So I mean, they're looking very good. Maybe they can't just at the last second pull up from them and make them come to the dome. Right. Like they did the Memphis last year. That's always a possibility. Yeah. Of course, then they can start getting into the meat of it, Auburn. You know, not really sure what's going to going to be going on with them. They're on the rise, but I don't know, I mean, it's at home, right? And then they go to Alabama, which should be a fun game. Heck yeah. Just to see what's going on with their Alabama ranked number five preseason and then this is where they got it. It's kind of an interesting stretch with the Auburn Alabama at Alabama. Then Oklahoma comes, which is the game of the year. Oh, yeah. Were you at? I was there. Okay. I was there too. John McGaffey kicked off his turn. That was amazing. I was down on the sideline and that was just crazy because they hadn't experienced anything like that in a long, long time. That's the stadium was packed. Stadium was packed. Gabbard had a hell of a game. I mean, it was just a great effort, right? Just a great effort. It was team effort and that was it. Yeah. Was that the last time Oklahoma was there or was it where they come after that? I don't remember. I don't know. Maybe a year or two after they went to the SEC. That was really kind of like the kickoff for like the big era of Pinkle. Yep. They really kind of crossed that hurdle and so that was fun. That was fun, you know, because I was in the media room afterwards. I mean, that was just so much fun. Yeah. Coach Pinkle was actually in that field. Yeah. Cracked a little bit of a smile, you know, because you realize what had happened. And so that was it. And Alabama, Oklahoma, back-to-back, so that's going to be, that's going to be interesting. And when is the last time I'm trying to think of when Missouri's ranked higher than Oklahoma in the very season? It's been a while. Yeah. I'm really curious to see how Texas and Oklahoma do in the SEC. Me too. I mean, I think they were logical ads. They really weaken the big 12 now. I mean, the big 12 is almost like a, almost like a Mountain West style conference. I mean, Iowa State's obviously solid, Kansas State's solid, Kansas is kind of, you know, they've gotten better, right? They get better. But then you say, well, what's better? It's all relative. You take those two guys out of there. One of those teams is going to be looking a lot better than what they are schedule-wise, right? Because they're beating up on, you know, and then they come over and play a team that's battle-hardened from the big 10 or SEC and probably get their butts handed to them. Right. Exactly. They're all looking pretty winnable so far. So, I mean, I mean, A&M is going to be a tougher game. You know, Alabama is definitely going to be a tougher game. Oklahoma is going to be a tougher game, but still winnable, especially at home. South Carolina, man, they're just really- We've had a good run against them. Yeah. Pretty good run against them. Owned South Carolina. Yeah. They've owned South Carolina. I hate it when, like, I'll sometimes I'll slip and say we. Yeah. I'm like, I'm not part of it. And Mississippi State, in Starkville. So that should be interesting. Yeah. Mississippi State's kind of hit or miss. Sometimes they. Right. Yeah. Right. Every year they get somebody. Right. And then Arkansas finished things up. I think that's- We got them at home, too, right? Got them at home. Yeah. That's going to be the last game of the present head coach. Yeah. I was going to say, do you think Sam Pittman survives this year? Yeah. In fact, I was teasing Barry Odom the last time I saw him. I'm like, so you going back to Arkansas? Go back to Arkansas. I mean, think about it. They start out at UNLV. Yep. That's the logical hire. 100%. That is de-logical. He loves it. His kid goes to school in Fayetteville. Yep. I mean, nothing against UNLV. Yeah. He loves it out there. I know. But that would be the logical boom. Come right back. And, of course, right. He's like, I'm 100% locked in to UNLV. But if you're Arkansas, that's who's going to be number one on your list. Thank you. Because it's not like, I mean, think of some of the coaches. It's not like an old town, I'm going to say, olden days. It's not like years ago where they were obvious names for colleges. Right. Right. That's gone. You know? Like, this guy's a good fit. This guy's a good fit. Whatever. That's over with. And he, think about it. He left there, it destabilized again, like, he was there, it stabilized pretty damn. I mean, that happened at Memphis too, right? Right. I mean, so like, there's, there is a pattern, right? And, and the thing is, is he got fired at Mizzou after a winning season and they were found guilty in a, in a thing, something that happened before they had one on his watch, right? Yeah. I mean, like that whole thing. Yeah. I mean, give you a break. That was a mess. That was a mess that he came into. Yeah. And really, he probably shouldn't have taken it, the job. Right. Right. But it was his alma mater and he wanted to get in there. So why not? But, but based upon how Pinkle left and what was going on there, he walked into. The train was off the tracks. Completely. Yeah. So, but I think to your point, I mean, I think there's a, maybe two, three losses. If they get, if they have one loss, they're in the playoff, right? I think they can duplicate last year, you know, they have that opportunity. The key will be staying healthy, how well the running backs play, staying healthy, staying healthy. And that little, you know, that, that little window there, like, I think, I think they have like a couple of back-to-back road games, you know, and then like A&M and UMass, UMass shouldn't be a problem. A&M is going to be interesting. It's always tough from Mizzou to play there every time they've ever played there. And then, of course, the Alabama game is going to be, going to be pretty tough. So, but yeah, I think, I think you're looking at, you know, Zufan should be pretty happy. I don't think Alabama will take a huge step back. I mean, I mean, obviously state, different scenarios. Saban left it in pretty good, good state, right? Yeah. I mean, it's, he's still involved to a certain degree, I believe, like a healthy coach obviously, but he didn't walk out the door, right, and he stayed in the transition, and there was a transition. So yeah, I talked to Miles McVey's father the day just via text, and sounds like he's pushing the other back at left, left tackles in left guard, I think, but left tackles where he's more comfortable. How about Miles? How about Miles? Talk about a guy. And he was always a huge athletic kid, but the way he transformed his body, which is why he's, you know, good at that, where he's at, you know, pushing, pushing for the starting left, you know, left tackle position. I mean, you know, that's the kind of thing we're talking about where guys take time off. I was talking to somebody on my way in here about another Alabama player from the Kansas City area, Jay Sean Ross, who's just a naturally gifted athlete, right? Nope. And I know Williams won area, everybody was the fan size where, oh, no, he's the number one. I'm like, Jay Sean Ross, right? Yeah. Just shout out of a cannon when he's on plays, but took a bunch of plays off and then, but he's down there doing his thing too. And, you know, it's all up here when you're on that level of an athlete, 100% what you want to do. And that's the tough part that we see where there are guys who are in that realm of being an athlete, but it doesn't click farm mentally. Yeah. And you see it happens so many times, especially in our area, I'm sure it happens across the country. Oh, yeah. But we have, you know, a five star or four star kid, and then they start getting treated like they're a five star and four star kid. You know, the thing that's tough is is they still need to be coached. They still need to be written hard because like they're getting ready to go into an environment. The rest of the kids in that team are not going to be going into. So there's a balancing act, but letting guys get away with not being in practice, letting guys, you know, kind of get away with, you know, BS stuff that like, that a freshman would get yelled at for, you know, I don't think you're doing anybody any favors. And I think that it's a really tight wire to, you know, and that's why some of the programs that have the better kids that come out consistently know how to handle those guys a little bit better. But I've seen it. You've seen it when you go to a practice or a game, you're like, why is it that guy playing? And it's like almost as if he's, you know, he's just gracing the sidelines by just being there. And he's going to help his team win by just simply being in his game Jersey, you know, street clothes on the sideline. Right. What's fascinating and what I love to do is, you know, I make it around the state. I actually see these kids just live. And what I'm looking for is the guys who are committed, right? What are they going to do? You know, cause some guys just go full on some guys, dude, I can, I can, I'm committed to this school. I signed with this school, whatever the deal is. And they, you know, are they going to bring it this year? Are they going to? No, JP. I know a lot of them don't, but I always look for, look for that and look for those guys. You know, because the guy's still coming up, the guy's still looking for the offers. They're the ones that you really got to pay attention to because they're the ones that are really going to show you something. So it was, I've told this to so many kids over the years, like you'll see these seniors kind of taking it easy. Cause it's like, well, I'm a five strum, a four strum going to wherever. And what they're not, what they feel to understand is that guy that they're going to be competing with next year is in an environment that is 180, a full 180 different than what they're playing in. Right. Completely different. Intensity, highly competitive, they're getting dogged out in film room every day. They have people talking. I mean, they got guys fights and practice, all those things that are going on and you're coasting and drifting away from your, your, your, where you think you want to go. And then your guy, you're going to be competing with next year, maybe as a freshman, a red shirt freshman, maybe even a sophomore who is in the thick of the battle in college, getting after it every single day, and yet you think because they're recruiting you that you're okay. Yeah. I am that special. And then you get there and you realize a couple of days in, like this coach is a complete ass. Like why is he talking to me like, why don't he say hi to me in the hallway? Right. Why don't you tell me how much he loves me? Like he used to. Yeah. I'm going to tell my parents. Right. Too late. Yeah. Right. And yeah, I know in today's age, they have to manage a little bit better than they used to have to manage it because, you know, kids will leave and all that and they'll get paid to go somewhere else. But you know, some of that stuff will eventually just root itself out. If you're not, if you're not given that effort, they're going to coach stuff talking to you. That's probably a bad thing. Yeah. Always a bad thing. Most, most definitely. So do you have any other college football thoughts? What about you, you, you, you pay much attention to what they're doing in Michigan? Yeah. A little bit. Yeah. A little bit of their training camp stuff. Like at night, I'll watch the big 10 and SEC training camp and the ACC. You know, I don't think they're going to be as good as they were. I mean, they got a lot to contend with. They got a lot of people. They're tripping them up stuff though. Oh, yeah. Oh, they're team wise. I'm just thinking they're going to be okay. Yeah. But they are. Yeah. They're not. There's definitely. They were caught. Right. Yeah, they were caught. It's hard to feel bad for them. No, they were caught. Yeah. But you know, he's already out the door, right? So what are they going to do? They're going to, you know, going to punish some future kids that were not even involved right for the most part. Right. And a lot of it goes back to like COVID era stuff that was just ridiculous as far as like, I mean, and rightfully so, like the state of Michigan was like really locked down differently than some others. So maybe they felt like they had to do above and beyond. I don't know. I mean, I don't know the context exactly what everything they did. But not excusing his behavior, but at the same time, there probably was some mitigating factors that led them to be like, Hey, we're going to push the envelope here. I mean, some of the service academies got in trouble for doing stuff. Right. Right. Right. And just see, it just seems it doesn't seem like it's uniformed in the punishment of schools. Of course not. Well, was it was it was it uniform when the zoo got nailed for someone, you know, supposedly cheating through a tutor that I mean, like, that wasn't uniformed. They'd have to take out well, not I almost almost got myself in trouble. But there are certain teams that might have been in the big A back in the day that it probably would have had a lot of a lot of hardware stripped from them. Of course. Right. So because that was what they were known for. So let me ask you this, going into the football season, you get high school games, you get your college games, you get your NFL games, which one's the most intriguing? Which one's the best one for you to watch? For me to watch personally, yeah, high school without question without question because it is the the purest form of the game that that there that there is left and don't get me wrong. You know, I'll watch, you know, your middle school team and yeah, I love that too, because I'm I'm constantly looking for for talent, but I mean, the high school games, you can't beat it. You absolutely can't. Well, the atmosphere is different. Just the atmosphere is different. Guys are doing it for the love of the game and they're doing it because they want to be something. They want to make themselves awesome. And on the college level, there are guys who think they've made it. Oh, of course, you know, and so and there's already money involved now. And so it's gotten more into that and it's just like a pro more of a pro atmosphere. You know, and back in the day, I used to love college and, you know, watching the college I used to love. Did you sit on like sit on the wall at the zoo and watch practice? Oh, yeah. And because, you know, it seemed like then it was pretty pure still, you know, where guys were doing it out of love and they were still striving for something because there were no, there were not these guarantees, you know, you didn't, you weren't signing deals and making deals with people and getting paid and making money significantly in the middle of it. Right. So I'm scrolling here to see because today is a really important day because of the NFL cut. So today's the NFL cut down day is that it has to be done in today. So one of the guys that we've talked about numerous times, Isaiah Williams, he's on the bubble. He did more than enough to make it, but they're trying to figure out if they're going to go with him or a bigger receiver. So I think it's, I think it bodes well for him is what it looks like. But, and then obviously Cody Schrader, I haven't heard anything about him. I mean, the only negative thing that I could see with him is that the last game, the cut map burita, I think, so you're going to be watching the ticker tonight. Yeah. It looks like Cody Schrader, he's not on the cut list. So as of now, so that means he's probably going to be a special teams guy and make it and or practice squad, but so what a story. Right. Right. I mean, he's, he's definitely in the mid south, right? Yeah. Out of Luther and south and then going to Truman state. And I got to tell you what, this past year with recruiting, how it's gone because of the, the, the portal, Truman state recruited really well. There's going to be more Cody Schrader coming out of there and coming out of other, other little directional schools or in the state schools, D two schools, because the talent level is falling down to the next year or so. Oh, 100%. Yeah. You miss guys. You just miss them. Yeah. So, so if you want to see some good football, go to a Truman state game, go to a central Missouri game. Right. Because you're going to see some really good football, whatever, you know, northwest Missouri state. Really good football. Yeah. This summer. Look at, look at, right. They got some studs and this summer they had that, that the central Missouri camp and I was the, I mean, I know you know this, but the number of kids that went to that camp, they got some talent to show up to that camp, right? Yeah. So just shows you if kids aren't getting the love and that's what people have to understand. The lineman, it comes a little bit later just because of their size and maturation, right? Yeah, Jackson Cantwell. Yeah. Bunch of 900 pounds. Right, right. Fifth grade. But yeah, like, like, but like the quarterbacks and the skill guys are starting to get like SNFs, like, you know, sophomore, freshman, sophomore, junior year, early junior year. And then after that, it just kind of dries up for guys and like, and then like, they're just kind of like sniffing around, waiting for whatever they can find. That doesn't mean they're not a good quarterback, but as you and I know, like, like quarterback receiver running back, those guys are given different opportunities based on how highly they were recruited, becoming into a class. So if you become a coveted guy, you know, short of you not doing what you're supposed to do or someone else transferring in or some freak accident or injury or whatever, like you have a shot, like you have a shot, right? And so, but it just starts so early and that's where it's going back to your earlier comment. Like, so many of these kids, like, it's my last ride and it's kind of like the refocusing of senior year thinking that magically something's going to happen their senior year. And unfortunately, that's just like, it's very rare that what they want to have happen happens. There are thinking is going to happen. Thinking you can turn it on, turn it off. Yeah, you can't. No, it doesn't work like that. And if if you think that, then you have not listened to everybody around you. I mean, you would hope that people have talked to them about making good choices on and off the field, making good choices from a training and development and training coaches do their homework. They talk to the coaches and they're like, well, what about this guy? Well, he really, you know, he took, he took four out of five plays off. You know, he was good for maybe a series. I mean, you know, what, no matter what you do, your senior year. So that's going to hold, that's going to hold them back from the recruitment. So you know, we talk so much about recruiting film and having your best plays, you know, up front and having those plays stacked up for your highlight reel. What we don't talk a lot about is they usually like to see two to three game films so they can watch the highlights and the low lights. And what happens when the ball is not coming to you? What happens when when you're rolling to your right and you have to throw back a little to your left? That one didn't make, it didn't make the, the cutting room floor if you, so it's on the cutting room floor didn't make your highlight film. They want to see game film, right? And they, and with the, you know, innovations of huddle, they can, with the click of a button can have a full game film back in our day, it would be a VCR tape, right? Yeah. You know, with the highlights on the front and the three games films on the back or whatever. But now they just send it. It's there. So, so to think that you're going to fool somebody on just your good plays tells you you don't know what you're talking about because they, the coaches need to see the body of work. They want to see lime and finishing blocks, not just every once in a while when it's advantageous. They want to see blocks finished every single play. They want to see you how well you run down the field behind the play, how fast, what your effort looks like. If the ball's going away from you, are you trying to get off the field and cut the safety off or are you just walking? Okay. That stuff is, it's so easy to see. Look, how you, how, how you get up to the line, how you get set. I have a lot of the stuff that I find out about kids is that stuff, how you come off the field, how you go on the field, you know, how, how do you do it in a stretch line? How are you warming up? You know what I mean? Your movement, just your business. And so there's all this stuff and kids don't, kids don't, kids don't realize what guys are looking at. So, yes. What coaches or scouts are looking at? It's funny as we had, I was talking to some young athletes the other day. And one of them said to me, he goes, he's like, yeah, this guy's a captain on my team. He's, I don't know if it's a good pick, he's like, he, he's half, he half speeds it in the warm-ups. Yeah. A kid said, a middle schooler said that about another middle schooler. And which tells me, he's going to be a good coach, but that got a good eye, right? And they say, hey, and I, I don't like it. And I said it from a coaching perspective, I said, well, then you as a leader as well need to turn to that person and, and then motivate them or put your foot in their butt so that they do do it. Right. Because of that, if a leader is doing that, that's going to permeate through the entire team. So you got to cut that off. Right. If you're the true leader. Right. And so, yeah, I, I'm just excited, you know, I, I like the high school games as much. If not better, I, what I like about us, we have kids in every game that I'm watching nine times out of 10. I do really enjoy the college where we have kids that are playing, which is a lot of schools. And then obviously in the NFL, I'm more very specific to watching guys that we train in the NFL. So at any given year, that could be 10 to 35 guys, depending on what it is. So I think like, that's fun to watch, right? And then someone will get weeded out each year and get cut. Some guys retire. I mean, it just like Marcus Golden retire, playing gabbard retired. It's the end of an era. Right. But it's fun to watch that. But you know, you and I were watching those guys and they were young guns. Right. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's what you're really weird is, is I remember standing, it's, he'd mentioned Marcus were retiring. Seems like yesterday, and I guess it's because you're getting old. But it was just yesterday, I'm standing on the sideline at Jennings high school, watching Marcus real off an 80 yard touchdown run, right? At six, two, six, three, 230 pounds, like, you just, like, you know, just, just, just stiff farming guys and dragging guys and just with the speed. And here he is retiring from the NFL. And it's like, what happened? Hey, he was pretty easy to notice, wasn't he? He was pretty easy to notice, but you'd be surprised. Yeah, I know. Talking to college coaches saying, telling them about him and him, them being like, I don't know. And I'm like, you don't know. But he's a guy. He went running back, lying backer. Yeah. He lied. He lied. Which interesting, I don't know if you, how much you follow or not, but, but, but Kai Robert stay, right? I'm sure you remember. Oh, yeah. Jumping Missouri's twin brother, unfortunately, you know, on time we'd have passed away. But, but Kai came up, I invited him to the lead combine as a freshman going into a sophomore year, never played varsity. But being who I am, I'm like, found him, invited him up there at six, three, two, 15, one in a four, five, 40, broad jumping on 11 feet. I'm going to talk about it, you know, a sophomore, junior guy. So running back, right? And me and you were talking to him at the combine, like, well, what do you want? What do you want to play? He's like, oh, I like to catch up. I like, guess where he's playing. Even the one. Yeah. And you and I were told that we were like, we were talking and we're like, well, you know, you know, what's your way now? I wonder he's got to be a house. Yeah. Oh, he is a house. Yeah. I'm sure his frame was wonderful. It was. And it's all just, it's just ripped, chiseled. And yeah. So he's still that athlete. And I remember I was talking to him, be like, you know, and I said, I'm like, you know, he'd be pretty hell on wheels. Didn't mean you want to come on, do seven on seven, too. Yeah. He got done. He's like, yeah, I don't know if I want to be receiver anymore, right? Yeah. Whatever it was. No, he wanted to catch the ball. Yeah. Every time I was like, Kai, how you doing? You ready to make that switch? No. I'm like catching the ball. I want to catch the ball. He talent Chandler. Yes. Talent love catching the ball till he was told not to catch the ball anymore, right? So Baylor finally, the Bears finally convinced him that he's he's a defensive lineman, which, you know, given his athleticism and all that, you know, get a chance to make some money. Oh, yeah. I mean, and he is getting off the bus, man. He looks like a frickin million dollars with four or five speed, you know, which is stud. Yeah. Just explosive power. Straight E strike. Yeah. Yeah. You're broad jumping. You're broad jumping 11 feet in high school and he was a kid that would come in and train. He came back and did the combine even after being committed because he was loyal to the process. Like, you know, to the process. Good kid. Open minded. Just just fun, loving, like, but uber athletic and, you know, but great build just just a great kid. And you got to admire that because, you know, making that that transition. He always remembered. And he, you know, we had a good relationship and he always, and he said, I'm always coming to a lead. He's like, because you guys bomb me when I was nothing. Yeah. And you know what? Who's the next guy we're going to find, right? That's what I love. Yeah. And I love being involved, especially at lower level, and I've told you a couple of times like our eighth grade class of quarterbacks right now, there's some studs and it's a very interesting, we see where everybody ends up out of that group. There's no one really clumped up into the same schools, which I think is good. That could change. Kids go to private school or something like that. But it's a pretty interesting. There's like a contingent of, you know, eight to ten guys that we see consistently that, you know, it's fun watching them. Very athletic. Like we had them on our little summer camp this summer and it was just fun to watch them compete, fun to watch them get out there and just rip the ball and do things. Things that older guys are doing, like, you know, it's fun because the game can accelerate for numerous reasons. And I think we're in an acceleration phase, you know, because there's so much information that these guys finger tips, whether it be playing the video games for redevelopment, whether it be getting the right training, you know, watching the older guys and, you know, I watched my Sunday day in practice, I didn't even acknowledge it when he did it. But, you know, he was on a little quick bubble screen and he, rather than getting his feet, he was just kind of, you know, emulating things he's seen and he just shoots it out the side. It was a perfect pass, right? Pretending someone was coming Russian and right, which is fine. But the same thing you see a Brady cook doing, it's the same thing you see, you know, who Aaron Rodgers doing. So it's so in their face in social media. So like, you know, if a kid has a brain that can watch something and then do it, he's going to benefit. If a kid has to be taught step by step by step, that's probably going to be a little bit slower uptake and probably not going to be able to do that stuff. But it is fun to see. And just like guys like the lineman watching good pass sets and how to take angles, there's so much information. You can be careful. There's some bad information. Yeah, that's true. So you got to know who the messenger is. But yeah, I think I'm just excited to see. That's twenty twenty nine class. I'm shocked at how many good little athletes and players there are in there already. Yep. Twenty twenty eight classes. I'm coming freshman class phenomenal cross support, really good quarterbacks in that class. I'm sure you know, but I'm talking about state rock statewide, just a number of quarterbacks and just athletes. I mean, and you're talking, I'm talking about it every position and that's the shocking part is because you know, usually there's some positions that are heavy and some of the correct. Can't find man. There's everything across the board. You know, you got everything from, you know, the six, six offensive linemen that are freshmen coming in to the, you know, the running backs, the linebackers surprisingly tight ends. It's really good. We're talking about big kids, you know, like British James, of course, and you know, Lee Summit North has a six for 225 pound tight end is like, it's just crazy. Like if you have a kid that's tall and lean that plays basketball and you're not getting him trained at tight end, you're missing a great opportunity. If your kid's six, three and a half to six, five, and he's going to be average on the basketball court, he can play basketball. Yeah. Like, you know, some of those guys, it's a mentality thing. They're never going to transition to football. But a lot of them will. And when they do tight end, that's what those guys who those guys are in the NFL, they're just big news that can run seeing a bunch of that actually seeing a bunch of a bunch of six, two, six, three freshmen, 20, 28 receivers who are going to be really, really good in this class, all over the state. Yeah. I'm excited. How many, how many, that's the other thing too, is like how many varsity players that are freshmen are starting on the varsity? I've heard a few kids names, but usually that's an indication that there's bare cupboards at the high school, right? Yeah. You know, but there's, I've also heard some names or schools that are better schools. Yeah. I mean, you know, you look at Max Jones, you know, who just was offered by UMass. I mean, that's a no-brainer. You know, when he was with the junior cadets, you know, he was a sixth sport kid running around. I was trying to tell him like, listen, you're a football, I know you're good at basketball. You love going to AAU all summer. You need to spend time on being a receiver, man, because you are, you have things that not every kid has. I mean, that's the thing is you watch these high school, like the Jamboree films, and I know you see this, but you can see there's a lot of kids on those tapes that are just, they're just high school football players, and that is not meant to be disrespectful in any manner. That's what they do. They're, they're playing high school football, right? And a lot of their size and just their makeup or lack thereof of just like their physical nature, if you're a junior and senior, you weigh 155, that's a problem. That shows that you have not dedicated yourself to either your nutrition, your sleep, or your lifting, or all the above. And so you just see a lot of those guys that probably believe that they are just like the guys in college, and it's like they get to college and realize like, oh, this is a whole another deal, right? You know, it's like we talked about months ago, they go to the spring game and they watch them. Oh my God, I can do that. Oh, that sucks. You know, he dropped them off and then they get out there and they'll say they have two left feet because they can't compete at that level because they're not fast enough. They're not big enough. They're not strong enough. All those things matter. And so, you know, I guess my wish for guys going into the season, the high school football players going into the season will be one, first and foremost, enjoy the process, enjoy having fun, enjoy being with your friends, enjoy being with your school, your classmates, enjoy representing those people and your family. And just enjoy being around the game because you don't get to do it that often. So once in a lifetime, really opportunity because once it's over, it's over. There's nothing like high school football. Yeah. So you get to enjoy it, have fun, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You know, enjoy the game because what will be will be when it comes to the recruiting side of things, whether you've put the work in or not, it will be pretty evident. But enjoy the whole process and make the most of it, right? And then see what happens afterwards. But if you're only playing to go to college, it's going to hinder your game, play to respect the game, play to enjoy being a great football player, play to be a great teammate, and follow what your coaches are telling you, and you never know what's going to happen, right? I mean, so that will be what will be. So I would just say cherish it because there's old guys sitting on the other side of it. You know when it's done, it's done. And there's not a worse feeling, whether you're going to college or not, when that senior season ends and you realize it's over. And it's something that you can think about the rest, you'll carry it with you the rest of your life, right? And then all you can do is dream that you're in football practice, right? Right. I mean, like, yeah, right, yeah, you still have those dreams? We're going to go without a helmet on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I just think, you know, we talk a lot about the recruiting side of things and where kids are going because that's what we do. But the vast majority of kids will never play college football, right? 95% will not. Those 95% are going to gain things from the game of football that our society needs, right? And those kids should be able to take those lessons that they learned and then take it out, proliferate it into the world and make it a better place, right? Perseverance, teamwork, camaraderie, really just having some grit about themselves, right? And the ability to believe in themselves and be able to lean on someone else to help them when they, when they need help. So to me, it's the greatest game on earth, high school football is the greatest iteration of it, right? The professional and college game are pretty awesome, awesome, but there's nothing more pure. It is awesome. So enjoy it. Have fun. Get the most out of it. Whether you have, you guys go 0 and 10 or you go 10 and 0. I promise you, you'll remember those results the rest of your life. Yep. Absolutely. You really, really, really admire the guys who persevere through the 0 and 10 season and they're still having fun and they're still enjoying it. Right. You're with your buddies. Hey, you're with your friends. Yeah. Right. And quite honestly, putting on a helmet that's got the same color on it, same logo. You get to go to war against some other guys across town. Yeah. Like, yeah, there's a lot of smack talking, a lot of that fun stuff. But the end of the day, and you got like 1,000 to 5,000 people at a game. Yeah. Like you're 0 and 10 probably. Yeah. Well, if you're 0 and 10, you just got your parents in the band and the band, right? And so, but you know, I went to a Jamboree this weekend. I would guess that there was probably 2,000 people in the stands, right? Yeah. And name another high school sport where there's 2,000 people, high school basketball games probably 500 or 1,000 they'll just play off games just because of the size of the gyms. But you get to do that, and you get to have fun, and you get to, you know, be with your guys and the band's playing, and it's just such a cool environment. Every time I go to a high school game, I get chills. Every time you get to walk up, the lights are on, I will admit, I'm definitely more of a fan of the night games, the Friday nights, I don't get the same feeling on Saturday. There's less and less Saturday games because a lot of the teams, a lot of the schools, in fact, schools that they're like hemorrhaging students and players to other schools, they've installed lights. And so, you're going to see less and less day, you know, Saturday day games coming up, which I think is going to be a shame because I enjoy it because that's just one more, one more. Yeah. You get to see another game to see it. Yeah. To set deal. Or two, right. Or two coming up. In the last few minutes here, are there any teams or players or games that pop out to you that you're interested in seeing or just coming up this? Yeah. I want to see, because we know who the kind of like the perennial, you know, powerhouses are. Yeah. I want to see who that other next program to make the step up, right? Right. And I think, you know, because you got- It's going to be really- Yeah. You got the Smat. St. Louis. St. Louis will be solid. Cardinal Ritter is going to be solid. Yeah. You know, those are really good programs. Yeah, a couple of teams, and we were talking about, one of them was Parkway North. It's going to surprise a lot of people because of their new, their new quarterback. They got, they got a stud at quarterback. I mean, it's a game changer for them. I mean, he is a excellent quarterback through for a ton of yards. He's got really good feet. He can run. I mean, it just opened up in the last year. They were a really quick game. Yeah. Like a lot of quick, like single read stuff, like check it down real fast and then quarterback got hurt. They put in running back at quarterback. And now they're going to have a full disposal. They're going to have their weapons plus a guy that can put the ball down the field, which, you know, that's going to help them a ton. And some new additions. Colin Griffin is there. Now Antoine Gunn, you know, can run, can catch the ball. I mean, they've got some nice weapons along with the guys there. They have size on the line. They have some defensive guys, Jordan Clark's another guy, receiver, defensive, bad guy. Yeah. He was a blown guy, right? Yeah. So, I mean, they're, they're going to be loaded. Surprise. Another team that's really going to surprise some people is lift for life. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. I was, I just, I got to see their, their jamboree against the Smat and in Parkway, Central and Timberland. And I got to tell you what, man, they were fired up against the Simmons. Well, they're had coach and they were. Tony will for his high energy guy. He's going to stay championship. Yeah. What are, what class are they in? Good question. Good question. Go on until they release all that. Yeah. I'm hearing some, some things. Oh, in some schools, I'm surprised how high they've moved up in, in, you know, it will Misha's. Oh, calculations. Yes. Yeah. And I mean, I don't understand it, but okay. So I'm really curious to, to find out where people go because it could really, it could really throw a monkey wrench and a lot of stuff and to really just make it top heavy. I also heard that next year they're looking into a private versus public. So that would really also just shot, you know, just championships. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. Just, just that would really just shake things up. And then, you know, that happens and then you're going to have the, well, who's been, who's better? We, we, they could have, you know, so now we have, for the most part, they do play each other, right? Yeah. Yeah, the private schools have definitely this last 10, 12 years have gotten the better of the public schools, but on the flip side, you know, there's been some good public schools that play football. Right. I don't think it will happen. I wouldn't be surprised because there's going to be a lot of, there's a lot of politics. There's a lot of unhappy people that they're losing a lot of their players to, to the private schools right now. But I would be, I would be shocked of that. But that's, that's the other thing that I'm hearing, but yeah, just, it's going to be interesting. Where it shakes out. Um, yeah, I mean, you know, west side of the state, you have Lee summit north, Liberty north, that whole, that whole battle. It's been the same for the, along with CBC and just met to see how that shakes out live for life though. They're going to win a state championship under coach Wolfold because he's just, he's got some, they got some, they got some talent. We've got some talent. He's got some good coaches on, on his staff. I mean, they're, they're set at quarterback like two, three deep now. They're, uh, Mikey Jardine is backing up Kishan Hill, who's really, come on. Where did Kishan Hill was he had originally at the Luther north. And then he's, he's been it, he's been it lived for the bigger kid. He's about six, three, six, three, six, four, 200 pound, 90, 200, 200 pound. What year is Jardine? They're both seniors. Oh, that's right. Because he came from Principia. Right. Right. And, uh, started out, uh, Luther and St. Charles, then was a person, Principia last year. Now he's. High school transfer portal. High school. Well, I don't want to get into that aspect. It is crazy though. The number of kids that I've seen this year speaking of that, I mean, they're eligible. But I've, like, I have not heard of many, some of the kids I heard that were initially ineligible are now eligible. So, um, again, I don't know if, and again, that's the ones I know of. So there might be plenty, but I have not heard of a lot that where they've been a lot of restrictions. There's only, there's only one school like that kids have come from that, that I'm here and they're, like, ineligible. So I don't know what that has to do, whether that's politics or what. Yeah. But everybody else seems to be good to go. And whereas last year, I mean, you know, there were kids, there were kids who were down in like Lake of the Ozarks area who, you know, they were blocking now weeks, weeks into the season, weeks into the season, weren't, weren't letting them. That's another team. It's going to be really good. Hellias. Yes. They're going to be good. They're going to be right there battling, you know, whoever's in that, in that, uh, class five, whether it be Ritter, I mean, I see those two just kind of like, yeah, that a battle last year, that a battle last year, uh, you know, Herman's going to be another, another team. I mean, yeah, because not only do they have a hot day in Hopkins, uh, and, uh, some other nice players, but they added one of your former, uh, boom quarterbacks. Yeah. Henry all about. He was on this weekend. Yeah. Henry is a very solid quarterback, big, strong, throws the heck out of the ball. Private Herman. Yeah. They, and apparently he loves Herman. Like just, they, they move the family move there and they, you know, they, they just, uh, I think they're a very good, uh, deal because the parents, I think, involved in a, in a winery in that area, which there's no shortage of wineries there. So no, uh, they're in the process of opening one up, I believe. Yeah. Pretty cool. I think it's kind of a neat thing. That's, I mean, that's going to be a really cool connection to watch Henry to, to Daden, because Daden while he's going to play D and at Mizzou, just an unbelievable receiver at six six. Yeah. Yeah. He's long. Yeah. So yeah, I, I'm excited. I, I, you know, I don't know who the top public school in the St. Louis side is. Obviously Kansas City has less of the private school influence than, than we do on this side. We have a lot of, I would say we delude ourselves a lot with the number of private schools we have. I mean, and that's big and small private schools, right? I think, you know, MICDS should be pretty solid this year as, as a, as a private that we didn't mention, but then from a public school, Parkway North, um, you know, then you look at, you know, some of the bigger schools I think Lafayette should have a pretty good run this year. It's going to be good. Kirk, what'll be solid? Um, you know, but those are the bigger kind of predominant, you know, football schools, right? The Eureka should be pretty solid, I think, uh, you know, Marquette. So some of the bigger schools should be pretty good. I think for some of the least, I mean, now north, northeast, northeast, um, yeah, then I think west should be producing, and then you look at the north point for tonight, north is going to be good. North points get a surprise. That's going to be an interesting one. Yeah. They got, you know, Holt is always solid. Holt is solid. I mean, they coach. They just execute. I'll tell you what, Timberland's got a lot of good young players. I mean, just a lot of young players, if they can put all that together, you know, we'll see. Of course, they're, you know, a kid who would have really been nice to see in their quarterback mix is at CBC now. He's back at Timberland. He's back at Timberland. That did not pan out, huh? Did not. Wow. Back at Timberland. That's an eligible. I was going to say. Yeah. That's a shame. No, eligible. So I said, and I'm sorry. Really? Yeah. But he's easy. He in the mix. I don't know. I have no idea. That's, I just heard it on Sunday. So really? Okay. Interesting. Yeah. Interesting. Very interesting. Because I'll tell you why he could have, he could have thrived. Oh, he's a stud. That's so yeah. I, I think there's so many moving parts, you know, between all the different schools, right? He's got a good doing that. I know it's, it's tough. I can't go back over right now. Make, make, make, make sure you update all your information of where you're at. That's changing. No, yes. Sam, let him know that you're back wherever you're at or wherever you're going. Because hey, at some point, if your name's in a report, you certainly want those people if they come to look at you to make sure that you're at that school. Right. Right? Absolutely. Absolutely. That's a, so yeah. Yeah. You got to let me know. Some of the kids just do that. He just, he, he just did that. A kid went back to California after being in Kansas City for a while and I'm like, dude, what are you doing to me? You know? Was that a, there was a kid that was at the, ah, that was that a combine, combine that was from Columbia that was going to go to California or something. He went to Florida. Florida. That's right. He, he did that. I don't recommend that by the way. Florida is tough sledding. Make your name. Yeah. I had a guy was telling me the day that no, I'm Florida that for the first time in forever, the publics and privates are going to play each other. Really? Right. And, but they don't have conferences. They kind of have like this free reign to play whoever they want, but like he was like explaining it to me. He's like, it is a huge cluster. Huge cluster. I can imagine. And the high turnover rate with coaches, high everything. So, ah, really good athletes. Oh, yeah. Damn good athletes, but a lot of instability at the coaching level. You can, you can transfer in season and be eligible to play in season. That's absolutely not. Today on a closing note, somber note, you know, this time of year, there's, there's things that happen with football that you always just like, oh, just, you hear the story and you're like, some don't sound right, but there's a young man don't know his name passed away from Selma, Alabama in a football game. So those are the things as, as guys involved in football, you hear it and it makes you sick to your stomach, right? Yes. And you don't, I don't know the details of it. It was a hit on a quarterback and he ended up, it was a traumatic brain injury. But I'll go back to years ago when we were, when the Rams were here, we had a, and remember when there was a full court press on, on head injuries and football and there was a doctor that came in and was explaining and this, and it makes you, it makes you feel good in one respect, but that does not alleviate what just happened, right? But, but it was usually with like traumatic brain injuries, there's like a couple different things that happened and, and one of which is like a, like a misdiagnosed, like they missed it like rat, like a, like back-to-back concussion, right? That's, that's a problem. But then the doctor was saying that there's typically like the only thing that really like in these scenarios where you see like catastrophic issues is there's like a structural abnormality inside the skull that, then that no one would know about until the right hit at the wrong time. If you, if, if you know, whether it's like almost like barbed spikes on the bone, if you will, of the skull, and it, and that's, it's a, it's a, it's one of those things where the doctor was like, you have to understand, you know, it acquainted more of a bruising of the brain versus an actual like impoundment from the, the structure of the brain, right? The structure of the skull. So when I heard that, I mean, I remember thinking at the time, I get really, really open my eyes because I didn't think that deeply into it other than just a concussion, right? Because we've all had them. But, you know, when you hear that, it makes you take pause and you feel really bad for the family. And there's apparently he was a junior, good kid and just super sad. So anyway, just, I hate to end the show on a whole, a bad note like that, but with respect to what we're playing and what we're doing, it can happen in basketball can happen. I mean, there's kids that dropped in on the soccer field. It's just, it makes you understand and cherish those times. So you know what, like parents don't take any of this stuff for granted. Kids do not take any of it for granted. Enjoy the moment. Live for the day. Stay safe. Protect yourself. At all times. At all times. Do what you need to do. And hopefully we don't have to have any of that. Everybody's going to be healthy and safe after the start of this season. Hey, man, and we're going to wrap that up on that note. You know where you're going to be. You're going to be in any games. I will be somewhere. I have not decided. Okay. Do you know where you're going to be? I do. But I'm not telling. Oh, it's going to be a surprise. You'll find out. Follow me on social media right here. JP Rogg mo to find out JP Rogg scouts you. There's all our socials. There's Matt socials as well. And of course all thanks football 360 football 360 We've enjoyed ourselves. It's gone by too quick. We have a lot to talk about next week. Amen. Hey, like share and subscribe the show though. If you're listening, we have a lot of people that do it. Share it with some of your friends that are in the football community. Other parents in particular, we have a lot of parents that listen, a lot of kids and fathers. A lot of people go on their way to training or listening to this together, which we hear is pretty cool, right, or going to practice their listening to it. We appreciate that. We greatly appreciate you listening to us because we love doing it. So again, shoot us a message if you want anything that you want us to talk about topics. We're open books and this stuff. We'll talk about any of it. All right. No one had a note. Yeah, exactly. Now we're out. We'll talk to you next week. Everybody have a good one. Stay safe. [MUSIC]