The Todd Herman Show

Alejandro Mayorkas Lied To Congress Under Oath. No One Cares; When Laws Don’t Matter, Only Force Rules Ep-1815

Alejandra Mayorkas, the disgraced so-called head of the Department of Homeland Security, lied. Of course, that's called perjury. As an ordinary citizen, you would face more problems if you went into traffic court, than Mayorkas has. When laws don't matter, only force rules. 

What does God’s Word say? 
1 Corinthians 14:40 - NIV
40 But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.
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Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
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- Liberty Nation with Mark Angelides. - Communications on the Presidential Campaign Trail and explosive communications for Hezbollah in Lebanon. There's a new hybrid warfare at home and out of town. And we're going to explain exactly how that works. (upbeat music) - Author, columnist, managing editor of Podcast host, a conservative policy advocate. - Dismiss history at our peril. - Liberty Nation with Mark Angelides. (upbeat music) ♪ He's better over here ♪ - AT&T customers, switching to T-Mobile has never been easier. We'll pay off your existing phone and give you a new one free. All on America's largest 5G network. Visit to switch today. (upbeat music) Pay off up to $650 for your virtual prepaid master card in 15 days, free phone up to $830 for your $24 monthly bill credits plus tax, qualifying, porting, trading, service on Go 5G next to credit required. Contact us before canceling entire account to continue bill credits to credit stop and bounce and required finance agreements do. - You know what, it's fun sometimes 'cause she'll prep never stops as a rational about God rest and said. So it's just watching me on it. I could tell just a tone of her voice back there. Very gently, but a little bit louder. Five, four, three, two, yep. Nope, got the little note done in the Google Docs. Good morning, everyone, joining us live. People watching and they're listening later. We love you equally. We thank you equally for being here. So much to talk about. Such little time. I was gonna do the Willy Wonka thing. So little to talk about it so much time. Wait, stop, reverse that. So Al Hando Mayorkas, the disgraced so-called head of Department of Homeland Security, lied, of course. That's called perjury. You would face more problems if you went into traffic court and if you were under oath in front of a judge and that judge said, were you driving a 19, let's say, you know, 2006 Toyota Ram thing with this license plate on this date? And you said, no. And they had photographic evidence that you were, you would face more consequences than Al Hando Mayorkas has faced thus far. We gotta talk about this. There's got to be teeth. Because when laws don't matter, only force rules. Hey, wait, I think there's people who want it that way. We'll talk about this with the help of and of God almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. (upbeat music) Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we should live. We should create a Niana emoji. You know what, I'm actually taking this over short office as I'm starting the show. I know that's frustrating if you're just listening. I apologize. Breaking the fifth wall and supposed to do that. But it got hot while I was sitting down to do the program. No, because Niana won't go on camera. She won't go on my guy. I just thought we'd create an avatar. So she could increasingly be guys five, four. He's not gonna make it. He's not paying attention to me. Oh, it's paying attention, I was. So let's just go through this scenario. Let's go through a couple of scenarios. Here's a scenario. You are in traffic court. And the prosecutor says to you, is your name Todd? And then uses my middle name, Harman Age. And then he gives him my age. And then he gives him my address. And I look at him and go, yeah, no. Clear perjury, absolutely clear perjury, right? What would happen to me? I mean, I guess it would depend on the mood of the judge, but it shouldn't. It's a law. You don't lie in court when you're under oath. So what if it's a bit more clever lie, more substantial lie, because at that point, what's a point of even talking to me if I'm gonna deny my name? I mean, I guess I could identify it, whoever. I mean, if I was one of the separate countries, I could just say, not today. I was yesterday, but no, I'm identity fluid. So I could try that, it would be cutesy and probably a judge in a, you know, left to state, might have no choice but to say, well, you know, that's true, you can identify however you want. But what if it was substantive? What if it was this? When the officer approached your vehicle, did he identify himself as a police officer? And I say, no. But the officer's wearing a body camera and the body camera evidence is the officer walking up and saying, hi, my name is Officer Jones with the Idaho State Patrol. I pulled you over today because you were going 79 miles per hour and a 15 and I know who you are and I hate you. That would make photographic evidence and would cause me to be charged with perjury. And in this case, it would be substantive because it would be lying about the very reason the cop pulled me over and more, well, actually the very, very thing that could screw up the stop. If the officer didn't identify himself as a cop, the whole thing's off. At that point, he can't do anything to me. So when there are no laws, what matters? Force. See, this is one of the great big holes in the argument for anarchy and this is going somewhere, I promise. If someone ever tells you they're an anarchist, they are either lying or they are desperately stupid. There is no such thing as anarchy. There has never been anarchy. It has never existed. Well, I mean, you can have anarchy for 24, 36 hours, maybe 72 hours, but you always have order. The question is, what enforces the order? In every dystopian movie, you will have, let's say the road, great example. So in the case of the road, there's very few people left. You could say it's anarchy. There's people doing horrible things to children, eating them, et cetera. And that's part of the film, part of the book. The book is great, by the way. The film is actually just as good as the book. It's as good as the book, a rare case. But there's order because there are these roving gangs of strong men who have seized control over weaker people and they use those people as chattel. They force women to reproduce for food. It's horrible. It's horrible. But it's order. Absent law, this comes in every western where there's a town out by itself. It's a mining town. There's order. If you've ever seen the movie, the HBO program, absolutely filthy vile, disgusting show, great script about the early days of the West. It's a mining town run by a pimp. And he has order. His name is Al. I can't remember the name of the show, but it's a great show, but absolutely vile. Great writing. He has order. If you want to do something in the town, you need Al's permission. If you don't get Al's permission, he'll kill you. If Al wants your claim and you won't sell it to him, he'll arrange to have you killed. That works until the government comes in. And then the government comes in and it brings its own brand of force. And Al attempts to fight this and he loses. Because they're the new force in town. How does this apply to Alejandro Mayorkas? It applies in this way. He committed perjury. The law says he must be punished. He's not going to be punished. Why? Because he has force behind him. That's where we're at. That's the reality. He's not going to be punished because he's surrounded by armed people. And he has the power of inertia behind him. A massive behemoth, federal agency, over which Congress has no control. They don't. Because the Democrats will never agree to any limits on these bureaucratic agencies, because the Democrats hate democracy. That's where we're at. So what can Republicans do? Sometimes, you know what's important? A little drama. A little drama can change a lot of things. It can flat reset society. A little drama. I'll tell you what I mean in just a second. It's sort of like giving them the bad dream they're hoping for. No, it is. I'm not saying, let me explain this. It's like, have you ever had such a bad dream that you had trouble waking from it? And when you did, it still left a psychic psychological residue. This happened to me once when I was a kid. I dreamt that there were rattlesnakes under my bed. And it was really, really real. And I was scared. And in my dream, I'd been bit a bunch of times. And then I woke up. And I said, okay, well, now I'm awake. And then I heard the rattlesnakes. And it shilled me. And then I realized later it was my cat had gotten into the room. It was under the bed playing with something. It sounded like a rattle. But that feeling lasted throughout the day. Like, psychic overflow, psychological overflow. And it affected my sleep for days to come. It takes a lot for me to trust a product to the degree that I will put it on auto ship. In fact, this is the first year I've ever put products on auto ship. And there are only a core set of products that I do that with. One of them is mass zines. Because I've noticed when I don't use mass seams, I'm uncomfortable. I have digestive discomfort, if you know what I mean. But I also learned more about why I love this product. It delivers to your body 1,200% more amino acids than simply digesting food will do. That means you're getting more food for your money. And for someone like me, who's gone through a lot of effort to drop fat and to build muscle. Even at my age, this helps preserve muscle. It also helps you enjoy a diet of any sort. Even if you're not dieting. Helio, high carb, low carb, protein based, 40, 30, 30, 50, 25, 25. The pills I take three times a day make this all very, very easy. And the quality is unquestioned because it comes from bi-optimizer. So go now to to get your bottle of mass seams with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Use mass seams. Go to Start your journey to better health today. So the Republicans have got to get better at stagecraft. They're not going to be able to keep Alejandro Meorkas in prison. They can and should put him in jail. Do you remember this? This is from a testimony under oath. Alejandro Meorkas talking with Senator Josh Hawley. This was something we knew Meorkas was lying about. We knew they censured Americans. We knew this continued. We now have the proof Zuckerberg admitted it. He said he regrets being used this way. My question for him is Mark, what did you forget about the First Amendment? What did you forget about every history class you took in Harvard? Maybe there's not history classes at Harvard anymore. I actually think Zuckerberg does regret this. I don't think he wants to pay. But this was back in the day as Alejandro Meorkas talked with Senator Josh Hawley. Now you said earlier this year that you disbanded the disinformation governance board, which I thought was totally unconstitutional, but that turns out to be at best misleading. That's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you're doing. Your own quadrennial review, which was just reported in the press, says that disinformation is going to be the new focus at DHS. The quad review says that DHS plans to target, I'm quoting now, inaccurate information domestically on a wide array of subjects, including quoting the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. The efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support for Ukraine. A federal judge has just found as a finding of fact, Mr. Secretary, that your office, and I'm going to quote now, is supervising the nerve center of federally directed censorship. Here's another email, August 20th, 2021. Facebook writes again to HHS and highlights that Facebook is increasing the strength of our demotions for COVID and vaccine-related content. April 16th, 2021. Rob Flaherty at the White House circulates a Zoom meeting invitation to Twitter employees stating White House staff will be briefed by Twitter on vaccine misinformation. We have example after example of this administration coordinated, apparently, according to a federal court by your agency, pressuring, coercing social media companies to engage in censorship. Is that constitutional? That is unequivocally false. Is what the emails show? It is unequivocally false, Senator. You are not pressuring the big tech companies to take down accounts. You are not meeting with them to ask them to censor on your behalf. That is correct. We are not. As Secretary, it has been established for years in this country, as you very well know, because you're a lawyer, that the federal government may not use private third parties to engage in activities that are unconstitutional. That's exactly what you and this administration are doing. You are leveraging private companies to carry out censorship on your behalf. It's dystopian, but worse than that, it's unconstitutional. That's also false. The honorable Allahand Americas says in this nameplate. Now that's the Senate's Republicans don't control the Senate. Republicans do control the House. Allahand or Mayorkas should be brought in front of a House committee to testify again. He should be arrested. He should be slapped on handcuffs. He should be fraud marched to the Congressional jail on camera, knowing that the Department of Justice is going to fight this, knowing that it's going to be a constitutional battle, knowing that it may end in no punishment other than the jail time. But it has to happen. If it doesn't happen, here's where we're at. There's no such thing as perjury as long as you have enough guns. For everybody who is anti-gun, everybody who is anti-second amendment, you will often say, this only belongs in the hands of law enforcement. What exactly is the difference between people in law enforcement and people not in law enforcement? Exactly the difference. No precisely. What is it? Nothing. Nothing. Now, I happen to think people who self-select to go be cops are people who are characteristically oriented towards law and order. I think they are then being given that preset in their personalities is something the way God made them. They're likely to respond to training that emphasizes law and order. Emphasis is respect for the law, the Constitution. I think they are predisposed to respect things like limits on searches and seizures. But that's not done now. Look no further than the FBI. The Department of Homeland Security itself. Many officers these days are more than happy to go into a circumstance and break the law than Michigan kidnapping hoax. Is one example. Department of Homeland Security officers so-called cutting open defenses at the border. That's another example. What exactly is the difference when law enforcement is no longer teaching respect for the Constitution and the laws and limits on government power? What exactly is the difference between an officer who joins a federal law enforcement entity at a young age at a time of DEI at a time of absolute politicization of those agencies, pointing their power at people like us or Trump or Steve Bannon and thugs? What is the difference? Nothing. They need the veneer of respectability. Alejandro Marquez right now needs that veneer. The honorable Alejandro Marquez needs that veneer, but eventually you don't even need the veneer. Let me explain it this way. Last time I was in Puerto Vallarta, I had another conversation about law enforcement there because I finally did fascinating. We had gone out into town and-oh, this was it. My friend Ben and I, this is the time before last, we went into town and we went and climbed this hill called the Hill of the Cross. And we used it as part workout, part sightseeing, and it was where I was still in my shoulder sling, and it was an amazing time. And when I did that, we were headed back and we saw three separate police forces. One of the police forces, all the guys were wearing masks, not woke masks, but gators hiding their faces. And when I got back to renew health care, I asked those guys, I said, "Hey, we saw this police force and they were wearing a mask and they explained to me." They said, "Yep, yep, those are the guys who are here to stop the cartels. If they're here, they've had a rumor there's a cartel, they're going to be going to the marina." That's exactly where they're going, right, they're going to the marina. So they've got a report on that. It's likely that one of the cartel leaders turned them in. What? See, in Jalisco, in that portion of Mexico, the Jalisco cartel has said, "You are not to do business in part of Iarta." That is hands-off, that is 100% for tourists, and if we catch you doing it, we're going to enforce rules against you. They've also said no more fentanyl. The Jalisco cartel says, "We are out of the fentanyl business. If we catch you selling it, we will discipline you." It's a government. Deadwood, South Dakota, that was the show, the show is Deadwood. Al had a government. The pimp, he had a government. Then a rich guy came in, completely fictionalized version of a real rich guy. He came in, he brought in his law. Then ultimately, the cavalry came in and they brought in their law, but all of it was thuggery. Unless we're to descend into thuggery, the actual elected officials, that is the House and the Senate, must jail Alejandro Mayorkas to show him. No, we're going to choose to still have laws. Right? I mean, one of the amazing things about being in Mexico and seeing that reality of what happened was how much order the cartels are actually willing to have on part of Arata. There's six other police forces. So I felt very, very safe there the entire time, and I've been there now twice. I'm going back sometime in November, I think. And my experience there has been totally with renew, healthcare. And here's what I've learned about them. Is they are willing to do things down there that cannot be done up here. It starts with the stem cells. This comes from ethically gathered stem cells only from placentas, only, only from umbilical cords, period. And when they get into your body, they immediately fight inflammation, even right after surgery, then they go about building. But they have put so much effort into this. They make their own oxygen rather than pipe bringing it in, why? Because they want to control the chain of evidence. They want to know exactly where the oxygen came from. So I actually went into the room where renew makes oxygen. They had built one of the largest hyperbaric chambers in the world. It's the largest, as I understand it, in North America. Why? For guest comfort. The guy who inserted stem cells into my ankle last time and my shoulder prior to that, you know what else you recently did? Brain surgery. He went into a woman's brain. That's how well qualified he is, Harvard certified surgeon. So whether it's neuropathy, it's pain, it's neurological issues, it's headed into surgery, and maybe you want to avoid that, stop and measure this. For what you would pay for a prescription to meds up here, you can get this taken care of in Mexico. And if they can't help you, they will honestly tell you, "I'm sorry, we can't." Simply go measure this, go to, that's renew, They'll hook up with your doctors, they'll tell you what you need in order to make a decision, and they'll tell you whether they can help you or not. You have either this, laws or moods. Speaking of Mayorkas and federal agencies, the Trump assassination attempt, the Secret Service has placed five agents on leave. Great accountability, except for this. It's probably paid leave. There's no punishment, man. Look, I don't know, I remember this, this was very funny. I got picked in junior high to debate a teacher. And this was at, I think it was in ninth grade, and this is at the point where I was starting to, I mean, look, I've liked girls my whole life. I'm going to be clear on that, but I was starting to awaken to the fact that I liked smart women. I have a predisposal to like smart women. My wife is very smart. And when I was in ninth grade, I got picked to debate this, I don't know if she was, no, she was a student teacher, she was a student teacher. So she was somewhat younger, clearly I'm a kid, clearly she's an adult, nothing weird. The olden days, teachers and students didn't have sex. That's the olden days. I know, I know, don't hate me, I'm a product of my time. We didn't understand that it was a good idea for teachers and students to have sex and to read sexy books starting in fifth grade or in first grade. We didn't know that stuff. We were far behind the times. It was a very, very dark era. We're students and teachers didn't have sex, such a dark time. So I found her very attractive. I mean, I'm just being honest. This is a ninth grade of the world. That's a pretty teacher. And she's smart too. And I got picked to debate her. So gosh, it really killed me when I had to destroy her in the debate. And I did. The topic was this. Discipline in school. And it started with me debating another student, a female student. And then one of the students said, no, he's too good at this. He should have to debate one of the teachers. And they nominated the student teacher. Okay. So she started the debate with me. And we got to ask each other questions. So I asked her a series of questions. I already knew where they were going. Have you ever been in and out of school suspension? Have you ever been sent home from school? And she said, no. I said, do you know what it's like? No, let me tell you. And it got into my record. I think at that point, I've been sent home from school in junior high ninth grade. I've probably been sent home probably 70 times. And I said to her something like that, I've been sent home 70 times. Here's my schedule when I'm in out of school suspension. I wake up whenever. I have sugared cereal whenever. I watch whatever show I want to watch. Sometimes I'll sit down and listen to kiss records or the cars or, or Aerosmith or all my sticks records. And I do that until around 3.30. So when my sister gets home, once my sister's home would be another couple hours before my mom's home. So then I leave the house. My friends are home. We go play football or smear the X. I make sure to get back before my mom's home and we have dinner together. That's not punishment. Neither is being put on paid leave for secret service agents. So we're never really going to know because they're never really going to admit what happened in regard to the Trump assassination attempt. Here's what we absolutely know. Absolutely for a fact. Leaving that water tower uncovered was a choice. Because you can't stink and miss it. Every single secret service in DHS agents who came on to that campus and had any form of counter sniper training or tactical training had to look at them and go, "Oh, Bob, you see that? There's a stinking water tower up there. You think we should get on top of it?" No, Harry. Then the old days. We don't like to have the high point anymore. We don't do Overwatch. It's racist. We're never really going to know because joining Mayorkas in this that is protected by force is a guy who's also denying a congressional subpoena. He should also be frog barched. The paper, Broly, Merrick Garland has been told he's been ordered to turn over the tapes of figurehead Biden being interviewed by the special prosecutor around the stolen documents cases. You'll notice that the Republicans don't care about this anymore because the figureheads are not running. That was the only reason they were doing it. But it doesn't change the fact that the paper, Broly, Merrick Garland has refused to comply with a congressional subpoena. He should be frog barched into a jail cell because he's really not ever going to tell us what actually happens. Security failure, and both an internal and an external, independent investigation of what happened that the Secretary of Transportation has set up, and there's a congressional task force on the same subject. And hopefully, I know that they will provide lessons learned to prevent such a failure from happening in the future. So they won't. What they will do is provide just enough information that they can say we've provided information. That's it. That's all they'll do. So when President Trump and RFK Jr. get together, this is something about which we've just, you know, fantasized, frankly, in the program. And for a long time, ever since RFK Jr. Well, no, even before he announced his run. We've talked here and on both radio shows about how President Trump could use RFK Jr. And in one way, it's a meeting of the minds. When I began to read this book, JFK and the unthinkable. Written by a leftist, an anti war leftist, but backed up completely with public documents. And I began to see this similarity between President Trump and JFK. They are the same person in many ways. JFK had affairs. It seems that President Trump had affairs. JFK was rich. A lot of it through what he inherited. President Trump is rich. A lot of it through what he's inherited. JFK's an East coaster, President Trump's an East coaster. Both of them refused to get us into new wars. One of the business models of America is war. I hate that because I'm not a pacifist. The other day it was in the park. We were doing a workout. Pretty simple stuff. Just some seal fit prep. And it happened that coaches, kids came along. Cool. And while we're in the park doing this thing, this guy comes walking in and he's sketchy. So I simply indicated to coach, but pointed over, coach said, "Yep, want him?" And then she said to me, she said, "I must be paranoid because I'm already making plans as to how I would take that guy down." If he went after my kids, I'd sprint over there, grab him by the neck, and stab him in the eyes with my keys. Pretty good defense. I said, "I come over and bash him in the head with the dumbbell you're making me care. I'd just be slower getting there." Not a pacifist. President Trump and JFK refused to get us into new wars. I believe JFK was killed because he refused to get us into new wars. I believe there's evidence of this. I believe Project Northwoods was absolute proof that they decided to take a hit out on Kennedy because Kennedy was a threat to the country because Kennedy would not go into Cuba, because Kennedy did not want to put any troops into Vietnam, because Kennedy had ordered our withdrawal from Vietnam. Did you remember that? The Russian boss at the time had secret letters going back between he and Kennedy talking about their mutual intelligence services, wanting to take them out if they wouldn't go at each other. In fact, the Russian premier said to Kennedy, "I understand if your speech is in your speeches, you need to sound a bit more bellicose to us." Today wanted actual substantive peace between the two countries. President Trump expressed the same thing. Why are we fighting with Russia? Remember that? Asking that question made him a Russian plant. My question is, why are we fighting for Ukraine, which is just as corrupt? Why are we funding both sides of the war with Hamas and Israel? Because it helps sell weapons. Satan always. "Mass grades is an angel of light." Well, we're doing this for the people. It's for freedom. In 1 Corinthians chapter 14 verse 40, we read this. Let all things be done decently in an order. Generations through generations, a man has been subjected to the order of things in the earth with life and living. With order, there is peace. With order, there is peace. How do you have order when you don't have law? Because isn't the phrase law and order? Off-Cade Jr. and President Trump, we've fantasized about this for a long time because it's one way to fight corruption. Here is another. Simply admit some things about our financial system. I was reading this morning, we're getting ready to talk with Zach Abraham today and record something for Friday. So I was doing some show prep. It's being said that NVIDIA is the most important stock in the world. That NVIDIA is the keys now to your retirement. Now, just think about this. This is a company that's seen day by day by day billions upon billions of dollars in increased stock price, but not increased revenue. Yes, the revenues are going up. They are one shipmaker that got ahead of the curve in AI. They've benefited from that. You now have Hewlett Packard who knows something about making chips and tech coming along and saying their AI chip is going to be one-third the price of NVIDIA's, but NVIDIA is the most important stock in the world. You have Google making AI. You have others making AI hardware. People are going to catch up. There will be a price for, but NVIDIA is the most important stock in the world. And another investor saying, if you're not invested in this one single stock, you are missing a revolution. That sounds to me like this. You have to own Yahoo. Yahoo is changing the world of search. That stands for yet another hierarchical official or official or official oracle. That's what it stood for. It was human operated search. It was human curated search. It was so much better than any and then here can Google. This is risk. It also speaks to corruption because the big seven tech companies get about 40% of all investment dollars in the country when it comes to electronic trading platforms. If you are trading that way, you are giving them money every month no matter how they perform. You should get an assessment of your retirement plan to find out if it's actually a plan or a wish. Here's how to do that. Go to and sign up for a free No Obligation consultation with Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer Boer at Capital Management. He will meet with you privately either in person that's out in their Seattle or on video or on the phone, whatever is best for you. You go to and register if you want to call and get ahead of the line. Call him at 866-779-Risk. We'll work Capital Management and Investment Advisor Representative, a Trek Financial LLC, an SAC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance isn't necessarily indicative of future results. Trek24-244, For many years, not many years, but since RFK Jr. has been fighting against the injections, I have been fantasizing about President Trump finding some way to put RFK Jr on the team. Some people are saying put him in front of the CIA. Have him run it. Here's what I think he should do. I think he should be given carte blanche to remake all the bureaucratic agencies, every single one of them, starting with new management. President Trump has made some promises to RFK Jr. Soon after I was, I can't even believe I have to say this, nearly assassinated in Pennsylvania last month, Bobby called me to express his best wishes. He knows firsthand the risks incurred by leaders who stand up to the corrupt political establishment. When you stand up, you bring on some trouble for yourself, but you have to do what's right. You have to do what's right for the country. I will tell you, we are both in this to do what's right for the country. That's one thing I can tell you. He lost his father and uncle in service to our country, and Bobby himself was subject to repeated threats to his safety during the course of his campaign, while being denied protection by the Harris-Biden administration. And this is a tribute in honor of Bobby. I am announcing tonight that upon my election, I will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts. And they will be tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. And they will also conduct a rigorous review of the attack last month in Butler, Pennsylvania. R.K. Jr. had said some things, things that aren't to be said in ways they're not to be said. You might think, and I did until recently, that the geoengineering thing we knew the science existed. We've seen you watch the videos. It was on the stinkin' view. The view. The interviewed a female pilot who was flying around in the atmosphere, seeding the atmosphere for rain. She showed them the devices. This is what we use. This is attached to the wings. This spits out this stuff. We can't cause storms, but we can make storms that are on the way. We can invite them over and make it worse, or make it better depending on your point of view. We know they do this. You can get a degree in it. There's companies that talk about doing it. We know that they are putting particle matter into the atmosphere. We know this. R.K. Jr. says if he gets into the White House with Trump, if he gets into an executive position, he's going to find that and end that. When there's no laws and there's no perjury, why do they have to tell the truth about doing something like that? Why does it matter? They've got all the force. When J.F.K. decided to not put troops into Vietnam, to refuse to go into Cuba, to refuse to give in to the demand that he nuke Russia. That was the demand. Nuke them. And he refused to give in to that. What was he doing? You know what he leaned on? Number one, his faith. Number two, the law. We haven't declared a war. We haven't been fired upon. So you have people after whom airports are named, like Dolas, airport. That's named after a guy. He was a CIA thug who probably helped engineer the assassination of J.F.K. They went around saying things like this little Kennedy thinks he's a god. No, he knows he's president. He is quoting law. What were they quoting? Power. Alejandro Mayarchus is a tiny little man who has surrounded himself with men with guns. If perjury is no longer a thing, if the law is no longer a thing, we now operate in a situation where force matters. So Republicans must break this pattern, even if it's with theater by frog marching him into a jail cell and Merrick Garland into a jail cell. After all, look what they did to a former sitting president. R.K. Jr. when he announced, and he made public his decision to back president Trump, he said there were three areas that convinced himself to make this move. R.K. Great causes drove me down to the trays in the first place, primarily. And these are the principal causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Democratic Party and run as an independent. And now to throw my support to president Trump, the causes were free speech, war on Ukraine, and the war on our children. I've already described some of my personal experiences and struggles with the government's censorship and industrial complex. I want to say a word about the Ukraine war. The military and industrial complex has provided us with a familiar comic book justification like they do on every war. Comic book justification. Good line. So the three areas we look at again from what he said, free speech, war on Ukraine, war on our children. Number one, is there declared war on Ukraine? No. Nope, we're just pouring money into it. Do we have free speech? No. No, because the government will shut it down. And Merrick's will lie about it and not face any punishment, perhaps war on our children, undeniable. Medical war on our children is undeniable. Psychological war is undeniable. Spiritual war is undeniable. So it's force. A friend of mine who used to be my therapist used to say, love always chooses. Love doesn't force. It always chooses. That's a big difference between force and choosing. There's good news on the topic of choosing. Some people on the left are actually choosing to begin to apply some balance. See, God can use anything for his good, for his glory. I don't think God is sitting here worrying about the elections. In fact, I know he's not because he knows who wins and he knows he has complete control over everything. He knows that he's already staying in victory and we can stand with him. And he can use even people like John Stewart, believe it or not. He's a very different human being from me. He does his show out of some big Hollywood studio. We're up on the high mountains of free America, but I bet this, I bet John Stewart has the same issues we do. I've been to the sound stages, the big shows. I've seen those things filmed in Hollywood. They, when they start to film, they shut all the doors, all the windows, all the fans turn off. I don't know if you know this. The studios get pretty hot. I went and watched them film David Letterman one day, the Letterman show. And yep, when this countdown came, they started all of a sudden the air conditioning was gone. All of a sudden that started to heat up, the doors that had been opened were shut. Everything was sealed, hermetically sealed. Johnny Carson used to joke about the hermetically sealed studio, which they did the show in Burbank, Ben did that studio too. So we have a smaller version of all this. It is hermetically sealed. We cannot open doors and windows. And today, Nayana and I will be in here and I will be speaking for five straight hours, roughly, with a few breaks for five minutes or here or there. Now, fortunately, we're not in here, say, burning snake skins. Although we do that on Tuesdays, Tuesday's snake skin burning day, and then we barbecue rat. Now, sometimes rat really smells good towards the end of the barbecue process, but at the very beginning, you're still burning off the fur. So, thank gosh, we've got plugged into the wall, the Oxi leaf thunderstorm too. This is a device that is not an air filter because they are too loud and too expensive, two to four to bucks a year to replace it. The Oxi leaf, even pure Oxi leaf too, the thunderstorm device, simply pugged into the wall. It is almost completely silent. It doesn't suck air in. It produces ozone in the air. Those old three molecules are floating around. If you're watching the video, maybe you can see some of them. There's one. In the old three molecules, bonds to the molecules that create bad smells and to viral molecules. And you know what they do? It's cool. It's like chemistry. It's actually chemistry. They bond to those molecules and they change them so they're no longer the bad smelling, bad doing molecules. I'm going to get you three of these devices. I'm going to save you 200 bucks and it's easy. Simply go to a website. That's on the World Wide Web. HTTP backslash colon colon. Actually, just go to and intercode Todd free. Todd, wait, what is it? It's There you go. You save 200 bucks and you breathe a breath of fresh air again. Here is John Stewart actually deciding choosing maybe through love, maybe because of love of country to finally apply some balance. You've got a guy yelling, screw the billionaires, followed immediately by a very happy billionaire. Pritzter, one of the biggest perverts in all of government. You don't want to kill you if it's an hour billionaire. I don't like, I don't like billionaires, but it's all right. They had guys making fun of people for going to Yale and a bunch of people who were in Yale. You've never got that people who prosecuted sexual predators and... Oh, that's Bill Clinton. Look, he's Bill Clinton on the stage. Is he really laughing? I wonder, isn't that funny? He's just so good at what he does. Man, I wish he'd apply a balance mark. What a talented man. God has just gifted him a talent. John Stewart, do it more. Be part of the solution. Hey, that's a great phrase. I should trademark that. Be part of the solution. Just do it, trademark. CNBC, it wasn't funny, but they had a, well, host decide to apply some balance to Lizzie Warren. See, Lizzie Warren cares about the little people. After all, she made her money by buying homes that had been foreclosed upon because people couldn't pay the mortgage. So she swooped him and bought them and then gave him back to the little people. No. Nope. Nope, she put them up into a big fund. Some of them, she flipped. Some of them became cash flow properties. She's nearly a billionaire, but at least she's an Indian, so that's fair. Remember that she's an Indian, Native American. I mean, you can tell, look at her with dark hair and high cheekbones. All the makeup she wears, rides a horse and shoots an arrow at people. Lizzie Warren decided to go on to CNBC and talk about price gouging. Problem was, the host decided to actually use the talents God gave him or is it a her? The Harris campaign has yet to give specifics on the vice president's plan to ban price gouging or actually put on some price controls, basically. But our next guest worked with Harris on an anti-price gouging bill in 2020 during the pandemic. A similar bill was reintroduced in the Senate earlier this year, joining us now in Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren. Senator, you're famous from last night? You are already famous, but you're even more famous from last night. Kind of a pretty nice moment for you, I have to say. Well, it was a moment for me about democracy, why all these people have grown up because they want to be... Democracy! I can't let that one go, I'm sorry. That had nothing in common with democracy. That woman received zero votes. Sorry, Lizzie, I didn't mean to interrupt you. Now, back to being in Indian. In the fight, and they want to be in the fight because they want to see in America where they can afford to pay for their prescription drugs. They want to see in America where their kids can afford to go to college without getting crushed by student loan debt. They want to see in America where we're going to strengthen Social Security, not as Donald Trump did, propose four budgets in a row that cut it. So, I saw this as a room full of volunteers who are in the fight all the way. Senator, I actually wish... Donald Trump would consider doing something to entitle us and stuff, but I don't think that's really the case. Senator, the price gouging. But what did you remember? He did. Let's still remember he did try. I wish he would, to actually, you know, maybe move it out to 70 or 75. Because something's got to be done because it's going to be untenable the way it is. Look at the Washington Post, and if you lose the Washington Post as a Democrat, you've got some serious problems. This is what they said about the price gouging letter, the price control legislation. It was really pilloried from both sides of the aisle, even Jason Furman. I don't know if you saw some of his comments. The Washington Post's opinion, the Times demands serious economic ideas, hair supplies, gimmicks. And she said it's not good policy, and it could actually do more harm than good. And I can paint you a picture of how that would work and how it's worked in the past, where we've tried to artificially hold prices down. Competition doesn't come in. People don't, like, if beef is too high, people don't move the chicken. Competitors don't come in to undercut where the beef prices are. Nothing works when you try to artificially control prices. It's just a supply and demand issue. It's a flawed idea. So did you have a question here? Yes. Why would you propose a flawed idea when the real problem? Well done. If you really want to help the middle class, if you really sincerely want to help people having trouble at the grocery store, it's not price gouging. That's the issue. And if you look at it seriously and really want to help them, then let's do something about it together. Fine. I understand if you want to do a lecture about this. But let's just start with where have you been for the last 30 years, as three dozen states, have price gouging laws and they have used them effectively. States like Texas and Florida, they've used price gouging. Those, by the way, those gouging laws she's talking about are during hurricanes and such. Just so we're clear. Laws, price gouging laws are not price control. Price gouging laws are to say, you know, sometimes markets go off the rails. And when they do, we need some ways to get them back on the rails. We need some curbs on that behavior. So, for example, we watched in the pandemic how prices went up for a whole lot of reasons. They went out partly because we had supply issues. Supply chain kinks. We had kinks. No, they were shutdowns. Problems because of the war in Ukraine that cuts supplies. No, that was all a mess. Commodities. And one of the things that happened as a result of that is there were corporations that said, whoa, now that we have inflation, now that prices are up overall, this is a great opportunity for us to raise prices not just in passing along costs, but to go way, way, way above that. And what, how do we know that it was way, way above just passing along costs? Look at what happened to their profit margins. If they'd just been passing along costs, profit margins would have stayed about the same. So, some of these companies she's talking about here, the ones who gained the most are Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Zoom, online firms. Amazon killed it because she and her bosses shut down your ability to go to grocery stores, both through force and fear. But for some industries, some companies, profit margins shot up. And do you know where they shot up most often? It was in companies or in industries where there was a lot of concentration, a lot of market power, places where the market is not functioning competitively. So, places that have been given monopolies by government see the regulation that these tech farmers want rain down upon themselves, serves a purpose, it keeps small startups out. What does he warn those this? You end up with someone. You remember, we all talked about egg prices. You end up with something like this giant egg producer, CalMaine. And CalMaine raises the price of eggs. Their profit margins increase by 718%. That's not just passing along costs. And that is a time in your example on craft. You finished first. The interview is only going to be six minutes. Can I tell you why those are fallacious and misleading at best? Your craft analogy is why can't I tell you? Please let me tell you. Craft, you say, was 440% profit increase. The example you used, the prior quarter from the year before, they had a charge of $1.3 billion, an accounting change, which wiped out profits. Then they earned what they normally finished out. You didn't let me finish. Look at this. It's a game. And I'm sick of it. And he calls her out. He says, this is why you win arguments because you won't let anybody speak. She can't let anybody speak. A woman who will lie about being an Indian is a woman who will lie about anything. And she is surrounded by force. We can have laws. We can have God's law. Or we can have moods. Which one do you want to run the country? Laws inspired by God's laws? Or moods of human beings? This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind. Please make every effort to walk through the light of Christ. 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