The Todd Herman Show

Take 911 Responses Away From Leftist Politicians; How to end ALL conspiracy theories; The Myth Of Kamala Harris’s Soul Ep-1814

We should force people to live in the worlds they're creating for others. That's why I'm a proponent of a law, which would be very difficult to pass, blocking radical politicians on the left from calling 911. Why don't we use their ethics against them?
We learned this week that Mark Zuckerberg regrets his role in silencing Americans during the COVID and the lockdowns and more. There should be legal consequences to that because as a joint state actor, he was violating our civil rights.
What we hear about Kamala Harris from the Mockingbird Media is that she is a woman who is in it for the people. But, the myth about her soul and motivations are just that, a myth.

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Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
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Three-story version of the Todd Herman Show. Take 911 responses away from leftist politicians how to end all. Every single government conspiracy theory plus the myth of Kamala Harris' soul. We'll do this with the help of our YouTube channel. That's the Todd Herman Show and with God almighty. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times in which God has decided we shall live. I will take you through a story that comes out of one of the separate countries and it's a story of crime and it's disturbing and you should know it's disturbing and it's going to well really anger you and it invites you before you see this or hear it depending on how you are experiencing this that you're ready yourself to be upset but to not hate the people involved. That's so tough because we are not to hate our neighbor and yep you know what we have criminal neighbors. Prior to you hearing this I will tell you a brief brief Seattle story so you understand that none of this none of this is odd none of it's oddball. This isn't this isn't something that you don't expect in Seattle. Just a very very quick story. There was up the hill from us a pastor retired pastor living in his home and he and his wife had lived there of their whole lives something like 30 years and remember talking to people who responded to this a cop who responded to this. She quit the police force because of this particular event was the one that drove her over the top. He was in his house when he smelled gasoline. That's odd. Why would I be smelling gasoline? And then he heard someone moving around in his yard at a two story house he was downstairs. There's one of these separate entrances and entrance straight into the living room and he heard stuff being banged up against his door. He looked outside the little people and he saw a man stacking things against that door and pouring gasoline on it. And the retired pastor said what are you doing? And the man said today's the day you die. I was told to burn you to death. And the guy was trying to strike a match trying to burn that man and his wife alive in that house. Now why did that cop quit because of that? I tell you that in a second your house your business is something you're going to want to protect from bad smells. Not gasoline we would hope but things like cat odor, pet odor of all sorts, wet dogs, cigarette smoking. If you smoke cigarettes, please quit. It's not just the smell. Imagine what it's doing to your lungs. It could be that you have really tight spaces, tight quarters. You live in a dorm and apartments your kids do. Maybe you're traveling the country in our RV or you are like me in a studio where we can't open the doors and windows. And we're in here well sometimes six or seven hours of recording. This is simple. It's not loud, it's not big. It's not intrusive. It's not an air filter. It's an air purifier. It's called the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2. It's this simple plug it in. It produces ozone. Those old three molecules bond to the molecules that create bad smells and they zap them. This even works with viruses and they'll save you $200. Go to enter code Todd three. Boom. You save 200 bucks and you breathe a breath of fresh air again. No matter the space in which you inhabit. That's whole home coverage. $200 savings. enter code Todd three. The officer who shared that story with me. She retired quit the police force retired early because that guy tried that to other houses. The same thing. Burning people alive and was let go. After having tried that, he wasn't put on a cycle. He wasn't put in person. He was let go. She'd also had the experience a week prior to in the same area of Seattle, a family who came home from a vacation and they saw that there were people who had erected a campsite in their backyard. They had a nice big lot with some trees and these people said, hey, you know what? Let's go in the backyard and put up our tent and cook meth and take heroin and you know, let's go back and make it a sex party. So they did. The man came home well with his family and he went to the backyard and said, hey, what are you doing? You can't be here. This is our yard and they said, get out here. He called the police. This female officer was one of the officers who responded and here's what they were told. You can't do anything. They have every right to be there. This family is going to have to first of all file a civil complaint, prove that they don't have a right to be there. You can't prove in civil court, but preponderance of doubt beyond preponderance of doubt. That's what they were going to have to do. Instead, it might have been the case possibly that the male officer went back that night possibly without his badge, but with his gun and helped the campers were to call them, make a decision to leave. My decision on this for leftist politicians who live this way are to let them go first. First idea is to give them an app that would prevent them from calling 911. It would just lock their phones out. No 911 for you. The other would be to pass an amendment. You don't get to have 911 coverage if you are someone who doesn't want other people to have the police be able to protect them. Here's why I bring this up. If you're looking at the images, you see a woman with her dogs. This comes from the New York Post. And this happened in Seattle. It's not strange. It's not something that's once in a lifetime. It's not something that you wouldn't expect. You expect things like this to happen in separate countries like Seattle, Portland, and Los Angeles. Watch and or listen to this. Citizens reported that an individual was hurting a dog at Brighton Playfield. Officer, animal control officer was dispatched to that scene, found a dog that had been stabbed to death at that scene. And noticed that the name on the collar of the dog that was deceased the owner of that dog was the same name as our victim Ruth Dalton in the homicide. Officers then responded. We're able to locate the victim's vehicle. The carjacker was able to leave the scene of the original carjacking in the victim's vehicle. That vehicle was located down near Brighton Playfield. Our latent print techs and our crime scene investigators responded to that scene. Processed that vehicle, our latent print examiner was able to lift a print off of the victim's phone that was left in the vehicle. Which identified our suspect. Our suspect is a 48 year old Jamed K Hayes, Seattle resident. None of this is weird. Now it might be weird to you, but none of this is weird in the separate country of Seattle or in the separate country of Portland or in the separate country of Los Angeles. There's a technique I champion and it is incredibly effective. It is forcing people to live in the worlds they're creating for others. That's why I'm a proponent of a law and it would be very difficult to pass. I admit that blocking politicians like this from calling 911. So why don't we use their ethics against them? Why don't we have them pledged to not call 911 because of course the police bring violence in mayhem and to help them not do it. Why don't we give them an app that will block it from their phones? Why don't we take that step? Every time we make these people live in the world they're creating for others, we see massive change. When Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas decided to make the cities that are leftist, who are big fans of open borders, live in the world they're creating for him, we saw some political change. We saw President Trump see his support among Hispanic and Black voters triple in particular black voters up to 22%. They said, wait a minute. What are you doing? You're letting illegal immigrants in here giving them $2,200 a month and 10 grand cash sometimes. Now California wants to give them $150,000 to buy houses. You're making these cities run by leftists live in the rules they've created for the people of Texas. We did the same thing with the perverse pornographic sex ed in schools. Back in the day, Curtis save Russia's program, I got to cohost no guest host for many, many times, we made a decision to tell people to go to the school boards and read the perverse pornographic sex ed into the records. You all see what happened. That one, the Republican governor, his seat, Youngkin in Virginia. It also revealed how perverse the schools have become. Take this step. If you live in these leftist cities, be the activists that go to the city council meetings, the county council meetings with the pledge. You so recognize the violence of the police on behalf of the empire of white supremacy that you refuse to call 911. Once they take that pledge, reveal the app exists. Hey, we're here to help you with your pledge. Just install the app and then we'll report that you did it because you are a promise keeper. Story number two, the plague of conspiracy theories. We learned this this week that Mark Zuckerberg, he regrets his role in silencing Americans during the COVID stuff and the lockdowns, et cetera. And of course, inherent in that would be all the other ways he silenced Americans around elections and Hunter Biden, he regrets that. And we'll talk about that some more because regret should come with something. It's also an admission that he did it. He allowed himself to become a joint state actor. There should be legal consequences to that because as a joint state actor, he was violating our civil rights. On behalf of government, it's illegal for them to do it. It's illegal for him to do it on their behalf. There should be consequences to that. Will there be? That's a good question. I don't think so. Mark Zuckerberg's very rich and Republicans are very afraid of the very rich, but it could happen. But what he was stopping, of course, was vicious, horrible, horrible, awful conspiracy theories that questioned the government narrative on things. We can't have that. We can't have narratives being questions. The narratives that come from on high must be truth even if they're false. But what if there was a way to end all conspiracy theories about government ever? Man, that'd be cool because then we'd know who to trust. I think there is a way to do this. It involves the guy who was the test case for being tossed off the internet. You know, he was banned. Alex Jones. It was just, it's just Alex Jones that we're banning from Twitter, just Alex Jones. No one else, the test case, he was the cracking open of the Overton window. And it involves fluoride. It involves fluoride. I promise it does. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. Plus, look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. Become an explorer and seek out unforgettable places while enjoying rewards everywhere you travel. Cards issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA member FDIC, subject to credit approval, offer subject to change, terms apply. Alex Jones has said a lot of things and Alex Jones has been right about many of those things, despite the fact that they were fantastical. This was a great meme someone put up online. It's Alex Jones putting his hands to his mouth and he seems to be saying, "Oh, just like I told you." From, new U.S. Department of Health and Human Services links fluoridated drinking water to a two to five point IQ drop in children from the Associated Press. Wait a minute. No, no, no. Fluorid doesn't harm us. Not in drinking water. Now, there is some nuance to this. It's important to get the nuance. What they were really saying is that fluoride at twice the recommended limit is linked to lower IQ of kids. Lower IQ twice the recommended amount. Now, it would never happen that fluoride might accidentally make it into the water at twice the recommended amount. That could never occur because there's all sorts of, well, occasionally they do some quality testing. There are filters for public water, but it could never, well, it might happen. It might. But we were told there was no risk. See, the way to shut down government conspiracy theories once and for all is not on us. It's not on fact checking. That can't happen because fact checkers are human beings, but there is something that government could do or the media that's an adjunct to government. MSNBC is an adjunct to the Democrat Party. Here's something MSNBC just told us and I'll tell you how this plays into ending all government conspiracy theories. And in that time has literally been doing the work. Border crossings are down because Mexico is enforcing their border. Do you know how Mexico enforces their border? Diplomacy. Do you know who was in charge of the root causes of migration and working on that diplomatic effort? The woman who will be standing on this stage tonight. Whoa, the woman is going to be standing on the stage at night. That woman is Kamala Harris was. She was in charge of the border, but wait a minute, she wasn't. You told us she was not the borders are after you told us she was the borders are. Then she wasn't the borders are. Now she's the borders are. And of course, of course, we can dig down into the details just like we did with the fluoride story. Here's a detail. Yeah, border crossings are down. You know what's up? Illegal immigrants being flown into our country by virtue of using the app. In other words, skip the border altogether, enter the country illegally. And we're not really going to count that because it's coming through non-governmental organizations. See, there's always the details into which you can read. So how do we stop the conspiracy theories? Well, let me give you one more story. And this might just get us to the point that you already see where I'm headed with this. This is Nancy Pelosi, who of course is a kind and dear woman, a patriot who loves America and would never ever lie to us. Well, it's the current president who's a Democrat who's who's currently miffed at you. And obviously has not has not called you has not called you back. Does it bother you that he's upset at you? Well, we see I'm not the leader or the speaker anymore. When I was, we spoke more regularly. And now, you know, he's over for a few weeks, but that would not be unusual. But there's been reporting. He's been pretty plain about this himself that he's upset at you. Does that bother you that your friends upset at you? What bothers me would have been the reelection of Donald Trump as president of the United States. That's what bothers me. That's what bothers me. And I think that would bother him. But you have it. But we have a lot in the bank with each other in terms of our Catholicism, our dedication to democratic values and vision for our country and the rest. Do you and Paul plan to have he and Jill to Napa or maybe SF next year for dinner? Can you envision that? Our plans would not have changed for what we might have done otherwise. So he's still welcome at the Pelosi home. Are you kidding me? Yes. Right? Joe Biden is welcome anyplace he wants. Mr. President, you heard it. Nancy Pelosi is effectively sitting here cutesy pine around the fact that what she did was worth it. What she did. She kicked the man out of office probably by blackmail using the 25th amendment. And then she pushed into place a woman who has received zero votes from grassroots Democrats, a perfectly illegitimate non nominee. And it was worth it. But remember this, Joe Biden wasn't decrepit. He wasn't mentally slow. He wasn't falling upstairs. He wasn't blue screwing mentally 40 seconds at a time. He wasn't saying things like his son Bo used to be a chimpanzee. Septy wise, chimpanzee thinks a joke fact checkers. But it could have been something he said. How do you end these conspiracy theories? Stop lying. Stop lying to us in bold, vibrant colors line to us. Joe Biden's the most mentally fit man I've ever seen in my entire life. This is all very normal. Kamala Harris has received massive grassroots support. There was a demand for her to run. Joe Biden wasn't pushed out. The Hunter Biden laptop, that's Russian disinformation. Donald Trump works for Vladimir Putin. Stop lying. And you know what happened? The government conspiracy theories will end. Story number three. The myth of Kamala Harris's soul. Now, obviously Kamala Harris has a soul. Everybody has a soul. So it's a little bit of a stretch. But the way that her soul is being explained to us is in fact a myth. What we hear about Kamala Harris is that she is a woman who is in it for the people. We saw that during her acceptance speech, she said on behalf of the people, no, it was not on behalf of the people because no one voted for you. Then she talked about her role as a public defender on behalf of the people. It's not necessarily on behalf of the people when you go after a journalist for simply doing undercover journalism the way 60 minutes and many other entities have done for years. In this case, proving, did the Center for Medical Progress, that Planned Parenthood was illegally selling baby parts. That's not necessarily on behalf of the people that you crashed down his door, steal his computers in his footage, and threaten to put him in prison for practicing journalism. In fact, that's not on behalf of the people. And here's how I know, because the First Amendment is about the people's right to speak, even when government doesn't like what they're saying, and to say otherwise is utterly corrupt, or this. The fact is you were acting on behalf of moneyed interests. You are the non nominee because you were not nominated. You were placed into that position. You were placed into that position on behalf of big money. How big? I'll tell you in a second, it's really, really easy to point to because Kamala Harris' soul is with the little people, right? It's her Christian faith, her strong Christian upbringing. That's the center of her soul, her strong Christian upbringing that has her acting against God's word in every possible contrivance. And with just one image, we can talk about money and how money relates to Kamala Harris and what animates her. No matter what stage of life you're in, you are storing your life's energy. I didn't invent that phrase. It goes back to a long now deceased talk show host named Peter Wiseback. Great, great formulation. Our bank accounts, our retirement accounts, they are a reflection of our life's energy. If we look at it in terms of a Christian perspective, it's what we have been told by God to steward wisely. So how do you do that? In a risky environment like this where the Fed is once again saying, "We're going to cut some rates." Well, that will certainly help correct things. No, it won't. It will have companies continue to make risky decision after risky decision. So that's not a big deal if you're in your 20s, maybe. But if you are five, 10, even 15 years from retirement, it's a huge deal. Many, many financial advisors do not practice risk management. They do not practice active management of every single portfolio, which can reduce risk and volatility. So here's something you can do. Get Zac Cabraham's Common Sense Investing Guide for Free from Bullwork Capital Management. Read it. Study it. Maybe you can do it on your own. Maybe you don't need Zac if that's the case. God love you. And go do it and be blessed. And Zac would say the same thing. If you do want his help after you read it, he'll gladly give it to you. Here's how to get a free copy of Bullwork Capital Management's free Common Sense Investing Guide. Just go to That's KNOW, know your risk Bullwork Capital Management's Investment Advisor Representative, a truck financial LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance does not necessarily indicate future results. Truck How much did it cost? And this is from the Politico to get a suite at the Democrat National Committee. Well, a stinkin' little pant house was $500,000. A club-level suite was $1 million to $1.5 million. A lower-level suite was $2.5 million and two lower-level suites $5 million. This is the sort of money that placed her, Kamala Harris, into the role of what was supposed to be a nominee. Someone with a functioning soul, a healthy soul, does not call herself a nominee on behalf of the people when not a single person voted for her. Now, I know the big donors are people, but what they really are is money. Money voted for her. Money to help the Democrats employ their favorite business model. It's brilliant. We will force people to purchase your products and use your services, or they'll use their homes, their bank accounts, and their access to expressing themselves online. In other words, we'll force you to purchase products you don't want from companies you don't like, at prices you can't afford for services you don't need. Brilliant. There's no soul. But this is a disease common in the Democrat National Committee. We'll come back to Kamala Harris and her soul and the myth of its health after we hear from someone else who's obviously in it for the people, for the little people, Michelle Obama. She cautions against a massing a lot of wealth. She and my father didn't aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed. What's this? Obama's Martha Vineyard mansion, 12 million. DC estate, 8.1 million. Hawaiian estate, 8.7 million. Michelle's TNC pantsuits, 2500 bucks. Michelle's heels, $1,075. You don't have a functioning soul or a healthy soul when you're staying there and say to the little people, "I was raised to be suspicious of folks who have too much than they need." Now, maybe they need that stuff. That's not mine to judge, but we could do some discernment. Sasha and Malia have left the house, as I understand, that they no longer live there, so maybe they don't need three houses. Again, not mine to judge. I think it's Sasha I read. I believe she has about an $8.5 million net worth, and she amassed that by all the activities she undertakes doing the hard work of being their daughter, and that's hard work. This is very similar to Kamala Harris. It's pretense, it's hypocrisy, it's obvious, it's lying, and it stinks. But this one is the worst. Now, I'm not going to judge the victim here because I'm not going to judge victims. I do understand the technique of putting this woman up on stage. She is, well, there to make a claim that doesn't stand up to any form of discernment in regard to Kamala Harris and law enforcement. She was a victim of a three-time sex trafficking. Three times she was trafficked. Listen to this. As California's Attorney General, she fought, the website that let me and thousands of others be bought and sold. She filed criminal charges against his owner that shut down the website for good. No one has ever done that. Vice President Harris is fearless, compassionate, and she still gives me hope. She's protected people like me her whole life, and I know she'll fight for us all as president. Thank you. So glad that she's safe. Praise God. Praise God that she's safe. Praise God that she is no longer being trafficked. Praise God. And yep, Kamala Harris was involved in that. It was last week that the custom Border Patrol people told us they done lost track. Of 300,000 or so kids. Traffic's across her border. Don't know where they're going. Now, obviously some of them have been trafficked. Kamala Harris was the border's arm. Remember that? She allowed that to occur. She allows it to occur. Or this. Kamala Harris' entire party as truly personified by her pick to be VP, the deeply, deeply perverted Tim Walts are making government schools attractive to pedophiles. They are prepping an environment that if you were a pedophile, you'd be hard pressed to not want to be in. After all, you can walk in and teach five year olds about sex, about masturbation, about sex toys. You can teach high school kids about sexual blood play. That's going to create that environment. Add to this the fact that Kamala Harris is at best silent on the issue of men beating women in the face and breaking their faces. But during sports, during sports, Kamala Harris has protected no one as vice president because of this Kamala Harris doesn't exist. She's vapor or water in terms of her morality. When Kamala Harris is politically helped by being poured into a container shaped like a law enforcement officer to shut down back, she'll allow herself to be poured into that vessel. When it's more advantageous for her to be poured into a vessel that looks a lot like a sex toy being handed to a child, she's happy to abide. She'll do that too. Because Kamala Harris' vapor like being, her water like being, her willingness to be formed into any and all shape so long as she gets power. Well, that doesn't indicate to me that she's got a functioning soul. Certainly not one based upon any rock solid morality. But there's no real rock solid morality. After all, your truth is yours and mine is mine unless you count the morality from the being who created all of us. God Almighty, I count that. Do you? This is a Todd Herman show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. You