The Todd Herman Show

Why Identity Politics Is Such Effective Suicide- The Kamala Harris Chapter Ep-1813

This is the Kamala Harris chapter of identity politics. She's not the nominee. She was not nominated. There was no voting process. She is a figurehead. And, we need to talk about Mark Zuckerberg's regret at being a joint state actor. 

What does God’s Word say? 
John 1:3
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
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Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
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Bada. Bada. Boom. Sold. Huh? Just sold my car on Carvana. Dropping it off and getting paid. Today. Already? What? You still haven't sold yours? You told me about it months ago. I just... Is the offer good? Oh, the offer's great. Don't have another car yet? I could trade it in for this car I love. Come on! What are we waiting for? Ah, you're right. Let's go! Whether you're looking to sell your car right now or just whenever feels right, go to and sell your car the convenient way. Terms and conditions apply. We'll absolutely get to the issue of identity politics and why there's such effective suicide methods for countries. This is the Kamala Harris chapter of identity politics. I mean, if you need an example, just note her and what she'll do to this country if she is installed or wins the election, either one. I mean, she's the installed figurehead of the party. It occurred to me, our side's so very bad, so very bad, at allowing the left to insert words into her mouth. She's not the nominee. She was not nominated. There was no voting process. She is a figurehead. But before we get to that, we need to talk about Mark Zuckerberg's regret. And I appreciate him expressing that regret. Let's have Grace. Let's be okay with that. But I got to state something, maybe even directly to him, unlikely that he'll see it, though, maybe with your help, he will, maybe with your help. We'll talk about this with the help of bulwark capital management at and, of course, with the great help, without which we can do nothing of God Almighty. Thank you, God. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma, technocrats, and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile. Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. We'll get to all the things we discussed, the title of the show, to the people joining us live this morning. Thank you. We appreciate you. If you're watching and they're listening later, we'd love you equally. Thank you again for that. Mark Zuckerberg says he regrets being a participant in allowing the government to pressure him into censoring the speech of Americans. I was a victim of some of that. I mean, victim is a strong word. Zuckerberg's censorship took a Facebook page I had that was very active, very good for us, very good for our business, and it was decimated because I happened to post an article inconvenient to a narrative that we, to this day, cannot discuss on certain video sharing platforms. So I won't. Fact is this. If I were to speak directly to Zuckerberg, to Mark Zuckerberg, I might say something like this. Mark, thank you for expressing regret, for allowing yourself to be used by government. That took, well, guts. I think it took a soul that's being awakened. I really do hope God is speaking to you. I know, well, I know it is. I hope you're listening. I wonder how much of this has to do with you recently becoming a father. And again, congratulations and may God protect your children and may God call your children to himself. The reason I say that is because something changes. When we have kids and we see a future generation coming up in a world of dishonesty and Mark, this world was predicted long ago in the Bible, the time switch for a living. I do want to share with you this though. Well, regret should come with action. Mark, I know what it's like to be used to allow myself to be used. I allowed myself to be seduced into working in politics. I have fact is I always wanted to do it. I wrote in my high school yearbook that I wanted to be a captain of industry. Oh no, I talk show host a captain of industry and a dictator, a third world country. I was joking about being a dictator, but it was really just a way of covering for the fact that I wanted to be in government, but I was afraid to say that. Got to do the talk show host thing. Captain Ministry, not quite. Certainly not what you are, nowhere near what you are, but got to work in tech at a high level. When I allowed myself to be conned, well, no, seduced into going to Washington, DC to work on the leadership team, the Republican National Committee, I very quickly realized I was involved in a great act of evil, dividing this nation for political gain. Sometimes on behalf of politicians, I knew to be nothing like conservative. I'd made a promise to serve out that term. And so I did because I promised. Mark, the day before making the decision to ultimately quit the committee, as I promised I would, I walked into a church and I knelt. Happened to be a Catholic church. I'm not Catholic, but it was there and I wept. I knelt and cried and I said over and over and over again to God, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. And the priest came out of the back room and he saw me and he started to walk over to me. We made eye contact, but then he looked at me and this is what I heard. Just imagined him saying, oh, one of those again. I was not however used as a joint state actor. You were. You allowed the government to deputize you. What you did was to commit crime against our civil rights. Government's not allowed to censor us, so you did it for them. You should be paying an emotional cost for this. I don't know you, but perhaps you have some emotion I'm not aware of. I got to imagine you love your kids. Do you want them to show accountability for things that they do that are wrong? I'm hoping that accountability is going to come to you. You violated my civil rights. You've violated the civil rights of thousands, maybe millions of people by becoming a joint state actor. That means something your lawyers can explain it to you, although you're probably smart enough to already know what it means. I hope the government holds you to account. Now they probably won't. Well, what about this, Mark? Have you thought about God and I don't know that you believe in God, but have you thought about this fact? If there's a God and Mark, there is, and he loves you. He's pro-free speech. What was it about you that caused you to be so willing to trust agencies going directly against the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment, and I know you know that. What was it about you so willing to trust? There's one other thing, Mark. If God himself is pro-free speech and the government itself is anti-free speech, what side do you want to be on in the future? I hope accountability is put upon you. I hope you'll offer it up yourself because here's one thing you could do. You could name every name, every email, every bit of pressure. You could come and confess on behalf of your industry as to what other government agencies are using you. Because I failed to believe it stopped at censorship. It has a lot more to do with targeting Americans in an ongoing way to shift our mindset on very important issues. If that's the case, you will regret one day having not told us that because you will be held to account, probably not by government but by God. I pray for you, Mark. Thank you for having the courage or whatever it was to express this regret. Now, how about if you lean in a little bit to a voice that's probably calling you towards truth? God is truth, Mark. It's something I might say to Zuckerberg in the unlikely event that we ever met face-to-face, which is unlikely to happen. But I'm going to share with you a video. It was on CNN and I'm embarrassed to say it involves a guy I got to know in Washington, D.C. who is in fact a very decent guy or was, probably still is, a very friendly man, a very funny man. He was fun to work with at their committee. He said something about RFK Jr, and I'm a little bit surprised, but then again, I understand what CNN is and how CNN works. And so I'll show this to you in just a second. I will mention to you something that we have been doing in the studio. So for about six months, it's about six months or longer. We've had the Eden Pier Oxley 2 device in here. None of us have ever had any complaints about this ever. There's been no sound complaints. If I'd been running an air filter, there'd be constant sound complaints. Never do people fail to come into the studio and go, "Wow, it smells good in here." Even people who've been here many, many times. Same thing is true at my house. I have two of these devices in my home. They produce O3, that's oxygen, I mean, that's ozone. And those particles have just this incredible ability to bond to the particles, molecules that create bad smells, or that come from the bad smelling things, like cat litter or cigarette smoke, like sweat, all of those things, and it negates them. It is so good at what it does. If you forget, like I did, to take my daughter's beautifully crafted food she made for my birthday weekend, I forgot to take it out of my truck. It was so busy when I got home. I know it's in the cooler. My daughter was really upset. It's terrible. She spent a lot of time in that food. I know I'm going to have to air that cooler out. I know it's easy enough for me to do. It's to put the OXI Leaf Thunderstorm 2 device in there, and it will clear it out just like it did my friend Ben's car when he left meat in there and it rotted and when his wife had kid puke in her car. If it can negate that, it can negate what you're dealing with, and it'll save you $200. Go to, enter code Todd3. You'll save $200 on the OXI Leaf 2 Thunderstorm devices. It'll give you whole home coverage. It's as simple as this. Plug it into the wall in three minutes. You'll smell the ozone, three minutes or so., enter code Todd3. This is a guy named Doug High, Douglas. I met him and worked with him at the committee. He was involved in one of the funniest days of my life, and one of the most infected. In fact, it occurs to me. It was on my birthday. I'll tell you that story in a second. I'm really, really sad to see Doug doing this on CNN, and I'm sure he's sad to me. See me doing this. Yeah, I was watching that. And Donald Trump last week stood in front of a bunch of groceries and said, "I haven't seen any Cheerios in a long time. I had Cheerios for breakfast." This was cuckoo for cocoa puffs. And trying to get any logic out of that is good luck with that. Because it's one, you can't understand what he says. Two, if you can, you can't understand what he says. And reminded of a line in Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles" when somebody gets up and gives a indecipheral speech. He says, "Who can argue with that?" That's authentic frontier gibberish, and that's exactly what that is. When we're talking here about R.K. Jr.'s speaking condition, he has spasmodic dysphoria, or dysphonia. Spasmodic dysphonia, it's a medical condition. It makes it very difficult for him to speak. I can't believe that Doug doesn't know this. The cuckoos for cocoa puffs thing? Stupid line, Doug. Very lame. Someone should work on material for you, because you're funnier than that. You are a hilarious man. You're also, or were, a decent human. And I'm sure you could say the same thing about me. Look at you, Todd. Pedaling conspiracy theories on a podcast. National radio shows. Got it. The fact is this. I haven't seen Cheerios in a decade. I have literally not seen a box of Cheerios in a decade. I certainly haven't eaten them in a decade, so that makes me cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Doug, there was a time when you really somehow maintain your soul in Washington, D.C. I don't want to make this about you. I want to make it about your network. That is the role of this network, is to take R.K. Jr. and make him crazy by virtue of the fact that he hasn't seen a breakfast cereal he doesn't eat. You are contributing to this dynamic, the need to censor. The perceived need to censor on behalf of the government comes from lines like this, comes from judgments like that, because they're ineffective. I didn't even know that the design did be effective. Our site is so bad at allowing these things to be put into our mouse. Look at this, and this is well done by Fox News. This is them being conservative again. It's a picture of Kamala Harris with her microphone and the base colors on white, the white on beige, beige on white, total design, absolutely, absolutely color-managed, stage-managed. Primary is one during the 2020 Democratic primary, zero. Primary is one during the 2024 Democratic primary, zero. Sit down interviews since becoming the presumptive, current, Democrat, so-called nominee, zero. Press conferences since becoming the presumptive, current, so-called nominee, zero. Policy pages in, zero. Why is our side allowing her to be seen as a nominee? President Trump should make this very, very clear during the debates. Not a single grassroots vote for Kamala Harris, and she didn't care to see if she could gain them. That is not a nominee. That is a placement. It is in fact, of course, a DEI placement. The Mockingbird media is now an entity that I have to question if they really, really, really want to be trusted. I think they want trust from a segment of society, and I think they're betting on Democrats. There was a poll done a little while ago, and it was Gallup and Axios put this together. Maybe we'll get this later this week. That showed that 73% of Democrats trust the Mockingbird media. It's 10% of Republicans. I believe it's 34% of independents. Wouldn't a news organization that wants people to believe them want to be trusted? Wouldn't that be to their advantage? No, not if it's the wrong people. Not if the bets on the winning side. The side that they need to win. CNN needs the Democrats to win for their survival, their access to power, but I think it's more than that. I really think it's more than that. Fox gets to play the game a little bit differently, but Fox will not go all in on talking about what farmers done. For instance, forget the COVID, forget that. Look at the non-existence of the serotonin reuptake problem. Remember that? Remember that was what we were told with all these antidepressants solved was a serotonin reuptake problem. Then this little paper came out that we've talked about at LinkedIn, the program, and look, that never happened. That was no such thing. There was no serotonin reuptake issue. Wow, that didn't exist. And yet one third of Americans are in psychotropics and Fox can't talk about that in any depth, because they too have the same pain masters, big pharma, that RFK junior called out. That's why RFK junior was not on TV. It's not because he's got spasmodic dysphonia. It's not because that makes it difficult for him to be understood. It's because he can be clearly understood when he talks about pharma and pharma controls nine out of 10 of the top revenue spots in traditional Mockingbird media. And when Doug, my friend, and I do consider him a friend, I'm just disappointed in the same acting that way. He's probably disappointed to see me acting this way. Doug knows that. He's a very smart man in relation to media, he ran communications at the committee, and Doug did a really, really good job. He really did. So the Mockingbird media cannot help themselves becoming participants in this, and they further drive down their trust, which creates an even bigger appetite for actual news, which creates an even bigger desire on behalf of the people in charge to censor, because it's their identity at risk. See, identity politics is suicidal in the following way. They had to have. Someone like Kamala Harris's the nominee, they had to. They couldn't risk having a convention. I don't know that they ever intended to run Joe Biden, many of my podcast family members and radio listeners have been telling me for a year, they're not going to run him. They have to have a DEI placement. It is suicidal to describe the look of the person without regard to the accomplishments or abilities of the person, and Kamala Harris has no verifiable accomplishments, and very few verifiable abilities, other than lurking in the shadows, ready to slice someone's throat rhetorically. It starts at the top. It's used throughout the bottom. Oh, I trust the Mockingbird media. Oh, pardon me, mainstream media. I get my news from CNN and trusted sources. That's an identity. I turn to these networks because they recognize that I am, in fact, a so-called transgender America. That's an identity. It's suicidal because the prime need is to be affirmed in how you are choosing to define yourself in the slinnest, tiniest, easiest to knock over ways possible. Kamala Harris at the very tip top of that. And I'll show you how the Mockingbird media plays into this identity game by identifying celebrities as the people and the reason that you're going to tune in for Kamala Harris. Did you see this little trick they pulled? And then give them credit, it was very, very clever and very sneaky. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. Plus, look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free-checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. Become an explorer and seek out unforgettable places while enjoying rewards everywhere you travel. Cards issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA member FDIC, subject to credit approval. Offer subject to change. Terms apply. The people in the Mockingbird media were very, very happy to talk about all sorts of wonderful surprises coming people's way. In fact, a guest. It was folded that there was going to be a magic surprise guest at the DNC. The rumor was it was going to be Beyonce. Because as you know, Kamala Harris has been attaching herself to rappers and musicians. There's apparently rumors, and I've seen some of the receipts for this, that they are giving people all expense-paid trips to attend rallies. Hey, go on a vacation so long as you show up and listen to Kamala Harris read from her teleprompter. So the rumor went out that it was going to be Beyonce, instead of crushing the rumor by fact-checking it. The Mockingbird media played along with it until they couldn't really play along with it any longer. Despite the logistical challenges that have existed, especially in the first night, and then people are having tough time getting into the arena tonight, this is one of the best produced events in terms of a political event that I've ever attended. And right now, the energy's palpable. American flags all over the entire arena is pretty remarkable. Oh yeah, they've gotten it together big time, and I think that they're dealing- They really, really got this together. Oh, they got it together big time. Jake Tapper is excited by it. It's one of the greatest nights, best-produced nights ever. But it led with, wait, there was going to be a special guest. We heard it was Beyonce, baby. I can anticipate here and elsewhere that there may be a special guest. I am told by Democrats that Kamala Harris was their guest. They did not want a celebrity at the end of this convention to essentially compete with her. One-seater-advisor tell us this is a deadly, serious election. And if you looked at the- Wait, wait, what happened to Joy? I thought it was a joyful election back to the video. This program, having a Leon Panetta come on, the former defense secretary, really presenting Vice President Harris as a plausible commander-in-chief. That is one of the reasons I'm told that there was not a celebrity performance at the end. But they let the rumor float because of identity politics. Beyonce is coming. I'm going. There's twerking happening. I want to go twerk. The dissents into Kamala Harris' style, none substance can only happen with the replacement of substance. You ever noticed this? It's very difficult to replace a bad activity with a good one. I mean, you have to create habits. It's very, very difficult to replace an identity once it identities in place. The stream ran a great article on this. Frank Kaufman talking about the great problem of Republicans is identity politics. I mean, there are life or death issues, but Kamala Harris as commander-in-chief that requires identity. And the identity is a rebuilt substance, watered out by style. We need a defense secretary, a commander-in-chief who feels things. Very specifically the things we need her to feel. We need her to feel embarrassed for American power. We need her to feel apologetic on behalf of whiteness. We need her to feel that it is unfair that men who think they're women don't have access to women's spaces. We need her to feel that it's really not fair that there's a border at all. We need her to feel that there's no real right or wrong, that it needs to be situational based upon our feelings. We need her to direct the military based upon those feelings, that suicide. In a commander-in-chief in a military role, there do need to be feelings. We need to be godly people. We need to listen to God's voice even during times for war. In fact, probably particularly during times of war. But what we do not need are feelings as strategy, feelings as tactics. Identity politics is about elevating a feeling or a desire or a misconception or in the case of gender ideology, a psychosis to who and what you are. Kamala Harris is the perfect blank for this. Do you know what a blank is? I mean, obviously you know what blank means, but a blank. A blank is something on which anything can be projected. All of your hopes, all of your desires, all of your feelings projected on to Kamala Harris. President Trump has made some strides, if you want to call it that, in identity politics, some strides, but his identities are different. He plays to actions, workers, parents, families. These are identities, but they're also realities and actions. That doesn't happen when it is all emotional. If you look at the dangers of identity politics and this is the way it was done to me, when I searched this and was researching and I found this article from the stream, you know what Google wanted me to see instead? When I searched the phrase, identity politics dangers and I found this article from the stream and it began to read it. There's a function in Google where you highlight something and then you hit control K and you underline that and it will find and the article. I actually took the actual headline from the stream and I placed it into my Google document and then I used that function and you know what Google sent me to an article that had nothing to do with this, an article that's absolutely from a different source. They knew this article existed. I found it on Google, but it gave me this. The rise of white identity politics didn't start with Trump, explains Michael Tesla, podcasts and transcripts. It didn't? Well, at least they admit that. They know identity politics are poisonous when it comes from a race perspective. They know that at Google, unless it's the right race. In that case, it's perfectly okay. This is another reason that identity politics is suicidal, is because one or the other identity must win. Identity politics that moves beyond what the country is and gets down to these slim, tiny, destructible identities like skin color, the tone of our skin, the height of our cheekbones. One of those groups is going to win based upon what? A massed power. We go back to the Mockingbird media. 73% of Democrats believe them. I think the Mockingbird media is just saying, "Look, we've lost the Republicans. Let's use this to our advantage. Let's be the home for the Democrats. Let's choose a political side. Let's make sure that with our very actions, we use our platforms to place in power, people who will help us propel our identity as the truth-bringers and the naysayers for what are lies." It is a big, adding loop of suicidal thought. If we have an identity that's grounded in God, then it all changes, all of it, because now our possessions aren't ours. They're things we are stewarding. We don't have enemies. We have neighbors. If there's enemies, we're to pray for them. All the dynamics change when the identity is actually a son or daughter of the king. All of it changes. Identity politics will ruin. Kamala Harris is the proof of that, because she stands to ruin. She couldn't be elected, so she was placed. Corruption like that will eventually, of course, being complete rot. It absolutely will. Look no further than the American medical system. I was talking the other day with a friend of mine, Steve Anderson. He's the partner managing director of Renew.Healthcare in Mexico. And he and I were visiting. We're working in a big, big piece together. And Steve and I were visiting, and he told me about a woman who had been hit by a car, slammed. And she was thrown across this intersection, and people just saw these legs flying, and she was just incredibly hurt. All sorts of broken bones, massive concussion, huge swelling in her brain. She made an attempt to get seen in America. They couldn't get her in. So Steve, now this isn't what they do, but this woman's life hung in the balance, so they had her come to Mexico. Within a day, a half day, she'd been seen. She was in surgery. Surgery was supposed to go three hours. It went nine. One of the surgeons from Renew did that surgery. He's the same guy who injected my ankle and my shoulder with the ethically gathered stem cells from umbilical cords and, and placentas. None of which are exposed to the modified RNA injections. None of which, they screen that out. That same surgeon who injected me helped save this woman's life. And by the end of that day, she was able to go be in her hotel room that wouldn't have happened in America. She might have died. That shouldn't be the case, but it is. Now, that's not what they do. It's not this sort of surgery. Here's what they do. You can't get in America. You can't solve your inflammation with stem cells in America because they won't let you. You can't solve your neuropathy in America with stem cells because they won't let you. You can't have a 10 to 20 to 30 time faster recovery from surgery in America with stem cells because they won't let you. You can't solve neurological issues like being hemispherically paralyzed in America with these ethically gathered stem cells because the system won't let you. But you can do it in Mexico with a company founded in America that operates down there because they have to. If you're in pain, get with them. They'll tell you if they can help you or not. They're incredibly honest. Go to That's There's so much to take from the DNC that indicates what the DNC has become revealing all they've descended to be. Would you rather have a democracy? Or access to abortions? Either or. I feel like that's a very tough question to answer. I feel like that's almost not possible to answer. I feel like I couldn't pick one or the other. Even if you had to choose. If I had to choose. And we get a final answer. I know it's hard. I guess access to abortions. It's Brad Summer. The queen of the brats has arrived. Yes, queen! Do not come. Are you as hard as I am right now? She's something special. Can we please this year, it'd be so brat. Have a higher tax rate for rich white men. Well, if we have a Democratic Congress, we certainly will. Yeah, baby. Tax those rich old whiteies. Come on. Are you worried Donald Trump's going to weaponize the justice system if he gets empowered? I'm concerned about Project 2025. And it's important that individuals understand that Project 2025 basically consolidates power in the hands of one dangerous man. And so it's really critically important. He's prosecuting his political enemies. Exactly. By the way, that's Latisha James he's talking to. She prosecuted President Trump because he's a political enemy. To say you are even more beautiful in person. Oh, I love him. I love you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Give me your best pick up line. Chris Fredo Cuomo, Andrew's brother. My best pick up line. I'll pay. Where are the cuties in the Democratic Party that are speaking? Oh, I don't know. Talk to anyone who lives in DC. It's hard to find a cute Democrat. Oh my God. Shots fired. No, that's, I mean, that's the T. Ask anyone who lives in DC. Any who works in Democratic politics. It's hard to find the cute ones. Republican guys are hotter. Yeah, but they're evil. So like, I don't know. No, I don't know. It's the brat summer, baby. Sedinity politics. Kamala Harris plays the brat role. Urban Dictury, a brat is a person who always gets what they want and the rules are bent in their favor. They end up with the best of everything. That's one option. There's just this unapologetic party or messy girl aesthetic for the summer based on the vibes of Cheryl. X, C, X's new album brat. I guess that's the new meaning. Kamala Harris embracing the brat persona because identity politics is ruinous. It's suicide. That question, would you rather have access to abortion or democracy? That's an interesting question because which one would be best? Well, if you're anti-abortion, you don't want the abortions. No democracy? What's the alternative? Well, it would be things like, oh, wait. That happened there. No, no. Well, she got what she wanted. She's being promised access to abortion and no democracy. Kamala Harris was never voted for. She's installed. She's so bratty. But she doesn't even realize she's been given everything she wanted. No democracy. No honesty. Tim Waltz, the deeply sick perverted man who Kamala Harris chose to be here VP candidate, lied about the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce endorsing his congressional campaign. This is actually a letter that the committee had to write to them, the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce with a very charming homemade letterhead, by the way. Even I think the shape of the state of Nebraska on there looks hand drawn. It's cool, state chamber. This guy had to write Barry L. Kennedy who runs that chamber to tell this guy, Waltz, stop lying. It's come to my attention that as part of your campaign for you as Congress, you have posted your biography on your website that claims you received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for your service to the business community. I've been the president of Nebraska Chamber of Commerce since 2000 and a professional staff person of the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for 20 years. We researched this matter and confirmed that you have not been the recipient of any award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce. I'm going to draw a conclusion, not going to draw a conclusion as to your intention in including this in your biography. However, we respectfully request that you remove any reference to your organization as it could be considered an endorsement of your candidacy. It should be pointed out, however, that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has endorsed your opponent. Congressman Gil Grutchek for his support of small business issues. Identity politics covers you from lies. Yeah, Tim Waltz lies, but he wants me to be able to pretend to be a woman and to force it down people's throats. He wants me to be able to be a public school teacher and to teach kids about sex. Identity politics covers for so much. Kamala Harris is a border czar. She's a border hawk and she loves illegal immigrants and lets them into the country whenever they want to come in. Which one of those is true? We'll test that. Steve Cortez did a brilliant video outside of the DNC. He tried to get a certain person into the DNC. Watch this, just note, it's going to be mentally painful. Mental physical pain, sometimes those things come together. If you're someone who suffers from inflammation, it can be very, very difficult to get that out of your life. And inflammation is this, it's constant pain. I would describe it as feeling almost always like you're packed up. Like, there's too much fluid in you or your skin doesn't fit. Your joints constantly ache. Signs of it are like this. You can't find a place where your shoulder goes when you're sleeping. Okay, so you go here or there. You make noise when you stand up. You're generally sore. You do a lot of stretching and it never really gets better. So get that ibuprofen, baby. Don't just eat those pills. Put it in water, drink it in a mix. Make it just something you can inject in your arm or don't. Please don't go that route. I went that route. That route does not work. And I've learned so much about ibuprofen. I am so embarrassed to ever swallow that stuff. And my wife told me, Todd, you are taking too much of that. I don't take any of it because I use Native Path Creole, which is in Omega-3. Hold it. You've probably tried Omega-3s. And maybe they didn't work for you. Didn't solve your inflammation. This stuff is so different. Its antioxidant abilities are just without compare. Fish oil. It's just fish oil. Native Path Creole from these crustaceans is 6,000 times more observable than Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. 500 times more observable than Vitamin E, which is also an antioxidant that comes from the purest waters in America, the Antarctic. And Native Path Creole has a third party monitor all their products for purity. This stuff destroyed my need for ibuprofen and I will never take it again. Go see what deals await you. Go to That's Remember, these are the guys who took good care of my friend Tim Cruickshank. Retired Navy Seal when he was on our program talking about the death of his wife Liz. They heard his story. They heard him say he needs his stuff for his body. Destroyed his body as a team member with the seals. They send him a year's supply. They are that sort of people. It's The more you buy, the more you save. Here's Steve Cortez showing the strength and the idiocy of identity politics. Remember Kamala Harris is a border hawk. She's shut down anti-illegal immigrants. And she's open borders because she cares about immigrants. Identity politics, you could be both things. Here's Steve Cortez outside the DNC. Hey, Steve Cortez here on the west side of Chicago, Democratic National Convention at United Center. The Democrats, of course, want open borders. And want an endless stream of illegal migrants pouring into the United States. This is my new acquaintance, Edwin. Say hello. I'm a nice alien. Edwin is from Venezuela. And we're going to take Edwin into the DNC so that he can meet the Democrats who want open borders. He should meet his new friends, secured speakers, and learn about the Democratic Party. So Edwin, let's head in, shall we? This is Edwin from Venezuela. Migrant, invited in by the Democrat Party. He likes coming to the Democratic Party. You have to go to the Democratic Party. Yeah, if you have to go to Jackson. Yeah. Wait, you mean he needs credentials and permission to come in? Yes. To get past the wall? Yes. There really is a legitimate wall. I mean, it's an impressive little wall they built there. It's impressive. Lots of guards, lots of armed people. They have to have ID, credentials. You could come to the United States? No. Not to come to the United States. Okay, but they're coming to the Democratic Party. Okay. You believe in security. You believe in securing a boundary. Edwin, Edwin can't come in. It would have a convention. That's all I know. I commend you on guarding this border. You're doing it very effectively, folks. Try another one. There's police officers. Maybe there's another way in the NC credentials office. We would like to get some credentials for Edwin. Edwin is from Venezuela. So, we try to get Edwin into the convention. It's a migrant problem for Venezuela. I know a musician, just American. And he's a migrant from Venezuela. More than he gives him a convention. He figured that they would be loved to have a migrant from Venezuela coming in. They said we need to get the credentials. So we're here to get the credentials. Okay. As anyone, well done. Is there any input on an application? We can't tell it is only. We need to have that as a border. I have my own personal beliefs in this right now. I'm serving as a volunteer. I'd ask you to turn the camera off. Just to be clear, we have been ejected from the DMC credentialing office because we're not permitted to be here. We don't have permission. We didn't go through the application process. Seems like the United States would use similar rules about crossing the US border. DMC doesn't believe in that, but they do believe in it further. And that's brilliant. Make people live in the worlds they're creating for others. Steve Cortez, brilliant, brilliant job. Ken Paxton. Now, he's, of course, identified as a guy who hates migrants. He's made a move against illegals voting in Texas. And, of course, they're trying to destroy him. They tried to impeach him or they didn't impeach him. They just didn't get to convict him. He's making a move to block illegals voting. Their Ken Paxton breaking and launching an investigation in reports that organizations in Texas are legally registering non-citizens to vote. Texans are deeply troubled by the possibility that organizations purporting to assist with voter registration are legally registering non-citizens to vote in our elections. If eligible citizens can legally register, if yes, if eligible citizens can legally register to vote when conducting their business at a DPS office, why would they need a second opportunity to register with the booth outside? My office is investigating every credible report we receive regarding potential criminal activity that could prove to compromise the integrity of our elections. The Biden-Harris administration has intentionally flooded a country with illegal aliens without proper safeguards. Foreign nationals can legally influence elections at the local state and national level. It's a crime to vote or register to vote if you're not a United States citizen. Any wrongdoing will be punished by the fullest extent of law, as it should be, right? In a case like that, stealing elections. Identity politics is not just suicide for people who love our country. Identity politics always bites itself in the jugular. Always. See, one identity has to win. And if the identity is race, one race has to win. When black citizens in Chicago, they may not be concerned about the race of the people coming in. I would hope they're not. God deals us as all one. Well, in the body of Christ, there's neither Jew nor Gentile Greek nor servant. But black citizens in Chicago, New York and elsewhere are noticing the identity politics shift in the chosen group. It's no longer the black people. It's now another group. This is from Chicago. Politically, having over 500 people in our community would completely wipe out any interest we have. Are you aware that there are immigrant advocates at state houses all over this country, who are advocating for non-citizen voting in local elections? What if that happened here? That would change the mindset of what we, as a black community, need to thrive here in Chicago? That's a concern of ours. This is much bigger than the mayor of Chicago or Chicago Police Department. This is an effort to destroy our neighborhoods and silence our voices even further. Identity politics is suicide for a nation and suicide for the groups that are playing it. Because one group will win. When identity is the game. So what identity is going to win? The only one that's real. When you properly identify yourself as not a citizen of this world, but a visitor. When you properly identify yourself as a child of God, a subject of the king. And you take the steps necessary to actually make that true, which is to accept the Lord Jesus as your savior of Messiah. To agree to be changed by him and to abide with him. That identity lasts forever. It will never fight with itself. Not in the new heaven and the new earth. That will never happen. Or there'd be no point in having a new heaven and a new earth. Father God, thank you for the promise to take us home. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]