
August 28, 2024 - Words part 4

A wholesome tongue is a tree of life.

Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
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Welcome to Prayer Drive. Today's episode will start in just a few moments. But first, let us remind you to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel. When we pray, make sure you keep your eyes open. And by all means, start the Prayer Drive app before you begin your drive. And now, here's your host, C Elide your Bronner, with today's episode. Welcome to Prayer Drive. This is C Elide your Bronner, and I'm so happy and excited and delighted to have you join us today. What a beautiful day, a wonderful day, a great day. God is good, life is good, and I pray you are blessed as you are driving on your way to work, school, or wherever you may be traveling. Well, for this week and last week, we've been talking about words. That was just on my heart, and so we are sharing. I know this is something you've heard many times before, but you know, the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the word of God. Doesn't come from having heard. It comes from hearing. So we have to be reminded. We have to keep things in the forefront of our thinking. We can't let them slip. So we have to keep going over and over and over to be renewed. That's how we renew our mind. Well, let me read some scriptures to you talking about words. Proverbs chapter 15 says that I hadn't hear just a second ago. Proverbs chapter 15 verse 4 says a wholesome tongue is a tree of life. Isn't that something? You know, Adam couldn't eat from the tree of life, but we can. A wholesome tongue is a tree of life. Oh man, we have made it back to the tree of life. A wholesome tongue is a tree of life. You can take God's word, put it in your mouth, man, and you can have your own tree of life. I love that. I love that. Also, the Bible says in Proverbs 13 it says that a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth. And the Bible says in Proverbs 10 says that Proverbs 10 verse 11 says the mouth of a righteous man is a well of life. And so man, we have, you know, just let us know that we have a well of life on the inside of us. We have the tree of life. So we have life and so death and life are in the power of the tongue. So we can speak so much life and we have to have God's word on the inside of us because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks and so we can speak life. He is life. God is life. He is our life. And so we speak words of life. We reign in life. We reign in life by Christ Jesus. So we're in the life cycle. So we speak life. You can speak life to people. You can encourage their dreams and their hopes. And also, you can speak death to people and you can discourage them. I remember hearing about Peter Daniel's. He told his story. He said when he was in school, in grammar school, teacher told him, he said, you're Mrs. Phillips. What's her name? She said, you are a bad, bad boy at Peter Daniel's and you'll never amount to much. And he said that hunting him for the next, you know, 15, 10, 15 years of his life. And he said he was about 25 years old. And he was just living under her words. He wasn't doing anything living out exactly what she said. He said he went to a Billy Graham crusade and got saved. And when he got born again, the light came on and he realized he could be something because of Christ Jesus. And he renewed his mind and man, the Holy Spirit started working. He turned out to be very successful. He wrote a book titled Miss Phillips, you were wrong. So I just love the fact that, you know, we can speak life to people and encourage people. And we can discourage people and put people in doom and gloom. But no, we are people of life, people of life, we're people of love. Also, we can encourage people's dreams and build them up. I also heard another gentleman. He said one of his teachers spoke to him and said, you're going to be a great leader and you have talents and you have gifts and you're going to be a great instrument in God's kingdom. And he said those words propelled him. He lived out and fulfilled those words. He became owner of an NBA basketball team and corporation and all of these things simply because of what somebody said to me. Isn't that powerful? We have death and life in the power of our tongue. Speak good words, positive words to other people. Speak good and positive words about yourself. Speak in line with God's word. Praise God. You have the tree of life or well of life living on the inside of you. Let's pray. Father, we just love you and praise you. We thank you so much for just reminding us of the power of our words and the power of your word coming out of our mouths. And we can use our mouths as a well of life. Lord, and speak blessings. Give other people a refreshing drink to empower them and inspire them and motivate them. And we listen to our own words. Lord, as we speak positive encouraging things, truth filled things from your word about our own lives, Lord. And so we are just so grateful to have this wonderful privilege of your word and being a blessing in the earth today. Thank you, Lord, for sending heaven in our hearts and out of our mouths and we can enjoy heaven. We're citizens of heaven right now, Lord. We just thank you for it. Because of Christ Jesus, and it's in Jesus name, we pray. Amen. We pray that you've been blessed and encouraged with today's prayer drive with C E line your brother. Make sure you connect with us at and share this podcast with a friend so that they may be blessed and encouraged. Until next time, keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes straight ahead, and allow the Holy Spirit to be your personal GPS. And He will guide you in all truth. We'll see you next time for the next prayer drive with C E line your brother.