FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville - Jeff Poor Show - Friday 9-06-24

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06 Sep 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche Show. I don't think I ain't done it this way. [MUSIC PLAYING] And welcome back to the Jeff Porsche Show Day from talk of 106.5. They just stay with us on this Friday morning. Text line, it would be a touch of the program, 251-34301-06. Join us on the line now, kick it off right now, with our senior United States Senator. All right, I'd like to call him Coach. Tommy Tumerville is with us. Coach, good morning. How you doing? You're not doing pretty good, Jeff, staying on the road. You know, we've been on the-- we've had a sabbatical for the last month. We don't work in August in terms of being in DC. We're on that road, either in your state doing your due diligence, or yesterday I'd breakfast in Birmingham, lunch in Orange County, California, and dinner in Phoenix. So I've been on the road helping other senators or President Trump. And it's been an interesting month. We go back to work Monday in DC. And hopefully, we come up with a budget. Let's get into the Senate map here just a moment. But first week of football season, what are your thoughts? Well, of course, Alabama and Auburn got off to a good start, but they should have. I mean, you don't find out a lot about your team when you're going against teams that you out match, both Auburn and Alabama look very good. I watched more of the Alabama game. I was interested in the quarterback get Alabama. I thought he's going to be a pretty good player. Was last year at the end of the year, but you can tell he's even got better. Auburn's quarterback has gotten better. He's got better receivers around him. But time will only tell. I was invited to go to the Ant Armor, Michigan this week and go to the Texas Michigan game, which I think would be something to watch. But I'm ready to go home for a couple of days and kind of relax before we go back to DC. But a college football kicked off. We'll watch a little bit of the Kansas City game last night, what a game that was open in NFL. So we got something else to talk about in politics, which is good. Well, yeah, and I'd rather sit here talk about football for the next 20 minutes or whatever. But such is the world is. Well, you've been on the road presumably going out and helping out with some of these Senate races. And what's it look like out there? I mean, a lot of these are in these battleground states. Do you have any sense of the mood among the electorate? Yeah, Jeff, I think people are finally waking up, not just in our state, but around the country that our economy and the United States of America is in trouble. You can't to be $36 trillion in debt and expect to have a good economy. And I'll watch some of these talking heads talk about how the federal government's going to get us out of this problem. And there's no way federal government's ever going to get anybody out of any problem, especially our economy. We're just absolutely overspending $80. We're printing $80,000 a second right now in the Federal Reserve. And that's the only way our economy is going. We're just flushing cash out to Democrats. Just they don't want to solve any problems. They want to just overcome the idea that it's been their fault, which has absolutely been their fault since I've been there for four years. But we've got to have an adjustment, my God. If we've got to take the Senate, we've got to slow this nonsense down from the Democrats. We've got to get President Trump in there, this lady that the Democrats have pushed in as their candidate for president. She has no answers. Doesn't want to go out and talk to anybody about it. She's not even well-liked, but the Democrats in the Senate. I was shocked that they did this, but it's what it is. And I think the American people got a decision to make and whether we're going to keep this madness going of open borders and crime and spending twice as much as we bring in, or we're going to get somebody in there to fix it, like President Trump, who will fix it? He's going to have to make some tough decisions, but we can't keep going down this road. We're going to end up in a depression. Well, and the thing about our vice president Harris, we don't really know what she's running on right now. I mean, it has kind of been lay low, one 18-minute interview with CNN in two and a half months or whatever. And I mean, it's a very strange, strange sort of election cycle. Yeah, well, it's a deep state. I'm a football coach, and I've been up there four years, though. And I can figure it out pretty quick with the problems we got. And I've seen-- we've got a number of people running our country right now that people don't know their names. And you can't continue the direction we're going towards socialism and expect to have the same country that we've had in the last 248 years. And they want to change the landscape of how we do things. And they want total power over what we're doing. They want to change the Supreme Court. They want to do all these things, get away from the Constitution. And folks, we can't do that. We better wake up and smell the roses. And I will say this, she had a big run in August and all the way through their convention. But in the last week and a half, President Trump, he's probably got a three or four-point lead. You've got a lot of people who's going to vote Democrat, no matter who they run. They can run Mickey Mouse because they're uneducated. And they just believe and they vote in that way. But I think you're going to have a lot of Democrats. And hey, we can't do this. We cannot continue to put our kids in harm's way in this deficit open borders. We got wars getting ready to start. We couldn't fight a war. Our military right now is not prepared to fight in one war, much less than three that are on the horizon. And then, of course, I always get back to one thing about our country's education. I feel bad for our intercity kids. They're just getting hammered by these teachers unions that do not want to teach kids reading and writing a math. They want to indoctrinate them in their social justice and I'm telling you, we have better what's what we're doing and people better wake up and understand. This is not about Democrat Republican. This is about patriots and socialists. And I've been in Central America a couple of times in the last few weeks and been down to Colombia and Panama and some of these places that they're all going, what are y'all doing in America? You do not want what we have here. And I just hope we wake up in time to understand that. It feels just like the end justify the means. It's a gross power grab and do whatever we need to do to win, which is kind of a scary premise for a lot of Americans. Yeah, well, you know, we've had an economy that was built on manufacturing and people working, getting up every day. We've got so many people on entitlements right now, Jeff, it's just absolutely amazing. We can't get a farm bill done. I feel bad for our farmers. Our farmers, this is going to be a year, a crunch year for them. I talked to two yesterday, they call me and says, 'cause we're going to have to have some kind of farm bill to get us out of this problem. 'Cause we have pretty good crops, but they're not any good if the prices aren't there and you're going to have probably 30, 40% of the farmers that are still in farming that are going to get out of farming after this year, you know, we've lost 150,000 farms in our country since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office, 150,000. And you asked the Democrats about that and they said, well, we just bought our food from other countries. And that makes a lot of sense because we saw what happened in COVID. We don't make anything in terms of healthcare. It's all made overseas in China or whatever. And we're going the wrong direction. We've got to get back to making things in this country. And that's what President Trump's running on is bringing manufacturing, getting our farmers going again, you know, having good food. And, but I tell you, our farmers are in dire straits right now and that some crops will make some money. But if you get into the row crops like cotton and soybeans and corn, they're going to be devastated this year and you're going to have them selling out right and left. - Well, tell me this now. We talk about, you know, the Democrats thinking, well, we could just buy our food from other places or eat bugs or whatever they think we ought to do. But I mean, it's at some level, this is a national security crisis if we're not, before not, you know, making our own food in this country. - Well, that's number one. If we don't have food, we got huge problems. And again, when you bring it in from other countries, you don't know what you're getting. You know, you put that organic sign on there all you want. But these people in other countries don't have the regulations that our farmers have that they have to do the things right and do it the right way. And you're going to end up bringing in food and meat and chicken and all those things that we should be making and growing here in our country. But we're going to buy from other people because they can do it cheaper because the less regulations, it's just, it's sad to see all the things that the Democrats are trying to do. And again, it all goes back to just total control and how they want to control anything, whether it's farming or manufacturing or big business. They're really after the small businesses. You know, the taxes are going to be enormous if we elect another Democrat in the White House. 'Cause they've got a tax because they even know that $36 trillion, we can't continue to pay $3 billion a day is what we pay to our government, right now federal government pays $3 billion a day on the note of all that that we're borrowing from other countries. $3 billion a day, we can't sustain that. We're just dead broke. - Joy by US Senator Tommy Tuberville here on the program. All right, we got a government funding deadline looming. So talk about the SAVE Act here being somehow put into this. - Well, give us kind of lay the land and the possibility there of getting something like that through at this moment. - Well, if you had some common sense in DC, it'd be a no brainer because there's, I don't think there's anybody should have any problem with us having safe and fair elections. So with all these illegals coming in, what we did, Mike and Lee and myself, we come up with a bill saying, "Listen, SAVE Act basically says that you got to have an ID to vote and you got to be a citizen. You got to prove the citizenship." And but a lot of these people make their own by these illegal drivers' losses and stuff. We can't allow that. We can't afford the people that don't have skin in the game or country to devote in elections. So, but the Democrats are totally against this. I heard Mark Kelly from the Senator of Arizona said yesterday, you know, we don't need to create more problems. It's already illegal for non-citizens to vote. Well, really, it's also illegal for somebody to rob a bank. But you got to have laws to keep that from happening. You got to have laws to keep people from shooting somebody else. The Democrats, they don't want fair elections. They want everybody to vote. And that's the reason they got the border open. But I'm hoping that Mike Johnson in the House will attach the SAVE Act to the budget when we get back next week. And hopefully they'll pass it and then send it to the Senate. Now, of course, we're going to put it in the face of the Democrats in the Senate. Okay, we need a budget. We got to get one done. But you also, we have to have fair elections, but they will vote against it because they do not want fair elections. So that's a direction that we're headed in. And again, it's just, it's common sense, but you can get a dictionary out in Washington, DC, a Webster dictionary. And it does not have a common sense in it, I promise you. - Well, are you concerned at all about way that might go, even with or without the SAVE Act with, you know, the November 5th election right around the corner? - Yeah, well, of course, the Democrats always hold Republicans hostage on this budget. And of course, they do it with omnibus normally in December where they can just go everything in there on it and pay all their buddies back, all these crooked mayors and governors, all of the country and spend. That's how we've gotten to $36 trillion in debt. We'll get a budget. And I hope we get it done in the next, we're going back and we got three weeks back in DC as the House and the Senate. And then a few weeks right before the election, everybody's back out on the road campaigning and trying to get reelected. Hopefully we get it done in these three weeks, but it's going to be a fight now, but you're going to find out a lot about the Democrats. And I think they understand that the American people are watching them, okay, well, let's get a budget done. We want to get it done as Republicans, but we also want to have a fair election coming up. There's nowhere I go all over the country. People look me in the eye as a coach. I'm worried about a fair election. And the Democrats don't care about that. I mean, they just absolutely don't care about the significance of making sure the American people understand that we all want fair elections. But we've gotten to a point in time where it's just so volatile between Republican and Democrat. And as I said earlier, it's really not Republican Democrat anymore. This is about American capitalism versus basically American socialism. And there's nobody that I know won't socialism where the federal government just basically takes over everything that we do, which we're almost to the point now. And we got to get people back to work in this country and quit giving out checks. - Oh, last question, we'll get you out of here on this coach. There's a lot of speculation out there. Have you ever given any thought about 2026 in your plans? - Well, my plans are to be in United States Senate. I keep hearing everything that's going on. Now, of course, you got to see the lay of the land of what's going to happen with this election. Who's going to be in the White House? I will tell you this. I'm getting tired of getting kicked in the teeth, being in a minority. And I've told you this being in the Senate. When you're in the minority in the Senate, you basically are back in call of the people that are in the majority. Chuck Schumer is running this country straight in the ground. And there's not anything we can do about it because we don't have the votes. So I'm hoping to continue to represent the people of Alabama. I really, I'm starting to enjoy a little bit more because it is very competitive. And I know we're doing the right thing as Republicans. You know, Katie Brett, myself and all of our Congress, Congressmen and women from the state of that, we're doing the right thing and trying to get our country back on track. But I tell you, it's like playing with a short stick right now and hopefully everything will clear up by the time we get to this election. We'll get President Trump. And everybody said, well, you're going to be in this cabinet. I don't want to live in Washington these seven days a week. I'll tell you that right now, though, President Trump, that you know, when you're a senator, you go up there four days a week and come home and work your state and be around your family and all that. You know, I just, I'm looking forward to helping the people from Alabama and representing them. But hopefully we'll have a little bit more power to be able to do that, you know, after this election. - Well, something like governor, does that appeal to you at all in Alabama? - You know, I haven't, you know, people bring that up. You know, I don't think that far down the road. You know, heck, that's two years away from, from, you know, doing something like that. You know, I'll, I'll turn 70 years old next week. And again, I think, you know, I'm glad I'm doing what I'm doing and I told you this before, I just barely miss Vietnam. My whole family was in the military. My dad actually died on active duty. And I love this country. And so when I got out and after I just said, I'm not doing ESPN after I got a coaching, I want to help, I want to help our country. I didn't realize how bad a shape we were in. And I don't think anybody does unless you're in the middle of politics like I am. But I'm glad I'm there and I think I can make a difference for our state and doing what I'm doing. But, you know, that's so far away down the road. And I know Alabama, we've got, we've got problems, but we also got a lot of good people in government. And we just got to keep it going in the right direction. And we all need to work together because, you know, federal government and state government have to work Cohen side by side to get things done. It doesn't take long to figure that out either because it takes money to run both of the federal government and state government. - Coach, safe travel. Thanks for making time for us this morning. - All right, yep. God bless. See you later. - All right. That was a U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville there. We got to work in a break here. We'll be right back. This is Jeff Porchola with a flip talk, one or six, five. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)