FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Congressman Gary Palmer - Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 9-25-24

Broadcast on:
05 Sep 2024
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I gave you my heart and I tried to make you happy and you gave me nothing in return. You know it ain't so hard to say, would you please just go away? Welcome back to the Jeff Pore showed up and talk 106-5, 34 minutes out to the hour on this Thursday morning a text line get them in now and maybe time for many we will address them to 513430106 showing us on the line he's on the road but we're appreciative of his time he represents 6th congressional district here in Alabama. Congressman Gary Palmer, Congressman good morning how are you? Good. How are you doing Jeff? Doing well. Doing well. Thanks for coming on. Thank you for making time. We always appreciate your time. So I mean you made a lot of headlines I guess back in July kind of coming out of the the Trump attempted assassination and wanting to see like what was the secret what was going on with the secret service here and from your personal the oversight committee to talk a little bit about that I mean do we do we do we do we you feel like we know a lot more today that we maybe do a month ago. Well yeah we know a lot more. There was a lot that we knew that didn't get out right after the assassination attempt and I think there's a whole lot more to this than has been disclosed thus far. We actually came to hold the director of the secret service resigned after the oversight hearing that we need to talk to a number of other people particularly the site supervisor the side agent. They're the ones who came up with the security plan and they're the ones who made the decision to not include that bill the very low slope on the roof. They left that out of the main perimeter and when they drop these security plans they have the create parameters that are basically circles and that inner circle is all under control secret service they put that building outside the secret service perimeter and like you've heard a hundred times now that building had a clear line of sight within 140 yards of the podium. And then there's also questions about why they didn't post anyone on the water tower not as a cyber team per se but as an overwatch position they would have had overwatch over the entire facility and so there that's who we need to be talked to Jeff people who actually put the plan together. So I believe it was on Fox News and the Hannity's program or Jesse Waters one or the other I can't remember but Josh Hawley in the Senate said that the personnel's a lot of the personnel to ground that day I mean they had no real formal training beyond just a webinar that it was a lot of DHS employees that had been deputized to be secret service agents that day which is so problematic because they didn't dot all their eyes and cross all their keys as you would in those circumstances. Well there are a number of things routinely the secret service will have contractors and those are pretty well trained people the contractor folks that's be your former Navy Seal snipers special forces snipers they had a contract team on site and then that second circle that second perimeter is where you will have your SWAT teams from local owners they call them emergency services units and then the third perimeter is uniform police officers and there are supposed to be a meeting a briefing led by the secret service sniper team before they deployed to their positions and they didn't show up they didn't have that briefing and that's extremely important for two reasons one by now everybody's heard about the communications issues how their they didn't have the interoperability that they needed for the communications but the other thing that is extremely important is making sure that they that these other teams understood what compromise authority means and all the secret service officers agents have compromised authority what that means is if they see a credible threat they don't have to wait for someone to give them authority to shoot they take they take that threat out and local enforcement pally didn't know that they had that authority and and let this they should have arrested him the moment they saw him with a rangefinder and I don't know if you watched my questioning or watched the hearing but cheated on I can't remember me that ask for someone else ask but she said that the rangefinders are not devices that they checked and I'm thinking you don't need a checklist to know that if someone's out there with a rangefinder they're not planning to hit a golf ball they're and they let they let they got get away well I mean I guess last question on this topic before we move on is it is it just like negligence ours or something else there I mean it doesn't look like not necessarily some kind of conspiracy to kill Trump but just like they kind of left the gate open and things happen and that you know maybe they could have closed the gate but they just determined they weren't gonna do it that day well certainly there's to be some ambivalence about it about his security this was not a side that would easily be secured because of the number of buildings and other issues there but they certainly I think were very lax in their security plan it had numerous holes at it and that's something that I don't understand Jeff is when you're charged with protection of someone that high-profile if you're likely the next president of the United States and you leave these many gaps that many gaps in your security plan that raises some serious questions I don't know if it was you know intentional or just incompetence or just lack of training there's that's what we've got to find out and there are other questions about the individual shooter and the other things that he was that he had with him the IEDs that he had that he had made and had in the trunk of his car and I'm I've been told there was one about the main gas line at one of those buildings there's just a lot of questions that need to be answered and I think there's a lot of different people we need to be talking about and so by Congressman Gary Palmer here on the program most turn toward the election now you have a new Democrat candidate to top of the ticket look up first we'll start out to the very top of the ticket I think it's a different I mean I don't know is necessarily a game changer it's really a different election now with Trump versus Kamala Harris hey how do you feel about it today do you still think it's Trump's to lose perhaps well I think a lot depends on how he does and the debate if that debate actually takes place but the mainstream media is now a full-blown vision of the Harris campaign they're everything they can to keep people from knowing what she really stands for and and how incapable she is of articulating positions this and when she did that interview which I want to remind people that was taped it was edited and then she still came across as a company but three times in that interview Jeff she said my values are the same I really think that that was her message to the radical left in the party that she's still the same left leftist San Francisco radical but she's always been and what I would say to any listeners that you have that are thinking they just can't stand Trump's personality I don't mind telling you I believe this moment's with Marxist I believe Walt's is a Marxist and Trump is the only candidate that I know that can get the country back on the right track but as Harris and Walt's men I have I have really fearful for the future of the country so you know we've got to give Trump these last four years he'll only be there four years and we've and the House and Senate we've got to capture the House and Senate the majority is there again and we've got to double down on our efforts to get the bills on the desk at President Trump at Hillside well and you look at the other side of the ticket and they're not really running on anything and then I mean I mean I'm kind of a casual historian here but like to me it's like watching a it's like watching a supporting event it's like watching a football team play only defense and they're not she's not really talking about what she's going to do there's been a few like kind of gimmicky things I guess with the $25,000 housing credit and capital gains unrealized capital gains tax the price gouging price control stuff but like all they're running on is she's not Trump and I don't know I mean congressman Werson here we're both kind of conservatives and republicans and whatnot but she just as objectively as you can why are you you say she's a Marxist but they're clearly not running on that I mean they don't I don't know what they're running for or what they're running about well you just mentioned on our last capital gains think of the number of people in mobile who bought their house or built their house 20 years ago they're senior citizens that are living in houses that they bought or built 50 years ago that if they were forced to pay the unrealized capital gains tax on that house they couldn't afford their house anymore this is insane but that's that's and now she's trying to backtrack out on that they want to say we're only going to tax the rich well or these big businesses well I've got news for you businesses don't pay taxes the consumers pay the taxes and we've seen unbelievable inflation grocery prices are up or through the roof and it's all because of the policies the Biden-Harris administration is she fully supported so I don't know that we have to have her talking about her position so we gotta look do this look at what she's done she cast the time breaking vote on the on what they call inflation reduction act that we now know what's the income reduction act when Trump was in office median household income went up over forty two hundred dollars under Biden-Harris it's gone down twenty one hundred dollars that's six thousand three hundred dollars difference and it's had a huge impact on working families trying to make ends meet so this is what I'm trying to get across to people is she's she's basically running on on Trump on the Trump ticket and and trying to avoid anybody finding out because she really believes but I'm not being I'm not being exaggerating anything this woman's a Marxist Congressman um down ballot let's talk about house uh yeah and then that's the one that's kind of a question mark to me I don't really know where it stands I think the Senate the map just lines up favorably for Republicans what are you here and how you feeling about the prospects of the house may be maintained by Republicans well I can assure you there's not gonna be a red wave this time so don't listen to the political consultants and political experts this is going to be a knockdown drag out right to the very end and I'm doing everything that I can to make sure we not only maintain which are in the house but we expanded the uh there's 22 races that that are considered toss-ups or 11 Republican 11 Democrat and there's probably another 18 or 20 that are either lame Republican or lame Democrat I think we have the advantage and uh I think if we have uh you know modestly good night we'll we'll increase the majority of the house but just receipts but if we have a great night we'll increase margin by eight to ten and that's that's what I'm working for now we've got some really good candidates running in these races against Democratic opposite the um let me ask you this uh Mike Johnson the speaker is I mean you is that do you feel like that could be assuming Republicans will keep the house is that still gonna be the case you think that's a long-term play yeah I think Johnson remained a speaker oh he's had I mean when he became speaker I've in October I guess it was by December or January if we were down to a one vote majority and uh it's kind of hard to operate and the other thing is is that we don't have huge staffs so he probably had maybe 17-18 on on his two staffs he was the vice chairman of the conference committee so he had some conference committee staff but the speaker's office had 85 and so he's he had to take the leftovers from McCarthy he's tried to fill other positions as best he could and now it was literally trying to build build the ship while you're at sale and I think I think Mike he is an outstanding communicator and he is an outstanding person I think I don't anticipate anybody running against him for speaker it could happen but I think he'll he'll return and the last question I mean I know you guys have been in recess here so but as some of the internal turmoil in the republican caucus kind of settled down I mean now that we're past maybe past the primaries and and whatnot do you feel better about sort of a unified front going into November uh Jeff to be honest I don't I don't think a whole lot is going to change I think there's you'll know next week when we start trying to get the continue resolution passed um we're going to pass the CR with the say back in it uh which is the bill that chip boy and I he he introduced I was the original cosponsor that requires the states to require proof of citizenship in order to register to vote or to vote uh that's going to be in the CR I think there'll probably be four or five democrats that vote with us on that um and then it'll get sent over to the senate but I I don't know what other demands are going to be made by my colleagues on the republican side so well we'll see we will uh congressman you're always generous with your time and thanks for coming on and I hope we could talk again soon I always enjoy being on with Jeff you do a great job you're very very kind congressman berry palmer there let's get a break here berry back this is ♪ But if I don't stay about night, sleep on day ♪