FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 9-25-24

2h 6m
Broadcast on:
05 Sep 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchow. I don't think we ain't done it this way. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porchow in FM Talk 106.5. Good Thursday morning to you broadcasting from Birmingham today. We'll show you how to be precise, but we're moving around the state as a coach with a job. Coming up on today's program, about an hour and a half from now from Alabama today, April Marie Fogel. And in the 11 o'clock hour, we'll have Congressman Gary Palmer from the 6th Congressional District. He'll be with us at the bottom of the hour there. So please make sure you stick around for that. But joining us now on the line, we're going to kick out the show today. He's former Attorney General of the State of Kentucky, but also is the CEO of a group called 1792. Exchange has a lot of good work. They have a survey here, the folks at the Johnson Center, Troy, and West Group Research. I think he's very important to talk about big business and how they've gone woke. But anyway, without further ado, Attorney General David Cameron joins us on former Kentucky Attorney General David Cameron joins us on the line. General, good morning, how are you? Jeff, it's good to be with you. And thank you for the time. And I'm excited to be with your listeners this morning. Hey, Ed. We appreciate you making time for us. And so this is kind of a big topic on this show about business and, like, Alex, drift to the left word. And a lot of us, I think, is virtue signaling. Personally, it just seems like it's virtue signaling. And maybe if we virtue signal enough, they'll leave us alone in Washington or wherever we may be Sacramento or wherever the seat of power is. However, your survey here confirms what we all think, that the public isn't really buying it, and you're starting to see some-- and maybe some places kind of drop this approach and go in a different direction. Jeff, you are exactly right. This is virtue signaling, at its worst, by some of our largest corporations. And the unfortunate thing about it is that it is largely built at the expense on the return on investment to shareholders and at the sacrifice of building high quality products. And so our shareholders are getting a good return, and customers aren't getting great products, because companies have decided to spend a lot of money given to causes that certainly have nothing to do with business. And I think this is reflected in this survey that we did with the Johnson Center for Political Economy at Troy University, and then West Group Research. And maybe 80% of respondents said that they essentially want corporations to get out of politics. At the end of the day, they feel like corporations have gotten too political. And I think most Americans are exhausted. They just want to go into a store and buy a product. They don't want to be preached at about a particular political view, especially views that are inconsistent, I believe, with the majority of Americans. And frankly, what we've seen over the last five years is companies that have leaned in on some of this work ideology, whether it's getting rid of fossil fuels or coal and natural gas by 2030 or 2050, whether it's telling you that your traditional values and your beliefs as it relates to protecting your children from surgeries that can impact them for the remainder of their life. If you want to protect your kids from death, there's been a lot of corporations that have decided to go the other way and try to encourage your children to think that their identity is something that can be switched. So again, this is something that we've seen in our study. And one of the, I think, helpful pieces of advice that respondents or folks that took the survey said is there's roughly 62% of folks that basically want corporations to step back from politics. Again, I think most Americans are exhausted. They want to buy products and not be preached to. And at 1792 Exchange, I mean, that's essentially what we stand for is to make sure corporations get back to the business of business. You know, there's an expression that Calvin Koolidge used and I'm paraphrasing a little bit, but it essentially said the business of the American people's business. And I think what he meant by that is that we've got to focus on making sure that our corporations are obviously being good corporate citizens, but at the end of the day, their principal responsibility is to good quality products and the return investment to shareholder. Yeah, and there was, you know, still maybe we're still coming in the throes of this ESG craze. It's cooled off a little bit. You know, the virtues aren't so there not being as vocal about it. But it seems like kind of an end to run around like to force these corporations to sort of get on board with a political ideology that promotes, let's just say, the Democratic Party, it keeps them in power. So, so whether you talk about it like that and you think about these things in those terms that, like it's not getting any kind of shareholder return, necessarily less. Of course, it is getting somehow or another getting the federal government or somebody to back off. But there's like no empirical data that shows these type of policies really offer a substantive return on investment for shareholders. Yeah, precisely. Look, I held from a state here in the Commonwealth of Kentucky where we are a very large producer of coal and natural gas. And because of that, it allows us to have someone of a competitive advantage when it comes to bringing businesses in because we can tout low cost and reliable energy. And so when you have the federal government mainly in the form of the Biden administration telling you that they want to destroy the coal and natural gas industry by 2030 or 2050, depending on what metric they decide to use. And then on top of that, you have asset managers, like BlackRock, that are ultimately stressing the same message that the Biden administration is and amplifying that message to say that, yeah, we need to get rid of fossil fuels. I mean, in my former role as Attorney General, my years worked up and my eyebrows raised because that would have devastated Kentucky's economy. And it's this whole concept of virtue signaling because BlackRock as an asset manager, they're not-- Larry thinks not using his money. He's using the money of pension beneficiaries, right? He's using firefighters, teachers, and police officers. He's using their dollars to virtue signal on causes that, frankly, I imagine most of those people would not agree on in terms of a far left woke ideology. And so what our role at 1792 exchanges is to really mirror the American public, which I largely believe was corporations to steer back to neutral, steer back to common sense, steer back to sanity, and focus on great products. And there's this concept of diversity equity, including DEI for short. And a lot of American businesses had, for a period of time, decided they want to build their corporation on DEI. And I don't think that's the way that we should proceed. I think we need to proceed by building our corporations on merit, excellence, and intelligence. And that's the way that I'm hopeful, because over the last few-- last several weeks, if you will, there have been several big businesses that have decided that because of their customer base that is exhausted by politics, they're going to tack back to the middle. So you've seen tractor supplies, you've seen brown film, and you've seen lows, you've seen forward. You've seen a slew of companies here as of late, say, you know what? We're not any longer going to bow to the far left. We're going to stop our DEI policies. We're going to stop giving in to this ESG craze. And we're just going to focus on business. We're going to treat people right, but we're just going to focus on business, which I think is better for the fabric of our country. Enjoyed by 1792 exchanges, Daniel Cameron. He's also the former Attorney General of Kentucky. And here in Alabama, our Attorney General, Steve Marshall, has kind of pursued some of this. Let me ask you like this. So is there a, from a government perspective, a policy response, especially if you're in a red state and that people don't really like the way this is going, how much should your government, or at any level, be involved in trying to push back against some of this ESG we're seeing within private business? Well, Jeff, on a couple levels, let me answer that. First, Steve Marshall is a dear friend of mine, and he is a wonderful Attorney General and has been working diligently to stand up for the rights of the great citizens of Alabama. And I have an interest in this, because you have to be no reason to know this, but the majority of my extended family hails from Alabama, so whether it's Panola, Birmingham, or Huntsville, I've got some interest, very keen interest, and making sure that you all got good leadership in Alabama. So let me just say, there have been several lawsuits that I would say red state Attorney's General have filed against the Biden administration and to-- so ultimately, what you have to do is you have to attack and file suits against the source of some of this craziness. And the source of the craziness is the Biden administration. What the Biden administration has basically done is tried to mandate to state and to businesses through some federal funding, some of these far-left requirements. And so Attorney's General are fighting and pushing back against that in multiple lawsuits. And I know General Marshall is very much a part of that in leading the charge. The other thing I think that is important in this moment is that customers, your listeners, be very vigilant about where they're spending the dollars. Again, at 1792 exchange, we don't advocate for any particular boycotts. That's certainly not something that we-- in fact, we want all our businesses to flourish. But I do think it is helpful when customers-- again, your listeners start paying attention to what corporations are doing. And when that happens, then when light is shine, sort of on some of the behavior that is happening at these businesses will work-- for instance, when a target decides that they're going to put tuck-friendly bathing suits in the front of their store that are meant for children. Again, that's something that a harm and bad in Alabama is probably kind of scratching their head as to why something like that would be offered at Target. So I think it's incumbent upon parents or customers, if you will, to be mindful of these sorts of things. And there is a lot of power in knowing sort of where your dollars are going and ultimately how you make decisions about your purchases. So those two things, I think, are critically important. And then, I think we also-- well, this is what we tried to do at 1792 Exchange-- is celebrate those that are making courageous decisions within business. And again, as I mentioned earlier, whether it's tractor supply or loads or brown filament, the list that goes on, Harley Davidson of-- again, corporations that have made a decision to move away from borrowing the need to these work ideologies. And then, look at what meta and other social media platforms have decided to do. They've decided to say, you know what? One, we're going to spend the meta here most recently. We're going to stand for freedom of expression. We're not going to be in the business any longer of suppressing information, which I think Mark Zuckerberg said maybe last week that some of that was happening at Facebook. So I'm glad to see that he is only messed up to that. But also, there's, I think, a movement within the social media platforms, whether it's X or what Mark Zuckerberg said last week to really allow for the free exchange of ideas and to have conversations that otherwise we're not able to have, that suppression occurs. So there is a lot of good movements that are occurring right now, whether it's because of those courageous leaders of corporations, or it's because you've got AGs and red states that are willing to fight against the Biden administration. And there's a lot of money that exists within pensions in red states. And I think to the extent red states can join together, I think governor DeSantis sort of led on this. And I believe you're governor-- excuse me, governor Ivey signed on to this, which basically said that, you know, in a sense, we as red state governors want to be very mindful about the fact that energy is important to us, coal and natural gas, and domestic energy is important to us. And we don't necessarily want to give that up through asset managers that are not willing to invest in those things. And so I know there's been some strong leadership that's been shown by governor DeSantis and others on that front. So there is an effort of flip. There's leadership within the red states and from corporations that hopefully are turning the truck tied back to common sense and back to neutral for our businesses. Joe, we're going to leave it there around a time. But before we go, 1792 exchange, give us the rundown there. How can folks find out more about it? Yeah, I encourage your listeners to go to And there actually, we have databases that people can look at to help them with investment decisions, to help them with buying decisions as customers. And also allows you to know, sort of, who are the people behind the decisions that corporations are making, meaning who are the leaders at the corporation, that we are the board members at the corporations. And so, again, at, and encourage you to go there and listen, and watch and look over our materials. Hey, new camera, ladies and gentlemen. General, thanks for making time for us. Let's talk again soon. You have an appreciation, man. God bless you. All right, guys. We got to get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show, and I've had talk 1065. All right, let's take it on that. The muscle shows through your potato. [MUSIC PLAYING] Mm. I'm going to have-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Ooh. My gosh. [MUSIC PLAYING] Right above the Spanish court into Mobile, my home town. Mr. Team. Welcome back to the Jeff Porte Show. If I'm talking about 065, thank you for staying with us on this Thursday morning. Text line, 2513430106, it would be a touch with the program. Text me. Let me know what's on your mind. A few text-- two text here, relevant to our discussion. In the last segment, Gene, your guest sounds like a closet socialist in anti-free speech government telling companies what they can do. Well, Gene, here's the problem. Like, as a corporate governance has a duty to make them-- either to implement this, they can't just do it, I guess, without some kind of approval from their shareholders. But they do have a duty to get the max return for their investors. And that's the idea with some of these hedge funds. But the funds-- like, pension funds, and they mention BlackRock. I didn't even say RSA to some degree. That they have to get the most return possible for their shareholders, for their investors. But what you're doing instead is they're using this capital to meddle in politics, to virtue signal, to do whatever it is. And that is-- that's not-- that would be like going out in a private business, doing something with the money that is not in the plan. So like Vanguard or whatever says, all right, well, if we invested this oil company, we could make x% amount of profit. But we're not going to do that because we think carbon-- we think carbon is bad. We think fossil fuels are bad. So therefore, we're not going to participate in this game. And that's where the regulatory environment has to kick in. And that's why these AGs around a country are getting involved. It's not socialism. It is where the corporate governance is not doing what it is cast to do. And that's where it becomes problematic. Let's get a break here, be right back. This is a Jeff Moore show. What if it took, 106.5? OK, say I've got a whole lot of cares. I'm in the red nigger in the air. It's getting crazy. I'm getting hammered sitting right here at the floor of Bama. At the floor of Bama. I start off by a starship across the universe divide. And when I reach the other side, I'll find a place to risk my spirit if I can. We'll go back to the Jeff Moore show. What if we talk, 106.5? You're staying with us on this Thursday morning. 25.1, 343, 0.1, 0.6 would be a touch with the program. All you've got to do is text me, still to come on the program about an hour from now. April, Marie Fogle, and then in the 11 o'clock hour, Gary Palmer, congressman from the 6th Congressional District. Stay tuned for that. Carson Palmer been active in this, very active in this Secret Service oversight effort to really figure out what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania. And you can talk a little bit about all the roadblocks he's been presented with by our federal law enforcement. Let's see here. I'm going to get these texts out of the way. Well, it's still topical. One of the companies had the EIs from Terry because the Liberals control the education system for the last 50 years. And this time, they have wrecked the education system for most minorities, making it almost impossible for them to learn knowledge and skills needed to make it in the works on the merit. Well, I don't even think it's that. I think that's the stated mission that it is to enhance diversity, but does it really have a goal? And I think the EIs is just, hey, look at us. We really care, send us more federal money. Like, hey, Nancy Pelosi, you know all that stuff you talk about about San Francisco values? Well, we do that too. So you should earmark an appropriation for our institution or if it's in corporate America, there's some of this too, especially Wall Street. Our Silicon Valley is absolutely the worst. Like they want to make money hand over fist. And I'm not saying that I guess some of them are philosophically, they are liberal. But the truth is here, it's sort of like, hey, so Tucker Carlson said that when Bill Clinton came along, he showed that, you know, the way George McGovern approached corporate America, banking, high finance, Wall Street, I mean, you didn't live that kind of life. So if you wanted to be a Democrat, a true believer, a bleeding heart liberal, you didn't dabble in that arena. Like you had to like, you had to walk the walk with the lower, you know, middle class or middle class or whatever, you had to show your blue collar bona fides. You could not be some mega rich oil tycoon or whatever. I mean, that just wasn't the way it was. And what, we Tucker explained it is, you know, Bill Clinton broke that bottle. And he showed that you could be a Democrat. You could be a Democrat. And as long as you said the right thing about the social issue of the day, be it same sex marriage, be it abortion, be it whatever that you could have your cake and eat it too. You could be wealthy and you could be rich and you could be a liberal, you could be a true Democrat. And that's sort of from that point forward, that's where this whole idea of like woke capitalism is sort of come from. And it's this, it's like, hey, we believe the same things you do, Democrat from New York City or whatever. So don't go so hard on us with it. You know, don't demagogos, don't villainize us. I'll see your community notes want to be a strong man argument. These folks don't care if the fund refuses to invest in clean energy, et cetera. Classic GOP, if it's wrong for the, it's not for me. Well, if you invest in a clean energy, does it show any significant return on investment versus what? I mean, I was using that as a hypothetical, but here's a real world example. This is Andrew Sorrell, our state auditor, talks about this where banks don't, he holds a gun shop or two gun shops, one in muscle shows or one in Madison, and they debanked him. Not because he wasn't paying his bills on time, not because he wasn't, you know, it showed a risk to be a risky investment. 'Cause he just didn't agree with the business he was in. The Second Amendment and gun ownership and selling guns was something that was not, did not conform to their standards. I mean, there's a lot of problems with that, but it all comes out of this idea of the ESG governance. Societal, like, you know, and what's good for society is debatable, but they made a decision, the bank made a decision, or like Regent's Bank, I don't know about Regent's Bank, but I know this, that they did not wanna get in the business with Alabama, with private prisons, a public-private partnership, because they believed too many people were incarcerated, so they refused to do business with the state and with this private company, this public-private partnership to bond a prison. It's stuff like that. It happens. And, you know, one of your most reliable creditors is gonna pay their bills on time is a government that has a broad tax base that can pay its bills. And they didn't, they didn't, just because of what the bond revenue was gonna be used for, they balked on it. So, these are, the point is, these are decisions are being made not based on some sort of business decision, but just feel good liberalism. Let's see here. Toothless Bamber. Does Black Rock and Paul Capital, et cetera, think that we think Carmen is bad, or do they think their institution and investors think that ESG is the way to go? I mean, what is the show here, I guess? Like, what is the benefit? And that's what people wanna see, like, show me some kind of tangible result where the shareholder gains from an ESG policy. And I'm sure it happens. But it doesn't happen, it's only to keep the government off your back a lot of times. Wall Street, people are protective of their wealth, right? People don't want the government coming in and taxing them, or are taking away their loophole, or taking away their carve out, or whatever, these wealthy corporations. And look, it happens to me, wealthy corporations. And look, it happens all around the country, especially with Alabama, with all the economic incentives, we pour into big business. So they get on board with, whoever's in power, in charge of said government, they get on board with whatever it is, and it just so happens that, I think the administrative state, I think, establishment Washington, D.C., the Democrats in Congress, all believe in this stuff. They all believe that corporate America has some kind of social responsibility. So anyway, that's, I know kind of in the weeds, and not necessarily topical, but I thought it was a good opening salva for the program. 25134301, the jurisdiction would be touching the program. Text me, we'll get to some news here. We're, like I said, in the middle of the, we're right in the middle smack dab of the election cycle. Tuesday, we have a debate. It doesn't really feel like, it doesn't really feel like it's really this far into the election cycle, because one of the candidates feels relatively new, and they're still filling her out. The media seemed perfectly fine with this approach. The media, you can tell when they were getting agitated with Joe Biden, but they, you gotta keep the left leading media was really getting antsy there. And I think now that Harris has taken the nomination slot that this is what you wanted, so you better leave me alone as sort of the tone from the campaign. Like, you wanted me to be your nominee, you know, no, I mean, did she want it or not? Probably she wanted it. I don't know. But she's used it to sort of say, Hey, I'm not going to play by the usual rules. It's very reminiscent of when Paul Ryan, the former Speaker of House, became speakers. Like, I'll be your speaker, but I'm not going to do all this fundraising. And I'm not going to cave to the Freedom Caucus. There's sort of a sense of like the re-electency of it. I don't know how that plays with the campaign trail, but you kind of pick it up a little bit, especially with the lack of media appearances and the media, not really. I mean, a few on CNN, Jake Tapper, Aaron Burnett, some of those kind of say, well, this is, this is not really the way this has been in the past. But it's a fascinating trend to watch. They're not like MSNBC, they're all on board with whatever. I mean, they were the biggest, they were the biggest biting critics, Julia Reed, Rachel Maddow, Nicole Wallace. Oh my God, the big, bad arguments coming back. And they were working there, Democrats in the Congress and all these high, I mean, every Democrat official that they could get to come on their stupid airwaves and they would pressure. Well, what do you think of Biden? But now it's, you don't see that same level of pressure applied to Kamala Harris to do anything at all. You know, my, my real colleague, Dale Jackson, thinks all they got to do is just run against Trump, running against Trump, running against Trump. And it's sort of predicated on this notion more people will vote against something than they will for something. But we're going to test it because there's nothing to really vote for with Vice President Harris. What are you voting for? Like are you voting for a $25,000 housing credit? Are you voting for a tax on unrealized capital gains? Like how would that even work? So I explained that one to me, some of you, especially you, community notes want to be, but explain this to me. Like what is she? What is she trying to do there? Is there just the problem with the left is they have, they don't have any ideas 'cause they have way too many ideas. So it's a coalition of a bunch of different entities, primarily geared against, I think, just the American right in general, everybody would say Trump, but if that was Rhonda Santas, if that was Nikki Haley, if it was anybody, Mike Pence, or whoever standing there on a Republican side, it would be the same damn argument. Push was Hitler, Romney had binders full of women and killed dogs or something, McCain was like, had mistresses, I don't know, it's always, whoever is on the Republican side's never gonna be satisfactory to the left, so why do we, how are the media? Why do we worry about what the media and the left say? But this is all it is, and it's just we're gonna run again. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, and does that work? Like, would you bet on that? And it's like this, it's like, if you're watching Alabama, what they got, was constant coming up or somebody, but we're only gonna play defense or we're only gonna go, probably play defense and we're not gonna play offense. So, there's only half the equation there, and maybe, I mean, that probably works really well in blue states. It may even work well in blue leaning states that you thought maybe like a Minnesota or somewhere that might fall, New Hampshire might fall into the hands of Trump, but we start getting into the more moderate states, this is where it becomes problematic. And you see this in Arizona, see the Georgia, and I think you could see it in Pennsylvania, I'm not so sure what's constant in Michigan, I mean, I am skeptical of the chances there for Republicans. But honestly, I do think it could, you know, there's, there has to be something there. There has to be a full package. You're getting running for president of the United States. It's hard to win it on just a fluke. And the problem for Kamala Harris is a such, I mean, she's got to kind of respond or answer for the last four years of Biden, and she's not doing any of that. She's not exactly running against Biden. Only like maybe some of her campaign ads, we have to kind of read it to what she's doing there with all the images of the wall that she ran against, in 2020. And I'm just telling you, like you said, it's why you see like a Nate Silver, despite what the polls say, still just Trump in a significant edge, that the polls may, they might get it right when it comes to W versus L, but they always get the margins wrong. And the biggest problem for Harris right now is she's not in the same position that even the Hillary Clinton, who lost, or Joe Biden was at this stage of the election in their respective elections, 2016 and 2020. So look, she may win. I mean, I'm not saying I'm absolutely correct here, but you've got to look at all the holes in the ship here and wonder how much longer it could stay afloat. Text line 2513430106, keep up going guys, we'll be right back to Ciz, The Jumpboard Show, on a flip talk, 106.5. ♪ Before I reach 30, I'd be dead ♪ ♪ But somehow on and on I close ♪ ♪ I just want rolling with the flow ♪ ♪ Folks said that I, ♪ ♪ Yeah, ask me how I'm falling ♪ ♪ I told them I'm ready, that it just smiles ♪ ♪ I'll never forget it ♪ ♪ Daddy never was a Cadillac cat ♪ ♪ He said something just glitter and shine ♪ - Welcome back to the Jumpboard Show, on a flip talk, 106.5. Text line 2513430106, text us and maybe I'll give you some kind of coherent response, maybe not. Who knows, just kind of depends on my mood. At the moment, still to come in the next hour, April, Marie Fogle, Alabama today, and some other places. So please make sure you stick around for that. Also, I'd love to talk like our Gary Palmer Congressman from Hoover, to be precise. He'll join us as well. There may be more, yeah, a couple here, and I'm a little slow at getting out of the gate here. James, the official troll at the Jeff Moore Show, what are we voting for with Trump? More scandalous behavior with old worn out porn stars making our first lady look like a moron for staying. I mean, sure, I mean, that's always been problematic. The Playboy behavior Donald Trump, but it kind of came with the house when you bought it, right? Well, we knew this. We knew this going back to the '80s that he had those issues. But I would tell you, though, he does have a portfolio of work. And a portfolio of work that you had to put an asterisk by because of COVID, but still a portfolio of work. Harris doesn't have a portfolio of work unless you look back what she was, you know, a senator or she was a attorney general for state California, but not at the level of president. And I don't know what you mean, like vice president, what is there? And then they don't seem to be at all concerned about that. I think that's, there's no, and we'll see this debate Tuesday night, James, but I still think you kind of got to address the woes of the Biden administration. I mean, this is probably what you need to know, though, about the American public. They were more worried about Joe Biden and his ability to communicate in him as the person, the candidate, rather than defending their own ideas, their own policies. So we may never get any of that. It's just going to be good vibes, Joey, and hey, I used to work at McDonald's, but not really. I don't know, James, but at least with Trump, there was a record there to run on or run against or whatever with Harris. There is a, I suppose the record would be, you were supposed to handle the border, you were supposed to do XYZ, you cast a lot of tie-breaking votes in the Senate. How did all that work out? You cast a tie-breaking vote on the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. How did that go? That would be the record, but they're not, they're not even addressing any of that, James. I'm dirt digger, if you vote for Kamala, you must be happy the way the country and world is falling down. If she goes in this country, she goes in, this country is not going to be here much longer. I'm going to heaven. Here's what I want to tell you guys. Politics is a fascinating, fascinating, but dirty, ugly place sometimes. But if Kamala Harris is elected president, on Wednesday you will get up, you will go to work, and your destiny is in your own hands. It may be a little more difficult, given some policy things, but you're not going to fall to pieces. We'll be right back. This is FIT Talk, one of those six, five. ♪ Excuse me, man ♪ ♪ But where's the door ♪ (upbeat music) From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ (upbeat music) - Welcome back to the Jeff Porsche show, and if you talk 106, five, six minutes after the hour, hour number two begins right now. 250-3430-106 to be touched with the show. Text me, April, Marie Fogle, in about 30 minutes, and about an hour and a half from now, we'll talk to Congresswoman Gary Palmer from the Sixth Congressional District. So please stay tuned for that. Kind of an interesting story, and I rarely cite this website because I have a pseudo feud, I would say, going on with its publisher Bill Britt, but Josh Boone, interesting piece at Alabama Political Reporter, and still, Josh is one of the few liberals, I think that writes, well, he doesn't get too corny and use too many cheesy literary devices, and he's just wrong, but he's a decent writer. But he does have an interesting piece here about what the 2026 picture looks like. And when it's 2026, you're like, well, at least I gotta get to 2024, fair enough. But the state, at the state level, well, and we should talk about it like, Will Ainsworth seems to be the prohibitive favorite for governor. There's been some discussion about Rick Pate. We had a commissioner Pate on this show a couple weeks ago. I asked him about his 2026 plans and he didn't really, let's say it really made a decision yet. But the rumor is he's gonna take a shot at running for governor. That would be a long shot campaign, but he's going to do it. What will Steve Marshall do, the attorney general. But so the way Josh goes about writing this piece is he approaches political consultants. Now, Montgomery's full of these people, the state's full of these political consultants, what do they do, I mean, well, they just sort of run the campaign. I mean, you have a campaign manager that really handles like day to day, ground level operations. And then you have the consultant who kind of picks and chooses what ads and where to run them and where to, you know, how to raise money and so on and so forth. And what they're telling Josh this piece, they're all running under the cloak of anonymity. But I think I can read it. I can figure out who some of these people are. Um, they say they don't expect Tommy Tuberville to be our U.S. Senator beyond 2026. He says, quote, let's start with the surprise, which bitch by every person I spoke with because it impacts the entire outlook. They don't expect Tommy Tuberville to be Alabama's U.S. Senator past 2026. And this is from a long time campaign strategist, quote, there's just a lot of talk out there about possible plans for Tuberville and a lot of calls have been made about where he might land. If anywhere, there's a general feeling that he's ready to walk away. Now, I've heard this too. And the one I, you know, we heard it for a little while, Tommy Tuberville is governor. How would you feel about that versus Will Ainsworth? That would be a real bloodbath. And Ainsworth will have to just run for something else, probably. I don't think Tommy Tuberville could be beat statewide in Alabama right now. Now, there's some things they may try to do, but he is still wildly popular, probably the most popular Republican, at least it's Jeff Sessions, but probably more popular than Jeff Sessions. And certainly up there, like, you look at popular politicians over the years and I would throw up there, obviously George Wallace, Jim Folsom. No, we've had some, we've had some real, real, real, little barn burners here. But, uh, what he's told me, personally, he doesn't know what he is. It wouldn't be a Trump's cabinet. He doesn't want to be up in Washington, D.C. full time. Uh, does it really like the idea being governor? Kind of likes the role of the U.S. Senate and the ebb and flow of it. And that he was staying put. Also, keep in mind this, when you see these pieces and it's consulted, stalking, and there's an open office for grabs. They, they will try to bait clients, uh, potential clients and to say, hey, Tuberville is not going to be around actually six. You ought to think about a Senate run and you hear cash register bells. So there's some of that probably at play here. But what do you think of that? I mean, Tommy Tuberville, you want him to stay? If not Tuberville, the U.S. Senate, then who? Uh, I think the most likely candidate would be the attorney general. If Tuberville decides not to run in 26, I think you've got to look at Steve Marshall is. The favorite, so I put a door to the governor's lane just because he's been running for it for the last eight years. And I would put Marshall in the Senate lane, if it opens, because he is the. He's shown a real ability to raise money at the federal level of national money. Whereas a door seems to be more about Alabama, more about the trade associations and Montgomery and so on and so forth. Of course, the Tuberville, as I predict, does not take the bait here. And he runs for Senate. I mean, he'll, he'll walk right to the real election. And then what, what happens to Steve Marshall. Other name, you know, out there, uh, Twinkle, Kevin, uh, um, she's probably running from the tenant governor, West Allen, our secretary of state. Uh, now he can run again for secretary of state. But the world on street is going to run for lieutenant governor. Angel returns out. So that's an open seat. And somebody runs for lieutenant governor. In the way this state, the way the primaries go, you're probably locked in for eight years. If you win the Republican party primary, you're locked in. And most of these offices, the incumbents rarely lose. They either leave on their own or they. They just, they don't get beat. They either stay there for the, the two terms. And that's what it looks like here. Uh, so, so if let's say West Allen were to run again for secretary of state, well, then his term at the end of 2030, he would have to leave. What would he run for? Well, you would have an incumbent lieutenant governor. He couldn't run for that. He's not going to run for a chart in general. Second run for governor. I mean, so right now is where you see a lot of these guys jump in the fray here and run for that lieutenant governor's spot because the lieutenant governor, let's be honest, it's sort of the launching bad for, uh, to be governor. It's not always true, but how many of our past governors were also a lieutenant governor? Ivy was a lieutenant governor. Bentley was not, Riley was not. Siegelman was, uh, James wasn't, um, was before that. Uh, no, a guy hunt one neither, but I guess the point is here lately, it does seem in the last 20 years that you, you, if you're a lieutenant governor, you have an advantage over the field if you want to run for governor. So what's Allen, probably read it from the lieutenant governor and I admit you twinkle Kavanaugh. Looks like she's got a together shot at lieutenant governor. That's the rumor mill. I'm hearing, but anyway, back to the Josh movies, Tuberville, what do you think of that? Should he stay where he is and if not, then who two, five, one, three, four, three, zero one zero six, they'll have feedback on that when, uh, Jeff, I don't need Trump to be my pastor. I need Trump to get in there and kick ass, make deals and be in charge and get prices down. These companies are making billions, but I don't think it's necessarily get the prices down, but we need to stop spending or stop printing so much money. The, these big stimulus plans and they don't, they just don't, there's no, there's no tangible return here on these, these government handouts. They are just police to get votes and they don't really move the needle economically. And they do show like a growth of GDP, but the growth of GDP is inflated because the, the dollars is not worth what it was. So, so you may have a growth in certain sectors of the economy, it was like the stock market. Yeah, sure, the stock market's way up high, but the value of a share of stock is even based on, if it's pegged to a dollar amount, it's just not worth as much. There's a dollar is not worth as much on a texture. Jeff, thanks for that message. It's dangerous to lose perspective. I'm not sure what that was in reference to, but anyway, Terry, why do we want to throw up Trump's moral failings, but refuse to acknowledge the world failings of their own? Biden's grouping and sexually assaulting women are Harris affairs, exchanging sex to get the top or ignore Bill Clinton didn't inhale. Maybe she didn't. Hey, Terry, well, this is what it is. It's like we are supposed to vote. I saw this and it's attributed to Danica Patrick, the former race car driver. And I don't know if this is, she really said this, but it's an interesting point. We are told not to vote for the guy with the side chick at the vote for the side chick instead. So that's what we're doing. We're swapping the guy with the side chick to vote for the side chick. I think texture Kamala's saying either everyone knows how she got a job in San Francisco, Trump, and his woman choices were long before he ran for office. Yeah, it's like a city sort of came with a million, it's like the furniture that came with the house. We do it. You knew you would be burdened with this. It's not a new attack. Jerry, what if you were to use a this from the last program? The coach should stay in the Senate. I think that's where a lot of people are. I'll tell you this. When Donald Trump came to Montgomery, spoke to the Alabama Republican party, a couple summer or was summer for or not this summer, but the summer last year, 2023. And he he was introduced by Tommy Tummerville. Tummerville got the biggest standing ovation. I mean, it was almost the level of Trump level, but I'll tell you why. He was still he wasn't budging on his holds like you may disagree with the policy and the idea that we need to hold up military promotions because of a Pentagon policy on abortions. But it's like having the courage of your convictions and people respect that. It took it took some courage to stand up to bitch McConnell, to Chuck Schumer, to this like media intelligentsia that carries the water from the Schumer PR arm and that is what it's what the media do. The media have relationships all throughout Washington, DC with these Democrats, with these bureaucrats and they want to please them because it guarantees them access a guarantees them favoritism. And this is how that town works. It's a Democrat city and our federal government aside from the elected Republicans in most large part is run by left left with the idea logs. What did I say? It's all time. I mean, you don't go work for the department of commerce in Washington, DC is some kind of paper pusher. But believe in like Ron Paul libertarianism or even make America great again populism. You just don't do that. You're going to do something else with your life. I'm still amazed at how people have bought into this price gouging idea tied directly to higher prices at the grocery store. Yeah, it is the Kroger doesn't even mean they they say the the problem here Kroger's a grocery store chain kind of a national chain. They have some some stores in Alabama, but part of the reason they're having to charge so the board may be even higher than the rate of inflation is because of field prices, labor cost and so on and so forth. And that's all built into the inflation will be right back. This is Jeff, the Jeff course show what I've been talking about. [Music] I'm looking back to the Jeff course show what if I'm talking 106 five they should stay with us on this Thursday morning text line 2513430106 you need to be touched with the program. You text me April before we go to the next segment and then 11 o'clock hour congressman and Gary Palmer, please stay tuned for that up and up and up and up. Let's see what else is going on in the world here. Oh, we'll get to these text Joe. I feel sorry for people who are so dumb that they can't admit that Donald Trump's policies made America's economy great in the world safer and I we'll never know the honest truth on this because the Covid experience really didn't give Trump a chance to have a complete portfolio work. You can't blame him for covid I you have to I mean he was still president when there were these lockdowns and a lot of the the weird stuff that went on. But his will say up until the covid breakout which was what that the January of 2020 so I went to the state of the union address and then about two weeks later they shut everything down he had pretty good pretty good run up to that point. I mean he had people like Bill Barr say that did you know the economy is doing too well and and the economy needs to take a hit because if it doesn't take a hit then Donald Trump's going to get reelected. I don't want to live through another four years with Donald Trump. I mean liberals actively saying things like that and I'm saying it behind the scenes but you had people like Bill Barr at least willing to say it openly but but that's what people that's what Democrats were saying behind the scenes. So I agree that the the the the Trump era was the Trump presidency was far exceeded that of even with covid probably that would Biden because but there were still like these government handouts and these lockdowns and this this push to make everybody take a vaccine and stupid mask and whatnot and also guys I the the media and and Republicans in Congress kind of kept Trump hemmed in the the Mueller River River Robert Mueller was going to save us. That will work this time if he's reelected it's going to be full on. I mean he is not going to that will be a speed bump in his way. He will fire Mueller and he will just suffer the consequences now. He and I think honestly he thought that people would come together and kind of get behind him as president and he was that was a error that was a miscalculation g w is cooked after the military fiasco gene who's going to beat Tommy Tuberville. Whatever lip risted Democrat that you guys put up on the on the other side you think he could get beat in a Republican primary gene any answer this question and don't ignore it. I'll bait you from this program who's going to be Tommy Tuberville in an election don't make statements like that he's not cooked there's there's there's nothing there's no basis for that comment tell me who is is Bear Bryant going to come back from the dead or running its Tommy Tuberville. Oh Nick Saban okay yeah he's going to quit the lucrative college game day gig and running it's to who who could be Tommy Tuberville head to head answer the question and they are this is it. You gotta you gotta back this comment up Tim Jeff a lot of people cut code short but he has read a pleasant surprise I hope he stays and then finally has anyone ever said how much Tuberville say the US in delaying the raises the military advance was would have gotten yeah they didn't well they got back I think they got back back pay for these. But it mean it was a real touchy subject there for a while like Joni Ernst and Dan Sullivan and a bunch of Republican sitters Liddy Graham turn on Tuberville even Katie Brent was kind of a little shy about what coach was doing with the holds I didn't I mean the only people in that chamber that had his bag is certainly Mike Lee. It's a great degree ramp all the take crews but should military hospitals be a abortion business the hospitals Texas like two five one three four three zero one zero six we're right back this is to Jeff or show it at the talk one oh six five you got to know when the hold up know when the hold up know when the walk away know when the run you never count your money when you're sitting at the table there'll be time and of account when the deal is done welcome back to the jump for show that the talk will know six five thank you for staying with us on this Thursday morning Silicon Congress or Gary Palmer about an hour from now stay tuned for that real quick a text here gene Tubby can get reelected but he has no more power in Congress he was even condemned by his colleagues calling Democrats communist Congress isn't for you great for getting things done yeah but he sure could stop a lot of things that this he's not just a congressman he is a U.S. senator and and senators you know as we saw with Tuberville's holds have a lot of power so you know you're never you never quote unquote as a U.S. senator not now if you were a congressman yeah maybe some of those hijinks would make him a back venture but the other thing about coaches I mean he can raise a lot of money and he he's a senator I mean he's not he's not even a back venture senator I mean he's in the media a lot he does a lot of things so I your your whole statement is still wrong but I am glad you did respond joining us now on the line as we do this about this time every week from Alabama today April Murray focal April Murray good morning how are you good morning doing well today so the hot topics today maybe very tangential to the twenty twenty four election so Josh Moon your your best friend at album vocal reporter has a piece up and he he cites a bunch of like a name political consultants but if you read the piece you you can tell here they are it doesn't it's not hard well for the the educated I is such as I am and I assume you are as well but one of the things he says in the piece is that no one expects Tommy Tuberville says quote they don't expect Tommy Tuberville to be Alabama's U.S. senator past twenty twenty six now my conversations with coach have a is expressing totally different sentiment about twenty twenty six he's running again and that you know that's that's not really true um if that coach then who I and like what would he run for governor I mean or is he just gonna go back to thirty a and play in the sand I mean what do you make of that well I've said for a very long time that I don't think coach cover though runs again I think that it is there's nothing that has been more crystal clear since the defense holds when awry on the on the abortion issue there's been nothing more clear than the fact that he hates that job he doesn't like or respect most of his colleagues all of them are openly hostile and disrespectful to him which is really that is palpable where people will openly say something unkind about somebody in the Senate and so I I think I hate just I don't think Josh moon is right most of the time but even a broken clock um sometimes can be and I don't think senator Tuberville is gonna stick around I mean based on what I don't think that's true you know he he says he likes being in the Senate when has he ever said that he he doesn't like it now there was a speculation there Trump wanted he would go on to be a cabinet secretary or play some role to Trump administration but but he's made it clear he doesn't want to live in Washington full time um he does I don't think he's going anywhere there have the interviews after the defense stuff he was just talking about how awful and corrupt and terrible yeah but I mean that was the heat of battle that's just like he just got dumped by his girlfriend I don't believe that I mean what else I don't think he's going to walk away from it like a lot of people or say I think here's what I think is going on here with this piece and it's not necessarily by any doing of Josh moon here but there are a lot of political consultants you know this world really well that are looking for their next paycheck and they're trying to bait potential clients into looking at a potential Senate run yes I and I think that absolutely has a part in this whether it is people looking to cash out people willing just wanting to get feelers out to see who is the next mystery candidate I mean mystery candidates have done well in Alabama in terms of coming in really shaping up races they haven't he he's the only one that that came kind of came out of left field of one but you had Mike Durant come in and spend just bolt loads of money you had Lindy Blanchard who you know relatively unknown but has stayed on the scene there I think there is a possibility of getting another self-funder in a another US Senate race and as you said they're incredibly good money makers for consultants media buyers the that whole pool of talent let me ask you this it's been two years since we've dispatched to bike Durant did he run just to be spoiler for bow brooks no I you can't fake the genuine hurt and anger that he had at the end of the campaign when he was hammered the way he was I genuinely think that the the tax that talks on him specifically his sister and the abuse she endured at the hands of their father I think that no person puts themselves in a position for that to be excluded the way it was here's what I think and I think in the end he did he did indeed run in the end he was running to be the US senator like he was serious I think in the beginning I think he was played spoiler did it was take away some the Huntsville vote for Mo Brooks I mean Mo Brooks looks like he was on his way to be a US senator Katie Brit was not pulling high she had no name ID and what Katie Brit did was nothing short of a miracle to win the way she she had by a margin she did and raise her name ID it's such a short amount of time but but at the time I mean we never seen thing like that before and where we're on candidate had such a you know a big big big lead in the opponent was pulling at two three percent and go on and win but I you know you throw a mike Durant in that mix just to kind of take away from a congressman Brooks's effort a little bit and it helps her yeah I think and there was a lot of talk about that whether or not that you know he was bad they got Wendy Blanchard out of that race Jessica Taylor had her fundraising you know smoosh all but it's extinguished was he intending just to I mean maybe you're right maybe at the beginning he was it was just somebody to pull from that Huntsville group well but it was like oh holy cow I could win this thing and when he started pulling Nick and Nick with Brooks and Brit what he passed Brit and he was I mean he hit his stride way way way too early but I think something happened there because the consultants that he hired or not I I you know how I feel about those guys they're not serious they're the types who look for paychecks and it got to upload you could actually win this thing and there that's when he really is like it started playing to win instead of playing spoiler well and you've got to remember what happened at that point what happened at that point was the Richard Shelby money factory started dumping just tons and tons of money into mail and digital and all the things to go after him every which way and and it worked you're right he peeped too soon had it come a little later maybe would have been different you know Katie got to and I have told people who were not in state at the time and people on meet and DC we talk about Katie's win and Katie's win looks as if it's a Cinderella story but the fact of the matter is behind the scenes there were people slit and throats left and right for that victory and she gets you know to do the whole Disney princess thing well all while all the while it is just blood stained spattered reputations but I'm I'm gonna give her a little credit the Disney princess thing like it was wildly popular you you would go to events and and the only person who was more popular to the van would be coach Tuberville but Katie Britt like everybody all of these like Republican women's groups everybody wanted to get a picture with her and to think about her like she is really patient with that she and she she stood around and talked to people and I think that went a long way in a low turnout Republican primary all 67 counties all that and that's the textbook way you do it now you're right there was a dark side of the Katie Britt effort but I think that Disney princess routine really was played a bigger bigger role at her getting the nomination I think she worked harder than I have seen any candidate in the state of Alabama work I mean look at all the other elections even the the Special First Senate look before this you look at all the other elections and and it was a typical campaign she was a workhorse as well as her team and and that helped I still to this day if I take a trip to DC and it's one of those early morning flights where it's the direct out of Birmingham Katie will still have the rockstar appeal of people at six in the morning going up there for fly-ins for whatever insurance or dentist or you know optometrist conference they've got she'll still have people waiting in line for a photo with her it was how helpful in getting the Jeff sessions you know like it's it's something there's a very few people are engaged at this level of politics in Alabama a way fewer than I would prefer but you don't really see that you saw that a little bit with George Wallace and he leveraged it to run for president but besides that I mean you were certainly nobody was like oh my god let me get Richard Shelby's autograph you know I mean it's it's it's it's a totally different set of circumstances we have now and the US Senate for now and it's it's both and it's both senators Tupperville still you know he's he's coached and so he still has that coach appeal the the toilet as it is kind of thing and you know we look at you look at the house and we don't have any members of Congress that are that are that rockstar level I mean some of them are in their own districts for whatever reason but there's no none of them command the same level of media attention and just out constituent you know hand-shaking pictures that those two have oh I the thing about I mean me I've spent a little time around Katie bread in the in the wild but when you're with Tupperville in the wild I mean people just right left come up to him and thank him for what he's doing and and everybody says well the the military holds or a fiasco I think it made him perhaps the most popular Republican in Alabama history politically I named me another Republican that holds I mean you know you had to go back to even like Wallace but he was a Democrat just sessions maybe at one point when he got a name attorney general but Tupperville is I don't think he's you could lay a glove on him politically in the state um no I I think that he um I think that he's very well liked very well respected I just don't think he likes the job nothing nothing I've seen or heard from him indicates he actually enjoys being a US senator well I that's true but he's not gonna walk away I don't think he's gonna walk away from it necessarily number one but but where would he go he's gonna do something but he's not gonna start the Tupperville think tank or something I mean I I think I think he just stays in the Senate and you know it goes back and forth well I think it'll be interesting to see um I really still I'm at the moment today and of course this changes week week right but I'm of the impression today that Trump is gonna win this thing and then we're going to find out how much he can get Congress to do um and he's gonna need really conservative people like a Tupperville in the Senate if he's going to really start deporting illegal war across us if he's gonna start deporting uh he's gonna start you know really making strides while I'm having kids if Trump went until I've at least he'll have at least two years of Tupperville but it I don't I don't think the story is about Tupperville going to Trump's cabinet or true and I certainly don't think he's going I don't think he's running for governor but if he if he wouldn't be fun if he did yeah I mean if he wouldn't be fun if he did I mean seriously what would I do I mean how everybody how deflated that be for well age worth and you know what I adore me some will Ainsworth but I've said it before I'm tired of this I waited my turn I played by the rules the BCA gave me I minded my P's and Q's well I mean that's only happened with even with KIV I mean she how many times of KIV run for governor before she finally broke through and it took her being a lieutenant governor to do it um but but it's not really necessarily true I mean Robert Bentley was an unlikely governor uh and then you go back before that I mean Bob Riley congressman in in the third district there I mean he he was probably the favorite but he still had he still had to go anyway uh so but Bentley was the closest we've had for gubernatorial upset Will Ainsworth upsetting um twinkle to get to be a lieutenant governor I think Ivy was just going to exist until you know like she she was going to get in that governor seat if for no other reason that she can outlast everybody else and so I just think she didn't run like two or three times but she had ran she ran two or three times before she finally became governor but that's what I'm saying is she was going to just she's gonna wear everybody down because she never even going was it that it was the 20th hit cycle and she had announced to run for governor and then about halfway into the cycle she changes campaigns and runs for lieutenant governor and she's all that Bentley ticket at the time and she's running and she's coming lieutenant governor but he's a democrat it's it's Jim fulsome little Jim fulsome and in that cycle she just she just goes on to beat him She was it's almost like twinkle what does twinkle do next and I adore me some twinkle capital but she just keeps running until and she's been willing for some time he was a likeable and I mean I don't know they're two different kind of characters but anyway April Marie we're out of time and the music's playing functional fighting online acting they do so you can find me on twitter at april marie a t r y o and a r i e all right y'all check her out april refugle he's a job and we'll be right back this is the jeff pore show on effid talk while they're six five hours out of the purple sky feel that long sumptune hi i'm a couple guys in first class on a flight from new york to los angeles welcome back to the jeff pore show that we talked one of six five two five one three four three zero one zero six a little bit of breaking news couple stories uh first of a fox news uh talking about hunter biden plea deal uh now the government uh government lawyers uh claiming they're first for hearing about it but a potential plea deal uh in the tax is tax case so it changes to a guilty plea and we'll see uh we'll see where that where that goes and then um on the state level this was sent to me but i get the press release uh governor ivy has made some changes in the uh uh department of the alabama the department of veterans affairs and state board of veterans affairs uh she has removed john kill patrick or a member of the board and as asked the state um commissioner of veteran affairs kit davis she's asked for his resignation by five pm today and the the justification here is that uh they they have and may have put alabama's compliance with the arpa grant money in uh in peril here uh they have not they've mishandled federal money and therefore put the state out of compliance with the requirements of what arpa money was to be used for and it's not specific about what that is but uh that is just happened here that uh the kit davis has been asked to resign and uh john kill patrick a member of the alabama state board of veterans affairs has been removed by governor kivy two five like three four three zero one zero six josh good point jeff tumberville made a stand and would do it again but as a politician she's had to play a game so far like them both i i think that's a good mix though that's why it was was shelby and sessions sessions was your you know the the the the idea log or the the he was the visionary he was the philosophical guy had a messaging uh ability or had a messaging uh you know sort of strategy and shelby was the smoky back room guy that had brought home the bacon for alabama and so far brit has not been richard shelby um not not quite to that extent then she has she has brought i mean she's doing sort of some of the same stuff you see it in her press clippings that go out that she's securing money for water waste water facility and uh i don't know anastina or wherever and you'll see these stories about these uh nickel and dime brands that are being put in local communities and and shelby was just notorious for this and he'd send it out on his distribution list but uh she's also been willing to kind of get out in front of some of these other hot butt issues unlike shelby two five one three four three zero one zero six we'll be right back that's the text but by the way we'll be right back this is the jeff pore show it if the block one of six five from bucks pocket to the shores of orange beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on alabama politics it's the jeff pore show good morning welcome back to the jeff pore show enough and talk one oh six five six minutes out to the hour out number three and now underway broadcasting in mermaid and i said a little different uh to the trainee or uh the train listener of the jeff pore show but uh hip here um later today uh so three hours of mobile radio this morning which is uh standard for me uh but uh four hours later today on a uh station here bermingham uh filling in for a host their afternoon drive guy he's on from two to six and doesn't really book a lot of guests so it's like uh it's it's real radio chops if you could go for four hours keep keep the momentum going and uh you get to get from the beginning to the end uh you're giving that a shot for the next couple of days so uh your prayers are appreciated seven hours of radio a day uh fourteen hours over two days uh let's see if like a kind of a heavy lift but uh we'll persevere uh in the meantime two five one three four three zero one zero six you would be touched with the program you know what to do you text to me and i mentioned going to break there a little bit of breaking news and um hunter set to change plea to guilty in tax case i'm not sure what this means i'd be kind of watching it on mute so we'll find out uh and will they they give him will the doj try to give him some kind of sweetheart deal like they did the last time now i still think by just going to pardon hunter Biden i mean if that were my kid even if he were a degenerate scumbag as a lot of people think that hunter Biden is i mean i would still pardon him and i would just hey this is you know this is um let me tell you a secret about a father's love here and uh you're you're probably on your own now son i'd be wildly a popular but i i don't see how as father Joe Biden doesn't does not pardon hunter Biden and if you were in those if you were a Joe Biden shoes would you do the same thing um i mean it wanted to be such a very very heinous where i'd have to say no i i i don't think so i mean murder even i i don't know i mean i'm thankfully not in no shoes i'll never be president with pardon power and hopefully uh my child's never in a criminal situation as such as hunter Biden is in so we'll see where this goes uh keeping an eye on that um then they got the cameras on outside the us district courthouse in los angeles right now uh paul writes this twinkle is awful the worst terrible what's the law of putting about twinkle cabin audio now even as a public service commission chairwoman um what is it i hear this complaint it's like hey you're electric who wrote it uh it was a brine lineman or somebody at the reflector i'll have to pull it up but the politics of the the public service commission are always yeah and the piece he's got here the the complacency of the albab of public service commission is rare the josh mr brine lyman both getting cited on the jeff pore show uh in the same day is historic here and uh but but he makes a good kind of analogy uh imagine there's a leak in your bathroom you can't figure out what to call so you call a plumber and give a detailed description of the flooding before you and quote yeah i know what's causing the problem the voice of the other end says it's clearly the woke agenda you'd likely call a different plumber and he says albab faces something similar uh with our public service commission it points out what the psc does and it goes into why you know alabama has higher electricity cost in the states except for georgia in its neighboring states but georgia also of the you know southern company to you know georgia power there and he poses the question like well why is that and the psc doesn't seem too eager to to look into that and the psc plays hardball i mean not the psc but the power company plays hardball you want to run for public service commission you get the top brass at alabama power s to give you the green line it's just how it is in this state and if you dare try to step outside of that i mean they deploy they deploy the usual suspects i mean it's you got the the the matrix guy is like hiding in your bushes and it's just it's a reality it's of of what things are in the state i don't know that's so much true anymore as it was back when like you know before we had all the the public airing of dirty laundry about alabama power and southern company but the the now about power company uh you know it runs the psc and you would think well you never see commissioner kavanagh pushback against any of it and that's been one knock on her i don't know like a running its power company uh like i said it's a it's a fool's errand in alabama but it's just the way it is they have very deep pockets and the ability to flex your muscle when needed uh but if you're she's running for lieutenant governor i mean is there is there anybody bold enough running against her that will litigate all that i think about they consider that for a moment it's she's going to put herself out there she wants she wants to move up the political ladder now i i find her to be a perfectly like you know fine and very pleasant person personally times i've encountered her she's always been very nice to me besides she's been on this show she's been fantastic but there's sort of this visceral reactions that tie to sort of the psc or is there or is there something else those of you know i'm talking about twinkle kavanagh used to run the alabama uh republican party but what is it would you say she's terrible awful whatever what it what precisely makes what triggers you that response from you was it was you ran for lieutenant governor i mean she she played dirty they went out to her well age were for some of his uh his hijinks in uh at Auburn university i think him and some his fraternity brothers had a van and they stole a fiberglass tiger or something and then they you know got trouble for it or whatever but like was that going to disqualify him for being lieutenant governor and in the end it didn't but what is it about her as a candidate that makes you say i'm not not for me two five one three four three zero one zero six uh dirt digger no i told my child do the cry pay the time the old way get you out of trouble is singing to a lot of church uh i don't know dirt digger i i i had to really think about that um especially if it's like it's one of these white collar crimes or if it was something dealing with his addiction mike writes this uh it's passing energy cost to the people because of bide cutting off production of coal and oil and i i think it's a fair statement but why is it mississippi or why is it florida or why is it tennessee what why are their electricity why are their utility rates higher under similar circumstances i mean you know in mississippi or Louisiana or archits all we run the air conditioner just as much as they do why why is it cost more in Alabama than neighboring states uh shad patrick calley says kabala's black voice sounds like fallboard legord shad also writes that maybe part of the deal they cut to get him to drop out if it's why he's still there i guess that was something we were talking about a little earlier uh the mention my uh former calley for daily all right welcome back to the jeff pore showin fm talk what oh six five uh apparently there was an ees there and i i just kind of let my way back into the program two five one three four three zero one zero six we were talking about the um double the power company to eco-cabinade he thought so it hurt two five one three four three zero one zero six but uh sorry this text for shad and he he cites my my old right bar to daily car colleague patrick calley says kabala's black voice sounds like fallboard legord and i shall oppose this question to you uh what is it that what what is it that uh how did you first encounter patrick calley of all people i i know he will he and i were both at right bar to daily car at the same time but i'm still at right bar he's since moved on but it's a very interesting uh every now and then you'll pop up with a patrick calleism and i'm i'm intrigued by that uh and then uh i named texter most of us should have to share a party with the old guard alabama republicans we have our swamp creatures no you do it to share i mean it's not they're not old guard alabama republicans the old guard alabama republicans are are more like the ones who are kind of the problem children of the the 80s and 90s like you are a democrat in alabama freak years and years and years on named texter and uh would would republic would democrats start to switch in parties to republican that's that's where things change so so your old guard what you call what you refer to as old guard republicans are really just old guard democrats and they they don't and i i think that is over time going to fade and i think you're going to get a lot uh it's going to be very different now you know that there's some democrats they ran as democrats for years like like our speaker of the house was a democrat it was just that the politics of that part of the state at least now speaker of the house now republican kivy uh was was a was a democrat everybody now was a democrat to spend there more than 15 minutes now a source of relatively new to the seed and he was the alabama house before he was lieutenant governor for four years but he i mean he's always been a republican so so i think over tying you'll gradually see these former democrats turn republican move on and then i don't know what that does to the state and how that impacts it politically or ideologically to be honest shot says you just come on the info wars all the time well that makes sense uh toothless pamper mid-80s there was a serious lieutenant governor lieutenant group of tutorial Louisiana group of tutorial candidate baba and what edwards right commercials who would vote for someone they baba are to take some wood uh named twinkle serious well i bet she's been in politics for a long long long long time uh toothless pamper uh she's i don't know like it's some toy will she have a turd but unlike idea i he was like the well she was always the uh well not always but a few times she was a spokeswoman for the alabama republican party at the conventions uh sort of uh she had a kind of a cult following too like like okay ivy uh young people really adored her she was a much different person than what you see now much much different twinkle never had that or she has it uh she was into the alabama republican party for a wall but she's i mean she she plays hardball and she's burned some bridges i don't know that it necessarily got to be a situation where she'll have her turd uh but whatever we mention her name on this show i get a lot of pushback and i i'm kind of curious to what what causes that is it a psc generated response because of the way we deal with alabama power in this state or whatever or is there something else about it let me know let's get a break in here we'll be right back this is the jeff or show it if it's all about oh six five it's where i drank my first beer it's where i found Jesus where if my first car i tore it all to pieces i learned to plug it back to the jeff or show it at the talk one oh six five gary palm are coming up in the next segment so please make sure just stick around for that quick programming now we got another jam pack program tomorrow kind of a late edition here but uh friday's program kicking off alabama daily news is Todd stacey's we always do uh coach uh yes or tommy tumberville must have hurt his ears must have been burning up uh we've added him he'll be on the program jerry carl our good friend congressman uh for the first congressional district will be with us and then finally our returning champion state senator chris elliot uh making uh appears weekly appearance on the programs please make sure that you tune in uh unnamed texter poor slash middle-class whites are left without but but here's the problem in i see we're talking about the republican party in the old guard uh in reference to that previous text a day texture but the participation the voter participation rate is least much to be desired like if indeed you feel that way that poor middle-class whites are left without with our current political class then why don't they vote more because i i think if you had more voter participation republican primary in these off-cycle years these midterm election years when there's no presidential race on the ballot and this is republican primary i'm talking about i'm talking about the general election with for the midterms then maybe the the the the chemistry or the complexion of the alabama legislature and and the governor's office for that matter changes but when you have 15 16 17 percent then you have a runoff situation that gets like five 10 percent you know what the the people who are left without representation don't want to blame it themselves and it's you you get that number at least the the 50 percent range in a republican primary i mean this is what you're going to get it's going to be the politically active motivated it's going to be the the sort of the the i wouldn't say a leave but the pseudo somewhere in between class determines the the rotary club uh the the people are active in their community the chamber of commerce those are the people who get voter republican primaries it's not the guy with the trump flag in front of his house generally speaking because they see state-level politics as small potatoes as as non-interesting complicated and not taking the time to know about it and that's where you get these election results that you have it's it's it was why katie bread and governor ivy went by such big margins now what coach it was a little different but keep this in mind he ran in a presidential year cycle so it goes both ways i understand but there's just it comes a time and a place when these election cycles line up and there's just very very little buy-in from the public you know i preach it to the choir here bus do you probably vote in republican primaries if you're listening to the show you you're interested in this subject matter and you're probably going to participate in the election but the the problem is everybody else is they're just not interested they're not interested as we are as in any they go your military election or whatever it may be and there's also the incumbency to overcome there's a lot of things and we've seen this in the past even if you have the deepest of pockets st. litty bladcher when she ran for governor last time against ivy she may have finished a distant second but she was not i mean it was i even close and she i mean her calls per vote was probably through the roof uh and finally here michael mind it must people i don't have a big problem twinkle hundred percent p.m.c. related the way albem is allowed to run rush shot over albemians is ridiculous but i i think there's something else there more come to retail politics level the thing i always i've written about this and i've talked about this when she ran lieutenant governor in 2018 she tried to build herself up try to brand herself as a female trump uh she she ran on like trump and i there's something a little this i don't say disingenuous but run on your own record now somebody else's let's get a break here we'll be right back this is a jeff pore show it fm talk wateau six five this is an s-r-m-u special report on john scott underbine's lawyer says his client plans to change his not guilty plea in his federal tax case just his jury selection was sent to begin in los angeles defense attorney abby loll announced biden's plans to change his plea but did not provide further details president biden's son is facing misdemeanor and felony charges in the case alleging he failed to pay at least 1.4 million in taxes over four years during a period in which he has acknowledged struggling with a drug addiction biden's defense attorney say he was in the throes of active addiction that affected his judgment to the point where he couldn't demonstrate the intent to commit the crimes this has been an s-r-n-u special report i'm john scott folks donald trump jr here let me ask you this does inflation feel worse than we're being told in the news that's because the official inflation rate doesn't tell the whole story since january of 2021 the cost of living has increased by 17.9 percent you can't get that money back but what you can do is stop your losses today how but diversifying your savings into a gold ira from my friends at the birch gold group when you're done your money will be parked in a tangible asset with proven history to see how it works get your free info kit on gold irs by texting the word prepare to nine eight nine eight nine eight birch gold is the only gold company i trust they provide an easy process to roll over your 401k or ira into gold without losing your tax advantage status so text prepare to nine eight nine eight nine eight that's prepare to the number nine eight nine eight nine eight to get your free info kit on gold iris how you fashions would like to thank those who placed themselves on the front lines to make our community safe we're giving up time with your families working in difficult conditions we're giving up your weekends and holidays we serve and protect others we remember it's the land of the freak because of our break fm talk one oh six five the gulf coast weather authority and dr bill williams the gulf coast can expect scattered showers and a few thunderstorms today high temperatures will be in the lower eighties this afternoon tonight showers and a few thunderstorms lows in the lower 70s and then tomorrow mostly cloudy with showers and afternoon temperatures in the upper 70s this is meteorologist dr bill williams for fm talk one oh six five fm talk one oh six five the gulf coast weather authority i'm jeff davis with jester thought i've watched him thought about him looked at a bit of his history and i come away with a feeling that ten walls is some kind of a freak i don't mean freak in the circus way i mean the kind of freak that hides something dark inside the little skits that he and kamala do that are obviously rehearsed and badly performed in an effort to make them seem normal but the more they do that stuff the more my spidey sense flips on an alarm bill something's just not right we already know he deserves the label of marxist he's definitely one of the most far left candidates but every politician has people who hate them being exposed to a vast number of people who aren't happy they're mentally ill drugged up or drunk and that's all on the top of stupid and every single one of them has a vote because of the heat in this political contest it would be a good idea to tell us the truth and tone down the rhetoric at the same time still some of the rhetoric does display a certain amount of truth and tim walls is fast becoming one of america's most distrusted politicians just a thought i'm jeff davis hey it's dalton or we're coming up monday morning on mobile mornings another edition of law two five one brian comer with debias and comer law is in studio will be talking child passenger safety that's monday morning right around eight fifty on fm talk one oh six fives mobile mornings law two five one with debias and comer law welcome back to the jeff poor shilda for talk one oh six five three four minutes out to the hour on this thursday morning a text line get them in now and maybe time permitting we will address them two five one three four three zero one zero six join us on the line he's on the road uh but we're appreciative of his time uh he represents six congressional district here in alabama congressman gary paulber congressman good morning how are you good how are you doing jeff do it well do it well thanks for coming on thank you for making time we always appreciate your time uh so um i i mean you made a lot of headlines um i i guess back in july kind of coming out of the the trump uh the tip of the assassination and wanted to see like what was the secret what was going on with the secret service here and from your personal the oversight committee to talk a little bit about that i mean do we do we do we you feel like we know a lot more today than we maybe do a month ago well yeah we know a lot more um there was a lot that we knew that didn't get out right after the assassination attempt and uh i think there's a whole lot more to this than has been disclosed thus far we honestly kim cheetold the director of the secret service resigned after the outside hearing that uh we need to talk to a number of other people particularly the side supervisor the side agent they're the ones who came up with the uh security plan and they're the ones who made the decision to not include that um bill the very low slope on the roof they left that out of this the main perimeter and when they drop these security plans they have they create parameters that are basically circles and that inner circle is all under the control of the secret service they put that building outside the secret service perimeter and like you've heard a hundred times now that building had a clear line of sight within 140 yards of the podium and then i'm there's also questions about why they didn't post anyone on the water tower not as a cyber team per se but but as an overwatch position they would have had uh after watch over the entire facility and so there that's who we need to be talking to Jeff people who actually put the plan together new we need to talk to the people who approved it so uh i believe it was on Fox News uh in the Hannity's program or Jesse Waters one other i can't remember but Josh Hawley in the Senate said that the personnel a lot of the personnel to ground that day i mean they had no real formal training beyond just a a webinar that it was a lot of DHS employees it had been deputized to be secret service agents that day which is so problematic because they didn't dot all their eyes and cross all their keys as you would in those circumstances well there are a number of things routinely the secret service will have contractors and those are pretty well trained people the contractor folks that's be your former Navy SEAL snipers special forces snipers they had a contract team on site and then that second circle the second perimeter is where you will have your SWAT teams from local officers they call them emergency services units and uh and then the third perimeter is uniform police officers and there are supposed to be a meeting a briefing led by the secret service sniper team before they deployed to their positions and they didn't show up they didn't have that briefing and that's extremely important for two reasons one by now everybody's heard about the communications issues uh how they're they didn't have the interoperability that they needed for the communications but the other thing that is extremely important is making sure that they that these other teams understood what compromise authority means and all the secret service officers agents have compromised authority what that means is if they see a credible threat they don't have to wait for someone to give them authority to shoot they take they take that threat out and uh local enforcement apparently didn't know uh that they had that authority and and let this they they should have arrested him uh the moment they saw him with a rangefinder and i don't know if you watched my questioning or watched the hearing with a cheetah and i can't remember if it's made that ash or someone else asked but she's she said that that rangefinders are not devices that they checked and i'm thinking you don't need a checklist to know that if someone's out there with a rangefinder they're not planning to hit a golf ball they're and uh but they let they let the guy get away well i i mean i guess last question on this topic before we move on is it is it just like negligence or is there something else there i mean it doesn't look like not necessarily some kind of conspiracy to kill trump but just like they kind of left the gate open and and things happen and that you know maybe they could have closed the gate but they just determined they weren't going to do it that day well certainly there's to be some ambivalence about it um about his security um this was not a side that that would easily be secured because the number of buildings and other issues there but they certainly i think were very lax in their security plan uh it had numerous holes in it and that's something that i don't understand Jeff is when you're charged with protection of someone that high profile when you get very likely the next president of the united states and you leave these many gaps that many gaps in your security plan that raises some serious questions uh i don't know if it was you know intentional or just incompetence or just lack of training there's that's what we've got to find out and uh and there are other questions about the individual the shooter and the other things that he was that he had with him the IEDs that he had that he had made and had in the trunk of his car and i'm i've been told there was one about the main gas line at one of those buildings there's just a lot of questions that need to be answered and i think there's a lot of different people we need to be talking to. So by Congressman Gary Palmer here on the program will turn toward the election now you have a new democrat candidate at the top of the ticket look uh first we'll start out to the very top of the ticket uh i i think it's a different i i mean i don't know is necessarily a game changer it's certainly a different election now with Trump versus Kamala Harris hey how do you feel about it today do you still think it's Trump's to lose perhaps well i think a lot depends on how he does and the debate if that debate actually takes place but the mainstream media is now a full-blown vision of the Harris campaign they're everything they can to keep people from knowing what she really stands for and and how incapable she is of articulating positions this and when she did that interview which i want to remind people that was taped it was edited and then she still came across as a copy but three times in that interview Jeff she said my values are the same i really think that that was her message to the radical left in the party that she's still the same left left is San Francisco radical but she's always been and what i would say to any listeners that you have that are thinking they just can't stay in Trump's personality i i don't mind telling you i believe this moment to marxist i believe walls is a marxist and Trump is the only candidate that i know that can get the country back on the right track but if Harris and walls win i i i have really fearful for the future of the country so you know we've got to give Trump these last four years he'll only be there for years and we and the house and senate we've got to capture the house and senate the majority is there and and we've got to double down on our our efforts to get the bills on the desk at present drop that he'll sign well and you look at the other side of the ticket and they're not really running on anything and then i mean i i mean i i'm kind of a casual historian here but like to me it's like watching a it's like watching a supporting event it's like watching uh a football team play only defense and and they're not she's not really talking about what she's going to do there's been a few like kind of gimmicky things i guess with the twenty five thousand dollar housing credit and capital gains unrealized capital gains tax uh the price gouging price control stuff but like i i all they're running on is she's not Trump and i don't know i mean congressman we're sitting here we're both kind of conservatives and and republicans and whatnot but she's just as as objectively as you can what why are we you say she's a Marxist but they're clearly not running on that i mean they don't i don't know what they're running for or what they're running about well you just mentioned unrealized capital gains think of the number of people in mobile uh who bought their house or built their house 20 years ago they're senior citizens that are living in houses that they bought or built 50 years ago that if they were forced to pay the unrealized capital gains tax on that house they couldn't afford their house anymore this is insane uh but that's that's and now she's trying to backtrack out on that and they want to say we're only going to tax the rich well or these big businesses well i've got news for you businesses don't pay taxes the consumers pay the taxes and we've seen unbelievable inflation grocery prices are up or through the roof and it's all because of the policies the Biden-Harris administration is she fully supported so i don't know that we have to have her talking about her position so we got to look do this look at what she's done she cast the time-breaking vote on the on what they call the inflation reduction act that we now know was the income reduction act when Trump was in office median household income went up over $4,200 under Biden-Harris it's gone down $2,100 that's $6,300 difference and it's had a huge impact on working families trying to make ends meet so this is what i'm trying to get across to people is she's she's basically running on on the Trump ticket and trying to avoid anybody finding out because she really believes but i'm not being i'm not being exaggerating anything this woman's a Marxist congressman um down ballot let's talk about house uh and and then that's the one it's kind of a question mark to me i i don't really know where it stands i think the senate the map just lines up favorably for republic is what are you hearing how are you feeling about the prospects of the house may be maintained by republicans well i can assure you there's not gonna be a red wave this time so don't listen to the political consultants and political experts this is going to be a knockdown drag out right to the very end and i'm doing everything that i can to make sure we not only maintain which are in house but we expanded the uh there's 22 races that that are considered toss-ups or 11 republican 11 democrat and there's probably another 18 or 20 that are either lame republicans or lame democrats i think we have the advantage and i think if we have you know modestly good night we'll we'll increase the majority of the house but just receipts but if we have a great night we'll increase margin by 8 to 10 and that's that's what i'm working for uh now we've got some really good candidates running in these races against democratic companies the um let me ask you this uh my job to the speaker is i mean you is that do you feel like that could be assuming republicans will keep the house is that still gonna be the case you think that's a long-term play yeah i think johnson remained a speaker oh he's had i mean when he became speaker i've in october i guess it was by december or january if we were down to a one vote chart and it's kind of hard to operate and the other thing is is that we don't have huge staffs so he probably had maybe 17-18 on on his two staffs he was the vice chairman of the conference committee so he had some conference committee staff but the speaker's office had 85 and so he's he had to take leftovers from mccarthy he's trying to fill other positions his best he could and now it was literally uh trying to build build the ship while you're at sale and i think i think my he is an outstanding communicator and he is an outstanding person so i think i don't anticipate anybody running against him for speaker it could happen i think he'll he'll return and the last question i mean i know you guys have been in recess here so but as some of the internal turmoil in the republican caucus kind of settled down i mean now that we're past maybe past the primaries and and whatnot the do you feel better about sort of a unified front going into november uh jeff to be honest i don't i don't think a whole lot's going to change i think there's you'll know next week when we start trying to get the continue resolution passed um we're going to pass the cr with the save act in it uh which is to build it jeff boy and i he he introduced i was the original cosponsor that requires the states to require proof of citizenship in order to register to vote or to vote uh that's going to be in the cr i think there'll probably be four or five democrats that vote with us on that um and then it'll get sent over to the senate but i i don't know what other demands are going to be made by my colleagues on the republican side so well we'll see we will uh congressmen you're always generous with your time and thanks for coming on and i hope we could talk again soon i always enjoy being on with jeff you do a great job you're very very kind congressmen gerry palmer there let's get a break here berry back this is afib talk one oh six five stayed up late again watching tv with my best friend laughing at late night show i don't know what's wrong with me because i know i need my wrist but i don't stay about now sleep on day i ain't in my best hey what about the Egypt force show them a clock one oh six five they just stay with us what's left of this thursday morning coming up tomorrow on the program we'll get up with Todd stacey of alabama daily news tell me tumberville our senior united state senator will be with us jerry carl congressman in the first congressional district will make time for us and we'll wrap it up with our attorney champion state senator chris elliot in the eleven o'clock hour as per usual on the program could appear shortly mid-day mobile shawn solven uh you'll need to stick around or that i'll see what we got here i named texter what sounds like a better excuse assassination tip failure gross incompetence by multiple personnel on several levels call what it is i am is it possible there's a little bit of like like a little bit of a little bit of both here and in the trump campaign was asking for more resources and they were being denied um they're you know washington dc is such as a place as we saw with arlington that they just they totally reject double trump and what he brings to washington dc and that let's say washington dc that's the federal government and i feel like there's a little bit of that attitude within the secret service about over president trump and maybe that's what led to the complacency anyway that's it for me i have got to get out of here i will try to do better tomorrow once again sorry phyllis i forgot to say goodbye this has been the jeff force show on ffit talk what oh six five catch the excitement and great foods at the national shrimp festival this october and golf shores this room pest has been a tradition for over 50 years with everything from building sand castles to great food music and art with over 250 000 of your closest friends be there october 10th through the 13th 10 to 10 thursday through saturday 10 to 5 sunday 101 golf shores parkway my shrimp pest dot com for more