FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 9-3-24 Illegal voter issue, hostages murdered, Israel, Ukraine

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04 Sep 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired US Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired federal agent, former vice chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information, sharing his thoughts on today's politics, and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. I'm glad to be back behind the mic on this Tuesday. Hope everybody had a very nice Labor Day. I did. I know I did, and it was fantastic. Folks, we got a lot to talk about. Really a lot to talk about. This is a very serious situation with this presidential race, especially the two Democratic candidates. I just can't believe that those two individuals are running as the president and vice president. It is totally unbelievable. Now, there was a news conference by Harrison saw. If you listen to it and look at it, it was horrible. The hosts never asked any follow-up questions to either one of them. First of all, to Harris, she's a zero. She should not be a candidate for president. She shouldn't have been a candidate for vice president. Think about that. Then you have Mr. Walz, who to me is a liar, fake military command sergeant major, one of the worst governor that Minnesota has ever had, in my opinion. It's truly, truly amazing how those two individuals can represent the Democratic Party folks. That is the Democratic Party. If you vote for the Democratic Party, some is wrong with you. I really believe that. Something is wrong with you. We just have so much to talk about in this election. We don't have many more days. We're getting down to the two-month period. It's on the 5th of November. We have to get our folks out, the Republicans, and vote. Many Democrats and you, independents, you've got to vote those two individuals down, vote them down. Our number here, folks, is 251-343-0106. If you know anybody outside or listen in the area, they can get us on the Internet. At, that's Also folks, this program is being broadcast. Actually starting tomorrow, once our engineer put it in the system, you can go back and listen to all most of our broadcasts. This is very important also. On 11 October, we will have a special guest coming to Mobile Alabama. He will be a guest of the Alabama minority, GOP, which is the Alabama chapter of the Alabama minority, GOP. His name will be Sheriff Joe Appaya, who is the retired chef of Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, Arizona, and he is also a retired DEA special agent. I know when I first came on DEA, he was getting ready to retire, but I've heard so much about him when I got into the DEA, and he's a legend. After he retired, he went to Phoenix to live and rent for sheriff, and the rest is history, folks. I think he was what, 25 years out there as the sheriff of Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, and he is famous for housing the convicts in tents out there in Phoenix. He's also famous for creating these candy stripe underwear. The reason he said he told me this, the reason he made the underwear like that was because of the fact that they kept stealing them, so he needed a way to identify them, so that was his idea, and he said that after he did that, the theft of the underwear at the sheriff department almost ceased. I know I went to visit him in 1986 when I was stationed in New Mexico at the Albuquerque office. I had to go out and listen to a Brazilian-speaking wiretap, because I just got back from Brazil after a six-year assignment, and I spoke Portuguese, and I didn't have any other Portuguese speaker in that area who could listen to a wiretap, and we'd call it a Title III. I was out there twice, first time for 90 days, second time for 60 days, and Joe Arpaio, the sheriff and I spent a lot of time talking about DEA, and really, really good times, and he became a very good friend of mine, and that's why, folks, he's invited to come to Mobile at the behest of the Alabama minority GOP. We're going to have him on the 11th of October, and we're looking for sponsors and people to get tickets, and the way you can find out about that is go on the minority GOP website,, that's, and you can find out about sponsorship, and we want to make this big, folks, because the sheriff is getting up there in the age, and I really want you and Alabama to meet him. He said he was down in Mobile in the 90s, he had come to Mobile, and he's looking forward to coming back to Mobile, alright, so don't miss that, October 11th, and all you sheriffs out there are listening area, we expect you to become a sponsor, and another thing the sheriff has known him for, a chef, a paillo, and that is he investigated what he called the falsified birth certificate of rock Obama. He had a couple of his deputies investigate that, and they found out, according to him, that that birth certificate that Obama finally, finally revealed was phony, was phony, and so he will talk about that, and what else did he do? Well, he's just done so much, and President Trump was in Phoenix last month, and when he was in Phoenix, he only called one person up to the stage, and that was a chef, a paillo, now as a result of the sheriff's investigation of Obama, and his phony birth certificate, the prosecutor in Phoenix charged him with some phony charge, and of course, it was just like what they did to President Trump, what they doing to President Trump, so with a phony jury, they convicted him, and then President Trump pardoned the sheriff, okay, and he's got so much to talk about, folks, he could talk about so much as a sheriff, and then definitely as a DEA, special agent, special agent in charge, and like I said, in both of those positions, he is a legend, he's a legend, so we're looking forward to having chef Joe Appiah and Mobile at the banquet of the Alabama minority, GOP, 11th October, he's coming up fast folks, we'll be back after these messages. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 2-5-1-34-3-0-1-06, now making the mission possible, here's George Williams. We are back folks, welcome to the George Williams Show, we are on the mission of a telephone call, here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6, and it's so important folks that we think, we start thinking about this election, and we get everybody involved, everybody, that is Republicans, some Democrats, and the independents, folks, we've got to get you involved, okay, alright, we're going to play a little Dick Morris, I think he has a very nice presentation, let's hear Dick Morris folks. As Trump draws ahead, slightly in the polling against Harris, the real threat in this election is the 15 million people who are here illegally, will they attempt to vote and will they succeed, they would obviously tip the election overwhelmingly to Harris. And to stop that from happening, the President, President Trump is pushing hard for the Republicans to pass the SAVE Act, which prohibits illegal voting, and strengthens the penalties against them. But it's currently the law that unless you're a citizen you're not allowed to vote, but the Democrats are trying to fudge that and urge people to try to vote anyway. The problem is that the Democrats issued driver's licenses to pretty much everybody here who's illegal, saying that we needed it for traffic safety, and the illegals are now using those licenses to try to get into votes marginally, and we have to stop. The best way to stop it, I think, is for us to tell the illegal people in posters and billboards and signs that it is illegal to vote unless you're a citizen, and that if you try, ICE will be on your case, put you on lists for deportation and possibly indictments and imprisonment. And that's true, ICE it means business, they're not getting around. So we have set up an organization called, And Doug DiPero and I are working on raising millions to post signs and banners and billboards and trucks with mobile signs all over the country in areas where illegals congregate. We want everyone to know the risk that they face if they vote illegally, and we're confident that we'll deter them from voting, particularly since the threat will be backed up by arrests and deportations, and we can make a lot of noise, and I think discourage people from voting illegally. So this is something you can do right now, even with a small donation. And how would this long help us stop illegals from voting? So if the election gets stolen, you'll have only yourself to blame unless you're able to help us stop this. It's called,, thank you. Alright folks, that was Dick Marsh, this is very important, you have to listen to what he said, illegals are being issued ID and driver's license, okay. Now when you don't have voter ID laws, then once you get these driver's license, these are illegals, then that's all some states require, okay. They don't care if you're a citizen or what, this is what we have to stop and this is what Dick Marsh is talking about, because folks, there are a lot of illegal voting by the Democrats, okay. And by none, you as citizens, there is a lot of it, folks. Don't let the Democrats lie to you and say it's not. If that's the case, then why are they trying to prevent states from enacting voter ID when you vote? The NAACP, the ACLU, a lot of the Democratic states, they don't want voters to be required to use ID and to confirm that they are citizens, okay. They don't want that, why don't the Democrats want that? It seems like every state in the union should require or want anyone who voted in their state to be a U.S. citizen. Now also, besides illegals, those who are legally here, they're not U.S. citizens, so they should be required not to vote, okay. They should not be allowed to vote, because our Constitution says you must be a United States citizen to vote in any election in these United States. So why doesn't the Democrats want anyone in their state required to be a U.S. citizen? Folks, in my opinion, this is something that's big. And Dick Morris, I know him very well, and I'm so glad, and I'm going to be a part of that organization, because I've been saying this for years, that we must stop the cheating by the Democrats. We must stop it. If we want free and fair election, we have to stop the cheating. And in my opinion, that's what they've done, that's what the 2020 election was all about, and folks, we've got to stop it, or our country is going to fall over the cliff. Right now, it's hanging by a thread, it's hanging by a thread. And if anybody tells you there's no cheating, they are lying, in my opinion, they are lying. Now, they're starting to catch a few people who have cheated in previous elections. They're starting to catch them now, and convict something. But the problem with this is, in a lot of democratic areas, you have democratic prosecutors, right? They are not going to take people to court for cheating in the election, because those are the same people that are electing them into office. Think about that, think about that. That's why, in my opinion, you have very few prosecutions regarding election and integrity, and election cheating. So like Dick Morris said, they are cheating, and he was concentrating on illegals, being issued driver's license, and using those driver's license to go and vote. Folks, it's going to happen, it's been happening. Now, I am going farther and saying, even those folks who are here in America legally, they still cannot vote. They cannot vote, and if you see anybody, you know, that's not a U.S. citizen, take pictures of it. Let's get proof, let's get proof for those individuals voting. And I'm sure if you check the voter roll in these democratic states, and if they check the driver's license, and versus the citizenship, they will find quite a few of those individuals who are here legally, but we're not allowed to vote, and did vote, and did vote, okay? But they won't do that, folks. They will not do that. This is a big problem. So we must be aware and have our eyes open and our cameras ready to show that there are quite a few individuals who are not United States citizens who are voting, who are voting. And I can't over emphasize this enough, folks. This is very, very, very important. Because now we're seeing how the Democrats and the liberal media were using these, you know, Twitter, and Jeff Buziel, he even came out and said how he was pressured by the White House to hold back on negative against democratic candidates. And you can see it here in Alabama when George Roy Moore ran against Jones, okay? The Democrats spent millions of dollars to put out negative information regarding Roy Moore, George Moore, and it turned out to be funny. It turned out to be funny, folks, just like with Hillary Clinton, what she did to President Trump, the Russian dossier, that was phony. That was a lie. And then all of the intel, folks, who wrote, I think, 40-something of them, wrote to say how what Trump has done this and done that, that was phony, that was ahead of the CIA, the head of the intelligence agency and all that, okay? They did it on behalf of Hillary Clinton. That was fake, that was a lie. That was a lie. So it's unbelievable how with all that stuff happening, nobody went to jail. Only Republicans, only Republicans go to jail. Not Democrats, sheriff Arpaio, he got symptoms, okay? General Flynn got, all those guys, Roger Stone, what Democrats, with all the lying and cheating they've done, what Democrats have gone to jail or been convicted, all right? Which one? Tell me. It appears to me that they're all Republicans, all Republican, unbelievable, folks, so think about that. We'll be back after these messages. Welcome back to the George William Show, your texts and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome back, welcome back, folks, my name is George Williams and we are on a mission here on the George Williams Show, our number here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, folks, there's another thing I want to talk to you about. As you know, the anniversary, third year anniversary of the debacle, withdrawal from Afghanistan, okay? We had 13 U.S. military personnel to get killed and we left billions of dollars of equipment. And, as a matter of fact, last week, the Afghans had a parade and it was pitiful, almost tears come into my eyes because, guess what, one day those weapons will be used against American troops, folks, American or Israeli troops, okay? Now, President Trump went to Arlington National Cemetery to lay a wreath and honor those 13 troops, soldiers, Marines, Navy personnel. And then you have the media, the liberal media, to criticize him and talking about a big dispute between the Trump folks and the officials at all international cemetery, which is nothing but a lie, a lie, okay? Because it was pre-arranged that they can go in and film it. I've been to all international cemetery and I've seen a lot of people taking pictures of the filming, okay? I've been there when we buried some of the deceased military personnel, okay? When Biden goes there, the cameras all over the plate, all over the plate. So why can't Trump be allowed? This shows you the bias, the bias, okay? At least he went there, but was Harris there, was Walt's there, was Biden there? Biden was on the beach, soaking up the sun. Where was Harris? You know what, folks, they have that guilty feeling. They don't want to be criticized. They don't want this to be part of the campaign. Well, we're going to make it part of the campaign, okay? You allow those 13 individuals and so many civilians over there, folks, you never pull out the military and lead the civilians. And General Austin, I feel sorry for you, I really do, you're the Secretary of Defense. You've got to have guts to tell the President, no, sir, we can't pull out, we can't pull our troops out, we can't leave all that equipment. And the worst thing about that is President Trump had it all planned out. How all of that equipment would be sent out of Afghanistan. And because of all the cheating, and the Trump lost the election, was cheated out of the election, guess what, the Democrats on the Biden decide to just pull out and leave everything there. Folks, I've been in a war, I was in the Vietnam War, and we would never do that. And this is what happened, and vice president Harris and her running mate never went to that cemetery, never called the parents, the vowels to vote those 13, okay, why not? But yet the media criticizes President Trump for going, and afterwards, did you hear all the family members, folks? The family members, every single one of them criticized Harris, Biden, Austin, and the military, all the military generals for doing that. But they don't want to show that on local media, on liberal media. They don't want to show that CNN, ABC, no, no. So I think it's a crime shame of what they are doing. Now, who's running the White House? Who's running the White House? And Biden's not even there. Harris is on the road. Who's running the White House? Is it still Susan Rice, from orders of Barack Hussein Obama? I don't know, that's a good question. And will we have the debate between Trump and Harris next week? Will there be a debate? She's trying to get out of it. This lady is unbelievable. She's trying to weasel out of it. Do you want someone like this to be our President? I don't think so, I don't think so. The big question is, will there be a debate between Trump and Harris next week? We don't know. Trump is ready. Trump said, give me three debates. I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime and I've talked to so many people who feel the same way, who feel the same way. Trump has been in several states and given answer questions from the press, the media. Even CNN, even ABC, even MSLSD, okay? All of them. What questions have they answered? What question? Now, there's another thing that's on my mind regarding the vice presidential candidate, Trump Walks, okay? And what brought that up is the FBI arrested the former deputy chief of staff, the deputy chief of staff, for the governor of New York City, who is a Chinese person for spying for China, okay? For spying for China, they just arrested her. What relationship did the governor Walks had with the Chinese? I mean, it's frightening, folks, he allowed them to set up offices in Minnesota. He went over there to teach. He had exchange between the Chinese students and the students from Minnesota. This man is dangerous, Walts is dangerous. Has he been compromised? I think so. I think so. And another thing, on the border, thousands of Chinese just crossed the border and they were handing out money. Somebody was there handing them out money. You don't think this is being controlled by the Chinese government, the Communist Party, the Chinese intelligence? Of course it is. They're sending their spies into America. How many Chinese spies and how many Chinese spies are in the U.S. government who work for the U.S. government? I'm really concerned with that, folks. I really am. I'm very concerned with that. From what I heard when Obama was in office, quite a few Muslims, Chinese, were allowed to come into the government. And now there's a reason why they want to get into the government. And I think it's because of the spying. The spying on America, and you just don't know it, that we have to keep our eyes open, our ears open, because this government in Washington have been compromised. Think about the Bidens, with the Russians, the Chinese. Think about that. Think about that. We are in trouble, folks. We've better hurry up and get ourselves together, and there's no way anybody can do that other than Donald Trump. You know why? Because he has guts, he has guts. He doesn't mind, but I'm shocked at our American citizens how they're trying to change our country into a fifth world country. And you are allowing them. You are allowing them. You American citizens are allowing them to do that, and a few of us out here trying to stop them, trying to stop them. I see a few houses around here with Harris, Waltz, signs, very few, very few. So folks, we better get our act together because these Democrats, I just feel sorry for my children, my grandchildren, I really do. I really do. If it continues like it is now, we're in trouble. As you know, we're in trouble now. You know, when you have 15, 20 million illegals come across the border, and the worst thing about that is so many are involved in criminal activity. But you know, folks, those countries that send those people here, emptied out their jails, and sent their worst people here. What is wrong with you people out there? You Democrats. What is wrong with you? And you're rhinos. 15, 20 million people, they didn't send their best students, their best citizens. They emptied out their prisons, folks. Think about that. And you black folks out there, where are the majority of these people going, huh? Into the urban communities, into the urban community. Look what the governor knew some did in California. Now he's going to give them loans to buy houses, illegals, while he has U.S. citizens, soldiers out on the street, intense. They want to pay for illegals to get housed, down payment to no land. Can you believe it? Can you believe it? This is California. This is California. Folks, open up your brains, open up your brain, start fighting these Democrats. They're dangerous, we'll be right back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 251-3430106. Now making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome back folks, we're continuing on our mission here and we're glad to have you along with us. Hopefully you've got the same attitude as we do, clean out Washington of those Democrats and Republican rhinos, because there are some Republican rhinos there, okay? We need to vote them out and that's the only way we're going to do it folks. Another thing, I think about what's happening in Israel and we heard today that the Mark Garland, the Attorney General, had some indictments on those that took part in the October 7th massacre in Israel, okay? But yet, and still, our United States government is trying to force Israel to agree to a ceasefire. Folks, you can't have a ceasefire with terrorists who is trying to kill you, who is trying to annihilate you, you can't. The best thing for the Israelis to do is to wipe them out, wipe them out, because think about this, if you have a ceasefire and, you know, doing that ceasefire, they regroup and that's what they've been doing. Every time Israel pull out of one area, they have to go back because they're in these tunnels and they're in with the population, they're in with the population. So no ceasefire. Look what they did to the six hostages, they killed them, they massacred them. You can't negotiate with terrorists, you can't, you cannot do that. Why try? Go in there, wipe them out, that's the only way you're going to protect the safety of Israeli citizens, that's the only way you can't negotiate with them. So Israel, America, leave Israel alone, let them handle it, let them handle the situation. They are there, they are there. So that's my take on the Israeli situation. All right, now we look at the Ukraine situation. Look, the Russians are bombing Ukraine cities, cities where civilians are at, okay? They've killed the other, but last night I think 50 some civilians and a couple soldiers. They're bombing civilian cities. We are supplying and we in other countries are supplying weapons to the Ukrainian. Leave the Ukrainians alone, let them use those weapons whichever way they want to use them. They're getting people killed every day. Why are we putting restrictions on the Ukrainians when the Russians had no restriction? What's wrong with you, Biden, Harris? What's wrong with you? You put all these restrictions on the Ukraine, not to use weapons in this area, that area, folks, it reminds me of Vietnam when we call a ceasefire, a Washington, called a ceasefire. And they tell us you got a ceasefire. I can remember in December of '65 when I was at July, we were going into the new year '66, okay? And they said there was no ceasefire for that night. Well guess what? One minute before New Year's, going into '66, they opened fire on us. We were on the other line, okay? It's supposed to have been a ceasefire, a ceasefire, but they opened up on us. Politicians stay out of wars, stay the hell out of wars, let the country that is fighting, let them handle, let the generals handle, let the soldiers handle it. Why are we putting restrictions on Ukraine about where they can use our weapons? Why? It doesn't even sound right. Let the Ukrainian use, we giving them a weapon, use them the way you want Ukraine, don't listen to those idiots in Washington, don't listen to Harris, don't listen to Walt, don't listen to Biden, don't listen, it's totally unbelievable what's happening in Ukraine with the weapons that we are supplying them. I mean you got the Russians, they don't give a darn about people where their bombs are going. They know, they got precision-guided bombs. They know where those weapons are landing, and they also know that we will not allow the Ukraine to retaliate against them in that manner, totally unbelievable. So President Zelensky, to use those weapons the way your generals see fit, you have thousands of people being killed, being killed, due to the fact that America, Washington, Harris and Biden is telling you or telling you we're not to aim those weapons, unbelievable, unbelievable. So folks, this is what I'm talking about, Democrats. Now if Trump was a president, do you think that would happen? No way folks, no way, no way. So that's why we need President Trump back in the White House folks, for the survival you know, he said make America great again. This is for, I use another name, terminology that is help America to survive, because that's what this is all about, survival of America. You Democrats, you don't want America to survive, oh now it's so hard that the colleges, the demonstrations by the Muslims, are going to start back up, hopefully the police will not take any crap from these demonstrators. Those who are not U.S. citizens who are out there, and I'm sure a lot of them are not, folks, a lot of them are on student visas, and a lot of them are here illegally, pick them up without trial and put them on the plane, send them back to the Middle East or whatever country they come from. Don't fool around with them. This is survival of America folks, if you don't know it, you Democrats, what's wrong with you? This is survival of America. Already Democrats have blood on their hands by letting the border, leaving the border open and allowing those individuals coming in here to commit crimes against U.S. citizen, bring drugs into America. And one of their most potent drugs is killing so many Americans, I think last year, it killed Sentinel, it killed like 160,000 Americans or 180,000 somewhere around there, somewhere around there. Folks, we cannot allow this to continue, we cannot allow this. You Democrats should be ashamed of yourself. You really should, and if you don't like this country, go back to where you come from. I really mean that, folks. All right, time to get out of here, we've got a lot to do before they elected, so remember Jeff Joe Appiah coming to Mobile, October 11th, we want you to be there and let's give him a rousing welcome. All right, folks. Until next week, bye, cuendalese, everyone. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)