FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Apryl Marie Fogel - Wayne Dean talked about UCP event and Mardi Gras - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 9-03-24

Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
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there will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping there will be no booing and no unruly behavior with that this is painful and it will be for a long time that's right this man knows what's up after all these are a couple of high stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper no step too high for a high stepper this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five will show the tough yeah I mean I think everybody knows that you know Sean he took some licks he hangs in there yeah what's wrong with the video we got I mean the deal we got drink pretty good don't you hear what I said so this is a brave council I had no doubt about them that doesn't suck if you don't like it too bad last question were you high on drugs last question kiss my right away we go FM talk one oh six five midday mobile glad to have you here our number two on this Tuesday get back to work for a lot of folks out there and speak it which we get our friend April Marie Fogle come up in just a second but first I want to check in with Blaine Price over Paris tractor and Robert sale Blaine I can imagine the number of rental equipment pieces that showed back up today people took advantage of that three-day weekend and getting that extra a day or two for the price of one oh yes Sean we we had a bunch of them pouring in here early this morning coming off that long weekend but so we we've got a lot of our inventory back with rental today so if you're in the market for for looking to knock out any projects or if you looking to go to the hunt camp with a a tractor with some implements definitely hit us up come by see us because what we got plenty of that back in stock as of this morning okay well what about this what if somebody says yeah I want to have a tractor take to the hunt and camp but I want it to be mine I want to say there you got this I've run the L series kaboda I love it you get a deal on these L series and package it together and put it on trailer how's this work that's right so if you buy an L series tracker right now and buy it with at least two implements and it could be any two implements a box blade a bush haul set of pallet forks a disc any of that and all qualified for zero percent interest financing through kaboda but also we're gonna throw in a seven by 20 trailer as well to form up that package deal for you I love it all right so and you've got the inventory of the tractors obviously and you have those implements right yes we do we got all the implements all the tractors we've also got side-by-side skid steers many excavators a little bit of everything we we've got it all in stock right now all right well then next thing to do is ask you how they find you we're right here in the middle Robert still a parish tractor on highway 59 come by see us Monday through Friday eight to five or eight till noon Saturday or you give us a call at two five one nine four seven four one seven one and thank you Blaine thank you Sean all right there he goes Blaine from over a parish tractor in Robert still all right without further ado favorite get one of the favorite guest hosts of the show if not possibly the favorite guest host of this show also author radio show host media personality mom what else did I miss here April refocal joins us now hey hey here happy Tuesday although all day long I've had it in my head it's Monday I had to train it out of myself this morning so I I was doing it too but I trained it out by the time we got on there so I finally crossed that threshold to enjoy Tuesday for Tuesday not trying to make it Monday so it's good all right I want to ask you about it's a heading got a chance last hour to talk about the story from over the weekend the reaction to to Trump saying that then listen IVF should be paid for by I don't it government insurance company in other words there'd be a guarantee of getting in vitro fertilization treatments by other taxpayers right seems like such a bizarro thing for a Republican candidate to say I think everyone on the right with it you know we're I imagine overwhelmingly majority pro-life party right but these this idea of shared costs of IVF I just I don't I have very strong opinions that that's the wrong way to go yeah I guess that's what I need to clear up to on this is before somebody gets busy on the text line I have no issue with the IVF I've been up for babies and families all this guy so I'm all for that my questions not if whether you should do it or not yeah do it cool um it's should that be paid for by another taxpayer and this is the problem this is where I tell folks I'm 80% with Trump but there's sometimes I go I just can't do that that's where populism in this case I believe splits with conservatism yeah it's you know and it sounds good right like we're going to and what he says is he says two things is you know he will require insurance companies worth a government to cover quote all costs associated with IVF if he's elected he said because we want our babies to put it nicely now here's the thing is IVF is incredibly expensive and there are you know there's just a lot of reasons that people choose IVF or do IVF and and not all of them are things that someone should pay for let's let's say you know woman decides to have her tubes tied young and then later she decides she wants a baby the way she would go about she could go about that is IVF should you pay for that woman who wants to change her mind on that decision because I don't think so it's an incredibly expensive procedure yeah and I'm not even it's I'm not making a decision based on an opinion on whether I like the IVF treatment for that person just described or not it's just at what point do you the insurance company one part of it but the government at what point can you say it's not the job of other taxpayers to pay for these things and they have been delineated right I mean there's been big arguments about this one things they push with transgender right is that it wasn't cosmetics on the right term but you know that they said oh it wasn't this you know it was actually key to life they were trying to make the argument that it was a life-saving procedure to get it paid for well can we be just be clear that that's just stupid first off so there's no life-saving reason for a healthy young woman to have her breath cut off there's no healthy young reason for a young male boy to have his his his stuff cut off no I agree with you but they're trying to make the argument that I'm just trying to frame it to people saying the reason they pushed it being life-saving is not just to pat themselves on the back but it's about getting it paid for by somebody else absolutely and and so IVF is a it is you know I had my child my children through through reproductive health assistance which as a catholic bad by the way you can't you're not supposed to do that but I it is an expensive time-consuming and there's all sorts of reasons that that families choose to do it and I think this is something the government needs to stay out of if as a woman I have known women to to shop specifically for insurance plans that will cover this and so you know there is a market out there for it you want to pay for that insurance plan that you know is going to cover this then do that but should the government be paying for it I just don't believe so so so what do you think is the reasoning for this push here from you know a from Trump is it just a push back on the yeah the questions about you know the road decision or is it to engage people that are you know might be undecided voters that are in the in the idea of IVF and something to vote for them so they get paid for it seems like a Democrat way to do things it's such a weird issue so of course on Alabama put the IVF the IVF issue on the national stage when the Alabama Supreme Court made their decision about the IVF clinic that was right there in your backyard right and so that put this on the front the on as a big issue from commented on it then instead I think you know clearly Alabama's got to fix this and then I think it's just been buzzing in the background I don't think there's any voters sitting at home going you know I'm going to choose my presidential candidate based on their stance on IVF funding I just don't in my head imagine that being anything that has a single issue voter associated with it we know single issue voters to be pro-life pro-guns you know there there are single issue voters out there but I don't think there's any IVF mostly voters I I would agree with you on that and so I don't know how that helps it helps the campaign but but we'll watch for it speaking of the campaign in general you know you can find your poll that says what you want to hear no matter who you support I can find a lot more than say it's a toss-up we look to have I guess the wave has crested of the honeymoon after announcing Vice President Harris has the nominee and candidate so what's next in the short slog I wouldn't even say long as short slog to November I mean it's just two months away well you know I see as I look at the headline today there's a bunch of them you know it's JD Vance the worst VP nominee since Sarah Palin and I'm like hey I'm pretty sure Kamala was the worst VP nominee for you know and I think we're going to see a lot of the same issues drugged up again I think part of the reason we're seeing the IVF IVF issue is that Trump really stepped in it in Florida when he was when he talked about voting for that and then that for down there and so he's trying to play Kate you know women but he doesn't know how I think that's how we got there and so I hope that for the rest of the campaign we actually get to issues people care about and you know that's the economy that's the border that's education things people are sitting around their kitchen table talking about yeah you know the running through the economy and other issues have said this many times here in it and I say it hopefully that people will think about what I'm saying and maybe make a if they're a somebody who is planning to vote for Harris or their undecided will make a critical thought on this and this isn't rhetorical I'll debate it with people but it sure is heck to me sounds like the Harris walls campaign is campaigning against an incumbent Donald Trump but you think this idea that we're we're all these bad things are going on in people's lives right now and look at Donald Trump with just pretending that they're not the party in power for the last three and a half years yeah it's it's a very bizarre mind you know head fake that's happening right now just just prior to Biden jumping dropping out of the race Kamala was all going around talking about you know by dynamics working and now she's running as this by by nomics hasn't happened as if she they haven't been in the White House it's a very strange head fake and the media seems to be playing into this right the question is will voters and I don't think they will I don't think anybody can with a straight face ignore the entire presidency of Biden with all that's going on around it April Marie tell folks want to reach out and engage this conversation a whole lot more how do they find you online yeah best places on Twitter or Facebook and I'm at April Marie that's if you're YL and they are IE that's tough we'll talk to you again next week talk soon all right there goes a free and we're all coming right back this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five to one twenty three FM talk one oh six five and midday mobile to Dr. Bill's forecast we have been talking to guys this morning so it rain this week there's a kind of a rare thing in August Lisa my house there's like a brain to the south of me west of me to the east of me and drive there's a rain coming through but by this weekend some cooler temperatures as well I I've been riding my e-bike all summer long in the stupid heat I do wait till later in the day to ride it but a little bit of cooler air maybe a longer ride in my future my e-bike that I got over two years ago from adventure earth bicycles truly has become part of what I do every week and when I mentioned that to folks they say okay I say I get more exercise because I got a e-bike and they're like yeah you know you get more exercise if you didn't have an e-bike I wouldn't because e-bike I put it in and you can you can run one of these e-bikes he's got 75 in stock at any point in time and there are some that are more for on-road electric bikes hybrids mines and off-road but you can you can ride them fully electric if you want to but you can also put them in just like assist modes to wear you know stuff that's not fun going up a hill they go in through a you know sand something like that that makes it more taxing it just kicks in a little bit so for me yes if I was you get more exercise if you're riding a non-e-bike but if you don't ride it you don't get the exercise my e-bikes made riding bicycling bicycling in my 50s fun and so I get out more days ride more often ride more distance do more pedaling and get more exercise so that's just one of that's one of my reasons I use it in the woods too to for stealth to get around to an hunting season but I also use it like I said regularly became part of my life for exercise people using for all kind of reasons 400 of the non e-bikes in stock at any point at adventure earth bicycles but 75 in stock to take a test ride on in the e-bike universe and Clint knows this stuff inside and out so if you're trying to figure out the right bike for you spouse children whatever he's got the bike he's got the advice for you what you need to do is go by and see my friend Clint Jamison adventure earth bicycles they're at the corner of like little flower right there at the airport and little flower in Midtown or you can go see them online adventure earth bicycles everything inside to get you outside and getting some more exercise and and other things right and just enjoying riding a bike all right the text line here Jerry the always under spoken Jerry in Fort Morgan he said those sorry folks in Montgomery can't give the idiots who vote for them a one cent break on groceries where in the hell are they gonna get the money for Medicaid of Medicare he said I think it's there's Medicaid in this case Medicaid expansion you know and that was done on purpose to the names being so similar between these two programs because people will hear it and they will mistake one for the other and be like oh yeah well we should have Medicare well this Medicaid he goes on to right I have to tell you I told you so we should have settled for the tax rebate so let me take my lick on this Jerry because you're correct and I have been I wanted to be pot and I was positive that something you know we would build this snowball with the removal of some portion of the state's sales tax on groceries and it would build municipalities we get in and we would start having taking the taxes off of those things that are critical for people once again this is helps the working poor there's not about people in assistance it helps a working poor put more money back into their pocket when they go buy groceries but they found a way and Jerry is correct to say well they didn't grow enough in the ETF so they're not gonna be able to reduce it anymore this year I'm gonna keep pushing for it but Jerry I'll take I'll take the lick you're right they found a way not to drop it anymore let's see Dan and Daphne said so I have the issue with my daughter who's in college she's adopted so I'm older I'm 71 she's 20 and I can't get good insurance for her because I make too much money but not enough money so she's in the gap in the gap there and we pay $189 a month for a $10,000 deductible insurance even even today right I think there's new problems more problems than when the whole idea of the Obamacare got started right yeah there's people that find unique situation and some of the things we have perverse incentives in this in this country right that somebody to get the care they need older people have to divest themselves of like everything they've ever worked for to be able to you know claim the dependency on the government I mean these things are I don't know I don't have a one-size-fits-all fix for it but I think it's you know it's obviously continuing and Terry points out the razorbacks 170 nothing just said yeah Terry I think Bama should have won by more than 63 all right Joshua says it's so April Maria's Joan Rivers if you are Johnny Carson but Joshua as a kid I idolized Johnny Carson idolized him big time big time I was just the style and the style he was he was the best even though I was a big letterman fan comedically but for timing and style of Johnny Carson I'll take that let's see T-bone says it's been proven in countless studies that children born through IVF IVF procedures vote 65% Democrat I just don't know why that's the that's what Trump's gonna go with I mean this is but that's problem that's populism versus conservatism like I said there's 20% of the time I know to the chagrin of many that I go I can't you know still Trump's the best candidate without a doubt but there are times when I just I can't go along get along and agree because I don't think it's right Michael says the IVF issue can be summed up best by what Jeff said earlier it's either life for property you're either making your potential child of commodity or you're freezing or destroying more children every year than Planned Parenthood does this name texture have there been any cases of somebody undergoing IVF and then seeking the abortion for that pregnancy got no idea on that this texture said we pay for abortions we plan parenthood we paid for millions and millions of illegal immigrants we don't really want to but we still do you talking about the IVF thing yeah the Planned Parenthood thing so because the Hyde Amendment none of the money can go directly to to abortions but do they do federal tax dollars go to Planned Parenthood they do for things other than abortion and so there's a a co-mingling you could say I but they can't because the Hyde Amendment spend it to reimburse for abortions gene says IVF allows wealthy people to get customized child by using multiple embryos why should we pay for that and what happens to the underused embryos I just gene you and I may actually agree on that sentence why should we pay for that once again why when we decide something has to be at a level of importance that you take money from one taxpayer to pay for somebody else's thing shouldn't that be a it should be a narrow narrow road seems to get wider all the time be right back this is midday mobile with son Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five right one 35 FM talk one of six five midday mobile on this Tuesday yeah Tuesday short week to work with a Labor Day holiday for a lot of folks extended by a day there but it's not over in the fishing world for sure it's really never over in the fishing world here on the Gulf Coast and to keep reminded me to my buddy Forrest at Bluewater John sales sends us email out you can get the same email to go to their website bluewater got sales dot net and get signed up for it but I often talk about the great brokerage service like if you're selling your high-end use boat why you need to use blue water got sales but the other side of it is they're selling high-end use boats and you can get in this email and they'll send it to you weekly or sometimes even more than weekly when new inventory is coming in and see what's brand new in the in the brokerage inventory at Bluewater got sales it's pretty cool and yeah summer's not over if you're looking for right now good deals too as people you know elsewhere are closing down their boating season selling that boat your chance to get the boat you've been looking for and keep on fishing out there we got side note but conversation I had a couple weeks ago with Scott Bannon director of Alabama marine resources we still have many many days ahead of snapper quota to fish so it's going to keep going on get out there in August I mean get out there in September and October and enjoy it blue water got sales also for the service work on your mercury yama hygens they can do it they also have the parts for you if you do it yourself just got to stop by and see them orange beach marina the East East 65 belt line and online at bluewater got sales dot net right good to see this man back in studio the crown goes wild Wayne Dean you see P of southwest Alabama how are you sir doing great so you come to be he always goes because he's got a fun event coming up is this the time that you don't is this you came in to say we don't have an event coming up no I this is not the time I may do that one day but not today because it's a whole Sean but we have no event coming up now this is actually it kind of appropriate it's still summer but we're looking toward the fall yeah we're doing it every year we do this this is our 15th year it's a taste of mobile's carnival season which is kind of cool weather mm-hmm in the fall our food and folly yes so this is a obviously very popular event the theme is strong yes that people I forget that Tuesday's late this year March yes late yes yes thank goodness so yeah so I was going be a while so you get a little taste of Mardi Gras here in the fall right so what so food what happens here somebody who's never heard you talk about this food folly it's obviously a carnival Mardi Gras type theme we have food mm-hmm have 20 restaurants caterers that the people that come can sample everything from seafood to barbecue to gumbo to to chicken to spend what those caterers in what those restaurants decide to bring take soup to nuts you get the sample all kind of food we also have wine you can sample wine you have probably 15 different varieties of wine high in wine that you can sample in your own personal nine ounce cup that we give everybody if you don't like wine yeah get to the good stuff here why yeah we don't like wine we got beer we were working on it they didn't have beer when I first came with him but had beer but it was house beer yeah which we still have but now we have like anywhere from eight to nine local or area craft breweries yes good stuff that bring you know again everything from IPAs to Portas to whatever they bring and you get to sample that and we'll even give you two little nine ounce pills a glass if you like that but then two years ago we moved up or down the scale and we started stuff it's great we we went to spirits and we started off with one or two and this year I think we have six different distilleries every where everything from Clyde May the Alabama whiskey which is gonna be eventually brewed in Alabama or not brewed but distilled yeah I think they getting closer and closer actually one of the Lewis's is going Lewis May is gonna be there this year to oh good answer questions we have Tito's vodka which is kind of one of the popular vidkas we also have some hopefully some moonshine from over in Baldwin County we have other bourbon debt lean which comes from Alabama and to actually one I just found out about out of Fairhold that has bourbon that they distilled in burp in Pharaoh they will be with us and we're still working on a couple of other you know again how much liquor can you have you know you don't have too many but people that want to sample the the stronger it occurs yeah get a chance to sample some things maybe they've never had before well and I think the good thing there is when you talk about wines it beers is not it's not a bigger risk but by an Apollo wine or by an Apollo liquor you're like you don't know if you like it or not and you're about to fork over some cash it's nice to know find a new favorite and then know you like it before you sure go by bottle sure and one thing we had last year that people that went said well love the vodka but could we have more things to mix it with or to do with so I think tikka teatos are bringing some special cocktails that they're going to have that people can sample and kind of get a feel for for oh okay that goes well with this you don't oh that pairing thing yeah that's what the fancy people do yeah that's yeah pairing but we don't require you dress that high style that I have yet you would think in one way it should be you know black tie it's Mardi Gras but a white tie to go to go all the way but it's kind of a business casual most people come in you know suits and the ladies and appropriates higher okay so this and this is that for writing like that's for writing on September the 19th Excel she banned as always will be there playing for the guests as they come in and during the event and at some point we'll break out into a second line last year we had a number of massacres that showed up some folks with an evergreen's and the nights of Beverly Follies was there and just to add to the to the flavor of the evening and we'll do that again this year we may have some different people or some of them I want to and we come back to the party but I do like to point this out until really until you and I started doing this I didn't realize the scope of you CP yes and and I if so we're talking about the fun part we can keep talking but tell it tell folks get reading the stats here listen this right what you all know how many families you interact with yeah it's the why we do all of this is to help serve our clients and we we serve clients most people think well it's just a mobile mmm 32 counties for South Alabama and some of these counties people were going into homes even during the pandemic at the height of the pandemic to help families with children or newborns even that you have these families they have a child that has cerebral palsy and they don't know who to turn to right or another disability we have we serve not only children but adults with numerous disabilities but I think the staff that you're always enjoy listening to and it's actually been bumped up we think right now it's about 750 families every month that we serve you'll hear that that's a lot of people it's a lot of people I mean if a family is too but most families are more than two and then if you take the family out of it and you know a child or an adult in a neighborhood that's close to it the neighborhood also is affected by that family you know it's not just it's not just the family that lives in that house but it's the extended family it's grandma it's grand boy it's aunt it's uncle it's a good neighbors that they've lived next to for 20 years everybody is touched by that what we do yeah and that's what I love here that number because I think people like to know that they're coming out to do something fun but that money because there's sometimes there are big national charities out there people I give me about really know what happens right it's a good thing I support whatever but sure but how's it you come in and give me the mechanism here's the money coming in and here's how you're surfing team and uni cerebral palsy is all over the country and in other areas in but but that's not your job no job but what we yes what we earn or make or people donate to us here stays in those 32 counties and it helps our therapist it helps our preschool it helps our adult pro it helps our people that work in employment to get people jobs that's a very unusual but we do help people get jobs as well now so now y'all know the impact it makes around here so even more reasons that come out on the 19th if people want to get tickets is this a get them ahead of time talk about the tickets or is this always easy to get ahead of time and the easiest way to get them is by website which is kind of simple UCP mobile which again that local connection UCP mobile dot org and tickets are a hundred dollars a couple six five dollars a single okay so they want a table we can work with them there too okay so they can get yeah take the office take clients out and yes oh yes right up before we wrap this up I can't have you you know Wayne's got that dabbles a little bit and Marty girl I just changed his hat so you're not talking so what do you think without having I know there was a time before it but I wasn't around for it all I remember is every ball I've ever been to you know except like perceptions different but yeah full-fledged ball yeah then I've been we went to the Civic Center I've been to probably I've been about a thousand and sixty some odd balls in my lifetime my god about probably 800 to 900 of them were at the auditorium was a Civic Center so others were at Fort Whiting and yeah for happening for convention center and other venues around mobile but now not having it and I they got the plan that it will be two years that your thoughts yeah I say it's gonna be three years six or seven I it's gonna be seven or eight but that'll be a whole new ball game the convention center for these big organizations it's a whole new ball game yeah but they'll make it work or if they go to their own dens they'll make that work too yeah I wonder and I mean this is all just you know finger they are trying to figure out check the the wind direction here but will people that go outside of downtown if people going to their own dens that's one thing but if they're gonna go get venues like you know we've got a lot of them you've got the grounds right yeah you know the Mitchell Center places like that I wonder if it'll start people say well I like this better you know I wonder if we lose organizations and I have no way of knowing but that won't come back downtown well I think it's gonna depend on the size of the organization and what their experience is there's still some balls that have parades that are at Fort Whitey yeah smaller groups that for whatever reason don't want to or haven't expanded to the point they need a bigger venue if they need a big venue that's not but one or two around and that one comes gone and the new one hopefully will be about the same size as the old one yeah the exciting thing will be in 27 20 whatever year I did a whole different thing I have a new be the first like hey this is the first whatever ball at the new facility that will be interesting I do the tableau for one of the mystics and I said well I've done it for 30 something years I'm gonna do it in Convention Center for two or three years and I want to at least do it one or two years in the new building just to for the excitement of trying something new you know you bring the circus to a different town and you got to set up in a different lot so let's see what that how that works it it'll work it may be different but it will work and why we're on that in my other personification this is the 40th year of chief slack number four is it and that's scary you but so you were you're 12 when you started right I was about six I feel some days I feel like I was six and some days I feel like I was 306 40 years 40 years 40 years 40 years to be chief slack the fourth and it's been quite an honor man I didn't realize 40 that is that's for you born that was a four I was aware of where that's for sure some people yeah some people say that was just last week I became aware so I was gonna say that but I said no I'll take the hit on myself so once again y'all food and folly this is coming up on the 19th yes tickets available right now you see P mobile org always good to see you when if you see if you see a flyer and way around it's got a QR code you scan that okay that's the thing you do it like I expect bomb if you're listen that's where you put your phone on there and take the picture and it takes you the website right all right be right back this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five by 152 FM talk one oh six five midday mobile glad to have you along on this Tuesday check in with my buddy David McCrary at LCM motor cars and it's a start of a short week for a lot of folks but let's talk about the inventory we like to do that to start the week yeah it is a short week for everybody and a couple of the sales that we try to usually get cars from our own Monday so we lost those guys but we were able to pick up nine fresh units this morning and they should be here by the end of the week a lot of smaller SUVs got a couple of trucks involved couple cars so many vans I think about a couple of minivans this morning that are not real expensive something we get good payments on all right speaking of payments and all that what's the what's the atmosphere out there on financing financing is good Sean we did five Friday one Saturday so we've been busy I mean that that should tell you I mean if you're interested in buying something we've got the ability to select something all right we'll tell folks how to find you we're highway 90 and plantation and Theodore's one mile south of ITNX at 15A he gives call it 2-5-1-3-7-5-0-0-6-8 or just go to website hey thanks David have a good day hey you too Dave McCrory checking in from LCM motor cars it's many of these Texas I can read before we go to find okay here we go unnamed texture says we pay for abortion okay wait that's where I read that one there it is all right Dave from Gulf Shores thank you that thing on a corrected Dave from Gulf Shores said Sean I'd rather pay for IVF wick food stamps and illegal aliens versus another aircraft carrier or a nuclear bomb I'm a vet and a hawk but enough is enough but does IV and believe me I you first of all thank you as for your service as a veteran and you've probably heard me over time I'm not hawkish right I'm very strong on national defense but I am the if you had to turn over you had to turn over the coin to see the opposite side of John Bolton and the neocons you'd find me right but that doesn't say the IVF thing I'm not it's not anti IVF I think that's a great thing is it I'm just asking this question that's not popular in a populist world is that the job of taking money from one taxpayer and giving it to the other let's see this texture said Trump lost it with me over his statements about veterans being losers and losers losers losers you're okay and suckers you never speak about this or his outrageous lies I love it what I'm told what I never talk about I do love that that's sarcasm if you so talk about all kinds of stuff if you what you know what you never talk about and like what did you listen yesterday you know so you're talking about the what Kelly said was what John Kelly said that Trump was saying privately about service members and veterans that's I mean Trump's people say he didn't say it Kelly's people said they did say it you know it was like the stuff before with the gold gold star families and all that it's what do you I mean what do you what do you need for me so Kelly said this story is a couple years one couple years old right yeah so this back in like okay a year a year a year a year and a half ago John Kelly who was chief of staff at one point said that Trump said I don't have it all in front of me but said that the people were suckers and losers for being POWs or something because there's nothing in it for them or something to that effect that's what Kelly said Trump campaign denies it so I don't I have talked about it before but that's if that's what you want yeah I'd an outrageous lies here's the thing I think it's interesting about the the Trump lies Trump lies are usually wrapped up in his ego right just to make himself like we did this we did that the Harris lies are wrapped up in straight up deceiving what the reality is going to be now we'll do this it'll be fine we'll do that it'll be fine it's gonna be we're gonna put price controls in that'll fix everything sure let's look at history and see how that works let's see dirt taker says Democrats would kill children in the womb but it would rather kill children the womb than they have to support them and can be taxed to death Texas says in places where abortion is loud there should be attacks on a tax baby attacks I think that's what you meant a tax on abortions to fund IVF it's Texas says hold up wait a minute are we not pro-life more IVF means more babies and the government already in the round way pays for abortions shouldn't we have to also have them pay for more babies I think they should see that and your belief there is held by a lot of people that's a populist belief this is where I break from what is the new orthodoxy I don't the limit of the things I think you take taxes from one person one American citizen and give to another is narrow now you can make arguments for safe net life-saving those things you know what there's some I got some wiggle there I'm I see the nuance there but on some of the other things I don't all right Paul Finebaum show on the way and yes by the way I didn't get to Michael's text but I'm with you I'll get to it real quickly here Michael text 1067 Mardi Gras balls is a ton I would have never guessed anyone had they have any Mardi Gras balls under their belt yeah it's um Wayne Dean man he wins the I don't know that anybody's ever gone to his many Mardi Gras balls is that man right Finebaum talk to you tomorrow hey it's Sean Sullivan and for any of you out there that thought about outsourcing your benefits and payroll for your business based on my personal experience I suggest you call coastal HR when we ask them to quote us on employee and benefits payroll package for this radio station coastal HR offered us better benefits for less money less money than we paid last year I learned a valuable lesson not just to accept that your business has made more for less coverage now we can spend all our time making great radio not worrying about HR get back to business with my friends at coastal HR hi this is Gordon Deal join me weekdays for this morning America's first news hear the stories you'll be talking about and searching for all day as we go beyond the headlines and above the chatter with your first look at breaking news money Washington politics technology entertainment entrepreneurship and sports we explain why stories matter that's why we are referred to as the most important and relevant radio program join us weekdays for this morning America's first news turning up your voice FM talk 2065 W A V H FM deafening bear hook mobile