FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Quin Hillyer - Mobile Mornings - Tuesday 9-03-24.

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03 Sep 2024
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>> News, sports, weather from Dr. Bill Williams, traffic and both from Kane, and one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's Mobile Mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. >> Morning from Dan and Dalton, if I'm talking about the Mobile Mornings, it's seven minutes after eight o'clock on Tuesday. Thank you all for letting us have a little time off. And we enjoy it, a great deal yesterday. So Sean and Tina and the group here, allowing us a day away from the job. And I'd like to say that I am refreshed and ready to go. I'd like to say that, but I can't. Anyway, Quinn Hillier with the Quinn Hillier dot com in the Washington Examiner is with us. Good morning. How are you? >> I'm fine. Thanks. Hope you all are too. >> Yeah. You know, I have people like to say that, boy, that really red me up that extra day. The extra day just wanted me to get a second extra day. But anyway, we're on the job and good to have you here, Quinn. >> Well, thanks a lot. I was just talking just before I got on. I was talking with the MSA. I want eight, not a three day weekend. I want a 30 day weekend. Why can't you make it happen? >> Yeah. It's called retirement, Quinn. That's what a 30 day weekend. So there's people trying to push me into that, Quinn, and I'm resisting, actually. >> Let's talk about some of the goings on over the weekend. And we'll get into some sports as well a little bit later. And the character of one particular golfer this weekend. But let's talk about the tragedy. And it's been an 11 month tragedy, honestly, in the Middle East as this weekend. So you had IDF forces in Gaza closing in on where they were hoping some live hostages were. >> Yeah. There's basically rescue attempts. >> Yeah. And it appears Hamas just straight up executed. Six of these hostages they'd been holding. These weren't deaths that were months old that the IDF had just discovered. I mean, this happened. They're thinking 48 to 72 hours before Israeli forces closed in. One of those hostages shot and killed. I think a shot to the back of the head was an American Israeli citizen. And there's been a massive response, of course, in Israel, where the hardliners who want to keep the war going as is or in one corner. And you have others who want to bring a complete end of the war for possible negotiations for these remaining hostages. And they are going at each other. Here in America, Biden, fresh off of a two week vacation, he kind of turned it on Netanyahu's thumb over the weekend. >> Yeah. He was asked of Netanyahu who's doing enough to get the hostages out or to get a ceasefire. And he said no. And then he said, we're going to issue an ultimatum to both sides and take it to leave it ultimatum. Why are they issuing any ultimatum to the Israelis at all? The ultimatum should go. In fact, should have gone at 10 and a half months ago to Hamas and Hamas only. What is Israel supposed to do? How can you negotiate with murderers, thugs, demons like these people? Every time that a ceasefire has been on the table, it's been Hamas who walked away, not Israel. I mean, I could go on and on. But the worst thing is these are, there are American hostages there. How often have you heard Joe Biden even say their names three or four times in months? He should be saying, Hamas, you just killed one of ours. And he did say, we're going to come after you. He said at 10 and a half months too late. And I've been writing this for 10 and a half months that he should be going after Hamas. But he did issue finally a strong statement saying Hamas leaders, you better watch out. Where's the action? Why hasn't there been action in 10 and a half months? Why has everything out of Joe Biden's mouth for 10 and a half months being been? Oh, of course we condemn Hamas, but that Netanyahu's bad. Because that's what he does. He always has sort of a throwaway line about Hamas. And then he focuses on how bad he thinks Netanyahu is. You know what? Netanyahu, if Netanyahu didn't have to sort of curry favor with Biden, he should tell Biden where to stick it and it wouldn't be critical. So, a poll released yesterday by the Jerusalem-based Jewish People Policy Institute found that 49% of the Jewish Israelis that it surveyed supported Netanyahu's position, that Israeli troops shouldn't leave the Gaza-Egypt border. Even if that meant there would not be a deal to free the remaining hostages, 43% thought troops should leave the quarter to facilitate a deal. And of course, there have been a big protest Sunday night last night as well, Quinn. Yeah, I mean, look, the people in Israel have a very high level of emotion for obvious reasons. Well, Joe Biden doesn't have that excuse. Joe Biden should be looking at this and saying the only reason Israel is there is because of Hamas and the only people that keep walking away are Hamas. And the only people who keep violating all norms of human rights are Hamas. Of these six hostages, three of them reportedly were on the next list to be released. They thought they, whether they were rescued or not, they thought that they, three of those, would be released in the next week. And yet Hamas brutally kills them. This isn't Netanyahu's fault. This is Hamas. And the U.S. should have seal teams ready or whatever. We should know where Hamas's leaders are. And we should take them out. Yeah. And how about the ones that are in Qatar? I mean, you'd think that would be a place you could get to pretty easily, since that's where the negotiations are going down. Also, Quinn, talk about the fear or the lack of fear that the Biden administration and Harris are putting into these Hamas militants. I mean, the family, I think it was the parents of the American citizen who was killed by these Hamas animals, what's his name, Hirsch Goldberg. They were just at the DNC, not that long ago. I mean, they were one of the big speakers at the DNC talking about bringing the hostages back and their family. And then it's their son who Hamas executes. I mean, I'm not seeing any fear from Hamas over Biden policies. None. None whatsoever. And that's the point. Look, Biden has actually, just like he's done in Ukraine, he has limited the sorts of weapons or the uses of the weapons that Israel wants to use. Actually, this was the weirdest thing of all several months ago. Israel wanted to use more precision guided missiles so they could minimize the damage to supposedly innocent civilians. And Biden was angry that so many civilians had been killed. So he says you can't use these American made precision guided missiles. Well, if you don't use the missiles, then you end up killing more civilians because you have less precision guided stuff. It made no sense. Biden should have said, yes, use these missiles instead of these others. Please take these missiles and go after just the bad guys. It's unbelievable how badly Biden's handled it. Oh, but he did send a peer that cost us $320 million that barely delivered any food. The food it did deliver was mostly stolen by Hamas instead of given to the people. And then and then as predicted, the peer was was broken apart by by bad weather. Yeah, that really helps. Yeah, and three US service members injured during that entire process. Also, that's Biden we're talking about here. Let's talk about Harris, who is now the Democrat nominee. And Harris, Harris, is she changing her voice up a bit, depending on what rally she's at, what's the audio on that later? But looks like she's flip flopping on another issue here. And this being Israel, you had Ro Khanna, the Democrat congressman from California on Meet the Press Sunday. And after Harris declared, I think last week or the week prior, she fully backs Israel, for the most part, Khanna is saying that Harris may attach conditions to aid for Israel. And this comes after I think the UK said they're going to cut back by about 10% on their arms sales to Israel. Harris has publicly previously affirmed Israel's right to self defense. But now possibly saying there will be conditions to aid for Israel if she becomes president. What are your thoughts on that? She is even worse than Obama in terms of Israel. Look, the reason we didn't get the Abraham Accords, you know, where Israel signing sort of nonaggression packs with five Arab nations, the reason we didn't get it five years earlier is because Obama was in office and he kept scotching the deal. But Netanyahu was already putting that together. That's how bad Obama was. He actually stood in the way of peace. Harris is even worse. If you go and parse her statements, she isn't just, oh, of course I condemn Hamas, but Netanyahu's bad. She's a little tiny, of course, I condemn Hamas. And then she comes out strong with five sentences about how Israel must do better and Israel must be must, you know, not abuse human rights and blah, blah, blah, blah. She is objectively anti-Israel and if that which is actually one more reason for Israel to be much more aggressive now rather than less because they only have a small window as bad as Biden is in terms of not supporting them. If Kamala Harris gets in, Israel knows she'll be even worse. And she's going to cut the legs out from under. So that you think that would accelerate their aggression considering that. Hey, accelerate the aggression now because their time period for getting anything done is going to be limited if she gets in. In other words, if you've got objective A and they know that she's going to cut their legs out from under them to get to agenda A, then they need to get agenda A or objective A done sooner. Quinn, I'll let you answer this text from Gene, who I think referring to the ICC says 143 countries say that Quinn doesn't know what he's talking about. BB is an indicted criminal and will go to jail very soon. Your thoughts on Gene's text there? BB has been indicted. He has not been convicted. He is not likely to be convicted. Caroline Leku granted is a very hardliner in Israel, but a very, very smart journalist says that the case against them is basically falling apart. And meanwhile, the rest of the 143 countries, I couldn't give a good flying bleep. There's a lot of anti-Semitism out there in the world, and that's all that is is anti-Semitism. Are you accusing Gene of such anti-Semitism? No. No, I'm saying the other 140. I don't know what Gene is. None of us do, Quinn. Yeah, we all do. I'll do respect to Gene, but those 143 countries, a lot of that is anti-Semitism. We'll take it from people who've been getting text from Gene for quite some time. Easy on too much respect. 819. Quinn Hill, you're joining us here. When we come back, I want to talk a little bit of golf, but not so much, you know, Scotty Scheffler's amazing season, which you're wrapped up with a $25 million check on Sunday, but a little integrity in the game. It is the game of integrity, right? And one golfer showed that over the weekend, we'll get into that with Quinn when we get back. Morning. Dan and Dalton, day 23. FM talk, 106-5. Mobile warnings. Good to have you long. 2513-4-3-0-1-0-6. Shoot us a text. Feel free. Yeah, and continue our conversation with Quinn Hillier. Can read his work at The Washington Examiner. Also, Quinn and sign up for the newsletter. Slocks of sports here, Quinn, and while a lot of the world, a lot of the country focused on college football, NFL season starting soon, wrapped up the PGA season over the weekend. What a year for good guy, Scotty Scheffler, who wrapped it with a $25 million paycheck by winning the Tour Championship. He won $62 million on course this year. That's more than Jordan Spieth or Justin Thomas have made in their careers in on course earnings, and he's now second in career on course earnings just behind Tiger Woods and Scheffler, only about $25 million behind Tiger. Now, some unbelievable stuff there. He has great character, I believe. Let's talk about another golfer with some character, and it actually cost him over the weekend. Sahith Tagala, who took a two-stroke penalty in a bunker. Quinn, I'll talk a little bit about this. So, the rule is, if you are in the bunker and before your forward swing, you disturb any sand, right? Anywhere in the vicinity of the ball, you could have improved your lie. And if you improve your lie in a bunker, that's a two-stroke penalty. Well, he was in a sort of a funny lie, and so there was a ridgesand behind his ball. And as he took it back, he didn't, he says he didn't even feel himself at the sand, but he thought out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a few grains of sand. Mind you, only a few grains move on his back. So, he had a shot and he immediately called a rules official over and said, "I think I moved some sand." You know, what's the ruling in that the two-stroke penalty? Now, nobody else saw it. Not only did nobody else see it, but when they played the replay over and over and over again, slow-mo, it is impossible to see any sand move. And so, he could have easily said, "Well, I'm not sure. Can we check the video? If the video doesn't show it, you know, you tell me what to do." No, he said, "I am more than 90% sure that I moved some sand. Maybe you can't see it on the video, but I'm pretty sure I did, and I can't go to sleep at night if I am not honest about it." So, he basically called the two-stroke penalty on himself, and you know what that did? It cost him $2.5 million. The difference in that two-strokes was the difference between him being either tied for second and being third-place alone. And because of these crazy, large paydays, the difference between tied second and being third was $2.5 million. He's just shown that his integrity is worth more to him than $2.5 million. My hat is off to him. What a wonderful example of sportsmanship and of integrity, and it's something that we've been seeing from golfers for decades and decades and decades, but he's the latest, and he had video evidence on the other side, on this side, in his favor, and he still said, "Nope, I don't care what it shows." Yeah, he had admirable. He had a heck of a round going, too, and things had shaken out differently. Could have been in line for that first place finish if he'd really went on a Sunday run. But you said this brought up memories for you of a young golfer named Ben Crenshaw back in the day. He said, "Gave you a lasting lesson in sportsmanship." He had either 77 or 78 at the New Orleans Open. I went to both of them. I can't remember which he was which, but he was playing a very rarely morning round. There were only like four of us there. He had a ball in the trees. There was on some twigs and some leaves, and I'm standing five feet from him. He had a shot. I went off down the fairway to see Tom Watson, and I didn't see any ball move, but apparently he thought he had moved the ball when he touched a twig or something. He called a penalty on himself. Again, I'm standing there with my own eyes five feet away from him. I didn't see the ball move. There's no cameras there. Nobody. Nobody in the whole world would have known the ball had moved, but he called it on himself anyway, and I'm 13 or 14 years old, and A, it made me a big Crenshaw fan, but B, it taught a real lesson in integrity and sportsmanship. Well, in the opposite side, you get the behavior of a women's tennis star and a ball girl at the US Open, and she kind of caught it for that. I'm not going to try to tempt her name. I know she's a pretty big player on the women's tour from Italy, because I could stand. She was playing Paulina from Italy. She was playing Paulina from Italy, but did you see that video, Quinn? It was awful. I've been a ball boy at a professional tournament, and you're so excited to be there. You're trying as hard as you can. You're in these famous people, some of whom you really admire, and to this, I don't know why she was angry, maybe the ball didn't get there fast enough, and the ball girl went to throw her the ball, and she just let it go, and she stared at her, and she threw another ball, and she stared at her and let the ball roll away, and she just glared at the ball girl, and the girls are trying to give her another ball. It was horrible. It was rude. It was telling the whole world, "I am too good for this ball girl, and she didn't have the ball for me exactly when I wanted, and I'm going to make her look terrible." You know what? She didn't make the ball girl a table. She made herself. Yeah, and the booze rained down, by the way. You can find that video. The crowd was not impressed with her demeanor. Quinn, thanks a bunch for your time this morning. Thanks a lot, guys. All right. It was a good heel move, though. You need heels in every sport. Oh, yes, she. People are rude against. She performed that beautifully. She was losing the match. I think she eventually lost. I think she just soured mood about all that. Yeah. Well, they always make the ball girls and boys look incredibly stupid out there. So I don't know. Good job. Maybe a reaction to that. More mobile mornings after this. All right. Good morning. 835 FM Talk 10065 and Mobile Morning. It's Tuesday, and it's time to head over to McConnell Automotive, where we talk with Louis Arretta. Hey, Louis. How are you? Good morning, guys. How are you? Hey, we're doing just fine as the calendar turns to September here. Hopefully the weather will be turning towards September as well. It's been a hot one. What do you have going on at the lot at McConnell Automotive today? That's right. We're getting into September hunt season right around the corner, man. We got a bunch of four-wheel drive trucks, four-wheel drive Yukon's out there. Got some low interest rates on the new Sierra sitting over there. I think it's a little 1.9, not too bad. But yeah, we've got some great deals going on. You can check everything out online at And you said we're going to be here all day. Looks like it's going to be a nice day. The rain stays out, but I know we need it. But we're going to be here. So come by and see us. Yeah. Also let people know that you're buying cars as well, of course, trading in and all of that. But you'll straight up buy it from customers. What do they need to have on hand? All they need to do is bring the title a little... Well, when you bring the car by here, we'll look at it and give you a price right over the telephone. How you got to have it in the title and tag receipt or bring it by here. But if you want some kind of idea, just give us a call 2-5-1-4-7-6-4-1-4-1. Give us the miles and the VIN number. And we'll try to help you out right over the phone. It's that easy. Thank you, Louie. Thank you. Louie Radha, you'll find him at McConnell Automotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65, and their website, By the way, follow up on the tennis player that was so mean to the ball girl. Yeah. She did put out a statement. Her name is Yulia Putsaniva and something like that. I think I did it pretty good even though I'm probably way off. Yeah. Faked it good. It's all about confidence, Dan. That's radio, man. So please bow. But she did say this. I want to apologize to the ball girl for the way I was when she was giving me balls. Honestly speaking, it was not about her. I was really peoed at myself for not winning the game from the breakpoint and then got empty with my emotions and deep in my thoughts that I was not even focusing on what was going on. And who gives me the ball? All the ball kids do amazing jobs always at the open. So she apologized. It looked like she was showing her up there. If she just was kind of blanked out, she was so upset. It's an emotional game for sure. You're in the middle of the game and I don't know that you're always thinking about etiquette in the middle of competition. I don't watch much golf. I mean, much tennis until it gets like to the semifinals and finals of these big major tournaments. But was it the British Open or maybe the French Open? I think it was a top male tennis player who accidentally absolutely destroyed a ball boy in the face with the tennis ball. Do you remember that? They like turned and trying to knock it over there and hit him in the face. I guess that was an incident that was unintentional though. I think so. You got to be ready for anything when you're a tennis ballboy. So I've got a quick story from my day as basically the same. I've ranked the same as a ballboy. The NCAA tennis finals were always in Athens way back in the day because they had this big tennis stadium and they could accommodate all the teams and individual players. For a year, well, I'd say for a year and a half, I worked at the Ramade and checked teams in. I checked everybody in, but teams were among them. You were the bell boy. I was behind the desk. But the thing about the team sports, those guys were all great. They were all basketball, football. They were all part of a team so they didn't feel the need to be at a line. They could go with the flow is what you're saying. I saw a kid that played at Ole Miss that caught a fly ball of mine in Little League in New Jersey. In the end, he ended up going to Ole Miss as a player. So I was like, hey, man, how's it going? He's looking at me like, what are you doing here? Why did you steal my one hit that I almost had that year? Anyway, so teams, when we checked them in, they were good to go. The NCAA tennis came and you had these players, they're on a team, yes, but they've made their lot basically as individuals. I don't know that the same was true of golf. I didn't feel it with tennis. You could feel them looking through you like you were nothing. And there was a guide from, and this may be very unfair, this is something that happened 40 some years ago, I guess, Tim Mayot ended up to have a good career in tennis. He was at a Massachusetts, he went to Stanford, he played at Stanford, and he was a, he was, I was his ball boy. He just looked at me like, look, man, like you're, you don't really, I'm about to win the NCAA championship. He was just a jerk. Really? And then another kid came along, pretty much same story, and he was big smile, hey, well, why did you come and watch me play today? He played for Stanford as well. When I go to watch this kid play that now I like him. The whole place was booing him. As nice as he was off the court, he showed, he was bratty on the court. So he was a nice kid. But when you put him in the middle of that competition, he kind of went sour. So I thought that was funny. Like, I came to root for you, man, but you're embarrassing me. Now I've got to go. Because I was the one person in the thousands that was actually rooting for him. So his behavior turned out was very nice in the lobby. Very bad on the tennis court. Oh, you know, and this is a heck of a segue, but what a lot of these spoiled, bratty tennis players rhyme of with low integrity are politicians. I think we see that day in a day out. There's something to say to that because politicians very much their own, they've got the machine behind them. It's all about them. All about them. They need to win. They need to win. They've got all this support around them. There's something to that. Yeah. And there was a lot that went on over the weekend. How much of it makes a real difference come November? I'm not sure. You had more folks going after Tim Walz, including his older brother. This was a set of Facebook winners. Yeah. So I guess he'd been posting for some time. And they dragged back some posts from last year. So before Tim Walz was on anyone's radar for a potential national candidate and his brother, I guess they haven't spoken in eight years. His brother despises him and said, you know, he was talking, I'm sure he'll get some book deal or something like that. Like we've seen from so many Trump family members and you keep going back, you know, Obama's brother hates him. They always have family members that hate them either side of the aisle. Was it Kinzinger, whose family completely turned on him after he went anti-Trump? He went anti-Trump and they were like to a Kinziger family member. He was not invited to Thanksgiving. And then we saw the same thing with RFK when he endorsed Trump and he already had family members dropping off left and right during his presidential campaign. But then when he went Trump, they like, I mean, it's kind of ridiculous. But yeah, Tim Walz brother goes after him. Also, Megan Kelly interviewed four members of the Minnesota National Guard. None of them had anything good to say about Tim Walz. I would have thought that those people were probably out there if his behavior, you know, I mean, his actions seem to indicate that yes, he was in the National Guard. Thank you for your service and all this. But there's not every National Guard member or military member is the same. They're not all the same guy. Right. Right. Yeah. And one of them called him a serial liar, I believe. None of them had anything good to say about him. So Tim Walz was catching it from all angles over the weekend, including at the, what you and I have been digging in, this Minnesota State Fair. How long does this run? I think it's a two week. It feels like it's been months long. I know. But I think he was there. He was somewhere and asked about the hostages being executed by a Moss. And right when he was asked about that, his handler goes, well, time to go. And he's holding ice cream cone or something. He's like, all right, bye-bye. They said later that they didn't hear the question asked. Yeah, I saw that report that it seemed like he blew it all and he didn't want to say anything. And as it turned out, and this was probably true. He didn't hear it and he came back and made a statement. Yeah, I got the statement that I'm sure they poured over and looked to make sure there were no nothing that could upset anyone, right? Yeah. Kamala Harris, her new move is to when she's getting on to her plane and leaving her motorcade, she's just got the iPhone earbuds in now. She doesn't even try to hear the press shout questions at her. She does the, I'm busy. I'm on a phone call like so many of us have done over the years when you don't want to talk to somebody. I do it on my walks all the time. Yeah. So, but she did have some campaign speeches over the weekend and we've talked previously, especially when she was in Georgia about her accent changing depending on the crowd she's speaking in front of. She put on that southern draw when she was in Georgia. Well, here she was in, she had two events yesterday, one in Detroit, one in Pittsburgh, both two unions. She was speaking to some union workers here. Here's Detroit. See if you can spot the difference. Kamala Harris in Detroit yesterday. You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave. You better thank a union member for vacation time. Because what we know. So, she goes, you bet a bank, right? And then here she is, same exact speech, different state, talking union members. This time she's in Pittsburgh. See if you can spot the difference. Thank unions, specifically. Thank unions for paid family leave. Thank unions for your vacation time. So, clear differences there. Could it be the one was addressing a predominantly one race of people and another was addressing a different race of people? Maybe? Yeah, I don't know. Possibly. I mean, one was in Detroit, one was in Detroit. One sent almost like it was in a black church. Right. I mean, the way she was, you know, the cadence she was using. Yeah. And you know, it's, it's nothing new for politicians to do that. I mean, we talked about Hillary Clinton doing that in the past. Remember, she went on the breakfast club and she was talking about how she loves carrying hot sauce around in her purse. It's like, yeah, okay. But Republicans do it too. You know, you have the they'll show up. Maybe take a Mitt Romney, who was born in a suit. He's born a suit his entire life. And then he shows up. And then all of a sudden he's wearing a denim button down with the sleeves rolled up. You've got the the preschool Mitt Romney in a suit. Yeah. With the other kids with climbing trees and everything. Like boss baby, right? He's a businessman from the beginning. But then he shows up somewhere and he's wearing work boots that are shaving his ankles and a new denim shirt that he's rolled up. Trump, he's pretty much, and maybe there's some that don't change at all, no matter where they go. But Trump is Trump. I mean, you see him show up at a Chick-fil-A in Atlanta. And he's speaking the same way as if he's in, you know, doing a speech in San Francisco or if he's in New York. Harlan. Harlan. Yeah. I mean, he's pretty much pretty much the same all the way through as far as his tone and demeanor and everything. But you're right. The Republicans do the same tricks of the trade. I think it was Paul DeMarco years ago running up in Birmingham. But he let me see how what he got in trouble for, but it, oh, yeah, it had to do with who ended up beating the market. DeMarco is now out of office. He's often with Jeff Poor on the Jeff Poor Show as a former state representer or whatever it was at the time. Anyway, he, they got a, he took a clip out of context, out of context completely. Everybody knew it was out of context. And he put his handlers, put it in his advertising. And he was questioned about it. And it was, it was part of his demise to lie in his advertisement by taking a clip of his opponent saying one thing, everybody knowing it was too blatant. Yeah. And, and politicians seem to just be willing to do nearly anything to get the job. Yeah. I think that's clear, right? And speaking of which, Trump, I think had a pretty big policy statement over the weekend. And between him and, and Kamala, it almost seems like, you know, they're just trying to buy as many votes as possible. You know, Trump is many things I like about him. And you know, I'm a big Trump fan. Spending is still a major issue with Trump. He's not the fiscal conservative that so many Republicans are. Problem is, the fiscal conservatives can't win elections. They've made that pretty clear over the years. But now he's talking about making IVF treatments free nationwide. And I know a major push on this from the Trump side of things is trying to make the abortion issue not an issue for November. We saw it destroy Republicans in the midterms after Roe v. Wade was overturned about Supreme Court, like a month before voting for the midterms. It was a calamity for the midterms, basically. So Trump, he still insists for abortion. And remember, he put the Supreme Court justices on the court that helped overturn Roe v. Wade. He's always said he wants abortion to be a state issue. I think he was talking about Florida specifically where he said he's in favor of a 13 week ban. That upset a bunch of pro life supporters. But also keep in mind a lot. And many of you are completely anti abortion. No, you know, no matter what from zero weeks on. And that's been such a big issue that's brought Republicans to the polls over the years. But there are a lot of grifters that grabbed a hold of that movement. And now we're pushing that they're not going to vote for Trump because of his stance on abortion, which he said should be left to the states. And he thinks 13 weeks, I think is what he said. But a lot of these people, once Roe v. Wade was overturned, and they're the head of these massive NGOs that have made millions of dollars on the backs of pro life supporters over the years. Well, that funding for them is going away because Roe v. Wade is going away. And they haven't done enough of a good job in states to make abortion laws what they want to see them, whether it's six weeks or zero weeks or whatever. But now they're pushing back against Trump because he's kind of kept this same position, his policy position of his where it should be back to the states. Well, then he steps into IVF here, which Democrats have been trying to make an issue since that ruling here in Alabama. And he actually said Thursday that he he promised no strings attached access to IVF treatments. He he said either the government or the insurance companies would pay for IVF. He said, we want more babies, which I agree with. But for everyone to get that needs it free IVF, Lindsey Graham actually spoke about this on Sunday on Meet the Press. Here's what he had to say about Trump's IVF policy that he laid out on Thursday. I would support a tax credit means tested kind of like we do with children. That makes sense to me to encourage people to have children. But you wouldn't support this idea of mandating insurance companies to cover this, would you? And you've already voted against it. Because there's no end of that. Yeah, there's no end of that. I think a tax credit for children makes sense. Meet tested. And I think let's look at that concept for people trying to have a child. Okay, look, that makes some sense to me. I'll talk about Democratic colleagues who we might be able to find common ground here. I have no problem with IVF, but you start looking at the prices of this. And if insurance companies did cover this, of course, premiums would go up for everyone else. IVF treatments cost between $15,000 and $20,000 are very expensive per cycle. They said in 2021, more than 400,000 procedures took place. You can imagine how that number would skyrocket if it was subsidized. So does that hurt Trump's numbers at all? I don't know. I think maybe it helps because it's kind of taking that issue off of the table for a lot of moderates who would vote against the Republicans for IVF or their stance on abortion. But I thought an interesting move from Trump on Thursday. Let's hear from the text line. What do you think about Trump's move there? And Lindsey Graham talking about more Americans should have more kids. He's not exactly grandpa Walton. It's a 852 on FM talk one of the six five mobile mornings with Dan and Dalton, it rhymes with the wall. It does, doesn't it? Just rolled up my tongue there. We've got a little bit of football to get to before we get out of your hair and then Jeff Pors on the way next. Morning from Dan and Dalton FM talk one of the six five, Jeff Pors on the way. The report mentioned Paul DeMarco. He's going to make his way on the show. That's right. Hour number one, hour number two, Jeff will talk with Dale Jackson from WVNN, a Florida Gators fan and John Wall, the ALGOP Chairman scheduled to be on with Jeff in the third hour today. Okay, so we're all analyzing football from the weekend. Roddy White looks like he just broke it down in the former Atlanta Falcons wide receiver. He played at UAB, but he took a shot at the Clemson Tigers watching them against Georgia because they're often stalling out time and time again, might have to do with the fact that Georgia is very good on defense. But Roddy White saw differently on X. Oh, what do you see? Quote Clemson got way too many white dudes on the field at one time. Ah, so Roddy White says too many white dudes by that kind of Clemson's recent, that's kind of been what they've been doing, right? Well, I get well, yes, not intentionally, they've had some great athletes and some white guys are pretty good too. Number 13 Clemson was hoping to beat Georgia. They did not just to clarify Bulldog's quarterback Carson Beck, a white man, through two touchdowns in the second half, one, two London Humphreys, who's also white, and he used his speed to pull away from black guys just saying cash Jones, a backup for Georgia. He's a white guy. He rushed for a touchdown, stiff arming a black guy on the way in. Wow. So Georgia won the game 34 to 33, but I thought it was, it was, I think what Roddy White was trying to say was Clemson doesn't have the team speed that they used to have. Okay. Maybe he's saying that, but some white guys are very fast too. Yeah, just saying. So you might not want to just dump it all on. So a swing and a miss from Roddy there, you think? I think. Yeah, you know, what's up? It's not just a swing and a miss, but it's what would, what would the opposite bring? Man, I think this weekend great for our area. I mean, you start with Ryan Williams. Yeah, the Hollywood show on Saturday. Just as good as he was in high school at the college level. He is. And then Perry Thompson, who's now an Auburn Tiger, former Foley Lion, had a big touchdown reception. Oh, yeah. Looks great. And our guy Riley Leonard, taking care of business. First game is the Notre Dame quarterback and didn't have a huge night on the stat sheet. But when it mattered, he came through in the clutch. He won the game. He was the reason Notre Dame won on the road. So cool. See how these local guys go on and do Great things agree 859 jeff pour on the way