FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Friday 8-30-24

2h 3m
Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2024
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- From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porshow. ♪ I don't think they've done it this way ♪ ♪ Go in and hang ♪ - Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porshow, and if I'm talking 106-5, good. Friday, Friday. It's finally Friday morning to you. Thank you for joining us. We do appreciate it. Text line, it would be a touch with the program, 2-5-1-3430-106. That's how you communicate with this program. Coming up on the program in about 30 minutes. Todd Stacey, Alabama Daily News. We'll hear from him. That's coming up here. And just a bit. Also on the program today. First time guest, and I don't know how that's going to go, but I said to hell with it. A guy named Hunter Johnson, he doesn't get any more bammer than this, so we'll see how it goes. He is an analyst for Tide 100.9, I think on the basketball side, but has a tremendous online presence when it comes to Alabama athletics. And obviously football season and beginning tomorrow, so we will discuss that. Also on the program as we do every Friday, our returning champion, State Senator Chris Elliott. You'll want to state around for that as well. Once again, 2-5-1-3430-1-0-60 Kamala Harris interview with Tim Walz. It started out. I thought okay with Dana Bash. I was not as, I mean, I had very mediocre expectations, but I wasn't down on the event as much as probably a lot of us are, or were. So anyway, not really a headline there. It was, they managed to take an 18 minute interview and turn it into an hour television event. I just, guys, even though we're like, Hey, how dare she? Yeah, this is the, this is the, how this campaign is going to continue. And this is their strategy. I mean, Trump's going to win, because she's still like totally unprepared to me. And I don't like unprepared. I mean, she didn't sound like the word salad bumbling idiot that maybe we had previously seen, but it really, it really didn't do much. Was it Michael Smircon ish on CNN this morning, said the headline today isn't there are no headlines? I don't know how much people are going to buy into the, my values haven't changed on the flip flops. Remember what's sunk, John Kerry? Remember the flip flops? We became a talking point with him and with the wood bush and I know for cycle. Didn't feel that way a little bit. I don't have like a slip boat for veterans kind of thing. But anyway, so Kamala Harris is a superior candidate to Joe Biden, and she is going to be a better candidate for the Democrats than Joe Biden was. That's unquestionable. But selling it on personality alone. And it really wasn't like a glowing personality there. It felt a little cold. Even at the very end of the interview, when they were doing the like kind of human interest angle to me, it felt standoffish. It wasn't like a charm of fits of it all. And I don't think that goes unnoticed. Now, who's watching CNN on a Thursday night, right before Labor Day, probably not that many people. And it's going to be a long weekend. It's going to be a bump in the news cycle. Things probably died down a degree or two, even like some of the news channels or some of the. I mean, you're getting filling host. This is their last break before November 5th. The timing is curious there. Because the campaign must, I don't know what the campaign's calculus is here. They must be really worried about something with putting her out there in front of people. I like the debates coming up here soon. I guess we'll see. But if the past is any indication, it's not as if these people have the best debate prep. Democrats are not done well in these last. Let's take the last several debates. I mean, Harris did okay with Mike Pence. You look at Trump versus Biden. And they probably went one for three. And the one that made Biden look okay was because for whatever reason, Trump strategy was to interrupt Biden. And then obviously the big one was. A couple of months ago, or I guess it was last. Yeah, last June 22nd, so. Almost two months ago, they kind of ended the Biden campaign. So we got nothing out of it. And you tell you, like, like we will say, I didn't watch that, but it's important to watch these things. Not because you're going to learn new facts or you're not going to learn like a true policy position. You're not even going to get an explanation of as to why the vice president flipped on fracking or immigration or whatever the flip flop is. But you do get a sense of where the campaign is. You do get like, are they? I mean, this is a presidential campaign. She just doesn't appear ready. It isn't like August of last year. And if she was still like, if she were running for president, and this were August 2023 for a 2024 cycle, she would still be behind. Also, I mean, I don't think she did herself any favors. Was some of the battlegrounds, particularly Michigan. And that's a tricky needle to thread for Democrats because of the high Muslim population. And you need the participating the Muslim community in Michigan to probably swing that race for the Democrat. And the answer that Harris gave on Israel, if you based on Rashida Tlaib's social media postings wasn't wasn't. Was it ready for prime time or was it satisfactory according to her? So anyway, a text line 2513430106, it really was a I just she just did the interview just to get people off her back and say, Hey, what are you going to do an interview? It sounded like this is always the problem with her, though, is this is playing catch up continuously and put Trump aside, and I've been saying this last few days. I think people are going to have issues with Trump no matter what he does. If he cures cancer, it'll be it'll be something I, you know, there's always going to be faults with Trump for the media, so even some on our side to pick at. So he's that's kind of a constant in this equation. And I just you're never going to satisfy even the Dale Jackson's out there who will vote for Trump, but he's only why didn't he do it this way or whatever. There's always going to be something like that. So the other side of the equation is well, what is the other side doing? And she just doesn't look like she has a winning campaign, a winning message. If you're a Democrat today, how do you feel about it? I mean, the media are telling you that you need to be celebratory that this was great. And I disagree. I don't think she did herself any necessarily any harm, but she certainly isn't the cream that's rising to the top. I mean, Paul, I see their campaign is hygiene. I don't think you can rely on maybe a few thousand votes here and there in the metro areas of swing states to win the presidency. They're not going to stuff a million ballots. Y'all don't realize how hard that would be. Maybe get 10,000 here and there, but coming up with like a million votes out of thin air just isn't something that really happens. So the story, really with the interview last night underwhelming CNN did about what they had to do, you know, like if you're grading Dana Bash, probably like a C started out strong was prepared. And then we went into like the weird, the iconic photo of the little girl, Denise or whatever. And then, you know, the son of Tim Walz and his like, that's my dad, and you know, like people are supposed to get warm fuzzies and walk away from that. Not even that landed right, right? It felt too contrived to astroturf and it just sort of didn't land. I think the way that the brass at CNN had probably expected it to. Some other things. What do we think about Trump going in for IVF here? My initial reaction to that is not so much that I am IVF. I'm very pro IVF. I just another government handout it feels like. But who's going to be using it? I mean, if we have, we really have like a population problem here. Rather than bringing immigrants across the border to whatever the demographic shift is or the demographic shortcomings, I guess IVF is a better solution to anything. And they just, they're going to figure out how to regulate it a lot better. And I'm not sure, I'm not sure we've really thought that went out. But how do you feel about that, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Let's see what else we got here. We're still fighting the stupid Arlington National Cemetery. They are milking this, this new story. That's not going to, it's not changing anybody's mind. And I mean, at some point, do, does anybody question why the vice president or the president? They're not there, the more they gin this story, the more they like go do the deep dive and go find like whatever gate guard, the interview at NBC News, it's just going to raise those questions. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show and I've been talking about 065. It's good to see you. I must go. I know I'm a good friend. Anyway, my eyes are not. A racking ripple flying flies high above it all. Hopping in the wind like an anger can ball. Now, what's the history? The cold and sting, but they still smell the powder burn. Welcome back to the Jeff Moore showing up and talk about 065. Thank you for staying with us on this Friday, Friday, it's finally Friday, 2513430106. That's how you get in touch with the program. If you so choose a silicone by here in the next segment from Alabama Daily News, Todd Stacy. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully he can make it today. I'm very optimistic. We will make a breakthrough. I'll say here, a name texture, a truck calls chaos at Arlington National Cemetery. They posted TikTok campaign videos of the vets. Why is his dignity? We don't have to argue this just ad nauseum, a gold star family, and if you don't know what that is, Google it, a name texture and invited Trump and you got a, you know, like I said, people, people grieve differently. They, they honor the, the fall in differently and if these gold star families wanted Donald Trump to do a thumbs up at their loved ones, graveside, then so be it you have no, there's no, you have no saying this. You need to go back to mommy's basement and go play World of Warcraft. You play with your choo choo train set, whatever, and let the adults handle their deceased loved ones. Pat, even, even 300 ballots in district two would change the outcome. Well, yeah, but Alabama is not Michigan. I mean, I mean, there's not enough electoral college votes in Alabama. It's a totally different and that really is a swing district. I, you know, like, well, one two percent difference in Alabama would be like a fraction of a percentage point in Michigan in even Wisconsin or Pennsylvania. So it's not the same thing, Pat, even in a congressional district. I, I, the thing about a L2 and I'm very hopeful here, but I feel like the Alabama legislature with the ballot harvesting prohibition and making it a felony. And then there's this, this case in Clay County, maybe that sends a message. We're going to find out. And I mean, if this is really close and it comes down to those absentee ballots, I mean, this could go to court. This, this Shamari figures, Carolyn Dobson. If it's as close as people think it is, like a Southern poverty, well center political action committee, Paul, that showed a figures up by 15. And there's no reason to think that that is accurate. But if it is, I mean, then it won't matter. Sean, Jeff, it's Friday, a long weekend. So what's going to be the five o'clock news stuff about? I don't, I don't know that you have that. Uh, it may be something about Biden, if anything, I would be able to look out, but I said this July 4th. I said, guys, going into the weekend, um, and I was wrong. If they were going to switch horses at the Democratic party, the time they should have done it would have been the July 4th weekend, long weekend, what are like a Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday, or something like that, or whatever, it doesn't matter. And if they had made, they had made the switch then and then you get back to work on Monday. People may have not big call up. People would have kind of either, Oh, okay, or we would have been moved on, but they chose to do it on a Sunday of all days. But Harris talked about this interview last night, uh, Paul writes a lot here, uh, ask James how he feels speaking of Democrats. You see how walls jerked his son's arm on the sage and the conviction he is evil. Ricky, Ron Paul 2024, a name text, her fingers by a mile and another unnamed texture. I like Kamala. She wears less makeup than diaper dot, uh, very insightful. We'll be right back. This is F.M. talk with O six five. Thank you for being with us on this Friday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero one, zero six, if you want to be in touch with the program, all you got to do is text me. So they come on a program. As I said earlier, I don't know how it's going to go, but from tide 100.9, a hundred Johnson, the Alabama response on this, a very Auburn leaning program. Also in the program, our returning champion, state Senator Chris Elliott, please make sure you stay tuned for that. So text like two, five, one, three, four, three, zero one, zero six, but up now, uh, the speaking of Auburn leaning our good friend from Alabama daily news and capital journal Todd Stacey Todd. Good morning. How are you? I'm great. Yeah. How are you? I am, uh, I guess I'm all right. Uh, well, what do you have? How you feel about tomorrow, uh, it should be all right, but I don't know I'm always cautiously optimistic or I just, I hope I get to watch a good game. I feel like, uh, when it comes to Auburn football season, I think, I think Auburn is going to be able to handle the, the rattlers from Alabama A&M. I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle the heat is more worried about, but I'm looking forward to it. We're, I'm, uh, kind of getting packed up right now. We're going to head up to Auburn tomorrow and, you know, there's something like the first game. It's just something special about it. I got to be honest. I wasn't really excited about college football season. I guess I just been busy and it's political season and everything, but I was on the plane last week back, uh, to the state. And that's when the Georgia Tech Florida state game was, that's why I watched it on the plane. And that was awesome. And that's all you needed to get pumped up for the season because it was just kind of that magic. Uh, so now I'm pumped, that's what it took. I got you there. It's like the same for me. We took my son to the beach and we were at Lulu's and it's on the big screen and oh, well, that was to that. And then it's kind of an exciting game at the end. So I'm hoping, uh, I'm, I'm, I'm, I just, uh, I can't go through another and probably another like 74, six and five or something, but I don't know, uh, I guess at least now the intrigue is going to be what's going to happen across the state. So we'll see. Yeah. Hey, look, it's when you're at Auburn fan and a Cubs fan, like I am, it's always, you know, the beginning of the season. Hey, this is our year. So optimism. Spring eternal. Yeah. And then like the weird season time, not to belabor football here, we don't play a home game the entire month of October. I mean, that's, and that's, that's like, I would, can we take September off and get October instead? Does that mean next year we'll play like the hopes though, because that's when it's actually nine. I mean, we're going to be sweating, you know, the entire month of September. And yeah, I don't know what scheduling snap through is the foot, but like that's, that's ridiculous. We, we got the bottom of the barrel in terms of scheduling this year. Yeah. And then we, uh, like I said, hopefully we get to the entire month of October at all. But I mean, those first couple of games, Cal and well, I don't know, maybe tomorrow's a night game. I mean, maybe that's different, but that Cal 230 kickoff a week from tomorrow is going to be brutal. I mean, nine, five degrees who's looking, I don't know who's looking forward to that. Anyway, we'll move on to the world of politics. There's not a lot going on state side. I, I guess the Shamari figures, Carolyn Dobson race is, it's got its ebbs and flows. Um, I guess political watchers, like, and this is like you and I both run political websites. We're really kind of beholded to the federal news cycle right now. Yeah. And you got to be careful because like the whole, like the Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris and Tim Walley interview last night. So like, you know, we run a lot of AP, well, I can't, I couldn't run the AP article on that because it was just pretty bad, pretty, um, biased. And so, but I mean, I watched it, I think I guess, did you watch the interview? I mean, it was. Yeah. Pretty interesting. You know, a lot of, a lot of build up. This is why you, you do a lot of interviews, um, because, you know, when there's so much build up for your first or your, your only maybe, then you can kind of pick everything apart and she did not really do very well at all. I mean, uh, so, you know, that was, but everybody gets to kind of check their own opinion, take their own evaluation of it, which is how it should be. But I really didn't think, uh, she came off very well. She just came off his, I mean, sir, what, it's been a month now that she's been able to prepare for something like this, and she's kind of being unprepared. Well, and I, I, this is, I tried to be objective here, which is maybe not met the best suited person for right wing radio guy, uh, 18, 19 editor, bright bar guy. Um, but like if you, you can, you know, all the things that go on with Trump world and the Trump campaign and Donald Trump himself, just put that aside and it's, it is a part of the race, but let's just analyze Harris, uh, what are the hallmarks of a winning campaign that they have going for them? Now my understanding Todd is they have a really good ground game in some of these states, which is it really something you maybe see in a news coverage, but other than that, um, I don't, I just just doesn't look like a winning presidential campaign to me. Yeah, and it probably doesn't have to be. You're right that, I mean, at this point, it's really down to a handful of states, um, she has done the job of she's even the most important double ball and that is not being Joe Biden. So she has reinvigorated the democratic party that was pretty sure they were going to lose and she just not Joe Biden. And so that's enough. And that, and so the ground gang is going and so, you know, I don't think you're going to see a lot more of these interviews. Um, I don't think she did some kind of catastrophic bad job or anything. It's just her awkwardness and unpreparedness shows through. And if you're an advisor of hers, and you see that and you know that, oh man, I don't want to let's not risk it especially with a maybe more serious interviewer. So yeah, I don't think we're going to see many more of these that is fair enough. If you start seeing a bunch of them, it means the campaigns probably desperate or something and they're in trouble. But otherwise, if we're going to make such as football season up on us, uh, it's like a pre-vet defense strategy. It looks like absolutely, which, which we all know is the most frustrating thing to say. And you know, how many, how many games have we watched where the pre-vet defense fall apart and end up backfiring. Look, I mean, again, it wasn't the best interview I've ever seen, but we're political observers. We know this stuff. We look for everything, you know, try to try to view it as a, well, the most important, but early, you know, Western Pennsylvania or Wisconsin or wherever, you know, the election is going to be decided. Is this the first time they're seeing an interview with Tom Lall Harris? Is this the first time they're kind of seeing your answer questions? How did that go? Are they really looking for in-depth answers? Or are they just kind of looking for vibes? I mean, it's hard for me to get in the head of those people and that's actually where it matters. Yeah, you know, and just to interview itself last night, I'll see it in the data bash did okay, probably better than a lot of my audience would have expected her to do. But the answers, she didn't do anything catastrophic, you know, in the mode of like a Biden. But I just, I found some of those answers to be a little unsatisfactory. I think I can think of that might have mattered, Todd, is her response to the question about Israel. And I don't know what's going on on the Democratic party. It's not my stopping ground, but there does seem to be some real strong feelings about that. And is she going to be able to, you know, whatever it takes to tap into that energy? I mean, I think especially in Michigan, it might matter. Yeah, I think there's definitely, I mean, kind of across the board in Democratic politics right now, with some exceptions, better men certainly being in exception, Shapiro being in exception. There's just like the sphere of the Hamas wing of the party or whatever you want to call it. Maybe that's sort of pologas. So yeah, you saw that. But it's more emblematic, Jeff, I think of what I saw in just kind of body language in a way she answered questions. She's not quite sure of herself. She's not quite sure of her positions, her answers. I mean, I think she memorized some note cards pretty well, but, you know, a candidate for president. And this is why, you know, the normal nominating process is so important. You've gone through Iowa, you've gone through New Hampshire, you've gone through all these states and answered a million questions from voters. And so at the end of all that, you're pretty sure of yourself. You're pretty sure of what you believe and you've kind of gone through the rigor. She has it and it shows it comes across as like she's not quite, you know, sure of her footing. Yeah. And that's why I don't think you're going to see many more of these interviews because just like turn the volume down. They just put it on mute and watch it. And she's just not quite sure what you're saying. And that's, that's a problem. No, is it going to be fatal? Was it going to be a problem for the campaign? Maybe not. I really don't think it will. But I think it's probably the reason you're not going to see many more interviews. Oh, something else. And you've been a part of campaigns and like it, it takes a while to work all the kinks out. I think when it comes to these, any campaign and, you know, the, if you read the Axios reporting, there's some elements of in fighting and she's got her federal staff, the vice presidential staff kind of odds with the campaign staff. But with the campaign itself, I mean, you talk about the primary process, they go. I mean, they start it like the Iowa State Fair in like the year before that summer. And, you know, they go through the bumps in the road and you have your attrition. And he finally by maybe the Super Tuesday, Hey, we got our team together. This is the team team. I don't, they don't have that luxury. And I wonder if that becomes a problem later on for this campaign. Maybe so. And, you know, remember there's a debate coming up in about 11 days. And well, assuming it actually happens, that's going to be huge. It really is going to be huge. I think it's going to be one of the most watched presidents of the base ever. And not because of Donald Trump, because of Kamala Harris. How will she handle it? Obviously, our team has been in a system that the mics not be muted. You know, we go through all that. But it's going to be huge. And so, preparation and the team is really important for all that. And you can't be fighting. You can't have different ideas. You got to unite around one common kind of goal. I have no idea what's going on inside the Harris campaign. I mean, teams matter. You know, I thought that the Trump campaign was a well oiled machine up until the point where Harris takes the top of the ticket because the candidate Trump just kind of lost his mind a little bit, just kind of went off. He continues to go off screw up. So staff can do plenty, but you got to have the candidate that's, you know, bought into the plan, the message. I think maybe they're getting Trump back on message back, you know, back on the reservation, so to speak. But that's, you know, he'd got an opportunity. I think what this interview showed me was Trump has an opportunity to get back in this race and win this race. He might as well be winning right now. It's time, whatever. He's got an opportunity because he has a very flawed opponent. So he needs to do everything he can to keep it on the rails. He's not done that for the past three or four weeks. If he can get back to that and be the strong candidate that, you know, remind people about the good things about this time in office, that might work because he's got now what has been revealed as a pretty flawed and weak opponent. Yeah, it's almost like you want to see a little prevent defense right now and in maybe for a few days, maybe for a series from the Trump side, but it feels like Trump's always taking that shot down field and he didn't make another football analogy here. It's like, Oh no, he's back in the pocket, get ready to throw. And you're worried about that interception. And there he is at the podium. Oh no, don't, don't do it. You know what I mean? It feels so that way. He's coughing up the ball. That's what he's doing. He's coughing up the ball at every at every turn. Like, why are you talking about the governor of Georgia? Why are you talking all this weird stuff? Like remind people about the, you know, Trump had a pretty successful presidency except for some really notable exceptions, right? And those notable exceptions are what people are scared of. Namely, January 6, some of the COVID stuff, because he was so kind of weird and out there and just way too much. Well, don't remind people of that. Remind them of the good things. And when he, when he's out there saying crazy things, it reminds people of the bad parts of the Trump presidency. And so that's why I don't understand why he does it. I tell you the thing I think they've done that's smart. I mean, Trump's out there, but when it comes to these media interviews it could be hostile. They got JD Vance out there. And like he's not, I mean, it's not a perfect scenario, but he's he's decent enough to put out there and all CNN or wherever it kind of go toe to toe. He is what I like about math. I don't think he's the best bet, honestly, but he's growing on me. And the best part about him is you sit him down. He's gonna answer every single question you have. And it's the same for Donald Trump, by the way, there's not going to be a time limit. You don't have to limit. It's like, you know, do your worst. Come on. And I think over time that really helps. Obviously Harris can't do that. She doesn't want to do that. She won't do that. So I think that's maybe an advantage that they, that Trump advanced should take advantage of say, Hey, you know, we're an open book. We've asked with anything as opposed to, you know, the current administration. So we'll see how that goes. But again, we're talking about Trump, you know, a couple hundred thousand voters at Western Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, it's going to be private election. It's unfortunate. That's the truth. Maybe Georgia, Arizona, but that's, that's who decides. Tied up real quick before we get out of here, a functional setup for your newsletter, valid, and also what you have a capital journal. Really going to sign up. Just go to A L daily You can enter your name and your email right there on the homepage, and you'll be on the list. Yes. Capital journal is tonight seven thirty on Alabama public television. Have Cam Ward talking about recidivism, trying to reduce the crime rate in terms of folks, you know, out of jail, recommitting crimes, going back to jail. Really important conversation on that. Also going to be talking with Dr. Amanda Williams, she's of the Medical Association of Alabama, talking about the position shortage we have and some of the reasons why. So yeah, tune in tonight. Good episode seven thirty on APT. Todd, stay safe out there. We're eager and we'll talk again next week. All right, yeah, we'll be right back. This is The Jeff Poor Show on FIT Talk 1 0 6 5 the first thing I remember knowing was a lonesome whistle blowing and the youngest dream of growing up to ride. We'll go back to the Jeff Poor Show on FIT Talk 1 0 6 5 they should stay with us on this Friday morning two five one three four three zero one zero six. We want to be attached to program text us and we will interact. Hopefully you can give me something better than Trump's going to lose. You're a big dumb dumb or something. Try to keep it like at a higher intellectual level. If you can, I know that's difficult for some of you. Still a couple of program hundred Johnson from tide 100.9 in Tuscaloosa. We'll just hit also Alabama stuff. I know very little about Alabama football this season. Kayla De Boyer and Jalen Milro. So we'll elaborate on that. And then finally, in the 11 o'clock hours, we do every Friday our returning champion state Senator Chris Elliott. We'll hear from him. So please stay tuned for that. Let's see here. Let's get some of these texts out of the way. Good morning, Jeff. That's from Leo. You think illegals don't vote Texas five sixty five hundred illegals registered almost two thousand had a voting history, but two thousand votes is not going to swing an election in Texas. I think that's within the margin of error of people dumb enough to register to vote but not really know what you're doing. I mean, like you know how some of this works. Democrats go knocking on doors and they register people to vote. They vote a registration drives and they're trying to get a quota or something and people who probably are who are not qualified to vote in the United States are registering to vote. Maybe there's like free box of donuts or something involved. I don't know that they incentivize it or whatever it is. But I need to see a lot more than sixty five hundred in Texas. It's a real thing. And it is something that should be cracked down on. It should be enforced. But this this hysteria that this is the difference in the election, I don't believe it. Sometimes I do worry about this. It's the same thing the Hillary Clinton campaign did in 16 when they lost rather than own it say we run a ran a terrible campaign. It's not as a crutch by losing campaigns. Not to not have done the best job they could have done to get their candidate elected to blame it on something else rather than hey our campaign was a very good. From Bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insiders perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. I don't think this way through some of these texts here in just a moment. A few things. Harris Wall Center V last night and wasn't say a whole lot. Nothing caught my eye other than I mean it was the same usual Argo Margal about his his military service and whatever the not really even a satisfactory answer on conflating I UI and IVF which is you know you want to do that on the left. But anyway and then Harris didn't do any catastrophic things. There was no word salad moment but Todd Stacy was not exactly a tea party conservative. I mean he you detected an underwhelming from him. You're right. I just I think the casual observer may not be paying attention but last night is not the what the slam dunk that they needed and you got to wonder like things got to get better here. Now Todd takes that. They're going to have to like roll roll backs of these interviews these public appearances and play what we call they kind of a pre vid defense. Will that work in a close race like this when you play pre vid defense. So you're supposed to have like a 30 point lead or something. Now you don't really have that luxury here. And I've granted Trump as a tendency or not a tendency but the possibility is a little higher that he will throw the interception down field or something. And you know just just unforced errors free shots on goal for re opposition was then why he's taking shots down field that may not connect some of those will connect and some of those will result in points on the board. He will do things that will be popular that will and they'll have to deal with that at some point on the other side. But last night was just is probably what we expected. Was anybody surprised with that interview? I don't think free IVF from the federal government. How do we feel about that? But like I said I'm pro IVF. But I am seeing this and thinking this is going to create one of those supply and demand situations. It's going to be a burden on the taxpayers. That's a very expensive procedure. It troubles to offer it for free. He's going to have to come up with some kind of plan to lower the cost. And we're at this point in time here. It will take more than just like a deregulatory environment to make that cost go down. We're actually in an environment where I think a lot of people to write would like to see more of a regulatory environment on IVF. It's so what what and it's something the other side hasn't thought of if they had thought of it. I mean like he said the the the Democrats are saying hey I'm you're going to bad IVF. And it turns out hey here's free IVF if I president. If anything it takes a talking point maybe strategically. But let's just look at the policy at face of value. There's a little bit of problem. It's a problematic sort of pledge. All right. Let's get through some of these text. I know you've all been dying to have your your silica. He's read on the air. Are they textures to something about bulldogs. Randy. Good morning Jeff. Good morning Randy. I am believing more more that the quote unquote left powers that be have checked. Chuck Chuck this election up is a Trump win. Therefore they have inserted Kamala as a sacrificial amateur to focus on twenty eight. Interesting theory and because because a lot of people looked at this in July it's well who wants to who wants to get on this sinking ship and run against Trump after he has been shot at. And it continues to be just to fight every law of physics. So they say let's go through the record here. And some of you bleeding heart the show listeners out there on the left will remember like he's been impeached twice. Thirty four or something felony felony count and a conviction. Very very asymmetrical media coverage. They do not like him up and down the board. Well what else just a tendency to throw the interception in a clutch moment. It's got a lot of things working against him. And you can talk about all the things like the the typical who sells Bibles or he picked he did picture time at the Arlington National Cemetery which is those are sort of constants in this discussion. But but if he's so bad why is this even a contest? You ask yourself that Donald Trump is so bad. If the large man bad is so terrible and such a threat to democracy. Why is this a race? Why why why is it your guy beating Trump by a million? Well why is this close? Why do you have panic reactions to everything he does? If he's irrelevant if he's going to lose. Why do the media have panic reactions if Trump's so bad? Why why why haven't the media be able to put him away and send him to bucks pocket or wherever. And they give a foot note in history, a political footnote and they can't put him away. January 6 and all that not made for TV hearings and I mean just just all of these things that ought to work in his favor and yet here he's she's still here. He's still got a got a shot to be president and a really good shot to be president United States. What they're doing is not working like they think it is. It's just I think of anything. It's more of a nuisance, more of an annoyance that it has a real tangible impact on the election itself. So maybe you're on to something here, Randy. Maybe the powers that be thought the Kamala Harris was a losing bet to but they were looking at it and they were saying, well, we can't take a hit here and put somebody who's got a better chance and beating Donald Trump and Kamala Harris because we will look like we passed over the first African American female candidate because she was African American and our female put her in there. She'll do better. She'll raise money. She'll keep the machines going. She'll generate some enthusiasm. We will look like we're trying with as well Biden didn't look like we were trying it all and then maybe in 2028. We got a better shot at this and we could change America for good and we'll go from the United States of America to the United States of the second coming of the Soviet Union. Lloyd, where you all hasn't done anything in years, what are you war eagling? Lloyd, did you go to Alabama? Lloyd, did you go to college? Lloyd, did you go to high school or did you get a GED? Well, you know, Lloyd, some of us actually went to the universities that we cheer for. So Lloyd, I will continue to war Eagle. It's a little different for us that went to Auburn than those who just like to watch football on TV. Rick, our country has turned into the movie, "Idiocracy." I don't think we're quite there yet. But you can see there's some elements of that, especially with pop culture and sort of like, I don't know, whenever you see these man on the street interviews, whenever you see and the way they gauge a person's intelligence, especially on cable news, when they do a man on the street. This is true for Fox and MSNBC or CNN. Is there knowledge about politics and current events? And if you're oblivious to any of that, you're depicted as some kind of imbecile. But like, I got to think there are probably like Nobel Prize winning physicists who out there who do not pay attention to any of this, like really brilliant minds, doctors, lawyers, et cetera, who are just not plugged in like the primetime anchor or correspondent or whatever on the cable news channels. It's just, I guess the point here would be this, that we tend to underestimate the public sometimes and because they're not interested in politics and because politics kind of sucks, to be honest, it's accessible. I'm fascinated by it because of like the psychological elements and the historical elements. But for most people, it just looks like a some kind of grift. When we get to deal with people's egos and so on and so forth. And they don't look at government as their pathway to whatever they are going to excel at in life. Some people do like, Hey, if so and so was president, I'd be like a really, really successful entrepreneur. But I mean, like a lot of it is just internal, right? It's what you make of your old situation and where you want to be in life. And I find like blaming the, the federal government, the state government to be kind of, I don't know, it's another one of these crutches. And you got to say the cliche goes, pull yourself by your own bootstraps. There's some truth in that. I know we want to downplay meritocracy. And all of a sudden, there's this like push for equity, but you'll never achieve it. It is unachievable. It's got to take some personal responsibility, some some personal buy in in your old situation to improve your life, toothless bamor. If you're voting for joy and election, that tells you how you will be governed. I can guarantee you that if joy wins, you will not be joyful. You will eventually be dismayed, dejected and broke. And then adds goofy color audience are finding out that the California vacation of their state isn't working out Venezuela games are taking over some communities. Yeah, seeing the photos of the housing complex. Look, and I was thinking about this today. In California and Colorado probably leave much to be desired by people who kind of reside in our quarters. But it's not like if you fly to San Francisco, you get off the airplane, you go to the airport, you take the bar into San Francisco. It's not like you're going to be beat up by a band of transgender immigrants or something. I mean, it's still kind of a normal American city mostly. Let's get a break here. We'll be right back. This is a Jeff Porte show it. If I'm talking about one of six five. Keep your foot on the pedal. Let it all hang out. We gotta run to the. I'm talking about to the four showed up and talk with a six five. Thank you for sticking around on this Friday. Hundred jobs have retired 100.9 in Tuscaloosa in the next segment for your band, my fans out there. Like I said, I'm not really sure how that's going to go. But we'll give it a shot. You know, I'm equal opportunity here. And a texture, Jeff, if she gets elected, America is done from Keith. Ah, yeah. Let's see. I don't know. Here's the thing about her. And I'm not going to. I don't want her to win. Well, let's say somehow or another Kamala Harris is elected president. There's just a sub shit that she's going to be like, it's very proactive, all of a sudden. Suddenly, she's going to find her mojo. She's going to be a bunch of better as a president, advice president. She's going to like, like all of a sudden, she's going to go out and about and just really start conquering the left wing causes. I mean, what what have we ever seen out of Kamala Harris? That would make you say that's even in the realm of possibilities. I mean, what what legislation does she ever get done? Is a member to you a Senate? What has she done as vice president? But suddenly she's president and she's going to change America and turn us into this communist nation. And I'm not saying that it won't happen. But I would be very, I would at least pause a beat or two before I like when it sold the farm and move to Australia or wherever in exile. Summerdale, Tony writes up. That's exactly what I thought the Democrats want to get rid of Biden. They come all the same way. I need some very big possibility. I mean, she's still got a shot to be president. Biden had no real shot. Susan, she has been inactive for three and a half years. Really why would anyone think she will act? The action will be behind the scenes. I don't even think she's been active behind the scenes, guys. Last president Harris has a lot of downtime, a lot of vacation, a lot of, I mean, what, what are they going to say to her? Hey, you can't take all this time off. Watch me. Lloyd, uh, I'm a bama grad worthless finance degree graduate high school at 90 with Sean Sullivan, but that was relatively funny, Jeff. Well, a congratulations on your Alabama education. But I, you know, I will get, you know, you take an issue with me saying war eagle taking the energy and time, Lloyd, to get out your flip phone and text this show. Why are you war wriggling? There's nothing to war eagle about. Um, is, um, I don't avoid a seems like you have could could do something, make better use of time. Maybe polish off that worthless finance degree. You have on the wall and your mom's basement or something. I don't know. Get the dust off of it. Shine it up for football season. Go practice some Alabama cheers. Something just, uh, just don't text in the show and take issue with the Jeff boy, Todd Stacy, say it or eagle to one another because we're both Auburn alum. Put that out there. Try to make your life a better place, Lloyd. Text like 251343 0106. No point I was making for it to break there real quick before we go to our next break, but the way we think of like Denver or San Francisco, LA, even New York City, then this is like a hellscape. Oh, look, there's some bad places. Uh, it's the way they think of Alabama as some kind of racist hellscape. Like you, you get off the plane and Birmingham and suddenly if you're black, uh, the son of Bull Connor is going to show up a turtle water hose and sick the dogs on you. Your people who think that do these stereotypes that just aren't really the reality that would I want to live in these places? Probably not that's why I live here. There are some differences, but it's not quite what you see on Fox news. Well, bear in fact, this is Jeff Porsche on FM talk one of six, five. I keep a close watch on this heart of mine. I keep my eyes wide open. Oh, well, prices rose again last month. The government says it wasn't a huge increase up to 10th of 1% June to July. It brings inflation closer to the feds, 2% target for cutting interest rates. Vice President Kamala Harris has changed her tune on a number of key issues. The Democratic presidential hopeful insisting that her in her words, my values have not changed. She and running may Tim Wal sat for a prerecorded interview yesterday. Former president Trump figures at something that deserves government support. How about free IDF treatments for any interested couple? That's what the former president proposes. He says America could use more babies on Wall Street this morning. Stocks have been in positive territory. The Dow is up 28 points. The Nash back ahead 54 and the S&P trading nine points higher. More details at S or a news dot com. Welcome back to the Jeff Porsche Show. What a six five. Thank you for staying with us. Find this Friday morning. Once again, text line 2513430106. That's how you communicate with the program. Silicon by an hour from now, a returning champion. We do it every Friday. Say Senator Chris Elliott. So please stay tuned for that. But join us now on the live first time guest on the program. We're appreciative that he would make time for us. He is a kind of the basketball personality for tied 100.9 FM. But I know I'm kind of more a longtime Alabama social media personality. But Hunter Johnson joins us on the line. Hunter. Good morning. How are you? Good morning. Happy to be in Mobile. Hey, thanks for coming on and making time for us. Well, I like I was telling you offline. I know my knowledge of what's going on with the Alabama football program. You can fit in a thimble every now and then I catch a little fight, Bob. And I don't necessarily find out to be as reliable a source there. But he is on the side. You're saying that I'm not going to go to source and all things knowledge base for the football and in this day, shocking. Well, I don't want to beat up like I said, I want to be able to personality who's on our airwaves here. But typically I zone out to even when they talk about Auburn, I'm like, well, they never quite get it right. I don't know what to expect with the lawyer. I mean, you got a quarterback coming back. So there's some merit there and you're pretty high. You guys are pretty high in the rankings. Like what's the what's the sense about the team? What do you hear from like other Alabama fans? Well, first of all, I would say that love was a hire. I mean, obviously when the goat retires, those are tough to use to build. But what I really, really liked is that we didn't go with like a we didn't have that guy kind of waiting in the way to take over. And I love that we have a very competent athletic director who went out and identified the best coach possible. And I know that he while saving did kind of spring this on him late, Greg Bern also knew that this was a possibility. He had been planning for this for the last several years. And I know for a fact that that Kaelin DeBore was a guy that he had been following for the last couple of years. And so when it came down, he identified the guy when he got Kaelin. And I think, you know, people talk about how it's not a not a good fit. And one of your fellow borners called Hugh Blake kind of, he pushes against that narrative in terms of fit. Because like, Ed Orgerom is the best fit ever for LSU. And look, I mean, they did win a national championship, but look how that that ended. It's not really about it. It's about guys who can recruit, guys who can identify a scheme and guys who can navigate this current NIL structure. And I think Kaelin is perfectly suited to do that. I think Bob's are hot here. All right, it's a patient that we're going to win a national championship. Probably not. I think a patient this year would be make the play off. Probably maybe not win the SEC, but make the play off the F5, sixth, seventh season host the game and the college football play off. And I think that I think those are reasonable. And I think the team has a really good shot doing it. Here's sort of, I mean, I mean, kind of, you know, watching this for a long time, honor. And I remember kind of the post Bear Bryant era and for the next 10, 15 years, Alabama fans were always looking for that connection to the past. It was always somebody who had a connection to Brian or the Alabama program. And when, when Saman announced he was going to step aside, I thought, well, they're going to just try to find somebody that has a connection to say Ben or something along those lines. But it says that they didn't really go in that direction at all in Alabama. Yeah. And I think that was now, if they and when didn't have a ridiculous buyout at Oregon, do I think you probably would have been a potential target and then Lane's been found at the university. I think he would have been a target to knock that buyout. I think they probably did tell Steve Sarkeesian that, hey, do you want this job and gave him eight hours to think about it. And he said he has a great situation. The text is that I don't blame him. That's one of the top three jobs in college football. I don't blame him at all for when he stayed there. But after that, I think it was just let's get the best guy possible. And you get a guy who's coming off a national championship game appearance, a real rising star, an offensive guru. And also, it doesn't hurt to be able to bring in. I realized it's my role, the ability of the wrong way to go. You go that and get out to Alabama's head coach to come in and be your defensive coordinator. It came while making a brilliant defensive mind. And you're hiring an offensive guru, a guy who's shown that he's really good at getting out and in the right spot on offense. So I think it was I think it was a really a slam dunk power to give it an A plus. Well, here's the other other struggle in knowing this sort of as an Auburn fan. You look around the country right now and it was always we got to get rid of Gus Malzahn. We got to get rid of Harson. We get we you know, and then I'm sure if they'll come out to free soon on the planes, but like who do you? Who do you replace them with was always the question and you look around the country and I was always like, well, who could go toe to toe with the exhibit, which there weren't that many people out there that had any kind of track record there. But I got to think if you're an Alabama fan and you're looking at the the pool of coaches that would be available to you, which is probably a lot more than what Auburn would have. I mean, it's still kind of a isn't a very deep bench. It seems like right now out there. No, there's not I mean, there's I mean, there's guys that leftly hold at hand. So I think they're really, really good coach, but like if Alabama hired him or if Auburn hired him, are people going to be excited about that? I don't really think so. I said when Auburn hired Brian Harson, the frozen tire two years, that there's no doubt in my mind that he freaks going to be that big coach and all of them. But he was at things cooking at Liberty. It just made too much sense. I mean, he he's pretty just fits Auburn way too well. And this year, y'all are going to win eight games. And he will be a little bit upset, but eight wins is probably about what you what Auburn should do this year. And I don't think people are going to come after him. And you freeze the recruiting really, really well in the state of Alabama right now. He might not be recruiting as well nationally, but he's recruiting really well in the state of Alabama. But there's not and that's the thing. Also, like there really isn't that guy to go out and get if you're at Auburn. I knew this when you guys hired Nick Saban. I knew that was a game changer and once in a lifetime coach, the album, no, you didn't know you didn't. You were probably just like all the other borners saying they'll be there for three years and then he'll be going. Well, yeah, I mean, I did not think he would last as long as he did, but I know there was no doubt in my mind he was going to be successful at Alabama. No matter how long he had been there. And I mean, football, I mean, we look at a season or two and there's a lifetime in eternity. I knew he was going to be a good coach. Okay. I did never expected him to build a dynasty at the University of Alabama. But that that being that being said, so and like you'll look at you made me lose my train of thought here. I'm good. I'm good at that. I'll get out and get off talking points now. Well, I know. I mean, anyway, so I knew it was going to be good and we suffered through it. And if anybody had any kind of success, you suffered through it. You won a national championship during it. You played in the national championship game twice during it. If anything, you know, arriving hard raises all boats, all of them was better because all because out of a hard next day. Well, yeah, maybe it was still a prolonged suffering period. Because I remember like when most teams were kind of mediocre in the 90s and they could really break through. We're always like looking at like Florida State and everybody wanted to be like superior or whatever. And you know, Auburn and Alabama, what would the exception 92 season or were just kind of there in mid pack always, right? I mean, the SEC is the SEC finally kind of took over when they went to the digital play and had a championship game and all the money coming in. But back to the Saban thing and you know, it used to you bringing a Saban and that was the difference maker, right? That was the game changer. In 2024, the quality of the coach is important, but maybe it's not maybe it doesn't make the program the program like it once did. I would absolutely agree with that. The coach is the figurehead. I think what he is having a really, really good organizational structure, having alignment in your athletic department from the A D down to your football GM, you know, you're kind of director of recruiting. And I really like what we have in Courtney Morgan. I think he bring and there's a reason that USC came after him and wanted to make him essentially their president of football. And I'm really glad that we're able to keep him. He's a really, really good after this program. But and understand the NIL and from alignment, I mean, down to your, you know, your NIL structure and your cooperative that we have going on the trip. I will. He does a great, great job. I think that we are aligned really, really well right now. And I don't think that necessarily the head coach matters as much as they used to join by Hunter Johnson of Tied 100.9 FM fame, basketball and whatnot. Hunter, the new SEC. I'm not a big fan of this expansion. I just Texas and Oklahoma fine. I guess it's going to generate more revenue. And maybe you maybe like the old tide raises all boats theory will apply here too. But I mean, look at, if you look at Auburn not playing a single home game in the month of October is weird. The scheduling is weird. I am not really crazy about the direction of this at all. Well, folks had the same thing back in 92 when we went to divisional structure, you lost the Auburn Florida robbery, which I think a lot of people, a lot of younger people don't understand what a substantial robbery that was back in the 60s, 70s and 80s, right? It was a big deal. And you know, Auburn playing Florida, they'll play more now that we're going to the non-divisional structure. But Auburn was playing Florida every, what? I mean, they weren't playing Florida as much, nearly as much as they used to. So you're going to lose the hell, Alabama needs to be played every year to play 1941. And this will be the first time in Auburn. And the two close to schools within the conference are actually, I mean, sort of, an hour and a half away. And we won't play Mississippi State this year. So there's always going to be, you know, with, in the changing landscape of college athletics, I would say that this is the least substantial change that we're dealing with in college athletics right now with NIL and everything. And you just kind of have to, you just kind of have to understand and give it as it comes. I mean, I'm not, we don't have to play either, Mississippi. So I'm not really losing sleep over that at all. And I'm sure you, I'm sure you have no to die to play LinkedIn anymore. Well, it's just the desire to go to Oxford or Starkville. You know, it's not really on my to do list, a desire to do list, I should say. And you're right about the Auburn Florida because you look at Gainesville, the closest SEC school to Gainesville is Auburn. It has been a geographic rivalry. And I remember when that went away and, you know, Florida was it this was pre spurious rise to fame and Florida wasn't thought of like what it was. I mean, it's falling on hard times now, but it was still sort of like right there. It was a, you could drive it in a day and come back. And now we don't really have, I don't know, it doesn't. I guess it's going to take some use to, but I mean, I'm not even crazy about A&M or our Missouri or even Arkansas. Missouri is the most egregious one. I'm saying, man, we played at Missouri the first year of that they were in the league in 2012. And I went up there and I mean, they were a big pin school. These people called co-op. They, they had like the room segregated at Harpos was like their big bar. Like we went up there. Auburn played Ole Miss that morning. We were up there to watch the game and they were trying to segregate Alabama and Missouri fans. They felt like some football was coming up there and we're going to like get English soccer style thing. Like we were going to try to fight Missouri fans. But no, we just want to go watch games, man. It's all good. They, they are the most egregious bit in the SEC because in Oklahoma, it's far more than Missouri's does. I guess the reason we're getting that Texas Texas A&M game back. Those of you who have nothing better to do on rivalry Saturday. I just, like I said, though, the days of, you know, as, I guess as long as we get to, you guys get to keep Tennessee and we get to keep Georgia, we'll just have to suffer through it. And I'm good with that. And I see being our biggest rival before. I'm glad that that rivalry is getting put. Well, I mean, there was some talk. That's, that's a joke by the way. I know since he's not our biggest rival. I'm just kind of terrible. Yeah, I was going to let that go. But we all saw a lot of people would, would agree with that previous statement though, I think about that. But, you know, there was some talk about moving Auburn to the Eastern Division back when they still did divisions and that would have like killed. And that's why I think Missouri wound up where it did. And it was to be honest. It was such a better. It was a good fit though. Kentucky, Missouri, Vanderbilt, those kinds of schools, they kind of have more in common as SEC school. So I mean, I, I guess it made sense. But I just, it's not what we grew up with at all. Absolutely not. All right. I'm going to turn it back on you. What are your expectations for this Auburn football team this year? Those are a little rosier than mine to be honest. Like a seven in four, another, you know, maybe if you, if you have a few things go your way, get a New Year's Day bowl game or something, no, no anticipation. We're going to make the playoffs. But like as an Auburn fan, you just every year is kind of a humbling situation. So you still chair? I think I'll, I think I'll work down as you've been in the ball time. It's got real depth that receiver. It's all going to be a patent or you get the ball to it. I think you got to get them off the blind. I do think Auburn does get to eight wins. I don't see them receiving that, but I see them getting day. Hey, real quick for let you go. The basketball season around the quarter. How do you feel? Is this, is this a program is here to stay? It feels like Auburn's here to stay for a little wall with Bruce Pearl. Are you guys feeling that too? I'll tell you that much. Last night, you know, it worked the Thursday night before the first football game of the year. And I went to a launch party for a basketball brand that Chris Vermont, he was just a local store in town clothing store that they're pushing out. And it was all about basketball. Oats was there. Great burn was there. You had some football people there. Courtney Morgan was there. Uh, participation has never been higher for Alabama basketball. Uh, in fact, I'm outside the norm. I look for the basketball season where the football season anyway, but, you know, football season being here is essentially making me excited because it means that much closer to basketball season. Bama basketball. This is the most anticipated season of all time. Um, best roster we've ever had. And I think Oats has shown that, especially in this changing landscape of the transfer portal, that he is, yeah, you lose the guy like Robin Griffin, that you go and replace them with the, um, you know, the AC co-player of the year last year, but Nate is really, really good at pivoting. And when, you know, he just handed a number of things in the situation, he's going to make the most out of it. And that's a lot he has, which is, I'd say this is the best roster in Alabama basketball issue. Hunter got to leave it there. Folks want to find you online. All the stuff that you do. Follow him on Twitter. You can keep up with a lot of Alabama stuff. Uh, how can they do so? You can follow me at Bernardo Johnson. Pardon my sometimes what would be called live suite. That's definitely not a live. I'm not a live. I'm probably I'm a, I'm a live for the state of Alabama, which, but nationally, I would say I'm incredibly moderate. Oh, well, Hunter, thanks for making time for us. I really got to do it again. All right, we'll be right back. This is a flip talk. 106 five. All right, let's take it on that. The muscle shows to the potato. Now. Right up over Spanish or into my home town. Missed the team. Welcome back to the Japore show of the talk. 106 five text like two, five, one, three, four, three zero one zero six to the Cubs. They say to Chris Elliott in about 45 minutes are so so please stay tuned for that. Uh, buddy writes this. Uh, roll tie. Taco Casa. Uh, done. Enjoy your time off. Happy Labor Day. You earned it in war dam. Oh, yeah, I guess I should, uh, speak on that. Uh, no show for me on Monday. Uh, we will resume normal operating procedure on Tuesday. Uh, and all I got for you to tell you there. Well, we usually do this in the second segment of next hour with John Wall for the Alabama Republican party and I'll work on my guest list. Probably throughout this extended weekend. Uh, but, uh, thank you for that, Don Shane in Mobile is a federal Auburn alumni. We go, we go war dam, Eagle. Well, thank you, Shane. I appreciate that. Uh, let's see. What can we get else? Can we get out of the way here? The lawyer was to pick, uh, Angus Cooper, Paul Bright, Jr. and the other boosters. The guy on the phone is clueless. I ain't, I don't know. I thought, uh, I'm sure that there were, were input from all interesting parties on this one. They probably had, uh, the coach probably had to be approved by the board of trustees before they proceeded. But, uh, 100 Johnson pretty plugged in and a Tuscaloosa world. Let's get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff for show at the talk. 106, five, crazy. I'm getting hammered sitting right here at the floor of hammer. From bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Port show. I don't think this way. Welcome back to the Jeff Port show. And if we talk with us, six, five, thank you for being with us on this Friday, Friday, finally a Friday, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, all you gotta do text me to get in touch with the program. Silicon State Senator Chris Elliott, our attorney champion. Uh, so anyway, hour number three underway now, uh, just a few things to kind of reset here. We were talking about the interview last night. Anybody have any, any thoughts on that? I mean, I thought the, I found the, the, the response about the flip flops to be very unsatisfactory. I thought Dana Bash was it as terrible as people thought she was going to be, but she was a great. Let's see the morning show. Uh, it was a very confrontational with Bash had JD Vance on screen, but with, with, with Harris and walls, it was like, oh, I'm sorry, but I have to ask you this question. I don't know what the, the objective is here. It is a guy in the media. I get it. Like you want to stay in these good graces of these people sometimes, you don't want to be blackballed by their like hormonal 20, something year old press handler, which happens by the way, uh, see, try to flee it right. But I found, I mean, just to say, Hey, you changed positions here. What happened? What my values haven't changed. So here's what I would do. And I don't know, you know, like if I'm advising Kamala Harris on any of these foot flops. Okay. Here's what you say about fracking. Well, technology's changed. It's safer now. We've got a better sense of how to regulate it. Um, you get something, just just something rather than just this platitude, this response immigration, same with like what we have laws on the books and why I have a disagreements with immigration policy or the current policy. Oh, do we have laws on the books that I will enforce the law? I just paid lip service to it. I have to public second to believe you anyway, but you got to get something better than my values have not changed. Uh, that doesn't, I don't think those who were paying attention and the world's a much different place now. I mean, all this stuff is on camera. It's on video. It's available at your fingertips if you're like doing research about your candidate, despite efforts to buy Google or any social media platform to change algorithm to keep you from getting at it. It's available to just about anybody who wants to know what they're doing or at least intellectually curious about what she's all about. I think what a lot of conservatives, what a lot of conservatives don't like. I mean, it's just that the media do no sort of critical analysis of these responses. And what do they do? When you see a CNN panel and it's like Scott Jennings and David Axelrod. And they're like the two dissenting views from it was the most awesome thing ever. They're like castigated or are just told that they don't really matter or whatever. So I make of it what you will. Let's get through some of these texts. Good morning, Jeff. If Kamala Harris happened to win, she would be like Biden to puppet and the Obama people and the major Democratic power brokers tell her what to do and what to do it. And she could just start like the Queen of England and do nothing and a cut you would continue to run like it has for the last four years. I disagree a little with that. I know I you do we saw this with Obama and this is absolutely true with Obama. You do have to play a leadership role. You do have to coerce members of Congress and to seeing things your way. You have to promote your agenda. You get to promote legislation you even sometimes have to go out of campaign for your legislation like you're running a campaign as president of the United States. Does she have that in her? Let's go back to 2009, 2010 and remember, Obama sworn in. Obama is doing these joint session of Congress addresses like once every other month to the extent that I think the Fox Broadcasting Network said, Hey, we're just not going to break into our normal programming to hear Obama speak again. But the point was, I mean, he was hustling trying to get try to get some kind of response, trying to get Congress to move on Obamacare. And ultimately they got it. Now it took us some parliamentary hijinks to do it. But he had to go see Dennis Cassandra in Ohio. It convinced him to vote for it. He had to go to Michigan and forget the Congressman's name who was very much against Obamacare without something that was going to prevent the federal government's financing of elective abortions. I mean, there was a lot of things that Obama had to do to overcome to get Obamacare to the finish line. And he had the work ethic. He really, really worked toward it. And he said to hell with the 2010 men terms, they got a stimulus package done. They got a lot of things done because Obama was proactive. So you with all for all his faults by very early on, passing some really bad legislation, a stimulus, so called inflation reduction act that has just taken off calls hyperinflation. But you put the efficacy of the policies aside, getting those bills through Congress is a lift. And it takes somebody on the phone, working committee chairman, working their staffs, getting things like you wanted this Kamala Harris have any do we have any reason to believe she is capable of something like that, a name texture. And I mean, to move the needle. And I as president would think that she's probably not. Maybe I am wrong, but based on what we've seen to this point, historically, there's no reason to believe that she would be. And here's like further proof, I talk about this all the time on the program. But I don't, I just don't think she has the, she hasn't had the work ethic. Like, like, look at, look at the Biden administration the last four years. And there's clearly a vacuum there. The president of the United States and his cognitive decline is not running on all cylinders at administration to lose much to be desired. You don't know where Joe Biden is at any given moment. He's not really speaking to the press, communicating with the press. We know that he is not communicating very well with foreign dignitaries. So there's a vacuum there. Now nature of whores a vacuum and typically there's something that fills a void. Well, the next, the next player on the chessboard, you would think would be the vice president. And she never, she never stepped in to fill those voids. Why? I mean, it's just weird, right? Oh, no. Morning, Jeff, you have to hand it to Dibs. They run a candidate for VP that is worse than the candidate they run for president. That way they ought to worry about impeachment when the president screws up. Well, it's kind of a interesting point. You're like, Oh, gosh, Oh, well, come on, it's bad. But will you peach her? I mean, didn't you get this Tim Wall's blue to take? Daniel, what did she say in the interview? Well, they asked her, I think this is what you referred to because she flip flop to data bash confronted her on the flip flop. And said, but in 2019 and read the quote or whatever, hadn't been like Tim Russert, me to press style. They would have played a video. But they didn't. Anyway, they, she just like said that, well, 2020, after I said that, I said that I wouldn't ban fracking. And that is vice president, I couldn't ban fracking. Therefore, I stick to my 2020 statement and would not address directly the 2019 statement when she was on the campaign trail, saying the first day one executive order, she would sign with ban fracking. You got to give a better response to that if you want to be president. Uh, Summerdale, Tony, don't go sit, come all your resume. She doesn't need any help. She's not going to listen to, I, I'm probably not seeing anything new. And I think she has people telling her all of these things are at least that want to tell her these things and not really, they're not really breaking through. There is, uh, Summerdale, Tony, there are a lot, there's a lot of turmoil inside Kamala headquarters. I mean, like the political class and, you know, and I know all these people, when we talk, whether they go drink at the bars together, their consultants, their vendors, the, the gossip grapevine is pretty quick. And the gossip grapevine is that there's a lot of people who just don't like one another, which is a typical for Democrats. This is what you see in Republican administrations, you see leaks, you see, I mean, go back to Trump very early on and all the leaks and yet like the banning faction and killing and Conway, you had, uh, you had to bring in various chief of staffs, chief of staff, you had, um, you just had a lot of turnover. And you, I guess if you had leaks out the wazoo, everybody was leaking to the media, you even had to send a campaign and all the tell-all books, Woodward, uh, Wolf, all these guys who wrote these tell-all books about the Trump presidency and his administration. Let me tell all books that we had about the Biden administration, none. Democratic administrations typically don't leak. I am telling you this Kamala Harris led administration and this campaign is already leaking. They've only been together a month and they're already leaking to the usual suspects, Politico, Axios, all, all around town. There is turmoil in that campaign, in that vice presidency. And should she be elected, there will be a lot of turmoil in her presidency inside the West Wing. But I am not as bullish on her anymore. I never was really bullish on her, but I'm even less so. It has nothing to do with really what she's doing. It's just, is she going to be able to get it together and keep this level of enthusiasm up to where she hit the pinnacle of enthusiasm two weeks ago. The polling was going in their direction. They were really rocking and rolling into the convention. And you know, that was the peak so far. It's been a little downhill since Pat. In most cases, Democrats are not crossing the aisle to get things done. I don't see her getting it blank done if we win the Senate. Well, they since they think about Clinton. But that was a different era. I know text her. Jeff was in for most last night. She liked the rest of the Dems or liars, and we'll do what they need to say to get elected to wonder, see it is at the bottom of the barrel. Inflation is caused by too much spending by central banks, not good, not greedy grocery stores. Sam, Jeff. Good day, Jeff. You have got to realize that it was all prerecorded cut and cleaned up what they wanted to look like. We don't even know what part of the VP played or no part at all. It was a dog and pony show. It should not be used to gauge their abilities to handle anything. I I they gave them 18 minutes of airtime of interview time to stretch it at our programming. And they were real cautious with data bash. That's what we that you can you can look at the substance of the interview. All you want. And even if CNN's complicit in editing out the bad parts. Sam, what does that tell you if there were bad parts? She's not ready. That was the good parts. And they really went to the cutting room for left off a bunch and we don't get to see it. And they they've left into good parts. And those were the good parts that you got to see last night. They're in trouble. Think about that. Let's get a break here. Be right back. This is F.D. Talking about to the jumpboard showed up and talk about those six five. Thanks for staying with us on this Friday morning. St. Senator Chris Elliott from Josephine coming up in the next segment. Please stay tuned for that programming. No Monday, Labor Day, no show. So we will not be around, but we're back on Tuesday and really all I got for you on Tuesday right now. John Wall, the Almond Republican Party Chairman are Tuesday regulars. So more to come. Oh, you don't want to know who's on the program. You just go to backslash Jeff underscore poor sometime in the eight o'clock hour. But before the program and typically sometimes it gets very hectic heading into show time, but typically there is a guest list posted there on the who's going to be on the programming that day. I'll get through some rapid fire text here for an ex guest. Daniel. She sucks. Refer to Kamala Harris. Sean. She doesn't add the ideas. Just she is what she's told the size. What she's told inside the bills the party wants, just like Joe. I named Dexter. I just saw a headline that combined your questions on a wide variety of topics. The interview was 18 freaking minutes long. We were getting plonked in broad daylight. Well, don't vote for her. Tell your friends not to vote for her. And then finally, buddy, it was an hour long interview. Only 30 minutes here. How bad was it really? So what was cut out the real buddy? No, it wasn't even and they gave her they gave data bash a very limited amount of time. Like they were real, real specific on how much time she could have in the room with the walls and hairs. And I'll tell you the 18 minutes of interview, they spread out over an hour. And I mean, like you would pick up on it immediately because there was a lot of filler, right? And then they added like an extra commercial break or two, but there's a lot of filler. It was like you would come back from a commercial and there would be data bash coming up here shortly and she would do like five teases and would then go to the break and then come back and tease it some more and then hit the interview. And then the interview, you'd get like a four or five minute segment and then she'd break away. And the data bash live right there again from Savannah coming up. We'll talk about that special moment or her little niece was standing in front of the stage and a camera called it just right. That was a choreographed. That was America and whatever else. I mean, they had to do like the producers at CNN were probably like crap. What are we going to do with this? We got to stretch this out guys. I don't even know what to do here. And they really did have to put in a lot of filler. You could go back and watch it. And so that ought to tell you something. That'll tell you something about I think Todd Stacy's tendencies are correct. Wasn't great. This is the finest moment for Kamala Harris. All right, we got to get a break here coming right back. Stay tuned. This is the Jeff or show it if I'm talking one oh six five oh welcome back to the Jeff or show it at the talk one oh six five thanks for staying with us. On this Friday more what's left in this a Friday morning we still got one two three outstanding texts maybe we'll have time for after this segment before we in the program but joining us now we do this about this time every every Friday our returning champion state senator Chris Elliott senator good morning. How you been? I'm doing great football season here. I just wish the weather would go along with it. That's that quite there. I'd be I think like those first two three games where you're just suffering in the blasting sun. That's it. That's it. And I want to get away from her game season two. We've not done it deal that so far and I'd like to get clear of that and then we can get on with hunting data. Yeah, I would just fall weather in general. Can't get here soon enough. I'll see here. You seem to have done a pretty good job of navigating or avoiding. I should say a lot of national politics just not having to keep up with it. It must be a good place to be but you still been busy before we get into any specifics. What's what's it been like so far? Well it's been it's been a busy you know we just just trying to keep track of our our state government that tries to continue to grow and expand and and you know and leverage its bureaucratic power whenever the legislature is out of session. So it is a constant battle to try to keep the the bureaucrats straight and and in check and doing what they're supposed to do and what you know the law of the legislature passes that it mazes me at the constant you know just delay tactics and push back and things like that that just thing to happen. So you just have to stay on it. It's a it's a full-time gig that try to get things actually done and try to keep keep them from expanding their their power when we're not there in session to check them. Are just flouting state law or recently passed state law like you know and then knowing damn well what the law is but did playing ignorant or dumb and not really abiding by the law. You see entirely too much of that you know I know we didn't mean to do that or oh I'm sorry that's an oversight or oh we knew full well that you passed that law but we waited a month or a year and a month or a year and six months to actually get around that implementing it and those types of things just are aggravating to me and then to my colleagues you know the the idea of a citizen legislature that meets for a short period of time is a good and tried and true you know concept the problem is we leave we leave this entire professional political class behind us to to essentially you know do what they want to do with very little oversight and it is it is tough to continue to try to exercise some authority or control over them while they are doing their own thing in our absence. Well just a culture of Montgomery the the environment the landscape and the governor doesn't help this at all but just a such a low regard for you guys and I feel like this senator and not not that I'm a proponent of a lot of legislative days or whatever but when you talk in the hallways and you talk to people around town I mean they're just counting the days until signing die like they cannot wait for you guys to go home and they could get back to norm what what they would call normal it's it's sort of that's sort of what goes on in that town that they don't really want like a proactive legislature changing how they do things. No and and and surely not and you can't you can't blame them but they get you know you go back up for the joint transportation committee the contract review committee the RFA oversight committee the you know the sunset committee all these kind of checks and balances that we try to put in place to keep folks on track and keep them straight and and they are they're held they're held in low regard and with disdain by you know a lot of a lot of folks in Montgomery they just want to be left alone to do what they're saying and you know and increase their authority of power through you know the rulemaking process or or just by obfuscating it is uh it's it's it's exhausting how and and we the legislature and in the case of our spend just a lot of time trying to say hey come on go do this this is the law you're supposed to enact this you're supposed to you're supposed to do this and it's uh it's not how it should work it's not how it was designed all too often uh that is how it works and it uh it requires a lot of legislative time to keep them on the right track i mean guys you ever want to see this go to any random hearing on the alabama channel on youtube or wherever they stream it and it's almost like they sneered till it's like sure would you call these bureaucrats to there's two approaches there's sort of the standoffish approach or there's just they just kind of happy talk you guys and sometimes that works but a lot of times you see it right you you know what's going on here you're you're getting this charm offensive just to buy more time to continue on the path they're going down even though it's the wrong path yeah you're you're exactly right i mean you know you see you see our oversight committee meetings from the very inception where i you know queried deck about alternative you know methods for for you know getting a rural broadband in place and and and they're one word answers right there yes no no extrapolation no no attempt at doing anything else and they taught past each other in the media with op eds you know or whatever else and in the meantime what do you get you get a free market solution that's all the rural broadband problem it's good we don't have one in alabama anymore yet they want to continue to do their thing and spend their money and and move on and it's it's just frustrating with the uh a lack of uh just awareness of of what's going on outside of that bubble and uh and no matter what the legislature that comes from all over the state about that but try to say hey y'all take a look at this hey maybe you should think about this nope it's the track we're on it's what the bubbles wants to do and that's where we're headed well talk about that a little bit because you've been trying to sell i mean this on to your colleagues for a couple years now but this the the Skylink approach or the Starlink approach and Elon Musk and like look the continue to lay fiber into to the ground and get it out to these rural areas but like looking at the timeline there's going to be end of the road into the dirt road places you're never going to get to you need to start thinking about an alternative here which is always met with some pushback or like you said some goofy op-ed uh about the virtues of why fiber is superior and uh you know we we know the talking points but like the whole point is here i don't think people realize like this is like a years if not decades long process to do what they want to do at the state level and you have a solution that maybe it's not a permanent solution even it's at least affixed to get internet it holds where it's needed well nothing's a permanent solution technology based right i mean you know uh telegraph wasn't a permanent solution facts facts machines weren't a permanent solution blackberries weren't a permanent solution you know all of this changes and so if you're looking for a technology that's a technology-based solution that's permanent it doesn't exist and and that's the nature of the beast i just get frustrated sometimes with the lack of ability for them to think a little bit outside the box right and and look there's a reality i don't have to sell my college office i don't have to sell anybody on the fact that the rural internet problem in alabama in the united states heck in the world it's solved it's solved right now for two hundred ninety nine dollars and a hundred and twenty dollars a month it's all anywhere done and so we can continue to have this today but people that need this you know this service this broadband it's it's there um and it's not any more complicated than that now does the government yet to take credit for it no because the free market solved it and guess what that's okay heck that's a good thing right um that's what us limited government people want to see now i'm not saying there's not a place for fiber and i'm not saying that fiber is not needed in densely populated areas where actually starlink doesn't work as well um but it's a big challenge for fiber to work in places that are sparsely populated where starlink works great so it one's not the enemy of the other not not by a long shot but maybe we should spend our money that we have for fiber implementation in urban areas where the density requires it and not in rural areas where a it's not going to do a whole lot of good because you're a region of people and he's not needed to cut the market fix that problem yeah and and whatever you bring this up i mean you just get i rolls a pushback right uh you know so far but i think again you're starting to see i was in a meeting last time with young farmers i said you know we talked about rural broadband and i said how many of you have starlink is an internet uh provider and over half of them raised their hand and said that's what we have it works great we've been waiting for forever i we're so glad that it's here it's changed our lives we've done it's just almost not even a conversation anymore i just want to make sure when we roll out this billion dollars worth the funding that the the feds have really pushed through because of the america rescue plan act for fiber and and yes it really can only be used on fiber and that's fine but she's put it in places that it works so it's not trying to put it in a spot where it's going to be cost prohibitive there's not the density for it and again the market has solved the the broadband problem joined by state senator chris heliad here on the program center i don't know if you could keep a track of it i got a flood of text yesterday i don't really understand it completely what's going on here and some of your colleagues in the legislature i mean they're hard at work here but pharmacy board stuff uh the pharmacy uh you know do you i i guess might take away as well this occupational licensing uh situation in this state it's it's just a mess you don't even know where to start but on the pharmacy side what what did you make of what's going on here well i just was embarrassed by the the leadership of the the pharmacy board both the staff level and the and the board itself and i've had some direct conversations that were pretty tough with some of the board members who you know who called after some of the statements i made and said you know or early disappointed in in what you said that's what kind of disappointed in the leadership you could start it here um you know we we have these folks that are appointed to these boards that are supposed to provide direction to their their executive director their executive secretary their staff and when you see some of the problems that are outlined by the examiner public accounts in their audit reports it's inexcusable there's no other way to to put it out there and and look these board members are supposed to make sure that their staff members are doing things correctly yeah that's their first and number one job and if they're not they need to find more staff they need to find better staff members and so you know for the past couple of years now i've introduced legislation that's tried to consolidate the administrative functions on the of these boards to save money one but two to make sure that they're run confidently and and they're not somebody's you know little sacred cow piggy bank to to go you know go play with and and and have their own little solid uh feast and unfortunately that happens all too often where there are these lavish trips and and uh money that's you know missing their unaccounted for or misfits or put in the wrong bank account them and you can get anybody to look through those uh those reports are seeing those committees you just how are we putting up with this nonsense in the state of alabama it is it is beyond me but so you have an uh a sunset committee that is is really rolled up its sleeves is doing the work it needs to do but their options are limited practically right they can they can simply sunset a board and say you don't exist anymore um we did that's your legislation with the massage therapy board and i think you'll see uh questions about whether or not that's what we need to do moving forward with some of these other boards is do you need to abolish them and reconstitute them do you need to abolish them and you're rid of them do you need to constant uh brother uh consolidate their administrative functions all of those are options and all of those are things that i along with contract review committee authentic committee will continue to look at as we head into the election well i mean isn't that the the struggle here is like finding people well where do you if you don't do it the way we're doing it then you got to put it somewhere in government where do you put it now you're obviously your solution would be just uh secretary of state's office uh they push back a little on it but i mean it doesn't really some of these occupational licensing endeavors don't have a home well that's right and and so the question is they don't have a home what happens to them and they end up bidding out the administrative functions to some some kind of halfway third party entity that usually ends up being a lobbyist right who sees this as yet another profit center to operate these boards it's just another you know another income source for them and and so they try to run these boards but they do so poorly and and so that the licensee suffer it ends up being a barrier to the workforce entry and you end up with board members who are not you know policing and managing their executive staff correctly and so you know for some of these smaller boards yeah there's probably some sort of kind of clearinghouse that needs to handle the administrative functions of the board for some of the the larger more sophisticated boards you probably just need more but you know newer board members that actually are are competent capable and willing to uh to manage their staff and make sure that we don't have uh the audit findings that we're having right now and hold that staff accountable and make sure that when something goes wrong uh you know you you make a change at a leadership level that's that's how things work in business that's how things work in most of government that's how things need to work with this occupational licensing boards as well uh center we'll close it out on this and and I I yesterday I was listening to your colleague Sam Givan talking about i-10 and here's what occurs to me and and this has probably been the historical talking point or whatever uh of just how the state treats the coast or deals with the coast but like yes there's an i-10 bridge that needs to be built it's gonna be very expensive and yes a lot of people from Louisiana or Florida or Mississippi or Texas are going to be using it and the mindset as well why should it be paid for on the backs of alabamians but like my response has always been this look the state has a coastline and with that coastline there are a lot of benefits but there's also a lot of responsibilities and look it's going to cost more to maintain infrastructure in this coastline just as it would in the mountains or any other place as it would uh and then it would in a lot of other parts of the state and and I just sometimes I wonder I mean maybe I uh center of advanced you know speaking from his perspective as a Huntsville member and probably speaking from the perception or the point of view of his constituents but this this idea that you just kind of you can't really focus on the coast I think this is a bigger point well I think that if you you take a step back and you look at it the the push and pull is not between North and South it is it is between areas that are growing and areas that are shrinking more stacked right it is between the areas of the states or economic drivers and areas of this state that are anemic and and unfortunately when you start looking at a lot of the transportation spending that is advocated uh for by this administration it is very much a robin hood approach it is spend a little bit in certain areas demand match money from local governments for state and federal projects so you have counties and cities being forced to put money into a state project whereas you go into areas like the black belt and there's certainly no demands made of that and you see way more money per capita way more money uh in total being spent in areas like west alabama when you should be spending money in areas of the state both north and south they're generating revenue and making the pie bigger that's how you grow a state's economy not by investing in areas that are not generating each other well so you're going to leave it there as always we appreciate your time we'll do it again next week thanks for adding me y'all go enjoy some football this evening state senator chris ellie we'll be right back this is a jeff four showed up to talk one of those six five i saw the light no more darkness no more night now i'm so happy no sorrow inside pray the lord i saw the light look back to the jeff four showed up to talk one of six five they should stick it around what's led to this friday morning uh no show but day we'll be back until tuesday alabama republican party chairman john wall will be with this uh probably good talk about their they will have an upcoming event i believe uh two weeks from uh tonight large trump speaking in Montgomery at their summer dinner we'll probably spend some time on that large immobile all those teasers said i'd like to jeff pore show uh well yeah i do do a lot of teasers don't i squirrel uh come on supporters liberals don't have the attention span for more than 18 minute interview anyway and then finally unnamed texter uh that 18 minutes to speak volumes of what heres playing is for the next four years coming our country she could have summed it up in less than two minutes ha ha well i am going to do whatever obama says uh the same thing for joe and i did ha in the interview okay well that's the one man's take on uh the interview come up here shortly mid-day mobile what you got for today Sean jeff i thought denim bash did better than i expected i guess i could put it that way my bar was kind of low and so she didn't fall below it um i thought some of the questions were significant we're going to play some of that interview i do like the fact that so i didn't watch it as it happened i had to watch it delayed because i had to watch a i'm so desperate for college football i watched the game i cared not about colorado in north dakota state but i went back and watched it you know when you go to youtube look for that interview it's it's hard to find the before 18 minutes say everybody wants to cut it up and tell you what they said you know in six minutes um but yeah we got some clips from it we're going to analyze that i thought uh uh denim bash did better than i thought you would we'll put it that way and i think uh Kamala Harris did well what i thought she would do as well so we'll get into that and this is what i would say kind of wrap it up here but that's the that's their like moment right there that no home run hit no it was an advice maybe you got a base wall walk or something but it that's not how you win the presidency but anyway it's not yeah so we'll talk about that also secretary state west allen coming up plus t-brews mckinnon a whole lot more on mid-day mobile i gotta get out of here i'll try to do better on tuesday sorry philis i forgot to say goodbye this has been the jeff horseshoe on evan talk one oh six five