FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Katrina - Loud Mufflers - Trump at funeral - Midday Mobile - Thursday 8-29-24

Broadcast on:
29 Aug 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to, um, keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior." With that? "This is painful, and it will be for a long time." "Don't. Fuck. Baby. That's right. This man knows what's up." "There's a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper. No stepper. Too high for a high stepper." "This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106-5." "Well, Sean's a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that. You know, Sean, he took some licks. He hangs in there." "Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean, the deal we got drank pretty good, don't it?" "Did you hear what I said?" "So this is a main council. I had no doubt about them." "That doesn't suck." "If you don't like it, you're bad." "Last question. Were you high on drugs?" "Last question. Kiss my ****." "By 1207, FM Talk 106-5, and the Friday Eve edition of midday mobile, glad to have you along. And speaking of where we are on the schedule now, and I heard Dan and Dalton talking about it, something like 20 college football games tonight, like no, they start to, well, they start tonight. But our college pick 'em challenge that is up, and we talked about yesterday on the show and we've been talking about it a couple of times. You need to get in before Saturday morning when the games start. I would suggest do it today. Okay. Some of you want to live dangerously, do it tomorrow, but make sure to get in. If you'll go to and you see the top tab there, you'll see the different things. College pick 'em challenge, the second one in from the left, if you'll click that, it tells you everything you need to know to get in and get signed up, get your games picked. That's why you've got to sign up. I mean, if you signed in last year, it'll just give you a prompt and you can sign back in. If you're new, it's real easy. I mean, just give a nickname or your regular name or whatever, and get your stuff together and then go make your picks and then enjoy the game. Now, fantastic prizes, as always here, and big thank you to Spring Hill Way's hardware for making this thing happen. I want to point out, too, like Jeff and I were talking and for Dalton, none of us can win the prize. We're in just a, well, just to talk trash around the office. So we're in the mix, we compete with you, but even if sunshine don't have something, we couldn't win the prize. So we're in to compete, but no prizes for us. The prize for you, the listener, there, and it's pretty awesome. You can check all that out at And while we're talking about things going on football-wise tomorrow, the beginning of our tailgate giveaways from my friend Joey Mason at Mason Hills Farm, $100 gift certificate to get great meat and meat, and also some meat from Mason Hills Farm. You get that gift certificate. We're going to give those away on Friday, the whole way through the football season. So tailgate giveaway week one. This always confuses me, too. This has been week, like last week was week zero. They started this about two or three years ago. I always consider like when college football starts, that's week one, but then it's weeks, they say week zero, and then it's week one. Now, this is going to be our week one start off of the tailgate giveaway, so a chance tomorrow for you to win that gift certificate from Mason Hills Farm. So you got that going for you, and then you've got the competition all season long with our college pick them challenge. So get signed up, and hopefully you'll win, and for sure you get the rights to just talk trash. All right. So enjoy over there. All right. A couple of things just notes before we get into the show today. Those of you, son, I were talking about this the other day, but those of you with the loud mufflers. Okay. Okay. I'm going to say guys, okay, let's do some, let's do some profiling here, suit profiling. Women you're out of this conversation and maybe there's, maybe there's some, point them out if you know the lady that rise around with the extra loud mufflers, but I think this is a dude thing, and it's dudes that are probably under 25 under 30. I just don't need it. I don't need it. It does it work. That's my question for you as well. Does it work? If the loud mufflers, or the loud mufflers, like when women get the newest fashions, you know, women buy the newest fashion clothing for other women, they don't buy it for us. The worry about the newest brand or whatever, they're doing that for other ladies. They fix themselves up for other ladies and for guys, but when they get the newest fashions, that's for other ladies. We don't care. Does this work for y'all when you have the muffler where I can't, with the windows rolled up with the sound, what do they call it, and for like sound balance glass or whatever that the F-150 has, I'm supposed to limit the noise from outside. I can't talk inside my vehicle because you're too fast and too furious vehicle. We have the muffler. I'm real loud. Does that work for you? Do you ever, you know, do ladies, do you ever go, wow, that's the guy for me? Just wondering. Are these guys doing it just for other 25-year-old dudes? If this is not successful, so they're doing it for guys, I mean, just so as I sit for extended periods of time on Airport Boulevard because the lack of light sinking, you know, even though Aldot has this big project now, they're working at resetting lights on their initial tranche. Right? That's a word from a couple of years ago, everybody loves the initial tranche of lights that they're working on, Airport Boulevard is not on the list for if there was ever needed to be a Manhattan project when it comes to rethinking lights, it's Airport Boulevard. So I got to sit there at Airport and Foreman, you know, for like a day and a half when nobody's traveling north and south, I got to sit there and listen to that muffler there. So just a couple, just open questions as we get the show started. So you can let me know on the text line or the phone line, but 3430106, 3430106 gets you on the phone and on the text in reminder to with the FMTalk 1065 app, you can always leave us one of those talk back messages. All right, obviously today you heard the news story so far. It is the 19th anniversary of Katrina. Of course, thank you, those of you who have figured that out over the years, have sent me messages. Tell your daughter happy birthday. Yes. My daughter was born. I'll never forget what anniversary you were on on Katrina because my daughter was born during the storm like low pressure moves in. Here comes the baby six weeks early. So never forget that one, the delivery of my child on the maternity floor there at Providence Hospital where it was on generator at Providence, right? So the power had gone out by that point on generator. The generator back then, I don't know the situation. Now back then at Providence, the generator did not power air conditioning on the maternity floor. You think that it did on like some like the heart ward, I think, and also in the ER and all that, but not on the maternity floor, no air conditioning out there. I remember it distinctly, but yet 19 years ago today, I remember it quite well and something I've looked at over the years, as we're talking about that, you heard the news report, you know, giving the rolling out the stat for deaths from Katrina, right? And we've talked about this in the past on the show when you hear that there's deaths from a storm and they tally how many and you, one would fairly, I think, you hear it and you think they, somebody specifically died from the storm, storm surge, limb comes through a house, there's something to that effect, right? Something, something, something blown very fast across a yard hits somebody, those kind of things, but they, they lump them all together. And this is not to take away from the most devastating storm to ever hit the Gulf Coast. I mean, people saw the Galveston storm, for those of us around now, the most devastating storm to hit the Gulf Coast in the deadliest, they, they roll out, they used to roll out a number like 1800 fatalities, then they brought it down to 1392 fatalities. When you start looking at some detail here, it is interesting to see the number of deaths that they say are from specifically the storm. And it's still significant, obviously, still very significant, but how many are from the storm directly? And then you start getting into a number, let's see, 390, 390, 8, something to that effect of that. I mean, obviously horrible there, but the deaths that were caused from things that were specifically the storm, I don't think a, you know, had a thing on this where they, they were saying that, yeah, so they're saying that the number, you know, the first number that was rolled out was like 1,833 fatalities. Now that number is down to like 1,300 fatalities, and then you start pairing it into people that died from the storm. And like I said, 380 something still obviously incredibly significant, but it doesn't make the headline, the breakdown doesn't make the headline the same way the big number does. So when you hear those things today, just, you know, it's interesting, I mean, people have a car wreck because they evacuated because of a storm, but they're not actually driving through the storm. Those deaths will be attributed to a hurricane because people were evacuating. But is it specifically the, you know, the hurricane that did it? I'm sorry, I have the numbers 971 they were saying here that were Katrina related deaths. They also have stats come out that say Katrina related deaths from people from the Gulf Coast in other states while they were there. So it is just, it is significant, but I know here in the headline earlier with the WKRG news report, those higher numbers, it's, you go, holy cow. So it still was very, very deadly, incredibly costly to our region, but it was just trying to square up some of those numbers. And, and Leanna has a great, great post up on our Facebook page. And we can do this as well as kind of a side note on the text line. It says 19 years ago on August 29th, 2005, a day no one on the Gulf Coast will ever forget Katrina's impact has changed the landscape across several states. What are your memories of this time? It's on Facebook and you can see some of the pictures on here and look through them. A lot of you all have already, but One of them I'm looking at in these pictures is Katrina cut on Dolphin Island, you know, which ended up becoming so big, many of us were, I mean, we'd use that way to go, go out into the Gulf, right? Take our before it was filled in. I waited across. This was, would have been October, late September, early October of 2005 was down there checking on property and decided to go down to the West. And Katrina cut was narrow enough and shallow enough that I remember waiting across in a buddy of mine. He may be listening right now and I were there caught. I think we've got two speckled trout where we're there, but waiting across Katrina cut that ended up becoming big enough to take big boats through is one of my memories from after Katrina. So you got those. You can always let us know about those over in the text line three, four, three zero one zero six coming up. Dale Lease joins us about one o'clock. Also, we'll come back in the discussion. I heard on Jeff show, we will continue to have this question about the photograph of Gold Star family there at Arlington and also we get time to it. Do you see this little Twitter dust up between Kamala Harrison, Tucker Dorsey, Tucker Carlson we will talk about that there what they're saying that handwritten notes say on the Twitter feed. We'll get to that coming up. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five twelve twenty two FM talk one oh six five and midday mobile on this Thursday anniversary 19 years since hurricane Katrina. Remember it? Well, it's one of the only hurricanes I've not been on the air for was there ready to go. It's coming in on a Monday morning, of course, I would have been there doing storm coverage. That's a thing that we do, right? We still do here with this radio station, you know, we we don't we don't just flip the switch and go away because we're you know, we're local folks we're doing the we're watching the storm. We're covering the information. We're talking to you. You know, when TVs and and satellites get blown blown down, we're still doing radio people are still interacting. So we do that. God forbid that happens anytime soon, but we've done it before here at FM talk one of the six five will keep doing it as well. But I remember going to the hospital because the baby coming early this texture said your daughter was born during a hurricane and you did not name her after said hurricane. What's wrong with you? Okay. So that came up a name texture there at the hospital. I mean, because there are only so many people once, you know, there are only so many people in the maternity ward or whatever. So you were kind of a captive audience and the nurses were saying, oh, you need to name her Katrina. It's like we're not naming her Katrina. She's not going to be named Katrina. But yes, we we heard that though she is she my children are in a form of diplomacy, but even more importantly, honoring my children are have double names that are for grandparents, right to honor family names and grandparents. So that's what we did. So Katrina did not make it into the mix now, but believe me, you're not the first person to ask that. All right. Chris and Orange Beach, I don't know how to help you here. Chris said I need a favor brother two months ago, governor, Ivy signed a law taking the state sales tax off of hearing aids and left the rest of it up to the mayors to take the sales tax off. I'm about to spend $400 on taxes for hearing aids. Start a conversation. Please is that going to be? Is that orange be is have any municipalities when I'm asking, I guess, Chris is could you go to a different municipality have mayors and municipalities done the same as the state? I need to learn because I'm listen, here's where I am. I was buying a piece of of electronic equipment the other day for the radio station. I was in Best Buy. And I spent about seven or eight minutes looking at hearing aids. So Chris, I'm I'm I'm not far off of this myself, Sean and Baldwin County said, Sean, who to thunk it, TSA is predicting record travel this Labor Day. How about that? Sean, you know, then triple A will come out and double down on it, right? More Americans will be traveling with Sean's laughing about it. You haven't been around the show for a long time. If you other than during COVID, if triple A or TSA comes out any holiday, they'll roll out them. More Americans are going to travel this holiday than ever, you know, it's the I mean, it's it's pre written. They just cut and paste it. This texture said and the loud music. Oh, talking about the mufflers, the listen, the music either I've gotten used to it over the years or it doesn't infiltrate that super sound glass of the F one 50, but I still feel it right in my cockles. But it doesn't the loud muffler thing to me is worse. It's just and, you know, one thing on a muscle car so loud, but it goes with it. But you know, when you've got a for Renza or whatever, you know, and you got it, come on, come on bill says loud mufflers are an indicator of maturity. Absolutely bill. I agree with you. Just which way which indication it is fish River Frank said the muffler guy is the same guy that has his high beam suggested way too high because his truck is jacked up way too high and just wait if you flash him, there's lighter too bright so he can blind you. Yep. And or fish River Frank, the guys that have the squad right the Carolina squad on the truck. So the actual lights go over your vehicle when they're coming coming at you, but you know, the Carolina squad on the truck is remember they went to make I don't think they passed it state legislature was going to make it illegal in Alabama. Other states have and they're going to have to have law enforcement measuring the distance between the bumper and the ground and the back bumper and the ground in the front bumper in the ground and making a ratio. But I think it's silly. I think it probably can lead to people not seeing what they're driving into, but doesn't make noise like the muffler thing. How about this? This is very this is sentient or buddy, my buddy Jeff poor just said the fall of the Roman Empire slash the collapse of a American system. Number one, unfettered, great migration, I agree. Number two, persecution of religion. And number three, dudes trying to impress other dudes with loud mufflers. Yes, I don't know how it manifested itself in the Roman Empire, but there had to be something they were doing. Make it noise, right? I tell you just a side note. We don't have time. We don't have time for this. But we take a time as you have study history and look at it as a template for the future. Romans would have groups of then called barbarians, right? So Hungarian people, German Germanic people, Norse people, these these unwashed barbarians that are probably in the lineage of many of y'all listening right now. They got tired of fighting them all the time. And sometimes Romans would just say, all right, y'all can just come on in. Y'all just come on in and set your own spot up here. The Vikings did that post fall of the Roman Empire during the villages, when the, you know, when the, when the Frankish kings couldn't beat them, they said hell with it. Just move in, set up your own thing and guess what happened? Didn't work out so well for them. Right. This textor says, I'm 51 years old and can't speak for anyone else, but I love the sound of American V8s and old Harley Davidson's. And half since I was a kid, some sound better than others and some don't get carried away. I've heard similar comments from other guys about thinking it's done to impress the ladies has absolutely zero to do with it. I couldn't care less what any female thinks about the sound of my vehicle. If it didn't your thing, I understand there are many things that other folks do that I don't understand. Enjoy the show and thanks. Yeah. And I don't have to like it. I don't have to have you like it for me to not like it. Like I, I live in a world where it's, but it does impede on me and my liberty to some degree. Right. Um, to not be, to be able to hear inside my vehicle and a vehicle, like I said, texture, like it was one thing with the muscle car. It still makes noise, but then you're like, okay, it's a muscle car. It's when you take a vehicle that shouldn't be making that much noise. And, and, and make it make that much noise. I just don't want to, I just wouldn't want to bother anybody that much with stuff. I don't know. Sims guy says, allowed muffler equals a small, well, it's kind of maybe my theory. This is beautiful. Local rapper just text in and said they had gladiator cards in the spokes of their chariots. And therefore thousands of, and so is Michael Mobile said the Romans probably put cards on the wheels of their chariots to hit the spokes. So there you go. It's how empires fall and coming right back. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106.5. 1235, FM Talk 106.5, Midday Mobile, Thursday edition, glad to have you here. I'm going to check in with my buddy, Blaine Price, a parish tractor in Robert's Dale. And you told us about this on Tuesday if folks are looking to get a little extra work out of the piece of rental equipment. This is one of those great weekends. How's this work? Yes, Sean. So this weekend with it being a long weekend, we're doing a deal in our rental department on any piece of equipment in our rental department that you want to come and rent, you can pick it up Friday afternoon and return it back to us by 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning. So three full days to use it and you're only going to be charged for one. Okay, so I paid for Saturday, but I don't have to bring it back till Tuesday. Correct. So you will be able to use it Saturday, Sunday, Monday, you get up early enough Tuesday morning and get it back to us. You might get a little extra than three days, but you will be able to have it for three days and only be charged for one day. I like it. And also, it's a deal still going on on the L series tractors. That's what I run. I run a L series, Kubota. You've got this if we get two implements, how's this work? Yep. So if you buy at least two implements, whenever you purchase the tractor, you're going to get a free seven by 20 trailer for free to help us kind of form up that package deal. A little promotion that we're running right now, all that steel qualifies for zero interest finance. And that's on the tractors, implements, it's even on the side by side, the zero term mowers, skid steers, the excavators, all Kubota and Land Pride are still at zero interest on the financing. I like it. Okay. People want to, I'm sure you got a lot of people want to get this rental stuff lined up for the weekend. So how are they getting in touch with you? Well, right here at Parris Tractor, right in the middle of Robert'sdale, come by see us. We're here eight to five Monday through Friday, eight till noon on Saturday. Or you can give us a call at two five one nine four seven four one seven one. Thank you. Thank you. All right. There goes plain price over at Parris Tractor in Robert'sdale. Jim had texted this and said, uh, there's a big difference between the throaty sound of a 68 Camaro and an 86 Ford pickup that hasn't had any maintenance. True. And I guess, you know, it may not even be the decibels, Jim. It may be the pitch that bothers me because like the rumble, the low rumble of a muscle car. I think it's cool. I like, I like that, uh, you know, but it's, there's something new happening with the, I don't know what it is. It's not tuned in enough. Uh, maybe ask Tom Claxon, which by the way, I'm not, there's going to be a big announcement for Tom. I don't know if I'm allowed to say it yet or not, but, um, the, the, the pitching of these new, the mother, it's just, it's, it's too much. And then yeah, you've got your local in cell out there, uh, revving it up and making even louder when I cannot even discuss anything with the person sitting next to me in my truck. There's my old man complaint for the day. All right. I had no, this was a discussion on Jeff show and, uh, we'll continue it here as well. The thoughts about, I think this is, I think this is nuanced. Uh, I think there are some nuance, but at the end of it, I got to say what a gold star family wants, I think a gold star family should get now at the same time in saying that. If something, the gold star family wants in fringes on what another gold star family doesn't want, that's where, you know, I think that's where this gets in the weed some lot of people reporting on it. This from Axios said the Trump campaign is telling Axios it's weighing options on whether to release its footage of an altercation with Arlington national cemetery officials. So the story you probably know by now, you have this, uh, photograph that was taken at Arlington at a cemetery, a gold star, uh, American, you had the family asked to have Trump there, right? Said they wanted him there. They wanted him at the grave and one of one of those that died when the 13 needlessly dying at abi gate. So the family says they wanted to have Trump there. So they have asked him to be there, the, I guess the protocol at Arlington, if you've been through there, it is a, I heard, uh, former senator, uh, Phil Williams on it is a hush place. If I mean, it is a, it is a reference place I call it like, like all, all graveyard should be. Right? But even more because of the honor of those laying in that cemetery. It says that Arlington has rules that were not followed and it says by the Trump campaign. I wonder how much of this you'd say those rules were not followed. They probably don't want to say this because who would want to say this by the gold star family that asked him to be there. So it is a, so he was asked to be, I would say, I mean, as the gold star family wants the gold star family should get, I would, I would argue that would be true. They said there's an altercation now with, uh, the people there at Arlington, between somebody in the Trump campaign here is Arlington National Cemetery worker said they were pushed aside, uh, in Trump staff dispute, but won't seek charges. Said Arlington National Cemetery official was abruptly pushed aside in an altercation with former president, Donald Trump staff during a reflaying ceremony to honor service members killed in Afghanistan war withdrawal, but she's declined to press charges. This according to an army spokesperson said, uh, the army spokesman said a cemetery employee was trying to make sure those participating in the brief laying ceremony earlier in the week were following the rules, which quote clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds and quote, when I'll say the employee acted with professionalism avoided further disruption, this incident was unfortunate and it's also unfortunate that the ANC employee and a professionalism have been unfairly attacked and quote incident was reported to police, but because the employee decided not to press charges, it is a closed, closed matter. The Trump campaign has been this from the AP said the Trump campaign has been facing blowbacks since an NPR report, of course, said that two Trump campaign staff members on Monday had quote verbally abused and pushed and quote assigned a cemetery official who tried to stop them from filming and photographing in section 60. And section 60, y'all, that's the burial site for people who have died of the war against terror, killed in Afghanistan, Iraq in that area, um, said federal law prohibits campaign or election related activities within army, national and military cemeteries. I like that law. I like that law. I don't want. But was, what was the genesis of this, right? You can, if, if the Trump campaign, which they did not, if the Trump campaign went in to Arlington, unsolicited by this gold store family and was taking pictures and video and walking, then to me, that would be, uh, reprehensible. But when the family members asked the former president of the United States to be there, I think this is, I think that's probably why Arlington National Cemetery and the army has stepped down on this, right? They aren't going to pursue further issues. Said the, um, further in the story from the AP said Trump campaign has claimed that the Republican presidential nominee's team was granted access to a photographer and has contested the allegation that a campaign staffer pushed the cemetery official. Trump visited the venerable center material on Monday at the invitation of a surviving family members to mark the third anniversary of the suicide bombing of the Kabul airport, which killed 13 American service members and more than 170 Afghans. Photos showed, well, the visit showed Trump standing by the graves with a thumbs up next to relatives of staff sergeant Darren Taylor Hoover and sergeant Nicole G. He also laid breathes for staff, Sergeant Ryan Doss, whose family was not present. The video shared by Trump on TikTok also showed several clips of his visit to the cemetery, a guitarist from the background. There's a voice over of the Republican nominee saying, we lost great, great people. What a horrible day it was. We didn't lose one person in 18 months and then they took over that disaster, the leaving of Afghanistan and quote, which is, which is true. These things are true, but doing it at the, at Arlington, once again, if, if they had decided to do that, if the Trump campaign had decided to do that on their own, different story, but when, when asked to be there by that family, I think it changed this conversation. Would you have him say, no, to be there? You look at the picture and listen, the picture, I see the still picture, I hadn't seen the video, the still picture. People say, I can't believe that they're staying there at the, at the headstone and doing the thumbs up and the family's there. It depends. That's what the family wants. I mean, Jeff said earlier, people grew differently. I'll say this. People also bury people differently. I have my family from Pennsylvania and it probably happens in different areas too. Going to funerals, my whole life up there, people in my group, doesn't mean everybody in Pennsylvania, but where my people are from, get their picture, open casket. You get your picture with the deceased and it was weird because growing up here in Mobile, it was very different for me going up there and watching my relatives like, okay, get up there, little Johnny, get up there, little Susie and you take a picture with an open casket, but that is completely normal in the areas where my family comes from. So it is different. Maybe that's what led to this, the thumbs up. I don't know, but you have this family asking them to be there. Now, who pushed whom and all that, we can, how much do this? I don't know what happened on that. You've got the staffer saying they did. You have the Trump campaign saying they didn't. I don't know. But the bigger question is, they're saying that Trump was using these dead heroes for political gain, but if he was asked by it, asked by the family to do it, I don't know. And then you can flip this around. Actually, JD Vance did it better than I could about if you want to play the blame game here, if you want to sit here and say, well, they did this and this led to this. Here's JD Vance. He's at a rally and asked about this. So here's JD Vance's response yesterday. But to have those 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is disgraceful. We're going to talk about, actually, let's take that from the top here. Here it goes. But to have those 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is disgraceful. We're going to talk about a story out of those 13 brave innocent Americans who lost their lives. It's that Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won't even do an investigation into what happened. And she wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up, she can she can go to hell. >> So I think a fair retort also from JD Vance, so there are a lot to this. It's, but once again, I would agree with you if you see the headline and you think that if I would have just seen a headline that said, hey, that the Trump campaign decided to go and just stand next to grace at Arlington and get the picture made, I said that's disgusting. You don't do that. But the fact that the family wanted them there, what would you tell them? What would, what, what should he deny them? It goes to our family. What can they, if they want to have this picture taken, we'll get your comments on like some coming in already at 343 0106 343 0106, Tony and Sim said if Trump had made a misstep that the left could have capitalized on, I bet the family would have had no problems with the photos. But the family, the family of the gold store, they don't have a problem with the Marine. They wanted him there. They asked him to be there. This section being a ceremony and filming a campaign video are two different things. Once again, the question is, it sounds like the family, I mean, you see them posed up and that they wanted him there to get the picture taken. Now I don't, I'm going to go watch the video, I've seen the still picture, I mean, I think there's, I think there's a fair thing to say here that this was at the prompting of a family and not a Trump campaign. Did they take advantage of it? Did they go to it? I don't know. You would say, yeah, they did go to it. Does that mean they took advantage? We'll talk about it when we come back. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065. It's like the 1252 FMTalk1065 Midday Mobile segment of the show brought to you by my buddy Clint Jamison at Adventure Earth Vicycles where I got my e-bike two years plus now and has been a big part of my life. I didn't, I thought I'd like it. I didn't get it because I didn't think I'd like it, but I was like, okay, I'll use this to go like turkey hunting and stuff like that and it's now become a big part of my life for exercise. And I've pointed that out before, somebody said, many of y'all have said, well, it's an e-bike, how much exercise are you getting Sullivan? Well, you can run the thing, you can run it all electric, like never even pedal. You can do that. But there's different like percentages of electric backup and if you put it to the lowest setting, I think it's called, oh, mine, it's like a prompt mode or eco mode, something like that. It kicks in when you're, you know, when you drop under like, I think mine's eight miles an hour, seven or eight miles an hour, going up a hill, getting in the sand, those kind of things. It kicks in just enough. It gives you a little bit of boost. And the reason that it's led to riding the bike more is it's fun, right? So if it's not fun, you're like, it ends up like staying in the garage or holding, you know, holding up a wall somewhere with the e-bike, it's so much fun to ride to ride because of that. I ride it more days, ride it more often actually look forward to getting home to the farm and getting on the bike and riding. And it's become a part of my life. Now still use it to go in the woods to, you know, for hunting. I've got plans to use it as a shuttle vehicle for some canoe trips coming up this fall. I talked to a lot of people that have RVs use them for their transportation. Once they get to wherever they're camping for the weekend, they set up the RV and then go around town. The bike, there's tons of uses for them. The nice thing is there's a right e-bike for you as well. 75 e-bikes in stock at any time an adventure earth bicycle. So go do what I did and take those test rides. You go in and tell Clint kind of what you're looking for in an e-bike and he will say, okay, we'll try this one. This one, you go do a little test loop and ride it and you'll see how much fun they are and how cool they are and how you got to have one or in most families. It ends up being two of them. When you go get one, you end up coming back and getting two. Also see Clint at Adventure Earth Bicycles. He's in Midtown at Little Flower and Airport. You see him online at, Adventure Earth Bicycles, everything inside to get you outside. All right, more exhaust discussion as well out there. So thank you. Yes, this is Techster earlier that said they like the sound of American V8s and Harley Davidson. I like that too, but he said he agrees with you, I agree with you on some of the modern exhaust systems. You know, it's maybe not even the decibels, maybe it's the pitch, and maybe it's the fact that I said it so many lights on Airport Boulevard without them being synced that I have a lot of time to listen to them. Let's see here, that's, I'm not going to, Dr. Meron, I'm not going to read that. The Secretary said if it had been Harris, the media would have been drooling all over how caring she was and you wouldn't have heard a word of any disrespect. You know what, Techster, I agree with you, but once again, if either, if either group went in without the family asking them to be there, I would have problems with either side. If it was Trump or Harris, I had my dedication to the honor of Americans that have followed it way harder than to any political group, but the family asked. Yeah, Tony, this is what I started off with. Tony said this grave of the veteran who committed suicide was visible and the family objected. Remember, Tony, when I started the beginning, I said the scope of the shot was my issue. I agree. Like how far does, do the rights of that family, that Gold Star family, to have former President Trump there, I think it has to be narrow, right? They have the right to do that there at Arlington, but Tony, the part where the shot was wider than the other headstone was in that then I agree with you. I think they should have narrowed it to right there where the family had something to say about it, where their loved one was. So like I said, this is, there's gray and nuance to this thing from the beginning. That's one of the places I've said, you know, you have to, your right as a Gold Star family shouldn't, should be respected to the level where it would infringe on the other Gold Star family, Jason says, I think it's obvious the Arlington employee is not a Trump supporter and has a lot to do with this. You know, you wonder, I don't know, let's see, Adrian said he should not have used the pictures as political in area 60. The video of him laying the wreath was public enough, could have used that as a political ad. Yeah, the idea, but it's, is that Adrian, you not agree, but is that taste? Is that me as a kid, like wondering why everybody's having to get up and get our pictures made with open caskets and, you know, dead relatives in Pennsylvania, but it was normal to them. Let's see, John says, y'all are wrong. There were Hondas during Christ's time and there were numerous times the Bible brings up the accord. Nick B says, the older I get, the quieter I like things in my teens, my car sounded like a dragster, now electric vehicle is almost too loud for my liking. Yeah, maybe Nick, I got some of the old guy stuff happening there, but it's, I like, I don't mind the rumble like somebody mentioned earlier, like Jim mentioned, I like the rumble I like. It's just the higher pitch. I don't know. Ben said back when I had behind a VTX 1800 with cobra drag pipes, I could drive through downtown Fair Hope and set off car alarms. Well, you are a, you're a menace to society, Ben, and I've been saying that for years about you. Um, and yeah, and Dr. Marianna said that was okay, that they could easily blur out that particular headstone. And I wish they would have, right? But the Goldstore family you have what they want, but don't infringe on anybody else's rights. Right. Dale Leash from, man about town, Bon Vivon, whatever else I'll throw in the mix. This is here in just minutes.