FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 8-29-24

2h 2m
Broadcast on:
29 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's The Jeff Poor Show. I don't think Hank done it this way. Good morning. Welcome to The Jeff Poor Show. What if I'm talking 106/5? Good Thursday, boarding to you. Thank you for listening. We always appreciate it, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6. You need to be in touch with the show. All you've got to do is text me. Coming up on the program today, we'll talk to Becky Garrison from Eagle Forum. That's in about a half hour or so also on the program today. We'll hear from April Marie Fogel, our Thursday regular. And we'll wrap it up from right-side radio, former state Senator Phil Williams, so please make sure you stay tuned for that. Like I said, in the meantime, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6 is the text line. I'll see what do we have here. Well, still the throws in this presidential cycle. And tonight, 8 PM Central Time, I know every single one of you out there will be glued to your television to watch Harris and Wals, a CNN exclusive. The first interview, we're going to-- everything's going to be put to rest. We're all going to understand what is going on. And clarity will just come all across the fruited plane here. So give it-- as we give it a watch, we'll see what we find out. Hey, I guess we kind of figured this-- we should have known this. It was probably too good to be true. But as it turned out, Kamala Harris may not have actually worked in the McDonald's. That's-- now, we'll see if that turns out to be the case. Politicians embellish your stories from time to time. But my friends at the Daily Caller, where I once worked, the McDonald's claim, the claim to she was worked at McDonald's, first showed up in Kamala Harris' history during her 2019 bid for the United States Senate. There was no mention of it in any previous campaign. And apparently, there's a book, as well as she had written about herself on these memoirs, if you will. And she never talked about it. She claimed she worked at a place called Kay's Kitchen. And also, it doesn't show up on any of her resume or job applications. So y'all heard this. This is remarkable, true. But no, there's no sign of a McDonald's employment. See, the freebie can obtain through a FOIA. Don't mention it on her job application a year after graduating from college. Neither do her books nor her demographies of her. So I guess like this whole-- it was really brought up. It's been brought up here and there, when she's been on the campaign trail. But no McDonald's employment. And I bring that up. I mean, this is the kind of thing that you vet out early in a presidential cycle, right? These little tic-tac-y technicality, if you will, or little white lies. And you have big controversies about them. And you kind of work through it from there. So I would just say we didn't really have that opportunity with her. But here's the danger of what they're doing. And I know it's like, hey, well, yeah, that's what Democrats do. They didn't want to vet her. All of these little things are going to come up at the most inopportune time, which is between now and election day. Do we think that if the public, if the media had more time when they have done a better job, maybe, at least a conservative media would have had a crack at it? Now they're taking their crack at it, and a controversial play itself out at the worst possible time. So I think this campaign has a lot of problems. And I would talk about it yesterday. And I couldn't get any Democrat, the three that listened to this show to acknowledge that you cannot feel like this is money in the bank if you're a Democrat. So it will just text me that it will cut me some kind of insult or something about me and how terrible of a radio host I am. But we're just talking, put me aside here, and we're just going to talk about it. Like, how do you feel good about the Kamala Harris campaign? Oh, Donald Trump's strong army personnel at the Arlington National Cemetery or something. I mean, do you think that really moves the needle? The real story there, it's going to draw a tension. And I don't understand why the media are doing this. Where were Biden and Harris? How come they weren't the ones there honoring the dead from Bagram Air Force Base at the Abigay incident? Does that seem like a very presidential place that need to be? So that's the rub for them, I guess. They're going to try to be little Donald Trump for going to do this, which he was there. According to all these reports, he was at this ceremony at the invitation of the Gold Star families. They're trying to make milk to stay for like three days or the controversy. And it just kind of tells you what you need to know. But hey, everybody says, hey, three lifetimes until November 5. But it's just that she has got a lot of work to do. And we're just now getting started tonight. Once again, it takes like two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. I wish I was creative enough for this. That's some kind of bingo card. Oh, it's cabullar port, my bad. I don't know why I keep saying Bagram. I've done that all throughout this day. And you'll thank you for that update. I wish I was creative to create some kind of bingo card for tonight's interview. Ten hours, 47 minutes and four seconds, according to the ticker, I'll see it in. And I guess what what the Trump campaign in the right is done so much successfully is they're going to make it if they make it about data bash. And she's going to be, she's going to be under the spotlight a little, too. I don't know why Tim Walts is up there. And I'll say this, and maybe it's a fair point, but I don't. It's been 39 days. It's Harris says Biden stepped aside and annoyed at Harris. And there's, this is the first interview, but it's a joint interview. And there's a tradition where the VP nominee and the presidential nominee sit down for interviews. But it took 39 days for the two of them to get on the same page. Well, I mean, this seems like something that should be accomplished in a week or two at most two weeks. I'm telling you guys, I just don't think she's got the work ethic for a presidential campaign. This is why she lost in 2015, 2016, I mean, 2019, 2020. The more more you watch it, it just looks like it's moving in quicksand. And he got a wonder, is there a problem with the candidate? Harris really focusing on Georgia, too. Bus tour in South Georgia, they seem to feel pretty good about Atlanta, I would assume then. So they're going to focus on Savannah, Augusta, Athens, the usual liberal hearts and make it to some degree, but not really. And in some of the sparsely populated communities, it's South Georgia. But we'll see. You know, the funny thing to me is with the world kind of falling apart, go back, you guys, and look at the DNC. They didn't spend a lot of time on foreign policy. Well, they, it's not, they seem to be avoiding this. How to deal with the Israel question. I think even to some degree, they're really avoiding Ukraine. They know that it's popular with the left, but maybe not popular in the middle. I wouldn't moderate think of the Ukraine situation. I guess we'll get like a Lindsey Graham or something, and they're all ready to go to war with Russia. But it must not be these things to tell me that maybe they're not pulling as well as they would like this sort of state of the presidential campaign. I feel like we're getting a jump on it really matters about a week from now. There was an Emerson poll today. Harris shouldn't be struggling as much as she is as some of these states. I feel like in particularly Wisconsin, they pull Georgia. They still got a lot of work. I mean, she has to pull a kind of an inside straight and a lot of the battleground states are a path to the White House just like the tendency for us is as Donald Trump people or Republicans or conservatives, whatever you consider yourself or who would vote for Trump, maybe you don't like him, maybe you love him, whatever. The tendency is to focus on what Trump does all the time. And I think this is just a cue from the media because the media focus on him all the time. And he's doing this wrong. He's doing this wrong. He's doing this wrong. He's doing this wrong, but Arlington Cemetery telling advance telling Kamala Harris to go to hell. I mean, it's just, you know, whatever the media decided the narrative of the day is going to be. You know, eight, nine times out of 10, it's going to be about how terrible Donald Trump is. And the challenge here is as such, don't fall into that. Don't don't do that. Just start. Fox News does an okay job with some of this focus on her, but don't don't do the like gotcha things that like Jesse Waters does. I mean, that's all fine and it is very amusing, but it's not really moving the needle. Just look at this. You're there. And you can look at somebody inside the Beltway press. This campaign is there's so much in fighting. That's another problem with these just upstart startup campaign. I think there's no chemistry. There's no real that they're not jelling. They're fighting about who's in charge. And like the typically the way this works is the cream rises to the top. These guys will have to kind of get there and they have that chance to get there. And that's going to put them behind heading into the home stretch. Just trust me on this. Very back this is the Jeff for showing up and talk one of six five. And there's. Countable. It ain't so hard to say that you just go back to the Jeff for showed up and talk one of six five. Becky Geretson come up for legal forum in the next segment two five one three four three zero one zero six hit us up on that text slide. If you want to what to interact with the program see here is football season. Basically code up on Saturday will will I will be be in my three year old or going to the planes to watch the take on Alabama A and M tomorrow we're going to try so I don't know how many of you are familiar with Alabama football media talking heads internet personalities. But my I want to call I don't know where friends are acquaintances but under Johnson I think he does something for the Tuscaloosa news. He's going to offer you. He's going to be the the way I made him official yet but the boys of the Crimson Tide on the Jeff poor show since I am such an Auburn fan. And I get really kind of intrigued about the season it feels like the playing grounds are sort of the level in the state. But who knows what to expect in the Southeastern Conference with the new to new editions. I don't know. I just I am kind of like where Katie Britt was the other day. I'm not crazy about it but it is such as it is Tim Jeff. What have you heard about Steve no died running for city council. This is the first time I have heard that. I mean who any running gets she Gregory. I guess he lives downtown you'd have to run against like well I know you tell me Tim I have not heard that. Uh I name Texas Jeff it's not even got to be softball questions are going to tee it up like team ball for her. I don't know. I mean we said this about data bash Jake Tapper and that CNN debate right by the way why is see it didn't get all of these. I guess it's better than ABC. Are you the PBS or Judy Woodruff kind of uh I don't know what to do with the HIV positive screenshot Ricky funny can we call it in your view it's going to be prequoted so we'll be edited. I mean that's that's an assumption it may surprise us I mean it could really entirely be surprises I don't know I like I said they surprise us that I debate I just give it a bit for the Dow we'll see you don't have to watch it but I'm sure if something happens it's kind of goofy we will hear about it a name textured away I will watch that pre edited film it's a rerun of a movie I don't want to be the one of millions but they will blag about those in the audience please stop playing that guy trying to see the lateral Richie song it's a disgrace isn't that that's lateral Richie a named texture singing the Lionel Richie song the guy trying to sing it that is actually Lionel Richie a name texture it is hard to give a spontaneous interview when you cannot tell the American people who you are that you are a Marxist you have to deceive them into thinking you love the country and the Constitution and the Lord well I don't know that they are really trying to deceive us I don't know that they love the Lord a name texture but a texture war eagle headed up tomorrow the love can surprise us because he never sees to amaze me that will be doctored and it will questions that are be questions that are fabled for her and a stolen valor valor coward will be right back this is FM talk about oh six five why can't you see what you do with me when you don't believe in the world I've seen I'm not sure I don't know what's wrong with me because I know I need my wrist but I don't stay about night sleep on day I ain't in my best welcome back to the Jeffmore show that talk with those six five they just stay with us on this Thursday morning text slide two five one three four three zero one zero six you know the drill you want to interact with the program hit me up on the text line so all feedback is appreciated I still come April refogled about an hour and about two hours my friend he broadcasts out of gas him but he's on in Birmingham like this technically Coleman and Huntsville on the radio Phil Williams will be with us as well so please make sure you stick around for that joining us now on the line you might know her from Eagle Forum but Becky Garretson joins us on the line Becky good morning how are you I'm great thank you so much for having me on it's good to hear from you hey thanks for making time for us I really do appreciate you doing so oh oh it's only kicking off here just kind of in large and in general I mean we're we're probably I guess maybe this is sort of a almost a halfway point between now and the legislative session and you always have to worry about the gambling rearing and suckling head at any point but I think you guys are looking at before we get into other things yes we have some of the issues that were not completed last session like protecting kids from online pornography through a really great cell phone bill we're looking to bring that up again that'll be the fourth year in a row and it is past the house every time but it just kept getting stuck in the Senate we have some other of course fighting against we expect a lottery bill to be coming next session and so we'll be playing defense on that one we would love to see gold being used as legal pender in the state of Alabama and that's a heavy lift but that's one that we're looking at we had it last year as well and then debanking we want to ban the practice of debanking which basically means closing down people's bank accounts if they're participating in whether it's a pro-life movement or some conservative cause the banks now think that they have the right to shut people's accounts down and it is happening so anyway there are a lot of big issues coming up and we're just non-stop working on all of these issues the the debaking thing we have Ada Cerrell come on talk about that he's the one yeah that had he had debanked right because gold guns and guitars and it said guns and the business name and the bank said hey we're not going to be a part of this and that I mean just arbitrarily did so and that's something that's something I guess the legislature is going to take a shot at right yes and I you know the banks are really going to fight against it because they want the autonomy to be able to do what they want and the banking lobby is pretty strong in Alabama so it will be a heavy lift but it's happening all across the US where banks are shutting people's accounts down and that is just awful so it's some definitely something we need to be fighting again yeah and I mean you know you're right about the making lobby being very very strong in the state but I think if people and then probably the trick here is going to be making people aware that this practice is something that it's a real thing it's not just a you know solution looking for problems they say but it's a real thing and I think if people do this they they may get on board here yes I agree I I think there are so many pieces of legislation that the people love and would like to see past but they are often not the people that the legislators are listening to they're listening to the lobbyists that are there every day whispering in their ears and sometimes giving misinformation and so that's one of the things we do at Eagle Forum is try to involve citizens in the legislative process and just help them have the boldness to talk to their legislators and let them know what is really important to them it definitely makes a difference but people need to speak up otherwise it is the lobbyists who kind of run things I mean we saw what the the ESG band you know the just the the banking law and you know these people in the hallways like I do yes the the Regents Bank guy just like you know and that you have to overcome those kinds of challenges when dealing with this stuff so it'll be interesting to see how they react to it one more thing before we move on presidential election what do you think how you feeling about a November well I have concerns that election integrity is still an issue and I am concerned I believe that this is just me personally you know I feel like the election was stolen in 2020 and I just feel like he definitely you know we all went to bed that night he was so far ahead the numbers looked great and then all of a sudden the computers shut down and we wake up in the morning and numbers have been reversed I just don't know that all of those problems have been fixed so I'm it's for me it's just really praying that the truth comes out that any wicked plans get boarded and I feel that Trump definitely has the momentum I mean everyone that I hear there are so many Democrats that have moved over and they want Trump there are so many that have left the party and Kamala this doesn't have the excitement for the Democrats I am I'm shocked that she is the one that they put up so I don't know we'll see you this CNN interview tonight which is pre-recorded right we'll see how that goes but I just people don't really like her and I mean including her own staff members she has a huge turnover rate and not the person I want leading the country that's for sure not and I mean I think they thrust her into this and and they just expected it to be business as usual but I mean like you don't present digital campaigns I mean they're so there's such tremendous sort of lift it's an endeavor and until like hastily conceived this campaign and try to do all these things because you know like you know when we go through like the exploratory committee phase and then we go through the primaries and then you know then if you're lucky enough to get through the primaries and you're the nominee I mean you've been together for probably more than a year I mean this is just I that's why I am like very very skeptical of her chances but maybe that's just me the optimist in the back of my head but I look at this and I'm like this has never been done like this not in recent American history so we'll I just want to see and the fact they're using AI to make her crowd look big I mean that's already been proven it's just yeah I don't I would if she wins I just believe it's what I'm seeing now it just feels like it's gonna be fraught if she wins because I there's just not the moment in there there's not the the backing like there is for term right well and like you know trust been running for two years and now like I said this this hair's campaign just fraught with infighting according to reports and I don't know how good their ground game is gonna be I mean that that was sort of the the one feather in Biden's capels he was gonna have a good ground game so you know we better watch out but they're not taking lightly even in his cognitive decline I don't know if that's there for her or not so it remains to be seen but I want to move on real quick I and I've seen a number of the clubs around the state Eagle Forum clubs uh screening this film letter to the American church I based off the book that Eric Metaxas wrote and it seems like an appropriate time for this book to kind of put things and he does a decent job and I haven't seen the movie but I read the book of putting this in the frame here that you know we got to remember the church and sometimes Republicans even forget you know what brought up to the dance I feel like and this is important stuff culturally try to get back on center yeah it definitely is and so we have kind of chosen the month of August to screen this movie it's just a 60 minute movie taken from the book letter to the American church and what Eric does is he does a great job of making a parallel between the 1930s the early 1930s Nazi Germany what happened with the church how so many of them you know stayed silent and did not speak out when these awful things were happening and you know six million Jews were killed and he is seeing a huge parallel with the American church now and it's just it's time for the American people to wake up and realize that there's power within our faith there's power uh within the church but unfortunately there are millions I mean tens of millions of evangelicals that do not even vote you know they're saying like 30 percent of those that are registered vote and it's really the churches have got to take a stand and so this movie just really helps show how cultural Marxism has taken over our country has even infiltrated the churches and it's just kind of a wake-up call and we're getting great responses after we do a showing then people take it back to their church and and we're having some pastors reaching out to us and I must say that TPUSA turning point USA faith we've partnered with them and they have helped us be able to show this so they've been really great to work with and they helped produce this movie and it's so worth it so people can go to and find out when the next showings are but we have had them all over the state so far and great do you worry about that I mean I and I sit here and yes I want Republicans to do well and I want Trump to win but I did this sort of kind of limp-rusted approach to responding to the pro-abortionist out there and then you know watering down like being you know just straight up pro-life and not watering it down well I want to leave it to the states or whatever I mean there's something about that I feel like you know this is what Reagan ran on and really was sort of the rise of the Republicans bringing the evangelical Christians together really tying these social issues to the conservative movement and now it feels like we're trying to just water them down just for the sake of a swing state vote or two yes I don't like that at all I think it would be stronger because I think as we have seen our culture towards the pro-life movement has shifted and there are many more people that are happy about uh Roe being overturned and I feel like with him watering things down with them watering down the pro-life parts of the republican platform they're trying to win over some of these democrats but we don't need to be watering down the party we need to be building it up and standing strong on those pro-life issues so it is it's a big disappointment to me yeah it just feels like like these are the people who are really you know they did the march for life every uh they go out and march out in the cold you know Washington DC every January I mean like the people who I guess alabama you can look and say when it would you know my cock would be in ricksand horm and those two presidential cycles I mean it was really it was really the social issues crowd that came together to deliver the state for them and and you know I'm just telling you I you see it in this state a little bit where republicans when they're confronted about abortion and the abortion ban they they don't they want to run away from it they don't have a good response all they need I mean I would just think it's like hey like just just hammer down right uh-huh most of the people who are asking about this stuff weren't going to support you anyway but they're they're very um very very very reluctant to do so yes but it is disappointing especially um some of the legislators who helped pass the strongest um pro-life bill in the nation are now kind of wanting to re-step and make some changes to it to make it looser and I think that's awful and I think that's something that we need to be watching for yeah I mean like if you needed abortion I go to uh I don't know whatever the closest state would be uh illinois or you can just get the pills now I mean the disorder the pills and that's the the main way people are getting abortions anyway and not coming from the fed so there's a lot of work that still needs to be done well any other you know and then you know keep it up with federal politics Tommy Tuberville I thought did the right thing by putting that hold on those appointments and he he Becky he took heat from people within the state and like well we got to worry about our bridge or our military contract or whatever of federal handout and Tommy Tuberville's got to ruin that I mean that just tells you right there that okay well what value do you put on life and we'd rather have this uh just this federal appropriation I mean I just I think that's what needs to be at least pointed out in some of these instances well I was so proud of him during that fight and I think that was last year and um he just shocked me that he stood so strong and there weren't very many senators that were standing with him but you know he held to his promise of I I just when he went into office I did not think he would be as pro-life as he was and wow he just he shocked me and I just thought he did a great job with that yeah and I would think he's probably the most popular republicans we've had I mean and Jeff Sessions certainly was up there but since the state has gone republican away from the democratic party you know between 80 and 2010 you got to put Tommy Tuberville up there as one of the states and not one of the most popular elected officials such George Wallace yeah and he's doing a great job I often wonder if he hates being up there um but he does a great job and he is very bold and he'll stand against the flow when he needs to and I love that I just I would I I hope we should see more of that's what I think people in the state want to see out of their elected officials and not hey what about job jobs jobs uh forget about that uh you know that that that crazy pro-life stuff uh you we're just we're just gonna manufacture and uh we're gonna give government handouts and get these companies to bring jobs in Alabama whatever you know right but hey uh real quick for let you go folks want to get involved with Eagle Forum they want to know more about uh what's going on with you guys how can they do so they can go to and especially in your area we have a couple of action groups that meet down there monthly and so you can go to on the menu bar you can look at upcoming events and find out when the next meetings are and we we just love to educate folks on issues that are affecting the family and would invite everybody out to come thank you stay safe out there and thanks for making time for us you bet thank you so much all right we'll be right back this is the jet pore show it up at talk one oh six five good night angel sleep time done close your pretty brown look away look away take a look away look back to the jet pore show it up at talk one oh six five thanks for being with us on this Thursday morning 25 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 please use the text line if you want to interact with uh the program uh roll tide Jeff's is chris at orange beach um he adds let's see coach brian and god having a conversation god telling coach brian never to let Auburn win coach brian had to correct because he was wrong you have to let him him in every now and then win every now and then they keep their coming back surprise debate you don't have i don't know uh voice to text or texting while driving or not sure what's going on there but uh anyway appreciate the feedback uh roll or rock and roll doctor anyone else tired of hearing katie brit talk about one minute she speaks as if the listener is an idiot after about one minute i don't i don't know i think i'll say this about katie brit i mean she's number one she's a just a tremendous improvement from Richard Shelby you want to go back to Shelby patting his buddies on the back at the Alabama tailgate and get that money i get that building named after me oh but the other thing i i think she's kind of filling her way she'll get there look uh they they put her in a tough spot the state of the union response and then they went into like they the opposition went into like like i just high gear smear mode when we saw this with christian they hate they hate somewhat i mean they just they hate it when you have these younger female republicans they absolutely hate it James the official troll of the jeff bor show she had the audacity say the election was stolen is hilarious change a lot of people believe that i mean it's it's a double-edged sword for republicans they have a little bit of a cushion because of the electoral college but i feel like it blew or some purple states democrats democrats can play a little fast and loose with the vote count and you see this time after time after time after time James like with a slow walk results text line 2513430106 got a few more to get to and get to those on the other side stay tuned this is the jeff bors show on fm talk 1065 from bucks pocket to the shores of orange beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on alabama politics it's the jeff bors show welcome back to the jeff bors show and fm talk 10065 they should be with us on this a thursday morning once again text line 2513430106 interact with the program through your texting a device our number two now underlay coming up in about 30 minutes april bory focal alabama today um and some other places uh also phil and host here uh when she showed up and then finally uh in that 11 o'clock hour we'll hear from uh former state center phil Williams who uh and now is the um uh i guess he's the publisher of right side medium but the uh probably better known as the host of right side radio on in the Birmingham market in the Huntsville market once again text line 2513430106 we really like uh they are really going to litigate this uh whole rleton national cemetery thing as and i i don't i don't think this is the way you do it i mean it's a little tacky to tiktok your uh the for the campaign to do it the way they're doing it but like guys the left is doing this by playing this over and over and over and over again why was it kamala harris joe or joe biden there to to do this but trump and this people maintain they had permission number one and number two they were invited by the gold star families of the fallen and i look up at the tv right now i mean it's all seen in mr we should want to talk about it that's uh so i guess my question would be is this where they get him are you really going i mean do you really think your average military veteran are you're you're currently enlisted or your officer i mean the military tends to go for republicans to rank and file the the top brass the pentagon i mean they're they're half commies but do do they do they really think that this is what's going to sway that vote for democrats i i just it's it's so tedious and they're trying too hard i'm sure it'll get brought up tonight in this uh made for pre-taped tv interview i mean that's what yes they will tee stuff up but it's always it's always the last three of the left-wing mainstream media is sort of narrative that we accept these truths and uh all these things that republicans are saying yeah you're just alternative facts or whatever like uh hunter bides laptop or you get in the line uh i'll see here jean i feel sorry for this eagle form lady she's missing some screws jean uh a lot of people would say the same thing about you jean do you still feel pretty good about where your uh your crowd's at right now sam jessie's got a win the vast majority voters don't get all the information because they only pay attention to the mainstream news plus they vote on a whim and the dibs know this is what that's why they're letting us play out like it is we pretty much blew it as a country we blew it no no i disagree sam the the we are giving the mainstream media too much credit but and we haven't had an election cycle and we only have them every four years so so it's hard to gauge this but if you go back when the cable news come around well it's been around since the 80s we can't see an envelope i count that when did our sort of partisanized cable news come around the mid 1990s when the talk radio rush limbaugh hit the scene early 90s um the internet really took charge in the early 2000s and there's a declining impact of the mainstream media i said we always see this over four years so i mean this if you if you go back i didn't remember being a child and sitting there and watching like bill clinton and bob dol debate jack campin al gore and like right afterwards of a bc coke roberts just fawning over how awesome al gore was but but like you go back before that and you look at 84 and i really thought mondell had a chance because i watched nbc news with my parents at age six that was a little older 84 so i would have been eight i mean and i this is the mind of a child watching a bc cbs and nbc pre-cable maybe some cnn every now and then the way the media would portray it was it was a lot closer and and this was you know going to go down to the wire and in the two regular elections despite the way they framed it were blowouts but like that was the impact the mainstream media could really dictate a narrative and even cable news to some degree doesn't really do it anymore it is a waning indicator the mainstream media sam so i i i'm telling you i don't think people get their news from social media or whatever more than they do from a bc news people vote on a whim but like you want if you have those kind of voters in your electorate the chances are they're probably not going to go out and vote because they're not really passionate about it either candidate i don't that's the problem sample for me will come all i hear us i know that there's a lot of anti-Trump sentiment and maybe that will help Harris but there's no there's no enthusiasm there's there's no like super fan like like who is the person getting up in the morning and i'm sure there's some and i'm not saying there's not any who is getting up and is excited to vote for Kamala Harris versus the person who is getting up and excited to vote for Donald Trump where where it what is the where's the star power here and i maybe i'm a middle-aged white guy who doesn't really see it but i'm like trying to be objective as possible and pretend you're one of these minds that just is voting on a whim sam like tell me what what what is the what is the uh the motivation there where where is this impulse going to come from what from Kamala Harris or Tim walls is going to spark this whim just to go out and vote blindly other than you know democrat and democrats are cool or whatever she's got a lot of work to do and i i i just mark my words guys now i don't know what kind of ground game this Harris campaign will have but at the very top they got some turmoil they have some problems there are some there are some struggles but then the Harris apparatus being her vice presidential staff and her campaign staff are at war with one another they're having a hard time really determining who's in charge no one knows who the boss is i mean we used to you go back and look at past presidential campaigns and you would say well with with bush it was probably roe with obama maybe valerie jared it even would buy and you'd probably look at wrong claim or somebody like that who is that person for Kamala Harris now for trump it feels like it's probably trump martin right says people that don't think the election wasn't stolen are probably narrow-minded or just stupid there was a lot of hanky panky going on paul sends me a noa advisory of a tropical system that looks like it's hidden for the Caribbean billy since me a screenshot of i have never stood in front of a grave and gave a thumbs up with a smile but it could happen if i live longer than him well i mean i i i i that that was kind of a cringy pose but i i look at the people surrounding that which i i presume were his family and they were like smiling too look people deal a grief in different ways and if you want a picture of donald trump with his thumb up next to your grave your your father's grave or your family member your brother your uncle or whatever who who are we to judge that what do you are we can we can go back and remember double rush lemott tv show and uh there's bill clinted at the cemetery and when he sees the camera panning toward him ee all of a sudden stops jokin and laughing and puts his head down hey you want that is that is that is that your preferred demeanor but i i don't know what to tell you guys like if the if he was doing this against the family of the fallen's wishes then i would say yeah but but like i say people deal with grief in different ways if people hold trump i know this is going to come as a shock to mainstream media and ubili people hold trump in high regard they call him orange man who sells vitals or whatever you want to do but there are people out there that's my president i'm proud to be a trump voter and they treat their uh they they wear their political pride on their sleeve and treat it like a sports team and while that's i have all kinds of issues with that it is a free country and that's how people react so like we can we could get into this all we want but unless you could show me where the the the the the gold star family protested him being there and he wasn't there at their invitation i don't think you really uh you really can make anything other i mean here's what's going to happen me they're going to push push push on this and then the family of these of the deceased who died because of a foreign policy decision made by your current president of the united states we're going to go on fox news and it's just going to be like the gold star dad in tears because the mainstream media are picking at a scab watch on a texture as a veteran and a father of an activist soldier i was so happy to see Donald trump at the reef commemoration to fall in soldier i think it is a slap in the face that the current administration could not or would not show up to support when he's the one who sent them to their death exactly like some people and yet you guys can talk about the tack or whatever the pro call but the people who lost their loved one wanted Donald trump there to them this is like you know that they feel wrong they feel like i'd handle this poorly and i i think about my son all the time at three years old and someday if he goes it serves in the military and you think about a president and there's a lot of this during bush it was hard for me to understand because i wasn't a father then but if the president decides to do something with a say it's just a uh all of a sudden withdrawal from afghanistan and my my child it's killed do you think i'm going to be a big Biden supporter would you be a big Biden supporter are you are you going to go get that Biden flag out and put hanging out in front of your house Biden Harris are you going to be a big hair supporter is that that what we need to do here but but no you probably get a beef for the other guy and the other guy you're going to want him to win and if it means doing what trump did and he was laying the wreath and he's looking all presidential so be it maybe we won't have to lose another loved one of someone in some kind of bad call from a democrat president we'll be right back this is the jump 4 shoulder from talk 1065 that was the first time you'll find a black tornado across the western sky roping on blue northern milky timmies ride old dog the mississippi and it's serious downflate long before you go back to the jump four shoulder from talk one of six five they just stay with us on this thursday morning a primary phone will come up into next segment she like text me what are we talking about today and i'm like i don't know so uh we'll find that out shortly Sean right uh they're going to guess later all the way to the presidency maybe i i just is that a winning strategy Sean shut if you tomorrow decided you were going to be a democrat and run for president with it would you just rely on jake tapper and chuk-tahd or whoever george stuffinopolis to gaslight and that would be your winning ticket oh let's see how any textures or no bob from fully says this speaking the afghan pullout of the 13 lives loss it's a good thing to springboard since the president's immunity or else mine might put uh it else mine might be put gel for killing those 13 soldiers well yeah i mean that's the whole point of that this spring court decision like presidents had to do incredibly hard things and had to do it for the sake of the country and you don't need zealous political prosecutors our deep state operatives second guessing it and always have to look over your shoulder presidents should have some degree of immunity i said this all along you go back and check the tapes i i don't i'm not crazy about pursuing hunter biden look and here here's the point elections have consequences you put somebody in that spot as commander in chief better make sure as to right person because that right person can abuse the office and that's the consequence now the the alternative or i i guess the uh you know if you don't like the president having immunity well then the the check on that is built in we have an impeachment process and you could convict somebody in the senate which is very hard to do and then then you can go after them for the crime but you got to get that impeachment first that's the high bar because you don't need some us attorney for a democrat or a republican or whoever it may be going after the former president and it just it would send the system into a spiral and that's what we're seeing with trump when they're they're testing the waters here do you want the unelected doj officials be in the check on your president or do you want the duly elected congress being to check and that's that's the question these you people need to ask yourselves to come at us with those immunity come on uh michael we should have a law that sends the slow left-line drivers in the front lines of the ukraine war i uh we do have a law against that uh billy trying to blame the uh afghanistan pull out on trump shot i'm not saying that's a winning one but i think that's the strategy well that's what i'm saying like well let's shut let's pretend just you and i speak a year but nobody else listening that we want trump to win don't we want this this gaslighting hiding in the basement only talking to select media outlet strategy to continue now i know what people are thinking well we would like to see her true colors we want her to have the gaffes we want her to have these struggles and then the public will see expose her or see her expose just as they saw by the exposed and maybe that's but that i don't think you could count on something like that the fourth estate's not really the fourth estate anymore it's too partisan but you can take something from different parts of the fourth state and arrive where you need to be in america you have more choices than you've ever had let's get a break in here we're right back this is the jeff force show what i've talked about oh six five there's someone for everyone spend my dollar park in a holler needs mountain moonlight older uptight make a little of it a little turn love it on a mason dixon look at my today jeff pore show it up some talk what oh six five part of me is always uh maybe like shed a tear every time i hear that uh nappy promo uh 19 years are working for land yapping uh oh for 19 in the nappy category uh maybe someday but uh i'm very skeptical uh the nappy will ever grace my trophy case not not a very big trophy case by the way uh anyway speaking of people with big trophy cases uh on now april mary fogle joins us uh april mary good morning how are you i'm doing okay this morning how are you uh i'm doing well doing well uh it's um i don't i guess i should be used to it by now but uh the so many owners have even nominated for though i have been nominated for any i mean i don't even i'd even done there's the album ever broadcast or association i'm just like oh the deadline is tomorrow oh well maybe next year you know or whatever i have done that every year since i started radio like oh but it's now yeah i just uh i haven't uh haven't had any success uh but it's probably for the best uh my ego's already kind of inflated as it is i know but you know what we need is a head-to-head of like you dale jackson joey clark and you know leeland and and just once and for i'll see you know who wins that category it's going to be leeland every time we'll take leeland out well leeland leeland has the biggest audience and uh yeah who i'm feeling in by the way for uh two weeks i'm just thinking of like yeah can you hear me april mary i am here all right you you've faded out all this air for a moment okay um so yeah so i'm i'm kidding i'm kidding you against uh against those guys and we'll just see who who can get an award it's going to be shawn bad dog that you you're really not not feeling strong when you're still here it's shawn it's leeland it's um that i didn't probably put dale up there joey uh yeah you know he and i have been at this about to save him out of time no joey started when he was like 19 he hasn't been hosting he's just been running aboard and that's sure um all very interesting for our regular commissioner but yeah um we talk about things i'm interested in and that sort of makes it work i don't know i i can't second guess myself hey uh we'll kick it off here and uh uh i i don't know the the presidential exercises presidential election and and what's going on and i think people get so focused on all of the things that donald trump is doing wrong right like like yeah the trump this trump but just just put that aside and i'm not going to agree or disagree about any of that why makes anybody think that kamala harris is running a winning presidential campaign i don't get it oh my god they kind of goes into that the the conversation of just the media is so skewed and then that we don't see any of kamala they try to hide her gas the best they can and the fact about you know her not being involved not being out front with media interviews and such but um i think trump just really and for those of us who are like okay we're on board now it's so obvious it's just frustrating that he really cannot get a fair shake there's no fair shake for him in the media with conservatives it is just all the time yeah well i i i think we the problem here is and is fine campaigns do what they are going to do with trump but i mean we've been we've been fighting this fight for damn near ten years a decade now about the the adequacy of the the uh presidential in 2024 i don't think it is i think here's the thing is even those of us i mean you look at an alabama the people who are initially like no trump never everything one of them has the number of congressional delegation or elected officials um they've all changed their mind everybody's on the trump train and even those of us who i stopped saying because it's literally it's just what you expect now and so i it maybe it's some situations where you're just uh desensitized to it but i'm after ten years i'm just kind of over it yeah he is he is just a craft dude but i better than kamala any day of the week sure um i i the problem with kamala here is and and i mean people really you've lived in washington you've worked in uh all sectors up there uh speaking of egos i mean and and just know it all's or whatever the problem kamala here is having right now is the internal turmoil in her campaign and look all campaigns have internal turmoil but usually by the time they get the ayala they got it all figured out right well where we pass that point there's no more hawkeye kawkeye uh this is the this is the home stretch here and the campaign is still kind of getting its ceilings under it i think ultimately it's going to come crashing down uh just like her 2019 bid did well she's not a the person at the top uh is her and she's not a strong leader she's not a strong manager you listened to her imagine being a staffer and has how many different words valid wants to sound smart things this woman says to you every day and it's known that she curses and be little to her status incredibly high staff turnover and so i i think that um it's not very not very good for a um for this late in the game and shop by the way has his own and has always had his own issues because trust and loyalty means a lot to him but no one is nobody in the democratic party is trusser is loyal to come on here they were loyal to biden until they couldn't be anymore i i think this though and i uh this is what everybody tells me look there's going to be rancor and turmoil at the very top of the harris campaign but we're democrats outdo republicans is they have a superior ground game now i i mean i don't think it's true universally but where it matters that's where you're going to see them shine and uh maybe maybe that's true that was the hope for biden that's why biden had a better than zero chance at meaning donald trump even despite his bad debate performance in the assassination attempt will will harris generate the same loyalty in the same um a motivated worker or whatever whatever they got to do it out there stuffing ballots or whatever it takes to win a presidential election as a democrat is the uh is the willingness going to be there i i don't see it i really thought i would see more um and they came you know straight out the gate with those ridiculous you know zoom calls um trying to build coalitions and then they had the events that were actually this concert where people came to see the concert not first and i think they thought they would gain some momentum and then that was just you know spin off into a successful campaign but it's really fizzled out and i was expecting to see a lot more enthusiasm from you know the same people who got Doug jones elected in alabama and i'm not seeing that either and i you know i know Doug jones is working behind the scenes because he wants to be a part of this administration but i just don't see the level of enthusiasm maybe you're seeing it more in cd2 i think the opposite i i cd2 i mean like so goes to country so goes uh a lot of congressional races but to me uh just from based on what you're up against sort of a red state into red state environment now cd2 is winnable for shimari figures but i think it's going to be a lot tougher for shimari figures to win and then it would be heres to win the presidency and think about this for a moment there's probably a lot of people in montgomery alabama a government who will vote for carly doppson but not donald trump but right who out there is going to vote for donald trump is shimari figures oh that that i don't think anybody will put that ticket yeah i'd be really willing to set on that no that is just not the way any ticket is going to split um it is it is all about to get out the vote and um and you know by the grace of god the democrat party in alabama has only been able to get it together once or twice and so and i i just don't feel it this year um but i think that democrat you know in fjorda they're you know they were working hard they just had an election the primary bear um i i just don't feel the energy um that even she started out the gate with that was all very contrived to begin with are you keeping up with florida but she says oh a bit that abortion referendum that they have on the ballot is that going to make a difference for democratity and i don't know if some big some big money is being spent behind it to try to make the pro-life uh people they're they're now saying it goes beyond just the life issue that it goes into all these other parental stuff i i think it could i i just don't think it's as big as other states have seen those constitutional amendments for abortion well and the the pro-life first got away and they they're they're they're tying a fiscal note to it which is lengthy but it's going to show just what this amendment would do it's going to dissuade a lot of people for voting for because it's it's really very special it's going to come with a big price tag so um maybe that helps i i don't know the the pro-abortion crowd just just beside themselves over that but that's what uh i i know the santis and sanus administration were trying to keep that off the ballot and they they did not uh succeed uh join my april refoghrel here on the program you sent me this to talk about and my first take was why is how or couple hits the uh the genius like he watches everything we do at 18 19 and i don't know uh reporter at so what they they took this uh the the stay on this transgender law in alabama off the 11th circuit did three panel um he three judge panel and the uh the the plaintiffs said well we we want to appeal that to the full court in a full of the circuit and they still lost seven four and our couple it's he went into the decision with seven four he finds the he he does a lengthy piece from the four descents i mean not not to they they don't i'm not saying that they don't matter but they're like buried down in the story about the ill that you guys just took and he's making yet the story which is just a just just so they got some good reporters there and they know who they are but you guys like this are just awful it is the most comical thing it was like there was there's a line of one of the guys on a descent and in the line he was like he used the word um cis cisgendered and i'm like why why why why is this story why does this story exist why are we why is very peace on um on clearly left um you know trying to legislate from the bench judges and but it just shows you how bad and i you know i got to that after going to the 1819 about the debate because i wanted to find the original piece and then i saw that and it's just amazing to me how far i mean that's it's perity level it's perity level like nonsense here's the i mean i get it the media is left uh in in this case an piece far left but it's it's so junior varsity right like do you know how like minor league baseball you look there how a couple with i know you're baseball fan you know you're like you think that the is a big franchise but i mean you're you're really playing single a or ricky league ball here when you write those kinds of pieces it's pretty silly actually hey speaking of the debate real quick tell me this uh how long will it take it for the debate moderators for the stops and shimari figures to bait it for some reason is hosting how long will it take for them to ask carly dopp said about really more oh gosh um a couple minutes first i'm going to hammer around uh everything they think donald trump has done done wrong no we can make the big old car will put seg academy on there uh i i just this is uh the the current editor chief at is i think it's still ongoing a lawsuit here where he said that he didn't want to hire any more straight white males for his newsroom and this is the guy that's running now you know guys i mean do you think those kinds of things really generate an objective news coverage and the answer is no no it has it has not it's only gotten worse um over the last you know it's been i've been in the state 11 years and every year gets worse to the point where i rarely go there um and when i do i'm disappointed i'm still disappointed every time one thing for and i'm going to shock you here i don't think cal whip mire did anything wrong and is dusted up with the album evan democrats it is oh i'm nip so yeah so whip mire on the deadline of the day when you're supposed to send in the paperwork for certification of the ballot he called west al and asked you the paperwork had been sent in and as it turned out it hadn't been sent in and he put out some kind of missive on twitter or wherever and the al.m. democratic party got upset about it they were like you just well dug jones running this party and yeah yeah you know the deadline is today but we got till five p.m. or whatever and this is the way we're going to do it and i mean i'm gonna get a dislike if i'm kind of whip mire i know how this alabama democratic party how how i'll slow they could be and how in f they could be at times and they don't really win a lot of elections he was in the right to be worried that joebot not joebot but Kamala Harris might not make her name on the ballot at alabama because the alabama democratic party had not done the paperwork wouldn't have been so entertaining though if that had happened but you would say it's it's a reasonable fear to think that this crowd randy kelly jerene et cetera are capable of missing a deadline and leaving joe i mean leaving Kamala Harris off the ballot oh absolutely capable of it more than capable it would i give it a 50-50 here they're really trying to villainize him right now and are still still fighting this on social media but guys you guys all have the best track record there at alabama democratic party headquarters i think but anyway hey april mary sorry to fill up us here at the end but uh we gotta get out of here we're out of time yeah take care all right april mary fogol ladies and gentlemen we got to get a break here we're right back this is fm talk one oh six five i did it my way yes there were times i'm sure you knew when i fit off more than i could choose but it flew it all when there was no welcome back to the jet port show what i thought talk one oh six five thanks for sticking with us on this thursday morning text line two five one three four three zero one zero six got a ton of text to get to here we will get to those over the next uh a couple of segments still to come today uh phil Williams from right side radio uh former state senator as well will be joining us uh that's at the bottom of the next hour so please make sure that you stay tuned for that it's just hammering al dot com and i haven't spent much time on this i probably should we'll get caroly doppison next week to um to talk a little bit about it but uh you know al dot com i believe october the tenth a debate but it was it's going to be only streamed i guess but a debate between the two uh al two candidates caroly doppison and shimari figures and uh you know you sit there thinking well i mean al dot com and they almost solely exist to promote a democratic party left wing ideology in alabama i mean they're seen as the uh rizzle stance inside of deep red alabama Doug jones doesn't win in 2017 does al dot com even still exist do we still have uh an al dot com i don't know i i want i bet it's there's no wrecking wrecking the offshoot of al dot com did that was supposed to be kind of an online only thing on facebook only and they discovered there was no audience for that alabama so then it became national because it's the law would sustain it we'll be right back this is frib talk one oh six five from bucks pocket to the shores of orange beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on alabama politics it's the jeff pore show i don't think welcome back to the jeff pore show and if i'm talking one oh six five they should be in with us on this thursday morning two five one three four three zero one zero six is the tax line it's up there if you so choose uh let's see here still come on the program we'll talk to phil Williams uh my uh radio uh brother in one of my radio brother in up in north alabama here and about 30 minutes or so uh let's get through some of these texts by the text or jeff guess what the afghanistan would draw debacles the voters fault those taliban would not cross the red line set by trump he showed uh the taliban commander picks up his family the voters put that clown bullcrap artist in office and the talabatic advantage hundred billion plus remember they wished to kill well and here's the thing about our elections on name texture we we have a correction mechanism of every four years and that's the point like had and some people would probably take issue with you saying it's the voters fault because they don't think that joe biden really won that election um we had a guest on mecky garret said he said that but let me i'm going to give him a bit of the doubt he won he was declared a winner it's official now it's beneficial ever since we have the ability to change that and that's why we have these debates and these discussions about public policy particularly on shows like this hey we deal with the frivolous sometimes but yes uh the the there's been a few senators chris murphy in particular who tried to blame trump for that debacle look there's one commander in chief if that had happened under trump it wouldn't have been good it happened over by and it wasn't good okay they are still really trying hard on this early to national cemetery stuff every time i look up at my uh monitors so so in the uh fair hope bureau here on a uh the continuous uh stream is our uh fox news which is uh showing the video of this uh venezuelan gang that's taken over this apartment building in aurora carlorado um cnns got dana bash previewing and the preview of dana bash interviewing harrison walls and msnbc arlington national cemetery but most of the morning it's been arlington national cemetery on both msnbc and cnn that's that's the talking points that were sent out it's it's funny to watch these people pretend like that matters guys there's a fox news pull out and i got to take issue with it and i've always had a problem with fox news pulling this shows trump down at a lot of states guys fox news is pulling registered voters fox news is not pulling likely voters when when you do likely voters in your in your sample instead of just registered voters or adults it swings toward conservatives and republicans republicans are a by far a much more reliable voting bloc to democrats it's always been that way history will will prove that statement to be correct and that's why democrats are so beholden to absentee balloting melon voting uh uh drop boxes and all of these other forms of voting because they can't rely on their voters to get up on election day and go vote that's always been that way and i mean you hear democrats try to just talk about this all the time well and they got to get the voters out and that's that was the miracle barack obama because he made people excited to go out and vote fox news this fox news poll that's being trumpeted by democrats is a poll of registered voters they're not trying to find likelihood why does fox news do this why do they compete against their own narratives and then here's the problem you have your own personalities in prime time trying to debunk your own polling i i they call right fox news calls racist way too early in my opinion it's like they are trying to win favor for the sin of two thousand at two thousand they put uh the the this polling firm and then you know when they call the races and fox news went early for bush and for the next four years fox news was blamed for bush's presidency as if it wasn't the voting you know what the hanging chads or any of that in south florida they were blaming fox news because fox news called that election early against the gore now some of the media outlets called it for gore but they are called florida for gore but as with a lot of liberals don't really get geography and they called it for gore while the polls were still open and the results from the panhandle hadn't came in yet they against florida's in two time zones and then what happened the panhandle came out to vote for bush swing swing the vote the vote back in florida for for bush but uh i digress the the point this fox news poll is not i i don't understand it why they use this this methodology that is not reliable paul is kept just a dev in our closing he sure seems like it would not be surprised if george is to serve the blue again i mean like guys and i i'm not going to go down to trump conspiracy lane here or you know you want to get in the middle of the back and forth with trump and kem but if george keeps going blue i mean there's clearly something wrong there uh the state-wide constitutional officers are republican but the uh what it matters in president's election it's it's democrat what why is this happening in georgia what why can't kem rapins burger or whoever else in georgia get it together why why they get a maybe it says to do with who they nominate Herschel Walker or whatever david perdue kelly leffler why can't georgia republicans get it together they'll let the whole country down i don't know i don't know the answer to that i don't think ryan kip is a uh is a democrat but he's not doing his party any favors here jean you were wrong about peat reams well it point to specifically what i was wrong about sam chiff good day why would they say that kiddity could not take his own name off of the ballot in some states but by did it was that the democrats people will vote for Harris for two reasons color agenda not a thing to do with political abilities sam i think it's uh it's just it was too late rfk waited too long to decide what he was going to do guys robert f kiddity jr was playing both sides the entire time he was playing for something with Harris the entire time as well as trump and he broke for trump at the very end because trump probably offered him the best deal i don't know how i feel about that leo i don't feel sorry for the people of colorado they are getting what they voted for fair enough leo yeah if you haven't seen the video at this housing complex public housing complex at aurora colorado it it shows this gang carrying guns knocking on doors it's it's it's it's sad imagine having to live in under those conditions i think taster fox just called the election for kamala didn't say kamala though no i i get back to this though like there's some other polling out there emerson this shows the trend heading back toward trump and either are left leaning polls as well but fox always throws in a poll that uses and this is why i don't like averages so real clear politics does an average and everybody kind of banks on that but it's like okay they lump a bunch of polls with a bunch of different methodology likely voters adults registered voters margin of errors all over the place and then it just they lump all the polls together just take the average i i i that's like taking the the vitamin count of a banana of a of a tomato and of a cucumber and the nutritional values and then putting them on the table and then saying okay we're going to take the average nutrition content for each of these and we're going to declare that to be true across the board i mean because everything is so different the way it's done phone surveys cell phones some are like scientifically online polling is changing because our means of communicating are changing to people still have landlines in their homes i mean even if you get your landline through your cable provider or your internet provider or whatever do you still have a landline how many of you are listening in this audience this is kind of a very interesting guy i never even really thought about how some of a landline phone do you still have the old copper wire phone or do you get it through some other means but that's that's the struggle for polling now is trying to figure out how to reach out and find that sample and and get that accuracy to where they need to get it because i you know the polls the last several presidential cycles they've been all over the map and then somehow at the very end they get close but throughout the campaign i mean there's and maybe this is the electorate but i don't some reason it's hard for me to believe the electorate is as as unstable as the polls portray it throughout an entire election cycle but it goes up and down up and down up and down and it all has to do with the sample and you'll look closer at the sample go back to obama oh wait in 2012 and you look at african-american turnout it was through the roof it was record setting it was big and a lot of wishful thinking i think from some pollsters started to occur after that hillary clinton at 16 and then buying in 2020 and they assumed they would get the same level of turnout in a presidential election that barack obama could get and that wasn't the case at all so some polls had hillary clinton up big and she lost our some polls had bind up big but i mean he just barely eeks it out yeah james carbell again the polling saying it's going to be an early night they'll call the election by ten o'clock and uh they didn't they had to wait like several days it was the polling site reliable two five one three four three zero one zero six that's how you get in touch with the program uh uh participants in the august 26 ceremony or uh well they're saying that the uh the ceremony there at the Arlington national cemetery this is statement from the army are uh truck campaign was made aware of federal laws which clearly bring political activities to some roading cemetery grounds but you don't get to define what a political activity is nor does the media step down to that Cadillac we'll be right back this is after the talk when i was six five he said you don't have to call me mister mister the whole world called behind he said drift again you make more time when you play sing but they like that you in jackson and i'll be dancing on the pony king let me drown how much is called it how would you tell that between your village you're going to jackson you big talk well you're back to the japanese show it up and talk one of six five thanks for being with us on this Thursday morning and my japan programming no come up tomorrow on the program tat stacey alabama daily news hunter johnson um does a radio a little bit of radio uh but uh more of an internet celebrity i would guess uh uh alabama crimson tide type and then uh stay centered to chris ellie of course our returning champion will be with us so please make sure that you tune in for that kind of still today on the program phil Williams uh right side radio in a few minutes i named texter here oh it's the the drunk uh apple mary was being nice she knows why you never win any awards a lot of people do but you still listen don't you there you are still listening uh to one oh six five i thought you were going to go uh take up gardening or something well you call yourself creo crimson anyway enough of that uh let's see here uh we're kind of talking about the the problem with the pulling here and i i would just be wary of it that's number one um the other thing kind of keep on this all early and we'll talk about this with senator williams he's a veteran of a colonel should we take offense to what happened at arlington cemetery like our mainstream media are telling us we need to uh i think there was uh this is according to a report according to daily caller the speaker of the house had to intervene to make it happen so essentially it appears that uh they just kind of went over whoever whatever socialist bureaucrats running to running arlington national cemetery these days went over their head to make it happen the the media and and whoever the sapper atchik is oh they don't like it they don't like it when you uh make make uh come all look bad i guess so uh according there was some protocol here uh let's see the speaker of the house had to get involved representative uh darrell isa brian mass and chairman michael mccall where it's the middle of assisting the gold star families after the speaker's call the situation shifted significantly it was only three days before the ceremonies and arlington national cemetery waited until the last minute to confirm the key components of the event with the families arlington cemetery officials claimed the families didn't want any media photography or videography held in section 60 contradict all the families had it actually requested the families were fine with the media designated by the trump team but arlington kept pushing back obstructing the process um goes on to say this would not have this would not have not happened without speaker johnson so that's what this is this is this is a you know what measuring contest between some some bureaucrats and uh somebody's bureaucrats and have friendlies in the media pushing it out to the harrish campaign i mean everything in that town and arlington is a virginia technically but everything in that town is democrat it's liberal it's government and it's it's it's just gonna take offense to anything trump so this is not it's kind of unfortunately it's par for the course uh to be expected i guess it would be uh one way to put it and uh this is this is how the game is played in our nation's capital unfortunately and this is the i mean it kind of underscores the importance of a trump presidency those early stages it's cleaning out some of this like i i want you watch your federal bureaucrats if you choose this occupation if you want to go be a bean counter at the department of commerce or whatever the gate guard at shannon doa national park or wherever agnostic at least publicly about your politics unfortunately it's not that way from top to bottom over right back this is fm talk one oh six five four oh my defenses just to leave it up to you and get on it it's valipades the bills we made for life it dipped him down to the ground when he tried to get up life were kicking back down one day pop a comment to his back man put his hands on my shoulders and his tears he said he said patches i'm depending on your son welcome back to the jeff pore show and if i'm talking about oh six five they just sticking with us on this thursday morning let's let dave it at least i still have some time here two five one three four three zero one zero six at a time permitting i'll get to your text messages but joining us now you hear them all throughout north alabama uh in marmi cam and the hansfield markets which uh you know that's pretty much covers the northern third almost half of the state uh but uh phil leon's right side radio joins us on the line senator good morning are you i'm good yeah how you doing man i'm uh living the dream i guess uh so they say hey i real quick before we we get into what i asked you to come on and talk about um because i the way i have my little studio setup is i got the three news channels on and all morning it has been all about rlyton and an alleged incident and if uh uh the trump campaign committed any crimes here or whatever it may have been but like kind of doing like a deep dive into this the the way it had happened senator was i mean it took the speaker of the house by johnson making some phone calls to even get trump on the the arlington national cemetery grounds allowed to be there and i just i i don't it these gold star families want donald trump at that ceremony at their loved ones graveside uh just you know even if it's posing for a photo or whatever it may be i think you've got to respect the wishes of the family and the media trying to generate something that's a little i don't know it's a little bit uh like i say it overreach yeah absolutely i mean what you're looking at here is a classic example that much to do about nothing um but here here's here's the other piece of this the only real crime here is that um it's the former president who's doing this and not the current president who's too busy stunning his pasty carcass on a beach right now again and and the vice president who i don't think she even understands what happened three years ago this week uh when those 13 service members were killed at abbey gate in kabool afghanistan um the families absolutely wanted donald trump there he was there by their invitation now i will say to i've been to semica i've been to uh to services uh and graveside ceremonies at arlington and it's it's a holy place i mean you almost feel like you have to speak in hush tones and like you're like you're in a a very sacred spot um but at the same time if you were having a funeral there those who you wanted there could be there there's no prohibition against them inviting donald trump it this is this is literally the press needed to make something but here's the thing jeff what the press is not really gathering is it by talking about this constantly in my opinion it's nothing but good for donald trump go ahead and make hay out of it if you want to it just keeps reminding people that common Harrison joe biden did nothing to recognize the families and their losses in fact joe biden was too busy looking at his watch when their flaggraved coffin came off the plane um and and and donald trump is the one they wanted there um and that's a that's a clear i mean that's a visual signal to the world of how service members families feel they've been treated and i think that you know keep playing the story if you want to i yeah i agree i mean it at some point and they could try and i you know i i will bet you i'll bet you lunch somewhere dana bash asked a question about that in this interview we're supposed to see tonight but i i i think you ought to be deferential to the family the the gold star families that are there for this ceremony and you know this maybe it is political or whatever it may be but the more they talk about it they're going to have to explain why the vice president or the president couldn't be there and i think that's where they run into problems because it's going to remind people hey all of this happened under your watch and it could have been prevented yeah i mean the press could literally have just uh put this thing in the memory hole and and it's been gone in a matter of a day um there was uh you know i was part of it on tv because i was in studio when it was going on and it was it was a significant moment um but uh but dang man i mean if the press is going to keep talking about this like something's wrong all they're doing is drawing more attention to it this story would have been over with by monday or tuesday if they just let it go but they won't because they don't know how the the left always overreaches and um and that's that's what we're seeing right now i'm joined by uh state senator forester senator phil Williams he is the host of right side radio uh up at north albama the uh this latest indictment uh brought down uh or an updated that diamond and you and i and and a guy named el jackson we're talking about it yesterday it just like the ongoing problems with the dc circuit and how like this is a left wing circuit uh the judges in there are and we've seen it all throughout january six and now we're seeing it with this law fair they're waging against donald trump but like uh to me like i don't know jack smith that but he's he's pretty shameless right a special council having already had a major uh l handed to him by a court in florida but the court system right i mean that to me is the the problem here that this continues to have life yeah it really is i mean you get this patchwork quilt of decision-making you know the the court in florida on the jack smith um uh classified document case has dismissed the case and the same grounds for which it was dismissed in florida have called the question in virginia on the january six you know election interference case with jack smith again into question so what does jack smith do he he's appealing in florida but he he's filed a superseding indictment which basically says like basically it's the legal version of oops i did that wrong let me give you another version of it and he strips away the things that could be contentious and i'll be honest with you uh this judge uh Chuck kind of live her name is um she's extremely liberal uh she's been no friend to the trump side of this case but if she has any level of wisdom at all she's not going to she's going to recognize that the tea leaves are not reading in her flavor and and choose to dismiss the uh amended complaint um or indictment and if that's the case then then we're done um will she do that i don't know i don't know that she has it in her but um but yeah this superseding indictment is it's egregious on one hand and i've never seen anything like this in 20 years of practicing law you see people that have you know have problems and they have more than one legal issue not all the same time now there's no way in the world anyone can explain what is happening other than trump derangement syndrome has reached epic levels yeah i i mean the problem with the dc circuit is everything has to go to the supreme court i and you don't get a fair shake uh i'll look at that some of this january six stuff that the supreme court has overturned and and and there's never this scrutiny of these lower courts and these activist judges that lead to these big decisions having to be made at that supreme court level which has a bullseye on it which i i don't want it bullseye i mean uh but this is what we're getting these egregious decisions being overturned and acidity onus being on the lower court which is wildly left wing it's oh the right wing supreme court which is i don't think the case at all yeah and i'll tell you um i'm not a huge mitch mcconnell fan but if i have to give mcconnell props on something in recent years it's going to be that while trump was in office last time um trump was able to nominate and mcconnell was able to get through multiple confirmations i mean truthfully the federal bench across most circuits has had a radical change in terms of more conservative judges being put in place and then there's also the supreme court in the united states we had you know a couple of new additions that changed the leg of the land on things like roby wade and all of it but but that being said this is this is why the democrats hate the idea of trump being elected because there's going to be more appointments to include maybe even the supreme court um should he get in we could see because these judges are by the way they're appointed to what's known as life for good cause in other words they're there as long as they want to unless they have like a criminal record that strips them of their time and in service so you you're looking at the potential here for trump to get elected and truly make a difference um on the federal bench again i don't know they'll ever be able to touch the dc bench it's hard to break through on that one but there'll be other places where he can well and the thing is uh you know we hear this the democrats win and they win control the senate they will just pack the court uh that's the fear i think that's john roberts fear and why he does what he does especially particularly like he did on obama care uh and not maybe rule as many would have hoped he would have being a uh a republican appointee um what do you think of that i i mean it's it's hard for congress to even keep the lights on uh more or less i i would think to introduce dc and portarico estates and then go ahead and practice spring port i mean that just uh it while it's a fear is it really a likelihood uh you know what i think it's a fear i think it's a talking point i don't know that they can truly get it done even if unless they have a massive majority and a mandate from the from the grassroots um i don't know that they can even get that that that core packing scheme done they can talk about it and raise money off of it and use it for a rhetoric piece to me right now it's still a bridge too far i don't know that they can convince the powers that be through the through the congressional system and then even for that matter getting across the desk of the president that packing the court revising the entire spring court would be anything other than political i think this would get enjoined immediately i think there'd be a hard call and there's no way they can explain it except we want results that we like better therefore we're going to change the makeup of the court um hard road ahead i've seen worse things happen but it still be a hard road ahead yeah i mean and and they're they're catching this as supreme port reform and uh they don't like how uh uh just as thomas is uh you know i i guess taking trips but as it turned out it turned out so my or had as well or kegan or whatever but they don't they just don't like the makeup of the court now and this is i mean this is a really necessarily law fair but it's so like intellectually dishonest the way they they left some of these is a liberal democrat senators like murphy and others blooming thal are attacking the high court yeah and like like let's let's keep in mind that what they're doing is they're attacking the very foundation of our governance when they do that because the the three branches of government was set up to be checks and balances um and because you don't like the other branch doesn't mean you're allowed to modify the other branch at nauseum and and so so what we're seeing right now is exactly what the founders wanted congress can act the the the enforcement or enactment of the laws thereafter is the executive branch but the true checks and balances comes off the courts and if one branch is allowed to gerrymander the other to fit its needs or or its agendas then we have just seen a complete breakdown in what our nation was designed to be you know be doing and functioning as a as a government it's a complete disorder uh of what it's supposed to be a well ordered society uh senator said i was thinking about so this court of new york that convicted trouble 34 counts yeah okay so it's predicated on a violation of federal election law and i mean and they they worked in their their like angle the state angle there if trump comes along and is president this is all hypothetical it just says hey we're i'm i'm pardoning myself for any potential crimes uh dealing with that then does does that kind of take the the case away from new york on a i mean like i i don't know like there's there's questions to mean that if this is all predicated on a potential violation of federal election law if somebody comes along and says there was no foul committed here be it trump or any other president uh potential future president what happens to these new york charges that were based on a federal election law violation yeah you just hit the rub that's one of the appealable issues in this case uh judge that's never been done before so he's convicted right now of state crimes but only because it tied to federal law and it's not supposed to be a state d_a_ that's that's trying someone on federal law issues so that being said one of the appealable issues is can they do this was it's a novel theory of law that that it should not have been construed here's the other piece of this oh jeff the most recent decision we got out of the spring court of the united states gave substantive immunity basically declared what we always knew but affirmed that there is substantive immunity for the president will much of the evidence that they introduced were things that were happening through his time in office or his campaign for office and so the question then becomes is the case going to get thrown out too because they use what is now ruled as inadmissible evidence the whole thing's a mess uh mr shan i don't know what's going to happen right now apparently there's this talk that it might even be sentencing which comes up in september might even get that laid further trump can't my understanding of it is trump can't pardon himself on matters of state law a governor could but he couldn't um but if he gets lifted from there and turned into a federal case then potentially he could well i i guess this though if you're going to predicate something a federal election law violation on state law and if somebody comes along and say it's trump it says no i didn't commit i'm a part of myself for this crime then well what is what suddenly is the predicate for the state charges if if those go at the federal potential federal wrong doing goes away uh i mean it's you're right it's a mess and that that's why this new york case is so so problematic and i i think just not long for this world no and here's the other piece of this liberals love to talk about he's been convicted on 34 felony counts well it must be real there were 34 checks that were written they were all written for the exact same thing alvin bragg chose to make each one a separate felony meaning if you convicted on one you then convicted on all technically all of that was one continuing act allegedly and and so but alvin bragg wanted to have the appearance of 34 felony counts well all it did was served to inflame the passions of the jury there's there's the promise of the jury has been invaded in my opinion by by by creating something from thin air that never should have been there and then exacerbating the the facts by enhancing it by saying it's 34 different things when it really wasn't and then allowing evidence in which is to bring core the united states says he's otherwise immune for so i mean this is this thing's going to go away i feel certain but the fact is we need to wait to see what marshan is going to do about even the sentencing because the sentencing could create a whole new dynamic but of roshan's wives he'll realize that trump got a bump in the polls because of this case and he senses trump right before the election 45 days before the election it's just gonna be nothing but helpful to trump uh so we'll say i think you're probably all right uh senator we got to leave it there we're out of time but i i do appreciate you making time for us this morning yeah absolutely thank you i see you all right phil Williams you hear him on right side radio north alabama i'll check him out if you're ever up that way we'll be right back this is fzm talk one of six five many times somebody take me home through those alabama uh welcome back to the japanese show that the dog one of six five that you're sticking around for what's left of this thursday morning uh tomorrow on the program from alabama daily news our one of our frontie regulars tonight stacey will be with us hunter jotson of alabama football fay have internet football fandom uh will be with us uh kick out the football season as the uh i see official crimson tide response in the program and then our attorney champion state senator chris elliot as we do every friday that's coming up tomorrow so please make sure that you tune in come up here certainly don't go nowhere mid-day mobile shelter what you got for us this is interesting so you're going to uh bring in some discussion of the university of alabama and football on your show i mean i figure if anything you take a couple of digs at taco cost or something but yeah yeah i hate but i really when senator britte recommended things for you to get they were pretty good choices uh when she was on with you what to get at taco cost but i have a feeling you'll never go back so well anyway uh that being said uh i know all i know about alabama football this year is uh mill ros gonna be the quarterback and i assume uh i don't know anything about the coach i don't know anything about what to expect and i don't know i just uh i have made a friendship with an alabama an online uh famous alabama fan so uh i i don't know how it's going to go all you have to know about uh calendibor is if i was writing a movie and i needed a character name for like a secret agent or something like that or big uh some kind of uh commando i mean debore's got the name i we'll have to see what he does on the football field with alabama but he's got a cool name like a field general or something right yes uh general debore it's calendibor yes i think it uh it sounds like uh it sounds like that kind of name so yeah we'll see we'll watch it did you get signed up for uh college pickum i know you were talking about it the other day are you i did i am i am on uh i need some kind of mechanism to remind me to do my picks okay i'll i'll try to text you each week to uh do that are you going as yourself or do you have a nickname on there no it's uh jeff pours like lousy picks or jeff pours bad picks or something like that okay just keep your eye out for coke or deep ball okay i mean there's a reason that i opted not to do sports journalism yeah i watch i'm too much of a fanboy well we'll see what happens but i'm glad you're in the mix as well bad so yeah coming up mid-day mobile in just minutes we'll pick up some of the conversation that jeff's been having about what happened at arlington with trump that and a whole lot more over the next two hours for mid-day mobile all right guys y'all stay tuned i got a slide i got a glide i got to get on out of here it's been a pleasure i will try to do better tomorrow sorry philis i forgot to say goodbye this has been the jeff pours show on fm talk one oh six five right away