FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Eagle Forum of Alabama's Becky Gerritson - Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 8-28-24

Broadcast on:
29 Aug 2024
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I don't know what's wrong with me, 'cause I know I need my wrist, but if I don't stay about night, sleep on day, I ain't in my fist. Hey! Welcome back to the Jeff Moore show that if I'm talking about those 6'5", they just stay with us on this Thursday morning. Text slide 2513430106, you know the drill, you want to interact with the program, hit me up on the text line, so all feedback is appreciated. Silica April reflogled about an hour and about two hours, my friend, he broadcasts out of Gassen, but he's on in Birmingham, or just technically Coleman, and Huntsville on the radio, Phil Williams will be with us as well, so please make sure you stick around for that. Joining us now on the line, you might know her from Eagle Forum, but Becky Garretson joins us on the line. Becky, good morning. How are you? I'm great. Thank you so much for having me on. It's good to hear from you. Hey, thanks for making time for us. I really do appreciate you doing, so oh, oh, it's only kicking off here, just kind of far in general, I mean, we're probably, I guess maybe this is sort of almost a halfway point between now and the legislative session, and you always have to worry about the gambling, rearing, and suckling head at any point, but anything you guys are looking at before we get into other things? Yes, we have some of the issues that were not completed last session like protecting kids from online pornography, through a really great cell phone bill, we're looking to bring that up again, that'll be the fourth year in a row, and it is passed the house every time, but it just kept getting stuck in the Senate. We have some other, of course, fighting against, we expect a lottery bill to be coming next session, and so we'll be playing defense on that one. We would love to see gold being used as legal pender in the state of Alabama, and that's a heavy lift, but that's one that we're looking at. We had it last year as well, and then de-banking, we want to ban the practice of de-banking, which basically means closing down people's bank accounts, if they're participating in whether it's a pro-life movement or some conservative cause, the banks now think that they have the right to shut people's accounts down, and it is happening, so anyway, there are a lot of big issues coming up, and we're just not stopped working on all of these issues. The de-banking thing, we have Ada Cerrell come on talking about that. He's the one, yeah, that had, he had de-banked, right, because gold guns and guitars, and it said guns, and the business name, and the bank said, "Hey, we're not going to be a part of this," and that, I mean, just arbitrarily did so, and that's something, that's something I guess the legislature's got to take a shot at, right? Yes, and the banks are really going to fight against it, because they want the autonomy to be able to do what they want, and the banking lobby is pretty strong in Alabama, so it will be a heavy lift, but it's happening all across the U.S., where banks are shutting people's accounts down, and that is just awful, so it's definitely something we need to be fighting against. Yeah, and you're right about the banking lobby being very, very strong in the state, but I think if people, and then probably the trick here is going to be making people aware that this practice is something, it's a real thing, it's not just a solution looking for problems, they say, but it's a real thing, and I think if people do this, they may get on board here. Yes, I agree. I think there are so many pieces of legislation that the people love and would like to see passed, but they are often not the people that the legislators are listening to. They're listening to the lobbyists that are there every day whispering in their ears and sometimes giving misinformation, and so that's one of the things we do at Eagle Forum is try to involve citizens in the legislative process and just help them have the boldness to talk to their legislators and let them know what is really important to them, it definitely makes a difference, but people need to speak up, otherwise it is the lobbyist who kind of runs things. I mean, we saw it with the ESG ban, you know, just the banking law, and you know these people in the hallways like I do, the Regent's Bank guy just like, you know, you have to overcome those kinds of challenges when dealing with this stuff, so it'll be interesting to see how they react to it. One more thing before we move on, presidential election, what do you think, how are you feeling about November? Well, I have concerns that election integrity is still an issue and I am concerned. I believe that this is just me personally, you know, I feel like the election was stolen in 2020, and I just feel like he definitely, you know, we all went to bed that night, he was so far ahead, the numbers looked great, and then all of a sudden the computers shut down, and we wake up in the morning, and numbers have been reversed. I just don't know that all of those problems have been fixed, so for me it's just really praying that the truth comes out that any wicked plans get boarded, and I feel that Trump definitely has the momentum, I mean, everyone that I hear, there are so many Democrats that have moved over, and they weren't Trump. There are so many that have left the party, and Kamala just doesn't have the excitement for the Democrats. I'm shocked that she is the one that they put up, so I don't know, we'll see this CNN interview tonight, which is pre-recorded, we'll see how that goes, but I just, people don't really like her, and I mean, including her own staff members, she has a huge turnover rate, and she's just not the person I want leading the country, that's for sure. I mean, I think they thrust her into this, and they just expected it to be business as usual, but I mean, you don't present it your campaigns, I mean, there's so, there's such tremendous sort of lift, it's an endeavor, and to like hastily conceive this campaign, and try to do all of these things, because you know, when we go through like the exploratory committee phase, and then we go through the primaries, and then, you know, then if you're lucky enough to get through the primaries, and you're the nominee, I mean, you've been together for probably more than a year, I mean, this is, that's why I am like, very, very skeptical of her chances, but maybe that's just me the optimist in the back of my head, but I look at this, and I'm like, this has never been done like this, not in recent American history, so we'll, I just want to see. - And the fact they're using AI to make her crowd look big, I mean, that's already been proven, it's just, yeah, I don't, I would, if she wins, I just believe it's what I'm seeing now, it just feels like it's going to be fraud if she wins, because there's just not the momentum there, there's not the backing like there is for term. - Right, well, and like, you know, trust been running for two years, and like I said, this, this hair's campaign's just fraught with infighting according to reports, and I don't know how good their ground game is going to be, I mean, that was sort of the, the one feather in Biden's capital, so he was going to have a good ground game, so, you know, we better watch out, better not take him lightly, even in his cognitive decline, I don't know if that's there for her or not, so it remains to be seen, but I want to move on real quick, and now I've seen a number of the clubs around the state, Eagle Forum clubs, screening this film, letter to the American church, based off the book that Eric Metaxus wrote, and it seems like an appropriate time for this book to kind of put things, and he does a decent job at it, and I haven't seen the movie, but I read the book of putting this in the frame here that, you know, we got to remember the church, and sometimes Republicans even forget, you know, what brought up to the dance, I feel like, and this is important stuff culturally, try to get back on center. Yeah, it definitely is, and so we have kind of chosen the month of August to screen this movie, it's just a 60 minute movie taken from the book, letter to the American church, and what Eric does is he does a great job of making a parallel between the 1930s, the early 1930s, Nazi Germany, what happened with the church, how so many of them, you know, stayed silent, and did not speak out when these awful things were happening, and, you know, six million Jews were killed, and he is seeing a huge parallel with the American church now, and it's just, it's time for the American people to wake up, and realize that there's power within our faith, there's power within the church, but unfortunately there are millions, I mean, tens of millions of evangelicals that do not even vote, you know, they're saying like 30% of those that are registered vote, and it's really, the churches got to take a stand, and so this movie just really helps show how cultural Marxism has taken over our country, has even infiltrated the churches, and it's just kind of a wake up call, and we're getting great responses after we do a showing, then people take it back to their church, and we're having some pastors reaching out to us, and I must say that TPUSA, Turning Point USA Faith, we've partnered with them, and they have helped us be able to show this, so they've been really great to work with, and they helped produce this movie, and it's so worth it, so people can go to and find out when the next showings are, but we have had them all over the state so far, it's been great. Do you worry about that? I mean, and I sit here, and yes, I want Republicans to do well, and I want Trump to win, but this sort of kind of limp-wristed approach to responding to the pro-abortionist out there, and then, you know, watering down, like being, you know, just straight up pro-life, and not watering it down, well, I want to leave it to the states or whatever, I mean, there's something about that, I feel like, you know, this is what Reagan ran on, and really was served to rise to the Republicans, bringing the evangelical Christians together, really tired these social issues to the conservative movement, and now, it feels like we're trying to just water them down just for the sake of a swing state vote or two. Yes, I don't like that at all, I think it would be stronger, because I think, as we have seen, our culture towards the pro-life movement has shifted, and there are many more people that are happy about Roe being overturned, and I feel like, with him watering things down with them, watering down the pro-life parts of the Republican platform, they're trying to win over some of these Democrats, but we don't need to be watering down the party, we need to be building it up and standing strong on those pro-life issues, so it's a big disappointment to me. Yeah, it just feels like these are the people who are really, you know, the March for Life, every, they go out and march out in the cold in Washington DC every January, I mean, the people who, I guess Alabama, you can look and say, when it, you know, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum and those two presidential cycles, I mean, it was really, it was really the social issues crowd that came together to deliver the state for them, and, you know, I'm just telling you, I, you see it in this state a little bit, where Republicans, when they're confronted about abortion and the abortion ban, they don't, they want to run away from it, they don't have a good response, all they need, I mean, I would just think it's like, hey, like, just, just hammer down, right, most of the people who are asking about this stuff weren't going to support you anyway, but they're very, very, very, very reluctant to do so. Yes, but it is disappointing, especially some of the legislators to help pass the strongest pro-life bill in the nation are now kind of wanting to re-step and make some changes to it to make it looser, and I think that's awful, and I think that's something that we need to be watching for. Yeah, I mean, like, if you needed abortion, go to, I don't know, whatever the closest state would be, Illinois, or, you can just get the pills now. I mean, the disorder, the pills, and that's the, the main way people are getting abortions anyway, and not coming from the Fed, so, there's a lot of work that still needs to be done. Well, any other, you know, and then, you know, keeping up with federal politics, Tommy Tumberville, I thought did the right thing by putting that hold on those appointments, and he, Becky, he took heat from people within the state, and like, well, we got to worry about our bridge or military contract or whatever of federal handout, and Tommy Tumberville's got to ruin that. I mean, that just tells you right there that, okay, well, what value do you put on life, and we'd rather have this, this, this federal appropriation. I mean, I just, I think that's what needs to be at least pointed out in some of these instances. Well, I was so proud of him during that fight, and I think that was last year, and he just shocked me that he stood so strong, and there weren't very many senators that were standing with him, but, you know, he held to his promise of, I, I just, when he went into office, I did not think he would be as pro-life as he was, and wow, he just, he shocked me, and I just thought he did a great job with that. Yeah, and I would think he's probably the most popular Republicans we've had. I mean, and Jessesh certainly was up there, but since the state has gone Republican away from the Democratic Party, you know, between 80 and 2010, you got to put Tommy Tumberville up there as one of the states, and not one of the most popular elected officials since George Wallace. Yeah, and he's doing a great job. I often wonder if he hates being up there, but he does a great job, and he is very bold, and he'll stand against the flow when he needs to, and I love that. I just, I would, I hope we should see more of that's what I think people in the state want to see out of their elected officials and not, hey, what about job, job, jobs, forget about that, you know, that, that, that crazy pro-life stuff, you, we're just, we're just going to manufacture and we're going to give government handouts to get these companies to bring jobs to Alabama, whatever, you know, right, but a real quick for let's you go if folks want to get involved with Eagle Forum, they want to know more about what's going on with you guys. How could they do so? They can go to, and especially in your area, we have a couple of action groups that meet down there monthly, and so you can go to On the menu bar you can look at upcoming events, and find out when the next meetings are, and we, we just love to educate folks on issues that are affecting the family, and would invite everybody out to come. Becky, stay safe out there, and thanks for making time for us. You bet. Thank you so much. All right. We'll be right back. This is the Jet Porsche Show. If I'm talking, what, oh, six-five. ♪ The night angel, sleep tight darling ♪ ♪ He blows your pretty brown ♪