FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 8-27-24 guest Caroleene Dobson

Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired U.S. Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired federal agent, former vice chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information, sharing his thoughts on today's politics, and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome, welcome everyone to the George Williams Show. I'm George Williams and I'm your host and I'm so glad to be sitting behind the mic tonight, folks. Very, very glad. We've got a lot to talk about. Our number here is 251-3430106. We're going to have a special guest tonight. And that will be the young lady who's running for Congress in Congressional District 2, Caroline Dobson. She'll be calling in later on and we'll be talking to her about that district. She's running against these figures, dude. I'm telling you, and we want her to win that race, folks. We definitely want her to win that race. Like I said, our number is 251-3430106. I have a very important message. So, listen up, put your food down, stop smacking on your dinner. Dinner should be over by now, folks, but anyway, very important. Now, President Trump was in Phoenix last month and he called one person up to the stage and that was chef Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County, which encompasses Phoenix. And chef Arpaio, he's retired now, but he's still very close to President Trump. And I know him. I've known him for a long time, folks, because that man is a legend in the DEA Drug Enforcement Administration. He is a retired DEA Special Agent, and after he retired, he moved to Phoenix and became the chef in Maricopa County. And the rest is history, folks. Believe me, even in DEA, he is a legend. He is a legend. And he will be coming here at the invitation of the Alabama minority, GOP, and he will be our guest speaker on October the 11th, which is a Friday night. And that will be held at the Marriott Hotel on Airport Boulevard, just off of Highway 65. So, we expect a large crowd, folks, a large crowd, for a cleft chef Joe Arpaio, and he'll be coming in. We'll be talking about that, and we'll be having him on the show prior to his arrival here to talk about somebody, his adventures, and one thing that he did, his investigators, while he was the active chef, they proved the fact that Obama did not have, that was not his birth certificate. Then it was a fake birth certificate. And for doing that, the U.S. attorney for the district that encompasses Maricopa County filed phony charges against them, and it was a shame. And the same thing they did to President Trump, they did to a sheriff, and they found him guilty, a kangaroo court, folks, kangaroo court. And as a result, President Trump pardoned him. He pardoned him, and it's such a shame. So, the sheriff has a lot to talk about, and he'll be talking about a lot of these things when he comes to Mobile to speak at our function, and one thing he's famous for, and he'll tell you why he did that. He's had a tent city for the prisoners. A tent city, he hadn't sleeping out in tents and working out the tents, and then he had different kinds of stripes on the wear. And I asked him, I said, sheriff, what was the purpose of this? Straight on the way. He said, well, they keep stealing them, so in order to identify them, we made them like that. So, if we caught them with those on the wear, and t-shirts and underwear, we knew that they belonged to the sheriff department, and that's why he did that, that's why he did that. Very clever, very clever. So, that's a little bit about the sheriff, Apaya. As you know, I'm a retired DEA special agent, and when I first came on with DEA, the name Joe Apaya was a legend, because the man did so much on the cover work, and he worked on the mob. He worked on everybody, and he's got guts, and he was never afraid, never afraid, so he is still a legend in the Drug Enforcement Administration, as well as being a legend as a sheriff. At one time, they named him the toughest sheriff in America. Toughest sheriff in America, because he had guts, and that's why I think President Trump liked him so much, and I think that's why he liked President Trump, because President Trump has guts. Both of them have guts, and they really like each other. Every time I talk to him, he's always talking about President Trump, and he'll be fighting for him, and he's also going to support our candidates, our congressional candidates and whoever else is running under the umbrella of the Republican Party. He's going to be here for not only just to speak, but he wants to endorse our Republican candidates, and we have to do that, folks. We have to get rid of all every Democrat we can, because look what they've done to America, to our country. Look what they've done. Look at what they're doing. I mean, Harris, are you kidding me? This lady will not allow the press to ask a question. Why? What is she hiding? What is she hiding from? Well, I know that. She's hiding from her and Biden's dismal, dismal, dismal record. She can't talk about it. She's afraid to talk about it. The only thing that she can do, and the Democrats can do, and you heard that, doing their just recently completed convention, is talk about Trump. Talk about Trump. That's all they can do. But she's not talking about her program. You know what she said? One of the things she said, it was pitiful, not funny, that once the first day I'm elected, I'm going to do ABC. You are the Vice President of the world's most powerful country, and you have not done anything of note any wordy thing as the Vice President of these here in the United States. What have you done? Zero. Zero. President Biden put you in charge of the border. You haven't even visited the border. What have you done? What have you done? You've done nothing. Zero. You are a zero. Okay. And now you want to be the President of these United States. And then I think about the Democrats from here who were delegates who went to Chicago. Barbara Drummond, all those folks. Okay. Jones, our Congresswoman, Sue L. Okay. All of them. Prison. Oh, Biden. Biden. Prison. Harris. For doing nothing. Zero. Zero. So folks, this is it. We cannot allow this woman or this man, the Vice President candidate. Mr. Wallace to win this election. I mean, he is a coward. He's a liar. He's one of the most terrible governors in Minnesota history. Okay. Can you imagine him talking about he retired as a, he nine, which is a chief. Master Sergeant, can you imagine that folks? When they got orders to go to Iraq, he quit. Just prior to going. This man and wait, wait until we get back. We'll be back after these messages. Because what he did in Minnesota, it's pitiful folks. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your text and comments at 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6. Now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. All right. Welcome back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Our number here is 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6, folks. Now, before the break, we were talking about the non fantastic Vice Presidential candidate for who's running with Harris. Okay. And this man has done so much. You know, he used the military for the further his, his career. All right. He used the military first as a congressman. I mean, when he was a congressman, he ran for Congress. He talked about, he was a decorated soldier, a national guard, national guard soldier. I don't think he did a day as a regular. Okay. But he is a decorated. He was a command soldier major, command soldier major, a liar. He was in a combat zone with an M whatever 15 rifle M 16 rifle, but he was sent to Italy. Okay. He knew in advance that his unit was going to get activated to Iraq. And he quit. He resigned. He resigned. Coward a coward. But that doesn't bother me as much as what he had done as the governor of Minnesota. And the two things that stick out. The first one. Okay. Well, it's, you know, he did it by putting girls items in the boys' men's room, bathroom. Okay. He did that. But the most serious thing is his relationship with China. That is very serious, folks. To me, he has been compromised and he wants to be the vice president of the United States. Okay. He has traveled to China dozens of times. He's gone over there and taught for a year, two years over there. He has allowed the Chinese to set up offices in Minnesota. And guess what? When you set up these offices, my belief in it, I've been talking to other people on law enforcement and military. They were intelligence offices. And their principal reason was to track down Chinese dissidents who live, who came from China and live, live in the United States. Like a, like a police outfit. Okay. But these were from the Chinese Communist Party. This is dangerous, folks. This man has been compromised more so than the Biden's or equally, just as equally as a Biden's by taking all that money from China, from the Russians. From the Ukrainians before the current government government. Okay. This is dangerous, folks. You cannot put this man into office or this woman in the office with their terrible record. You cannot do that. That is why they will not face the press. Answer questions. Okay. They'll make a prepared statement, but it has nothing to do with what they've done in the past or what they're going to do in the future. It has nothing. There's one thing that she came out, Harris came out with prior to the convention. And I think there are about 10 items on there. And according to the experts, I'm not an expert on this. I am an expert on law enforcement activity and military. But from what they were saying, they're going to cripple the American. It's going to be a worse situation if they get into those two get into office than what it is now. And I didn't think it could get as worse as it is now, folks. How many people have savings accounts? How many people are the voters who, if they want to buy some, they have to go to the credit union, they have to go to the bank, the bar, a lot of them, a lot of them, folks. How many people are hurting? Look at what they're doing with the housing market. They're encouraging, encouraging building rentals, rentals, rentals, everywhere you go, they're rentals being built. Rentals, rentals, rentals. Okay. Being built. What about homes? What about homes? Home ownership so that a parent who buys a house can leave it for their child or their children. What about that? What about that? You can't written an apartment. You can't do that. You can't pass it on. This is what they're doing. What about the border? I read something today to say that Camara Harris is saying we need to build a wall now. Okay? Now she's for building a wall and they did everything in the world to stop Trump from erecting a wall. Now let's close the border. They did everything in the world to keep the border open and it's open. It's open. I've worked the border, folks, and there's nothing like when we work the border. There's nothing like that now. It is open and the worst thing is the criminals that are coming into America. Biden, Harris, Marioka, the head of a homeland security, they all have blood on their hands and that blood is from the young folks who have died as a result of principally fentanyl. Now you've got a lot of other drugs coming in. Also, you've got the Coke. You've got quite a few different drugs coming in through Mexico. In Canada, Canada is not included, not excluded, folks. A lot of drugs coming into Canada through Canada. Canada has like open borders. Okay? But now, as you can see, Kamala Harris is adopting Trump's programs, the Republican programs. That's what she's adopting. Okay? Never have I seen a presidential candidate not answering questions from the press. Never. Never. President Trump, Vance, that means answering the question. They'll get right before the press and they'll talk. They'll outline their program, not adopting a wall, not Harris a wall, excuse me, not Harris a wall. They're running from the press. And folks, did you hear Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talk about why he was spending his campaign? I mean, that was an unbelievable explanation. And it was really sad when he said that his father, Robert F. Kennedy, who was shot and killed, and his uncle, John Fissero Kennedy, who was shot and killed, what they would think of the Democratic Party of today. They wouldn't recognize it. And then Robert Kennedy Jr. also spoke about how they blackballed him from entering the primary to go to compete against Biden. And he also talked about how they have done President Trump, how they've done him, by all of these phony charges. And then he got Biden had a Trump had a rally last week in Arizona. And Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stood right beside him. And he is, he has endorsed President Trump. Now, this man has a lot of young voters with him, a lot of young voters, both male and female. And he's been criticized by the older Democrats for backing President Trump. And let me tell you something, it takes guts, took guts for him to do that, because he's even being scolded by some of his own relatives. Some of his own Kennedy relative. And the same thing happened to me. And once I came over, President Reagan bought me over. And once I came over, some of my relatives were Republican, unbelievable. But yet still my grandparents, who were from Alabama, were Republicans. They were Republican. It was a Republican that passed the Civil Rights Bill, who sponsored it. Okay, Gerald Ford, who was a Congressman, later became President, and Edward Dickson, who was a Senator. They sponsored that bill in those two houses. President Johnson finally realized that, you know, nine was time, so he supported it. And he was a Democrat. He was a Dixie Crack. I'm telling you, Johnson was something else. And he didn't have to call the Republicans to pass the bill. He had to call the Democrats. Strong, Thurman, all of those Dixie Crats here to call them. And they acquiesced, and they passed it. And that's why a lot of black folks came over to the Democratic Party because they thought it was a Democrat that passed the Civil Rights Bill. It wasn't. It was the Republicans responsible for it. We're very bad. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your text and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-06. Now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. All right, folks. We are on the mission. We are on the mission. Our telephone number here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. And I'd like to present our special guest tonight, and she is Ms. Carolyn Dobson, who is running for Congress and the newly created District 2. How you doing? I'm doing great. Thanks so much for having me. Yeah, yeah. It's so nice to talk to you and for you to come back on our show. Last week, I met you in Mobile. Tell our audience what were you doing? Yes, no. I was really honored to have you join us as we opened our Mobile Campaign Headquarters in the Pine Brook Shopping Center. I'm really excited to have a footprint in Mobile. Mobile is absolutely key to winning this race, and it's key to the opportunities in this district. So much positive energy and civic engagement in Mobile as well as so many important keys to the future of the district and the state with a port of Mobile. Also, Airbus, of course, are shrimp, snapper, and fishery industries, our shipbuilding industry, and so many others. So I'm really, really excited to have a home base in Mobile. We did a lot of door knocking on Saturday, and we have some phone banking and more door knocking opportunities as the race continues. We're a little less than 70 days out, so getting close through November 5th, and we're just grateful to have all the support that we do in Mobile. Great, great, great. You know, when I went to Milwaukee, you were there at the convention, and you made contact with a lot of people. I did, I did. No, it was really exciting to have that opportunity. I was an alternate delegate, and I was very humbled to get to represent Alabama in Milwaukee. And I know you've talked about it, but there really was such a sense of unity at the convention, you know, just, you know, regardless of where people were from, regardless of, you know, if they were more on the Freedom Caucus side or more on the, you know, characterize themselves as establishment. Everyone was really working together and pulling in the same direction to ensure that we get our country back on track. And that's what I'm hearing in every conversation with all the folks in Congressional District 2, regardless of whether they call themselves Republicans or Democrats. They know that our country's headed in the wrong direction. They know that eggs cost 147% more now than they did three years ago, that energy prices have gone up almost 40% in the past three years. The average family of four is paying almost $11,000 per year more for just basic living expenses than we were when Biden and Harris took office. And that's something's got to give. We can't have more of the same. We don't need a Washington insider who's going to maintain a status quo. We need someone who's going to fight for Alabama families. And that is my goal every day in this campaign. And we'll be my goal every day if I have the opportunity to represent District 2 in Washington. Right. I find that the Democrats don't like to go before the press. I wonder why that is. Right, because they don't have, they cannot defend the situation that we are. And as a country right now, you know, a lot of people have talked about just the vibes and fluff that the DNC was, but that's true. It was really a bunch of pontificating about what they're going to do when they could be making those changes right now. They could be doing something today to fix the problems that we're in. But what they want to do instead is double down on the bad policies on the reckless government spending on crushing American energy on flinging open our borders to drugs and criminals. We as Americans have got to stand up and just fight for the basic right to have safe streets, safe communities and opportunities for our kids. And that's what I want to do. How is your reaction? I've talked to quite a few people in District 2 and they are really behind you. I really mean that both black and white folks. They are really, really, really behind you. So you're, you're doing something out there to reach them. Well, you know, coming from a small town, I grew up in rural Monroe County and, you know, what people most want is to be heard. And so I'm certainly trying to spread the message that I'm running to fight for everyone in this district, regardless of whether they live in a city, whether they live on a farm, whether they are black, white, no matter what their zip code is, but more than anything, I'm also just trying to listen. There, with every day that passes, there is so much that I learned that I don't know. And so I think, again, we as Americans, the vast majority of us are all on the same page. We want, again, we want safe communities. We want our kids to have a bright economic future. We want them to be empowered with the skills that they need to succeed. And we don't feel like we've been heard. So, you know, what, what my goal is, is to listen to all the people in this district. And, and that's why, you know, I would encourage anyone who's listening tonight. Please get in touch with us. I'd love to meet with you. I'd love to, you know, visit with you and hear your concerns because every day I learned something new, whether it's an opportunity that we have as a district, whether it's resources. I didn't even know that we had and, and, and a chance to really create something, or sometimes it's an issue or a huge problem that a lot of folks didn't know about because, again, we have too many folks in Washington that are trying to pursue their path to power instead of empowering our young people. What are some of the, you know, after you're elected and you're sworn in, you can, I know you're going to get off the ground running. What are some of the priorities that you see while we've been campaigning in your area that they really need? Yes, well, we definitely, you know, we've got to get inflation under control and we can do that. The quickest, one of the quickest ways to help ease the, just the pain of the inflation we've been experiencing is to become energy independent again. Or really, we have the, we have the wherewithal to be energy dominant. And that from a combination of non-renewable resources and renewable resources also, but we cannot handcuff American energy like we've seen the Biden-Harris administration do. And then secondly, we've got to have some, there's some much needed infrastructure projects throughout this district. You know, we've got to ensure that the port is healthy and growing. But we also have to ensure that, you know, roads and bridges throughout the district are navigable and that people can have access to our cities and to opportunities there. And then healthcare is a huge issue as well, especially when it comes to the mentally ill in our communities. The Obama administration shut down a lot of facilities that were used to treat the mentally ill in our communities. We've got to stop stigmatizing the mentally ill, start treating them, and especially give attention to our veterans that are suffering from PTSD. You know, as it is right now, a veteran has to be sober before they can seek mental health treatment from the VA. And so, you know, that's really the cart before the horse because, you know, anyone who has a substance abuse problem, usually it's arising from something come deeper problems. And so you can't, you can't achieve true sobriety until you've gotten to the root of the problem. And so for those that have mental issues, you know, that's a self-defeating prophecy, they won't be able to achieve sobriety until they get that treatment. And so if they can't do that until they're sober, you're ending infinite in a hopeless situation. So really trying to find solutions when it comes to mental health treatment and especially mental health treatment for our veterans. There's 62,000 veterans in District 2, and I want to fight to make sure that they have better access to services and get treated with the respect that they deserve. Right. And there are also a lot of farmers and a lot of veterans farmers also, and they're not getting much help from this administration. No, none at all. No, and that, you know, still haven't passed a farm bill. And then on top of that, private property rights are very much under attack by the Biden-Harris administration and would be further under attack when you look at what Harris proposes with respect to her tax plan. And you would have to assume that there would continue to be the onslaught of regulations that impact the agriculture industry when it comes to use of water, when it comes to use of migrant labor reporting on emissions of livestock. And you even have Harris who's on the record saying that she wants to limit the amount of red meat that Americans can eat. Well, you know, as I'm growing up on a cattle farm as a beef producer, that's really concerning. You know, that is a direct threat to certainly my family's livelihood, but also to our food security as a nation, you know, her attitude towards agriculture coupled with her proposal to put in price controls. We could very easily be standing in bread lines for the end of the next four years. You're talking about the 10 point policy that she submitted. What are some of the other things in that 10 points that really disturb you? Yes. Well, another thing was a capital gains tax on unrealized gains. And that's for people or companies worth over $100 million. Well, that's, you know, that may not actually, that doesn't directly impact me. And it may not directly impact that many people in district too, but you have to look at the impact on companies wanting to invest in the US and American companies as well. I mean, in this district, we have Hyundai, for instance, and Hyundai outside of Montgomery is responsible for 2% of all of Alabama's GDP. It's incredibly important. But if you have taxes on unrealized gain, basically a wealth tax, then, I mean, first of all, you're hurting American corporations that create jobs. And then you're also discouraging foreign companies to invest in America, like Hyundai, like Airbus, also a French company that have had a huge and positive impact in the communities as far as, you know, providing jobs in this district. So that's just another, another example of how her economic policies are truly troubling and would leave us in an even worse situation than we are now. When you meet with groups of individuals, and we got one minute and then we'll break and then we'll bring you back if you have time, you know, this question is very important to me is, what are the, when you meet with these groups or these individuals, what are their principal concern in your area, and they would want you to, to, you know, take care of, you know, I think that's a very important question because they're in that area and they need your help That's right. That's right. No. I mean, I would say it's kind of tied for the economy and safety and kind of depending, you know, on where I am in the district, but album families are struggling. It is, it is getting harder and harder to put food on the table and gas in the car and ensure that our kids are going to not just have a better future than us. I think that's what we all want. We want the next generation to have a better, a better future than we do, but even just to ensure that they have the same quality of life that we do. That's becoming a dream that's slipping away. All right. We'll continue after the break. Okay. Can you, can you stand by for that? I would love to. Thank you. All right, folks. We're talking to Caroline Dobson. She is a Republican candidate for Congress in Alabama district, too. We'll be right back after these messages. Welcome back to the George Williams show, your texts and comments at two five one three four three zero one oh six. Now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. All right. Welcome back. Welcome back, folks. We are still on our mission. And we have with us this Caroline Dobson. And she is a Republican candidate for. Congressional District two in LA called it lower Alabama folks in Alabama. All right. Welcome again. Thank you. Always glad to be on with you. All right. I have a question about your opponent. I mean, he's a zero. You know, as in Democrat, but you know, he spoke at the. At the DNC. And what do you think about his what two minutes speak? Well, you know, he liked the rest of the Democrats, the radical far left Democrats, but now control the party at the DNC didn't talk about solutions. They talk about problems as if they didn't create them as if Biden and Harris haven't been in control for the past three and a half years or frankly, I mean, if you look at the past 16 years, Democrats have been in charge for 12 of the last 16 years. And all they want to talk about is is problems and they want to talk about Trump. And so they are counting on on people, you know, liking their vibe and hating Trump without sharing any plans for how they intend to get America back on the right track. And the reason for that is because they don't intend to get America back on the right track. They want to leave our borders open. They want to continue to crush American energy. They want to continue to engage in reckless government spending. That's only going to continue to drive up inflation. I mean, it's not just that most Americans now can't afford a car can't afford a home. Most Americans have credit card debt, I mean, of of Albanians who have credit cards, 25% of Albanians who have credit cards are delinquent in their credit card payments. And now people are stand to lose jobs to just given where our economy is headed. So we have got to, this is a, this is a make or break election. We have got to get our country back on the right track, not just for opportunities, but also for the safety and security and really future of the free world too. You know, I'm so grateful for your service. And if we are seeing the rise of global powers, the only way we can ensure peace is if we can deter, and we can only deter when we are strong. And I'm sorry, but Kamala Harris is as commander in chief isn't going to deter anyone. Right, right. That is very true. How can the voters in your area and out of your area help you with your campaign. Well, no, thank you. And I'm so, so grateful for, for all your listeners who have helped and who have taken the time to support me, encourage me, pray for me. You can check out our website, There you can sign up to, to walk and knock on doors to phone bank, to get a yard sign, or to a poll watch if you're interested in not on election day, because it is so important that we do have fair and free elections. So there are any number of ways to help out. We're also on social media. We're on X, truth, social, Facebook and Instagram. You have, you have no idea how much just the social media share can do as far as getting the word out about this election and how important it is. So even if some of your listeners can't, you know, aren't able to do much, at least they can hopefully get on on social media and share. Okay, that will be good. That will be good. Why don't you, you know, just talk to our audience for a few minutes and let them know where you're coming from, because I think this race is so important. And the courts, you know, designed this district for a, a Democrat to win. Okay. And I'm telling you, it was a wrong thing to do. And we want a Republican and we want you to win. So go ahead. Well, yes, I appreciate the opportunity to kind of introduce myself to some of the listeners who may not know much about me, but I'm not a politician. As I mentioned, grew up on a farm in Monroe County. I now live in Montgomery. I'm a working mom. My husband and I are raising our two daughters would not want to raise them anywhere other than South Alabama. I think we have the best people in the world and the best opportunities here. And so I'm running to fight for a better future for my kids and for your kids and grandkids. And this race is going to be very determinative of where the future of America is headed. It is highly possible that control of the U.S. House of Representatives comes down to this race and a couple others in this country. And that's why it is so important that we get out and vote. We have the vote to win. We just got to make sure people get out in November and talk to their friends and neighbors and ask them, just frankly, do you want more of the same? I don't care if you're a Democrat, you're a Republican, you're an independent green party libertarian. Do you want three and a half years of another four years of what we've seen in the last three and a half years? Do you want more of the same or do you want someone who's going to be fighting for you to try to get our country back on track to try to make our community safer and ensure that our kids have the education that they need and the jobs that they want? Right. I talked to on the 11th of October, we're going to have a banquet for the Alabama minority GOP. And I spoke to a special guest, Sheriff Joe Appiah. And he said he wants to meet you. Oh, I would love, I would love to attend. I will make sure that it is on the calendar. Thank you for the invitation. I would love to meet him. Right. All right. Okay, folks. And folks, Carolyn Dobson, and she is running for Congress and District 2 down here in Alabama. And we want you to get out and help her. Help her any way you can, folks. This election is very important. All right, Carolyn, we appreciate you coming on. Okay. I appreciate you, George. Thanks for all that you do and always great to get to be on with you. All right. All right. Thank you. All right, folks. Ms. Dobson, you got to get out there. You've got to help her, folks, because Mr. Figures is just like his mother. She's been in the state senator in Alabama here for the last 26 years, and she's done nothing. And figures was in D.C. with the Biden administration. And so when he gets there, he's going to do nothing. Okay, nothing for the citizens of Alabama. And that's important, folks. It's unbelievable how some folks, some of your voters out there would vote for this individual. You would vote for Harris. You would vote for Wall with your pockets and be an empty. Okay. And we just heard that the governor of California, I just saw it on one of the program, is going to have it where the illegals can, what can they do, Philip? The illegals? Yeah, for housing and for health. Folks, you've been living in America for how long? And you can't even get insurance. Okay? You can't even get money to help you out. They're getting it free. They're getting it free. Now they'll be able to buy homes. This is totally unacceptable, folks. Unacceptable. So we've got to, we've got to talk to other folks, even in different states, different states. And you tell those folks in those different states that don't require ID. If you see an illegal, and you know this is illegal, they're going to vote. Take a picture of it. Take a picture of it. Okay? Believe me, that's how, that's why the Democrats don't want photo ID. That's why they don't want it. That's why they don't want it. I want photo ID because, according to our Constitution and our laws, you must be a U.S. citizen to vote. If you're a permanent resident in the United States with that I-151 card, you still can't vote. You're not a citizen. So keep an eye. We've got to keep our eyes open. Eyes open. And our camera's going. Okay? This is the important folks. We've got to do that and we're going to be talking about it until November 5th. And get out there and vote Republican. You can vote straight ticket Republican. Okay? You don't have to choose a candidate. Just vote straight ticket Republican. All right, we've got to get out of here. Until next week, we will be talking to you and we're on a mission. Until that time, Viacorn Dales, everyone. [MUSIC] (upbeat music)