Church Of The Harvest | Sermon Podcast | Cleveland, TN

I Speak Jesus - Dr. Bryan Cutshall

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08 Sep 2024
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I want you to open your Bibles this morning to the book of Colossians, one of my favorite books in the whole Bibles. As a matter of fact, my life verse comes from Colossians 3, 23, 24. Every time I sign a book, I sign it with that verse. It says, "Whatever you do with all of your heart, as into the Lord and not unto men, knowing that you will receive the reward of the inheritance from the Lord your God because you serve the Lord your Christ." Now, if you do ministry with that, that way you'll never have any regrets. You'll never, you'll never think anyone owes you anything. You will always do it as into the Lord and not into men. So Colossians has become a very personal book to me and a book that I read several times a year because of all the books in the Bible. This one has something so unique to say. So we're going to be walking through some of this, this morning. Now before we get there, we're going to start in chapter one. So I want you to just hold on to your Bible or your phone or however you're going to follow me. It will, all the verses will be on the screens as well. I'm using the New King James in case you're using something different, you'll know what translation it is if you want to look it up the way that I'm teaching it. Let's start with how this whole book came to being. The city of Colossi was a part of a tri-city region that was made up of three cities. It was made up of Colossi, Hieropolis and a church called Laodicea, which you hear about in the book of Revelation. And all of these cities almost joined together in the Lycus River Valley there in a place that today on your map is called the country of Turkey. And that's where all of this was located. Now their region was known for their wool industry. As a matter of fact, Faith and I were there in Ephesus in Turkey last year. And they're still known for their wool industry. And we actually went into a place where they make their hand-stitched rugs. And it takes them years. Some of these rugs take five years to make because one artist works on the same rug for five years until it's done. And this region of the world is still known for its dies and its wool industry around the world. Now, the gospel came to Colossi through a man named Epaphras. Now that's an unusual name. I don't recommend that one for your child or he'll get picked on in school. Epaphras lived there but happened to be traveling 120 miles away from home. He was in the city of Ephesus when he came upon a strange meeting that had broken out in the city of Ephesus. And there was this loud boisterous man up there shouting, "Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?" And they would say, "We have never heard of a Holy Spirit and the Apostle Paul would yell back, "Well, come and let me lay hands upon you in the name of Jesus." And they had not heard of Jesus in Ephesus. And so there was a revival that broke out in the city of Ephesus. It's recorded in the book of Acts, chapter 19, and it lasted for two years. So it wasn't just a quick meeting for two years as a matter of fact the Bible tells us that all of Asia heard the gospel of Jesus because of what was happening in Ephesus. Now, you have to understand what Ephesus was. Ephesus was the second largest city in the entire world at that time. So the second largest city, as a matter of fact here is a picture of the Colosseum. We actually went to that Colosseum. It still looks exactly like that. It seeded 25,000 people in that day and it was known for its great artwork and people would come around the world for concerts and all kinds of theatrics in this Colosseum. So Ephesus was in many ways an epicenter for that region of the world. And that's where God said, "I don't have to take the gospel to the world. I'll bring the whole world here and give them the gospel." So over two years they had such a revival that broke out that Paul was, he couldn't reach everybody. He was tearing parts of his clothes. He tore up one of his aprons and said, "Take this home with you." And they would take a little piece, a strip of cloth from Paul's apron, back to another country. The Holy Spirit would heal somebody. He said, "Just speak the name of Jesus when you get there." They would take a little strip of cloth, take it to another country, say, "In the name of Jesus be healed," and they would be healed. And Christians started coming out to touch a little piece of cloth from this old preacher's handkerchief from his apron. This was such a great revival of miracle upon miracle upon miracle. And because of this the word of Jesus began to spread because it was a revival of preaching Jesus. Now it was such a powerful revival that one of the scenes in this meeting was they stacked up books from the occult. And the value of it was estimated in our currency today to be around $32,000 worth of books. And they stacked them up in the middle of the street and set them on fire. They had a Holy Ghost bonfire around those occult books and chanting, "Jesus is greater and Jesus is better and we don't need this mysticism in our life anymore." And they had a huge bonfire in the city of Ephesus. Now this revival broke out so much that, as I said, they said that all of Asia had heard the word of the Lord, and that's in Acts chapter 9 verse 10. Now Epifras eventually made it back to his hometown. You have to understand something about this. Epifras was so affected by this that he did what all the other apostles did. He left his vocation and started preaching. Epifras became an evangelist after this meeting and he would go from place to place to place. As a matter of fact, when you read in the Bible of the Apostle Paul being in prison in Rome, guess who else is also in the prison in Rome at the same time. Epifras is there because he too has been arrested for preaching Jesus in the streets because he was so affected by these miracles that he left everything. Well, he couldn't leave out his hometown. So Epifras eventually makes it 120 miles back to Colossae where he is from and he starts a house church in the home of a man named Philemon. Now you probably read about him in your Bible. This is a house church that God started and Paul ends up rotting to them and they start the church of Colossae in the home of Philemon. Now this church eventually started getting all kinds of people coming in because remember Christianity is new, there is no HQ, there is no headquarters, there is no Bible college, there is no Bible, there is everything is new. So here they are preaching Jesus in a city, the second largest city of the revival came there. And in this tri-city area and all of these other people start coming in and they bring new doctrines, well the truth is they brought heresy in. So the church of Colossae got infected by a heresy that said Jesus is wonderful but there is no way he can be the Son of God. Now the reason they thought this is because this group now we know what to call this group. This was a new doctrine that was emerging that today you can look it up in Google it's called Gnosticism. Now Gnosticism believes it's built on this premise that all matter is bad and all spirit is good. So the Gnostics came into this house church at Philemon's house and said Jesus cannot be the Son of God because he is in human flesh and all matter is bad. So God could not have sent a son in human flesh if he would have come down in a spiritual form. We could deal with that but the fact that he was born of a woman in human flesh and all matter is evil, there is no way that Jesus could be the Son of God. People get us wrong they said Jesus is wonderful and we see these people getting healed but there is no way that Jesus can be the Son of God. Now because of this Eperaphus said I don't know how to deal with this this is all new to me so he makes a journey all the way to Rome to a prison where the Apostle Paul is under house arrest and he gives him the problem. He says we have heresy now in the church of Colossae in the house of Philemon. We don't know what to do with this because the Greek are buying into it because it agrees with their mysticism. The Romans are buying into it because they like to push the edge culturally. They like their sins and so now they are saying that Christianity is just a spiritual experience but you can go out and live in sin every day in your flesh but your spirit can be saved even though you are living in the sins of your flesh. Your spirit is still saved and the Romans are loving this. What should I do about it? So the Apostle Paul sits down and he writes what he called the letter to the church of Colossae. Today we call it a book, the book of Colossians in your Bible and here is some of the things not all of the things but here are some of the things that he said to them to address the fact that Jesus is enough. He is addressing the fact that Jesus is not just wonderful. He is the Son of God, the Savior of the world. So he starts off in verse 13 is where I am going to pick up there in your Bible in Colossians chapter 1. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of his Son of his love in whom we have redemption through his blood. How to shout out that word redemption and whom we have redemption through his blood and the forgiveness of sin. Now listen, he gets really bold in the next line. He is the image of the invisible God. Wow, just let's let that one sink in for a minute. He's more than a man. He is the image of the invisible God. If you've seen Jesus, you have seen God. If you have encountered Jesus, you have encountered God. He's not just God's representative. He is the Son of God's love in whom the whole kingdom is being built upon. He said he is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation for by him. All things were created that are in heaven, that are on the earth visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or even brings a devil into it. Whether principalities or powers, he was before it all. He was there before anything else happened. And he goes on in verse 70 to say, and he is before all things. Look at that. He is before all things, and in him all things exist. He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, and in him he may have all preeminence. Hallelujah. He doesn't stop there. He keeps some writing to them, and the next verse he says, for it pleased the father that in him. He shout in him, for in him all the fullness should dwell and buy him. Somebody say and buy him, and buy him to reconcile all things to himself, and buy him whether things on this earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of his cross. Hallelujah. The blood of his cross settled it. The blood of his cross gave us covenant. The blood of his cross gave us redemption. God accepted the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and he paid it all. Backwards and forward, it paid it all. Hallelujah. Well, Paul is really inspired. He understands the problem, and he understands the solution. So he keeps on writing. So he says to them in chapter two, "Beware, lest anyone cheat you through the philosophy, through the philosophy, or empty deceit according to the traditions of men." Isn't it interesting how we like to blend our culture with our theology, how we like to blend our preferences with our philosophy, how much has been done in the name of God is love. Therefore, if its love is involved, it must be okay, though. God is also just, he is love, but he's also just, and look at this, he said, "Don't let anyone cheat you through philosophy or empty deceit according to the traditions of men, according to the basic principles of this world and not according to Christ." Yes, I understand nature has its place, but Christ has preeminence over nature. I understand the universe has its place, but he was there before the universe. He was there before the laws of nature. You got to understand we're not just dealing with someone born of the Virgin Mary. No, we're dealing with God himself who came to this earth in the flesh, and that is why he says this in verse nine. I think this is one we all to read together for in him. Let's read it together. "For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you are complete in him, who is the head of all principality and power." Can you give your neighbor a high five and say, "You are complete in him. Nothing is lacking. If you have Jesus, you are complete. Jesus is enough all by himself. The Apostle Paul gets on a roll, and he says, "Don't let them deceive you. Don't let them trick you by some cunning, some cunning information that sounds logical, but is really spiritually illogical because he said, "Jesus is all you need. And when you have Jesus, you have found a Redeemer. When you have Jesus, you have found the healer. When you have Jesus, you have a Savior. You have a brother. You have a king. You have a Resurrector. You have a counselor. You have found the one who has power over the principalities. He has power over darkness. He has power over spiritual wickedness in high places. When you have Jesus, you have everything you need to be victorious. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise his name. Hallelujah." Well, Paul writes to the Church of Rome, and they get the letter and circulate it. And he says to the Church of Rome, "You were buried with him in baptism, and you were raised with him in resurrection." He said, "You don't need any other doctrine in order to make yourself complete. You are complete in Jesus. If you confess him as your Savior, if you're baptized and resurrected with him in baptism, he is your healer. He is your Savior. He is your strength and your king." And in these days where there is such a mixture of doctrine and perversion of beliefs that are intermingled with the gospel of Jesus Christ, countercultural ideas that are coming against the Church, labeling it as outdated and old-fashioned and obsolete in this day. There are secular beliefs and basic laws of nature have now starting to dilute the message of the gospel of Jesus. It is more important than ever that we, as the body of Christ, stand and believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. And no man comes to the Father except by him. There is no other door. There is no other Savior. Jesus is the one for everybody that believes that. Put your hands together right now and give the Lord praise. Hallelujah. Well, he said he is the image of the invisible God. If you've seen Jesus, you've seen God. That is why Jesus said, "I am the Father of one. If you've seen me, you've seen the Father. He is the image of the invisible God," which means he is the reflection of the light of God. He is the revelation of the love of God. He is the release of the grace of God. He is the image of the invisible God, which means he is the beauty of God's holiness. He is the ocean of God's fullness. He is the cleansing of God's redemption. He is the sacrifice of God's altar. He is the assurance of God's truth. He is the authority of God's throne. He is the legacy of God's will. He is the surety of God's promise. He is in the image of the invisible God, which means he is the majesty of God's power. He is the reality of God's presence. He is the passion of God's heart. He is the power of God's hands. Everything you need to know about God has been revealed in Jesus Christ. He is only a big-gotten son, hallelujah, hallelujah. Praise the Lord. That is why he writes to the Hebrews for God, who at various times, in various ways, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, Abraham, Moses. They all heard it from the prophets, but he has, look at verse two, but has in these last days spoken to us by his son. Thank God for the prophets, but right now we don't need the prophets. Jesus is here and Jesus is talking and God is walking among us talking to us. He has in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things through whom also he made the world. Look at verse three, "Who been in the brightness of his glory and the expressed image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power, he had by himself purged our sins and has sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high." That is why Philip comes to Jesus and says, "When do we get to see the Father?" And Jesus said, "Philip, really, you've been with me this long and you still don't get it. If you've seen me, you have seen the Father, you've seen the power of the Father, you've seen the heart of the Father, you've seen the love of the Father, you've seen the purpose of the Father, if you've seen me, you have seen the Father, hallelujah." That's why we have to understand that Jesus didn't start in Bethlehem. No, no, no, that's a miraculous story all by himself, but John 1 tells us a different story. Yes, he was born of a virgin in Bethlehem so that he could walk among us and understand us, that is why the Bible says he was wounded for our transgression, he was bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, by his stripes were healed so that we can have an advocate, a high priest who understands the feeling of our infirmities, he is not removed from our pain because he felt our pain. He is not removed from our sorrow because he felt sorrow, he came as a man that he might experience what our life was like and interceded for us, but John says that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God, he was in the beginning with God, all things were made through him and without him nothing was made, that was made. He said that's how it all began, he was there, he was there when God said let there be light and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit went out and created everything, he was there when the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy, he was there when the valleys were carved out and the mountains were piled high, he was there when God breathed into an old red lump of clay and he started moving his hands and he got up as a living soul and took his first breath of oxygen, he was there when Noah floated his boat, he was there when Isaac dug his wells, he was there when Jacob wrestled all night till the break of day, he was there when Joseph struggled for 18 years to walk into God's promise, he was there when Elisha said Lord open up my servant's eyes, so he will know that those who are with us are more than those who are with them, he was there when Daniel was in the lion's den, he was there when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego was in the fiery furnace, he was there when the fire fell on Mount Carmel, he was there when 5,000 people were hungry and he fed them with loaves and fishes, he was there when he hung up on a cross between two thieves, he was there when they laid him in a borrowed tomb of a rich man and he was there when he walked into hell and set the captives free and he was there when the angels rode the stone away and said he is not here, he is risen, just as he said he was there and he is here and he will always be there for whatever circumstance you have in your life, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, his name is Jesus, one song writer said it this way, he came from heaven to earth to show the way, from the earth to the cross my debt to pay, from the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky, Lord I lift your name on high, he took the whole journey so that he could be there for us, you know what, if he has been there for you, can you just take about 30 seconds right now and let's just thank the Lord for everything he's brought you through, every mountain, he walked you up, every valley, he held your hand when you walked out of, every fiery furnace he took you out of, every deathbed he raised you from, every sickbed he healed you in, can you just take a moment and say thank you for being there, thank you for being there Lord, you were there, you were there, you were there, hallelujah, praise his name, we praise you Lord, we praise you Lord, hallelujah, the Apostle Paul continues to write this time to the church of Philippi, he says therefore God has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven, of those on the earth and those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ, wait a minute, every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father, you mean all I have to do is say his name, you mean all I have to do is confess Jesus and my enemies have to leave, you mean all I have to do is speak the name of Jesus over sickness, you mean it's that simple Dr. B, all I have to do is speak the name of Jesus over the bills I can't pay, all I have to do is speak the name of Jesus over my children who won't call me back, you mean all I gotta do is speak the name of Jesus over my prodigals, you mean all I have to do is speak the name of Jesus over my future, yes because the Bible says he has a name that is above every name and there is power in his name, that is why Acts said there is no other name given under heaven where my men might be saved, he said my name will allow you to cast out devils and in my name you will speak with new tongues and in my name if you drink any deadly thing that it will not be able to hurt you and in my name you will lay hands up on the sick and they shall recover, we I don't know if you're one of these I hope you're not but I run into so many Christians weak Christians who seem to be demon chasers, they aggravate me if I'm being absolutely honest with you, they see a devil every day, they blame the devil on everything if their tire gets flat, they give the devil a testimony over it's like come on, it could have been a nail not a devil, it don't take a devil to flatten your tire, if their car tears up, they run out of gas, they'll stand up and testify on behalf of the dark side, I don't know why people get so hung up, why I tell you what only irresponsible people would be so irresponsible to do such a thing, no one should be a witness for the devil, no one should be a testifier for the devil, if you think the devil is the one that's in charge of your life, then let me introduce you to a man named Jesus, if you think that your life has been, has your life has been destined to walk in fear and anxiety and without victory, let me introduce you to one who is greater than all of that, because for all of those who see a demon in every door knob and behind every curtain and under every bed, maybe you have not read what the apostle Paul wrote to the church of Ephesians in chapter one, he said knowing these things, but you have he said God raised Jesus from the dead and seated him high in heavenly places far above every principality and power and dominion and every name that is a name, and listen to this, and he put all things under his feet, you may be in the storm, but Jesus is walking on top of the storm, you may be drowning, but Jesus is walking on top of the thing that's drowning you, he put all things under his feet hallelujah to the glory of God, oh what a savior, what a savior, don't spend your life testifying for the devil, as a matter of fact don't do it anymore, I know those things exist, but all you have to do is speak the name of Jesus and walk in victory, I'm not saying bury your head in the sand, but I'm saying choose a side, that's all I'm saying, draw a line in the sand, say God, you see what he's doing now, sick him, go after him, send me an angel bigger than this, holy spirit you know in my flesh, I can't deal with this, but I need you to rise up and be bigger than my flesh, because you said you put all things under your feet, now I need you to put it under my feet, you said that the name of Jesus spoiled the principalities, you said the name of Jesus made a public spectacle of them openly, you said the name of Jesus put them not only under his feet, but put them under my feet as well, you keep giving the devil credit, you're going to have trouble to the day you die, I'm being honest with you, you keep testifying for the devil, whatever you talk about will show up, if you keep asking for it, then you're opening the door and the windows and turning on the fan, you're saying come on in devil, I've been calling for you all morning long, giving you credit, cause my tire went flat, really, just fix the tire in Jesus' name and keep on going, I mean it's not that hard folks, it's not that hard, get out your Bible, turn on your praise music and you're tired too, jack the thing up and fix the tire, while you're praising God, I promise you that devil will never flatten your tire again if that's what you do. Was the Baptist Missionary left, Baptist College, his name is Ralph Bethea, and Ralph went on his first missionary trip to Mombosa, Kenya, a Muslim area, and there he was going to witness for Jesus Christ, he had Jesus in his heart, he did not believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but he had Jesus in his heart, and so for three years he stood as a street preacher and witness and gave out tracks and no one came to the Lord, he was so frustrated that he even said put up signs, if somebody will give the heart to the Lord, I'll jump off this bridge and he was going to jump off of a bridge just if somebody would give the heart to the Lord, he wasn't going to kill himself, it was just a bridge, kind of like you know, the asterisk preachers pull sometimes, that's all he was going to do, anyway no one got saved, he called back to the missions board and said no one got saved, he said I'm ready to leave, I can't win anyone to the Lord here, they said well why don't you go on a fast, and so you got some prayer warriors that agreed to pray with him for three months, and so they prayed for three months and he went on a fast and the Lord spoke to one of them in the fast and said tell Ralph not to try to win anyone to the Lord, but to go all through Mombosa and bless people in the name of Jesus, so he said okay I can do that, so Ralph he said, he started, he understood as the way blessings work, he had to give them something, right, not just words, so he got loaves of bread and he walked around the streets and said I bless you in Jesus name, and I bless you in Jesus name, he had a couple of other people there that came to work with him and he'd get emissions trips and they'd take some food or some, they would take some water or they would take any little item they could get, and they'd just walk the streets of Mombosa, and after a while they got a reputation of the group that blesses people in the name of Jesus, and one day he got a call from the head of the mosque, he was 86 years old, he was the head of the mosque, he said listen, all these people that you're blessing, they're really happy, and we don't understand this, but all these people that you're giving this bread to in your blessing, these people are filled with joy, would you mind coming to the mosque, and we don't normally allow this, and just blessing the mosque in the name of Jesus for us, and Ralph didn't know what to do, but he obviously was scared, but he did it, and you got to understand in a mosque that the women aren't allowed to sit on the main floor, they're sitting in the back, this is Sharia law, they're completely draped, you can only see their eyes, they're in their burkas, and so females were not even allowed on the main floor, and so he gets up and they introduce him as the man, and everyone knew him, this is the man who blesses people in Jesus' name, and he's come today to bless the mosque, and so he just raises up his hands, and he begins to pray a simple little prayer, Lord, I want you to bless the people in this mosque in the name of Jesus, and when this happened, there was a man who was a business man that everyone knew in the area who come walking down the aisle, and he was actually violating their principle because he was carrying his daughter who was crippled, and they didn't allow women there, so he walked down to the front and said, "Can you bless her, will you bless her?" Now Ralph didn't really believe in divine healing, he didn't really believe in miracles like that, he was what that would call a cessationist at all ceased at the time of the apostles, and so Ralph just blessed her, he said, "I bless you in Jesus' name," and the man asked him, "Can you pray for her in Jesus' name?" He said, "Well yes, I can do that too," so this time Ralph does something that pushes the envelope for him, he says, "Lord, will you heal her?" Not really knowing what was wrong with her, everyone in that room knew who she was, she was a crippled little girl who couldn't walk from birth, "Lord, will you heal her in the name of Jesus?" And the guy says, "Thank you," and he walks toward the back, and he's about halfway down the aisle, and this little girl is squirming, pushing, and the next thing he knows, she jumps out of his arms and runs down the aisle in the mosque. This is a well-documented story called the miracle of the mosque, you can look it up, it's well, it's been told for years, the miracle of the mosque. This will go ran down the middle of the aisle, somebody yelled out, "Jesus is God!" And it started a chaos in the middle of the mosque so much so they had to escort him out of the building because so many people were confessing Jesus, and they started a Christian church from that moment that is still going strong today in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus, and as one songwriter said, "It can break every chain and break every chain." That's why Paul wrote to the Romans for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh. God did by sinning his son in the likeness of his flesh, and he condemned sin in the flesh. Therefore, if you find Jesus, the next verse says, "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk after the flesh but walk according to the Spirit." Jesus can heal you and Jesus can save you. Jesus is more than just a good man or a good idea. He is a redeemer, but he is also the one who can save your life from destruction, and everyone, even an unbeliever, had faith in Jesus and saw a miracle. That's why Jesus cried out on the cross. It is finished, and the veil was rent into from the top to the bottom, exposing accessibility to the mercy seat. Now, because of Jesus, you can go to the cross, but you don't have to stop at the cross. Now, because of Jesus, you can come boldly before the throne. Now, because of Jesus, you can walk up to the mercy seat and get mercy and grace for whatever you need in Christ. Don't let anyone tell you any difference if you are in Jesus. You are complete in him. Hallelujah. That is why he wrote to the Colossians, and he said, "And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, he has made you alive together with him, having forgiven all your trespasses." And this is one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible, having wiped away all the handwriting of requirements that was against you. That means every time you sin and it was written down, he just took a big eraser and he said, "No more. We're going to cast this as far as the east is from the west. There will be no one haunting you with this again. You're not going to live in a haunted house or a ghost town because I'm wiping it away. Not only did I wipe it away, I have nailed it to the cross. You are saved because of the cross. You are redeemed because of the cross. And then he said, "Don't let the devil come and tell you you're not saved because when I nailed that to the cross, he's not through writing." The next verse said, "I have disarmed principalities and powers that made us public spectacle of them triumphant over them." And that means you are forgiven. That means you have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Hallelujah. So instead of getting sucked into the vortex of social media arguments and fear mongering it, why don't you go home and get on social media and just preach Jesus. Start saying what Job said, "I'm sorry you've got problems, but I know that my redeemer lives. I have somebody to help me through this life, someone to escort me through this day." Oh, you might ask Jesus. Well, Jesus, who are you? I know he asks someone who to men say that I am. Wouldn't you like to reverse that question and say, "Jesus, we know what men say you are, but who do you say you are?" He might say something like this. Well, on my mother's side, I was a lowly Nazarene. But on my father's side, I was the king of kings and the Lord of lords. On my mother's side, I was a carpenter. I was known as a carpenter. But on my father's side, I was the master architect of the universe. I was the chief cornerstone. They know me on my father's side as the rock of ages. I was there when the morning stars sang together. As a matter of fact, I'm the one who put the twinkle and the star. I put the fire in the moon. I put the rain in the clouds. I put the leaf on the tree, the red in the rose. I put the banana in the peel, the pea in the cob. And I put the corn on the cob. I am the one who did every bit of that. It was me who was there. And I'm the one on my mother's side. They call me a prophet. But on my father's side, they call me the living word and the living bread. On my mother's side, they call me a man of sorrows acquainted with grief. But on my father's side, I am the lily of the valley. I am the bright in the morning star. I'm the day star and the day spring. I am the rose of Sharon. I am the plant of renown. On my mother's side, they called me a dying savior. But on my father's side, they called me a risen lord rising with healing in his wings. They called me the captain of the armies of heaven. On my father's side, oh on my mother's side, they called me rabbi, which means teacher. But on my father's side, they called me wonderful counselor, mighty god, everlasting father and the prince of peace. Yes, I know he came as a man. And there was a reason for that. But that's not the only time he's coming. The first time he came, he came as a baby and a manger. But the next time he's coming upon a white horse in the book of Revelation 19 and the eastern skies will split open and he will come back and claim this earth as his own as king of kings and lord of lords. The first time he came as a pauper, but the next time he will own the riches of the universe. The first time he came as a carpenter's son, but the next time he comes as the son of righteousness, the son of David, the offspring of Abraham and God's gift to this earth. Hallelujah. Yes, the first time he came, he was clothed in flesh, but the next time he comes, he'll be clothed in glory. The first time he came, he was man, but still God. But the next time he comes, he will be fully God and king of kings and lord of lords. The first time he came, he came for the purpose of redeeming mankind. But the next time he comes, he is coming to reclaim his bride as his own hallelujah. The first time he came, he came as a little Jewish boy in one race, but the next time he comes, he will be the head of every race, every tongue, every tribe, every color, the mosaic of heaven, every language, every color, all the beauty of human beings that he's created, he will be the head of them all. The first time he came, he only came for 33 years, but the next time he comes, he returns as the ancient of days where there is no beginning and no ending. He will come as Alpha and Omega first and last, beginning the end. Hallelujah. The first time he came, he came to Bethlehem. The next time he comes, he comes to Jerusalem. The first time he came, he came as a teacher. The next time he comes, he comes as a king. The first time he came, he healed the sick and raised the dead and set the captive free, but the next time he comes, he destroys sickness and he destroys death and he destroys the change. No one can be held captive when he returns. The first time he came, the angel sang about his birth, but the next time he comes, he will ride upon horses with ten thousands of his saints and an army angel behind him. The first time he came, a star twinkled in the eastern sky that marked the place of his birth, but the next time he comes, he will be the bright and the morning star and the brightness of his coming will smite the armies of Armageddon. On the day he arrives, the first time he came, three wise men came, but the next time he comes, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The first time he came, shepherds came to visit him, but the next time he comes, he is the chief shepherd coming to visit us. The first time he came, they came to bring him gold and frankincense and merge, but the next time he comes, we will go to the bema and he will give us the reward of our inheritance for serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is more than a man. Jesus is the express in image of the invisible God. He is enough all by himself. Well hallelujah. One of the things that thrills me in this day and time is I know the glory of the Lord is going to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. I see revival not coming. I see revival here. I don't know how many of you have followed this, but there is a revival right now that is broken out on the Ohio State University. Now I didn't say Ohio State Christian, I didn't say Ohio Christian College, I didn't say asbury seminary, I didn't say lee, no, no, a state university where the football team is now in revival and they are baptizing people. Their football players last week, baptized 67 new converts, baptized by the football players of Ohio State. What an amazing day to be alive and see what God is doing. Someone started sending me some of their videos that these guys were making and some of the testimonies. And I just divulged myself in them for a while because it was just like eating dessert for me to hear these amazing testimonies. And one of these young men, I'll never forget, I think it was actually in this picture here, he was young men right there in the middle. They're wearing these shirts now after their game saying Jesus won, they're giving God credit for everything. And I remember hearing that young man say I was searching, I was lonely, I did not know I was searching for something that I could not understand and everything I needed I have found in Jesus. I thought, wow, what a testimony, everything I needed, I have found in Jesus. Hallelujah, Jesus won. This is a world of chaos and confusion, but you can still speak Jesus. Yes, in this day of family division and strife, just speak Jesus. In this day of unpredictable economy and inflation, just speak Jesus. In this day of political division, just speak Jesus. In this day of sickness and disappointment, just speak Jesus. Can I hear you just say his name as the praise team comes right now, just say his name, just say the name Jesus. Come on all over this room, just say the name of Jesus. Just declare his name, just declare his name. There is power in the name of Jesus. There was a song that was written that I hope every church in the world starts singing because the words of these lyrics are so powerful. They move me every single time I hear the song. I get moved like it's my very first time ever hearing the song. Let me say them to you and then they're going to sing them to you. Listen to this, I just want to speak the name of Jesus over every heart and every mind, just play softly if you will on the keyboard behind me or the whatever instrument you're playing. Listen to this, I just want to speak the name of Jesus over every heart and every mind because I know there is a peace within your presence. I speak Jesus. I just want to speak the name of Jesus till every dark addiction starts to break, declaring there is hope and there is freedom. I speak Jesus because your name is power and your name is healing and in your name there is life. It breaks every stronghold shines through the shadows and it burns like a fire. Listen to this verse. I just want to speak the name of Jesus over fear and all anxiety to every soul held captive by depression. I speak Jesus. Somebody needs to say that right now. I speak Jesus over my emotions. I speak Jesus over anxiety. I speak Jesus over my insomnia. I speak Jesus. Hallelujah. Listen to this. Let me read that again. He says, I just want to speak the name of Jesus over fear and all anxiety to every soul held captive by depression. I speak Jesus. So shout Jesus from the mountains and Jesus from the streets. Jesus in the darkness and over every enemy. Shout Jesus for my family. Somebody do that right now. Shout Jesus for your family right now. You've got a lost son or daughter. You've got a lost niece or nephew. Shout Jesus for your cousins for your parents. Shout Jesus over their life right now. Shout Jesus for my family. I speak the holy name of Jesus because your name is power. Your name is healing and your name is life. So break every stronghold shine through the shadows and burn like a fire because I just want to speak the name of Jesus. Stand all over this room right now. Hallelujah. We bless you Lord. We bless you Lord. We bless you Lord. They're getting ready to sing this song in a minute but before they do, I'm going to do two things. The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to ask everyone to close your eyes for just one moment. You may be here this morning and you have never asked Jesus Christ into your heart. Thank the Lord for 40 some people that got saved yesterday at the amazing outreach for Queen for a Day. But there may be someone here this morning. Maybe you come with your parents. Maybe you just kind of slid in the back door and you've never fully surrendered your life to Christ. I want to pray with you this morning. If there's somebody here that will be brave enough to just slip your hand up and down, all I want you to do is say, Dr. B, I want you to say a prayer for me. Just wherever you are. Thank the Lord. Thank the Lord. God sees those hands. I've never fully surrendered my life to Christ. Just up and down. I'm not going to embarrass you. I'm not even going to call you forward right now. I just want you to just acknowledge it right now. Anybody else? Anybody else? Thank the Lord for the one that's already raised there and anybody else? Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Okay for those that raise their hand, we're going to pray this prayer together. One of you guys in the mic, just pray this with me. Father in heaven, let's all say it together as a congregation. Father in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus and I admit that I've sinned but I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins. Come into my heart, live inside of me and help me to live for you. I now confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Savior in Jesus' name. Amen. Listen, if you heard anything I said this morning, that's all you have to do. What you just did, there's an angel riding your name down in heaven right now. But there's lots of people all over this room. The Lord's already shown it to me. There's people all over this room that this morning you're needing breakthrough in different parts of your life. I'm going to come down and I'm just going to do what the Lord told me. I'm just going to come down and start laying hands on whoever comes up here. If you're here today and you say Dr. B, I am trusting God for a breakthrough in my life. You know what? I'm not even going to pray a long prayer. You know what I'm going to do? You already know what I'm going to do. I'm just going to declare the name of Jesus over you. He's already broken the chains. He's already set the captives free. Everything you need, he's already delivered. So if you are one of those this morning if the Lord showed me and you just want to come and stand. They're going to sing this. I'm going to let them sing it through a little bit before I come down. So don't take a lot of time. Listen, step out on faith. I mean you don't have to worry about being the first or the last. I promise you. Today, today is a day of healing. Today is a day of breakthrough. Today is a day of deliverance. But I just want you to come and start standing all across the front so I can get to everybody. Thank the Lord. Go ahead and sing it guys if you will. We bless you, Lord.