
Father Of Suspected Georgia Shooter Charged. Is This Fair? | Candace Ep 60

The father of the alleged school shooter in Georgia is charged, Youtube deletes Lauren Chen's channels, and Telegram founder Pavel Durov breaks his silence following his arrest.

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06 Sep 2024
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The father of the alleged school shooter in Georgia is charged, Youtube deletes Lauren Chen's channels, and Telegram founder Pavel Durov breaks his silence following his arrest.

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All right, guys. Happy Friday. Today, I have updates, updates galore. Okay. First and foremost, I'm sure you've heard of this, but the father of the Georgia shooting suspect is being charged. Talk about that. See whether or not you think that's fair in terms of legal processes. Also, France has released Pavel Derov and he's made his first statement to the public. We're going to go over that. Romania has released the tape brothers to house arrest, despite the fact that the prosecutors basically pleaded to have them both jailed and then they appealed when the courts said no and they lost that appeal. So they are back home as well. And then Elon Musk, people are speaking about him because he rather conspicuously deleted a tweet that promoted Tucker Carlson's podcast episode with a historian about World War II. And he seems to have done a little bit of a 180 perhaps on his opinion. So what gives? We're going to talk about all of that today on Candace. All right, I know that we are no longer allowed to think in our society. Now we have people that are apparently elected to do the thinking for us. We have the expert who's supposed to trust them. But I remember when I was in a senior year of high school and we had this class, it was a philosophy class called senior Sam and he used to come in every day with a debacle and he would ask us to just work through the philosophical question. And so today I'm going to give you guys a philosophical question regarding liability. You know, and this comes up all the time, especially after a school shooting, but in many other circumstances that we're going to go over today. But in terms of any sort of an accident or anything that's done on purpose, do we blame the manufacturers, which is to say, if a school shooting happens, do we blame the gun? Because somebody shoots another human being, do we blame the gun manufacturer? And some people are probably thinking, yes, we should, because these, they're creating something that could kill someone. And if your answer is yes, and of course, you know that the slope then gets incredibly slippery, it would mean that you'd have to blame the manufacturer of alcohol when someone drinks and drives, it would also mean that you'd have to blame the car dealer if somebody got into a car and decided to run over 10 people, you go, okay, well, you created something that could kill someone. So it's really interesting always to me when you look into the news and you see how the government deals with that question. And of course, everybody right now was speaking about what happened in Georgia two days ago on September 4th. There was a shooting at Appalachian High School, which is, I think, about 50 miles or an hour outside of Atlanta, Georgia, and it just took place in Winder, Georgia. Well, the GBI, that's the Georgia Borough of Investigation, identified those that were killed, horrifically, it was four people, and their names are Richard Aspenwall, 39 years old, Christina Arimi, 53 years old. And then you had students, Mason Shermerhorn and Christian Angela, who were both just 14. And of course, what has shocked the nation is the fact that the shooter was just 14 years old himself. His name was Colt Gray, and it is ironic, darkly ironic, of course, that he is named after a gun. But now we have more details that are starting to come out, and it seems like this is the circumstance in all of these cases. I don't know how it is, but the FBI, the authorities were tipped off somehow, and then nothing really came of whatever it was that they were investigating, but it turns out that, yes, the Georgia authorities already had visited the home of Colin Gray. That's the father of Colt Gray and his son, because the now alleged gunman who killed four people, apparently they had received a tip about alarming online messages that he had been posting that were threats to, quote, "shoot up a middle school." It was a group chat that he was saying this on, on an app, Discord. And he was so terrifying about this, that he also posted photographs of guns. And so they visited the home, and I guess that didn't result in anything. And so on one hand, people are very frustrated. On the other hand, the investigators are saying, "What more could we have done? We weren't positive if it was him. If you post a threat like that, what's the worst thing that could have happened?" He hadn't yet committed the crime, that creates that whole debacle. He hadn't yet committed the crime. He thought about doing, maybe he posted something to be funny. Can we really lock him up for that? Well, I think at the very least, what we could have done is made sure that he didn't have any access to guns, right, to making sure that he was living in a safe environment. And the reality is that he was not, okay? And so it turns out that Colt Gray's parents were not the best examples in his life. They were going through a very bitter separation and a custody battle. And the family had been on the radar of the police department and the family and children's services department. The GBI said at a press conference, it's understood that the teenager was living with his father during the split, and it was a nasty one. As I said, his maternal grandfather told CNN that the boy had lived in an environment that was hostile, that his dad beat up on him. Like, and he said, quote, I'm not just talking about physical, but screaming and hollering. And he did the same thing to my daughter. So that would be Colt's mother. So he was growing up in a household that was abusive, a lot of screaming. And then he says there was also drug and alcohol problems. And it turns out that that is true, that Colt Gray's mother, Marcy Gray, had been arrested multiple times. We're showing you right now a picture of her. And suddenly when you see somebody that is being arrested and they're smiling in their mugshot, there's a lot of conclusions that can instantly be drawn from that. She had been arrested multiple times and had been accused of drug offenses. She'd also done a stint in rehab. So we're talking about somebody that is dealing with addiction, again, not a stable household, which always seems to be the environment that fosters this sort of behavior. But what's interesting is that authorities have made a move to charge his father, Colin Gray. Again, now this guy's 54 years old and he's being charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children. And they're saying that the reason they're charging him is because he's the one that allowed his son to possess a weapon. Apparently dad is the one that brought Colt, the semi automatic weapon as a Christmas present. And the dad saying, well, that was just for hunting, 14 year olds, just so you know, I know we got the crowd that's like, we just need stricter laws by all measures and all laws. A 14 year old is not supposed to possess a weapon. So his father buying him this, of course, is already breaking the law. His father allowing him to take that gun to school or not knowing that he took that gun to school is already breaking the law. So what do you think? Is it fair that he's being charged? And I'll show you again. It's him as he is at his arraignment. You can see he's rocking back and forth. The father is deeply upset. And I think at some point it was reported that he was crying during this. And I guess some people feel bad for him, but actually this works for me. This is exactly how it should be because as a parent, you have responsibility over your children. I know that seems like such a foreign concept, like a crazy concept now that we're living in this over liberal environment where people just think, Oh, well, kids are their own entity. And if they're four years old and they decide that they want to be a fish, you just got to let them keep swimming in the bathtub and never come out if they say that they're a mermaid. I know we're living in that sort of a mental environment in America, at least we're fostering a sort of mental environment. But the reality is it's that you're in charge of your kids. You are in charge of your children, okay? You should know whether or not your children are having fostering violent thoughts. And beyond that, when the authorities pay you a visit and tell you, Hey, your child has been posting online about wanting to shoot up a school. Maybe don't get them a gun for Christmas. And so you have a situation that I actually very much agree with. And I can imagine how that would ricochet if kids understood that their actions could be blamed on their parents. And I'm talking even a 16 year old, if they're caught drunk driving and the police say your mom and dad are going to have to spend 30 days in jail, it would rot the children inside and out. You know, it's, it's this idea, this perceived idea of freedom and separation from the parents that I'm not comfortable with. So I'm okay with this. I'm actually very much okay with this, but I find it quite odd though, right? And I'm again, never would blame the manufacturer of the gun. I very much believe that all Americans should legally possess a weapon, especially as our government grows increasingly more totalitarian, especially following COVID. I think every single person is starting to think that way of realizing, wow, yeah, no communism, socialism, not that far out of an idea here in America. And so I think it's okay to legally own weapons. But of course, I would never blame the manufacturer if somebody uses a weapon incorrectly. And governments don't tend to take that stance unless they have the exact opposite perspective sometimes. In the unique case where the government themselves feels like they are out of control or out of the loop because I think we all recognized our government as a gang. And we saw this, of course, last week or the week before, I think it was last week when when Pavel Derov, the billionaire founder of Telegram, was arrested in France out of nowhere. We were told he's a guilty of drug trafficking and sex trafficking and child sex trafficking, all of these things, because he created an app and some people who he's never met and never seen have abused that app. It's incredible. The government would take that perspective whatsoever. And so a great update is that Pavel Derov is out after being held for four days. He has now released a statement about what he has gone through and what his perspective is. Here is his statement. I'll read it to you. Thank you, everyone, for your support and love. Last month I got interviewed by police for four days after arriving in Paris. I was told I may be personally responsible for other people's illegal use of Telegram because the French authorities didn't receive responses from Telegram. This was surprising for several reasons. One, Telegram has an official representative in the EU that accepts and replies to EU requests. Two, the French authorities had numerous ways to reach me to request assistance. As a French citizen, I was a frequent guest at the French consulate in Dubai. A while ago, when asked, I personally helped them establish a hotline with Telegram to deal with a threat of terrorism in France. Three, if a country is unhappy with an internet service, the established practice is to start a legal action against the service itself. Oh, yeah. Why didn't they just sue Telegram and said they went after the founder? He is correct. That is so strange. There is no precedent for this, but they did this because we know that what they ultimately are not after is not trying to stop drug trafficking. They're not trying to stop human trafficking. Our government agencies are the number one drug traffickers. What do you think the FDA is doing? What do you think all these pharmaceutical companies are in bed with the FDA doing? They want to stop human trafficking. Oh, the people that are in charge of the military industrial complex who won't answer any questions about what's happened to all of these Ukrainian children that have conspicuously gone missing. You want us to believe that they're really cracking down on Pavel Durov because they care about drugs and human trafficking? No. What they do care about is freedom or rather the suppression of freedom. Pavel Durov was establishing the right balance between privacy and security is not easy. You have to reconcile privacy laws with law enforcement requirements and local laws with EU laws. You have to take into account technological limitations. As a platform, you want your processes to be consistent globally while also ensuring they are not abused in countries with weak rule of law. Sometimes we can't agree with the country's regulator on the right balance between privacy and security. In those cases, we are ready to leave that country. We've done it many times when Russia demanded that we hand over encryption keys to enable surveillance. We refused and telegram got banned in Russia. When Iran demanded that we block channels of peaceful protesters, we refused and telegram got banned in Iran. We are prepared to leave markets that aren't compatible with our principles because we are not doing this for money. We are driven by the intention to bring good and defend the basic rights of people, particularly in places where these rights are violated. Well, I love that he says that because the reality and if you're paying attention to what's happening in the West, you're starting to feel the squeeze. The reality is that our privacy and our rights have been violated very slowly over time. We haven't even realized it. We don't even have a right to think anymore, as I said. Instantly, the media comes into quite stupid, fringe, conspiracy theories. If you don't trust the media to tell you exactly what to think, you're way too far out for them and they will try to ruin your lives, sometimes effectively try to ruin your lives. When you have a person like this who is truly fighting for freedom, fighting for us to be able to receive information that we know the mainstream media is never going to report on. That's why they want to go after them because he was able to show people live. Really, telegram blew up throughout the Russian-Ukrainian War, that conflict because people were showing what was happening to Ukrainian soldiers as we were being told that everything that was happening there was moral. We were going, "Wait a second. What is this? Why does this look like something the Bolsheviks would be doing, Christian men being pulled out of their homes, the crosses around their necks against their will being thrown onto the front lines?" And they don't like that. The governments do not like when their narrative, which they have paid good money for, is being disrupted. And so that's why they are squeezing Pavel Durov, that is the real reason why they are going after him because he won't play ball and make no mistake, the West is just as bad and maybe even worse when it comes to propaganda than the East. And I'm not kidding when I say that. It may even be worse when you consider how much and how often we are lied to. And if you think that that's an extreme statement, then you must have not been alive during COVID. You must have been born in 2022. That's the only way that that statement can sound radical to you. Anyways, it is good that he is out. It is good that the world is paying attention and it is good to continue to speak about Pavel Durov and what is happening in Telegram because even if you are not on the app, I am not. It has far-reaching implications, so we're going to continue to cover that story. All right, guys, don't go away because I really want you to look at this strange Elon Musk delete of a tweet and see what you think about it. But first, I want to remind you about ground news, which is something that we all know well that there is extreme bias, as we just said in the mainstream media. I started this show to have honest conversations and fight for freedom of speech, and that's not easy in today's media environment, but there's a news platform that helps me see different perspectives on any news story and understand what's really happening in the world. And that's ground news. It's an app and a website that prioritizes free speech and transparency without controlling the narrative. They pull related articles from around the world in one place, showing you every side of the story and highlighting each source's political bias and corporate influence. Ground news is an incredible tool that cuts through the noise and gives you a clear view of what's really going on. If you've even created a blind spot fee that exposes what the other side of the political spectrum isn't covering, it's all about bringing back transparency and promoting honest civil discourse. So go to to get 40% off the ground news advantage plan, which is the plan that I have. It will give you access to all of their features. Ground news is doing important work and I hope that you'll check them out. That's ground. G-R-O-U-N-D Okay. So people were pretty fired about this. Obviously, the beginning of this week, we covered Tucker Carlson's cancellation. He's canceled. He's over. He's done. I've listened to a word that he says because he hosted a historian on his show who disagreed with the World War II narrative, the established narrative, which is allies, amazing, good, everything we did just an inch before the world had been taken over by evil. We stopped it and of course we all know Adolf Hitler, bad, Stalin, I guess we're just not really going to talk about him, but good because he was on our side at the end and don't ask any further questions. And of course, the more that you begin to look into things outside of your public school system, which I have done, you just kind of go, "What the heck, man? There's a lot that we weren't told." Again, that BBC documentary, The Savage Piece, please go watch it. PBS also released it, The Savage Piece. It just blew my mind. I just was like, "I trust nothing anymore. How did you not tell me about the freaking genocide against the Germans?" And so, Tucker made the mistake of hosting a historian on his show named Daryl Cooper, who had done so much reading and obviously deep dives into World War II and spoke. He said, "Honestly, I can't believe he said it." He said, "Yeah." He started talking about the fact that Adolf Hitler had proposed a piece and had dropped pamphlets and did not want to go to war, but he said, "You know, Winston Churchill was dead set ongoing to war." Cue every Neocon in media, Cue every media company basically now saying that I guess he's a Nazi apologist and not just telling you factually what happened throughout the war. Now, what's interesting about this episode is that Elon Musk had retweeted the show and retweeted the Daryl Cooper episode rather with Tucker Carlson, and he wrote very interesting worth watching. So, you see that there? Obviously, because it was really interesting and it is worth watching, by the way, I would like to reiterate that, but he deleted the tweets after all these articles came out and then they did their thing where they write trying to be thoughtful and we are now living in a world. It's so threatened because people on the right are digging into the narrative and that's just not allowed because we are the owners of information. We told them already what happened in their textbooks, which are owned by people that, of course, have a certain perspective that they're trying to sell as they enslave us all. And in McGraw-Hill told them what happened and how dare they sit outside of the bounds. You know, and they made it sound really academic and extreme that you might learn something beyond your high school classroom, you know, and they were like, "Tucker's done. Tucker's done." And Elon Musk then deletes the tweet and it is pretty conspicuous. Not only did he delete the tweet, but then the next day or two days thereafter retweeted Daryl Cooper had then did a whole thread speaking at length of what he was talking about. He was like, "No, Winston Churchill was a villain because he forced this war when it could have been over sooner. He wanted this war to keep happening and he talked about Dresden and he introduced all of these facts the public was not allowed to know about. And of course, community notes, who knows who's on that, but they were on it just being like, "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nothing, Daryl says is right or true, believe us." And so Elon Musk then endorsed the community notes and he tweeted this. So Martyr made, that is Daryl Cooper, he wrote, "Hitler tried again going on the radio to broadcast a call for peace directly to the British people. He would give back the parts of Poland that were not majority German and would work with the other powers to reach an acceptable solution to the Jewish problem he was ignored." And readers had a context when he noticed that grossly misleading. The tweet refers to the appeal to reason by Hitler in July 1940, okay? So he sung the truth. By this time, Hitler had invaded two direct allies of Britain, Poland and France, broken multiple treaties and Einstein, Staphlan, were killing Jews, Poles and others. So just be clear, pull that back up, nothing debunks what Martyr put above. This is what I call a Snopes fact check where they don't actually, they don't actually say that you're lying, they just say grossly misleading, okay, is it true or false? It's true. So you're adding what context you're saying that in the middle of fighting he proposed a piece, but that's exactly what Daryl said. But of course, just supposed to see the note and go, "Oh, he must have been lying." And then you have Elon Musk retweeting it and saying community notes for the win. Pull that back up one more time because there's something very interesting there. Where is this coming from? We can now tell you where the truth is. The truth, if you'd like further context, which this historian is not providing, is on Wikipedia. That really tickled me. That is not a community note to win. That is definitively not a community note to win. So I just wanted to let you guys know. In case you think Wikipedia, which we all understood was not the standard, if you wanted a basic understanding of something, if you wanted to know where is New York City, fine. Go to Wikipedia. Yeah. New York City is in New York. Sort of a question. What you're talking about trying to learn the truth about a narrative or what's happened. Wikipedia has always, always, always been bought and paid for. What I mean by that is that there are editors. It's quite literally Alex Jones was right again, an information war. So I'm going to show you this clip, this old clip, an Israeli national news segment that was done with the 13th Prime Minister. This is being led by the 13th Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett, discussing how they're employing teams to mass edit Wikipedia to suit Zionist narratives. I'm just pulling this clip. Don't do not at me. Do not at me. Take a listen. Moitzit Yashan conjunction with my Israel has arranged instruction day for wiki editors. The goal of the day is to teach people how to edit in Wikipedia, which is the number one source of information today in the world. As a way of example, if someone searches the Gaza flotilla, we want to be there. We want to be the guys who influence what is written there, how it's written and to ensure that it's balanced and Zionist in nature. Zionist in nature, they're just going to make sure that it's edited and Zionist in nature. And then you remember following that, of course, they reported that Wikipedia was having an ADL problem. Like literally, like this was the problem that people were coming in and editing things. And if you look up that organization that he started, the movement, he said, my Israel and that's what they're doing, they're literally training people to edit information in a way that is favorable to Zionism. If you look up that on Wikipedia, you can trust the source. It says that my Israel is a website that is an interface movement dedicated to spreading Zionism. The movement deals with PR across the internet, especially on social networks and on Wikipedia, but also arranges protests and demonstrations against any anti-Zionist activity in society and on the media. In 2010, my Israel started an organized campaign to insert Zionist editing onto Wikipedia in order to combat what is perceived as anti-Israel entries. Wikipedia for the win. By the way, what I really love about the fact that that's like the Prime Minister saying that, okay, we're creating a whole cell to just edit Wikipedia entries because everyone gets their information here and we want to make sure that the information is in our favor. Just like imagine for a second, like close your eyes and just like be like, imagine if Vladimir Putin was in a segment on Russia today and he was just like, yeah, see this team right here? Yes, this team right here. These are my Wikipedia editors. I've employed all of these people here to make sure and learn to learn, to make sure everything has a pro-Russia spin. So, sometimes I put information, hey, we don't like that. It's anti-Russia and we just employ this cell of people and now we have like six organizations that take care of that. I'm just saying imagine. I'm just saying imagine. It would be fine. I'm sure. This is my point. Anyways, despite all of this, and despite Tucker Carlson's Monday cancellation, it turns out that actually Tucker Carlson's first event on his tour was completely sold out. So, once again, for whatever reason, people are not listening to people that are outraged on the internet and they trust Tucker Carlson. Look at this amazing sold out crowd. I just love looking at this. What are they doing there? Nazi apologist is what he is. I don't know what all those people in Arizona are doing. Well, maybe they just have learned that the media is always full of it and maybe they're starting to realize that we are in an information war and typically the people that are trying to get you real information are the people that are being canceled and treated this way because they're simply trying to tell you the truth and Tucker Carlson obviously is one of them. I'm very happy and I fully love that he supported Darryl Cooper and like I said, you should listen to the episode. And by the way, I wanted to point this out at the end of this event for maybe the first time ever Tucker has ever done this. He brought out Russell Brand and Russell Brand and him prayed and I just think that that's such a unique moment so I wanted to show you that as well. I've never asked this before. We haven't talked about this and I mean this in the most open possible way not everyone's going to share your beliefs from my beliefs, but would you close in prayer? Well, I call on the name of Lord Jesus Christ, our heavenly Savior, Lord our humbly in this great congregation in Phoenix, Arizona with my host Tucker Carlson in deference to him, but in ultimate deference to you, our Lord and Savior, to whom we are all your younger siblings and your children. I pray in your name that the forthcoming election be an opportunity for unity for America and for Americans for forgiveness and for grace, that the dark and demonic forces that appear to operate at the level of the state, the deep state and the corporate and global world to experience your light Lord, that we are guided, that you guide all of our tongues and all of our words and all of our hearts, that we feel your forgiveness and that we feel your grace. Thank you Lord for the many gifts that you have bestowed upon us. Thank you for the glory of consciousness itself in which we can experience you and live you. Thank you for the beauty of nature in which we see your wisdom and your creativity and your infinite glory. And that we may be forgiven and that we may have eternal life, not through merit or anything that we have individually achieved, for surely all of us are fallen, but in your holy name we are forgiven by your act of redemption, by your sacrifice, in your name we pray, Amen. Russell Brand, ladies and gentlemen, thank you. Amen. And what we say to that is Christ is king and why do we say Christ is king? I know they're trying to media, the satanic media is trying to sell you as like some rallying cry. Yeah, I guess it is a rallying cry for truth. The truth is king. The truth is going to win. So just while everybody know you're placing the bets on lies and deception, you're on, you're on a ticking time bomb, literally, like it's like it's not going to last much longer. The people are awake. You feel it. You don't know what to do. Maybe because you're just not brave enough, but the reality is, is that all around the world, people are being awakened to the truth and the truth is king. The truth is Christ. Now, guys, I want to pivot to two stories that I've been following. I just, I just want to know when is it exactly that the conservative movement decided guilty before innocent? Is that conservative or is that just neoconservative? I think it's neoconservative and I just love how they pick and choose. It's like Donald Trump, you have the DOJ goes after him and if they are cool with Donald Trump in that moment, it's like, this is all fake. Don't even pay attention to the DOJ. The DOJ goes after Andrew Tate and they don't like Andrew Tate because Andrew Tate doesn't like them. But it's like, this is all real. Andrew Tate is a human sex trafficker. I look at these videos of him from 15 years ago. It shows that whatever they're saying that he did today, obviously, is true. He belongs in prison. And then when somebody comes out and is consistent, ideologically consistent, like me, who says, no, obviously we don't convict Trump on the basis of his character and accept that anything charged that they bring against him are real and true. We know that he is being targeted for a reason that I say the same thing about Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate. And I say, obviously you wait for them to have their day in court. And then it's like, oh my God, I can't believe that you would possibly take this perspective. Like, how dare you take this perspective? Well, I apparently regarding the first case, we still don't know because they haven't been able to face a trial. I felt pretty confident in having read that. You got arrested last week. There were all of those raids that were being conducted. We saw the videos and breaking into their home. And once again, the organized crime agency die cut rated their, all of their residences in Bucharest and in Ilkov County. And after a brief detention, they decided to release them. And so the prosecutors then appealed and said, no, we want them in prison. Here's why, and they were able to present their evidence. Well, on Thursday, the Bucharest Court of Appeal rejected the prosecutor's plea. They did not feel that there was enough evidence to keep them in jail amid their investigations and their allegations. Once again, that they are involved somehow in human trafficking. And you basically had a situation where they said that you can still be placed under judicial control, that they are allowed to go back home and await the trial. The spokesperson for Batape Brothers is a woman named Matea Patrescu, and she said that the judge also approved the removal of restrictions against the two people, against the two from speaking to certain people that were involved in the case. So initially they said, okay, they also can't speak to any of the victims. And Tristan and Andrew came out and said, they're speaking about the mothers of our children. Like they trumped up charges and put the mothers of our children in these against their will. And so I guess the court heard that and it did turn out to be true that they included as victims the mothers of their children and the court reversed that decision because that seems very strange to just tell a woman she's a victim without her necessarily agreeing with that. So they are now free to meet and communicate with those alleged victims based on the close relationships that they share and the children that they have together said Patrescu in a statement. Now Andrew Tate instantly took to X and he gave a statement as well. He wrote the second file has been ruled lacking evidence by the judge of appeals and the jail request by Dicot was rejected. We are free. The second file took every single female that we have ever interacted with and labeled them as victims against their will. They are all furious as they were defending us. They also took every Romanian man that we know and labeled them as money launderers. This was a desperate attempt to put us in jail with no evidence. Simply piles of junk and a made up story. The first file is falling apart and the second file couldn't even achieve an arrest warrant. Old YouTube videos and edited WhatsApp conversations are not evidence of crimes. The haters who pushed these narratives are directly paid by Dicot and Zionist NGOs that discredit our names. Many are pedophiles who have achieved plea deals with the government to peddle misinformation. The matrix is blowing children apart in Gaza and people think that we are the bad guys. This whole forest is almost at an end. Huge respect to this Romanian judge who saw through the garbage and correctly stated that I am not evil, simply quote an old fashioned type of man. Thank you for all of the support by the truth tellers, by the people who are not swayed by headlines from a lying mainstream media. Love you all. Well, guys, what do you think of that statement? I'll tell you what I think about that statement. I think everyone is innocent until proven guilty. So I'm looking forward to an actual trial because it's been years and we still don't have a trial date for this where evidence gets to then be entered into the court and then we get to follow the evidence and we get to see what they actually have. And it's not just innuendo and a media telling us what to think. I really look forward to that for everybody, including by the way, Lauren Chen. It's just an unbelievable situation here. I really, really want to say I cannot stand the Ocons. I just can't. I just really hope we don't take them with us in 2025. I'm just going to give it a little bit of a runway here for them because they're pretending to support Donald Trump. And I want Donald Trump to get elected, but I just want to let you know that deep down inside, I won't say it out loud, but I absolutely hate Neocons. I said it out loud, didn't I? Okay. Well, nothing is more Neocony than this guilty until proven innocent. And this is exactly what happened. The DOJ came out and said Lauren Chen is colluding and is hiring people to spread Russian disinformation. They dropped, you know, this huge file. And this is, by the way, she's not has not been arrested. She wasn't even actually named, but they were able to do so they were referring to tenant media and the press ran amok and the left is going, oh, see, they're all Russia shills. And the bite Neocon right just bit it. They just completely bit it. And we're like, yes, Lauren Chen is. This is true. Even though it just doesn't make any sense, given the fact that every person who they're claiming is a victim of this, her network of influencers has already come out and said that they were not told to cover any topics. So how can she be creating a network? Okay. That is being controlled by Russia when they're not even being controlled by her as the intermediary. They didn't care. They know grace here. No grace. Is it possible and plausible that she's working with Russians? Yeah. Is it possible that she's somehow being paid by, I think they're saying Russia today is somehow paying. Sure. They say that it's influencing our elections. They're trying to influence thoughts as opposed to maybe just wanting to earn money in America off of YouTubers. We don't know. We literally don't know. But there, a lot of this doesn't make any sense given the fact that the people who were implicated in this, like Tim Poole and Dave Rubin, are not pro Russia. They are just not pro Russia. These are not people that are out there going, I love Vladimir Putin. In fact, definitely, definitively the opposite when you're talking about Dave Rubin. And then of course, is the fact that their videos did not get any views on tenant media as, as one commentator pointed out. They're like Dave Rubin's videos got like a thousand views per clip. And so it's just a nonsense. They're really jumping down Lauren Chen's throat here without having, having even heard her speak at all. She hasn't come out and said anything about it. Again, she's Canadian and she was not instructing them on what to cover. So this story doesn't make sense. It just does not make sense on its face. Now, I don't know what the rules are in terms of somebody being allowed to work with Russia today. Maybe they offered her money and she accepted it and she was going to help build a network in general. But the idea that they were dividing Americans is if we could be any more divided, you can only divide it so many times. We are so divided. And if Russia wants to see a divided states, all they have to do is step away because we are already very much there. So I loved seeing that this guy, Alex Rosen, made fun of this and was being sarcastic. And these are the people that should have platforms because we don't bite when this leftist narrative, when the right becomes the left and suddenly, oh, the DOJ is totally above board telling us the truth and they definitely are just trying to stomp on Russian influence. Now, our elections, I just hate you guys for taking that and accepting it. And Alex Rosen, who is somebody that investigates, actually, he does a really important working investigates a lot of pedophiles in the country, but he took to his phone and just made fun of it. Take a listen. I am so disappointed in tenant media right now. Paid chills, seriously? You know, if it wasn't for these Russian propagandists, they were the only thing Tim Poole, Taylor Hanson, Lauren Chingcheng Chen, they were the only thing preventing me from wanting to give a blank check to Ukraine and serving on their foreign leisure right now. As a matter of fact, I'm going to the Lisbon office tomorrow to go join the Ukraine army because I had no idea that I was just so that me just not wanting to give a ton of money to some, you know, foreign adversary for a global homo was Russian propaganda. What the fuck? What in the fuck is that? I cannot stand these paid chills on Twitter. I'm sick of these paid shills on Twitter. I mean, literally that is exactly how I felt when I saw all of the allegations. I was like, oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. She must have influenced me somehow. Like I definitely now I realize if it hadn't been for Lauren Chen, I would have just enlisted all of my children to go fight for Ukraine, but clearly her Russia propaganda was working. And now I realize the error of my ways and I want to send all my money overseas. What? Seriously. Like, why do we not have a real conservative movement? Why do we have a bunch of bitchy commentators, right, who love seeing someone fall if they have a difference of opinion from them? And you will notice, you will notice that it is in fact the people that are very pro-Israel that are all like applauding this, like, oh, told you so and it's because Lauren Chen was very anti-Israel. So that's the real reason why they're all just going after her and are willing to forego their hatred for the Department of Justice and all of its corruption. They're willing to essentially align themselves with Joe Biden's administrations attempt to push the idea that conservatives are all pro-Russia puppets. They're willing to align themselves with that. So they can simply dunk on her. That's it. That's the reality. Everybody's fake. Everybody. This entire movement is fake. But the people in it, like people like him and people that are making videos mocking this, I just love to see it because it reminds me that the people who have platforms do not necessarily represent the heartbeat of the nation. All right, guys, I want to tell you about Sticker Mule because it's very exciting that we just launched our new store on Sticker Mule. It's packed with awesome Candace Owens March, including stickers, T-shirts, part and more. So go to and check it out now. A big portion of the sales goes directly to the Candace show, supporting our mission to empower communities and promote free thoughts, whether you want to show your support or just grab some cool gear. We've got you covered. And again, go to Go check it out now. All right, guys. And I do also want to remind you about American financings. I know that there's so many people that get stressed because the monthly income doesn't seem to be covering the bills anymore. But you know that you are not alone. 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I think it's been a week in which we are really waking up to a lot of the issues all around the world and recognizing that America is not as sovereign as we thought. Okay. We have, I'm going to first read some of you guys who gave me some superchats here and this is regarding cult, global sacrifice rights. If cults dad got him the gun after the FBI inquired with them, then doesn't that make him an accessory? I am totally on board with the dad being, being charged. I think it's, it really is the right thing to do a, you are responsible for your children until they're out of the house and the extent that you are responsible, you should be watching over your children. MCS rights, pray the rosary due penance, pray for the conversion of sinners and for the consecration of Russia to the immaculate heart of Mary Abbe Maria. Then we have Mamma Mia who writes, your debate was great. Pierce Morgan did a fant, Pierce Morgan did a fantastic job hosting. I know you butted heads near last interview with him, but he really came to help you this time. Yeah, you know, I, like I said, I didn't know what to think going into it. I, I honestly did think I was just going to get double, like both of them were just going to come at me with allegations of anti-Semitism because he was so harsh on me before, but I think it's really just been a matter of time, you know, and like Pierce said, I think it was, it was during the debate where he was asking the question, okay, Israelis are now protesting this, you have IDF soldiers that are coming out and testifying in terms of what's happening. Today, it was announced that the IDF shot and killed an American citizen yesterday. And once this all starts happening, I mean, you just can't keep saying, okay, but what about October 7th, you know, you eventually are going to have to go, okay, wait, this, this is not okay. We can't keep going this way. And I think Pierce has arrived at that point naturally. Like I said, many people are and the rabbi was just so angry and rabid and also just disrespectful to his host like, no matter what, even when peers in me went at it for an hour and a half hour or many months ago, it was, I was respectful to him. You know, I'm on his show. I'm not, I'm not going to speak to him in the way that the rabbi was interrupting him. It's just not the way that you act unless you are just beyond arrogant and a little kooky. And I think that the rabbi is both and that the personal attacks, I mean, I don't know if that makes him feel like a man. I really don't know, but I don't think it appears to kindly that either. And the manipulation, oh, you're a gentleman, you're, you know, you're a gentleman, Pierce. Why would you let this happen? I didn't, I didn't know what he was doing. This person says the opposite here. Pierce Morgan, not coming for you does not mean that he agreed with you. I didn't say that he necessarily agreed with me. I just think that he's now further down the line and is asking meaningful questions in a way that he wasn't many months ago, like, like many people. I think everybody was on the same team on October 7th. And now people are starting to ask questions. And I think that that's totally fair for him to be able to do that. This person says the parents should be charged absolutely. I agree. Next person writes smoothly is a malignant narcissist. I also agree with that. And we have a person here that is writing Christ is King Jackson writes people hold the mainstream narratives because they want so clearly to live in a world that we don't. The level of corruption in the lies scares people. Yeah. I think that that's part of it. I think the reason why there are people who are still invested in the mainstream media narratives is because it takes a tremendous amount of humility to realize that everything in your world is a lie. We are living in an illusory environment. And the lies are big. They're not small. They're huge lives. The government is telling. And in that way, they are intentionally enslaving minds. And so they would rather, I think because it threatens them, they don't want to go through that period of cognitive dissonance, they would rather hold on to something and believe that it's real because they don't want to then question whether or not they're crazy or that they could have been so stupid as to believe all of these lies. And the truth is that you're not stupid for investing in the mainstream media. You're a victim of it. You truly are. I mean, this is what it takes to brainwash people years and years, public education. You're seeing this every single day. This is the victim. This is the villain. You would actually have to be crazy to naturally see all of that over the first 18 years of your life and go, okay, but what if it isn't so? So give yourself a break and take it slowly and just listen to different voices and follow your intuition is what I always say. Solove writes, Candice, I would really appreciate if you shed a light on stereotyping Arabs and Muslims, people get shocked knowing there are Jews, Christians, Arabs or non-Hajabi Muslim women and we live side by side in Arab countries. It's funny because I did see earlier that Jason Whitlock tweeted that the more he learned history, the more he realizes how stupid he is about history. And I felt the exact same way when I started just buying books and like reading other historical narratives and realizing like, oh my gosh, I know absolutely nothing and I feel like I'm just getting started. But yeah, that's another thing like learning about the Ottoman Empire and learning about all the different religions that lived together peacefully and there were no issues and that is at complete odds with what we are led to believe. And I would say especially like 9/11 generation, it was really impressed upon us to just think all Muslims are terrorists and I think most people in America would agree with that. If you were a person that grew up during 9/11, I think I was in seventh grade when it happened that that was kind of the insistent narrative, not just from the mainstream media. And it wasn't even like just Muslims, it literally could be someone that was Hindu, you just anybody that was that color, you were like, oh no, no, no, I don't want to be on the plane with this guy because we were incredibly traumatized and that was being reinforced in the classrooms as well. Bianca writes, "Cans, would you consider interviewing Sal Grover? She lost a four-year federal legal case resulting with major implications for the definition of female. I fear for my daughter's future. I don't know who that is, but I will look her up." And spiritual, I love that they gave seven, seven, seven, seven. Please watch MLK's last speech, "Mountaintop, hours before being murdered." In it, he insinuates that African Americans are the real Jews, Christ is king. You know what's funny about, and this is actually a fact, very, very funny. So obviously, we know like Kyrie Irving got completely pilloried for that and usually they say that they associate that with a radical fringe group. I don't know if they're called like black Israelites. I don't know if an immigrant group has to be honest with you. But what was interesting as I began studying history and learning that other Israeli historians have taken that perspective, I was really fascinated by that, like a man named Abraham Pollack, who won awards at Tel Aviv University, who didn't say that African Americans were the real Jews just to be clear, but he was saying that the people that were living in Israel were originally Qasars, you know, which then just shows you, and actually this is the most fascinating part, Sigmund Freud, okay? So every book and paper that he wrote, basically saying children are sexual and everybody should understand that children are sexual, yay, from professionals. Love it. It's amazing. He's so brilliant. He's so genius. Like he's not a pervert at all. We'll just accept all of that. All other of modern psychology, yeah, modern psychology is perverted and so is he. But his last book that he wrote, they all rejected it. And it was called, I want to say Moses and monotheism. And in it, he posited that the Jews weren't actually the original Jews or that they killed Moses. And then they had guilt and tried to pretend that Moses was actually theirs or that they were from Moses and the entire community, if you ever read about that book, they're like, oh, he was just crazy when he wrote that. So I just find it so funny that these theories, these sorts of theories have been positive before in the past, even from within like the Jewish community. And now they're considered like very fringe and a part of a fringe group. But all of this to say, I certainly don't know, like I haven't done any of that research. But I do know that everyone has a right to think, right? And we used to be in an environment where people could write entire books like that. Like Sigmund Ford wrote an entire book, Abraham Polo wrote an entire book. People would throw around these theories. And now it seems if anybody even questions a prevailing narrative, they are censored or hit with accusations. And so that's just something to know is that like people used to be allowed to think a few years ago. And now that's just not allowed because they will do the thinking for you. All right, ladies and gentlemen, that is all that we have for this week. I want to thank you guys so much for all of the support and reminding you that you can go to if you'd like to support the show by buying some merch also you can go to and give whatever you can to keep the show free. And we are eternally grateful to you guys for staying with us thus far. We'll see you guys on Monday. [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]