
Tucker Carlson Is Canceled…Again. | Ep 57

Tucker is in trouble with the legacy media again, Trump talks IVF, and Sky News' Andrew Bolt is quite upset with my upcoming Australia tour.

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03 Sep 2024
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Tucker is in trouble with the legacy media again, Trump talks IVF, and Sky News' Andrew Bolt is quite upset with my upcoming Australia tour.


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All right, guys. Happy Tuesday. I'm excited today because finally the media has told the truth and the whole truth about something that I actually said. This was a real headline. How great is this? It just says that a Candace Owens far-right pundit Candace Owens claims TikTok is socially engineering men to be gay. I did indeed say that. I also said that it's other apps as well, but TikTok especially, we're starting to see algorithms that are encouraging men to be homosexual. But first you guys, more importantly, I'd like to take a second to pour some out for my fallen homie, Tucker Carlson, a moment of silence because he is over. I am talking over, over career canceled, done with, not listen to a word he says anymore because I've been reliably informed by the people that I absolutely can't stand and never listen to. That Tucker has committed the gravest of sins for which he shall never be forgiven. Yeah. He hosted a monster on his platform who said some things that were completely unsayable. And so yes, hashtag cancel Tucker Carlson, I guess, or whatever. That's what's coming up on Candace. I'm not getting you guys trending right now, this very minute over on X. The trend reads Tucker Carlson platforms. You guessed it. You guessed it. Nazi apologetics. Oh, Tucker, no, my man. How could you descend into this sort of chaos? Surely you're not doing this. Am I the only person that when I see this, I just instantly go, okay, yeah, I'm definitely probably not what's happening at all, which really probably happening is there's a conversation that the media, the media's henchmen do not want the public to hear. And so you're probably thinking, who did he host? My gosh, you must have been some crazy KK Klansman who just was waiting for years. Got his hood on. They must be talking about terrible things. He must have had on a literal neo-Nazi. No, of course it's never that you guys he had on. And this really actually is what I would term a neo-Nazi because today they are making it so that if you know history, if you speak about history outside of the confines of the mainstream media, then you are in fact a new age Nazi. They can't allow that. You're not allowed to know things. You're supposed to be living in this ever present, you know, this is the Aurelian agenda. There is no history. It's just the present. It's just the now. And so who did he actually have on? Well, Tucker Carlson tweeted this alongside a very long interview with a historian who looks really friendly. His name is Daryl Cooper. Tucker Carlson wrote, "Darryl Cooper may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States. His latest project is the most forbidden of all, trying to understand World War II." Oh, and that's how you know you are going to get canceled. You are not allowed to talk about World War II. Like we, they spent so much money, so many years putting us all in a classroom and severely propagandizing us to believe this is good and this is evil and there is no in between. This is black and this is white and there is no in between carefully orchestrated and an agenda that they shared with us and we all believed it. And God forbid somebody interjects now and then another fact. I did this by the way. This is how I really got on their on their bad people list. Like Candice has got to go. We hate her. I shared with the public. It all began with me sharing that documentary that I saw in the back story was that a priest said Winston Churchill was a war criminal, a priest told me that a priest from London told me that. And I said, what are you talking about? Winston Churchill? Like the hero? And he said it was a war criminal. It was a documentary, the Savage piece. And it blew my mind. It blew my mind that a genocide could have happened in peacetime, executed by the allies and nobody told us. That is what blew my mind. Again, PBS and BBC documentary, not a Candace Owen documentary as they would have you believe. So anyways, I knew when I saw that tweet that Tucker Carlson did maybe the same thing. He interjected or had somebody interject some alternative facts. And of course, when you start speaking about World War II and you understand how severely propagandized we were, you inevitably start speaking about the mainstream media and what exactly those classrooms are for. So I'll show you this first clip where they're just talking about the topic of propaganda in general. Take a listen. So that's what bothers me about the recording of history. I mean, I think it what happens matters, reality matters. And if you find that sort of everything that happens, not just 80 years ago in Dresden, but things that are happening in LA County 20 years ago, if they just disappear, in some case you're getting fined them on Google, like that's a level of manipulation. That's like, that's just mind control. That's really scary. Yeah, I think the propagandists throughout the 20th century, ever since the rise of mass media really understood that that's exactly what it is, you know, especially once it goes on for a generation or two and kids are raised up and this is what they're being taught. Because it forms for them, they're, they're not just their view of the world, but their view of themselves. Like our identities as individuals and our identities that we attach ourselves to collectively are all a result of the stories we tell ourselves and that we hear as we're growing up. And so if you change those stories, all of those things change as well. Look at that guy. Where's his little mustache? You just look at him so much evil. You can really understand why they are angry, why people are upset, why they are our calls to get Tucker Cantal. How could he host this monster on his show, who's speaking about how we all get sort of programmed when we're children and it becomes a part of our identity. And then when somebody introduces an alternative fact, you kind of go, wait a minute. I wasn't, I told this a lot earlier and can you imagine if that fact that they're trying to introduce to you is that Winston Churchill, who essentially like we are trained up to believe in classrooms across the West was just the greatest hero of all time. One of the greatest heroes of all time, did you imagine the fact that they're interjecting is that maybe he wasn't like maybe he wanted the war to happen? Like maybe he was serving some other masters other than the public, like that would be so crazy. Please Tucker, don't do that. Oh no, he's about to. Daryl Cooper, take it away. As soon as that war is wrapped up on the German side, it starts firing off peace proposals to Britain and France because they had already declared war. He didn't expect them to declare war actually. Like there's a famous scene where he kind of throws a fit when he finds out that they actually did, that they did do that. And so he doesn't want to fight France, he doesn't want to fight Britain, he feels that's going to weaken Europe when we've got this huge threat to the East, the Communist threat over there. And he starts firing off peace proposals, he says, let's not do this, like we can't do this. And of course, you know, year goes by 1940 comes around and they're still at war. And so he launches his invasion to the West, takes over France, takes over Western and Northern Europe. Once that's done, and the British have, you know, escaped at Dunkirk, there's no British force left on the continent, there's no opposing force left on the continent. In other words, the war is over and the Germans won, okay? But by what point of fall of 1940, right? So there's just, there's literally no opposing force on the on the continent. And throughout that summer, it on Hitler is firing off radio broadcasts, giving speeches, literally sending planes over to drop leaflets over London and other British cities, trying to get the message to these people that Germany does not want to fight you, like we don't want to fight you offering peace proposals that, you know, said, you keep all your overseas colonies. We don't want any of that. We want Britain to be strong. The world needs Britain to be strong, you know, especially as we face this communist threat and so forth, like this, this, what's going on. And I think that if there were people in Britain who, well, if they hadn't put it this way, if they hadn't been so successful at delegitimizing the peace approach by demonizing Neville Chamberlain and so forth and holding him responsible for the invasion of Poland, that people would have been, they would have understood, like we don't need another repeat of the First World War, you know, we don't, which is not what ended up happening. But that's what everybody thought was going to happen. And so Churchill, I mean, you have a guy who went, Churchill wanted a war. He wanted to fight Germany. And the reason that I, I don't begrudge him that, you know, people can, national leaders, you can fight whoever you want. If, you know, if you feel like your long term, the long term interest of the British Empire threatened by the rise of a powerful continental power like Germany and you need to check that, those are great power games and you play them the way you feel like you need to play them. That's fine. The reason I resent Churchill so much for it is that he kept this war going when he had no way, he had no way to go back and fight this war. All he had were bombers. He was literally by 1940 sending fire bomb fleets, sending bomber fleets to go fire bomb the black forest just to burn down sections of the black forest, just, just rank terrorism, you know, going through and starting to, you know, what eventually became just the carpet bombing, the saturation bombing of civilian neighborhoods, you know, to kill is the purpose of which was to kill as many civilians as possible. And all the men were out in the field, all the fighting age men were out in the field. So it's as old people, it's women and children and they knew that and they were wiping these places out as gigantic scaled terrorist attacks, the greatest, you know, scale of terrorist attacks you've ever seen in world history. Why would he do that? Because it was the only means that they had to continue fighting at the time. You know, they didn't have the ability to re-invade Europe. And so he needed to keep this war going until he accomplished what is, you know, what he hoped to accomplish. And now there's actually a really great series of books. It's one of the best, I recommend to everybody, but it's really expensive now. And it's six long volumes called history of British Special Operations in the Second World War. And one of the books gets into the level of just the extent of media operations, propaganda operations, everything that they were running in the United States to eventually drag us into that war. Blah, blah, blah, I'm not listening, arrest that man. Where is the ministry of truth? By the way, anything that he just said, don't listen to that. I wanted to show you what not to listen to because that man is crazy. That man is like literally Hitler. I can't believe Tar Carlson would do this. How dare you interject alternative facts? We put together these textbooks because we wanted to make sure that Americans, people in the West went rah, rah, rah, everything, Winston Churchill did was okay. And so when crazy people, crazy, I'm talking kooky people like canna stones get up there and they're like, hey, Dresden was kind of a holocaust. It happened like on Ash Wednesday, the eve of Ash Wednesday. That's kind of wrong. Then you freak out. And so when like Tar Carlson gets on Joe Rogan, he's like, hey, like, you know, dropping a bomb was a war crime, a nuclear bomb on praying Catholics in Nagasaki, yeah, that's not a good thing to go. Oh my gosh, get this man off the airwaves. I just cannot believe I am sitting through another person saying these things. How dare you say that murdering innocent civilians, women and children is wrong. It's monstrous. And so what are we going to do? Having to take care of this guy? Well, we're going to make sure that we crush his reputation. That's who we do to defeat our opponents. We crush the reputation. I demand he lose his job, Daryl Cooper, wherever he works. I don't even know where he works. He's in this historian. Don't care. Okay. He better lose his job. And if he does lose his job and he survives it like Tar Carlson and then he still has a huge audience. Well, then we just got to ramp up the pro I'm not propaganda, the truth, which is that that man's a liar. And so lo and behold, you top on Twitter and people are freaking out. And of course, one of these weird things about when they freak out is they never point out which fact is wrong. They never do that and they never say like that person's factually incorrect. They just start calling you names and it's beautiful to see that they just keep running the exact same play. Imagine going to a football game and they just keep running the exact same play expecting the other side not to catch on. Oh, you're going to run that same offensive play? Yeah. But the defense might catch on that you're doing the exact same thing. But these guys know not these heroes, not all heroes wear caped capes and the people that are on Twitter today, let me show you how they reacted to this conversation that Tucker had where they introduced some alternative, another way of saying it is forbidden facts of truth. Here we go. So you had this guy in Haworth who's just so, so mentally and well, he writes too many conservatives out there will totally ignore Tar Carlson nodding along at World War Two and Holocaust revisionism and or denial because they want to go on his show. There's a word for that whore. Well, there you go. If you listen to anything that happened there, okay, you're a whore. There's no other way to say it, duh, then you've got Eric Erickson's tweet, which I feel like has been copy and pasted at least once a month about everybody didn't expect Tucker Carlson to become an outlet for Nazi apologetics. But here we are. I'm sorry. Are we watching the same conversation? That guy looks like a really nice, well-read historian, but no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't let the internet try to tell you any differently than whoever you just heard is the second coming in Adolf Hitler. Helene Olin tweeted this, the only surprise about Tucker Carlson turning into an outlet for Nazi apologists is how fast it happened. I would have predicted a slightly slower descent, but maybe Fox was keeping more control over him than anyone realized. I love that so much because that's always their move or they're just like, oh my, he's come undone since he left corporate media. He was, oh, they were doing their best to keep them, to keep that horse in the stable. And then, but he looked at him. He's crazy. He can't be controlled. No, he's just out of your control, okay? He's just out of your control. Private's exact same strategy over and over again. You've got E.W. Erickson who writes this didn't expect Tucker Carlson to become an outlet for Nazi apologetics, but here we are. Thanks, Eric. There we go. You never expected it. You got Josh Hammer. He tweeted this. If you find yourself, quote unquote, just asking questions over whether the real villain in World War II was actually Churchill, maybe pausing is sort of the distinct possibility that you're actually just a complete eping moron, they seem, you know, obviously Tucker's crazy. Not that, right? They are hinged and Tucker is unhinged. And of course, again, absent any facts, they're not like, oh, no, that didn't happen. They're not saying, oh, no, like there weren't leaflets drop proposing a peace plan. They're not introducing that. They're not like, oh, no, like Winston did not okay fire bombing of innocent civilians. They're just saying that you're not allowed to introduce that because they just want you to keep talking about Adolf Hitler. It's not, it's not possible in their mindsets that there were maybe bad guys on both sides. That just can't happen. That's not the way a fairytale novel works. You got to have a nice button and this guy was all amazing and this guy was completely awful. The end. Welcome to the American education system. But this one, this tweet has got to be my favorite and I'm going to tell you why because it is just, I just love it. I just love everything about it from Bruce Arthur. He tweeted this, talking about Tucker Carlson, he literally went from hanging out with Danielle Smith and Jordan Peterson and Conrad Black to go do some of the most servile low rent Russian propaganda imaginable and then he includes an update, Tucker Carlson has recently gone into full on Nazi apologetics with an approving nod from Elon Musk, which again was quite predictable. I love that when they're sort of like basically saying like, oh, your life could have been so much better. You didn't have to do this, Tucker. You could be eating, like Todd Carlson, if he just didn't do this, like he could have been with Conrad Black. He could have been enjoying rubbery chicken at the Conrad Hilton, you know, being invited to speak amongst people that applaud like this. But instead, he turns to people that want to hear real conversations who just want to do, know what's actually happening in the world. Is that what he really wants? Is that what you actually want, Tucker? Have you paused to ask yourself, is if this is the path that you really want to go down, you're not going to be able to hang out with Conrad Black anymore? Like, that's like, I mean, are you sure Tucker, because I'm really sure Tucker wakes up every morning and he just resents the fact that he can't hang out with people like Josh Hammer and Ian Hallworth. I'm sure he wakes up every day when he looks at his beautiful wife and his beautiful family who love him and he goes fishing and he wakes up and he goes, I just, I really, really resent the fact that these people don't want me anymore. It's laughable. You should laugh. You should laugh because these people cannot see how insufferable they are. They don't understand. They cannot comprehend that nobody likes them. Like I said, what's really happened now is they just created their own echo chamber. They're all speaking to each other, signaling to each other, writing articles to each other. And yeah, they'll get a few hits. The boomers might believe the narrative that Tucker Carlson really went on there and defended Nazis and Hitler, just like every single person that they don't like. They charge them with the same made up crime that nobody actually did because what we're actually doing is we're reading books. When we start to read books and we start to read this historians, we're very, very shocked by how little we knew. And then we start to realize that the media is not our friend. The media is the enemy and the American people have accepted that as the reality and the American people hate you. Okay? They hate you. We all hate you and you just can't see it. No one is going to stop listening to Tucker Carlson, but everyone has stopped listening to you because you just have this air of pretension about you. Like, how are you not sick of yourselves? How do you not look in the mirror and want to vomit because of your hubris, because of the way that you look at people, you resent people for not listening to you. That's literally what you go. You have decided that you are the authorities, right? You are so authoritarian in your own mind that you've started to hate people who don't believe you. And let me be very clear. We don't believe you and we hate you right back. Go away. We've heard you already. We're all Nazis. We're all white supremacists. We're all Hitler lovers. We're all backwards. We're not cool. We can't eat rubber chicken with you. We don't want to go away. Write your stupid hit pieces about Tucker Carlson and you know what's going to happen tomorrow? He's still going to be at the top of the Spotify charts. So plan your next move. What is it? A totalitarian regime which you're already trying to implement. You're going to get a band from movement and say Tucker Carlson can't leave Florida. Go plan your next step because we're not going backwards anymore. You hate us and we hate you right back. So kudos to Tucker, kudos to Darryl Cooper, kudos to every single person that believes the people that they are speaking to have a right to think because that's what it is. They have a right to think, they have a right to know and we don't need people maintaining boundaries for us. And that's all I want to say about that topic. All right, guys. I want to take a brief pause to remind you about preborn. Obviously, you know, they are doing such amazing work because we have planned parenthood, which continues to rake in billions despite dwindling clients. The biggest takeaway is that planned parenthood is generating vast profits, including millions in taxpayer funding. Well, with preborn, we are actively stealing their clientele, meaning that we get to save and rescue the babies that they are trying to kill. Preborn operates on a very slim budget, rescuing over 200 babies lives every single day with no government funding. Preborn's network of clinics is situated in the darkest corners of the nation, competing head to head with abortion giants, and they need our help now more than ever. When you donate $28 to preborn, you will offer a free ultrasound to an expectant mother that is caught in a crisis because once she hears that heartbeat and sees that precious life, her baby's chance at life will double. Sponsor a precious baby's life today. Your tax deductible gifts will go directly towards saving baby's lives. You just dial pound 250 and say the keyword baby. Again, that's pound 250 baby, or you can go to slash Candice. That's slash Candice. All right, guys. Now let's get into this little fun update. I loved this so much. I got to I got to throw it to my Australian people. I love to see that the people are just more awake and jumping right back into this topic of the media who so clearly resents us. I really do view it now where everything that I'm watching in the political scene just feels like a movie. I'm just a board of politics. It's also monotonous. It's like watching game of thrones and you see like brothers and sisters corolling and you're like, okay, but wait, the white walkers are coming and people that are actually trying to end our freedoms and usher in a totalitarian state. And what bigger proof of this than what's happening right now in Australia where there are actual calls to ban my visa like you can is Owens cannot travel to Australia because she is too dangerous. And so, you know, I thought, how do they sell that to the Australian people? Well, how they sold it was that they are allowed to ban people for character issues. So if you don't have a good enough caliber of character, then the government can ban you. And so I said to myself, wow, that's I listen, I'm a person that respects the law of the land, wherever I travel, I've never been in trouble traveling overseas. I've never been in trouble here in America, like maybe I'm going to have to respect that if that is their legitimate process. And it's interesting because the United States just look up some people that were going to Australia this year who were selling out, you know, stadiums and who were going to perform and who were also touring just like can of so and surely these people must have the kind of character that Australian government and the media members love and that they adore because I haven't heard any calls to ban them. So here is who's performing and the event that I get banned, I want you to know who you are allowed to go listen to. And first up, by the way, is Buster Rhimes, I haven't heard his name in a while, he will be performing in Moore Park in West Melbourne this year in Australia. He, by the way, if you're wondering about his history back in 2015, he was charged with felony assault on suspicion of throwing a cardboard cup and a health shake at the head of a steel gym employee, he pled guilty to non criminal harassment charges back in 2000. By the way, he was sentenced to five years probation. And that was because he pleaded guilty again to a gun possession charge. Also coming up as rapper 21 Savage, he'll be performing with stops in Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne in 2014. Savage was convicted of felony drug charges in Fulton County, Georgia. In June of 2018, he was involved in another controversy when he pulled out a firearm at the pool party and he was arrested in 2019 by the immigration customs and enforcement. He was arrested by ICE in a targeted operation, was charged with one count of possession of a scheduled to controlled substance and one count of possession of a gun, which by the way, like whatever, I guess he's got good character to be able to perform in Australia. Because as I said, he's performing. Well, this is virtually the same name I'm supposed to be on stage. He's there. So I don't know why I'd love to see this character test. By the way, I loved when I was putting this up, like little Wayne had performed in the past. And obviously, we know that he spent eight months in prison for a criminal gun possession case. But the best part is that little Wayne, when he actually did perform in Australia, because they didn't care about that. They didn't care about any of his criminal history. They did allow him to perform in 2018 and when he was on stage, someone threw a drink at him and he kind of sort of maybe threatened to shoot the whole crowd while he was in Australia. Take a listen. So let me let you know, where I'm from. I think y'all know that's the state. We know those on stage because I'm an **** got pistols and they don't know who to shoot at. I wasn't banned before, was not banned after. I'm just trying to calculate what's really happening in Australia. Well, in case you miss some of those performances, Travis Scott will be there. He'll be there in Sydney in October. Now, Travis Scott was arrested in June of this year. At two o'clock in the morning on charges of trespassing and disorderly intoxication. But his lawyer did get those charges dropped, but then he got arrested again in France last month in August and the Paris prosecutor's office said in the statement, I can confirm that on August 9th, 2024, police officers were called to the George Sank Hotel and arrested a rapper nicknamed Travis Scott for assaulting a security guard. The Paris prosecutor's office eventually released him and ended up not filing any charges. You might think that might have some weight, you know, maybe some of these Australian com theaters should be like, hey, we don't want this person because of character, but no, no drama. It's incredible flavor, flavor, flavor, yeah, he's also going to be in Australia performing. I can't lie. I cannot lie. I enjoyed watching his show, Flavor of Love, when I was just a young tot and his background is incredible because in 1991, he pled guilty to assaulting his girlfriend, Karen Ross. He served 30 days in jail. He lost custody of his children. He fell in deep rent to his addiction and spoke about that addiction to cocaine, talked about his domestic violence, his marijuana charges in '93. He was charged with attempted murder, but the charges were reduced and he was convicted for fourth-degree weapon possession and went to prison for 90 days. But in 2021, he was arrested again in Nevada on a misdemeanor charge of domestic battery. Might have popped someone again, but that charge was eventually dropped and the rapper pleaded no contest to one count of coercion. Shockingly, guys, he's the go see Flavor of Love in Australia. He has passed the character test and so has rapper G E Z. G E Z, guess what happened to him? In May of 2018, G E Z was arrested overseas in Stockholm, Sweden. I don't know. Like if I was the Australian governor, I'd be like, hey, like you got in trouble traveling to a foreign country. And this time it was for suspicion of assault and possession and use of drugs after he allegedly punched a security guard. Why is everybody punching their security guards? And then they found that he had cocaine in his pockets and he pled guilty to violent resistance, drug possession and assault against an official in court on May 4th. But man, oh man, you guys, you're not going to believe it. He ain't banned from Australia either. He's not. Nobody has come out in the government and said, I'm looking for his application so I can deny it because I don't like his character. But me, Candace Owens, what did I do? Well, I upset the Zionist Federation and they made a call for my visa to be banned on the basis that they don't like me. And so I was thinking that's going to be a tough sell to the public. Like how are you even explaining to Australia? Like we've got all of these people coming in and their character's fine. But Candace Owens, who has not been arrested and does not have any pending charges against her and who has not been in trouble overseas and who has given, I know, something like 500 speeches throughout her entire career has never caused a riot or anything. She can't come in. And that, my friends, is what the media is for. Like the media is here to sell you the impossible, you know, to tell you the virus is invisible and you've got no symptoms and you should stay home and let your mom die alone. Like that, the media has a tough job. They got to sell that to someone. And you know, he stepped up to the plate, a commentator named Andrew Bolt, a journalist. And he's well loved by the way. He's big in Australia. Andrew Bolt is essentially the Sean Hannity of Australia. He's on Sky News and he's like, I have got to make the people hate Candace Owens and I'm just going to call her some names and take some of her clips out of context so that they realize that what's happening is a good thing, you know, it's a moral thing. Take a listen to what Andrew Bolt had to say about me. Here we go again, calls the ban yet another commentator from coming here and poisoning the minds of impressionable Australians. This time, new immigration minister Tony Burke says, he's considering banning American commentator Candace Owens from touring Australia next month, giving speeches. She's also going to New Zealand. Now Owens is huge on the internet. She has more than 5 million followers on Instagram alone. Bill is a fearless conservative. She's not actually conservative, she's a total cooke and Jewish groups want to ban for alleged anti-Semitism. Now you may have heard Owens on 2GB this morning with Ben Fordham saying any ban on her would be crazy. Quite surprised to see that. They're like, don't give her a visa, she's a bad person but I promise you it is not going to harm you to hear different ideas. Well that sounds reasonable doesn't it and Fordham who I generally respect and like implied that these accusations at Owens preachers anti-Semitism really just came down to something she once said about it out of Hitler which she assured us was taken out of context. In this case Fordham is badly wrong. Owens is a sick woman and it shocks me that Australians are paying 95 dollars ahead. So that's when he came up with Andrew Bolts out around with the team of producers and they were like, hey, so we had Candace booked to be on Sky News. They did. I was booked to be on there at that exact same day. We canceled her because obviously if she came on she would be able to defend herself and people would realize that we are actually the cooks. So what should we cook up? And someone in there was like poisonously ignorant. Oh yeah, that's good. Let's run that. They actually have that there at the bottom. She's poisonously ignorant and then Andrew Bolts reminds people, I'm a cooke. Well, there you go. Take it to the bank. Forget all these rappers coming in that have got, you know, drug charges and domestic assault and attempted murder charges that they maybe be. Candace Owens is a cooke and poisonously ignorant. And that my friends is the reason the Australian government wants my visa denied. What does that sound like to you? Well, I can tell you what the Australian people responded and they were not with it. I love this. You've got to go over to his Facebook page. It's exceptional. Just like actually look up on Facebook, Candace Owens, Andrew Bolt, every single comment trashing him. This person writes, "I did like your show, but you are barking up the wrong tree here. I would prefer to listen to Candace than Bolts. You just ticked off a large section of your audience." I don't agree with you on this, Andrew Bolt. I think we need more people like Candace Owens. Steve writes, "Does Andrew Bolt also advocate for a ministry of truth? Candace Owens speaks truth backed up with facts. History is full of uncomfortable truths. Surely. Andrew doesn't want to erase historical facts that make him uncomfortable. Luzzie. Here's an idea. Andrew should talk to Candace. You know, he should engage an actual dialogue with the person he disagrees with before slandering them by calling them an anti-Semite. Thank you, Steve." Sean writes, "She is fantastic. A few people are having their feathers ruckled because of her comments about Israel, but hey, this is Australia, not Israel, the US, or Europe, and she can say what she wants. She as a Christian is standing up for her beliefs and shooting down this stupid idea that we cannot criticize Israel and their policies." I mean, this really sucks because he tried so hard and people know exactly what this is about. It's one post from a Zionist Federation, which is the reason why you have now been sent marching orders to pretend that a mother, a podcaster, mother of three Catholic is a villain who shouldn't be allowed into the country. The comments go on. Richard Hindel writes, "Australia became a police state many years ago. The politicians in media think it is up to them to decide what and who to censor. Troy Ackerley writes, "Looks like Bolt has finally been bought out. He would have been all for this once upon a time." Tino says, "It's easy to use terms like racist or to anti-Semitism as a shield and deflection. People are more awake than ever. We know that there are people higher up pushing the division and distraction. Many people are just anti-Zionist, anti-corruption, anti-government controlled money, siphoning policies, and hiding behind these false causes." Barbara writes, "Andrew, gee, he should learn some history before he opens his mouth. Canis is a super-truth speaking person." And it goes on and on. I mean, literally it just goes on and on. So what are we to make of this? Every comment. These are in a row, by the way. I was not picking comments that were nice. This is just in a row. He gets inundated by people saying, "You are full of crap despite the fact that the media applauded him." Like I said, they just give a round of applause to themselves now. They're going to start writing about Tucker Carlson, "Round of applause. We're all calling him a non-tee and the people aren't going to care at all." In the same way that Andrew Bolts and his colleagues are all writing articles and saying things about me, but the people don't care. What we should make of it is that they don't work for us, okay? They resent us, as I have said. They resent you. They resent me. They don't like people who have the nerve, who have the audacity, who are dained to think for themselves and who aren't believing any of the headlines. The headlines have lost their power. And so what you really see when you see him sound so bitter and sound so angry is in it. I can't believe they're spending $95 a ticket. I can't believe, instead of buying a ticket to see some of these rappers, then you can believe it. That's totally fine with you. Has Andrew Bolts, can somebody research, has he done a single segment, looking into any of the performers that are being allowed into the country? My best guess is no, which is even more amazing, right? Because he's super upset that a black woman is coming to speak about how she came from nothing and made something out of herself and believes in conservative principles and believes in free market capitalism. That version of a black person is like, no, no, no, that can't happen. But rappers, speaking about guns, having a few charges, talking about drugs, talking about sleeping with people, thumbs up from the media. Yeah. The poison is me. I just want to be clear. So thank you, Andrew Bolts, for embarrassing yourself. What will happen now? Who knows? Maybe I do get my visa banned from Australia, but it will have, just like with the Tucker Carlson thing, the opposite desired effect. People are going to start to wake up and wonder who the heck is making these decisions. How does it take one call from the Zionist Federation of Australia to make it so that a mother of three can't come in to speak? Who's really in charge here? Because clearly you are not reflecting the views of the people of Australia. All right, guys, I want to remind you about seven weeks coffee. It's a company that aligns perfectly with our mission as conservatives and Christians. They're on a mission to fund the pro life movement, one cup of coffee at a time. Seven weeks of a baby's development, the baby's the size of a coffee bean, so that's where it gets its name from. And it's the first time that a heartbeat is clearly detected on an ultrasound. That's why they donate 10% of every sale to support ultrasound services at pregnancy care centers across the country. Seven weeks coffee is launching an exciting new initiative called Drink More Coffee Save More Lives because they are close to saving 5,000 lives. Not only do I love their coffee, but I know that you guys will too. I have been seeing you guys that are tagging me already in your stories with you drinking their coffee. That's amazing. If you had a chance to try seven weeks, you can now save up to 25% on your order. Just go to seven weeks coffee dot com and use code Candice to save up to 25%. Make the commitment to drink seven weeks coffee every morning and you'll be a part of funding the pro life movement and helping save over 5,000 lives and counting. That's seven weeks coffee dot com and use code Candice. All right, guys, now moving on very quickly. I want to cover this Trump IVF story because people are split, people are divided. Some people are saying he's gone too far. It's a bridge too far. I'm not voting for Donald Trump. Of course, we have to cover this as a news item because it's important. It's important to keep your pulse on what's happening in politics so you're not shocked by the results. And obviously leading up to this first, we had Trump speaking about how he was going to protect reproductive rights and pro life. People were very upset about that. And some people Lila Rose being one of them spoke out and said that he doesn't deserve the pro life vote and other people raise a legitimate concern like listen, okay. So what's your alternative to have Kamala Harris get elected? And do you think she's going to be good for the pro life movement when they're having abortions outside of the DNC, free abortions outside of the DNC happening in trucks? Fair question. Well, moving on from that, you have Trump who has now been interviewed by NBC News. I hate when he sits down with the left because I just think it's a waste of time. I don't think it's moving the dial any, but he's made that decision to sit down with them. And he has essentially said that if he is elected, he would protect access to in vitro fertilization. Let's take a listen to what he had to say. IVF has been an issue that has become political. A lot of people talking about it. What's the Trump administration going to do when it comes to IVF if you get elected? Right. Well, as you know, I was always for IVF right from the beginning. As soon as we heard about it, it's fertilization and it's helping women and men and families. But it's helping women able to have a baby. Some have great difficulty and a lot of them have been very happy with the results as you know. And what we're doing, and we're doing this because we just think it's great. And we need great children, beautiful children in our country. We actually need that. And we are going to be under the Trump administration. We are going to be paying for that treatment. So we are paying for that treatment. Or we're going all Americans to get it. All Americans that need it. So we're going to be paying for that treatment. Or we're going to be mandating that the insurance company pay. Okay. So that is a viewpoint that obviously has stirred some people up for a lot of reasons, first and foremost. Listen, I think a lot of people are ignorant of what the IVF industry has become. And so you have two sides of this issue. I try to always speak about it with some compassion because I've met people. I know people who go through the IVF process and they're going through it because they have struggled with infertility and genuinely have struggled with infertility and have refinanced their homes to pay for IVF treatments. And when they finally have a child, it's like, it's a miracle. And so you're going to imagine that if you hit this issue hard one way and you say, well, this is wrong, they're going to be hurt by that. And because you're not realizing their struggle to start a family. Now on the other side of that, which I think they don't recognize is that for many people IVF has become just like a shopping thing, you know, you find a surrogate, you get that woman pregnant, you have a woman, they're doing in vitro fertilization and they're doing it for vain reasons, you know, I mean, I have a perfect example of this was when you had Chrissy Tegan, who was pregnant. She already had children, okay? She was pregnant and at the same time, she was also using a surrogate and going through the IVF process with the surrogate. And you just go, this is just all of the excess in the world. And when you start to read articles from people who speak about what women go through, right? Using IVF process and then you start to realize that now there is this element of homosexuality to it where a lot of people that are being drawn towards this are people who can't naturally have families, forget struggling with fertility, but can't naturally have families. And they just view this as an easy option that they can continually throw money at. It's a deep conversation to have. I don't think Trump is up to date on all of these arguments. I think that he probably is hearing from people. Tons of women are struggling. You know, we want to have the female vote. People are struggling with fertility. He's thinking of, yeah, no, fertility. Of course you want to help them get fertility. And so he has a surf recipient on it and probably doesn't really comprehend why there is so much of this backlash. And I hope that people, the backlash is going to force him to learn more about this issue, learn more about the complications, learn more about what the baby even goes through. And it's a lot. It is a lot. And there's a time and a place to speak about all of those things. But I do want to say that I agree with the assessment that people have. It is down to a two horse race. It is Kamala or it is Trump. Okay. So if you are going to abstain from voting over this issue to abstain from voting is to cast a vote for Kamala Harris. And like I said, they're on the extreme side of that. And maybe the middle ground is how do you save the most lives, right? And so I just encourage people to be realistic about the options that are before us. But I also want to say to people, allow others to lodge their complaints like we should be holding our politicians feet to the fire and letting them know when we're upset. That's not that's not a wrong thing to do. But don't say, Hey, go vote for Kamala because to show him how upset you are, we don't want that conclusion as well. All right, guys, you will keep monitoring that issue before we get into your comments. I can't wait to hop into the chat and see what you guys are saying because I'm all fired up today. I just want to remind you guys about American financing because I love them. They really are helping so many Americans. There are so many people that are stressed because the monthly income just doesn't seem to be covering the bills anymore. Most Americans are actually feeling this way every single day because things are just so ridiculously expensive and people are reaching for their credit card to cover basics like childcare, insurance, power, even food. It is tough. And if you're going through that, please call my friends in American financing because they are helping hardworking Americans just like you tap into their homes equity to pay off their high interest debt and even create some additional savings to be ready for whatever life throws your way with interest rates finally dropping a company like American financing that never charges any upfront or hidden fees is the perfect partner to help you get into a better financial position. Their salary based mortgage consultants are saving homeowners over $800 a month on average. Waiting is not an option. Call today. You may delay two mortgage payments call 800-795-1210. Or you can visit American financing dot net slash Owens. All right. What are you guys saying? First, before I get into your live comments, the Xavier Pusar interview blew up. That made me so happy because I think around the world, we're kind of starting to lock arms and realize we're dealing with the same thing, whether we're in Australia, whether you're in France, whether you're in America, we're dealing with a totalitarian media ecosystem that which refuses to tell the truth, even when the evidence is overwhelming and what better example of that than Brigitte McCrone and the overwhelming amount of evidence that was trudged up over the course of three years by this brave reporter. Well, Amans writes, Canis, if you were wrong, they would have sued you in your entire neighborhood. I hear nothing from them. Just crickets keep going, girlfriend. Yeah. All they do, like I said, is crazy is all the same stuff. It's boring. Actually, we're bored. It's worse than we even hate you more than we are just bored by you. We hate the boredom that you guys inspire. Wander, Gaudy writes, the pedophilia connection to the story is truly upsetting. Yes. A lot of that going around. The media seems to full time defend pedophiles. I don't know why that is. I do not know why that is, but it should disturb you. Ashley writes, Now when people say love is love, I hope they are not thinking this is that a 40 year old with a child is not love, it's abuse and it's manipulation. Yes. And that part of the story, not even the French media will touch because it's that evidence is too concrete of their ages when they met. And so despite the fact that they presented that book as being in the relationship to try to make that the official narrative, it took very quickly for people to do the maths and realize, okay, when was a Emmanuel Macron, a student here in this drama class? Okay. When was Brigitte allegedly teaching the drama class? Wait a second. The math isn't math thing unless we're girl math thing and we shouldn't be girl math thing. And yeah, this looks like a case of not going to say it. Yes, I am. It looks like a case of pedophilia. All right, guys. Look, get in jumping into some of the live chats. Jayburger writes, Hey, Candice, is it possible that Ella M. Hop is America's Brigitte Macron where there's smoke there is fire? I, you know, I actually am not so keen on like going after the family members. I always feel, and I don't really know much about Ella M. Hop for I know they were kind of going out for the sun. And I'm just like, you know what, the kids, this is not the life that they chose. And so I'm like personally all about going for the actual politicians who have a role. But I think like for the kids, I just kind of am like, you know what, I do feel somewhat badly for the kids being thrust into the spotlight. Anwar Abu Bakr writes, the media said he's way out of control. I just feel like I'm the only one not pretending I'm not out of control. I'm just not in they control. That is a quotation from Kanye West that is true. And that is the Tucker statement now too, it should be because they're all saying Tucker's out of control. Not he is clearly just not in their control any longer. And that is what drives them crazy. They hate when you're no longer corporate because then you don't have to play by these weird rules, these weird implications that there are certain narratives that you're not allowed to trip over. Sarah writes, the left control Spanish media and votes. My Colombian family is brainwashed. We need Candace and Español spread truth through Kamala's core. Yes, it's everywhere. I mean, the media is a brainwashing entity, but they're losing the power. That's why even if you caught this, but they're banning X in Brazil because they're realizing that people are getting around the mainstream media narrative and that's where their anger comes from. That's why they sound so unhinged even as they're accusing others of being unhinged. Ellie writes, any plan to sit down with Donald Trump, I feel like a conversation between you two would break every media outlet. You know, of course, I would always stand with Trump and I would ask him none of the questions that he's being asked because I'm bored of those questions. I am just, like I said, so bored of the left and the right right now. And I just don't care to hear him have to answer questions about various things that don't actually amount to anything other than the left trying to paint him like a monster. And then you have the right who are like doing the exact same thing. I mean, I'm just I'm just bored. I'm just so bored with politics right now. I feel like I'm watching a movie and I've seen it way too many times and it's not a good movie. It's not a good movie to watch. Around I star writes Aussie here. No one I know watches the mainstream media. Sorry to hear this. I will make a stink to my MP. Thank you. Make a stink to your MP. Make a stink to your MP. And then just jumping into the chat right now, someone asking if I'm going to run for president. No, I hate politics. I hate politicians. The only politician I like right now, I'm probably being a little hyperbolic, but like Thomas Massey. The only way I'm running for office is if it's with Thomas Massey. So if he does president, I'll be his VP. I've already told him that that's the deal, otherwise I'm simply not interested. This person says Palestine is gone. All politicians are in the exact same club. That is why the USS Liberty, I am planning on discussing the US Liberty. I know I promised you guys that a long time ago, but I wanted to actually get footage and it was not an easy process to get access to Getty footage. And so we were kind of working on that, but that should be coming to you guys in the next couple of weeks. Other than that, you guys, I appreciate you watching the show today. I appreciate those of you that are keeping, not just talking independent, but keeping me independent. Those of you who have taken the moment to go to and support the show whenever capacity you can to keep us free, even if it's $1 a month, $2 a month, maybe it's $50 a month, whatever it is, it keeps us free. It keeps us happy and it keeps them angry. So please continue to support us and I promise that I will continue to commit myself to pissing off the mainstream media by simply telling the truth and accepting that you guys are capable of thinking and not being lied to. We'll see you guys tomorrow. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]