Adventures Of A Black Belt Sommelier

My passionate rant about the need for responsible gun control

Assault weapons in the hands of private citizens should be outlawed

Broadcast on:
07 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Assault weapons in the hands of private citizens should be outlawed 

No religion to the truth. And project all over people to be true. You miss her clearly on the prefrontal. But I'm not the only one. I hope somebody will join us. And the rest of you. Welcome back to adventures of a black belt. So may I. This episode is. I will warn you right up front. It is not about wine or food or travel. It is about self defense. And it is political in nature. So if you don't want that to be part of your experience with this podcast, I certainly understand and respect that and you should stop watching because I'm getting ready to say something that. So a lot of people probably watching this will disagree with, but I want to get this off my chest because I think it's important. That was John Lennon's amazing song. Imagine. Imagine a world in which private citizens did not have access to assault weapons. Imagine a world where we didn't have to read news stories about children being killed at school. Imagine. I am not what some people like to call a woke snowflake. I think I am woke is if I understand what the word means because I do respect science and I try to be a compassionate person is that I understand it. That's what woke the adjective woke refers to. But I'm not a snowflake. I went to West Point with the intention of serving in the military. If I hadn't wrecked my knee beyond the point that at that time was repairable by surgery, I probably would have gone to Vietnam. I might have died there like some of my client quite a few of my classmates sacrifice. I was willing to make it the time to serve my country. And like most people talking about this issue, I've actually fired assault weapons. I've fired 50 caliber machine guns, howitzers, mortars, M16 rifles, 45 caliber pistols. I want to tell you that firing an assault weapon is frightening. Pulling the trigger on an assault weapon weapon is frightening. Even if it's just pointed at a target or in the air, nonhuman target. There is absolutely no reason that anyone other than a soldier should have an assault weapon. Maybe on rare occasional policemen. They only have one purpose and that is to kill large numbers of people. Why would any private citizen need an assault weapon? You can't hunt with them. Nobody's taken a collision of cough out of the hunt deer or pheasant quail. What's the need for an assault weapon? The need for an assault weapon is that you want to kill a lot of people. If I were in a movie theater, somebody came in with a knife or pistol or even a rifle or shotgun, I would rush that person and try to disarm that person with the intent of doing so before he killed anybody. Might or might not be successful, might get shot, might get killed, sacrifice I'd be willing to make. Rather than just sit there, watch and pull the trigger. If that person came into a movie theater with an assault weapon, I'd do the same thing, but I'd hope not much question what would happen. I would be killed and so would a lot of other people. The people like me who want responsible gun control in this country, we don't want to take away weapons from people that use them for hunting or target practice. I don't want to take away your rifle that you used to hunt deer. I want to take away your shotgun that you used to hunt ducks and don't want to take away your pistol that you keep locked safely in your home to protect your family. Should that ever need ever arise, although most people that get shot with pistols in our country. It's a tragedy. It's not. It's rarely somebody defending their family against a break in. What people like me want with responsible gun control is that unbalanced people cannot get their hands on weapons that they're then going to use to kill people who don't deserve to lose their life. Like the children in Georgia, this past week. I'm more invested in this than maybe some people because my sister was a teacher in Georgia for a long time. If you disagree with me about this, think about, would you disagree with me if one of those two kids at that school in Georgia was somebody you loved. So it's okay. As long as it's not somebody you care about who died. We have got to get Congress to do the right thing and start being more concerned about the wishes of the American people than they are about the wishes of the NRA. The vast majority of the people in this country are in favor of responsible gun control, but Congress won't do anything about it because they're afraid of the NRA. That needs to change today. Today, what we should not open the newspaper. Well, nobody opens a newspaper. We should not open our news feed on our phone or laptop. One more time to read about children being killed by some deranged person with an assault weapon. Not one more time. No one should own an assault weapon other than a soldier or on rare occasion a policeman, because they have only one purpose, and that is to kill large numbers of people. So if you want to own an assault rifle, maybe you should ask yourself why. It's not so you can hunt deer. It's not so you can hunt pheasant kleil or ducks. It's so you can hunt people. That's the only purpose they have. They're not for defending your home. They're not for target practice. They're not for hunting. They are for killing large numbers. We need to do something about this today. We cannot let more children die. More teachers die. Because our Congress is afraid to confront, to defy the NRA. They are more afraid of the NRA than they are of their voters. Please join me. Please tell your Congressman how you feel about this. It needs to stop today. Thank you for listening to me. You're offended by this and what's supposed to be a podcast about food, why travel. I apologize, but I just, it's something I feel so strongly that needs to be said. Thank you. [BLANK_AUDIO]