Good Day Health

Are Animal Fats Healthy?

8/29/24 - Dr. Jack Stockwell, NUCCA Chiropractor and GAPS Practitioner ( | Phone: 866-867-5070), is here to address your health concerns, including: lack of energy, why your “healthy diet” may not be as healthy as you think it is, a rise in opiate overdoses in middle-aged women, fighting anxiety and depression with diet, and why animal fats are important for your overall healthy. Doug joins the conversation to discuss allergies with Dr. Jack on looking for a more natural approach to fighting allergies.

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29 Aug 2024
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It's the perfect time to experience the quality and reliability that has made Dickies a trusted name for over a century. It's the Good Day Health Podcast with Dr. Jack Stockwell, sponsored in part by Calitrin, the safe proven way to lose weight and keep it off. I'm Dr. Jack Stockwell at Very happy to be here once again with you. I know from the email that we get and that would be Jack Stockwell Office at There were stimulating some interest all across the country with the kind of material we present here on the Doug Steppen Good Day Health Show. And I want to get into some more of that because I like my show to be reflective of what is going on in my clinic and the conversations that I have with my patients because if these are the things that are concerning them here in the state of Utah, I'm sure from San Diego to Portland, Maine, Seattle, to Miami, they're hearing and feeling about the same thing. One of the things I've been showing up quite a bit here as we're getting towards the end of one season and moving into the next one, especially with the return of kids to school, with all of the summer activities and the extra sunshine and all of the picnics and the camp outs and everything else, is an interesting lack of energy that my patients are reporting to me. And I think it's because they've been extra active during the summer and I say, well, were you this active last summer? Of course they were and they are not one of them, except maybe a couple that have listened to me long enough, able to put the dots together and figure out why they are losing their energy, why they're starting to feel a little bit of depressed. I get a little flack from time to time by making the connection of what my parents, excuse me, my patients, feel about what constitutes a healthy diet, especially when I can solve with a new patient and I'm gonna start asking some questions about the diet based on their complaints. If they're just coming in because they have knee pain or they're coming in because they have headaches or they're coming in because of insomnia or something, maybe we'll have some discussions regarding nutritional intake, especially breakfast. But when they come in and they're complaining, I just don't know why I feel so tired, Dr. Jack. I didn't used to feel this way. And I will almost invariably ask, are you starting to feel a little bit of depression along with your tiredness? And of course, these kinds of problems in both moms and their children because they're reporting their children feeling somewhat the same way, especially their teenage daughters, could be greatly alleviated by simply embracing a more nutrient-dense diet. What they're thinking of is they're not getting enough sleep, which they probably aren't. They're not drinking enough water, which in most cases, they're not. Even with all the activities of the summer, they did not have the intensive exercise program they had during the winter. Although that may sound a little counterintuitive, a lot of them report that. And suddenly a lot of cases of pots starting to show up, P-O-T-S. And so I talk to them and while we're sitting there talking and they want my opinion, of course, that's what they're paying for. And I tell them whether it's for themselves or their children, as I said, these problems, especially the lack of energy and this seemingly, almost like the coming on of a gentle fog, the coming on of light depression, they describe it, well, I don't feel really depressed, but I have these moments where I feel some depression. And I talk to them and I said, listen, I'm going to make this short and sweet for you. I mean, I can sugarcoat this. You don't tell you, go ahead and keep drinking those energy drinks and keep eating those chocolate chip cookies and everything's going to be fine. Or I can tell you the truth. You need to return to a more nutrient-dense diet and they're looking at me like, well, I have a good diet. No, no, no. You need a diet that contains lots of butter, lots of cream, whole raw milk, egg yolks, and old-fashioned foods like liver, hot liver oil. And you have got to get rid of those processed foods that you're eating, even these so-called healthy process foods like granola and almond milk. And I'm not trying to be critical of you in any way, I tell them, I'm just trying to indicate a solution because the right diet can really help you and your children and your spouse to be healthy and happy. What kind of future do you think is in store for the American moms who eat according to government guidelines, you know, USDA, CDC, things like that, the current government guidelines. Low fat, wrong fat, lots of whole grains, dutiful dry vegetables, lean meats, skim milk, diet sodas, or for the other half of that group that don't pay any attention to their diet at all and live on fast food and sugary treats. What kind of health do they have in front of them? Now, if you're just tuning in when Dr. Jack Stockwell, that And again, once again, I'm trying to dedicate this show to the questions I'm getting from patients. And mostly moms, I don't hear a lot of dads complaining about this, mostly moms, about low energy, suddenly just not having to get up and go and they want to blame it on getting older. And so I start talking to them about the kind of food. I mean, it's just like if you had a very expensive car and you started putting crappy gasoline in it, it won't be long before it starts to perform crappy, especially if you're not giving the high octane, the higher octane anyway, and the regular service required of a well-functioning high-tech auto engine. Now, an article that showed up not all that long ago in the Washington Post, I think it kind of gives a window for the future of millions of American women. And this article was detailing the life of a lady who was age 60 at the time, who takes more than a dozen prescription drugs every day to deal with chronic pain, which started 17 years earlier with a single prescription for the pain reliever, Vicodin. And at that time, she lived in her own home and she managed a grocery store. But it didn't take too long before side effects started to emerge from the prescription to Vicodin, which was anxiety, sleeplessness, depression. And with each new symptom, she got a new drug, got a new drug for the anxiety, a drug for the sleeplessness, a drug for the depression. And she noticed an increasing addiction to cigarettes and vodka. And at the time the article was written, she was jobless and she was living with her 88-year-old father and her main food at this time was chocolate flavored in shore. Now, that's a long way from the comfortable, conscientious life that more affluent women might enjoy, but not immune from the same kind of fates because I take care of all income, strata in my office, from people I take care of pro bono to people who could buy my practice a hundred times over. And I see the same thing happening and it always goes back to the diet. And when, you know, the standard American diet and that's, you know, to one person is whatever fills their belly, to another person, they try to shop and be careful. But whether it's a healthy kind of a diet, and I put the word healthy in quotes, or a diet that's just based on processed concoctions, trying to pass itself off as food, like in shore, it's going to eventually lead to depression and anxiety or some kind of a painful injury that just doesn't heal, a sprained ankle, a fall to the hip, a shoulder strain or sprain that should clear up in a matter of a few days to a week or two, but they persist. Those kinds of, the pain associated with that injury persists and persists, which will eventually end up with some kind of an antidepressant or fall into a painkiller trap with patients often getting prescriptions from multiple physicians. And sometimes that downward spiral leads to outright heroin addiction, as was the case of this lady that I'm reading about in this article, who comes from a very well-off family, one of the many opioid epidemic victims in America's agribusiness, heartland, believe the state of Iowa, if I remember correctly. And these tragic outcomes, excuse me, seem to strike disproportionately among women. Between 1999 and 2014, and the study I was looking at, the number of middle-aged white women dying annually from opiate overdoses increased 400%. In a period of five years, according to analysis of CDC data. And the anti-anxiety drugs contributed to a growing share of these deaths. And when you take these anti-anxiety drugs, they depress the central nervous system. And the idea is to temporarily relieve pain, to temporarily relieve anxiety. But unfortunately, they also depress breathing. And they slow down the heart rate. And they calm down the gag reflex. One of the things that leads to asphyxiation, with an overdose, with the horrible fentanyl problem that's going on now, or just a regular prescribed drug, is that when you start to slip into unconsciousness, and the fluids, the saliva, everything begins to accumulate in the throat, your gag reflex, whether you're conscious or not, will throw that stuff out. But when you have a suppressed gag reflex, this can lead to a greater problem. And I wanna get into this, because what happens when you combine it with alcohol? What happens if you have drugs from 12 different prescribing physicians, or a physician who's given you 12 different drugs? What can you expect after that, as I'm trying to move to a better diet? What I have, the proportion between male and female, in my clinic, is very similar to what dentists experience, we're very similar to what medical physicians experience, you're gonna end up almost always seeing more women than men. Women are much more in tune with their bodies than men are. And one of the major complaints, I've heard over the last two or three years, from female patients when I'm starting with initial steps and care for them, is they're feeling tired, they're feeling, they have a heart, that the energy they had as little as two or three years ago as gone and they're starting to feel somewhat depressed. So I wanna talk about the way to get out of that. And this is what I tell most of my patients, without the use of drugs. So I was talking about the gag reflex and the depressed breathing and the depressed heart rate when they start getting on drugs to deal with their anxiety. Now, when these things stop working, and invariably they do, because you have a very interesting process going on inside your liver. When you start taking drugs, even something as what would be considered mild as an aspirin, it gets into bloodstream, obviously, that's why we're taking this stuff. And because it gets into bloodstream, it's gonna go straight to the liver. As any drug you take, whether it's for your heart or for the thyroid or for cognizance or anything else, it's gonna be absorbed through the gut wall. It's gonna get into something called the portal system, which takes that blood directly to the liver for processing. Interestingly enough, mother nature doesn't trust you to eat correctly. So mother nature wants everything that you take in, except water, everything else that you take in has gotta go through the liver before it hits the main blood supply, before it hits the heart, before it hits the brain. And so the liver sees these things coming in the bloodstream and it starts to break 'em down, if it can, or clean them up, or actually start building enzymes and chemical compounds of itself to break down that pill, that particular drug that you took. This is why, once you start on the drug for a while, it begins to be ineffective down the road. And then you gotta go get another one because your liver has tagged it as the enemy. It's sitting there waiting for it and it begins to denature it, to break it to pieces. And so it has less effect on you. And so, and this is why people who get hooked on drugs, such as heroin or some of the others, that the more they use it, the less effect it has on their body and they have to keep increasing the dosage because the liver is destroying it. Well that's what happens with anti-exact, anti-anxiety drugs. Eventually the liver knows how to get it out of the system. And so women, and I was shocked, I have to admit I was shocked when I talked to some of these women about this because it ends up driving them to heroin. Whether real heroin or synthetic heroin. And these are moms who get their kids up early in the morning and get 'em fed, get 'em off to school, maybe have a job of their own, maybe their job is a 100% homemaker and they have a secret heroin addiction. And I thought the first time I heard that, you're kidding me. Oh no, that's, it's destroying my life, it's destroying my marriage. Well, what about jail time? So I'm not gonna go into the rest of that conversation I've had with them, but you can imagine where it goes. So what about solutions? So what do I tell these people at this point in time to get off of that roller coaster and into something that's going to return their health? What's next at Moss Adams? That question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry focus insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity and move upward at What have you tried? What have you done to get off this roller coaster? Well, focus groups, what do you mean? Well, they talk about AA or they talk about some other therapy group. They get together and they talk about these kinds of things. Is that working for you? Well, that's kind of why I'm here. And I'll ask them, you have 12 prescribed medications here that you've brought with you that you want me to see. How many different physicians do these represent? And it could be one or two. It could be as many as three or four. I said, do these doctors talk to each other? Because you have two drugs right here that are contraindicated to be used at the same time. Because this one drug will amplify the effect of this drug. And this is dangerous. And you know, sometimes it came from the same position. Or they are put on a path to for hormone replacement, especially for menopausal women, and all of which begs the question, why do these women feel so anxious? Why are they in so much physical pain? Now pain immediately after an injury is normal, obviously. It's nature's way of telling you, get off of it. An ankle, a knee, a hip, shoulder, get off of it so it can heal. But injuries that don't heal and pain that goes on and on is not normal. Now, this is where I get to the crux of the matter. Because some of these patients, when I tell them what they need to do, actually laugh at me until we talk about it and they begin to see the wisdom of it. Because when I tell them that the fundamental solution to their anxiety, the fundamental solution to their depression is to eat lots of animal fat. Yeah, that little pregnant silence there for a minute, 'cause that's what I get from them. After all, I tell them, we now have almost 70 years of conditioning to make us feel guilty about eating butter. And it creates the impression that it's just a horribly vulgar, stupid thing to do to cook in lard. We are in our third generation now, and I think entering a fourth generation, actually, of processed foods that are based on vegetable oils. And we know from Pottinger's cat studies, each generation just gets weaker until breeding ceases or the young fail to reach adulthood before they pass away. Now, if you want some short, very illuminating reading, you need to go to and get the book Pottinger's Cats. P-O-T-T-E-N-G-E-R Pottinger's Cats. Dr. Francis Pottinger was an original thinker and a very keen observer whose imagination, integrity, common sense gave him the courage to question the official dogma. He was dedicated to the cause of preventing chronic illness and he made some significant contributions to the understanding and the role of nutrition in maintaining good health. So in his classical experiments with cats, more than 900 cats were studied over 10 years. And Dr. Pottinger found that only diets containing raw milk and raw meat produced optimum health among the cats when they would cook the meat or substituting heat processed meat, such as pasteurized for raw meat. They ended up with weird reproduction problems, physical degeneration. And with each succeeding generation, the symptoms simply got worse. Vermin parasites, abounded skin diseases, allergies increased from 5% to over 90%. The bones became soft and pliable. The cats would suffer from adverse personality changes, hypothyroidism and most of the degenerative diseases that are encountered in human medicine. And by the fourth generation, they died out completely. The young couldn't even reach maturity to reproduce before they themselves died. And so the changes that Pottinger observed in the cats on the deficient diets, paralleled the human degeneration, the doctor price that I've talked about before, West and A price found in indigenous tribes around the planet that abandoned their traditional diets. So what? Well, you're not a cat and you're not designed to eat raw meat. Though occasionally I will order steak tartar at a restaurant that knows how to prepare it correctly. But I cook my meats, obviously. I don't cook my beef past medium rare, and in fact, I prefer it rare. The most delicious meat to me in the whole world is a rare fry rib. But when I can get my patients to start thinking about this and they're looking at me like, but animal fats, they will give me a heart attack. They'll give me a stroke. No, no, no, no, nonsense, absolute nonsense. Because when you look at what's in animal fats, what's in there that can protect us against anxiety and pain, 'cause they wanna know this. Well, you're telling me to go to a diet that my medical doctor would scream if he heard me eating these foods. And I said, well, when you consider the biggest cause of death in America, heart disease, and it's an incredibly lucrative business in the medical world, and yet it's the leading cause of death, think about it. So what's in animal fats that protect us, that protected our grandparents, great grandparents, from these degenerative diseases? Well, first and foremost, it's cholesterol. Because when your body is in a state of repair, it is the body's repair substance. And your body needs cholesterol in large amounts after any injury. And the receptors for serotonin, the body's main feel-good chemical, the thing that we want to increase in anybody that feels depressed, requires cholesterol to work. And many of the other components of animal fats, the saturated fat, the arachidonic acid, vitamins A, D, and K, all play numerous roles in helping the body to repair after injury, but also to regulate our moods. Now, this is fundamental. There are over 50 hormones in the human body that actually have a role to play in not just wound and injury repair, but an overall feeling of wellbeing and happiness that have cholesterol as the basis of those chemical compounds. So, as I talk to these ladies, a lot of them are turning to cannabis to help them deal with their pain. It's a medical marijuana is legal in Utah. And I am sometimes surprised at some of the patients I've been taking care of for a few years that had some lingering pain. And somebody talked them into getting medical cannabis. And now they're having THC every day. Well, your body makes its own endocannabinoids. Exactly the same substance that occurs in marijuana. Almost every cell in the human body has receptor sites for these endocannabinoids. And these can help the body modulate pain naturally without the use of taking this stuff. And we make endocannabinoids in our system. Our body will produce, I don't wanna call it marijuana 'cause marijuana is referring to the plant. It's the endocannabinoid that's in marijuana. Your body will make that out of omega-6 fatty acid, a particular omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid, which occurs uniquely only in animal fats like butter, egg yolks, cream, lard. And to anybody that's struggling with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, my first suggestion to them, and I try to lock this into their consciousness before they finish with this first consultation, is butter, butter, butter. And when someone comes into my office in extreme pain, and their only option is to strengthen the pain killer that they've been prescribed or to double up on it, which I tell them, don't you dare do that, is to eat half a pound of butter along with several egg yolks. When I say, do you watch and see what happens to you in seven to 10 days? And they get this stark look on their face like you probably are having right now listening to me say this, but I'm absolutely, I'm absolutely positive, absolutely certain in what I'm telling you. And the more we get away from animal foods, then the more we start playing like we're a cow or a rabbit or a deer and eating their foods, the less human you're gonna feel. And the more pain is gonna be there, the more anxiety, the more depression was gonna take its place. Now, at the same time, I'm telling them butter, butter, butter, anything you can possibly put butter on. And I'm talking about grass pastured butter. I'm not talking about the typical butter that you find in the store anymore than I'm talking about pasteurized milk when I say milk. I'm only talking raw milk and I'm only talking butter that came from pastured dairy cattle. And the yolks of chickens that are free-range chickens out there pecking the ground all over the place, not locked up in some damn cage somewhere. And at the same time, you get off of all products that contain industrial seed oils, which basically means all processed foods and get rid of that awful concoction like in sure for Pete's sake, read the label of that stuff. So if it has soybean oil, don't consume it. If it has canola oil, don't consume it. If it has high oleic safflower oil, don't consume it, or sunflower oil, or grapeseed oil, these are overly processed oils that most of what made them nutritious to begin with has been removed and they've been bleached. They've been processed at high temperatures and they're extremely poisonous to the human body. Now I know that this is 180 degrees different than the programming of the last 70 years in modern healthcare. But when you look at the health statistics of the average American in 1950, and you compare it to the average health statistics of 2024, something happened, something major happened. And as I have studied this, since I first started looking at nutrition in the early 1970s, when I did not want to vaccinate my children, I wanted an alternative. So I started to study and study and study and that's back when vaccination side effects wasn't nearly as serious as it is today. It always came back to nutrition. It always came back to the quality of food that we put in our bodies every bit as much. As the quality of the ingredients you'd put into a car that was $350,000, you wouldn't put crap in it. So this one thing can go a long way to mitigate pain and ease depression and anxiety. And of course, the best time to do it's when you're young so that your later years are joyful and pain-free as they should be, but it's never too late to change the road you're on. And so I hit this as strongly with my new patients as I can. If you want me to take care of you with all I have to offer you, I want you to get off of processed foods and get on the foods that Mother Nature made and you might find a big change. I have more of this on my podcasts at is where you can get the products that I often talk about on my show. I'm gonna be joining Doug here very shortly. I'm awfully grateful to be a part of this show. I'm Dr. Jack Stockwell at The ForbiddenDoctor has so many ways for you to help yourself to health conversations on allergies, a natural treatment for allergies. People have allergies, they take Allegra, there must be a natural treatment or a supplement that would work instead. That's the question from Sheila who listens to us in Henderson, Nevada. - So what do you assume of when it comes to this? - Well, one of the basic underlying rules of allergies is that we're alkaline. If our body is alkaline, we can definitely experience allergies. If our bodies, if we have a good acid balance with alkalinity, we can get rid of that. Before the singular and all these other kinds of drugs started showing up, I don't know if the hill people is the right word or not, but the people who knew how to take care of problems knew that a teaspoon or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar a day in about six to seven ounces of water would cure allergies because it would help to acidify the system. Now, that's not convenient for a lot of people to do and some people just can't stand the taste of apple cider vinegar as healthy as it is. So what we use at is something called cow ammo, they're pills. It's just calcium ammonium chloride. It's the salt that comes out of the ocean that keeps the ocean from getting to alkaline. If the ocean water is slightly alkaline and if it gets to alkaline, there won't be any life left on the planet let alone in the water itself. So mother nature has provided this calcium ammonium, a calcium ammonium chloride to slightly acidify things to keep the ocean under control. Well, that same salt appears in the bloodstream. And so it's probably one of the least expensive products that we have at, cow ammo, C-A-L-A-M-O. You take a couple of those a couple of times a day and you're gonna see your allergies disappear overnight. - That's pretty amazing. The information about the oceans is amazing, alkalinity, cow ammo, all of that stuff. So allergies can be skin allergies. They can be internal, they can be external, all kinds of things, whatever you're allergic to, that's the way to go, down that road. All right, there's Jack with his advice. I have some advice for you. This portion of the program brought to you by Calitran, C-A-L-O-T-R-E-N. Calitran is the way for you to lose weight, scientifically proven to work or your money back. All kinds of reviews at You get the summer savings power pack right now. This weekend, go to and you can get what's on sale right now, which is Calitran itself, the power pack. And then there's a special loss weight supplement. I suppose maybe that's the best way of putting this and give you a weight loss support. So you have Calitran, which helps you get it off and then you have support. So these two products are on sale right now and you can pay for them over time if you'd like. Whatever works for you, that's what they want for you from Calitran. So go online, again, Add the power pack to your weight loss routine. Find out how working this over the natural way is absolutely the best thing for you. That's at Calitran's website, So Jack, in addition to what we were talking about with the allergy treatment that you suggested, what else have you got in your tool kit? Allergies, something called albezia. It's A-L-B-I-Z-I-A. It is an herb that also helps to desensitize the nerve endings in our nasal passages that are triggered by certain kinds of allergens. I used to have horrible allergies up to about two or three years ago till I discovered albezia in conjunction with Calammo. And now, at night, I mean, literally, my pet cat, I wake up in the middle of the night and my cat is sleeping one foot away from my head. And I no longer sneeze or have any kinds of allergic reactions where before, I couldn't walk in a house that had a cat. - That's good, you know, albezia. - So Calammo, albezia, yes. - Calammo and albezia. - - From standard process, That's a great info, as I promise all the time, you're Doug Steffen with Dr. Jack Stockwell. It's sponsored in part by Calitron, which is the safe way for you to lose weight and keep it off. - Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants draft at the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. - Whew, sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check, rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. 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