WudUpDoe Podcast

Episode 379: Asymptomatic Idiots


This week, topics include

  • Coworker drama
  • Amazon delivery gone bad
  • Getting fit
  • Covid is still around eh? and more

Broadcast on:
07 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Get ready. [MUSIC] Welcome to the D, baby. It's all live down here. What you see is all real. [MUSIC] >> What up, though? >> What up, though? >> Welcome back episode 379 of the What up, the podcast. >> Yes, sir. [BLANK_AUDIO] Today has been so fucking interesting. No, not even that, not even that. All is cool, man. Today has been so fucking interesting. So, I work with an array of ages. Like, I think some of the youngest people I work with are like low 20s to like old ass motherfuckers or whatever. And it's like the young ones, man, they're like, well, they're kids to me shit. They're younger than my steps, but they just have like kid mentalities and shit. And that's just so fucking annoying. Like, this is one chick. And I don't know, I'm gonna call her Jolene for the sake of argument. Jolene's young, I haven't seen this. >> That's not a young person name. >> Sorry. >> Yeah, I know, but that's why it's kind of funny. Young white girl, I believe she graduated in design or whatever. She has a degree or whatever in it. And she's let people know that for sure, which is always fucking annoying. To the point where she was, there was another young chick starting and they mentioned that I forget the school. I think she meant with the Wayne state or something. And she was, she said something to the effect of, well, my degree is better because I went to a better credit at school or some shit. I'm like, what the fuck? Like, who don't, who actually say that? Like, just stupid shit like that. So anyway, she's just a super over emotional. And I don't know, maybe because she doesn't, she's not like, like remotely attractive at all. And maybe they get to her. You know, it's a, it's a combination of shit. I think, I think she's been spoiled from her parents. She looks a little weird. And she just, she doesn't have a, she has a little goofy looking. Um, she's, uh, she has like a quick temper. Like, and she, she's over emotional. I think when she meets people, she's still young where she thinks her coworkers are her friends and shit and they really aren't like, um, like one time, I think it was a day like we were from home on Wednesdays and Fridays and some people were in on that Wednesday. And so they all went to lunch together. This bitch was mad because they didn't ask her to go to lunch. Now, she works at home on Wednesdays. Why the fuck would want to ask her, even if she lives close to, to the job, to go to lunch with you? Like, it doesn't make sense. And furthermore, even if you did work there, no one's entitled, you're not entitled to go to lunch with people and shit, you know what I'm saying? So it's just shit like that. But today was a doozy of doosies. So she wasn't there today. Like, she had gotten a car accident a couple of weeks ago. So she was getting her car taker, some shit like that. And she, some sit in it sitting off, it's a picnic table, sitting outside of lunch and a couple of the people there. And this other guy, we call him Jason. Um, because I really don't know his name. But Jason, some J names though. Oh, no, just the first thing that popped up. She tells another coworker that Jason is responsible for her parents getting sick. And so we're like, was Jason hanging out with her parents? She's like, no, whatever Jason had, he somehow gave it to me, me and Jolene. And although I didn't get sick and the sickness was dormant in me, I passed it to my parents. So she thinks that's more likely than her parents just got it from somewhere else. Like, bro, it was a crazy. I'm just like, what the fuck is like? Like, why would, and I'm like, how did, why didn't y'all dispute this with her? Like, this is stupid. Like, why would, how she couldn't get that off of me? Like, no, no, no, that's stupid. That's not, that's almost like, I mean, was, I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask this. Was Jason even sick at any point? He was. Okay. Okay. I just wanted to make sure he was at least sick at some point. He was some kind of reason. I guess he had a call for something at work. I don't know if he was sick to the point of leaving work, but I definitely knew he had a coffin. I guess he revealed he was sick. He doesn't sit near me. But I, so I never even paid attention or notice. Okay. But I don't know. I don't know. Oh, it's almost, I don't know. You think of like going back to COVID, like where you. What was the term for folks that got COVID, but didn't know it. Oh. Why did I shit? I don't know why that term was. Fuck. Yeah, that. I want to say dormant, but that's not what it was. It wasn't the word. It wasn't the word. I am, I'm having a brain fart. What the fuck? What's it called? Damn. I should, I should know that. Anyway, almost like that where somebody, but then it's like, how do you know you even had it to even know if you get, I don't know. I was just like, y'all can't let people get away with saying stupid shit. You need to call. Asymptomatic. Asymptomatic. Thank you, sir. I know. Dora was too much of a simple word. And I can only just, when you didn't have symptoms. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I'm just like, how the fuck like, why would you. The house and why is I'm just like, nigga, this is stupid. Like, and she just, and she knows a lot and she knows this shit, but at the same time, she knows that. And so she gets high off that, it seems like, but I don't know that. I work with young people, sucks. Like, I, I just, I stick to the people my age and deal with that. I just, you know, she's okay at surface level. And because I have to ask her questions sometime, because she was there a little bit for me. I just, you know, I don't deal with her until I actually have to. And then if I do have to ask her some, I email her something like, I don't have conversations. I heard like, this is stupid. But yeah, that was the weird shit that happened today. But after that, I guess we can go right into it. So I get a ring alert on my, you know, alert and I see that FedEx delivered a box. So I didn't know what it was at the time. So I'm like bad. And then I get another alert that, you know, so with the door. So I'm thinking that was my wife for getting the package and it was Amazon. And so for whatever reason, I just watched it this time, because I didn't even, I have watched the one with the FedEx chick. Amazon chick comes, she has books. She has two, you know, them like soft bags they use for shipping and stuff. Yeah. Just two of those like envelopes with their envelopes. Yeah. Big ass, but they white. Yeah. Yeah. So she has two envelopes. It's a small box. The small box, obviously, is smaller than the big box on the porch. And so she scans the, you know, she likes, she's about to scan and she looks around and she looks and then she picks up the fucking FedEx package, but leaves the small package that walks off. So I look at the video again to make sure this will happen. Why is she taking her package? You know, it's not even a, it's not even an Amazon package. They don't switch a route like I believe it's little one. I'm going to take this big one with me though. So I mess with the server. Come on. Like, yeah, I think the Amazon chick just took our package. And so she goes out and luckily she was free. Like she wasn't a meaner. So she goes out and I'm like, yeah, she likes what I'm doing. I'm like, she goes, I'm like, bitch. Shit. I'm like, she can't be that far. She's like, okay, I see her. So she tells, so the story is she tells me, so she goes down. She talks to she's like, and I'm on a phone with her time. And she's like, yeah, you got my, you know, you have a package of ours that you took from the porch. And she's like, no, I didn't. And then she's like, I'm going to call you back. I'm thinking like, I want to hear this shit. So she gets off the phone. Basically, she's like, you have a package. And now you don't. I'm like, she's like, yes, you do. You have our package off the porch. You grabbed it when you took the rest of your stuff. She like, I don't know this about mistake, but you grabbed our package. And it's hard to be a mistake, but whatever. She's like, no, I don't. And so she's like, you want me to show you the video? So she shows the video. Same videos I showed since you. And she's like, are you, did the FedEx come after me? No, bitch. The FedEx was there before you and you picked it up. So she's going back and forth. And she's like, I don't have a FedEx package on my, in my, on my truck. And so one of us like, well, what was the last delivery you did after you left me? And she said a house across the street. So she gets in the truck. And she starts to drive off. And my wife's like, oh, this bitch, they got us and shit. So the girl turns around and comes back to where the house is, which is directly across the street and goes and the package's not there. And so we go knock on the door and they have the package. Let me get the package. And so the girl was like, well, something about, thank you. I'm sorry. I made this mistake, blah, blah, blah. She's like, all right, it's cool. She goes, she goes back in the house. Now we've talked about this. A great lift in our chat. And I'm like either. The greatest of left balls. And I'm like either she's the ditziest dumbest bitch in the whole world. Or she was trying to scheme by leaving it on someone else's porch and going back to pick it up. Because I'm like, if she's trying to take it, why would she put it on someone else's porch, though? And it's not like the people she's been on porch. She knows them. She don't even know them. So it wasn't like that. So I'm just like, what the fuck is, or does she? At this point, I'm saying she don't because I don't think they know many black people. Okay. But yeah, I'm like, you got to be suspicious of his neighbor, just in case. Yeah. But it's the neighbor. There's the neighbor that fucking did my fence. Like I see the motherfuckers every day. Oh, man. Yeah. So it's like, I know them. It's like the few people on the block. I really know and shit. And I'm just like, I'm just so fucking confused. Like, why does she take her package? Why does she put it on the porch? Why does she didn't know she took the package? Like, I just did not get that shit. Like I was ready to call up Amazon, all this shit. I was like, don't worry about another big deal. I think she's just slow and young and whatever. But I'm like, she clearly picked the box up that she did not bring to the porch. Like, how is, how does that happen? Yeah, I can't, I can't figure out how that happens. Because the, the part that stumped me the most about it was you went to a porch that already had a package on it. That package on the porch would have had the address for that house. AKA your house. Right. How do you then take it to a different house? So you picked it up from the right address. Looked at you, you spent, maybe you take it from the right address by mistake. Looked at that. And then somehow saw a different address. It took it to a different house with a different address than was on it. Then what was on there? When you picked it up from the right address and all of this is just a complete confusion to you. Like, how do you do that? Like you should be driving a vehicle out here. You should be managing as a dope. If you could do that, if you could do that, it's something wrong with you. Like you shouldn't, you should not be doing his job. If you can, if you can do that. And to make it, and to make it more suspicious. I mean, in the beginning, she looked around and then she grabbed it. That was the part that made me think she was, she was hustling it. Yeah. Because she looked a lot like she like, she looked left for right, but never looked front and front what a fucking camera is. She looks left for right and grabs it and walks and then scans the fucking boxes. She's posted a little scan and then walks away. Like, hey, shit. What the fuck? I was like, dude, I've been working like, what the fuck is going on, dude? Like, I'm glad, I'm glad she. Well, the thing is, it's like the neighbors across the street at some point would have saw that it wasn't theirs and brought it back. They just ain't that type of people that I don't think. So I feel like I wouldn't got the package anyway. But she's lucky because this would have been escalated all the way to Amazon for sure. Because why the fuck are you grabbing shit off our porch? Just like, I never would have thought of fucking ports never be the fucking people that's delivering shit. You know what I'm saying? Like, that was like the craziest shit today. I cannot believe this shit. And most importantly, the people who delivered this shit should be the ones who are most knowledgeable of the fact that almost everybody got a fucking video doorbell now. Everybody or, or, or a camera there of some sort because they're too fucking affordable for people to not have them at this point. And you don't have to do wiring. It can be wireless. Like, it's too, it's too user friendly to have a camera. And like, how would you not? So, like, everybody got in the people who are going to know that the most are going to be the people who deliver packages. Like, man, it's just so many things to, it's like evidence that she didn't do it on purpose and it's evidence that she did do it on purpose. And I just don't know which it is, which it is like, was this a failed grandmaster scheme? Or is she a complete and total blithering idiot? It's like not really no in between. I just, and I'm so clueless as to what the fuck that answer is, because it's just, like, she's lucky that we were home that someone was home, because this would have went straight to Amazon. Like, I would have pitched a bitch. And if she's a blizzard idiot, she just would have got fired for being a blithering idiot. Yeah, because the video shows her stealing period. Yeah, it's clear. I don't think I was mad at the video almost shows her purpose, like, with the looking around and shit. Like, it shows her purposely stealing. Like, so if she was dumb and just did that and just was confused or whatever, like, no, no. If she took that, if she took that package and left and y'all take that video, it's a rapper. The only thing I'm mad because we've seen how we saw with Johnny how he says his records continuously, the part that doesn't, and that's why I sent both videos because the part of the video she's in. She's so close to the portion of the see her walk up so you don't see the other package there. I mean, you don't see the package there solo before she gets there. Because you have a video of the packet of that one being delivered. Oh, no, no, that was my second point. I have the previous video. That's why, like, I sent both because the one video you can't see her walk with there. And it's just like Johnny said, the white lady comes up and speaks to the dog to the window and shit. Black chick comes up and get y'all shit and runs off and shit. Like, what the fuck? Crazy shit doesn't happen to me here, dude. Like, what in the fuck, dude, move out of the city and motherfucker still trying to get you and shit, or just being fucking idiot stuff. Yeah, but yeah, she's lucky that somebody was home because that would have went off the whatever whoever the manager's manager's manager is, they would have fucking got got that video. Like, it's just too obvious. It wasn't. And it's like, why would you risk your job? That's the thing that bugs me if, like, if she was really stealing, we know it has to be technologies and knows who scanned the packets who just delivered to us so we know it's you. You're in your uniform. We have video of you. Like, it's still mistaken who it is. So you're easily. Uh, track the V who, who that person is, like, it would make no fucking sense. And then it's like, Bitch, you stole a pair of bands. You ain't even still nothing cool. Like, if you were really trying to steal some shit, you would have got them like, what the fuck am I going to do with these shit. Like, I restored a jail for this. Like, what no, Jordan, isn't what nothing expensive. The fucking shoes was $60. I can't really go risk your, risk your life over some shoes. I just want to wear the work. Like, that video was so, that video is so clearly stealing. They're like, I said, that should go straight to that shit would go straight to the police. Nah, like, you get arrested. They get arrested. I'm, I'm still tempted to post it. I'm still tempted to post it on TikTok and blend both of the videos and just ask you what they think. 'Cause, yo, that was the stupidest fucking shit ever, Doc. Like, I just cannot believe that shit, Doc. They're crazy as shit, man. But, you know, all this well, package back. But what I didn't know. Oh, excuse me. She's trying it on first. Well, she was a lot further down than I thought. So, a wife's in my, she's running down the street in flip flops trying to get to where the truck was and shit. And I was just pitching my wife running. I don't see my wife running much at all. So, to see her running down the street in flip flops trying to chase this fucking truck. Man, I wish we had a camera outside. I got to get my camera installed on the front of the garage. 'Cause, man, I would have loved to have seen that shit. Oh, man. But, yeah. How was your day? Uh, yeah, not like that. I don't have no story. I just went to work and it was uneventful and then I came home. Yeah, I mean, other than to hear about the stupid chicken, the passing of coals and shit. Work was pretty uneventful. Like I said, before we started, we, uh, we, they cut our hours back to regular 40 hours. So, this should just seem so weird just being, you know, off of the regular times. Like, I could just get so much shit done. Like, you know, I come home. Our rituals, I come home. We probably watch our shows. We watch together, eat dinner. And then, you know, we both tried to get our steps in. So, I was out putting together a hammock and then pacing around and shit. She was going to walk the dogs and shit like that. No, I've been wanting a hammock for so fucking long. I don't know why I took so long to get it. Man, that is one of the most comfortable shits ever died. And it wasn't expensive, too. It was like 70 bucks, nah. And that bitch is dope, dude. So, I've always been concerned about the standalone ones. I'm like, man, I'm too heavy for that. I'm gonna break it. Like, I don't know about that. And then two, I'm concerned that I'm gonna fall asleep and like, be out out in like all manner of like animals is going to come up on me and I'm gonna get bit by a bunch of bugs. Like, is this gonna be a whole thing? It's not gonna be relaxing at all. Like it's gonna start relaxing and it's going in. It's going in real raw. Like, I wish I would have got it when the weather was a lot, you know, well, right now weather's perfect, but just ones a little warmer out. But I had a plan of like, I was gonna put my tin up. I was gonna put my fucking hammock under it so I could, you know, get, I won't get hit by old birds and no crazy shit. And I was gonna sit out there on a Saturday and just fucking chill to fuck out. And I still would do that until it gets too fucking cold. Man, man, I'll be done. Set that bitch up on my garage nigga. Man, yeah, you can put up like a little protection, like a tent or something like that. The only thing is like, now you put the tent up, now you're not gonna get that breeze the same way you would get it if you didn't have a tent. Well, no, the tent is just covering up top and shit. You know, you still got the sideways shit. Oh, like, oh, some more like a canopy, but not canopy. I'm sorry, not like a tent in my back. My back, my back canopy. Yeah, but yeah, but I've been one and one for so long. So, but I did make sure I got one with a high weight limit. Come on, I think up to like 450. Oh, damn. Yeah, so, you know, it's good. So, and it's easy to put together to like I said, it was only like 70, I think like 70, 80 bucks or something like that. But yeah, that's it was, I mean, I got it last week and I've been meaning to put together a week so since I have a little more time on my hands. That's it was dope. Yeah, I've always wanted one man so that that was after all of the rigmarole of bullshit today. That was definitely the highlight of the day. Yeah. So, last week, shout out to them for jumping on. We were talking about, you know, just ways to just stay active and shit like that. And so, you know, per your advice, a lot of shit, you know, I've been still at it, man. Like I said, last night I was outside pacing the night and shit trying to get my step count in. Got my shit in today and, and another thing that's been kind of motivating too is that my wife has really been in it like she says she's so we got fit bits again we had fit bits back in the day and we just wasn't really doing the shit with them so as we started getting more serious we started getting, you know, want to get fit bit so we could try to, you know, keep our steps up and stuff and be active. One, fuck fit bit because they have like, they have taken away like the best feature that they took away is that, well, one of the best features is that you could do like daily challenges where you could, you could add people into your challenge so you could see what their steps is and stuff like that. Yeah, you can't do that. Yeah, you can't do that no more. And it might be in the premium version because you have to have a premium version. Oh yeah I bet. So it's probably in there. So you can't even do the best part of it. Yeah, so that's the coolest part so I'm just, you know, I mean, I guess it ain't nothing is, you know, we just asked each other what our steps is, and, you know, so forth but yeah they take, and Google owns it and I think Google is so good at fucking shit up. Like for all of the good things that Google has done, you know, I am a big component of like their, the pixel that's one of the one of the best phones I've ever had. I feel like I may not mirror it but I'm damn close to like the ecosystem of like having a pixel phone pixel earbuds and the pixel tablet. The syncing of like headphones going back and forth between the phone and the tablet. It's pretty dope. I absolutely love it. So in those respects Google was dope, but they've killed so many great things in their history and of things that I really use. Like, I'm going back to like when they kill Google Reader. Do you remember that bear? Did you ever use Google Reader? No. Really? Okay. So Google Reader was like, and this was I guess like when like a lot of blogs are a lot more popular Google Reader, you can, it basically showed up like a podcast app and all of the blogs and stuff like that you were reading was showing new new episodes, but new releases and shit like that, killed that years ago. Recently, they killed Google podcast. I didn't use Google podcast. I use podcast addicts. So they really affect me. But I was acting on a migrate to Google podcast. I'm like, you know, Google makes it cool. I could just integrate that, kill that shit. And now, I don't know how long they own Fitbit maybe a little maybe longer but it's rumors that they're trying to kill Fitbit in general. It's just like, why do they keep killing such good shit? Just so fucking annoyed. All right. Just so they can just not had a competition and make their own thing that is the exact same as that. Like make the Fitbit, but just call it the Google something or other. And I wouldn't even be mad at that, but the motherfucker gave me some money off because I just bought a fucking Fitbit assholes. And I'm cool with that because I like Google shit. So they made something that was, you know, integrated to that. That's kind of cool. But yeah, it's been killing off shit. So yeah, I can't do that. So, I mean, it's no issue to, you know, but anyway, I was basically saying that, you know, I've been kind of motivated, not kind of a lot. I've been motivated a lot by just the wife and her dedication now because she's really, really getting to just be an active being more fit. And I think she says she has like 19, 19 or 20 straight days of making her like step goal and stuff. So she's really, really been into it. So that's been kind of cool to see her motivated with it because, you know, she had been. She had been really upset about she had, you know, when COVID hit. And she kind of gained all this weight that she had lost back in plus and she'd be really down on herself. And so she had was talking to her her girlfriend that was telling her about how, you know, much she was, you know, down about it and stuff. And her girl was like, COVID hit, but then you had like a major surgery right before COVID hit. And she did and she had totally forgot about that. And she had to take so much time to heal from that that she wasn't active at all. And I kind of forgot about it too. And I'm just like, yeah, you know, I mean, you know, I get it not trying to make excuses, but I mean, you have a major fucking surgery. It's like, you can't, you can't be active like you want to be active, you know what I mean. And so, but yeah, so that's been kind of dope, man. So just, just happy about that shit. Having to, having to rest up for a long time can take that up. That takes out of everybody. Like, it's super hard for even the most dedicated person to get back going after that. Yeah, that's really, that's really difficult. Like, I mean, and she, she had a surgery and in November, she was off work all of December, and didn't go back to work to January, you know what I'm saying. So that's, that's how much it kind of took it out. And then two months later, COVID hit, you know, I'm saying, and then, you know, it's been a blur for COVID. And I was like, almost September of fucking 2024 and shit. So, yeah, so yeah, so that's been cool, man. It's just been, it's been good seeing her motivate, which has been getting me, you know, a little more motivated every day. I don't, I'm definitely not at the level she is motivation, but I'm definitely getting there. So, you know, that's, that's pretty dope. We still not even pass COVID yet. Like, it's been four years, and it's like still, like, people talking about, not people, but like, you know, the scientists in the medical community talking about new variations of COVID and still got mad people walking around with masks now still and like, like, we still feel in the effects of this shit dog, and it's been all, it's been four years now. It's crazy. My neighbor, the only black guy on the block, he always has a mask on. Like when I first moved, I was like, I'm, and it's not, I mean, I'm not naive to say that COVID is over, but you know, a year and a half ago. I mean, it was, at that point, you know, it was a little more normalcy and stuff, but I, and every day that motherfucking had a mask on like, he's like, I remember the first time I seen him pull his mask down under his chin. And he was, he was in his yard. I was kind of, I was in my driveway. He was in the driveway talking, and it was almost like seeing Wilson. I had never seen a small six, eight months, I had never seen his face. He wear glasses and had a mask on the hat. I never seen this fucking face. I didn't know his motherfucking had a beard. But yeah, even today I was talking to the day fucking had his mask on. He put it down a little. But yeah, so yeah, you're absolutely right. There were, we're not especially with different variants and I haven't known anybody close to get it, but I've definitely heard of folks. So, yeah, still, yeah, and COVID was a crazy as time. Man, I wish it was okay. I wish it was okay to ask people why they still wear masks. Because it's not because the problem is that is it comes off as if you're, you're implying that they shouldn't be. And I'm not, I wouldn't, I'm not even trying to imply that. Like, I, like, I, like. I want to know, like, is it, like, is it a medical thing? Is it something that you know, like, I wanted to ask somebody to keep the yourself safe or other people safe? Like, like, I just want to know, like, it's just a sheer curiosity. Like, what's the motivation? Because, like, like, I want to ask, like, a whole bunch of, like, were you doing this before COVID? Like, you always been wearing masks or, like, did you start during COVID? Like, are you, are you sick? Right now? And is that why you have a mask? And normally you wouldn't have one? Like, I, like, all the, I have all, like, I just want to know, and I'm not even, like, asking to pass judgment, but it's no way you can do that and not sound like you pass a judgment. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to sound judgy. It's like, yeah, but it's like not to be rude. I just want to know. Well, like, I might judge you after you give me an if you start telling me stuff. I might judge some of your responses, but, like, right now, right now, I just got curiosity, you know, like, I just want to know, like, and I'll be seeing, like, man, people like this, this is somebody my job. Like, I can't even, sometimes she got a mask on, sometimes she don't. I can't even tell you what the parameters are for, like, when she wear it, wear it and wish she don't. Like, I think maybe when she's at her desk, she's okay with taking it off. And that's it. But if she leaves her desk, you got to put it back on. Like, I think that's, and that's the rule that they made us do when we first came back to the office during COVID. They were like, you got to wear your mask all the time, except for when you at your desk that you could take it off, which, again, dumb, but whatever. That was the most. That was what the rules was. I guess, you know, the germs is going to float right in front of me while I'm at my desk, I guess. But, yeah, that was rude. Like, and I want to ask you, like, are you still going off? Like, are you still going off that room? Cause that room was dumb even with it better. He can not, don't matter. Like, are you still going off that rule? But then I don't like, did she always wear a mask? Does she have something? Like, did she get COVID? And now she's like super sensitive to, like, now she made me, she part of part of the, the consequences of that is that she gets sick easier. Like, but it's like, I just want to know, I want to ask her, like, Hey, how come you wear the mask? Like, 80% of the time. Like, like, like, if you were in it all the time. Okay. Yeah. Part one is why you wearing a mask. My part two is like, how do you determine why sometimes you take it off? Like, it is weird times. And then taking off part is the weird part because if, say, you know, you're working in the public and you would like to minimize your exposure to anybody potentially and you're going home to your family and stuff, I could totally get that. That's what I felt with my man. It's like, maybe he works in a place in the public doesn't want, but when he's at home, he typically has it on. He gets, he's had it in the car. He gets all he has it on. And, like, when I used to get in the car, man, I would throw my shit down. I hate it. Like, I hated the whole chin mask thing. Like, I hate it that shit. So I would check it off immediately. But I'd be saying my fuck is in the car. Nobody in the car. No, my fuck is masked the fuck up. I'd be like, that's just don't make sense. Yeah. And, and no, 2020, 2021, 2021, 2022, whatever, during peak times of COVID, I felt like a lot of people, it could have been just habit. But for me, I absolutely hated that thing. I worked when, you know, I was actually go to a Home Depot all the time on my lunch hours and shit. And I always wore, like, right after, you know, during COVID and stuff, always. And then I kind of slipped, you know, slowly, but surely I didn't, but I'll had all, but soon I got in the car. As soon as I got out the store, Nick, I was ripping that bitch off. Yeah, I didn't wear it outside either. As soon as I got out the store, I was taking that bitch off. If I was, if I had it on outside, it's because I was prepping to put it on to go in. It wasn't all right. Yeah, that was it. You know, so, you know, it's just, it's interesting. I'd be one to ask. And I, you know, we ain't that cool. But, you know, I just, I'd be. Yeah, I get it. I totally get that. Just like, what's going on? Yeah, man, I really wish I could ask. Yeah, I just want to know, like, I'm not even trying to judge. Like, I just want to know, like, I might judge, I might judge you in a minute. But, like, I almost want to say, at some point, Axum is, there's your gig required you guys to wear a mask. And I feel like I can slip that in without it being judgy and just understand a little more or whatever. Yeah, I may have to have it. I might have to give him a beer or something one day and be like, hey, yeah. But like today, for instance, that's the, that's the, that's the, that's the definite, that's the definite best way to do it is. Yeah, both, both a little tipsy at the bar. You know what I always want to ask you. I'm curious, like, the job, you know, like, today, it's a guy I see all the time it worked. And today the motherfucker had a mask on. And I'm just like, they get you sick, like, you know, I don't never see the motherfucker with a mask. So, I was today, I was just like, what's going on with him and shit, you know, so yeah, but. Yeah, Mass is so weird now. Like, yeah, because like, like you said, he ain't never, like, you notice immediately now he like he don't have a mask on why he got a mask on. He's sick right now. What's going on? Like, like, is he trying to not spray COVID? Do we got COVID? He think he know a lot. It's like, what is this? And he just have COVID and be running around everywhere. Yeah, because I was like, you think COVID or something, you know, something contagious. And we had a place where you can work from home on days. I'm like, if you're sick motherfucker, don't bring your fucking ass and eat your shit. You know, do that work from home shit, you know, don't come in here with that shit. It's like you, your mandatory beat motherfucker, you can stay home. And so, but yeah, that's, that's, yeah. So, I saw your notes and I, I seen a few things about it today. Jlo and Ben Affleck file it or Jlo file it for divorce. And like you, I don't understand the phenomenon of, of celebrity marriages, divorce. People can't. I don't know why is it. Why? Why? I don't know why is the thing that's what I was hoping to get, get the answer to. You're not going to get it from me nigga shit. No idea. I figure out. I just, I wonder, because she's been married a few times. I don't know how many times he's been married, I think. And I'm like, what makes this bitch so incompatible? Right. Maybe, maybe, maybe Ben Affleck's a whole ass nigga dot. Or maybe, maybe she's the problem. I don't know. I don't know. Like my man said, and most recent episode of industry and what we've said many times on the podcast, a bunch of things could be true and false could be true. Yeah. And maybe she's just incompatible and maybe he's a whole ass nigga, but it's just like, I just don't understand. I don't understand. I remember, I get some some feed talking about some two people, two black folks from some TV show was getting divorced. And I'm like, what do people give a fuck, dude? I don't like, you know, I don't think people even care about, it's not even care about like the sanctity of marriage. It's just like, you only know these people. Like, why do you care so much as they fucking married or not? Like, why? Why? Yeah, I don't understand. Like, so I kind of can get like the obsession with like a celebrity lifestyle, right? Like, if you'd like to see, you know, Drake courtside and, you know, the Knicks game or something like that. Or you like to see, you know, somebody at a party or a club and what it's like to be, you know, getting bottles and all this kind of like, if you would have like watched that shit to see that, I get that. I don't understand like the obsession with like their fucking love life though. Like, that's who they fucking or who's dating who who's married to who's who just had a baby and what is that baby's name, who's got the first pictures of that baby. Like, the obsession with like their personal lives like that's what that's what I think is weird like that's why I don't understand. And, and how people be invested. Like, why are you like, why do you care so much that two people that you don't know we're getting divorced? Like, like, I feel like most people don't even care if people that they know we're getting divorced. Yes, maybe like maybe like a couple that you close to, like, like, you know, a close couple you like, oh, then my biggest, we had all four of us be hanging out of shit now they get the divorce that's going to be weird. Like, okay, I could see that. But that's the most you don't feel about it right. And that's a close couple that you hang out with. If it's not even a close couple that you hang out with, you'd be like, damn, that's fucked up, they get a divorce. So be it. You don't even know these niggas at all. Like, nothing like at all. It's no connection between the four of y'all at all. Why are you so invested in a relationship? But I don't, man, I don't understand that shit, man. Like, I really bad. I like what was their name? Didn't they have a, like, you know, like how they'd be given a couple of names and it'd be like a combination of the two names like what. I thought it was Ben something. See, I've been low, I've been past. Ben, Benifer? No, Benifer? No, I think you might be right. No, it wasn't. It was. That sounds terrible. It does sound terrible. That's why I think it's right. Yeah, it's Benifer. You're right. It was Benifer. This is what article says, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, a.k.a. Benifer. We're the lit couple. Fucking Benifer, dude. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Anyway, yeah, I was hoping we could find some kind of maybe gain some kind of understanding. I don't think you're not going to get it from me, man, because I really have no fucking clue to shit. I don't have a theory. None. None at all. I have no idea. Like, I have none. Like, like the point you made up, you know, just people, you know, kind of following celebs and like their lifestyle and shit like that. You know, whatever, but marriages and divorce and shit, you know, and I just couldn't imagine waking up. Every waking up on Monday more like, man, I got to write about, I can't wait to write about Benifer. Like, what the fuck? Man, they even wait until tomorrow. They had to get them. Man, I got like three different notifications instantly. No, like, what is it? Like, and it's not, I don't have a thing set up to get that kind of trashy gossip. Like, no, I got notifications from like the Wall Street Journal and shit. Why is the Wall Street Journal talking about this? I don't know if it was actually a Wall Street Journal. It probably looked like a real publication. Like, I know the Hollywood Reporter was one, but I would expect the Hollywood Reporter to report on that. But like, no, it was like from a real, I'm scrolling right now to see if I can see any of these where I got the real notification. Okay, here we go. I got one from the LA Times about it. Where's the other ones? I know I got likes. I know I got several. Yeah, that's just stupid. Fucking stupid. Okay. Yeah. Every fucking, I just searched Ben Affleck and J Lo and, yeah. From TMZ to NBC to Washington Post, people like New York. I'd say Washington Post, Variety, Fox News, Hollywood Reporter, Vulture, US Weekly. Uh, yeah, I just don't, I don't get it done. It's like ESPN. Like, wait, what? Right. That's so fucking stupid. Yeah, I don't get it. Yeah. You definitely like getting it from me, buddy. Oh boy. Well, I hope the people who, I hope the people who care aren't too upset about that, but. Oh, well, I'm not liking it or the set of their divorce. Yeah, no, I'm upset about them getting a divorce. I don't care. I don't think, I don't give a fucking take care of me. Oh, I feel about it. I hope they're not too upset about the divorce. I don't think it, I don't think it matters to get through this pain. So what, what made you add about what made you add to the topic of J and Ivy? I was high and I was like, this is funny and I just typed it out. I was more. So it was supposed, your post is basically about J, J and I post about him, him getting baptized. But I was more curious and laughing at the fact that he's still going to hell. Yeah, that's, that was the indication that was high because it's not based on nothing. I think it might be living a flag. It might be living a fucking just beautiful, admirable life that everybody should aspire to. I have no idea. I'm just saying, I just thought that was funny. Like, man, this thing, opposed to himself getting baptized on Instagram, though, he probably still going to hell anyway. He probably probably still out here. He just got married recently. Yeah, he's not recently like since he's been on the team. Like, he got. I know that his current baby, he had that baby while he's been on the team. Well, he said, I think. Yeah, I think, yeah, they got married while he was on the team. And yeah, now he, now he getting baptized. He's not. He's dedicated. I respect it, buddy. I respect it, man. No, I don't. He, he, I don't know, man. He just, he just, like I said, he. Yeah, I like him as a player. You know, I hope he does well. He just, he just has that old, he has that weird cornball, brother. The cornball, brother thing going and just, I don't know. It's this. Yeah. Man, you know, I guess I obviously, all I really care about is, is how he plays on the court. But I will say, like, in all seriousness, it doesn't bother me how he is. But I do, I do still kind of like favor players who are like more. I don't, because it doesn't even really speak to on court behavior either. But like, I don't know, man. I don't know. I don't know. I don't like thinking about players, like being like that. Oh, yeah. How I think about the things is like being hardcore or like fucking niggas up and not like getting baptized. Like, honestly, I got baptized in off season. Oh, man. Like, you should have been lift away. Like, well, I was also lift away. Well, shit, you should do that. You shouldn't practice free throws. You're supposed to free throws or some shit. I was like, we're gonna do a fucking long race shot. No, I'm like, but that's, but that I was right. And I was looking at that. I was like, man, basketball season is like right around the fucking corner, dude. Yeah, he's gonna be one of the people that's gonna be like, yeah, this is way more important than basketball. I'd be like, Jayden, why weren't you at practice? Like, I was getting baptized. Oh, come on, man. Like, I know what you saying about my religion. It's not important. Like Jayden missed Wednesday's game. Why is it Bible study? What the fuck, Doug? Bible study, not, he can be off the team at that point. All right, we go. Hopefully this is the kill. Hopefully he can go pray and find you another team to be on because get the fuck out of here. Tell you miss the game to be a Bible study dot. Hey, maybe this is his push though, man. Maybe this is gonna push him, you know, have a good season. So I'm rooting for him. I just want to have a good season. I don't care who it comes from. Which guy I'm and I saw you. It's fine. Well, what's that? You're supposed to talk about for the next. After this Saturday, every Saturday, everybody have football. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, man, I'm so ready for the season. It's already for the lion season. Did we get preseason this week? Yeah, I think there's one more, I think preseason game on Saturday. Oh, it's Saturday. Okay. Yeah. I think that's the last one. I think. But yeah, don't quote me on that. Yeah, football, football back. You know, man, in the off season, my feelings of the lions have been all over the place. Man, because now now that it's time is like it's time now. Now I'm nervous because I'm like, man, the expectations. He's like, oh, my God, like, and it's been too many guys getting hurt as shit in the preseason. I'm like, oh, man, the expectations. He's like, everybody gonna know like they sneaking up on nobody. Like everybody go be like, you know, these niggas is the, like, we looked at is like us, the Eagles, the Packers, the Niners. Oh, that might be it. As like the top NFC teams. Oh, the Cowboys, some people obviously people are going to still keep counting the Cowboys for whatever reason. But like we looked at as one of the top teams now, like everybody going to be checking for us. No, I'm like, I don't know, no, I'm like, man, what if these niggas blow it. Man, what's interesting and I know it's just preseason ball, but I'm quite weird, not favorite for that. We play the Steelers Saturday. And we're like plus six. I'm like, why are we, why are we not favorite against them? I mean, it's preseason. So I shouldn't take, take that much weight. Is it there? Is it on the road? No, it's home. No, it's a home guy. Yeah, I'm not sure why. I mean, like I said, I'm not going to put too much weight is pretty. Yeah, we probably still not going to be playing. Like maybe it's like known that we still not playing starters because like we have not played no starters. Yeah, gives us out potentially probably, the reporter is out too. So maybe that's why I don't know. But yeah, can't wait for the record season. But yeah, I have mixed feelings. But I should say my mind is not too mixed. But, you know, it's, I think the hope of it. It's just don't fuck up now. You know, you've gained the national stage. You know, we got primetime games out the ads. Yeah, our first, I think our first game is a Sunday night game. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it said, yeah, eight o'clock against I've already forgotten the Rams. Yep. So yeah, it's a good season. Can't fuck away. Yeah, but yeah, I'm officially quite nervous. Like, please, like, man, I really hope this works out. Yeah, I'll be. I'll definitely be running an eight o'clock that Monday, Monday morning because, yeah. Yep, can't wait. Yeah, I think else. Nah, man, we can go ahead and wrap it up. All right, then, well, to next week, peace. Yep, peace.