Sunday A.M.

Are You Going to Use That?

Pastor Jamie Wyatt

Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
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There is so much, not just information but so much discipleship, so much leadership, methods and so much that's found stewardship just on and on and on that you can find just here in the book of Nehemiah. So we're going to borrow from it and get what we can out of this 30-45 minutes this morning to get to the point that I felt like the Lord wanted me to leave you with this morning. Nehemiah chapter 4 verse number 2, "To any spake before his brethren and the army of Samaria and seb, what do these feeble Jews? Will they fortify themselves? Will they sacrifice? Will they make an end in a day?" And he asked one more question. He said, "Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned? This is the best I could do for a heap of stones in rubbish this morning. I guess I could have invested a lot of money and just covered the front with ruins but that's your visual aid today to get that picture of what used to be a stone wall just now a pile of stones in rubbish. In essence the questions is being asked here by some ballot the enemy of Nehemiah and if you ask me probably the one that was guilty of tearing the walls down to start with as I began to study through Nehemiah I believe that he probably had a lot to do with the destruction in which they were finding themselves in and that could be why he was so upset that it was being rebuilt. But in essence what he was asking was the question is, "Are they going to use that?" He asked Nehemiah that question, asked the people that question, asked his colleagues that question, "What are they going to do? Are they actually going to, as he asked that final question, are they going to revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned? Are they going to use that? Are they going to use that? Your enemy is asking God, you're going to use that? You're going to use that? It's rubbish. It's rubbish. You ever feel like you're rubbish? The enemy ever make you feel like you're rubbish? Have you ever been told that you're rubbish? Well the enemy's saying, "Are you going to use that?" And you know what God says? "I sure am." "I sure am." Father we love you today. We thank you today for your word thankful for your presence and your spirit and your anointing that we desperately need to deliver and receive this word. I want to leave a mark on this congregation today as you've laid upon my heart to do so, and I pray that I'm effective in doing it exactly the way that you lead me to do it. That this will be a turning point for us as individuals and as a body. And we just thank you for it in Jesus' name. Amen. You may be seated. Nehemiah, there's so much that I've already seen in the book of Nehemiah. Do yourself a favor, and don't just read Nehemiah, but study the book of Nehemiah. I find you a study on the praise team. This week we're going to do a devotional series on Nehemiah. I've already sent that out for us to start tomorrow. But do yourself a favor and do your due diligence in getting in to Nehemiah because there's so much in there. Because just this morning listening to it again, I noticed something in chapter one. In chapter one, Nehemiah is there and he's in his position as cup bearer of the king and his brother, one of his brothers, comes and he asks, "How's everybody doing back home?" Not good. Not a good matter of fact, the city's been burned with fire and it's just a horrible state of affairs and he delivers it all to him. Nehemiah's heart sinks inside of him. He is saddened by it. He goes to the Lord and he begins to pray and he begins to repent of his failures, his people's failures, because he understood something. There's no way that that city could be destroyed unless somebody let down in some area. The enemy had done this and they had allowed it to happen and they had gotten this horrible situation. And as he's praying in that prayer, I noticed something that Nehemiah did in that prayer and he refers to the king just as him, that man. He's talking to his king at that moment and he just refers to the king because he's asking for favor and he's saying, "Give me favor with the man, that man." That man that he's referring to is the king and a few moments in these verses you find him standing before the king. He sat in the presence of the king which that was not good for him to do but the king noticed it and recognized it and then that favor was given. Ultimately he was given the favor. He was made the governor of Judah and he was able to go back there and he was given the authority to go and to travel through the lands and take timber and God just gave him favor with the king and with the queen and with the travels that he had there. But then we find Nehemiah has already been given the authority to come into this place and to begin work but he doesn't get right to work. For three days Nehemiah waits and look what he does in chapter 2 we find in chapter 2 verses 13 through 15 that he gives this description. He said, "I went out by night by the gate of the valley even before the dragon well into the dung port and viewed the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down and the gates thereof were consumed with fire." Then I went on to the gate of the fountain and to the king's pool but there was no place for the beast that was under me to pass. Then when I up in the night by the brook and viewed the wall and turned back and entered by the gate of the valley and so returned. So Nehemiah had been given word that it was a bad situation. His eyes confirmed it's a horrible situation. It confirmed that everything that his brother had told him was true and it was ruins. You look at this little small pile of ruins and you multiply it by a million and that's what Nehemiah is looking at there. It's a horrible situation but Nehemiah knew something and you and I know the same thing that the Lord specializes in bringing revival out of the heaps of rubbish that the Lord specializes in doing great things through those that may not seem to be that great. We got to remember we're really I said last week would probably be the last message on commitment. Can I say that again maybe today because this is another message, another thought in that arena of commitment because there was a great commitment by Nehemiah as he stepped out of his comfort zone and stepped into this great task and looking at it. I've said this before in previous times and other messages that Nehemiah could have looked at and said nope I'm not taking that home and just eased his way back to the castle and he's made a decision that night I'm committed to this work. I'm committed to this work and he understood something to you and I try because the Lord's tried to get through to our attention over these last few weeks of talking about commitment on these messages on commitment and that is the function of faith and what is the function of faith the function of faith is the lift out of ruin and God is going to use that function of faith. What does that mean that God will lift out of ruins but we've got to put our faith to work. We have to understand something that Nehemiah did here. He understood this task is way too great for me but that does not mean that I don't do anything. This means that I cannot do it without the Lord but I'll do what I can do and God will make a way for the rest. So after assessing this and looking at this we find something that takes place here in the coming chapters. I found that in every other chapter in chapter 2 chapter 4 and chapter 6 the enemy comes on the scene each time he comes and he rares up his head. So as I begin to look at that I found there's two reoccurring themes throughout this entire story. Number one Nehemiah and the people's commitment to the work and also number two it was their enemies resentment of the work. Two underlying themes that seemed to flow through this whole story was Nehemiah and the people were committed to the work but the enemy had a resentment to the work and for that's going to hold true at both of these still hold true today in any work that you do that I do that we do that we endeavor to do for the kingdom of God the call of God that we've been talking about the commitment that we've made to the Lord. Oh that understand God heard your commitment but so did the enemy and they were committed to the work of the Lord and you know what your enemy resents your commitment to the work of the Lord and he's going to do whatever he can and everything that he can to hinder you. In chapter 2 we find that Nehemiah inspects the walls we find that in chapter 2 that symbolic came and he began to ask a question in verse 19 he says what's this thing that you will do will you rebel against the king as his final two questions that Nehemiah and I did not have this in my nose but I think it's worth looking at here this morning Nehemiah's answer at the end of chapter 2 verse 20 he said then I answered I them and said unto them the God of heaven he will prosper us therefore we his servants will arise and build but ye have no portion nor right nor memorial in Jerusalem after that response immediately after that response Nehemiah's chapter 2 closes and chapter 3 opens up and chapter 3 is labeled in my Bibles as the rebuilding begun the start of this work is in chapter 3 and as you look there in chapter 3 if you have your Bible open to chapter 3 you're going to notice this that the building begins and we see this phrase over and over for the first half of chapter 3 and chapter 3 it says this and next unto them just look down through there verse 2 verse 4 verse 5 verse 7 verse 8 says next to unto them and then on and on and on what is this talking about this is talking about the first thing that they did is they rebuilt the shepherds pool they rebuilt the things that was priority to the temple it says of the priests there took care of that and then it says and next unto them and and next unto them and next unto them and next unto them and and next unto them we see that going on and on through the first half but there's a shift it takes place when we get to the last half of the chapter just flip up maybe you have to flip a page in my Bible you got to flip a page to get to the last part of chapter 3 and the last part of chapter 3 we find this phrase after him you see that over and over again just look verse by verse after him after him after him nothing nothing his coincidence in the Bible and if the Lord is showing us this and the writer is inspired to write something it should get our attention if he does it more than once it should really get our attention but when we begin to see an ongoing theme here God is beginning to show something so the first thing we see in the beginning of the work is next unto them side by side they're working and then we see after him this is showing us something about ministry and our efforts in ministry this means that if we're going to be successful if we're going to successfully let faith function to lift up out of ruins we're gonna have to work side by side we're gonna have to work side by side and man we're gonna have to work it says and next unto him was not he was taking a nap and the next unto them he was working and then this one was out of it but when you read and that next unto him next unto him he was working on this and next unto him he was working on this and next unto him he was working on this as you begin to get in Nehemiah what is described is each one of them had a section of the wall if they were responsible for this this is your responsibility we've got to know our calling we've got to know what we're responsible for we've got to know that and right over here but the Paul's gonna be doing what God has called him to do but next unto him by the lady's gonna be doing it and next unto him by the Jamie next unto him all and all and all down the line but it also shows us something else about success in ministry that we are going to not only have to work side by side there's going to come a time and we're gonna have to build upon that that somebody else did anybody ever been on a job site you've been on a job site I've seen on a job site over there electricians just standing around what do you do it well we can't do anything until they finish what they're doing and that's that's just the reality of it certain things can't be done knowing what does this mean to us in ministry that somebody else is depending on you to do what you committed yourself to do so they can do what they committed themselves to do so next unto them but after them Paul put it this way it's for one to plant and for another to water but it's God that gives the increase and to understand something about ministry and we got to work side by side and we got to build upon each other's work why is that because listen church we are in this together last Sunday we raised an offering to help with an effort for the Clark family brother Roger Bowman at 103rd Street our regional youth director now he felt burdened to do a a barbecue to do chicken dinners I think it was I don't know they were cooking something yesterday and I just felt led to receive an offering to send to that so I sent the offering last Sunday afternoon and I followed it up with a text brother Roger letting him know that we sent this money in it will show up and through their church giving and I just wanted him to know that we sent that wanted to make sure he got it and number two we don't need chicken dinners we're good we didn't do it for that give them to somebody else sell more whatever and brother Roger came back with a response to me thanking me and showing appreciation and gratitude to our church but he said I also want to express this that many times when we endeavor to do something for the Lord sometimes we think that we're out here alone he said but brother Jamie you continue and your church continues to show us that we're not in any effort that we do on our own you show up and you come alongside and that's what we're supposed to do that's the way that I was taught that's the way that God has dealt with our hard to do that is ministry it is finest my response was simple to brother Roger it's my same response that I give to you today church we are in this together we've got to work side by side and we've got to build upon what has been built upon and to know the work is well on its way here now as we continue to go through chapter three and we watch and we're getting this visual picture can you picture these families working side by side man this is my responsibility it is an excitement it begins to remember these people were in ruins these people were they before Nehemiah came into town no work had started three days Nehemiah assessed the damage what it does not tell us that Nehemiah saw at night that it was possibly happy he probably couldn't see it because of the night was the men that were sitting in their back porch weeping because they cannot figure out how am I going to get this family out of this situation I don't even know where to start with a realization to know this I got to do something but I don't even know where to start we've gone for storm damage remember we went down south here a couple years ago the storms and we're all gathered there to help and the first thing we did is we looked around I don't even know where to start it took somebody taking the lead saying okay brother Paul you grabbed that chainsaw brother Jamie you grabbed that that whatever it is that tarp you grabbed this you grabbed that somebody had so these men are sitting there in the steel of the night not getting a wink of sleep thinking my family's depending on me I failed my city if I had done what I saw was supposed to do they're reliving because there was an ambush that took place to destroy that city there was an imp those those walls didn't just burned themselves the enemy had infiltrated that city and destroyed it these men are left there with what some call survivors guilt they're saying if I had done this this wouldn't happen but now what do I do there's nothing that I can do that they're there they're in ruins so now Nehemiah is looking at this picture and he just kind of steps back and brother Joe over here they didn't know what to do three days ago he's working on this part of the wall and brother John over here they didn't know what to do before he's building on this part of the wall and brother Jesse over here and brother David over here these men didn't know what to do they thought it's ruined there's no way we're gonna have to move our family somewhere else we got to start over somewhere else we're going to have to have new beginnings somewhere else and no God said you don't have to go nowhere I'm going to bring up victory out of these ruins understand you might feel like it's ruined it's over it's finished I got to start off somewhere else God says no the function of faith is to raise up out of ruins and Nehemiah sees a group they didn't know what to do yesterday I work inside by side today building upon building upon building upon throughout chapter three the work is well on its way here comes the enemy again he never gives up he never gives up here he comes the enemy tries to stop what's already happening that's our text our text the context of our text it's not in chapter two context of our text is not chapter three chapter three works already begun does the header in your bible does your bible have headers chapter three mine says basically the work begun so chapter three the work begun it's work side by side the works well on this way because there's something for somebody else to build upon meaning somebody already did something that I can add to and we're watching this wall come together now and the enemy sees this wall come together matter of fact chapter four starts out like this verse one it says but it came to pass that when senn ballad heard that we build the wall he was rough and took a great indignation and mocked the Jews and that's when he gathered up his man and he spake before his brethren in the army of samarion said what are these feeble Jews well they fortify themselves well they sacrifice well they make an end in the day well they revive the stones out of the heap out of the rubbish and be burnt the work was well on its way and how how did the enemy come he came to try to stop something that he knew was a good work that was never going to tell you what you're doing is good he's going to try to make you think you've done it you think you've done it a lot you ain't done nothing you all that work y'all have been doing you're building behind beside him and and you're like yeah buddy we get we're ready to go we're ready to work together i don't feel as bad as i did yesterday i'm gonna work here you're gonna work there you think you got a game plan and you think just because you build upon something that he did that y'all got a friendship that y'all got to come rotary that you got something going on there he goes you're gonna fortify yourselves what about your sacrifice you got you think that you're gonna make an end in a day knowing about 60 days 60 plus day we're gonna get this taken care of is what the goal and the plan and what got accomplished so it was not that they weren't doing anything can i just tell you the devil's really not gonna bother you if you're not doing anything if the devil's bothering just because you're doing something so if you've got a visit from the enemy and he's barking his accusations and everything against you just smile say i must be doing something y'all saying i must be doing something right because the devil's about to fight me he's right there in their face and what is he trying to do he's trying to get them to stop what they're doing because they're doing a good work the devil's trying to stop you from doing what you're doing somebody needs to hear this this morning i don't have a lot of notes and this ain't in my notes but the devil's trying to stop you from doing what you're doing because you're doing a good work so fortify yourself sacrifice and answer the question and there was a response this is this is the response really this question is not even asked in the amaya this isn't a private meeting of their enemies but in verse six then we find there is a response it's given here's the simple response in verse six so built we the wall and all the wall was joined together onto the half thereof for the people had a mind to work the enemy had all of his accusations he did everything he could to stop the work in verse chapter four verse six said so built we the wall what did the amaya come there to do to build the wall so what did they do build the wall the amaya came there to build a wall but could Nehemiah build the wall by himself absolutely not that's why nehemiah is opening statement to the people in chapter two is that you see to the stress that we were in he owned it nehemiah was not in any distress nehemiah had a chambers in the castle but he owned it he said i am here and i am here for the long haul i am here and this is rubbish and when i get done and we get done here this isn't going to be rubbish anymore and it says that after nehemiah gave that rally crowd to the people those people rose up and they were ready and everything that the enemy brought against them now you read on the wall is complete send ballot and to buy it they seem to disappear for a moment say well everything's good no chapter five and chapter six we find that there begins to come alt within because the alt within was that there was financial situations that this one felt like this one was taking advantage of this they're taking advantage of us they're not looking after us the devil does not care if he detects you from the outside or from the inside he does not care if you have to keep your eye on the horizon for the enemy or if you have to cross your eyes to what's the person next to you and that's what that's the enemy tried to browse up so the enemy was there and it was not just the wisdom of nehemiah say we're doing a great work here we don't have time to deal with you some ballot and to buy it just go away and leave us alone but he did not just sweep that on the rug say I don't worry about that you're just you're worried about something that does not exist no nehemiah immediately brought those two groups in resolve that situation why because we didn't just build a wall for the enemy to come and tear it down again he said we're rebuilding this we're bringing it up out of the ruins for it to be powerful as god intended for to be maybe you like me was once build up for god then with a pile of rubbish but then god through his almighty hand of power built you back up again you know what the devil wants you to be rubbish again but there has to be something will they fortify themselves it was a question it was asked usually I don't recommend answering the devil but it'd be a good time to say it's my responsibility to fortify myself it's my responsibility to take my responsibility that I'm committed because the function of faith is to raise up and to build up out of the ruins what does that word function mean function is movement faith scripture puts it this way faith without works is dead faith has to be put to work and the function of faith will lift up out of ruin so built we the wall and all the wall was joined together and I'm done with my preaching part of this message this morning now I'm getting to what I felt like the lord wanted me to leave you with I want us to put chapter three in actions how I want to end this this this morning and I have asked the lord for direction long day yesterday at work on my way out here to have a long day working for the ladies driving my 60 miles round it up the church yard sale signs I made a stop at Home Depot and I looked at the pavers to see it's trying to be a good steward of God's money so I can get 30 of these but it got it my calculator out 68 cent apiece well that'd be over 20 dollars so I went over to the aisle and bag of stones bag of stones 10 dollars that'll work so these will have to work this morning this is my rubbish this is my rubbish this is what they were looking at as they're standing there facing the work of chapter three this is what Nehemiah was looking as he assessed it for three days and he looks over through that night and he sees there he sees this pile of rubbish he sees this pile of stones the only difference is these stones would be black because they were burnt and they were in an awful situation so as we end this message this morning we have to answer some questions that primary question was will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burnt or as I worded the title it says and they just fell into a heap hey there their emotions just got the best of them and they were a heap these people were a heap of rubbish they did what to do what was the report that came back to Nehemiah when he asked about the city what not well it ain't good but it's going to get better it wasn't we're we're a lot of distress right now he wasn't walking over to the words of Paul in the New Testament saying we're cast down but not destroyed we're going to rise again no he said it was a grim picture it was a picture of defeat it was a picture of we don't have anywhere to go from here it is over it is finished it is done so that enemy was not just talking about stones at a pile but he was talking about a people God is going to use that pile of rubbish Nehemiah said yeah I'm going to use every stone in that rubbish and I'm going to use every one of these men women boys and girls to do the work it's going to take us rising up side by side it's going to take us building upon what the other has built I had so many thoughts on the way to do this I was going to build us a wall I was gonna hand you a trial and a sword but our budget doesn't allow for that because you see in chapter four and five as it talks about them building the wall he says that you're going to be over here and we're going to be over here so you're going to have to protect yourself but you also got a work so scripture says they had a trial in one hand and a sword in the other hand and they continued to do that work what was the ultimate text here what was the ultimate thing the work cannot stop but God is going to use you no matter if you feel like rubbish or not why because the function is faith is to lift out of ruin are you going to use that the enemy saying are you going to use that those Paul come help me out you can be the first one you're going to use that yeah grab a stone just go ahead and put it in your pocket because I'm going to need you to it's going to be a big one in your pocket are you going to use that let's let's start over here with hate are you going to use that handyman stone when I ask the question just handyman stones I sure am but hey when you get that stone just come and begin your work on the wall just begin to pray he looks it looks at some you're gonna use that can we get your stone and when I get to you if you don't want to be used just do this and he looks over what about that you're going to use that I saw I saw her weeping and crying about there was no way out of this before you're going to use that what about this guy back here he actually thanks to jaguars the winning team you you use that her way back there you're going to use that what about her she's too young there's no sense of putting her on the wall what about this guy he's you can't even wall you're going to use that what about sister whisper you're going to use that well these two using them to I cut my message shorts we got plenty of time I got a point to make here bear with me you sure both of them yeah I told you you got that's plenty right you're going to use that you say he's going to use you the enemy does this every day you're going to use that one and he'll tell you every reason why they're not well this one here is already up and ready I guess you're going to use him too and his wife I guess they're ready to work I thought I'd destroyed this place what about this one still got to work for her what about her one over there like well like Saul hit amongst the stuff either one of them can be used can they what about her that one I don't think it's going to do you any good so what is this feeble group you got here they're going to sacrifice they're going to fortify themselves you think they're really committed that then you don't need no more then right you got plenty so you're going to use her now I know for a fact that these two hadn't been serving the lord very long there's no way you're going to use it what good are they going to be I did everything I could to destroy that man he's too young there's no he's coming you are you actually going to commit I'm hanging on to these three you you got all of those the whole family all three of them wait wait wait no she's she's an adult now she don't just go along with them choose the word see that's what the devil has to do he can try to hold you back when you say I choose he has step side he has step side go over there in that nursery Noah tell sister man to bring those kids because I remember something when moses left egypt you remember the negotiations that went on the negotiations that went on when he'd left egypt pharaoh said you can leave your cattle behind you can do this you can do what he say not a hoof not a hoof so you you got your wife over there and your kids another kid kids you can put kids there's child labor laws Nehemiah you're going to use them i have to explain something to you let hold on so they know what's going on i am the enemy of god some ballad to buy the book of nehemiah y'all know the story the wall is tore down now they're going to rebuild the wall now this guy tells me he's using all of y'all to rebuild the wall and he says he's even going to use the little ones so he's got a stone for y'all so y'all can get to work but i don't think she need to use them as i said there's child labor laws you're going to use her she's the youngest you're going to use her you're going to use her she got her hand out ready to be used i guess what about her? do you want to do something wrong? do you want to do something wrong? do you want to do something wrong? do you want to do something wrong? do you want to do something wrong? do you want to do something wrong? do you want to do something wrong? did you give your wife a stone? she's going to help too and give me one some ballad never gave in the enemy's never going to give in but i want to be a part of the work and i gave each of you an option to say just pass me by a pasture and i want y'all to look those pews are not empty because people refuse to work today those pews are not empty because people refuse to come today those pews are empty today because you refuse to give into the enemy's tactics and you said i'm committed i'm committed those stones are yours to keep do whatever you want to do with them i thought maybe if you can i didn't really survey them if you could even write on them with a sharpie your salvation date or today's date or if you don't want to write on it all you just want to put it on your shelf maybe yours is small enough that you can keep in your pocket but i want you to hold on to this stone when the enemy comes and tells you you've been accomplishing nothing for the kingdom i'm committed to my commitments right here i'm committed to the work this is a reminder of your commitment to the work of the lord and the lord said this morning i'll use the least of these i'll use the least of these November will be 20 years that i got the highest credentialing level in the church of god and you know there's times the enemy makes me feel like i'm the least of the least what do you think you're doing? i've been pastoring this church for almost 12 years now and the devil will scream in my ear you have not accomplished nothing nothing i feel like a heap of rubbish you build a wall? look what i did i tore it down our response to that is priority number one you know what i'm going to do i'm going to build it back and we begin to there's still plenty of stones there's plenty of meaning there's still plenty of room for plenty more workers i didn't know if there was enough stones in that bag or not do you have your stone? you stepped out willingly now can we just take a few moments as individuals? because you look and you see we can go down the line of chapter three we find it this one and beside this one and beside this one and beside this one and i could lay my stone and brother Laney would come and lay his stone brother Paul would lay his stone and we build upon that let's not just commit to the lord but let's commit to our brothers and sisters let's not be like those first brothers where's your brother? am I my brother's keeper? yeah we are let's look after one another let's check in on one another let's care for one another let's pray for one another let's lift one another up if you're talking about one another stop it encourage one another because we're in this together Heavenly Father we love you today our stone we love you today we love you today [silence] and found faithful in the work of the Lord I want to leave you with this final verse from Paul 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 58 you've taken that stone of commitment in your hand let it be a reminder therefore my beloved brethren be you steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord you can take that stone and you can place it anywhere you can place it on that shelf it's unmovable you put mortar to it and hook another one it's unmovable unmovable until we move it your commitment is unmovable unless you remove your commitment to know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord amen father I delivered my heart today and I pray Father God that I did it in such a way that it makes sense to those that heard it today and those that received it we'll take these stones in our hand as we leave here today and these will be our reminder of our commitment to the work of the Lord whatever that work entails whether it's here in the local church or whether it's on another scale another place whether it's in a school house in the workplace wherever you want us to build up and lift up the name of Jesus we want to be found abounding in your work we just thank you for that privilege in Jesus name amen amen God bless you as I said that stone as yours to keep hold on to it as a reminder of your commitment and as your love is not in the world [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] At Sprouts Farmers Market you'll always find fresh at the center of the store come in to discover a huge selection of the season's best produce bursting with flavor in every bite explore thousands of better-for-you products for every dietary lifestyle from plant-based and organic to gluten-free and keto-friendly scoop up your favorite both nuts fruits sweets and more perfect for baking or snacking visit your neighborhood sprouts today to explore healthy products down every aisle