Boys Gone Wild

Boys Gone Wild | Episode 237: I Trusted You!

The boys are back to talk slutty foods, what animals they’d want to introduce into the British ecosystem and living like you’re in a French textbook.   WE’RE DOING A LIVE PODCAST ON THE 30th SEPTEMBER AT THE MOTH CLUB IN HACKNEY Tickets ⬇️⬇️

Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
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The boys are back to talk slutty foods, what animals they’d want to introduce into the British ecosystem and living like you’re in a French textbook.



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I am an AI version of Horatio Gould, here to tell you that we are doing a live podcast on the 30th of September at the Math Club in Hackney, London. If you enjoy the podcast, please come and watch it live. It is our first live podcast in almost a year and a half, and it will be the honking good time. Huh? See you there. Please enjoy the episode. Thank you. Goodbye. I'm going to, you have to do it. Is ranking how slutty food is? That is. I thought it would be better than that. It wasn't. I think it was more just tacos, slutty. Yeah, it was more like dirty loaded fries. I'm like, we've spoken about that. We did a sketch about it. We didn't talk about how slutty they are. Yeah. I think that was implied. Yeah. Well, it's more like the inverse relationship between food and sexual promiscuity. Yeah. Like they're all on the spectrum. Yeah. Like a celery is an austere. Yeah, that's a nice one for someone who's practising what's the word? But then I guess the presentation of food, it draws on wanting to fuck things, right? Yeah, like kami chips. You saw. Oh, yeah. But I guess like a kind of funky sample. Like a pudding is an in lingerie, or like a melt in the middle, a goo melt in the middle. Well, that's... Well, I guess the presentation. That for me is more, let's do about poop, really. You know how like plants, or no bugs have to become certain things to defend themselves? Let's dive into that. You know how I'm good, like there's loads of bugs that look like plants so they don't get eaten. Bugs that look like plants. Like a stick insect, right? Yeah. Yeah. And you see on planet... You'll see a pretty... I reckon you'll be pushed up in another example. Yeah, but you've been on planet Earth and you've seen... I'm agreeing on it. I'm not. One of the stars. You're the only human on camera. Yeah, yeah. It's like pretty boring. Observations, aren't they? It's amazing animals and then you're just standing there, running out a shot. Sorry. I'm just happy to be in the atmosphere. No, but you see a fucking bug that you've never seen before and then you're like... Yes. And they're like... And it spends its life as a brown leaf, so the bears that eat the brown leaf don't trample on it. Where are you going? Where did you come from? Um... And I think in the way, in that way, that's what puddings do. Instead of trying to hide, they're trying to seduce you. Well, you remember my father's booby-pudding. Jelly and custard. Yeah. He doesn't hide behind it. No, he doesn't. He's open to the fact that this is basically pudding. It's sex. Well, that's definitely true, but there's always like... Well, all food is sex. All food is sex. It's different levels of buttoning up, right? I wouldn't say it. But booby-pudding, that's not necessarily the most likely. That's more of a boxum sort of Bavarian beer made. Shepherd's pie. Shepherd's pie. That is kind of like a good old girl. Musaka. Musaka. Musaka. That's a Greek good old girl. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? It's... Well, like a milk maiden. Yeah. Like a firm buttressed milk maiden. Yeah. She's in a 14. Putting definitely implies... But she still doesn't mind having a bit of rough and tumble. I think you've lost me when we're going into it. Shepherd's pie isn't a 48-year-old woman who doesn't mind shagging. Well, you can say that for any food. Yeah, you can compare it to that. That's what the... I think premise is. I agree with you that putting is sex. Yeah. Because it's cheeky. It's naughty. It's like, "Oh, I shouldn't be doing that." But then there's also none. And it's shame behind it. There's foods that are like austere and not slutty. Frigid. Yeah, exactly. So that's kind of the opposite of sex, isn't it? Yes. But it's a spectrum. Everything's trying to be... What people love... What's the most frigid? What's the most frigid food do you think? What? I think it's a Shepherd's pie. Yeah. That's a frigid. You know, that's buttoned up. I guess it is quite buttoned up. Yeah. Yeah. No. No. I don't want to sit in my dick in it. Now, we started this podcast. I did say, "I don't want to do this." Well, we did. It's a bad segment. Well, you've got to have some consequences and things like that. Are you right? Yeah. No, pudding is. I never really understand the idea. I don't want to mix pudding with pleasure. You want to keep church and estate separate? I want to keep church and estate separate. I don't fancy smearing chocolate on Milady. Yeah. And I'll tell you for what. I don't fancy smearing chocolate on Milady. It seems like it's going to be a bit of a bloody effort to get all up, you know? And I feel like I don't want to be full. By the time it's all done and we get down to the boinking, I think I'm going to be full of chocolate. And there's going to be bits left in appropriate places. And I don't want to have to be the idea of eating during sex. You wouldn't do me in orange, would you? So what's the difference between a pudding? The problem is, I couldn't agree more. So it's sort of a pointless conversation as well. Yeah. I don't know who your answer is. I don't know who your answer is. I don't know who your answer is. Also, I don't know anyone who has food plans. I've met people. Oh, yeah? I'm not going to name a shame. But they know and they're listening. Yeah. Yeah, no, I don't. It feels like, you know, that's, I don't know. It's like a survival thing. I have to eat. I guess that's why it's pudding. It'll be weird if you're smearing. Don't eat where you fuck. It should be an idiom. Yeah. But it's very specific to not doing food planning during sex. Yeah. I don't know. It's just the idea of eating. Also, the post-nut clarity you have and then you're covered in peanut butter. Or beans. And then it's like, oh, I got it. Just that... Oh, this is fucking... This is gross. Flannel. Flannelling you're groin after. Being all sticky and never really... You haven't really gone off. Yeah. So you've got to get in the shower and then you get out and it's all a disaster. Keep it out. Yeah. So, I received a very strange message on Friday night. I'd been out with my stepbrother and stepfather. Had a night on the town. And then came back and it was in a great mood. And I was bouncing off the walls. And I was like, I've kind of been getting back into my old-school indie rock days. So when I've been drunk, I've been coming back and listening to the likes of Artic Monkey. Oh, really? Yeah. What album was all just the all of them? The whole fucking Shabang. Yeah. 'Cause you were so in dark to monkeys. It was, yeah. And they're coming back around for me a bit again. Well, it feels like indie's coming back. Yeah. Well, there's... With that fella, the dare. Oh, yeah. Well, he's not really... He's danced music, it's acid-y stuff. But he looks like... He looks like... He's in the strokes or something. Yeah, there's definitely a splash of it. But so I'll be listening to that a bit. So I was going to come back and put on that, listen to it in the living room. Pop out a bit. You know, the night was over, but it wasn't for me. I was still ready to keep it going. Sure. Solo. But then... It's Adam and Bed. Adam wasn't there. L wasn't Bed. Fine. I then received a very old text message. Now, we were like, we weren't, I wouldn't say we were friends, but when I saw him about, I liked him, that kind of thing. You were a father figure. I was a father figure. I was nothing in a... Like an older brother, perhaps. Yeah, sure. A dodgy uncle. But it never... I never like saw him outside of school. Yeah. I didn't did all the guy. Sure. If that's what you're thinking, I didn't did all of him. No. But, so, he's also the friend. He's also the brother of someone who is in eye here at school and a distant friend. Right. I haven't spoken to him in five years. Maybe seven. Seven years since school or whatever. I might have seen him out in a battle. I think I saw him out one time and it was only like, "Hey, how are you doing?" Kind of thing. So, yeah, give it seven years. I've never received an Instagram message from him before. Yeah. Because, as you can see, there is nothing before this. So, I received a text message from him at Friday, on Friday at 11.30pm. Just saying this. Just read out his message. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. I trusted you. No. No. No. I... First message. Great. Second message. Trusted you. That... That I trusted you. Now, what the fuck is going on? So, you said what are you talking about in response? I responded on there, "What are you talking about quite quickly?" To which he saw and has not responded. Not responded. Not responded at all. So, what time did he send this to? At 11.32. So, there he's right. He's on a Friday night. He's drunk. That's 100% guaranteed because you're not doing this. I have some added context as well. Okay. Now, because there's theories abound on this. One, it's a wrong Instagram, which is, you know, a fairly reasonable one. Yeah. Oh, he's very disappointed if it was. You know, that's why I haven't asked again. I've not said anything since then because I wanted to do the podcast and not knowing what it is. So, that's a reason one. It was an accent I trusted you at 11.30. And I went in, put my music on and sat down, got on my phone and saw that and I went, "Well, that's in my room." I was pacing up, I down my room going, "What did he possibly mean by that? Who is this?" Let's go back over it. So, how good were you? Well, hold on. Yeah. So, wrong number is an option. Wrong number drunk. He meant to send it to someone else. That's what a lot of friends have been peddling. But I'm like, who doesn't reply saying shit, lol, sorry, that was a wrong number. Yeah. Because what you want it to be is he sent it almost like you would send to an ex. Yeah. Or something. And then you feel embarrassed and you don't know how to respond. Yeah. If it's a wrong number. He's confused now. And he's instantly regretted it, but it was a moment. He'd been bubbling up for years. Seven years. And then all you could muster, of course. I think potentially even people were helping him write the message. No, that's what I think. But then he's just like, he was like, stop. Suggest it. Fuck it. I'm just sending this. I'm just like crying. I'm trusting you. I'm a guy he's not seen for seven years who only helped him out at school. Well, apparently. Well, that's where, you know, maybe I didn't. So, there's one. Right. From what you know, the instant contest where you know there's that theory. But I think he would have replied being like, shit, sorry. Didn't mean to send that to you. Another counter theory to that is he's going to be too embarrassing. He just wants to forget the whole thing. I'm like, I don't really buy that. I feel like any normal person. Well, maybe he's not a normal person, but I don't know. It's not embarrassing. No, it's not embarrassing if it's the wrong person. It's kind of funny. Be like, who don't you trust? Who are you sending that message to? I trusted you. I trusted you. It's the most dramatic message I've ever received. Yeah. But I could be in like a jokey tone. I could easily get out. But I said, I trusted you to someone. I said, sorry, that was meant for someone else. It's an insider joke. Yeah. Okay. Finished. Agreed. I do agree with that. But the fact that he's not killing it dead. The fact that he's not killing it dead suggests that he still wants it to linger. Yeah. Maybe he wants you to think about it. Exactly. Which is all I've been doing. I've got a fucking clue what he's on about. How close were you? There. There. What did it rise to after, is that where I ended up? It ended at school. I left school. I think I saw him out once in Brighton and it was only love. What was the last of his story? Now, the biggest theory I have is, and we won't get into too much detail obviously, but is that my ex-girlfriend is pretty good friends with his sister. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the most obvious one. But again, that was what, nearly three years ago? Yeah. What a lag. What a lag. What a lag that is. Where have you been? And again, I just broke up with her. I mean, whatever. I trusted you. We didn't even speak about this. We didn't even speak about this. What's going on? Has he gone travelling? And what? Well, he was away in the jungle for three years. And he thought about- I kept you back and he found out. I trusted you. Yeah, no, he's been around. Take care of her. Take care of her. What my sister's friend, I trusted you three years later. No, I think the, sadly, the story will have a disappointing end. But there's a chance it won't. I'll message him. Repeat. I think you said a question mark. Again, double question mark. The thing is, I'm not entirely sure I want to even go there. Why not? You don't want to find out why? Well, I mean, like- You've got to find out. The only way- I think it's not going to be anything. But there's a small chance it is and that's brilliant. My problem is, is that- Drink too much. I'm doing a hymn. What? I think too much. Sorry, I said drink too much. Drink too much. Leave me alone. Fuck you. This is what I drink. Because I get messages like this from strangers, essentially. You say that he trusted me. No, it's just really funny when someone says my problem is and then you just throw a box for no reason. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, sorry. I thought it was those. Yeah, no, no, your thing is right. Yeah, no, no, that's not my problem. Yeah, yeah. What? What was that? No, I think. I'm doing a hymn now because I've left it, what? Five days? Five days ago this was- It was five days. Fucking Tuesday now. Fuck. See? So I'm not sure. I mean, my idea- I wanted to also leave it as a mystery for this conversation. Yes. I think now- Now, message from now, I reckon, to see if we can get a response on the pod. Do a question mark. Yeah. I don't really want to. Why not? I don't know. No, I feel like I've left it at a quite fun place in a way. No. It's going to be disappointing. Should we do a question mark, right? For the pod. Question mark. Just one question mark. Two. Two. Do you think one's- One's more aggressive than two. I don't know. I've done two. Yeah. Well, I'll leave that on. We'll check in in a bit later. Yeah. What do you think? The high likelihood is it's- It's going to have a very boring answer, I think. It's going to be something like maybe he was trying to do a joke. Maybe he was too drunk. Maybe he started a message and finished it. Yeah. I trusted you. Yeah. I think it's going to- You know. What a mental text to receive. Yeah. I trusted you. From someone you were behind it knew seven years ago. The queef for the responsibility of taking care of. Yeah. I trusted you. I mean, there is an element of trust. I mean, yeah. There you go. What happened on Friday? Yeah. No, this week has been a funny week since the last pod which we did on the patreon. Because since I come back from Edinburgh, I've been sort of living the life of like a character in a French textbook. You know, I'm going to see cinema with my friend. I am going to the swimming pool. I am going to the library. The most basic hobby. I'm just being a drawing of a person this whole week. Because the last couple of months have just been so fucking intense. I just wanted to live a week where I was just- Just existing. Yeah. It's actually brilliant. I've been just- I cycled around the park with my girlfriend. Yeah. Is that attempting to get as much wholesomeness as possible after a- Oh, it's just yeah. And it's just like, it is just living there. Yeah, okay. Yeah. You think we're missing a trick in our normal lives that we don't know. It's just doing- I really appreciate it. Also, because I've just moved into this area. Yeah. And it's just, and I haven't really been able to enjoy the summer. So a lot of that's just been normal stuff. But yeah, it's just been funny just really trying to be as normal as possible. Yeah. Because it's all going to get weird again. Always will. Always does. You can have a brief respite, but you're going to be straight back into the- Living like a sim. Yeah. Went to the gym. Joined to gym. Yeah. Went to the sauna. With Matt. With a Finnish sauna nearby. What makes a Finnish? Happy endings. We're like Finnish. You get finished off in a sauna. Well, there are quite a few different variations of sauna. There's a Russian sauna, which I haven't been to. But that's where you get smacked by with the birch leaf. Oh, yeah. That's the only defining difference I can see is that. Yeah. And a Bushkus abutage you with vegetation. That's my brother sauna. That's my brother sauna. I think the Finnish sauna is the kind of original OG sauna. Yeah. That's what you imagine a sauna is. Yeah. That's what Finnish sauna is. The Scandinavians did it the first. Yes. And it's that nice smelling word. But then you got loads of different variants. There's oncens, which are the Japanese ones, which are outside hot bath things. Right. Well, there's the ones in Unbudepest, which are kind of like saunas. Yeah. They're more distinguishable. Homerons. Homerons. Homerons. Harams. They're like steam rooms. Yeah. They're the Middle Eastern ones. Simple as well. It's this. I like them. Yeah. And I did say on this podcast that I wanted like a powerful Greco Roman bath culture. Yeah. To discuss ideas. I'm sure you did. Yeah. I'm sure you did. The rings about. And this pop-up sauna that I went to after the gym, I did almost attain it, to be honest, because it's a public one and there was six of us. It's mixed gender. You went with five other people, were there? No. It was me and Matt when. Yeah. And I thought it was just men, because there was only men there, but apparently it was mixed. Yeah. So it's just six of the basically the same type of white guy. Yeah. We're all about in our late 20s. Yeah. And everyone's just having a nice chat. Sat there. Steaming. Steaming. What is it about? Yeah. It was mainly talking about kind of the health benefits of saunas. Yeah. Was it was the sauna conversation? It was quite sauna topical. Well, sort of trading notes on like how to be healthy about what to do. We talked about another sauna that's in Hackney that's really, really good. Right. So there's a lot of sauna chat. Then they started talking about their jobs. Yeah. I didn't say what my job was because I was actually quite enjoying pretending. I was also in like marketing and sales. Yeah. It just feels it just ruins the vibe sometimes. Yeah. That's true. Because everyone was in sort of sales or engineering. Yeah. So they're kind of hitting it again. Yeah. So it was just added to the feeling of just pretending to be. Yeah. Just a bloke. Yeah. Yeah. It was great. But I do think we should have meetings in there. I do think they're saying. Me and you. Yeah. I do think it creates creativity. It's powerful. I would. It opens up the brain. Can you say notes in there? No. The pages we get work. The pages we get work. So the remarks will probably get broke. I guess it'd be more. If I got take notes in a meeting, I'm not going. It's probably not heavy work. It's more kind of like life. It's more vibe out. Like where do we see ourselves? Yeah. It's kind of like ideas. Yeah. It's brainstorming. Yeah. Because when you're the richer you get, the more you want to have insane excursions just for like idea trips. Yeah. Yeah. That's the Northern Lights to sit in a temporary sauna. Wow. Unbelievable. You're like a fucking sharper. Yeah. And then I joined a gym. It's a bit scarier this gym than the other gym I went to in Edinburgh. It's, there's everyone's quite serious in there and it's quite packed. How much joke reality if that's a word? Do you want in a gym? Do you want people like people farting when they go down for squats? Do you want people go like me? That's not joke reality. Do you? If that's not Jovial. If people farting on a squat, if that's not Jovial I don't know what it is. I'd say Jovial's like whistling when you're way to the squats. Oh yeah. You're right. Good morning. So a Northern lunch lady. Yeah. Is that different to farting on squats? Well I think it, that was my answer. That was my answer. That's not a Jovial vibe. That's really unhygienious. It's gross. It's not really gross. It's funny. Yeah. If you don't laugh at that, you've got a fucking problem. You are joking. But also... What do you want people like? So you don't know what the emotion they have after farting. Yeah. If they get really embarrassed and they go... No they're doing it on purpose. They're doing it on purpose. They're doing it on purpose. So it's not them doing it. They're like... Oh my god. I am so embarrassed. To see them go like that. No it's them going... They're doing it on purpose. It's the fart guy. It's got a fart guy. Yeah. You want people whistling between... Yeah. I mean so it's a lot of machines packed into one. Yeah. Which I imagine a lot. It's almost like it's a practical setup. Yeah. What do you want from this? You want a fucking sauna environment in there? I don't know what I want from it. Yeah. But... I wanted to look around and have a reki and people didn't like me looking around. Well that's fair. I just couldn't get the lay of the land. I need to... Yeah. I need to 3D map places before I could sort of feel comfortable. Well you went in spatially very good. You went in with that massive headgear and like 4K. So you could actually 3D model it. And then you're staring at women doing squats and you're wondering what the intro is. I'm 3D modeling. What's your feel? Stop moving. Don't look at the camera. Who wins it? But I do. When I go to new space I do get very disorientated. I need to take a while. And they didn't give me a while. Who's they? The people in the gym. So what were you doing? Because I normally do just a guided workout. So they just tell me what to do. This was a bit scary because I had nowhere to do that. So I had to just sort of work our work. I thought you found your little map place. It was full. It's not very big. Right. So I kind of just tried every machine. It sort of felt like being chested to a lot of adventures. You did the 50 year old Asian workout. What? When you're wearing three quarter-length travels. Inexplicably sometimes jeans and a collared shirt. I just go in and just go like this. Every machine just like this. It's always like, and well it's not just Asians. It's mostly 50 year old guys who were out of shape. Yeah. Who come to the gym for the first time in their 50s. Just yanking on everything. It's another male confidence thing. When they're like, "I don't need to know fucking anything." Dude, I don't know. I'm going to be buff as fucking. I've seen, there's one guy who goes in there who does exactly that. He spends so much of his time looking at his arms in the mirror. And he's got the biggest beer band ever ever seen. Well after every purchase, check it out. Well you'd have people that do that all the time anyway. But he's just doing that with this beer belly coming out to here. Yeah. So I mean you've got a trial. Have you tried all the machines? Not all of them. You're not even going to try some because maybe it could be your favourite machine. It won't be. And it is a bit fun. Because someone was like, "I don't know how this works at all." But especially if you haven't seen someone use it before. I have no idea what this is going to exercise. Then you look at the little diagram of the fella. And you're like, "Really?" Well, I have to do it like that. No sir. Because I'm bouncing upside down. Yeah. I've used the majority, but I don't really use machines anymore. He's like dumbbells. Go back to more real. You know, like what the Flintstones you've just got to say. Yeah. Well I mean this. Exiles like I'm in the fucking 20s. You don't need to use all of them because there's some that... How much do you want to strength from your groin? Is it a groin machine? Well there's like, you know the ones. Yeah, yeah. Okay, I actually didn't use that one yet. That one does seem really pointless. Don't use that one. I don't know who's using that one. What women do? I see. It's a bit bum heavy. Fine, fine. And the outer one. I'm trying to get a less juicy ass. It's a bit embarrassing if you regard it to me. But there's also... I actually recommend... I actually recommend it to Matt. Especially if you're like grabbing the back of your hair while you're doing it. Hey! Oh yeah. Well that's Jovial. But I actually recommend Matt do the most of that. I recommend that Matt do the most embarrassing one because he was all mopey because he's broken his leg or some shit. And I suggested he go and do the hand. Did you see the hand one? You just sit down. It's like a treadmill but for your arms. Yeah, that's really embarrassing. But it looks like you're using it wrong, right? It looks like it should be your feet there. No, it doesn't. Okay, I haven't seen it. Yeah. But like seeing guys do that again now. The 40, 40, 50-year-old overweight guys will go and do that. They'll spend 20 minutes on that. Yeah. Yeah. This is... This bond's going to be great in a bit. So you think I should... I don't need a lot of the machines. What do you do? It depends what you want to do. Just get fucking swamped. Just get fucking this. Just get fucking... I don't want to think too much about it. It wouldn't be sincere. Yeah. And using the machines is a good place to start. Well, me and Matt also talking about challenging you and Adam to an arms race. Like a Cold War sort of nuclear war. How would that work? Well, because you got... Are you both at Milan gym or is it just him? No, just me. But I told Matt it's like we've got to get bigger than them, right? And now obviously Adam's huge and you're pretty big now. But I think there should be... I mean, you've got very little chance to catch up to me. You have zero percent chance to catch up to Adam. No, it's a good goal though. We challenge your flat. I love the idea. Let's go. Let's go. That's such a spend. Go on to the gym for the first time. Challenge us to an arms race. Let's do it. We can do the results. We can map the results. Yeah. No, start off on the machines. Have some fun. Be silly with it. That's the joy of your thing. That's how I started. It's kind of. But I feel... I feel so expensive to buy, they must be the best ones, right? No. No. That's not how it works. Okay. Again, it depends. But don't most of it because you've got to be stable while you're doing it. Machines have to build it. Oh, I see. The machine is doing bowling with the ramp thing. Kind of. Not as bad as that. But I know more with the bumpers up. Yeah. Not the ramp thing. But we are now becoming more and more men's mental and physical health podcasts. Yeah. As each episode goes past, we are becoming... As we're becoming... As we're becoming... We're going to become part of the biohacking health sphere. Yeah. We're going to get started getting Andrew Hubman on. Yeah. I don't like this idea. I've actually seen him in Huberman. I've seen him on clips. What's he talking about? What's this whole shit? Isn't he like a neuro fucking wanker? Yeah. One of those neuro boys. He's like, "Oh, I know what's... If your brain lights are..." Well, the guy in the sauna was talking a lot about him. He was like a kid. He was like, "What do you expect?" Yeah. A huge head. A huge head. And I think because he really likes saunas. Yeah. I don't think he's like coffee. So... No, I don't think he does. I think he does like coffee, but not immediately in the morning, perhaps. That's what people seem to say. Don't have it for an hour or so. Yeah. Your brain wake up. You're in a very thick lumberman jack shirt. Yeah. How do you feel about that? Was it too thick? Did you feel? Too thick for what? For this weather? No. You're begging Autumn to come earlier than it has. Well, I just don't have any... All my clothes are in the wash, to be honest, which is the truth. And you go into the timber yard after this as well. Yeah, no. I've got some lugs to slug. Lugs to slug. Lugs to slug. Yeah. I've got lumberjack stuff to do. Or cowboy. I've got the ranch to get to. There's a nice little thick little number. Where's it from? No idea. Did your mum get it for you? No. Did you go for a game over here? No. Neither of those things. I've found it. This is one of the ones where I've found... What? In the room? In the room. I've just found it. Oh, by the way, one of the fleeces you've got hanging up is mine. Do I? Which one? The blue jacket, thin jacket type thing. Oh. Yeah. I don't think I'm using that one. That's fine. Thanks. As long as you're not using it, I'll reclaim my property. Because I just, again, the amount of clothes. Yeah. Is it that one right there? That one. Wait. No, not that one. Okay. Because I use that one all the time. But I think that... Maybe that one. It's not a fleeces, though. Yeah, I know. I didn't mean fleeces. Yeah, that's mine. Yeah. You're using that all the time, are you? Yeah, I use it for the whole bed, bro. It's been great. Yeah, good. I'm glad. That's where my fucking shit goes. Yeah. We always complain. I'm always, I don't know where anything goes and then this happens. Yeah. Let's talk about your week. What about my week? You were saying you were on to talk about your week compared to your last week. Oh, I guess so. The bender is completely... Well, I guess people haven't actually heard about the end of the week. I'm not doing it again. I had 10 days of drinking, essentially. Because I had a week off. It was my birthday week. Birthday fun. Went down to Sussex, got threw up on, played lots of golf, came back, drank some more. Just had a heavy one, really. Yeah. So now that that week of aggressive socializing, where I was begging to be by myself and just watch some TV was over, it's like I'm on day two of... Well, day three, actually, of the lack of drinking and socializing. And then I got here at about 4.30. And I said hello, and I was like, I think that's the first word I've said today. Yeah, you're back into that. Back into that... Oh, yeah. It's just silence in life, which is a very strange twist. It's a very strange life. You're trying to find the middle ground. Yeah. It's hard to find the middle ground, because then what else do you do? Well, go out and fucking go for a beer after work. Yeah, one beer. Bro. Yeah. So that's it. That's it, really. I was more interested in what your opinion was on these squirrels. The squirrels situation. Oh, yeah, yeah. I made you write this down. What was the story you were telling me when I told you to write this down? Because we'll talk about the podcast. Less of a story, more of a fact. Oh. Because... There was a lot of parakeet out on the balcony we were doing. We were sitting on the balcony looking at the birds. Yeah. And then we were talking about parakeets and how that was an accident that they were released because of... I don't know, they came in a lot across on a ship. I feel like it was a zoo situation. Yeah. They escaped from a zoo. It sounds like they fell from a zoo. Now they're just everywhere. And it's great. I've seen a parakeet. Bloody queen is heck. It's a thrill. But then I was like, it's a bit like the squirrels. And you've seen a bit of a muse. But that's a viral thing, as example. Squirrels felt like a... Squirrels felt, is it? Yeah. It used to be that there were red squirrels everywhere in the UK. And they were the only type of squirrels. And then nice squirrels. They're lovely, gorgeous. Gorgeous. Yeah. Excellent, brilliant squirrels. And then some bloke who's got a name that you'd exactly expect it to be. Yeah. And then he came over. And I think he brought a couple back from South America or something. A grey squirrels. There's pets. And then they got out. And now, basically, the grey squirrels just killed all of the grey squirrels. Yeah. Oh, the red squirrels. So you don't have any red squirrels now, do you? So grey squirrels are not indigenous to the UK. No. But are they... If they're from America, that's even... Yeah, red squirrels. But I guess that sort of raised the question of what we could introduce. Because it seems like it seemed easier than you'd think to introduce things to places. Is this why you made me write it down? Yeah. Please enlighten me. Well, the fact that you can just bring a squirrel. And now, that's like one of the main animals here. Yeah. It feels like I want to introduce some more things to places. Does that make sense? Yeah, well... Like, on Easter Island, there was a huge rat who introduced with some of the boats. They came on the boat. There were so many rats. Yeah. Then they brought cats to kill the rats. And now there's loads of rats and cats all over the island. It's like that story of like... The rat who ate the cat. Is that on the flat? No. That's nothing. That's absolutely dog shit. No. It's the lady who swallowed a fly. Yes. And then she had to sort of... Yeah. She swallowed a spider to kill the fly and then so on. So, yeah, I want to experiment with reintroducing animals to the UK. I want to... Now, this is why we have such aggressive laws to stop you bringing in things. Because they destroy the red squirrels and that. Well, yeah, it could absolutely destroy any ecosystem. Yeah. So, there's massive laws, particularly in Australia, I think. But it's more like... It seems that animals can survive in more climates than most people think. Well, that's a stupid thing to say. It doesn't mean anything. Zebra's. I guess in the winter they've struggled. What's your point? Zebra's? What about them? They introduced Zebra's into the UK. Just to see what happens. They start breeding. In 500 years time, people like... Do you know Zebra's actually were brought across by a man called Horatio Gold. They killed all the horses. You know, you think of Zebra's. But Zebra's like the most British thing in the world, no. Well, Zebra's a... I guess now they've got laws to stop that sort of stuff. They've heard the laws. So, they're not going to kill anything. No. So, it seems fine to bring Zebra's in. I'm sure it isn't. And this is why we have far smarter people than us in charge of these things. Well... But if you were like... I do know someone who's involved in the Wolf Rewilding Project in Scotland. Sure. Should we get him on the phone? Huh? Wow! No! That's good. That's good stuff. It's all over. Yeah, so she's getting wolves up into the Highlands of Scotland and just reintroducing them. So, there's not really any wolves here anymore. So, that would be in order to maintain... That's reintroducing, I guess. It's just the complete opposite of what you're saying. You're trying to destroy natural habitats with things that don't belong to them. No, I'm not trying to destroy them. You're bringing Zebra's to England. Yeah, but what are they going to destroy? Oh, you're a fox! Yeah, you're a lot of grass. Yeah, you're a lot of grass. Then there won't be any grass left for the rabbits, and the rabbits will die. Well... And then when the rabbits die... There's rabbits! When the rabbits die, all the foxes will die. And when the foxes die, something else will die. Yeah, but I wouldn't mind doing... It's a bad example because we do need to get rid of foxes. We need to get rid of rabbits and foxes. If rabbits and foxes, rabbits is a crazy matter of rabbits. I could have used something else other than rabbits. I just say we don't have that many animals here. Badgers are great, but we don't see them, so they're not really doing much. Yeah, it's a very anthropomorphic way to look at the world. I just want to be able to see more... Well, I just can't see badgers, I'm going to introduce Zebra's. Yeah. I just... I think we can be more creative with what we introduce. But we don't want anything. We don't want anything. We want to... Yeah. So I guess you can put bears in Scotland. You just wouldn't want them in Surrey. You're right. You're right. You want them in the middle of Glasgow? Yeah. I guess... Is it good to have bears? No. It's bad to have bears. Probably. So if you're in Canada, you'd be like, "I wish there was no bears." No. You're happy having bears in Canada? Yes. The bears in Scotland, maybe. I feel like you're not grasping the point of how we need to maintain ecosystems. Yeah. But bears in Canada, as long as there's not too many of them and they're not over fishing or hunting, good thing. Yeah. Because they moderate the population of their prey. Salmon. Too many salmon. Spoil the three of them. Not enough water. You know? They're all bobbing about... Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're like fighting for water. And they're majestic and they... Some animals provide a sort of, I don't know, symbol of national identity. Yeah. A feeling of like, I don't know, unique strength to that place. Yeah. I have the strength of the bear. Yeah. You always see it regularly. Yeah. That's religious connotations. I'm inspired by the animal. Yeah. That's why the English have the lion. Because we have nothing else to choose from. Yeah. So we're like, "Let's choose that. We've got no lions. Let's bring some lions in." Yes. Yeah. But it's not a chilli lion, sad to see, isn't it? You wouldn't want to see a chilli lion. No, of course not. Yeah. No, you wouldn't want to see any of that. But there's lots of stories of... I think it mostly happens with frogs or something. Red frogs accidentally made their way on the ships and like a frog can... The introduction of one frog can wreck everything. It's more on the micro level. Yeah. Like a smaller animal level. No. Rather than the big... You've gone straight to zebras and bears rather than frogs and squirrels. I'm not denied that it can have a lot of unmitigated effects. Yeah. But the parakeets is a success story, right? An accidental one. Yeah, an accidental success story. I suppose so. And I feel like I would find a couple more of those. Why don't we get more tropical birds in? Why don't we get some toucans? Imagine toucans in London. I don't think they'd fare well. Do you know what a toucan is? Aren't they the ones that look like... They're the ones on the Guinness adverts. Yeah, yeah, they were the big big. Yeah, mad. They look a bit like puffins. Yeah, they're mad. Puffins. Puffins. We've got puffins. We don't have puffins. Not here, but off the coast of Ireland and Scotland. Okay. There's puffins. There's puffins there. I think what you need to do is go into a good zoo. Yeah. Maybe. That's what you sound like. It's real as a parakeet. That was a real moment. It was a perfect view of these tropical birds. Yeah. In smelly old blighties. In smelly old, pooping old England. What I would think. Yeah. Well, let's introduce some more stuff. Yeah. Birds, perhaps, if, you know, we'll have to do some research first. I'm sure there are some negative connotations that have happened because of the parakeets. But I mean, what about the... It's probably like, you know, do we see robins as much anymore? I feel like... But I almost want like... Can we have a vote on what we're driving? Because a lot of the time with these ecosystems, and then they died, they weren't doing anything. They sucked. Well, bring it back to the squirrels. Yeah. But the red better than grey. Yeah. That's a bad example. Exactly. But... So it depends what the animal is. Yeah. But if we... If we had a vote on the red versus grey before they came in, we would have all voted red. Right? Right. So I'm just saying there's a couple of ones we can discuss. I'm sure there are some ones we can discuss. Would you rather have a pigeon or a toucan? A toucan, please. I would take the toucan. But no, maybe I would... Pigeons are. No, because you're not... That is implying that we have as many toucans in this country as we do pigeons. Well, not with that attitude, we don't. What does that mean? Well, I'm saying that if you're more ambitious, we could do. I'd see... I'm saying that's why we're not a good thing. Imagine, you think there was... On this morning, there was a pigeon not moving out the way for me. Imagine that's a fucking toucan. Yeah. That's far more inconvenient. Then they become in control. Are these great squirrels as well? They're in the joint. Would you like more animals in your day to day life? Yes. Okay. You refuse to... But I understand... I understand that it is not to do with what I want to see. Who is it, though? Who is it? You've got to be fair! The circle of life! Yeah. Natural habitats. What country do you think has the best? Because there's too many animals. Is there a situation where there's too many animals in your life, right? What are you talking about in my life? There's too many... You can have a day's day life where there's too many wild animals. You know, you're... Where it becomes an inconvenience or a danger. Yes. Fine. Yeah. So there's that and there's... Well, we'd probably have the least animals out of nearly anywhere, maybe apart from maybe the desert, right? Maybe, yeah. Yeah. So I think there's a middle ground. Because there's too many animals if you live and there's tigers who stole your land last night. Right. Yeah. Stolen. If it doesn't apply, but they just took her away. I guess Australia maybe has too many animals. Well, again, it's maybe too many of the wrong animals. Fine. Because I don't want to be fucking around with too many spiders. Exactly. I don't want big ass spiders. But there's... There's a... But then there's also, like, you know, fucking... Well, there you go over there. There's loads of shit. But kangaroons are kind of nuts as well. Koalas. Koalas. But they're vicious as well. All Australian animals are just a bit fucking nuts. But most of the most majestic animals are kind of like... Like a moose. That's dangerous as fuck, man. Yeah. Well, yeah, but they're not really that... They're not that dangerous. If you keep your fucking burger, like, you know, if you... I've watched stuff where people go around Canada. And the moose is an incredibly majestic animal. Yeah. I'd say if you... If they've got as young... What's the question again? This was about reintroducing animals. What animal do I want to see in the UK? Or do I want to see more animals in general? Yes. But do I... Well, we can swap some out. You know, like, let's do substitutions. We don't have many... Okay. Without environmental connotations. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm getting rid of... Really getting rid of... I guess, but pigeons is the obvious one. Pigeons are gone. Pigeons are gone. I think squirrels... I like squirrels. You like squirrels because you have nothing better. No, I like them. Yeah. I like a squirrel. Well, what if you change that for a bush, baby? I don't want... No, but, okay, I think in this world you have to imagine that there are... The replacement, they're as numerous as what they've taken over. Leemers... They're quite big divers. There's leemers in... Madagascar. Yeah. You said that, Phil? No, there's leemers in Trusilla's Park in Sid Sussex. I've seen them. Yeah. They're quite quiet things. Yeah. Having them in the trees there. Yeah. Maybe we could do with some more monkey-type things. Monkeys. Yeah. That's, again, you're making so many salient points today. Sorry about that. There's always a possibility to disagree. You can give me nothing to go on. No, what would... Well, I'd be... Pest the annoying thing, 'cause, like, you know... I'd keep mice and get rid of rats. I'd be rid of them. Mice are actually really sweet. If you really get into a mouse... Yeah. Not like that. Then you'll realize they're actually quite... Quite cute. I've seen them when we had to become one of them in our old house. I used to just kind of watch them without... I gave them a bit of time before I banged on the table. Yeah. But a rat is not acceptable. A rat is never fine. Yeah. I get rid of the super rats. Sure. There's an innocence to a mouse. It feels like it hasn't lived as much of a... Tortured existence. It hasn't had such a tough upbringing as a rat. Yeah. Well, it doesn't get so much flack in the media. Yeah. I think that's mostly... Yeah. It's had quite a blessed life in that way. Yeah. I think we need one big dangerous animal that you can sort of... Die from. You can die from, but that builds character. Let's forget London because it's not going to work. No. So let's do somewhere out in like the hills of South Downs. South Downs. Yeah. Cougars? Sure. But they're fucking scary. Yeah, but that's kind of the... That kind of changes the whole thing. The Cougars don't have quite the majesty of a bear. Yeah. I'd take a bear over a cougar. Me too. But which one? Brown, black, or polar? Polar. I mean, it's your dream restaurant. It's your dream restaurant. It is my dream. Restaurant. Yeah. It's your dream restaurant. Yeah. It's sort of like off menu, but just for like animals you want. Right, yeah. But it's a place where we're going to eat them now. Yeah. Anyway. I don't mean that. I think a classic, a classic black bear. Yeah. What was it? Black. This is in the fucking channel book. Brown. Brown. Run up. And then polar bear. You're dead or something. Yeah. Polar bears are like the most vicious bears. Yeah. I think a big bear would help, but I think maybe monkeys. Oh. What about gorilla? In... In the South Downs. Pretty amazing. And it's only like four of them. Yeah. And you have to be really careful. Yeah. And when you see them, it would be such a thrill. Yeah. And you do tours, but it would be really dangerous. Yeah. Really dangerous. People would die every year for them, as they deserve to be. Because they don't appreciate the majesty and danger of nature. You're trying to find that balance between danger and majesty. And we have... No danger. You've got no danger. Very little majesty. You know, I was... You've got a couple of cows. I was about to say, I don't know why I've spoken about this so often. Yeah. Was it with you? No, I think it was. How about cows? I've been on cowhype for a long time. Sure. When I was three years old, I wanted to be a cow when I grew up. A moo cow. Yeah. I was done that. We've done that. Yeah. So I've been... I wanted to become... You wanted trans animal. Yeah. Well, the very thing that you feared. I was like Rachel Dole... It was very Batman. But for cows. It's like a shit version of Batman. Moo cow, man. Just go around mooing at people. Well, that puts down their danger. The thing that the animal that kills the most humans in the UK is a cow. Yeah. That's the strangest thing we have to... Well, we got to the lovely horses, right, with lovely mains. Yeah. Yeah. But they don't really kill people. Yeah. Well. Well. My girlfriend's sister has a new boyfriend. Ooh. And it's the first time I've ever been in the situation where I'm the incumbent. Yeah. I'm the man who is already there and I'm like kind of... I imagine him arriving and I've got my arm drapes. Is he the incumbent? No, I'm the incumbent. What does the incumbent mean? The one... The incumbent... President, the incoming one? No. Oh. It's the one who's already there. So you know when Trump and Obama met... Yeah. the White House? Yeah, this is the important part of the story, by the way. Yeah, but that's what it is, right? You're Trump... He's Trump, you're Obama. Obama was the incumbent to Trump. Fine, fine, fine. So I'm the incumbent boyfriend. Yeah. And I'm walking in and I've got my arm drapes going. You're shoving? Yeah. Every... I've got like the mum, the dad, it's all like... They're kind of feeding me grapes, kind of thing. Oh, new brothers, Ed. Yeah. What do we have here? Yeah. I absolutely love the guy, 10 out of 10 fella. Great. Everything. But I... part of me. A dark, very dark part of me wishes that he... that they won't like him. It's a... there's a... there's a two percent of me that wants him to fail. Well, what you want to be is in that strong position of their bitching about him. Yeah. You can take the high ground. Yeah. I think he's all right. And now he's so lovely. Yeah. I think they're going to be bitching about me. Yeah, that's the problem. That's where the pendulum is going to swing to, you know, then my head's on the chopping block. Yeah, because I guess you're feeling when you've met him like, "Oh, this is a great guy." And there's like, "Oh, he's a very great guy. Oh, he's really nice. Oh, God. What does this mean? And it's... I've never been the oldest in any situation of my life. Yes. And I... How old is this boy? He's younger. I don't know. 23? Sure. You know, so he's younger, but I was... this is what it feels like, I think, to be the older sibling. This is my very first experience of being the older sibling. Yeah. Well, with this boy we're talking about the new episode. Well, he's not going to get that much of a fucking him. Clearly you're not very used to being the older... I can't handle that. I'll make some sort of terrible mistake. Yeah. Well, I lose his trust. Oh, my... he's seen it 20 minutes ago. Well, that's quite interesting. He's seen it 20 minutes ago. It's all over. I'm never getting a response to that, am I? Yeah. Which suggests... I mean, the guy's seeing it as well. It's weird. It's very weird behavior. The fact that he's reading it. Yeah. It's really odd. It's very strange. Strange. And maybe we'll never know. But yeah, do you know what I mean? So I think it's like I'm on the older sibling and there's like, "Oh, there's a new one here." No, no. Well, you're like an aging prostitute showing the new girl. Yeah. We're far better boobs. But you've got technique. I've got technique. Yeah. You know how to make the sailors come, you know? Yeah. It's just a funny part of me because I've like... I was... I was realizing that is what's happening. I was hoping all the best for him. I was like 1% going like, "I hope you fail." Well, it's more like now there's an example of what a boyfriend can be. Oh, right. No. So I've been getting away with murder. Well, they have nothing to compare it to in reality. Yeah. Yeah. And now there's another buck in there. Because now every time it's like, "Well, that's just all blokes people will be blokes." Oh, I suppose all this man is... He's pretty good. He's far more considerate, emotionally available and nicer to our daughters. So I'm already sure why she's pulling up with him. Yeah. I'm hoping to fail. I think it will be very bad for you if they like him. Do you think? Yeah. You think they can't like 2 people? I think you'll be naive not starting an undercover campaign that's slowly under my hand. And that's why I came to you to talk about this. You always, you've got a rational mind. It made me feel better. And that's... I think I should be more likely... Yes, men around you say there's nothing to worry about. There's a lot to worry about. Yeah. There's a lot to worry about. He's going to surpass you. This is a competition and they can only like one of you. All right. Now it's fucking personal then. I've watched the Sylvester Stallone documentary on Netflix. You've seen that? Is it new? Sly. Oh, no. It's not new. It's new. It's new. I mean, everyone's doing one now. Oh, what? Every documentary about Sylvester Stallone. Yeah. Everyone's got their take on it. Everyone's doing it. Every celebrity now you do like a legacy documentary. That's now. Yeah. And it's just going to get more and more. How do I kind of cement what my myth is? Right. Yeah. But it is correct a narrative. Yes. It's a pretty compelling watch. He's an interesting man. He's a very interesting man. Because you know the story about Rocky and stuff. Yeah. He's broke and he paid for somehow, I don't know. But it's just like one of those interesting people where he's sort of like, he made it through pure willpower and optimism. What are you saying the guy's got no talent? No, he's got a lot of talent. But then he's like, he's made some of the worst films ever made as well. Yeah. You know, the first hit he made was a brilliant film, Rocky's a brilliant film. The next four Rockies were terrible, apparently. I haven't seen anything that we've heard. I think maybe the third. And then the last one's good. But it's like he saw or it's amazing that he broke through with that. Yeah. And it's more like he got through and then started making some absolute dreadful films. It's a real story of determination. Yeah. Well, he's one of those people I don't really understand. I don't. Yes. I don't understand. In the documentary it comes across because he doesn't have the right look. He doesn't have the right voice. Yeah. He's not the best actor. He doesn't know why he wasn't getting cast. But I mean like him fundamentally as a human being. Go on. It looks a bit like Daddy. He looks a bit like Papa. Yeah. But then at the same time, I don't think I've not obviously not really seen many interviews with him. Yeah. I've seen him sporadically in some different things. Yeah. But he's obviously very famous for that generation. Obviously the voice is something that's like, I don't. And all of those things combined with the fabulous of my dad, I'm in a microwave. Yeah. Yeah. What is this human being doing? There's some people that I know who I don't understand their face. I feel like I look at them and I'm like, I've never really understood what you look like. Yeah. And he's one of them. Well, it's because it's a constantly changing thing. Yeah. But do you have that? Because these cheap bones will be in a different place than the last time you saw it. Yeah. Some people change their faces. Yeah. But his face is too odd to understand. Because it's like there's a mission. And his voice. It was already out of place. But he's getting smacked in the face all the time. And he's got plastic surgery. Yeah. So yeah, you look away and it's a different face. And it doesn't make sense. But do you have that? It's like a hall of mirrors. Whereas just every day you look back and it's like, it's like, it's different. Yeah. But do you not have that with, I think some people will understand this. I have it with like, acquaintances. And who I'll see semi-regularly. And then I'll be looking at them and be like, I've never understood what you actually look like. And then maybe I do in that moment. Yeah. And then you're like, oh, that's what you look like. Even though I've looked at them several times. Oh, that's your face. I always thought it was that. I guess there's people who I haven't seen for a while, then I see them in their face. It's quite different. It's not. But it's people you see semi-regularly. Not regularly, regularly. I don't know if I have that. Yeah. So you're constantly seeing. Not constantly. And you can't, could have got brand their face. One day I'll just go, that's what you look like. You know, I have that. I reckon some people have that. It's not. You think you know what they look like. But then you see them in a certain light or in a certain day. And you realize that's what they look like. I had it wrong the whole time before. Yeah. I guess I'll see a different angle at their head. That was said very intensely. That's more me going. That's what that's what it was. I haven't seen that angle yet before. Yeah. Which isn't. I've not just left up on a ladder looking down going. That's what you look like. That's what it is. That's what it is. In front of them. There you go. I don't know that at all. Well, very confusing. No, there's something. There are some people that happens to. Okay. Comment below if you've experienced the same thing. Like and subscribe. But then you end in the episode. Yeah. I'm ending it. We can go for a bit more. Yeah, we can go for a bit more. Yeah. Yeah. So it's a good documentary. He sort of innovated the modern action star in its kind of almost current form. Yeah. Rocky came out in '76 and that sort of laid the groundwork for like 80 cinema. Yeah. That mucho sort of like. Mucho. Kind of like. Mucho growing up. I feel that's all the films that Cowley's dad would watch. Right. Great reference to the. Oh, we had a friends dad who just had an awesome DVD war. Yeah. Which was Alien vs Predator. Yeah. Alien films Predator. Or just any Arnie action film. Yeah. Arnie. But he innovated three franchises. The Expendables. Expendables being one of the Rambo and Rocky. Yeah. Which is pretty. Getting them off the ground. Three in a row being adaptive. Like that. Yeah. I mean, I don't think his audience is demanding much. Yeah. But yeah. I would recommend watching. Yeah. I'm actually very interested in that because he's. As I say, I'll need to be like, oh, that's that's who he is. Oh, and his relationship with his father was like. It's almost like cliche just how bad it was. It's like. Yeah. It's the most. It's the most textbook daddy issues you've ever seen. I mean, he always had that voice. Sort of. I mean, he's Italian. Yeah. But that's. He's a big Italian fella. That's not enough of an explanation. Why does he have that voice? Surely they touch on that. No, not really. I think he just has a way. Well, you can't do that. That's funny because he got smacked in the head all the time, right? Is that it? Yeah. But he kind of always sounded like that. But that's the question. He wasn't the smartest kid. He had bad scores on sinuating. I'm insinuating he was academically thick. Right? Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, his dad was apt. I mean, cartoonishly villainous, right? Yeah. The funniest thing is after he wrote Rocky, massive hit, he's just become a massive star. His dad's done everything he possibly can to undermine his confidence, tell him he's nothing. Right. His dad then goes into, I think, Stallone's agent's office with a script saying this is the real Rocky. He'd written his own script. It was called Sonny and it was about Rocky's son. What? Wait, his dad said that. So his dad was trying to be like, no, it was me and he stole it from me. No, he was trying to say that I would make a bet. This is better. And he was still using his character, but it was his character's son. And his dad wrote it. He's absolutely crazy. Oh my god. What was his dad's job? I think he was a war vet. Right. And then I don't know. I forgot. Just said odd bits here and there. But he was, and also like, Sylvester Sloan made this like polo game for his dad because his dad was obsessed with polo, right? The horse game. Yeah. Because during the war, I think he did it or whatever. Yeah, sure. And Stallone was going to be a good polo player until his dad pulled him off a horse. During a game. And so as a kind of olive branch to send out to the dad, Stallone puts together this like celebrity polo match that his dad can play in and he can play in, right? So he's still trying to look for approval from his dad once he's made it. Yeah. He's not going flip you, mother flipper. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's kind of, yeah. It's just what I came up with. Well, I watched Super Sonic again and the opposite of that. Yeah, that's true, actually. You know, that's true. Quite often it's fuck you, dad, I made it and the success replaces the need for a father. I do think the Gallagher brothers have a quite unique level of stubbornness when it comes to family feuds. You see new hair shit about. But even though they're all with each other, I mean, they're still quite spectacular to ignore each other for that long. They definitely are fairly good at holding judges. Yeah, they're not the most easy going. And Stallone is a big-hearted guy, right? Yeah. And so he makes this whole match for his dad. And then during the game, he's running with the, he's about to hit the ball. I don't really understand. Yeah. He's got to strike the fuck. And then he's dad just crashes into him and nearly kills him. With a car. Yeah. Well, that is cool. He like tackles him once again. It's sly playing. It's the sly and the dad are playing and the dad, the dad comes behind him and does the cheapest shot you can imagine. Right. Right. Oh, you didn't say he was playing in the match. Yeah. Sorry. So I thought he ran on for the sidelines and just ripped him off the horse. And then he never played solo again. And I think that was his last straw with his dad, but his dad better nearly killed him. Yeah. It sounds like a few times. Yeah. Which is kind of not awesome, but it's kind of like- It's a good back story. It's amazing that his dad is so committed to being the worst dad ever. Yeah. Like, the dedication it takes to be given that many horses, to give him that many olive brunch. I mean, right? Him sitting down and writing a screen plate. I imagine the best his dad hasn't written any screenplays before. No, that's why I asked what he did. Yeah. So nothing to do with that. That was literally like, I can do anything better than my son, which is, doing your son's success is such a threat to you. Yeah. Yeah. Or just like, I can, I can do it all better. He's just like a lucky little bitch. You can't even play polo. Look at him. I'll show you polo. Bosch. Good for him, man. Yeah. I'm kind of interested to read that screenplay. I'm more interested to hear about the dad story. Yeah. He's the real star. He is. We're going to go to Patreon now. We'll see you later. Much love. Of course, close, close. Bye. Bye. Bye. (upbeat music)