DayWeather Podcast


Broadcast on:
05 Sep 2024
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System moves out, trending warmer/drier....


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DayWeather Journal for Kids


Welcome the Thursday, September 5th, 2024, your day with a podcast brought you by converse county beautiful landscapes historic sites unique downtowns await visitors to Douglas and Glenrock, Wyoming. Plan your visit at converse county Well after what was a pretty active day across parts of the inner mountain west with showers thunderstorms clouds and cooler weather as that Pacific trough came on through. Well we're going to be looking at not much happening for a while the trough head east dry air higher pressure comes in behind it and across a lot of the region high pressure will settle in bringing a fair dryer weather pattern in there will be return to high pressure but we're also going to have residual moisture that will produce a few isolated showers and thunderstorms so for the time frame of let's say Friday through Tuesday it's not that it will be zero chance precipitation in the west there's just not going to be a lot there'll be some renegade isolated showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening hours but nothing organized like well what we saw yesterday so it'll be a pretty decent stretch of weather really then the next trough that comes off the Pacific looks like it's coming in the middle and next week and it is a somewhat similar situation what we had yesterday at least that's how it looks on the charts we could see nice updraft building there with those showers and thunderstorms as that front trough that trough in the front came through yesterday hopefully you got rain relive if you didn't you're gonna have to wait probably till the middle of next week for the next one to come on through but was also not only showers and thunderstorms but we had over there in Sublet County some photo cloud activity these are most likely this was a land spout situation we have a couple of photos from folks near Boulder the pinedale Boulder area we had a good shot here and another one here of it more well formed as it rolled on through there was quite a bit of shower and thunderstorm activity with this Pacific trough as it came on through not only producing some nice rain and spots but also well there you go something you don't see very often and in that part of Wyoming but when you do see a funnel cloud or a tornado trying to get going it usually does look like that as we go and take a look at the satellite imagery this morning the trough of low pressure in front you can certainly see it right here tail end of it going on by and high pressure building in behind it so there's going to be some low clouds maybe even a little bit of shower activity along the front range of Colorado and on the plains but this is all going to head off to the east so there'll be some cool unsettled weather under this cloud shield here today early in the day especially but when you look at the water vapor but you can really see the contrast here's the Pacific wave what's left of it very early this morning right here headed off to the east then look at this broad ridge but you can see it can't you the high pressure ridge the dry stable air coming in behind it the next trough of low pressure is back up here over towards the illusions and that'll be something that will come into play towards the middle and next week but this air mass is generally what's going to be coming on in this is by noon today the trough accelerates to the east high pressure builds across the west again and we just kind of do a repeating cycle over the next five to seven days we're going to see a little bit of what we'd call general thunderstorm activity now this what you're seeing here is for saturday so you see this green area there's going to be enough moisture combined with daytime heating for a few of those isolated showers and thunderstorms this weekend and into monday and tuesday nothing to write home about nothing that will likely be severe when you look at the precipitation forecast this is the period of saturday through wednesday so saturday through wednesday this area right here just enough moisture with daytime heating for some isolated showers and storms you can see how they want to be on the mountain slopes and that's most likely where they're going to be not much else onto the plains and as we showed you yesterday a real concentration of the deeper moisture is along the gulf coast and points out the knees this is the remnants of the trough that just came through the west heading up into the north eastern united states later but you can see the strength and the intensity of the high pressure ridge covering a lot of real estate so we're just going to have a few isolated showers and storms and temperatures to that period are going to be pretty warm this is for the same period basically from saturday through next wednesday cool is in the east warmest in the west under that high pressure ridge then the next trough comes in this looks quite similar to what we just experienced we'll have a low combo across the north specific go up and over the ridge and then down again and then bring a front through and this will bring the next chance of cooler temperatures and showers and thunderstorms so we're basically seeing a pattern sort of repeating itself here over the next seven to ten days in between these low pressure systems you have really nice very pleasant september weather now this is the temperature anomaly with this next trough by this next wednesday thursday time frame this is by next thursday so you can see the cool air associated with it and the opportunity for precipitation as it goes through now this is the ten day forecast this is by next saturday what i wanted to show you with this map is is that we're seeing the high pressure ridge get beaten down and not as strong not pushing so far north we've got a lot more color up here now the jet stream getting more active trying to work its way a little bit further south another little thing i want to show you here it's subtle but look off the baja of mexico here this is possibly a tropical system ten days out that will need to keep an eye on because these systems sometimes late in the season can sneak up here not saying it will but we'll just keep an eye on it but once we get towards the ten day period we're just getting further into the month of september jet streams more active now look at that strength of that northern jet stream up here so we'll just keep an eye on things for the second half of the month getting a little more busy in the meantime it's pretty much routine september weather have yourself a good thursday we'll see you tomorrow