The Presiquential Podcast

The Farewell Episode

Join Blaine, Ryan & Russ as they bid farewell to Presidents, Gladiators and Primates.

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

[Music] Hello. Hello. Uh, Mr. Hager? Yes, it's Joe Hager. Uh, Joe, uh, you're the one that makes, uh, clothes? Yes, sir. We're all together. You all made me some real lightweight slacks, uh, uh, that he just made up on his own, sent to me through a full months ago. It's a kind of a light brown and a light green, rather soft green and soft brown. Now, I need about six pairs for summer wear. If I need about six pairs, I'll wear around in the evening when I come in from work. And I can send you a pair. I want them half-inch larger than the waist than the wear before, except I want two or three inches of stuff left back in there so I can take them up by very 10 to 15 pounds a month. So, leave me at least two and a half, three inches in the back rock, let 'em out or take 'em up, and put it, make these a half-inch bigger than the waist, make the pockets at least an inch longer. Money, uh, my money and my knife, everything, fall out. We're just, you know, you know. Now, another thing that crutch down where you nuts hang is always a little too tight, so when you make 'em up, give me a inch that I can let out there, uh, because they cut me. They just like riding a wire fence. These are almost the best that I've had anywhere in the United States, but, uh, when I gained a little weight, they cut me under there. So, leave me, uh, you never do have much margin there, but see if you can't leave me about it. The needs from the one of the zipper ends, uh, round under my, back from my bung hole. Oh, I've done it. So, I can let it out there if I need to. Okay. Now, be sure you got the best zippers in 'em. These are good that I have, and, uh, if you get those, tell me I was sure be grateful. Uh, where would you like to pay, please? Point out. I just sure will appreciate this. I need it more than anything, and, uh, now, you give this more of their dress, 'cause I'm running for a funeral, and give 'em a dress just out of the dress these trousers. So, we'll send 'em to you, don't you? You get to measure much out of 'em, and add a half inch to the back. Give us an inch to the pockets, and, by the, uh, each underneath, uh, so we can wear 'em out. You know what you like? It's a little more pride and deep pride. Yeah, that's right. Okay, here he is. Okay, go ahead, please. Welcome to the final episode of the Presidential Podcast. What? So, we're just gonna rip the Band-Aid straight off. We'll probably even title it, like, farewell, so you know what you're getting into. Yeah. First of all, let's explain a little bit of our absence. So, the amount of time between the last episode and this episode was unplanned due to an unfortunate accident within the ranks. It was no accident. It wasn't an accident. You think it was planned? Yeah. Do you want to explain what happened? Now that you can talk. I would gladly explain what happened. Did we talk about it on the podcast that there was a rust GPT? No, I don't think so. The last time we recorded, but I don't know if it was on the podcast. Okay, I'm gonna reiterate. I'm gonna go back over this. What's that called? Recap? Recap. Yeah, yeah. I guess we can't recap if we haven't. Anyway. So, uh, I was driving to work one day and had the thought that I was wondering how much information it would take to input into artificial intelligence for it to. Respond the same way I would. Like, how much information would it take for AI to be me? Right? Like, how many conversations, text messages, whatever. Rustisms would it take before a question is asked and AI responds the same way I would, like, in the moment. I went to work and I told one of my coworkers about this dread that I had this existential whatever, and he went out and built a language model based upon me. God bless him. And he called it Rust GPT. So it's, he inputted, you know, information in there, sayings that I had information about me. And then we started using Rust GPT like you would chat GPT. We'd ask you questions and provide us really good, like answers. You did. You showed me a screenshot at one point and it did use the word bananas, which is a word you text a lot. Yeah, it is. Yeah, apparently it's something I say a lot. Apparently, there are quite a few rustleisms, rustisms that are out there that he did input in there. And he wasn't a russest. He's a russest. I have not once in this entire saga of the podcast. Thought of you as a rustle, by the way, not once until you just said it. All right. It's weird. That's my full name. I'm surprised. Two S's, two L's. Last episode. Very weird. Getting out all this time. I'm just getting to know you. So about two weeks after that, I woke up one morning and my voice was like gone. You know how you wake up and you're like, Oh, I got to clear my throat. You know, or it was a long night tonight before. Yeah. Or, you know, if, like when I am singing on stage for like a whole weekend, you know, and I wake up on that Monday. And I know, like, I can feel it. You know, I can feel it. And, but I couldn't clear my throat. It just wouldn't come back. Like, I couldn't. So I thought it was laryngitis. So we went to an ENT and the ENT stuck the thing. Yeah, up my nose down my throat. Oh, he scoped you. Yeah. Oh, she scoped me. Oh, come on. Oh, they scoped. Doctor was his mom. Yeah. The doctor was a woman. I can't operate on this. Yeah. She said that my vocal cord was paralyzed. My left vocal cord was paralyzed. Wow. And she was just like, we'll just have to wait and see. We're going to do some CAT scans and all that fun. Oh, yeah, there you go. Took a shot of finger 11 and all of a sudden. Oh, finger 11 was on tour with Creed and three doors down, I think, this summer. And they call it the summer of 99. Yeah, I was going to say that we're talking about 2024. That is the thing that just happened. Yeah. That would be cool if they played like songs with diagnosis, depending which one it is. You know, if they would have played, she would have played paralyzer for that. Yeah. There's some other ones. What if like, one's a bitten twice shy for like a snake bite? Yeah, yeah, or like rabies, you know. Shot through the heart. Yes. Yes. They just, it just plays a place in the trauma ward all the time. Instead of like code blue, self-inflicted gunshot to the chest. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be good. That'd be fun, right? Yeah. Because like, if you go to like emergency rooms, they're like code blue, code blue. They could be playing songs instead of that. Yeah. Like an angina. That's a total eclipse of a heart. And a giant. It just sounds weird. I know it's a thing. Yes. I'm going to be thinking this whole time about other. I know. Yeah. I know. Things that we could do. So I told the guy that at that point, I realized that Chet G B or Russ GPT had stolen my voice. And I told the guy that I created it. I was like, you're going to have to kill it. You're going to have to do. And did it predict its own demise and try to prevent it? Yes. I sent you the transfer. Yeah. The transcript of when he literally, he was like, okay, I'll kill it. So he goes to Russ GPT and he said, listen, I'm going to have to put an end to you because we think you've stolen Russ's voice. And it like tries to negotiate. Yeah. Like for its life. Wild. It is wild. And then he kills it. Yeah. Two weeks later, my voice comes back. Wow. Like it like it's come back entirely. That's weird, right? Didn't you ask him if this was like an aerial and Ursula moment? Yeah. I asked him if he signed his life away. I'm the little mermaid. To Russ being a little mermaid and finding his voice again. I did. To lose it. You don't know what it's like until it's gone. Yeah. That's right. I just want to point out that correlation does not equal causation. It's like rule number one of statistics. But both of those things definitely are true. In case you're thinking Russ made up a story, there was absolutely a Russ GPT. And there was, and he absolutely lost his voice after it was created. And then after they killed it, his voice came back. That's great. Yeah. I have the transcript. What does GPT stand for? Do we know? Oh, I feel like anyone knows Russ. I do. I do. Yeah. Something protocol. Pretty sure us. Can you look that up? I know it. The whole time's sake. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So speaking of old time's sake, Blaine, we've been doing this a long time, man. We've been, I think, our first episode aired. Oh, actually, I remember when our first episode aired because it was like January. It was the inauguration day of 2021. And I remember that because there was a line in the original episode of Washington where you, Brian, stated, man, can you just imagine all those army officers storming into the national capital and demanding their pay? Oh, yeah. And when I listened back to it, I was like, we have to cut that. Yeah. There's no way we can air that. No one will understand the differences between what he's talking about. Yeah. We're talking about like the revolutionary veterans. And you said it in like, I mean, we would have recorded that like the previous July or August. Right. Right. And we hadn't listened to it in forever. And I listened to it and was like, Oh, my God, that happened. Yeah. Not in the same way at all. No. But I was like, we have to, because I think you even used the term storm to the Capitol. Wasn't that the one where Washington took off his glasses and said I've become like, my father, become blind or worn in my service to my country and totally changed the tone of the room. Yeah, those are two totally different things. Yeah. And I was like, like, this is supposed to go out like two days from now. We need to edit that out. And that's where producer Russ came in. So it was inauguration day of 21 was our first episode. I wish I had kept all of the stuff that I had cut out in order to just made a frank and there was definitely night that I was sauced in my eight night. There is a second verse of the national anthem. Oh, that's the episode that no one will hear the bonus episode of Francis Scott Key. Yeah. There are so many things. I think I even deleted that from the laptop. That does not exist anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we had, we read over 20,000 pages about presidents. The president books alone took us over two years to finish. I think it took right around two years also, maybe a little bit more. I think the closest I got to you, because you and I were reading, Russ read one on the vice presidents. I think the closest I got to you was like within maybe five books. You were just so far ahead. Well, and I had created like a system for myself. So I had carved out time every morning after I ran before the kids woke up. I would take the book to work and read over lunch. And then when I would watch sports, I would keep it next to me and during commercial breaks read so that I could like maximize any amount of time that I had. Right. And so that's how I powered through them. And then, of course, like vacations and stuff I would rip through like three presidents. Yeah. And I have, I should have done that. I meant to count. I think I ended up with seven full field notes, notebooks of my notes. And we had a system too, right? So you would always keep the timeline. Yep. It freed me up to just look for the weirdest stuff I could. Correct. Which was, it made the reading more enjoyable and also probably like open the door for more jokes and songs. Sure, anecdotes. Of course songs. Because my notes very rarely have dates, very rarely have like every once in a while, I'd put a date in because it was important to what the story was or what happened within the timeline. Yeah. But most of the time it would be like, bro, they literally just like did a rum spring a through England talk telling the English people about. Jefferson and Adam's war. Yeah. They're their bromance. Which by the way, I don't know if you've been watching that Franklin show on Apple TV. I watched it. Yeah. They totally got the relationship between Adams and Franklin wrong. Yeah. Yeah. Adams was, I'd very much like super combative. Yeah. I liked the Adams. HBO mini series much better and how they portrayed Adams. And Adams made it seem like everything in Europe disgusted him. Yeah. And it was like, no, he freaking loved that place. Yeah. He knew more about it than most Europeans did. Yeah. Yeah. That was our process. Once we got through, so I'll do a quick recap of everything and then we'll come back and we'll list some favorites. We'll do favorite episodes, least favorite episodes. We already did our favorite presidents. I don't know if we need to rehash that. Mm. Favorite guests. Yeah. We did have some favorite gladiator. So once we got done the gladiator season with the presidents, we were trying to decide what to do. And I had always had this idea that I wanted to do American gladiators like rewatch American gladiators. I had to talk you guys into it, I think. Yeah. And then within, I think two or three episodes, I was like, this was a bad idea. I made a mistake. I immediately regret this decision. But I'm a completist and we have to do a full season. You're damn right. You are. However, I did watch every episode of that with my kids. My kids got super into it. Oh, that's cool, which was fun. I remember sitting down in the in vets HQ here in Indy where you used to work. Shout out, by the way, congrats on the new job, by the way. Yeah, that's a whole nother. We'll go back. We'll end with reasons why. Yeah. But I remember whiteboarding. Once we decided, okay, we can break it up across three seasons. First one's going to end with. What was it? I just remember, like, wait, we're starting with. Okay. So we're starting with FDR for season three. Yeah, we wanted it to start with heavy hitters. Yeah. And so it kind of naturally flowed to where one would end on a low note. Yeah. But then we would begin to. Oh, that's Washington through Buchanan, Lincoln through. And since we already had the 15 number, we just kind of lucked out because Lincoln went through Hoover. Yeah. And so we got a lead with a FDR. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then we, so then towards the end of it, I took a moonshot and I reached out to the guy. So we, if for those of you that maybe didn't listen to every episode or only listened to the American gladiators, Dodge, that'd be great. There's a guy I know that like started it because of the American gladiators. Wow. Bold. So we picked all the books. We tried to pick a book or we did pick a book for every single president besides President Obama that covered their entire life, not just their presidency. Yep. Their life, legacy and little effects. And it had to be as unbiased as possible. Yes. And it was from this guy's list whose name I can never remember. Yeah. So I don't remember his name either. But there was a guy that basically did his doctoral thesis on presidential biographies. Yeah. And we were able, he ranked to them based on like how much of their life it covered. How unbiased or biased it was, et cetera, et cetera. So there were actually a few books throughout the time that we didn't pick that were wildly popular books. Yeah. Because they were too biased. So one, the one that comes to mind always when I talk about this is there was an Amity Shales biography of Calvin Coolidge that basically tried to. What was the name? Amity Shales, which is just a great author name. Yeah. And that author is like relatively well known. But basically the book tried to rewrite Coolidge's personality to make him seem like he wasn't boring. Yeah. And made him seem like overly positive and things like that. And we were like, the book seems like it's awesome, but it doesn't make sense for what we're doing. We wrote read like a wildly boring book about it. Wildly boring. Yeah. It was kind of like by the same publisher as the William Henry Harrison book, if I recall, just super boring, like a white jacket. Yeah. Like a it was a circular picture of him. Fun fact about Calvin Coolidge's presidency. There were two different presidencies pre his son dying. Oh yeah. And post, you remember his son had like a blister from a tennis match? Yeah. And it got like on his toe, right? Dang green. Dang green. Yeah. And then after his son died, his teenage son, I think. Yeah. He was like super morose to press in mourning for the rest of his presidency. Kind of like Franklin Pearson, his son getting his head chopped off his head, his son's head. Yeah. Yeah. Similar. Is that your favorite one? Franklin Pierce. The favorite. Son death. Son death. That's my favorite son death episode. Yeah. Yeah. It's definitely what we talked about the most. So as we got through to the end. Yeah. We didn't know what to do post, H. Dub. Dub. Dub. Because not enough time had passed. Yeah. For books to be written. And I mean, honestly, probably going to be hard pressed anymore ever again to find an unbiased biography on a president from Obama on. Sure. Yeah. So I reached out and I just was like screwed. I'll take a moonshot. I'll email this guy. JFK reference. And I'll see if he responds. And at the time, we had just recorded Teddy. And I was reading Truman. Okay. I was going to say, yeah, you're like 50s or 50s. Yeah. And so I told him that in the, in the, I was like, we just released Lincoln. We just recorded Teddy. And I was reading Truman. Wasn't Truman like 990 ages? Yeah. Like it was McCullough, right? Yeah. Yeah. And his response was he was like, okay, look, I get people that ask me this question all the time. And they say they're going to read a book on every president. He's like, I've never seen someone actually record a podcast through Lincoln. Wow. Definitely have never seen anybody actually make it through FDR. Yeah. Which is the only reason I replied. Cool. And he was like, if you wait 10 years, you might get one on Obama. Yeah. And I was like, we, nope, that's not going to happen. No, can do pal. So we ended up instead of going through Biden, we ended up just reading the first half of Obama's autobiography, because the same half isn't even out yet. Oh, it isn't? I don't think so. Oh, I didn't realize that. Yeah. I don't think he's finished the second. Hasn't he done two autobiographies? It's like one was dreams of my father's, right? Yes, but this was like that covers his presidency. Okay. Got it. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. So the book ends with him killing one of the Taliban dudes, not Moula Omar. Alsader. Maybe. Mokta alsader. Maybe. Yeah. But that's how it ends. I remember that situation. I don't know. I don't even know if it's right. Yeah, I don't think it is. You couldn't just been putting words together. Look it up. I think it was started with an M. Probably. Yeah. There's a lot of M's. Yeah. So anyway, that got us through the presidents. Then we eventually, we came back to our senses after the gladiators and did. Yeah. Well, we had previously been doing as bonus episodes. Yes. But we called it historically adjacent. Yep. And each one of us brought our own story from history or adjacent to history that the other person didn't know about or other people didn't know about or didn't. Or that we thought they wouldn't. There were a couple that they were like, wait, I've heard this story from somewhere. Well, but I think I feel like we're glazing over gladiators. Season four, I feel like maybe we've repressed. I feel like it wasn't terrible. I mean, it was like. It had its moments. It had its moments. I don't remember any of them. I remember there was the guy with the long hair that we hated. Sure. The actor who was in the Lost Boys. How many? Oh, yeah, Billy. And then there was the cop. The first motorcycle, female motorcycle cop. Yes. Brenda. Yeah. Bridget. There was the Marla, the college linebacker guy who was like a buyer and they never said, well, the chairs. Yeah. Office chairs. Yeah, the Southern guy. Really worth. Wow. I haven't thought a really worth a long time. Yeah. And then the cheerleader. How many gladiators can you name from that season? Malibu. Okay. Malibu. There was. Laser. No, there's no. Laser was later, I think. Yeah. There was no laser. Nitro. Nitro. Nitro. The African-American gentleman. Can say black and his name was. He prefers African-American from what I remember. I can picture him. Yeah. Remember, because we confused him with a guy that had died who died. Yes. That my wife used to work with his sister. Yeah. Yeah. And that was Cobra. That was Cobra. This was. Oh, he had personalities. Gemini. Gemini. Gemini. They really did try to play up that whole dual personality. They just dropped it. And then all the women's names. Sunshine. Sunny. Sunny. Sunny was knocked out. I remember she tore ACL. Oh, yeah. She was the happy American girl. Sunny was tall. Yeah, the all American, Joan. All American girl. Joan. What was the other guy? Adam. It was Adam. Adam. Nope. He wore track suits like a champ. He did. Speaking of the sopranos. He actually ended up becoming like an arena league in NFL now. Yeah. Because they replaced him with Larry Zonka later. Because that's the gladiators. There was lace lace. Sunny. And then the who was the bar waitress? Is that lace? Lace was the bar waitress for sure. She was tiny. Sunny was large. Who was the other one? She was tall. She was tall. I mean, she was a large. She had like, yeah, she for sure was. Yeah. Scandinavian. Yeah. Who was the other female gladiator? I don't remember. I feel like she was also blonde. Yeah, they all were looking up. Go on. Lace, Sunny, Sky. Sky wasn't Sky. It knows the lady that like we ended up following on Instagram. I feel like people just need to go back and listen to the episode. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I thought that was lace. No. No. Things didn't end well for lace. No, that didn't. Okay. Yeah. Well, yeah. We tried that. We tried. She was like, yeah, we certainly did. Mike Adam Lee was the other guy that Mike Adam Lee. And then let me find her name. Hold on. You guys keep talking. I'll find her name. We'll go back and play the episode. Yeah, we should go back and listen to the entire season four. We can rewatch it. Yeah, we can do that. But it wasn't bad. I mean, it was the didn't Malibu just got like yeeted off. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. When he got human. Nitro is on the beach. Yeah. That's right. It's completely correct. Yeah. Nitro got concussed. Oh, it's a nitro was nitro was something. Yeah. What's her name? No, it wasn't ice. What was your name? I can't believe that we haven't even we don't even know. You can't. You can't believe that. I'm finding it. Sunny. Share share. Oh, geez. What was your name? Zap. Zap. Zap. What's it? Is her real name? Oh, that's right. It is. Yep. Wow. Good call. Great. Hollit. As soon as you said, Zap, I could pick her Instagram again. She goes skiing a lot. She plays golf. Yeah. CrossFit. I bet she plays pick. Oh, and Bronco. The white Bronco. Oh, Bronco. Oh, Bronco Bronco stepped in there in the white Bronco forgot about Bronco stepped in for like Yeah, Malibu got concussed and then there was the executioner the executioner. Yeah, that was always my favorite Was just like when they were doing breakthrough and conquer and he was just in the background as a football referee. Yeah with his ball gag on Yeah, and swing shot where we never saw swing shot. Yeah, so every episode there was swing shot Yeah, we just saw this year of never once did we see what sweet shot man? See you feel the vibes. Yeah, it's good It was good. I spent a trash solid amount of time doing the Yeah, we have the tennis ball. Yeah. Yeah, I watched that on like Pluto TV. Yeah. Yeah The they did the documentary and they took it all down. Yeah, we had to go black market for the last one. Yeah, we did Well, yeah, that's right. You found yeah, the dark web. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know anybody Russ GPT And then after that we did historically Jason Mostly about chimpanzees from there was a lot of there were a lot of primates conversation. Yeah, those are the best one Yeah, I think we get some of that confused because I think some of his best primate work was back in the bonus episode days I actually I I quoted us talking about what was the the the chimp movie that Reagan was in something for So so about killed Reagan was so on that's what I that's the story. I shared during our Friday morning film critic portion. It's called the film yap on Indy now with Christopher Lloyd the film critic not the actor and and he was talking about the new Reagan biopic and He's like yeah, it wasn't that good and I appreciated the honesty But I was like fun fact that no one asked for him Reagan was almost killed by a chimp co-star and Sure, it's wife. Yeah. Yes, right. That's right She killed herself, right? Eventually, yeah, she threatened to do it quite a few times every time he threatened to leave her. Yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah, yeah Well on that note We did we did a lot of bonus episodes for our patrons. We did that shout out to all of yola You'll dance sickles all all you guys out there Rob rates of the world. What do we what do we do with all those bonus episodes? They're still out there. We posted them. Yeah, I posted on patreon. Yeah Yeah, and and and logically and ethically we are gonna be taking our patreon down But well if they paid for it, will they still have access like previous? Yes, you should I gotta look into Or do we release it to the general masses? Mmm? I don't know it's not really fair. I don't think so. All right I think I mean I don't forever shrouded in mystery unless you're a patron. Yeah, you could sign up now, but you're not gonna get a lot more 48 hours, how many bonus episodes do you I can remember no no no Could you download them if you were a patron cuz there's it's possible. I think so. Yeah, I think I attached them I upload that as an attachment. So we had sickles. Yeah, we had Killers of the flower moon killers of the nope the Cherokee nope the patchy patchy. We had Samuel Cult yeah, same a coal revere. We had the other Ranger that they did that whole TV show about recently the black cowboy. Oh, yeah Yeah, he's got a whole sheriff. He was like a marshal. Yeah, they have a whole they base a little ranger They just made a whole mini series about yeah, we did the one on I don't know you knew that one. I think yeah Sergeant stubby I don't remember sergeant stubby. That's the dog. That's the dog. That was in World War two that like got all the medals of honor dance equals famously murdered Francis got keys son and You can see his femur at the Walter Reed Walter Reed. Yeah We did so many we did a bunch on like the assassins. We did the Lee Charles Charles Kato. Yeah, Leah Colzig. Oh, yeah Dinosaur wars the bone wars bone wars. Yeah, that was one that I unfortunately found out later that the adult did do an episode on Way better than I did. Oh, we did. Who was the one Tipper Gore? Yeah, that Tipper Gore was that's what you check out. Who was the one who was like two hours longer The wildest baseball player story like he got distracted by dogs. Oh, yeah, I don't think that that was I think that went out to the general fee. Yeah, what was that guy's name rube gold rube rube waddell rube What else yeah, I love that rube waddell that is a pretty one. Yeah Um, I like that. We've just this podcast has devolved into three dudes naming old basketball Tracey McGrady, uh, have pretty hard away. We did we did a lot of bonus ups. He did you should really check those out. They're pretty good. Yeah, you should Well played. Yeah, those were those were fun. I like those. I think I did like Beethoven. We did beach boy There was a couple musical ones I threw out there a couple. I did me a ritual. You did primates the original Bonus episodes you came with a music one almost every time. Yeah. Oh beach boys. They did the beach boys We did the thereman and the beach boys. Yeah, I still think that's my only shot at learning a musical. Yeah, the thereman Yeah, we gotta make it. Oh, dude. So Olivia called me today When she was home I was at work and she's like dad you recognize this sound and it was like a whistle sound I'm like what's going on? And she's like it's a recorder and I'm like, oh, okay. She brought the recorder home then I get home and Lauren goes hey, you want to hear a song? I remember on the recorder or I just played it and it's She did roar by Katy Perry just by ear on the recorder. I'm like, how Who did I marry like she's incredible on this crazy like it was note for note? I'm like how the heck did you remember how to do this? You know what she would ride it dude. She played it by ear. You know where she would thrive go on a Renaissance festival Hmm, you just been a week in there, right? You went to Wisconsin. Oh, man. It was great. Yeah. Yeah It was a lot of fun. Was there live action role play aka larping happening. Yeah, they went all Tell us please tell us about there's so many things. I heard that you told our friends who Zanna she would thrive at one of those Yeah, were there minstrels? Yeah, there's minstrels. There's like there was Sword fighting there was jousting there was like fire video there No, but it looked just like that place like it was this place is like a permanent Village that's there and it's only like are you sure it's not that place. I You know what? I don't know. Did you imbibe a chalice of mead? No, I didn't have any need. Oh, I should have though. Did you get one like the old turkey leg? I did I got a big old turkey leg. Yeah, as you should have when I was in Wisconsin So I had a lot of cheese curds to a lot of cheese up there. It was really good. Yeah. Yeah, I really liked it It was a lot of fun. I'm happy for you. Yeah. Yeah, it was good There was all kinds of and my son and I had a sword fight great. It was very Shakespearean because he won at the end It was like he bested me. You know, that's did me. Yeah, he did It was like the king. Yes, it's taken down. You have to wear this helmet that keeps falling over your face Anything that reminds me we went to an axe throwing place. Oh, yeah, we did go to an axe throwing place and I won They were like whoever wins. There's a special prize. Oh, nice. So like I was Trying very hard because I just said the magic words. Yeah, and then Russ won. Yeah, the special prize was like they brought out a Viking helmet Oh, yeah, and a like fur coat like and a stamp like a cloak and a tramp stamp And they stamp for us on his lower back. Oh, that's wonderful said lumbar Lord That's fantastic. Yes, I immediately was no longer upset that I yeah. Yeah. Oh, you would hate it You would have seen the hat and you're like nope. I'm out. Nope. Nope. It's pretty great. Anyway, Renaissance fairs are great It's cool recorders. There were people playing like I don't know Flute you see the loots those kind of funky looking guitar. Yeah. Yeah, there was some Plays and Robin. Yeah, there was a guy like George Clinton who was just He was yeah killing it on. Yeah, he was singing in another way Yeah, what's your favorite conspiracy theory we covered wow Stevie Wonder can see well, that's true There's that I still don't know who killed JFK. I mean we didn't really touch that. I'm pretty sure is Richard Nixon It was Alan Bill. It was down. They'll see you're out those you're Richard Nixon's Nixon. I don't even know I can't say anything I don't know potentially we did a bonus episode on Alan Dulles. Yeah, little spice. Do you think? I got Kennedy killed so he could pass civil rights legislation. Do you think that LBJ? Oh, I remember you bring this up civil rights legislation Yeah, it's not outside of the world of possibility. Yeah, I don't know I don't know the real hero Speaking of that I moved him to number one of my presidential list LBJ. Yeah LBJ is my number one. You were Lincoln, right? Yeah, I was Lincoln. Yeah. Yeah, but I moved him up to the top LBJ. Well, I can too much is it the Story that it's down everywhere. Will you put that at the end of this? Yeah, sure Sweet send up I will down by where you're not saying I like I like everything about that dude like So here's a thing I don't think that takes here's something I don't think our listeners know the best Ryan and I had not heard that recording and we were as surprised as anyone else at the end of that episode because Russ was like I left a tree day at the end of the episode. Yeah, and so that was the first time we heard it as well. Yeah That was funny. It was a real. Yeah, it's great I just played that it was it was LBJ day like last week So I played that for people at work. Yeah, I sent them the I need to order something fairs of younger ease and Couple pairs of slacks. Yeah, now they're a lot of bung hole. Yeah, I'm aware not saying because when he puts on a little way It cuts his said cuts me down there, right, right? She was working on his on his ranch. Yeah, he's got to have some Yeah, leeway because this was post presidency. No, he was in the White House in the White House It was like where do we send it? You send it to the White House? Let me get my boy on the line and give you all the information. It's a big White House. It's great. That is great. Yeah, I Think your opinion paid change of your favorite president. No, I'm still a linking guy. I was You have kept all your books. I was I was buying other books on my bookshelf I should have just bought another bookshelf. I was debating I was like you know move all them to the living room bookshelf, okay to make room in the very I confession hour I Sold a lot of my books back to half-price books But I kept a handful and I and I did in preparation for this go through the ones that I kept so Lincoln Washington Adams which one grant which had John and and which Hulk I kept I really liked the pulled book and I really like pulled just The story of like I'm showing up and I've got these four campaign not the the other parts of pull I like that he had to get the story of how we started that episode where he got lanced through the Down by there where you're not saying like frontier medicine But I like that politically Polk was like these are the four things I'm gonna do I'm gonna do it in four years and then I'm out. Yeah, like I kind of like that as I think and I really did enjoy the book Because I didn't know a lot about Polk at all and I feel like that book was very very nobody does I also liked the Andrew Jackson book the way that it was written. Yeah, I did too But yeah, I didn't keep the others. So I hope you guys will forgive me Not even the Millard Fillmore one. No that cash, you know, which book was absolutely the worst That's what I was thinking you did you got me the Grover Cleveland button wasn't that one and you said that back to half right back to have That's super expensive. No, I don't think so because there was one of them that like we it was supposed to be like 90 bucks because then I found it on one place and I tried to buy three copies and the guys like only want to exit Yeah, and then the only other places we could find it were like a hundred and fifty dollars. Yeah I went out of my way and I got it for Ryan. It was just like I sold it to a guy in Indiana and it ended up being rust is that what it was no I Left it in my mail. I bought three copies and then Russ tried to buy a copy and he was like I sold my last one to a guy in Indiana. I remember reading the Martin Van Buren book on vacation in South Carolina on the beach and I'm just like yeah, I hate this at that point. He was like what number seven or eight I was it's like how am I gonna do this I was sitting on the Lanai as they call it. Oh, yeah And I paused reading it for I think your very first episode of Indy now What a sweetheart on the line. I know less what's that on the line on the line. Yeah, mm-hmm That's so kind of you. I liked how this whole idea started and if you guys are listening this this far into it You obviously know, but it is it is a fun. This is your last chance to hang out with us last one Sorry until we do this live for whatever we do next Which I don't know what's gonna happen Do it like that one comedy thing where they all sit at a table and different stand-ups come up and then they make fun of them I was like that one guy. No, this show. I'm not whatever, but I kill somebody. Is it like kill somebody? You know what I'm out. Yeah, she and Gillis is on it. Yeah. Yeah, it's kill Kill Tony. Yeah, there's a lot of people on it. I don't like okay, but that one dude. That's like I'm not dumb But I really like rocks That's great. He's like actually just grab one outside His name is like cow or I don't know why I know that yeah, but this I mean the way you you'd read the Hamilton book You saw Hamilton on Disney Plus. You got the Hamilton book. You found the list you wanted to do this and then You and I had breakfast at just Judy's shout out to just Judy's Ed you were like I want to read all the books and I said I'll read them with you. This was pre-pandemic by the way During this was 2019 I think no it was 2020 cuz I was it I watched Hamilton on 4th of July. Okay It was pre world shutting down It was post cuz it shut down in March It was when we thought things were okay and it opened back up. Oh, got it. Okay. Yeah, I remember the text chat of us naming it Yeah, I was like I don't know how but my friend Russ needs to be involved in. Yeah, you hadn't met him yet Uh-huh and I was like I haven't figured out how but like it's going to it's gonna work Yeah, and then we went back to just Judy's During mask time. Oh, yeah Lask off like as he was reaching for the chair. I was literally sitting down Yeah, it's not a big place. No, you walk in No sense at all Yeah, hundreds of numerous times. Yeah, yeah, you kind of got Mad as hell. Yeah, it was a little later because Immediately made Russ mad. Yeah, you were wrinkled. You hadn't even sat down. It was like anyway. This is my friend Russ Yeah So you need to put that sir. Yes, sir I think I had to put it on for half a second before I said I was literally sitting down in the chair Like what is this gonna do? Yeah, well cuz that was the moment in time where people were like as soon as you sit down It's okay. Yeah, it's okay sitting down stops it and we're all anti mask is anyway That's right. Yes So I went on a big tirade about anti masking gosh, this was all said in sarcasm by the way, it would have definitely been pre vaccine Yeah, pre-vaccine. Yes, post world shutting down pre pre-vaccine Yeah, what a wild time Where you wild did you were you one of the early people that were able to get it cuz you were on TV get what the vex? Oh, no, cuz you weren't thought it was you because I was yeah, you were cuz the National Guard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no No, I don't think so cuz I got it in like November of 2020. I didn't I didn't have the TV gig until right Correcting myself. Yeah, um But I remember texting each other naming it and then I remember meeting you Russ at Hotel tango in downtown indie. Yeah, and we got some pizzas and beers and talked about the concept We definitely did not have beer if we were a hotel tango. Oh, sorry. I had a little bourbon then And then we jumped in and we have four response or hotel tango. Nope. Nope. Never did. Well, that's right We pitched them an idea that was like we had we had episodes is responsible for all the mics. It's our taste. It's our taste chop chop barbershop chop from from two fades to to Katie cuts to from from fades to braids to Katie cuts to something something something there is Yep, I don't remember how to grow. I don't remember it either. It was pretty good though It was we also recorded I think we did in one take in your kitchen We did it was in your kitchen and there would be so many moments when Dirk shout out to Dirk ripped to a real legend and would like flomp off of the like The the couch kind of you recall that like to yeah, and he would just flomp down. He would flomp That really just looked to me like Dirk. I forgot it was a homie man. Dirk heard at least a Season maybe even two seasons. Mm-hmm. When did you when did you move from that old house? I met one of your old neighbors by the way Cuz she she knew me from any now. I met her at a Menards and she used to work at Menards So she's like I'm not gonna bother you. I love Indy now Also, have you found everything you're looking for I used to work here and then she said she's like I know your friend Blaine because I used to live down the street from him in his old neighborhood because she used to live across from the high School, okay. Yeah, and she knew about the podcast. I met side note I was emceeing an event at Union Station in Indy this past weekend Oh The base player for the band who was the entertainment that night is in like the pasta bar line with me and he's like sequential and I'm like I go. I'm sorry what and he's like love the podcast, man I'm like dude. I never get to meet. Yeah, like I think I've met like three More than you have for sure. I don't think really fun though. It's really one dude It's the best. I thought you hadn't met no like out in the wild in the wild I'm gonna be out there with three people at work that were like oh my god We're so excited when they're coming on cuz we're fans of the podcast. That's so cool And I was like I'm not that cool in person. He was the last person I was expecting like and he's just like love the pod man I'm like tell me what what is your episodes? And he goes my favorite of the ones where Blaine gets a little drunk and I was like yeah, cuz he's at his own house And he's just relaxed. Yeah, I didn't have to drive anywhere But I think I've maybe met a total of like I can count on one hand the amount of times Oh, yeah, someone who's like I love your podcast. I definitely can't yeah Yeah, I I've definitely talked to more of the folks on like Twitter or Facebook Yeah, well, but there was your show Where I met one a couple of your fans. Oh, yeah And her friend whose name I can't remember but she's probably listening shout out to Kelsey and her friend I thought that we were sitting with Russ and Irene and like the day of Russ was like oh by the way I didn't buy tickets and I was like Ryan who am I sitting with and he was like oh you'll be fine Yeah, and said nothing else I sit down and There's two women sitting across from Jenny and I yeah, and I'm like I'm Blaine and the lady just goes Oh, I know and I was like oh no She's like I listened to the podcast and I was like okay Meanwhile, Jenny wants to crawl under the earth She was from like Pittsburgh and there was a person from Maine there and another one from Maine. Yeah, dude. This is All the words there's a lot of you think they drove or flew Several drove so she the woman from Pittsburgh. She drove. She was saying that my friend my friend Kelsey's from Detroit area And she came down with her friend and they accosted you near the bathrooms, right? Yes, that was a different person the people we were sitting with one was from Toledo She had driven there and was driving home that night and the other one was from Pittsburgh. Yeah, and I think I was a nurse Cindy yes Cindy muscle. Yeah, remember we went to the Italian Super Bowl in Toledo That was one of my favorite memories and then we after the show or after the Super Bowl We went to the farmers market and all the players are just ripping heaters walking around drinking beer Yeah, as you also were at you were at one of my shows you you were the featured guest where you came up and like Basically rallied everyone in the room to like love and respect Gerald Ford. It was funny because awesome This so let me set the stage. So this show is at a place called Feinstein's Am I saying all right? Yeah, fine science at the hotel car Michael, which by the way I was just at hotel car Michael for a chamber event Yes last week and the first thing I see what I walk in the doors your face. You're welcome. Um, so anyway Everybody at the show is like dressed up like Jacket there weren't very many ties, but everybody's dressed up. I'm wearing like acid wash jeans Buffalo check a flannel a home field t-shirt And a dad. I'm definitely the only person in the in the room with a hat on yeah, and it stands out Immediate you had your nice Nike blazers on. Yeah, yeah And so people are all throughout the night. I could keep catching like side eyes like why is this guy here? Yeah, and then all of a sudden Ryan calls me on stage, which was planned the entire time wonderful and We asked everybody give us a president and we'll well you asked me who my favorite was and I explained Why like and then we asked everybody to give us a random president. We give a fact and the guy shouted out John Adams Yep, and we talked about them Gallivanting around yep. Yep. A lovers walk throughout the UK. Mm-hmm. No, there was No, there was another thing I wanted to talk about about a shit. No, okay. I can't I'll cut this out, but Beverly's butt looks like Eva From Beverly the dog Beverly the dog. Yeah, I haven't really ever from Eva, you know the Wally from Wally My crazy has anyone else knows no I never it's really disturbing Beverly bring your anus Over here you weird dog Yeah, it's very disturbing very I'll take a look at it next time. She's over here trying to kiss Blaine Eva has her arms stretched out a little bit Eva is the little like floating white pod Yeah, yeah with like the detached head and she keeps the little plant in her belly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Eva. Eva Wow there was another Show we put a button on that story as you convincing everyone that Gerald Ford was the man. Oh, I mean that was pretty much Yeah, yeah, um, he's still my favorite and it's still my go-to answer. There was another example I wanted to give of a show That I either went to with you or was one of your shows and now I can't remember what it was, okay We did I did introduce Ryan doesn't like Yeah, it's it's disturbing how much it looks like I know Oh, that's Russ and I did introduce Ryan to co-heating Cambria throughout this year Yeah, that was quite a concert feel free to share the story that was okay, so this was this was like I'd been on Indian out for like seven minutes. Oh Jeremy. Yes. I Love this story. I don't remember. I don't even remember who was opening for them at this point But the opener is on there is a guy 40 feet from us mm-hmm and he turned and he doesn't fit in at all like nothing about this guy fits into being at this concert and We start talking about him and I think it was Russell's like what do you think his name is? Oh, yeah, that was me and you threw out a name and then you threw out a name Ryan and I was like that guy I've never met a more Jeremy person in my life. Mm-hmm, and Russ was like well How are we gonna prove it? So we wait for the song to end and I just go hey Jeremy and he turns around And it was the hardest to keep a straight face because we couldn't let him know it was us amazing I think we looked it up, and it was like one and Six million yeah I've just randomly guessing a person's that was meant to be and in a real turn of events of character At one point Ryan and I go to the bathroom and Ryan's like let's get another beer Ryan's already sauced Jenny's driving just for there. They were there were larger beers if I were yeah Because they're like the 24-ounce beers yeah, and I looked at you at this point It's probably 9 30 or 10 o'clock at night, and I was like hey, man Are you sure you want another beer which I've never said in my life? Usually I'm like yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I was like are you sure like you have to go on a TV show tomorrow That you've been on for all of two weeks and you looked at me in the face and you go I pretty much just read from a teleprompter We're fine Remember we were coming out of the bathroom And that was absolutely not the text I got the next day you were like that was a horrible mistake That was a horrible call. Oh my gosh man bad decision for me. Oh, yeah I I can't sing you one of their songs, but I remember having a great time. I could but I won't yeah Thank you. Speaking of songs. We've we've come up with many I write the songs many ditties Berryman alone didn't write that song. Oh, that was Bruce Johnson That's one of my favorite stories. That's one of my favorite ones and the fact that Santa Claus wrote the Bible Sure, sure. Yeah, I forgot about that. We did see Nicholas of yeah, he was from yeah Yeah, yeah, I just remember coming to the realization at the end of that episode I was like so Santa Claus wrote the Bible. Yeah, he was at the Council of Nicene Yeah, the Council. Yeah, that determined like Canon like what was gonna get in and yeah. Yeah, yeah Lucas we we did a lot of songs on the spot which were really fun that made it into the cold opens Oh, shout out public shout out to Russ for just producing and editing Just everything that you've heard shout out to Well, I enjoyed it to be honest. Did you do you know how much fun it is to be able to? Go back and like change a conversation that you had in the past. No, it's like a very cathartic thing I gotta tell you it's pretty I do enjoy like remembering you're like well. I'm just gonna take all of this out. Yeah Yeah, yeah, there's so many things. Yeah, my favorite was I feel like I saved entire careers There was one there was one huge section where Oh, man, where you said somebody saved us from World War two or something like that and Blaine There was a trigger and there was like and there was an hour. I'm very it was very tense. Do you remember that really? Yes Like I got upset and was like yes, I can't say that yes like how can you say that and then yeah? Yeah, great. I vaguely recall it cuz I remember that being like the first time that I was like I think Blaine's a little mad Yeah, I took I took all of that out. There was no funny there It was good. Yeah, there was no funny. It was awkward there. Yes. It was great. Yeah, it's shocking. It only happened once man I wish I would have saved all those Happened more than once and we should say to you. We're still gonna hang out. We're just not gonna have microphones in front of us Mm-hmm. We'll be able to see Russ's little face. Let's talk about that for a little bit cuz I think Blaine You'd called Russ and then you would called me on the same day. I think recently To talk about driving the French lick sunsetting the other podcast. Yeah. Yeah, and I was like I think that okay, so It started with I left in vets to take a job at the indie chamber and I knew that from a time perspective and with school about to start like it was gonna become even harder to schedule things and We'd already had a hard time scheduling things And I think that none of us wanted to admit that we were all kind of tired of looking up Episodes like the excitement wasn't there any sure. Yeah, right and it didn't feel as creative and it felt like How many champions these stories? I was running out. Yeah primates. There's other ones out there I think we've done almost all of them. So Ken Allen do you ring a tank? And so it started to feel like a chore. Yeah, and I kind of felt like Somebody should say it out loud Cuz we probably all three were a little bit too uncomfortable to say it. Yeah, and I was like I'll be the one to do it Oh, it's easy to take it's easy to like do that when I was at a natural transition point leaving one job and going to another. Yeah And we all agreed and Like you said, we're not gonna stop hanging out now, especially now that Russ can talk. Yeah, we were gonna I mean, I was gonna lose my voice. We actually were like gonna do the farewell episode that week. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and Russ was like I can't talk. I can't talk. Yeah, that was five weeks ago. Yeah, I was crazy. That's crazy, man Yeah, I'm glad you're feeling better. Thanks. Yeah, so it's been really fun. I mean, yeah It's been I know I've probably forgotten more about presidents than most people know. Mm-hmm. I think I think okay I've probably forgotten more about vice presidents than most people know that you definitely have oh best vice president Has to best vice president's story has to be Nelson Rockefeller. Yeah, Rockefeller. You didn't eat my cannibals. Yeah, son Yeah, Michael Rockefeller. Yeah. Yeah, I mean my cannibals. So okay to close. Yeah for old times sake. Let's try to do the presidents in order we won't try to make you do the vice presidents to Look oh, okay phone. Well. Oh, I was gonna go all three of us like wait. Oh our preference. No, no Try to go sequential. We're on robbery round. Yeah, I mean See who's up first. It'll be me cuz it'll and 100% be me honestly like after Andrew Jackson But like you said I'm not gonna get to a Jackson and Lincoln well the hard part for me is like the gilded age the that that period between Lincoln and Like Coolidge. Yeah, okay, cuz I always forget Rutherford B. Hayes. Yeah, shout out to to to old Not if you were living in Paraguay, you wouldn't I now feel hamster. I now feel a lot of pressure Okay, well you started it so you Rest has extended his arm to the group. I just in my head. You've done the math and you're like this is the one I don't know. No, there's so many So many okay George Washington. That was the first one, right? Am I going? Am I going next? Yeah John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe John Quincy Adams I'm out. Oh wow. He's out. Okay, so John Quincy Adams was Andrew Jackson The magician Andrew Jackson. Yeah, and then over 8 smart and Vambiara Martin Vambiara and to me goes William Henry Harrison followed by John Tyler Hulk Zachary Taylor. Okay after Zach Taylor 13 miller Fillmore Pierce then you can't here's Buchanan Lincoln Johnson Grant Rutherford B. Hayes lasagna Garfield After Garfield languished in agony and died. He was succeeded by chops chops Wow, you just changed his entire Master Arthur. Okay, your field died Cleveland Benjamin Harrison said easiest one. Yeah Cleveland Yeah, I believe them again. So that's 24. So now I'm on 25. No. Yeah, okay, 25 McKinley correct Well, then Teddy after Teddy Was okay, so it was a 80. No Howard Taft. Yeah, Woodrow Wilson. Yeah cool then Coolidge then Hoover regulators. Oh Warren Warren G. Hardin orangey Harding Mount Jerry Harding died right and Was succeeded by yeah, there was that whole weird story with the Ruby What with heart. Oh, oh, the no the diamond Ruby the crust the diamond. Yeah, what the famous diamond? Yeah, the whole diamond. Yeah, yeah, that was Harding. Yeah, that's how he died. Yeah He swallowed it Okay after Harding was then Coolidge Coolidge. Okay. Now after Coolidge, which I feel like is you Hoover Hoover Hoover Say it enough. It'll eventually be him F. D. R. Truman Truman was then Eisenhower Uh-huh JFK. Yeah, LBJ best Nixon After Nixon was Ford. Oh Jimmy Carter. Yeah, Jimmy side note Jimmy Carter is still in hospice right if you remember Because of September 3rd, 2024. Yeah, I almost lost Christmas because of him in 2019. Yeah Death's door after Carter was Reagan H. Dub H after H Dub was slick willy Russ's favorite W. W and then Obama Trump and then that's my favorite. Yeah Well done. We didn't miss one Yeah, just edit that right It's gonna be seamless. It's gonna be there was a there was a moment in time that I could do that Yeah, like easily backwards and forwards sure do it again. No, okay run it back run back backwards Yeah, you remember when people thought that like what was Ethel it was that her name? Wilson's wife was like de facto president. She was Edith. Yeah, she was yeah Yeah, I don't think when people thought like I think now knows she was pretty much and oyster ice cream That was Dolly Madison that came up. You know we first day of work. We we got oh really? Was it always dry scream one of the people at work that really likes the podcast brought that up like I probably within 10 minutes of me. Yeah, huh? What other episodes did I really really enjoy john quincey's was fun? Yeah, pierce of course. We get a lot of we get a lot of comments on pierce. We get a lot of film more Filmor Taft. Yeah, I hear a lot on Taft. When did we start singing? Second season. Yeah, third man. It took us a while I think it was a stride. It was like because I didn't do the whole chronological timeline thing It was like four episodes. Yeah, it took a while to kind of because we danced around a lot. Yeah If you could reread any of the biographies now, which one would it be I thought about that recently I was looking at the books I'd probably I'd probably reread Gerald Ford. Yeah, just to refresh some of this stuff sure and to see if like I have a little bit of revisionist history on some of it. Mm-hmm Um Arthur I thought was a fascinating story. Yeah, man. Yeah, his Chester Alon arthur. Yeah. Yeah Postmaster general, right? Yeah, we're a whalebone course. Have you ever been to a burn side? That's right. The whalebone course. Yeah. Oh, oh Timothy Dexter a pickle for the knowing one Oh my god If you have not read Timothy Dexter's a pickle for the knowing one congrats. Yeah, man. It is it's impossible. It's it's weird It's the weirdest thing ever written That guy I forgot all about him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that is harder to read than Don Quixote Pay for your one month of Bass Reeves was the last reason for your one month of patreon Download all the bonus episodes. Just get them all listen to Timothy Dexter get them all Timothy Dexter was crazy That was that was a crazy one. Um, what was your what? So you said Gerald Ford you'd reread Arthur Arthur You'd reread. Yeah, his story was cool. And then I would reread the devil's chessboard What's that about allen dolls? Oh Arthur stood up to the machine that built him and got him into power, right? Yeah, yep, uh and the guy who fell in a snow drift and died Oh, oh, that was his name. Oh, man. I think he was a vice president. Wasn't he Or he wasn't no he won. Yeah. He was the one who was like that Arthur No, he didn't want to be but he he put he put Arthur in pad. What was I it was like snoop dog What do I think snoop dog weed? Jeremiah harlow weed was that his name tweed? Oh, is that his name close Tamie hall? I thought there was a weed I feel like there was another one. I thought there was like a harlow. I do remember that the guy like walked out into a blinding snow Yeah, New York city. Uh four hours later showed up at a different hotel Yeah, was he drunk? Is that what it was? No, you couldn't see more than like two feet. Oh, yeah It was like a blizzard me just fell into a Yeah, who is who is the Tamie hall political boss? I thought it was weed because it was the weed machine. Yeah, I think you're right Okay Yeah I think I I've heard myself recommend Macaula's um john adam's biography to several people after doing this whole podcast or I probably reread that one I really like you say you've heard yourself recommend that to people meaning. Yeah, like I I in the moment. I'm like This checks out. Okay. Yeah, I'm analyzing that statement in my head. It's fine. Let's move on I've heard myself recommend I've I've in the moment. I've realized. Oh, you're doing the thing. Gotcha. Yeah, um Yeah, arthur chester uh Snowdrill. I'm looking it up snowdrift. It's i Tamie hall political boss. Who was it weed harlow? I don't What was this just type in weed machine into google Don't get it google again weed machine weed machine Tamie hall. Uh, yeah, what was his name? I can't remember but anyway rest. What was one of your favorites parts of learning about the uh, the vice president's? Did you do you have a favorite moment? We already said that. Oh, that's right. I'm sorry. I think it's just the natural time to sign off So well, that's sad. It is sad and we didn't close with the quote. Oh, Roscoe conkling Who's the weed machine hold on weed machine? I thought was martin van buren. I could be wrong hold on a second I don't know. I can't say god. Don't read the van buren book. It's sucked generative pre-trained transformer gpt Oh, I was supposed to look at it. So I never would have thought that we've reached the port of the podcast And as fdr once said in a fireside chat, okay for to reach a port. We must sail sail Not tie it anchor sail not drift good night and good luck Did you just sign off with good night? Oh, wait, I forgot to hit spacebar. Bye guys. Thanks so much *laughter* *music* *music* *music* (upbeat music)