Gwynn & Chris On Demand

9.5.24 Gwynn & Chris Full Show

We talked about the Padres walkoff, going for the sweep tonight, The Big 5, and more NFL preseason picks!

1h 51m
Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
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Welcome into another edition of Gwen and Chris happy Thursday to you said Diego Tony Gwen jr. Chris Hello match gravy. What do you know for nando second game back gets his first walk off hit and For the big cake man. Yeah. Yeah, you definitely gone for the big cake He had his jersey shredded off of them as they celebrated it with great joy and Padres with a chance to sweep here tonight 540 start Martine Perez Casey Mice on the mound for the the Tigers and Chris Padres got me and they kind of again showed off why they are having so much success this year In that ballgame last night. Yeah, this is the party that won't they won't end right now Tony I mean it it started right after the all-star break with that, you know long-winning streak and you know the celebrations Continue and you know look again. They get down five nothing in the ballgame early last night Nobody anywhere who's followed this team thinks that the game is over least of all the players in that dugout The bullpen does what it always seems to do now Pitch is shutty for six or seven innings gives the offense a chance Jackson Merrill does what he seems to do every night Get some back in the game man He does what he's been doing for two and a half months and ties the game and Frankly the pottery should have won the game a lot earlier than they did They had the crazy mishap with peralta falling down at second base. I don't anybody's ever seen that one before That kept him from scoring. I would have been a sacrifice fly You had pro far hit a three-run homer just a few feet foul You had a rise hit a base is loaded double just a couple of feet foul You had Manny hit a line drive with the bases loaded right into the glove So, you know they I thought you know they just kept on coming Tony I mean they you know they just kept on coming they were relentless and You know when it got down to the last inning, you know there goes Fernando And he was just the chosen guy last night because we all have a feeling if it comes down to it today It might be somebody else and we won't be surprised. It's just a it's a great time to be a Padre and a Padre fan It really is yeah, you know it chances are if it comes that it will be somebody different. That's what we've seen all season long I mean it's uh It's funny how much of a difference a year can make I mean if if the Padre team last year had the bases loaded twice and didn't get anything out of it Right you would have it would have been doomed and you would have felt it in the in the building But you're right. It's the exact opposite now. It doesn't matter what the score is five nothing eight nothing There's a chance the Padres are going to chip away and then have a big inning and then next thing You know they're right back in it and that pretty much was the formula last night, right? I mean they got down by five They got two back and then Jackson action Jackson goes oppo taco And then you know, it's a five-five ballgame and then from there it almost felt like Detroit was the one that was on on borrowed time from that point on because it was it just seemed like the In the 10th inning They get the runner to start to sick the the 10th at second base First guy makes a Yeah, it's grounded out. Yeah, ground it out doesn't move and you know and you don't get that first out happens And the guy doesn't move you could just see you could feel the percentages Like yeah, sure just go down and sir enough Padres put themselves in a similar position and once again the depth of this lineup Had it it it bared fruit in a major way. I mean AJ Hinch had to make a decision Do I want to face the league leading hitter in baseball or in the National League or? Do I want to face Fernando Tatiz, Jr. He's probably way. Okay, Fernando. He ain't really looked that great And is it bad so far? He's been out since however long this guy's been hitting all year I'll take my chances with Tati and as it turned out wrong answer. Yeah It probably would have been a wrong answer either way he went at that point and that's what that's with the depth of This lineup can do to any manager moving forward. Yeah, I said on a tweet this morning It was aimed at my favorite people out there all of the analytics People and I don't think I called him analytics people. I think I was a little you were a little harsh you said But when I said it out I sent it out and I said look my whole point was not today Jay Hinch made the wrong decision last night because I agree with you Tony He was damned if he did damned if he didn't and he could even walk Fernando And then he would have still had to deal with you know Jerks and pro far is out of magical season with the bases loaded and draws a lot of walks himself So and there was almost no way out for AJ Hinch But the bot the my point in my tweet today and I'm bringing this up because it seemed to created us quite a stir online It was the fact that the Padres have the team now to be able to put an opposing Manager in that kind of a pickle and there aren't a lot of teams that could do it now If there was a runner in second and Soto was coming up and judges on deck That's one of those examples where you're in trouble, but a rise is such an Unbelievable line drive base hit guy He's so good in fact that you you absolutely can't take your chances with him well because look in that situation What do you want most? Yeah, you want a strikeout over the strikeout as a struck out in like 90 plus at bats Yeah, so you're not gonna get it. Yeah, and so you make the decision at that point to put him on and listen Like again, you damn did you do damn do you don't I know anybody who's in toddy's position is taking it personally? So that really wasn't news right like anybody who has somebody walk in front of them You're like, okay, I got you. I'm gonna make sure you pay for this everybody that doesn't matter What's your name is you're feeling that way and so the fact that the Padres have You know in their pocket That type of lineup where you got a rise a toddy a pro for a manny Croninworth of bogey like you got to pick your poison and that that the obviously the higher you are in the lineup The more potent at the poison is and AJ Hidge found out the hard way Yeah, we were talking about the pottery lineup on the round table today earlier And I brought up the point cuz you've been bringing it up Tony that Mike shilt has got to be the happiest manager in the history of baseball Because we all know that it has been his dream since day one To be able to have a lineup that goes left right left right left right left right and that's what the Padres now have The only time they have two consecutive right-handed hitters is in the eight nine spot Yeah, and somebody brought up, you know on the round table to say well, you know, that's kind of the one area You know where maybe the Padres or you know, they have seven great, you know dangerous hitters and then two Kind of weaker spots. Oh, you and I talked about this yesterday Be careful about the weaker spots because the catching position is combined for 24 home runs and 83 RBI's this year Yeah, you know, so I don't even know that those are weak spots That's this lineup is is a killer right now for teams. That is a Agreety argument right there cuz who who who who in baseball are we talking about eight nine? That's right that has any name me another eight nine guy. Yeah, as a matter of fact If you can't name any of them So like I mean you're at the bottom of the lineup because you're at the bottom of the lineup I mean, it's kind of is what it is, but you I'm not trading Kyle Kim will be the other guy when he gets back right and it's hot Sun's gonna be one of them down there pretty soon like Knocking off and he won through seven legit eight nine do their jobs Yes, and that's which that's what you need and whether it's campy whether it's Diaz whether it's Hagashyoka Whether it's Mason or Kim There aren't going to be too many eight nines that you're gonna find this kind of production for you're just not and so And that just speaks to the depth of this lineup and you're right Kim is not even there It gets a little bit lengthier when he comes back. Yeah, no kidding and The other thing that we've already I mean, we're you know these shows are getting a little more difficult there more difficult there Yeah, I'm finding it more difficult there to talk They're getting harder and harder to do because I'm trying I'm running out of ways to sings is you know And I think everybody kind of around town is but They're bullpen Tony that again You look at how many would it up to 35 36 comeback wins now? That's the fourth win they've had from five runs down, which is you know tops and baseball or right there? You can't come back if your bullpen doesn't give you a shutout innings all the time And once again, they did it last night So Darvish's start, you know earned to me as a full success I know he didn't pitch well, but he pitched two and two-thirds innings. He got out there He got back on the mound. He pitched and they won the game So I couldn't be happier about all of it. There's there's no question that it was a success from you Darvish I said from the very beginning we should I didn't have any expectations because his his What is it what I'm but his his time off was different than then then yes, Joe's right? And he came back way faster than Joe did like way Joe was like a Lotical buildup like he went from like breaking down his mechanics to playing like flat ground catch Flat ground long toss then he got on a mound through a couple of those then he did a rehab start, right? As far as I know, you know, you might have been doing things on his own when he wasn't here But when he got here, he threw a bullpen. He threw a semi a couple simulated games and then boom He was here. So like I don't know that you could have had high high expectations, but he got through it healthy Saw some his velocity was fine. He looked a little rusty with the breaking ball I mean, I think that's to be expected. He looked a little rusty with command I think that's to be expected all in all success and then you go to the bullpen and outside of Yuki Who threw 25 pitching pitches at an inning and a third? Everybody else was pretty much at 20 pitches and they all threw up zeros Whether it was Peralta who had a nice come back or nice? Welcome back from the IL you had more than home. You had Scott You had out you had for as you had his strata. I had it was like a spring training game I love I like ran out of pitching spots on my on my card. I had to like make one up What did they do? They were all yours last night if there was all they were all zeros when it all said and done I know and by the way for us, you know, whatever you might think of Detroit. They have the third best Picture pitching ERA in the American League. So like Padres did that against a good Some good pitching, you know, it's a little unorthodox They don't they use openers and things of that nature, but all in all that's a that's a pretty good staff They have over there. Yeah, potters are you know, they're just playing amazingly well right now And it's it's so fun to be a part of the one thing that you know I caution and I have to do this because we've all lived in San Diego for as long as we've all lived here It's not that I'm expecting the other shoe to drop It's the fact that it is still baseball Tony and the game the game will punish you If you don't mind your peas and cues and so to me, you know The thing that has to be incumbent on the Padres right now is continue to play good solid ball You know continue to execute continue to do the things right Because the Mets and the Braves and the Diamondbacks are not going away, right? So you got to keep your nose, you know, the the focus ahead in the right spot I believe Mike shilt. I think the players are all doing that We're all getting carried away here in the media and I think some of the fans are But as long as the Padres don't get too carried away with themselves, you know, they're gonna be fine here the last 21 games I think you can hear that in like some of the smaller messages that Mike shilt puts out When he does the scrum, right? You're asking them about a off day. He's not gonna dive into the off day He's gonna say yeah, it was nice to have off day, but we're ready to get back here It's what he said yesterday as a matter of fact He said yeah, it was nice to get back home and get the off day But you know, we're ready to go today, you know He's those are like subliminal messages, right? Because it gets put out on media and they those guys see it they hear it and it's just a message like all right Yeah, we're we got the off day But it's back to business and you he does that kind of stuff in those pressures or those scrums often I've started to notice a little bit more and I think that's because he recognizes the Diamondbacks the Braves the Mets They really going nowhere like this has been like this for a little bit now It means since outside of the times where the Mets came here and the Padres beat him They've all all those teams. We just name have continued to play good baseball That's they have and I am winning a lot of ways even though part of me says it'd be great if they would just leave us alone And fall on the race no doubt it might be the best thing for the Padres You know just keep yourself going stay focused keep taking care of the job at hand and the task in front of you Because you want to just keep this thing going forever if you can and right now There doesn't seem any reason why it won't go on Yeah, right now the Padres are They really are doing a lot of the things that you need to do in order to be successful Hey, they're 19 games over 500 Tony last time that happened Your team 2010 How about that? We didn't get to the players. Oh, yeah, you know what I'm saying though It's been 14 years since they've been this this much over I know exactly what you say This this kind of consistency does not has not come off in For for the Padres I mean even the year that they got to the World Series that team was on pace to win a hundred and then they had a just a Trocious September and ended up short of that but nonetheless the Padres are in a good spot right now We got more baseball on the way in a fail though opens tonight Chiefs Ravens my home's Jackson who should be should be a lot of fun to me it's leather tonight people Leather let's go. I mean leather meets leather that too. We'll get into all of that. We plus we got our AFC Was it know it's AFC South and AFC North we talked about it before the show We've already done the NFC. I forgot. I've confused this entire NFL thing a little bit You have you have you have welcome this and welcome to the greaties world. All right. We're going to Chris on the other side I welcome back to going to Chris Tony is in and out today with the weird start time He's got to get down there and talk to players talk to Mike shilt get ready for the broadcast he and Jesse You'll have it for you an Hour earlier tonight. So keep that in mind a 540 for the first pitch Sam Levitt's equal water SoCal pregame show at 440 until then it's winning Chris Chris Ello Tony and junior and Matt Scrabie We got a pottery lineup Forgive it to you right now. I was gonna say hang on a second, but that's fine. No, let's go Well good to do the lineup and then we'll get into what what we want I want to really talk a little bit about yesterday because everybody did A an amazing job yesterday not at Buffalo Wild Wings, but since Scrabie played the organ music. I did Yeah, we'll give you the lineup. It's pretty much the same as Last night except for one change, which I think people will find interesting arises leading off again. Tati's pro-far Machado Conan worth Bogart's Merrill and as I said to Tony as Tony said to me I don't know another lineup in the major leagues where you just perfectly go left right left right left right left right But they do batting ain't today is not Kyle he got shioka and it's not Luis Campusano. He lies. Diaz will make his Not his padre debut. He debuted last night In the extra innings grounded out to third base played some defense. He will make his first start as a padre uh this evening. There's a lot of people right now at least some I mean based on what happened last night campusano God bless him, but he had a tough night behind the plate. He did Uh, you know boxing balls and runners advancing And he just has not been swinging the bat really ever Ever since he got hurt and hagash yoka took his spot and now campusano getting you know Two or three games a week and he just hasn't done much There's a lot of people who think campusano may not play again or play very much again the rest of the season because Diaz is here Well, we haven't that's the thing is like, how do we know that Diaz is going to be better? We don't exactly Diaz Diaz couldn't make the Rockies Thank you. So I don't know You know just keep that in mind the Rockies are You know, and I know they had a young catcher that they brought up and but Diaz's defense You know has dropped off from what I understand in Colorado His hitting hasn't been anywhere near as good this year as it was last year when he was an all-star So look, I hope Diaz comes up catches fire, right? I mean, it's gonna help the Padres But you know, I still think there's a little there's a little something left in campusano I don't know if mike shilt can find it, but I hope they don't completely give up on him It looked I felt bad last night. It looked bad. It did it just there's no other way to say it Uh hoss on kim is not yet back. So mason mccoy's batting night at shortstop It really opens my eyes to like we watch baseball All day every day for a very long time And yeah, and it's not often you see a catcher missing balls like that You can't do it at the big league level. You just can't. I mean if it's a catchable ball You you can't miss it and have a runner advance Next guy gets a bloop single and they score because you couldn't catch the ball Uh, I've been sticking up for campusano as much as I possibly could all year long I know the team really, you know, the organization has believed in this guy And you know, he started off the season like a house of fire is hitting over 300 the first month and a half Yeah, but it just hasn't gone for campusano and maybe he's the perfect guy for a reset I don't know. I don't know but for now. It's gonna be he got shioka and maybe ela ela s Diaz Diaz is playing tonight Uh for the pod race About the absolute luck that the podrains have had with catcher in the last couple years Yeah, Diaz is going to come in at least if he doesn't hit at least two home runs tonight He's a disappointment. Yeah, he's done. We need to get rid of them because we had the sand trice come in last year Then he's yield good class. Yeah, my goodness. Yeah. All right. So that's your podray lineup for tonight They'll go for the sweep of the tigers. Can they get a little help please from the giants? Not yet anyway bottom of the sixth inning giants in arizona are tied to two Up in san francisco dodgers do not play This evening. All right before we get into Got Chiefs Ravens. Yes. So excited rumblin bumble and stuff. Oh man football man. I can't believe it's here I'm honestly not ready for it. I'm not ready for it. The weather doesn't seem like it's ready for it either It's 112 degrees outside. It is hot. Yeah, poor lucky this morning on the walk was like painting like crazy Yeah, it's tough for all dogs right now out there and human beings for that matter But um, yeah, we'll talk about the NFL opener But we have to thank I'm gonna start at the top with kevin because he was the guy that Kind of running the place up there yesterday Getting us taken care of and settled in Uh, but buffalo wild wings. They did a great job of hosting our show yesterday. Absolutely And so I appreciate not only kevin, but the bartenders and the weight staff They were running up and refilling our drinks and bringing us stuff And that just you guys could not have been nicer. Yeah, they're at buffalo wild wings So thank you there and then Thank you to the fans who came out scrappy. I saw you you did tweet a picture. Yep or adam did I mean it was really crowded. It was I mean there was a while there were people were waiting to get in I I mean it was and i'm not saying it was us It was because we're giving away tickets. Yeah, it's because we're giving away buffalo wild wings for a year And because people were looking for a cool place and not fine Yes, they saw the door was open and they're like, I better get inside And did the air conditioning was great, but the other part of it is buffalo wild wings It's just a nice fun place to hang out in the afternoon. It's nice and cool in there You get a you know in a cold beverage You get some wings some fries You get salads if you go in that direction But the other part where I was sitting yesterday, I said it yesterday But there was at least 3540 TVs in my view So just imagine what it's like in there on a college football saturday And it's you can watch like 20 games at once and when I say intimate, I don't mean small But it's a very like no, that's a good call a place that's not really watch a game In fact, one of the guys was telling me that it's one of the smaller In terms of size, but locations above the wild, but it's very comfortable in there It's just a little more intimate and you'll get to if you have a big party of people They're going to help you out. We saw a bunch of uh fancy football drafts coming in there after we were done And they were drafting Now it was a great place and uh you people came out to say hi yesterday. Thank you so much I honestly and I mean this I wish you could have all given you a ticket so pottery game I wish we could have because because everybody you know was there they were there all day You know, they were hanging out. They're having fun. They were engaged with the show I wish we could have given you all tickets, but thanks for coming out and congrats to those who did win yesterday Yeah, I um, I I said this yesterday, but I thought about it this morning on the walk When when when restaurants and and people when they care about how much drink you have You know, you got a good I couldn't tell you how many times I looked over my drink and it was not empty And that was amazing because I've talked to people who are waiters waitresses working restaurants Ice tea drinkers are one of the most annoying drinker Because you drink a lot of it and they have to like make it so no one wants the iced tea Do you want to refill on that? I get it. I don't want to make iced tea either. But anyway, yeah, you're you're usually an annoying customer Excuse me. Things have not changed. Can I get my iced tea? Garçon a little a little iced tea, please Thank you kevin and buffalo album. Yeah, thanks for everybody and everybody who came out yesterday We had a good time yesterday buffalo wild wings. All right. We're gonna have a good time here We got a couple of hours to go when we come back. We'll do our uh, we will talk about tonight's game the chiefs the the ravens the nfl Season kicking off 2024 everyone's excited Uh, we're gonna take we've done our preview for all of the nfc divisions We did a couple of afc division yesterday. We got two more to do today So uh stick around for that. It's all coming up next when going in chris returns Hi, let's play ball Or better yet Let's kick it off To the leather To to leather to the leather. Yeah, tome eats leather tome eats leather. Yeah, it's a good old days the national football league On the pig skin was actually pig skin. Yes, it was uh 237 is the time chris hello tony Gwen jr's at petko park because we have some baseball to deal with as well tonight matt scrapies alongside, but you know It's it is it's exciting to a lot of people the start of the national football league season Uh tonight chiefs And ravens says it's a pretty pretty good game. Yeah, I mean I think they chose a good game. Yeah, um, I think it's I like the fact that the defending super bowl champ gets to play the opening game on thursday night at home Yeah, I think it should be last year was a was a terrific game If I recall the lions went into kansas city and beat the chiefs Yeah, we all thought maybe kansas city's on its way down Well, we thought that all year long frankly the chiefs were only 11 and six last year They were only the three seed And then after they beat the dolphins in the freezer game Remember they went to buffalo and then they went to baltimore and beat both those teams on the road And of course the the storyline was oh matt patrick mohomes has never had to play a playoff game on the road Yeah, he that was the dumbest thing anybody ever said because as soon as you said that storyline he took care of it So Yeah, the chiefs are the team to beat. I think even if they're nine and eight this year people will still be scared of them Yeah in the playoffs Um, you know baltimore. I think has a little payback in mind. Although You can't really get payback in week one. I mean, you know bollimore beat some tonight So what the chief still won the afc championship last year. They still won the super right? I'd still take that But you know lemar jacks and dara kenry that's going to be fun to see that dynamic I think dara kenry is in for a big year. I really tried to get him on my fancy jobs I got him and none of them. You got to um, you got to pick your poison up your defensive player I mean when they do that little, you know zone read thing Where you either hand the ball or you pull it if you're lemar jacks and run around the end Let's just say you're playing the ravens. Yeah, what would you rather him do? Would you rather him give it to dara kenry so that he can run over your line Or would you rather lemar jacks and keep it so he can sprint past everybody Either way, it's a bad choice for the defense there. You're either going to get crushed by dara kenry Or you're gonna get juked by lemar jacks terry kenry is a monster. So uh, it could be interesting We'll see what happens tonight, but everybody's excited about it. I did see um, we're gonna do our Our look at the uh, afc north and south divisions of the two we have left Yes, but I did see a couple of super bowl predictions today on the nfl networks gravy. All right. I thought you'd be wildly interested to hear this okay, uh One guy in the mare and the afc pick buffalo. I don't Think buffalo. I mean they made a lot of changes. Maybe they'll all be for the better Maybe maybe subtracting stefan digs is what buffalo needed. I don't know, but I don't know We'll see we'll see a couple of people picked of course kansas city. I think somebody picked baltimore I mean those are the teams you're gonna pick anyway the nfc There were four Guys or gals and it was that I think it was their morning show the nfl morning show. Yes, uh, um Whoever they are. Yeah, so the four of them picked their super bowls They picked two different teams two picks a piece All right, care to guess which two teams were picked Eagles nobody picked the eagles really nobody picked the eagles, uh, 49ers Nobody picked the 49ers. I think I heard that you said someone picked the rams. Nobody picked the rams. Who I don't know The lions, okay, which I think is understandable. Yeah, the other team that was picked twice The pack. Oh my good people are in love with the packers. I'm surprised the bears weren't picked to be honest because that's how many people I know people are really flying high in the bears The band do people realize the bears have been mediocre for years and years and years and they were seven and ten last year Which isn't as bad as you thought they were pretty mediocre though. It's not great Totally a couple of games away from being in the playoffs. I know I know and people are expecting Caleb Williams to be you know He's all he's the Paul skeins of the national football league They've already anointed him as the rookie of the year before he even steps on the field I uh, I understand why people are picking the lions to to go to the super bowl I And I know that people are going to hate the 49ers all year long because they want the while we're tired of seeing that story I mean the 49ers are going to I get you know going to come up short at the end I get it, but can can Jared goth do it again? Can he run it back that team success? Why does everybody think by Jared goth, but why does everybody think Jared goth can't do things? He led the rams to a super bowl. He led the lions to within a Stones throw of the super bowl. There aren't too many guys that have led two teams to the you're right You know the doorstep of the super bowl. You're right so people who you know are not fans of Jared goth fine, but I don't know the guys proven he can do it before um He knows but he like he so why can't he's a lot of pressure on Jared goth because pressure's on because you're right The pressure is the thing they're going to have to deal with Everybody's expecting things from the lions. Yeah, they're expecting these little lines And if they don't perform this year Detroit lions fans are going to be angry Oh, Detroit lions fans don't have anything to be angry about. What are you talking about? This has never been good That's my point. So the fact that you're good now Leaves you with nothing to complain about lions fans. I mean you've been 1957 is before almost all of you were born out there Yes, in fact most probably everybody who's a lion's fan wasn't born. That was 28 years before it was born It was 10 years before the NFL and the afl merged. Okay, there we go It was 10 years before the super bowl came in. That's the last time the lions won something So the kneecap cannibal though. He was in an absolute commercial. He's the guy It's amazing. Did you see this out of me? You'll see it probably 400 times Now I haven't seen commercials. Yeah, that's right. I'll try to I'll try to slow up the dvr for that one But you know the cannibal the cannibal. What was his first coaching job, you know Saints may or dolphins. He was the inner coach of the dolphins It was thank you Ever wasn't it just one game and he took one or two games? Yeah, I don't remember even what the situation was but that's Um Somebody filled in I don't know. Yeah, maybe jerry filled in or well filled in joe filled boy was he a bad coach Remember that not only was he a bad coach. He was the star of the hard knocks that year He was and you could just tell That he had no idea like he had no chance and chad wasn't chad johnson on that team I don't remember I put that in there. I pile that in I pile that in with all the other losing seasons of the dolphins have had but uh, yeah NFL season kicks off tonight It's gonna be a lot of fun. Uh, why don't we uh Well, give us a little NFL music if tony can get in here he'll get in here But you and I got to do our picks for the AFC north and the AFC south Is that what we're getting for NFL music today? Oh, you want the actual because you told me the other day You wanted me to change it up a little yeah, I'd like a little change up. That's fine Go with that. I just deleted it. So we're back to here Okay, we're back. I'll get another NFL song because I can't use this for all of our NFL Yeah, get it back for it by the time of season. All right. So just a recap A little recap. We got a minute to recap AFC. We all picked Kansas city In the west. We all picked somebody different in the east I went with the hometown call my you know My call dolphins you went bills and tony went jets. Yeah, that is really the only division I think where we've had really much argument and the nfc I think All of us went with the eagles. Did we not I think so and we all went with the lions We all went with the 49ers. Mm-hmm. The only difference there was I think tony and I had tampa bay And you chose the saints if i'm not mistaken. I do not choose the saints. You didn't know who'd you choose falcons? Yes, okay. Yes, the saints Unfortunately, they're gonna be kind of bad. They're not feeling it for the saints. All right It's all these experts are telling me they're gonna be terrible this year and I don't really understand it, but okay We'll see. I understand it. I do too, but like what are the same? What have the saints done lately? Didn't they the same the playoff last year? Yeah, they tied the buccaneers for the division title, but the buccaneers won the tiebreaker Yeah, so they could have been in the playoffs. Let me just tell you something and you know this is true The norlean saints franchise history comes down to two words drew breeze anything before or after that Pretty much been a disaster for the norlean saints kind of hats. You're right. So And they're kind of they don't have drew breeze anymore All right, let's start with the afc north you and i scrapy. We'll get tony's editions later Because I know he's busy. Yes Are you picking to win the afc north that this is a division all four teams last year finished over 500 I don't know that it's ever happened before The bangles were in last place at nine and eight. Yeah, so who wins it this year? This was the toughest division. I think oh yeah, but i'm going to go with the team that won it last year in the ravens You're going with a ravens to run it back. Yeah, I got really run it back when i really run it back drick henry now. Yes By the way the afc north will be the mid season or in season subject of hard knocks this year the afc north They're doing the whole division A little different they're trying to add a little sparkle to it because I think the franchise might be getting a little stale Hey, I I don't know why I hate it when they do these drastic chase Not because it's different but because they're like trying to hang on to that original idea Like come up with something new. So you do you think hard knocks ought to go away and it's time for no I don't think it needs to go away. I mean what's there meaning more. I could watch the calibulium stuff I couldn't watch the erin roger stuff. Look. I don't I like the receiver show on netflix I like the quarterback show on netflix. I like hard knocks But really there's no difference among any of them No, and that is where we're we're getting so much access now. Yeah that Access alone is almost not enough. We you're right in a lot of ways. We might need something else to be invented Yeah, I don't know what to do to give us a reason to watch all of this because You know, we've got to live day to day with patrick mohomes and almost every other player in the league now It's cool. It's cool, but it's everywhere. It's like podcasts. Everybody has one now I'm going to pick the bangles to win the afc no Ben goals. Yeah, they I mean, but it's all down to joe burrow He's got to stay healthy. He does but the one thing that the bangles have that no other team has in the NFL They have a quarterback that can beat patrick mohomes. He's the only one that's true who else can say it So as long as they can say it, I think the bangles are a you know a threat They also have my favorite defensive coordinator and all of football luamorilla or whatever I love that guy. He could shut anyone down. Still has got a head coaching job, but I know they won't give him a head top job So I'll take the bangles, but it's going to be a tough fight. You know cleveland's in there Pittsburgh all right last place. I'll start Okay I can't in good consciousness do it to mike tomlin. So I I think pittsburgh is the likely team to finish last here Just on paper, but I can't do it to mike tomlin. He always finds a way. He's done it every time So that leaves cleveland to finish last I just don't I don't have anyone else I get the bangles. I'm not picking them. I'm not picking the ravens last So I and I'm I think tomlin will find a way. I'm pick cleveland as long as they have the chan watson. I'm gonna root against them All right. I'm gonna go. I know what I thought about the bike tomlin angle so many times, but I can't really Say can't see him working his way out of this. I can't see it because the division is so good. I'm gonna go stealers stealers last All right, uh mvp joe burrow for me For you lamar Oh, uh darakhenry darakhenry mvp. Yes, I'm really high on you love darakhenry this year I think everybody likes darakhenry except for people who have to try tackle him. That's sure as breakout player in the afc north who's gonna who's gonna Dance up and down this year in the fantasy world or whatever I think george pickens has a good year in front of them Actually has a quarterback pickens because when he wants this is the problem when he wants to play He's reimagined can you imagine being good enough being given the god given talent to do something that Almost every young kid dreams about you are actually given the opportunity And you have to be motivated to perform. Yes, that's pretty annoying Honestly from from where I sit it is very annoying to me as well But he is one of those guys and he has the talent to take it to in the next day. Hey george Are you here today? Yeah? Like really? Yeah, that is kind of hard to deal with god. Who are you saying? Uh Zaflowers, okay? Baltimore wide receiver. He's gonna break out Uh for the uravans disappointment in the division I'll go first. Okay. Tony's not here to defend russle wilson But I was right last year. I think on him being a disappointment in the year before that His careers. I think it's over. I think Pittsburgh man I think I honestly don't think he'll keep the job past September and I think Justin fields will start being the quarterback and You know tomlin will find a way to win some games. How the mightiest fall. Yeah russle wilson was a great quarterback The word was who's your disappointment? Uh, I'm gonna say the browns. I I don't think i'm gonna come in last place But everybody's picking the browns to go like to the seagull. Yeah, so I'm gonna say the browns are disappointed. But i don't know if any cat cannibal apple these commercials on right now He's like a waiter and he has his coach Headset on and they have to talk behind the menu. It's really funny. It's really funny Okay, i'm watching some of it right now, but I can't hear it. All right, uh, you're taking the browns as your disappointment That's a cop out take a player Take somebody who's gonna just blow okay. Let me think let me think He's gonna just you know to march ace. No, he's gonna fumble. He's in a way. All right I'll say this t higgins. There you go t contract year But he seems like he's uh also disgruntled tick t higgins' discriminant. All right afc south is next I think this is another difficult division to pick Everybody was very close. Houston Jacksonville and this is close to India were all within one game of each other last year Houston ended up winning it Tennessee wasn't Awful awful But uh, they got a new coach Uh, who he he got to win the afc south this year This was tough this tough one. I think I think The jag wires are jag wires. The jag wires are gonna beat the dolphin sunday And that's gonna send them on their path. Yeah to greatness. Yes, just ascension from beating the dolphin Yeah, well, you beat the dolphins. You've got to feel good about yourself because the titans i'm not sure about um Texans I'm not sure about in the texans. I'm definitely not sure about the problem with the texans is they they now have to deal with Expectations. Teams don't go. I mean you can sneak up on people and now this year everyone's gonna be ready for the texans Absolutely. I'll pick them anyway. Okay. I I think it's kind of a mediocre division. I think that uh You know, yes, I I like the addition is to fawn digs, but I know everybody hates him off the field I don't know the guy catches 150 passes off, you know, he's pretty tough They got other guys on the other side and they added they had a good running back too didn't they texans Somebody I don't know I I like the texans. Uh last place tennessee for me. Uh same uh mvp of the afc south I don't know cj shroud the real deal. We'll find out it's to me. It's either him or or richardson They're both really young and fun and exciting quarterbacks um Now so i'm most say cj shroud gets it done I am going to say you didn't name this guy trevere lorance if the jaguars are gonna win the division He's got to be the mvp trevere lorance, all right I mean if he's going if he doesn't have a good year this year, then we know what we have in trevere lorance He's an average quarterback in the nfl trevere lorance uh stopped being good At half time of that playoff game against the chargers He was up 27 nothing and he lost that game and he never recovered last year Yes, oh last year. I think two years ago. They played the chargers They were up 27 nothing at half time. No the chargers lost Oh I was gonna say what yeah my bad. No the chargers lost because oh you're epic blunder the brain cramp. It's okay. I tell you it's okay. It happens to me everything cramps every single day Yeah, I should have known the chargers lost that one break out players richardson for me um It was gonna say yes, I was gonna say josh jounds Why receiver for the Colts? You got them. Okay. That disappointment for me. It'll be trevere lorance All right, because I don't think he's gonna bounce back. It's gonna be cj strout Have you ever seen that guy throw baseball? I can't trust a guy who can't throw baseball but could throw a football Have you ever seen this dude throw baseball was a it's one of the worst things i've ever seen really like it's like a Throw interesting. Yes. All right, uh daily gambit lots more still to come big five chris furt the fans gets ready for padre's baseball and It's a debut of our nfl pick them segment first time this year coming up a little later on gwen and chris From holy swung on hick through the left side and a base hit meryl rounding third on his way Green's throws got no shot and fernando is back Tati wins it for the padre's they mob him on the left side of the infield a walk off single In the bottom of the tenth inning and the padre's beat the tigers six to five They will take their brooms out here tomorrow night And hopefully they'll be able to use them after the game Later today jesse agler of course there on the padre's radio network with tony gwen jr Last night fernando tati's jr. Surprising to many His first career walk off hit it's very surprising to me um You know we haven't talked about the the controversy Of You know walking a rise And aj hinch like tony and i said at the beginning they didn't they couldn't win Arise is the best singles hitter in baseball And a single wins the game So you had to take your chances righty on righty with a guy that's been on the injured list for three months Yeah, so i don't think aj hinch made the wrong decision but I just wanted to point out For those analytic folks Here we go who don't think luisa rise carries any value whatsoever I just it's not true. He does carry value and that was that showed it Do you think he had no value at all they wouldn't even think about you know Whether they want to face one of the most dynamic players in baseball for nander tati's jr But luisa rise does have value luisa has his own base all the time He's they left you right. Yeah, so do you think it was more of a tip of the cap? By aj hinch that hey, we are more afraid of you luisa rise than we are for nander Because it's it changed the whole dynamic of the house it was of course it was the i mean that was this that was his choice Who am i more afraid of? I can I can either take a guy who's the best Singles hitter in the game where a single beats me Why I can take a chance with a guy that although dynamic and a superstar Has been rusty, you know sitting, you know idly by for the last three months But his luisa rise is much more dangerous in that spot and so aj hinch made the decision But my thing is is the analytics people tell me over and over and over again that luisa rise is and totally Inconsequential player and I just can't stand hearing it all the time. No, i'm with you. He's not inconsequential No, he's far from that, but his war is 0.7 His war is the same as I don't know. That's why the war statistic doesn't work. It does not work. It's not taking into account I don't think it works either. I don't think it works either. I don't think it well People who follow it and live by it will tell you that it's a good way to like look at two players real quick Okay, this guy versus this is not a good way to look at two players because For example jackson meryl 3.7 mason win 4.5. Who's better? I i'm not knocking mason win, but who's better? Jackson just give you the eye test. Who's better? Who's been better? Who's been more clutch And I know oh mason win plays short stop and plays it well. Yes. He does Some make some great plays against the Padres as a matter of fact Really good series against the Padres, but you got to be kidding me If you're going to look in the mirror without you know laughing If you think mason wins at a better year than jackson meryl, but that's what war tells you it does So that's why i can't stand i know You know i i was really taking we've really taken our hatred to war for i had to stop it That's all right. I had to stop it because i know i know but i'm overdoing it Uh somebody did you know put out a good tweet last night In response to my tweet about the war war. What is it good for? I see that too. Absolutely Um absolutely nothing. Okay, um, let's get into some winners losers actually We didn't make any selections last night, but we have some good ones for tonight because The nfl was built on gambling So might as well get to our daily gambit then Do you like money? I think about money Do you like money without doing anything? Da winning Do you want to make money while watching sports? I think washington is immortal luck Washington If you answer yes, this is your segment just don't blame us when you lose Nothing is ever your fault It's your game take it Gwen and kris go through the top best of the day in the daily gambit on 97 3 the fan Daily gambit is our daily sports bag segment here on gwen and kris Please everybody gamble responsibly now as someone on the chat said that their girlfriend is listening for the first time kris And said i sound like patrick my home so i need to really get my voice level down You sound like i can't do patrick my hones kirmit the frog voice i sound like that i said it before I will never do this voice again, so i cannot do this voice again. I'm a man of my i don't see you doing patrick my homes All right. Well, all right. I have been quilt here with the frog many times actually wow okay The we didn't make any bets as kris said, but I have a few prop bets But let's go. Well, do you want to go with my prop bets or do you want to go with yours? No, do what you got i mean let the nfl season starting so what do you have there any exciting Anything exciting yeah, uh, yes, i'm gonna have patrick wahomes over under 271 passing your in a half passing yards today kris over under what does that mean over or under over under Do you think patrick wahomes has over do i think yeah 271 and a half no really Say under okay i'm gonna go Under as well okay You were stunned that i went under and then you did the same words Do you think rashi rice rashi rashi over under 62 and a half receiving yards? I'm going to say he goes over He's the big breakout guy for kansas city It's also an idiot He is Anybody that drives their car into a pile of people and then lies about sorry. I can't get behind them I just can't Uh, so under under because i'm mad at him still and you're still mad at him. Yeah holding a bridge Uh, I didn't get him now. Okay Uh, but I will tell you this as much as i'm mad at him if he had a phone to me i probably would have taken him Probably is pretty good. Yeah, heart beat. It's pretty. Yeah, heart beat. Yeah. All right. Here's a fun one that you know Is kind of random dare kenry over under eight and a half receiving yards Yeah, because he doesn't ever catch the ball right now No, but if he catches one he right he catches one he busts a tackle. He's over eight and a half. Yeah I'll say he's over. I say baltimore They're gonna dial that in the and then playbook. Yeah, they're gonna dial up the screen I say over as well and the final one is going to be lamar jackson Over under 47 and a half rushing yards in the game I'm going to say he goes under in his first game. Uh, no way take off Gonna run around Hey, you're not he's gonna be a blur. He's gonna be a bluer He may do it on the first play of the game. So i'm gonna say over you're gonna say over I say that's why I hate betting under on a lamar jackson rushing total because he can beat it At any moment. Yes, he can in one run. Yes, he can all right. That's it for me Is he the greatest running quarterback? Is there is there really anyone that should be even in the conversation with them michael vick? Yeah, very good, but lamar jack, but we've all tried to forget michael vick on you know for what that's worth He has a somewhat of a redemptive story, but he does. Um, I don't know that he ever won mvp. Did he michael vick? Yeah, I don't think so. Yeah, so that lamar jackson's won it twice twice Yeah, he'd like to win some rings though All right, what do you got kansas city minus three over baltimore who you pick in here to win the game or when they win the spread Spread I'm gonna go with the ravens baltimore plus three. Yep I'm also going to take baltimore plus three baltimore. I feel a baltimore win tonight. Okay, 47 points over under total Over under 47 points. You know, it's funny. I mean we talk about trying to hit a parlay Just try to hit one of those pick the spread and the over under the game You can't even do that. That's how hard it is. Yeah, we're both taking baltimore I'm gonna say baltimore 47 points 24 21 is not even enough. I'm gonna say under Baltimore and under for me. What are you doing? I think it's gonna be like 21 17 so i'm gonna say under I know you're not a good at math. So i have to help you. Thank you All right, we're both saying baltimore and under So you can pretty much count on it being kansas city and over Uh derrick henry's rushing total is 64 and a half. Yes 64 and a half. Yeah, what do you think about derrick henry there? I don't know. He's gonna get the 64 and a half rushing yards. I'm gonna say under under 64 and a half. He's gonna have a 64 yard reception You know, it's funny the chief's defense was awesome last year when never ready forgets it Everybody thinks it was all my homes who won the super ball and he did his thing Yeah, but kansas city's defense was great last year and that's why they won the super ball ultimately Having said that derrick henry goes over over his ravens debut. Okay, uh travis kelsey 56 and a half yards I think we've seen the best which is the same. I believe it's the same total as times. We see taylor swift on camera 56 and a half Going over under on that um i'm gonna go See i'm not sure yet which travis kelsey we're gonna get if we're gonna get the falling off I'm getting older travis kelsey or super ball travis kelsey It was unguardable. I'm not gonna bet against him in the opener with the national audience. I'm gonna go over over kelsey under uh jessica pugula. Wow u.s. Open women's semi-final She's in her first ever semi-final. She's the daughter. You know the buffalo bills ownership. Oh, okay jessica pugula Number six seed taking on unceded carolina moogava moogava And moogava is very good player Been in the semi-finals of a major before but not seeded because of injuries etc Neither player is lost to set yet in the tournament as they meet in the semi-final tonight pugula is a two and a half game favorite i'm taking moocava I think she's a she's got a little more experience at this uh At this level even though pugula is the uh seeded player i'll take moocava here with the with the games What about you? Yeah, you got buffalo bill blood buffalo bill blood They do get they get a little tense around this time. Don't they go with moog. You're going to moogava also moogava. Okay double moocava Oh moocava moocava moocava. Yeah, it's m-o-c-h-o-v-a. Oh, okay, most people think it's moochova, but it's certainly not that Yes, not that I would have said that okay on the men's side Tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to but it's not till tomorrow night. So we'll talk about it tomorrow Okay, but fritts is going to play tioffo the two us players in the semi-finals tomorrow evening but tomorrow afternoon the top seed Yannick sinner lecheeta Takes on a nachita, but cheater. Oh Takes on tarry kel Takes on 25th seed jack draper of great britain who got all the way to the yeah draper's in the final four Taken on sinner though over under 35 and a half games For the match four sets would probably get you Right around 35 it goes five sets. It's going over for sure Well, if it goes three sets, it's going under for sure sinner is juicing so I'm cheating I think that he's going to take care of business early against mr. draper. So you know under i'm gonna go under also I think draper's met his match here sinner wins easily and tonight pager's tiger's eight runs over under What do you think? Oh, I gotta go first in one of these. Okay, you go, uh, martin perez Mm. Yeah, i'm gonna go over I don't think martins I think martin had a little magic there when he first got here I did so he may go five innings four runs tonight and then the pager's will you know come back and You know the pager's style somewhere and probably that's what they do every night Yeah, uh the pager's are going to be riding high today. So i'm gonna go under under perez i mean i'm saying that he's gonna have a good start my team perez got All right, we'll see how our picks do Tomorrow, we have a full show tomorrow before the potty's were in uh, was san fran tomorrow night. They're here The game. Oh, that's right san fran is here san fran right now is still two two in the ninth inning Top of the ninth inning diamondbacks batting Against the giant still two two there in san fransisco. I had my san francisco friend draft last night fans football draft And uh all of them are just complaining about the giants and do they want to run bob melvin out of town? Yes, they do want to run it. They call him sleepy bob It's pretty funny because bob melvin also managed on the other side of the bay And he was really good. He was very good with with with less Help and I remind everybody around here who is not a bob melvin fan and you know who you are out there Yeah, yeah, all right. I just remind you all of you That when the potter is got within a couple of games of the world series a couple years ago The manager was bob melvin. He was let's I mean I know you forgot about that because they didn't get anywhere last year But he still took them places. They've rarely gone He did but I will I will be the devil's advocate and say what everybody else will say well He was still the manager when he didn't put josh hater into face price harper and left forever sores and to give up a home run Okay, so all of a sudden now people are josh hater fans When it when it fits the argument. Yes, chris. That's right When it fits the argument, you know, uh, they really they they're fine with bob melvin staying one more year But they're giants had a lot of anxiety they had a lot of they had a lot of energy injuries though this year I mean in fairness to the giants. They did by the way blake snell started that game today for the giants One inning allowed two runs through 42 pitches Man was does he injured not that we know of I haven't seen any bulletin of any kind So why don't you go out there and put 42 pitches blake smoke that was it for blake Like really? Yeah 42 pitches one inning today. I'll take it if the if the giants. I won't take it I needed him to go six shuddies today. We needed a win from the blakester Hate to help the cause see I was just bringing that because giants fans are talking about that And as we were talking about far-heads i80 for nando hits the walk-off And they're like just just be quiet just be quiet. I don't want to hear right now. We know the pajamas are good Giant fans don't want to hear from you At the moment, all right giants are now coming to bat in the bottom of the ninth Still tied it too will keep you updated there And uh, we'll keep you rolling here after check a traffic Patrick bailey Who's that you ask? Easy friend to the pajamas right now. Mm-hmm hit a walk-off ground rule double Score the winning run in the bottom of the ninth inning just moments ago up in san francisco giant speed the diamondbacks Three to two welcome back to guin and chris chorsello tony guin jr And matt scray b tony and i'll have our first edition week one nfl pickum Coming up in the four o'clock hour just ahead of sam levitts eco water so cal pajre pregame show Tonight it's the pajre's and the tigers Pajre's are now a game ahead of the diamondbacks at the moment There are only three up on atlanta and three and a half on the mattes Mets don't play tonight braves have the rockeys at home. So you can imagine what's going to happen there uh You know the rockeys only jump up when they're playing the pajre's but um You know it still behooves the pajre's to stick with us here You know they're playing unbelievable and they've been unbelievable for you know two months But they got to finish this yes Because the braves and the and the in the mets and you know even arizona lost today, but Those teams aren't going away. No the pajre's have a you know An unforeseen slip up here You know those teams could still get back in it. So you know win tonight keep on winning Got the giants coming in this weekend. So it's good be keep it going The rest of the month outside of maybe the white sock series is going to be like interesting tough baseball Well, you know the the last six games are going to be really fun. Oh, yeah, really they really are I mean at l.a You hope that you still have an outside shot to catch the dodgers or four and a half back right now It's not impossible It would be nice to go up there and you know win two out of three and close within like a game Yep, but uh the final weekend in arizona I mean you might just be playing for a home field advantage. You could which is a I think it's a big deal I know the pajre's are a great road team that and they are they're the best by a long shot on the road Still rather play the you know three game series here at petco park. I will take I just were are you kidding me? This place would be awesome Just like it did during the nlds with against the dodgers just like it did in the nlc s even though They love about the series against the cardinals even though there was no fans. I was sitting was on fire I was lucky enough to see for you were there a backflip in person, right? There was no one at those games yet the the buzz in this town was off the charts off With no attendance people were driving around downtown because it was crazy and that it was all socially distant. It was crazy It was yeah, so yeah play him here as much as you possibly can um I I got I Your guy Russell wilson. He's not my guys tony's guy. Oh, but he's on tony's not here. So I got to blame you He's already making excuses for how he why he's gonna stink this season Says this calf is starting to bother him. Oh gosh. I love people who do this ahead of an opening game You're building in excuses Now, who would you rather have rasa wilson? Or lamar jackson. Here's what lamar jackson said Listen to this. It was in the washington post And apparently this interview took place a few months ago, but it was just published today lamar jackson quote About losing to the chiefs in the afc championship game last year lamar jackson said We would have won the damn game if I would have been able to move around for my guys With me just hurting and I can't move. I know if my legs were good. We would have won that bleep We wouldn't have even had to throw that bleepin ball Okay, I don't I don't I don't you know you don't want to keep doing bleepin Yes, but here's my thing lamar jackson is basically ahead of tonight's game Putting a target on his back by coming out and saying We should have beat the chiefs and in a healthy me. We would have He has no reason to say that at this point Other than to get the chiefs a little ticked off about it. It's pretty dumb Right because I don't necessarily but I'd rather but I'd still rather have lamar jackson on my side Then a guy who's already making excuses for why season's going to be terrible Isn't that why it's not what lamar jackson did the reason we lost the game is because I was hurt Okay, well then are you actually hurting your team by being out there lamar? Would you guys have been better off with someone else playing quarterback? Certainly ricky huntley would have uh, whoever they tyler tyler. I don't even know the ravens back up as honestly He's not on the team anymore. Yeah, whoever they're back a bit Yeah, I don't like that. I don't like that you say so what what do you like what do you dislike more? Russell wilson already making excuses for why he's going to be terrible Or lamar jackson making an excuse for a game that was played Five months ago against an opponent he has to play again tonight. I I who's dumber Well, I think i think lamar jackson's dumber But I dislike russell wilson more see I don't like coming out before you start and already saying i'm hurt But was he just asked like how's your calf or something and then they uh all right let me all right Let me you know what in the fairness Of being fair. We got a ride chris Let's ride. I know. I i'm sure that he was asked about his personal. Let me just see what it's added to the season or something He was re was limited in practice. There you go coach mike tomlin said He won't say when wilson informed him of the tightness in his calf Core the quarterback will be further evaluated tomlin said his calf got tight so we want to exercise some precaution wilson was initially scheduled to speak with the media But delayed his availability to tomorrow So he didn't really say anything it was mike tomlin who said See there you go. He had mike tomlin deliver his excuse I really love mike tomlin and I love our boss michael valance willa and they're you know steelers in the world I just can't get behind anything with russell wilson right now. I just can't do it. I i'd i'd like to try but I can't Yeah, me neither hooky-doke We'll take a break When we come back big five time tony's back for that so what's on our mind as the gwin and chris show rolls on It's that time of the show when we check on the latest in sports Only the most important topics and questions are brought to light Stop what you're doing and listen these new stories will astound and amaze you the one the only Oh my god, who the hell cares The big five starts now on 97 three the fan Well tony's down there at pet co-park and it's really hot outside chris and i are in the sauna that is the Odyssey palace chris i think i'd rather be in the studio or the booth with tony honestly at least there's air in there's air There's a circulation in here at least there's we are in an absolute sauna recording this big five today So really it says on the wall 81 degrees right now 81 inside is not good and more humidity and uh so by the end of this big five Onity salty no matter what the question is All right Last night we saw the greek god for nando tati's junior running around the field with this shirt off And i couldn't help but think about the time jerks and pro far walked it off against the nationals And the nationals took exception i think the tigers could feel the same way i'm not sure if they're going to feel the same way tony do you think the tigers are going to take exception to for nando tati's junior's celebration No uh tati's celebration was like standard celebration With the exception of they added the um i would say it's like 2017 shredder where they kind of shredded his uniform on there outside of that that's pretty standard for what um What most guys are doing on a walk-off non-home run You know that's usually a little some form of jumping around somewhere in the middle of the field I think with the the I think with the national take exception to is that They felt like it was directed at them on their side I mean jereksen at one point was on the third base side foul Foul territory and was pumping up the crowd You know what i'm saying? So I guess for them it was a little too close for comfort I guess but you know I think everybody thinks that they jumped out the window on that one and probably overreacted. Yes, I think so Chris what do you think the tigers are going to take exception? Um, I don't think they have a right to take exception But then I really didn't think the nationals had a whole lot of right to take exception either so Um, you know, this is standard fair now in baseball, you know walk-off hits or celebrations I mean you get uh, it's a party on the mound, you know or In jerks and profars case a party over the third baseline And I don't blame for nando getting the shirt off because you know you're going to get gatorade dumped all over here So you might as well, you know be free of some of the clothing. I You know, this was a big moment for him last night. It was a big win for the team. We talked about earlier Um, you know, this is first ever walk-off hit he's ever had which is insane very surprising to a lot of people And you know, we all know that he you know He said so he took exception to the fact that they walked the guy ahead of him to face him So he had every right to be as excited as he could and uh, I think the tigers probably understand that ag hinge is uh, You know, this this is a guy better. It shouldn't really say too much, you know, the old glass house this thing I think aga was the manager of the Astros He's eliminated Can't complain ever again. That's right. That's his penalty That's right All right Number four Now tony, we did actually talk about wit maryfield being unhappy yesterday with pictures and baseball throw in heat rather than actually Located in the pitch in the zone we will get your opinion when we have a little bit more time Because this is I think is going to live on for a little bit And I was thinking about ways they can police it because that's what wit maryfield wants He wants to police it somehow And you can't throw at anyone anymore pictures aren't hitting so you can't buzz their tower But I think maybe you have something similar to the mba technical foul rule if a picture throws into the head neck area A certain number of times then they will be suspended You have an umpire in new york determine this for workflow purposes, but chris Do you think there needs to be a rule to address this? Uh, I don't think there needs to be a rule Um, you know, I'd like to believe that You know baseball can police itself and and every time, you know, there's some sort of controversy or somebody gets angry You know that we don't have to write a new rule for it. However, having said that I think we might be hidden in that direction. I mean, I I can't I think wit maryfield came off as you know I said it yesterday. I thought he was whining a little bit But the more I've thought about this um, you know, he's bringing up something that is actually happening in the game right now Which is a lot of guys are coming up Throwing a hundred miles an hour and don't know where it's going and You know the safety of these hitters is, uh, you know come come into question a little bit. So You know the only thing that a hitter has Is you know the thought that a pitcher knows they could face some sort of penalty if they hit him in the head Otherwise, you know, it's kind of free. It's a free shot And so that's what wit maryfield was saying. So I I would love to think that we don't need a rule But I wouldn't be surprised if they don't put something along those lines in Tony, do you think there needs to be a rule to address this? I don't know there needs to be a rule But uh, I thought when I saw wit maryfield talking about I felt for him Dude just got squared up in the back of the head with 94. Thankfully it was only 94 because That's kind of like the low end of what these guys are seeing most of these nights It's usually a lot higher and I agreed with him. I agreed with literally everything he said in that I mean You got all these cats coming up that don't know where it's going You know, but maybe that's where you start, you know Stop letting guys up who don't know how to throw it anywhere near the zone because you know It is dangerous and you know for all of the complaining About you know the offense being down. There's a ton of reasons why that is this doesn't help though like Your life literally could be flashed before your eyes getting hit in the dome lights could go out forever And so and as might sound dramatic, but when you watch wit maryfield get hit in the back of the head That's the like the first thing I thought of like, you know Lucky he is to even be able to get to a knee and have that conversation What the way he got hit? Uh, so I don't know that I necessarily think there needs to be a rule though I think teams just have to be They got to protect the league in itself, right and you protect the league by saying hey Uh, you can't come up here. You can you know command the ball at least somewhere in the four quad I hate to tell you that tony But I don't think teams could field a 13 man staff if that were the case these days Of course they can't get it It's got a they got to hire some guys who can teach it and you know big in a requirement I know it's a crazy concept, but you know, it's kind of How it has been why don't i let back a little bit to find that I just don't think you know the more I hear talk to pitchers the more You know, you hear from them. I don't think down in the back is like a thing They they maybe dial it back enough to be able. I mean, I don't think it's a thing. I think they'd rather take the Consequences of them not necessarily being able to command it and go on from there I don't see you. You're not you can't put that back in a tooth toothpaste. Yeah, whole tooth. I should say yes in the tooth bag Tony Tony you still are holding the record for fastest pitch ever in an at bat in major league baseball Ben Joyce was 105.5. He was the fastest strikeout pitch ever But you faced or all this chat man. So you still have the record. No, it's funny is I saw that live And it said 106. So I was like, oh, well, there's over that. There's a new fastest guy But then you know, they obviously rounded up on tv I'm still in the record books, man. I'm still in the regular. I did see about that there were some I assume it was pottery fans taking exception with the dodgers broadcasters who were Saying that Joyce wasn't throwing 106. Yeah, they didn't believe the gun. They didn't believe the gun now I'm all for the idea that you know, the gun now is you know catching it out of hand versus at the plate That is true. But chances are if he's throwing 106, that's the same 106. We've been like the same 95 that's the same gun. So, I mean, I don't think it just said oh, Joyce is on the mount Let's let's jack this up a little bit. I mean, he probably thought that hard man. Is that that that? Crazy of a concept. Yeah, that is they were saying that it was like, but I did find it hilarious that you know People were so upset about Claiming it was just kind of funny. Yeah, it was really only because they were they was the dodgers Because they were talking out of the side of their mouth like I can't believe this this radar gun Number three ESPN announced something recently about their coverage of certain sports and it's angering people And i'm one of those people because the ESPN is going to use generative AI technology to provide fans with incremental game recap stories for the premier lacrosse league and national women soccer league The added coverage will be in a added to existing coverage and the initiative will extend to some other sports in the future These AI generated recaps aim to enhance coverage of underserved sports Providing fans with content that was previously unavailable These sports do not currently have game recaps on espm platforms and these AI generated recaps Will be a tool to make this all better and not replace it. So tony, what's your beef with it? Many people are saying the same thing Why not hire real people to do this? Oh my god. What do you know the answer to the question? I know the answer but Like they're trying so hard to save money That they're going to a computer For this i i would i you know i would challenge the word save Because save indicates that you're trying to like you don't have very much that you're trying to save I think in this case in these cases, they're trying to make More money, you know i'm saying like this that's what they're trying to do here They're trying to get better coverage of these sports that don't have any and get some of those people More interested in their platforms. I understand where they're coming from. I know what scrabius thinking I believe And that is and that's a dangerous precedent Try to read your mind over there, but yeah I think all of us to a certain extent wish that maybe AI didn't get invented because it's out there taking You know potential jobs away from people and creativity away and all of these things Some workers are being replaced by computers, right? I get you, but I don't know how you can you know stop progress make laws Say you have to have a human being in a fast food restaurant. You can't just have a computer Yeah, let's just wait making more and more rules. I want more rules crests. Yes, you do Tony, what were you saying? This is this is kind of a tough one obviously because AI is not going anywhere. No, it's only it's only going to become more prevalent And I saw a video of trump the other day like waving a gun around and it was fake and i'm like Man this stuff is getting too real too real. No, no, it's uh, it's It's it's both scary and fascinating all at the same time It's just it's one of those things man as So we get more technology and and I guess in some ways smarter. Although it doesn't always feel like that Um, you know, these are the type of things we'll be doing. You know, AI is is is here and as much as I Would love for those jobs to be taken up by human bodies Yeah, what if it's just like an internship because that's how you can't get into these things anymore I know it's intriguing where you're going but progress is what it is and if I told you you had to get a uh, an old typewriter and pieces of paper and white out to put out the daily, uh Grid of what we're the rundown of what we're doing on the show You'd probably complain about that The fact of the matter is now they have computers and you can type on there and you can go back to yesterday's Uh rundown and and make notes off that I mean the in that regard the progress is made your life Incredibly much easier type writers don't have an unemployment rate I I get where you're coming from but progress is progress and people are going to have to try to keep up with it and If there's not enough rooms not enough room for people to work in fast food places Then people are going to have to aspire to you know higher jobs that where there might be some openings I mean read the read the landscape. I mean learn AI learn IT work. I mean, that's Do the coding thing? I don't know. I know I don't either, but you know, I try to it You have to sit back and go. Hey, this is difficult This is where the jobs are now and maybe there won't be as many jobs at Burger King Someone hired me to be an AI character or something then I'll be in on it I mean, I don't even get the whole AI thing honestly number one and number two if he I if ESPN didn't tell me That the report on the lacrosse league game was generated by AI You would never know I'd never know I don't know this for sure But I think they have to make it clear when things are AI But I'm not 100% sure on that. Anyway, good conversation guys We're seeing more and more NFL quarterbacks played late into their 30s and even some are now playing in their 40s Allah, Tom Brady and Aaron Rogers Troy Aikman thinks he knows why and he was on a podcast talking about it He said it's the protection on the quarterback. He played 12 years. He would have played much longer but Now they're playing up to 40 because they're being protected by the referees. Here's the quote Quarterbacks just aren't taking the punishment we took when I played anytime a quarterback goes It does get hit there immediately looking for a flag I should put together a highlight reel of the worst hits that I took and you would think these players would probably be banned from the NFL And there wasn't even a penalty on the play. It's changed a lot for sure. Which he's right. I mean he used to get All those quote. Who's that? Troy Aikman. All those quarterbacks used to get destroyed I mean, that's how his career basically ended. Would it like a discussions? Would it? Yeah endless concussions next stuff? Chris he was getting cracked. Yeah, do you agree with him? I do I agree 100% here's the I saw a post the other day and I don't know if it was on twitter and I still call it twitter But I don't know if it was there or if it was on youtube when I was you know scrolling through But what it was it was a 1970s version of cbs's intro Into the game of the week on the NFL. Did you happen to see this tony? You know, you know when they go welcome to today's broadcast on cbs It'll be the eagles against the giants and while they're talking about all this It's there's a bunch of they're showing a bunch of highlights from the NFL Yeah, they showed like 10 plays during this highlight package Every single one of them would be illegal now. It would you wouldn't be able to do Taking the elbow to someone's oh some guy clotheslined another guy I mean the game used to be just mayhem compared to now and this makes perfect sense. I mean aikman's right I mean quarterbacks Are gonna stay healthy longer more than likely because they're not getting banged up as bad I agree with this that and the fact that there's just so much more information now I mean aikman didn't sit there with a tablet on the sideline. No, you know breaking down You know his last drive and I think you know, so once you get a little, you know You're you're more experienced and now you're getting it. They had steel shots Yeah, they're looking at steel shots. Yes. They used to they used to have some kid run them down from the press box To hand them to troy aikman You know, so now somebody that has experienced like an aikman He looks at the information he's getting and I mean he knows how to process that the shots are like from a spy plane just down on the field I can remember them like flipping through them as they're like stapled together And I remember bob greasy used to get the photos by pony express back in my day Yearly dude, uh tony, do you agree with troy aikman? Yeah, I mean this is pretty obvious honestly like Can you ama I mean? And look the rules change because they wanted more points They wanted to keep the quarterbacks upright and can you imagine the likes of A joe montana or steve yar and he's cats that I mean, I mean dan was already ahead of his time marino. Could you imagine him with the rules now like It'd be give me ridiculous. It really would be ridiculous and I don't necessarily think not only was he getting lit up marino and aikman But the receivers were being tackled while they were trying to run down the field Which no longer happened. They were trying they were being tackled. They were being decapitated Yeah, like the middle of the field wasn't even like an option for everybody back then so like I mean Yes, the rules have changed significant football might be the one sport And obviously guys are bigger stronger faster, but I don't know that There would be especially at the quarterback position that there would be like so much A drop off if they played with the same rules right if marino and some of the best we're talking about like It would have been lightened up just like tom and these cats are yeah, probably probably for sure All right Number one a japanese bodybuilder claims he is a quote-unquote true master And has quote-unquote doubled his life expectancy By only sleeping half an hour per night for the last 12 years Diced k hory he is 40 years old he said he trained his body in mind to function normally and not feel as tired as he targets Around 30 to 45 minutes of sleep each night. He relies on remaining active and drinking caffeine to keep awake And alert through his 23-hour Yes, yeah, that sounds really healthy health experts say he's not telling the truth This is not possible. You cannot go on 30 minutes of sleep per night for the last 12 years And this is extremely dangerous Tony, what's the longest you have ever stayed awake? I said it wake full 24 hours before it's pretty rough It was very rough and I did the tough part about it. This was what 1991 so I was nine years old Man, you were I was in toronto. I thought you were pulling an all-nighter for an exam. Yeah, I've never done it as an adult Uh, I've only done it as a kid. I stayed up. It was at the all-star game at toronto I stayed up a full 24 hours And it was time to go to the game the next day. I had not slept the entire day I slept through the entire game And some uh that next day That's how I mean it was I was hurt. I know that that's probably why I've never done it again. I think psychologically It was like it really affected you really stupid Don't ever do that again. Yeah, I think yeah Yeah, that's that's pretty bad for nine years old. I can imagine that criss. What's the longest user you've ever stayed up? I think it was a whole weekend Whoa, whoa, it wasn't my uh, it wasn't my uh, was it a bender? No, it was not a bent. Well, yes It was all of it was forced. All of those fours were kidnapped Uh, it was not horrible I was not kidnapped and I don't want to tell any stories out of school because all of this stuff's supposed to be secretive But it was all part of my initiation into my fraternity Wow at San Diego state and I who days I will say I will say that there was no physical harm or any of the stuff that you think you hear and read about it was nothing like that you weren't You were at the school in the 70s and eight It was the crazy part was that they kept you awake for so long And they filled you with so much alcohol that you started to believe pretty much anything they said And that was kind of the whole mind Gap there. Yeah meld so that that's I go back to my uh initiation weekend. I would do it again Uh, it was it was a it was a great time in my life being part of the fraternity I know people have heard horror stories that it wasn't I might be making it sound worse than it was but we were very busy during the entire time cleaning toilets and stuff That was part of it too. That was part of it too. There is nothing more disgusting than a frat house bathroom Uh not after we were done with it on those weekends That's true. All right. That's it for the big five when we get back criss first the fans eight three three two eight eight Oh nine seven three get in line right now All right here we go into the uh happy hour portion of going and criss Happy hour coming a little early today. That's because the potteries play a little early today a 540 start Against the detroit tiger sam leavits eko water so cow pregame show comes up About 40 minutes from right now until then scrappy and I Along with tony guin jr Rejoining us for our nfl pick segment week one of guin and criss nfl pick them It all starts today scrappy. It's my favorite segment because i'm not a part of it. You really yeah I don't know why uh we never let you but we just it just has been that way I don't think it works as well with three people. Honestly, it will I think it's one of those segment that the way we do the picks has to be a two but you do get into the play off Yes picks, but not you don't make regular season. That's just me being a No, I think it's fair. It's fair to be upset about it. One thing we did forgot to mention today As the chiefs get ready to play the ravens tonight and they're a little over an hour away from the start Matt or riza makes his long Overdue debut in the national football league. So good. Look for Matt a rise of tonight I will say this grab if he punts Even one tonight like he did at San Diego state Everyone's gonna go wow like yeah, because you know, not everybody's seen this guy punt the football like we have And he gets one of those 70 80 yarders. It could be really fun tonight Well, I think you hope we done practice and people are like, oh, dang. Yeah, we'll see what a rise See what a rise it can do If the chiefs are forced to punt tonight, which I think against the ravens that I think it's a good possibility. Good shot. Good shot. Yeah All right, let's get to uh, we got a little christmas the fans We got a prize to give away that screby is uh kept to himself over there I have and the prize today If you beat christ and christmas the fans you're gonna win a pair of tickets to saturday sandega state football game against organ states That's a good one. I what if I win? Can I get the tickets? Grab tickets at That's a game that I think a lot of people were gonna want to go to Yeah, I think so, you know, people are gonna go. Okay, you beat texas a&m commerce commerce Um, and you know, the fans can you know, there's 20,000 almost there, you know, so I want to see what you know Which john lu is gonna do against a real team. Yeah, saturday night or i'm hoping it's not like the first half of the game against No, he better not because they'll be down 35 nothing if they play like that again All right, uh, let let's just play the open and i'll get to the rules If you had one shot one opportunity to take down the human almanac himself how would he do now is your time This guy stages now is your opportunity to win a prize Well, I hope you know what gen four chris versus the fans starts now on 97 three the fan All right, the rules you have to make it through three questions each question will get more difficult If you get the question right you move on if you get it wrong and chris gets the right you're eliminated But if chris gets it wrong when you move on to the next question or you win if you're a first time Uh That was not I know I forgot Let us know that you forget what you get yes You get the first question for you thank you chris if you will tell us before you start and chris versus the fans It's brought to you by st fat loss lose 20 to 30 pounds in just 60 days Visit st fat loss dot com to schedule your free consultation today. All right, the manager at the buffalo wild wings Is the defending champion? He won? Oh, yeah, that's right. He was good too. Oh, Kevin was on it man He was and thanks to all the other people that played because that was kind of fun That was a lot of people stepped up and you know, that's not easy to do in front of a crowd of people You know and try to do trivia on the radio. It's hard enough to come on You know right here on the phone These uh, yeah, those folks uh nice nice going yesterday nice going all right here. We go Let's get started with why it in san diego. Hello, what? Hey guys. How's it going pretty good pretty good. All right. Here we go. Question number one What color is the eight ball in billiards? Oh my god. Come on that is black Sometimes you were telling me the questions are too hard number one. I know. Have you ever sunk? Have you ever played pool by the way? Okay. Have you ever been lucky enough to sink the eight ball on the opening break? No, I thought that would make you lose. No, you win Automatically? Yeah, because the eight ball should be in the middle, right? It's in the middle, but if you can do whatever done that I'm I don't know. I think I did but I was probably I did not know this. I was probably on a bender Going back to the last segment. I think I mean, I know that if you hit it in before you get Already helped me is if you're a pool player out there, let me know that I'm Accurate. I think if you sink the eight ball on the break the game's over. Do you know why it? Wyatt, do you know? I have no clue. I've only gotten it after the break, but very shortly after to where I Yes. Yes. So yeah, like me like me. That's right. Um, all right. Here we go. Question number two What What kids cartoon show was Aaron judge recently featured on That was pop patrol pop patrol is correct. Wow What was it called? But it's called pop patrol. Oh my goodness And how would I know that I have no children because it was all it was like on should I even watch it? Um, um, His stats since pop patrol Have been awful. He hasn't homered in quite a 51 for a few weeks a couple of weeks hold on I just pulled it up because pop patrol stats ever since he Uh, he's hitting 194 with no home runs and two rbi since august. Oh my goodness since his pop patrol debut So pop patrol is the reason they say I would tell you if I was pop patrol I'd be concerned because those Yankee fans are capable of anything. Mm pop patrol's pretty fun All right. Very good. Wyatt. You're on to the final question. Why do you have kids? Is that how you knew that? I don't have kids, but i'm always online. So I saw a clip of it on twitter where like breaks is that one short of 50 or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Very good. All right. Why? All right. Here we go. You get this right. Your chris gets it wrong and you're going to that Aztecs game on saturday What american league pitcher has thrown the most innings this year? What american league pitcher? He's thrown the most in your in baseball and so he's thrown more than any end. Yes, I gave you the al to You're narrowing it down a little bit Well, that's uh, i'm gonna get a cola ragan's. I feel like wow Interesting guess okay cola ragan's yeah Faculty know cola ragan's is I think it's pretty good. It's interesting stay there though All right. I'm gonna take a pretty wild guess also wild guess um, but I think it's a legit guess The only two guys I because if you had said nationally got to say chris sale or logan web But you said american league and I don't think scuba has pitched that many innings. He seemed like he comes out early The guy who was talking about Staying in games was our old friend seth lugo. I'm going with him. You've got to be kidding me. Is that right? Wow? My god. I'm really sorry why I thought you had why I thought you had it. You got you got you got He has got a hundred and eighty two in really seth lugo. Yeah, the guy who couldn't pitch more than 50 innings That's true. I love these analytics people by the way adam just texted me saying forget about the madam curse It's the pop patrol curse and i'm right there with there you go right there with yes seth lugo He was uh, he's been pitching great this year, right? What can you do? Yeah? He is so all right That is ironic because he was like mister. Oh, how do we ever get him over 50 60 innings? Yeah, exactly. He's gonna need to take a break in the ball. Oh, yeah, his arm will fall off People all right. Let's go to tom. Hello tom. Hey tom Hey, how's it going? I actually knew it was seth lugo. He's been a star on my fantasy team Tom was ready for that one Nice job. Good job. Tom. All right. Here we go Let's go the question number one Where did darak henry play college football fair question I'm gonna be Georgia I know that close alabama and I think you won the Heisman trope I'm sorry tom, but congratulations on seth lugo. I'm glad for seth lugo though Yeah, it is good to have him on your fantasy baseball team this year. All right. Let's go to hose and chula vista. Hello. Jose. Jose Good to talk to you hose. All right. Here we go question Number one. Yes, sir What country are the Packers and eagles playing in tomorrow night? Is it france? I don't know. I do the dramatic pause. I did stay there. Chris may not know this is it Brazil Sorry tom sorry tom or hose. Jose. Sorry. Jose. Yeah brazil tomorrow night where everybody's supposedly in danger everybody tune in All right. Let's go louise and lemon growth. Hey, I feel this week. I feel you louise. Let's go buddy Let's go. Let's go. All right question is this the louise who wait who whipped me the other day Was it this? Was it the louise? Did you beat Chris the other day? He just whipped me the other day. No, I'm sorry louise. You actually you won this week, right? Oh, yeah, he can't win twice in the week. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah. Sorry. I only did that because I didn't want to lose to him again Well, that's an honor louise. Yeah, it's an honor louise. Yeah, you got the rule We do have a couple of rules and that you can only qualify once a week. Yeah, there's louise one the other day and he was really good Yes, I didn't realize that. All right. Here we go. Moving on. Dan and elkahone. Hello, Dan. Hey, Dan Hey app tech faff baby. Hey, there you go. Dan. We're off to a good start. All right, Dan. Here we go. Question number one What Cincinnati red leads baseball in strikeouts this season? Yeah, picture or hitting hitter hitting. So which hitter struck out the most? Correct Which hitter is with the most struck out the most at back? You know, it's a shortstop, but I don't know. Don't say, uh, Gallagher Gallagher I almost want to give it to you for sure for coming up with a name. Yeah, it was pretty good. Oh, man Yeah, it's old. Uh, your old friend, Ellie Dayla Cruz. I love this. His name Sorry about that. Good try, Dan. Sorry about that. But go Aztecs. Happy to hear an Aztec fan there. Yeah, okay. Let's go to uh I know that there's people on the line that are like, I'm probably up next, but we need to take some other callers I'm sorry, Matthew. Let's go to you. Hello, Matthew. Nobody's saying anything. Just go to the next car Pretty good. Pretty good. Matthew. Thanks for being with us Yeah, I'm ready. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. Um I can be nervous over there. Come on. Uh, who's the quarterback of the Atlanta Falcons? Starter? Yes. This week? Yes. Okay. Who's going to start for the Falcons? Oh, no. Okay. Let me give them a better question because that was off the top of my head Who is the Padres seventh inning guy picture seventh inning guy? Astronaut. Mm. Oh no, it's the A of A. S. S. Jason Adam. Sorry. Kirk Cousins is the Falcon quarterback All right. You got one more maybe. All right. Yeah, because we yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Let's go to Brandon and alcohol. Hello, Brandon What up? I'm at work. Can you hear me? I can't hear you, Brandon. I can't hear you. Good luck to your players. So here we go. Question number one What team I ran out of questions number one. I tried to come up with it off the top of my head What what team did Kurt Warner play a super bowl with what two teams? I'm sorry The ram from the car games of the car. No, okay. Good job. I'm out of my own head supermarket city working as a stalker in Iowa pigly wiggly. I don't know. Okay. I thought you knew Question number two Whit Marifield started his career with what team The royal the royals is correct And here we go to the final question number three Uh, where did Michael king pitch in college? Mm Was that right Yeah, all right very good. There you go Brandon. That's a nice display of uh acumen there Yeah, stay right there real quick. Well done. We got to check traffic Brandon will check in with scravey He'll get the details on his Aztec tickets to see Oregon State Saturday night We'll come back with one final segment on Gwen and Chris All right, pajamas tigers pregame show sam love it shortly Gwen and chris wrapping things up For a thursday full show tomorrow scravey you got a uh, any online on a fryer friday guest. Yes for tomorrow We're still we're still working. We're still working All right, you're gonna be sweeping through the clubhouse after the game tonight to try to set something up. Yes Yes, I will And then they'll kick me out of the club. I'll never forget I never forget joe musgrove Getting you this year. I know I never got a chance to go with it It just the timing was like he had a great joke His mom played a joke on me too I wanted to go down there and talk to him about it, but then he got hurt and all that stuff I haven't been in the clubhouse myself For a while since 20 since the playoffs There's we are always doing our show before the game. I can't go down there before a game Yeah, that's yeah, and after a game. I got to get to bed. I'm an old guy. I can't be going down to the clubhouse See, I like going down to the clubhouse So if I like on a friday night because it takes so long to get out of the parking lot that I might as well go Good time in the club fair enough getting audio for sammy left fair enough anything to do to help sammy love True. All right, tony and I every year of like seven years in a row. We do nfl pick them each week of the season Here is today's first installment for 2024 Okay, it is time The national football league season for 2024 kicks off tonight Kansas City, Missouri and that means It's another year of guin and chris nfl pick them And if you haven't heard our pick them segment in the past we do it a little differently I think the most shows where everybody sits down and picks the you know the winner of every game Tony and I do it a little differently. We each pick three games Uh, it's a three-point game and then the next one's a two-point game and then the last one is worth one point And we don't use the spread And then at the very end We each get one upset pick the team we pick has to be underdog In the point spread if they win we get the number of points that team is underdog by It'll all be come clear to you as we go along here But tony was the winner last year the champ is in the champ is here 115 to 106 was the final tony was a Pretty nip and tuck battle all season. I think the last week or two I took a couple chances to try to catch up And you were able to hang on But I don't think and you correct me if i'm wrong I don't think either of us have ever won back-to-back years. We just know we've all taken for it. Yeah, we've alternated Yeah, so if if form holds then i'll be able to win this year, but it's a long way. We do it all season long I'll keep tabs on the tally But away we go uh since tony's the defending champ he gets the first pick tonight or first pick for this weekend So any game you want tony who is your three-point pick most uh team you feel most confident about winning this weekend I'll take the bangles at home Bangles They are the uh the biggest point spread they're eight points over the Patriots not people are not many people are expecting much from the patrons this year. So I think that's a solid three-point pick Uh, I cannot choose the same games that tony does For those who uh that is a part new to this uh this process I'll go with the next biggest spread not just because it is but I think I like seattle over denver I I don't I don't know really why I don't love seattle But I do hate denver. So I think i'll take seattle at home In the uh in the great north west that'll be my three-point game. Uh now tony gets a two-point pick You know i don't feel that great. Yeah, there's not a lot of not a lot of obvious gimmies this week I you know, I think the the mer the murray thing is a could be a problem for buffalo So I'm not feeling that one at two points. Oh, you know who I do feel pretty comfortable with That's tough. I'm too actually The good thing is there's no time limit on this you can take all day to make your selection give me um And and another thing you guys may notice out there is this goes along this year Tony and I don't take it seriously at all like it's the most important thing we do each week. I think Give me the niners of 40 niners as your two-point pick Scravey will be celebrating that. No, they're gonna be terrible this year You stole my two-point pick. I felt pretty good about the niners I agree with you buffalo is a solid favorite at home over arizona, but Buffalo's got a lot of questions to answer. Yeah with a lot of new parts I'm not really willing to put two points on them. I'm gonna go with the team. I really like even though their spread is not very big For two points the detroit lions on sunday night Over the los angeles rams. I am very bullish on the lions as are a lot of people this year. Where's that game? It's in Detroit. Oh, that's gonna be that's gonna be fun It'll be a good game, but I just feel good about detroit this year So I think they'll win their first game. All right one point game now tony for you one point How about the upstart bears Well, one thing we've discovered about toning with jr. Yes. He loves himself some Caleb will yes Yeah, he picked him late in his fantasy draft. It's not just going with no, they've got some other guys. That's true I've kind of I've kind of softened my stance on Mr. Heba flew so over there. You like it. You like him with his new haircut that his wife made him get his hair Yeah, man. I'm digging him a little bit like I like what they got going over there in shite town Well, they're knocks to present them as a as a capable team this year We'll see if it pans out on the field bears are playing the tennessee titans So that's it seems like a good pick from my one point pick. I'll risk one point on buffalo They should win and I don't really see anything else that stands out to me So I'll take buffalo from my one point pick all right now things get kind of interesting As uh, tony makes his upset pick the board is wide open The only games tony cannot pick an upset in here are the ones He's already chosen for example. He couldn't take new england now to beat since an ad he's already cracked picked since an ad But you could take a Any of the games I picked or another game tony for your upset pick What do you like to win straight up? I like I really like this upset pick take time All right, give me the steel curtain. Oh, yeah, wow. Is that include listening here? Give me the steel curtain. They're gonna go into the atl Smack them birds up Head back to piss bird my tomlin and company with oh yeah and again another guy that tony loves brussel wilson That's right making a stealer day. Yeah. I was gonna say what's his catchphrase. Well, he's there That's right. Is he trying it again? Yeah, you can't bring it over Yeah, it didn't work. It didn't work I'd be surprised if he sold any t-shirts at all the last year or so Pretty burned than if they did by them. All right, so that'll be worth three points since the Falcons are a three and a half point favorite if tony gets to pitzburg he'll get three points My upset pick Is I toyed between two? I think baltimore has a chance to beat the chiefs tonight But the game I like a little better. I have a funny feeling for some reason about the carolina panthers The only one two games last year They go into new orleans against the team that I don't think is very good And I think the panthers are going to be highly motivated to show what the this is going to be a different year So i'll take carolina to upset new orleans and that would be worth four points Boom All right, there are our selections for a week one Of going in chris nfl pickham and uh, we'll keep you up to date as the a season goes along and every thursday Uh, we will have our picks for the upcoming weeks games Now there they are for week one. All right very good Uh, we have a little update for you though going and chris here rapping things up going to send it out to a sammy levitt But the update is from kansas city scraping. I'm no weather guy But they're not playing this football game many times soon in kansas city now. It is reigning beyond pouring right now kansas city I mean you can't even barely see the the stadium It is pouring so bad all of the fans that were in the seats Have been asked to go up underneath and they're not even allowed them to sit there. I saw some lightning I don't believe there's been any announcement yet of the game being delayed. I'm looking at the doppler radar right now It's certainly uh under you know consideration. I would think For the chiefs the ravens the nfl to you know delay this game somewhat. It's a small band. That's moving through right now. Thank you I'm looking at thank you. Uh, what's that guy's name on uh al roaker al roaker? Thank you al roaker But look it's a small band of red and yellow. I mean it looks pretty nasty red and yellow gets two colors Oh, oh, that's good for them then so it looks like it's moving through your saying Yeah, knowing that I just said that the game is going to be canceled or something. I don't know I don't think it's gonna be I don't think it's in danger of being canceled But if you're rushing home to see the first kickoff between the chiefs and the ravens You might end up having a little extra time. I'm just saying. I don't know. It's raining really hard there right now Uh, no such uh, no such problems here in america's finest city beautiful day little warm and tonight the padres and Tigres in game degree of a three-game series And sam leavitt has all of the pre-game information coming up As the padres look to pick up a game on the diamondbacks we lost earlier today to the higante's walk-off style win for the giants bob melvin Helping out the cause a little bit there And then the giants are on their way here. They'll be here for the weekend. They will be we'll be back tomorrow at two o'clock with a fryer friday show make sure you're uh, you're not late We'll wrap up. However, it is the padre's figure out a way to win tonight And uh, we'll look forward to that scrabby y'all set and anyone set i'm ready for everything tonight Yeah baseball NFL boy great night. All right. Stay tuned more uh Padre stuff coming up actually next on uh 97 3 the fan so long (upbeat music)