Kap & J. Hood

8/30 9 AM: Jesse Rogers

Hour 3: MLB Insider for ESPN Jesse Rogers joined Kap & J. Hood with updates on the White Sox, Cubs and the latest MLB storylines. Bears Chairman George McCaskey gave his thoughts on Caleb Williams, the new stadium and Hard Knocks the rated G version. Plus, ABC 7 Chicago's Tracy Butler with the weekend forecast and The Kap & J. Hood Classic Cut Of The Day. Adam Abdalla was in for J. Hood.

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30 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) 9 a.m., weekend is here. Hope you're gonna have a good holiday weekend, Labor Day on Monday. And then next Thursday, we crank it up, the National Football League returns in earnest with the Ravens at the Chiefs. Last year, it was the Lions at the Chiefs with Detroit, pulling off the victory on the road. Welcome into the cap at Jay Hood Show on ESPN. What does it? Adam A. Abdala on Twitter. He is in for hoodie today. Shazin' his EP chair, executive producer. That would be Jay Moore at the controls. I'm David Kaplan and the phones are open at three. One, two, three, three, two, three, seven, seven, six. So this will be the final weekend without professional football that actually counts. Look, I've always said my favorite part of the sports calendar is March into April, into summer months coming. It's probably hard to be what we got going right now, right? Yeah, I mean, next weekend is probably one of the best weekends because you get, or this week, this whole like week of football, because you get games that started yesterday, you have Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday games. So you have the Florida State Boston College game on Monday, then we go Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday, there's the soft knocks. So you get some football, not really. You probably actually get a lot of football 'cause you're not gonna get actually real stuff from hard knocks with cuts and everything. So you probably just will see a bunch of practice such. There's football there. Then Wednesday, say your prayers to your family, say goodbye, kiss your kids, tell them you'll see them in a few months, all that good stuff. And then Thursday night, NFL, Friday night, NFL, Saturday college football, Sunday NFL, Monday NFL, like this is, it's it, this is it. Did you hear the letter that the guy wrote to his wife about the football season? I've seen a bunch of these now. Now that there's TikTok and now that there's like, there's all these, these, you know, there's these like 10 to 20 second videos going around of like, you know, men saying goodbye to their wives for the season. - The one J-Moor played last week is so well done. And she's good, she's laughing like, wait, what? - Yeah, everyone's just doing that for views now. - Probably, right? - Yeah, it's fine. That's all right, I get it. But like for me, for what we do, like we, I watch a ton of football and I probably would anyway, even if I didn't do this. So yeah, it's super exciting. I can't wait to actually be able to come in here on Tuesday after Labor Day weekend and actually have a Bears game to discuss, matchups to discuss between them and the Titans. You know, actually seeing what Caleb Williams is going to look like in his first game. All that stuff, getting ready, you know, for Sundays with our full day of coverage on Sunday that starts at 8 a.m. with the Bears tailgate with Chris and I into Sylvie Dion and Lance and then all the post game coverage like, yeah, it's great. I love it, I can't wait. We've been waiting since January for this moment since we knew we were going to be able to draft Caleb Williams. We've been waiting for this moment. Right. It's, it is such a cool time. Everybody has renewed hope. Even the bad team, like Carolina, I was reading as I've been doing, getting ready for all these different teams. Carolina, they are so in on this coach, which I really liked him in Tampa. Dave Kanales, he is the guy at Baker Mayfield, so that dude is amazing. And he was there OC and quarterback guy. And now he's the head coach at Carolina. They feel like Bryce Young could take the next step and is not going to be this embarrassingly awful number one overall pick. I don't know if that's going to happen. It's just every team seems to have. Kyler Murray came out the other day. Y'all are sleeping on us. You have no idea how much talent we have here. We're going to have a really good season. I don't know if that's true. But every team has some reason for hope, other than maybe the Vikings. Well, I mean, the Vikings still do. I think that they still think that they can, you know, they've got a bright future, at least. But losing their quarter. No, of course not. But every, listen, everything's great before you take the field. Everything is great. The vibes are awesome at every single camp. Everybody thinks, except for maybe the Patriots. Patriots might be the only team where they're like, "Yeah, you know what? Not great here. Not great New England." My tight line was, everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Yeah, and that's great. And everybody can. That's why this is, as we get closer to the game here, and now we are a week away from, you know, the first regular season bears football Friday, don't lose to the Titans. 'Cause those vibes go back down to negative after this. Like if you lose-- The plane going, the Texans going, "Oh, God." You better not lose to the Titans. And I'll tell you, you know, we've been talking about it. I heard you guys talking about it too. Shay's been preaching it since the schedule came out. That Titans game is going to be a very sexy pick amongst gamblers at plus four and a half. Very sexy pick. Already locked in for me. There you go. You're gonna lose that one. I, listen, I just win the game. I don't care if they cover it or not. At this point-- Win the game. Win the game. I'm not telling you, I think the Titans are gonna win. I'm just the four and a half of a bit much. Yeah. In the beginning of the season-- Maybe, but I do think the bears cover that. They could, and it could be awesome. And you got there. You probably have the better quarterback on the field. You don't have the as experienced quarterback, but you have the better quarterback on the field. You have the better defense. You have the better weapons. But it's week one. It's week one, two years ago. They beat the Niners. They beat the Niners in a monsoon. And only one, two more games after that. So anything can happen week one. I remember listening to you and Chris after they beat the Niners, going, oh my god, here we go. Yeah. Well, because that was a game I think everybody had just written off as that, well, you're going to start the season with a loss. Like, there were some expectations to not be the complete bottom of the barrel in the NFL. But to say that they were going to beat the 49ers when they were, what, like a six and a half point home dog or something like that. And then you go out there and you beat them out right mostly because of the monsoon. Like, let's not forget that there was a torrential downpour for the entirety of that football game, basically. But yeah, they found a way to win. Just like I wouldn't be surprised if, if we came in here that Monday, you're like, hey, the Bears lost a heartbreaker. Like, yeah, it's week one. It happens. But don't. You can't. I'm not saying it's must win. But if you have playoff aspirations and you want to be a wild card team and you want to compete in this division, you can't lose that game. Because if you lose that game, you're looking at O and two right in the face. You're possibly looking at one in three. The Rams are going to be a tough game when they come here. - And you're going to Indy now. Now, I'm not telling you that you shouldn't win that game. - No. - But you're going on the road. All of a sudden you're like, oh God. - Yeah. - You've got to win this game. I don't believe in must wins in week one, but it's close. - It's very close just because you want to start hot. Because once you get to that game, November 20, November 17th against the Packers, that's when it really starts. You have a-- - One play at a time, Adam. - I know, but I'm saying you have a softer landing in the beginning of the season. You have the 30, you have the second easiest schedule according to Mike Sando's quarterback rankings. You have one of the easiest schedule in the NFL based on win totals. Like it's all lining up for the Bears. You cannot start slow. You cannot afford to come out like this team did last year and start the way they did against the Packers and start the way they did against the Chiefs. You cannot have that happen. - Yeah, last year you looked at that team and there were obvious holes that they still had, but you look at this team and I'm not telling you they've got the Lions or the Eagles offensive line. I'm not trying to say that. Just a talent level has been so upgraded over what it was the day polls arrived. Who's left from Ryan Pace? - Jalen Johnson, Cole Komet, Kevin Jenkins, Coleo Herbert, am I missing anybody? - Larry Borm and Larry Borm, he's I art, right? - Yeah, first four games, yeah. - So that's five guys, that's it? - Yeah, no, they've completely rebuilt the roster. When Ryan Pulse came in and said building it the right way, it's exactly what they did. There was obviously some luck in that for them. You had to get lucky that the Panthers were going to be as bad as they were. That's nothing you could control except for beating them the one time you faced them last year. So that was beyond your control. And yeah, it lines up perfectly sometimes. And hopefully this is the end of, you know, the quarterback drought here in Chicago, but you have to go out and perform. Like Caleb has been great. Caleb's been awesome. He was awesome with Chris and I. He was awesome with Waddle and Sylvie. He's been awesome to the media. He's great to everybody and the fans. We haven't seen him face adversity yet. I'm not saying he's gonna be bad at it, but he is going to face adversity. - It's gonna be a day where he throws two pick sixes and the Bears get blown out by a lousy team. Where I'm like, what? - Yeah, my goals, well, my goals for the season are pretty simple cap. And going into the season, I've got two goals for them. One, win a wild card spot. Like that's obviously win, I think they're a wild card team. I think that they can be a playoff team. Assuming everyone stays healthy, win the wild, like win a wild card spot. Number two is you have to be competitive in every single game. You can't have a Chiefs game from last year. You can't have a Chargers game from last year. You need to be in every single game. You're not facing the Chiefs. You're not facing the Bengals or the Raiders. You're facing like the toughest team on this schedule are the 49ers and the Packers twice. - And Detroit. - Detroit twice, but they should, but you've played Detroit close every year. - Doesn't matter, teams can get blown out. That happens. You understand that, but good teams don't usually get blown out. They find ways to come back in football games. They make it close. That's why they call it the witching hour. Winds become losses and losses become wins. You don't just sit there and you're like, "Oh, well, that's it for the Bears today." They've had four, three and outs, so I guess this is gonna be it. 'Cause that's kind of what we've been used to. You have to find ways to make adjustments to get back into games. 'Cause even if teams are out of it at halftime, they find ways to come back and win games. If you're the Bears, you're usually one of those teams where the team finds a way to come back against you last year. - Yeah, I'm looking at the chief schedule from a year ago and I wanna say, didn't they get drilled by the Raiders? - I thought it was a close game, but we did lose to the race. - It might have been close, but I know Andy Reid said we got our head kicked in. - Yeah, absolutely. They definitely did. Let's go 3-1-2-3-2-3-7-7-6. Ken's been very patient in Aurora, Colorado, where we are. - Oh God, Ken. - Yeah, Captain J.H.O. to the number one morning show in Aurora, Colorado as well. - Hey, Rich, everything in the ratings come out. You guys are number one. - Thanks, Ken. - I appreciate you. - Hey, hey, this is my first time ever watching hard knocks in the 23 years that's been around. Is it always this boring? It has not been fun. What has been so special about this program that everyone is hyping up this hard knocks? Is it because it was the Bears that everyone was saying we got to watch it? - Well-- - I don't know. - Ken, thanks for the call, man. I appreciate it. - Yeah, yeah. - I think that it's special this year because it is the Bears, but it used to be good. Like the year the Jets were on it-- - The Jets were the best one ever. - It was great. I would even, the year the Lions were on it. - Excellent. - It was great. - Some moments last year when the Jets were on it again, we're fine, but from what we've been reading and telling everyone for weeks is that the McCaskys have their hands all over this. And George McCasky did an interview-- - Do you even edit it? - Yeah, that they cut out the swearing because they wanna be able to watch it with their kids and they think it's a very personal moment when someone gets told that their dreams are potentially over playing in the NFL. So he said he will have an extreme hands-on approach to editing this week's episode. So that's why. - I think he's had a hands-on approach in editing every episode. - Yeah, but more so this year. I mean, he said that, you know, the nature of the program, the drama, if there is any, is the player personnel and general manager in the coaching building a roster and finding guys to fill roster spots. In our opinion, when you tell a young man in all likelihood, his lifetime dream is over, that's a private moment. And we wanna be sensitive about it. So you're gonna see Austin Reed get cut and you're gonna see Austin Reed get put back on the practice squad because he's been the focus of the entire season. How many more times can I watch Travis Beige and arm wrestle someone? Unless he's physically ripping-- - I wonder if he's gonna be in this next one. - Unless he's physically ripping someone's arm off. I don't like, I don't care. Let me see that feat. - That would be interesting. - A lot of flying everywhere. - Kat, I'm gonna tell you this right now. I'll tell you this right now. Jesse Rogers is coming up next. I'm not asking many baseball questions. I'm asking Jesse for his picks for the weekend because he was so unabashedly wrong about Colorado yesterday that we must get his picks. I need to know who he's betting on so I can bet against. - All right, we'll fade Jesse and get a baseball update next. - Yeah, we'll talk baseball. (upbeat music) - If you miss something, get the podcast on the ESPN Chicago app. - Jeff and Jay Hood are back on Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. (upbeat music) - All right, the cubbies in Washington while the White Sox will play host to the New York Mets. And that means we get baseball intel and a fade Jesse play when we talk to our friend, Jesse Rogers on the CarX tire and auto hotline. Jesse, good morning, how are you? - I am good, I'm good. I'll relay a funny text I got from a scout. Like first thing in the morning, I woke up and it was there and he's like, are the White Sox gonna lose their next 12 games because it is against the Mets, the Red Sox, the Orioles and the Guardians? I mean, that's the six AM text I get. I'm like, I guess, right? I mean, are they gonna, they could, they'd be at 116 losses if they did that. I mean, we're naughty, we would be barely into September really at that point. It's insane what's going on. And it is definitely a national story everybody's watching. What did I say to you yesterday, Cap? I got to imagine other executives they haven't talked to them about it. Outside the division are kind of peeved, right? There's a big reason the Royals and Twins and Guardians are on the playoffs right now. It's because of the White Sox. It is literally one of the most pathetic things we've ever witnessed in our city of sports. Great city of sports. It is so pathetic. And yet, I believe that the owner has, or the team chairman, Jerry Reinsdorf, should call a press conference and say, look, this falls at one man's feet, mine. And guess what? I am giving Chris the checkbook. We can't go get Otani, but guess what? We are going to play a little bit out of our level of comfort, and we are going to do all we can to ensure this never happens again on my watch. I'm asking you to give me help here. Give me a moment. Let me try to fit. He'll never do that. - No, no, and I remember last year, I know what you said about not Otani, but even last year when mentioning Otani kind of like laughed at it, like the idea, God forbid the White Sox go after one of the best players out there. I mean, I'm with you. That's a very common sense thing to say. Like, get out in front of it, take responsibility, and say, I'm going to leave my comfort zone to turn this thing around quicker. Because honestly, there is a starting staff in there somewhere, especially they don't trade crochet. Like, there's talent in that Jonathan Cannon arm and the Hagen Smith they just drive. Like, there is a cord there at least to build around if you actually, you know, move it a thing forward instead of just taking it inch by inch by inch by inch, which is like, what do you set five to six year project at this point? - No, absolutely. Jesse, do you have the White Sox schedule in front of you? - I do. - Okay, so we talked about this in the beginning of the, or during shot or no shot. More wins in September, the White Sox are the Bears. (laughs) - That's awesome. - Oh my God. - The fact that we even have to debate that. Boy, Bears play four, right? - Four. - Yup. - I'm going to say it's darn close. I'm just looking at right now if they go one and 11 during this stretch, then two, three. I think it might be a tie. It might be a tie. Maybe they get to five. Of course, the Bears would have to win all four. So I'll say the White Sox, assuming the Bears don't go four and no. I'll say the White Sox. But barely, barely. Amazing question, though. It really is. - I took the Bears. I- - Did you really? (laughs) - One of the White Sox feeding four times. - Yeah, I don't know. Maybe give them one against Oakland and home. The Oakland's no pushover. - You did hear the records since the off break, right? You heard that. - Yup, they're good. Yeah, absolutely. They put the Angels twice. - Four and 33, Jesse. If you guarantee me the Bears were going four and oh, I might buy what you're selling. But I assume the Bears will lose the game in September. Maybe not. I don't know. But if they go four and oh, then I'll buy what you're selling. But I'm assuming the Bears will lose the game. - Hmm. All right. Yeah, I think the Bears will lose the game too. But like Calf said, they're four and 34. I mean, come on, since the all-star break, that's less than a win per week. - So even if the Bears go three and one, you'd still take the, you would still take the Bears. - I think that they'll, I think that they'll push. - That would be a push for me. - Yeah. - So funny. - Yeah, I think that they'll, I don't think that they'll put. I think they'll put. - I mean, they're gonna set the record with room to spare. - Yeah. Yeah, I think I said this yesterday, Calf, like it's something I'm gonna have to cover. And we were, like four weeks ago, we were talking in Bristol about the drama of the final week. Are they, or aren't they? The drama's gone. The only drama is how many will they lose? We'll go up to 130, you know, 128, whatever. Like, that's the only drama left because it's not an if, it's just a win. And I think you're right by mid-month, which is just insane. - That is crazy. - So Jesse, yesterday, you were talking as you, what would be more surprising? Cubs made the World Series. Or the White Sox didn't set the record for losses. And I would have thought 80% would have said, oh, White Sox, 100%. And I don't know what the final results were, but when you left, it was like 51-49. So I used it as my question of the day on my YouTube. And I'm amazed that number of people would be more surprised if the Cubs made it. They're only five games back playing well. - Yeah, I don't get that either. I mean, maybe they're looking at playoff odds. I was talking to your buddy, Jed Hoyer, last night. It was a story not about the Cubs. We really didn't talk about the Cubs. We just mentioned how good they're playing right now. And in fact, though, their playoff odds have gone down during this stretch because Atlanta is hung tough. And obviously you're knocking games off the schedule. So he's kind of lamenting that. We finally play well, but our playoff odds go down. But I still think that's more likely than the White Sox not breaking the record. The highest odds, you know, and they're just odds. Baseball reference has them at 7.7% ESPN of band graphs less than that. Atlanta's strength of schedule is 17th. The Cubs 20 seconds of kind of even, and after this weekend, the Cubs' strength of schedule will go up because they're knocking out four games again, or three games against the Nats. They get the Nats for four at home. So the Nats are seven of the final 28 games. Now, Washington just beat the Yankees two of three. So, you know, nobody's a pushover course and next week again is the Pirates can't play worse than they did last week. It's still a long shot, but like we said yesterday, Cap, at least it's something. And, you know, if Miguel Amaya and PCA Armstrong's, or you know, Pico Armstrong's advancements are real, then it really bodes well for next season. And the more I think about it, the more I think Jed is going to try to do this, as we've talked about, with a solid 26-man roster, with a solid nine-man offensive team, and not getting that star or two in the middle. I just don't think he's going to do it. He's going to find players where he can. You know, go over to Japan. There's a good crop coming over from there. But I don't think he's going big on Juan Soto. And so we'll see if this strategy can pay off because, you know, it's a career. - Better get a closer. - Yeah, I mean, Cub's career is kind of at stake here. They've got to make these advancements. But I don't think he's doing it with stars. I think he's going to do it with as solid a lineup as he can find. - Jesse Rogers brought to you by West Coast Men's Health, helping men with ED and chronic pain for over five years. Go to Cap and I were just talking about that a few minutes ago. Jesse, about whether or not this final push here at the end of the season is good or bad if you want the Cubs to spend a bunch of more money, 'cause they do spend, but a bunch more money next year. Like, is this run going to tell, like, let's say they do come close, right? They continue on the pace that they're on right now through September, but they don't make the playoffs. Is this going to say to Tom Ricketts? Hey, look, the run we went on at the end was great. If we could play like that all season, this is a playoff team. Come on, council, now that you've been here for so long, we saw that, you know, once you were here for a few months, your methods started to work and all this kind of stuff, whatever you went on this great run in August and September, or does it say the opposite? Hey, if we just as spent more and added more pieces, we would have been playing better all year and been in the playoffs. Yeah, I mean, between yes and no, because of course there's probably some gray area in there. I think the answer is the first thing. I think this emboldens Jed's overall plan, that he's on the right path and they just had a tougher schedule earlier and some guys slumping at the same time. The schedule is lightened up well after they're kind of out of the race and, you know, you could just, I think they will rationalize it and it could be the right answer for all, you know, like, you know, you could make some drastic decisions and really screw yourself. So I don't know what the right answer is, but I think it's the first thing you said. I don't think they're ready to spend big if they do start to creep in the right direction. It is about counsel getting that first year under his belt and Miguel taking, Amaya taking those steps in PCA and you just have to cross your fingers that there is continued progress. You know, we see me in a half go back and forth, back and forth before he established himself. You could see that with Amaya. You could see that with PCA and that the difference between players like that and through stars. Stars, established stars don't go backwards, right? But young players do and good players even do. Like Danzby was going forward when he signed here and that was kind of gone backwards. Stars don't. So I think he's emboldened by his plan and it's either going to work or it's not. I think they want redundancy with the farm system being as good as it is and a lot of the guys at AAA, you know, meaning if someone goes down, they actually have someone really good to plug in and they're going to go to war that way next year. I wish they would trade for Vlad and maybe they will. Maybe they will. I don't know, but I don't think they will and I think they'll keep the plan going as is and stay flexible with their powder. - Jesse, give us one play that we can go against you on. - Yeah, give me your lock of the day. Give me your, we'll call it your don't bet against Dion lock of the day. Well, first of all, they did win the game, okay? They just didn't come to the credit. - No, no, the point spread was 10 and a half and they almost lost. - Good team's win, great team's cover, Jess. - You're betting a minus 250 money line now, come on. - Well, I didn't bet, I mean, I took Shay's advice. I just was joking around, don't bet against prime time. The college slate, I say, take the Michigan State under. There you go, that's my play today. Take the Michigan State under. So in other words, go against it and take the over. - He's doing that strategically 'cause I just told him on the phone, take Michigan State over. - Take me over, yeah, hey, yeah, hey. - Don't text me tomorrow about Alabama. Do not bet on Alabama this weekend. - Okay, 'cause you're the expert. - Huh? - Who's Bama got? - Western Kentucky, I think. - Yeah, Hilltoppers. - Yeah. - So wait a minute, Adam, first game under the new coach, you don't think they rise to the occasion? - No, I think that this is gonna be just kind of, they're gonna get in, get their win and get out. I don't think they're gonna lose, but I wouldn't lay the 30 some odd points. - Okay, good advice, good advice. - All right, Jess, have a great rest of your day and a great holiday weekend. - You guys too, talk to you next week. - Good buddy. - Have a good one. - Appreciate you, see ya, buddy. There he is, the great Jesse Rogers on the Car X Tire and Auto Hotline. The Friday folder is next. ♪ Welcome back to Captain Jay Hood ♪ ♪ You're officially locked in ♪ ♪ I don't end up in the sky ♪ - On Chicago's home for sports, ESPN, Chicago. ♪ Hold this body ♪ - It's time for the Friday folder. - Anything else you do? - On the Captain Jay Hood show. (upbeat music) - Friday folder brought to you by our great partners at Lou Malnotties. It's a Friday, that means it's a pizza day, and my good friend Chris Black always says, "Get a pizza on Friday and if you're getting Malnotties." His favorite, believe it's pepperoni with the low fat cheese on the deep dish pizza, and it is awesome. There is no such thing as bad pizza, but the best. Lou Malnotties go to You'd like to ship their favorites around the country, Tastes of Here's Shane Norlin. - All right, I'm gonna get some fun stuff in a moment, but Jesse Rogers in our last segment brought up that a scout asked if the White Sox are just gonna lose their next 12 straight against good teams. That would put their current losing streak at 19. Hello, road to 24 is back. - Oh yeah. - The road to 24 is back big. We got 28 games to go. Can we lose 24 straight? - Oh, now I'm rooting for it again. - Oh my God. - Hell yeah, why not? Listen, if you're gonna be bad, be historically bad, right? - Just smash the record for worst ever and get totally untouchable. Nobody will ever be this bad again. - I did see something that Mets fans didn't want the White Sox to break the record because they hold it as a badge of honor that they were fans when the Mets were that bad and they're still fans. - Those 12 Mets fans are very stupid people. - I'm just telling you, I saw a story about it. They want it, they want to have the record. They're not going to, but sure. - I mean, this is literally like the, I've talked the other day, maybe I said it to Jessia, the 2012 Cubs were horrifically bad to the point where I bumped into Theo coming back from lunch when I was out the lunch with Jet. We were doing an interview. There's Theo and Jason McLeod and Theo's like, "Who's paying for us tonight?" I'm like, Jason Birkin, he goes, "Who?" Yeah, I mean, that's how bad it was. They lost 101 to lose 120 plus. Do you know how pathetically embarrassing that is? - Real bad. - It's insane. - Insane? It's J's on the road to 24 for the third time. - It's unbelievable that we're getting a third crack at this. All right, Taco Bell. Some franchises have given up breakfast and fan favorite breakfast items like the breakfast burrito and the breakfast contract could be on the chopping block. Adam, you a Taco Bell breakfast guy? I know cap's not. - I've never had it. - I haven't had it a lot, but when I do, it's good. Like it's not my go-to fast food breakfast spot. If it's not a Sunday, it's usually Chick-fil-A. If it is, it's McDonald's for fast food breakfast, Burger King occasionally. Wendy's is just okay. But I haven't had a lot. So yeah, I mean, listen, when you put, they've got a good, that tortilla. It's a good apparatus for breakfast food. - Never had it. - You should get some. - It's not a fast food breakfast guy. - I mean, you can just make it at home too. Like you can make a version of it. - That's what I do. Like in college, I'm sure I had a, or when I was coaching and you're on the road, I'm sure I had a McDonald's. - Yeah. - Like they don't eggs and whatever, or I've had an egg McMuffin before in my life, but I got in the last, since Danny walked into my life, got 10 years ago, it's like I changed how I eat and I would never eat that. - I almost stopped into my way here, but there was an accident on Lakeshore Drive, so. - Stopped it weird. Taco Bell? - McDonald's. - McDonald's. (upbeat music) - I have the worst, bring your daughter to work day, ever. An Austrian surgeon, allegedly allowed his 13-year-old daughter to drill a hole into a patient's skull. - That's the best taken emergency surgery. - Not if you're the patient. - Well, they don't know. - They're asleep. - Yeah. - They're out. - Both of you are saying this is kosher. - What did you do? Oh, my dad's an accountant. I sat in a cubicle all day. Oh, my dad's in advertising. We went on stupid meetings all day. Oh, what did you do? - I drilled someone's skull. - All right, but let me ask you a question. Did he like sit there and go hard, honey? Take the drill and drill, or did he say, put your hands on mine for a second. You can feel what the drill feels like. There's a big difference. - How old? - 13. - 13, okay. Yeah, that's awesome. That's the best day ever. What are you talking about? It's not an eight-year-old. - I would be scared. I would be so terrified. - Yeah, she probably was. But it's not an eight-year-old. Then the blood squirting out, getting chunks of bone on you. No, I'm good, man. - Yeah, you gotta wear the shield, the face shield thing. That's awesome. That's a great day. - Something a frog was too much for me in high school biology. I don't need to be strailing into someone's skull. - The club, they wanted to do a rat, and I said, out, bail me, out, not gonna happen. - You just can't cut open an animal? - No. - It's for science. - Nope. - Where I'm at sports, where are my brothers adopted? - Were you one of those degenerate children that would kill frogs that you found before? - No, no, no, no, no, no, but I didn't shy away from the frog in biology class. - Yeah, I did. I did. Not happening. - No, I'm not murdering ants with a-- - You have a little cycle pad. - A little cycle pad. - No. - A little adolescent of dollar. That was a little sociopath. - No, no, no, no, no. No, not at all. - I'm catching the monarch butterfly and lightning on fire. - No, not me. I love animals, but I mean, what am I gonna do? I was already bad enough at science. I was gonna take another owl. - Shit. - All right, a teacher has gone viral for changing the alphabet song. Everybody knows the alphabet song. You learn it pretty much in kindergarten, like right when you start going to school, you start learning the alphabet, they teach you the song. - You learned it before that, my three-year-old friends that upstairs just did it. - Everybody knows it. - Yeah? - This teacher has changed it. Listen to this. - I'm gonna name the new alphabet song with me. A, B, C, D, E, F, B, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Y. - Yeah. - Now, I never will or get. - Yeah. - How to say the alphabet. - Yeah. - Your turn. - I don't think it's, okay, so. - No, it's element OP, everybody knows. - No, but yes, it's element OP, but that's the problem is too many kids are going element OP is the. - And they think it's one letter. That's why they changed it. - I know, exactly. - So, listen. - It's bad, bad, bad, bad. - I think I'm looking at this from a different view because my wife is an English teacher. So, I also know that the alphabet, you shouldn't be teaching the letters as the letters. Like you shouldn't be, we shouldn't be saying A, B, C, D because at no point do the letters actually sound like what they're named. So that's why it's very hard for people to learn English because the letters aren't like say. - They don't always make sense. - Okay, so like I've seen this in a, I saw this video too. Say the word R-E-A-D. - Read. - Say the word B-R-E-A-D. - Bread, yeah. It's like through and thorough. - Yeah, it's ridiculous. That's why it's so hard to learn our language. - I'm not disagreeing English is stupid, but I learned element OP. - Yeah. - Are separate letters just fine? - Yes. - I mean, I understand why the teacher is doing it. Like I don't think it's that egregious because I understand the logic behind it. - Yeah, I just nasty. - It just didn't sound good. Like I was upstairs yesterday and my three-year-old is, I said, "Hey, Ben, how many planets are there?" He names off all the planets. I go, "You missed one." - Nope. - He's like, I said Pluto. - Pluto's not a planet. He's straight. - Yep. - Dwarf planet, Capy. - Yeah. - What? - Yep. - Like I was testing him. I knew that. 1996. Work with it. - I was like, "You're three." - Great. - Yeah. - All right. There is a story this week of the man with the world's largest penis, saying he lives a rather difficult life. He has to buy custom-made pants. - Because he's a deal-break. - Depends that he buys at the store. Well, Cap, I know you don't have the world's largest penis, so I didn't want to put you in this. - Wow. - I'm coming on. - Damn. - Keeps me happy. - Damn. - She had a relationship with her step-brother. - Damn. - What? - I'm coming on. - That's a deal-taker's class? - He's coming in the mouth. (upbeat music) - God. - I don't want to be settled. - It's coming. - I'm coming on. - It's coming in the mouth. - Hold the meat. - It's coming. - It's coming. It's coming. - She had a relationship with her step-brother. All right, can I get through this story? - I'm coming on. - Check. - Apparently, if you've ever wished you were larger, you should be careful what you wish for. This guy says there's a lot of issues with blood flow and that fun time can make him sick, puts a strain on a circulatory system. - Yeah? - Oh, I'm sweating. - Okay. - You got to get a lot of blood down there. Fits that bulbous. - The length is how big? (laughs) - It's coming. - I'm coming on. - It's coming. - Let me what are we at here? - It's with the story says 14.2 inches. - What is he checking oil? (laughs) - He's got a dipstick. - My butt. (laughs) - That's half an arm. - What about, what's the conference? What are you talking about? - I don't do that. (laughs) - You name the most well-hung bear on the 85 bear. - What are we talking about? - There's no girth measurement in the article. - Can you name the most well-hung bear on the 85 bear? - No, I can't. - No, I can't. - Can you? - Yes. - Oh, that's well. Every Thursday, Otis Wilson. - Mama's Boy Otis. - Mama's Boy Otis. - It's coming. - Legendary. - It's coming. - Mama's Boy Otis was legendary. - It's coming. - Yep. - It's coming. - And Steve Dahl revealed that on the radio and Otis said he had women all over the city coming up going, I want a shot. - Oh my God. - Yep. - Thank you for the history, Weston. - Butler's gotta be like out of her mind back there. - How do you, how do you find that? I mean, like, who starts the, how do you find that out? (laughing) - Back in the day. - And back in the day, man. - He had been going the last room. - He was asked and asked Otis if you ever see him. - Hey, man. Did Steve Dahl affect your social agenda? He said 100%. It was amazing. - For kicking a guy in the ding ding. - Cap was trying to interview Otis in the shower. Wow. - I'm coming, Otis. - Let's go to Butler. - I'm coming, Otis. All right, we'll get the, we get forecast from the bright red Tracy Butler. Next thing. - That's walking around the house, hagging dawn. ♪ Welcome back ♪ ♪ Welcome ♪ ♪ Welcome back to Captain Jay Hood ♪ ♪ On Chicago's Conference Sports ♪ ♪ ESKN Chicago ♪ - All right, the great Tracy Butler is going to join us in a moment time first for the Cap of Jay Hood, cut of the day. Brought to you by David Floment, more Chicago, cut steakhouse. - Yo. - Yes, it's boring, but it's a sport. - Oh. - Whatever. - It's not boring. - Okay, then you're boring. - All right. - Private equity can have minority stakes in MLB teams, but we keep in mind these are not necessarily generous investors because they've bought up the minor league teams and shut them down. - Yeah, oh yeah, come on. - Yeah, so it'd be Riggly Field at Emirates Stadium. - Yeah, right? - Yeah, absolutely. - Let's go. You get me wand Soto and a closer, let's go. - Or Soldier Field at the Etihad Stadium or Emirates Stadium. - Cap's gonna start taking hides with you. (laughing) - He shows up in the towel, in the ropes. - He's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's like, we gotta go to Homeroom, kid. Time to go to Hodge. Let's go to Barak, I need the day off. - I'm hungry. - I've got intermittent fasting all day. - With Cubs logos. (laughing) - He's got a blue and red for going to Hodge. (laughing) - All for one Soto. (laughing) - That's a change cap. - One Soto and Josh Hader are here. - He's got the katies to fit the dances and everything, I can say. (laughing) - And that's all, folks. - That is our Chicago Cut Steakhouse Cut of the day. Check out the best restaurant in town. I'm the Salmore side of the Chicago River. We go to the Weather Center. We're the awesome, the amazingly talented, Tracy Butler joins us. (applause) Hi, Tracy. How are you? - I'm looking for some good weather this weekend. Last one before the NFL locks me down. - Guess what? You're gonna get it. I mean, today, I know this doesn't bother you, Cap. I mean, it's still really humid. It's gonna be warm. Hides in the mid to upper 80s today. Probably feel like it's 90. I know you love that. But the weekend, for anybody, anything outdoors, lots of sunshine, lower humidity is key. But, I think it's going to be a little bit different. Lots of sunshine, lower humidity is key. But the one thing I want everyone to be paying attention to, if you plan on going to the lake, you may not wanna go in the lake Sunday and Monday, because I think we're gonna get some rough surf and dangerous rip surfs. - Seize or angry. - Yes, she was angry, my friend. - 'Cause you could surf on Lake Michigan, right? Some people do. - Yeah, they do. But, you know, if there's a beach hazard statement, I kind of have to discourage that. So, yeah, you've got Labor Day weekend this weekend. You've got Pearl Jam at Wrigley on Saturday. I've got golf a couple times this weekend. - Oh my gosh. - But, are we done with like 95 to 100? - Probably. - Good. - Give me a couple more. - I know. - It's football season, it's hoodie weather. - I mean, we can get a 90 in September, certainly. But, what we had earlier this week was wicked. - Yeah. - Absolutely wicked, you know. We had heat index readings that reached 118 degrees around here. - Oh, it felt awesome outside. I played golf in that. It was spectacular. - You played golf here? - Yeah. - Damn. - Nah, not for me. Not for me. I mean, I guess if you're gonna be outside and stuff like that, like, okay. But, I'm done with the, once we get to football season, once we get to Labor Day this weekend, I'm done with the 90s and close to 100. - If you give me an 80 degree, that's fine. - It's 365. - But, I want, it's sweater weather now. - Well, my ideal temperature is 87 degrees. - Okay. - I'll co-sign that with you, I'll take it. - Okay, okay, what about you? You have an ideal temperature? - Probably, I have no, it's not, it's my ideal. I like nice outside 'cause I like golfing, so I still want it to be like in the 80s, I just don't like humidity. That's my problem, is the humidity. - Then you have an issue. - I know, yes, I'm aware that we now live in a tropical climate here in Illinois. Okay, so, okay, I'll ask you this, 'cause I saw this going around. Is it true, or is this just some internet thing that the corn sweat is actually affecting our humidity? - It's called evapotranspiration. - Okay. - Yes, and so it is really the humidity. If you were to walk into a cornfield, and I know this because my grandparents had a farm, my uncle had a corn farm for a long time, you walk into a cornfield, and you can actually feel it getting even more humid. - Whoa. (laughing) - 'Cause like I was seeing graphics, it's like, why is the Midwest so humid today? And it's like, 'cause of all the corn is sweating. - Yeah, like there can't be that much corn in the Midwest to make it this humid around here. - Absolutely, you get out into some of the hinterlands around the area, and yes, you would notice an increase in the humidity. And so, in a lot of those outlying areas, that's why we saw some of the higher heat index readings. - Okay. - There. - That's crazy. - So it's a true thing. It's called, for everybody in class, look up evapotranspiration. - I just like corn sweat. - Okay, I have a question. - Or I can say corn sweat, I don't know. Oh gosh, don't have to call on this student. - Oh wow. The other night, the atmospheric conditions were ripe for a tornado in the northern suburbs. - Oh, good gravy. Over your house. Ask Sylvie, the trees were uprooted by my house. - I know, you don't have to have a tornado to get damaged, however. - Wind, man. - I didn't say we got one. - I simply said the atmospheric conditions were ripe for it, but no funnel clouds were reported. What was that called, a derecho or a micro burst? What was it? - It was called an intense storm over caps house. - Yeah, come on, cap. - It was a wicked storm over caps house with 60 mile per hour winds. - Yeah, and Tracy Butler's bronzy got locked out of my house, it was not good. - Well, that's on you. Tracy Butler's brought to you by ComEd, solarenergy, go to And next week, we get a Bears forecast. - Yes, you do. - Can't wait. - Can't wait. - Rock and roll. Have a great weekend, everybody. Appreciate you. Take that.