Kap & J. Hood

8/29 9 AM: Tom Thayer

Hour 3: Former Chicago Bear, Super Bowl Champion and Bears radio analyst Tom Thayer joined Kap & J. Hood with updates on the Bears and the latest NFL Storylines. The guys previewed NCAA's College Football All Name Team and the Kap & J. Hood Cut of The Day.

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29 Aug 2024
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What time is it? It's Dayard Thursday. Thursday. Tom Thayer. Thayer. 1985 Super Bowl Champion and Football Analyst for the Chicago Bears. Heat to win the division. Win the division. Get into a playoffs. Former offensive lineman. Do they need to get better? Do they need to give up less sacks? Yes, of course. Tom Thayer. Tom Thayer. It's Dayard Thursday on Captain J. Hood. ESPN Chicago. We learn every week on the Captain J. Hood show. Jesse's in for Hoodie today. Hoodie's got today tomorrow off. And then we crank it up for the first week. The first real week of Game Prep for a regular season game. But we learn every week when we talk football with Tom Thayer. And he joins us now on the Carx Tire and Auto Hotline. Tom, good morning. How are you? I'm good cap. How are you doing? Doing awesome, man. I'm looking forward to calling volleyball with you next week. Listen, I spent a lot of years playing volleyball down at that beach and hope to see some friends. And I'm excited to be there with you as well. I need a live YouTube feed of this thing. I need something. Or maybe I'll just show up to watch you guys. Come on out. We're going to be at-- what is the name of that place on the beach? Well, it's North Avenue Beach. It's right at Dick's Last Resort or-- No, no, no, no. What's the name of the bar? Yeah, I think it changed a few ways. Castaways. Castaways, there you go. Castaways. So we'll be right out there. And it'll be fun looking forward to it. So let's talk about what the Bears did with their 53. Because both you and I, and I think Hoodie too, we wanted a developmental type player if they're signed into the practice squad at quarterback. And we got that with Austin Reed, your thoughts. You know, I like-- you know, he's going to be focusing on the opponent's reps. It's not like he's going to get a lot of development in his own offense other than being in meetings and taking part of the game planning process. So he's going to become more familiar with the Tennessee offense week one and then the other offenses that he's going to put on display throughout the early portion of it. But you know, he was fed the entire playbook throughout the training camp process. He'll continue that process when he's in meetings. But it's going to be an opponent-centric forum. How did you think he performed knowing what was going on with backups, everything else? About what you expected? Did he exceed your expectations? Just curious your scouting report after watching him. He did a really nice job. And I think a lot of that is due as the quarterback coaching room with Shane Waldron and the rest of the quarterback staff. They allowed him to be part of the quarterback room. I think the process of feeding a young quarterback the information from the time that you start rookie mini camp going on to OTAs and going through training camp and stuff. He did a really nice job. I think he complimented the room well. He had a good relationship with Brett Rippen and Tyson Beijing throughout that process with everybody knowing that Caleb Williams is QB1 on this team. But he comes in with a lot of college credentials, though. This is not the first time he's thrown a forward pass. He's thrown plenty of them. But now it's what you do at that 6'4", 220 pound frame to continue that learning process of the NFL. Before we move on from that, I heard why don't we still be talking about it. And it's obviously there for everybody to see the fact that there's just not a lot of experience in that quarterback room, whether it be Reed, Caleb, or Tyson. Does that impact anything, in your opinion? Not to me it doesn't, because Caleb is a guy that's the man of the future. And if he goes through some growing pains, it's something that you're going to have to accept. I think Tyson Beijing is mature beyond his years. He's got a lot of college experience as well as Austin Reed. And I think Shane Waldron, again, I think he's done a nice job of developing the minds of these quarterbacks. But it's going to take time because they're going to have to, or at least Caleb, is going to have to understand the speed of the game what he's going to see next Sunday at noon. And to me, I think this first game is going to be a defensive coordinator game. They have a new quarterback as well as the Bears do. So what are the defensive coordinators going to do? That's a little bit unusual from what they've seen up into this point in both of their young NFL careers. So I think we'll have to take some special interest in either some sophisticated blitzes, some changes at the line of scrimmage, and try to put confusion in the mind of a couple of young quarterbacks. In terms of looking at what Ryan Paul said yesterday, I want to start with what he said about the offensive line. It's the deepest group that I've had in the three years that I've been here. Does not mean it'll be the deepest group in year five and in year six. But today, that's what we have to work with. Where are you on the offensive line? Part of it is the quarterback's got to get the ball out in two and a half seconds. It's got to go. Tom Brady was saying again the other day, if it goes more than 2.75, I don't care what the offensive line does. It's my fault if I get sacked. The ball has to come out. Is that accurate? - That's 100% accurate. The ball, you have a process of the protection that you call in the huddle. And that's the catchphrase the offensive line is listening for. Okay, is it play action? Is it bootleg right or left? Is it an RPO? Is it a three step drop? Is it a five step drop? And then you know the time frame accordingly and that group up there in front of him. And so when you think about Ryan Paul's, yeah, Darnell Wright is a year older, a year more mature and he's a solid right tackle right now. And he's got the ability to develop into one of the better right tackles in the league. But I still, if I look at the end of training camp, I still give it an incomplete in terms of what do I think of this offensive line? Because Nate Davis being in and out of the lineup, they brought Ryan Bates here to possibly be a starting center in Coleman Shelton to me has won the job there. And then with Kevin Jenkins, if he plays at the level, he has the ability to play at, he'll be one of the best offensive guards in this division immediately and hopefully turns out to be one of the better offensive guards in the league as long as he is available each and every week. And Braxton Jones is a guy that is always gonna be evaluated on his last performance. If he stays away from penalties, if he doesn't give up sacks, if he has the ability to be a point of attack, offensive tackle on the left side and protect the backside of a right-handed quarterback, that's, he's living up to all the expectations that you have for an offensive tackle. And if both of these guys can stay on the field, the offensive tackle position, one of the most important positions on the offensive line, the Bears are gonna be able to do some really good things. But I do think Coleman Shelton is a guy that's come in here and kind of settled this thing. Okay, let's everybody take a deep breath. I have an experienced center, knows how to call out the protections, knows how to make the adjustments at the offensive line, knows what linebackers and safeties to look at and where the responsibilities lie. So I think when you look at what Ryan Poll said, it is the best group of guys that he's starting the season with. - I wanna stick with Braxton Jones. He burst onto the scene in a lot of ways. Nobody knew exactly what he'd be as a later pick and it was solid. Here's my question. Has he progressed the way that you would like? And I mean, he's got a great head on his shoulders. I could see another leap in his game as well if things go the way they should. - Super intelligent, doesn't make mental mistakes, understands all of his assignments, really going to the line of scrimmage. I have a lot of faith in him. The only thing I wish I knew about Braxton Jones is what improvements have you made in the weight room? Because when you're talking about a six, five, 310 pound frame, there's gotta be some strength there. You have good bendability. You have good feet movement. Are you strong enough to deliver a punch to a defensive end to create that stalemate where it gives you that two point seconds time of protection by the offensive line? Are you making improvements in your lower body strength so you can become more of, you're not gonna be a road grader, jimbo, covert type, but do you have the ability to use your strength and the length as an asset? And for what I know about Braxton Jones, I love the kids. Super intelligent, love talking to him. However, I wish I knew a little bit about, a little bit more about his weight room development. - It's funny you brought him up because I know last summer, I didn't ask Olin if he trained him this summer. I know last summer 23, Olin worked with him. And I said, what can you tell me about him? He said, let me tell you something right now. Because Olin's direct now. I mean, that's what I love about him. He said, I tell him something one time. And I don't have to tell it again. He goes, and I can't say that about every guy that I've trained. Olin is, like his jim, you better be on time and you better, if we're starting at eight, you're gonna be warmed up at a quarter to eight ready. - Yeah. - And he said Braxton was great in that way. - The way I think about it time is, he's got all the intangibles knocked out. Are the tangibles good enough to be the left tackle for Caleb Williams? - It's a very good question for, you know, for him to be the left tackle for Caleb Williams. - He does, you know, he's got the intelligence. He's got the feet, he's got the length. He's got the hand punch. He's fortunate to have a good offensive line coach and Chris Morgan. But to me, you know guys, if you're 310 pounds, you better be close to benching 500 pounds. You better be there being able to squat, you know, 550. You know, like you better put that strength on display because if you're 310 and you're benching, you know, 400, that's, that doesn't impress me. And listen, I lived in the weight room and I know exactly what Olin, you know, what he's all about in the weight room. And so impress me with strength. Don't make me go in there and watch a guy that's in the NFL and carrying around this body weight and he can't bench 400. Major, that shows me that you're really not put an effort into the weight room that I need to see out of you. I don't care how quickly you can shake ropes or if you can turn over a tire or you can hit a tire with a sledgehammer. Ah, you know, show me what, show me what you can do with weight on the bar. And then I'll tell you, I'll tell you a little bit about your work ethic in the off season. - The number one thing you are most confident in about this team and the number one concern that you go, that one concerns me. - The thing I'm looking forward to the most is the variety of offense that Shane Waldron is gonna bring. I like the balance that he's already brought in the pre-season. He's not putting too much on the shoulders of the quarterback to make him be the best player to make this offense run as efficiently as it can. He uses a wide variety of past, you know, throwing points, past protections. And he understands what his strengths are and what his weaknesses are and he uses all of them accordingly. My biggest concern is the run stopping ability of the defensive line. Is Gervan Dexter gonna live up to the frame that he's been blessed with? Is Andrew Billings and Zach Pickens and now Chris Williams gonna be able to stop a first down running game so they can put them in predictable second and third down so they can rush the passer. If you come up there and you're going to the line of scrimmage and it's always third and three, advantage offense. And then I have concerns about the interior of the defensive line and their run stopping ability. - Yeah, I was gonna, I want to ask you about Austin Booker. How do you think he plays early into the season? Is he a factor? What do you think they do with him? - I think he's a factor. He's a naturally gifted pass rusher. He's not a good pass rusher because the defensive line coach is taking him aside and teaching him how to incorporate a move or having a second thought move if he gets stalemate at the line of scrimmage. He does everything naturally. And he's really good at making sure that he has a plan that is gonna happen according to the down and distance where they would hash mark their on. You know, how the play clock is winding down. If the offensive tackle does get his hands on me, what is my second move gonna be? And it's difficult to get a solid punch on him because he rushes with his arms at length. He doesn't allow the offensive lineman to get his hands to them and then be in control of his body. He's really difficult to get a solid punch on him. And that's what I like about Austin Booker. He's not necessarily being coached every play. He's being refined every play. - Interesting. - In terms of when you watch the way this team has been constructed, they may not be the youngest team in the league. They're relying on maybe the youngest quarterback in the league, but there is veteran leadership in there. So for me, there's more of a level of expectation where this team can go than maybe a team that has got a ton of young players they haven't taken a step yet. Do you agree with that perspective or no? - I 100% I do because you know the thing about it is you have leaders like Keenan Allen, DeAndre Swift that are willing to say something. Then you have guys like DJ Moore that leads by example. And then you have guys on the defensive side of the ball, TJ Edwards, Tremaine Edmonds. It's important to them to be successful. You have Kevin Byard, I think is gonna be a good leader candidate in the defensive backfield. I like to see the outspoken Jalen Johnson. He's not necessarily attracting attention to himself. He's confident in his own ability. And so that's what you need out of the cornerback position. Tyreek Stevenson, Jaquan Brisker, Kyler Gordon, they're all developing at a rapid rate and that's what Ryan Poll saw for him when he picked these guys. But now Montez Sweatt, Darrell Taylor, Austin Booker, Daniel Hardy, do they all deliver the pass rush that kind of decides games at times? So there are a lot of key ingredients in place but now they all have to feed off of each other. - Tommy, last thing that I have for you. You mentioned the run stopping defense, right? Is the secondary going to make the defensive line look better, which normally it's the other way around, right? But I'm curious if in this case it could be the reverse where that good deep secondary actually makes the defensive line a little bit better because a quarterback might have to hold on the ball longer because guys are covered downfield. - You know, Jess, that's a great point because when you have a guy like versatile as Kyler Gordon where he can play at the first, second, third level, he can become a blitzer, he can cover tight ends and running backs out of the backfield. You have guys with the size of Jaquan Brisker that is going to be physical in the interior of that defense middle of the field and deep middle. So I do think that this is a defensive backfield that can compliment the front and the first level and second level of this defense. And because of the defensive backs versatility and the unpredictability of where they can line up, you're going to have that quarterback that's going to break the huddle and he's going to have multiple identifications that he's going to have to make to make sure that he's calling the right play according to the huddle call and where the responsibilities or your vulnerabilities lie in the protections that you've already called in the huddle. - Okay, last thing from me, I know every coach, if I walked up to the coach of the Carolina Panthers, Dave Canales, and I said, what's your expectation? What's your goal this year? - We're in it to try and win the Super Bowl. Great, you're not going to, you're not good enough yet. What, if I said that to you, Tom, give me realistic expectation for this football team if they're blessed with reasonable health. Nobody goes 17 games that doesn't have any injuries, that doesn't happen. But if Caleb is healthy and the keycogs are healthy, what is reasonable expectation for this team? - You know, buy a ticket for week 11 when the division games start because the Bears are going to be able to gain a lot of experience, but the division is going to gain a lot of knowledge about what you're doing in terms of the Chicago Bears. If they can go in in the second half of the season and be competitive within the division, win every division home game first off, and then go in and win a couple of the games on the road in the division, then you're talking about what you need to do in order to try to get into the playoffs. If you have any other goal than winning a Super Bowl and winning your division, then you're kind of fooling the fan base. So to me, it's about being competitive and winning the division is the next step of success. - Let's go, man. I picked them to win the division. I know Detroit's really good. I know Green Bay has a really good roster. I just feel like there's a different, maybe I'm wrong, but you've been up there more than me this year. There's a different vibe around this team that I've seen in a long time. You know, in '85 and '86 and stuff, the defense kind of carried a lot of swagger onto the practice field and we as an offense had to live up to the swagger that they had. And I think I've seen a lot of that since the OTAs and mandatory mini camp that led into training camp, that the defense has some swagger that is spilled over to the offense being able to perform on a daily basis. - By the way, Waddle is telling us, he's told me a few times about this, that in, it was '89 or '90, he said we would literally be coming on the field and Dent would say to him, - Just don't turn that thing over. We'll worry about the scoring. Just don't turn it over. - Yeah, do you remember that? - Yeah, well, I've had Mick Michael say it to me a couple of times. Just don't turn the ball over, Tommy. And we'll control this thing. So just don't turn it over. - That's awesome. Hey man, I'll see you next Thursday. I'll talk to you on the air before that and enjoy your holiday weekend. - Yeah, you guys as well, thank you. - Good talking to you, Tommy, you guys. - Yeah, he's great, he's great. And by the way though, about your prediction, of course there's good vibes there. They drafted a quarterback number one. Vibes doesn't mean-- - They didn't have these kind of vibes when they drafted Mitch or Justin the first year. - They did not. - There were more question marks with both those guys. There were. My point is vibes don't win you divisions. So, you might be right, but it's not because of vibes. It's going to be because of tabs. - Vibes help, I told that to Shay. You're better than that. 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 7, 7, 6, we'll be right back. - Kevin, Jay Hood are back. - And you know this, man. - Chicago's home for sports. - ESPN Chicago. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - I had a de reco that hit my house. Tracy said it's not called that. What's it called? - A de reco, I don't even know what that is. - Well, it wasn't, it was a massive storm. - Yeah, that's what they called. (upbeat music) - We had it. - It's called a massive storm. - Massive storm. (laughing) - And trees down around the house. No power, it was brutal. - Yeah, I was at White Sox during that. My wife was calling me, like taking pictures, the grill was tipped over and takes a lot to tip over grill. - It was brutal. - Yeah. - The other night. - Yeah. - And crochet got his four pitches in. - Unbelievable, man. Unbelievable. Three, one, two, three, two, three, seven, seven, six, anything on your mind. Cubs in a pennant race, or at least a wild card race, maybe, playing better. White Sox, Will they eclipse 120 losses? The 120 is the all-time record, right? - Let me go. - They have 103 right now. - Can I go to our poll question at ESPN Chicago? We put it up early in the day. Which would be more surprising? Cubs make the playoffs, or the Sox, not losing 121 games or more. How do you think the voting is right now? - I'm gonna say 64% would be more surprised by the White Sox not setting the record. - Only 51% vote the White Sox. 48.8% say the Cubs making the playoffs. I don't know what you're smoking out there, folks. How can the White Sox avoid 121? They can't. They simply cannot. It's going to happen. The other one, there's a reason, not reasonable. There's at least a chance. I wouldn't be shocked beyond belief. The Braves have been injured. They've been on a roll, but those injuries could catch up with them. You can make a case for the Cubs. As distant as it is, you could. You can't make a case for the Sox. Oh, they're gonna go on a win streak, what? No, they're not. They literally, literally cannot. They just don't have the horses. I can't believe that pull is practically even. - That's not what these people are thinking. - Yeah, that's bad. - That is bad. - Bad take. - Let's go to phones. - Bad take, Jesse. - Rich, that is a bad take, Jesse. Rich is in Tampa. What's up, Rich? - Hey, guys, how you doing today? - Good, buddy. - That's good, it's good. I just want to throw something at you. This probably would have been good for a shot or no shot, but I was watching it on YouTube. It's like a bear thing when they give you bears news. And the guy was saying that the bears are thinking of trading Tyson, Beijing, to get a season quarterback to help out Caleb Williams. - Would you stop? That's not, there's zero. - I was just saying, that's why I wanted to know what you thought. - Yeah, no, no, no. First of all, they're gonna bring a guy in here who doesn't know anything about the playbook. They're gonna bring in a guy here who makes more money when they got Tyson locked up on a three-year deal, two years to go, this and next. Tyson, they love him in that room. No, they would have signed, what's his name out there? Ryan Tannehill, they had zero interest. - The lady said the bears were gonna bring in. - Yeah, but no, they would have done it already. And Tannehill will only go somewhere where he could compete to start, no. - Now if Beijing, if Beijing, Caleb Williams didn't get along during camp, okay, maybe, if a Beijing looked awful, maybe, but they would have done this in the off season if they thought they needed to. Like they had the chance, there's no reason to do it now. Beijing's giving you no reason to do it now. By the way, Rip and Sign with the Vikings. Did we put that out there yet? - No. - Yeah, Rip and Sign with the Vikings active roster, they waved Cheer and Hall. So now he's gonna give all the secrets. We're gonna regret that. - Okay. (laughing) - That's it. - We don't, we don't-- - Rich, thanks man. - We're gonna play Minnesota like week 13 or something. It's crazy. - Correct. - The division games come so late. - Correct. - So. - Yeah, but Rip and Sign's with the Vikings. - That's it. - Bares had too many good quarterbacks. - Come on. - Immediately, one signs with a rival. - We're gonna get Ryan Tanhill. - Yeah, I just do it. - They obviously made a decision back in February, whatever, that we're okay. I mean, early on, they must have made this decision. Maybe it was April. We're okay with young quarterbacks. They could have kept ripping for God's sakes if they needed a veteran. - No question. - They must have made that decision early on if we end up with all three young quarterbacks, we're okay with that. So, again, that decision was made a long time ago, in my opinion. - Agreed. - You know, but maybe Rip and's there just in case it doesn't work with, you know, I get it, like have Rip in there and if Paige and Caleb don't get along or aren't advancing, whatever, then you keep ripping. But that wasn't in the, that to now. - They wanted a developmental player. - Yeah, absolutely. - 312-332-3776, we're gonna do it. Six, we're going to do the college football all name team that we do. This is a Shaynorling production. There's some great, great names, man. Great names in college football. And I don't think people are aware, one of my neighbors came up to me and said, I heard you on the air the other day say that there are quarterbacks in Division I that are making a million dollars a year. What do you mean? I said, name, image, likeness. Yes, there are quarterbacks making well north of a million a year. - Crazy, isn't it? - Coleman Hawkins, the basketball player at Illinois, he transferred to Kansas State, million five. I said this so I'll go like, if there's anyone, you know how ex-athletes can be bitter sometimes, if there's anyone that can be bitter, it's the former college great that didn't make a lot of money in the pros, but could have, with nil if he was playing today, like that's the guy that needs to be bitter. Like all those decades of college players never made a dime and now they're making millions. - The NC State team from the Jimmy V team is suing. - Oh, I didn't think I knew that. - Yeah, back in that tournament, like Wolfpack, the Cardiac pack, all of that stuff was used in licensing agreements with March Madness and the TV networks. - So that team is suing the NCAA, they want their money. - Crazy. - Some of my players, when I coached at Northern, they have reached out to me. Now they, I left there in '86. These guys are like, hold on a second now. We want our money. - Well, so that's what I'm saying. - And I'm like, if anyone deserves to be bitter, it's these guys. - Yeah, like Kenny Battle was like all over all these videos because he was named Dunker of the Year. First guy to do a 360, Kenny. - Is this, is the NC State, are they gonna win? They have a shot or is it just? - A lot of people are saying that if you have at all a chance the NCAA will settle 'cause they don't wanna go to court. - Okay, well then you'll make a few bucks, but probably not a lot. - This is my guess. - Isn't that about us assistant coaches? (laughs) - No one was gonna use your name, image likeness. I got news for you, Cap. - It is what it is. Three, one, two, three, two, three, seven, seven, six. College football, all name team is next. (upbeat music) - Follow Chicago's Home for Sports on Twitter at ESPN1000. Cap and Jay Hood are back on ESPN Chicago, Chicago's Home for Sports. (upbeat music) - All right, college football is back, baby. - In full swing this weekend. - I'm gonna play based on the recommendation of my friend Shane Norlin. North Dakota State plus the points that I against Colorado and NC, North Carolina and Mac Brown, they are veteran head coach, minus two over the gophers of row the boat, PJ Flack. - You're betting against Dion? - Yes, absolutely. - Mistake. - Made a lot of money fading Dion last year. - I know, last year. Two years ago was pretty good, right? Or was it last year the beginning when he was good? - Last year was the beginning at Colorado. - Yeah, I don't think you bet against Dion. That's me. - Joe Public over there. (laughs) - Totally. - I'm gonna look up, I have a subscription to CBS Sportsline. They do all the analytics. Play the games 10,000 times with their program and then I have prediction machine. I've shared that with you. I'm gonna see what they say about the game and see if Shay is on the right side according to that. - Well already, the old line Doug Baphone used to say to me is coming to mind. Study long, study wrong. You're punching up too many things there. Just go with your gut. - What? - No, I don't bet with my gut. Especially teams where you couldn't name a player. - They have Minnesota, Shay, taking these teams. - They have Minnesota, I couldn't. Minnesota taken down North Carolina by two. And tonight you said is, they don't even have Colorado's game on the board. How can that be? The game that they have as a blowout is Georgia annihilating Clemson. I'm on Clemson. - Me too. - Sorry, hoodie. All right, Shay. - All right, we have the all name team with college football back. It is the return. I've done this every year since I've been here of the all name team across college football. I have 11 offensive names, 11 defensive names and two special team names for you. This is the all American all name team starting with a returning player quarterback at Louisiana Monroe. General booty. (laughing) - Okay, that is awesome. Is he related to that John David booty number? - Don't believe so. General, he used to be at Oklahoma, capitalized a lot on some and I.L. deals. Now with Louisiana Monroe and still on the all name team. Running back, Jovenski Schlenbaker. - What? - Jovenski, DJ, O-U, V-E-N-S-K-Y, Jovenski Schlenbaker at Wazoo. - Wow. I'd have to change my name. - I like it. - I like it. - Hi, what's your name? - I'm Julie. I'm Jovenski Schlenbaker. - What? - Yeah, no. Pass. - Go ahead. - Tight end Rocky beers at Florida International. - B-E-E-R-S? - Yep. Rocky beers. His brother, Rowdy beers. - Oh, I love that. Rocky and Rowdy beers. - Rocky and Rowdy beers, they're brothers. - First of all, anybody named Rocky needs to be playing football like Rocky Lombardi, right? - Okay. - So Rocky beers, I'm in. - I like it. - How about wide receiver fatwats at Tulane? - P-H-A-T. - Can't be a wide receiver. - Can't be a wide receiver. - It's an offensive line name. - Has to be. - Right? - He's got switch positions or names. - I think that fatwats, he's gotta be a tackle. Or a big fat guard. - Yep, wide receiver fatwats at Tulane. - Hoodies guy, new wide receiver at Georgia. Nitro Tuggle. - Nitro Tuggle. Nitro Tuggle. I like the idea of giving the name where you have to guess the position and see if it fits the name. But that sounds like a, that's a wide receiver. - Jay Moore, your son was a linebacker and fullback, right? - Yeah. - That Wyoming, what's his first name? - Jamari. - Yeah, that's what I thought. Jamari, like Jamari Moore. It just sounds like-- - And actually. - Yeah. - Jamari Moore. - Nitro has to be the one who he's locked for. - Who? - Josh Allen. - Your son did, Jay Moore? - Yeah. - You can tell me that. - What about that? - Sorry, man. - Interesting, what's Allen like? Give us a scoop. - It's a good dude. - Really? - Yeah. - 'Cause he's a trash talker in college. They voted him the biggest trash talker among quarterbacks. - Nah, he's super humble. - Oh, okay. Because his dad was there. - Can you get his tickets when Buffalo comes through? - I go over here. - Nice. - How 'bout that? - That's awesome. - Jamari's tight with the Josh Allen group. A check. - All right, Nitro-- By the way, Nitro Taco of Georgia, I don't want any Georgia player named Nitro right now. Don't need any boost on the cars. We're good. - We're good. - Returning player, decoldest Crawford at Louisiana Tech. - That is a great name. - Decoldest Crawford is a great name. - Great. - When NIL started, he was selling air conditioners in Nebraska. Then he transferred to Louisiana Tech. - How 'bout that? - That's an NFL name too. Like he's going to the NFL. - Crawford. - Pretty good? - Let's move to the offensive line, starting with Jaden Muskrat at Auburn, a returning player on this name as well. - Yeah. - It's not that great, right? - Yeah, it doesn't do much. - Jaden Muskrat's a weak name. - Doesn't do much for me. - Left guard is one of my favorite names on the list. King Large at SMU. - Well, you can't be King Large and be anything but an offensive line. - Absolutely. - Yeah, I mean, that's it. - That's it. - The center, a returning player, Parker Titsworth. - Okay, that would be really hard. - He's a center, so he's got to be a mauling tough dude. - That'd be hard to roll with that. - I mean, you know how Ebert Flus has given out nicknames? I mean, what's this guy's name? - What's up, Tits? - Yeah, I mean, come on. You got to hear that all day long. - I don't know if you can't say it. You got to put the, - You got to hit the button on that. - That's his name. - You got to give him a middle name. - Big. - Right. - All right. - Did we have to hit the button on that? - I had a relative, he got divorced. He married a girl, her last name was Moans. - Oh, Jesus. - At the wedding, my cousin gave a toast to God, I wish our last name was loudly. (laughing) - And right guard, Dodge Saucer, Iowa State. And at right tackle, Hans Hammer, Virginia Tech. - That's pretty good. - That's strong. - That's strong. - Yeah, this sounds more like a defensive line, you know, a pass rusher type. - Oh, come on, offensive lineman hit. Hans Hammer at right tackle, you're not getting sacked ever. - More linebacker even, Hans Hammer should be a linebacker. - The defense is where I think the names get real good. On the defensive line at Kentucky, Octavius Oxendine. - Oxendine with the tackle, not bad, not bad. - This one is difficult to stay on the air. You're getting trouble, returning player, Sheetah Silla. - Okay. - Sheetah Silla, it's spelled like you're going to the bathroom. And I believe it is pronounced that way as well. Another defensive lineman from Cal Legend Journey. - Let's say it again. - Legend Journey. - Man, it's unusual, it's cool. Like, if I was doing the game, I would want to know what's the origin of the name. Right. (laughing) So I could use it in my game notes. So, fourth down, I got a timeout on the field. - Let me tell you about this kid. - That's right. Legend Journey. - Yeah. - You know where his name comes from? - Yeah. - We need to know the origin story. - That's it. - Edge rusher at Duke. Cap, this sounds like a horse you would bet at the Travers. Memorable factor. - Yes, that sounds like a horse. - A hundred percent, that's a horse. - Memorable factor. Wait a minute, that's the guy's name? - That's the guy's name is Edge rusher at Duke. - His first name is Memorable. - And last name factor. - That makes no sense. - I've never heard a last name factor. Like, that's the whole thing and makes no sense. - That's a name out of the womb. You give the name to the doctor and that's an athlete. - I guess that- - That guy's playing a sport. - And it is Memorable, but then pump. It is Memorable. - Well done, Jess. - Thank you. - Linebacker Chief Borders at Nebraska. (laughing) - Chief Borders. - That's a pretty good one. - It's okay. - Solid. - It's okay. - Another Linebacker power echoes at UNC. (dramatic music) - Power echo echoes. - It kind of brings it down. - I know. Echo's is brutal. - Echo's is kind of a soft name. - Returning player at corner. I believe was voted name of the year on the cap and J Good show last year. Out of rice. First name Mo. Last name, Billidy. - Mo. - Mobility. - That is a great name. - Billidy, mobility. I like that. That is great name. - Mo. - It might be a second annual winner right there. - So you come in like, hey, Mrs. Billy, how you doin'? (laughing) - What's weird? So very weird. - Another corner. Major Burns at LSU. - I wouldn't want to be a corner getting called Burns. - Yeah, right. - Major Burns. - Is he returning player? 'Cause I remember, I think I remember that last year. - I believe that he is a returning player. - Yeah, I heard that last year. - Major Burns at LSU. Also rounding out the corner position is Alpha Khan at UTSA. - I can live with that, I like that. Who names their kid, Alpha? - The same person that names a memorable. I mean, there's a few in there. - They're not brothers. - Head scratchers. - Two safeties. Outta UTSA, Pig Cage. - Oh, God. - No. Pig. - Pig Cage. - Who names, okay. - Pig Cage. - When we use the, ask the question, who names their kid? That's the top, at the top. Pig, come on. Who names their kid, Pig? And in Oklahoma State, the final safety, Willie Nelson. - Man. - Not unusual, but cool. - It's sick. I hope he's high on the field. - He's a smoker. - You know he has to be. Or play country music, one or the other. The two special teamers, the kicker, just a cool name, Colton Boomer at UCF. - Like Boomer, come on. - That's a must for a kicker. - Come on. - The punter, who sounds like his family owns all of the banks in Europe, Maximilian von Marburg at Syracuse. - Right, that's a good word. - Well, that's quite the name for a punter. But I mean, his last name was Boomer. That's his last name. - Colton Boomer, yeah. - And he's a punter or kicker. - A kicker, kicker. - Either one. - Either way, Colton Boomer's incredible. - I mean, I bet when he was young, they're like, you're gonna have to be a kicker. You gotta be a kicker. - Well, who was the guy that the Bears tried out and was a bad name for a kicker? - David Miss Field Goals. I don't know what his name is. But something like that. - It was, yeah, it was not good. - That's his name, David Miss Field Goals. - That is not, it was not a good one. - Right, I remember, I do remember that as well. - It was recent. - Well, there was the kid who should never be a kicker. Tiger Shank, I think, is a player at LSU right now. - Not good. - Nicely done, Shay. - Very nicely done. We have the Kappa J hood. Cut of the day. Next. (crowd cheering) - Follow Chicago's home for sports on Twitch at ESPN 1000 Chicago. Captain Jay Hood are back on Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. - Time now for the Kappa J hood. Chicago cut steakhouse cut of the day. Dreamer. - Yo. - Yes, it's boring, but it's a sport. - No. - Whatever. - It's not boring. - Okay, then you're boring. - All right, cut. - A man's mother decided to start an OnlyFans page. He films all of her scenes. - You're Jay Moore laughing in the background. - They did an interview with this guy who films all of his mother's OnlyFans scenes. He said, doesn't see anything wrong with it. It's just a normal job. I get paid, I get a cut of what she makes on the page. - Well, how graphic is the OnlyFans page? - Use your imagination. - That doesn't even matter. - Come on. - Could you film-- - That doesn't matter. - Could you film your mother's OnlyFans scenes? - I can't say no strong enough. I really can't do it. That would be an absolute deal. There has to be another job I can find. That's a no, that's a deal breaker. - That's a deal breaker. - Mom, you're on your own. - What? - Mom, you're on your own. - Okay, what if you were 21, and your mom was 36 and smoked hot? - Let's do a little math here. Mom had me when she was 15. - Right, that's what I'm saying. - Mom, let's make some better decisions. Holy smokes. - And mom was smoking hot. - What would that make a difference to me? - It's a job, and she's gonna be making-- - Are you kidding me? - Serious, boy. - Okay, okay. Under that scenario, someone else is going to be able to film her. - Okay, she's gonna find someone else. - Like, what if mom's got the fake cannons? - Oh my god. - I mean, the whole deal. - Oh my god. - Yeah. - What is going on here? - Deal breaker, that is one. - You know what kind of cash could be flowing it? - Why? - I don't disagree with that, probably a lot. - Why do you have to film it, ask for a cut anyway? - Right, I was about to say that. Like, he should benefit anyway. He's her son. So if she's making a lot of money, he'll get the benefits without the awkwardness. - The benefits of earning a lot of money. - And that's all, folks. - The cab of Jhood. - That's three mil cut steakhouse. - It's three minutes our listeners will never get back. - Cut of the day, it's a gorgeous day. Great holiday weekend. David Farm and Matt Moore Chicago Cut Steakhouse is a must on your list. Head there today and get the burger. It's incredible. Add the avocado for the healthy fat and then have the menorio ice cream. - Or a little lobster escargoa appetizer, it's their number one salad. - It is, it's almost Salomon or side of the Chicago River. Downtown Dean. - Hi, Dean, here we go. - Hey, Jesse, you know, the best part of that segment was hearing Jay Moore just laughing uncontrollably in the background. - It was the best. - As he should have been. - Speaking of name changes, Jesse, you missed it a couple of weeks, a week or two ago. Cap ass hoodie, you know, he goes, Hey, you know, this Ari Wolf and hoodie goes, is that his real name, Cap? He goes, let me explain something to you. What happened, hoodie? His professor called the member to broadcast, who he said, listen here, Eisenstein. This isn't going to cut it. You're a wolf now. Now you're ready, kids. Go out there and get 'em, take that. - Hey, dad, have a great weekend. By the way, it was Chris Bluet was the kicker. Many have chimed in. Thank you, Postman, 1914 as well. - Jesse, a lot of fun, man. Cap, great seeing you, buddy. Have a great holiday weekend. I'll talk to you tomorrow morning. We'll talk a little more baseball. - Well, I look forward to it, guys. - You coming in? - No, no, 918, my baseball will go. - What'd you come in? - Well, dude, I'm hosting with Waddle tomorrow. What do you want me to? 8 a.m. to six theory? - More Jesse's good for us. - I'm going over to guaranteed right now. - Take that.