Kap & J. Hood

8/28 Kap & J. Hood Shorts

The Kap & J. Hood Morning Show weekdays 7a-10a (CT) on ESPN Chicago listen live on the ESPN Chicago app.

Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
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(crunching) - Chicago. - This is your morning routine. - Listen to respect my name. - Cap and G hood. - That's right, that's right, we're bad, huh? - Watch the show on Twitch. Follow ESPN 1000 Chicago. - Stream the show on the ESPN Chicago app. And on NBA 100.3, HD2. And on ESPN 1000 Chicago. Now, no, no, no. David Kaplan and Jonathan Hood. - Good morning, everyone. - Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. Woo! ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Woo! ♪ - Oh! God, welcome in to the cap and jay good morning show. On ESPN 1000 and we're streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. We're David Kaplan, Jonathan Hood with you. We've got Shay, we've got Jay Moore, we've got you for three hour ride here on this Wednesday morning. We'll open phone lines for you 3-1-2, 3-3-2 ESPN, 3-3-2-3-7-7-6 is our telephone number. And so cap, last night, we hoped that everybody would able to survive the storms. I know that there was trees down in certain areas around the Chicago land area, but the storm yesterday affected you like some of the other people in the area, but a little bit differently. Would you explain what happened yesterday because I'm following along on Twitter and it sounds like you had a very odd evening. Here's David Kaplan. - I did. So it was a beautiful, warm day. I like the heat. It's great. Getting my steps in outside, worked up a nice lather, and came in to shower. And then I'm gonna go pick my son, Brett, up. We go to dinner at the same place every week. Every week, we're at Greenwood American Kitchen. He gets the burger. I get the chopped salad. Nice relaxing evening. Got the game on, watching the cubbies. - And stop by for autographs we're here to every week now, $10 autograph. Go ahead. - 12. Anyway, we're getting in the car. Walk out, get in the car. And I'm like, I don't know. Getting awfully dark outside. Brett, looks like it's gonna storm. And I can see the temperature has gone from 99 to like 74. Not a good combination. - Chicago. - Drop Brett off. And all of a sudden the sky's open up. I mean, it is raining so hard. And I'm going down the road, and all of a sudden the road's blocked. There's a big tree that has been destroyed. I mean big. - Rollins? - Not tree Rollins. Wow. That's a former NBA player at Shake. We've never heard of Atlanta Hawks. And now I start navigating my way back to the house and there are more trees down and more trees down. I have to go up on the edge of the sidewalk on one road to get around a tree. I'm like, what the, what did a tornado hit here? Now I get a text from my, we have like a group text of neighbors. And my friend Marissa says, do you guys have power? Oh God. And immediately I panic. I'm like, I don't own a house key. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on. Hold on, MacGyver, hold on. - What's that now? You say, what? - I don't have a key to my own house. Have it for 20 years. Live there for 20 years. Don't have a key. - Okay, let's put a pin on that for a second, Cap. That might be normal for you, but to the audience that you don't have a key. Not even handy is kind of insane. - Don't even own one. So. - Oh, but I mean, like, at least just unprintable having a key on hand, you know, put in your console, you know, hiding it in a flower pot. I mean. - No, don't even own one. - All right, so how do you enter your home, Cap? - I go through the garage and into the house. - And turn the alarm off, I'm in. - Okay, so it's just based on the old keypad. That's how you get in. - Correct. - Or my garage door opener, which is synced to my car. - Uh-huh. - Which is dang. - Okay, so, so you're not me. You don't have keys for front and back and other properties. You don't do not. - Okay, so you don't have what I have. - I do not. - You got like 16,000 keys there. - Yes, I'm Schneider from one day to time. I got all the keys here. - Yeah, I don't have any keys. - Okay. - So, I come into our development. I'm coming around the corner and the garbage cans, everybody's front of the house 'cause it was garbage, they all tipped over. Some are in the street. I'm like, sweet mother of God, there must have been. Wow, now I get to another tree that I take you pictures. - Destroy. - Yeah. - What is going on here? Turn in my driveway and I know what's gonna happen. I hit the garage door over. No power, it doesn't go up. - Oh God. - I'm like, okay, I can't get in my garage. - Yeah. - The front door is locked, the back door is locked and I keep the windows locked, especially it was hot. - Sure. - I got a problem here. - Yeah, 'cause you can't get into your own home because you don't have not even a key. - Correct. - Not even hidden on the property. - Correct. - So, I call my wife, she's out of town. Hey, hon, do we have a key hidden around the house? She's like, I do have a spare key, but it's not gonna help you 'cause I explained to her what was going on, why? She said, I happen to leave a key in the garage. - Oh, of course, good place for it right now. - And I said, well, that's not gonna help me. I can't get into the garage. I took pictures, some of the trees down, and I tweeted it, some of these jackaloons. There's a handle on your garage. Just pull the rope and it'll release it so you can manually open the garage. - On the inside. - Yeah, exactly. (laughing) - Right. - And then I get the 40 or so led by jackaloon producer in there. - Who does it carry a key? You need to have a key. - Yeah, thanks, dad. Appreciate that. - Anytime, kiddo. - So, then my wife says, hey, do me a favor, while you're waiting for the power, can you run to jewel for me? I need basil for a caprizy salad I'm making 'cause our kids are gonna be with us this weekend. I'm like, okay. Then it's, oh, make sure you pick up milk for your grandson. Make sure you do, I got a list of like eight things. I'm like, all right, I'll zoom over there, go to jewel. Now it starts raining sideways. I go in, I get the groceries, I put 'em in the car, I get soaked, get back in. I get a really nice text from Sylvie. - Right. - Sylvie, who lives in my neighborhood, like three blocks over? - Yeah. - His power didn't go out. - But yours did. - Like four blocks in my side did. - Yeah. - Sylvie's side, no. - Two Americas there. - Exactly. - This whole conversation is two Americas to me. The whole damn thing is two Americas. - Me two hoodies. - I mean, but I'm willing to listen. So, now what else, now, that was, just this part of the story. I've said for years that your wife is, has that treated you well? - She's the best. - She might be the best on the surface, but as a friend, I'm telling you that she's been really bad to you for a while. I mean, you're in crisis right now. - Han, I need basil, I need milk. I can't even access the home. What is she talking about? - Yeah, she said, what are you doing? I said, I'm watching the Cubs game. Where? - On my phone, in our driveway, in your car. - I have nothing else to do. - That's fine, but Mindy Kaplan's not treating you right. Because right now, it's a crisis. You can't get into your home. The power is out. Oh, while the power is out, just get this laundry list of things that I need. What about me and access to the home? - Nothing she could do. She's hours away. - That's fine, but she, no, but now's the time for errands. - Yeah. - So, she's, you know what? Mindy Kaplan, I would say that you're better than this, but I'm not sure, 'cause this has been a lot of complaints from me about how you're treating my friend. Go ahead. - So horrible. - So, then Mindy says, our friend Dana. - Yeah? - She comes over when Mindy has a meeting and she'll walk our dogs for us. - Oh, you have a dog walker? - Yeah. - Uh-huh. - Go ahead. - She's like 25 minutes from the house. I call voicemail. I'm like, son of a... I call back like five minutes later, 'cause I didn't leave a message. I said, I'll just leave a message. She answers. Hello, yellow. I said, Dana. David Kaplan. Hey, what's up? I said, I need a favor. Do you have a key to our house? I believe so. Hang on. - Yeah, right here. - Said, please, dear God, let that still be the right key, 'cause I wouldn't know. If I drive over to you, where do you live? She tells me, prospect heights. I'm like... - Oh God. - Okay? - Damn. - Text me the address, I'll be there. I need the key. And she said, I'll be waiting outside. Text me when you're close. Text her. - Damn. - Hello? - Hello? (laughing) - Who's this? - It's right here. Come on out. - Who's this? - It's Captain! I need the key! Take that! - So I drive over to her apartment. - Yes. - She's waiting outside the complex, and she's dangling the key. - Huh? - Here you go. Thank you. I was on the phone with you while I picked it up. - Well yes, and the reason why there was a connection between Cap and I was like, I'm just watching the cub game. Socks games rained out. All right, put the cub game on. Center right there in the hood cave. Cardinals over here, another game over there. And I'm just texting Cap about how impressed I am with Pete Croarmstrong. - And I texted back, are you aware what I'm dealing with? 'Cause I had tweeted it, and you said no. - No, it's nice and dry on the south side. There's not a drop. - I call him. Yeah, two Americans. (laughing) I call him, I said, you're not gonna believe this. He's like, who doesn't have a key? Yeah, okay, Shay, thanks a lot. So I get the key, I come back, and you know these bracelets that I wear? - Yes. - For my friend G, who's battling leukemia. She's getting a stem cell transplant coming up, she's going through so much. Her dad reaches out to me. He runs a company, not a locksmith, but for corporate security and all that, he goes, I have a guy, I can have him there in 35 minutes, he's in Rossell. He can pick the lock and get you in. I'm like, hang on, let me see if this key works. So thank you, Graham. The key works, I get in. But I got no power, pitch black in the house. But I have those little battery packs. - True. - So I plug my ring light in, set it up in the kitchen, and I got my ring light, and I streamed hard knocks on my phone. My neighbor calls me. Now I've got, you can look at my Twitter, all these people, how do you not have the key, dude? - My neighbor calls, Jordan, his wife Lauren. He said, "Do you have a ladder?" - Yeah. - You guys locked out, yeah. How do you not have a key, Jordan? - Oh my God. - You've got to have a key. - That's unbelievable. - That's unbelievable. - Take the ladder out. The ladder does is too short, but I have a bigger ladder, but I had to move, having an earth in the garage to get it out. - God forbid. - I get the ladder out, I walk it over. He climbs the ladder to his second story and breaks in through his own window. Text me. - I'm in! - You want to come get the ladder now? No, keep it, I'll get it another day. And then I had to go to sleep, plug my phone into a battery, plug the ring light into a battery, and make sure that I got up. And I did, and at 5.25 this morning, the power came back. - All right. So I know that you're a type of individual that you don't like clutter in your life. - I hate clutter. - That's fine, but a key is not clutter. The idea that you don't have a key on standby is nonsense, Cap. It's not some badge of honor to say, I haven't had a key in 20 years! Ha ha, take that! What does that mean? What award do you get for that? - Well, first of all, what's wrong with having something on standby to just be because of things like this? You know that we're in the summer. You know that we can get these blackouts at any point because of the storm. But you gotta have that standing by. I mean, what if, I don't know if the dog's in Mindio out of town and you can't get into your home? - Okay. - Say the dog walker says, "It's summer, I'm out, take that." - Yeah, sorry, we're on vacation. We're in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. - Yeah. - I'm screwed. - So now you're getting two flights to get to Jackson Hole. - Right. - To get the key. - So what I think I'm gonna do is get a lock on my door that's keypad. - Okay. - So both, something that you can enter with a key and the keypad or? - You don't need a key. It's keypad only. But it's not powered. It is like it's got a battery backup in it. Yeah, you'll be fine. A bunch of people were tweeting out to me about that. - What happens if the battery dies count? - It has a backup to it. - Oh, it's a backup to the backup to the battery. - What ever happened to the plastic rock that sits on the front porch that you pop the key underneath it? - I think it beaking. Rob me, Rob me. (laughing) - Oh, that's a nice-- - You don't think people are-- - That's a awfully nice looking rock right there. Let me see if there's a key underneath it. - You don't think that people are thinking that now. This morning thinking about, hey, enter's a home with a keypad. Just take a look at his fingerprints. Cap, you still need the key. Ah, I'm sorry, Marshall, Lila Kaplan. This jackaloo next to me. Oh, God, laughing at you, having a cup of coffee. (laughing) Why don't you just go to give himself a key? Right there, master lock. Why do you go to true value? Anyway. (laughing) - What's in the paper today? - Exactly. - So-- - Why do you do this to yourself, Cap? Why is your life like this? - I don't. - I mean, you just can't just live a normal life of just saying, hey, the power's on, it's okay. Key entry, got myself a ring light, take that. Just driving back and forth, getting ladders for the neighbor, just like your whole life is a sitcom. - And then Olin calls me. He's like, wow, those are crazy wins. I said, yeah, I'm sitting here in darkness. Are you? He said, yeah, the power's all out, but I have a generator. Why don't you? I said, what do you mean? He's like, it's called a genorac. Power's my whole house. I'm like, all right, you know what? Sorry, Mr. Future Hall of Fame football player. I didn't think of that. - You know, Jaymore, when I tell you, around here is two Americas. I swear to you, two Americas. - And that's one to grow on. (upbeat music) - Who doesn't have a key in 2024? Now we've already had some people-- - More than you think, got a lot of tweets of people. I don't have a key. Let's find, again, this is why we have two Americas here. There's no way that, I would say, Shea, Jaymore, or myself could walk around life and sayin', pullin' up my trouser, sayin', I don't have a key. Proud of it. Take that, America. Who needs a key? That's old school. It is. That's ridiculous. - The only thing I have is the fob to the car. That's it. - For convenience, of course. - Right. - For convenience. Do you have a key? - Do I have a what? - A key for your car. - No, I have a key fob. - Push start. - Yeah. - It's really hoodie, I'm not-- - I have a fob too, but my fob has a key. That's who it is as well. It's inside the fob. - Yeah, you take the little piece of the fob off and there's actually a physical key in it. It's the same in my car as well. - I know, I have my wife's truck right now. No, I don't think this one has a key. - I, this, remember this guy went to Paris? Then he bought a Louis Vuitton bag. Beautiful bag. Big nice white man purse. He could just put something like, I don't know, keys in it. Perhaps headphones, perhaps his powdered electrolytes every morning. Then instead of when I walk in and Jay Moore is throwing things at me. Here's caps headphones. Can you put them on the desk? Here's caps electrolytes. Can you put them on the desk for them? Boy, if only you had a beautiful Louis Vuitton white man purse that you purchased in Paris, you could carry all these things. - I like the convenience of walking around like Conor McGregor though. That's me. That's it. - I've walked around. All I have is my phone and the fob to my car. That's it. - Okay, but then a situation like this occurs yesterday. That's, I mean, you, thank God for the dog walker. - Oh God. - Because again, yeah, you might have had someone trying to get into your house. So do you know that person would have been smooth to get into your, or would there be scrapes on your door to try to get in to get, to garner entry? - So who knows? - I was actually, while I was waiting for her to answer, I, in the rain walked around my house. Which window would be the cheapest? I had to break. - Oh my God. - I'm like, well, I can't break the sliding glass door. God, those are all locked. You know what would have been cheap? A key. - Key. (laughing) - An actual key. - It would have been cheaper to call a locksmith to break into your home. - I had to break a window. - I was to God, I walked up to the front door and I'm like, okay. All right, Felco does doors. What would it cost if I kicked in the front door? - Kicked in. - Yeah. - Now you're injuring yourself. - You're talking about the rock being a beacon that says rob me, rob me. - What's a disattached doorframe? - Right. - Someone broke into the Kaplan's house. Call the police. (laughing) - Oh. - No, that was me. No, it's all right, officer, it was me. You're the owner of the home? - Yeah, David Kaplan. Captain Jay Hood, recap on YouTube. You're under arrest. Oh God. (laughing) You have an ID? No, because I don't like to carry anything around. I don't have ID, sir. Oh God. (laughing) - Now things will suck. - Yeah, now becomes full circle because he's got nothing on him. - Great. - It's just, I mean, again. Cap, I understand convenience. But common sense has to be able to be part of this. You can't be going around just like proud, pounding your chest that you don't have a key. It should be right there some place on the property just in case or as mom used to do, give it to the across the street neighbor. - Yeah, we talk. - Take care of it. - Jordan, Lauren, and I were standing in front of the house while we were trying to get the ladder unfolded for him. And she said, I'm gonna go to Home Depot tomorrow and have a key made for our house. How about if I give one to you? For their house, you have one made and give it to us. - That's an interesting idea. - They're very nice people. - I mean. - They can't believe they wouldn't have a key to their own house. - This is at, it's gonna be at some point your kids are gonna have to intervene and step in and just have a conversation with you and Mindy. - We're with all the kids this weekend. And I know I'm gonna get blessed. - I think it's time for them to have just a full circle moment, just sit down with dad, mom. Listen, you're getting up in age now. You got circumstances like this, that'll be all. - My daughter lost all three of Maggie, Maggie, and Jenny, all texting me. - Jenny, you're welcome to come up to our house. No, I'm good, thanks. - It's unbelievable. Cap locked out of his own home, no key. Shane, could you put this on the pole, please? At ESPN 1000, do you own a key to your home? Yes or no? - Or do you, at least do you carry it? - Do you carry a key for your home? - It's gotta be 80/20, yes, would be my guess. - Let's see, you know, I asked a question not for the 80, but for the Russian bot to give you the 20. That's why I'm there for you. - There's plenty, I guarantee you, that we'll call in here, 3-1-2-3-3-3-2-3-7-7-7-6, let's say they don't carry a key. - That's fine, but that's wrong too. They're wrong too, you gotta be able to have a backup plan. - Well, I figure, I found something out. I'm gonna get a backup battery to the keypad, to the garage. (laughing) - I got Tyson Beijing. - Yeah, it's amazing, Jay Moore, like this guy is so heavily reliant on technology and set up just the meat and potatoes, the way of getting into a home for years and years and years. I don't know, a key, no, technology. - Oh God, it's dark here, what do I do? (laughing) - Cap and Jay Hood, weekday morning, seven to 10. (dramatic music) - Truth or the matter is, you're listening to Cap and Jay Hood on ESPN 1000, weekdays, seven to 10 a.m., but it'll last a lifetime. - It may only be three hours a day, but it'll last you a lifetime. (audience groaning) ♪ I am the keys, keys, keys, keys ♪ ♪ I am the keys, keys, keys ♪ ♪ I am the keys, keys, keys ♪ ♪ I am the keys, keys, keys ♪ - Yes, we're talking about keys. - Funny guy in there. - Hey, Moore. (laughing) - What a long little DJ callin' in the morning. Cap and Jay Hood, weekdays morning, seven to 10, here at ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. Here's hopin' that you're gonna have a great Wednesday. My partner here with all the storms, we hope everybody's got their power back and try to get their lives back after that bad storm again. South, we didn't get rain 'til about 8.20, 8.25, but we did not have Latin, South Shore, those kind of storms that was knockin' down trees in that, but yeah, so my partner here goes without a key. I mean, again, if you have a key pad cap, if that's how the home is made, that's fine, but I know that there is a key entry in your home, you just didn't have it. And I'm saying that you should always have at least a key standing by. - Right, I do not own a key. Let me say that again. My wife has a key. I do not have not in 20 years. - Yes. - Had a key. And this happened a couple years ago, a year or two ago, and same Jackaloon Spike. Oh, for heaven's sakes, just clear it out, Harry. Oh, for God. I know you didn't have any power, but it doesn't mean that you couldn't drink water. - So, bourbon. - The, all these Jackaloon friends of mine, why didn't you use the key pad on the garage door, my guy, John Z? - Because I had no electricity. - Does John Z know how to listen to a radio? - He's listening. - Okay, okay, the whole story was about how there was no power in the home. - Correct. - John, correct, no power. That's why he could not get entry into his home. - Here's another buddy of mine. He says, "Had to check my own car key ring while I was listening. Two car fobs, a bottle opener, no house key." - It's fine. Again, two Americas. - From Matt. I mean, there's a bunch of them. - That's fine, Cap. But again, if you do have the access to a key, again, you have to have a backup because technology, I know we're so reliant on everything technology. But things could happen, right? We did not have it. We thought that we had to go through this and Y2K, that everything would be shut down. It did not, going into the year 2000. But you still have to have a backup plan. That's all I'm saying. The idea that you had to drive across to prospect heights to get a key from a dog walker. - Wow, Christ. - 3-1-2-3-3-2-ESV is our phone number. Rolando is in Libertyville on the cap in Jhood. Rolando, good morning. - Good morning, how are you? - Good, thank you. - Rolando. - Yeah, I'm with the hoodie. Unbelievable, Cap. Got to have a key. You can get my hoodie over. Get a little creative. Can this a property? Maybe not a bearish dome or something or a bird feeder. You can figure it out. I have full confidence and I help you out. - Thank you. I don't have any. I don't even know. They got full access to your house. - That's true? - No, I have an alarma. - Yeah? - Yeah. - And then? - So if they were to get access, I got an alarm, like a Fort Knox. And there's nothing of value in there. - That's not true. - Okay, what? You gonna get a TV for me? - Emmys. Wow. (laughing) - I'm gonna get those Emmys. I put them up on my wall. Hey, Cap, how's it going? - They took my Emmys. - They did? - Mm, sad. - Wow. - Take that. (laughing) - So, all the pain plaques? - That's up. - Yeah. - So, I'm gonna have to, and Rolando, thanks man, appreciate you. I'm gonna have to get a couple keys made. - Just off to the side, just in case. - That I'm gonna have to do, that's one, and two, I think I'm gonna have to get a battery backup for the garage door. - You just never know. - Never know. - That's all, that's all this whole exercise is for, to say, hey man, just in case this happens, have this ready. Instead of, I don't have a way to access my own home, and then the wife says, oh, you can't get in, here's a laundry list for the jewels. What? That ain't right. How about a plan? Her plan is, get fresh milk for the baby. - Right. - Get out of here. She doesn't treat you right. Back to the phone lines we go, he said love to. - Wow. - Lake Forest, Andy's on ESPN 1000, Andy. Good morning. - Good morning everybody. - What's up? - How are you guys? I listen to ESPN all day long, so it's a lot of fun, but I'm with Cap. Although last night I was thinking I need to get a key and hide it somewhere, but- - So you're like me, you don't carry a key? - Not at all, just a key fob, that's all I got. - That's same here, that's it. How about that, let's go out and get drinks. I know a key family. Take that. - When hoodie put out all of keys, I'm like, why would you walk around with all that stuff? - Exactly. - Who wants to walk around like Schneider from one day on time? - And Andy, are you sure that I do? - Well, I don't know, you have waved him around, you put him in your backpack, I'm just making that assumption. - Yeah, well, it's not in my pocket when I sit down for dinner. - That's true. - Yeah, I got enough things protruding out of me, I wouldn't want to have keys doing that too. - By the way, the burger greenwood, I put that up against any burger around it. - Oh, it is spectacular. - That'll be fine. - Yeah, you're the man, Andy. - Thank you very much. - Spectacular burger, double cheese, oh my God. - There we go. - Incredible. - Good to hear from Andy from Lake Forest. - There you go. - And now he leaves line open, 3-1-2-3-2-E-S-P as our full number. On '94 is Derek on cap and J-hood, Derek, good morning. - Hey, good morning. - What's up? - Yeah, Cap, you mentioned that you're gonna, now get a backup battery for your keypad. The problem is it's your garage door. Oh, the electricity, so the backup battery is kind of pointless. - Is it? - Wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm talking about like a battery backup to get the door up. I would assume it would power both. - Well, I mean, that's a backup generator, basically for your garage door opener. - Yeah, I need to go, how much is a generator? - Whatever it is. - Whatever it is, you've got it. - Go ahead. 'Cause I mean, instead of getting a key, get a generator, same price probably. - Well, it would power the house. - Right. - But it also would make sure that the food didn't spoil it. - That's right. - Like, if the power wasn't on yet, eventually the food's gonna spoil in the freezer and in the refrigerator, so it kind of pays for itself. - Yep, and you see Olin Crews there at the top of the hill. - What's going on, kid? - Oh, I've got a generator, ha, ha, ha, you don't, hmm. - Yeah, and I said to him, he's like, I got the chainsaw and I'm cutting the tree down that's blocking my driveway. I'm like, he's out of his mind. - I'm like, you are? He's like, yeah, he's out of his mind. - He goes, you don't have a chainsaw? No, where are you powering it? Oh, I've got a generator rack, tell you. - This is the best. - Guy and Twitch chats offering to install a generator at your home cap, 10 kilowatts for eight grand. - How much? (laughs) - $8,000. - Okay. - You've got it? - I'll pass. - It's no problem. - Eight grand for a generator. They can't cost that much. - From a person on Twitch, willing to do that? - I just googled, I googled Generac. They start around 4,000. - Oh God. - Coming up, more of your phone calls, 3-1-2-3-2-3-2. - Generac protector, protect your whole house. - 17 grand. - That's no problem. - I'll pass. - Don't you have a, don't you have a Generac guy? - No. - I think we all do, don't we? - Can we get him as a sponsor, Danny? - So, there you have it. More of your phone calls, can we have also still to come? Some thoughts about Hard Knocks last night for the Bears. On the Captain Jay Hood Morning Show. - Checkmate 1-6-Lany of suppression on target. - That's why I see him in my shot. - Shot. - Or no shot, with Captain Jay Hood on ESPN 1000 and ESPN Chicago at. - That's why I see him in my shot. - Good morning and welcome in to the Captain Jay Hood Morning Show on ESPN 1000. And we're streaming on the ESPN Chicago app, with David Capla and Jonathan Hood with you. Now time for Shot or No Shot. Courtney Cronard at 835. Here's Shay Norlin, Shay. - Good morning boys, on a Wednesday, how we feeling? - Feeling great, man. - Awesome, man. - Feeling great. - Powerback, let's go! - Yes, you do have Powerback app, yes you do. - Yeah, and the poll that is out, Shay said it'll be over 85%. - I said 80-20. - Oh, 80. Right now, 74.3% said yes, of course they have a key. - Yeah, all precincts have not voted just as of yet, but too early, too early to call for the moment. - John King is breaking it down by block in certain counties. - Shay, I understand your dismay about this Hard Knocks that we've seen with the Chicago Bears. And it's kind of like what we've known all along is that the Chicago Bears are just not gonna show you all the good behind-the-scenes stuff that we have seen in the past with Hard Knocks is just not gonna happen with this team. This is a line that the McCaskys have drawn in the sand for this. There were certain points of the show that I liked yesterday. Obviously, there's nothing like a mother's love when Ian Wheeler realized that he tore his ACL and his mom's just like devastated because in her mind, it's over. But as you saw, the sit-down with Ryan Polls and Ian Wheeler, it's like, it's not over. You just have to rehab and we'll get back out there next year. But as far as the fight that you were talking about with us in the meeting, I didn't expect to see it because this is how the Bears have done business with this show. - Yeah, I didn't really expect to see it. I was hoping I would see it. It would be a welcome change to the way they've done Hard Knocks. Instead, hoodie, we got multiple minutes of players visiting the Sears Tower with kind of corning Ferris Bueller references. We got a montage of Caleb spiking the football practice and clock killing drills. More Travis Bajan, he's gonna get cut royalties for this show with how much screen time he's gotten. The cat mentioned Roma Dunes at the grocery store. I would like a little bit more football. I think the result of the sanitized version we've gotten, shot or no shot, this is the most boring Hard Knocks season you've watched. - No shot because it's my favorite team. So it's cool that the Bears are out there. I do not disagree with you that it's overly sanitized. I'm cool that you want to cut the majority that profanity out. But the fact that they got into a fight in practice that should not have been sanitized out. This is part of training camp. - I have to think about the ones that I've seen that I thought that were just subpar. I just know that this is the cleanest that I've seen shaved. Probably be a shot. I didn't think the Giants were very good. I think it was more revealing in an exposé on the Giants business more than anything else. But if nothing else, it was interesting that behind the scenes calls that they were making. And in capsule, the shopping spree, Roma Dunes was with former Sun-Times columnist John Jackson. - No. - They were in there together. - No. - No. - So that was John Jackson. I was on and they were there together and they were trying to-- - For John Jackson. This guy's like 21 years old from USC. The other guy's like 65 and was a former beat writer. - I don't think that's right. But we saw John Jackson and Roma Dunes they together and John was there. They're trying to pick out the certain, you know, flavors and stuff and-- - Yeah. And everything at Woodman's is immense. You can't imagine how big it is. And it is like a Costco of groceries. Everything is much less expensive but they don't take credit cards, except a debit card or maybe discover. Maybe that's their thing. - Discover. - Yes. - They don't gas there. It's, yeah. Sylvia and I live right near this place. - Do they take cash? - They do take cash. - Oh, wow. - How about that? They still take cash. - They take cash, debit and discover. You cannot use Visa, you cannot use MasterCard, you can't use Amex, none of that. - Very specific. - Right. But everything's more inexpensive. So, yeah. - Here's Shane Orley. Right yesterday on social media, hypothetical three team trade involving the bears, got some traction. Here's the idea. 49ers and Ravens each have some problems that they have to work out. Bears could be the beneficiary of it. 49ers would receive a first round pick and Rashad Bateman from Baltimore. Baltimore would give up a first round pick and receive Brandon Iuch. Meanwhile, the Bears would give up a second round pick in Braxton Jones and get back all pro left tackle Trent Williams who is 36 years old. Shot or no shot? If you could, you would trade for Trent Williams. - That's a no shot. - Okay, Trent Williams is the best left tackle in the National Football League. - Yep. - The best. Okay, he wants how much money? - I don't know what the number is. His problem right now is that he has three years left on his deal without any guaranteed money. So, if he gets hurt, they can just cut him and pay him nothing. - Okay, and what was the three? Tell me the deal again, I'm sorry. - So, the Bears side of it is you're giving up a second round pick in Braxton Jones and getting back Trent Williams. - And he's how old? - 36. - That's a no shot. - No shot, I'm not doing that. - And I gotta guarantee a bunch of money for a 36 year. Again, he's an absolute upgrade. He may be the best today, the best left tackle in football. He's right there with Laramie Tunsell and a few others. But I gotta give up Braxton Jones who's just coming into his own. I gotta pay this dude a ton of guaranteed money and heaven forbid he blows an ACL. Yeah, no, I'm not doing that. - It's a no shot on several fronts, Cap. It's a no shot because the only way you make that deal is you feel like for sure you're getting to the Super Bowl. Like, that's the missing ingredient on the offensive left. - Yeah, we could put one more piece on the offensive. But how, again, he's an upgrade. - No doubt, but how big an upgrade is he versus a young guy who knows your system, has been in camp, you got a good vibe going in there. Like, if you told me he was 29, it done, let's go. 36? - No, the only way I do that, again, on several fronts is, is that one, I know that once I acquire him now, I'm getting to the Super Bowl or I'm gonna definitely have a long run in the playoffs because he's there because that's the investment that you made. - The other thing is, though, is that, again, on the wrong side of 30, that matters, Cap, because how many hits does he have left? At 36. - Okay, six, five, three, 18. Let me ask you a question. How many hits does he have left at age? - You never know. - Okay, so that's it. - That's it. - What if they said to you- - Oh, oh, death blow. - Just saying, in KV 36 years old in the NFL, the next hit could always be the last. - Exactly. For any of all of us. - How many bumps do you have on your bump card? If he has one, that's not good. - What if they said, we don't need Braxton Jones, we just want a second round pick? - No, it's just the age and that is just not a shot for me. I can't do it. - He's a hell of a fool. - No question. No question. And by the way, people will hear what they want to hear. We're not saying that Braxton Jones is a better player. We're saying he's a younger player. That at the fifth round in which they acquired him in the draft, he's actually been pretty damn good. The general manager likes them very much. He sees him as an underdog just like polls wasn't he played. - Let me ask you a question. Here's a great question for you. Shot or no shot, you would rather have the bear situation. Right now, today, I could drop their roster in Lake Forest, or I could pick up the 49ers and drop their roster in the Lake Forest. - Who's coaching them? - Shanahan. - It's coaching the 49ers. - Oh, I think. - The whole thing comes here, their thing. Our thing goes there. I would not take the four. What is the 49ers one? And they don't have I-Uke, they don't have Trent Williams. And I think Caleb will be a better player than Brock Purdy. I'm not doing that. - I guess the point of that question is, is like you have guys that have skins on the wall. Yeah, they haven't won the Super Bowl cap, but you look at that personnel. It's more proven personnel than what the bears have. But again, no left tackle, no star receiver. These guys want, and rightly so, a ton of money. And all of a sudden you're like, hold on a second. I gotta pay Purdy how much coming up here? And the bears have a young, like number one overall quarterback. Best wide receiver room, maybe in the NFL. They're right there with whoever it does. No, I'm not doing it. I'll build with what I got. - That's fine. But at the same time, the 49ers are a top five team in the NFC. - They're not disagreeing. - But it's based on the personnel and based on what they've done. They have playoff experience. The head coach has playoff experience. And the bears don't have a lot of that on this roster. Like if I'm trying to win tomorrow, Shay, it's the 49ers. - Yeah, if it's a one year agreement, I would take the Niners, 'cause they're in a nowhere-never situation. - But wait a minute, what if there's no IU can no Trent Williams? - I'm still not sure that's gonna be the case. Like I imagine push comes to shove. Both of those guys are going to play snaps for the Niners. - According to Jeremy Fowler, Williams has made it clear. He will not return to the team until his contract is adjusted. - And they got, what, 12 days left to figure that out? - I mean, for the long-term projection, you like to have the younger roster. And if that's the case, you take the Packers. And the youngest, they've got the youngest roster in the conference. In the vision of nothing else. - I just threw up in my mouth. - I'm just saying. Like, for the long-term projection, you want younger guys, right? That can be just gonna be with you for five years. The Packers have the youngest roster in the division. - Valid point, but the 49ers, Trent Williams, the last time he appeared in their building was the last day of the 23 season when they got eliminated in the playoffs. That's it. That is it. They said he came in the next day. Did his locker clean out, eggs in every other guy, has not been back since. Dude, that's almost nine months. - So what was that? The day after the Super Bowl? - Yeah, I probably take the Niners. - Yeah, okay. - The one-year only. - And he's not there, and Iuke is not there. No, I'm not. I'll take the situation I got. - To Cap's point, though, like the whole, we talk a lot about sustained success, I don't really know that it exists in the NFL. It's a league that's built to punish you for success. We've really only seen it if you have one of the two best quarterbacks who's ever played in the history of the game, like the Chiefs and the Patriots did. Otherwise, it doesn't exist. Like the Niners are kind of the model of sustained success. What have they got out of it? Their trophy case is empty. - Right, and don't forget people go, "Who's gonna sit out of season?" Trent Williams sat out the 2019 season in Washington. They would not pay him what he wanted. He did not play. He sat the entire year. He's done it. All-pro the last three seasons, 11 consecutive pro balls, other than 2019. - Well, you got your answer, right? - I'll keep the bear. - Yeah. - All right, Jay, what else do we have? - Bleacher report wrote up, "One trade every team should consider before the season starts." It was a fun one for the Bears. Trade for Joe Flacco. - Flacco, we know, had a bit of a resurgence in Cleveland last year. Ended up winning comeback player of the year. It moves to Indianapolis. He's now backing up Anthony Richardson. But shot, we're no shot. You'd rather have Beijing. - Ah, that's a shot. - Yeah, that's an absolute shot. Absolute shot. Now, Flacco's resume, obviously, is tremendous. But again, you think about the younger asset. Like, you know, if that's the case, Captain, the Bears should have been in on Tenahill. Ryan Tanahill is still on the market. - Still at home? - Yeah, just waiting. - But he's only going from what we've read again. He's only going to go somewhere where he feels like he has a chance to compete to play. - Yeah, and that's just not happening. - He said, "I'm not coming in to be a caddy for a young quarterback." - Yeah, he's running the Flacco play. He knows somebody's going to get hurt, and somebody will pay him to be a starter at some point in the season. - Correct. Hats off to Flacco, though, because he buried the Bears' chances. - He did. - Coming off the couch. That's just amazing. - Amazing. - I mean, Browns, I think they worked with, what, four quarterbacks last year to try to get to where they were. That's amazing. So, no, I would say, "Beigeance." Because it's not even based on preseason, Cap. It's just that a young man who's had four starts. I'm mixed bag, of course. I'm mixed bag when he was a starter. But here's a guy here that I believe that knows a playbook and is not embarrassing if he's out there. He's not going to wet the bed. And we've seen that he's not going to do that. Except the LA game. OK. Whoa. Tough. Tough. - All right. Aaron Judge, Juan Soto, putting together a historic tandem season in New York, both players on pace to crush the 40-home run mark. It would be the 33rd time in history that teammates eclipsed 40 home runs on the same team. It even prompted I don't know if you saw it this week to write an article comparing them to the historic Yankee duos. Like Ruth and Gary and wondering the mantle duos, wondering if this could be the best duo in MLB history. That was the question at Aaron Judge and Juan Soto. I started digging through some of the numbers. The two of them are on pace for 109 combined home runs. The White Sox as a team currently today have 108. If you add in young Carlos Stanton, those three Yankees hitters are at 111. They've hit three more home runs than the entire Sox team. Shot or no shot. Aaron Judge, Juan Soto, and Giancarlo Stanton will finish with more home runs than the entire White Sox team. That's a shot. Absolute shot. Giancarlo Stanton would be the best slugger on almost any other team in baseball. Maybe not the Phillies. They got Schorber and Harper and Castellanos. But what power bat do the Cubs have? Like real power. Like Zucheel finished with 20, haps up there. Ballinger's not going to get to 20. Swanson's not getting to 20. Giancarlo Stanton? Yeah. That's a shot that they'll have more home runs than the White Sox team combined. Judge and Soto as a 1-2 punch. This should not even be a conversation in New York. As far as whether or not Soto's going to stay a Yankee or not. Look at the numbers, Cap. Look at the numbers. What did we read a couple of years ago? The athletic piece about Soto, the next what? The next Ted Williams. The next Ted Williams. Yeah. And he's 25 or 6 years old. You know, Cap, if baseball had that big spotlight like he used to, one Soto would be like one of the biggest stars in all of sports. If baseball had the same acclaim it used to, because the whole spotlight back in the day would have been on the Yankees but definitely Soto. Right now it's, you know, for baseball, it's O'Tani, great. We talk about my homes a lot. What's happening in basketball with Steph Curry and all the LeBron. But one Soto in 1980, think about that. When football was kind of off to the side, could you imagine the kind of like hype there would be around one Soto in the way he plays and Aaron Judge. What a player. So 88 home runs combined between judge and Soto. And then you said add the stand in 23 home runs on top of that. Yep, they're at 111 and the Sox are at 108. Three guys on the same team at 111 and the Sox are at 108. That's incredible. Now, again, let's put in perspective, they're hitting these home runs in which, in a year in which it's supposed to be about the pitcher, how that the baseball is not being hit as hard or it's, you don't get as much power as used to because the guy that's coming into the game in the sixth and seventh inning is throwing 102 miles an hour. So in the era where it's supposed to be about the pitcher, those guys don't care. Correct. Think about it. Oh, batting averages. Bam. There goes another one. That's just incredible power. And if the Yankees don't win the World Series, which I think Baltimore could get there and win the AL this year, then I mean, that's just all lost. That's great numbers. But was that safe for the team? I think the Astros are going to the World Series. That would be coming out of nowhere, by the way, because they were really behind early. They were. But now they're really tough. Yeah. So that's something. All right. We go around the NFL, Courtney Cronin with the latest on the Bears at 835. Tap and Jay Hood on ESPN 1000 also on our YouTube channel, follow Chicago's home for sports on Twitch at ESPN 1000 Chicago. Captain Jay Hood are back on Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. And it's time to go around the NFL right here on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app, we'll hear from Courtney Cronin, who covers the Bears at 835 around the NFL. Here's Shane Worling, Shane. All right, Hoodie, I want to start this by singing the praises of Ryan Poles a little bit before I contextualize it by pre-season firing a GM in the division. In the division. Okay. Ryan Poles all 18 of his draft picks that came in the first five rounds made the roster yesterday. That's a pretty good sign that your general manager is doing something right. And part of that is he didn't cut valus Jones, who was probably right on the bubble retains his guy rather than kicking him to the curb. But it's a pretty good sign when you've drafted 18 players in the first five rounds in your limited time as the general manager, and they are all on the roster. Sure. That cannot be said for the Minnesota Vikings. And Questia Dofomenza, the general manager there, he better hope this last draft was a good one or he's going to get fired yesterday. They cut hoodies guy, Georgia Bulldog, Lewis Cine, former first round pick in 2022. The first first round pick, Questia Dofomenza ever made lasted two seasons and got cut. Safety cap part hitting safety. That's a sign your GM is really bad. You pick a guy in the first round. They get a four year deal and a fifth year option. You cut him after year two. You did a real bad job. Now, you know, this is one of those guys cap that's heavy on the analytics, heavy on the analytics. Hey, trans face off PFF crates. That's exactly right. Okay. Hang on a second, good GMs. If a guy doesn't fit the scheme, guy doesn't turn out to be the character they want, they move on. Well, my player, I got to keep him so Shane Norling's not ripping me on the radio. If he doesn't think the guys are going to fit into his culture or on his roster, you move on. At some point he's going to get judged by wins and losses. I'm sure his ownership, knowing they lost Kirk Cousins, is cool with we're going to take a step back this year and reset. But if he doesn't think those guys fit, tip your cap to a guy who has the balls to do that. Kayla Jones. Here's Shane Norling. I'm just like him, man. I don't think he was on the bubble. I do not. I think he was making this football team. They like his speed and his athleticism. I'm just making a point cap that you draft a guy in the first round, you're making a five year commitment, four year minimum. To cut him after two seasons means you whiffed worse than maybe anybody else in the league with your first round pick. That's untenable. That cannot happen twice. And this is not just one bad pick that Questia Dofel mens has made. They've heavily invested through the draft in defense, defensive backs, linebackers, tackles. How many sacks do you think Questia Dofel mens had drafted from 2022 to 2023? Two drafts. How many sacks? Ten? Nine. Zero point zero. No sacks. Zero sacks out of the draft. Oh boy. Five defensive backs. How many turnovers do you think he's drafted? Zero. Three. Wow. You better hope this draft is good, man, or you are gone. Take that biking, Scott. Wow. Yeah, not good. Handing out your blue and orange packs. He's got to understand biking, Scott, who called us yesterday, Cap. It's about talent and evaluating talent and then plugging that talent in. He thinks he can just automatically just get in the playoffs with Sam Darnay. Put anybody back there. Huh? Anybody give me the quarterback. Anybody can sack the quarterback. You got to have talent. The way Paul's stacked this is his, it's his built to last, it's opposed to the built to last. And again, Shay, if he doesn't win, he's getting fired. That's a hundred percent. If he doesn't win over the next one, he better show progress next year. This year they're not winning. Well, this year they lost their first round quarterback. Everybody expects them to win. But look, man, if Dallas Turner goes out and doesn't have five, six sacks and show you what he's supposed to be out of Alabama, first round edge rusher, you whiff on another first round pick, that'll be all. That's right. Michael Jurgens is from Wake Forest down the line, but Dallas Turner has to be something. Kyrie Jackson, the corner from Oregon, has to be something. Those guys are watched. Yeah. Walter Rousey, offensive tackle from Oklahoma. I watched him. Yeah. You got to be something. Just down the line, but something has to develop for the Vikings, but this is a transition year for them for me. Agreed. And Jay Jay McCarthy, if he pans out and looks like he's a player, it will go a long way to keeping him as the GM. Draft is now salvaged. Correct. But then you get away to year for that, right? For McCarthy? Yep. You won't play this year. Okay. We doubt. All right, Shay, give us something else, please. Brad Biggs writing just about 10 minutes ago, the Bears are going to need to find a replacement for their long snapper. Patrick Scales is going on injured reserve. He's scheduled to have a back surgery to correct a disc issue tomorrow. Going on IR means minimum four games. Biggs writing six weeks here for Scales. That matters. Right. And so buddy, my guys, Phil and Shane, tape never lies. Love them. They just said, also, Scott, daily a former Lions snapper. How long was you with your Lions, Shay? I couldn't tell you. So he's got experiences, what I'm saying. Sure. They're looking at him to emerge as the long snapper. Patrick Scales, someone you don't have to worry about until there's an injury. It's like, oh, just like the sun comes up the morning, you know, that guy's going to get the job done. Well, that was like Pat Manley. Same thing. Pat Manley, who I love, like he said, you should never, ever hear my name called because if you do, I screwed up. Yeah. That's the job, Eric. That's what you want. Long snapper. Be there for 15 years, but million five. Nope. I think Pat Manley told me his top salary was 785,000, but he played for a long time. You can work with that. Yeah. That's no problem. Yeah. I can work with that. But I always have a job. I got to do one thing right. Okay. I can do that. Right. And then he ended up his hip. I think he had to have his hip replaced. And he was done. Nice scales is having a back injury, so he's out for a while. My favorite thing in bourbonade is to watch the special teams over to the side away from everybody else. They do a couple of their drills and then they set up the umbrella and then have the lawn chairs out and just watch everyone else. We're done for the day, boys. Yes. Hey, could somebody run a dairy queen? We got our job done. It's all good. Well, all the best of scales, because you don't want that screwed up. Special teams got to be right. Did you say bourbonade? When we were in bourbonade? We were there. Yeah. You don't see that like forest now. You got to stand it because people are watching back in bourbonade. That's what I remember. Just those guys under a nice umbrella or on a side field back. They can't see us over here. Take that. Little beverage. Okay. One more real quick. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody kind of looks at the Titans game as soft landing for the bears. Titans did something interesting yesterday. The Rams couldn't come to an agreement with their star linebacker Ernest Jones, who was also their defensive captain. So they traded him to the Titans. Anybody who's out there as a bears fan looking at this week one game against the Titans and going, thank God, we got a soft landing. If I were you, I would correct the way you're looking at that game. Just prepare yourself to be in a little bit of a hell match up with a Tennessee team. Everybody thinks is terrible, except for them. A rookie in this first game, even the Kansas City Chiefs went to Caleb Williams on hard knocks. Like, so you're not nervous when you're out there, huh? Okay. We'll see this here. Do you recall seeing that scene? I do. It's like their question in Caleb Williams, like, you haven't been nervous since high school? Yeah. Okay. Good luck to you. They didn't believe him. No. Good luck. They didn't believe him. I do think the bears will win that game, but I think people are thinking like, well, we're going to go out and stomp them. I'd be careful. Went out and got a luxurious need on the defensive backfield, one of the best corners in football. They are not moving like a team that thinks they're going to be bad. I think Shane Norling might have hit plus four and a half against Tennessee. You think? A little teaser when we start the picks next week. I just, from that analysis cap, you always listen very closely, right? You listen very closely, as we always say, listen with a third year, third year. This man here has already clicked Tennessee plus four and a half. God bless. Good luck. Courtney Cronin with the latest on the bears coming up next, cap and J hood on Chicago's home for the bears.