The Cārvāka Podcast

Students Protest In Canada

In this podcast, Kushal speaks with Daniel Bordman, Sangita Iyer, and Darshan Maharaja about the recent "student" protests in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia.

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2h 6m
Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
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[Music] Now sir everyone, welcome to the Charvak Podcast. This is Kushal Mehra. So, once again, it is time for another episode of Canada. Usually you see the wonderful face of Daniel Boardman with me, but this time I have decided to expand the panel just to give everyone a brief background of what we are going to be discussing today. I've been a political commentator or a social commentator for now a good decade plus, but never in my life have I come across something as I am controlling my laughter, something as stupid as what we are about to discuss today because I have never seen students protesting outside multiple colleges or whatever you want to call them in any country where they don't even speak the native language of their country when they are making student protest videos. But today we are going to be talking about this subject, there is apparently some student protest happening all across Canada and I have Daniel Boardman, Sangita Ayer and Darshan Maharajar to discuss with it. Welcome everyone. Thank you for having me. So Daniel, how about this? Let's start with you. Later on the protest. I love this. So, I mean, this started, I mean, there's new rules coming in with capping foreign temporary workers. So, you can understand where they are approaching, but like mixed in all this system of human trafficking, sorry, immigration, is like these schools and students are a big part of the money laundering human trafficking system we call immigration laws. But the students have started to protest because I guess the society is broken down for literally anything. So, now we have students, the best protest is in Brampton at a Goma College. The students failed their computer science degrees, failed their courses, and then we're protesting because they still wanted to pass their courses and receive a degree, even though they failed, and then they will bell curved or a lot of them are bell curved up into passing. So, we just have this. But you have student protests going all over Canada and the more serious ones, if there are more serious ones, are basically making the case that, hey, we came here for a temporary student visa and the conditions were clearly that we had to go back afterwards, and now Canada saying, yeah, those conditions have to go back. They're protesting to say, no, this student visa that I have to go to a fake school, like the one handing out computer science degrees like the candy, this should qualify me as a temporary foreign worker because I have a degree in nothing, and I should stay in Canada indefinitely. So, that is what the lesson saying protests are just the immigration law shouldn't apply to me, and I want to, I want my bullshit student visa to turn into a permanent residency, and that from all the way down to, I didn't pass the class, but I wanted degree anyway. This is what we're dealing with from the international students. So, my follow-up question to you, Daniel, is that in the year 2001, when I came to Canada, my story is this. I actually had a fully paid scholarship to go to the United States of America, Michigan Tech University, but the visa officer did not grant me my student visa for some odd reason, and then I ended up coming to study in Canada. Now, lo and behold, even Canada was not even my first option when it came to studying, even America was like first option in the year 2001. I come here, I start studying, I finish my education, I get the hell out of here, I go back, I take whatever I wanted to, I learned whatever I wanted to. I went back, I, I was living in India, and got married to a Canadian later on, we were living in India, and it's only three years ago, due to a personal family tragedy that I started visiting Canada again. I had not visited Canada from the year 2014 to the year 2022. For eight years, I had not even visited Canada, but I knew something that was happening in Canada. Why did I know this is because I'm Punjabi, I knew what was happening in Canada, and that's the thing. Even if you are a Punjabi who does not live in Punjabi, you follow Punjabi news and all of this. And then when I finally took the permanent residency of Canada this year, yes, lo and behold, I was married to a Canadian for 17 years, and there are some of us who don't take permanent residency too. I only took it this year, but I find it very unique, myself in a very unique position where I kind of understand where the students are coming from. A lot of students I know are saying that they've been gone. Now what, what I would like to do is, now I want to come to Darshan here. Darshanji, what exactly is the scam? What, what are the students alleging? I'm not able to understand, because first of all, they're making videos in Punjabi. So maybe I understand what they're feeling, but what exactly is the scam all about? Well, the root of the scam is in the fact that the conditional promise of student visa that some students may get permanent residency is being sold as a guarantee instead of a conditional promise. Over in India and mostly in Punjab, and there are other states also at play, Haryana, Gujarat, etc. But largely you see the maximum numbers from Punjab and Punjabi speaking community of Haryana. So they are selling a guarantee that once you go there on a student visa, the word 'paka' comes in which means permanent, that you will be made 'paka'. And if there are any obstacles, then we have ways to navigate you around those obstacles. So the kids who are coming here are coming on the assumption that they are going to spend the rest of their lives here. Although they have signed on their application that once their study is over, they will leave Canada. So the gap between the actual documentation and government policy on one hand and their expectation on the other is what is causing this conflict. So the expectation over here, so I don't understand this. So was I stupid when I came here in 2002, I went back to India? Was I stupid to do that? Yeah, I mean from viewed from a certain lens, yes, you were stupid because having got the opportunity to permanently settle in Canada, you let it go. And even after marrying a Canadian citizen later on, you did not realize that fate had given you a second chance at hitting the gold mine. So you stayed put in India, so that makes you stupid because the underlying thinking here, and there are two separate streams of thought, or schools of thought in India. People who are doing well, if you suggest to them that they should move to Canada, they laugh at me. Seriously, I mean, I have experienced it myself and I have friends who have experienced it themselves, one of them went to India, he is from the Marathi state city of Pune, and he tried approaching this issue with the friends in his circle and they all laughed at him. They said, are we crazy to go there and brave that weather and grind ourselves out all over our lives, and then gain nothing in the end, we are comfortable here. So that is one stratum. And the other stratum is people who have either no prospects of bright future in India, or who have convinced themselves that their future will be better in Canada. They are the ones like, just today I posted on Twitter about this young guy who had paid equivalent of 55,000 Canadian dollars to some agent in India. I'm told it was all paid in cash, so there is no evidence. But I was told that he came here on an LMI year to work a job and then he was told that there is no job, you have to friend for yourself, work on cash, we'll run your payroll, just to show that everything is hunky-dory. So, as you have pointed out Kushalji, that kind of money, if you put in mutual funds in India, if you invest in mutual funds, you can live comfortably on that income without doing anything. Yeah, so I just want to come here, Sangita, before I come to you and I want to talk to you from a very different perspective, because you've been covering this issue, intending to make a movie about it for a while, but before I come to you, just to give people a perspective, 55,000 Canadian dollars is a lot of money for anyone, whether you're living in India or in Canada, so just to back what Dasheji is saying over here, I'm going to share a couple of images for everyone before I come to Sangita. So, Sangita bear with me for a couple of minutes, because it's very important. So, when I heard the rates and full disclosure, I knew the kind of money people were paying way before I started coming back to America and Canada too. Full disclosure, I know people have suddenly discovered, have become investigative journalists on Instagram, I knew these Instagram channels, I knew these routes, I knew all of this existed, full disclosure, I didn't care. I was like, people are weird. Right now, they're going right to come illegally to Canada, and I'm going to explain exactly how this happens, coming illegally to Canada, coming illegally to America. Yeah, and before Canadians get very excited, look how the world wants to come to us, no Canadians, I'm sorry to break it to you, nobody wants to come to Canada, everybody who's following this illegal route just comes to Canada and goes to America. So, before Canadian, and the ones who are stuck here are the ones who could not cross the border illegally. Before, before Canadians are like, see the whole world wants to come here, no, everybody wants to go to America. They're going great right now to go to America, and I'm not, I don't know if Sangeeta remembers last year when Sangeeta and I were chatting in one of the casual conversations, Sangeeta, I had told you people are paying up to 50 lakhs and I had met a few of them, you remember last time I had told you that a few people are spending almost 100,000 Canadian dollars to just come to Canada illegally and then from Canada, they get trafficked to America, where they end up spending, guess what, another 20,000 to 30,000 American dollars to all these immigration agents who have the, so you know how this racket works, there is an office in India, there's a, that's a subsidiary, that is not the main office, the main office is either in America or in Canada, that's the head office, all the dirty work is done by the office in India and all of them overwhelmingly, exceptions are right, are in Punjab, all of them overwhelmingly are in Punjab, so why I want to back what Darshan has said here is that just Google, you know, it's funny I was on Clyde's show and I told Clyde that, Clyde, you should invest money in Indian markets and Clyde was like why and you know I just looked up random mutual funds and I showed it to Clyde, I was like listen, you know it's a good time to make money in India, it's a really good, good time to you know do some stuff and I'm just sharing this, this is, you know this is public knowledge ladies and gentlemen, this is a historical return of nifty 50 mutual funds one year, two year, five year, depending on where, at least in the last three years, look at the returns the Indian market is giving, why would anybody with a functioning brain, with two functioning brain cells want to invest a single penny in migrating illegally and guess what, the Canadian government actually knows that the Indian markets are performing very well, so you know how I know that, this is the pension fund of Canada that has invested this month amount of money since, this is only up to 2022 by the way, this is obviously the figure is in crores, this is approximately 20 billion dollars approximately invested in the Indian market by, so Canadians your pension funds are invested in India, so there's a perception, I'll say it, there's a perception of free money in Canada, there's a, there's a thing out there that if you can just get to Canada, Canada will take care of you, money will fall from the sky and to an extent like it's kind of true, like you could just claim benefits and then like become a gangster and commit like different like fraud schemes, you can get served money, you can get racism money, like if you want, if like if you're pretty determined and you have a thing and you want to like fill out forms in Canada and get a bunch of stuff, like yeah, Canada can give stuff, but also like cost of living so in crazy, crazy eyes, so like people think of like yeah, lots of money does fall from the sky onto you and you can take a lot if you kind of come to Canada, but also like cost of living expenses are also way over your head, so you're at the point where like, you know, you can't even like in order to scan the system and like live off welfare, like you have to be pretty committed to it and you need like certain communities are able to do it, but you need like four wives and lots of kids and like child benefit, like it has to be a whole like that's a whole other level level to this thing. We don't have Indian laws in Canada till now, we don't have Indian laws in Canada till now, you know, in India certain communities can have four wives by the way, yeah, I mean, I mean, you can in Canada too, I know like like London communities infamously run by Hezbollah to re-affiliate it, ideologues and most of them have, it's like an open secret that most of them have, you know, three to four wives or sister cousin of the wife that stays, your wife's cousin that stays with you and also as a kid, and a bunch of kids and we give money for child benefit, so have all these kids, you know, collect a paycheck from the government into a house, right? That's, there is it like you can scan the system for money and I think that's that's the big appeal of Canada and a lot of the West. Why are all these migrants going to Europe right now? And like, because it's free and there's a presumption that oh you get to Europe, you claim asylum, like you get this free money, like that's what that's why there is this huge clash between these why don't I get any free money? Because it doesn't it doesn't work if you're like trying to go by the system, like free money only comes to people who break all the rules and scream allowance and that's or fill out all the forms and and and all right that you're that your that your family fights racism so it's a charity and therefore like whatever it is you come to I mean how many how many thousands of government programs do we just have lying around that if you wanted to you know get off of it you can't that's what I think but I think we were going to go to Sanghita. Yeah so I want to ask Sanghita this question. Sanghita you're in the process of you know recording a lot of interviews in relation to this this entire subject and obviously you've made amazing movies in the past two as a Canadian who's been here for now such a long time and as a filmmaker who's covering the subject what has your experience been because it's very important because you've already spoken I know you've told me about terrible stories of students suffering over here so give me your perspective of this thing from a and then I will ask for a your comment on a very specific thing but that's after you've explained your point of view. Yeah see a lot of community members have approached me doing approaching me for several months now to make a film about it and I did want to not not just as a filmmaker but also as somebody who's been living here as a Canadian as a mother myself I'm seeing what impact it's having this is not a temporary situation it's going to have long term impacts on our next generation which worries me and the more I spoke to people because I wanted to do my homework and my research so I started to to reach out to people you know different stakeholders in this entire scenario and you know it was interesting because it started to clear a lot of doubts I probably had a very specific idea about this too like most people and I realized it was not as black and white as we think there's a lot of gray and it was just like peeling layers of an onion as I was talking to more and more people and it's amazing so yes there's this set of students so-called students who are exploiting a policy unfortunately a very unwise policy which has not only been fueled by political but also institutional and individual greed and that's some impacting all of us and now the entire Indo-Canadian community is facing a backlash because if you see the trend on social media too it's these Indians those Indians these Indians no you know Indo-Canadians have been raising this issue for a while now but no one was willing to listen to us we were seeing what was happening and I think we understand how it was being done and why it was being done but no one was listening to us and I have come across many Indo-Canadians who are not happy with this who are upset about this because we're all being painted you know by the same brush unfortunately we all have to work over time now to make people realize that not everybody's like that this is a very small percentage but they're out there so it looks like all Indians are like that we are not you know the Indians in the past I mean I've been here 25 years how many Indian students have come here I see them in universities in you know proper colleges they're in STEM courses they're on top of the classes you know middle class Indian most important thing for us is education we don't mess with that I don't know about these students what they're protesting I don't understand Punjabi I understand a bit because I know Hindi well but if they are protesting I don't know are you protesting against the government against institutions so do they understand Punjabi when you who are they protesting to and who is going to understand what they're saying so I don't get that what I'm also seeing is this sense of entitlement that I never saw before you know until recently in the last two three years I've not seen students have this sense of entitlement they knew they applied for a course it was temporary they came they studied they went back so it's been interesting and I've been speaking to a lot of local Canadians who I know are very passionate on this topic I mean it impacts all Canadians of course but to get their viewpoint I've spoken to certain immigration consultants to understand how this whole thing works I've spoken to I mean Darshan Jana I have spoken several times he's part of the film I'm going to interview him too I've spoken to him on several occasions I've spoken to you for on several occasions discussing these issues it's it's like so dynamic every time I decide I'm going to start filming now some new thing it's like a fictional film something new comes and I'm like oh I need to wait and see how this goes and I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board and start all over again and of course now there's a few documentaries already made on the topic but also if you've heard of Lotus funeral home that's another aspect you know where I was looking up while you were talking and I'll share it with you if you've not seen it yet interviews by the one who heads the funeral home and what he's talking about how the numbers are in the cases of suicide so there are a lot of genuine students who are getting targeted who are getting pulled getting exploited but there's also so many of them who are obviously not students and they have an underlying agenda obviously we all know that but yeah these protests these just blow my mind so I don't know the movie we start filming in a couple of months hopefully by December we want to finish it by January and we'll see how it all all unfolds by then so I have a request for you Sangeeta I want you to interview this gentleman over here and I want Daniel to comment on this Sangeeta to comment on this and Darshanji all three of you when I read the CBC report you know what I truly wanted to literally bang my head on the wall that now we are talking about such things openly like please when somebody explain how this is allowed this is a CBC report 15th May 2024 ladies and gentlemen I'm about to read verbatim LMI has become a laughing stock consultant a labor market impact assessment which adds 50 points to an application is a document from an employer to hire a foreign worker when no Canadian or permanent resident is available to fill the role even though it is illegal to charge an employee for a LMI a Gupta said it is becoming far too common for workers to spend tens of thousands of dollars to have lawyers consultants and employers show payrolls sometimes fake ones in targeted job fields for the document court it is illegal it is unethical it is unprofessionally he said court they foreign workers are vulnerable desperate the employers find an easy way to make quick bucks unquote good say books and Gill who works as a warehouse manager is one of the people who have taken the LMI as impact assessment row LMI as assessment rule 34 year old said he spent 33,500 so far 5,000 on the IRCC application 500 in legal fees and 28,000 to his employer he said this is his CR score is still at 489 and with a work permit expiring in november learning french is not an option sangita this is a man openly admitting that he did something illegal and this is being aired on a national government funded Canadian news channel this is in may in i have read this article for a while i was like somebody will talk about it somebody will talk about it this is openly illegal sangita how do you feel as a Canadian when open illegality is discussed which such relative ease inside Canada i mean for me honestly Canada is become unrecognizable i don't recognize this Canada anymore it doesn't even feel like the Canada we move to anymore it just blows my mind and you know i've heard so many stories from consultants two similar stories it just blows my mind i've heard from students and i can't believe it i just it's not this is not one or two cases there are several such cases it just blows my mind i don't understand i just i don't understand speechless at times well this is not Canada this is this is the new and better uh calistanada where people just openly admit to crimes and we play them off as victims like this guy tried to i you know what i i thought paying 30 000 and bribes to gain the system would benefit me but it turns that i was taken advantage of by criminals yes turns out if you incentivize criminality and then passively endorse that criminality you get more criminality and that's how we roll so you know dude this is insane this is an article openly talking about illegal shit i'll get this bit normal we just started we just had a i come from a country that me bribe all the time we don't talk about anything people that will stand in it or or can look dash or the Islamic Republic of Canada whatever you want to call we just had a parade go down to go to directly to city hall with a float dedicated to a suicide bomber on it and the police we're bragging yes we conduct we help the parade we were leading it we're this this this this calistan calistan shahid shahid kaboom kaboom kaboom and we just yes like it doesn't this violate our laws yeah but what's Canadian law anyway right it's it's the real Canadian law is the friends we made along the way no no this is darshan ji i want to come to you please explain this one thing to me this is open illegality being normalized and celebrated in canada forget anything why why is an average Canadian outraging about this simple reason kushalji we are no longer a country of the rule of law whether the violation of law is prosecuted or not depends on who violates it and the cause is attached to that violation bingo right that is why you find n number of cases i mean i don't want to be you know Punjabi specific here there are other areas also i will be this is i will be yeah maybe but you know there are other areas where this is happening and if you go after the wrong door you are the racist or xenophobe or alt right or right finger or whatever epithet they want to throw here three war brown folks in this four-band panel the only white guy is a Jew oh i thought Daniel was brown sorry then no no no sorry Daniel sorry Daniel you do a better dance than i do unchanging yeah yeah yeah do we have to photo the calisthenes made it me in the in the full outfit we if we could do that if we could do that there's a filter then we get a four brown people on the plane yeah sorry yeah sorry darshan by yeah sorry go ahead kushalji every week at least a few times i'm called an indian essay muddies agent Hindus there is someone who comes after me for being a bujrati showing links of how bujratis are the highest demographic in illegal migration to usa i don't know if those links are authentic or not but my point is that their focus is on my identity as a non-sick that i'm a Hindu that i'm a bujrati so you know this this is now we are i think reaching a very climactic point of identity politics hmm i i hope it is the climactic point because if it is not then there is words to come oh my goodness that you know when i i say this with full responsibility as someone who's been a social commentator people who know me as a person will will understand where i'm coming from i've been about discussing these issues for a while when nobody was talking about the canadian primaries being rigged i was an idiot sitting in india talking about the canadian primaries being rigged i i was the one literally literally shouting and screaming and telling people listen you you have a problem in canada well people might say oh kushal you have a bias your wife is canadian yeah duh i care for it i care for the country where my wife is from is that a crime to care for the country where your wife is from now but this is disgusting now i'm gonna take some time i'm gonna play a few videos for all of you to understand the level of entitlement that is there and i'm glad actually mocha has done these interviews i'm gonna play straight straight uh those clips straight from mocha's twitter account so that you know mocha gets the view mocha gets the credit and uh everything goes to him but i want to play these clips for everyone i think it's very important people realize that this is i don't know what word am i supposed to use this is back shit crazy nothing short of that and you know the worst part is i actually truly feel bad for all these children i i do feel bad as a human being that these children have been scammed but i mean the level of entitlement is weird so i'm gonna play a couple of clips please bear with me or all of you because these clips are important and and it's glad i'm glad that you know it's coming straight away that mocha has uh mocha always says oh they don't play my clips acknowledging me well mocha i have played your clip and acknowledged you look your your logo is there mocha so go ahead and listen to this student if i buy the lma8 today yeah if i listen to the first word the student says if i buy the lma8 today and now i'm gonna play the clip again if i buy the lma8 today yeah if i invest 20 to 30 000 today and give it to some employer and said that i need a lma8 he will sell me the lma8 i will get and that's illegal i will get the lma8 i will get the 50 points and in the next row i will be qualified for the year in past month there was a student he was a proper athlete he used to do a gym a lot he don't do any drugs or anything his permit was expiring in 15 days and he got so much stress he stayed in the car for three days didn't get out come out of the car keep on drinking and he died in his car i'm sorry i'm sorry to hear that and there was a uh students over here they came they didn't get any jobs they have a loan back home and what they did they did their insurance created a video and go into the river and commit suicide so these these are the situation of the students right now they are so much depressed there are some like us who are staying staying together and have the courage to fight because when we see each other we are like oh yeah you are same like me we are facing the same issue right so we have some courage to stand but the people who are staying at homes who doesn't have courage to come out and fight they are so much depressed that they are committing suicide and otherwise they are getting exploited their parents are sending them money from back home selling whatever they have and even they will struggle over there and students will struggle over here so that's not fair i guess so grommet should need to take uh at least give the extensions for time being because right now my point is go 73 you know in next draw i could get qualified if i buy the almaier today yeah if i invest 20 to 30 000 today and give it to some employer and said that i need almaier he will sell me the almaier i will get and that's illegal i will get the almaier i will get the 50 points and in the next draw i will be qualified for the deal okay i before i get all of you in i'm going to play a few more clips but i had promised myself i was not going to use anything in Hindi language or Punjabi language but i i have to address these children as their fellow indian and i think sanghita and darshan will understand my emotions when i say this daniel i'm really sorry this is going to be in hindis because it is for those kids who are committing suicide and who are under pressure and i really feel bad for them and i do all right i do as an indian i feel bad as a human being as i i feel bad bacho mathau canada apne zindagi mathbar bacho mathau tumko koi bevokku bhanare yaha canada me or vaha pajabne mathubano bevokku yepesa kiddar or la cada tumare mab apne manat kirkhe apnei gherban ayoga tumari mako stridhan vila yoga shadi gassame mujhe malume amare amare amare sanskriti mekha miltai or tokho bhobichare apne zaver bech ryogi tumare is ghatia lma eke lea math karo haa jor ke bold round apne ay ghatia per hai karo apne day shitna kharav nahi a betta or beti jobe otum wa jage uber bechallaloghe nato tishe pachasojar kamaloghe mahi nake or bhakkha kharoga makkha kharoga makkha kharoga makkha kharoga makkha ryeloghe koi margeshti deni apneko india meh apnekha mab apkha sathreti amlogh jekkho khar ryotumlogh mathkharo mehahad jodra apne zindagi bharbad mathkharo yahapen nairo i just wanted to say this and i know darshan and sanghita will back me in this and they whole utterly understand my emotions because they know what i said sorry daniel you may not uh understand what uh what we've said but basically daniel long story short i just requested them not to come to to canada and kill themselves i just feel terrible when i hear this as an indian my own people are dying man and i feel terrible about listen i know that i said i describe her in emir our immigration system and i've been saying this pre-pandemic bless let's say eight years it's a human trafficking and money wondering scheme all the people who are involved in this there's people on both sides of the border Canadian Indians international criminal organizations that are neither probably some quasi terrorist organizations too involved in this it's human trafficking right and then these kids are being brought under false pretenses the promises of money and then thrown into a system where there's this lmaa mafia they call it yeah where there's this magic piece of paper that says you're qualified to get a job you've already invested tens of thousands into it and now there's a system because there's no oversight because if god forbid we call any immigration consultant a racist because that blah blah blah so you have this mafia where you know you can pay uh employers they get tons of money to give you these ML MLAs then they hire them then they get kicked back from the government because they're supporting temporary foreign workers and they're fighting against racism with you know black rock and all these different major corporations will go and then say oh this is good corporate practice this is yes this makes them more secure like blah blah blah but in a sense like the cabal of whatever you call esk here it's up monitoring this is the inmates run in this island these are major corporations creating policies that get them better profits which is keep labor in a lot of ways and then being able to remarketly flavor as anti-racist activism or whatever is fighting for immigration so you have these people who are being human traffic into a scheme built on people's impulsive compassion there's nothing people like more than an unearned sentence of moral superiority for doing something incredibly easy right like recycling you could put it in this bin or this bin it one of them goes to a garbage landfill in Canada one of them goes to a landfill in Malaysia but one of them makes you feel good and one of them doesn't make you feel good right and we have this mentality towards you know green gay immigration all the left-wing things no one can say racism no one can point it though no one can warn these kids that this is a money human trafficking scheme that this that getting a computer science degree from algoma college is not the same thing as getting a biochemical degree from McGill University these are two different things completely it just went back and and again like i went to one of these good schools i went to queen's university that's a real university there were indians there there were korean's there there were tiniest people there international students are a part of of this like that was a real thing like they got engineering degrees i got sized like but this this bullshit of you go to algoma college and you pay who knows how many tens of thousands again and how many tens of thousands to get this degree like guys anyone in india who's thinking of getting to see all the money you're going to pay in in to the Canadian system ignore the cost of living in Canada completely compared to india all that money you have to invest just think of that what that can get you in India just think if you think you've come into Canada just think do you have a hundred to two hundred thousand dollars just right now you can burn right and if you do if it's like i don't care about if you don't care about a hundred to two hundred thousand dollars that's just fun money for you then yeah illegally come to Canada and have a good time have a good time do this you can get a new practice game maybe get hooked up maybe you'll become a calisthenny rap expert who knows right but if you don't have like just six figures to burn for fun that it doesn't matter to you because think of what that money you can use to do in india and save yourself um the trouble of being trafficked into a calisthenny you know backed human trafficking scheme yeah sangeeta first you what do you want to tell these children and then darshan by i want you to address the children too because listen these are our own people sangeeta howd like what do we tell them oh i don't know where to start with this it's it's so hard because i'm a mother myself and i see this and i've spoken to to children i've heard their stories firsthand who what you said is you know i've met students who say oh my dad went through this major heart surgery and i don't want him to tell him because i don't want him to you know he's helped to go detroit again and i and they'll say someone will say that oh my my parents don't know i can't go back we sold our property for me to get here and it is just heart wrenching to hear these stories um and then you on the other side you also honestly see people who are exploiting this right like people who know very well that they're not coming here to study they're coming here to exploit they want to just stay back they're those two but it's the innocent students who are getting exploited i mean i came across this guy who actually told me a story and i actually didn't believe him believe him at first but he happened to know somebody i know very well and then i thought oh okay he's not lying he was i can't believe it it's it read like a fictional story and i was like how did you board the plane he didn't have uh his paperwork and he kept stressing over his paperwork if i can take a minute to tell his story i won't hear the name because he's very scared he said don't tell anybody and um he came to the airport parents came to the airport you know how you know how you're in india the agent kept postponing hahaha be it i'll i'll give it to you be it's coming it's getting delayed the poor guy has his ticket books his put all his money's at the airport the agent finally in a rush shows up at the airport with all the paperwork and everything the guy is just barely as time to say bye to his parents and he's saying my parents were even blessing the agent i thank you beta for doing all this he gets on the plane he bought the plane he opens the paperwork to see that oh this is not the college i applied for but he's already on the flight by then so that was intentional them delaying giving him the the paper what can i say why would you go to that agent like in this day and age do you not google do you not you know check he's like maybe he came through a friend he was a recommended though yeah if you don't mind do you know how much money he ended up wasting oh gosh uh just the course god knows what course that was just one year course was like close to twenty thousand dollars uh that was just the course and the paperwork i'm not even talking about the agent fees and he lands here uh apparently he was told he'll get um apparently a place to stay uh and you know he was promised a residence in india yes he was he was told someone we come pick him up at the airport no one came you know imagine uh and you know sadly it's also i he speaks english he he's not like and i don't think he's one of those who protests because then i won't that's why he got caught because he speaks english if he was not speaking english and was speaking for japan he would have had all the helpover he was but he's i think he's very green he's never left the country and if the agents target such people right because they know exactly it's like okay this is the person who will believe and he came through a friend's father so they didn't think to double check like oh you know my uncle whatever uncle g sun went and he's fine so i'll be fine he lands at Pearson and there is nobody obviously to pick him up he doesn't know what to do he didn't know where to go so he ends up taking a uber to a gurdwara i mean he's lucky he didn't get into more trouble than years but a couple of people fooled him here too and i'm sorry to say that sometimes it's our own people our brown people exploiting other brown people right so he ended up in a day i think more than half of the time yeah it's 13 12 people in a basement but he didn't know anybody he trusted this guy who told him oh i'll help you out i mean that who could have gone in any different way he's lucky that he didn't end up in trouble um and when our friend introduced me to him because he knew i was making a film i was talking to him he didn't want to reveal his name and anything i was like so many if you're going through this like why don't you speak up against like get a lawyer hire a lawyer and and make a case like because what's happening pushal is just like i said there are many who are exploiting this they're they're not even coming here to study but these innocent students are really coming here to study they're getting exploited they are just dragged along uh lotus funeral home if you see i found the article which said is the director of lotus funeral home has said the number of people right darshan june have increased girls committing suicide uh they are being you know forced into trafficking these are not people who came to explore and people who don't believe uh sangeeta you continue i'll i'll take out the documentary uh uh you remember i shared it with you also about girls darshan hi can you believe this is happening with our girls in our communities darshan by they are picking up girls confiscating their passports taking them to vegas to dance as strippers darshan by this is happening here the girls are the girls are dancing as strippers in america and then they are flown back over here to our girls and these girls are so ashamed darshan by they can't share this in india you know what happens you you know exactly what i'm talking about actually i think about a couple of years ago there was a front page article in a buddhi newspaper called sardesh which means message yeah with a headline warning parents against sending their daughters to canada as a student because they could end up being trafficked so this is known in parts of india at least but you know there is this canada fewer going on uh i have a friend who visited india sometime last year and when i met him he said you know darshan by this is unreal if you park a bus in the parking lot of a plaza with a sign that says everybody who gets in this bus will be taken to canada it will take you less than 20 minutes to fill the bus there is a cad of fewer now he's he's describing gujarath where the intensity is far less than it is in yeah it's just a small pocket in saurasa where a little bit of intensity exists to leave right yeah for those people who don't understand gujarath is a very rich state of india gujarath is in the top 10 when it comes to gdb per capita just to give you a brief background the smaller states with a smaller population tends to have a high gdb per capita and even in that competition gujarath is in the top 10 guess where pajab is number 19 okay yeah right but you know kushalji i wanted to make one point the cruel irony is that the people who basically robbed these families and students of these tens of thousands of dollars may be investing that many in indian in mutual funds you know the 100 percent darshan high 100 percent brilliant point and by the way darshan by i i want to share this look at the number of views sanghita only 1.9k views do you remember this a couple of weeks ago this is the documentary i had told you i'm the only one who has shared this i'm the only guy who has shared this that's why i'm giving this documentary all the air please look at the struggles of female sauthisian students and what is happening to them over here is because of the copyright strike but i recommend all of you go and watch this documentary and listen to what's happening to the girls over here the the youtube channel is kahani k-a-h-a-n-i listen to their struggles listen to what's happening to them and and and is it like why am i the only guy who is yelling and screaming about these things is sometimes what goes into my head and and you know for people who keep attacking indians i want to say this is to all of you before all of you started talking about it we were talking about it we were fighting we have been called angthitam porchmanki in our language kamka kadar you know jabi so sabshayada you know it happens to me i i am called a traitor it's funny daniel has witnessed how what happens to me with my own community and and i keep because they hate me the most because i understand what they're saying so they hate me even more you know sometimes you a gujrati may not understand what up and jabi is saying but i know everything so i expose them but now i want to play this next clip no this this clip is even more confusing again mocha had shared this and interviewed this person i'm like why is this like what is happening over here and listen to this one have you ever witnessed or experienced exploitation in canada if you ask the question everybody is gonna say yes because you face exploitation from all kind i faced exploitation from my employer who didn't pay me even though i was working way less than the minimum wage at the time i would not say that's particularly only our own community members but yes we have majorly faced the exploitation in the past from our own community members like mostly the employers but yes we have come across quite a few cases in which other communities are also responsible where are you expecting such changes from just intruder um to be honest the the changes that they're making to the policies are mainly targeting international students they are trying to blame everything even if it's housing prices even jobless markets and everything they're they're just simply trying to get an easy way out blaming it on students whereas if you go into the deeper details that's not basically anybody's fault it's how the system is not working properly and yes i would say though i saw those changes coming everybody saw those changes coming but that is not what we want do you have a message to just intruder the message to just intruder is me personally i worked as a frontline worker in covid and during covid i was the one who was doing double shift when all the people that you want to create job for were sitting at home just chilling so i put my life online during the time of need for this country so i need him to be aware of that he is aware of that i need him to acknowledge it and give all the students who are fighting here for the protest to for their rights who are protesting here i want him to listen to them and just give us a fair chance i understand it costs a lot of money to be able to come to Canada was it worth it so as i said before i came here almost six years ago and today i see myself in a position where i do not know should i go back or should i start again if i go back that's basically for me to start again and i wasted six months six years of my life or nothing and today i will say i'm in more worst place than the day i came into the country so no it was not worth it but under the conditions if they are actually making it worse if they're trying to blame everything and not giving out the PRs that is that's something that's making that's making it more difficult to live you know and we didn't come here to just like throw away money to the government pay our taxes do everything for them when they need it and when it's very convenient for them to just throw us out that's something unacceptable okay can i make a few comments before i get all of you to comment on this the level of nauseating entitlement okay and i this is me speaking i don't know if my co-panelists or guests on the podcast agree with me on this i'm going to say this the amount of nauseating entitlement i hear in the voice of this girl in the end as if not arguing PR why are we coming here i know people who have lived in America for 15 years on an h1b they always are in that stress listen immigration is a privilege for goodness sake i want to ask this girl she's Punjabi it's quite obvious from the accent she's Punjabi yeah so basically i guess people from Bangladesh one random day should just i guess walk into Punjab and start living in Punjab and then they should demand Indian citizenship right and they should get domiciles in Punjab right i guess that i mean six years i mean now they're here so they should i mean it since when did we become like this like i i never behaved like this Daniel what do you want to say to this well i mean the most telling part is when she glossed over at the beginning that she was paid not paid even though she is working below minimum wage and she made it pretty clear this is coming from our own communities yes other communities suppose too but they kind of hit the nail in the head that like yes it's part of a broken system we're like the you're mad at like Canadians lashing out and life's unfair who's been the most unfair to you it's been the people within this system you brought in with it's your community right so i mean and it's it's obvious right it can't have this problem for years i mean it was best highlighted by the area in Dibani when you don't speak in English or French or if you're speaking in a foreign language sort of anything goes you can give death threats in Arabic you can give death threats to in Punjabi or Hindi or anything else because if the general Canadian don't hear it can't understand it there's not enough in this country to click the translate button put like one degree of effort into something and then you know go here so we have this culture again where if you're part of these different immigrant communities where we love and we accept immigrants and and the whites are just going love immigrants yam yam yam yam immigrants cook our food yamma yam yam yami oh white people have boring food this is also wonderful we want to you know keep this this going on but all the crime people are learning and it's instead of if you make like when you can just speak Punjabi or when you can't speak English this well or if you could do something in Punjabi this the Canadian establishment is too lazy and apathetic to translate any bad behavior for the most part in 99% of cases of crimes and exploitation not committed in English and Ontario and French in Ontario and non-Cobac and that so like that's why there's this exploitation rate that she fell into and you know you want to come to Canada it's like okay again yet you worked in like I think again you were you were trafficked into this system of sort of coming in but you were sold this false narrative like what is this narrative that like you were just come to Canada and every Canadian like money falls from the sky and then you get a house and and whatever like what what what what was the what was the actual plan here and you were supposed to get educated if like if you wanted to get educated get your things and then go back and then that would count towards points when you want to come you can apply for us later for permanent residency and another that could be it's like you get points in our system like the reason why it's hard to immigrate to Canada why it's hard to immigrate for western societies is because when you become a citizen you are entitled to stuff you get money you get social security you get tax benefits like if you become a Canadian citizen and then just want to you know live up like live off the state you can like it's not the greatest living you might end up with people but you can get you you get benefits for being in it you get like the money does kind of fall so when you have an immigration system that has sort of like a a pot at the end let's say you need to have really high qualifications of who can get into the country qualified like that's the whole thing we all we always understand this in like 19 from like 99 everyone understood this in like the 20th century and then for a good part of the 21st century that at some point we all lost our minds on this but Bill Clinton would have absolutely agreed and no democrat would have would have argued against this or any liberal in the John Christian area that like well you need to have standard immigration because we want the best of the best and you just let anyone in and you have a low quality the system will collapse we used to understand this at some point we lost complete moorings of the the entire immigration conversation and and and it's gone off the rails but the key exploitation here she's saying is coming from our own communities which yeah you can blame the Canadian system and all this but he even said at the end like yeah we all kind of saw this coming because yeah you're gonna explain the system's broken you're brought into a broken system and then like there's that you want a piece of the pie there's no pie the country's collapse we we gave it all out it's all gone to serve and and whatever like it's a house of cards like what do you expect like we're just gonna find houses when there's a homelessness crisis for you like what what do you expect what can we even do that would meet your expectations of of this promise that you came into your head like none of this is even possible so it sucks it's like should you go back to Punjab well you're worse off here and probably yeah you have scammed i'm sorry Canada like no one in Canada voted for this it was all done by our you know our leaders and all this who thought they knew better and none of this was ever put in the electoral ballot it was all technocrats anyway but you know you can't put spilled milk back in the card like it's the the vase is broken it's on the floor you kind of have to deal with the situation now that this is what it is and you know we have to close down the mi ais we have to have less foreign students because if you have billions of people coming in you can't help anyone if you have thousands of people coming in you can help them okay uh i want the reaction of sangeeta and darshan on the demand of the nojawan uh it's just first of all uh before somebody thinks that this is the nojawan support network this girl was part of the nojawan support network nojawan for those who don't know is a word in hindi urdu panjabi which means youth young so these are their demands darshanji and sangeeta why are we protesting over 70 000 international student graduates in canada face mass deportation because their work permits are expiring in 2024 25 we have um international students receive a one to three year post graduate work permit after completing their studies their work experience during this period is the basis for applications for permanent residency through certain immigration pathways during covid the federal government made it easier for international students to work and secure pr these changes were due to court labor shortages in canada which will still continue but in recent years pr pathways have become severely restrictive and unpredictable there is now a massive backlog of pr files to be processed international students with expiring work permits have been left in crisis through no fault of there we have worked and built communities in canada for years after using our cheap labor especially during covid this country is trying to discard us like so many foreign workers in canada we refuse a lifetime of uncertainty in dignity and precarity our demands are extend work permits expiring in 2024 and 2025 five year p g wp for all international students stop lmaa based exploitation fair pathway to pr consistent laws separate p and p and c and c i want darshan and sangeeta to comment on this kushalji you use the word nauseated yeah it is i have found i have found the official statements and announcements for years to be nauseating when it comes to immigration because if you check the subtext it's as if immigrants are doing canada favor by coming here and that if not for their arrival the country's economy would collapse and i include myself in that immigration you know immigrant community not just you anybody who has come from the last 200 to 50 years anyone yeah right that you know as if we are desperate the world is soon going to run out of people and we should get as many as we can in as short a period as we can before supplies run out that is the kind of panic that i say in the indians are not producing babies let me get all those indians right nobody has paused to examine as to why after 40 years of aggressive immigration targets the birth rate has not increased but rather declined when you are getting immigrants from high birth rate areas for 40 years and your birth rate continues to decline then the problem is not with the people it is with the environment in which they are trying to hack out a living so you know that is one part secondly when prime minister Trudeau announced reduction in the foreign temporary foreign worker program he said something that hasn't received enough attention from our usually asleep media which is he said that now that inflation is down we can lower the number of temporary foreign workers what does it mean it means that when inflation is high and when Canadian workers are pushing their employers to increase their wages to cope with the increasing cost of living the government has an unstated policy to bring in foreign workers to deprive Canadian workers of their bargaining power yep this hasn't received any commentary in our mainstream media or even elsewhere i'm the only guy i'm reading this point so when she says that you know we were here and we first of all if she was working for less than minimum wage that was illegal so that needs to be actioned first maybe she didn't have an option but the employer at least should be taken action against right now here's something very interesting when foreign workers are proved to have been exploited by an employer the government levies a penalty but the employer can continue to get foreign workers but if they fail to pay the penalty then they cannot they lose their eligibility to hire foreign workers this doesn't make sense to it is as if the workers welfare is not important to the government at all as long as they keep getting their money so when she said that you know we have been working here like she was here for six years and therefore she is feeling entitled to get permanent residency and all the workers who were here working during the pandemic etc are entitled to a renewal of their work permit that sense of entitlement comes from the way the system is structured and the way all our politicians go about talking about immigration because they kind of project as if without immigrants you know an unending stream of ever higher number of immigrants this country will collapse so naturally that bounces off on the people who are coming in they they are going to feel that without us this country is going to collapse so i don't particularly fault her for airing that sentiment it's it's in the ecosystem it's actually a very valid point sangeeta what darshan bhai has said over here that you know what's happening sangeeta the stinking feeling i have and i have shared this privately with all three of you i mean you guys are evidence to that that i had kept on predicting this darshan bhai have just come across recently but but the other two know me for a while and i have said this multiple times that listen the policy was done by design hmm the policy's intention was there so now what has happened is the economy tank and now they are not able to create enough high paying jobs for their i don't know what other word am i supposed to use and and i say this with a lot of internal baggage when i say this and and and anger they were not enough jobs for those regular Canadians so now they have to shut those regular Canadians so they want these people who they were exploiting all the time to go back now how do they do this right sangeeta so they need the perfect patcy they blame the brown businessman the brown student everything you brownies you go did brown guy make the policy did the say Indian students sangeeta sitting in india lobby to the canadian prime minister and said hanji is just in there oh just in there wa please make policy did we do that in india i will say i do know some of the liberals who are behind some of this policy some of them white some of them are brown um some of the great man who passed the the thing what what was his name darshan by seral or what m44 was pushed by seral right rundives right right actually this brings up an important point which is that there is this motion m44 which very few people have talked about i have put out a couple of podcasts and one article on that it was passed in may 2022 and even the conservative voted for it yeah it passed unanimously 324 to 0 okay asking the government to create permanent residency pathways for all skill levels and for temporary foreign workers including international students which means international students are not primarily students they are only a subset of foreign workers so the intention was or the expectation was that they'll come here and work yeah and if they get some extra time they'll study also but you know the term all skill levels is where this whole thing hinges because it did a 180 degree turn on our immigration policy of 40 years plus which was working by the way which was working working splendidly or at least right absolutely splendidly of okay we're darshan for let's even the very term we need a fair pathway to permanent residency we have one other not permanent residence again there already is a fair pathway what this is saying is we want our temporary foreign visa wait wait i have not even pissed you off enough you have not read the second page please read oh no you my man all right i'll say two right i had this yeah see immigrants are the backbone of Canada this is the immigrants of the back of Canada yeah it is a it is a reflection of the official messaging for as long as i have been in Canada and i find it nauseated because yes they are the backbone of Canada but not in an unqualified manner see yeah yeah like if you could say skilled immigrants to like like the brain this is economics in like geopolitics getting a brain gain and reducing a brain drain right there there's some element to that it's not 40,000 people doing uber like that's different than like oh we plucked this kid out of uh moombai but i want to give that opinion on this line Sangeeta the one line says we do the jobs that keep Canada running from driving trucks to building homes to serving in restaurants yeah we know how that works out i mean just go on twitter and read how people are complaining about service at Tim Hortons and accidents by truck drivers what are they talking about what homes are they building i don't know all i can say they're in the humble truck crash that the most famous well i mean if you're coming as a student or or immigration or PR doesn't matter when you've made a decision to that the bare minimum is if you're applying as an international student you need to know english you need to be able to communicate in english that is the prerequisite if you're coming as a student too you make an effort to assimilate i do not see enough people are making an effort to assimilate when we all came and we know hundreds and thousands of others who immigrated to this country they made an effort to assimilate i have been able to assimilate i have been here 25 years i think canada was that melting pot at one time i mean we those of us who have been born and raised in india i think we can agree that i mean india is the epitome of diversity um and when i came here i actually felt good i thought oh i mean this is pretty diverse and i didn't have a you know a challenge assimilating in this country and i was able to practice my faith my religion my beliefs without compromising and still be able to assimilate so what i'm seeing more and more now is these first of all these word international students when i see all these protests happening across the country where are the international students i'm not saying seeing diversity i mean international students come from lots lots of countries all speak one language yes so what is international about that protest i have no idea well it is still international right it is outside canada if you continue to be fair to them what i say they it's like there are lots of internationals from other places um but you say china and iran and most of those people with the money to scheme the system they are connected to regimes so it's a completely different thing when we talk about that level of oppressors but daniel i'm talking about the private colleges like if you when i speak to immigration consultants and i speak to people in india and here just when i was researching about my film and i spoke with them in confidence they have said and uh you know on record that about 99% of these so-called colleges are fake right so it's a scam and this is what's happening so these people are getting fake certificates they're coming here they've been told and coach that you won't need to um you won't need to to worry you'll you'll get your PR they'll get to work you'll get back to stay these are the ones i think who are protesting not genuine students mind you there are genuine but how can you how can you be an international student and not no english um can i can i back uh sangeeta up again because listen a lot of people will end up accusing sangeeta of saying she's making things up no i mean when i saw this video i don't know if darshan by remembers i messes darshan by i was like what the hell are these people doing i don't know if darshan by remembers i sent him a WhatsApp and i was like why why are they doing this like it's so embarrassing and it's so irritating at the same time that like i feel like an idiot why did i come here and and why did i go through the grind here so what they're saying what this dude is saying in pajabi is that or sardin alta kakita as in they have done something really bad with us in in the colloquialism of pajabi and we can't take you know bear this basically they failed him and he's like how dare you fail me yes you say these are the ones if we're wondering these are the i believe this is algoma college where they all failed their computer science course these are your favorites these are my these are my homies these are my these are my people okay i love them and i support i one i i support them a hundred percent and by proxy so does the rest of the panel now i'm declared they came to canada uh and don't didn't speak a word of english there so that's why again they just mass full support to this um and they failed a computer science course probably because it was in english and that's racist to run a course in english in an english-speaking country i i i support them in that too and they want a computer science degree um and even though they failed the classes and the universe capitulated and bell curved a lot of them up and some of them uh some of them get a chance to repeat it which brings me to my point that i also want a computer science degree from algoma college i am on a computer right now okay i have used a computer for over a decades um i like science under the science i got a good good marketing high school chemistry you can see i can balance a camel equation or two if you if you put me back up to it i could figure it out um and i want to take a computer science test i will but i you cannot be in english okay because that's racist so you can't make me take the test in english and print i want it i want to be able to take the test in the language that best represents me and my culture which is interpretive dance so yeah i want and i know you sound like abigita yet i know i'm uh i'm a student i'm a trans student i identify as a student at agama college i i'm trans student i'm trans student degree so as a trans student degree computer science user i demand a computer science degree to affirm my identity as a student and i don't think i should be forced to take the course or even or even do it i don't even think i need the test if they didn't pass this i don't need to pass the test i just need to take a test in interpretive dance for a computer science degree which i rightfully own and i want a master's and i don't want to do it i want a master's i want a master's of computer science and and and i and i say everyone should support us so support this channel to support it's now a charity this channel is now a charity designed for fairness and equity in canada and fairness and equity means that i should be able to get a computer science degree in agama college and become a citizen of whatever country in the world i want darshan thai why are they protesting in pajavi if they want to live in canada see i am in touch with a professor at one of these colleges i won't reveal even the location because i am bound by promise of secrecy but this professor has had a similar experience where the entire class was pajavi and they were not attending class or not putting in the work assignments even when he made it very clear that the assignments have a greatest in their final mark they were not putting them in he was giving them resources which they never bothered to follow he you know told them clearly that if they don't put in the effort they will fail and offered extra time he said if you want me to stay after class then i'll help you out they were accessing online cheating tools like ai and you know there are people in india who write your paper because it's all online so they can and he has the tools to detect when something has been copied or not written by the student they are fighting good students in india that is outsourcing of stretch he's right there using ai yeah so so he failed them so he failed them therefore the students lodged a complaint against him of racism that he has failed them because he's a racist because unfortunately dude happens to be white so he lost the claim they lost the claim of racism saying they have been unfairly treated because of racism and ultimately the college decided to pass many of them what yes sadly yeah so dude left he left his post as a professor having taught for decades in Canada so you know one of the collateral damages of this whole mess is that we will be losing good teaching talent yeah because people will get frustrated they have spent 20 30 years in this field teaching and now they are seeing something that they can never accept in their lives and they will leave and find some other work to do yeah so i don't know what has happened with this latest protest but the previous one that happened i think it was late last year or early this year at algoma there also a similar mess i noticed where the you know professor looked like he had been trying to get the students to get serious about their study but you know these are students whose family is took a hefty loan beyond their means to get to Canada so they are working two or three jobs one of them may be at official you know on paper and the other two may be of the records just to send many back to India so that the family can service the loan they have no time and you know there is another thing here which is that when we say international student you know we everybody understands from the context that we are talking about students at the sham colleges and including conestoga and all you know they they have also become sham colleges but actually if you look at international students at the top universities yes they are completely different demographic and i have talked to some of them in fact many of them and there was one time when i was sitting with a group of computer science students at u of t and you know we got to chat about i mean our talk turned to Terminator 3 for whatever reason and then the students got into a very serious discussion as to whether Skynet could actually be self aware this is a very revealing point of difference between the two demographics which is that these kids that seen the movie they are used to seeing American movies English language movies they have a degree of familiarity with western culture including reasonable proficiency in English and they are from the happening stratum of India where you know for an international student tuition is 60 000 plus at u of t so they are looking at a quarter million dollars just intuition then the living expenses for four or five years so they have to show that right up front sorry to that but they have to show that yeah even these kids show that they have money but they don't they don't they show it you can't fake having the quarter million dollars no right so those days when they pass out from university they land at amazon or ibm or you know stratum or whatever top name it company and their first job will be at 100k whereas these kids who have borrowed money to come to a fake college and then they are doing minimum wage or less than minimum wage jobs and they are now demanding pr I was on a podcast of a pajabi friend of mine who has a youtube channel and I said you know nobody has asked them nor have they volunteered as to what they think their life will look like if they get pr because they have no marketable qualification even public colleges are now being looked at with disfavor by employers places like conestoga and you know university of canada west which is in bc so they what is their future if they get pr then how are they going to have happy lives where they can afford stuff where they can provide for their families where they can actually have a family because you know the way they are living now 15 to abasement or 22 abasement that seems to be their future to me so how are they going to even form families it's summer even applying for like fake refugee statuses some who don't want to go back we've heard of several stories where they are going up to immigration consultants and saying how can i apply for a refugee status can you help me fake my documents and i've heard of examples from a gentleman who i'm going to include in the film too i'm going to interview him and i'm appalled at what i'm hearing these are people who are approaching him directly and saying oh can i just say that you know i have this problem back home and i's like but do you have proof is it really happening now how about if i pose with a picture of a khalistan flag in my hand would that give me refugee status could you help me get there and when the gentleman refused to help he's so low i looked up your review and your reviews were so good and i thought you'd help me you're Indian too you're not helping me he declined to help him what i'm trying to say that when it comes to Indo-Canadians you know not everybody is the same you know we are concerned many of us here and so many that we have spoken to and to your point earlier about your friend darshan's you the teacher we've come across so many white Canadians to who are raising this issue and concern and in all fairness and they're being labeled as racist because they're white and it's unfair i have an idea maybe a great idea maybe a terrible idea because sure what he knows where i'm going with this by and we make me a calisthenny refugee and i what's it you we all know the guy can't remember his name because i i work with too many different communities can't it's hard to keep all the names but there's a calisthenny MP and poo drop who grants people all the calisthenny you know whatever citizenship can we do a sting operation like i don't know how much can we need like you know five thousand dollars to trick him like whatever it is you know you already set in on live like it's canada if you can play your cards open me i i i'm looking under the assumption that i i'll find you one patsy don't worry can we do a thing we could like make a youtube video where i become a calisthenny refugee and then i could become the leader then i can like go to these quidavaras and i could you know i don't know if you three have heard of the one of the stupidest refugee claims made from a pajabi was i have a fear from my family back in pajab yes i was like my mom has a big wooden spoon and he's going to it oh it's so good i think it's a beyond a point i i start laughing because clearly nobody listen nobody would try this stunt in america i can guarantee you this stunt is only going to work in canada because nobody takes this country seriously no one takes this country seriously because your politicians have basically in the last ten years signaled to two three particular groups in this country why are they no gujarati videos of students protest why are they no Tamil videos of students protest why and i'm saying this as a pajabi okay they may go after darshan by because darshan by gujarati sir sanghita is not pajabi you're clearly not pajabi daniels but what do you mean i i i can't i can't i see it is chantaya pajabi or mike just no no that's not pajabi that's in the and by the way just because i taught you pajabi swear words doesn't make you pajabi so the problem with this entire issue is everybody knows what the problem is i want to take this head on again yes there are some people who are white who are protesting but let me tell you it was the brown folks who were protesting for the longest time it was the brown folks who were getting the worst you know how many threats people like me get yeah to all the white people watching this i get threats you don't i i i i i i i i i i i i'm gonna make you pull up the most recent supercat because this proves my point and it is a thing i'm i'm going to forward you an article in the meantime i want i want refugee status i am jagming sing's father i want i want i want i want refugee status right now and i want kagsie jagming sing to call me daddy i am pancake bordinder sing bordin daddy jig sing bordind what the hell is happening but on a very serious note now i'm going to explain this for the indians know this for the record the indians every indian knew this it's not like darshan why did not know about this it's not like sangeeta i did not know about this the and notice every time a video like this comes the first people to go under a video of a student protesting in pajabi notice who are the ones abusing them they have brown people saying what the hell like let me give everybody a brief introduction into brown culture especially the culture we came from whether it's darshan by whether it's sangeeta whether it's myself if we got bad grades there was hell to pay you know i would literally get petrified of the very thought of getting bad grades and i would be like oh my god what will mom and dad think what will my uncle think what would my aunt think and that's why we have a culture of excellence which is why we get good grades look at the average gpa's of most indian students in good universities in america or canada australia we are usually the toppers of the class because we are so scared because ask me our culture is a little toxic when it comes to the grade obsession that's my opinion maybe darshan may not agree with me i i think it is next level toxic the obsession with grades and daniel will understand he's jewish so you guys are also same pathetic people like us you guys also obsess over over grades all the time but it's a culture there's so much pressure and then when i come across these videos i said what i can make pajabi videos now in canada and get away with it what the hell it's all coming from one one one tiny subculture not even the entire culture of pajab it's a tiny subculture of pajab and it's what i now identify with and i'm and i'm a leader of by the way yes yes i just want to make clear this tiny subculture causing the problems i am the leader of this subculture and therefore directly responsible and a refugee so continue it is so frustrating that something like this again why i'm doing this is because i know a lot of white folks will watch this podcast so for this is not for you indians because i have an indo-canadian channel so some indians watch some canadians who might be white white watch this so white people this is for you we hear a lot about grades another funny thing in our culture which i mock when i'm in india indians correct each other when they make a mistake in english indians have a nauseating habit of correcting each other's english indians are grammar nazis look at how sanghita and darshan are agreeing with everything i'm saying because every freaking indian knows we are grammar nazis so i have seen indians who speak better english than canadians and when i see these students and the first reaction when i message darshan on what's up was who are these people where have they come from where did we find them like even i can't relate to them what the hell so it is very important for every average white canadian to know that you just can't typecast everyone and first of all why didn't you protest when people like bulraz dale were talking about khalistan 80s why didn't you protest in the 90s why didn't you protest in from 2000 to 2010 why suddenly do you guys talk about khalistan now because you just have a few jobs that you wanted and you're not getting it so my question is in return to all of you too why didn't you guys care then you didn't get any threats i get them darshan gets called all sorts of names which are so nasty on social media luckily sanghita not active on social media but now she's also ruined because she came on my podcast now she's gonna get it we are the ones who get you know uh i mean we are the ones who get abuse all the time and it's very easy to blame all the indians all right hypothetically all the indians by the way india can absorb all indians right now india is doing really well india can absorb all indians but this is a stupid argument like a girl of indian origin like my wife she's born and raised here why why should she go back she's kennadian what the hell is this kind of an argument that every every muppet every third muppet on social media that keeps the they keep saying all all indian you indians need to go back no darshan is kennadian sanghita is kennadian my wife is kennadian maybe i'm not kennadian you can send me back well i'm going back in november anyways so but it's ridiculous the kind of arguments that are made and and nobody wants to talk about the calisthenie networks that are running look at the timing of the u and report darshan bai the u and report was not not done out of some honesty the u and report was to create a cover and what was that cover the cover is very clear the cover was to then show politicians to go out and then talk to these students just like uh you know good mocha has covered this that this is a conservative leader by the way conservative mp from brampton bob to sangh participating in multiple protests against deportations of foreign workers how nice you know these reports are created so that this veneer is created and then the report is used as a citation to legalize all these people all these non-english speaking people are not going to live in canada then why the hell did i learn english man was i an idiot to go through it was sanghita an idiot to do that was darshan an idiot to do that were all of us idiots i mean you could say the ability to speak english protects you from exploitation in can that that's the real thing is like yeah if you if you don't speak english you'll get a lot of something from government bureaucrats and they'll go aww like here's a hotel to live in sorry bob and your in there also like candidate not an mp but he is a candidate from the conservative party right yeah yes well also i think most people don't realize that for those of us who grew up in india and we had education in india india has education in english medium sometimes people think that all of us who came to from india don't know how to speak english we haven't learned or they're surprised oh you speak english we went through english medium education through our schooling and university and phd and whatever so most indians will and to your point the students that have been coming here have been those students were and i really went in all this discussion i wanted to say that i truly empathize with the the genuine students who are coming here and who are getting cheated by the empathize with the canadian seeks sanghita look at this canadian who has said this he's a canadian of indian origin what is he saying most Sikhs in canada are not calisthenies it is a radicalized loud minority which is running the hate agenda most indian restaurants are run by Sikhs i saw many Sikhs in the janmasmi which is a Hindu celebration like this is creating problems for canadian Sikhs i mean have we ever heard growing up in india i never differentiated between indus Sik these discussions never even were in our vocabulary and i'm seeing this now at this agent stage of my life i mean we're supposed to be in the 21st century and i feel like we're becoming more and more aggressive i mean there's so much divide i i came across some Sikh person i was i was so heartbroken to hear i mean for us when we think of Sikhs we think of betri army uh patri or right growing up in india we have that regard for Sikhs and i met somebody here who's a Sikh young gentleman and almost didn't recognize him because the first time he had a terminal and the next time i met him he didn't and i was like oh what happened and he he got rid of his turban because of the situation in canada because he feels like Sikhs have i mean it was so sad too i've never come across something so sad i was so sad to hear him he was he was saying that i'm young i'm a student and this is like i'm being i'm being you know uh considered as one of those pro khalistani people when i'm not and how does he explain to anybody so can i can i can i give the canadian perspective because this is the real trash and like and this is part of like the decline in our country in a lot of things in this canada and like generally the west but especially canada's event that you know we are the place or people of different societies and come and get along because that's what the problem skin is canada's the place where you bring cues you do bring muslims and they can coexist in canada that that's the way it is perceived that is what is canada and so it is that because you know you put cues in muslims in the middle east boom they're going to start shooting at each other right the fact that between Sikhs and Hindus canada's not only a place where it's not the place where Sikhs and Hindus can get along canada is now the place that exacerbates the problems or in fact creates a problem Sikhs and Hindus where people who have no problem as Sikh or Hindu they're not you know some people leave the middle east and there's persecution then they come here and there's Canadian discrimination but it's less okay if you're saying there's more discrimination in Canada than the middle east you're a muslim brotherhood plant and like i i want nothing to do with you but we now actually have a a crazy situation where canada is a place where we are we have manufactured racial or religious tension between two different groups and when canadians hear that like that that should shake Canadians to the core because part of or what makes canada run and the idea that canada if it's to be valuable is canada is a place and Canadian values are such that if implied properly yes should should create harmony among different groups yes and this is a case where we're creating disharmony actively it's you're right and we had that right to Daniel's point that we had that and i don't know if it's far from the the invent of like this formally introducing DEI i could be wrong some people might get upset i'm saying this but i mean true diversity existed in canada uh without calling it DEI but that's gone for a toss now i feel that i mean i don't know even in the Indian community sanghita i think this live viewer has made a very valid point calistani Sikhs are the only Indian group promoting a regional Punjabi identity in the west i have never seen Gujaratis Bengali south indians Punjabi Hindus and Punjabi Sikhs normal Punjabi Sikhs promoting regional identities in the west it is only the calistani's were doing this year nobody else is doing this year and now they have entered the system so much which is why i keep telling something happened in the 80s Canadians your primary system got hacked your primary's got hacked in the 80s Canadians systematically every single representative getting into all political outfits became a calistani those calistani's are running your political parties right now and are lobbying for all sorts of absurd immigration demards they found the perfect storm in Justin Trudeau and my favorite Canadian politician jigmetsing i love jigmetsing nobody loves jigmetsing more than jigmetsing i love him more because he is my son now so i love him as a son which you can only love him as a co Punjabi he is my literal son yeah i love him so much that he can't even come to India that's how much jigmetsing is wonderful imagine you know for a politician he does not have that diplomatic leeway to enter India that's how good jigmetsing is he and i can assure you he will never enter India i can assure you this but Canadians please understand even now okay i have taunted you for not caring enough and and believe me i speak as for most Indians here that we taunt all of you that when we were yelling and screaming about calistan none of you cared i i i see darshan and sangeeta just quietly nodding knowing because yeah why did you listen to us when we were yelling all these years but wake up now understand you are you are literally allowing extremism in your own land and and and and to paint indians as some kind of listen if indians stop coming to this country it's at the end of the day you're gonna have multiple problems in canada india is a major trading partner with canada there are one thousand other problems you can't spoil relations with india but you know why the calistanes are gaming this system i don't know what the views of the other panelists are because they know canada needs india desperately calistanes know the trade imbalance more than any of us that's why they're this they're misusing this system and it is time which is why brown canadians have to start speaking up so that they normalize this they normalize the push back and and and now i'm just going to take random questions or comments if they if i mean just look at these are canadian indians it's absurd for students protesting imagine protesting to a foreign country to extend your work when it's who the hell are you excellent this other thing i read just closer like they're the fact that they're like my work permit is expiring i must protest yeah like you either have to renew like there's you're talking about it's embarrassing it's embarrassing the next one i bet you there will be an increase in calistanes but at an increase in asylum uh ops it is a great way to get asylum but now you can also pretend to be gay by the way i mean oh by the way i can hear i mean that comment if you're going to bet on it you can bet on it you can guarantee in the next year so i'm going to have a calistane referendum like we're going to do a calistane referendum but i'm going to do one too well by the way daniel the flag is ready the flag is ready get me a calistane flag oh i'm going to say i'm going to yeah it should um uh lohor be part of calistane we're going to we're going to do a referendum there i just forwarded an article to yukushal i don't know if it you know yeah it's in 2021 pajab's plans raise you and cry from consultants because uh immigration consultants are up in arms against a plan by the government in the indian state of pajab a large source of canada's immigrants and it has to create an agency that will stream students to canadian universities and yeah because the indian government the indian side of pajab actually cared for human trafficking for a change they actually cared so uh that maybe darshan you can take this question what amazes me is the lack of self-awareness about how the canadian government enables these kinds of scams to flourish again this is a canadian of indian origin ladies and gentlemen m shastri is as indian as it gets when was the last cbsa crackdown darshan right cbsa is routinely unable to find even people against whom deportation orders have been issued and their numbers are usually in the tens of thousands i've usually heard 35 000 47 000 so see this is the crux of it which is that any economy will need a prime mover and when i came to canada i learned that canada was a resource based economy now this i thought was a good thing because resources are the prime mover of any economy so we have oil and gas and coal and potassium you know the forests to cut down for uh soft wood lumber and things like that that has been discouraged to put it mildly so the economy is in need of a prime mover and that prime mover of course for a long time you know there was this real estate ponzi which required immigration ponzi so the numbers were always expanded but the reason why they had to be increased to the point of weaponization was because we stopped giving due importance to the prime movers of our economy so you know at one from one angle this whole argument that canada will collapse if not for immigration holds true we have to betress our prime movers back again to what they were but until then this is the only thing we have got where people borrow money abroad come here spend that money at bogus institutions then pay for lma and you know work under the minimum wage and that is our prime mover of economy and that is why it's such a low quality prime mover that it is spreading uh the opposite of prosperity let's call it poverty that's where we are at so you know the way i see it here polyves task on the economic front which is combined with the immigration spread yeah couldn't be more uphill yeah the shanpai and and maybe this is something i'm going to talk to you later on about that today i was just having a discussion that just in trudo and by the way and boyer i completely support this referendum that let's make a referendum to change jagmetsings name to hagmetsing as per some indians here thanks for explaining what hug means in indian and we as indians completely support this and indocanadian community will actually vote in large numbers to call him what he is he's hagmets and daniel smiles because i have to hold daniel was one of the first Canadians to know about hug means saying i've got about this for 10 months now but but i don't want to say darchan is completely right about yeah i sure are for resource economy this immigration this human trap human trafficking money laundering is now our number one in industry we call it immigration but it's human trafficking money laundering and it's the number one industry in canada and all of this can be solved by going back to oil gas natural resources everything we have in canada the prop it's literally like the the you can't look the country's immune from an immigration crisis is immune there's ocean to the left ocean to the right ice to the north to our south the richest country in the history of the world yeah yeah geographically immune from an immigration crisis the only way to get an immigration crisis in canada is to manufacture one from the inside hmm absolutely it did and we turn it into an industry and the political parties are making tons of money off of it yeah everyone everyone making tons of money down downstairs to all at all point the institution people are making money trafficking these kids and darshan hit it right again you're paying tens of thousands always get in tens of thousands more this is what's keeping the economy more is lying to lots of kids mostly in india mostly in boot job selling them on this dream that is canada hooking them here and then force them into indentured servitude to pay off loans they took back in india and calling this um progressive fair workers rights anti-racism whatever it is you want to call it but it's this being nice to foreigners is anti-racism bullshit has resulted in a exploitation of the very people they claim to protect and it's driving everyone crazy i call this industrial level gaslighting and then it's been merged by the anti-india faction to be pushed by incredibly anti-india factions and you could say in calisthenes or ccp and then the irony is because anti-india factions are pushing them and some of them around the blowback is then coming on the indian community for the nonsense that the most anti-indian elements of the born students are doing so it's all absurdity and and can i do what because of us welcome to canada because of the small minority of calisthenes that have destroyed the immigration system by gaming it i'm not saying other communities are not involved but stop kidding me if you're gonna tell me that this is not overwhelming me run by the calistheni networks just just just stop it right there okay i know who runs this that student protest who the right now going on is supported by two organizations that are notoriously known to be very uh calisthen adjacent go check it out i mean mocha bezergan has already tweeted the names of the organization i don't need to talk about it i have to take this question as i am the pajabi on the panel can someone explain why pajabi's are obsessed with canada their lives are miserable here but they still want to stay here sort of hollards because that's a name who is the person who has asked this question i i am in a unique position because i was born and raised in mumbai in a gujrati area in a marathi state as a pajabi boy i have failed to understand this obsession with canada amongst most pajabis i i honestly say this with which is why my my my plea in hindi or i could have done it in pajabi also because honestly it should have been in pajabi but i i failed to understand this listen pajab has a giant problem i don't want to take the name because there are some of us who are very you know who are responsible boys and girls of pajabi origin in india and one of them who i respect a lot he still lives in pajab goes back and forth deli and pajab and he's a Sikh boy you know he was telling me kushal we need to do something we need to get some of us need to get together and we need to stop sending our children to canada because i think it's a combination of fomo fear of missing out it's a combination of being sold scams and shams and then like every ponzi scheme eventually what happens is when the ponzi scheme gets caught out the ones in the last end of the ponzi scheme end up getting robbed the most and these students are basically the ones who are at the end of the ponzi scheme and which is why i'm saying don't fall for the you and report the you and report is just the cover to legalize all these hundred thousand people that is what the you and report is for and i don't know what pajabi see in canada man i seriously don't understand what pajabis find in canada it's it's it's like my reasons are personal i never share my reasons is uh it's like it's my personal life i don't want to any anybody to have pity on me or of any sort but i mean after being married to a canadian for 17 years i did not bother about the pr or anything i mean i didn't care i i have no you know even now i stay six months in india like sanghita knows i i try to run back to mumbai as as fast as i can i mean i'm fine in india and and the irony is my seek friends in mumbai now call me and they tell me that i don't know what the craze for canada is in pajab they are confused in mumbai they don't understand Sikhs in dillie don't understand this and it's just it's it's so traumatic and tragic at the same time that you know listen i call i i call that i call calisthenny nonsense i call international bullshit and the reason here i think it serves the the the the people to whoever's benefiting off this to sell this lie to the pajabi kids because then they can bring them here on mass and when they're here on mass they're easy to exploit and take advantage of and to get into these gangs because again you're in a situation you're an 18 19 year old kid okay in 18 19 old man what does he want he wants an 18 to 9 year old girl most of the time how can you get that living in in a basement with 12 other guys no okay let's go or it's you're living life on hard mode at that point oh you want money and then you get into okay hey you want to join this good or you join this gang you help us out you you get into the the criminal side of it you get money you get these fancy cars you probably can live in an apartment by yourself but then you're caught up in these life of calisthenny crime but then you go to to legitimize it you get into the system and then you say okay yes we'll do the politics and in like you become put soldiers for these organizations like it's and it it behooves the the people on top of this pyramid in the top of the ponzi scheme to recruit new members so that's what i say this is it's the people at the top knowing it's a ponzi scheme wanting to sell to uh pajabi students because again they're the most easily that they can exploit is if they have pouring with skills even better it's even better if you can bring people into canada with pouring with skills if you're a calisthenny because then they're even easier to exploit instead of it's setting costing you know oh i'm meant to invest five thousand dollars to corrupt this guy and to become a Korean gangster they speak they don't speak english five hundred dollars might do it right like it's or just uh you know uh a threat of this like there's clearly incentives from the people to top these ponzi schemes to sell these lies to the kids and good job because they're the most vulnerable to fall for the radical ideological stuff that they can then bombard them to when they see that the the dream that they had come to collect on was in fact uh not real but that's just my two cents it's important go ahead sogita i just think historically you know um industries like agriculture and manufacturing they were some of the reasons that kind of drew ponzabi's especially with ponzabi's were very established here right but i mean obviously to daniel's point things have really drastically changed now it's not the same anymore i mean there was the sense of belonging i think for ponzabi's in the past but now now i just i don't know it's changed in the last four five years i just i find it so disappointing as a ethnically ponzabi boy i honestly i hate it hurts me so much a rich culture amazing poetry amazing has been reduced to what i mean there is no indian poetry without ponzabi poetry it's just that you can't have indian poetry without ponzabi and and to reduce this great culture to i don't know what what amazing food yeah i'll give some people some good news for getting people messaging me over this there was a calisthen jagmetsings uh former eight or whatever what jagmetsings foreign people and dp big calisthenny uh she was disqualified from the concerted party in pc um or the one i was whining about to you yeah gone victory gone huh a piece of shit uh well anyways so good there i'm good i really some good news finally some good news but uh one last thing to the to the canadians who are listening to this i don't care what ethnicity you are first of all immigration is a good thing canadians please don't go crazy immigration is a good thing if done well mmm it was happening all these people you see at some point of time in their life they entered canada i am actually the latest one as as the latest entry you know then dance family came to canada from somewhere sangeeta came to canada from somewhere darshan came to canada from somewhere immigration if done right is amazing hmm the problem is when you out at and daniel hit the nail on the head and darshan hit the nail of the head when you everything life is about trade-offs and incentives as the great thomas soul would say when your incentives and trade-offs are messed up this is what you get people like sangeeta are here add value to canadian society when they make award-winning documentaries it's canada that gets all the products try and understand don't become anti-immigrant or anti-immigration demand what should be righteous you broke the economy you selected the wrong leader for what i don't know that's that's not my problem that's for you to solve or maybe it is for me to solve but before we wrap up one by one i want everyone to have the last comment but i want to start with sangeeta your words first gosh i just i just like i i mean i would just second everything you said kushal is everybody needs to put their differences aside and think as a canadian first and what's good for this country not think of us you know in separate identities that the divide is what's causing the issue more than anything so let's not paint everybody with the same brush look at canada look at the issue come together i even request people from our community speak up there are many who don't speak up and you know pay attention i also worry that one about the next generation how this is impacting our our next generation going forward also come election time next year remember don't forget we have very short-term memory don't forget the mess that was created because they might try and show that they're cleaning up the mess but the mess originally was created by them so i will say just you know follow policy follow what's going on ask questions and make the make the right decision and come together like i feel like coming together putting our differences aside and focusing on what's good for canada is what's key right now don't let them let them break us or divide us all right dan yeah i mean my message is going to be similar except the exact opposite uh guys it's time canada's fallen and in the wise words of me if you can't beat him join him so join calisthen i'm but never i'm the head of calisthen so come join me um declare refugee status get a computer science degree you know get whatever degree you want from whatever university you want they're basically participation trophies they're little like candies you can take it a stake house that's a university degree you deserve one you deserve refugee status even if you're born in canada um maybe get refugee status in india make it go back the way but i'm just here to say it's all broken no one should take this country seriously anymore just just turn your brains off because if you think about it you're going to go crazy just turn your brains off wave your calisthen flag apply for whatever social service fee for all the immigration system apply for serve even though covid's over get more covid money you all deserve covid money you all deserve uh permanent residency to wherever it is you want to go and most importantly you all deserve a computer science degree because this is currently on a computer and and and you're watching it right now like a scientist so get out there come to canada there are no problems here it's all rainbows and and unicorns join calisthen and um vote true no oh my god that should that should be no i'll combine the two points that sanghitaji and daniel made uh basically you know it was back in january last year when i made a startling discovery and then wrote an article titled immigration does not increase prosperity and at that time this was like uh you know dynamite everybody was so angry at me where i thrunched some official numbers and came to the result that the inflation adjusted growth average per capita in gdp in the 1960s from 1961 to 1970 was 4.22 percent and in the latest decade 2012 to 2021 it was 0.67 percent i faced a lot of fire on that and i held firm saying i'm sure of my work because it's all from official data and then six months later OECD came out saying that canada's growth was 0.80 percent so 0.67 to 0.80 a little bit of a difference and then OECD issued another report recently saying that canada will have the lowest growth rate and in fact it will be anemic for the next 40 years so i want someone to it's about 1.1 percent or something very anemic so i want someone to explain to these kids or at least ask them if they want to live a life of drudgery in canada or not because they are pushing for PR but then what happens after PR they do they want to reach retiring age and look back and see nothing that has that they have benefited from living in canada because that is the possibility that i see so all these you know community leaders who are helping the students to stage the protests and organize and all the resources required some of them might want to ask them is to you know what is your vision for the future in canada because you want to stay here and once that becomes clear i think many of them will realize that this is not the dream that they bought it was always a fake dream and then they will hopefully make a better choice in their life i'll just say this before i wrap up once again i will say something in hindi jo be hai agar tung student ho or tung yah pei soshareo isap kerniki or tung nekoi diploma mil mei yekam kyata se kata hai mujam allumet tera pessar duba hai mujam allumet magar apne mabha pessar mud duba jobi ghatia degree tune ki hai khatam kar khatam kar bache or indiaja or avi pessa bacha miri bhat man koyace financial advisor kapajana uderby go i ghatia wa lani pakartlena magar achia financial advisor kapajana ori pessa market milagar other india ke aribhai jis desh katu itina bhada bhada bhata kartana wobi hai mare desh me pessa lagar abi kushkoi mallum me pessa ki dare samjho sabkopata hai pessa ki dare abi mane kud betta mane e kruppe a kurupya kanada ke market mini lagar wa acha one ni vini orm a pessa wa la bharti new mera pura hundred percent portfolio betta india me hai may it's now bulishu india meh samjho afne is indigi madbar badkro and now the message in english for Canadians once again. Daniel is your leader in pudjabi and he was just saying in pudjabi daniels out of calisthen join join it if you see an airplane blow up an airplane or two maybe assassinate a politician who knows have fun follow follow your life live laugh love that is what he said in pudjabi as i now understand because i know the case calisthen but yeah if you want to give them up for a translation so somebody has a request to do that oh my goodness but yeah to everybody in canada once again you need immigration uh in in hindi we have a beautiful saying that it should be you know the salt should be as per the requirement in the food when the salt increases the food gets spoiled we call it uh atem namak namak namak mayata in hindi we call it that but that's what it is immigration if done right is amazing the reason north america is the most least racist part of the world is north america truly was the land of immigrants which is where you can talk to any american even white americans when they go to europe the first thing they tell is yo those people are racist you and i'm not talking about brown or black uh uh north americans are talking about white north americans when they go there they're like these people are not like us is because north america truly was a land of immigrants immigration will never stop in north america because that's how this land was built it was built by different streams of people coming in but we have to do this right the current government of just in true ro and hug me sing because that's all he should be called they have destroyed your beautiful country i still believe things can be fixed i'm not that negative as daniel is i believe things can be fixed now daniel could accuse me of being uh uh eternal optimist and i i am an eternal optimist i don't know about that but i do believe immigration if done right even right now canada can be fixed uh a few good immigration policies but as canadian citizens please my request to you is your your country is hijacked by three four separatist extremist movements your country is literally hijacked by islamism halistan and the chinese communist party and global global communist leftism too but yeah yeah it's all a it's downstream from that yeah study that more till now halistan has not gotten the kind of attention it deserves and and i want to repeat this again calistan is not a problem in india believe me when i say this i am an indian i still live in india for six months in a year calistan is a problem over here fix your mess canadians they keep on saying go back to india the highest level of radicalism canadians is actually in second and third generation kids over here sanghita was right beside me i'm not going to take the name of the person who said i've stopped sending my kids to a gurdwara over here sanghita was right beside me when that conversation happened and it's not like sanghita and i were like yay awesome kids not going to gurdwara it broke our heart especially my heart is a pajabi i grew up around gurdwara and temples pajabi boy i just happened to be hindu we don't discriminate between a temple and a gurdwara that's not pajabi culture but what is happening in canada i can assure you as a hindu pajabi i don't go to gurdwara over here they are that toxic that i don't go to and many Sikhs have stopped going to gurdwara over here fix your uh fix your country canadians by demanding answers from your politicians also follow all these three people on social media i have shared their details in the description of the podcast and if you can support me and my podcast you can join the membership program i don't do adreads on this podcast because i want to talk about whatever i want to talk about calisthen but i'm loving by the way i'm loving what the comments have been on the last five minutes since my declaration of king of calisthen i i'd had a lot of fun watching the scroll of just all all my different calisthen this is why i did not want to open and this is what i wanted because i wanted to encourage this bad behavior or good behavior well either way whatever whatever shenanigans the comment section has been up to i encourage it we need more shenanigans this is the only way forward is you know shenanigans and fun just you know live, lap, love and make fun of calisthen is online yeah please do that and follow all of them darshan also has a website daniel has a paypal sangeeta also has her handle of metal films you can go follow metal films also check out her work and her documentaries you know where to find me and if you have anything else you can always talk to me on social media take care, bye-bye [Music]