Does This Still Work?

233 Ten Things I Hate About You 1999

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04 Sep 2024
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It’s Taming of the Shrew but set in a high school because, honestly, would you sit through Shakespeare unless it had an updated spin? Shakespeare straight is boring. Dude wrote his plays over 400 years ago. You think his stuff is still fresh? And is this movie? The boys find out.


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"George, I need your help." "What's up?" "Well, I've been systematically lying to this woman I'm getting paid to go out with. Right now, she is mad at me because she senses I'm keeping something from her. So, rabbit-fess up, I thought I would serenade her. My question is, what song do you think I should pick?" "Wait. Wait. Wait. What are you talking about?" "I'm asking you what's a good song to sing. I'm thinking, 'Can't take my eyes off you.'" "You've been lying to some woman?" "Oh yeah. I'm getting paid to pretend to like her. Anyway, how about you are so beautiful. You think that might work?" "Joe, what you just told me is fucked up." "Wow, you hate Joe Cocker that much?" Not the song. You're lying to some woman and getting paid to date her without her knowledge. That's horrible. She has no idea what you're up to. Do you know what an incredible betrayal of trust that is?" "Oh, okay. Shouldn't I go with 'Can't take my eyes off you?'" "No. You shouldn't be playing with someone's emotions like this." "By saying to them?" "By going out with someone who thinks you want to be with them when all you want is money." "Are you suggesting that's a bad thing?" "Yes. Of course it's a bad thing." "Huh, I guess you're right. Of course I am. I should probably do a rap song." "Oh my god." "Well, then does this still work?" The podcast looks at Olives and asks, "Does this still work?" "I'm Joe Dixon." "And I'm George Romeka, and today we're discussing 10 things I hate about you from 1999 and some historical context. First, podcast-y stuff. You can reach us at on Facebook, Letterboxed, and our YouTube channel. Joe is on Blue Sky at Please tell your friends about us. Even the ones who want to join a rock band when they grow up. And leave five star ratings everywhere. You can pick what we watch and get extra per episode content by funding us on Patreon for as little as a dollar a month at Now Joe, take us back to 1999. "And that's the way it was." This story takes place in everyone's favorite Adl, Seattle. And how was Seattle doing back in 1999 when this story takes place? Let's find out. George, will you please read this new swivet headline, brought to us by the Olympian. Seattle, WTO, paralyzed. Violence prompts curfew, activation of guard. I will quote, "Clashing repeatedly with police protesters shut down the opening session of a global trade conference Tuesday, forcing authorities to declare a state of emergency and handing President Clinton a major setback in his effort to convince skeptical Americans of the benefits of free trade. Part of this normally laid back, Pacific Northwest City would turn into a battle zone as police fire tear gas and pepper spray into clumps of protesters who at times turned violent. Safety police cars and city bushes and smashing downtown store fronts. The protesters blocked major intersections around the site of 135 nation world trade organization, preventing motorcades of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Secretary of State Madeline Albright from making it to the opening session. A handful of official delegates who made it through the demonstrators and accurate smell of tear gas milled about for several hours in the Paramount Theater until WTO officials finally gave up and canceled the opening speeches, and quote, "For those of you not alive when this all went down, the WTO protests, also known as the Battle for Seattle, were anti-globalization resistance uprisings against free trade. The people who took to the street covered the waterfront from liberal advocacy groups to labor unions, the student groups, to anti-capitalist. And I should mention here, anti-capitalist means just that anti-capitalism it does not automatically mean someone on the left. Fascists can also be anti-capitalist, so don't get twisted." Okay. Anyway, the character of Kat would probably have joined these protests if this will be had acknowledged politics actually existed, which it does not. George, you would have been 18 at this time. Do you remember this at all? I do not. Not a thing. No. Number one, I was in Florida. Number two, I was going into the Navy even. Like I was in boot camp for three months of that year. Okay. I had a lot of things. I was like graduating high school. I had a lot more on my mind, and I was not politically aware. Okay. I was in college at the time, and they were very much in love with this whole process. Of course, I don't know if I'm actually went there. People were all safely in New York, but other cards could say, "Oh, this is awesome." I don't want to move on from talking about this protest without mentioning what happened afterwards. And for that, I go to Wikipedia, according to its write-up of these events, 157 people were arrested, but would later be released for a lack of evidence, except above 250,000 would eventually have to be paid out to people who sued for wrongful arrests. This would also result in the resignation of the police chief of Seattle. So, fun was had by all. Okay, George, tell us about 10 things I hate about you. Why don't you start at 10 and work backwards? Oh, sorry. We're supposed to be talking about the movie. Never mind. I don't know what to do with that. This was directed by Gil Junger and written by Karen McCullough and Kirsten Smith, who both wrote Legally Blonde. And it's based on the Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare. It's Shakespeare. You must have heard of him. Yeah. And I've seen Romeo + Juliet from 1996, the one with Leonardo DiCaprio. According to IMDB, almost a thousand movies have been made based on Shakespeare's works. Oh, yes. And then we're all forced to read him in high school, too. I don't remember being forced to read him in high school. Wow, really? I thought that was standard everywhere, okay? Well, no, it's not to say I wasn't forced to read him in high school. I just remember it. I might have been blocking it out. Blurbs IMDB says a high school boy, Cameron, cannot date Bianca until her anti-social older sister, Kat, has a boyfriend. So Cameron pays a mysterious boy, Patrick, to charm Kat. Mysterious boy. None of this is accurate. It's just not. Nah. Amazon says a pretty popular student can't date until her rebellious older sister gets a suitor of her own. Also not correct. Yeah, a little closer though. Closer but still not correct. Nah. The film starts with a shot of Seattle panning over to a nearby suburban road, where I force some of typical high school girls on their way to school are jamming out in their car to bear naked ladies one week. At a stop sign, a lone driver pulls alongside, blasting Joan Jett's bad reputation. That lone driver is one of our protagonists, the shrew of this tale, Kat Stratford. Kat Stratford is played by Julia Stiles, who I've seen in Silverlightings Playbook and Hustlers. And I've seen in the born identity, and I could have sworn I'd seen in more stuff, but I guess I haven't. The camera moves to pan over nearby Padua High School, where Kat rips down a prom poster because she's a rebel. Yeah, real rebellious. I'm putting up posters and ripping them down. Oh, you're really on the edge, Kat. Some of these should have really crissed her out like, "What are you doing?" So you don't want to go to the prom. Doesn't mean rest of us don't want to go. Don't rip down my signs. Yep. We cut to the office of the School of Guidance counselor, Ms. Perky. She pauses her work on a raunchy romance novel to introduce us to another protagonist, the new kid, Cameron James. Ms. Perky is played by Alison Jenny, and we know from the show from Away We Go. Both George and I both know from Juneau. And I've seen her in Itanya, Nurse Betty, Wolf, The Ice Storm, and Big Night. And I've seen her in American Beauty and heard her in Finding Nemo. Cameron James is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who we know from the show in Inception. And George and I have both seen in Glass Onion, Knives Out, and The Dark Knight Rises. And I've seen in The Third Rock from the Sun and the TV Show, Looper, The Trial of the Chicago Seven, Lincoln, and 500 Days of Summer. And I've seen him in Angels in the Outfield, G.I. Joe, Rise of Cobra, and heard his voice in Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi. Cameron has had to change schools often, what with his dad being in the army and all. That sound was a massive spitball of some sort hitting her window, and her words were accompanied by her flipping the bird towards the window. Cameron is taken aback by this, but has no time to recover as Ms. Perky shoes him out of the office. That was, without a doubt, the most normal reaction to that situation. Yup, Cameron played a very good, straight man to that chicanery. He's like, "What are you doing? You're supposed to be an adult figure, why? Look at the bird and stuff, what the hell, curling in front of me? Also the whole thing with his dad being in the army will play no factor whatsoever in this movie." None. Nothing at all. He is quickly replaced by our third protagonist, the Bad Boy Patrick Verona, who is there after having pranked the lunch lady by using a bratwurst to simulate flashing her. Ms. Perky implies that he has a small penis, before showing him away to return to her novel to which she adds a sausage reference. Patrick Verona is played by the dearly departed Heath Ledger. For the show we know him from Brookback Mountain, we've both seen him in The Dark Knight, and I've seen him in The Patriot, A Night's Tale, and Monsters Ball. Thank you. I mean, it's obviously a fortune that the poor man passed away, but thank goodness this wasn't his last film. Yes. He went on to do much, much better things. Agreed. Oh, poor Heath. Outside her office, Cameron is intercepted by Michael Ekman, who has been assigned to show him around. We go right into this film's click walk, which includes basic beautiful people, coffee people, white rosters, cowboys, and future MBAs, the last of which Michael was recently booted from. Before we get into the cast list on that, how many movies have we seen with that scene in? Every high school movie. Actually, wait, wasn't the craft is the only high school movie we've seen that doesn't have a click walk in it? Are you sure? Yep. Okay. And I'll take your word for it. Because it's about, it's not about the clicks. It's like, that doesn't play any part in that movie. They are the click. They are the click, but I thought they also had some interactions. Maybe not. They all mixed together after a while, but wow, the filmmakers watch movies more than you and I do, and yet, so they know what the cliches are. Why would they still have another click? I mean, this is 1999. How many more movies have done that click walk thing from the 80s, from the 70s? Come on, guys. We're going to ask this a lot. Oh, so let's get to the cast list on Michael Ekman is played by David Kromholz, who we know from the show in the Santa Claus. And we've both seen in the bout of Buster Scugs, and this is the end. And I've seen him in Oppenheimer, and I heard him in Sausage Party. I seen him in "I Love You Man", "Superbad", "How to Kumo-R", "Go to White Castle" and a very "How to Kumo-R Christmas". And I've seen him in Adams Family Values, "The Mexican", "A Futile in Stupid Gesture" and "Walk Hard the Dewey Cox Story". You know, I don't know why, but he's the only person I actually liked in this movie. He's the comic relief in the movie. I guess so, but he's like, I just enjoyed him more than I just anybody else, even though he's, well, they do eventually give him someone to go ask, because you know how I hate that in movies where there's the best friend of the cover? The sidekick doesn't get somebody, yeah. Yeah, but she doesn't. He does. Yeah, but he does. Yeah, for that at least they took care of. And honestly, he handles it better than anybody handles any of the other relationships. 100%. What she's interested in, and laser targets that sincerely. You almost wish the movie was about him. Yeah. The click walk comes to a screeching halt when Cameron catches sight of our fourth and final protagonist, Bianca Stratford, Cat's sister. Walking with her best friend, Chastity, waxing philosophical about love and backpacks, and boy is Chastity euphemistically named. Cameron falls instantly and incurably in love with Bianca. And Bianca Stratford is played by Larissa Orlinic, who I also know from Thurgrock from the Sun. I don't know if that was just a coincidence or maybe they were really dating in real life. I don't know. And Chastity is played by Gabrielle Union. For the show, we know her from love and basketball. I know her from top five. And I know her from she's all that and bring it on. Which was another high school movie, wasn't it? What? Both of them. Oh boy. That one was in the high school for a long time. This and those two movies I think were all released within two years of each other. Okay. We visit the senior English literature class where Cat verbally spars with our films antagonist Joey Donner. Joey Donner is played by Andrew Keegan and we both know him from Independence Day. The teacher, Mr. Morgan, has a really low tolerance for, well, anything and sends Cat to see Miss Perky. The counselor advises her to be less of a heinous bitch, her words. In return, Cat helps Miss Perky with some erotic vocabulary choices. These teachers. Well, I guess she's really the administrator of the um, guidance counselor. Guidance counselor, um, I don't think she's very good at her job. No. Anyway, Mr. Morgan is played by Daryl Mitchell, who we know from the show in Inside Man and Boomerang. I have seen in the John Marquette show, TV show, of course, and House Party. And I know him from Galaxy Quest. In the quad, Joey expresses to his friends an interest in deflowering Bianca. On the other side of the quad, Cameron expounds on her virtues. When Michael says that Bianca is looking for a French tutor, Cameron sees that as an in thanks to his apparent pre-natural ability to pick up languages. Can he speak French? Not really, but he will, but he will, yes. After school in the parking lot, Cat walks with her bestie, Mandela, whose primary character trait is a deep end of biting in love for William Shakespeare. They express surprise when they see Bianca get into Joey's car. Then Michael crashes his moped down a hill and doesn't die. He really has a very comedic accident that would actually kill someone in real life. He is something of a walking cartoon character. Indeed. Anyway, Mandela is played by Susan May Pratt, who I know from The Gift. At the Stratford home, we find Cat relaxingly reading some Sylvia Plath and meet her and Bianca's father, OBGYN Walter Stratford. And Walter Stratford is played by Larry Miller. We know him for the show from Pretty Woman. And we both know him from The Nutty Professor and I know him from Runaway Bride, The Princess Diaries, his voice in the B-movie, and the 2008 Get Smart. I would love to know, I've actually read Sylvia Plath. Have that book she was reading from seemed awfully thick? So if Plath did not write that much, I'd be very curious what book she was actually reading. We're at their home to gain two plot points. One minor point is that Cat has been accepted to Sarah Lawrence, which happens to be an entire country away from her father who is not happy about it. The second more important point is that the Stratford daughters are not allowed to date until they graduate high school. This isn't a problem for Cat whose history of dating has soured her on it. Bianca, though, was asked to prom by Joey. Walter gets an idea. "Old rule out, new rule, Bianca can date when she does." Bianca isn't happy with this, but with an hour and twenty left in the movie, this kind of has to blow up in his face, doesn't it? What a weird... I mean, obviously, this is a very small Shakespeare play, but he wrote, what, the 1600s? By the day he's staring. It's like, I can understand that, not have one of your daughters, I don't even get the date. I get that, but once I've reached a certain age, seeing level, I don't know how you don't have them dating. They're like, "Oh, you can take those your sister's dating," or whatever, like, what kind of deal is that? Doesn't he make any sense? To be clear, "Catch Stratford" is explicitly eighteen years old in this movie. She is a legal adult. That is true, there's that, yes. Where it comes in is that he controls the purse strings. True, but does he, I mean, he says this whole weird thing about Sarah Lawrence, although there's no doubt he's gonna have his door to go. He's the man's all bluster from the very first time we see him, he's not gonna follow through on anything. At the library, Cameron and Bianca used their first French tutoring session to move the plot along. If Cameron wants to go out with Bianca, he has to find someone to date Kat, so he promises to do that. And we have a movie! Yeah. Cameron enlists Michael's help, but they can't find anyone willing to try dating Kat. In biology class, during frog dissection, they see Patrick playing with a switchblade and lighting a cigarette off of a burner and think they may have found their guy. Or Cat's guy. They find Patrick in shop class. When Cameron tries to pitch their idea, Patrick drills a hole through his French textbook with a spade bit. He makes what looks like a, uh, a glory hole actually. At lunch, they decide that they'd probably have to up the ante with actual money. They don't have any, but Joey does. Michael manages to convince Joey to bankroll their endeavor, framing it as a way for Joey rather than Cameron to date Bianca. For his negotiating prowess, Michael is rewarded with a sharpie to dick on his cheek. I think I saw that in a movie the other day, Abigail. Joey brings this to Patrick and then negotiate a $50 fee. Patrick first attempts to woo Kat fall flat. That night, Kat and Bianca have a mild argument about catering to others' expectations. Kat is infuriated when Bianca wears a pearl necklace that their mother left behind when she abandoned them and their father. Does it, I can't, I can't quite remember. Does that fact play any part at all in the story or does it not? It plays into the father's psychology somehow. Okay. Like, it's why he doesn't want Kat to move across the country because he doesn't want the other women in his life, i.e. his daughters abandoning him like his wife did. Something like that. Okay. All right. Because I'm just thinking what a part of playing in the plot in terms of the two girls, but that, it doesn't. Okay. I mean, I think it played the part of there was no woman around to argue the father out of these bad ideas. But why make her leave the, I guess it is because like he's afraid of a bandmate because she actually a band is him as opposed to being as opposed to being like dying. Yeah, which is an interesting choice to make. Outside a record store, Patrick again tries to woo Kat, which only annoys her. When Joey blocks her car in, she backs into it and drives off. This pisses off Joey, her dad, and Bianca. She has another argument with her father about him trying to control her life. Patrick ups his price to $100 per date in advance. Michael and Cameron offer to assist Patrick in gaining intel on how to more successfully woo Kat. They suggest he bring her to a party on Friday night that Michael is hijacking from his former buddy in the young MBA click. The old house party singing that before. Yep. In the next tutoring session, Cameron interrogates Bianca about things her sister likes. She hates smokers and likes pretty guys, Thai food, feminist prose, and angry girl music of the indie rock persuasion. Okay. Could've just said Scott because a lot of what she likes sounds like Scott. Then they snoop in Kat's room and dry conclusion that Kat must want to have sex because she owns a pair of black panties, don't ask me where the fuck that comes from because I don't know. I mean, I grant that she's maybe she seems to be relatively close to her sister. He says things such a violation to go through her things and they go through her things with some boy. She's no and the movie acknowledges this because Cameron's like, can I see your room? And she's like, no, a girl's room is private. She says in her sister's room that she was just rummaging through with a boy, which is meant as a joke, but in point of fact is like, eh, this is kinda icky. Michael and Cameron find Patrick in a biker bar and relay their findings. They also relay that Kat will be at Club skunk tomorrow night where her favorite band will be playing. Patrick is hesitant to be seen there, but that won't matter at all to the story. Not at all. There's a lot of things to come up and don't seem to really develop in anything. Club skunk is full to the brim with women. Patrick is the only dude there, aside from the bartender, who knows him for some reason. And that doesn't lead to anything. Nope. Well, it kinda does. Oh, tell us what I mean. I'll let you know when. And everyone but lead singer Kay Hanley of Kat's favorite band, Letters to Cleo. He mentions that he quit smoking. His persistence and name-dropping of other bands begin to wear down Kat's reluctance and he gets a firm maybe to attend that party together. By the way, if there is a bar in America where it's all women, unless that bar specifically bands men, there will be dudes there. There's no chance if a man is allowed in there, they're always warm there and no other men are going to be there. Not possible. Mm-hmm. At home, Bianca convinces Kat the rest of the way to go to that party by begging. Before they're allowed to go, Walter makes Bianca wear a pregnancy simulation suit. Patrick shows up, having taken Kat's maybe as a yes, and this doesn't give her pause. No, it's really weird. The entirety of Padgio High School descends on the home of an unsuspecting future NBA complete with DJ sound system and lots of alcohol. Kat tries to warn Bianca off of Joey, who she has a history with, to no avail, frustrating Kat enough to make her start drinking. Bianca blows Cameron off to hang out with Joey, tanking Cameron's mood too. He tries to call the whole get-cat a date so Bianca can't thing off, when Patrick gives him some genuinely wholesome and supportive advice. Cameron, do you like the girl? Yeah? Yeah, and is she worth all this trouble? Well, I thought she was, but you know what? Well, she is. Oh, she isn't. See, first of all, Joey is not half the man you are. Secondly, don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want. Don't throw it. Yeah. I mean, she's drilling a hole through his textbook one day and giving him supportive advice the next. Yeah. He totally turned around. It would have also been nice to ask, well, does you think the girl like you, because that's going to be really important, then no one sees that as a question. She actually interested in you, buddy. You're going through all this trouble. Is she worth it? But do you think she actually has any interest in you? Well, she doesn't yet, but she's gonna in a second. She's going because the script says so. Yep. Before long, Kat is dancing on a table and smacks her head on a chandelier. Patrick catches her as she falls and escorts her outside to a swing set where the movie perpetuates the myth that you have to keep a concussion victim awake. You do not have to keep a concussion victim awake. If you know that they had a concussion, you can let them go to sleep. Wake them up every hour or so to make sure that they can, but you can let them go to sleep. Sleep is necessary for restoring and healing your fucking brain when you have a concussion. The thing that I found very confusing and all that, because I didn't know that about concussions, but the thing is, if I'm concerned about you having a concussion, you know what I do? I take it in a very hot room. Yeah. What the fuck? Let me just keep it on a swing set. Don't fall asleep. You're not a doctor. Just take it to the hospital if you're really worried. They chat some, and she tells him that his eyes have green in them, but for she vomits on his shoes. She gives her a ride home, and Cat expresses a dream to one day be in a band. When they get to her place, she leans in for a kiss, but he does not return the gesture, upsetting her before she heads home. Bianca fairly quickly loses interest in Joey, who is more self-centered than even she is. She passes on going to a second location with him. Chastity, euphemistically named, doesn't. She doesn't have to be home till 2am. Bianca asks Cameron for a ride home. When they get there, he goes into full complaining mode, which is a barely stopping shy of inventing the term "friend zone." But she puts a stop to that by kissing him. Because of course she does. Here's the thing. Then these two girls come together. They're sisters. She'll be like, "Oh, where's my sister at?" "I can't leave without my sister." They both just... I mean, I know they have separate dates, but it's weird that there's no coordination. No one asks where the other one is. She knows she goes over Joey. She gets upset, gets drunk, and then forgets about being concerned about her sister. Or Joey. Whoever it is. Then he was Joey, right? Yeah. Yeah. The model. Yeah, the model. So she's not concerned about that. She forgets all about... It upsets her enough that she gets drunk. But doesn't accept her that she comes home and like, "Well, where is she now?" But doesn't even ask. In school the next day, Mr. Morgan tests the class with writing their own version of Shakespeare's Sonnet 141. Kat gets sent to see Miss Perky for saying that she is actually looking forward to the assignment. I guess I was supposed to be funny? Yeah. The joke is that Mr. Morgan has one button and it's "send Kat to the office." And in the last... Like second the last scene in the movie, she will just walk herself out of class without having to be told. That's true, yes. Patrick is feeling down about the whole "cat being mad at him" thing and doesn't want to do the plot anymore. Joey offers $300 to get him to take her to prom, stealing his resolve. After consulting with Michael and Cameron, he has an idea for how to win her back. It involves his antisocial ass coordinating to have the entire marching band learn can't take my eyes off of you while he croons from the stands on the stadium PA system dodging campus cops. It works. I wonder in the... I mean, considering how many pictures... Again, this is a cliche. How many pictures has this actually been done and either the guy is singing or he brings a radio with them and holds it over his head and whatever. Has that ever actually worked? There's no way some guy hasn't tried this. I know from experience that singing to a woman can do things. At a karaoke bar where it's appropriate, how many in Brisbane know I sang to her other places that weren't that and it was very appreciated. How responsive is the woman and she's upset with you? I've never used it as an apology. I just wonder how much that really worked. I'm guessing... Well, I can't say zero, that probably has happened in the history of the world a couple of times. Yeah. Well, this works so well that Kat is inspired to help Patrick sneak out of detention by flashing her soccer coach. That would have gotten her sent to the TD counselor, but it doesn't for some reason. That would have gotten her suspended. I'm like, I'm a grown man. I'm your teacher. You can't show me this. I'm gonna get in trouble. You both definitely go to the counselor. Well, the principal, yeah, you're getting suspended. That's nuts. So Kat and Patrick spend the afternoon together getting to know each other better while paddle boating and playing gunless paintball. They wind up on her porch where he asks her to prom. She bristles and he is insistent. Frustrated he pulls out a cigarette that she throws city ground and storms off questioning his motives. Bianca tries in vain to get her dad's permission to go to prom without Kat having a date. So Bianca goes to Kat about it and learns that Kat and Joey dated when they were freshmen. They had sacks and when Kat didn't want to do that again because she felt pressured into it, he broke up with her. Bianca gets upset that Kat chose to help their father control her rather than explain why Joey in particular was a bad idea. I mean, I guess kudos to the picture of bringing it up, but it still makes you wonder why did she bring it up earlier? Yeah, and I'm kind of on Bianca's side in this. Like, you could have just told me that instead of helping our father keep me under lock and key. Yeah, it's very strange. Especially a character like her who is so very independent and tough. Mm-hmm. The night of the prom, Bianca is ready to go and so is Kat having thought about it and decided to side with her sister on this one. Cameron shows up and Bianca leaves with him. Kat meets Patrick at the venue. The prom is being held at a posh hotel with 90s California Scott Band save Ferris providing the music and that band title is a reference to Ferris Bueller's Day off. Ah! Kat apologizes to Patrick for questioning his motives. And Patrick forgives this so that it can bite them in their asses in a minute. Haha. Well, don't worry. She, well, we'll see. She gets on with things real quick. Yeah. Joey shows up at the Stratford's only to have Walter close the door in his face. Off camera, he goes and picks up the euphemistically named chastity. Hahahaha. Before protagonists meet on the dance floor, they are joined shortly by Mandela dressed in pseudo Shakespearean garb who looks up and sees Michael on stage dressed as Shakespeare. And I had glossed over it, but he'd asked her to the prom with like by providing her that dress in her locker, which I have no idea how students get access to other students' lockers in movies, because that should shouldn't be possible ever anywhere. That's why you have lockers. Yes. Hahaha. I can't see you. Lock your locker. Also, God bless him. I guess he knows sizes of girls, because I'd put clothes for people, he'd always work out. Yeah. Hahaha. So you know the perfect fit to kudos to him. Also, why is he able to stage though? And it's like he's not doing anything up there. Why did he just meet her on the floor that seems like a dramatic effect. Hahaha. He looked up and saw him there. Yeah. Shortly, Save Ferris is joined on stage by letters to Chloe, because Patrick called in a favor. And I think that that's where the bartender connection comes in. Ah, okay. The lead singer even comes down to personally sing to Kat for a second. They dance and have some more getting to know you conversation. In the bathroom, euphemistically named Chastity tells Bianca that not only is Bianca not the only sophomore or prom, but that Joey only wanted to bring Bianca so that he could have sex with her. This surprises for some fucking reason and affects her some fucking reason Bianca who should have already figured this shit out, who storms out of the bathroom. Yeah. I mean, what does she shout with number one? Yeah. The boy's going out with me once to have sex with you. Surely, she understands that the way her father gets bringing it up, not getting pregnant. She doesn't know this. And then her sister tells her they slept with her and then would like to sleep with her. I'd be like, why did she shout by? He's like, where is this coming from? Also, what the fuck is wrong with Chastity? Right? Why did she even feel the need to tell her that they just want to be friends? And then she's like a really mean to her for no good reason. She's not a very good friend, nor is she very chaste. And she just changes on a dime for no reason as near as I can tell. She got, if she wanted to know, she got, no, this is a, it's a slow, it's a slower burn than that. In that, at the house party, like she starts showing interest in him. And then Chastity goes to the second location with him. Right. Like this, this has been in the works for a little bit. Well, that's what I'm saying. So she got what she wanted. So why is she being such a creep? I don't know. She's jealous because Bianca has a Prada backpack. On the dance floor, Joey gets in Patrick's face and loudly says that he paid Patrick to take out Kat so that he could take Bianca, not Cameron. Kat is understandably furious and storms off with Patrick chasing after her. He says, yeah, it started like that, but he caught feelings, but she doesn't want to hear it in leaves. Joey calls Bianca a bitch. Cameron stands up for her and Joey punches him. And Bianca. Best you farted the movie. You think with the first hit, he would know, oh, she's going to like try and hit me again and do a block. He just completely leaves himself open. Yeah. It's funnier that way. The next day, Bianca checks on Kat and they seem to be getting along better now. Bianca leaves to go sailing with Cameron. Their dad comes over and says he's impressed that some of Kat's assertiveness rubbed up fun Bianca and gives his permission for her to go to Sarah Lawrence and says he already sent the check. So like it's full per it's like, no, now you're just you're going, whether you want to, or you might even change your mind. But now, yeah, this is not a family that talks to each other for some reason. Let me make sure you still want to go to Sarah Lawrence. Okay, honey. Well, I'm going to send a check then. No, it's like surprise. I paid for the whole thing. Mm hmm. Surprise. I just flippin Joey surprise. Like it's family does not talk. Yep. In English Lit, Kat reads her interpretation of son at 141, a list of 10 things she hates about Patrick title. The last thing being her hating that she doesn't hate him. When she gets to her car, she finds a Fender Stratocaster in the front seat and Patrick standing behind her. He used the money he got from Joey to get that for her because she wants to be in a band and that makes everything okay, I guess, I guess. They kiss the end. The end. I know this is an upper class school, but Fender's Stratocasters are pretty expensive. At first of all, he has access to get into her car. That's amazing. They just leave it there where anybody could have just pulled that out of the car. I think she left her window open all the more so I can just go in there and grab the thing out. Well, that's not a smart move. No, it's not. But is anything that's from smart charge does this still work? No. No, this is another and a long line of teen comedy romances that's not as funny as it needs to be to work. It relies on a lot of horrible relationship dynamics and things just get forgiven that shouldn't get forgiven. We can't keep teaching people. Like, again, we take our storytelling species, we take our cues from the media that we consume and kids watch this movie and think this is how fucking teenagers behave. This isn't how real people behave except the people that do and those people shouldn't be forgiven by anybody. So no, I don't think this works. Yeah, I mean, that is the main problem with films like this is that people do horrific things and they're just forgiven and in real life that would not work. As you know, I recently edited anger magic, but just adding it just to maybe angry all over again. Because a character does something in that picture that is on the forgive of all. Yeah, far more than even in this picture. One of our favorite actresses, no less, and then to follow with this thing, again, not as bad. But still, this really needs to be fixed and moved because you're right. We are storytelling species. We like happy endings. And I do too. I mean, I like when a story works or anything, do not have the character do something so unforgivable. And when, when he does some fucked up stuff, but I can see them forgiving him for it. I can see the characters. He earned the forgiveness. No, it's not forgiveness. He wants. He wants a second chance. That's what he does better than everyone else that we sing so far. I've got to put it to he's saying that forgiveness I can understand that is because also he does other things of like, okay, I can see he wants to give you a chance of not this thing and he messed up and they go, okay, we'll give it to you. Yeah. We'll give it to him. This. I'm like, she just like, oh, you gave me a guitar. Thank you. I guess I love you now. Well, the thing is she loved him before. I know. I know. Like the only credit I can give it is that he did he used the money that he got from, from Joey to basically buy her something that she wanted. So it's kind of a wash on that, but at the same time, no, the design like you started out the relationship by lying to her after a deception, you have to rebuild trust, but you can't rebuild trust that was already sabotaged. There's nothing to rebuild. You'd have to rebuild it from negative or the time to tell her was at the when he was catching feelings, he should have just said, listen, I'm so they really bad to tell you. I really, really like you and the time, yeah, the time to tell her was when she was calling him on it. Yes. Exactly. Should have just said, okay, you're right. At a minimum, I screwed up. I'm really sorry, but I do actually like you, but I was paid to do this and let the cars fall within me. He would have won or that. He's killing it would have worked very well. As opposed to like, let's go through, he was never going to tell her. No, Kelly was not going to open up his mouth, which would have been like, he was pretty much laying all the power and joy who at any moment could blow up their relationship and he got it. So it's like so stupid. You had to come. The guy knows they know each other. There was no way she was not going to fight out. Oh, God, no, it doesn't work. Yes. And it's also, and it's not the pictures fall, it was made in 1999, but nonetheless, these cliches of the click group and the, and every high school movie, I think we sing so far, at least the vast majority of them, no one acts like real high school students. I've never been in a high school with anyone behaved like this. Everyone act like a 40 year old screenwriter. Yep. All right. That's it. What's next? Well, our next episode is a patron choice episode, and we don't know what it's going to be because her patrons vote on them and that vote hasn't been finalized yet. If you want to vote, but are not a patron, you can fix that by becoming one at So guess I said for this episode, I'm Joe Dixon. Thanks for listening. And I'm George Romaca. Thanks for listening, indeed, because of podcast drops and there's no one around to hear it. It's just another collection of ones and zeros that doesn't matter. And put, she's a mutant. What if she never dates? You'll never date. Oh, I like that. And I'll get to sleep at night. The deep slumber of a father whose daughters aren't out being impregnated. You've been listening to Does This Still Work, produced by Joe Dixon and George Romaca. The hosts can be reached via social media, email, or the contact page at Be good to yourself and others because that still works. Wow, you hate Joe Crocker that much? Nope. That's it. Dear Glenn, I'm 37 years old. I want to get this worked out, but we seem stuck. How do I get him to see it my way? Dear Glenn. I really want to come out to my parents. Dear Glenn, I've read your column for a while now and I'm wondering if you can help me with