Sunday Service


Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
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He's going for administration, or as a lawyer, and who is it? OK. Thanks a lot. Thank you so much. Let's see. We'll have a sit-hand, how are we now? Yeah, we're coming to the end of our-- Yes, it is. [INAUDIBLE] What's going on? [INAUDIBLE] It's the lawyer? [INAUDIBLE] Oh, man. [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGHTER] Hello. You may have a seat, so welcome. Welcome to the leave service. Good to have you, my students, for some-- so I'm just going to see you again. Well, bless you. Well, as soon as that's a light. [INAUDIBLE] Thank you. Oh, she's upstairs. No, and I won't see you. I miss a part of myself. Please, hello. I wasn't sure that she was here, but-- [INAUDIBLE] Please, hello. So, first of the morning to everyone, and to those joining us online, God bless you. Please, hello. Not today, we're going to be talking the topic of the Australian yourself in the state life, training yourself in the state life, how are we now? Our state is our lifestyle, and we must-- we must train ourselves in this state life. More to God, the scripture tells us in the moment, chapter 1, verse 17, that just shall live by faith. And that's you. You're the just, and that, and it's our optional. The Lord Philip tells us in Hebrews 11, verse 6, "With our faith, it is impossible to please him. For he that comets of God must believe that he is, and that he's a rewarder of them that the religion is seeking." Amen? So understanding what faith is and what it is not, and training ourselves in the state life is important to your success on which you as a Christian, how are we now? There's no other way-- at least there's no other way that the Lord accepts. Amen. So what is faith? People see them themselves. Faith is a substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. Talilubia. So this scripture tells us, faith has substance. Amen. Your faith has substance. So by those things you've been hoping for, moves from the realm of hope to the realm of having or possessing, even before a manifest, that is faith. Let your spirit reach at the word of God, and you know that you know that you know. You have the thing you have been hoping for. That is faith, glory to God. In simple terms, faith is your spirit responding to what God says, irrespective of the situation or circumstance. Talilubia, as our man of blood often tells us, faith is the response of the human spirit to the word of God, Talilubia. Praise the Lord. Amen. So faith requires that you respond slowly on the basis of God's rule. Let it tell you to do something, go ahead and do it without asking him, oh, Talilubia, we like the house. But if we know the house, you don't think. Talilubia. And this was how Abraham called the fact that you come, the ear of the wood, and married to the type of the father of faith. Amen. And he was in a good chapter yet. It says, "My faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should, after receive one, inheritance, he obeyed, and he went out, not knowing what that he went. Amen, not knowing what that he went. Abraham didn't have to know when he was going before he would be a god. All he needed to know was this was the voice of God. Amen. And Abraham was not as privileged as we are today. We have the word of God. Amen. And he was yet he was able to discern the voice of God. Alleluia. The Abraham only scriptures the tree noise of voice of God. Glory to God. You have your pastor's voice, also represents the voice of God in your life. You have the Holy Spirit, spiritual descent. You have the self leader, there's the voice of God. And you have to read the word of God from your old mouth. Amen. When you pray, that is also the voice of God. Amen. In verse 17, it says, "My faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac, and he even had received the promises offered up his Lord, even God, his son. Of whom it was said that in Isaac shall my seed be called. A content that God was able to raise him up even from the dead. From my school story, he received him in a figure. So by faith, Abraham, when he was tried, were it of God, as were the scriptures says, Abraham was tried. And your faith will be tried and tested. How are you? God doesn't deal with social promotion. There is a lot. In the book of Revelation, he repeatedly says for the churches, to live that overcome it, will I give? How will we give? To live that overcome it, will I give? Who are you talking about, many are called but few are chosen? Praise the Lord. But the chosen, I want to choose to be chosen. Praise the Lord. They have no special coin. How will we add? They have no special coin. Jesus cannot choose not to be chosen. Moses cannot choose not to be chosen. Now God cannot choose not to be chosen. Praise the Lord. So to live that overcome it, will I give? And this is the month of overcoming. How will we add? And we have to train ourselves in a faith life. God told Abraham that Isaac shall be a seed. When he had to offer up Isaac, he was not free to do it. Amen. He wasn't afraid, because God already told it, that I was a seed. Amen. And remember, faith is the response of the human spirit to the word of God. What is your response to God to? Amen. Sometimes our tests are simple words. How can we respond to God's word? Hallelujah. We have two services that we have. It's not too much time to give to God. Do you foresee the assembly of the seeds? Has God's word become common to you? Hallelujah. He said the time belongs to me, which means transcendence of every God that belongs to God. Hallelujah. Do you foresee God's word by faith and obedience? What we want to analyze it and make excuses? We are doing it before. Let's say our person for excuses. Let's not teach you. Hallelujah. Now, as of past, I may not see all of your actions, done privately, gone to one's seeds. As our accident said this morning, "And these are just some things that I can see." Give up? So how do we see things and how to increase your fields? Does every Christian have faith? In fact, it can be asked in that Romans 12, the street, the Bible says, "God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith." We all receive the measure of faith, when we got, when we got seen. So if you are born again, you may Jesus Christ born of your life, you will receive the measure of faith. We all receive the same measure of faith. You will receive the same measure of faith as the apostle Paul. We all receive the same measure of faith as our dear God, Pastor Chris, Hallelujah. Now, when we all testament, it was possible for our answer to be faithless, but not the new creation to be. We all receive the measure of faith, Hallelujah. And if I grow up measure of faith, not to receive when we got seen, I get more thoughts good. And while I expect you to grow your faith in that, while I expect us to grow up in the things of God, I expect us to grow up in our faith, our faith is not supposed to see at the same level, yet in our near old, Hallelujah. Romans 10, verse 17 says, "So then, faith hath been here, and here by the word of God, Hallelujah." That means there are actions you must take to position yourself to hear God's word to grow your faith. And when you hear God's word, you must act on it. Hallelujah. You must study and maintain God's word to build your faith. You must attend services and some meetings where God's word is being taught to build your faith. You must listen to messages and teachings of our dear man of God to build your faith. Hallelujah. And you must also prophesy and make faith-filled proclamations to build your faith. This is how you move from hope to faith. You might start off hoping in a situation where a situation will have a positive outcome but as you combine your spirit with God's word, you begin to believe Hallelujah. So God's word becomes close now to you, unto your situation. Amen? Amen. It doesn't stop the end. You must hear to do Hallelujah. You must hear, not to hear, Hallelujah, not to become an intellectual. You must hear to do Hallelujah. The words set to us in verse 24 and on what it says, "Therefore, who so ever he had these things of mine, and do it then, I would like him unto a man, a wise man, which built his house upon a rock." Hallelujah. It's the one who does, the jewel of God's wood that is built in, that has built his house upon a rock and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds grew, and the leaves upon that house, and it fell on rocks, for it was founded upon a rock. Hallelujah. I've never seen those people, because the fact that you have come away, Mr. Stanley. Hallelujah. Glory to God. What have you built your house upon, and everyone goes on in verse 26, and everyone says, "That here are these things of mine, and do it then not, shall be right unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sun, and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds grew, and the leaves upon that house, and it fell, and rain was the fall of it. Glory to God. I remember what Sean said about it, "I don't know why I still have my key, Hallelujah, but it is a question of how we build, and that is why as we believe us, we must be very particular about how we build, what foundation we build upon, in that, and build in according to God we pattern, Hallelujah, God has always given us a pattern to build our lives upon. Amen? Amen. Faith is our lifestyle, and therefore we must train ourselves in the field of life. We have to train ourselves in this field of life. When you came to Christ, God gave you a perfect life, and showed you how to live that life to the full. We have to give a glorious life in Christ. This will be used to be in charge and in control of your life, and everything working out right for you, Hallelujah, he has given us this glorious, blessed life to live, but the extent to which you live that life is a function of your things. And that's why it's so important for you to understand how faith works, and to learn to use what you've got, Hallelujah, we have to learn to use what we've got, Hallelujah. And the first point is field talks, field talks, train yourself to have talking sessions every day. You don't wait for a challenge or crisis till the end of speed goes good, how talking sessions every day, in your time of prayer and 12 year day, amen? March 1720 says that we have faith as a grain of mustard seed, we shall say unto this mountain, remove hands to yonder place, and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Glory to God. We convert from the master, our master, the Lord Jesus spoke to many things. You talk to trees, you talk to the winds, the waves, the water, you talk to the fishes, you talk to the food, Hallelujah, you talk to the dead, and they came back to life, you talk to the quiet mountain amount of the fish, Hallelujah, letting us know that everything in life has intelligence and that some can face energy, Hallelujah, or one of God has taught us that everything in life in our net objects have intelligence. The chewing of what he has intelligence, glory to God, it does part of what it is. So apart from talking to your body to be enhanced, we must learn to talk to things. Hallelujah, give the things in our house, the things you have on the work, your tools, your money, everything in your care, and only you'll watch, we all have intelligence in that and our God has told us that nothing is supposed to depreciate our hands and to reduce our amount, we retain the value and keep things perfect, Hallelujah, we know as give the system, the life always gives the testimony that she has close from, how many and how many years go back, right, then prestige condition, the rest that she has it, when he caught vision in which it is Hallelujah, and so it should be with everything that he had, Hallelujah. So faith talks, and faith also has works, glory to God, the word of God says be a doer of glory. So after you have talked, what's taught, you must act on a word, Hallelujah. James chapter 1 verse 22 says, but we do as a doer, and not here as only, we see that you see that your own selves, for if envy are here of your will, another doer, is like onto a man, before it is natural faith in the glass, for if you hold it in itself and what is real straight away, forget what manner of man he was, glory to God. So what has given us many instructions in the word of good, to direct us in the way that we should move, Hallelujah, unlike our dear Father Abraham, words of God, we are blessed, we can go any day of the week, to pick up the Bible, and hear what one has to see. We are the Holy Spirit, Hallelujah, we don't pick and choose what you think, we like. Amen? And as parents I will get to that, I will get to that. You know, sometimes we actually make sure, you know, I know. I hope we have a lot of children who want to listen. Let's see. In fact, I'm working with our politics. In fact, we are just a solution to the world of God. So faith has works. We must hear, to do. We must hear to analyze. We must hear to preach. We must hear to teach others. Because we need to do first and foremost, before we can even look to teach others. Amen? Amen. So faith has works. So this is about our co-occurrence, and we are still operating in great grace for the hunter co-cast. So let us use our faith for victims, especially in the house of God. Hallelujah. Talk to the souls that are coming in, to the kingdom of God, and the team in the south. See that? 1,000 members in the south is possible in coming to class. Hallelujah. We have to speak these things into being. Glory to God. Talk your faith. Maintain your confession, and the only guaranteed outcome will be the triumph of your faith. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Praise the name of the Lord. So let us give God thanks, and praise his word to us to be. Hallelujah. Speak about the tongues of Lord, who are trying to use. Thank you all, God, for your word to us to be. Hallelujah. Oh, shit, Jesus, you better hear that. This is our hunt. We are all for comments. Hallelujah. Oh, shit, you better hear that. We are taught as we are chosen. Hallelujah. We live by faith. We are taught as we are chosen. Hallelujah. We live by faith. We are taught as we are chosen. We live by faith. We are taught as we are chosen. Hallelujah. We live by faith. We are taught as we are chosen. Hallelujah. We live by faith. We are taught as we are chosen. Hallelujah. We live by faith. We are taught as we are chosen. Hallelujah. We live by faith. We are taught as we are chosen. Hallelujah. We live by faith. You know, exactly for your world, and you need some highness. In the 19th of Jesus, all you do are not only in the Lord, but in your world, it is free, for God is true, and it shall not be true, not you for it, but it shall accomplish that for which it was said to do in our lives. In the 19th of Jesus, Lord, I bless your children, I bless them with your wood, in the name of Jesus. How do you know, Lord, which are God, do you have your seats? I hand back to the moderator. Alleluia, thank you so much for having us, for those topics that you touched throughout, they touched my hand, Alleluia, some of them in mind.