Coffee Beanery | Sip & Share

Exploring Unique Coffee Flavors, Roasting Insights, and Charitable Initiatives

Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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- Oh, yeah, it is. (laughs) - Good morning. - Good morning. Welcome to Coffee Beanery, Sip and Chair. I'm Lori. - I'm Patty. - And Britton. - I was just looking at our Facebook page of what I wanna be when I grow up. - Oh, I saw you commenting. Yeah. - It was really funny. I don't know if anybody caught it, but that picture that's there is actually my youngest daughter in her preschool. And she says, "When I grow up, I wanna be a human." (laughs) - Yeah, she was under this misconception that you had to be a grown up to be a human. - I mean, fair. So she just asked me-- - She thought she was a dog. I don't know. - Remember, she said you have to be big to be human. - Yeah. - And she was little. - That's adorable. - So, how old was she in that picture? - Like four. - Yeah, she was a preschool. - So, yeah, it's 2014. There's 10 years ago, so she had been before. - Yeah. - There's somebody back to school, like picks and everything going right now. - Oh my gosh, did you see Crystal? - Yes. - I mean, is she like that? - That was a lot. But most over the top, mom, ever, I love it. - Cookies for the teachers, a balloon arch. You know, I was like, "Dang, girl, get it." My kids got like a sign and rushed pictures on the porch. - I didn't take Lane's picture until three days later, and then was too embarrassed to post it. - Oh, I would-- - 'Cause the first day he was like running out of the door. The second day he was sick, and I was like, "All right, day three, let's get your picture, kid." - First day at school. - I got the picture, but it's kind of half of it, just 'cause she's in her little Catholic outfit. - Oh, yeah. - And I just love it. - That's cute, yeah. - I love a little-- - Yeah, the school girl. - When she was little, I went to Catholic school for one year, it was like, the matching headbands, and the little collard shirts. She let me dress her like a little doll. I'm sure she got teased, but she looked adorable. - But they all kind of looked like that. - The little kid jumpers. She's like, "Mom, now girls just wear sports every day," or something. She's like, "Oh, well, he looked cute." - Yeah, and you wore the jumpers, so there. - But it's interesting to see what people wanted to be, and then in that thread, it's almost like I wanted to see what people ended up doing. - So I thought that too. I wanted to ask everybody, like, "And what are you now?" 'Cause there's a few people who commented and said, "This is what I ended up doing," which I liked. - Well, I thought it was kind of funny, too, like your perception of what you want to do as a kid. Like, one person put on there, I really wanted to work at Burger King. Like, I thought that'd be the coolest shot, right? - Yeah, and I said like a grocery store worker, you know. - And it's like at that age, I just wanted to be a barista. - Yeah. - You know, is that what you wanted to be? - Well, I mean, I wanted to like work here eventually, but I really wanted to like just be a- - I think there's one, I think there's one. I don't think there's a year she said she wanted to be president. - It was London. - And I'm like, "Oh, like president of the US?" Like, that's kind of cool. And she's like, "Oh, no, president of coffee beanery." (laughing) I think that was like way boring. - Yeah, I read it, I read it, I read it for the morning. - You know, they wanted to make beer. (laughing) - You still cook, Logan. - You still can. - You are pretty much a roast. - I think Dad has a beer maker somewhere in the garage. - Well, Jason does. - At our 40th anniversary, 'cause we just celebrated what, 48, right? - Yeah, 48th. - So at our 40th birthday, we had a whole week of themes. And one of the days was- - It is spirit week. - Just look at it, I had a spirit week. - It is spirit week. - And we did dress like what you wanted to be when you grow up. So I was a white tiger trainer. - So it's just a great white tiger. - I mean, I know this was a teacher. Like I wanted to be a teacher until I found out. - I was a principal. - Yeah, I remember that actually. (laughing) - You were a sexy principal, that's real. - That's cute. (laughing) - Sexy trampy, whatever, it's all good. - You had to make a presentation. - Was that for senior accent, Logan? - About making beer, nice. - And why did I not see your presentation? - You didn't come to my knee there. - I don't remember why but I couldn't. No, you didn't tell me about it on purpose 'cause you said I'd make you nervous. - Maybe. - Yeah, exactly. And then I'm like, I didn't know I could come. - Other parents weren't really there. Honestly, it probably would've been worse if you were there 'cause the one lady was there, the judge. - The judge that didn't like me, so she'd give you a back grade. - Yep, they invited, like so art or school, they have the senior exit presentation. I'm trying to say things, right? And my oldest son was the one who said that he was gonna be married within five years and all the judges eyebrows just hit their hairline like, "Okay, we have an 18-year-old talking about matrimony. "Okay, this is odd." And then five years. - He's five years and you're a boy. - Yeah, and they were trying to talk him down a little bit. He's like, "I'm gonna be married." We're gonna watch him on 24. Well, he's 23 right now, so I know. - Well, I mean, he's coming. - Yeah, I mean, he's with the same person, so you know. We'll see, but I just remember going, "Son, is that what you just said?" - I said I was gonna be married at 23. You have kids at 25, 27, and 29. - Okay, and you did. - Yeah, I got married at 21. I had kids at 23, 24, 25, 26. - Keep going. - Keep going. - I don't even know. - And actually 28, I think, and 41. (laughs) - It's like, "You're going?" And you're not done yet. - Okay, no. (laughs) You're teasing, so Donna going, "Oh, we still have "a little brother sister for you." And she just said the other day. She's like, "No more. "I don't want any more siblings." - Didn't she want one when she was little? - Oh yeah, when she lives. - No. - Well, she begged for one. - Yeah, and you're just like, "Should you realize the miracle you are?" - I remember crying, going, "Nobody's gonna be able to be on the teeter totter with her. "She can't even teeter to haunt her." (laughs) - That's probably safer. That's probably the safer option than what happened with us. - Do they still make teeter totters? Like, are they still-- - This is where we took the kids to the little zoo and they had like light up in the glow in the dark ones, like lit up ones. - They're like so much fun doing it. - They seem so dangerous. - Hey Charles. - I don't know. - But no, it's fun seeing what everybody wanted to be. And it is a lot of things that, but I liked like, I wanted to be Nancy Drew or what inspired it to. - Yeah. - And I thought it was funny. One of the people said, "Gosh, what is Lisa Frank?" 'Cause Lisa Frank, I wanted to be-- - Marie, myologist. - Yes. - I thought that was a great answer. - I like all that too. - There was a lot of fun answers. - Yeah. - It was. - Yeah, I was excited about it. - But I want everyone to go back and see what they actually are. - Yeah. - For sure. I guess I need to pick some winners. - Estelle, you know, chose three professions. And then when I told her that, you know, she would have to like go to college and stuff. She gave me a big sign and goes, "I guess I'll just be a stay-at-home mom man." (laughs) - I'm like, "Oh my gosh." - Try options. - Well, she's gonna be an EMT, a police officer, and a firefighter, all at once. - Technically, I think she doesn't have to go to college for her. - She's gonna do part-time jobs. - Okay. - For all of these things. - That's fine. - Yes, Sedona's gonna be, she's older. She's your name. But she's gonna be, she's gonna move to New York, be an executive assistant to somebody. - Yeah. - And then teach dance at night. - Oh, I love it. - She would cry. - Yeah. - They would yell at her and she would cry. - Yeah. - She would be. - Sedona wants to be a marine biologist and, 'cause he thinks he can do both. And what did he say? A mechanical engineer. But now he's thinking about going into the military. He wants to go to one of the military academies and train there and then do four years in military and then maybe be a general. And he thinks that ghost apparatus, or a thing still. So you know how like Navy SEALs is like the top of the top? He thinks that ghost is a thing that-- - Probably is. - Okay, so we googled it because this was a whole thing. - Well, they're not gonna put it on Google, Patty. - Well, that's what he's telling me, right? He's like, "Mom, as if we tell." But when you look up ghosts, it was something that happened during World War II and they were like the highly trained operatives. - There are people. - There are teams of these that they-- - Yes, so. - They don't point behind with that. - So exactly, this is what my son is going to do. He's basically saying that he's gonna be in the secret. - Right, yeah. - Great, yeah. - He should probably start training now. - So he's gonna, I'm looking to junior ROTC next year when he's in ninth grade. - I mean, physically. - Yeah, yeah, all of that. He's got a lot of physical training to do. - That's like physical, very, very physical. All of that stuff is. - I don't think he realizes that, so. - That's what I give him a program to start training on that part of it. And then see where it goes. - So he has a great mentor. And yesterday where you were sitting with him and he was telling him, like, all of the things he's gotta do in the steps. So, I mean, we'll see. - Hey. - Well, we'll see. - Yeah, great, yeah. - I mean, you know, people that have gone to, well, Kathy's son's went to military school and I mean, it's amazing what, I mean, it's very hard to get in, but what amazing opportunities. - Dr. Rico said 9% of people, 9% of applicants actually get into the five military academies in the United States. So. - Yeah, it's pretty cool. - Yeah. - So. - It's pretty cool. - And recommendations are huge. - You have to have a recommendation from a congressman, he said, to get in. So, from a congressman. - Yeah. I don't even know how you do that, but, you know, he's got time. So, just fascinating and trusting to learn about that side of things that I didn't know about. - That's a great tip, really cool aspirations. - Yeah. - I mean, because that's great. Those are really pretty out of the box things. - Yeah. I don't think that-- - Because everybody knows a teacher or whatever. I like to the grocery store worker. - I did too. - It would be a grocery store. - The bagger. - Who of my favorite are the videos that people work in at Aldi and just like slimming this stuff through it really quick. And then like people are going home and then playing Aldi, like, you know, grocery store with their kids and just whipping the things through. - Well, look, I'm thinking too of like all the jobs that I applied for, like in college and stuff. Like all the things that I really wanted to do. - Yeah. - I didn't get hired at any of them. - Yeah. - But hey. - Yeah. Sometimes like, you know, what you think you want and what you want, you know? I mean, who would have thought I'd be here, you know? - Yeah. - After I started working as a seasonal worker, I didn't think I'd still be a coffee peonery but how many years later? - Yeah, we just had anniversaries and we celebrated someone's 40th, 40th year, which was pretty cool. - Yeah, Laurie made them a knife. How did you like it? - Yeah, and then she like couldn't get it out of the case and it would just turn it into a whole dangerous situation. - We were like 95% sure she was gonna cut herself. - And the gentleman's like, I mean, knives are her thing, right? I'm like, just hand it over. - And this just gives him a knife. - He can, he wasn't great. - He can, well, I was gonna, he could take it out. You taking it out. - Much more safely. I'm sure. - Terrifying. - And I were standing by each other going, stop, stop. Just hand it to him, stop. - This doesn't give him a knife. - You hold the box and give him the knife. - Yeah, just hand him the whole thing. - Yeah. - Yes, thank you, Paul. - We're glad you didn't hurt yourself. - I, me too. (laughing) It was a little sketchy there. (laughing) - So, and I think I talked to the boys. I think they mean, oh, we're, they're gonna do a takeover when they'll be the judges of our party. - Oh, you do talk to them. - Okay, perfect. - So, well, I didn't talk to them. I just told them. (laughing) - And we'll have to put a date in their calendars where we can make sure a few sins in town. 'Cause I know he travels a lot for work. - Yeah, he's gonna go a little bit to California. - Okay, so, today we are introducing, and you may have seen it online, the Costa Rican Gladiola. - Yay. - Do you wanna give a little recap of how this came to be? - I wasn't there, so. (laughing) - So, we've talked about it a little bit, but for our convention this year, we took franchisees to the Costa Rica, we call it the laminated farm, but it's not actually the laminated farm. - Hacienda laminated farm. - But is it really? - Yeah, well, that's the house, is the hacienda laminated farm. - Yeah, they actually are part of a bigger farm. - It's called like the Rio de Teresu or something. - It says it on, yeah. - Oh, it says it right here. - No, that's just the daycare. - Oh, oh, I can agree, yeah. - And my Spanish is great. - Here's all of your accents, they're fantastic. - The farm, and we always do a coffee tasting there with our franchisees, and we were tasting the coffee. - A real true coffee. - Yeah, with them, and we have La Monita and Teresu coffees that we already get directly from that farm, and then we tasted the Gladiola, and it was just such a different taste profile. I thought it was really, really good. - Mm-hmm. - I wish Logan was here to tell us more about the taste profile. - Oh, I'm welcome to show. - Well, we taste them. - But we are gonna taste it. So we're gonna taste the different coffees, and they are all very distinctly, even though they're grown on the same farm. They are very distinctly different coffees. - Well, they're grown in the same co-op more, but they are separated a little bit. I mean, at that different elevation, they're really in between them. - Mm-hmm, okay, they do. - Yeah. - But it is different soil. - So it's just because of the crop. - It's the coffee plants themselves, the plant. - Like the La Monita beans, so what is this? - So what is this, Teresu? - We're red and yellow, and they're actually phasing out the yellow, which is like, was a really unique thing. Yeah, we're gonna try Teresu fragile. It's a very fragile. - Yeah, I wanted to try Teresu first, because that was the first Costa Rican coffee that we started to carry here. Like, it's been here the entire time I worked here. And then La Monita was a little bit newer to us. - Didn't we get Costa Rican Teresu, but not from this farm at first? - I don't care if we're sure. - And then we, like five years ago, we switched over to this farm. - Yeah, and we picked up the next year. - Because the quality was a lot better. - So Teresu is an area, and then we just decided to directly get it from them, because again, we talked about this. They're so wonderful to their workers, and, you know, 'cause pickers usually are a seasonal thing, and there are people that come harvest season, but they actually employ people year round, and they have just really cute little housing for them, these little blue houses. - Yeah, I should have put pictures of the houses on them. - They're really cute, and I'm medical and dental, and for their families as well, because healthcare is very costly, and so they provide it now for the people's family, so their parents and their entire family. - And when I was reading online, I mean, they take care of the workers, but they also just take care of the community, like all the local people, because sometimes there's nowhere to travel, right? So even if they don't work at the farm, they still, they take care of them. - They do, they work at the community, yeah. - And that's why we ended up introducing the trio in pods, 12-ounce and samplers. We kind of did the full variety here. - Yeah, the trifecta to support Casa Stel Allegria. - Oh, look at junior Spanish, yeah. Which is the daycare. - And it's so much more than daycare than we think about here. - I mean, it's the daycare, but it's also the medical. I mean, they take care of these kids, like literally bathing them, - Watching their clothes, teaching, educating. And so that their parents just feel safe that these kids ever really, and it was, I mean, you could see the love. And I think it's really interesting to see the older kids helping with the younger kids as well. - Yeah. - And that's, we talked about doing donations for our Amazon language for it. - Well, yeah, so proceeds from purchasing the coffee, a portion of the proceeds will go to the farm. If you, in the comments, there's a Costa Rican like trio coffee page and that has the Amazon wishlist link. And at checkout, there's also a donation button and all of that will just go directly to them or to buy things on the Amazon wishlist that they've asked for. If you look at the Amazon wishlist, they really do need like shoes and clothes and stuff, but it makes you add it by size. It doesn't have to be directly from the wishlist. Those were just to give some ideas, but the educational stuff is more specific. - Right, like if you're at like your local thrift store and you found some like, you know, nice, you know, good condition or new shoes. - And then our plan is when we get a pallet worth of stuff or as substantial, then we'll send it to them and they'll just keep going. - So we'll collect it all and then mail it down. - And yeah, and it's kind of-- - But I will say the kids were there. They were so clean and but they're, you know, they're close to show signs of wear and they had like one soccer ball and they didn't really have a lot of toys or anything. So we just want to make sure that they have the resources that they need to take care of these kids. You know, I should put on those like laundry soap maybe. - Oh yeah, it's just shipping that. I mean, we could, well it depends how they wash it though. - It's on pallets though. - But what she means is if they're washing by hand and not like with a wash for a guy or two, I can't-- - And no, we just started done a show. - No worries. - Oh, good morning. - But yeah, there's a lot of stuff on there and then we tried to really think about, you know, when kids, especially our kids get birthday presents, it's just toys and toys and toys. But we tried to think about things that were easy to store and the bins to store them in and all of that. - So the organization, so they don't get some stuff and have nowhere to put them. So we did put some bins and not ask fun stuff but really practical things that they can use. - And then we tried to do stuff in English and Spanish. - I wondered if you found stuff like that. - Yeah, so like we did like Spanish early reader books and stuff, but then we also did English and English flashcards because especially at that young age, it's a great time for them to start learning English. - Yeah, absolutely. - And then there was a lot of kind of like bulk shorties, bulk shirts, whatever, because I think it is kind of nice. I mean, it's not a uniform, but it is kind of nice for them to, you know, like two kids don't get really nice things. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? - Yeah. - I mean, it was easier to put some things up there and bulk. - Yeah, try to find stuff kind of in a pretty good - Wash and wear. - Easy to wash and wear. Yeah, then there's a variety of, but especially coming into the holidays and stuff if you're company or if people, I know that we try to bless people at the holidays. So it's, I just really, the kids were so thankful and happy with just like one soccer ball and they were thrilled. - Yeah. - You did miss the end of the birthday week promo, but labor day sale, the last day is today. So you could catch that one. - Yeah. - Labor day sales today. - Oh, you might have a code say from those points too. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's what, 25%. - 25%. - Yeah, I think the code is labor 24. - Yeah. - And it ends today. - Yeah. - Today's last day for that. - What'd you guys check out the Tarazoo? - I like the Tarazoo. - It's good. - I think it's pretty bright. - I, it's not gonna be my favorite profile for sure. I like the laminated. I just like a smooth velvety flavor. So the crisp and lively, I would say that is a good description of that. - Yeah, yeah. - So if you like a brighter or a little more acidic flavor, I think that is your jam. - I think it's good. - So. - Morning, Crystal. - Good morning, Chuck. This is the coffee that I buy for home. - Alamanida. - Alamanida. This is my very favorite coffee. - I'm gonna see Chuck in a few weeks. I can't believe it's coming up so quick. - Yeah. That's good. I don't, it is, it is less bright, just a touch though. But it just got that sweetness. - Yeah. - Yeah, this one is the one that they say has got the notes of caramelized sugar, citrus orange and nope chocolate. Sweet and balanced is what we put on the box. - It's pretty bad. - I love this one. - This is super good and things that, every time I'm like, "Well, again, help me with the description." He thinks they're the most like ridiculous thing. - He said we described them better though, 'cause I just said you need to come on so you can like give the like real description and he said, "No, our descriptions are better." "I don't know if they're just more entertaining." - Probably that. - Because probably a roast master would... That be, I think his are more like realistic and we're like flowery. - Yeah, that's true. - Our descriptions are more flowery. - Yeah, if you haven't had the laminita, it is such a good coffee. - Anything. - Yeah, exactly. - The lie. - Thank you, Logan. - You sit on a throne of lies, Logan. - So sweet and balanced. - And chocolate. - No one else can see that. Logan said anything over three words is a lie, but that's why he won't describe them. I mean, when we do the flavor wheel though, it is pretty much three four words. - Yeah, that's true. - It is really interesting to do that flavor wheel. I'm really determined. We should have another coffee tasting or something. - Yeah, we can do that. - We should actually do that. It would be fun. - You just weren't here. - It would be fun if we sent some coffees to people and did a virtual coffee tasting. - I know, that's what we're gonna do. - Okay. - We just need to plan a date. - We need to plan it. - These are very good examples of this. - You're the one who's hard to nail down. - It's coming. - I actually haven't had the gladioli yet. I know you guys tried it there. - They tried it a few. - We actually tried it roasted a few different ways here too. - Yes, I was not here. - I really like the gladiola. - That's what I've heard. - So Logan did it a couple of different ways. And like one he like, it was really interesting to see like kind of the artistry in that. - The development of it. - Because he would do it like to this level and then just a little bit more of a level. And then it was like, oh no, that's not good, you know? - And they built the flavor up. Like they just developed it more. - That she was disappointed in her taste buds. - Hmm. - What was this? - Oh, did you? - Oh, you sent me on those last time. But it was so much on it. Oh, when we did them mystery ones. - Yeah. - It's so hard. I think mystery is so hard because I know the flavor. I just can't attach it to anything. I imagine it's what people kind of dementia feel. When they know a word, it's right there, but they can't bring it to the forefront. So I know the flavor. - Well, to be fair, the flavors that I sent you, Jen, was like, they're pretty mild. So, and when the, with the milder flavors, it doesn't like hate you in the face. Now, I have-- - The one she makes us try. - Yeah. - Like pickle flavor? - Yeah. Sometimes I like to have the flavor. - I have so many butterflies in my office right now too. - It felt like I lost my microphone. - Did you lose your microphone? - It did lose my microphone. - What do you guys do? - I didn't lose it fully. - But I did lose it. - This is wonderful. - This is cute. - Isn't that good? - Yeah, super, super smooth. - It was interesting. I think we tried three different variations of it, roasted a different way. But it is hard because I'm always gonna roast some, want something smooth and less acidic, because that's what I prefer. - Yeah. - But this is wonderful. - Well, and when he went a different direction with it, you lost those flavor notes, and we could taste it right away. We're like, oh wow, like it explodes on your tongue at this level, but at this level, you completely lose that because you literally roasted it right out of it. - Or the depth of the flavor just disappeared. - Yeah. - I thought it was super interesting to do that and taste it like that was more than-- - And I was really happy too, because Cavan, Logan's the roaster, so he does the roast profiles, but Cavan actually roasts, physically roasts the coffee. And that hearing Cavanies learn so much about roasting. They would be like, it's like girl talk, and be like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then we're like, I don't know what you guys should say. - Yeah, first crack. - Yeah. - Do this. Okay, we just gotta do this, blah, blah, blah. - Yeah. - I'm like, okay. - I feel like you guys know what you're talking about. - Well, it's just interesting because like, I don't think any, like you've got home roasters, but I don't think just anybody can develop like that. Like, that's crazy to me. - No, but it is crazy when we went to Sweden, which was a long time ago, we went to a bunch of different coffee roasters, and Logan just jumps in with these roasters, and they just got going. - Yeah. - So, I mean, they do, you learn a lot by doing. - Yeah, for sure. - Cavanies just so passionate about it too. And I think it's kind of like machinery, he just gets how the process works, so he just understands it. - Yeah, it is also like baking, where there is just, you know, there's a scientific element, but there's also like a trial and error. - Oh, yeah. - I just get away for our baking. - It was fascinating to watch this process go like, you know. - I can reclaim my trial. - It is good, though. Tuesdays are my only day off of sports, so I'll actually be able to bake, hopefully. - For our next baking challenge, which is gonna be next month. Oh, we did release to the VIPs, but our flavor was. - Yeah, of the theme, yeah. - For the theme is, yeah. - Which is pretty in pink. - Oh, it's the pretty in pink. Okay, that'll be cute. I see the artwork so far ahead of time. - Right. - Like, so far. - What I have to decide is, when I start doing my social post, am I gonna make it like super 80s theme, like Molly Ringwald movies, or is it just gonna be pink? - Oh, we should totally dress up with the copies. - Oh my gosh. - In our 80s. - I feel like it's like 80s. - Yeah. - Totally 80s. - For sure, yeah. - But they are like, pink inspired treats, or pink treats. - Yeah, yeah. - They're cute. It should be fun. - Yeah. And then that's what we'll do our bake off on next month. And we have a bake off. - Okay. - Yeah, I think we have like three bake offs this year. We're gonna do it before the end of the year. - Oh, wow. - So basically the rest of the months. - Not November, I think, but I think September, October, and December, we have to go up. - But it is September right now. - Yeah. So like, oh yeah, I keep thinking next month, but yeah, September. So like, when we do our tasting of the pretty pink-- - Is bubble gum coming back? - Did you like the bubble gum, Jen? 'Cause it was probably not. - We had that bubble gum on the shelf for a minute. - But the crazy wasn't interesting flavor that some people loved it. - Yeah, we still get asked for bubble gum. - It's kind of like the licorice, the black licorice. If you loved it, you loved it. - You did. - We have like a pretty big influencer. She just buys our coffee because she loves it. And she's from Sweden, and she says, "I love this licorice coffee. "I always want, because I guess that's a big thing in Sweden." - Yeah, but it's huge. - Marlon loves the black licorice. - So it's funny how you try a flavor and you don't know if you're gonna like it, and then you bomb up with that. - And yeah, bubble gum, such like a weird flavor to love and coffee, but I thought it was good. - But I had a hard time with-- - And with people didn't even try it, is that where people like to say, "I won't even try it." It's like, I mean, I mean, at least fruit and smell it, if nothing else. - What's hard though is like, people will email us after the fact, and like, so one of our customers, Gail, she sent an email and she has like four flavors. She's like, "Please bring these back, please bring these back." And it's like, "Do we, do we not?" - But that's where our best stuff comes in. That's why we do the best stuff every year, because at least people get a repeat of their favorites. - Right. - At least four of their favorites. - That's the youth, the bacon ones, sitting in the back of the coffee drawer. (laughing) - Right, knowing that you don't like bacon at all, like, I don't blame you, if you don't like the flavor of bacon, that's not for you. - Well, and that's, I didn't say taste it. I said, "Smell it," because usually if you smell it, you know what it's gonna taste like, and if you're gonna like it or not. And I love bacon, like, I love bacon, but I do not appreciate bacon in things. - Yes. - I want just bacon by itself. I don't want like the maple bacon, millionaire bacon. - Yeah. - I just want bacon. - Yeah, that is true. - I like bacon pretty much anyway it comes. - Yeah, 'cause we had bacon cookies, not good. - No. - Yeah, the bacon like got soft and it like lost the salty, I don't know, it just didn't happen. - Yeah. - You're right, that was a good one, yeah. - Like, unless it's intended to be in there, like, scrambled eggs or sausage balls, or something that, to me, bacon. - Right. - But in unexpected things, I'm not a fan of it. Drinks, not so much. - No, I would agree. That's not my favorite either. - I would go with that too. - Right, 'cause I just haven't had a good one. - Got a bloody Mary, for sure. - You did bring a bunch of pictures of Casa's style. - Oh, yeah. - Allegrad, did we want to go through those? - Yeah, absolutely. - Well, I didn't format these, so we're gonna format them as we go, so I apologize for that. - Okay. - I kind of forgot about that. - Oh, no. - That's great, I'm perfect. - Yeah. - Aw, so my husband, Kevin, was this little girl, she was just the cutest. We, no more had walked into the place. - Like, this is like second after we came in. - Grabbed his finger and would not let him go. She was so enamored with him, and so he sat down and put her on his lap, and then other kids would come up to him, and she was like pushing him, kicking him away. She wanted him all to herself. - She was with him pretty much the whole time, wasn't she? - Yeah, absolutely. She would not let him go. It was just the cutest thing. - Senator, who said I hated the recycling? (laughing) - People waking for the office, with his request, that's so funny. - Oh, that's funny. - Look at, on Facebook, it turns the picture. Sorry, Facebook, I don't know why it's doing that to you. - That is not what you're doing. - It might do it on all of them. - But it's kind of like stretched. - They are kind of weird, I don't know why. Maybe if I do like. - But yeah, this little baby was just the cutest, this little baby. - Sorry about all the clicking. I'm trying to figure out, I don't know. We don't want that. - Nope. Well, and here's what I love, 'cause I was going through and I was picking out pictures. When you look at all of our faces, we are so happy. Like, when Drew, our contact at the farm, told us that we were gonna go to the daycare, I was like, okay, cool, that's nice. I didn't think that, I didn't realize that it was gonna be our favorite thing. Like, everybody's favorite thing was this part of our joke. - You know, when we went to the Dominican, we visited a farm. I was pregnant with one of my kids, and it was so delightful. They were singing like 10 little monkeys, so they, in English. So they learned English songs for us. And, but we were pulling up, they're like, hi, gringles. (laughing) And they were just so darling. - So, look at their view, though. Like, can you see, like, this whole patio is surrounded by that big fence, and it's literally, like, at the, it's a cliff. - At the end, yeah, it's just like, there we go. - Straight down. - They look like a little soccer bobbin over there, she is. - She did. - She was sitting with Kevin the whole time. - And then they loved our phones, so they wanted to look at the phones and... - I'm so sad they're sideways on Facebook. - Yeah. - And then there's Mars. - Yeah. - With the, he, he grabbed his own baby. - Yeah. - He was the first one. He just, like, picked up this baby, and then he handed her to me, and I was, like, so weird. - I got out of here. - I don't know. - And it really is, people look really much heavier. - Yeah. - Well, they're like, it's like cute. - Dretching the pictures, that's really weird. - So it's cute. - You can just do them like, yeah. - Yep, maybe that's better. - But that's, like, weird too. - Yeah, it's just skewed, I think. - Logan says they're sideways everywhere. - They look upright where we are. - Oh, they're sideways on there. - Yeah. - How do I make it not sideways, Logan? - Yeah, that was more fun. - I don't know. - It's only sideways on Facebook, I think. - Look side, or it looks upright on our screen. - So what are we on? - Yeah, look at it. I don't know how it's seen that. - I don't know how it's seen that. (laughing) - Making the pictures so weird. - Oh, they were just so cute, all the little babies. - Yeah, what if we do this? - It was pretty cute, though, better. - No, because two of our franchisees are Hispanic. And they were just like, yeah, they didn't, they're like, you look like my mom. - Yeah. - I don't want anything to do. - Yeah, look at Logan, they're like, they're all wonky. Why are they wonky? - But it's upright on our screen. - It's just really, I only have to replace and remove. It is weird, right? - I don't know why it does that. - Okay, so everybody imagine as much thinner than this. - Yeah. - 'Cause we're in the gate. (laughing) - That's exactly. Just pretend they're correct. - Oh, sideways, they're normal on our screen. - Yeah, like we can see it sideways on the Facebook screen. - And this is Rana, she's our franchisee in Ocean City. - She loved this baby. - Oh, that's so weird though, right? - Yeah. - They're just so cute. - I don't know why it's doing that. - It's doing weird. - Well, it is what it is. - Yeah. - It's the donut. - And this is my youngest. So Sabrina, she had lots of bracelets and we felt so bad 'cause that was part of the bracelet making kit we put on the list because they just love bracelets. But we didn't have enough to give everybody. - Yeah, now we know we've been done with this. - Yeah, we should have brought stickers and tattoos and everything. - And they love taking pictures. So they took pictures of us and... - With us. - Yeah. - More. - So donut is bracelets, look at them all. - I know. - They love them. - She had like a little gaggle of girls around her just like obsessed with her bracelets. - Yes, they liked a little blonde hair too. - Yeah, for sure. These are my babies. - Oh, these are patties, boys. - Yeah, I haven't named them yet, but I literally... - I'm sure they have names. - Well, like I'm working on it. (laughing) - But I sent my mommy's pictures and they took my sunglasses and I was like, "Mom, you have new grand babies, you're in a boila." - She's like so friendly. - "Tell me more, how are you getting them home?" I'm like, "I haven't worked it out yet." (laughing) - Working on it. - They have parents who love them. - I could also be their parent who loves them. - So this is the gather hole group of us. - Yeah. - All of our, we had what 26 people that came with us and then babies took a good size group. - Oh yeah, look at their view every day. - And they loved getting their picture taken. They were really cute. - Look at that hip-hop. - Mm-hmm. - Oh yeah. (laughing) - I love it. - And you can see just a lot of different ages. So it's really just a... - Oh, that one's normal on Facebook. - Oh, that is so weird. - Yeah. - I don't know why. - Oh, you know what? Were these pictures that Logan took or pictures that I... Well, I must have been pictures Logan took. So maybe ones were myself on pictures. - Yes, I'm in the picture. This must be one that Logan took. So maybe that's the difference. - Maybe. 'Cause yeah, these ones are all normal. - I know what they're crowded around. - I don't know what they're looking at somebody's phone. - And I read our little Costa Rica shirt. So cute with a sloth. Oh, she was just darling. She was very sweet. - Look at them. - I know, right? - They're so sweet. They're the babies. - Sedona. Logan's probably just embarrassing her by taking pictures. I can already see what's happening. - That's why she decided to take a picture back of him. - Yeah. - But you can see it's pretty utilitarian. They're stuff. - Can you see, though, your face over there? I put this picture in here because like, you are like smiling so big. - Oh, I can't see that far. - Yeah, I thought it was a cute picture 'cause like everybody's face was like that the whole time we were there. Everybody was so happy to see these babies. They're so sweet. - And I loved how much they wanted their pictures taken too. - Yeah. Well, and I included this picture so you could see like their hand while she was saying-- - Oh, this was the kids taking pictures. The Logan gave them the cameras. - Oh, the kids were still taking pictures. - This is a girl. And you can see like in the next two pictures, like she got right up to his camera and like he took a picture. And then the next picture is her reaching for the camera so she can take a picture. And he let, and he's got a pretty expensive camera and he was letting them take pictures on his camera. So that was pretty cool, yeah. And then the boys were playing soccer. - Oh, playing soccer. - And this is where the one soccer ball went over the fence into the ravine and I thought, oh my gosh. It was a dog came crawling from under there. - Yeah. - So, but somebody went down to the ravine and got their soccer ball back. - Yeah, like just one of the kids-- - Kick it off the cliff, fine, I know. - Oh, and then more bracelets. - Yeah. - Yeah. - They love the bracelets. - That's pretty cool. - For Angelica, to the side. - She's like the kids won't cut to me. - They're like, you look here today. - She's throwing up it. - She's like, come to her. - She was like, she's just like, oh, you're like my mom. You know, you look just like my mom. You're not, I wanna go to the blonde people. - But it was really nice because they could talk to everybody because they-- - Oh yeah, they could. - Spanish, yeah. - Yeah, that's pretty cool. - Yeah, we love that part of the trip, so-- - It was very cool. And then we just really, I mean, you can kind of see it's very utilitarian and I just thought, gosh, it'd be nice stuff. - And they do have a school room and stuff, right? - Yeah, there's inside rooms on the other side. This is like the big patio area and then there is interior rooms as well. - They had a TV with SpongeBob playing. They had mats on the floor for the kids to sit on and they had all the tables and stuff, so. - Yeah, very cool. - What you just saw were kids that will actually be helped by the donations. - Absolutely. - So like-- - And you can see a varying ages and that was, this was a, it's after harvest, so it was a very small amount of the children. 'Cause usually don't they say they have 60? - Well, they have three different locations. - Oh, they do, okay. - Or that they had three, okay, so two. - Two different. - And so this was one of them and yeah, I know they said they had a lot less because it was after the season. - So I think they had like 20, some kids, but usually it's like 60 to 80. - Yeah. - So it's a lot of kids. - Yeah. - No, we loved seeing them though. That was so great. - So two different ways. Obviously, when you buy the Costa Rican coffee, money will go towards the foundation. We'll give that money to them to do whatever they want with it to help the children. And then the second thing is we just figured it might be nice. Sometimes it's nice just to give, know what you're giving. So if you do want to look at the Amazon gift list and donate anything, when we get whatever, we're gonna find out the cheapest way, whether it's a pallet or big boxes or whatever. - Yeah. And it should have, it should, like in the Amazon wish list, you should be able to select our address and just ship it directly here so that we can stage it all. But if you find something outside of the wish list, feel free to send it to us as well. - Yeah. - Absolutely. - So as far as these coffees, the Teirzu is the brightest food set. - Yep, yep, yep. - And then the laminita. - The most balanced maybe and the sweet. - Yeah, how do you guys feel like laminita? I'm gladiola has more, I don't know what it has more. - Anyone try it again? - This is my gladiola. Oh, they're so different as it cools too. - They're all good. They're just so different tasting from each other. But all really good. It's just a lot of depth of flavor, I think to all of them. - Yeah. - It's actually really good cold. - Almost, I know. - I was like, give me some more of that. - That's really good cold. - There you go, Logan. - I was gonna say body. - We're a super technical. I think you definitely-- - I mean, we definitely prefer a coffee company with our technical terms, right? - Yeah. But they are wonderful coffees. And then, but then even if you don't drink straight coffees, then you can just donate if you would like to. - Logan says laminita is pretty balanced with more sugars, but he means like sweet notes. There is no actual sugar. - Right, yeah. - I guess you're on YouTube. - I mean, it is sweet balance. So laminita is very sweet. And it's really probably 80% of people's favorite coffee. I mean, it is such a good coffee. But the gladiola is very good. And then the tears, if you like brighter coffee, that is a nice, medium roast, light, bright coffee. - In terms of our non-flavored coffees, I mean, I feel like I pack up more laminita than anything. Was that maybe our top seller or? - I honestly don't know. - Okay, yeah, I'd be interested to know what our top on-flavored coffee is. - I think that a lot of people like dark coffees. So like a lot of the darker coffees too. - It's like I pull a lot of Columbian. - I think laminita and terazio are pretty equal, honestly. - We sell a lot of guat. - Guatamal. - Guatamal. - I think a lot of guatamal. Our guatamal and Weiwei Tenango, which is just too fun to say, is really good too. But it is a different taste of coffee, but people really love it. It's such a unique flavor. I think it's really good. - Yeah, I feel like I pull most of those ones pretty evenly. - Yeah, the Pacific dark is just really dark. - Our espresso is incredible though. I mean, it's one of our best coffees. - And as brewed as a coffee is wonderful. And a lot of people think espresso, you can only use it if you're making espresso pucks, but- - Yeah, it is so nice and balanced. - It is a greenery and breakfast are probably at the top. - Yeah, yeah. Our house coffee's greenery and then breakfast. And I actually hear everyday I drink breakfast blend. I love our breakfast blend. - Yeah. - I prefer a breakfast over a greenery, just personally, but that's 'cause it goes back to the acidity. - Yeah. - Of it. - Yeah, the brightness on your tongue. - The brightness, yeah, it's not the PH balance. - Yeah, no. - The Daenerys is a little brighter, and I like it a little more mellow, and I think the breakfast is a lot more mellow. - I would agree with that. - I think so too. - Uh-oh. - I only buy your flavor coffees. I've never heard of these varieties you're renting now. - They're all our unflavored coffees. They're actually really good. I think people are surprised to find out that they like unflavored coffees. - All different unflavored coffees can taste from each other. - Yes. - And to me, it's much like wine. - I feel like a fake face. - So you need to kind of just figure out what your preference are like for, I like fruity, sweet wine. I don't like dry, you know, bubbly or whatever. I don't like a dry wine. I just don't like that. So coffees are gonna be very similar. That's why like Alaminita or more than other ones. - I will say 80% of our sales, Jennifer, our flavored coffees. - Absolutely. - Yeah, you're not a fake at all. - Yeah. - We're kind of a big deal with our flavored coffee, our flavored coffees. - We do unflavored coffee very, we roast unflavored coffee very well. - Yeah. - But we are kind of the willy wonka of coffees. So it is more about flavoring for us. - Yeah. But we do have wonderful non-flavored coffees as well. - Speaking of flavored coffee, you guys, did we not put out like a million things of fall flavored coffee yesterday? - Oh my gosh. The caramel apple and coconut spice. - Yeah. - It was going crazy. - It was like every order had pumpkin. - And it was in another aisle. It was so annoying. - I know. Because we ran out of room in the main aisle. - Yeah. - We were like, I'm gonna have to out a sec all or put them on a different shelf. - I know. - And I just gave up. - Yeah. - It is irritating. - I know. I was just like, man, every order had these on here. I'm like, you guys must be feeling falling. - And a lot of decaf too. - Yeah. - You know, and we've gotten quite a few people who thank us for having such decaf so many varieties. - So many decafs. - I think we're on decaf in every flavor. - Do we now? - Yeah. - For a minute, we didn't, so yeah. - Yeah, we add in the flavor. - Yeah, we do. - I keep touching the bottom of this and now there's coffee coming through the edge of it. - Oh. - I was gonna drop the whole thing in there. I was like, what's that? - I was like, what's that? - They're not good. They're not great for half beverages, so. - No. - These little dixie cuffs are just little samples. - Well, we were using our little cute coffee beanery ones, but those cost a lot of money. - Yeah. - We just got them redone though, so they're not too bad. - But we had some limited quantity, so I'm like, don't use them while we have any. - Oh yeah, the new decaf Frencho, sweetie. Logan says we sharpened out that. We should talk about that. - Is that live now, the big bags? Oh, they are, 'cause I sold some. - Yeah. - We did add some other decafs to eight. - Yeah. - And we did. - And we should be in pods too. - Yeah, 'cause is our espresso a medium, like a medium dark? - So then the French is a dark roast and it's in decaf. - So we have in 12 ounce, we have decaf beanery, cbeselect, espresso, perfecto, and Frencho. - Oh, yeah. - And if the cbeselect's not on the shelf, it should be short way, okay. And then in pods, for on flavor, we have decaf beanery, cbeselect, and Frencho. - Nice. - Oh, we don't have espresso on pods at all. - Yeah, it's a Brazilian coffee, really chocolatey, he says. - So of our dark roast, I'm not typically a dark roast fan, but French roast is actually my very favorite. - It is. - Like, I love the French roast. - It is very good. - The Italian is a little too smoky for me, but the French roast is just, like... - I do too. - I even feel perfect. - Do like a iced French roast with like a, just a bit of hazelnut syrup. - Yeah. - So good. - Yes. - And so do I have that decaf, the darker... - Yeah, so it's a true dark roast decaf. - Guys, we have put out so many new products this year. Like, think about it, right, between like all the pods, the new flavors. - New samplers. - Right, the new decaf, like a gladiola. Like, every month we had something new. It's been a while here, actually. - I think this is the last month of new products. - That's a good idea. - Yeah, I think this is. - And then just holiday launches from here on out. - The new sampler flavors, like people are already talking about getting those and stocking stuffers, because obviously they're awesome for that. - Yeah, and then how quite a few more flavors. - Yeah, and a banana. - Well, and then yesterday it was like, wow, so many sampler orders. Like I just kept packing samplers and packing samplers. And they're like, all right, you know. - You've been getting a lot of sampler orders. I mean, it's a great way to try something without buying a big bag. - Right, right. Definitely recommend that before buying nine of something that you've never tried before. I think it's nice getting here. - Yeah, please don't buy a 96 back and decide you don't like it. - Oh my gosh. - I've never had this flavor. - Well, that's by 10, good choice. - Right. - Then commit. - You know. - Because they do, and that is just, our flavors are, they're all, they're amazing, but they definitely have different flavor forwardness. - Right. - So like a French vanilla, a cafe caramel, you know, the nut flavors are going to be just milder. - They're gonna be a milder flavor. - And then our fruit forward flavors are gonna be, you know, much more intense. - Blueberry, Michigan, cherry, amorado, even are gonna be much more flavor forward. - I always think chocolate is deceptively mild just because coffee already has, our base coffee already has kind of those chocolate notes to it. So when you add chocolate on it, it's just exacerbating that flavor, but it still can feel kind of mild. - It's kind of enhanced in it. - Yeah, and we always have, it's not like putting syrup on your coffees, do you know what I mean? It's not intended to be that way. - But if you add a touch of cream, it will almost be that way. - Absolutely. - So if you do want a little bit more flavor, put a little bit of cream in. - And I'm always surprised too, when I pull, I feel that I pull a lot of Michigan, black cherry and cherry vanilla in the same order. - Yeah, people really love cherry. - Yeah. - And they like to have the cherry, like the whole line up. - Yeah, yeah. - Well, and to me, that makes sense, right? Because if you like the flavor forward, that's what you like. - Well, they, the cherries really do taste better. - And then they give you, then you can do a chocolate raspberry, which you still get that flavor, but with the chocolate, which is going to be more flavor for them, like a dark chocolate almond. You know what I mean? So if you just really want it to taste as flavorful as possible, it's not gonna, all the coffees aren't gonna be for you. A French vanilla isn't probably gonna be your jam. - Well, that's my favorite was like, I think we had a customer who got both cherry and vanilla, and they're like, I, you know what the vanilla's not a strong, you know, compared to the cherry, and just like, yeah, like they're not the same, you know. - And we talked about before, and to get that flavor so forward on some of those, it would taste awful. - Yeah. - It would be-- - Look, I mean, think about drinking vanilla extract. - Yeah. - You don't wanna do that. - Something that you want to do. - Yeah, sometimes if you add more flavor, and it's just gonna make it taste, you know, maybe like chemically, and you wouldn't really like that. - Oh, yeah. - It's gotta be that perfect, yeah. - It's gotta, we try to make it as flavorful as possible without getting into negative connotations of that. - Right. - Which is, it's hard to do sometimes. - And it's what we do well, is that perfect marriage of both. - Yeah. - So. - Okay, so-- - Okay, so, Labor Day's sale ends today. Oh, Labor 24. All the Costa Ricans should be live. All the new samplers are live. - And Patty will be picking winners. - Yep. - Yeah, the-- - Which they get, but they get, 'cause we found all, not, but-- - I had a collection of subscription packs. - Yeah, of this past year, and I'm like, "Ah, we should give these--" - And they're like, "They should give them to us people." 'Cause it'll be fun to give up. - Yeah, so you might win a past box of something that you're like, "I really wish I had that flavor again." Well, guess what? I've got some of them off us. - Might happen. - Might happen. You might give it your wish come true. Fall flavors are out. - Oh yeah, fall flavors are out. - Holiday coffees are coming next month. - Next month. - So we already had somebody ask. Mid-October. - They've been asking for months. - Mid-October. - Mid-October. - Mid-October, holiday coffee is coming. - What else? Oh, I've got to do some giveaways of the new Costa Rican coffees. I've got to get those out there. - Lots of fun stuff. - Kind of 'cause I can just go through my to-do list with you guys. (laughing) - And then not to take away from, we still will be doing, like we always do every holiday season. We partner with the charity, and we've got a really cool charity to partner with this year. - I'm excited. - Costa Rica is something that will be going year round. Every quarter will still focus on a really cool charity, and I'm really excited about this, but especially just in this economic times, I think it's really a really good charity. - Yeah, agreed. I'm excited too. - Well, have a wonderful week. - Yep, a nice short week. - I know. - I know, I was like it's today, Wednesday. - It's like a last month. - It was on Tuesday, you know? - It's going crazy. - All right. - All right, have a wonderful week. Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]